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Talacauvery Achar

Family Genealogy
Raj Acharya
Raghavendra Achar

June 2010

This book is dedicated to the Talacauvery

Achar family and Goddess Cauveriamma

May Goddess Sri Moola Cauveryamma be ever glorified on earth

and shower her blessings on one and all.

sarve janaa sukhino bhavanthu samastha sanmangalaani bhavanthu


(May all people be healthy; May there be prosperity everywhere)

(So be it)


Table of Contents
Preface ......................................................................................................................................1
Raj Acharya's Family Tree..................................................................................................4
The Beginning...........................................................................................................................5
A Brief History of Shivalli Brahmins .......................................................................................7
The Temple.............................................................................................................................26
Historical Events.....................................................................................................................34
Languages ...............................................................................................................................39
Evolution of A Life Style........................................................................................................41
Biographical Data ...................................................................................................................44
Achar Family Phone Book......................................................................................................55
Outline Descendant Tree of Venkappayya Putturaya .............................................................62
Index .....................................................................................................................................102



Few years ago, Raghavendra Achar, his wife Prema and Raghupathi Achar undertook the
immense task of collection of the genealogical data. They also contributed to the biographical
descriptions of some of the earlier generation Achar family members. The resulting data is a tribute
to their long hours of hard work and dedication to the Achar Family Genealogy Project.
The genealogy data provided by Raghavendra Achar was placed into a family tree database and
formatted for presentation in its current form (on the web as well as in this book) by Raj Acharya.
In addition Raj did the research on the family origins, the language Tulu, Tulu Brahmins,
geography and climate of Talacauvery and is part of the website presentation and this book. Many
pictures of Talacauvery, the temple and family members are included in this book. is the website where this up to
date information resides. This book is more comprehensive and includes pictures where
appropriate and is included in the website.
The website will be maintained by Raj Acharya and his family members for many years to come.
All family members are encouraged to access the website frequently and send updates to the
authors of this book. Changes to the book will be made every few years, but the website will be
updated often and will have current information.
An attempt was made to create this document as accurately as possible. However there may be
some errors and some omissions. These can be easily corrected. It is requested that all family
members who would like to contribute to correct, change, add or improve this document please
contact in writing either Raj Acharya or Raghavendra Achar at the following addresses.
T. Raghavendra Achar
No. 36 Nanjappa Road
Bangalore - 560 027
Phone 080 223 9777
Raj Acharya
116 Honeycomb Ct
Encinitas CA 92024 USA
Phone 001 760 436 0681

Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

Family Origin
Achar family members have been the Talacauvery Temple Archaks for over nine
generations or about 200 years.
Shivalli Brahmins from Tulunadu were brought here by Lingaraja the First,
around 1780 AD and appointed to be the Archaks at the temple.
Settled initially in Talacauvery, Kodagu, later in Dakshina Kannada District,
Kasaragod District, Bangalore, rest of India and finally outside India.
It is believed that Mayura Varma, the Kadamba King who ruled vast areas of
southern and central India in the 4th Century A.D. brought Brahmins from Ahi
Kshetra (or Ahichatra) and put them in-charge of various temples in Tulu Nadu.
Ahi Kshetra is a mentioned in the Mahabharata as lying north of the Ganges, and
as being the capital of Northern Panchala. It is apparently the Adisadra of
Ptolemy, and its remains are visible near Ramnagar.
The Brahmins who first landed in Shivalli in Tulunadu and then spread across 31
villages came to be known as Shivalli Brahmins or Tulu Brahmins.

Achars speak Tulu and Kannada. These are fully developed languages of the
Dravidian family and are described as Major Dravidian languages.

Talacauvery is in Kodagu (Coorg) district of Karnataka State.
originates at the Talacauvery temple complex.

Cauvery River

Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

Chapter 1

The Beginning
The story of the beginning of the Achar family in Talacauvery starts ten generations or about 220 to
230 years ago. It sounds almost like a fairy tale. As the story goes, a Brahmin named Venkappayya
and his two brothers, along with their families came to Talacauvery on a pilgrimage. Talacauvery in
Kodagu district is the source of the Cauvery River. A small temple complex is situated at the source
of the river. Lingaraja the First was the local ruler of Kodagu district. One night God appeared in
Lingaraja's dream and indicated that there was a Brahmin family currently visiting Talacauvery. God
commanded L ingaraja to appoint this Brahmin to be the priest at the Cauvery temple. After the king
arose from his dream, he sent for this Brahmin family. The king's messengers found Venkappayya
in Talacauvery and informed him about the king's desire. Venkappayya accompanied the king's
messengers from Talacauvery to Madikeri, a distance of about 24 miles to meet the king.
Lingaraja received Venkappay ya and requested him to start daily poojas 1 at the Talacauvery temple.
The king setup an endowment to pay Venkappayya for his services at the temple. This was the
beginning of the Achar family of Talacauvery. Once Venkappayya started performing the daily
poojas, he used to take the Prasad 2 often to Lingaraja in Madikeri. The priesthood bestowed by
Lingaraja upon Venkappay ya has passed on t hrough many generations to his heirs. It is hereditary
as most priesthoods are, and al l male members of the family have the birthright to become priests at
the temple. The current generation of Achar priests at the temple is the eighth from Venkappayya.
Venkappayya came from Shivalli Halli (village) of South Canara district. (See history of Shivalli
Brahmins below) The Brahmins here were called Putturayas, probably meaning priests from Puttur.
This Puttur is near Udupi. Venkappayya Putturaya's descendant s are the Achars. The current
Achars are the ninth generation from Venkappayya. It is not known why the descendants of
Venkappayya took on the surname of Achar.
Although Venkappayya came to Talacauvery with his two brothers, only Venkappayya's
descendants are documented here. We do not have any information on his brothers or their
families. Talacauvery in Kodagu district is a holy place with pilgrims from all over the neighboring
states visiting every year. Achar family members are the priests at the Cauvery temple in
Talacauvery. Kodagu in Kannada is derived from the local version Kodavu and the people Kodava.
The name Kodavu is supposed to have been derived from Kodimalenad meaning higher forest land.
Puranic version says, that the land of initial settlement was called Krodadesa, which later became
Kodavu. The word Kodava means the people blessed by Godmother Kaveri (Kod means give, bless
and avva means mother Kaveri) is supported by the puranic version. The British anglicized the
name to Coorg.
Kodagu is the southwestern district of Karnataka bordering Kerala. Its maximum length is 96 km
(north-south) and breadth 64 km (east-west). The area of the district is 4102.3 sq. km with an
estimated population of 4,85,299 as per 1991 census. It is called a land of generals because many
young men join the Indian army and a few have distinguished themselves and become generals.
1 Pooja - Worship to the Deities of the Hindu Religion in the form of prayer, offerings and sacrifices
2 Prasad - Gift from God

Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

Historical Background
Historical inscriptions show that Kodagu was included in the Kingdom of Gangas in the 9 th and
10 th centuries and Cholas in the 11 th century. Changalvas were feudatory to both the above
dynasties but they were independent till 14 th century since Hoysalas overthrew Cholas in the
12 th century. Changalvas accepted the supremacy of Hoysalas from 14 th to 16 th century. Then
came the Nayakas who later paved the way to the Haleri Rajas of Kodagu till 1834 except Hyder
and Tippu Sultan (1780-89). The prominent rulers were Mudduraja (1633-87), Lingaraja (1775-80)
and Virarajendra Wodeyar (1789-1809). Kodag u was annexed by the British in 1834, first Chief
Commissioner's Province in India to be permitted to have a represent ative body in 1924, C State
(1947-56) and a district of Karnataka (previously Mysore State) from November 1 st, 1956.
According to purana 3, Chandravarma the youngest son of King Siddhartha of Matsya country came
on pilgrimage to Brahmagiri, the origin of river Kaveri. He settled down with his eleven married
sons and each having more than hundred sons. T he eldest son Devakanta was crowned king, who
with all the family members presented before Goddess Kaveri owing down at Balamuri (Balumberi)
in the early hours of Tula Sankramana, the time of sun's ent ering the sign of Libra. During the ow
the sari knot of Kaveri got turned backwards at Balamuri while she blessed the family members
present. Even today, Kodava ladies wear their saris in a fashion that looks backwards as compared
to the rest of Indian ladies. All of them (Kodavas) took the first bath in the river here.

3 Popular Hinduism mainly consists of three categories of scriptures, namely, Itihasa, Purana and Agama. The
Ramayana and the Mahabharata constitute what is known as Itihasa. Vyasa authored the Mahabharata. In
addition to the Mahabhar ata he wrote the eighteen Puranas and the eighteen Upa-Puranas. These are chronicles
and long narratives that popular ize the content of the Vedas by appealing to the reader's imagination. They are
the magnifying glass for the ideas contained in the Vedas. In Sanskrit agama means acquisition of knowledge.
The Agamas are manuals of divine worship. They deal with such topics as the codes of temple building, image
making, and the modes of worship.

Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

Chapter 2

A Brief History of Shivalli Brahmins

The word Brahmin means many things to many people resulting in confusion. One of the reasons
for this confusion is Sanskrit language. Many words in Sanskrit have many meanings. Depending
upon the context one has to take the meaning of the word. The word Brahmana (hereinafter
Brahmin) means the God, one who knows God, one who has the knowledge of God, one who has
the knowledge of Vedas, an intellectual, a priest, a teacher, a professor, a person belonging to
Brahmin caste, a superior person, a text related to Vedas, and so on.
Most of the practicing Brahmins adhere to the principles such as acceptance of the Vedas with
reverence; recognition of the fact that the means or ways to salvation and realization of the truth are
diverse; God is one, but has innumerable names and forms to chant and worship due to our varied
perceptions, cultures and languages; that a Brahmin works for the welfare of the entire society and
so on. Daily practices of Brahmins include sandhyavandana (prayers to Gayatri and Sun God),
prayer to ishtadaiva (personal God), yoga, non-violence, vegetarianism etc. Everything in the daily
life of a Brahmin is a ritual. However, special rituals include marriage, ritual conception and
consummation of the wedding, rituals of childbirth, naming ceremony, first feeding ceremony, the
child's first tonsure, upanay ana (the sacred-thread ceremony initiation into vedic learning and
ritual), ritual baths, cremation rituals, shraaddha, etc. All of these rituals are very important for a
practicing Brahmin.
The Vedas are the primary source of knowledge for all Brahmin traditions. All Brahmins and all
traditions, in one way or other, take inspiration from the Vedas. Traditional Brahmin accepts Vedas
as apaurusheyam (not man-made), but revealed truths and of eternal validity or relevance.
Therefore the Vedas are considered Srutis that which have been heard and are t he paramount
source of Brahmin traditions and is believed to be divine. These Srutis include not only the four
Vedas (the Rigveda, the Yajurveda, the Samaveda and the Atharvanaveda), but also their respective
Brahmanas. Brahmins also give tremendous importance to purity of body and mind and hence
attach importance to ritual baths and cleanliness.
There are many castes and sub-castes1 in the Indian Brahmin community. Major Brahmin sub
castes include Chitpavana Brahmins, Daivajna Brahmins, Deshastha Brahmins, Dhima Brahmins,
Gouda Saraswat Brahmins, Havyaka Brahmins, Hoysala Karnataka Brahmins, Iyers, Kandavara
Brahmins, Karade Brahmins, Karhada Brahmins, Kayastha Brahmins, Khandelwal Brahmins, Kota
Brahmins, Konkanastha Brahmins, Koteshwara Brahmins, Nagar Brahmins, Namboothiri
Brahmins, Niyogi Brahmins, Padia Brahmins, Rajapur Saraswat Brahmins, Saklapuri Brahmins,
Sanketi Brahmins, Saraswat Brahmins, Shivalli Brahmins, Smarta Brahmins, Sthanika Brahmins,
Thenkalai Iyengars, Tuluva Brahmins, Vadagalai Iyengars, Vaidiki Brahmins and Vaishnava
Brahmins. The Talacauvery Achar family belongs to the upper caste called Shivalli Brahmins.
Shivalli Brahmins are part of the local Brahmin structure called Tuluva Brahimins of Tulu Nadu.

Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

The following historical perspective of Tuluva Brahmins was extracted from web publications by
Neria Harish Hebbar, MD2. and from B.S. Kakkillaya3 .

The Tale of Tuluva Brahmins

The Tulu Nadu extends from Gokarna i n the north, all along coastal Karnataka down to Kasargod
in the south. This includes coastal Uttara 4 Kannada district, all of Dakshina 5 Kannada district and
parts of Kasaragod taluk. Here Tulu language, one of the five main Dravidian languages of the
South, is spoken.
Udupi is the religious center of Tulu Nadu, and Mangalore is the commercial center. Innumerable
smaller towns and villages comprise of a green landscape within the mountainous range of the
Western Ghats as well as along the coastal Karnataka. For historical purposes the regions settled by
Brahmins are Haige or Haive (Uttara Kannada), Taulava (Dakshina Kannada) and Keral a.
The origins of Tuluva Brahmins are recorded in the manuscript named Grama Paddhati6 , a
centuries old manuscript.
Grama Paddhati is the only document that contains the history of Tuluva Brahmins. It is believed
that the document was re-written in its current form sometime in the 15 th century, although
additions could have been made in the ensuing centuries. It consists of three distinct sections.
The first section deals with the legend of Parashurama. He created coastal Tulu Nadu by reclaiming
land from the sea. Kshatriya Kartaveeryarjuna harrassed Parashurama's father sage Jamadagni and
his wife. He stole their cattle and heckl ed them.
Parashurama was irate and defeated the Kshatriya and vowed to annihilate the Kshatriya tribes.
Later he repented for his actions and handed ov er the newly reclaimed land to sage Kashyap as
penance. When Parashurama found no Brahmins in the land, he is said to have elevated the
fishermen class to the upper class of Brahmins. After giving them all the amenities, Parashurama
went to the Meru Mountains for his meditations but not before promising the new Brahmins to
summon him if they needed any help. Soon after, the Brahmins wanted to test the veracity of
Parashurama and summoned him without a valid reason. An angered Parashurama immediately
stripped the Brahmins of their upper class status.

Uttara - north in Kannada
Dakshina - south in Kannada
Bhaskar Anand Saletore, Ancient Karnataka{History of Tuluva, Poona, 1936. He introduced Grama Paddhati, a
work on Tuluva tradition for the first time. The book is a compendium on life and times in Tulu Nadu depicting
village organization, duties of local officials, system of land distribution, and modes of punishment, judicial
administration, and historical insight of some families like Hollas, Mayyas, Ballalas and Karanths. The chapter
on everyday life depicts many industries like shipbuilding, toddy-tapping, manufacture of cloth, hats and
umbrellas, dress, and ornaments, amusements, means of communication, food etc., and life in the Budu or
manorial house of Tuluva chieftains. A large number of epigraphs discovered in that region after Saletore wrote
this book may not confirm what he tried to establish earlier. But tapping of sources like legends, mythology,
folklore and tradition for the study of history was again a novel method.

Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

The second section of Grama Paddhati deals with the story of settlement of Tulu Nadu by
Brahmins. The Kadamba king Mayuravarma facilitated this migration. On the advice of sages,
Mayuravarma invited Brahmins to the area from Ahichhatra. Sixteen families were settled in Haige
in Uttara Kannada, thirty-two families in Tulu Nadu and sixty four in Kerala. Ahichhatra is a city
mentioned in the Mahabharata as lying north of the Ganges, and as being the capital of Northern
Panchala. It is apparently the Adisadra of Ptolemy, and its remains are visible near Ramnagar. This
new migration in the 7 th or 8 th century created skirmishes between the new comers and the
Brahmins who were already there (Parashurama's Brahmins). To appease the rioters, Mayuravarma
The third section of Grama Paddhati deals with naming the various gramas 7 and districts and the
donated land to them and the names of the families settled there. The thirty-two villages are named.
The Brahmin family usually bore the name of the village in which they lived. As an example a
Brahmin family from Puttur would bear the family name of Putturaya. The Tulu Nadu Brahmins
settled in different places and developed their own individual characteristics. By virtue of their
settlements in various regions, five such groups came to be recognized in the Tulu Nadu. They are
Shivalli, Kota, Koteshvara, Kandavaras and the Panchagramis. However, it is likely that there were
only two settlements in Shivalli and Kota, both villages in Udupi district. Later, religious differences
may have resulted in schism, thus the other three may have split off from the original two to form
their own settlements. Grama Paddhati does not differentiate between the Shivalli, Kota or
Kandavara Brahmins, all of who claim to be from Ahicchatra.

The Brahmins of Tulu Nadu

All the sects of Brahmins in Dakshina and Uttara Kannada fol low different deities as their main
idol of worship. Prior to Madhvacharya's Dvaita philosophy took a firm base in Udupi, most of
them were Shiva worshippers. Shivalli Brahmins belonged to Balekuduru Matt, which is an Advaita
(Shankara) Matt. After Madhva founded the Ashta (eight) Matts in Udupi with its sixteen Upamatts,
many Shivalli Brahmins became followers of Vishnu (followers of Sode Matt in Udupi). However,
all Shivalli Brahmins are not Vaishnavites. They follow different sampradayas, like Bhagavata,
Smarta, and Vaishnava etc. Of these Smarta and Bhagavata Sampradayis perform the Panchayatana
puja with Shiva or Vishnu at the center of their altars, during abhisheka). Koteshvara Brahmins
living in Koteshvara village were also converted by Sri Vadiraja Swami of Sode Matt and were
taken as disciples of Vishnu. The Kota Brahmins from a village near Udupi did not convert to
Vaishnavism, and remained as bhasmadharis and followers of Smarta Sampradaya. Kandavara
Brahmins remain attached to Balekuduru Matt. Skanda is their family deity. Sthanikas are Shaiva
Brahmins, who acquired their name owing to their managerial positions in temples. They are
followers of Shankaracharya and have customs similar to Kota Brahmins. They speak the same
dialect of Tulu as Shivalli Brahmins.
Kota, Kandavara and Koteshvara Brahmins speak a variant of Kannada, despite their presence in
Tulu Nadu for many centuries. Shivalli and Sthanikas are the only two sects that speak Tulu
language. Both Kandavara and Koteshwara are villages in Kannada speaking Coondapur Taluk,
which explains why these Brahmins speak a variant of Kannada rather than Tulu.
The Havikas (or Havyakas) settled in Haive in Uttara Kannada and established a communi ty there.
A dissenting group of Havikas calledthe Saklapuris settled in the border town of Saklapuri (between
Uttara and Dakshina Kannada). Havikas are followers of Shankara Matt in Ramachandrapur.
7 gramas - villages in Kannada

Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

There are number of other Brahmins in current day Tulu Nadu, distinguished by their own different
spoken languages and forms of worship. They migrated in later centuries by land and sea. These
include Chitpavana, Karadi, Konkanastha and Sarasvatha Brahmins. Marathi Brahmins, Chitpavana
and Karadi Brahmins, who are Advaita followers, migrated to Tulu Nadu from Ratnagiri and Karad
in Maharashtra. Another Marathi immigrant group is called Padia Brahmins, of whom there are very
few in Dakshina Kannada. Deshasthas, among whom both Smartas and Madhvas are to be found,
are relatively recent migrants.
The Konkanas migrated to Tulu Nadu by about 12 th century and have a flourishing community
today. The Sarasvathas are further subdivided into Sarasvathas and Gouda-Sarasvathas. The former
are Smartas and the latter converted to Vaishnavism. The Sarasvathas originally hailed from Punjab
and then later migrated to Kashmir, East Bihar and Goa. In Goa they had inhabited 96 villages and
hence were called `Shannavatyas' (or Shenvis). When Goa fell into the hands of Portuguese, they
migrated southward and settled in coastal South India all the way down to Malabar and Travancore.
Tradition tells us that there are 360 Brahmin families spread all over Tulu Nadu. There are also 360
Janardhana temples scattered over the region of Tulu Nadu, each represent ing a family of a
particular line. Typical of the ancient caste system in India, members of each Brahmin sub caste
consider themselves to be superior to all other castes. Even to this day inter-marriage between
different sub castes of the Brahmins is not common.

Traditional Rites of Brahminism

The Ten Scriptural Samskaras
The rites that pertain to the stages of life of man are called Samskaras 8 . Samskaras are a purificatory
process, impressions made on subt le body (mainly on mind) by rituals and sacrifices. By virtue of
their performances the life of the performer receives a higher sanctity. Samskaras cover the entire
life of a Hindu from the moment he/she is conceived in the mothers womb till his death, inclusive
of his/her funeral ceremonies and thereafter, for the smooth passage of his/her soul to another
world. Vedic Samskaras are performed for purification as well as protection of the body and mind.
Just as gold is mined, purified, and made in to beautiful ornaments the Samskaras follows similar
process of purification as well as instilling good virtues in a person. The Samskaras are purification
rites which sanctify the life of the Hindu. They give a spiritual touch to the important events in the
life of the individual from conception to cremation. They mark the important stages of a man's life.
Just as the outline of a picture is lighted up slowly with the filling in of many colors, so also is
Brahmanya with scriptural Samskaras. There are the Samskaras of childhood, of boyhood, of
manhood and of old age and death.
There are fifty-two Samskaras. Among these, ten are important. The ten principal and generally
recognized Samskaras are: Garbhadana, Pumsavana, Simantonnayana, Jatakarma, Namakarana,
Annaprasana, Chudakarma, Upanayana, Samavartana and Vivaha. Of these ten, only some are now
performed. Some of the Samskaras pertain to infantile life and early childhood. Some are
ceremonies, which may be performed daily or on special occasions. The whole life of the Hindu is
thus consecrated and protected from the cradle to the grave.
8 All About Hinduism, By Sri Swami Sivananda, A Divine Life Society Publicatio n


Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

The Garbhadana sanctifies the creative act. The husband prays fervently from the core of hi s heart
that a child may be conceived. He repeats sacred Mantras during Ritu-Santi ceremony or nuptials.
The new child is conceived amidst the vibration of Mantras. Good impressions are impressed in the
brain-cells of the embryo. For a real Hindu who is endowed with pure intellect and right
understanding, the sexual union is not for the sake of mere enj oyment. He utilizes the divine,
creative, vital energy for the formation of a human body. Husband and wife should be cheerful and
pious when they have intercourse. When their minds are perturbed or agitated, or when there is
anger or hatred, they should avoid copulation. They should study Holy Scriptures. If they have the
image of Arjuna, they will have a chivalrous and wise son. If they have the image of Lord Buddha,
they will bring forth a son with mercy and other good virtues. If they have the image of
Dhanvantari, they will get a son who will turn out to be a reputed Ayurvedic doctor. If they think of
Surya or Sun God, they will bring forth a lustrous son with splendor and efful gence.

Pumsavana (samskara for having male child) is the second samskara pract iced four months after
conceiving a baby for having a male child. The food-sheath and the vital-sheath of the child are
formed. It is believed that Pumsavana helps one to have healthy and brave offspring.

The Simantonnayana (for having normal delivery) is performed at the seventh month with recitation
of Veda Mantras. This protects the mother from evil influences and bestows health on the child.
The above three Samskaras protect the mother and the child. The body of the child develops nicely.
The harmonious vibrations set up by the recitation of Mantras and the performance of the
ceremonies help in shaping the body of the child beautifully.

The next Samskara, the ceremony performed immediately after the birth of the child, is the
Jatakarma. The father welcomes his newborn chi ld. He prays for its long life, intelligence and well
being, and feeds it with honey and butter.

Then comes Namakarana or the naming ceremony. The newborn child is given a name on the
tenth, eleventh or twelfth day with recitation of Mantras.

The Annaprasana comes i n the sixth month when the child is given solid food for the firsttime.
mantras are recited and obl ations are offered to the various deities.

Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

The Chudakarma, the tonsure or shaving of the head, is performed in the first or third year. The
Karnavedha or ear-boring ceremony is performed in the fifth or the seventh year or at the end of the
first year with the Chudakarma. The body of the child is protected and harmonized by these
ceremonies. Any hereditary defect that arises from defect of semen and embryo is removed.
Vidyarambha also is another Samskara. Alphabet is taught to the child. This is also known by the
name Aksharabhyasa. These Samskaras pertain to the child stage of life.

Upanayana (Thread Ceremony), the ninth samskara marks the beginning of Gurukul Vrat and
Bhramacharya. This samskara is done to purify the soul of the child and it enhances the grasping
power and the intellect of the child. During the samskara the child pledges to live life in a particular
way (as per Gurus instructions) and adhere t o all kinds of hardship without complaining.
The initiation makes him a Dvija, twice born. The father and the mother gave birth to him from
mutual desire. This is his physical birth. Initiation into Gayatri Mantra is another, true birth.
According to Yajnavalkya, the Upanayana ceremony is performed at the eighth year for a
Brahmana, eleventh for a Kshatriya and twelfth for a Vaisya. Manu gives the age at the fifth year for
a Brahmana, the sixth for a Kshatriya and the eighth for a Vaisya. Upanayana in Sanskrit means
bringing the pupil to the Guru (Upa means pupil and here Nayana means to bring) for acquiring
knowledge and to follow the course.
According to Vedas and Shastras this period of life is meant for acquiring knowledge and is called
Adhyayan (means acqui ring knowledge). The period is 12 years long. It has to be followed with
some rules and regulations. During his life in Gurukul (the place/ashram where pupil stays with his
Guru) it is customary to perform daily rituals like Sandhya Agni karya, Brahmayagnya, and etc. The
pupil is expected to focus on studies without enjoying any materialistic ecstasy. He must dedicate
himself towards studies, acquire knowledge and religiously obey and follow his Guru. Once the
disciple has acquired and mastered his knowledge (Adhyayan) four concluding samskara like
Mahanamni Vrat, Mahavrata, UpanishadVrata, and Keshant Samskara is to be performed.

Significance of the Sacred Thread and Other Symbols

The sacred thread or Yajnopavita consists of three threads knotted together. He who wears the
thread should have a triple control, over his mind, speech and body-thought, word and deed. The
holy thread signifies the various triads which exist in the world, viz., Sat, Chit and Ananda;
creation, preservation and destruction; the three states of waking, dreaming and deep sleep; the
three qualities of Sattva, Rajas and Tamas; the Trimurtis Brahma, Vishnu and Siva; etc. The staff
signifies that the student should have complete control over his thoughts, words and actions. One
who practices control over his thoughts, words and actions, and one who pract ices Brahmacharya
in thought, word and deed, at tains perfection.


Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

The boy wears a Kaupina, a small yellow cloth and a girdle of Munja grass. The Acharya puts on
him a deerskin. The new yellow cloth represents the new body. Yellow color is a symbol of
spirituality. Wearing of Kaupina indicates that the boy should lead a pure life of perfect celibacy.
The girdle is wound round thrice. This indicates that the boy has to study the Samhitas, the
Brahmanas and the Upanishads. The deer-skin represents the ascetic life he should lead.

Then comes the end of t he student stage, the Samavartana. The student, having completed the
Vedic studies and the Vratas, presents his preceptor with a gift and obtains permission to take the
formal bath, which marks the close of his student-career. He returns home and performs the
Samavartana, the returning ceremony. He is now ready to marry and enter the second stage or
Grihastha Asrama, the life of a householder.

