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Variables and Equations

What is a variable?
Take a look at this pattern: 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, What is the pattern? The pattern is 2 times the previous number = n x 2 or 2n The letter n is called a variable, because it can vary and take any value
A variable is a letter or symbol used to represent values that can change.

What is an equation?
Katie has $50 to spend on Christmas gifts for her friends. She is left with $5 after her shopping. How much did she spend? Let the variable x represent the amount she spent on the gifts. 50 - x = 5 This math statement where one expression is equal to another is called an equation.

Some more examples

The area of the wall is 120 sq. ft, and the breadth is 10 feet. Write an equation to find the height of the wall.

120 sq ft.

l =?

b = 10 ft.

Area of a rectangle is given A = l x b We know A and B. So, the equation becomes 120 = l x 10

Slide 4 VP1 This should be animated. The sides of the will join together to make a wall, and then the deimension and labels will fade in. The recatngle should look like a wall.
Vineetha, 5/27/2010

Question Time
Identify the equation that shows the following: Which number when subtracted from 21 gives 3? A.21 + x = 3 B.x 21 = 3 C.21 x = 3 (correct) D.x 3 = 21

Identify the equation that shows the following: Which number when subtracted from 21 gives 3? C. 21 x = 3

Let the unknown number be x. Then we have x subtracted from 21 = 21 x = 3

Identify the equation that shows the following: Which number when subtracted from 21 gives 3? C. 21 x = 3

Let the unknown number be x. Then we have x subtracted from 21 = 21 x = 3

In this lesson, youve learned that:  A variable is a letter or symbol that represents an unknown quantity  An equation is formed when one expression with a variable is equal to another expression or constant. For example, 2 + n = 12, 21b = 23, 3x + 3 = 0, and so on. You also learned to form algebraic equations from word problems and sentences.

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