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Nurse Licensure Exam Test Taking Strategies

TEST TAKING STRATEGY I: A. How to Avoid Reading into the Question B. The parts of a question. TEST TAKING STRATEGY II: Look for Key Words TEST TAKING STRATEGY III: The issue of the question TEST TAKING STRATEGY IV: TRUE and FALSE Response Questions TEST TAKING STRATEGY V: Questions that Require Prioritizing A. Questions in the examination may require you to use the skill of prioritizing nursing actions. B. Look for the key words in the question that indicate the need to prioritize C. Remember, when a question requires prioritization, all options may be correct, and you need to determine the correct order of action. D. Guidelines to use include the ABCs airway, breathing, and circulation; Maslows hierarchy of needs theory, and the steps of the nursing process. E. The ABCs F. Maslows Hierarchy of needs theory. G. Steps of the Nursing Process 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Assessment Analysis Planning Implementation Evaluation

TEST TAKING STRATEGY VI: Client Needs A. B. C. D. Safe, Effective Care Environment Physiological Integrity Psychological Integrity Health Promotion and Maintenance

TEST TAKING STRATEGY VII: Eliminating Similar Options TEST TAKING STRATEGY VIII: Eliminate Options that contain Absolute Words TEST TAKING STRATEGY X: Look for the Umbrella Options TEST TAKING STRATEGY X: Use the Guidelines for Delegating and Assignment Making

TEST TAKING STRATEGY XI: Answering Pharmacology Questions

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