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Intermediate Financial Accounting

101. Intermediate Financial Accounting 100

Course Objectives This course is designed to achieve some specific objectives. These are to : a. have an understanding as to how financial transactions are processed b. know apply generally accepted accounting principles; c. prepare a set of financial statements; and d. applying basic tools to analyze financial statements

Preparation of Financial Statement 101.01 Conceptual Framework of Accounting

Financial accounting environment, Economic environment and financial reporting, Development of financial accounting and reporting standards, The conceptual framework, Qualitative characteristics of accounting information, Elements of financial statements, Recognition and measurement concepts, Ethics in accounting.

101.02 Review of the Accounting Process

The basic model and accounting processing cycle, Review of the concepts, Closing process, Preparing the financial statements, Conversion from cash basis to accrual basis, Worksheet, Reversing entries, Subsidiary ledger and special journal.

101.03 Balance Sheet and Financial Disclosures (IAS-1, IAS-24, IAS-10 & IFRS-1)

Usefulness and limitations, Classification of assets, liabilities and equity, Financial disclosures, Disclosure notes, Significant accounting policies, and subsequent events, Managements responsibilities, Auditors report, Risk analysis using financial statement information, International Accounting Standard . Accounting policies & notes to the accounts. Explains the need to manage intangible assets (e. g. knowledge assets, intellectual property, etc.)

101.04 Income Statement and Statement of Cash Flows (IAS-1, IAS-24 & IAS-7)

Comprehensive income, Income from continuing operations, Earnings quality, Separately reported items, Correction of accounting errors, Income statement presentation, International Accounting Standard. The statement of cash flows, Usefulness of statement of cash flows, Classifying cash flows, Operating activities, Investing activities, Financing activities, Non-cash investing and financing activities, Statement of cash flows presentation, International Accounting Standard.

101.05 Income Measurement and Profitability Analysis IAS-18.

Revenue recognition, Revenue recognition at a point in time, Revenue recognition over time, Industry specific revenue issues, International Accounting Standard, Profitability analysis, Activity ratio, Liquidity ratio, Profitability ratio and Solvency ratio.

Accounting for Assets

101.06 Cash and Receivables (IAS-7)

Cash and cash equivalents, Internal control of cash, Restricted cash and compensating balances, Bank reconciliation, Petty cash, Current receivables, Accounts receivables, Valuation of accounts receivables, Notes receivables, Interest bearing and non-interest bearing notes, Valuation of notes receivable, Financing with receivables.

101.07 Inventories; Measurement (IAS-2)

Recording and measuring inventory, Types inventory, Perpetual inventory system, Periodic inventory system, Inventory cost flow assumptions, Inventory

management, International Accounting Standard (IAS-2).

101.08 Inventories; Additional Issues

Reporting lower of cost or market, Adjusting cost to market, Inventory estimation techniques, Gross profit method, Retail inventory method, Taka value LIFO retail, Changes in inventory method and inventory errors.

101.09 Operational Assets; Acquisition and Disposal (IAS-16 & IFRS-5)

Types of operational assets, Costs to be capitalized, Disposition and exchanges, Self constructed assets and research and development, International Accounting Standard (IAS-16).

101.10 Operational Assets; Utilization and Impairment (IAS-16, IAS-38, 36 & IFRS-5).

Cost allocation and measuring cost allocation, Depreciation of operational assets, Group and composite depreciation methods, Depletion of natural resources, Amortization of intangible assets, Changes in estimates, Changes in depreciation method, Error correction, Impairment of value, International Accounting Standard IAS 16,38 & 36)

101.11 Investments (IAS-40, 32, 39)

Accounting for investment securities, Securities held to maturity, Trading securities, Equity method, Reporting investment, Investment derivatives, Impairment of an investment.

Accounting for Liabilities & Equities

101.12 Current liabilities and Contingencies (IAS-37)

Current liabilities, Open accounts and notes, Accrued liabilities, Advance collection from customers, Current maturities of long-term debt, Contingencies, Loss contingencies, Gain contingencies.

