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Update: Earthquake downgraded back to 5.8

Tuesday, Aug. 23 by Staff | 28 comments | Email this story

Jeronimo Santana, of Purcellville, calls his wife outside the Loudoun County Courthouse in Leesburg to see if shes OK after a 5.8 magnitude earthquake hit the area Aug. 23. Santana, who is from Brazil, said it was the first earthquake hes ever experienced. I cant feel my legs, he said about his frayed nerves. Times-Mirror Staff Photo/Beverly Denny

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A rare earthquake left many county residents not only shaking Aug. 23 but also questioning what had just happened. At 1:51 p.m., a 5.8 magnitude quake shook the D.C. Metro area, according to the U.S. Geological Survey, nearly tying the largest one recorded in Virginia history a 5.9 in Giles County in 1897. The epicenter of this quake was in central Virginia, near Mineral. It was originally reported by the USGS as a 5.8 earthquake, then raised to 5.9 before being lowered back to 5.8. Meteorologists are calling it a substantial earthquake. Loudoun County Sheriffs Office spokesman Kraig Troxell, and Laura Rinehart, spokesperson for the Loudoun County Department of Fire, Rescue and Emergency Management, said there are no reported injuries or damages from the earthquake. Tara Hamilton, spokeswoman for the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority said there were no reports of damage to terminals and flights were running as normal. There could be some delays as passengers who boarded planes were evacuated from planes and terminals, Hamilton said. Passengers are required to pass through security again. Wayde Byard, spokesman for Loudoun County Schools said there was no reported damage to Loudoun Countys schools. Each building was visually inspected from top to bottom, and no cracks or broken glass was found. Teachers and other employees have returned to preparing for the school year. Confused, many gathered in downtown Leesburg around the entrance to their buildings, waiting for word that it was safe to go back inside. It sounded like a big truck was going by and then everything just started to wave, said Lesley Zimmerman, an employee at the law office Campbell and Flannery. I was shaking for sure, said Mary Anne Sullivan, also an employee of the law firm. The quake was the first for many of the employees, although Rebekka Prinze was more excited than scared. I was excited, but then I thought maybe I better go stand in the doorway, Prinze said. Employees of the Loudoun County Government Center were evacuated from the building after the earthquake hit. Teresa May, an accountant at the government center, said the entire building was shaking. The first reaction was someone really heavy was walking down the hallway, May said. I could see the lights on the garage and the lights were swinging, it was scary. In Downtown Leesburg, residents and vistors were shaken up by the experience. Jason Miller, owner of the Wine Kitchen, said that nothing fell off the wall or bar of his restaurant. The ground was like a moonbounce, Miller said. It was really scary, said Tammy Gardner, who is from outside of Richmond and is visiting Leesburg. She said that she was in Otter Creek on King Street and everything was clanging on the walls. It was like an L train going by, Patrick Richmond, who accompanied her said. Both said it was their first time experiencing an earthquake.
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It was enough to get your attention, Richmond said, adding that it probably would have been harder to notice if he wasnt in a building. It wasnt like everything was swaying. Tuesdays state primary election was not affected by the earthquake, according to Loudoun County Electoral Board assistant Jeff Mangold. Polling places were briefly evacuated but quickly went back to operating as scheduled.


Wed, Aug 24 at 02:11 PM by Harry Potter fan | Report this comment

Shut up Shaking in my boots, seriously. Dont be such a nerd. Geesh.

Wed, Aug 24 at 01:30 PM by Ashamed | Report this comment

Mr. Santana is a longtime resident and homeowner in Loudoun.and he is not an illegal. So quick to make negative comments and pass judgement on those you do not know. Such a shame
Wed, Aug 24 at 11:05 AM by Shaking in my boots | Report this comment

Earthquake downgraded back to 5.8? Wheres the editor? Out on vacation with Obama? Im sure youd write reverted back as well? Next time, run this copy through the department of redundancy department before publishing. Sheeesh!!! And where exactly did the 5.9 come from in the first place. All day, the USGS site showed a 5.8 rating for this quake, yet many news outlets referred to it as a 5.9...guess that shows theres no true news gathering anymorejust repeat what the other guy said.
Wed, Aug 24 at 10:42 AM by ninja_gaydad | Report this comment

lets talk about illegal immigration

Wed, Aug 24 at 08:37 AM by Oscar Hernandez | Report this comment

This illegal wore his good court flip flops to his hearing. Classy!
Wed, Aug 24 at 07:49 AM by ninja_gaydad | Report this comment

why does this story feature an illegal immigrant at a court house

Wed, Aug 24 at 05:09 AM by Private sector | Report this comment

You are an idiot. Obamas vacation has nothing to do with this and neither do the Verizon landline workers (see that? not wireless which was a mess). From the sound of it, you are exactly the type to argue against public investment in infrastructure. Who can afford a vacation? A federal employee can, so stop acting like you are going to be laid off tomorrow.
Wed, Aug 24 at 12:45 AM by Where are we now? | Report this comment

