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APACHE 44 ATTACK Never Defend Always Attack

Goals: Create conflict within O-line. Sabers and Gunners attack different gap every down. Stop inside and outside run game. Create pressure on potential pass plays. APACHE IN/OUT /SPLIT: Designed to create confusion within the O-Line on who they will block on any given down. Should create conflict on O-line to open up lanes. Automatically outnumbers O-line and flows to point of attack. High pressure against the pass protection. All Gaps are covered against run game. Outside contain is covered by Shooters and Eagles, forcing the play inside. Play should automatically bounce out horizontally if run outside. Blitz calls : used to out number LOS and create conflict with O-line. Eagles: Weak side or uncovered Eagle is always on a GO call (blitz) targeting the outside hip of the deepest back. Strong side or covered Eagle will read receiver or play-side action to come up and fill or stay with receiver on pass. Striker: Will read Center and QB and flow downhill to the play or cover pass. May also be used in Blitz package.

APACHE 44 Attack
Base Calls: Blitz Calls Side Calls IN Striker Red (Right) OUT Eagle Black (Left) Split Shooter Double (Both) Read Nuke Calls would sound like this: Apache IN, Shooter Red or Apache Split Striker black.

Striker Gunner Shooter Eagle Sabers Sabers Gunner



SS/MLB = Striker : Follows flow downhill. Reads Center and QB can attack with Striker blitz LBS = Gunners: Attacks the A, B or C gaps or may read play DG/DT=Sabers :Attacks A,B or C gaps aggressivley OLB/DE=Shooters: Contain, will pinpoint deep back. Always has Go call from weak side if uncovered. Corners=Eagles : Contain, will pinpoint deep back. Always has Go call from weak side if uncovered.

Striker Gunner Shooter Eagle Sabers Sabers Gunner Shooter Eagle

Apache IN: Red Shooter

Striker Gunner Shooter Eagle Sabers Sabers Gunner



Apache OUT: Black Shooter

Striker Gunner Shooter Eagle Sabers Sabers Gunner



Apache SPLIT: Red Shooter

Striker Gunner Shooter Eagle Sabers Sabers Gunner



Apache Read: Red Striker

Striker Gunner Shooter Eagle Sabers Sabers Gunner



Apache: NUKE

Gunner Shooter Eagle Sabers






Apache Pass Protection

Goals : Pressure the QB at all times from the Gunner and Shooter positions. Sabers should also make penetration to add pressure. I believe in man coverage at the youth level. Typically youth QBs and Receivers are not skilled enough to consistently beat your D-backs when pressured and routes are taken away by jamming on the line and flowing to coverage. Strikers and Eagles: have pass responsibility at all times. Unless in Blitz package. Man on man coverage. Striker: should always align towards the strong side. Eagles: MUST jam the receivers at the line every time. Must be aggressive and watch for sweep play. Eagles: Should always stay between the receiver and the ball. Keeping the receiver between the has and he sidelines. Weak side Eagle should ALWAYS be on a GO route to the QB. Unless covered. In passing situations Striker should read the play first and react to receiver. A running receiver indicates pass, a blocking receiver indicates run. Striker should make contact with the receiver at the point of catch. Contact must be severe and swift.

Apache IN Shooter Read

Striker Gunner Shooter Eagle Sabers Sabers Gunner

Shooter Eagle

Apache Split man cover

Striker Gunner Shooter Eagle Eagle Sabers Sabers Gunner


Apache Out Man-Shooter Read

Striker Gunner Shooter Eagle Sabers Sabers Gunner



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