101.13 Bond and Long-Term Notes (IAS-39)

Nature of ling-term debt, Bonds, Recording bands at issue, Determining interest effective interest method, Zero-coupon bonds, Bonds sold at a premium or discount, Preparation of financial statements between interest payment dates, Straight line method, Issuing bonds and recording interest, Debt issue costs, Long-term notes, Notes issued for cash, Notes exchanged for assets or services, Installment notes, Financial statement disclosures, Debt retiring early, convertible into stock, or option to buy stock, Bonds

with detachable warrants, Troubled debt restructuring.

101.14 Shareholders Equity (IAS-33)

Corporate organization, Paid in capital, Fundamental share rights, Classes of shares, Concept of par value, Accounting for issuance of shares, Shares buybacks, Resale of shares, Retained earnings, Characteristics of retained earnings,

Dividends, Stock dividend and stock splits, EPS, Changes in retained earnings.

101.15 Financial Reporting & Analysis

Monitors and describes current trends and emerging issues in financial reporting (e. g. move toward international reporting standards, guidelines for accounting for investments, etc). the relevance of financial statement analysis to management decision making in a given organization.

Text Books: 1. Intermediate Accounting , 3rd edition - Spiceland, Sepe & Tomassini (McGraw Hill). 2. Intermediate Accounting, 3rd Canadian edition - Beechy and Conrod (McGrawHill Ryerson). Reference books: 1. Intermediate Accounting, 11th edition - Kieso, Weygandt & Warfield (John Wily & Sons, Inc.). 2. Intermediate Accounting, 15th edition - Stice, Stice & Skousen (Thomson SouthWestern). 3. Ethics Reading Handbook - CGA, Canada (2nd edition).

102.Cost Accounting
102.Cost Accounting---100

Course Objectives : To provide the students with an in-depth knowledge of Cost Accounting concepts, principles and methods to develop ability and skills to prepare and analyses Cost Accounting data to meet the requirements of different manufacturing concerns. On completion of this course they will be able to: a. discuss the role of cost accounting and quantitative analysis within the organization. b. apply the principles relating to the costing and control of the different resource inputs into the business. c. demonstrate costing methods and techniques appropriate to a variety of different business.

102.01 Introduction to Cost Accounting

Definition of Cost Accounting, Comparison of Cost Accounting and Financial Accounting; The role of Cost Accounting; Cost Data for Management Purposes; Methods and Techniques of Cost Accounting; Characteristics of an Ideal Cost Accounting System; Installation of a Cost Accounting System; Modern Trends in Cost Accounting.

102.02 Cost Concepts, Classifications and Statements

Cost Object; Expenditures, Cost, Expense and Loss; Cost Classifications; Cost Data and Uses; The Chart of Accounts; Statement of Cost of Goods Manufactured and Sold; Income Statement.

102.03 Costing and Control of Materials

Classification of Materials; Accounting for Materials; Pricing the Issue of Materials Valuation of Inventory; Periodic Inventory System and Perpetual Inventory System; Inventory Planning; Ordering Cost, Holding Cost and EOQ; Effect of Quantity Discounts on EOQ; Safety Stock and Reorder Point; Material Control Methods; Impact of JIT on Inventory Accounting; Materials Requirement Planning System.

102.04 Costing and Control of Labour

Productivity and Labour Costs; Costs included in Labour; Accounting for Labour; Time Keeping, Computation of total payroll and Allocation of Payroll costs; Journalizing Labour Costs; Special Problems Relating to Accounting for Labour; Labour cost Control, Labour Turnover and Control of Labour Turnover; Learning Curve Theory.

102.05 Costing and Control of Manufacturing Overhead

Manufacturing Overhead Costs; Actual Vs. Normal Costing of Manufacturing Overhead; Production Capacity, Predetermined Overhead Rates; Departmental vs. Plant-wise Overhead Rates; Separating Mixed Costs. Scatter-graph; High-low Method and Regression Analysis; Accounting for Manufacturing Overhead; Analysis and Disposition of Under-applied-and Over-applied Overhead.

