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Domino Lab

Question: What factors affect the speed at which the dominoes will fall? Hypothesis:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Set up the dominoes in a straight line equal distance apart. Measure the total length and record Apply a force to a domino on one end and time how long it takes for them all to fall. Do 3 trials for each distance Repeat with a smaller distance and then with a larger distance between dominoes. Record observations.


Total Length Trial

1 2 3
Average time Average Speed ______ m/s ______ m/s ______ m/s

A - ________cm
______ sec ______ sec ______ sec

B - ________cm
______ sec ______ sec ______ sec

C - ________cm
______ sec ______ sec ______ sec

Conclusion: 1. Graph the average for each trial on the back. 2. Determine the AVERAGE SPEED by dividing distance by time.

3. How did the spacing affect the dominoes?

Answer Big 3 (Use the back if needed.)

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