IP Fundamentals

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What is IP?

IP Fundamentals
Internet Protocol

IP - Generic Network Term

IP - Internet Protocol

Umbrella term Networks, Applications & Services.

Network layer protocol designed to enable routing of data across a packet network. Uses specific address schemes
IPv4: IPv6: 69DC:8864:FFFF:FFFF:0:1280:8C0A:FFFF

Course Objectives
What is TCP/IP? IPv4 Packet Structure 32-bit Address Scheme of IPv4 Classless IP Addressing The life of an IP Packet

What is TCP/IP?

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How are TCP/IP and IP Related?

TCP/IP is another name for the Internet Protocol Suite
A set of communication protocols for the Internet and similar networks

Layer 1 - Physical

Examples of protocols in this layer include: Ethernet IRC LDAP HTTP SMTP FTP SNMP USB SSH Bluetooth

Layer 7 -


Layer 6 - Presentation Layer 5 Layer 4 Layer 3 Layer 2 Layer 1 Session Transport Network Data Link Physical




IP is part of the TCP/IP Model and is the glue that makes all the other protocols work

OSI Model
Layer 7 Layer 6 Layer 5 Layer 4 Layer 3 Layer 2 Layer 1 Application Presentation Session Transport Network Data Link Physical
Interfaces directly with applications running on devices

Layer 2 Data Link

Examples of protocols in this layer include:

Converts code and reformats data Co-ordinates interaction between end-to-end application processes Provides end-to-end data integrity and quality of service Switches and routes data to the appropriate network device Transfers units of data to the other end of the physical link Transmits and receives on the network medium

Layer 7 -


Ethernet Frame Relay PPP

Layer 6 - Presentation Layer 5 Layer 4 Layer 3 Layer 2 Layer 1 Session Transport Network Data Link Physical

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shape and form for external use. Furthermore, please keep in mind that this module was designed and developed for e-learning method. This might have an impact on the quality of the graphics in this document."

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shape and form for external use. Furthermore, please keep in mind that this module was designed and developed for e-learning method. This might have an impact on the quality of the graphics in this document."

Layer 3 Network
3 main features of the Network layer: 1. Logical Addressing 2. Routing 3. Path Determination Examples of protocols in this layer include: IPv4 IPv6 IPX
Layer 7 Application

Layer 5 Session

Examples of protocols in this layer include: NetBIOS SAP

Layer 7 -


Layer 6 - Presentation Layer 5 Layer 4 Layer 3 Layer 2 Layer 1 Session Transport Network Data Link Physical

Layer 6 - Presentation Layer 5 Layer 4 Layer 3 Layer 2 Layer 1 Session Transport Network Data Link Physical

Layer 4 Transport

Layer 6 Presentation

Examples of protocols in this layer include: TCP UDP SCTP

Layer 7 -


Examples of protocols in this layer include: MIME TLS SSL

Layer 7 -


Layer 6 - Presentation Layer 5 Layer 4 Layer 3 Layer 2 Layer 1 Session Transport Network Data Link Physical

Layer 6 - Presentation Layer 5 Layer 4 Layer 3 Layer 2 Layer 1 Session Transport Network Data Link Physical

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shape and form for external use. Furthermore, please keep in mind that this module was designed and developed for e-learning method. This might have an impact on the quality of the graphics in this document."

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shape and form for external use. Furthermore, please keep in mind that this module was designed and developed for e-learning method. This might have an impact on the quality of the graphics in this document."

Layer 7 Application

TCP/IP Model Layer Communication

Application Layer

Telnet, FTP, TFTP, HTTP, SNMP, ..

Port Number 80

Examples of protocols in this layer include: FTP HTTP Telnet

Layer 7 -


Layer 6 - Presentation Layer 5 Layer 4 Layer 3 Layer 2 Layer 1 Session Transport Network Data Link Physical

Transport Layer


Protocol Number 6

Internet Layer


Type Code 0800H

Link Layer

Ethernet, Frame Relay, PPP,

OSI Model and TCP/IP Model

OSI Model TCP/IP Model

Transport Layer
Transport Layer Application Layer
Responsible for encapsulating application data blocks into datagrams suitable for transfer

Application Presentation Session Transport Network Data Link

Link Layer Transport Layer Internet Layer UDP
No data re-transmission capability if lost Ideal for VoIP, multiplayer gaming traffic

Flow Control & re-transmission capabilities Ideal for Email and FTP data


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shape and form for external use. Furthermore, please keep in mind that this module was designed and developed for e-learning method. This might have an impact on the quality of the graphics in this document."

Session (TCP) vs Session-less (UDP)

Client Server
Connection setup

Important Network Functions of UDP



Used by Domain Name System (DNS) for simple requests and replies ?

Data transfer

Data transfer

Used by Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) to assign dynamic IP addresses to hosts

Connection teardown

UDP Header Explanation

TCP Header Explanation

32 bits (4 Bytes)

Source Port

Destination Port

Source Port Length DATA

Destination Port UDP Checksum

Sequence Number Acknowledgement Number OFF Reserved SET Flags Window Urgent Pointer Padding

Checksum Options DATA

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shape and form for external use. Furthermore, please keep in mind that this module was designed and developed for e-learning method. This might have an impact on the quality of the graphics in this document."

