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Gemstones Conflicts: Gemstones NOT to be worn together

Sun is incompatible with Saturn, Venus, Rahu and Ketu. Therefore, Sun gems such as ruby should not be worn with blue sapphire, diamond, hessonite or cat's eye. Moon is incompatible with Rahu and Ketu. Therefore, Moon gems such as pearl should not be worn with hessonite or cat's eye. Jupiter is incompatible with Mercury and Venus. Therefore, Jupiter gems such as yellow sapphire should not be worn with emerald,or diamond. Mercury is incompatible with the Moon. Therefore, Mercury gems such as emerald should not be worn with pearl or moonstone. Venus is incompatible with the Sun and Moon. Therefore, diamond and its substitute gems should not be worn with ruby or pearl. Saturn is incompatible with Sun, Moon and Mars. Therefore, Saturn gems such as blue sapphire should not be worn with ruby, pearl or red coral. Mars is incompatible with Mercury and Saturn. Therefore, Mars gems like red coral should not be worn with emerald or blue sapphire. Rahu (Dragon's Head) is incompatible with Sun and Moon. Therefore, Rahu gems such as hessonite should not be worn with ruby or pearl. Ketu (Dragon's Tail) is incompatible with Sun and Moon. Therefore, cat's eye should not be worn with ruby or pearl.


In Hindu Astrology, there are 9 planets considered for analysing a horoscope, and therefore, there are nine different gemstones assigned to them. These gem stones are called Nav-ratnas or "Nine Gems. The planets and their stones are:
PLANET Sun (Surya) Moon (Chandra) Mars (Mangal) Mercury(Budha) Jupiter (Guru) Venus (Shukra) Saturn (Shani) Dragon's Head (Rahu) Dragon's Tail (Ketu) GEMSTONE Ruby (Manik) Pearl (Moti) Red Coral (Moonga) Emerald (Panna) Yellow Sapphire Diamond (Heera) Blue Sapphire (Neelam) Gomedha Cat's Eye (Lahsunia) SUBSTITUTE Red Garnet Moonstone / Opal Carnelian Peridot Topaz (Golden) Crystal Lapis Lazuli / Turquoise Zircon Alexandrite

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