102.06 Service Department Costs Allocation

Service department costs; Volume based costing; Need for cost allocation; Guidelines for cost allocation; Plant-wise rate vs. departmental rates; Cost allocation methods; Direct method; Step method; Reciprocal method and linear algebra method; Single and dual rate methods; Determination of costs should be allocated-budgeted or actual.
102.07 Activity-Based Costing (ABC)

The Contemporary Manufacturing Environment; Limitation of Traditional Costing Systems; ABC Defined; Identifying Activities that Use Resources; Cost Drivers and Choosing Cost Drivers; Assigning Costs Using Activity-Based Costing-Benefits of ABC; Criticism of ABC; ABC and strategic Cost Management.

102.08 Cost Accumulation System

Objective of Cost Accumulation; Cost Accumulation Periodic vs. Perpetual; Cost Accumulation-Actual vs. Standard; Periodic an Perpetual Cost Accounting System; The Factory Ledger.

102.09 Job Order Cost System

Job Order Costing; Job Order Cost System-Illustrated; Spoiled Goods; Defective Goods; Scrap materials and Waste Materials in a Job order Cost System.

102.10 The Nature and Characteristics of process Cost System

Process Costing Defined; Objective of Process Cost System; Characteristics of a Process Cost System; Comparison of Job Order and Process Cost Accumulation System; Production by Department; System Flow; Determination of Equivalent Units; The Cost of Production Report.

Tex Books


Cost Accounting Ralph S. Polimeni, Frank Fabozzi and Arthur H. Adelherg (3rd edition).


Cost Accounting F. Usry & H. Hammer (13th edition).

Reference Books

1. 2. 3.

Cost Accounting L. Gayle Rayburn (6th edition). Cost Management Blocher, Chen & Lin (1st edition). Cost Accounting C. T. Horngren & Others (11th edition).

103 Management and Marketing Management

103 Management and Marketing Management 100

Course Objectives : To develop understanding of the different aspects of management so that the students can plan organize, control managerial activities effectively and efficiently towards the achievement of organizational goal. To provide the students with the concepts, methods and techniques of marketing management enabling them to play an effective role in managing the marketing operations of an organization. On completion of this course, they will be able to:

a. describe the nature of management and management styles b. explain the role of management and management process c. understand steps, consequences and tools of decision making d. explain and understand Management in different cultures and how environment affect the way in which oganisations conduct business (environment affect the way in which organisations conduct business). e. explain the importance of managerial ethics and responsibilities in business and society f. evaluate the managerial environment in Bangladesh g. understand and describe the nature and styles of marketing and marketing management h. explain the workings of the marketing function of an organization and the major tools and techniques used by marketing specialists i. evaluate the strategic role of marketing

A. Management 50
103.01 An introduction to Management, environment, planning & decision making 1.01. Managing and the Managers job. An Introduction to management, The Management Process, Kinds of Managers, Basic Managerial Roles and Skills, The Nature of Managerial Work.
1.02. Traditional and contemporary Issues and challenges.

The Role of Theory and History in Management, The Classical Management Perspective, The Behavioral Management Perspective, The Quantitative Management Perspective, Integrating Perspectives for Managers, Contemporary management issues and Challenges.
1.03. The Environment and Culture of organization.

The Organization s Environment, The External Environment, The Internal Environment, The

Organization s Culture, Organization Environment Relationships, The Environment and Organizational Effectiveness.
1.04. The Global Environment.

The Nature of International Business, The Structure of the Global Economy, Environmental Challenges of International Management, Competing in a Global Economy. 1.05 Process flow diagram for functional areas. Documents process flow diagrams for functional areas (e.g. sales, accounts payable, accounts receivable, treasury, etc.) for a given organization.

1.06. Multicultural Environment.

The Nature of Diversity and Multiculturalism, Diversity and Multiculturalism in Organizations, Effects of Diversity and Multiculturalism in Organizations, Managing Diversity and Multiculturalism in Organizations, Toward the Multicultural Organization.

1.07. Managing Strategy and Strategy Planning.

The Nature of Strategic Management, Using SWOT Analysis to Formulate Strategy, Formulating Business-Level Strategies, Implementing Business-Level Strategies, Formulating Corporate-Level Strategies, Implementing Corporate-Level Strategies, International and Global Strategies.
1.08. Managing Decision Making and Problem Solving.

