Technology Day 7

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Things I wiII be checking for on your

WeebIies tomorrow:
1. WeebIy page organized as per our directions.
2. MarshmaIIow ChaIIenge write-up.
3. Process JournaI for Investigate stage of
Gamestar Mechanic - introduction and
episodes 1 - 5.
4. Design Brief for Gamestar Mechanic.
5. BIog on DigitaI Citizenship - articIe about
bIocking sociaI networks in the UK.
6. BIog on DigitaI Citizenship - see 15 August
entry on the NEW Iocation for everything.

Investigate Stage
What should you be doing for this stage now?
Students develop the design brief
What do you want your game to do?
Who are you making your game for?
What problem are you responding to?
Where will you get the supplies and information that you
Students formulate a design specification
What elements will be included in your game (sprites,
obstacles, enemies...)?
A rough outline of what your game will look like or how
it will be played
How will you test your game against your design
Investigate Stage
What questions do we need to answer in order to write our
Design Specifications?
How many enemies?
How much health?
How much time?
What are the goals (points or to the end)?
What is the perspective?
Speed of the characters?
What kinds of enemies?
Positioning of the blocks?
Students formuIate a design specification
What elements will be included in your game (sprites, obstacles, enemies...)?
A rough outline of what your game will look like or how it will be played
How will you test your game against your design specifications

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