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National Mathematical Olympiad of Singapore
Date: 16 JULY 2011
Time Given: 1 hour 30 minutes
Instruction to Candidates
1. Do not open the booklet until you are told to do so.
2. Answer as many questions as you can.
3. Write your answers in the answer sheet provided and shade the appropriate
bubbles below your answers.
4. No steps are needed to justify your answers.
5. Questions 1 - 10 are worth 4 marks each.
6. Questions 11 - 20 are worth 5 marks each.
7. No marks will be deducted for wrong answers.
8. Unanswered questions will not get any marks.
9. No calculators or mathematical instruments are allowed.
This booklet consists of 7 printed pages and 1 blank page.
Questions 1 to 10 are worth 4 marks each.
1. Find the value of 101 + 103 + 1 05 + ... + 197 + 199
1 + 3 + 5 + ... + 97 + 99
2. A prime number is a whole number which has exactly two factors. The
following eight boxes are filled with different prime numbers that are less than
20 such that A is an integer.
Find the largest possible value of A.
3. Two builders, Alan and Bob are hired to construct fences. Alan would take 10
days to complete the job while Bob needs 15 days for it. If they were to work
together, it is known that each of them will construct 20% less fences per day.
Find the fewest number of days that the builders need to work together so that
the fence can be constructed in exactly 8 days.
4. Study the following pattern:
Stage 1: 1+2 = 3 = -2
Stage 2: 4+5+6 = 7+8 = -2
Stage 3: 9+10+11+12 = 13+14+15 = -2
Stage 4: 16 + 17 + 18 + 19 + 20 21 + 22 + 23 + 24 = -2
Stage 5: 25 + 26 + 27 + 28 + 29 + 30 = 31 + 32 + 33 + 34 + 35 = -2
Stage 4 is said to contain the numbers 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 and 24.
Its common sum is 5(16 + 20) , which is 90. Find the common sum of the stage
that contains the number 123.
NMOL 2011
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5. The numbers from 1 to 25 are placed into a 5 x 5 square, as shown in Table 1
below. Five numbers are picked in such a way that no two of them belong to
the same row or the same column. An example is shown in Table 2.
What is the largest possible value of the sum of these five numbers?
1 2 3 4 5 3 4 I 5 G) 2
10 9 8 7 6 10 I 9
11 12 13 14 15 11
16 I
20 19 18 17 20
21 22 23 24 25 21
Table 1 Table 2
6. A palindromic number is a number that stays unchanged whether it is read
from left to right or from right to left. For example, 1551 is such a palindromic
number. How many 4-digit palindromic numbers are also multiples of 3?
7. The ratio of male to female students in a primary school is 27 : 25. A survey
shows that 75% of these students like to eat fast food, while the rest do not.
Given that the ratio of male to female students who do not like to eat fast food
is 8 : 5, find the percentage of female students who like to eat fast food.
8. There are three consecutive whole numbers A, A + 1 and A + 2 such that A
is a multiple of 3, A + 1 is a multiple of 5 and A + 2 is a multiple of 7. Given
that A is a 3-digit even number, find the largest possible value of A.
NMor 2011 ' N U S
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9. Five identical dices are placed in a stack, as shown in
the figure on the right. Each of the faces is painted with
a different symbol. The following symbols are used:

The following information is given:
Symbol X is on the opposite side of ::;
Symbol Y is on the opposite side of 0;
Symbol Z is on the opposite side of O.
Suppose each of the symbols is assigned the numbers
from 1 to 6, as follows:
1: a 2 4:0 5:0 6:_

Find the value of XYZ.
[If your answer is "X is a, Yis:: and Z is
then shade your answer as "123".]
10. In the table below, the numbers are dates taken from a page of a monthly
calendar. A cross can be drawn to enclose five numbers. The 'crazy-sum' of
the cross with centre X is defined to be the sum of the product of the 2
smallest numbers and the product of the 2 biggest numbers within the cross.
For example, the 'crazy-sum' of the cross with centre 8 is 1x 7 + 9 x 15 = 142.
Find the smallest number enclosed by the cross with a 'crazy-sum' of 662.
1 2 3 4 5
.2 ...
6 7 , ! 8 I .........-1-:-::0:-----+-1-=-1:-----+-1-:-::2:---
... "l r I
....- =-----J--=-19=-- -'!"1 ---""""-:-1=-7--t-:
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
27 28 29 30 31 I
NMor 2011


Questions 11 to 20 are worth 5 marks each.
11. How many triangles are there in the figure below?
12. Each side of the four squares shown in the figure below (not to scale) is of
length 1 cm. Points A, B, Cand D are vertices of the squares. AC and BD are
straight lines that intersect at point E. Find LAEB (in degrees).
C 0
13. The numbers 124, 245, 142 and 542 are examples of the twenty-four 3-digit
numbers that are formed using the digits 1, 2, 4 and 5, without repetition.
What is the average of these twenty-four 3-digit numbers?
14. In the figure below, BCD is a straight line, LACB =69, LADB = 42 and
AD =BC . Find LABC (in degrees).
B C o

NMor 2011

15. Everyday, Mary learns twice as many new words as the day before. After a
few days of school, Mary has learnt a total of 1016 words. How many new
words did she learn on the first day of school?
16. In the figure below, ABeD is a square. It is known that the points P and Q are
the midpoints of the sides AB and AD respectively. Given that BQ and CP
intersect at S and that the area of the triangle sac is 45 cm , find the
perimeter (in cm) of square ABCD.
17. The figure below is made up of 3 squares and 4 triangles. The total area (in
) of the squares AGIF, DEIH and BCHG is 17,25 and 68 respectively. Find
the area (in cm
) of the entire figure.
NMor 2011
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18. Two ants move on the edges of a regular tetrahedron as shown below. The
first ant starts from vertex A and moves along the route A-7B-7C-70-7A-7 ...
repeatedly with a uniform speed of 2 cm/s, while the second ant starts from
vertex B and moves along the route B-70-7 C-7A-7 8-7... repeatedly with a
uniform speed of 3 cm/s. If each side of the tetrahedron is 20 cm and the two
ants start at the same time, how long will it take, in seconds, for the two ants to
meet each other for the first time?
19. Among the whole numbers 1 to 100, some are chosen into a group such that,
within the group, the difference of any pair of numbers is NOT 1, 3 or 4. For
example, suppose 5, 10 and 90 are chosen to form the group. The different
pairs of numbers provide the following differences:
90 - 10 = 80 90 - 5 = 85 10 - 5 = 5
And none of the differences are 1, 3 or 4.
We want to form a group which contains as many numbers as possible. How
many numbers are in it?
20. The digits 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 are divided into 2 groups to form a 3-digit
number and a 4-digit number such that the product of these 2 numbers is the
largest. Find the sum of these 2 numbers.
NMor 2011

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