Vivaha is marriage or entry into the second Asrama. The life of the householder begins. Now he
takes up his duties as man and pay s his spiritual debts by sacrifice, by study and by procreating
children. The bridegroom tells the bride: I take your hand for good fortune. They walk round the
sacred fire hand-in-hand. The bride sacrifices grains in the fire and prays: May my husband live
long. May my relations increase While Vivaha is one of the important Samskaras for a male, it is the
only Samskara for females. Both husband and wife set out for long-lasting relationship with
marriage. They necessarily be of same caste but should not be of Sagothra, Sapinda or
Sapravaradas. The bridegroom must have good character. She should be educated enough, young,
pleasant-looking, soft spoken, energetic and attractive. She should not be lazy. Before a Hindu
marriage, Nandi Yajna, Pavana Pooja, Kashi Yathre, Gowri Pooja, Lagna Muhurtham, and
Kanyadana are performed. Mangalya Dharane, Alankara Dana, Phala Pooja, Arathi, Ashirvada and
other rituals are considered as Kalpas. During marriage ceremony, a stone is placed in the west of
the Vivahagni. Marriage bonds a lasting relationship between husband and wife. The Laja Homa,
which is a part of Vivaha Homa, indicates a prayer for light in life. The Shila (stone) signifies the
importance of making strong decisions in life. One should not lose his temperaments even in times
of distress. The bridegroom also prays for the pleasure of bride. He begs Indra for children. The
importance of married life is to be together forever and attain children. A woman should help her
husband in times of difficulties. That is why, wife is considered as the better half of any individual.
She is the inspirational source behind any success of attained by a male. Their healthboth physical
and mentalshould be good enough to lead a happy life. They should have good understanding
between them and shed differences of opinion.
The Seven Steps (Sapthapadi) implies living together for years. Each step symbolise different
aspects of a married life. They put the first step together to fulfil the basic needs of life (mainly
food). Second one is for physical and moral strength of the couple. Third step signifies wealth,
followed by Pleasure and happi ness (fourth step), Santhana or continuing their generation (fifth),
living together forever (sixth) and for equality between them (seventh step). Soon after the seventh

Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

step around the Vivahagni in the presence of her brot her, the bride will join her husband's fami ly. A
marriage is not complete without tying a Thali (Mangalasuthra) and Sapthapadi. After these rituals,
Pravesha Homa will take place at bridegroom's house, where the bride is welcomed into a new
family. Since then, the duty of a lady is to enlighten her husband's house and their life. When the
bridegroom and bride of proper age and difierent lineage (Gothra) get married, it is called Vivaha
Samskara. This is followed in order to produce a progeny who will run the family lineage and
spread the family tradition. According to Ayurveda a man without progeny is regarded to be not
well established, bare, l ike a void and possessing only one sense and as having lived a purposeless

The Last Two Stages Of Life

There are two more stages, Vanaprastha 9 and Sannyasa, with their rites. Vanaprastha means, forest
dweller. This stage indicates the beginning of old age. Living away from society in the forest, he
should live simply, perform sacrifices, and prepare t o renounce al l worldly associations. These
austerities are treated as penance for the sins committed, knowingly and unknowingly, as a
householder. A man may take his wife to live with him in the Vanaprastha ashram, in which he
stays until he is 70 years of age. He then returns from the forest and a puri fication ceremony
initiates him into the Sanyasa ashram.
In the sannyasa phase, a man renounces weal th and worldly pleasures, and is called a sanyasi. He is
completely detached from the rest of the world giving up even those family ties allowed in
Vanaprastha. Instead, he seeks alms from householders and spends his time meditating, in an effort
to achieve salvation (Moksha). Moksha, release from worldly existence, internal or eternal
emancipation, the liberation of the soul from the recurring cycle of birth and deat h, salvation. It is
the spiritual union of the soul, atman, with the supreme soul, Brahman. The Hindus believe in
transmigration of the soul: that the soul does not die with the body, but, after a while, takes birth
again in some other form. Immediately after death, the soul is believed to travel to Yamapuri, the
court of Yama. Here Chitragupta, his record keeper, reads out an account of all the good and the
bad deeds commi tted by that soul during its life. The soul is then given a chance t o explain itself.
After this, Yama passes judgment and the soul is accordingly sent to heaven or hell. The Hindu
hell, however, is not an endless ordeal of misery, as in other beliefs. After serving its allotted term
of punishment, the soul is taken to heaven on account of its good deeds. Heaven is also not an
endless term of bliss. Hence, after its term there, the soul is reborn in this world in one form or
another and the whole process is repeated.
The form in which the soul is reborn depends on t he deeds of its previous life. If a soul has done
well, it may be born a ki ng. If evil and cruel, it could be reborn as a j ackal or a donkey. A soul is
not always reborn on earth. It may reappear in any of the fourteen worlds, as a god, a demon or
even a snake.

9 A vanaprastha (from Sanskrit vana, forest, and prus, dwelling) is a person who is living in th e forest as a hermit
after partially giving up material desires


Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

Birth in any form is considered undesirable, as it brings pain and suffering. Therefore everyone is
exhorted to achieve liberation from this tiresome cycle of birth and death, by attaining moksha.
Such a state is acquired only by a very saintly person, who has become a perfected soul with no
worldly requirements and true knowledge of Brahman. All sacrifices, pilgrimages and acts of
charity that one performs are directed towards improving the self in order to be born in a higher
form, which ultimately leads to the final destination, moksha. This is also the reason why penance
or prayashchit is considered so important.
The three paths to moksha are:

Bhakti yoga (through devotion), the most popular, in which a devotee chooses a 'personal'
deity and prays to it with intense love and devotion.
Karma yoga (through action), one devotes one's life to good causes, to the betterment of
society with sincerity and faith.
Gyana yoga (through knowledge), through perfecting oneself in a particular discipline and
meditating on it. Their belief in the transmigration of souls makes the Hindus a fatalistic
people. As a result, all one's troubles are attributed to the bad deeds of one's prev ious birth.

Sraaddha And Tarpana

Sraaddha is the name of the ceremonies performed by relatives to help the Jiva who has cast off his
physical body in death. A Jiva 10 who has cast off his physical sheath is called a Preta 11. The part of
the Sraaddha performed to help him at this stage is called the Preta Kriya.

How Sraaddha And Tarpana Benefit The Departed Souls

Gifts to deserving Brahmanas for the benefit of the Pitris, in the proper time and place and with
faith, are known as Sraaddha. Sraaddha gives satisfaction to the Pitris. By the offering of the
sixteen Sraaddhas, the son helps his father to dwell in joy with the Pitris. The son should perform
the Sapindikarana rites for his father. Performance of Sraaddha and Tarpana 12 relieves the hunger
and thirst of the departed soul during its journey to the Pitri Loka13.

10 In Hinduism and Jainism, a jiva is the immortal essence of a living being, subject to maya. A jiva that is free
of maya, is not tied to a body or earthly existence in any way, is called atma
11 Preta "Departed one." Pretas are beings whose karma is too good for rebirth in the hells (naraka) and too bad
for rebirth as an asura
12 Tarpana is a sacred ritual whereupon the closest relatives make a sacred offering to the Gods so that the
departed soul may enter Swarga or heaven
13 Loka (sanskrit) in Hinduism means world, abode, or place or plane of existence. Traditionally in the Puranas
there are seven lokas, Bhuloka (earth), Bhuvarloka (air), Svarloka or Svargaloka (heaven), Maharloka,
Janaloka, Tapoloka (abode of tapas) and Satyaloka (abode of Truth)


Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

Chapter 3

As an aid to the understanding of the family history, a description of the place called Talacauvery,
geography, the river Cauvery, climate, local languages, traditions and folklore are essential. The
following information in brief is provided to improve the understanding of the Achar family for the
reader of this document.

Map of India


Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

The place, Talacauvery is in Kodagu (Coorg) district of Karnataka State. A map of India, a map of
Karnataka State and a detailed map of the vicinity of Talacauvery are shown in the following pages.
Karnataka State is located in southwestern part of India. The location of Talacauvery, in the
southwestern part of Kodagu district, is marked in the map. The Cauvery River originates at
Talacauvery, in the eastern side of the Western Ghats1 and flows southeast through Karnataka and
Tamilnadu into the Bay of Bengal.

Map of Karnataka State

1. The Western Ghats comprise the mountain range that runs along the western coast of India, from the
Vindhya-Satpura ranges in the north to the southern tip of India


Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

Talacauvery is in the mountains, the area slightly northwest of the merger of Western and Eastern
Ghats in South India. The district was called Coorg, which is the anglicized name for Kodagu. It
was a tiny province (one of the smallest of British India) about 150 miles southwest of Bangalore.
Kodagu district is nestled in the blue hills of the Western Ghats.
Kodagu was discovered by the British over 200 years ago and was under direct British rule from
1834 until Indian independence in 1947. Various British pioneer types made their way through the
dense jungle and deep ravines and ridges, building roads and planting coffee estates, which survive
to this day. Many of them stayed on after the independence, although their numbers have dwindled
over the years. Cardamom is also harvested from the forests in Kodagu. Heavy rainfall during the
monsoon season keeps the landscape in a lush tropical green condition all year. The district is
famous for its beautiful landscapes of rolling hills and forests 2. The forests are partially gone now
as a result of population growth and resulting pressure on the environment. Forests covered 63% of
the total area of the district in the 1977. By 1995, the area covered is barely 45%. Nearly 73,000
hectares of forest cover has disappeared due to the expansion of cultivated and settlement areas,
proliferation of dams and reservoirs. Corruption is at the root cause of deforestation of Kodagu
district. The total deforestation is thus 28% in 20 years, at an annual rate of 1.4%. It is an alarming
trend. Kodagu forests form a major fraction of the Cauvery river catchment area. Mismanagement
of these forest reserves is already showing a severe impact on the health of the Cauvery river.

Cauvery River
Cauvery also spelled as Kaveri, is a sacred river of southern India. It rises on Brahmagiri hills in the
Western Ghats in Kodagu district of Karnataka state and flows in a southeasterly direction for 475
miles (765 km) through Karnataka and Tamil Nadu states into the Bay of Bengal.
On its way it descends the Eastern Ghats in a series of great falls. Before emptying into the Bay of
Bengal south of Cuddalore, Tamil Nadu, it breaks into a large number of distributaries. The wide
delta created by the distributaries is called the garden of southern India. Known to devout Hindus
as Dakshina Ganga, it is celebrated for its scenery and sanctity in Tamil literature. Its entire course
is considered holy ground. The river is also important for its irrigation canal projects.
Its uppermost course is tortuous with a rocky bed and high banks under luxuriant vegetation. After
passing through a narrow gorge and tumbling 60-80 ft (18-24 m) in the rapids of Chunchankat te,
the river widens to 900-1,200 ft across the Karnataka plateau. There, its flow is interrupted by a
number of anicuts or weirs. At the Krishnaraja Sagara, the Cauvery is joined by two tributaries, the
Hemavati and Lakshmanatirtha, and dammed for irrigation, forming a 12-sq-miles (31-sq-km)
Below the dam, there is a beautiful garden with manicured lawns, topiary (ornamental gardens),
lighted musical fountains and waterfalls. This garden, named Brindavan Gardens is famous
throughout India.


Deforestation and Its Impact on The Ecosystem, Hydrological Regime and Bio diversity of The Western
Ghats, Case Study by Mr. A. N. Yellappa Reddy for the Cen tre for Environmental Law Education , Research
and Education (CEERA) National Law School of India University, Bangalore


Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

Kodagu District
Kodagu district, being hilly with mountains as high as 5000 feet above sea level, has a mild climate
and a lot of rainfall. The rainfall is in the range of 100 to 150 inches per year, mainly during the
monsoon mont hs of June through August. The British compared this district to Scotland and Wales.
The British renamed the district headquarters, Mercara but it is locally known as Madikeri. During
the British rule, Mercara was listed as a hi ll station. From 1633 t o 1834, Kodag u was an
independent kingdom under the Lingayath rulers of Ikkeri Dynasty. From 1834 to 1857 a
Commissioner, subordinate to the Governor General of the British East India Company, ruled it.

Map of Kodagu District

After the end of East India Company rule in 1857 it came under the direct rule of the British Raj. It
remained a separate province until 1947 being administered by Chief Commissioners, subordinate
to the Viceroy.


Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

After Indian independence i n 1947, the district remained for some time as a central government
administered territory. During the first reorganization (based entirely on language) of the Indian
states in the sixties it was incorporated into Mysore State. Some time later, Mysore State was
renamed as Karnataka State.
The district forms a portion of Western Ghats with the high range running north south along the
western side of the district. The range has a bulging toward west at Brahmagiri. The prominent
peaks are Pushpagiri, Kote Betta, Nishani Motte, Tumbe Male, Tadiandamol (1750 m, highest),

Talacauvery Vicinity

Soma Male and Brahmagiri (Davasibetta) the birthplace of Lakshmanathirtha River. Payaswani and
Bara Pole are the rivers owing west and Kaveri with tributaries Hemavati, Harangi and
Lakshmanathirtha are the rivers owing east. High hilltops are generally grassy with valley of dense
mixed jungles, cardamom est ates and coffee pl antations. Low hill ranges are generally under
cultivation, teak plantation or dense mixed jungle. Elephant, tiger, leopard, bison, deer, black
wanderoo, hornbi ll, wild boar, peacock in jungles, and mahseer, lady fish in rivers are worth

The climate in Talacauvery is temperate. There are four seasons, dominated by the rainy season.
Summer, the hottest part of the year is from March through the end of May. Because of the
moderate elevation of Talacauvery, even the summer is pleasant. This is followed by the rainy
season from June through the end of September. This is the monsoon season with rainfall measured
to average about 150 to 200 inches. On the western slopes of the Ghats the monsoon 3 may bring as
much as 300 inches of rain. The rainfall reduces on the eastern slopes, starting at Madikeri. During
the rainy season moss grows in abundance, maki ng it quite slippery and walking becomes quite
treacherous. Leaches are also a serious problem during these months. During winter from
November through February it is very cool. It could be an ideal place to build a summer resort.
The main flora in the nearby hills is ferns and plants bearing large bell shaped white flowers. Not
many trees grow near the houses. The tree growth is limited to the canyons where the river or
streams flow. Because of the heavy rainfall, the place adorns verdant green foliage all year round.
3 A monsoon is a periodic wind, especially in the Indian Ocean and southern Asia. The word is also used to label
the season in which this wind blows from the southwest in India and adjacent ar eas that is characterized by
very heavy rainfall, and specifically the rainfall that is associated with th is wind.


Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

Chapter 4

Talacauvery, Coorg district, Karnataka State, India is located at latitude 12 o 17' N and longitude
75 o 25' E at an elevation of about 4500 feet. The area around Talacauvery is a sanctuary 1 and is
designated as such in the United Nations List of National Parks and Protected Areas.
Talacauvery is not even a small village. It had only five houses during the nineteen fifties, all
occupied by the Achar family members as far back as anyone remembers. At this writing only three
of the five original houses remain along with a new one named S hanthi Dhama. Each house, over
the years has acquired a name, basically associating it with the people living in it or some other
special characteristic feature. The Achar families most probably do not even own the land on which
the houses are built2.

A view from the top of Brahma Giri

Talacauvery can only be approached from t he easterly direction. No roads lead to Talacauvery in all
the other directions. This makes the place quite isolated. Urbanization and associated problems will
never reach this ideal place on earth.
1., 2005 World Database on Protected Areas CD-ROM Release
2. Apart from the temple plot is the 1.91 acre plot under survey no. 4 of the Cherangala village, Bagamandala
Hobli, Madikeri Taluk, in which stand the residential and other structures of the priests of the temple, located
due east of the main shrine of Cauvery. This plot of land belongs to the Temple Committee, according to the
Register of Tenancy Certificate (RTC) provided by the Revenue Department. This means that the Achar family
members do not legally own the property on which their houses are built.


Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

The summit of Brahma Giri3 is the highest point in Talacauvery. A magnificent view of the
surroundings is visible from the crest of Brahma Giri. On a clear afternoon, small streams or rivers
owing west from the Western Ghats into the Arabian Sea can be seen as si lvery ribbons. The temple
is approximately 300 feet below the summit of Brahma Giri.
Brahma Giri3 is also considered sacred and al l able-bodied pilgrims trudge up to the top. Recently
stone steps have been built from the temple to the crest, to ease the trek up the mountain. Because
of the high altitude, fog is prevalent in Talacauvery for a good fraction of the year. During part of
the year fog rolls in about 3 P.M. and provides a natural cooling effect.
On the other side of Brahma Giri is the start of another river called Kanike. This used to be a simple
marsh, which has now been conv erted into a rice field. Kanike joins Cauvery and another unseen
river called Sujyothi in the Triveni Sangam at Bagamandala.

Houses at Talacauvery
Originally, there were four houses in Talacauvery and they were aptly named:

Keliginamane (Tharavadumane)

Later on one more house cal led Kottige was built further south of Bungale. Out of these only 3
houses remain. Both Bungale and Kottige have been razed to the ground due to disuse. Shreepathi
Achar who lived in Kottige has built a new house named Shanthi Dhama. This house is on the
eastern side of Hosamane.
All the houses in Talacauvery are at a level approximately 300 feet below the temple. These houses
have some common feat ures. They are generally small and were built with mud walls, mud floors
and Mangalore tile roofs. The mud floors are very smooth and are pol ished black. Even the inside
walls are black but not as polished as the floors. The houses typically have very small windows
letting in very little light. An occasional glass tile on the roof lets in some light upstairs. Even during
the middle of the day it takes some time to get used to the poor lighting inside these houses.
Each house has a separate bathhouse, a cowshed and at least one other small building where the
lower caste workers from outside Talacauvery would remove husk from the paddy to make rice and
perform other menial duties. Every morning the cows were milked by the ladies of the house and l et
out for grazing. By nightfall the cows would return on their own to the cowshed. Once every so
often, one of the cows would not return and probably fell as prey to the tigers or coyotes in the
Typically these cows were not very productive but they were the only source of dairy products in
During the spring and summer months, each family cultivated a large vegetable garden. The
vegetable garden at Hosamane consisted of many terraces. Irrigation water flowed by gravity from
3 Giri - mountain


Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

terrace to terrace. Even the children helped in planting seeds and tending the garden. The vegetable
plants were fertilized with abundant cow manure. During the season, a bountiful harvest of
vegetables is common. Some of the vegetables have a long shelf life and are saved for use during
the rainy season, when it is very difficult to grow anything. These are mainly varieties of southekai,
kumbde, potatoes, onions, etc. Even tobacco was grown for use by the adults for chewing and
making snuff.

Hosa Mane - Ramanna Achar's House (lower right) - Shanthi Dhama above - View from temple

A picture of Hosamane 4 is shown above. This house had a large rose garden in the front. This
garden had approxi mately 20 to 30 different varieties of rose bushes. These rose bushes, when they
were in bloom, provided a del ightful and fragrant entrance to the house. Flowers from the gardens
were used in the daily poojas at the temple and at home. This was the primary purpose for growing
flowers. The women also use the flowers as a decoration on their hair.
Another view of the beautiful mountainous terrain of Talacauvery area with Ramanna Achar's
house (Hosamane) at the bottom left corner is shown at the left. Shanthi Dhama, the new house
built by Sripathi Achar, is seen above Hosamane.

The nearest small town is Bagamandala, which is serviced by public transportation from Madikeri
(Mercara), the district headquarters. Bagamandala was a small town with few grocery stores, a post
office, a small clinic with one attending doctor, a pharmacy and a middle school during the sixties.
A number of Achars, starting with Venkatramana Achar, Raghava Achar and Vittala Achar taught
at this school. The children from Talacauvery had to walk down three miles in the morning to
attend classes and then go back up the same day
4 Hosa in Kannada or Posa in Tulu literally means new and mane means house


Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

Any thing else is only available about 24 miles away, at Madikeri, or in Mangalore. The postman
used to come to Talacauvery once a week to deliver mail. In the seventies, the road, a single lane
asphalt road from Madikeri to Bagamandala, was extended to Talacauvery and the buses started
bringing pilgrims almost daily. During the late seventies, electricity finally came to Talacauvery.
Down the hill a few hundred yards away from the confluence of the three rivers is the
Bhagandeswara temple. This temple is of Kerala style. All pilgrims that visit Talacauvery, first
worship at the Bagandeshwara temple, prior to making the trek to the Cauvery temple
Half a mile away from Talacauvery, there used to be a grove of guava trees. The children named
this as the Perale Kadu 5 . Many verities of guava trees grew here. They were wild trees and the
children from Talacauvery enjoyed the fruit. In the summer there were many verities of sweet
berries growing nearby.

Triveni Sangama at Bagamandala

Path to Talacauvery
Prior to the construction of the one lane paved road from Bagamandala to Talacauvery, the only
way to approach Tal acauvery was by a footpath, about three miles long, meandering through the
forest. During those days, pilgrims had to walk the three miles to Talacauvery. Only the able bodied
devotees made the journey to the temple. This path, a majority of which was as wide as a one-lane
5 Perale Kadu literally means guava forest in the language Tulu


Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

road, was not passable by any type of vehicle including bullock carts. Talacauvery children who
attended school at Bagamandala also used this path. They would walk downhill to school in the
morning and come back up aft er school, a total of six miles a day.
Laborers from Bagamandala carried on their back all essentials such as rice, sugar, oil and other
commodities needed for survival at Talacauvery. There were some interesting things along this path.
The first one, about half a mile from Talacauvery, was a set of 144 stone steps. These steps were
about 30 feet wide. No one knows who and why he or she built these steps. It was not because the
terrain was too steep. Some one si mply spent a lot of labor and resources t o build these steps. The
local government was not responsible, since they are not even involved in the maintenance of this
The next interesting feature was about a mile downhill from Talacauvery. Off to the left side of the
road (path) was a large stone outcropping, aptly named Bhimana 6 Kallu 7. This rock had a dark cave
on one side and none of the children dared to explore this cave for fear of being attacked by
imaginary wild animals lurking inside.
During the summer months, a variety of berries grew along this path. Some were very sweet but
others such as raspberries were not in favor. No one knew that raspberries were safe to eat. The
Achar family children enjoyed many of these wild berries. There was even a lone tall orange tree
along this path. The tree was so tall and thin and the oranges were always out of reach.
During the early fifties, the Maharajah of Mysore made a ceremonial visit to the temple. The
Maharajah (Jaya Chamarajendra Wodeyar) was a very large man probably weighing in excess of
350 pounds. He arrived with his entourage at Bagamandala in his fleet of shiny Rolls-Royce
automobiles followed by many government officials. He was reputed to have over fifty expensive
cars at his palace in Mysore. The Bagamandala middle school children were made to wear their
best clothes and stand in attention on both sides of the road leading to the town. He waved at the
school children from his fancy car. From Bagamandala, he rode on the back of a specially outfitted
elephant to Talacauvery. The Achar family members performed speci al poojas at the temple in his


Bhimana means, Bhima's, who was one of the five Pandava brothers from the great Hindu epic Mahab haratha
He is known to represent largeness. He was a large man and his weapon was a large mace.
7. Kallu means stone or rock in Tulu or Kannada


Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

Chapter 5

The Temple
Around 14th Century A.D., King Bhodharupa Bhagawar 1 of North Malabar (in Kerala), through his
chief Melpundi Kunniyarasa, who was ruling this part of Kodagu, gave some important grants to the
temple. A stone inscription in this regard is found in the courtyard of Sri Bhagandeshwara temple at
Bagamandala. According to the available historical records it is also known that Maharajah Veera
Rajendra Wodeyar, the king of Kodagu, renovated the temple in 1797 A.D. after defeating Tippu
Sultan, the king of Mysore. Sometime during the early eighties, the copper clad roofs of the
Agasteshwara and Maha Ganapathi temples were replaced with ugly red concrete domes. The small
granite structure at the Brahma Kundi ke was also replaced by a concrete structure. Fortunately the
current renovation is putting these temples back to the original graceful copper roofing.

Temple renovated during the nineteen eighties (circa 2000)

1 Sacred Tanks of South India, published by C.P.R. Environmental Edu cation Centre, The C.P. Ramaswami Aiyar
Foundation, 1 Eldams Road, Chennai 600 018. Funded by UNESCO, New Delhi


Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

Therefore, the temple is about 800 years old, was renovated about 200 years ago with minor
changes done in the early eighties. Achar family's involvement with the temple started about the
time of the first temple renovation. At this writing, a full-edged renovation of the Talacauvery and
Bagamandala temple complex is going on and will be completed by the end of 2007.

The temple2 itself is very small and does not have the grandeur of other famous sout h Indian
temples. What the temple lacks in grandeur is more than made up by the most beautiful scenic
mountainous location. Details The Cauvery Temple (Before renovation) of the building of the

Ramanna Achar Near Brahma Kundike (1956)

temple are not well known. It consists of a small sacred pond named Brahma Kundi ke of about 3
by 3 feet, a small 4 by 4 by 6 feet high structure next to the small sacred pond, a larger tank of
about 30 by 40 feet, and two other larger temple structures housing the usual minor deities. The
Brahma Kundike is the main part of the Talacauvery temple complex.
The main deity of this temple is Goddess Cauvery represented by the small sacred pond or Brahma
Kundike. Idols carved in stone elaborately ornamented with brass, silver or gold represent most
other Gods and Goddesses in other Indian temples. In contrast to the norm, there is no image or
statue of the Goddess Cauvery at this temple. Unlike any other Gods in temples, this God is from
time immemorial.
2 "Temples of Kodagu," Dr.T.N.Vyasa Rao and T.N.Satyamoorthy (Sons of Talacauvery P.Narayana Achar,
Sanskritha Sahithya Vidwan, Kodagu - Composer of Sri Cauvery Suprabhatam")


Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

The picture in the above shows Ramanna Achar standing next to the Brahma Kundike. My uncle
Dr. Anantha Achar took this photograph around 1955. The g ranite structure (the main temple) in
the picture has been reconstructed during the late eighties. The reconstructed structure is made of
concrete in place of the earlier granite as shown in next page.
The Brahma Kundike is the place where the Goddess Cauvery bubbles out every year during the
Theerthodbava. This is the famous Cauvery Tula Sankramana festival. The small 2 by 3 by 5 feet
high pointed structure and the Brahma Kundike serve as the main Cauvery temple. The Achars, the

Brahma Kundike renovated during the eighties (Circa 2006)

priests at this temple for over two centuries, are the only ones permitted to touch the sacred water in
the Brahma Kundike. Further, only the male members of the Achar family, after being initiated into
the priesthood by the sacred thread ceremony are allowed to touch the sacred water.
A larger pond (about 30 ft X 40 ft) or tank is immediately next to the Brahma Kundi ke. The
pilgrims or devotees take a dip in this pond to absolve themselves of all their mortal sins and obtain
the eternal blessings from Goddess Cauvery. After they have dipped themselves, the priests pour the
thee rtha 3 from the Brahma Kundike over the devotees. The devotees toss coins and sometimes
jewelry into the Brahma Kundike as an offering to the river Goddess. They may also pay the priests
for additional pooja services. Cauvery is the patron Goddess (Kula Devata) of the Kodavas and they
comprise a majority of devotees at the temple. Other devotees that come to the temple are mostly
from areas where the river flows, i.e., from the rest of Karnataka and Tamilnadu.
3 theertha - holy water


Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

Water from this tank flows out to a smaller tank below, which is primarily used for washing utensils
and other purposes. The outflow of water from this tank goes down the hill as the river Cauvery. All
these tanks have stone steps, once again typical of south Indian temples. During the rainy season,
one can actually see the river owing out of this tank. Rest of the time one has to go down the hill a

Top view of the temple after partial renovation (2006)

little ways to see the stream.

Cauvery River is unique because there are not many rivers in India or elsewhere with such a welldefined source. Ramanna Achar near Brahma Kundike (Circa 1954) The other temple structures
are an Agasteshwara temple with a rare and ancient Shiva Linga, and another temple dedicated to
Lord Maha Ganapathi. These temples are above and behind the Brahma Kundike. Pictures of these
temples after renovation are shown bel ow.
These temples used to have elegant copper clad roofs, which were replaced by the ugly concrete
structures some time during the late eighties. Fortunately, Talacauvery temple renovation initiated in
2004 has compl eted reconstruction of these temples with the original beautiful copper clad roofing.
They are now larger and more elegant. A Vasantha mantapa has been constructed in front of the
Agasteshwara temple as seen in the photograph below. The Maha Ganapathi temple is seen to the
left of the Agasteshwara temple. Both temples are in a new courtyard as shown.


Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

Renovated Agasteshwara and Ganapathy Temples (Vasantha Mantapa in front) Renovated 2006

Re-consecration of Temples
Amidst chanting of Vedic hymns and pouri ng rain in the early hours of Friday, May 20 of 2006 4 ,
the punarpratishstapana (re-consecration) of the renovated temples of Sri Agastheshwara and Sri
Maha Ganapathi were performed at Talacauvery, foothills of the mighty Brahmagiri Hills in
Kodagu. The Brahmakalashabhisheka 5 and Jeevakalashabhisheka 6 rituals were performed by a
group of 20 archaks, l ed by Neeleshwara Padmanabha T antri, at the auspicious lagnam. The
Ganahoma was performed at 5.30 A.M. in the presence of devotees and committee members and
the prasada pratishte and Kalashodghatane were performed from 6.50 A.M. to 7.20 A.M.
In between the Brahma Kundike and the other two temple structures there is a holy Ashwattha 7 tree
where, according to legend, the Trimurthis Brahma, Vishnu and Maheshwara gave darshan t o sage

Tula Sankramana
The most important festival at the Cauvery temple is the Tula Sankramana that occurs around the
17 th of October every year. The Theerthodbava is an annual occurrence at the Brahma Kundike, in
which the Goddess Cauvery is believed to emerge from the Brahma Kundike in the form of a holy

The Hindu, May 20, 2006

Abhisheka - A ceremonial bath performed in the worship of a Deity or the coronation of a king
Kalasha - a copper pot filled with water
Ashwattha - Also known as ficus religiosa is a variety of fig tree that was already known as the Bodhi tree, even
before Gautama Buddha sat under its branches meditating and achieved enlightenment. It is a sacred tree to
both. Hindus as well as Buddhists. It is the oldest depicted tree in Indian art and literature and it can be
said that this
is the mythical World Tree" or the \Tree Of Life" of the Indian subcontinent


Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

spring. The Achar priests at the temple consult the Panchanga 8 and determine this auspicious time
to the very minute. The event occurs at the appointed hour in the Karkataka Lagna heralding Tula
Sankramana, known i n local parlance as Cauvery Changrandi. Thousands of devotees witness the
grand spectacle every year. The auspicious time moves forward each year by about 6 hours and i s
determined by the position of the planets. Typically the times are around 8: 00 A.M., 2:00 P.M.,
8:00 P.M. and 2:00 A.M. For centuries, every year, on the day of Tula Sankramana, the Cauvery is
reborn here. And that's about all anyone knows for sure. The rest is a mystery, considered a miracle
by the devotees.
Tula Sankramana Day 2004 is a very auspicious moment .Thousands of pi lgrims gather at the
temple to share their devotion to the Goddess
Cauvery and be present at this auspicious
time. They all bathe (snaana) at the large
pond and have the theertha from the Brahma
Kundike sprinkled on them by the priests.
Then the priests perform other poojas for the
devotees for an additional compensation. The
festive mood and the reverence to the
Goddess permeate one and all during this
event. The weather is typically picture perfect
during this time of the year at Talacauvery.
The pilgrims bring coconuts and bananas to
offer to the Gods. The priests break the
coconuts thus offering it to the Gods. They
keep one half of the coconut for the Gods and
return the other half to the pilgrims as holy
prasad. A large amount of half coconuts pile
up at the temple during this festival and
becomes the property of the Achar families.
The women of the Achar households
Brahma Kundike after renovation (2007)
laboriously grind all these coconut s and
extract oil, which is then used for cooking
during the rest of the year. The leftover (coconut rind) from the oil extraction process become
animal fodder and is fed to the cows.
The gathering of large number of devotees at the temple and in Bagamandala at the Triveni
Sangam 9 on this day, presents a great logistics challenge to the local governmental authorities. The
authorities are accustomed to this once a year phenomenon and are adept at handling all the
necessary arrangements.
Typical Tula Sankramana day arrangements by the local government include deploying of
policemen for handl ing the huge crowds during the three-day 'Jathra' or the fair, arranging for
sanitation and hygiene, drinking water, electricity, medical facility, improvement of roads, and ban
on sale of liquor in the area. The Karnataka State Road Transportation Corporation, which has a
monopoly of the public transportation in the state, adds many jatra specials to keep the traffic flow
8 Panchanga - Hindu religious calendar
9 Triveni Sangam - Confluence of three rivers, in this case Cauvery, Kanike and Sujyothi. Only the first two rivers
actually join here and typical of Hindu tradition a thir d underground river joins to make the place holy


Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

adequate to handle the extra load of pilgrims. Many other organizations from the state also
participate in the planning to make this event a success every year. They provide devotional music
and many other charitable services such as free food t o the pilgrims.
In addition, the whole month after the Tula Sankramana (Makara masa) is considered auspicious.

Some Achar family members at Brahma Kundike on Tula Sankramana day 2004

Steady streams of devotees arrive at the temple during this month. The rest of the year sees far
fewer pilgrims and the pace of living at Talacauvery slows down.


Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

Tula Sankramana 2004 (Pilgrims mob Brahma Kundike)


Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

Chapter 6

Historical Events
Re-installation of Idols
The 6 th of May 2001 will forever remain a red-letter day in the history of Sri Moola Cauvery
Temple Complex at Talacauvery. This is also a day to remember for the Talacauvery Archak 1
family who has performed priestly duties at the holy place for over two centuries. It was on this
auspicious day, the missing idols of two of the holy shrines of the temple complex, i.e.,
kshetrapalini 2 Goddess Sri Chamundi and of Lord Sri Naga were re-installed. The original idols
from the open shrines were some how lost sometime about five decades ago.
The Talacauvery Achar family members and their relatives made the entire arrangement for the reinstallation of these idols. Every one contributed monetarily and many participated personally
during the ceremonies. This day was historic because as far as we know, there were no earlier
recorded instances, which involved re-installation of idols in any of the shrines in the temple
It is customary for the government administration of the Talacauvery Temple Complex (Mujrai) to
arrange for the agamic 3 event even in the case minor agamic events. In this exceptional case, the
government entrusted all responsibility of installation of idols, because the Achar family took the
lead in the initiation of the process of discovery of the lost idols and defined the proper ceremonial
rites to be performed. Therefore, the government authorities approved the installation. On the final
day of the multi-day event, the government authorities participated in the ceremonies. A large
number of Talacauvery Achar family members from far off places and their relatives attended the
rare, once in a lifetime installation ceremonies. Also present were members of the temple
committee, representatives of government departments and a large number of i nvitees from the
local area and a few fortunate pilgrims who had come to Talacauvery on that day. In addition,
dignitaries from Kodagu District and members of the press were present. This rare event
orchestrated, funded and managed by the Achar family at the holiest of the temples created an
atmosphere of immense spiritual bliss and evoked a sense of boundl ess joy in the hearts of all the
participants. At the end of the ceremonial rites, the lay, the learned and the press persons sincerely
lauded the noble effort and thanked the Achar family.

1 archaka - Worshiper
2 kshetra-palaka (male) or kshetra-palin i (female) - Guardian of fields, body, or holy place.
3 Agamas - Elaborate rules have been laid out in the agamas and in the Shilpa Sastras (the science of sculpture)
describing the quality requirements of the places where temples are to be built, the kind of images to be
installed, the materials from which they are to be made, their dimensions, proportions, air circulatio n, lighting
in the temple complex etc. The Manasara and Shilpasara are some of the works dealing with these rules. The
rituals followed in worship services each day, also follow rules laid out in the agamas. Thus, the agamas deal
with the philosophy and spiritual knowledge behind the worship of the deity, the yoga and mental discipline
required for this worship, the rules for constructing temples and sculpting images, and the rules pertaining
to conduct of worship services and festivals.


Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

The sequence of events that led to the above historic installation is described briefly below: In
1992, the Kodagu Temple Fund Management Committee headed by Deputy Commissioner had
arranged a Prashna 4 for finding the sanctity related deficiencies associated with the Talacauvery and
Bagamandala temple complexes. They released a printed copy of the deficiencies revealed by the
prashna for limited circulation. However, two or three successive committees which took office
thereafter under the administrative arrangements of the government could not apprehend the
significance of the sanctity related deficiencies and the need to rectify the same. In fact, they always
addressed pilgrim facility improvements rather than the sanctity related deficiencies for almost a
Near the end of year 1999, a pilgrim devotee visiting the temple complex (who is believed to have
Vak powers5 ), clearly restated most of the earlier stated deficiencies. He informed the Archaks
present, that in the primary interest of the Achar family and also the pilgrims visiting the temple day
after day, that they must urge the authorities and the government to rectify the deficiencies in an
expeditious manner.
Taking the advice to heart, the Achar family members recommended to the government officials to
initiate the process of redressing the deficiencies as soon as possible. The family also provided to
the officials as proof, five or six decade old photographs of the shrines with the original idols. They
also informed the officials that the deficiencies could be corrected by performing agamic rituals
with only minor civil works and therefore the government will incur negligible expenses.
The committee deliberating the urgency of the matter, respecting the Achar families familiarity with
agamic matters, thought it fit to entrust the full responsibility of arranging the installation of the
idols to the Talacauvery Achar family. The Achar family took on this responsibility as a privilege,
earned as a reward for the continued devotion and attachment to the temple complex for over two
and half centuries. Preparations began with great enthusiasm and full devotion to the cause. The
Achar family raised all the needed funds from its members and completed the task successfully on
the 6 th of May 2001.
Sri Neeleshwara Padmanabha T anthry presided over the 3-day agamic ceremony for installation of
the idols in the temple complex. The Archak family warmly welcomed the revered Tanthry and his
team of agamic priests 6 on their arrival at Talacauvery. Soon after the welcoming ceremonies, the
Tanthry and his staff began the ritual of agamic sanctification of the sites of the shrines and the new
idols on 4 th of May 2001. Months earlier to the installation ceremonies, the Archak family had
obtained the required idols. Simultaneous to the sanctification process, special poojas were
performed in the family's first ancestral home (presently owned and occupied by Sri
Krishnamoorthy Achar and his brothers).
The next day i.e., 5 th May 2001, the ritualistic poojas and homas connected with the re-installation
of the idols continued, the Archak family's elder members performed special poojas in all the
shrines of the temple complex. At the special pooja of Goddess Sri Moola Cauveriamma, the family
4 prasna (prashna) - Question
5 As a form of Saraswati, the spouse of Brahma or Prajapati (Lord of Creatures) - Matan gi thus grants control over
all creatures. She also like Saraswati, grants Vak- siddhi or Mystic Power of Speech, whereby the Yogi can curse,
bless or whatever he says will manifest, whether again a blessing or creation of some object, desire etc.
6 tantra (thanthra) - Means and methods of utilizing the mantras for one's own good. tantric (thaanthrik).
Relating to tantra


Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

offered a pair of chamaras to the Goddess. This replaced the embellishment missing from the
complement of adornments (revealed by Prashna and Vak) hel d by the authorities.
The installation of the idols was to be done at the auspicious time of 11:02 A.M. (Muhoortha 7 on
the 6th of May 2001. The activities of this final day started early for the Tanthry team, the Achar

Achar Family at The Temple

members and relatives gathered at the ancestral homes in Talacauvery. The agamic rituals started
before dawn accompani ed by blowing of horns (kahale), beating of drums, the clanging of cymbals
and the ringing of bells. Upon hearing these sounds t he family members, young and old got ready to
go to the temple. But they were greeted by a thick layer of fog accompanied by heavy drizzle, which
was not conducive to the trip up the mountain to the temple complex. This weather pattern started
previous evening would have been a detriment for performing the ceremonies as planned. Early
morning as if it were a miracle, or God's response to all the prayers, the rain stopped and the sky
cleared. Soon, all could see was a fresh, bright and delightful morning in and around the holy site.
The weather for the rest of the day was exceptional.

7 Muhoortha - Auspicious time chosen by the priests after consulting the Panchanga and the position of the


Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

Arriving at the temple, all Achar family members and relatives had their customary ablution
(snaana 8) in the sacred tank and a darshana 9 of all the shrines. This was followed by a breakfast
and an informal get together in the temple complex's new communi ty hall. Many came from far
away places; many were meeting each other for the first time or after many years. This get together
was unprecedented and was an enjoyable occasion for one and all. Every one who attended carried
away the joyful memories of the gathering.
As the appointed time for the installation of the idols approached, the family members joined the
special invitees, temple committee members, government dignitaries and members of the press. All
participants witnessed the installation ceremonies performed simultaneously by the Tanthry and his
team of priests with great joy and devotion. Following the installation, the Tanthry and his team
performed special poojas. The participants listened to the chanting of Vedas 10 by a group of
Vedics11 . Others participated in bhajans 12. After prasadam 13 was distributed, every one participated
in a mass feeding arranged by the Achar family. Later that day, in a meeting presided over by the
Tanthry, the temple committee members and the dignitaries heaped praise on the Achar family.
Tradition has it that on such i mportant occasions, a snake would be sighted to display the pleasure
of the Gods. In fact, this did happen and many participants affirm the same having observed a
snake in the holy tank twice on 5th May 2001. This caused slight dismay to the pilgrims taking a
ritual bath in the tank at that time.

Ultimate Peace Ceremonies

Unnatural deaths of some family members caused by illness, accident, suicide etc., are common in
the life of many families. Under such cases it can be assumed that the deceased may not have
reached ultimate peace. Higher station in their after-life after death (sadhgathi 1 ) may have eluded
them. Hindu religion prescribes a course of action by the surviving family members for praying for
the ultimate peace of all the deceased and in particular for enabling such of the ancestors (pitrus16)
to reach sadgathi.
This course of action includes special dedicated rituals to be performed by the family members. It is
believed that the effectiveness of these rituals increase as the collective participation of family
members increase. The performance of these rituals was discussed prior to the re-installation of the
idols ceremonies. In fact prashna astrologers had indicated this ceremony to be mandatory for the
Achar families health, welfare and future prosperity. The plan was discussed in detail during the reinstallation ceremoni es.

8 snaana - Bath
9 darsana (dharshana) - Any of the six principal systems of ancient Indian philosophy; insight or vision of truth
10 Vedas (Vedas). Entire body of ancient sacred revelations of truth, chief among which are four books: the
Rig-Veda, Yajur-Veda, Sama-Veda, and Atharvana-Veda.
11 vedic (Vedhik)- Of or pertaining to the Vedas
12 bhajan - Devotional song(s) to God; community singing of spirituals.
13 prasadha (prasaadha)- Consecrated food
14 sadhgathi - Good path, liberation


Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

The Achar family members implemented this plan by performing three day rituals at Talacauvery on
Feb 2-4, 2002. The first ancestral Achar family house (Tharavadu house) also called Kelaginamane
was chosen for these ceremonies. The ceremonies were well attended by the Achar family members
and invited Brahmins. Competent priests, learned in agamic rituals, performed these rituals. A large
number of family members from far and wide participated in these ceremonies and made it a
resounding success.


Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

Chapter 7

The Coorgies or Kodavas, as the local peoples are called, speak a language called Kodagu. The
coffee and cardamom plantations (the primary agriculture in Coorg) import seasonal labor from
South Canara (Dakshina Kannada) district and northern Kerala state. These laborers also speak
Tulu and/or Malayalam1 . Both Kodagu and Tulu are oral languages only. Kannada l anguage (both
oral and written) is used in schools and commerce. All these languages are classified as part of the
southern Dravidian languages.

The Tulu Language

The Achar family members are fluent in Tulu, Kannada and English. They generally speak Tulu at
home. The language Tulu came from their roots in Dakshina Kannada district. One particular group
of Brahmins (Shivalli) in Dakshina Kannada speaks Tulu. It is an amazing fact that the Achars have
maintained the language traditions for all these generations. The contacts with the other Brahmin
families in and around Dakshina Kannada district are maintained through the traditional arranged
marriages and many religious functions to this day.
Kannada is the language used in schools from primary through high school, and is used for all
business transactions.
The Tulu Language and Tulu script sections were excerpted from publications of Dr. K
Padmanabha Kekunnaya2 . Tulu is a language spoken i n the area situated on the West Coast
extending from the northern part of the undivided Dakshina Kannada di strict (now this part belongs
to the Udupi District) of Karnataka state up to the Kasaragod District (on the northern part) of the
Kerala State. In ancient times this region was called Tulunaadu (the Tulu country) and the people
whose mother tongue is Tulu are called the Tuluvas. Tulu language belongs to the Dravidian group
of languages that are spoken mai nly in South India. Linguists enumerate about 24 Dravidian
languages spread mainly in South India and some parts of North India and in a few areas of
Pakistan. Among a couple of dozens of Dravidian languages a few have evolved into major ones
and have produced i nnumerable literary works for the last two thousand years. These works can
stand on par with other literary works of the world both in quality and quantity. Such developed
languages of the Dravidian family are called as major Dravidian languages.
They are mainly five in number: Tamil, Kannada, Telugu, Tulu and Malayalam. These five major
Dravidian languages together are called as Pancha Dravida Bhashegalu. Unfortunately the
significance of the Tulu language was not recognized until Rev. Caldwell 3 brought out his
monument al work called A Comparative Grammar of the Dravidian or South Indian Family of
Languages In this prestigious work he justifies that notwithstanding its want of a literature, Tulu is
one of the most highly developed languages of the Dravidian family. It was this appraisal that
1 Malayalam is the major language of Kerala state
2 The Tulu Language by Dr. K. Padmanabha Kekunnaya
3 Caldwell, R. 651 pages (Reprinted December 31, 1998) Asian Educational Services, India, ISBN: 8120601173


Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

opened the eyes of the linguists toward Tulu and made them to give due respect and recognition to
it as one of the important and developed Dravidian languages. About 2.5 million people speak
Tulu. A majority of Tulu speaking population is found in the coastal area of Karnataka state. A
good number of Tulu speakers can be seen all over India and also in other parts of the world,
mainly in Gulf countries and in the United States of America.

The Tulu Script

Tulu, one of the major Dravidian languages, also possesses a script. This script is generally called
the Tulu script. However, a strong misconception prevails among many people regarding the
existence and prevalence of this script. They, due to lack of knowledge, hold the opinion that Tulu
script never existed and the so called Tulu script is not Tulu one but Malayalam script. Though the
subject of Tulu script is found to be controversial, it is very clearly proven by scholars, who are well
versed in Tulu and Malayalam language and literature, that it is the Tuluvas who contributed a script
for Malayalam. Malayalam had no script until the Tulu Brahmins' arrival in Kerala. In fact, the
present Malayalam script is nothing but the modified Tulu script.
The Tulu Brahmins were writing the Vedic mantras 4 in Tulu script. When they went to Kerala for
performing poojas in temples they took this script and used it to write everything. As Malayalam
evolved as an independent language almost one thousand five hundred years after Tulu bifurcated
from the Proto-Dravidian, it is foolish to argue that age-old Tulu language borrowed a script for its
own from Malayalam language, which is younger to Tulu. The Tulu inscriptions and the ancient
literary works in Tulu that are available now were all written down in this script. We have, at
present, before us the Tulu Mahabharata ascribed to the 13 th century, epic poems Sri Bhagavata
and Kaveri belonging to the 17 th Century and a prose work Tulu Devimahatme ascribed to the
15 th Century and a few other literary works in Tulu. All these have been written down in Tulu
script. Apart from this, until recently the Tulu Brahmins used to write Vedic mantras in this script
only. Unfortunately, the Tulu script is gradually vanishing. Predominance of the Kannada language,
lack of public instruction in Tulu language etc. are some of the reasons for the Tulu script to lag
behind. Introduction and establishment of the modern printing press by the German missionaries in
Mangalore in the 19 th Century and their trial of printing the Tulu writings in Kannada script are the
major reasons for the Tulu script to go behind the scenes. The Kannada script ably occupied the
place of the Tulu script by the first half of the 19 th Century. At present, Tulu writing is carried
exclusively in the Kannada script.

4 Mantra is a Sanskrit word combining the two syllables: man, meaning mind, and tra translated as deliverance


Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

Chapter 8

Evolution of A Life Style

Life style changes forced upon by family expansion over many generations are an ev olution that
leads in many cases to the overall betterment of the family. Growth can only be handled by
increasing the available resources. Achar family resources have changed over generations. The
family had to evolve to adapt to these changes. Up to the early fifties, the primary resources of the
Achar family were limited to the income from the temple and ancestral properties. As the family
grew in numbers, and t imes were changing, these resources were not sufficient to support the
desired life styles. Two distinct paths opened up at this time. The first path lead to higher education
and its associated higher income pot ential and the other in agriculture.
Educational opportunities started to become increasingly common in the newly independent nation
of India. Public transportation systems were developing and distances were no longer a barrier to
progress. A large number of family members sought higher education and left the priesthood to
earn a better living. Doors that opened up for bet ter living through education required them to move
out of Talacauvery to live in large cities where the new jobs were being created. They spread out
and established their livelihood around t he state and the country. Most of them moved to
At the same time land reform acts in the south Indian states essentially eliminated the absentee
landlords. The state of Kerala, with a duly elected communist government, was the leader in land
reform. If the absentee landlord expected to keep his agricultural land, he needed t o take
possession and start to cultivate the land on his own. Otherwise the land reverted to the tenant over
a period of ten years. To avoid the loss of agricultural properties, a few family members moved out
of Talacauvery, took active interest in cultivating their own land and became agriculturists. Rest
(very few) stayed on in Talacauvery to follow the old family tradition of priesthood and to perform
the traditional temple duties.

The sanctum sanctorum of Goddess Cauvery, which includes the ablution tank (Kola), Brahma
Kundike and other structures of the temple, are located in the 46 cents of land under survey no. 3,
belonging to the government, according to the Register of Tenancy Certificate (RTC) provided by
the Revenue Department. The land is in Cherangala village, Bagamandala hobli, Madikeri taluk of
Kodagu district. The nomencl ature for the plot of land (46 cent s) is Kaveramma's temple in
Talacauvery1 .
The plot of land under survey no. 2/2 measuring 29.60 acres, does not comprise the temple
structure but is termed as the land surrounding Talacauvery (Forest Paisary) and it belongs to the
Forest Department. The land is in Cherangala village, Bagamandala hobli, Madikeri taluk. Apart
from the above two plots is the 1.91 acre pl ot under survey no. 4 of the same village, in which stand
the residential and other structures of the priests of the temple, located due east of the main shrine
of Cauvery. This plot of land belongs to the Temple Committee, according to the RTC. This means
1 Coffeeland News, Online Edition , March 23, 2003,


Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

that the Achar family members do not legally own the property on which their houses are built
unless they represent the Temple Committee.

Early Years
Up until mid twentieth century, Achar family resources included income from performing the daily
poojas at the Talacauvery temple, performing additional services for the pilgrims and income from
family properties. The duties of the temple kept them essentially bound to Talacauvery. The temple
poojas probably provided about half the income needed for taking care of day-to-day living
expenses. The rest had to come from the personal properties.
Under independent India, the local government is in charge of a majority of temples and is
responsible for day-to-day operations and long-term maintenance. They, under the auspices of the
Mujrai department, provide minimal compensat ion to the priests. This compensation is mostly in
kind, such as rice, coconuts and other daily needs for performing the daily poojas. The Achars had
to supplement this income with other resources.
Supplemental income was generated from the pilgrims. The pilgrims would pay for the services of
the priests for performing special poojas on their behalf at the temple or sometimes at the Achar
family homes. Some of the Achars had cultivated a good following of devotees who were regulars
at the temple. It must be noted that some of the Brahmins also perform weddings, thread
ceremonies, Satyanarayana pooja, homas and other functions and collect a fee for such services.
Some of these Brahmins make a good living performing such activities. The Achar family members
were not involved in such activities. The only religious functions performed by them related to the
daily poojas at the Talacauvery temple. By the early fifties, four branches of the family shared the
temple pooja functions. Each branch or house i n Talacauvery was responsible for about 3 months
of the temple activities. Since the three-month period, which included the Tula Sankramana, was
the most lucrative, this period was also shared such that each family branch got this time every four
years. Rest of the househol d expenses were covered by the income from their agricultural
properties. Most of the Achar family ancestral properties were in Parappe in Kasargod taluk of
Kerala state. These properties were rice fields with many coconut trees. These fields would produce
up to three crops of rice a year depending on the availability of water. For a long time Achars were
absentee landlords of these properties. The tenants lived at the properties, cultivated the land and
paid back half of the production to their landlords. The Achars would visit their properties a few
times a year and collect the rent. The rent was sometimes in kind and at other times in value. The
tenants were mostly Kerala Muslims, locally known as Mapilles or byarys.
During the early sixties land reform was in full swing, in the State of Kerala and elsewhere. These
acts transferred the property rights over a period of time from the absentee landlords to the tenants
who cultivated the land. During this period some of the Achar family members repossessed their
land from the tenants and started to cultivate and manage it. They had to move away from
Talacauvery and build houses at their properties. They are now living at their properties and are
prospering. They have converted some of the land to produce cash crops of areca nut. Others, who
could or would not do this, because they had better jobs in large cities or did not have the desire or
will to do the same, lost their landed propert ies forever.
Finally, some of the Achar families had Ellaki Malai of a few hundred acres of forest land leased
from the government. These estates were between 3 to 10 miles from Talacauvery. The cardamom

Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

had to be harvested by hand during the monsoon, dried and processed using manual labor. Achar
families imported seasonal labor from South Canara District and northern Kerala State to work
these cardamom estates.
The cardamom estates were far away from Bagamandala and essentials had to be hand carried by
laborers. The paths to the estates were in many cases rather steep and narrow. No one coul d carry
more than 25 pounds of g rains or other essentials at a time. At times these estates were very
lucrative and at other times when the market prices for cardamom fell, they were not. But in the end
Achar families monetarily benefited from these estates.

The Present
As the family grew in numbers, it became very clear that the meager resources of the Achar family
were not sufficient to support all of them in reasonable lifestyles. The Talacauvery houses were
becoming crowded. There was a need to expand their horizons and obtain skills other than
priesthood. India became a free nation on August 15, 1947. E ducation opened the doors for many
Indian citizens. It became a priority for the younger generations of Achars. To obtain higher
education they had to leave Talacauvery. Many sought and excel led in higher education and
became professionals. They moved on and left Talacauvery. The transition from priesthood to
professional life began in earnest in the early 1960s. Many attained high positions in industry and
government. Currently, there are many doctors, engineers, lawyers and teachers in the Achar family.
A few run their own small businesses. Some have emigrated to the United States of America. In
spite of going into and excelling in many respectable vocations, Achars have not yet dabbled in
politics at the local or national level in India.
Very few Achar family members are living at Talacauvery at this writing. Generally, Achar families
who left Talacauvery and established themselves elsewhere are prospering. It is conceivable that in
the near future Talacauvery may be left without any Achar family members and an entire lifestyle
devoted to priesthood at the Cauvery temple may come to a sad end. A simple life style of devotion
and piety to Goddess Cauveriamma, with negligible stresses of the modern world is a great loss to a
majority of present generation of Achars


Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

Chapter 9

Biographical Data
Talacauvery Achar family genealogy starts with Venkappayya (Generation 1) and continues through
the current generation (Generation 10). Most of the information for generations one through five is
missing since they are long gone. In many case names of the spouses are missing. Sreenivasa Achar
(Baludyamma) of generation 6 had gathered a great deal of information about the senior members
of the family. But unfortunately, due to lack of foresight, what he knew and attempted to pass on
verbally was never documented. Information gathered here is a bare minimum and does not include
dates of birth and death. Such information is hard to come by. It will be worthwhile to gather dates
of birth and death as well as photographs of individuals. Such a task is currently beyond the scope
of this effort.
During the period of time from generation six through ten, the family has grown very large. It is
increasingly difficult to keep track of all the members. The modern worl d appears to scatter family
members to four corners of the globe in search of their fame and fortune. The close-knit multigeneration extended family is gone forever and is being replaced by nuclear families. This nuclear
family provides higher mobility and opportunity.
Ramakrishna Acha r
He was the eldest son of Shankaranarayana Achar. He was tall and fair. He was known to be quite
a figure in village politics at Parappe in Kasaragod taluk. He was a tough and powerful village Patel.
His widowed mot her was unabl e to deal with him, left the village with her other three sons
(Ramanna Achar, Shankaranarayana Achar and Padmanabha Achar) and settled in Talacauvery. He
continued to live at Parappe. He had onl y one daughter and passed away in his middle age.

+ Gangamma
6 Ramakrishna Achar
+ Padmavathy
6 Ramanna Achar
+ Savitri
6 Kamala
+ Rao Bahadoor Sripathi Rao
6 Bhageerathi
Chennakeshava Kadambalithaya
6 Shankaranarayana Achar
+ Gangamma
6 Savitri
+ Ramakrishna Kedilaya
6 Gangamma
+ Srinivasayya
6 Padmanabha Achar
+ Parameshwari


Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

He also had a mistress (name unknown) of lower caste in Parappe. Parappe is a village in
Kasaragod taluk of Kerala state. With this mistress he had many children, mostly sons. They were
handsome people and had some resemblance to the sons of Ramanna Achar. They were not
educated and made their living taking care of the rice fields owned by Ramakrishna Achar. This
branch of the Achar family tree has no connection to the rest, because of the serious caste bias,
which existed during those days. As a matter of fact most Achar family members of recent
generations do not even know this story. When informed about this history they do not want to
accept it as fact. There is still some amount of shame associated with associating with members of
the lower castes.

