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IRREGULAR CHECK-UPS CRITERIA 1. Nature of the problem 2.

Modifiability of the problem COMPUTATION 2/3 x 1 ACTUAL SCORE 2/3 JUSTIFICATION The problem is a health threat The family does not have adequate resources to solve the problem, inadequacy of resources to monitor the health of each member. Other diseases and infections can be monitored and prevented if they will have a regular check up. The family does not recognize the existence of the problem.


3. Preventive Potential

3/3 x 1

4. Salience of the Problem

0/2 x 1

5. Total score

2 2/3

INADEQUATE IMMUNIZATION STATE AS HEALTH THREAT CRITERIA 1. Nature of the Problem COMPUTATION 2/3 x 1 ACTUAL SCORE 2/3 JUSTIFICATION It is a health threat that does not demand immediate action. The family does not have adequate resources to solve the problem. Immunizing the members of the family will require a financial expenditure. Susceptibility to hepatitis can be prevented if immunization of anti-hepa will occur. The family dos not recognize the existence of the problem.

2. Modifiability of the Problem


3. Preventive Potential

3/3 x 1

4. Salience of the Problem

0/2 x 1

5.Total Score

2 2/3

SMOKING CRITERIA 1. Nature of the Problem COMPUTATION 2/3 x 1 ACTUAL SCORE 2/3 JUSTIFICATION The problem is a health threat and requires immediate management to eliminate untoward consequences. Resources are available and interventions are feasible. Prevention of smoking will: a. Reduce possibility of lung cancer. b. Lessen air pollution. c. Promote ventilation inside their house. It is not a felt problem

2. Modifiability of the Problem

2/2 x 2

3. Preventive Potential

3/3 x 1

4. Salience of the Problem 5. Total Score

0/2 x 1

3 2/3

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