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RESEARCH SCOPE At IBISWorld we do the drilling down for you in every respect, so you can make the right decisions sooner, with accuracy and confidence. Our industry reports contain easy to digest analysis that allows you to apply your new found knowledge with ease. No matter which industry sector you are working in or on IBISWorld have a report for you. We cover all 479 Industries in Australias economy. To help you map out the industry segment relevant to you we use the Australia and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification system (ANZSIC). We have also added 14 additional categories to include new age industries relevant to the times, including Biotechnology and Internet Service Providers (ISPs). Each report is updated regularly by a team of dedicated industry economists and range in size from a minimum of 25 to over 40 pages each. The reports are written to a predetermined specification ensuring that similar content will be available in every report. Our team of industry analysts boasts a high percentage of economists with masters and/or doctorate qualifications. Each industry is comprehensively researched, analysed and compiled by a dedicated analyst, then passed through a thorough quality control process ensuring accuracy and consistency. The range of reports available is truly unique. Every industry report is available via our website with instant downloading direct to your desktop. REPORT CONTENTS Key Statistics Industry Revenue Industry Value Added Employment Enterprises Establishments Exports Imports Domestic Demand Total Wages Market Characteristics Market Size Supply/Demand Chain Demand Determinants Domestic & International Markets Basis of Competition Segmentation Product/Service Segmentation Major Market Segments Industry Concentration Geographic Spread Industry Conditions Barriers to Entry Taxation Industry Assistance Regulation/Deregulation Cost Structure Capital/Labor Intensity Technology & Systems Industry Volatility Globalization Industry Performance Current Performance Historical Performance Key Competitors Major Players Market Share Key Factors Key Sensitivities Key Success Factors Industry Outlook 5-year Forecasts Forecast Analysis

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