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In The UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR VETERANS CLAIMS William L. Evans, Dorothy J. Evans, and Carolyn S.

Stump, Petitioners, v. Eric K. Shinseki, Secretary of Veterans Affairs, Respondent. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )

No. 11-1605 Motion For An Emergency Hearing

The Secretary has betrayed the Courts trust.1 Despite repeated representations otherwise, the Secretary has allowed, if not encouraged, Greenfield Bank Company to withhold reimbursement of legitimate expenses and to fail to pay other expenses necessary for the Evanss fundamental needs of life. Now, Duke Power has appeared on the Evanss property to shut off their power. See attached service shutoff notice. It is a forecast 93 degrees today and the Evans are elderly and in poor health. Thus, pursuant to the Courts Rule of Practice and Procedure 27 and the authority of the All Writs Act (AWA), 28 U.S.C. 1651(a) Petitioners William L. Evans, Dorothy J. Evans, and Carolyn S. Stump move the Court for an immediate, emergency hearing at which Respondent Secretary Eric K.

See Order (Jul. 15, 2011) at 3 (the Court trusts the Secretary will act on Petitioners complaints).

Shinseki must explain his repeated, gross, and now potentially lifethreatening negligence in this matter. Secretarys counsel stated pursuant to Rule 27 that she is opposed to this motion and that the Secretary will file a response. The Evanss pray that the Court, if it requires a response, will consider the urgency of the matter in setting a time for one to be provided. WHEREFORE, Mr. and Mrs. Evans and Ms. Stump pray for the Court to grant their emergency motion, order the Secretary to appear at a hearing (telephonic if necessary), and to issue an order that he cause the Evanss bills to immediately be made current, and to order whatever other relief that the Court deems reasonable and necessary. Respectfully submitted, /s/ Douglas J. Rosinski Douglas J. Rosinski Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart, P.C. 1320 Main Street, Suite 600 Columbia, SC 29201-3266 Telephone: 803.252.1300 Facsimile: 803.254.6517 Counsel for Petitioners Dated: August 24, 2011


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