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Quotes and parts of storylines are revealed to intrigue the viewer into wanting to read more.

Special offers, outside of the soap opera topic, are promoted on the cover to attract new audiences and different types of consumers. They are also printed in bright, attractive colours to lure in viewers.

Words are printed in a very basic font, but are often bold and big to attract attention to a specific area. E.g. the magazine title, major soap events and selling points.

All soap characters are mentioned on firstname basis, showing that the magazine mainly appeals to existing audiences. Images of the characters are also displayed so the reader can relate to the magazine. Lots of question marks and exclamation points are used throughout the cover to spark curiosity in the reader, exaggerate events and create drama.

Multiple soap opera characters and storylines are displayed on the cover to attract people who watch all different types of soaps. This expands the magazine s target audience and appeals to more readers. Bright/neon colours, such as hot pink, yellow and red, are used to catch a person s eye and hook them into reading the front cover.

Dramatic words like KILLED , BABY and LOVERS are used to make the viewer curious, highlight major events and create excitement in the storyline.

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