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Nombre: AramsheliRodriguezGarcilazo



Report of the trip

In the Saw North of Populates there appears Cuetzalan, Magic People that reflects the deep-rooted tradition of the indigenous and colonial forbears, while it is caressed by the mist that crosses his covered mountains of thick vegetation.

The Magic People Cuetzalan is seated between the spurs of the Saw Oriental Mother, to little more than 1,000 meters of height, for what he enjoys a hot humid climate.

They are 174 the kilometres that separate it from the city of It Populates in a picturesque, abundant tour of beautiful panoramas. One of the principal attractions is his geographical position between big and deep gullies always very green, for that tributaries of the river traverse rivers as the Apulco, Cuichati and Zoquiate, veracruzanoTecolutla. His inhabitants produce one of the most aromatic and recognized coffees of the country.

In every corner of Cuetzalan's streets there appears a beautiful landscape that it them invites to cross and to discovering his environment.


This one astonishes natural capture the name of his discoverer, located in Zapotitln de Mndez, in the State of It Populates. The cave is composed by a principal vault surrounded with 5 lounges. The entry is a passage of a meter of width and 1.80 meters of height in average, with a length of 50 meters, of which approximately 20 meters are travelled on a creek of half a meter of depth. The passage is expanding progressively until it comes near to the principal vault. The Lounges are: Lounge of the Diamonds, White Lounge, Delighted Lagoon, Lounge of the Recollections and Lounge of the Silence. Both in the principal lounge and in the small ones, the visitor can admire great quantity of stalactites, stalagmites, drapeados, pisolitas and aragonitas, same that for his capricious configurations have taken his name, finding this way:

The column of the Independence, the owl, the waterfall, the cataract, the organ, the cauliflower, the starry vault, the ship, the hull vikingo, the brilliant ones,

the pelican, the hung man, the throne, the swan, the lost city, the corals and many more.

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