It is just a reminder that our country still needs to improve emergency preparedness. DC was a total mess. Employees were confused and sent outside without directions. Government officials were laughing at the event instead of

instructing their departments. The president is off relaxing at one of the most expensive vacation areas during what many could argue as a continued depression. Nearly all Americans cant afford to take a vacation and our leader has no problem doing so. Telephone lines were down, including cell service. Verizon was still on strike for another day. We were very lucky that damage was minimal. But, take a moment and think What If. Personally, the experience was awesome and it was wonderful to feel the power of mother nature. But, from this the question has to rise. Have we done nearly enough to prepare for something like this in the future? How many of you have earthquake coverage on your insurance? what about the hurricane brewing? I asked my superior at work (who is a GS-15) what she wanted the employees to do she said I have no idea..... REALLY? Yeap, Our government is prepared!
Tue, Aug 23 at 10:11 PM by Earthquake in VA | Report this comment

it felt really wierd and awkward i was just about to take a shower but then i felt the ground shaking i thought it was construction workers cause they are building things near my house and a couple days ago my neighbors house burnt down and they were rebuilding it but after 3 seconds i realized it was earthquake this is my first earthquake at age 13 ahhahah its kinda sad and a little scary
Tue, Aug 23 at 09:02 PM by DC worker | Report this comment

All that happened today for me was a reminder of how inadequate our ability to respond to an emergency is going to be. Cell networks were overloaded, roads were clogged. That was without a panic. If you work downtown, you are screwed if something happens, and you probably wont be able to call your family to say goodbye.
Tue, Aug 23 at 08:53 PM by Chris N. | Report this comment

That is the sound of California laughing at our panic.

Tue, Aug 23 at 06:39 PM by jackie the joke man martling | Report this comment

That rumbling and shaking was not an earthquake.. It was all of the illegal hispanics leaving loudoun county for baltimore md after finding out they can get more free stuff.
Tue, Aug 23 at 06:32 PM by Appanage | Report this comment

If youre bored living here you might as well give up living a happy life. Theres more than enough to stay permanently busy in this area.
Tue, Aug 23 at 06:19 PM by owen phillips NZ | Report this comment

We know how you all feel but stay with it. We here in Christchurch New Zealand know what you went through and are thinking of you all anf the expereince you just had.
Tue, Aug 23 at 06:16 PM by Frito Bandito | Report this comment

Why couldnt the guy feel his legs??? Was he at the courthouse on a drug charge.
Tue, Aug 23 at 05:49 PM by Pedro | Report this comment

Had this been a larger magnitude quake Sterling Park could have had millions of dollars worth of improvements
Tue, Aug 23 at 05:33 PM by Captain Obvious | Report this comment

they are saying the earthquake (centered in Mineral, VA) was caused by a previously unnamed fault line now being referred to as Obamas Fault

Tue, Aug 23 at 04:44 PM by an observer | Report this comment

Temblor is actually the more apt term in this instance, Supervisor Miller. Glad to know you are promoting your own website rather than focusing on closing out your term and the laundry list of goals that still exist from your tax-payer funded Strategic Planning retreat back in summer 08. You and Kurtz and Waters and Buckley have nothing to lose, why not turn into in a block that can get some things done before January.
Tue, Aug 23 at 03:41 PM by Stevens Miller | Report this comment

I hope everyone is and remains okay after this event. Parents who want online info to help children understand what happened can follow the link at my Web site,, to some fun and interesting info from the USGS. Another link there to USGS will lead you to more technical data about this particular tremor. (BTW, would anyone support me in a local ordinance banning stories that start with the words, Yes Virginia? 8-) )
Tue, Aug 23 at 03:26 PM by Rick | Report this comment

Tsunami Warning Until 18:00 hours for the Following Area....... GOOSE CREEK & SUROUNDING PONDS
Tue, Aug 23 at 03:12 PM by hawaiian | Report this comment

good comment Rocky. Thanks for the tips.

Tue, Aug 23 at 03:09 PM by hawaiian | Report this comment

An earthquake an experience not to be taken lightly. Check for structural damage at your home. Be wary. Above all remember what happened in Japan. Keep our own nuclear plants safe.
Tue, Aug 23 at 03:07 PM by Rocky | Report this comment

everyone`s a comic here. one thing to know is your better getting outside during a quake so your china cabinet or any other `furniture` doesnt fall on you. unless its Saturday when Irene hits here and you best staying inside so you dont get hit by outside debris. so what if theres a quake and a hurricane at the same time? get in a area in the basement if not flooded and put your mattress and pillows over you so if any debris flys in you have some protection!
Tue, Aug 23 at 03:02 PM by Ray | Report this comment

Maybe the Mayans know something we dont - 2012???

Tue, Aug 23 at 02:53 PM by Like quiet Purcellville | Report this comment

Rumble, you can keep your excitement, I didnt like that! But it at least got all the neighbors outside. LOL
Tue, Aug 23 at 02:39 PM by Polly | Report this comment

I felt it in Harpers Ferry, WV

Tue, Aug 23 at 02:38 PM by feellikeakid | Report this comment

again again again, lets do it again!!!!!!!!!!

Tue, Aug 23 at 02:37 PM by rumble | Report this comment

finally something happening in this boring place

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