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Name__________________________________________ Class________________________ 1. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2. 0 1 2 3 4 5 3. Underline the correct word. You/Your name is Sergei. Is/Are you from New Zealand?

Is/Are she Australian? I/My name is Darren. My/I favourite music is jazz. My/He father comes from Belgium. She is I/my teacher. What is your/you name? She/Her names Mandy. He isnt/arent from Poland. Hes/His favourite music is soul. Complete the questions. Write Who, What or Where. Where are you from? _____s your name? _____s your father from? _____s your favourite sports star? _____s your favourite film? _____s Dimitri from? Read about Kostass family. Underline the correct words to complete the sentences.

My Family by Kostas Dimitriou

Our surname is Dimitriou. We are from Rhodes in Greece. My mothers name is Katerina. She is a translator. She is thirty eight. Mums favorite film star is Brad Pitt. My Dad is a doctor. His name is Nikos and he is forty years old. His favourite pop stars are UZ. Dads favourite music is not Frank Sinatra! My sisters are Maria and Eleni. Maria is thirteen and Eleni is ten. Marias favourite pop star is Mariah Carey. Elenis favourite is Robbie Williams. I am sixteen. I am a student. My favourite pop star is Britney Spears. Britneys music is great!

1. Rhodes is in ______________________. 3. Katerinas favourite film star is ____________. 5. Eleni is _____________________.

2.Kostass father is a ______________. 4. Kostas is a ____________________.

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