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Yonaz Kristy San Jonas

Street address : jl.Affandi CT X no.6 Santren Yogyakarta, Indonesia

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Name Place and DOB Contact details

: Yonaz Kristy San Jonas : Magelang, 24 Januari 1992 : jl.Affandi CT X no.6 Santren, Yogyakarta, Indonesia mobile phone : +6285743768241 : TK Kartika 1 SD Kartika XV-1 SMP Negeri 2 Magelang SMA Negeri 3 Magelang Institut Seni Indonesia, Desain Komunikasi Visual

Education History

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Job Experience

: -Layouter, editor at Ikanazine (Currently I work here) -Freelance Designer at Katchup Clothing -Designer, Illustrator at Contrast Street Apparel

Exhibit Experience

: -Group exhibition on Diskomfest 4 Culture Expansion at Jogja National Museum, Jogjakarta, 2011 -Group exhibition on Dies Natalies XXVii at Galeri Institut Seni Indonesia, Jogjakarta, 2011

Murals and Perform : -Perform mural art at Pentas Seni SMANAGA, Grim Theatre 2008 -Perform mural art at Pentas Seni SMANSA, Smansa Retro 2008 -1st place mural and graffiti competition at SMANAGA, Global Warming 2008 -Participant mural and graffiti competition at SMADA Begarlist 2008 -Collective Mural and Graffiti at Madiun 2008 -Collective Mural and Graffiti at SKYK Birthday 2008

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Murals and Perform : -Participant mural and graffiti competition at Keboen Kreatif, Magelang 2009 -Perform mural art at Pentas Seni SMANAGA, Youth of Today 2009 -Mural and graffiti competition Techno vs Ethnic, Magelang 2009 -Mural and graffiti competition Delayota Art #3, Benteng Vredeburg, Jogjakarta 2009 -Collective mural and graffiti February F**king Prodo, Magelang, 2009 -Collective mural and graffiti Freedom of Art, Magelang, 2009 -Perform mural art at Kedai Magelang, 2010 -Mural competition at Gemilang Radio Station, 2010 Awards and Other : -3rd place for Indie movie competition, Magelang, 2009 -2nd place for Photography competition FuntAStic Earth, Magelang, 2010 -Talk Show Triple Copycat Crew and street art at Unima Radio, Magelang, 2010

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