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Over fifty percent of all United States households are composed of married couples. Joint purchase decisions occur in over 70 million households yearly. Changes in women's employment, education, and gender role norms have had a profound impact on household purchasing patterns. This study investigates married household durable goods purchase behavior. Over 200 couples took part in the research. The results indicate a shift to more equal participation by both spouses in durable goods purchases. The educational and income levels of each spouse were found significant in influencing purchase influence.

Strategic marketing implications are discussed. Furniture industry (Baby boom generation market) Furniture industry (Surveys) Marketing (Surveys) Luxury automobiles (Baby boom generation market) Luxury automobiles (Surveys) Furniture (Baby boom generation market) Furniture (Surveys) Marketing research (Surveys) Measuring instruments (Baby boom generation market) Measuring instruments (Surveys) Durable goods (Baby boom generation market) Durable goods (Surveys) Decision-making (Surveys) Domestic relations (Surveys) Consumer preferences (Surveys)

INTRODUCTION Although joint decisions are more dynamic and complex than individual decisions, the role of each spouse in decision making should not be ignored. Many changes have occurred within the last four decades that have had a profound effect on the roles of husbands and wives in household purchase decisions. Economic and social changes in women's employment, income, education, and gender role norms have changed the influence of females in purchase decisions within the family

context. With regard to women in workforce, there has been a more than 100% increase since 1960. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics over 25% of working women are employed in professional, executive, and managerial positions (Folse, 1985). Additionally the National Center for Educational Statistics reports that females outnumber males in obtainment of undergraduate and graduate degrees. Today the population of the United States consists of more than 100 million households, seventy percent families

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