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As a German, wanting to be proud of my country, it was very difficult to face the very obvious facts of evil, inhumanity, false beliefs, atrocious behavior, lingering discrimination, Holocaust horrors, cruelty and arrogance connected forever with the German past. Only by facing those truths squarely was I able to face the world, as a person of German heritage. In fact, facing the truth squarely in whatever conflict is always the first step necessary for being honorable and trustworthy whether as an individual or as a nation. Maintaining lies, finding excuses, and disregarding facts just perpetuates misconceptions and prevents solutions that would have the potential to heal and repair the wounds and injuries of the world. Not that it is easy, as I well know myself. Religious convictions run deep, traditional beliefs are our bedrock. Our reason on one side fights with the fact that we are also illogical, emotional beings who cling to an identity built on myths and magic and faith. We are able to be pragmatic, but when it comes to our identity anchored in sacred beliefs, we instinctively close ourselves off to reason and common sense and truth. But we must try. We cannot cause the suffering of others by clinging to false beliefs. We must search for what is right and honorable, and we will know the truth, and the truth will set us free. The horrors exemplified by the Holocaust must never again happen to Jews, but also not to people of any other religious, racial, ethnic or national origin.

Authors Biography
Inge Kuenkler-Etzbach was born in Germany in 1932, and because of her experiences during the War and the Hitler years came to feel a deep connection with Israel and Palestine. When her youngest child started school, Inge entered Queens College and studied Philosophy, graduating in 1985 with a B.A. in Philosophy and in 1991 with a M.A. in Political Science. She is also an ordained Interfaith Minister. In 1987 she spent several months in Israel, working in a kibbutz and as a volunteer in the Israeli Army. Over the next few years she participated in several PeaceBuilding Delegations which interacted with Israeli and Palestinian officials and ordinary citizens in Israel and the West Bank, participated in Mideast Workshops and also travelled in the area on her own. She has three grown children and lives in New York City and Columbia County, NY ******* He said, We are poor. We have no prospects and no hope. We live in deplorable conditions, our land is taken away from us, our olive groves destroyed, and we are treated like second-class citizens in the land of our birth. They were throwing only stones at the time, hoping for a solution. But nobody listened. Eventually, in desperation, they became what the world calls terrorists. They know themselves as freedom fighters.

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Size: 6 x 9 White Paper

ISBN-13: 978-1456312091 ISBN-10: 145631209X BISAC: Religion / Religion, Politics & State

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