Ramanna Achar, his brothers Shankaranarayana Achar and Padmanabha Achar and their families
lived in Hosamane.
Ramanna Achar
Ramanna Achar discontinued his education at Kasaragod to join his
mother in Talacauvery at an early age. His mother, Gangamma was a very
capable woman and managed the affairs of Hosamane until Ramanna
Achar became an adult and became the head of the family. He was a God
fearing man, respected his elders and led a life devoted to his family. In
his later days, he was very powerful, did money-lending business and
leased a cardamom estate from the government. He performed poojas at
the temple with the assistance of his brothers.

Ramanna Achar

His two younger brothers Shankaranarayana and Padmanabha and t heir families lived with him as
an extended family in Hosamane. Ramanna Achar left a lasting legacy in Talacauvery. The hills of
Talacauvery had many loose stones, some as large as six inches in diameter. Ramanna Achar was
concerned about the safety of the cows stepping on these loose stones and getting hurt during
grazing. Over the years, he piled these stones into large piles, some as large as four feet in diameter
and three feet high. This shows that he was a kind-hearted man. Some of these piles are still there.
Those of us visiting Talacauvery should think of Ramanna Achar when we see t hese stone piles
6 Ramanna Achar
+ Savitri
7 Venkatramana Achar
+ Kaveriamma
7 Keshava Achar
7 Dr. Laxmana Achar
+ Laxmi
7 Kaveriamma
+ Venkatramana Kolathaya
7 Narayan Rao
+ Susheela
7 Damodara Achar
+ Laxmi
7 Ganga
+ Shankaranarayana Kedilaya

Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

7 Saraswathi
+ Vishnu Kedilaya
7 Raghavendra Achar
+ Prema
7 Dr. Anantha Achar
+ Shantha
He had an advanced outlook and consi dered education to be important. This was probably due to
the inuence of his brother-in-law Rao Bahadoor Sripathy Rao. He was the first one to send his sons
for higher education. Two of them became doctors and the third became an engineer. He liked to
sit on a wooden chair on the front porch of Hosamane and talk for hours to people visiting
Talacauvery. During those days, this was the only means of communication and obtaining
information from the outside world. Even the visit from the postman on Friday evening was an
important occasion. There were no radios, telephones or newspapers i n Talacauvery until the late
Ramanna Achar had seven sons and three daughters. He was a healthy man till the very end. Even
on his last day, he performed the daily poojas at the home shrine, ate his lunch and as usual took a
nap. He never woke up from his nap. He passed away in 1955. Hosamane was never the same
again. Immediately after his passing, the house was divided into two sections for the two remaining
brothers, one for Shankaranarayana Achar and the other for Padmanabha Achar. The house that
once had a single extended family of over 20 people with a united cooking and house keeping was
suddenly divided. The two brothers maintained separate cooking and house keepi ng facilities until
they too passed away. Ramanna Achar's wife Savitri went to live with her sons in Bangalore or
Mangalore. His grandchildren moved back with their respective parents in Madikeri and Puttur.
Basically, Ramanna Achar's sons and their families severed all connections to Talacauvery at this
point in time. Table below shows Ramanna Achar's children and their spouses.
Male members of the Hosamane family except Gopala Achar have left Talacauvery in search of
fame and fortune. Only Gopala Achar, a victim of polio lives in the ancestral home and does the
two months temple pooja, originally shared equally between Ramanna Achar, Shankaranarayana
Achar and Padmanabha Achar.
Venkatramana Achar
My father, Venkatramana Achar was the eldest son of Ramanna Achar.
He was the first fromTalacauvery family to attend college in Mangalore.
During those days, there was no public transportation available to go to
Mangalore. He had to walk down the hill for about 20 miles to South
Canara District and then probably use public transportation. It must have
been a two day affair just to travel a distance of about 100 miles. He
completed the first two years of college and then for some inexplicable
reason dropped out. He never talked about it and we did not have the
guts to ask him. He became a middle school teacher first at the
Bagamandala school and later on at the Board High School at Puttur,
Venkatramana Achar
South Canara District. He retired from the Board High School during the
mid sixties at age fifty five. People were forced to retire at this age to create more jobs under the
socialist government of India.


Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

He was proud of his command of English language and often quoted from Shakespeare's plays. He
was an avid reader of The Hindu, the English language newspaper published in Madras. Some one
in Puttur passed it on to him after they read it. He was always up to date with the current events. He
forced me to read the newspaper and I have now subscribed to a daily newspaper ever since I was
about 20 years old.
As a school teacher his income was small. He rented a small apartment belonging to Ananda Rao
for Rs. 10 a month. When all six of his children started living with him it was rather crowded but
we managed and then one by one his children started going to college and left home. Later on my
father moved to a small rental house in Dr. Thimmayya Bhat's compound. Much later he moved in
with my youngest brother, Ananatha and his family in Bangalore.
My father's demands from life were rather minimal. All he wanted was to provide an engineering
education for his children so that they will not be encumbered by poverty. Education for his sons
was paramount in his mind and nothing came in the way. He spent his hard earned savings and a
majority of his inheritance for education of his children. Three of his sons became engineers. Even
after his retirement he did not go back to Talacauvery. He could have easily gone back and l ived a
life of a temple priest which would have limited his children's opportunities. After my grandfather
passed away in 1955, my father managed the Parappe properties for his brothers. Even though the
property (rice fields) was divided equally amongst the six brothers, he collected the rent from the
tenants and distributed it evenly to his brothers until the property reverted back to the tenants due to
land reforms passed by the Kerala state legislature.
My father was a gentle soul. He was afraid of places he had not seen when he was young. He cared
for his children very much but was not able to communicate with them. He was a stern
disciplinarian and he only told us what to do, but never asked us how or what we felt.
Communication was just one way under his strict guidance. My brother had a unusual incidence
with him which shows the character of fathers during those days. One day my father and Anant ha
were traveling by bus to attend a function at some relatives place. They had a stop over in a small
town and my father took my brother to a restaurant, in this case an Udupi Hotel. My father ordered
a coffee for himself and a Kashaya1 for my brother. These were served in glass tumblers. My
brother took a sip and the glass slipped from his hands and broke i nto pieces. Now my father had
to payfor the broken glass as well and it upset him very much. That was the end. My brother did not
get anymore kashaya to drink.
Laxmana Achar
Dr. Laxmana Achar was the first one from the Talacauvery Achar family to get a medical degree.
What is amazing about Laxmana Achar is that his father Ramanna Achar did not provide him the
means to go to college. He did it on his own. After graduation from medical school, he started his
medical practice in Bangalore in a clinic just behind city market. His clinic included a small
pharmacy. He not only examined the sick patients but also sold the required medication from his
pharmacy. He was also the first one from the Talacauvery family to own a car and have his own
large house in Bangalore. He was the nicest of all Ramana Achar's children by far.
He had two daughters, Sneha and Bharathi. He liked children very much and was willing to talk to
them with great deal of respect. He regretted the British leaving India. He saw the loss of the quality
of life with the socialistic from of government imposed by Jawaharlal Nehru. He abhorred the
resulting political corruption and wished the British were back in control in India.

Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

Narayan Rao
Uncle Narayana Achar called himself Narayan Rao. He was a jolly man with a permanent broad
smile on his face. He lived most of his life in Bangalore. He was a jack of all trades and he excel led
in everything he touched. He was a self made business man. Without the benefit of higher
education, he dabbled in many things, including running a Udupi hotel, running a taxi cab service,
and distributing south Indian movies to local theaters. He traveled all over Karnataka, Tamilnadu
and Andhra Pradesh states on business. He was adept in managing to survive in the dog eat dog
business world. He was in his domain, as a contractor when he had his house built. He was a very
proud of his accomplishments and always lent a kind and unselfish hand to the younger generation
of the Achar family. He made a significant impact on every one of the younger generation he came
into contact with during his life.
There was no one else in the Achar family that could claim the title of eternal optimist. It was
always a delight to listen to him talk about the business world. His relationship with his elder
brother Dr. Laxmana Achar was strong and unconditional. They were the first two brothers from
Talacauvery to settle down in Bangalore and provide a bright and shining beacon to all the rest of
the Achar family members. Many more followed in their footsteps and now Bangalore has the
largest number of Achar fami ly members.
My uncle Narayana Rao had a hand in my getting admission at the Gulbarga Engineering College.
Because of the reverse discrimination practiced in the field of education I was out of luck in
obtaining admission to any engineering college. In an attempt to influence the outcome, my uncle
took me to various engineering colleges in Mysore state. He talked extensively to the admissions
people until we found that I had no chance. He kept going to each college and finally ended up at
Gulbarga where a new college was being established. After consulting with the admissions peopl e
he left me to wait for the final outcome. After he left, I was fortunate to meet one of the founders of
the college and was admitted. If Narayana Rao had not taken me to visit the colleges, my life would
have been different. As it turned out he made a significant impact on my future and I am truly
grateful. I remember him often.
He lived a few blocks away from my uncle Raghavendra Achar. He and his wife Susheela had two
daughters named Asha and Rekha.
Damodara Achar
Damodara Achar, the fifth son of Rammanna Achar, spent most of life as an employee of Canara
Corporation Bank, first in Virajpet and later on in Madikeri and Mysore. After Ramanna Achar
passed away in 1955, he was in charge of running the Elakki Malai2 in Kodagu. Ramanna Achar
had a lease of 400 acres of the malai property. Damodara Achar would hire the seasonal labor from
Kerala, market the cardamom produced att he malai and then distribute the proceedi ngs equally to
the six brothers. After a while the earnings from the malai started becoming smaller and smaller,
until finally it completely stopped. Running the malai must have been very lucrative for him and his
family although most of his brothers did not share equally from the ancestral property.
The malai, Jamma Malai, a perpetual lease from early kings of Kodagu some how is no longer
shared by all the heirs of Rammana Achar. At this writing I do not have any clue at all about the
malai and what happened to the perpetual lease.

Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

The Karnataka state government is attempting to terminate the perpetual lease agreement with the
50 or so Kodagu families. Recently the Jamma Malai Owners Association has started battling the
government for compensation as part of the lease termination process.
Raghavendra Achar
Raghavendra Achar was the first engineer from the Talacauvery family. After graduation from the
Bangalore Engineering College, he started working for Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL), a whole
owned undertaking of the Government of India. Those were the days of centrally planned economy
a la Jawaharlal Nehru. While he was employed at BEL, he was sent to England for training, once
again the first Achar family member to go overseas. Many younger generation Achar family
members were inspired by this trail blazer of a man and have tried to emulate his success. He rose
through the ranks to become the Deputy General Manager of Bharat Electronics Limited. Finally he
did a stint in managing the New York office of the company just prior to his retirement. He has one
son named Ravi and a daughter named Rajani. Both of his children are
settled in the U.S.A. He lives in Bangalore with his wife Prema.
Raghavendra Achar provided the only chance I had i n obtaining an
engineering education. After completing my first year in College,
obtaining a Pre-University Course certificate, I was rejected by all the
engineering colleges in erstwhile Madras State. This rejection was the
result of extreme reverse discrimination practiced on brahmi ns. This
discrimination was mandated by the Indian constitution formulated in
the mind set of Jawaharlal Nehru. The constitution mandated
Raghavendra Achar
discrimination in the form of a quota system. For all the sins committed
by the upper cast e brahmins over the lower castes in the past, my generation of brahmins were the
first ones to pay retribution. Using the quota system, the brahmins were discriminated in the
educational field and government jobs. My fundamental right of getting a good education became a
victim of misguided principles of a socialistic form of government.
At the point in time my uncle came to my rescue by providing a solution that required me to stay at
his at in Malleswaram, attend the second year of college and then apply again to engineering
colleges in Mysore state. This process finally resulted in my getting admission to the Gulbarga
Engineering college, thus changing my life for ever. My uncle was newly married at that time. He
and his wife Prema let me spend a year at their house. My life changed for the better by this
generosity on the part of my uncle and auntie. I am eternally grateful.
Anantha Achar
Anantha Achar was the youngest son of Ramanna Achar. He was the second doctor in the family
from Talacauvery after his elder brother Laxmana Achar. He graduated with a M.B.B.S degree from
the Madras University Medical College. After graduation from medical college and completing his
residency in Madras, he married Shantha and started his medical practice in Tuticorin along side his
father-in-law. He was a brilliant man. Later on, he became a professor at Hubli Medical College.
Unfortunately, he passed away at a young age from brain cancer. He is survived by three children,
Geeta, Raghuram and Murali and his wife Shantha. He was the first one in Talacauvery to buy a
camera and the few pictures of the family, including his father and mother were taken by him in the
mid nineteen fifties. He was kindest uncle one could ever wish to have. Many more Achar family

Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

members have persued medical education since the trail blazing done by Anantha Achar.

Shankaranarayana Achar
He was the younger brother of Ramanna Achar and lived with him at
Hosamane. His wife Gangamma and Ramanna Achar's wife Savitri were
sisters. He had four sons and t hree daughters. He was fair and had a
medium build. He was a mild mannered person, was hardworking and
generally kept to himself. He performed regular pooja at the temple. He
developed high skills at carpentry and possessed a full compliment of

Shankaranarayana Achar

Many of carpentry work of Hosa mane was the outcome of his skill and labor. He had a air labor.
He had a air for climbing hills and used to visit the cardamom est ates to help his elder brother.
6 Shankaranarayana Achar
7 Satyabhama
+ Seetarama Kekunnaya
7 Gopala Achar
7 Bhageerathi
+ Rama Padvetnaya
7 Lopamudre
+ Gopalakrishna Kalluraya
7 Shankara Achar
+ Kamalaxi
7 Ramakrishna Achar
+ Girija
7 Keshava Achar
7 Kamala
+ Venkat Rao

Padmanabha Achar
He was the youngest brother of Ramanna Achar, had a son and two daughters. He was nick named
as Baddajja because he was pleasingly plump. He was very fair in complexion, if dressed properly
would be mistaken for a foreigner. He was quiet, mild mannered, kind hearted and was the most
frugal member of Hosamane. He loved good food and sweet s in particular. Children would run
after him for the sweats, he would prepare at the temple at the end of the poojas. He had great
sense of humor and woul d greet every body with his characteristic pleasant smile.
6 Padmanabha Achar
+ Parameshwari
7 Savitri
+ Hebbar
7 Narayana Achar
+ Shobini

Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

7 Jayalaxmi
+ Radhakrishna Kalluraya
There is an interesting story about Baddajja. It seems that one day during the monsoon, Baddajja
had completed the morning pooja at the temple. It was raining heavily, and he decided to stay at the
temple to perform the evening pooja before going back home. T here is a small kitchen at the temple
used to cook rice that has to be offered to the Goddess Cauvery during the morning pooja.
Normally after the morning pooja the rice is carried down to the house and used for the midday
meal. This day, he cooked some vegetables, ate a good lunch and started to relax for an afternoon
nap. As he was about to doze off, he heard some one outside the kitchen. He looked out and found
a tall man under an umbrella protecting himself from the heavy downpour. This man asked for
some food to eat from Baddajja. Since there was a lot of cooked rice left, Baddajja offered him
some. The man ate the rice, thanked Baddajja and started walking away into the heavy rain. That is
when Baddajja looked down and saw that man's feet were very dusty and dry. This was amazing
because the rain was coming down in torrents. Baddajja immediately realized that the man was not
really an ordinary man, but probably was God, who had came t o test his disciple Baddajja.
Srinivasa Achar
He was the cousin of Ramanna Achar and lived with him in Hosamane. He had one son named
Ananthakrishna and one daughter named Vedavathi. He left Hosamane in the early fifties, first
settled in Bhagamandala at the temple and later settled permanently at Kakkappadi at his ancestral
property. He was short, medium built, wheatish in complexion. He was very sincere and hard
working. He was a Sanskrit scholar and had a wide fund of knowledge. He was the only person in
Talacauvery who knew the complete history of Talacauvery family starting from Venkappaya. He
was a teacher to a majority of the children of Hosamane family. He was adept in cooking. He had a
kind heart. He, by his hard work, built almost from scratch his house at Kakkadappadi and lived
there with his wife and children. He used to come to Talacauvery to perform his portion of the
pooja at the temple.
6 Srinivasa Achar
+ Mahalaxmi
7 Anantha Krishna Achar
+ Vasanthi
7 Vedavathi
+ Subba Rao

This house is the only house in Talacauvery with a first floor. This house, to the west of Hosamane,
facing east belonged to three brothers Krishna Achar, Narayana Achar and Padmanabha Achar.
Vishnu Achar, eldest son of Krishna Achar settled in Dhakshina Kannada. Subraya Achar son of
Narayana Achar passed away early. Padmanabha Achar the youngest brother became the head of
the extended family. With his own three sons,
Vasuadeva Achar, Narayana Achar, Srinivasa Achar and his two nephews, Ranga Achar,
Narasimha Achar and Seetarama Achar lived together in Melinamane.
4 Vishnu Achar

Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

+ Wife
5 Krishna Achar
+ Wife
6 Vishnu Achar
+ Gangamma
6 Kavery
6 Ranga Achar
+ Kaveriamma
5 Narayanachar
+ Wife
6 Subraya Achar
+ Padmavathi
6 Narasimhachar
+ Bhageerathi
6 Seetaramachar
+ Laxmi
6 Satyabhama
+ Subraya
5 Padmanabhachar
+ Wife
+ Kamala
6 Vasudevachar
+ Kaveriamma
6 Narayanachar
+ Laxmi
6 Srinivasachar
+ Krishnaveni
Padmanabha Achar
Padmanabha Achar was fai r, tall and handsome wi th a broad forehead al ways wearing a tilak. He
had a owing beard with a shawl on his shoulders and resembled Rabindranath Tagore. He was well
versed in Sanskrit, Telugu and Kannada. Duri ng his younger days he used to ride down the hill on
horseback to Bhagamandala. He lived a life of priestly purity amid a large joint family and passed
away at a ripe old age of 93 years.
Vishnu Achar
Padmamabha Achar's elder brother's son was fair and tall. He migrated to Dhakshina Kannada in
his earlier days and settled down there. He had a large family. He used to come to Talacauvery
during Tu1amasa and on ot her special occasions. He lived a long and happy life.
Ranga Achar
The younger brother of Vishnu Achar was fair and had a mustache. He was very simple, hard
working. He had a passion for collecting small logs of wood while coming home in the evening.
One day he was coming home from Bhagamandala at nightfall. The dim moonlight was falling on
the road. When he was crossing a drainage ditch across the road, he found a black wooden stick
that stretched across the drainage ditch. He bent to collect the same and when he touched it, he

Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

heard a hissing sound and he real ized that it was a snake.

Narasimha Achar
He was called Mr.Clean a title most appropriate for his personal cleanliness and clothes he wore.
His cleanliness included his room, his bed and everything he touched. He was a thorough
Seetarama Achar
Tall and dark compl exioned was very active till the end. He had an i mmense capaci ty to mix with
relatives and pilgrims alike. He was a fast talker, loved good food especially jack fruit and mango.
He was known to
be a good cook.
Seetajja as he was affectionately called by the children, and Baddajja were always in friendly rivalry
in providing the services to the pilgrims. This competition was based on t he monetary compensation
received from the devotees. During the off season, that is other than Tulamasa, each one woul d sit
on the front porch of their houses scanning the footpath leading to the temple, ever vigilant of
pilgrims arriving at the temple. On a good day two or three families may arrive at Talacauvery. As
soon as Seetajja and Baddajja spotted a pilgrim family they would rush to the temple and whomever
arrived first would perform the special poojas for the pilgrims and get compensated financially.
Vasudeva Acha r
He was medium built, dark complexioned, very composed. He was a man of few words. He left
Talacauvery at an early age and worked as an overseer in the Public Works Department in
Dhakshina Kannada.
Narayana Achar
He was fair, average build and humorous in nature. He was also a Sanskrit Scholar. He taught
initially Sanskrit and later Kannada at Central High School, Madikeri. He had to his credit the
Kannada translation of Cauvery Mahatme extracted from Skanda Purana. He composed four
Suprabhatas3 for sacred temples of Talacauvery,4 Bagamandala, Udupi and Kukkesubramany a. Dr.
T. N. Vyasa Rao (Plastic Surgeon) and T. N. Satyamoorthy (Retired BEL General Information
Offcer) of Bangalore are his sons.
Srinivasa Achar
He was medium built and dark complexioned. After his marriage, he migrated to Dakshina
Kannada and settled down in his wife's property. He was extremely good in the art of drawing. He
used to sketch persons and landscape in a matter of seconds.

Very little of Kelaginamane is left. Nobody now lives in this house. Part of the house has been
razed to the ground.


Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

Krishna Achar
Kelaginamane, where Krishna Achar was the head of the family, was the Tharavadu house5 of
Talacauvery family. A towering man, wheatish in complexion, he would fully fill even the largest
chair. He along with Padmanabha Achar of Melinamane and Ramanna Achar of Hosamane formed
a harmonium trio. On all special occasions, like the visit of religious leaders and other dignitaries,
he used to dress appropriately, receive visitors with great zeal and dignity and perform special
poojas at the sacred Talacauvery temple. He was a learned man and was considered authority on
several subjects. By virtue of his personality he used to stand out among the trio.
Vasudeva Achar
Very little was known about him. He passed away at an early age.

This house has now been completely razed to the ground. Shankara Achar along with his brother
Ramachandra Achar and their families lived in this house. Shankara Achar was fair and handsome.
He was very honest and upright individual. He had a large family.
Ramachandra Achar
He was short and wheatish in complexion, very intelligent and hard worki ng.


Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy


Achar Family Phone Book

W/O Ramachandra Kalkoor
No. 28, Devi Krupa Cauverybai Layout
Apparao Road, Chamrajpet
Bangalore 560 018
80 2652 5492
Ananthakrishna Acharya
S/O T. Srinivasa Acharya
Srinivas Kakkapady P.O Parappa
Delampady Via Mulleria 671 543
Kasaragod Taluk Kerala
4994 270 292
Asha P.V. Jagadish
Deepa 31 Asha Officers Colony
Secundarabad 500 556
Andhra Pradesh
40 2779 1330
Balakrishna Kolathaya, N
Sudha Industries
Opposite Raghavendra Matt
Kallere Puttur D.K Karanataka
8251 620 498
Bharathi Irnuraya (Laxmamma)
Door No 303 Adarsh Palace
47 th Cross, 11 th Main 4 th Block
Bangalore 560 041
80 2699 0162
Bhaskar Achar Dr
51 Crestwood Lane
Williams Ville N.Y 14221 U.S.A
001 716 838 6767

Ananth Achar T.V

No. 260, 12 th Cross, 4 th Main
BEML Layout, 1 st Stage
Basaveshwara Nagar
Bangalore 560 079
80 2348 9467
Aravinda Achar T.R
Kaverikrupa Elemale Nelloore,
Kenraji Sulya Taluk D.K
8257 684 316
W/O Raghurama Bhat
Kumuda General Stores
Meghana Complex
Shettar Colony
P.B. Road Dharwad 4
W/O Vasudeva Ungrupulithaya
Pernaje House
P.O Pernaje, Via Kav
Puttur Taluk, D.K Karnataka
8251 649 204
Bharathi Saralaya Dr.
No 20 Shankarmutt Road
Bangalore 4
944 8408 946

W/O K.P. Ananthakrishna Kudannaya
Laxminivasa Estate
P.O Kodagarahalli Shunttikoppa,
Kodagu Karnataka
8276 662 126


Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

Chandrashekara Acharya
S/O Vishnu Acharya
Kaverikripa Mulleria 671 543
Kasargod Dist Kerala
4994 260 102
Geetha Dr. Pothi
No. 4 Shanta Nivas
Balaclava Canoor Nilgiris 643 102
4232 207 338
Gopalakrishna Acharya K S
/O Padmanabha Acharya
Angeerasa Peraja, P.O Parappe
Delampady Via Mullaria
Kerala 671 543
4994 270 263
W/O Radhakrishna M
Lecturer In Micro Biology
KMC. Balmata Mangalore D.K
8242 575 021
Jayalaxmi Vijaya Balakrishnan
24, Ibrahim Saheb Street
Opp To Railway Press (Madras)

Jayaprakash 523 42891

Jayasheela B.D.K. Rao

B.H. Road 5 th Cross, Basavanagudy
Shimoga Karnataka
8182 227 830
Keshava Kadambalithaya
S/O Sreedhara Kadambalithaya Volesari,
P.O Belluru Via Mulleria 671 543
Kasaragod Taluk Kerala
4994 260 324
4994 260 066

W/O Radhakrishna Ballal
Kaveri House
Sri Durga Parameshwari Temple Road
Ambagilu Puttur P.O Udupi 576 125
8252 580 230
Gopala Achar T.S
Bhagamandala Post Kodagu District
8272 243 236
Guruprasad T. J
Door No. 68 Raghavendra Block
12th Main Road
Bangalore 560 085
Jagadish T.D
Thejas 6 150/1, J.B. Lobo Road
Mangalore 575 006
8242 458 723
W/O Ramakrishna Nidvanaya
Kayarthod House P.O Mandekolu
Sullia Taluk, D.K
8257 85 611
Jayarama Acharya
S/O Rangacharya
Sreeranga Nilaya Meleheonbe
P.O Balambi, Via Sampaji Kodagu
0825 756 243
W/O Shivakrishna Somayaji
Mule, Mullya, P.O Ajjavar
Sullia Taluk Karnataka
8257 603 111
Krishnamurthy T.R
143, 15 th Cross, 1 st Block
Bangalore 560 010
80 2342 0779


Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

Kusuma Vasuki
159 KSRTC Layout
J.P. Nagar, II Phase
Bangalore 80 2663 9707
Door No. 303 Adarsh Palace 47 th Cross,
11 th Main 5 th Block
Jayanagar Bangalore 560 041
80 2699 0162
W/O Ramakrishna Nurithaya
Rtd. Agri Civil Engineer Mundaji P.O
Via Ujire Belthangady Taluk. D.K
0825 661 415
Manamohan T.D
1469, Sannidhi
Poornadrishti Main Road
C & D Block Kuvempunagar
Mysore 570 023
8212 541 278
Malavika Suresh Rao
No. 110, 11 th Cross, 6 th Main
Bangalore 560 003
80 2334 2399
Nagesh Rao
Flat No. 2E, Pavan Paradise
63A Saimandir Road 1st Cross,
1 st Block Thyagarajnagar
Bangalore 560 028
80 2676 8845
Narayana Achar T.S
Bhagamandala Post Kodagu District
Nirmala W/O Ramakrishna Ballakuraya
Vyasachal Compound Bhoja Rao Lane
Dongarakere Mangalore 575 003
Padma Dayananda Rao
Latha Estates Kothhur
Bannerghatta Road
Bangalore 560 083
80 2641 464

W/O Shyama Rao
Sarvesha Sadana
Near St. Philomina College Puttur D.K
Dr. Laxminarayana
16, Suleman Zakaria Layout
Kasamajor Road Egmore
Madras 8
44 2819 4806
W/O Padmanabha Rao
Retd. Teacher Pedamale, P.O Batrakodi
Via Kulashekara Mangalore Taluk
8242 272 408
Murali Acharya
Plot No. 33, Door 24 S waminagar Extn
Muragappa Street
Ullagaram Chennai 91
44 2445 5627
Murthy (Vittals Brother)
80 2342 0779
80 2839 4300

Narayana Achar T.R

No. 34, Puttanna Road
Bangalore 560 004

Narayana T.D 0872 25055

W/O Ajit Kumar Iddya
Achuta Rao Road
Shimoga Karnataka
W/O Vishnumurthy Nalluraya
Urmi House Post Paivalike,
Via Uppala Kasaragod Dist
4998 205 501


Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

Panduranga Achar T.S

Prakasha Dr. Bopaya's Compound
Sudarshan Circle
Madikeri Karnataka 571 201
Prabhakara Acharya K
Kundala House P.O Adur
Via Mulleria 671 543
Kasaragod Taluk Kerala
4994 260 179
Prasad S.F.I
Greenary Apt. No.16,
Plain Street Bangalore 560 001
80 2286 1969
W/O Narayana Poti
Flat No. 41, Building No. 22B
Brindavan Thane W. Mumbai
22 3534 0707
22 3533 4204
W/O M.M. Acharya 4 th Cross No. 304,
3 rd HRBR Layout
Kalyana Nagar
80 2544 2291
W/O Subraya Bhat
Durga Nivas,
Panjala P.O Kyna South Uchil Mangalore Taluk
0824 740 828
Raghavendra Achar T
No. 36, Nanjappa Road
Bangalore 560 027
80 2223 9777
Raghupathy Achar T.D
115 Laxmi Panduranganagar
Bannerghatta Road
Bangalore 80 2658 5015
Raj Acharya
Susan Acharya
116 Honeycomb Ct
Encinitas, California 92024 USA
001 760 436 0681

