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Integrated Marketing Communications is the coordination and integration of all marketing communication tools, avenues, functions and sources within a company into a seamless program that maximizes the impact on consumers and other end users at a minimal cost

Communication process
Identify target audience Developing communications objectives Various models describing consumer response stages Message considerations Media Decisions Measuring effectiveness of communication

Identify target audience

Demographic and psychographic profile Media habits Level of awareness

Models describing consumer response stages

AIDA model Mc guire s response model (Info Processing) Everett M. Rogers model (Innovation Adoption model)


Mc guire s response model (Info Processing)

Everett M. Rogers model (Innovation Adoption model)

Message Considerations
Message content Appeal
Humour Fear Emotion Ethical Rational

Message format Source of message

Media Decisions
Personal channel of communication *Expert * Advocate * Social Non personal channel of communication - Mass channels

Measuring effectiveness of communication

PROMOTION MIX Advertising Sales promotion Public relation Personnel selling

Measuring effectiveness of communication

Factors guiding the selection of a promotion mix Nature of product Buyer readiness stage

The IMC planning process

Situation analysis SWOT analysis

Analysis of communication process

Budget determination

Develop IMC

Implement IMC

Monitor, measure and control IMC

Any paid form of non personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods / services by an identified sponsor. Print Broadcast Packaging Audio-visual etc.

Sales promotion
A variety of short term incentives to encourage trial / purchase of product. Contest Lotteries Premium gifts Demo etc.

Public relation and publicity

A variety of programmes designed to promote / protect companies image or individual product image. Press release Seminar Annual reports Sponsorships etc

Personnel selling
Personnel selling face to face interaction with one or more customers for the purpose of making presentation, answering questions & procuring orders.

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