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APS106 2011 Summer Project

Marks will be awarded as follows: 1 2 1 1 1 4 ________ 10 The core of the software (initialization, game display, the interactive game) will be judged both on whether or not it works properly, and on the details of implementation. Code that is difficult to read may be awarded fewer marks even if it works. We expect code to contain meaningful comments. Remember that these algorithms must be documented in the final report. Initialization Game display Interactive game input Computer response Determination of Win/Draw Written report/flow chart

A final report with the C source code is due by 11:55 pm on April 21, and should adhere to the following guidelines:

The report will be graded considering both content and clarity, and will be no more than three pages long. Additional pages will be discarded, and not read. What to write? Think of it as a combination User and Technical Manual. Begin by describing how to run the code and play the game, as if someone was unaware of how to do that. Then provide details of the code: an overview of the overall structure, flow chart/pseudo code and of any interesting algorithms (e.g. how the computer play works, and how/whether it attempts to minimize the score). Also provide specific information on how each team member contributed to the project. The document must contain the names and student numbers of the group.

How to submit: Zip the code file and the document together and send it as an attachment to If the submission is late, the entire project will be penalized at the rate of 20% per day. The student(s) may be asked to explain the code if necessary.

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