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shape and form for external use. Furthermore, please keep in mind that this module was designed and developed for e-learning method. This might have an impact on the quality of the graphics in this document."

Important Network Functions of TCP

Used by Domain Name System (DNS) for larger messages, especially zone transfers ?

IPv4 Packet Structure

Used by Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) to maintain the table of IP networks

Well-known port numbers

Port 20, 21 for FTP Port 23 for Telnet Port 53 for DNS

IPv4 Packet Structure

IPv4 is a header which is made up of a number of fields Each field in the IPv4 header has a task (e.g. Addresses, QoS, Packet Fragmentation)
1. Receive Frame

Data Port 80 for HTTP Port 143 for IMAP



Ethernet Router

2. Analyse IPv4 Header

3. Decide Next Hop

Routing Table lookup Network Interface E1/0 E1/1 E1/1 Next Hop direct direct

Port 161 for SNMP


Header Length

Diff Serv



Router examines IP header (reads the fields) and decides on the next hop by looking at the Destination IP field.

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shape and form for external use. Furthermore, please keep in mind that this module was designed and developed for e-learning method. This might have an impact on the quality of the graphics in this document."

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shape and form for external use. Furthermore, please keep in mind that this module was designed and developed for e-learning method. This might have an impact on the quality of the graphics in this document."

IPv4 Header Explanation

32 Bits
8 Versio n Header Length 8 Type of Service or DiffServ Flags 8 Total Length 8

IPv4 Addresses
32-bits long Contain:
Network part Host part
20 bytes


Fragment Offset

Time to Live


Header Checksum

Different ways to represent the address

Binary: 00001011011100110111001110100110 Decimal: 192115622

Source Address

Destination Address



IPv4 Addresses
The binary IPv4 address:

32-bit Address Scheme of IPv4

00001011 01110011 01110011 10100110


115 . 115 . 166

A dotted-decimal representation of an IPv4 address

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shape and form for external use. Furthermore, please keep in mind that this module was designed and developed for e-learning method. This might have an impact on the quality of the graphics in this document."

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shape and form for external use. Furthermore, please keep in mind that this module was designed and developed for e-learning method. This might have an impact on the quality of the graphics in this document."

Classful IP Addressing
Number of Networks 128 16,384 2,097,152 Hosts per Network 16,777,214 65,534 254

Class D and E Addresses

Class D (reserved for multicast)

Class A Class B Class C

Class A:

Big networks

Class E (reserved)

Class B:

Medium networks

Class C:

Small networks

First Octet Rule

Rule Class A: First bit is always 0 Class B: First two bits are always 10 Class C: First three bits are always 110

Minimum and Maximum 00000000 = 0 0111111 = 127 10000000 = 128 10111111 = 191 11000000 = 192 11011111 = 223

Decimal Range 1-126 (0 and 127 are reserved) 128-191

Classless IP Addressing


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shape and form for external use. Furthermore, please keep in mind that this module was designed and developed for e-learning method. This might have an impact on the quality of the graphics in this document."

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shape and form for external use. Furthermore, please keep in mind that this module was designed and developed for e-learning method. This might have an impact on the quality of the graphics in this document."

Network: Subnet Mask:

Classless Inter Domain Routing

ISP The Internet

Network C has been divided into 4 smaller networks: 30 hosts 30 hosts 30 hosts 30 hosts

Company A

Company B

Company C

Company D

Subnet Mask
To divide our class C network into 2 smaller networks we need to use some bits from host part as networks bits
Address: 11000000.10101000.00000001.00000000 -> Subnet Mask: 11111111.11111111.11111111.00000000 -> Bitcount: Address: 11000000.10101000.00000001.00000000 -> Subnet Mask: 11111111.11111111.11111111.10000000 -> Bitcount: Available subnetworks: range 0-127 range 128-255

Private IP Address Space -

1 Class A network -

16 Class B networks -

256 Class C networks

Private IP address space should not be routed to any public network.

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Special Use IP Address Space 6to4 "This" Network Public-Data Networks Cable Television Networks Reserved but subject to allocation Loopback Reserved but subject to allocation Link Local Reserved but subject to allocation Test-Net Relay Anycast Reserved but subject to allocation

Running out of IP address space

In the early days of IP it was not expected we would run out of network addresses but today we know better!
Class A: 256 networks Class B: 65 535 networks Class C: 16 777 216 networks

Several steps were introduced to address this issue

Private IP addresses CIDR (IP subnets) IPv6

Reserved IP Addresses
.0 and .255

Larger address space
IPv6 features a larger address space than that of IPv4: addresses in IPv6 are 128 bits long versus 32 bits in IPv4

Maximum number of hosts:

For IPv4 : 232 = 4.3109 (8.42 address/km2) For IPv6 : 2128 = 3.41038 (6.71017 address/km2)

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The life of an IP Packet

The life of an IP Packet

Source Destination



TCP IP Ethernet

TCP IP Ethernet

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shape and form for external use. Furthermore, please keep in mind that this module was designed and developed for e-learning method. This might have an impact on the quality of the graphics in this document."

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