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New York City October 10-16, 2011 www.mobilityshifts.


Hacking the Classroom:

A Workshop in Mobilizing Formal and Informal Learning for The Millennial Classroom
Saturday, October 15, 10:30 a.m. Lang Caf, Eugene Lang Building, 65 West 11th Street, ground floor
Michael Gurstein recently suggested that networks, while theoretically open and multi-vocal, in practice often become vehicles of amplification, allowing the influential to extend their reach and make their "'louder voices' even louder." He expressed trepidation about the Mobility Shifts conference in particular, given its explicit global focus. Sharing Gurstein's concerns, this workshop attempts to soften their own voices in order to let others be heard, particularly those who are most disenfranchised from shaping digital learning networks. They are committed to working across institutional, geographic and cultural boundaries. This workshop brings together a diverse group of digital theorist-practitioners whose varied work finds resonance in its commitment to activist learning: their projects center on bringing the world into the classroom and bringing the classroom into the world for purposes of social and educational equity. The group will offer a demonstration of two projects that complicate traditional notions about the nature as well as the site/s of learning. Workshop leaders will facilitate a hands-on session centered on producing a quick start guide for working with remix in order to infuse digital creativity and innovation among a broad range of learning environments.

*Additional registration required

Virginia Kuhn (University of Southern California) Matthew Kim (Illinois State University) Bonnie Lenore Kyburz (Utah Valley University) Elisa Kriesinger ( Joyce Walker (Illinois State University)

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