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Female Reproductive Drugs

Drug Classification Actions

Protects heart from atherpsclerosis, Retains calcium in bones, and maintain secondary sex characteristics

Therapeutic actions ontraindications/adverse C

Hormone replacement theraphy (HRT) Palliative and preventive theraphy during menopause Allergies and pregnancy Idiopathic vaginal bleeding, breast cancer, and estrogen dependent cancers, thromboembolic disorders

estradiol, (Estrace)

Sex Hormones Estrogen

norethindron e acetate (Aygestin) raloxifene (Evista) clomiphene (Clomid)


Estrogen Receptor Modulators Fertility Drugs

Male Reproductive Drugs

testosterone (Androderm) oxandrolone (Oxandrin) sildenafil (Viagra, Revatio) Androgens Anabolic Steroids

Penile Erectile Dysfunction

Nursing Implications


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