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Connexions module: m10688

Deriving Euler's equation

Michael Terk
This work is produced by The Connexions Project and licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License

1 Derivation of Euler's equation

Start with the dierential equation giving the deected shape of an elastic member subjected to bending.
M = (EIy ) = Py


Set equal to zero.

EIy + P y = 0

(2) (3)

Divide everything by EI .
y + P y=0 EI

Set the variable, 2

2 = P EI

(4) (5)

then, plug that in to get:

y + 2 y = 0

Since this is a second order, linear, ordinary dierential equation with constant coecients, it solves to:
y = = Asin (x) Bcos (x)


Take the boundary condition that x = 0 and y = 0 to solve for B

y (0) = = = 0 A (0) B (1)

(7) (8)

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Connexions module: m10688

Now, take the boundary conditions x = L and y = 0.

y (L) = 0

= Asin (L)


Since A cannot equal zero:

sin (L) = 0

(10) (11)

Take the sine inverse of both sides, and L can be 0, , 2 , etc. So...
L = n

Solve for

2 =

n2 2 L2


Set the two 2 's equal and solve for P .

Pcr = n2 2 (EI) L


Assume that n = 1 Now we can solve for Fcr using this equation.
Fcr = = =
Pcr Ag 2 E I L2 A 2 Er 2 (kL)2


r= I A


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