Power Point Final Presentation

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PowerPoint Final Presentation / Paper #3/#4 Choose one of the texts offered in class. (I will give you a list.

) Be sure to practice your presentation. I will stop you at 7 minutes. You will include the following research: Plot, symbols, images, characters (Start with brief plot summary) Biography of author (if Poe, skip entirely) Historical context of text Sociological and psychological implications Current secondary criticism (at least 4 sources) MLA format Works Cited page On the day of the presentation you will give me a copy of the

slides printed three to a page. Please take care to ensure this format. You will not be able to present without this format.
Email the PowerPoint to yourself. Less time is wasted this way. If you are afraid it will not open on the classroom computer, try this in advance. You must be able to present during your designated time slot. If you arrive late you must wait until you hear applause to enter the classroom. Additionally, do not leave the room during a presentation. Proofread your slides and consider a visit to the Writing Center. Since this presentation counts as a paper, I will deduct for errors. The A presentations will be creative and include interesting graphics such as film clips, photos, book covers, and other pertinent graphics. Extra credit for those created as web pages.

Turn in an informative summary of the PowerPoint presentation. You will be able to include information that you dont have time to present orally.

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