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A change agent is a person who indirectly or directly causes change. For example, a change agent may work within an organization to lead or cause the change in some aspect of how the business is conducted. They may be assigned the role or may assume the role naturally. Some change agent s surface as leaders, instigators or examples for change in cultural, social or human behavior. A change agent may initiate change, assist others in understanding the need for change and what is entailed, recruit support, manage the change process and/or assist in resolving conflict. In some cases the agent of change may be a team on a mission. It is also possible for a change agent to be an event or condition. A storm, for example, can be a change agent. The change agent may be in the form of a consultant who
helps the client find solutions to the organisational problems. It could also be in the form a trainer who trains the client to achieve a set of skills that could be used in bringing about the change for optimum outcomes. This change agent must have certain characteristics which would identify it to be more effective than others. According to Shaskin and Morris, the effective change agent is, an extrovert, has considerable interpersonal skills, is creative and takes risks, and is good in organizing activities. One should keep in mind, however, that there is no ideal change agent. Particular requirements normally relate to the acorporate culture, strategic relevance of the project , acceptance of the project among management and staff, time frame, resources etc.). Depending on these factors, change agents either may need good project management capabilities in order to guarantee timely progress, or they should be good leader as with the ability to motivate people.ctual situation in the organization (e.g.

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