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Called Out from Comfort" Lay Leader Commissioning ServiceVocation is a strange, magnetic force on our lives, pulling us steadily and with strength toward our basic purpose. Church leadership is one way to respond to that tug, to express that vocation. And yet, so often, we resist what calls out to us. We dream, but don't do it. A century ago, the journalist Peter Finley Dunne said that the job of newspapers was to "comfort the afflicted, and afflict the comfortable." Many, including theologian Reinhold Niebuhr, have said that this is the duty of religion. In our affliction, some comfort ain't bad. But what about in our comfort? Would we seek out affliction? What if our vocation demanded it of us?


9:45Yearly Registration for Youth Faith Formation Parents, thanks for stopping by the table to pick up a copy of this years Faith Formation Booklet & to register your children Nursery (ages 0 3) toys, music, snack, laps, stories, laughter, and love Susan Rosenbaum, Childcare Director, Hannah Barker (1st hour) & Nancy Lain Highfill (2nd hour) Room 104 Preschool (ages 3-5) toys, art, music, dance, stories, chalice lighting, snack, fun Ann Ragan & Margot Spore (1st hour) Jinx Watson & Susan Hughes (2nd hour) *9:55Call to Worship 10:00Worship Adults as well as children, kindergarten and older, begin in the service. Children are sung out to Childrens Worship for the middle portion of the service & rejoin their families during Closing Hymn 11:00Fellowship beverages, light snacks, and conversation (lunch info here?) *11:15Faith Formation All groups are open and newcomers welcomed. Spirit Play (kindergarten -2nd gr.) orientation to spirit play routine, covenant, feast Rebecca Bowman, Marian Wildgruber, & Melissa Gunter Faith in Action (3 -4 gr.) Middle School (5 -8 gr.) Senior High
th th rd th

Betsy Bauer

Hearth Room

Room 107

Social Hall

Room 102 Room 120 Room 119 Room 117

getting to know you games, covenant, snack reconnecgting, overview of year, covenant, snack

Peter Scheffler, Robin Greenberg, & Linda Osborne Nathaniel Bass & Janet Hoegler reconnecting after summer, plans for the year, covenant, snack Hal Hoyt, Becky Spain Kaiser, Steven Barker,& Manderley Swain

Owning Your Religious Past (Adult) reflection on the religion of your childhood in order to process strong feelings and find some peace and closure (first of 5 sessions) Kim Kasten & Jake Morrill Sanctuary The Art of Unitarian Universalist Parenting (Adult) overview of Youth Faith Formation plans for the year and parents hopes & blessings for the year Tandy Scheffler Social Hall Reflections (Adult) reflection on todays worship service Robin Toth Room 100 *12:15Faith Formation Concludes: Parents, please collect Nursery & Preschool children & join Spirit Play & Faith in Action Closing Circles.


Fred Sweetons Memorial Service is today at 2:00 p.m.
Join us for the Southeast District's Annual Racial Justice Conference! Weaving Together Heaven & Earth: Creating and Sustaining Faithful Multicultural Partnership Explore meaning, learn strategies and engage with others in building effective multicultural partnerships at the Southeast District's 21st Annual Racial Justice Conference, September 2324, 2011 at Tennessee Valley UU Church, Knoxville, TN! The call of the heart, of many faiths, and of Unitarian Universalism is, "We are one." Some call that One by the name of Love. That Love is woven of life-sustaining diversity, of cultures expressed through not only art, but through each of our lives. And yet, the world has not yet taken the shape of this dream. The world is not yet wholly in Love. And so we gather, as Unitarian Universalists throughout the Southeast, to celebrate, to reflect, to learn, to commit, and to weave together anew a dream of racial justice for our whole region. This multi-generational event includes featured speakers, workshops and a very special opportunity for children and youth to participate in a day long version of the locally popular Rainbow Camp with educator and TVUUC member, Bob Grimac, on Saturday.

Monday, August 29, 2011 at 3:00 p.m. Tabithas Table. Blue Team Tuesday, August 30 2011 5:00pm - Governance Task Force Meeting 8:00p.m.Spiritual Practice Circles- come explore different spiritual practice circles like Quaker worship, chanting , spiritual free writing, and meditative dance in the Hearth
Wednesday, August 31, 2011 12:00 p.m. Brown Bag Alliance Everyone is welcome. Bring lunch to the East room and join us for long-standing weekly gathering. 7:00 p.m. Church Choir Rehearsal Thursday, September 1, 2011 at 5:45 p.m. PotluckCome on an join the food, fun, and socializing with chips, dips, breads, and cheese from one another. A time to be FAMILY and share. Friday August 26, 2011 8:30 a.m. Gardening with Grounds Committee 6:00 pmBoard Retreat 6:00pmFriday Families Group

Find out more and REGISTER today!

Sunday, September 4, 2011 at 10:00 am "Resistance Training for the Soul"

Rev. Jake Bohstedt Morrill, preaching
At the gym, resistance training is any exercise in which the point is to exert effort against an opposing force. The point, says the American Sports Medicine Institute, is to "gradually and progressively overload the musculoskeletal system so it gets stronger." If this sounds familiar, it may be because you know that you don't have to go to the gym to find resistance awaiting--those forces of opposition. Sometimes, resistance comes as a dramatic challenge. But more often, resistance is so embedded in our lives that we hardly notice it. Have you accepted drudgery as your fate, as just the way that things are? You may have something in common with the people of Israel, under bondage in Egypt. You may have something in common with factory-workers in the 1800s, who often weren't sure there was anything they could do. On this Labor Day Sunday, you may be curious to learn that, in such conditions, a personal fitness trainer awaits your decision to commence resistance training for the soul. This personal fitness trainer's name? The Buddha. (But this is top-secret knowledge, so whatever you do, please don't bring a friend who may need this message --and please don't ever mention the joy and support you have found at ORUUC. Let's keep it our special secret!)

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