Deed of Adoption

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DEED OF ADOPTION This Deed of Adoption executed by hindu aged about years and residing at witnesseth as follows:Whereas I have

no children and whereas I am fairly old and of opinion that I will not have any issues hereafter and Whereas I desire to adopt a son for performing the ceremonial rites after my death and succeed to my properties which are all self acquired. I, hereby, adopt son of residing at Son of

aged about as my son. I have adopted the said as my son with the full consent of his parents who are also related to me. Hereafter the said shall be deemed to be my lawful son as per Hindu Law and shall have the full right on my properties, movable and immovable, and shall perform the obsequies after my death. This Deed of adoption is executed by me in a sound disposing state of mind and out my own accord without the pressure of any body. This adoption has also got full consent of my wife. In witness whereof I have set my hand this the day of 2004.



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