Angiras Shivabaugh
Opp Canara Club
Mangalore Karnataka
Prabhakara Sampigethaya
S/O M.S. Sampigethaya P.O Ujire
Belthangady Taluk D.K
8256 406 158
W/O Mohan Rao T
Udupi Shrikrishna Bhavan
Pallavaram (Madras)
Pundarikaksha Acharya. K
HSA, Beeranthabail KMC
25/201Ashwini House
Near Lalithakalasadan
Beach Road Kasaragod Kerala
4994 221 432
Pushpa Madhusoodan
Adarsha Residency 47 th Cross,
8th Block Jayanagar
Bangalore 82
80 2653 4331
Radhakrishna Acharya K
Kundala House P.O Adur
Via Mulleria 671 543
4994 260 150
Raghavendra Acharya M
S/O T.V.A Kaverikrupa
Akkapady P.O Mandekole
Sullia Taluk Karnataka
8257 685 664
112/16, Five Star Apartment
Padikoppam Road Annanagar West
Chennai 600 040
44 2620 6019
Rajagopal Achar (Anandathirtha)
Bhagamandala Post
Kodagu District


Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

Rajeev Acharya
Shri Venkatadri No. 339 19 F Main,
1 st N Block Rajajinagar Bangalore 560 010
80 2342 0279
80 2342 3275
Ramakrishna Achar T S
19/42, 5 th Main Road Tata Silk Farm,
T.R. Nagar Bangalore 28
80 2676 1609
Ramanna Achar
Monkude House P.O Kolanadu
Bantwal Taluk D. K.
W/O Dr. Shankara Narayana Rao
Ravindra Achar
S/O Ramachandra Acharya (Laxmi)
Urkyadi House P.O Parappa Delampady
Via Mulleria 671 543 Kasaragod Dist Kerala
4994 265 211
W/O Raviprakash Muchinnaya
Mamatha Belthangady, D.K Karnataka
8256 402 250
Saraswathi Kedilaya
Angiras Shivabaugh
Opp Canara Club Mangalore
W/O S. Seetharama Shagrithaya
Pundikai House P.O Pundikai, Via Darbe
Puttur Taluk, D.K. Karnataka
w/o Nagaraja Acharya
Carinja Printers Agrabail Complex,
B.C. Road P.O Jodumaraga Bantwal Taluk.
D.K. Karnataka
0825 523 904 0825 522 951 0825 523 905
W/O U. Subraya Bhat Retd. Teacher
Kuntar House P.O Kuntar Via Mullaria 671
543 Kasaragod Taluk Kerala
4994 260 281

W/O Satish Sharma
Pharmatical Shop Vrindavan Society
Thane, W. Mumbai
22 35407 525
Ramamurthy Dr.
Deepa Apartment Urva,
Mangalore 575 005
8242 456 7
Ranganatha Kolathaya
437, 12A Cross, 4th Main
Mahalaxmipura Bangalore 86
80 2349 7391
Ratnaraj T.J
Door No. 68 Raghavendra Block
12th Main Road Srinagar
Bangalore 560 085
Raveendra Acharya M
Kala apts, 78/7,
Dr Rangachari Road, Mylapore,
Chennai 600 004
44 2498 2492
Saraswathi Ballakkuraya
W/O K.P Ballakkuraya
Advocate Kukur House Kerlur Village
Charla Post Via Manjeswar
Kasaragod Dist Kerala
4998 252 398 92
465, `Cauvery' 1 st Cross, 3 rd Stage, 3 rd block,
Basaveshwaranagar Bangalore-560 079
80 2323 3492
Satyanarayana T.V
694, Syndicate Bank Road
1 st Stage, Indira Nagar
Bangalore 560 038
80 2528 6384
Savitha Manohar

Savithri Thimmaiah
2869, 8 th Main, 2 nd Cross 2 nd Stage
Kumarswamy Layout
80 2666 2230

Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

Shantha A
W/O Prakasha Kedilaya
Uduthya House, P.O Kumbdaji
Via Perdal Kasaragod Taluk
4994 260 271
Shanthi Chandrashekhar

Shantha Ramakrishna Achar

Matavana Karike Post
Kodagu 521 247

Shankar Rao T.S

No. 52, Reservoir Street
Near Sri Vijaya English School
Bangalore 560 004
80 2661 3494
Shawn Achar
W/O B.K. Ramesh Plantation Consultant
Irina Achar
Sowbhagya Opp To Aruna Nursing Home
904 N Wayne St Apt 105
Basavanahalli Road
Arlington Virginia 22201 USA
001 703 312 4723
Sneha Yedappadi thaya
W/O Ananda No. 91, Bharat hi I Block, II Main 284, 3 rd Main Road
Thyagarajanagar Bangalore 560 025
N.R. Colony Bangalore 560 019
80 2676 2638
80 2677 0651
Sreedhar Acharya P.V S/O Vishnu Acharya 11 Shreepathy S.S
Meeyamsaheb, 1 st Street Chepauk (Madras)
No. 45, Central St Kumarapark West
Chennai 5
Bangalore 560 020
80 2336 6528
Shreepathy Achar T.S
Srikara T.S
Shanthi Dhama, Talakavery
170, 18 th Main 1 st Cross, HAL II Stage
Bhagamandala Post Kodadu District
Indiranagar Bangalore 8
80 2526 3828
8272 243 312
Srikrishna Acharya
Srinidhi Achar S
S/O T.V.A Kaveri Oil & Floor Mills
/O T.S. Shripathy Achar
Uppinangady Puttur Taluk
Temple Road Sullia, D.K Karnataka
0825 720 178
8251 651 182
Subraya Kedilaya P
Sudhakara Achar
S/O Venkatramana Kedilaya Valalamba,
E209, P Grihalakshmi, SM RD,
P.O Guttekar Via Sullia Karnataka
Jalahalli West, Bangalore 560 015
8257 682 143
80 2839 0174
Sudhakara T. J
Manava Charitable Hospital
W/O Damodara Ballakuraya
Indira Nagar Bangalore 560 073
P.O Muliyar Kasaragod Taluk Kerala
80 2839 6945
4994 250 023
Sukumara Kolathaya. N
W/O Ranganatha Y Door No. 2277
Durga Nilaya Perabe Post
Opp To Shivananda Talkies
Puttur Taluk 574 241
Kumudam House, Upstairs
D.K Karnataka
Chennapattana Bangalore
8251 663 209


Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

Yadukumar N
Senior Scientist
Central Areka Research Stn
Mattathadka Puttur D.K Karnataka
8251 623 758
Shankaranarayana Banninthaya
6405 Willow Oak Place
Amarillo Texas 79124
806 331 3433
Suraj Kolathaya
424 Pedmore Dr
Coppell, TX 75019-7542
972 393 1293
Vittala Acharya T
S/O L.N. Achar
Ward 7, H. No 85/3 PO Ujire Belthangady Tq
D.K Karnataka 574240
91 9611610019
Girish Banninthaya.P.R.
F6- 24 'Nand Nikethan'
Essar Steel Ltd, Hazira. Surat, Gujarat.
PIN- 394 270
Mobile - 0091 9909901604
Residence- 0261 6684694
Ramachandra Banninthaya (Ramesh)
080 26665312

W/O Narayana Kamada
Varikad House Muttathody Village
P.O Kllakatta Via Vidhyanagar
Kasaragod Taluk Kerala
4994 280 601
Pramod Yadapadithaya
12 Legion Dr
Plainville, MA 02762-1949
508 699 7721
Savitha Rao
5 Keswick Rd
Hightstown, NJ 08520-2962
609 443 3090
Vyasa Rao T.N Dr.
Kadambari 278, 7 th Cross 1 st Block,
Jayanagar Bangalore
80 2656 4572

S/O Mr.Shankar Narayana Banninthaya
(Lawyer), B.C.Road.


Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

Descendants of Venkappayya Putturaya

1 Venkappayya Putturaya
.... +w/o Venkappayya
..... 2 Vishnu Bhat
........... +w/o Vishnu Bhat
............ 3 Shankara Achar
.................. +w/o Shankara Achar
................... 4 Kittappa Achar
......................... +w/o Kittappa Achar
.......................... 5 Ramachandra Achar
................................ +w/o Ramachandra
.................................. 6 Krishna Achar
........................................ +w/o Krishna Achar
......................................... 7 [1] Ramachandra Achar
............................................... +Parameswari
................................................ 8 Vimala
...................................................... +Gopalakrishna Banninthaya
....................................................... 9 Ramesh
............................................................. +Nalini
.............................................................. 10 Nisha
................................................ 8 Ranganatha Achar
................................................ 8 Moorthy Achar
...................................................... +Sunitha
................................................ 8 Narayana Achar
...................................................... +Yashoda
....................................................... 9 Deepa
................................................ 8 Vittala
...................................................... +Rajeshwari
....................................................... 9 Prashanth
....................................................... 9 Praveen
................................................ 8 Janaki
...................................................... +Raghavendra
....................................................... 9 Manoj Kumar
....................................................... 9 Chetan Kumar
....................................................... 9 Sandhya
............................................................. +Satyanarayana
................................................ 8 Vasanthi
...................................................... +Satish
....................................................... 9 Arpana
............................................................. +Wiswas
....................................................... 9 Aditya
......................................... *2nd Wife of [1] Ramachandra Achar:
............................................... +Laxmi
................................................ 8 Nirmala
...................................................... +Ramakrishna Ballakuraya
....................................................... 9 Ravishankar


Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

............................................................. +Chaithra
................................................ 8 Veena
...................................................... +Sachindra
....................................................... 9 Chandana
....................................................... 9 Reshma
................................................ 8 Ravindra
...................................................... +Mangala
....................................................... 9 Rajatha
....................................................... 9 Rakesh
......................................... 7 Narayana Achar
............................................... +Laxmi
................................................ 8 Bhaskar Achar
...................................................... +Jaya
....................................................... 9 Kartik Achar
............................................................. +w/o Kartik Achar
....................................................... 9 Kanchan
................................................ 8 Saraswathi
...................................................... +Parameshwara Ballakuraya
....................................................... 9 Vijaya
............................................................. +Raghavendra
.............................................................. 10 Shilpa
.............................................................. 10 Sruti
....................................................... 9 Udayashankara
............................................................. +Malathi
....................................................... 9 Vinaya
............................................................. +Suresh
................................................ 8 Bharathi
...................................................... +Narayana Irnuraya
................................................ 8 Pushpa
...................................................... +Madhusudan Talithaya
....................................................... 9 Deepak
....................................................... 9 Dinesh
......................................... 7 Kamala
............................................... +Ramachandra Banninthaya
................................................ 8 Goplakrishna Banninthaya
...................................................... +Vimala
....................................................... 9 Ramesh
............................................................. +Nayana
.............................................................. 10 Nisha
................................................ 8 Shankaranarayana Banninthaya
...................................................... +Leela
....................................................... 9 Sheela
............................................................. +Narayana
.............................................................. 10 Son
....................................................... 9 Manushankar
....................................................... 9 Bhanushankar


Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

................................................ 8 Ramachandra Banninthaya P.

...................................................... +Ratnavathi
....................................................... 9 Girisha Banninthaya P.R.
............................................................. +Shambhavi Girish
.............................................................. 10 Koustubh Banninthaya
....................................................... 9 Naveena Banninthaya P.R.
............................................................. +Shilpa Banninathaya
....................................................... 9 Uma Upadhyaya
............................................................. +Girish Upadhyaya
.............................................................. 10 Anagh Upadhyaya
................................................ 8 Kaveriamma
...................................................... +Shankaranarayana Bipadithaya
....................................................... 9 Padmaxi
............................................................. +Krishnamurthy
.............................................................. 10 Anuradha
.................................................................... +Hari
.............................................................. 10 Shantala
.................................................................... +Chandrakantha
.............................................................. 10 Swapna
.................................................................... +Balakrishna
.............................................................. 10 Guruprasad
.................................................................... +Aswita
....................................................... 9 Srinivasa Bipadithaya
............................................................. +Ramadevi
.............................................................. 10 Anil Bipadithaya
.............................................................. 10 Maina
....................................................... 9 Hemachandra Bipadithaya
............................................................. +Shakuntala
.............................................................. 10 Champa
.............................................................. 10 Pradhan Bipadithaya
....................................................... 9 Srimati
............................................................. +Venkatramana
.............................................................. 10 Savita
.................................................................... +Nagaraj
.............................................................. 10 Ravi
.............................................................. 10 Naveen
....................................................... 9 Balakrishna Bipadithaya
............................................................. +Shanta
....................................................... 9 Kusuma
............................................................. +Prabhakar
.............................................................. 10 Abhijit
.............................................................. 10 Akhila
....................................................... 9 Vasanthi
............................................................. +Venkatachapathi
.............................................................. 10 Vidya
.............................................................. 10 Vivek


Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

....................................................... 9 Vijaya
............................................................. +Laxminarayana Sastry
.............................................................. 10 Harikumar
....................................................... 9 Shreepathi Bipadithaya
............................................................. +Sukanya
.............................................................. 10 Jayashree
....................................................... 9 Sandhya
............................................................. +Thammaya
.............................................................. 10 Aditya
....................................................... 9 Prakash Bipadithaya
............................................................. +Mamatha
.............................................................. 10 Son
.............................................................. 10 Daughter
....................................................... 9 Mala
............................................................. +Ganesh
.............................................................. 10 Sreyas
................................................ 8 Sharada
...................................................... +h/o Sharada
....................................................... 9 Premalatha
............................................................. +M. S. Kedilaya
.............................................................. 10 Ashok Kedilaya
.............................................................. 10 Ashita
....................................................... 9 Nirmala
............................................................. +N. N. Bhat
.............................................................. 10 Smitha
.............................................................. 10 Sachin Bhat
....................................................... 9 Rajendra
............................................................. +Shashikala
.............................................................. 10 Bharat
.............................................................. 10 Vishaka
....................................................... 9 Vidya
............................................................. +Ranganath
.............................................................. 10 Sreya
.............................................................. 10 Ananya
....................................................... 9 Praveen
................................................ 8 Lalitha
...................................................... +Manjunath
....................................................... 9 Ravikala
............................................................. +D. K. Kayarthaya
.............................................................. 10 Rajani
.............................................................. 10 Ranjini
....................................................... 9 Sashikala
............................................................. +Krishnamurthy
.............................................................. 10 Poornima
.............................................................. 10 Praveen
.............................................................. 10 Pallavi


Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

....................................................... 9 Swarnakala
............................................................. +Anand
.............................................................. 10 Krupa
....................................................... 9 Raghavendra Prasad
............................................................. +Nagaratna
.............................................................. 10 Sharanya
....................................................... 9 Guraraj
............................................................. +Rajashree
....................................................... 9 Chakrapani
....................................................... 9 Seetha
............................................................. +Venkatrakrishna Tantri
.............................................................. 10 Latha
.................................................................... +Subbanna
.............................................................. 10 Sandhya
.................................................................... +Balakrishna
.............................................................. 10 Rashmi
.............................................................. 10 Prasanna Tantri
................................................ 8 Satyabhama
...................................................... +Venkatramana Shagrithaya
....................................................... 9 Kaveriamma
............................................................. +Padmanabha Parlattaya
.............................................................. 10 Prabhakara Parlattaya
.................................................................... +Sunanda
.............................................................. 10 Prasanna Parlattaya
.................................................................... +Shyamala
.............................................................. 10 Ramachandra Parlattaya
.................................................................... +Sumathi
.............................................................. 10 Girisha Parlattaya
.................................................................... +Sampathu
.............................................................. 10 Laxmisha Parlattaya
.................................................................... +Vanitha
....................................................... 9 Ramachandra Shagrithaya
....................................................... 9 Balakrishna Shagrithaya
....................................................... 9 Shankara Shagrithaya
............................................................. +Sreevalli
.............................................................. 10 Ranjan Shagrithaya
.............................................................. 10 Sumana
.................................................................... +Shivaprasad Kalluraya
....................................................... 9 Ravindra Shagrithaya
............................................................. +Vasuda
.............................................................. 10 Pavan Shagrithaya
.............................................................. 10 Prathana
......................................... 7 Sharada
......................................... 7 Lalitha
......................................... 7 Satyabhama
......................................... 7 Kaveriamma


Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

............................................... +Eswarappa Sharalaya

................................................ 8 Narayana Sharalaya
...................................................... +Bhavani
....................................................... 9 Pradeepa Sharalaya
............................................................. +Kalpana
.............................................................. 10 Chaitra
....................................................... 9 Pranesh Sharalaya
............................................................. +Anupama
.............................................................. 10 Krutika
.............................................................. 10 Kirthan Sharalaya
....................................................... 9 Poornima
............................................................. +Prabhakar Pejavar
.............................................................. 10 Shruti
.............................................................. 10 Rathi
....................................................... 9 Jyothi
............................................................. +Srinivas
.............................................................. 10 Prathijna
......................................... 7 Mahalaxmi
............................................... +Venkatramana Ballakuraya
................................................ 8 Parameshawara Ballakuraya
...................................................... +Saraswati
....................................................... 9 Vijaya
............................................................. +Raghavendra Acharya
.............................................................. 10 Shilpa
.............................................................. 10 Shruti
.............................................................. 10 Udayashankara Acharya
.................................................................... +Malathi
...................................................................... 11 Son
.............................................................. 10 Vinaya
.................................................................... +Suresh Ital
................................................ 8 Ramakrishna Ballakuraya
...................................................... +Nirmala
....................................................... 9 Ravishankara Ballakuraya
................................................ 8 Kumari
...................................................... +Krishnaraja Varambalitaya
....................................................... 9 Vasantha
............................................................. +Saritha
.............................................................. 10 Nikitha
................................................ 8 Sumati
...................................................... +Ramakrishna Tantri
....................................................... 9 Reshma
................................................ 8 Seeta Ratna
...................................................... +Krishnamurthy
....................................................... 9 Prasada
....................................................... 9 Pradeep
.................................. 6 Kaveriamma


Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

........................................ +h/o Kaveriamma

......................................... 7 Ramachandra
............................................... +w/o Ramachandra
................................................ 8 Subraya
......................................... 7 Parameshwara
......................................... 7 Padmanabha
.................................. 6 Bhageerathi
........................................ +h/o Bhageerathi
......................................... 7 Shankara
......................................... 7 Vishnu
......................................... 7 Madhava
......................................... 7 Ramachandra
......................................... 7 Ratni
.................................. 6 Vasudeva Achar
........................................ +Venkamma
......................................... 7 Padmavathi (Paddakka)
............................................... +Venkatramana Kedilaya
................................................ 8 Vedavathi
...................................................... +Ramakrishna Chadaga
....................................................... 9 Rathna
............................................................. +Vishnu Kekunnaya
....................................................... 9 Ganesh Chadaga
............................................................. +Usha
....................................................... 9 Nalini
............................................................. +Ramachandra Ammannaya
....................................................... 9 Balakrishna Chadaga
............................................................. +Jayalaxmi
....................................................... 9 Susheela
............................................................. +Govinda Bhat
....................................................... 9 Prabhakara Chadaga
....................................................... 9 Jayashree
............................................................. +Harischandra Rao
....................................................... 9 Anantha Krishna Chadaga
....................................................... 9 Leelavathi
............................................................. +Venkatramana Kalluraya
....................................................... 9 Madhusudhana Chadaga
............................................................. +Bhaghirathi
....................................................... 9 Dinesh
............................................................. +Laxmi
................................................ 8 Devaki
...................................................... +Subramanya Kantavar
....................................................... 9 Vishalakshi
............................................................. +Damodara Shastry
....................................................... 9 Sumathi
............................................................. +Shankar
....................................................... 9 Raghuram


Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

............................................................. +Prathibha
....................................................... 9 Keshav
............................................................. +Veena
....................................................... 9 Uma
............................................................. +Ganapathy Shastry
....................................................... 9 Usha
............................................................. +Kulkarni
....................................................... 9 Shobha
............................................................. +Sundar
....................................................... 9 Vani
............................................................. +Parashuram
................................................ 8 Ramachandra Kedilaya
...................................................... +Jayanthi
....................................................... 9 Balasubramanya
............................................................. +Asha
....................................................... 9 Krishnaraj
....................................................... 9 Venkatraj
............................................................. +Sukanya
................................................ 8 Saraswathi
...................................................... +Srinivasa Ballakuraya
....................................................... 9 Venkatramana
............................................................. +Mohini
....................................................... 9 Kusuma
............................................................. +Sundar Rao
....................................................... 9 Keshiva
............................................................. +Rupa
....................................................... 9 Gopala
............................................................. +Malini
................................................ 8 Subraya Kedilaya
...................................................... +Kusuma
....................................................... 9 Venugopal
....................................................... 9 Shubha
................................................ 8 Vasudeva Kedilaya
...................................................... +Uma
....................................................... 9 Reshma
............................................................. +Manoranjan
....................................................... 9 Ramya
......................................... 7 Girija
............................................... +Subramanya Shastry
.................................. 6 Shankara Achar
........................................ +Kaveriamma
......................................... 7 Subbakka
............................................... +Subraya Sharalaya
................................................ 8 Satyavathi
...................................................... +Radhakrishna
....................................................... 9 Chetan Kumar


Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

....................................................... 9 Shantala
................................................ 8 Venkatraya Sharalaya
...................................................... +Jayashree
....................................................... 9 Prashanth Sharalaya
....................................................... 9 Hemanth Sharalaya
................................................ 8 Nagesh Sharalaya
...................................................... +Prema
....................................................... 9 Swapna
....................................................... 9 Sangeetha
................................................ 8 Mohana Sharalaya
...................................................... +Rajalaxmi
....................................................... 9 Ashwini
................................................ 8 Nirmala
...................................................... +Prabhakara
....................................................... 9 Reshma
....................................................... 9 Ravi
................................................ 8 Sukumara Sharalaya
...................................................... +Sulochana
....................................................... 9 Santosh Sharalaya
....................................................... 9 Sanjaya Sharalaya
....................................................... 9 Sandeep Sharalaya
................................................ 8 Vanamala
...................................................... +Kumaraswamy
....................................................... 9 Sucheta
....................................................... 9 Sowmya
....................................................... 9 Sahana
................................................ 8 Vatsala
...................................................... +Narayana
....................................................... 9 Amrut
....................................................... 9 Roopa
................................................ 8 Sudhakara Sharalaya
...................................................... +Jayanthi
................................................ 8 Sumangala
...................................................... +Dinesh
....................................................... 9 Sharmila
....................................................... 9 Sahana
................................................ 8 Kalpana
...................................................... +Shrirama
....................................................... 9 Srinidhi
....................................................... 9 Shrikara
......................................... 7 Kaveriamma
............................................... +Rama Chandraiah
................................................ 8 Saroja
...................................................... +Subbaraya
....................................................... 9 Shobha
............................................................. +Dinesh


Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

.............................................................. 10 Jayadeepa
.............................................................. 10 Jayadeva
....................................................... 9 Jyothi
............................................................. +Satish
.............................................................. 10 Swati
.............................................................. 10 Swapna
....................................................... 9 Shanthi
............................................................. +Rajesh
.............................................................. 10 Raksha
....................................................... 9 Ravishankar
............................................................. +Sudha
....................................................... 9 Chandrashekar
................................................ 8 Ramakrishna
......................................... 7 Seetamma
............................................... +Seshappa Hebbar
......................................... 7 Ramakrishna Achar
............................................... +Shanta
................................................ 8 Uma
...................................................... +Rama Rao
....................................................... 9 Naveen
....................................................... 9 Sapna
....................................................... 9 Prasad
................................................ 8 Usha
...................................................... +Prabhakar Bhat
....................................................... 9 Rekha
....................................................... 9 Sudhir Bhat
................................................ 8 Shankar Achar
...................................................... +Ranjana
................................................ 8 Sandhya
...................................................... +Narayana Rao
....................................................... 9 Ananda Rao
....................................................... 9 Yogesh Rao
....................................................... 9 Pratima
....................................................... 9 Aruna
....................................................... 9 Rashmi
................................................ 8 Murali Achar
...................................................... +Prema Sundari
....................................................... 9 Dinkara Achar
....................................................... 9 Madhukar Achar
....................................................... 9 Ananya
................................................ 8 Shobha
...................................................... +Suresh
....................................................... 9 Sindhukavery
....................................................... 9 Sumanth
......................................... 7 Shreepathy Achar
............................................... +Kamalaxi


Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

................................................ 8 Sumana
...................................................... +Narasingha Rao
....................................................... 9 Aparna
............................................................. +Gopal
.............................................................. 10 Sowmyagouri
................................................ 8 Sahayaja
...................................................... +Sudhakar Rao
....................................................... 9 Sudhanya
....................................................... 9 Surabhi
................................................ 8 Shrikara
...................................................... +Vijayalaxmi
....................................................... 9 Viraja
....................................................... 9 Sriya
................................................ 8 Shreenidhi
...................................................... +Swathi
....................................................... 9 Manasa
....................................................... 9 Nahush
......................................... 7 Sharada
............................................... +Vasudeva
................................................ 8 Ananthakrishna
...................................................... +Satyavathi
....................................................... 9 Suresha
....................................................... 9 Vinod
................................................ 8 Narayana
...................................................... +Padma
....................................................... 9 Smitha
....................................................... 9 Swetha
....................................................... 9 Pranesh
................................................ 8 Raghupathi
...................................................... +Geeta
....................................................... 9 Archana
................................................ 8 Pashupathi
...................................................... +Lata
....................................................... 9 Akash
....................................................... 9 Akshaya
................................................ 8 Shreepathy
...................................................... +Jyotsna
....................................................... 9 Sowmya
................................................ 8 Geeta
...................................................... +Ramakrishna Bhat
....................................................... 9 Ranjan Bhat
................................................ 8 Suphala
...................................................... +Sundar
....................................................... 9 Sujatha
....................................................... 9 Sudhir
................................................ 8 Girish


Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

...................................................... +Kanakalata
....................................................... 9 Guruthirtha
................................................ 8 Vinaya
...................................................... +Ramesh Rao
....................................................... 9 Ranjani
................................................ 8 Latha
...................................................... +Gopalakrishna
....................................................... 9 Akshata
....................................................... 9 Ambika
................................................ 8 Madhu
...................................................... +Srinivas
....................................................... 9 Aditya
......................................... 7 Indira
............................................... +Ramakrishna Kadambalithaya
................................................ 8 [2] Venugopal
...................................................... +Poornima
....................................................... 9 Sampreethi
....................................................... 9 Sankeerthi
................................................ *2nd Wife of [2] Venugopal:
...................................................... +Renuka
................................................ 8 Pundarikaksha
...................................................... +Bharati
....................................................... 9 Anupama
....................................................... 9 Gururaja
....................................................... 9 Kishore
................................................ 8 Suguna
...................................................... +Damodar Ballakuraya
....................................................... 9 Krishnaraja
............................................................. +Jyothi
....................................................... 9 Srirama
....................................................... 9 Sujatha
................................................ 8 Padmanabha
...................................................... +Rugma
....................................................... 9 Chitra
....................................................... 9 Sweta
....................................................... 9 Arpitha
................................................ 8 Satyanarayana
...................................................... +Udaya
....................................................... 9 Punith
....................................................... 9 Pooja
................................................ 8 Chandrashekar
...................................................... +Vimala
....................................................... 9 Swaroop
....................................................... 9 Sankeet
................................................ 8 Rajagopal
...................................................... +Savitha


Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

....................................................... 9 Shruti
....................................................... 9 Pallavi
................................................ 8 Muralidhar
...................................................... +Anasuya
....................................................... 9 Arjun
....................................................... 9 Ankith
......................................... 7 Kamalaxi
............................................... +Subraya
................................................ 8 Malini
...................................................... +Vishnumurthy
....................................................... 9 Ashok
............................................................. +Shalini
.............................................................. 10 Abijith
....................................................... 9 Shobha
....................................................... 9 Krupa
............................................................. +Balakrishna
.............................................................. 10 Vadiraja
.................................................................... +Chetna
....................................................... 9 Mamatha
................................................ 8 Sudha
...................................................... +Raghurama
....................................................... 9 Pavitra
............................................................. +Krishnakumar
.............................................................. 10 Swastik
....................................................... 9 Pratibha
............................................................. +Ajith
................................................ 8 Prabha
...................................................... +Krishnaiah
....................................................... 9 Keerthi
....................................................... 9 Swapna
............................................................. +Jayaprakash
....................................................... 9 Karthik
................................................ 8 Bharathi
...................................................... +Gopalakrishna
....................................................... 9 Sreekantha
....................................................... 9 Sreelatha
................................................ 8 Nagendra
...................................................... +Malathi
....................................................... 9 Rajania
....................................................... 9 Rachita
......................................... 7 Sundara Achar
............................................... +Leela
................................................ 8 Panduranga Achar
...................................................... +Sreenidhi
....................................................... 9 Sharath Achar
....................................................... 9 Prateek Achar


Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

....................................................... 9 Leela
............................................................. +Madhav
.............................................................. 10 Alok
....................................................... 9 Vidya
............................................................. +Dananjaya
.............................................................. 10 Adithya
.............................................................. 10 Shashank
....................................................... 9 Sreevatsa Achar
............................................................. +Sreelatha
......................................... 7 Sunanda
............................................... +Balakrishna Rao
................................................ 8 Ramakrishna Rao
...................................................... +Gayathri
....................................................... 9 Kartik Rao
....................................................... 9 Kaushik Rao
................................................ 8 Shankar Rao
...................................................... +Rekha
....................................................... 9 Swathi
....................................................... 9 Shashank
................................................ 8 Raghunandan Rao
...................................................... +Sudha
....................................................... 9 Rakshitha
....................................................... 9 Vishak Rao
................................................ 8 Sujatha
...................................................... +Ramesh Rao
....................................................... 9 Aswin Rao
....................................................... 9 Lavanya
......................................... 7 Jahnavi
............................................... +Rajagopala Bhat
................................................ 8 Narendra Bhat
...................................................... +Suma
....................................................... 9 Balasubramanya Bhat
.................................. 6 Gangamma
........................................ +Eshawara Hebbar
......................................... 7 Seshappa Hebbar
............................................... +Seetamma
................................................ 8 Kusuma
...................................................... +Vasant Rao
....................................................... 9 Jyothi
............................................................. +Ajith
.............................................................. 10 Prajna
....................................................... 9 Chandan Rao
....................................................... 9 Mukunda Rao
................................................ 8 Radhakrishna Hebbar
...................................................... +Vidya
....................................................... 9 Seetha


Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

............................................................. +Sashidar Kote

.............................................................. 10 Sagar
....................................................... 9 Vignesh Hebbar
............................................................. +Triveni
.............................................................. 10 Son
....................................................... 9 Kartik Hebbar
................................................ 8 Ravindra Hebbar
...................................................... +Anajani
....................................................... 9 Amitha
............................................................. +Kishore Rao
....................................................... 9 Shilpa
....................................................... 9 Gowtham Hebbar
................................................ 8 Champa
...................................................... +Ramachandra Holla
................................................ 8 Pundarika Hebbar
...................................................... +Vijaya
....................................................... 9 Gowrav Hebbar
....................................................... 9 Agasthya Hebbar
......................................... 7 Ananthakrishna Hebbar
............................................... +Poornima
................................................ 8 Rajashree
......................................... 7 Ravishankar Hebbar
............................................... +Leela
................................................ 8 Kavya
................................................ 8 Kaveri
......................................... 7 Rajashekar Hebbar
............................................... +Shyamala
......................................... 7 Radhika
............................................... +Laxmikanth
................................................ 8 Akshatha
.................................. 6 Ramachandra Achar
........................................ +Gangamma
......................................... 7 Raghava Achar
............................................... +Sunanda
................................................ 8 Sumathi
...................................................... +Madhav Achar Bailoor
....................................................... 9 Nagesh Bailoor
....................................................... 9 Anish Bailoor
................................................ 8 Bharathi
...................................................... +Shankaranaryana Punchithayya
....................................................... 9 Veena
............................................................. +Madhusudan
.............................................................. 10 Niharika
.............................................................. 10 Viviktha
....................................................... 9 Praveen Punchithayya
................................................ 8 Malathi


Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

...................................................... +Subbanna
....................................................... 9 Sachin
................................................ 8 Sreemathi
...................................................... +Satish Rao
................................................ 8 Shanthi
...................................................... +Chandrashekar
....................................................... 9 Sowmya
....................................................... 9 Sahana
....................................................... 9 Sneha
......................................... 7 Lalithamma
............................................... +Shyama Rao
................................................ 8 Sulochana
...................................................... +Laxminarayana Kadambalithaya
....................................................... 9 Rajgopal
............................................................. +Jyothi
.............................................................. 10 Aishwarya
....................................................... 9 Venugopal
....................................................... 9 Geeta
............................................................. +Raghavendra
.............................................................. 10 Chaitra
................................................ 8 Prabha
...................................................... +Subraya Ammannaya
....................................................... 9 Gururaj
................................................ 8 Jayaprakash
...................................................... +Tulasi
....................................................... 9 Shubha
....................................................... 9 Guruprasad
................................................ 8 Radhakrishna
...................................................... +Amitha
....................................................... 9 Akshetha
....................................................... 9 Jeevitha
......................................... 7 Gopalakrishna Achar
............................................... +Chandramathi
................................................ 8 Sandhya
...................................................... +Ganapathi Rao
....................................................... 9 Abijith
....................................................... 9 Akila
................................................ 8 Rajeev Achar
...................................................... +Deepa
....................................................... 9 Kishan
................................................ 8 Balakrishna
...................................................... +Sudha
................................................ 8 Sumangala
...................................................... +Subramanya Rao
....................................................... 9 Shruti
....................................................... 9 Shravya


Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

......................................... 7 Saroja
............................................... +Laxminarayana
................................................ 8 Satish
................................................ 8 Usha
................................................ 8 Asha
......................................... 7 Aravinda Achar
............................................... +Shridevi
................................................ 8 Rajesh
...................................................... +Savitha
....................................................... 9 Arjunraj
................................................ 8 Suresha
...................................................... +Sunitha
....................................................... 9 Prithvi
......................................... 7 Vadiraja Achar
............................................... +Rama
................................................ 8 Rekha
...................................................... +Kishor Udupa
....................................................... 9 Shaarvari
................................................ 8 Vignesh
.......................... 5 Shankaranarayana Achar
................................ +Gangamma
.................................. 6 Ramakrishna Achar
........................................ +Padmavathi
......................................... 7 Kaveriamma
............................................... +Keshava Nidwannayya
................................................ 8 Ramakrishna
...................................................... +Jayalaxmi
....................................................... 9 Parimala
....................................................... 9 Sarala
....................................................... 9 Girish
....................................................... 9 Harish
................................................ 8 Vasantha
...................................................... +Keshava Baipadithaya
....................................................... 9 Daughter
....................................................... 9 Daughter
....................................................... 9 Daughter
....................................................... 9 Daughter
....................................................... 9 Balakrishna
................................................ 8 Saroja
.................................. 6 Ramanna Achar
........................................ +Savitri
......................................... 7 Venkatramana Achar
............................................... +Kaveriamma b: 24 Oct 1924
................................................ 8 Rajarama Acharya b: 27 Dec 1941
...................................................... +Susan Levant b: 27 Jul 1938
....................................................... 9 Suraj Arthur Achar b: 02 Feb 1967


Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

............................................................. +Suriti Kundu b: 01 Sep 1968

.............................................................. 10 Rohan Raj Achar b: 20 Oct 1999
.............................................................. 10 Jivan Dev Achar b: 11 Aug 2003
.............................................................. 10 Ravi Jay Achar b: 14 Sep 2006
....................................................... 9 Shawn R. Achar b: 09 May 1971
............................................................. +Irina Moroz
.............................................................. 10 Danil Shawn Achar b: 15 May 2008
................................................ 8 Jayasheela
...................................................... +B.D.K. Rao
....................................................... 9 Puspa
............................................................. +Mohan Acharya
.............................................................. 10 Anvitha
.............................................................. 10 Anusha
....................................................... 9 SriKrishna Rao
............................................................. +Achala
.............................................................. 10 Srikantha Rao
.............................................................. 10 Sachin Rao
....................................................... 9 Padma
............................................................. +Ajith Kumar Idya
.............................................................. 10 Apoorva
.............................................................. 10 Atul Idya
....................................................... 9 Savitha
............................................................. +Umesh K. Rao
.............................................................. 10 Son
................................................ 8 Satyanarayana Achar
...................................................... +Shantha
................................................ 8 Chandrashekar Achar
................................................ 8 Savitri
...................................................... +Thimmaiah
....................................................... 9 Lakshmeesha
................................................ 8 Anantha Achar
...................................................... +Poornima
....................................................... 9 Avinash Achar
....................................................... 9 Srinidhi Achar
......................................... 7 Keshava Achar
......................................... 7 Laxmana Achar
............................................... +Laxmi
................................................ 8 Snehalatha
...................................................... +Narayana Yadpadithaya
....................................................... 9 Savitha
............................................................. +Manohar
.............................................................. 10 Nikitha
.............................................................. 10 Nishad
....................................................... 9 Promod Yadpadithaya
............................................................. +Smitha
....................................................... 9 Shishir Yadpadithaya


Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

............................................................. +Manjari
................................................ 8 Bharathi
...................................................... +Laximinarayana Sharalaya
....................................................... 9 Shruti
............................................................. +Valentino Railard
....................................................... 9 Reetu
............................................................. +Manunath Chinya
....................................................... 9 Sparsha
............................................................. +Akhilesh Rao
....................................................... 9 Kiran
............................................................. +Vinod Bhat
......................................... 7 Kaveriamma
............................................... +Venkatramana Kolathaya
................................................ 8 Subramanya Kolathaya
...................................................... +Jaya
....................................................... 9 Srikanth Kolathaya
............................................................. +Shobha
.............................................................. 10 Shreya
.............................................................. 10 Shayari
....................................................... 9 Kishore Kolathaya
............................................................. +Reshma
.............................................................. 10 Keerthan
....................................................... 9 Suraj Kolathaya
............................................................. +Vinutha
................................................ 8 Ranganatha Kolathaya
...................................................... +Chitra
....................................................... 9 Sudhir Kolathaya
....................................................... 9 Shailesh Kolathaya
............................................................. +Sushma
................................................ 8 Sukumara Kolathaya
...................................................... +Ravikala
....................................................... 9 Geetha
............................................................. +Ravikumar
.............................................................. 10 Sharnya
....................................................... 9 Sunil Kolathaya
....................................................... 9 Pradeep Kolathaya
................................................ 8 Narayana Kolathaya
...................................................... +Savitri
....................................................... 9 Harsha Kolathaya
............................................................. +w/o Harsha
....................................................... 9 Santhosh Kolathaya
................................................ 8 Vijayalaxmi
...................................................... +Gopalakrishna Tolpady
....................................................... 9 Manoj Tolpady
............................................................. +Ambika
.............................................................. 10 Minal


Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

.............................................................. 10 Madini
....................................................... 9 Anuradha
............................................................. +Mutatekar
.............................................................. 10 Ninad
.............................................................. 10 Son
....................................................... 9 Naveen
............................................................. +Puspha
................................................ 8 Balakrishna Kolathaya
...................................................... +Veena
....................................................... 9 Kavitha
............................................................. +Chetan Tolpady
.............................................................. 10 Krithik
....................................................... 9 Gururaj Kolathaya
................................................ 8 Yadukumar Kolathaya
...................................................... +Vanitha
....................................................... 9 Shilpa
....................................................... 9 Sisheer
......................................... 7 Narayan Rao
............................................... +Susheela
................................................ 8 Asha
...................................................... +Jagadeesh
....................................................... 9 Kiran
....................................................... 9 Deepa
................................................ 8 Rekha
...................................................... +Ramesh
....................................................... 9 Ramya
....................................................... 9 Rinya
......................................... 7 Damodara Achar
............................................... +Laxmi
................................................ 8 Manamohan Achar
...................................................... +Meera
....................................................... 9 Madan
....................................................... 9 Megha
................................................ 8 Raghupathi Achar
...................................................... +Maya
....................................................... 9 Greesma
....................................................... 9 Gagan Achar
................................................ 8 Narayana Achar
...................................................... +Shyamala
....................................................... 9 Reshma
....................................................... 9 Sharavan Achar
................................................ 8 Jagadeesha Achar
...................................................... +Shobha
....................................................... 9 Shilpa
....................................................... 9 Spoorthi
................................................ 8 Ramamoorthy Achar


Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

...................................................... +Mallika
....................................................... 9 Shreya
....................................................... 9 Sowjanya
......................................... 7 [5] Ganga
............................................... +[4] Shankaranarayana Kedilaya
................................................ 8 [6] Savitri
...................................................... +[7] Atloor Venkatakrishna Somayaji
....................................................... 9 [8] Padma
............................................................. +[9] Dayananda
.............................................................. 10 [10] Snehalatha
.................................................................... +[11] h/o Snehalatha
.............................................................. 10 [12] Gururaj
.............................................................. 10 [13] Raghavendra
................................................ 8 [14] Lalitha
...................................................... +[15] Rajaram
....................................................... 9 [16] Ravi
....................................................... 9 [17] Rajashree
................................................ 8 [18] Rama
................................................ 8 [19] Ramakrishna Kedilaya
...................................................... +[20] Leela
....................................................... 9 [21] Shrikara
....................................................... 9 [22] Shubha
................................................ 8 [23] Indira
................................................ 8 [24] Kusuma
......................................... 7 Saraswathi
............................................... +Vishnu Kedilaya
................................................ 8 Usha
................................................ 8 Prabha
...................................................... +h/o Prabha
....................................................... 9 Ajith
....................................................... 9 Amrith
................................................ 8 Malavika
...................................................... +Suresh
......................................... 7 Raghavendra Achar
............................................... +Prema
................................................ 8 [3] Ravi Achar
...................................................... +Winni
....................................................... 9 Krishna Achar
................................................ *2nd Wife of [3] Ravi Achar:
...................................................... +Radhika
................................................ 8 Rajani
...................................................... +Satish Pejavar
....................................................... 9 Vivek Pejavar
....................................................... 9 Veda
......................................... 7 Anantha Achar
............................................... +Shantha


Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

................................................ 8 Geetha
...................................................... +Sreenivasa Potty
................................................ 8 Raghuram Achar
...................................................... +Vanaja
....................................................... 9 Ananditha
................................................ 8 Murali Achar
...................................................... +Shailini
.................................. 6 Kamala
........................................ +Rao Bahadoor Shreepathi Rao
.................................. 6 Bhageerathi
........................................ +Chennakeshava Kadambalithaya
......................................... 7 Venktakrishna Kadambalithaya
......................................... 7 Narayana Kadambalithaya
............................................... +Ratna
......................................... 7 [27] Laxmi Kadambalithaya
............................................... +[26] Narayana Achar
................................................ 8 [28] Vyasa Rao
...................................................... +[29] Jaya
....................................................... 9 [30] Sudhakar Rao
............................................................. +[31] Savitha
.............................................................. 10 [32] Laxmi
....................................................... 9 [33] Sujatha
............................................................. +[34] Gururaj Ithal
.............................................................. 10 [35] Abhishek
....................................................... 9 [36] Surekha
................................................ 8 [37] Satymoorthy Achar
...................................................... +[38] Prabha
....................................................... 9 [39] Prakash Achar
....................................................... 9 [40] Prashanth Achar
................................................ 8 [41] Shakunthala
...................................................... +[42] Ramachandra Ital
....................................................... 9 [43] Harsha Ital
............................................................. +[44] Mrudula
....................................................... 9 [45] Raghavendra Ital
......................................... 7 Sridhar Kadambalithaya
............................................... +Sunandamma
................................................ 8 Padma
...................................................... +M. L. Shastry
....................................................... 9 Sudarshana
............................................................. +Usha
.............................................................. 10 Vijayetha
....................................................... 9 Swapna
............................................................. +Narayana Kakura
.............................................................. 10 Karthik
.............................................................. 10 Kavya
....................................................... 9 Prashantha


Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

............................................................. +Rekha
....................................................... 9 Apsara
............................................................. +Rajiraj
................................................ 8 Keshava Kadambalithaya
...................................................... +Sannutha
....................................................... 9 Sudheer
............................................................. +Sandhya
....................................................... 9 Santhosh
....................................................... 9 Suma
............................................................. +Raghavendra
................................................ 8 Bhageerathi
...................................................... +Shankar Rao
....................................................... 9 Rajesh
............................................................. +Akhila
.............................................................. 10 Smeetha
.............................................................. 10 Shrikrishna
....................................................... 9 Deepika
................................................ 8 Laxmi
...................................................... +Y. L. Bhat
....................................................... 9 Sanjay Bhat
............................................................. +Deepa
....................................................... 9 Suraj Bhat
............................................................. +Linda
....................................................... 9 Suman
............................................................. +Kivn
................................................ 8 Satyabhama
...................................................... +Raghavendra Rao
....................................................... 9 Rama
............................................................. +Sreenivasa
.............................................................. 10 Son
....................................................... 9 Poornima
............................................................. +Ramesh
.............................................................. 10 Son
....................................................... 9 Prathima
............................................................. +Ramadasa
....................................................... 9 Divya
................................................ 8 Subramanya Kadambalithaya
...................................................... +Sreedevi
....................................................... 9 Shridhara
....................................................... 9 Supriya
................................................ 8 Surya Kadambalithaya
...................................................... +Sandhya
....................................................... 9 Rathi
....................................................... 9 Swathi
......................................... 7 Soubadra
............................................... +Sreenivasa Sampigethaya


Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

................................................ 8 Prabhakar Sampigethaya

...................................................... +Sulochana
....................................................... 9 Shrikantha
....................................................... 9 Niveditha
............................................................. +Ratnakara
.............................................................. 10 Son
.............................................................. 10 Son
....................................................... 9 Subhadra
............................................................. +Rajendra
.............................................................. 10 Daughter
....................................................... 9 Suchithra
....................................................... 9 Srivatsa
................................................ 8 Chenkeshava Sampigethaya
...................................................... +Jamuna
....................................................... 9 Anuradha
............................................................. +Aravind
.............................................................. 10 Son
.............................................................. 10 Son
.............................................................. 10 Son
....................................................... 9 Beena
............................................................. +Milind
.............................................................. 10 Daughter
.............................................................. 10 Daughter
....................................................... 9 Arathi
............................................................. +Girish
....................................................... 9 Sunil
................................................ 8 Vijaya
...................................................... +Krishnamurthy
....................................................... 9 Padmaja
............................................................. +Gopal
.............................................................. 10 Pannaga
.............................................................. 10 Varun
....................................................... 9 Bindu
............................................................. +Manjunatha
.............................................................. 10 Shreya
.............................................................. 10 Son
....................................................... 9 Rakesh
................................................ 8 Ahalya
...................................................... +Ganesh Rao
....................................................... 9 Krishnamurthy
............................................................. +Arpana
....................................................... 9 Nandakishor
............................................................. +Bindu
.............................................................. 10 Gowri
....................................................... 9 Savitha
............................................................. +Ranganatha


Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

.............................................................. 10 Rohith
................................................ 8 Chandrika
...................................................... +Bujanga Rao
....................................................... 9 Balachandra
....................................................... 9 Sandeep
....................................................... 9 Aravind
................................................ 8 Aruna
...................................................... +Laxminarayana
....................................................... 9 Ramakrishna
....................................................... 9 Prathoma
............................................................. +Ajay
....................................................... 9 Suma
.................................. 6 Shankaranarayana Achar
........................................ +Gangamma
......................................... 7 Satyabhama
............................................... +Seetarama Kekunnaya
................................................ 8 Kaveriamma
...................................................... +Narasimha Manja
....................................................... 9 Gouri
............................................................. +Husband
....................................................... 9 Shridhara Manja
......................................... 7 Gopala Achar
......................................... 7 Bhageerathi
............................................... +Rama Padvetnaya
................................................ 8 Vijaya Raghava Padvetnaya
...................................................... +Kusuma
....................................................... 9 Sandhya
....................................................... 9 Sharathkrishna Padvetnaya
................................................ 8 Vijayalaxmi
...................................................... +Hariprasad Kudvennaya
....................................................... 9 Prakash Kudvennaya
....................................................... 9 Shobha
............................................................. +Srikanth
.............................................................. 10 Shreya
.............................................................. 10 Shayari
................................................ 8 Vijayakumari
...................................................... +Satyanarayana Yerkadithaya
....................................................... 9 Arun Yerkadithaya
....................................................... 9 Anjali
....................................................... 9 Akshatha
......................................... 7 Lopamudre
............................................... +Gopalakrishna Kalluraya
................................................ 8 Subramanya Kalluraya
...................................................... +Namita
....................................................... 9 Rohit Kalluraya
....................................................... 9 Rajit Kalluraya


Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

................................................ 8 Rama
...................................................... +Janikirama Tolpadithaya
....................................................... 9 Rashmi
....................................................... 9 Sushma
................................................ 8 Sukumar Kalluraya
...................................................... +Veena
....................................................... 9 Sriharsha Kalluraya
....................................................... 9 Madhuri
................................................ 8 Mohana Kalluraya
...................................................... +Pushpalatha
....................................................... 9 Kiran Kalluaraya
....................................................... 9 Kavya
................................................ 8 Vasanthi
...................................................... +Venkatramana Rao
....................................................... 9 Ramya
....................................................... 9 Murali Mohan Rao
................................................ 8 Premalatha
...................................................... +Raghvendrachar
....................................................... 9 Prashantachar
......................................... 7 Shankara Achar
............................................... +Kamalaxi
................................................ 8 Gururaja Achar
...................................................... +Mamatha
....................................................... 9 Adarsh Achar
................................................ 8 Raviraj Achar
................................................ 8 Rupa
...................................................... +Girish
......................................... 7 Ramakrishna Achar
............................................... +Girija
................................................ 8 Sudha
...................................................... +Ashok
....................................................... 9 Amogh
....................................................... 9 Ambika
................................................ 8 Satish Achar
................................................ 8 Sudhindra Achar
......................................... 7 Keshava Achar
......................................... 7 Kamala
............................................... +Venkat Rao
................................................ 8 Udayakumar Rao
...................................................... +Geetha
....................................................... 9 Samrudh Rao
................................................ 8 Shobha
...................................................... +Prasad
....................................................... 9 Priyanka
....................................................... 9 Preetish
................................................ 8 Sujatha


Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

...................................................... +Giriprasad
....................................................... 9 Arpitha
.................................. 6 Savitri
........................................ +Ramakrishna Kedilaya
......................................... 7 [4] Shankaranarayana Kedilaya
............................................... +[5] Ganga
................................................ 8 [6] Savitri
...................................................... +[7] Atloor Venkatakrishna Somayaji
....................................................... 9 [8] Padma
............................................................. +[9] Dayananda
.............................................................. 10 [10] Snehalatha
.................................................................... +[11] h/o Snehalatha
.............................................................. 10 [12] Gururaj
.............................................................. 10 [13] Raghavendra
................................................ 8 [14] Lalitha
...................................................... +[15] Rajaram
....................................................... 9 [16] Ravi
....................................................... 9 [17] Rajashree
................................................ 8 [18] Rama
................................................ 8 [19] Ramakrishna Kedilaya
...................................................... +[20] Leela
....................................................... 9 [21] Shrikara
....................................................... 9 [22] Shubha
................................................ 8 [23] Indira
................................................ 8 [24] Kusuma
......................................... 7 Bhageerathi
......................................... 7 Gangamma
............................................... +Vasudeva Putturaya
................................................ 8 Ramakrishna Putturaya
...................................................... +Savitri
....................................................... 9 Latha
............................................................. +Chandrashekara Holla
.............................................................. 10 Ashwini
.............................................................. 10 Son
....................................................... 9 Mamatha
............................................................. +Sriniivasa Rao
.............................................................. 10 Son
.............................................................. 10 Son
....................................................... 9 Son
....................................................... 9 Smitha
................................................ 8 Lalitha
...................................................... +Vishnumurthy Rao
....................................................... 9 Gayathri
............................................................. +h/o Gayathri
.............................................................. 10 Daughter
....................................................... 9 Om Prakash Rao


Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

....................................................... 9 Raviprakash
................................................ 8 Padmanabha Putturaya
...................................................... +Jyothi
....................................................... 9 Kavitha
............................................................. +Umesh
....................................................... 9 Mohit Putturaya
....................................................... 9 Umesh Putturaya
................................................ 8 Subramanya Putturaya
...................................................... +Vimala
....................................................... 9 Raghavendra
....................................................... 9 Daughter
................................................ 8 Shankara Putturaya
................................................ 8 Manorama
...................................................... +Sridhar Rao
....................................................... 9 Santosh
....................................................... 9 Shubha
....................................................... 9 Sunil Rao
................................................ 8 Srinivasa Putturaya
......................................... 7 Kamala
............................................... +Annaje Hebbar
................................................ 8 Vasudeva Hebbar
...................................................... +w/o Vasudeva
....................................................... 9 Son
................................................ 8 Chandini
...................................................... +h/o Chandini
....................................................... 9 Son
................................................ 8 Daughter
......................................... 7 Kaveriamma
............................................... +Eeswara Malathaya
................................................ 8 Seema
................................................ 8 Radhakrishna Malathaya
...................................................... +Rama
....................................................... 9 Vikram Malathaya
....................................................... 9 Daughter
.................................. 6 Gangamma
........................................ +Srinivasayya
......................................... 7 Kaveriamma
............................................... +Sundar Rao
................................................ 8 Narayana Rao
...................................................... +Susheela
....................................................... 9 Usha
............................................................. +Krishna Pajethaya
.............................................................. 10 Karan Pajethaya
....................................................... 9 Sudhir Rao
....................................................... 9 Nagesh Rao
................................................ 8 Radha


Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

...................................................... +Srinivasa Tantri

....................................................... 9 Shailini
............................................................. +Arun Rao
.............................................................. 10 Amrut Rao
.............................................................. 10 Avinash Rao
....................................................... 9 Santhosh Kumar Tantri
............................................................. +Vasumathi
................................................ 8 Sharada
...................................................... +Srinivasa Tantri
....................................................... 9 Sharat Kumar Tantri
............................................................. +Kumari
....................................................... 9 Shymala
............................................................. +Murali
....................................................... 9 Suman
............................................................. +Nithin Rao
.............................................................. 10 Anuj
.............................................................. 10 Arjun
................................................ 8 Mohan Rao
...................................................... +Jaya
....................................................... 9 Anupama
......................................... 7 Saraswathi
............................................... +Vasudeva Rao
................................................ 8 Vasanthi
...................................................... +K.N. Ithal
....................................................... 9 Sandhya
............................................................. +Ramamurthy
.............................................................. 10 Bhavana
....................................................... 9 Savitha
............................................................. +Balakrishna
.............................................................. 10 Sahana
................................................ 8 Balakrishna Rao
...................................................... +Shashikala
....................................................... 9 Jyostna
....................................................... 9 Prashant Rao
....................................................... 9 Jayashree
................................................ 8 Subba Rao
...................................................... +Malathi
....................................................... 9 Sachin
................................................ 8 Bhaskar Rao
................................................ 8 Malathi
...................................................... +Dhinraj
................................................ 8 Janaki
...................................................... +Prithviraj
....................................................... 9 Archana
............................................................. +Satish
.............................................................. 10 Nikitha


Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

....................................................... 9 Ashwin
......................................... 7 Laxminarayana
............................................... +Vishala
................................................ 8 Nagesh
...................................................... +Praphulla
....................................................... 9 Keerthana
....................................................... 9 Krupa
................................................ 8 Dinesh
...................................................... +Sudha
................................................ 8 Rajesh
......................................... 7 Shreepathy
............................................... +Sudha
................................................ 8 Sujatha
...................................................... +Dinakar Rao
....................................................... 9 Pavana
....................................................... 9 Meghana
................................................ 8 Sanjay
................................................ 8 Savitha
...................................................... +Shyamasunder
....................................................... 9 Vijaya
....................................................... 9 Vidya
.................................. 6 Padmanabha Achar
........................................ +Parameshwari
......................................... 7 Savitri
............................................... +Vishnumurthy Hebbar
................................................ 8 Hari Nagesh
................................................ 8 Ashoka
......................................... 7 Narayana Achar
............................................... +Jayashobini
................................................ 8 Girish Achar
................................................ 8 Kshyama
......................................... 7 Jayalaxmi
............................................... +Radhakrishna Kalluraya
................................................ 8 Krupalaxmi
...................................................... +Shreepathy Bhat
....................................................... 9 Daughter
....................................................... 9 Son
................................................ 8 Sudha
...................................................... +Raghavendra
.......................... 5 Srinivasa Achar
................................ +w/o Srinivasa
.................................. 6 Gopalakrishna Achar
........................................ +w/o Gopalakrishna
......................................... 7 Srinivasa Achar
.................................. 6 Srinivasa Achar
........................................ +Mahalaxmi


Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

......................................... 7 Anantha Krishna Achar

............................................... +Vasanthi
................................................ 8 Gururaj Achar
................................................ 8 Sowmya
......................................... 7 Vedavathi
............................................... +Subba Rao
................................................ 8 Rama
...................................................... +Satish
....................................................... 9 Preet
................................................ 8 Prema
...................................................... +Narayana
....................................................... 9 Vasanthi
.................................. 6 Gangamma
........................................ +Venkatramana Baipadithaya
......................................... 7 Shankara Narayana Baipadithaya
......................................... 7 Srinivasa Baipadithaya
............................................... +w/o Srinivasa
................................................ 8 Kumaraswamy Baipadithaya
...................................................... +Vanamala
....................................................... 9 Suchaitha
....................................................... 9 Sowmya
....................................................... 9 Suratna
................................................ 8 Janardana Baipadithaya
...................................................... +Leelavathi
....................................................... 9 Anup Baipadithaya
....................................................... 9 Anjali
....................................................... 9 Alok Baipadithaya
................................................ 8 Krishna Baipadithaya
...................................................... +Shantha
....................................................... 9 Madhura
....................................................... 9 Madan Baipadithaya
....................................................... 9 Medha
................................................ 8 Nagesh Baipadithaya
...................................................... +Jayalaxmi
....................................................... 9 Dhatri
....................................................... 9 Vipul Baipadithaya
................................................ 8 Sudhakara Baipadithaya
................................................ 8 Indira
...................................................... +Anantharama Baltilaya
................................................ 8 Savitri
...................................................... +Ramakrishna Kadambalithaya
................................................ 8 Bharathi
...................................................... +Anantharama Nalluraya
................................................ 8 Sunithi
...................................................... +Radhakrishna Kedilaya
................................................ 8 Vasuda


Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

...................................................... +Jayaprakash Oppanthaya

................................................ 8 Satyavathi
...................................................... +Eswaraprasad Kadambalithaya
................................................ 8 Anasuya
...................................................... +Gururaja Paddilaya
.................................. 6 Sharade
........................................ +Rama Kalluraya
......................................... 7 Gangamma
............................................... +Ramanna Kedilaya
................................................ 8 Gopalakrishna Kedilaya
................................................ 8 Girish Kedilaya
................................................ 8 Shreepathi Kedilaya
...................................................... +Vasumathi
....................................................... 9 Sachin Kedilaya
....................................................... 9 Suman
................................................ 8 Padmavathi
...................................................... +Ashwath
................................................ 8 Kaveri
................................................ 8 Rajhna
...................................................... +Vishnu
....................................................... 9 Bhanupriya
......................................... 7 Sharade
............ 3 Krishna Achar
.................. +w/o Krishna Achar
................... 4 Vishnu Achar
......................... +w/o Vishnu Achar
.......................... 5 Krishna Achar
................................ +w/o Krishna Achar
.................................. 6 [25] Vishnu Achar
........................................ +Gangamma
......................................... 7 Laxminarayana Achar
............................................... +Saraswathi
................................................ 8 Ratnangi
...................................................... +Venkatramana Kolathaya
................................................ 8 Vittala Achar
...................................................... +Prema
....................................................... 9 Guruprasad Achar
............................................................. +Pallavi
....................................................... 9 Gururaja Achar
....................................................... 9 Amrutalatha
............................................................. +Udaya Kumar
.............................................................. 10 Anvesh
.............................................................. 10 Advaith Anvesh
....................................................... 9 Prasannalatha
............................................................. +Ramesh
.............................................................. 10 Anvitha


Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

.............................................................. 10 Akshar
.................................. *2nd Wife of [25] Vishnu Achar:
........................................ +Bhageerathi
......................................... 7 Anantha Achar
............................................... +Kaveriamma
................................................ 8 Krishna Achar
...................................................... +Premaleela
....................................................... 9 Kavery
....................................................... 9 Anantharama Achar
................................................ 8 Shankara Narayana Achar
...................................................... +Ratna
....................................................... 9 Bhagya
............................................................. +T. Mohan Rao
................................................ 8 Prema
................................................ 8 Suryamurthy Achar
...................................................... +Shantha
....................................................... 9 Smita
....................................................... 9 Sumantha Raja Achar
......................................... 7 Padmanabha Achar
............................................... +Yumanamma
................................................ 8 Vishnu Achar
...................................................... +Ratnavathi
....................................................... 9 Padmanabha Achar
....................................................... 9 Narayana Achar
....................................................... 9 Gururaja Achar
....................................................... 9 Guruprasad Achar
....................................................... 9 Sowmya
................................................ 8 Bhageerathi
...................................................... +Vasudeva Ungrupulithaya
................................................ 8 Gopalakrishna Achar
...................................................... +Padmavathi
....................................................... 9 Savita
............................................................. +Nagaraja Acharya
....................................................... 9 Sahana
............................................................. +Raviprakash Muchinnaya
....................................................... 9 Veena
............................................................. +Narayana Ballullaya
....................................................... 9 Rohini
....................................................... 9 Krishnaprasad Achar
................................................ 8 Savitri
...................................................... +Subraya Bhat
................................................ 8 Leelavathi
...................................................... +Padmanabha Rao
................................................ 8 Prabhakara Achar
...................................................... +Saroja
....................................................... 9 Vinaya Achar


Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

....................................................... 9 Vinuta
....................................................... 9 Sandeepa Achar
................................................ 8 Radhakrishna Achar
...................................................... +Shobha Rani
................................................ 8 Pundarikaksha Achar
...................................................... +Shobha Rani
....................................................... 9 Ashwin Achar
....................................................... 9 Ajith Achar
................................................ 8 Vijayalaxmi
...................................................... +Someshekara Ballullaya
................................................ 8 Umesha Achar
................................................ 8 Shanta
...................................................... +Prakash Kedilaya
................................................ 8 Sumana
...................................................... +Shivarama Sharalaya
......................................... 7 Padmavathi
............................................... +Radhakrishnaiah
......................................... 7 Vasudeva Achar
............................................... +Sharada
................................................ 8 Raghavendra Achar
...................................................... +Anusuya
....................................................... 9 Usha
....................................................... 9 Santhosh Achar
....................................................... 9 Prakash Achar
................................................ 8 Venugopala Achar
...................................................... +Rajani
....................................................... 9 Smita
....................................................... 9 Shruti
....................................................... 9 Sneha
................................................ 8 Shyamala
...................................................... +Ananda
................................................ 8 Ravindar Achar
...................................................... +Rama
....................................................... 9 Kartik Achar
................................................ 8 Udayakumar Achar
...................................................... +Rekha
....................................................... 9 Viswas
......................................... 7 Shridhara Achar
............................................... +Kamalaxi
................................................ 8 Nirmala
...................................................... +Narayana
................................................ 8 Rohini
...................................................... +Mohanasharma
................................................ 8 Rajagopala Achar
...................................................... +Geeta
....................................................... 9 Awati


Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

......................................... 7 Satyavathi
............................................... +Seetharama Shagrithaya
......................................... 7 Chandrashekara Achar
............................................... +Shantha
................................................ 8 Hemalatha
...................................................... +Radhakrishna
................................................ 8 Jayalaxmi
...................................................... +Vijaya Balakrishna
................................................ 8 Sujatha
...................................................... +Ranganatha
................................................ 8 Ashalatha
...................................................... +Raghuram Bhat
....................................................... 9 Son
................................................ 8 Gurprasad Acharya
...................................................... +Lavanya
.................................. 6 Kavery
.................................. 6 Ranga Achar
........................................ +Kaveriamma
......................................... 7 Padmavathi
............................................... +Vishnumurthy Nalluraya
................................................ 8 Sukumara Nalluraya
...................................................... +Sashikala
....................................................... 9 Shanta
............................................................. +Aravinda
................................................ 8 Vijaya
...................................................... +Seetarama Upadyaya
....................................................... 9 Prasanna Upadyaya
............................................................. +Poornima
.............................................................. 10 Pooja
....................................................... 9 Anita
............................................................. +Rajendra
.............................................................. 10 Ananth
.............................................................. 10 Abhin
....................................................... 9 Prashanth Upadyaya
................................................ 8 Kaveriamma
...................................................... +Shivakrishna Somayaji
....................................................... 9 Sumana
............................................................. +Raghupathy
.............................................................. 10 Nayana
.............................................................. 10 Vinaya
....................................................... 9 Krishnamurthy Somayaji
................................................ 8 Subramanya Nalluraya
...................................................... +Prasanna
....................................................... 9 Chitrika
....................................................... 9 Souraba
................................................ 8 Ranganatha Nalluraya


Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

...................................................... +Jayalaxmi
....................................................... 9 Pratishta Nalluraya
....................................................... 9 Pritvin Nalluraya
................................................ 8 Gopalakrishna Nalluraya
...................................................... +Kusuma
....................................................... 9 Gururaja Nalluaraya
....................................................... 9 Srinidhi Nalluaraya
................................................ 8 Malini
...................................................... +Jayantha
....................................................... 9 Archana
....................................................... 9 Ajay
................................................ 8 Satyamurthy Nalluraya
...................................................... +Sashikala
....................................................... 9 Varsha
......................................... 7 Yamunamma
............................................... +Narayana
................................................ 8 Ratna Kumar
...................................................... +Hemalatha
................................................ 8 Nalini
...................................................... +Sreenivasa Kedilaya
....................................................... 9 Savita
....................................................... 9 Sandeepa
................................................ 8 Ranganatha
...................................................... +Shreya
....................................................... 9 Shreya
....................................................... 9 Ananya
......................................... 7 Bhavani
............................................... +Ananthakrishna Kuddannaya
................................................ 8 Krishnamurthy Kuddannaya
...................................................... +Shobha
....................................................... 9 Deviprasad
....................................................... 9 Deepika
................................................ 8 Prabhakara Kuddannaya
...................................................... +Laxmi
....................................................... 9 Pranam
................................................ 8 Prakash Kuddannaya
...................................................... +Beena
................................................ 8 Pramod Kuddannaya
......................................... 7 Radha
............................................... +Subraya Bhat
................................................ 8 Manohara Bhat
...................................................... +Shubha
....................................................... 9 Dhanyashree
................................................ 8 Muralidhara Bhat
................................................ 8 Nirupama
................................................ 8 Manjunatha Bhat


Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

......................................... 7 Jayarama Achar

............................................... +Jayanthi
................................................ 8 Sudhakara Achar
...................................................... +Sashiprabha
....................................................... 9 Sanjana
................................................ 8 Guruprasad Achar
...................................................... +Radhika
................................................ 8 Ratanraja Achar
......................................... 7 Sumitra
............................................... +Padmanabhachar
................................................ 8 Shobha
................................................ 8 Pratiba
................................................ 8 Ganesha
.......................... 5 Narayana Achar
................................ +w/o Narayana Achar
.................................. 6 Subraya Achar
........................................ +Padmavathi
.................................. 6 Narasimha Achar
........................................ +Bhageerathi
......................................... 7 Rama
............................................... +Ramakrishna Noorithaya
................................................ 8 Sudindra Noorithaya
...................................................... +Anupama
................................................ 8 Asha
...................................................... +Satyamurthy
....................................................... 9 Kavya
....................................................... 9 Nidhi
................................................ 8 Lata
...................................................... +Ravi
....................................................... 9 Megha
......................................... 7 Ahalya
............................................... +Ramachandra Kalkoor
................................................ 8 Namita
...................................................... +Krishna
....................................................... 9 Nikhil
................................................ 8 Naveen Kalkoor
.................................. 6 Seetarama Achar
........................................ +Laxmi
......................................... 7 Rajagopala
......................................... 7 Susheela
............................................... +Anantharama Kedilaya
................................................ 8 Murali
................................................ 8 Mamatha
...................................................... +Sameer
....................................................... 9 Son
....................................................... 9 Daughter


Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

......................................... 7 Narayana Achar

............................................... +Shanta
................................................ 8 Namita
................................................ 8 Reshma
................................................ 8 Badriprasad
.................................. 6 Satyabhama
........................................ +Subraya
.......................... 5 [46] Padmanabha Achar
................................ +Kamala
.................................. 6 Vasudeva Achar
........................................ +Kaveriamma
......................................... 7 Kusuma
............................................... +P. K. Bhat
................................................ 8 Anil Bhat
...................................................... +Sunitha
....................................................... 9 Deeksha
....................................................... 9 Chaya
................................................ 8 Dinesh Bhat
...................................................... +Renuka
......................................... 7 Srikrishna Achar
............................................... +Suma
................................................ 8 Swapna
...................................................... +Vikrama
....................................................... 9 Sonali
................................................ 8 Sudeer Achar
................................................ 8 Ashwani
.................................. 6 [26] Narayana Achar
........................................ +[27] Laxmi Kadambalithaya
......................................... 7 [28] Vyasa Rao
............................................... +[29] Jaya
................................................ 8 [30] Sudhakar Rao
...................................................... +[31] Savitha
....................................................... 9 [32] Laxmi
................................................ 8 [33] Sujatha
...................................................... +[34] Gururaj Ithal
....................................................... 9 [35] Abhishek
................................................ 8 [36] Surekha
......................................... 7 [37] Satymoorthy Achar
............................................... +[38] Prabha
................................................ 8 [39] Prakash Achar
................................................ 8 [40] Prashanth Achar
......................................... 7 [41] Shakunthala
............................................... +[42] Ramachandra Ital
................................................ 8 [43] Harsha Ital
...................................................... +[44] Mrudula
................................................ 8 [45] Raghavendra Ital


Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

.................................. 6 Srinivasa Achar

........................................ +Krishnaveni
......................................... 7 Vasanthi
............................................... +Bhaskar Rao
................................................ 8 Sandhya
...................................................... +Raghavendra Rao
....................................................... 9 Sagar
................................................ 8 Veena
...................................................... +Krishnamurthy Agnithaya
....................................................... 9 Vidya
....................................................... 9 Vinaya Agnithaya
................................................ 8 Krishnaprasad Rao
...................................................... +Niveditha
....................................................... 9 Nikil Rao
....................................................... 9 Pooja
....................................................... 9 Sneha
......................................... 7 Vanaja
............................................... +Anantharama Aralithaya
................................................ 8 Nayana
...................................................... +Prabhakara
................................................ 8 Latha
...................................................... +Girish
....................................................... 9 Yatish
................................................ 8 Krishnaraja Aralithaya
...................................................... +Kavya
................................................ 8 Suntiha
................................................ 8 Satish Aralithaya
......................................... 7 Shashikala
............................................... +Ramesh Pejathaya
................................................ 8 Rajesh Pejathaya
...................................................... +Sandhya Pejathaya
....................................................... 9 Devyani Pejathaya
....................................................... 9 Sanjana Pejathaya
....................................................... 9 Krishna Pejathaya
................................................ 8 Dinesh Pejathaya
...................................................... +Roopa Pejathaya
....................................................... 9 Karishma Pejathaya
....................................................... 9 Rohan Pejathaya
................................................ 8 Girish Pejathaya
...................................................... +Shweta Pejathaya
....................................................... 9 Nidhisha Pejathaya
....................................................... 9 Nishant Pejathaya
......................................... 7 Sulochana
............................................... +Ramakrishna Kalluraya
................................................ 8 Ashok Kalluraya
...................................................... +Ujvala


Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

................................................ 8 Arun Kalluraya

................................................ 8 Ratna
...................................................... +Shankara Narayana Rao
....................................................... 9 Ramya
....................................................... 9 Rachan Rao
................................................ 8 Geeta
...................................................... +Radhakrishna Ballal
....................................................... 9 Ranjeet Ballal
....................................................... 9 Rohit Ballal
......................................... 7 Ratna
......................................... 7 Geetha
.......................... *2nd Wife of [46] Padmanabha Achar:
................................ +Wife
............ 3 Narayana Achar
..... 2 Shankara Achar
..... 2 Krishna Achar


Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

Index of Individuals
Madhukar: 71
Manamohan: 81
Moorthy: 62
Murali: 71
Dr. Murali: 83
Narasimha: 98
Narayana: 63
Narayana: 62
Narayana: 81
Narayana: 83, 99
Narayana: 91
Narayana: 101
Narayana: 98
Narayana: 94
Narayana: 99
Padmanabha: 91
Padmanabha: 99, 101
Padmanabha: 94
Padmanabha: 94
Dr. Panduranga: 74
Prabhakara: 94
Prakash: 83, 99
Prakash: 95
Prashanth: 83, 99
Prateek: 74
Pundarikaksha: 95
Radhakrishna: 95
Raghava: 76
Raghavendra: 82
Raghavendra: 95
Raghupathi: 81
Raghuram: 83
Rajagopala: 95
Rajeev: 77
Ramachandra: 62
Ramachandra: 62
Ramachandra: 76
Ramakrishna: 71
Ramakrishna: 78
Ramakrishna: 87
Dr. Ramamoorthy: 81
Ramanna: 78
Ranga: 96
Ranganatha: 62
Ratanraja: 98
Ravi: 82
Ravi Jay: 79
Ravindar: 95
Raviraj: 87
Rohan Raj: 79
Sandeepa: 95
Santhosh: 95
Satish: 87
Satyanarayana: 79
Satymoorthy: 83, 99
Seetarama: 98
Shankar: 71
Shankara: 62
Shankara: 69
Shankara: 87
Shankara: 101

(Paddakka) Padmavathi: 68

Abhijit Unnamed: 64

Abhin Unnamed: 96

Abhishek Unnamed: 83, 99

Abijith Unnamed: 74
Unnamed: 77

Achala Unnamed: 79

Achar Adarsh: 87
Ajith: 95
Dr. Anantha: 82
Anantha: 79
Anantha: 94
Anantha Krishna: 92
Anantharama: 94
Aravinda: 78
Ashwin: 95
Avinash: 79
Dr. Bhaskar: 63
Chandrashekar: 79
Chandrashekara: 96
Damodara: 81
Danil Shawn: 79
Dinkara: 71
Gagan: 81
Girish: 91
Gopala: 86
Gopalakrishna: 77
Gopalakrishna: 91
Gopalakrishna: 94
Guruprasad: 93
Guruprasad: 94
Guruprasad: 98
Gururaj: 92
Gururaja: 87
Gururaja: 93
Gururaja: 94
Dr. Jagadeesha: 81
Jayarama: 98
Jivan Dev: 79
Kartik: 63
Kartik: 95
Keshava: 79
Keshava: 87
Kittappa: 62
Krishna: 62
Krishna: 82
Krishna: 93
Krishna: 101
Krishna: 93
Krishna: 94
Krishnaprasad: 94
Dr. Laxmana: 79
Laxminarayana: 93


Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

Shankara Narayana: 94
Shankaranarayana: 78
Shankaranarayana: 86
Sharath: 74
Sharavan: 81
Shawn R.: 79
Shreepathy: 71
Shridhara: 95
Sreevatsa: 75
Srikrishna: 99
Srinidhi: 79
Srinivasa: 91
Srinivasa: 91
Srinivasa: 91
Srinivasa: 100
Subraya: 98
Sudeer: 99
Sudhakara: 98
Sudhindra: 87
Sumantha Raja: 94
Sundara: 74
Dr. Suraj Arthur: 78
Suryamurthy: 94
Udayakumar: 95
Umesha: 95
Vadiraja: 78
Vasudeva: 68
Vasudeva: 99
Vasudeva: 95
Venkatramana: 78
Venugopala: 95
Vinaya: 94
Vishnu: 93
Vishnu: 93, 94
Vishnu: 94
Vittala: 93
w/o Kartik: 63
w/o Kittappa: 62
w/o Krishna: 62
w/o Krishna: 93
w/o Krishna: 93
w/o Narayana: 98
w/o Shankara: 62
w/o Vishnu: 93

Acharya Gurprasad: 96
Mohan: 79
Nagaraja: 94
Raghavendra: 67
Rajarama: 78
Udayashankara: 67

Unnamed: 98

Aishwarya Unnamed: 77

Ajay Unnamed: 97
Unnamed: 86

Ajith Unnamed: 74
Unnamed: 75
Unnamed: 82

Akash Unnamed: 72

Akhila Unnamed: 64
Unnamed: 84

Akila Unnamed: 77

Akshar Unnamed: 94

Akshata Unnamed: 73

Akshatha Unnamed: 76
Unnamed: 86

Akshaya Unnamed: 72

Akshetha Unnamed: 77

Alok Unnamed: 75

Ambika Unnamed: 73
Unnamed: 80
Unnamed: 87

Amitha Unnamed: 76
Unnamed: 77

Ammannaya Ramachandra: 68
Subraya: 77

Amogh Unnamed: 87

Amrith Unnamed: 82

Amrut Unnamed: 70

Amrutalatha Unnamed: 93

Anajani -

Adithya Unnamed: 75

Unnamed: 76

Anand -

Aditya Unnamed: 62
Unnamed: 65
Unnamed: 73

Agnithaya Krishnamurthy: 100

Vinaya: 100

Ahalya Unnamed: 85

Unnamed: 66

Ananda Unnamed: 95

Ananditha Unnamed: 83

Ananth Unnamed: 96

Ananthakrishna Unnamed: 72


Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

Ananya -

Arpana -

Unnamed: 65
Unnamed: 71
Unnamed: 97

Unnamed: 62
Unnamed: 85

Arpitha -

Anasuya Unnamed: 74
Unnamed: 93

Unnamed: 73
Unnamed: 88

Aruna -

Anita -

Unnamed: 71
Unnamed: 86

Unnamed: 96

Anjali -

Asha -

Unnamed: 86
Unnamed: 92


Ankith Unnamed: 74

Ashalatha -

Anuj -

Unnamed: 96

Unnamed: 90

Ashita -

Anupama Unnamed:



Anuradha Unnamed: 64
Dr. Unnamed: 81
Unnamed: 85

Anusha -

Unnamed: 65

Ashok Unnamed: 74
Dr. Unnamed: 87

Ashoka Unnamed: 91

Ashwani Unnamed: 99

Ashwath -

Unnamed: 79

Anusuya -

Unnamed: 93

Ashwin -

Unnamed: 95

Anvesh -

Unnamed: 91

Ashwini -

Unnamed: 93
Advaith: 93

Anvitha Unnamed: 79
Unnamed: 93

Unnamed: 70
Unnamed: 88

Aswita Unnamed: 64

Awati -

Aparna Unnamed: 72

Unnamed: 95

Badriprasad -

Apoorva Unnamed: 79

Unnamed: 99

Bailoor -

Apsara -

Anish: 76
Madhav Achar: 76
Nagesh: 76

Unnamed: 84

Aralithaya Anantharama: 100

Krishnaraja: 100
Satish: 100

Baipadithaya Alok: 92
Anup: 92
Dr. Janardana: 92
Keshava: 78
Krishna: 92
Kumaraswamy: 92
Madan: 92
Nagesh: 92
Shankara Narayana: 92
Srinivasa: 92
Sudhakara: 92
Venkatramana: 92
Vipul: 92

Arathi Unnamed: 85

Aravind Unnamed: 85
Unnamed: 86

Aravinda Unnamed: 96

Archana Unnamed: 72
Unnamed: 90
Unnamed: 97

Arjun Unnamed: 74
Unnamed: 90

Balachandra Unnamed: 86

Balakrishna Unnamed: 64
Unnamed: 66

Arjunraj Unnamed: 78


Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

Unnamed: 74
Unnamed: 77
Unnamed: 90
Unnamed: 78
Vijaya: 96

Bharati Unnamed: 73

Bhat Anil: 99
Balasubramanya: 75
Dinesh: 99
Govinda: 68
Manjunatha: 97
Manohara: 97
Muralidhara: 97
N. N.: 65
Narendra: 75
P. K.: 99
Prabhakar: 71
Raghuram: 96
Dr. Rajagopala: 75
Ramakrishna: 72
Ranjan: 72
Sachin: 65
Sanjay: 84
Shreepathy: 91
Subraya: 94
Subraya: 97
Sudhir: 71
Suraj: 84
Vinod: 80
Vishnu: 62
w/o Vishnu: 62
Y. L.: 84

Balasubramanya Unnamed: 69

Ballakuraya Damodar: 73
Parameshawara: 67
Parameshwara: 63
Ramakrishna: 62
Ramakrishna: 67
Ravishankara: 67
Srinivasa: 69
Venkatramana: 67

Ballal Radhakrishna: 101

Ranjeet: 101
Rohit: 101

Ballullaya Narayana: 94
Someshekara: 95

Baltilaya Anantharama: 92

Banninathaya Shilpa: 64

Banninthaya Gopalakrishna: 62
Goplakrishna: 63
Koustubh: 64
Ramachandra: 63
Shankaranarayana: 63

Beena Unnamed: 97
Unnamed: 85

Bhageerathi Unnamed:
h/o: 68


Bhaghirathi -

Bhavana Unnamed: 90

Bhavani Unnamed: 67
Unnamed: 97

Bindu Unnamed: 85
Unnamed: 85

Bipadithaya Anil: 64
Balakrishna: 64
Hemachandra: 64
Pradhan: 64
Prakash: 65
Shankaranarayana: 64
Shreepathi: 65
Srinivasa: 64

Chadaga Anantha Krishna: 68

Balakrishna: 68
Ganesh: 68
Madhusudhana: 68
Prabhakara: 68
Ramakrishna: 68

Unnamed: 68

Bhagya Unnamed: 94

Bhanupriya Unnamed: 93

Bhanushankar Unnamed: 63

Bharat Unnamed: 65

Chaithra Unnamed: 63

Chaitra Unnamed: 67
Unnamed: 77

Bharathi Unnamed: 63
Unnamed: 74
Unnamed: 76
Dr. Unnamed: 80
Unnamed: 92

Chakrapani Unnamed: 66

Champa Unnamed: 64


Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

Unnamed: 76

Chandana -

Unnamed: 68

Deviprasad -

Unnamed: 63

Chandini -

Unnamed: 97

Dhanyashree -

Unnamed: 89
h/o: 89

Unnamed: 97

Dhatri -

Chandraiah -

Unnamed: 92

Rama: 70

Dhinraj -

Chandrakantha Unnamed: 64

Unnamed: 90

Dinesh -

Chandramathi -

Unnamed: 70
Unnamed: 70
Dr. Unnamed: 91
Unnamed: 63
Unnamed: 68

Unnamed: 77

Chandrashekar Unnamed: 71
Unnamed: 73
Unnamed: 77

Divya Unnamed: 84

Chandrika Unnamed: 86

Ganesh Unnamed: 65

Chaya Unnamed: 99

Ganesha Unnamed: 98

Chetna Unnamed: 74

Ganga Unnamed: 82, 88

Chinya Manunath: 80

Gangamma Unnamed:

Chitra Unnamed: 73
Unnamed: 80

Chitrika Unnamed: 96

Dananjaya Unnamed: 75

Daughter Unnamed:


Gayathri Unnamed: 75
Dr. Unnamed: 88
h/o: 88

Geeta Unnamed:

Unnamed: 82, 88


Girija -

Deeksha -

Unnamed: 87
Unnamed: 69

Unnamed: 99

Deepa 62

Giriprasad Unnamed: 88

Girish Unnamed: 72
Unnamed: 87
Unnamed: 78
Unnamed: 85
Unnamed: 100
Shambhavi: 64

Deepak Unnamed: 63

Deepika Unnamed: 84
Unnamed: 97

Devaki -


Geetha -

Dayananda -



Gopal Unnamed: 72


Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

Unnamed: 85

Gopala -

Atul: 79

Indira -

Unnamed: 69

Unnamed: 73
Unnamed: 82, 88
Unnamed: 92

Gopalakrishna Unnamed: 73
Unnamed: 74
w/o: 91

Gouri -

Irnuraya Narayana: 63

Ital -

Unnamed: 86

Harsha: 83, 99
Raghavendra: 83, 99
Dr. Ramachandra: 83, 99
Suresh: 67

Gowri Unnamed: 85

Greesma Unnamed: 81

Ithal Gururaj: 83, 99

K.N.: 90

Guraraj Unnamed: 66

Guruprasad Unnamed: 64
Unnamed: 77

Jagadeesh Unnamed: 81

Jahnavi Unnamed: 75

Gururaj Unnamed: 77
Unnamed: 82, 88

Gururaja -

Jamuna Unnamed: 85

Janaki Unnamed: 62
Unnamed: 90

Unnamed: 73

Guruthirtha Unnamed: 73

Jaya Unnamed:

Hari Unnamed: 64

Harikumar Unnamed: 65

Harish Unnamed: 78

Harsha w/o: 80

Hebbar Agasthya: 76
Ananthakrishna: 76
Annaje: 89
Eshawara: 75
Gowrav: 76
Gowtham: 76
Kartik: 76
Pundarika: 76
Radhakrishna: 75
Rajashekar: 76
Ravindra: 76
Ravishankar: 76
Seshappa: 71
Seshappa: 75
Vasudeva: 89
Vignesh: 76
Vishnumurthy: 91

Hemalatha Unnamed: 97
Unnamed: 96

Jayadeepa Unnamed: 71

Jayadeva Unnamed: 71

Jayalaxmi Unnamed:

Unnamed: 97

Jayanthi Unnamed: 70
Unnamed: 98
Unnamed: 69

Jayaprakash Unnamed: 74
Unnamed: 77

Jayasheela Unnamed: 79

Jayashobini Unnamed: 91

Jayashree Unnamed:

Chandrashekara: 88
Ramachandra: 76

Husband -


Jeevitha -

Idya Ajith Kumar: 79


Jayantha -

Holla -

Unnamed: 86

83, 99

Unnamed: 77

Jyostna -


Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

Unnamed: 90

Jyothi Unnamed:

Unnamed: 63

Kantavar 67

Subramanya: 68

Karthik Unnamed: 74
Unnamed: 83

Kaveri Unnamed: 76
Unnamed: 93

Jyotsna Unnamed: 72

Kaveriamma -

Kadambalithaya -

h/o: 68

Chennakeshava: 83
Eswaraprasad: 93
Keshava: 84
Laxmi: 83, 99
Laxminarayana: 77
Narayana: 83
Ramakrishna: 73
Ramakrishna: 92
Sridhar: 83
Subramanya: 84
Surya: 84
Venktakrishna: 83

Kakura Narayana: 83

Kalkoor Naveen: 98
Ramachandra: 98

Kavery Unnamed: 96
Unnamed: 94

Kalluaraya Kiran: 87

Kavitha -

Kalluraya Arun: 101

Ashok: 100
Gopalakrishna: 86
Mohana: 87
Radhakrishna: 91
Rajit: 86
Rama: 93
Ramakrishna: 100
Rohit: 86
Shivaprasad: 66
Sriharsha: 87
Subramanya: 86
Sukumar: 87
Venkatramana: 68

Unnamed: 81
Dr. Unnamed: 89

Kavya Unnamed:
D. K.: 65

Kedilaya Anantharama: 98
Ashok: 65
Girish: 93
Gopalakrishna: 93
M. S.: 65
Prakash: 95
Radhakrishna: 92
Ramachandra: 69
Ramakrishna: 82, 88
Ramakrishna: 88
Ramanna: 93
Sachin: 93
Shankaranarayana: 82, 88
Shreepathi: 93
Sreenivasa: 97
Subraya: 69
Vasudeva: 69
Venkatramana: 68
Vishnu: 82

Unnamed: 67
Unnamed: 70

Kamala 63

Kamalaxi Unnamed:


Kanakalata Unnamed: 73

Kanchan -


Kayarthaya -

Kalpana -



Keerthan -


Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

Unnamed: 80

Keerthana -

Unnamed: 81

Krupa -

Unnamed: 91

Unnamed: 66
Unnamed: 74
Unnamed: 91

Keerthi Unnamed: 74

Krupalaxmi -

Kekunnaya Seetarama: 86
Vishnu: 68

Unnamed: 91

Krutika Unnamed: 67

Keshav Unnamed: 69

Kshyama Unnamed: 91

Keshiva Unnamed: 69

Kuddannaya Ananthakrishna: 97
Krishnamurthy: 97
Prabhakara: 97
Prakash: 97
Pramod: 97

Kiran Unnamed: 80
Unnamed: 81

Kishan Unnamed: 77

Kudvennaya -

Kishore -

Hariprasad: 86
Prakash: 86

Unnamed: 73

Kivn Unnamed: 84

Kulkarni Unnamed: 69

Kolathaya Balakrishna: 81
Gururaj: 81
Harsha: 80
Kishore: 80
Narayana: 80
Pradeep: 80
Ranganatha: 80
Santhosh: 80
Shailesh: 80
Srikanth: 80
Subramanya: 80
Sudhir: 80
Sukumara: 80
Sunil: 80
Suraj: 80
Venkatramana: 80
Venkatramana: 93
Yadukumar: 81

Kumar Chetan: 69
Chetan: 62
Manoj: 62
Ratna: 97
Udaya: 93

Kumaraswamy Unnamed: 70

Kumari Unnamed: 67
Unnamed: 90

Kundu Dr. Suriti: 79

Kusuma Unnamed:

Kote Sashidar: 76

Krishna Unnamed: 98

Krishnaiah -

Lakshmeesha -

Unnamed: 74

Krishnakumar -

Unnamed: 79

Lalitha -

Unnamed: 74


Krishnamurthy Unnamed:

82, 88


Lalithamma Unnamed: 77

Lata -

Krishnaraj -

Unnamed: 72
Unnamed: 98

Unnamed: 69

Krishnaraja -

82, 88

Latha -

Unnamed: 73


Krishnaveni Unnamed: 100

Krithik -



Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

Dr. Vikram: 89

Lavanya Unnamed: 75
Unnamed: 96

Malathi Unnamed:

Laxmi Unnamed:

83, 99

Malavika Unnamed: 82

Malini Unnamed: 74
Unnamed: 97
Unnamed: 69

Laxmikanth Unnamed: 76

Mallika -

Laxminarayana Unnamed: 78
Dr. Unnamed: 91
Dr. Unnamed: 86

Unnamed: 82

Mamatha Unnamed:

Leela Unnamed:

82, 88

Levant -

Unnamed: 72

Mangala Unnamed: 63

Manja Narasimha: 86
Shridhara: 86

Manjari -

Susan: 78

Linda -

Unnamed: 80

Manjunath -

Unnamed: 84

Lopamudre -

Unnamed: 65

Manjunatha -

Unnamed: 86

Madan -

Unnamed: 85

Manohar -

Unnamed: 81

Madhav -

Unnamed: 79

Manorama -

Unnamed: 75

Madhava -

Unnamed: 89

Manoranjan -

Unnamed: 68

Madhu -

Unnamed: 69

Manushankar -

Unnamed: 73

Madhura -

Unnamed: 63

Maya -

Unnamed: 92

Madhuri -

Unnamed: 81

Medha -

Unnamed: 87

Madhusudan -

Unnamed: 92

Meera -

Unnamed: 76

Madini -

Unnamed: 81

Megha -

Unnamed: 81

Unnamed: 81
Unnamed: 98

Mahalaxmi Unnamed: 67
Unnamed: 91

Maina -

Meghana Unnamed: 91

Milind -

Unnamed: 64

Mala -

Unnamed: 85

Minal -

Unnamed: 65

Malathaya Eeswara: 89
Radhakrishna: 89


Manasa -

Leelavathi Unnamed: 68
Dr. Unnamed: 92
Unnamed: 94


Unnamed: 80

Mohanasharma Unnamed: 95

Mohini -


Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

Unnamed: 69

Unnamed: 96
Unnamed: 100

Moroz -

Nidhi -

Irina: 79

Unnamed: 98

Mrudula Unnamed: 83, 99

Nidwannayya Keshava: 78

Muchinnaya Raviprakash: 94

Niharika Unnamed: 76

Murali Unnamed: 90
Unnamed: 98

Muralidhar -

Nikhil Unnamed: 98

Nikitha -

Unnamed: 74

Unnamed: 67
Unnamed: 79
Unnamed: 90

Mutatekar Dr. Unnamed: 81

Ninad -

Nagaraj -

Unnamed: 81

Unnamed: 64

Nirmala -

Nagaratna -


Unnamed: 66

Nagendra Unnamed: 74

Nagesh Unnamed: 91
Hari: 91

Nirupama Unnamed: 97

Nahush Unnamed: 72

Nisha Unnamed: 63
Unnamed: 62

Nalini Unnamed: 62
Unnamed: 68
Unnamed: 97

Nishad Unnamed: 79

Niveditha -

Nalluaraya -

Unnamed: 85
Unnamed: 100

Gururaja: 97
Srinidhi: 97

Noorithaya -

Nalluraya Anantharama: 92
Gopalakrishna: 97
Pratishta: 97
Pritvin: 97
Ranganatha: 96
Satyamurthy: 97
Dr. Subramanya: 96
Sukumara: 96
Vishnumurthy: 96

Namita -

Ramakrishna: 98
Sudindra: 98

Oppanthaya Jayaprakash: 93

P. Ramachandra Banninthaya: 64

P.R. Girisha Banninthaya: 64

Naveena Banninthaya: 64

Paddilaya -

Unnamed: 86
Unnamed: 99
Unnamed: 98

Gururaja: 93

Padma Unnamed:

Nandakishor Unnamed: 85

Narayana Unnamed:



Naveen Unnamed: 64
Unnamed: 71
Unnamed: 81

82, 88

Padmaja Unnamed: 85

Padmanabha Unnamed: 68
Unnamed: 73

Padmanabhachar Unnamed: 98

Padmavathi Unnamed:

Nayana Unnamed: 63



Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

Unnamed: 95
Unnamed: 98

Unnamed: 100

Poornima -

Padmaxi -


Unnamed: 64

Padvetnaya Rama: 86
Sharathkrishna: 86
Vijaya Raghava: 86

Pajethaya Karan: 89
Krishna: 89

Pallavi -

Potty Dr. Sreenivasa: 83

Prabha -

Unnamed: 85

h/o: 82

Parameshwara -

Prabhakar -

Unnamed: 65
Unnamed: 74
Unnamed: 93

Pannaga -

Prabhakara Unnamed: 70
Unnamed: 100

Unnamed: 91

Parameswari Unnamed: 62

Parashuram Unnamed: 69

Parimala Unnamed: 78

Parlattaya Girisha: 66
Laxmisha: 66
Padmanabha: 66
Prabhakara: 66
Prasanna: 66
Ramachandra: 66

Pradeep Unnamed: 67

Prajna Unnamed: 75

Pranam Unnamed: 97

Pranesh Unnamed: 72

Praphulla Unnamed: 91

Prasad Unnamed: 71
Unnamed: 87
Raghavendra: 66

Pashupathi Unnamed: 72

Pavana -

Prasada Unnamed: 67

Unnamed: 91

Pavitra -

Prasanna Unnamed: 96

Unnamed: 74

Pejathaya Devyani: 100

Dinesh: 100
Girish: 100
Karishma: 100
Krishna: 100
Nidhisha: 100
Nishant: 100
Rajesh: 100
Ramesh: 100
Rohan: 100
Roopa: 100
Sandhya: 100
Sanjana: 100
Shweta: 100

Pejavar Prabhakar: 67
Satish: 82
Vivek: 82

Pooja Unnamed: 73
Unnamed: 96

83, 99

Unnamed: 64

Unnamed: 68

Parameshwari -


Prasannalatha Unnamed: 93

Prashantachar Unnamed: 87

Prashanth Unnamed: 62

Prashantha Unnamed: 83

Prathana Unnamed: 66

Prathibha Unnamed: 69

Prathijna Unnamed: 67

Prathima Unnamed: 84

Prathoma Unnamed: 86

Pratiba Unnamed: 98

Pratibha -


Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

Unnamed: 74

Pratima -

Unnamed: 96

Radhakrishnaiah -

Unnamed: 71

Praveen -

Unnamed: 95

Radhika -

Unnamed: 62
Unnamed: 65
Unnamed: 65

Preet -

Unnamed: 76
Unnamed: 82
Unnamed: 98

Raghavendra -

Unnamed: 92


Preetish Unnamed: 87

Prema Unnamed:


Premalatha Unnamed: 65
Unnamed: 87

Raghupathi Unnamed: 72

Raghupathy Unnamed: 96

Raghuram Unnamed: 68

Premaleela Unnamed: 94

Raghurama Unnamed: 74

Prithvi Unnamed: 78

Raghvendrachar Unnamed: 87

Prithviraj Unnamed: 90

Railard Valentino: 80

Priyanka Unnamed: 87

Rajagopal Unnamed: 73

Punchithayya Praveen: 76
Shankaranaryana: 76

Pundarikaksha -

Rajagopala Unnamed: 98

Rajalaxmi -

Unnamed: 73

Punith -

Unnamed: 70

Rajani -

Unnamed: 73

Unnamed: 65
Unnamed: 95
Unnamed: 82

Pushpa Unnamed: 63

Pushpalatha -

Rajania Unnamed: 74

Unnamed: 87

Puspa -

Rajaram Unnamed: 82, 88

Unnamed: 79

Puspha -

Rajashree Unnamed: 66
Unnamed: 76
Unnamed: 82, 88

Unnamed: 81

Putturaya Mohit: 89
Dr. Padmanabha: 89
Ramakrishna: 88
Shankara: 89
Srinivasa: 89
Subramanya: 89
Umesh: 89
Vasudeva: 88
Venkappayya: 62

Rajatha Unnamed: 63

Rajendra Unnamed: 65
Unnamed: 96
Unnamed: 85

Rajesh Unnamed:

Rachita Unnamed: 74

Radha Unnamed: 89
Unnamed: 97

Radhakrishna Unnamed: 69
Unnamed: 77

82, 88


Rajeshwari Unnamed: 62

Rajgopal Unnamed: 77

Rajhna -


Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

Unnamed: 93

Akhilesh: 80
Amrut: 90
Ananda: 71
Dr. Arun: 90
Aswin: 75
Avinash: 90
B.D.K.: 79
Balakrishna: 75
Balakrishna: 90
Bhaskar: 90
Bhaskar: 100
Bujanga: 86
Chandan: 75
Dr. Dinakar: 91
Dr. Ganapathi: 77
Ganesh: 85
Harischandra: 68
Kartik: 75
Kaushik: 75
Kishore: 76
Krishnaprasad: 100
Mohan: 90
Mukunda: 75
Murali Mohan: 87
Nagesh: 89
Narasingha: 72
Narayan: 81
Narayana: 71
Narayana: 89
Nikil: 100
Dr. Nithin: 90
Om Prakash: 88
Padmanabha: 94
Prashant: 90
Rachan: 101
Raghavendra: 84
Raghavendra: 100
Raghunandan: 75
Rama: 71
Ramakrishna: 75
Ramesh: 73
Dr. Ramesh: 75
Rao Bahadoor Shreepathi: 83
Sachin: 79
Samrudh: 87
Satish: 77
Shankar: 75
Shankar: 84
Shankara Narayana: 101
Shyama: 77
Dr. Sridhar: 89
Srikantha: 79
SriKrishna: 79
Sriniivasa: 88
Subba: 90
Subba: 92
Subramanya: 77
Sudhakar: 83, 99
Dr. Sudhakar: 72
Sudhir: 89
Dr. Sundar: 89
Sundar: 69
Sunil: 89

Rajiraj Unnamed: 84

Rakesh Unnamed: 63
Unnamed: 85

Raksha Unnamed: 71

Rakshitha Unnamed: 75

Rama Unnamed:

82, 88

Ramachandra Unnamed: 68
Unnamed: 68
w/o: 62
w/o: 68

Ramadasa Unnamed: 84

Ramadevi Unnamed: 64

Ramakrishna Unnamed: 71
Unnamed: 78
Unnamed: 86

Ramamurthy Unnamed: 90

Ramesh Unnamed: 63
Unnamed: 62
Dr. Unnamed: 81
Unnamed: 84
Unnamed: 93

Ramya Unnamed:


Ranganath Unnamed: 65

Ranganatha Unnamed: 97
Unnamed: 85
Unnamed: 96

Rani Shobha: 95
Shobha: 95

Ranjana Unnamed: 71

Ranjani Unnamed: 73

Ranjini Unnamed: 65

Rao -


Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

T. Mohan: 94
Udayakumar: 87
Umesh K.: 79
Vasant: 75
Vasudeva: 90
Venkat: 87
Venkatramana: 87
Vishak: 75
Vishnumurthy: 88
Dr. Vyasa: 83, 99
Yogesh: 71

Unnamed: 73
Unnamed: 99

Reshma Unnamed:

Rinya -

Rashmi -

Unnamed: 81

Unnamed: 66
Unnamed: 71
Unnamed: 87

Rathi -

Rohini Unnamed: 94
Unnamed: 95

Rohith -

Unnamed: 67
Unnamed: 84

Rathna -

Unnamed: 86

Roopa Unnamed: 70

Unnamed: 68

Ratna Unnamed:
Seeta: 67

Rugma Unnamed: 73


Rupa Unnamed: 87
Unnamed: 69

Sachin Unnamed: 77
Unnamed: 90

Ratnakara Unnamed: 85

Ratnangi Unnamed: 93

Ratnavathi Unnamed: 64
Unnamed: 94

Ratni -

Sachindra Unnamed: 63

Sagar Unnamed: 76
Unnamed: 100

Sahana Unnamed:

Unnamed: 68

Ravi Unnamed:

82, 88

Ravikala Unnamed: 65
Unnamed: 80

Ravikumar Unnamed: 80

Ravindra -

Unnamed: 72

Sameer Unnamed: 98

Sampathu Unnamed: 66

Sampigethaya Chenkeshava: 85
Prabhakar: 85
Sreenivasa: 84

Raviprakash Unnamed: 89

Ravishankar Unnamed: 62
Unnamed: 71

Reetu Unnamed: 80

Rekha 71


Sahayaja -

Unnamed: 63



Sampreethi Unnamed: 73

Sandeep Unnamed: 86

Sandeepa Unnamed: 97

Sandhya Unnamed:

Renuka -



Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy



Satyanarayana Unnamed: 73
Unnamed: 62

Satyavathi -

Sangeetha -


Unnamed: 70

Sanjana Unnamed: 98

Sanjay -

Savita -

Unnamed: 91

Unnamed: 64
Unnamed: 94
Unnamed: 97

Sankeerthi Unnamed: 73

Savitha -

Sankeet -


Unnamed: 73

Sannutha Unnamed: 84

Santhosh Unnamed: 84

Santosh Unnamed: 89

Sapna Unnamed: 71


Unnamed: 78

Saraswathi 63

Saraswati Unnamed: 67

Saritha Unnamed: 67

Sashikala Unnamed: 65
Unnamed: 96
Unnamed: 97

Unnamed: 89

Seetamma Unnamed: 71
Unnamed: 75

Seetha Unnamed: 66
Unnamed: 75

Shaarvari Unnamed: 78

Shagrithaya Balakrishna: 66
Pavan: 66
Ramachandra: 66
Ranjan: 66
Ravindra: 66
Seetharama: 96
Shankara: 66
Venkatramana: 66

Sashiprabha Unnamed: 98

Sastry Laxminarayana: 65

Satish Unnamed:


Satyabhama Unnamed:

82, 88

Seema -

Saroja Unnamed:

83, 99

Savitri -

Sarala -



Shailini Unnamed: 90
Unnamed: 83

Shakuntala Unnamed: 64


Satyamurthy Dr. Unnamed: 98

Shakunthala Unnamed: 83, 99

Shalini Unnamed: 74

Shankar Unnamed: 68

Shankara -


Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

Unnamed: 68

Damodara: 68
Ganapathy: 69
M. L.: 83
Subramanya: 69

Shanta Unnamed:


Shantala -

Shayari Unnamed: 80
Unnamed: 86

Sheela -

Unnamed: 64
Unnamed: 70

Unnamed: 63

Shilpa -

Shantha Unnamed:



Shobha -

Shanthi -


Unnamed: 71
Unnamed: 77

Sharada Unnamed:
h/o: 65


Sharade Unnamed: 93
Unnamed: 93

Unnamed: 77

Shreenidhi Unnamed: 72

Shreepathy Unnamed: 72
Unnamed: 91

Shreya Unnamed:

Unnamed: 78

Shridhara Unnamed: 84

Shrikantha Unnamed: 85

Shrikara Unnamed: 70
Unnamed: 82, 88
Unnamed: 72

Unnamed: 66
Unnamed: 70

Sharnya Unnamed: 80

Shashank Unnamed: 75
Unnamed: 75

Shrikrishna Unnamed: 84

Shrirama Unnamed: 70

Shruti Unnamed:

Shashikala Unnamed: 65
Unnamed: 90
Unnamed: 100

Shastry -


Shridevi -

Sharanya Sharmila -


Shravya -

Sharalaya Eswarappa: 67
Hemanth: 70
Kirthan: 67
Laximinarayana: 80
Dr. Mohana: 70
Nagesh: 70
Narayana: 67
Pradeepa: 67
Pranesh: 67
Prashanth: 70
Sandeep: 70
Sanjaya: 70
Santosh: 70
Shivarama: 95
Subraya: 69
Sudhakara: 70
Sukumara: 70
Venkatraya: 70


Shubha -



Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy


82, 88

Unnamed: 96
Unnamed: 79

Sonali Unnamed: 99

Soubadra -

Shyamala Unnamed:

Unnamed: 84

Souraba -

Shyamasunder -

Sowmya -

Dr. Unnamed: 91

Unnamed: 96

Sowjanya Unnamed: 82

Shymala Unnamed: 90

Sindhukavery Unnamed: 71

Sisheer Unnamed: 81

Sowmyagouri -

Smeetha -

Unnamed: 72

Unnamed: 84

Sparsha -

Smita -

Unnamed: 80

Unnamed: 94
Unnamed: 95

Smitha -

Spoorthi Unnamed: 81

Sreedevi -

Unnamed: 65
Unnamed: 72
Unnamed: 79
Dr. Unnamed: 88

Sneha Unnamed: 77
Unnamed: 95
Unnamed: 100

Snehalatha Unnamed: 79
Unnamed: 82, 88
h/o: 82, 88

Somayaji Atloor Venkatakrishna: 82, 88

Krishnamurthy: 96
Shivakrishna: 96

Son Unnamed:



Unnamed: 84

Sreekantha Unnamed: 74

Sreelatha Unnamed: 74
Unnamed: 75

Sreemathi Unnamed: 77

Sreenidhi Unnamed: 74

Sreenivasa Unnamed: 84

Sreevalli Unnamed: 66

Sreya Unnamed: 65

Sreyas Unnamed: 65

Srikanth Unnamed: 86

Srimati Unnamed: 64

Srinidhi Unnamed: 70

Srinivas Unnamed: 67
Unnamed: 73

Srinivasa w/o: 91
w/o: 92

Srinivasayya Unnamed: 89

Srirama Unnamed: 73

Srivatsa Unnamed: 85


Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

Unnamed: 86
Unnamed: 99

Sriya Unnamed: 72

Suman -

Sruti -

Unnamed: 84
Dr. Unnamed: 90
Unnamed: 93

Unnamed: 63

Subbakka Unnamed: 69

Sumana -

Subbanna -


Unnamed: 66
Unnamed: 77

Subbaraya Unnamed: 70

Subhadra -

Sumangala Unnamed: 70
Unnamed: 77

Unnamed: 85

Subraya Unnamed: 68
Unnamed: 74
Unnamed: 99

Sumanth Unnamed: 71

Sumathi Unnamed: 66
Unnamed: 76
Unnamed: 68

Suchaitha Unnamed: 92

Sucheta Unnamed: 70

Suchithra Unnamed: 85

Sudarshana Unnamed: 83

Sumati Unnamed: 67

Sumitra Unnamed: 98

Sunanda Unnamed: 66
Unnamed: 75
Unnamed: 76

Sudha Unnamed: 71
Unnamed: 74
Unnamed: 75
Unnamed: 77
Dr. Unnamed: 87
Unnamed: 91
Unnamed: 91
Unnamed: 91

Sunandamma Unnamed: 83

Sundar Unnamed: 72
Unnamed: 69

Sundari Prema: 71

Sudhanya Unnamed: 72

Sunil Unnamed: 85

Sudheer Unnamed: 84

Sunitha Unnamed: 62
Unnamed: 78
Unnamed: 99

Sudhir Unnamed: 72

Suguna Unnamed: 73

Sunithi Unnamed: 92

Sujatha Unnamed:

83, 99

Suntiha Unnamed: 100

Suphala Unnamed: 72

Supriya Unnamed: 84

Surabhi -

Sukanya -

Unnamed: 72

Unnamed: 65
Unnamed: 69

Sulochana Unnamed:


Suratna Unnamed: 92

Surekha 70

Unnamed: 83, 99

Suresh Unnamed: 71
Unnamed: 82
Unnamed: 63

Suma Unnamed: 75
Unnamed: 84

Suresha Unnamed: 72


Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

Unnamed: 78

Susheela Unnamed:

Kishor: 78

Ujvala 68

Unnamed: 100

Uma Unnamed: 71
Unnamed: 69
Unnamed: 69

Sushma Unnamed: 87
Unnamed: 80

Swapna Unnamed:

Umesh Unnamed: 89

Ungrupulithaya 64

Swarnakala -

Vasudeva: 94

Upadhyaya Anagh: 64
Girish: 64
Uma: 64

Upadyaya Prasanna: 96
Prashanth: 96
Seetarama: 96

Unnamed: 66

Swaroop Unnamed: 73

Usha -

Swastik -


Unnamed: 74

Swathi Unnamed: 75
Unnamed: 84
Unnamed: 72

Swati Unnamed: 71

Sweta -

Vadiraja Unnamed: 74

Unnamed: 73

Swetha -

Vanaja Unnamed: 83
Unnamed: 100

Unnamed: 72

Talithaya Madhusudan: 63

Vanamala Unnamed: 70
Unnamed: 92

Tantri Prasanna: 66
Ramakrishna: 67
Santhosh Kumar: 90
Sharat Kumar: 90
Srinivasa: 90
Srinivasa: 90
Venkatrakrishna: 66

Vani Unnamed: 69

Vanitha Unnamed: 66
Unnamed: 81

Varambalitaya -

Thammaya Unnamed: 65

Krishnaraja: 67

Varsha -

Thimmaiah Unnamed: 79

Unnamed: 97

Varun -

Tolpadithaya Janikirama: 87

Unnamed: 85

Vasantha -

Tolpady Chetan: 81
Gopalakrishna: 80
Manoj: 80

Unnamed: 67
Unnamed: 78

Vasanthi Unnamed:

Triveni Unnamed: 76

Tulasi Unnamed: 77

Udaya Unnamed: 73

Udayashankara -



Vasuda Unnamed: 66
Unnamed: 92

Unnamed: 63

Udupa -


Talacauvery Achar Family Genealogy

Unnamed: 83

Vasudeva Unnamed: 72
w/o: 89

Vasumathi -

Vikrama Unnamed: 99

Vimala -

Unnamed: 90
Unnamed: 93


Vatsala Unnamed: 70

Vinaya -

Veda -


Unnamed: 82

Vedavathi Unnamed: 68
Unnamed: 92

Venkamma -

Unnamed: 72

Vinuta Unnamed: 95

Vinutha Unnamed: 80

Viraja Unnamed: 72

Vishaka -

Unnamed: 68

Venkappayya -

Unnamed: 65

Vishala -

w/o: 62

Unnamed: 91

Venkatachapathi -

Vishalakshi -

Unnamed: 64

Venkatraj -

Unnamed: 68

Vishnu -

Unnamed: 69

Unnamed: 68
Unnamed: 93

Venkatramana Unnamed: 64
Unnamed: 69

Venugopal -

Vidya 64

Unnamed: 78

Vijaya 63

Vijayakumari Unnamed: 86

Vijayalaxmi Unnamed:

Vijayetha -

Unnamed: 74
Unnamed: 95

Vittala Unnamed: 62

Vivek -

Vignesh -


Vishnumurthy Viswas -

Unnamed: 73
Unnamed: 77
Unnamed: 69


Vinod -

Veena Unnamed:



Unnamed: 64

Viviktha Unnamed: 76

Wife Unnamed: 101

Winni Unnamed: 82

Wiswas Unnamed: 62

Yadpadithaya Narayana: 79
Promod: 79
Shishir: 79

Yamunamma Unnamed: 97

Yashoda Unnamed: 62

Yatish Unnamed: 100

Yerkadithaya Arun: 86
Satyanarayana: 86

Yumanamma Unnamed: 94


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