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Theory And Policy Encounter Power Motivation At Consolidate Automobile


Presented by
Ankit Mathur

Apeksha Rajpurohit

Automobile Manufacture, inc. manufactured and assembled automobile parts . Its auto assembly lines electric power supply was disrupted by two disgruntled workers. It caused production loss and production loss of each hour was $360000.


Problems of Company

Dilemma of Manager

efuse the demand of workers it is difficult to restore the production and company may bear savior lo


If he transferred the supervisor there is possibility that worker can get 1.dictate the companys problem solving agenda. 2.Simultaneously undermine the companys power to determine decision making priorities

Types of problem

Its a unstructured problem

non programmed Top programmed decision level decision



Q1:What is the primary problem in this case ?

Ans: Supervisor had succeeded to fulfill the companys need and improved the production rate but he couldn't able to evaluate the workers needs and problems. Effects Workers were on strike and demanded their supervisor transferred Production stopped and costing the company production loss of $360000/hour

Q2: How would each of the approaches to management in this chapter analyze the case. Ans: Neo classical

The work place is social -system and informal group influence could exert a powerful effect on individual behavior.

Organizational Approach (classical)

It ensure the proper control over the human beings Quantitative Science Approach (modern)

It believes that quality of managerial decision determine the success or failure of organization

How should the plant manager restore the production on the assembly line? Ans:


Develop meaningful interpersonal relationships Remove the supervisor from picture and management should communicate with workers Workers are also the part of improved production so incentive should given to workers Realize the workers by motivation that they are the part of company and companys benefits is also the benefits of workers Supervisor should not be removed but worker must insured that the behavior of supervisor would improve and wale fare of works would take care by management if after this workers are still doing their protest stick action should taken and protest would stopped forcibly

Q 4. What policy , if any , should be developed to prevent future production interruptions ? Ans:

Human relation theory is best suitable theory to prevent further production interruption. Individuals are motivated by social needs There is no direct cause and effect relationship with in working conditions and productivity even workers attitude is more important. Whenever employees are given special attention productivity is likely to change irrespective to working conditions. Work place is social system and informal group influence could exert a powerful effect on individual behaviour

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