The Nature of Decision Making, Rational Perspectives on Decision Making, Behavioral Aspects of Decision Making, Group and Team Decision Making in Organizations

103.02 The Organizing Process

2.01. Basic elements of Organizing and Managing Organization Design The Elements of Organizing, Designing Jobs, Grouping Jobs: Departmentalization, Establishing Reporting Relationships, Distributing Authority, Coordinating activities, Differentiating Between Positions.

The Nature of Organization Design, Universal Perspectives on Organization Design, Situational

Influences on Organization Design, Strategy and Organization Design, Basic forms of Organization Design, Emerging Issues in Organization Design.

2.02. Managing Organization Change and Innovation.

The Nature of Organization Change, Managing Change in Organization, Areas of Organization Change, Organizational Innovation.
2.03. Managing Human Resources in Organization.

The Environmental Context of Human Resource Management, Attracting Human Resources, Developing Human resources, Maintaining Human Resources, Managing Labor Relations, New Challenges in the Changing Workplace.

Describes the role of human resource policies in the design of incentive systems. Identifies ethical issues related to incentives and compensation systems. Describes the role of the competitive environment in employee recruitment and retention.

103.03 Leading Process

3.01. Basic Elements of Individual in Organizations.

Understanding Individuals in Organizations, Personality and Individual Behavior, Attitudes and Individual Behavior, Perception and Individual Behavior, Stress and Individual Behavior, Creativity in Organizations, Types of Workplace Behavior.
3.02. Managing Employee Motivation and Performance.

The Nature of Motivation, Content Perspectives on Motivation, Process Perspectives on Motivation, Reinforcement Perspectives on Motivation, Popular Motivational Strategies, Using Reward Systems to Motivate Performance.
3.03. Managing Leadership and Influence Process.

The Nature of Leadership, Generic Approaches to Leadership, Situational Approaches to Leadership, Related Approaches to Leadership, Emerging Approaches to Leadership, Political Behavior in

3.04. Managing Interpersonal Relations and Communications.

The Interpersonal Nature of Organizations, Communications and the Manager s Job, Forms of Communication in Organizations, Informal Communication in Organizations, Managing Organizational Communication.
3.05. Managing work groups and Teams.

Groups and Teams in Organizations, Characteristics of Groups and Teams, Interpersonal and Intergroup Conflict, Managing Conflict in organizations.

103.04 The Controlling Process

4.01. Basic Elements of Control The Nature of Control, Operations Control, Financial Control, Structural Control, Strategic Control, Managing Control in Organizations. Discusses the objectives and role of internal control with respect to integrity, ethical values, and competence.

4.02. Managing Operations, Quality and Productivity The Nature of Operations Management, Designing Operations Systems, Organizational Technologies, Implementing Operations Systems Through Supply Chain Management, Managing Total Quality, Managing Productivity. Documents process flow diagrams for functional areas (e. g. sales, accounts payable, accounts receivable, treasury, etc.) for a given organization.

4.03. Managing Information and Information Technology.

Information and the Manager, Types of Information Systems, Managing Information Systems, The Impact of Information Systems on Organizations.

4.04 Organizational Control Explains the impact of the following on overall organizational control: management s philosophy and leadership style, organizational structure, assignment of authority and responsibility, personnel policies and procedures, and the external environment. Identifies common employee responses to control and describes methods to deal with such behaviours.

4.05 Objective and role of internal control Discusses the objectives and role of internal control with respect to integrity, ethical values, and competence.

B. Marketing Management


103.01 Introduction

Meaning, Scope and Importance of Marketing; Approaches to the Study of Marketing; The Goals of the Marketing System; Marketing Functions-Important. Terminology relating to Marketing.

103.02 Understanding Marketing Management

What is marketing management, The core concepts of marketing management. Understanding marketing management in business and non-business sectors. Defining and delivering consumers value and satisfaction. Attracting and relating customers, customers profitability and implementation of TOM. The marketing process, product planning the nature and concepts of a marketing plan.

103.03 Analysing Marketing Opportunities

Marketing information and intelligence system, marketing research system, marketing decision support system, forecasting and measuring market demand. Scanning marketing environment, Consumer buying behavior and associated factors. Analysing consumer markets and buying behavior, consumer buying behavior model, factors influencing consumers buying behavior. The buying process, Analysing Industries and competitors, SWOT Analysis. Identifying market Segmentation and Selecting Market Target.

