Sap PM

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Functional location structure indicator

The structure indicator of a functional location determines the structure of the functional location label. It establishes the following factor:

y y y

Number of hierarchy levels of a technical system Key length of the levels Separators (hyphens)

Definition: functional location category

Plant Maintenance (PM)
An indicator that lets you differentiate functional locations according to how they are used. Each location category required in the system is described using parameters. The number of functional location categories in a system depends on the number of parameter constellations required.

Functional Location
Label that uniquely identifies a functional location.

Definition: measuring point

Basic Functions (CRM-BF)
A system object representing a physical device that measures a parameter for an object, such as a machine or a piece of equipment. Values measured by the measuring point can increase or decrease at any point in time, whereas values shown on a counter run either forwards or backwards.

Plant Maintenance (PM)

A physical or logical place at which a condition is described. Example

y y

Temperature inside a reactor Speed of revolution of a wind wheel

The status is described using measurement readings. Measuring points are stored in the SAP System as master data. Return ->

Classification (CA-CL)
A group of similar objects described by means of characteristics that they have in common

Definition: type of technical object

Plant Maintenance (PM)
A division of a technical object for precise description. Example

y y

Category of technical object: "Fleet objects" Type of technical object: "Heavy goods vehicle," "Automobile," "Fork-lift truck"

Return -> Definition: type of technical object

Technical object authorization group

Authorization group of a technical object in Plant Maintenance

With an entry in this field, you allocate the master record of this object to a group to which only certain users have access for processing the data. The users that have access authorization have the appropriate entry in their user master record.

Definition: maintenance plant

Plant Maintenance (PM)
A plant in which the technical objects of a company are installed. The planning responsibility for a maintenance plant is defined using a planning plant. Maintenance plants are assigned to maintenance planning plants.

Definition: plant section

Plant Maintenance (PM)
A division of maintenance plants into production areas. Machines or sets of machines that are represented in the system as pieces of equipment or functional locations are installed in plant sections. You indicate the place for which a maintenance task was requested with the plant section. You can establish a contact person for Plant Maintenance in Production using the plant section.

Definition: maintenance planner group

Plant Maintenance (PM)
A group of employees responsible for planning and processing maintenance tasks in a plant.

Definition: main work center

Plant Maintenance (PM)
A work center that is in charge when a maintenance task is performed

Equipment number
Number by which a piece of equipment can be clearly identified

Equipment category
Key for distinguishing individual technical objects according to their use.

Possible uses might be:

y y y y

machinery device production resource/tool customer equipment

Catalog Profile
Key of the Report schema that is the basis for the message

Definition: main work center

Plant Maintenance (PM)
A work center that is in charge when a maintenance task is performed.

Class Type
Uniquely identifies the class type. You maintain class types in Customizing for the Classification System.

Classification (CA-CL)
A group of similar objects described by means of characteristics that they have in common.

Definition: type of technical object

Plant Maintenance (PM)
A division of a technical object for precise description. Example

y y

Category of technical object: "Fleet objects" Type of technical object: "Heavy goods vehicle," "Automobile," "Fork-lift truck"

Equipment category
Key for distinguishing individual technical objects according to their use.

Possible uses might be:

y y y y

machinery device production resource/tool customer equipment

Definition: measurement reading

Plant Maintenance (PM)
A description of the condition at a physical or logical place at a point in time. Measurement readings are the transaction data associated with measuring points. They are the basis of conditionbased maintenance. Return -> Definition: measurement_reading

Definition: measuring point

Basic Functions (CRM-BF)

A system object representing a physical device that measures a parameter for an object, such as a machine or a piece of equipment. Values measured by the measuring point can increase or decrease at any point in time, whereas values shown on a counter run either forwards or backwards.

Plant Maintenance (PM)

A physical or logical place at which a condition is described. Example

y y

Temperature inside a reactor Speed of revolution of a wind wheel

The status is described using measurement readings. Measuring points are stored in the SAP System as master data. Define Measuring Point, give limits, create measuring document for measuring point activate user exit MANC00001 FOR GENERATING NOTIFICATION FROM MEASURING DOCUMENT

Class Number
Name used to uniquely identify a class within a class type

Class Group
This string is used to group together related classes. The class group is used for finding classes quickly via a matchcode

Characteristic Name
Name that uniquely identifies a characteristic For internal order cost booking, every work centre has a defined activity type, and each activity type has a defined cost /rate assigned to it, so the order picks up the cost from work centre.

Basically work center category decides the capacity (means ability to do work). The category defines the activity type

for costing and scheduling the categories mainly we come accross in the production are labour and machine. Hence to define labour cost, machine cost and setup cost we define work center category to create work center and we enter defaults therein. Activity type int. processing
Key identifying the activity type used in other types of internal processing in costing (for example, in networks, process orders or maintenance_orders).

