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Scientific Inventions Process Grid

3rd Grade Physical Science/Engineering

Invention Description
To magnify, uses: a concave primary mirror a flat diagonal secondary mirror

Inventor Sir Isaac Newton

Date 1668

astronomers observing in things in space

is the earliest known functional reflecting telescope astronomers still prefer this design today became a symbol of the US saved many homes and buildings from fire

Reflectin g Telescop e Lightning Rod

Telephon e Light Bulb

a metal rod or conductor mounted on top of a building electrically connected to the ground through a wire telephone means "far sound" transmitted speech sounds over electric wires an electric light source generates light by heating a filament of wound metal wire to a high temperature

Benjamin Franklin 1752

lightning will strike the lightning rod is conducted harmlessly to ground through the wire

Alexander Graham Bell 1876

Thomas Edison 1879

made business more efficient saved money from having to travel back and forth from distant places created longer lasting bulbs that could be sold to homes and businesses

one of the most useful inventions ever made

Alternati ng Current

The form in which electric power is delivered to: businesses residences

Nikola Tesla 1883

nearly every modern, electrical appliance uses AC

one of the everyday conveniences that most affects our lives changed the way people lived by lighting up the night and making it possible for people to do a wide range of activities safely and efficiently transmits electricity all over the world less expensive than DC

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