103.04 Developing Marketing Strategies

Differentiating and positioning the market offering, Developing new products, Managing life cycle strategies, Designing marketing strategies for market leaders, Challengers, Followers and Nichers. Designing global marketing strategies.

The role of a customer relationship management (CRM) system.

103.05 Planning Marketing program

Managing product line brands and packaging, Designing pricing strategies and programs, Selecting and Managing market channels, Managing retailing, Whole saling and market logistics, Designing and Managing Integrated Marketing Communication. Managing advertising, Sales promotion and public relations, Managing the sales force. Managing direct and indirect marketing.

103.06 Managing Marketing Report








Conducting market research and preparing research report on specific interest.

Text Books

1. 2. 3.

Management - R.W. Griffin (8th edition) Management - H. Koontz and H. Weihrich (10th edition). Marketing Management - Analysis, Planning, Implementation and Control (12th Edition) - Philip Kotler.

Reference Books

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Management - J.A. F. Stoner (6th edition). Management - Hicks and Gullet Management - J.R. Terry (8th edition). Management - Robert Kreitner (7th edition). Lesson Note published by ICMAB. Basic Marketing: A Managerial Aproach McCarthy, B.J. (11th edition). Marketing Management J. P. Peter & J. H. Donnelly JR. (3rd edition).

104. Information Technology

104. Information Technology 100

Course Objectives : The course is designed to achieve some specific objectives. These are to a. know elementary aspects of information and technological systems b. understand modern database environment, telecommunications system, networking and ensuring quality of Information Systems c. know the internet technology and their application in e-business

d. understand global Information Technology situation e. know how to describe and apply the main tools and techniques of system analysis, design and development f. understand IS for planning g. evaluate the performance of computerized accounting systems h. understand the internal controls in data processing system i. j. know the operation of Microsoft Excel develop programs using excel

k. Know the use and Application of Accounting Software

PART - A: Theoretical: 80% The Digital Firm 104:01. Introduction to Information Systems & Strategic Importance

Why study information systems?, Information systems concepts, What is an information system?, Contemporary approaches to information systems. Business information systems, Major types of information systems in organization. Systems development, Information systems in organizations, Strategies for change, Using information systems to attain competitive advantage, Justifying information systems, Performance-based information systems, Information systems - Functions and roles-,Changing role of MIS in organization, Decision making process and MIS, MIS and business strategy, Systems ethics and societal issues in digital firm. IT as an integral part of strategic planning, IS to achieve business transformation, IS and globalization, Managing IT human resources, ITs rapid pace of change, Role of the CIO, CTO and CKO.

Information Technology & Infrastructure 104.02Overview of Computers History of Computers, Generation of Computer, Evaluation of Personal Computers 104.03Hardware & Software









Components, Hardware Components in Action; Processing and Memory Devices (Power, Speed and Capacity): Processing Characteristics and Functions, Memory Characteristics and Functions, Multiprocessing, Parallel Computing; Secondary Storage: Access Methods, Devices; Input and Output Devices (The gate4way to Computer Systems): Characteristics and Functionality, Input Devices, Output Devices, Special-Purpose Input and Output Devices; Computer System Types & Selection and Upgrading. System Software, Applicaiton Software, Programming Languages, Software Issues and Trends,

104.04 File and Database Organization Data organization and information, File organization methods, Selecting a file

organization method, Database organization methods, Database management systems, Creating database environment, Database storage and analysis, Database developments, Basic concepts of a database and its elements. Creating a table, Adding fields, updating records, and changing formats, Database trend-

multidimensional data analysis, data warehouse and data mining, Database and the web.

104.05 Telecommunication and Networks Basic Communications Channel Characteristics, Channel Bandwidth,

Communications Media, Guided Transmission Media Types, Telecom Hardware, Services, Digital Subscribers line (DSL), Network and Distributing Process, Telecommunications and Network Applications, The Internet, Intranet and

Extranet, The Worldwide Web, Intranets and Extranets, Net Uses.

