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Harvick Press Week of August 29th , 2011

Stories: Wish List tape measures (we 6 use them for number lines and measuring) olorful Dry Erase C Markers

Mac the Cat I Am Six

Calendar Events 9/5 Labor Day- No School 9/13 First Grade Open House from 6:30-7:00pm or 7:15- 7:45pm 9/15 School Pictures

Literacy Enrichment- Have your child make a rhyming poem using as many short a words and draw an illustra@on for the poem.

Reading Words go on the

Vocabulary Words pupils whiskers fangs pads claws
Comprehension Sequence

Math Topic 8- Patterns

Reminder The curriculum tends to start o with review from Kindergarten. Please understand that the curriculum does speed up at a rapid pace. Also, if your child is in need of enrichment I will be sure to provide ample opportuni@es to extend their learning and challenge their crea@ve minds in class.

Theme 1;:1

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