A refurbishment order is a maintenance order using which the process of refurbishing damaged equipments (having a material and Sl No combination) can be executed.The basic prerequisite for refurbishment is that condition based valuation should have been activated.In the refurbishment process damaged equipments/materials are uninstalled from a maintenance plant and transferred to material warehouse using movement type 101.When a certain amount of damaged material have been accumulated , a refurbishment order is created that would act as a cost collector for the costs incurred in the refurbishment activity.At the end of refurbishment, the valuation of the material changes (increases) as its conditional state shifts from damaged to refurbished state. Once the process is over the refurbished equipment can be reinstalled in the maintenance plant.
Q: What functions are determined by the category of the equipment? A: In the IMG transaction for defining equipment categories, reference category, change documents, alphanumerical numbering, work flow event, object information key, view profile can also define additional business views and number ranges in other transactions. Q: What settings in customising are available to create a view profile. A: Using the transaction in the IMG >technical objects>general data>set view profiles for technical objects the following settings are possible:

Screen group by technical object (floc, equip), Tab number, description, active tab indicator, 4 possible sub screens per tab, 18 sub screens available for choice, icons and texts. Q: Which business views can be activated in addition to the view profile? A: PRTs, SD data, Config, Serialisation, Other data. Q: What transaction is used to allow the equipment category to be installed at the functional location also what transaction is used for the usage of equipment to be defined, what other settings are possible? A: Transaction OIEP, define installation at functional location, indicator for install. OIEH for defining usage history, mark the time segment field with an X (yes). Q: To review changes made to an equipment over a period of time what functionality is used, what settings are made in customising? A: Extras>action log displays changes in the master data, change documents must be activated in customising. Bills of Materials Q: What is the usage type for BOMs in plant maintenance, where in customising is this defined, what usage indicators are available? A: Usage 4 is for PM, transaction OICD change BOM usage details the usage options, production, end/design, spare parts, pm, sales and costing. Q: What other BOM usage types are available? A: Production, Engineering Design, Spare Parts, Sales and costing. Q: What default item categories are predefined in the system, what customising transaction is used? A: Transaction OICK, define item categories in customising is used, D - document item, I PM structure element, K class item, L stock item, M intra material, N son stock item, R variable size item and T text item.

Measuring Points Questions in SAP PM

Measuring Points: Q: What predefined categories of measuring points are available? A: Measuring point general and general usage. Each has a different uniqueness check. Q: What settings are available in customising for measuring point categories? A: Uniqueness check, catalogue type, message setting and tolerance period for measuring time in future for measurement document. Settings are made in transaction define measuring points categories.

Q: How is counter replacement shown in the system? A: The counter replacement is shown by using (create) a measure document to enter the value of the new counter, the difference is 0. The menu path is edit>replace counter. Additional Functions: Q: Can an object link to a web address be created for a master record, how do you proceed? A: plant maintenance>technical objects>equipment>change. Screen displayed: change equipment >system>links. Q: Send the master record of equipment to another person using the office functions, how do you proceed? A: plant maintenance>technical objects>equipment>change. Screen displayed: change equipment >system>workflow>send object with note Q: What functions are defined in customising for partner determination, what transaction is used? A: IMG>master data in plant maintenance>basic settings>partner data>define partner determination procedure, transaction VOP2, there are 13 different partner functions to choose Q: How do you assign a partner determination procedure to a piece of equipment? A: IMG>master date in plant maintenance>technical objects>equipment>assign partner determination procedure to equipment category, transaction OIEV. Select row and enter procedure, responsibilities for some determination procedures can be entered, i.e. ER for employee responsible etc. Q: Display the user status procedures available in customising, what statuses are maintained, how is the status regulated, which business management operations are allowed for an example status? A: IMG>master data in plant maintenance>basic settings>maintain user status, transaction OIBS. Select profile to view details, business transactions can be controlled via indicators for influence, allowed, warning, disabled and active etc. Where statuses have a status number, this means that the statuses mutually exclude one another, that is only one status can be set any one time. Statuses are allocated lowest and highest numbers which determines when the can be displayed, example: highest can only be switched upward. Q: How do you assign the user status profile to a piece of equipment? A: IMG>master data in plant maintenance>technical objects>equipment>assign user status profile to equipment category. Transaction OIEB. Serial Numbers: Q: To display the serial data view in the master record and what settings in customising to allow this are required? A: To display serial data access transaction IE02 change equipment click serial data tab, define the additional business view for serialisation in customising transaction OIEG to activate serial data tab.

Q: What does the stock check of a serial number comprise? A: During the stock check of a serial number, the stock batch, master batch, special stock, customer, and sales order are also checked in addition to the plant and storage location if a goods movement occurs. This ensures synchronisation of stock information in the serial number with that in materials. Q: How is the stock check configured in customising? A: IMG>master data in plant maintenance>technical objects>serial number management>define serial number profiles, OIS2 - the stock check is activated for each serial number profile in the column STKCK. You can also define how the system should respond in the event of inconsistencies, warnings, errors or no stock validation. Q: What settings can be defined for the Serialisation of Equipment, what transaction in customising is used? A: IMG>master data in plant maintenance>technical objects>serial number management>define serial number profiles, OIS2. The available settings are: existing requirement (created first indicator) equipment category assignment, stock check and serialisation procedures by usage and proposal type for equipment (on processing of procedure)

View profile for tab index Customizing

Controls which (fleet-specific) views for a fleet object should be displayed on the screen

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