Business Information Systems 104.06 Electronic, Mobile Commerce and Enterprise Systems Introduction to Electronic & Mobile Commerce, Threads of Electronic & Mobile

Commerce, Strategies for Successful E-Commerce, Technology Infrastructure required to Support E-Commerce and M- Commerce. Transaction Processing Activities, Control and Management Issues: Disaster Recovery Plan, Transaction Processing System Audit; Traditional Transaction Processing Applications: Order Processing Systems, Purchasing Systems,

Accounting Systems, Enterprise Resource Planning.

104.07 Information and Decision Support Systems Decision Making and Problem Solving, MIS, Decision Support Systems (DSS), Group Support Systems (GSS), Executive Support Systems (ESS). 104.08 Knowledge Management and Specialized Information Systems Knowledge Management Systems: Data and Knowledge Management Workers and Communities of Practice, Obtaining, Storing, Sharing and Using Knowledge; Artificial Intelligence: Artificial Expert Intelligence Systems: in Perspective, to use Other Expert Artificial System,




Components of Systems, The User Interface, Expert Systems Development, Expert Systems Development Tools and Techniques, Applications of Expert Systems and Artificial Intelligence; Virtual Reality, Other Specialized Systems. 104.09 Data Security Why Controls are needed, Information Systems Controls, Facility Controls, Procedural Controls, Auditing Information Systems. Computer Crimes.

Information planning, Design & Implementations. 104.10 Information Systems Planning Issues IS Planning, Short-and Long-range technology planning, Data and information management issues, IS Economics, IS HR Planning, Developing an IS strategic plan. 104.11 Systems Development Overview of Systems Development, SDLC, Factors affecting Systems Development Success, Quality & Standards, Use of Project Management, CASE, OOSD, Systems

Investigation, System Analysis, 104.12 Systems Design, Implementation, Maintenance and Review Systems Design, Systems Implementation, Systems Operation and Maintenance, Systems Review 104.13 Information Systems in Business and Society Computer Waste and Mistakes, Preventing Computer-Related Waste and Mistakes, Privacy Issues, The Work Environment,

Information Reporting & Accounting Package 104.14 General ledger and Reporting Systems Transaction entries, Post transactions, Prepare and post adjusting entries, Prepare final chart of accounts, Prepare year-end trial balance and detailed listing, Prepare year-end financial statements, Product decision, Evaluate enterprises operations, Recommend improvements to MIS, Modifying financial statements in Great Plains Dynamics. 104.15 Microsoft Excel 2003 & Accounting Software

Easing into excel, worksheets, functions, charts, data analysis, working with data base, mastering pivot report, networking with excel, excel and VBA ERP, SAP, ACCPAC 104.16 IT Management Describes best practices and emerging issues in IT management (e.g. intelligence systems, e-commerce, enterprise systems, etc.)

PART B : Practical : 20%


Practical on Microsoft Office/XP Professional

Hardware Components including Networking, Various Operating Systems, Microsoft Office Systems (Word, Excel, MS Access, Power Point, Internet Browsing) etc.


Practical on Accounting Packages

Knowledge on General Ledger and Reporting (Transaction entries, Post transaction, Prepare and post adjusting entries, Prepare Chart of Accounts, Prepare Trial Balance and Financial Reports, etc. through any customized Accounting Packages familiar. Recommended Text books 1. Principles of Management Information Systems - Eighth Edition Ralph Stair and George Reynolds, India Edition (8th edition). 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Pressman - Software Engineering Jaisul Networking Technology Arews A. A & Word D.D. Computerized Accounting Martin M. Hansen. S. Klinger B- Excel 2003 Management Informaiton Systems: Managing Information Technology in the E-Business Enterprise James O. Brien. 7. BPB Publication Internet Complete.

Reference books 1. Management Information Systems: Managing the Digital Firm, 2nd Canadian Edition, 2002 - Laudon, Laudon, and Brabston (Toronto: Prentice Hall) 2. Computerized Accounting Using Microsoft Great Plains Dynamics, 8th edition 2001 - Arens A.A. & Ward, D.D (Armond Dalton Publishers, Inc.). 3. Microsoft Office 2003, XP Professional or Office 2003

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