February Newsletter

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February 2011

beautiful feet
prayer requests
01 Impact Many lives will be changed during Art of Marriage events across the nation. 02 Our Community Group God to continue to work in the hearts of two men in our community group who have not yet accepted Christ. 03 Family Health and rest. After traveling we have come home with colds and a lack of sleep.

ixteen hours of quality family-time in the van down; five hours to go. As I write this, we are on our way home from an amazing weekend in Iowa where we had the privilege to facilitate an Art of Marriage event. Thirty-five couples came together to learn and grow their marriage relationship through this awesome video-based event. It was fun to see a diverse cross-section of people in attendance. Young and older. White-collar and blue-collar. Churched and Unchurched. This reinforced to us the impact the Art of Marriage curriculum has in the hands of the local church - to draw in people that The Weekend to Remember events are less likely to attract. After months of anticipating the official release and kick-off of the Art of Marriage it was fun to see God working first-hand through the conference. Early last week we received a call from some friends who had attended the Art of Marriage the previous weekend. They were so excited. They asked us to pray for a couple in their connection group who were separated and in the middle of divorce proceedings. They invited this couple to the Art of Marriage in Story City. Well, they showed up! Part way into the second day, Gene approached the husband wondering how the weekend was going. His response, Well, were smiling at each other now. Please continue to pray for this couple as they seek Gods guidance and healing. Additionally, by the end of the weekend there was one person who indicated a decision for Christ. To God Be the Glory!

Art of Marriage Impact

Over 600 events were held February 11-13, with over 30,000 people in attendance.
This was affordable and not a huge time commitment for those with families. It started with the nuts and bolts and made an excellent presentation of the Gospel. It was so good - for anyone at any place in their marriage. As we left the parking lot my husbands statement was, Thats the best money weve ever spent on our marriage! This has made a difference in my life and it probably saved our marriage. Im so very thankful for that. I will fight for her and our family. THANK YOU!! It was a life-changing experience. It was very entertaining and not, as most men expect, boring.


This was the best marriage enhancer weve been to.

This month we wanted to include a note that Gene recently received from a supporter of FamilyLIFE. This is just one example of the opportunities Genes had to minister to supporters of FamilyLIFE from across the nation.

Dear FamilyLIFE, Ive been unemployed for 20 months. My wife and I were talking yesterday about how FamilyLIFE is more in tune with us than our own church. Our church has never called us to ask how things are going but we get calls from FamilyLIFE (Gene McClugage). Just wanted to encourage the way you shepherd your supporters. I moved out after 23 years of marriage recently and God got my attention immediately! I was only gone for two weeks before I moved back. Thanks for your prayers.

Malachi had fun helping run the binding machine for the Homebuilders Bible Study series that were being prepared for a country in Africa.

Gene & Ginger McClugage

missionaries ___________

3209 Ozark Dr. Bryant, Arkansas 72022 gingerandgene@gmail.com 515.291.9282 ginger 515.291.9272 gene
ONLINE GIVING: https://give.ccci.org/give/View/0608127

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