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Complications Part I

Complications No words can describe how I feel, No emotions to describe this zeal. My mask, my shield, my source of hate. Bitter reminders of faithless fate. No emotion within my mask, No sense of degradation within its cast. You think you know me, you think youre smart, My futile life of abstract art. On my mask, the words you see, Believing truth, identity. No my friend the mask, it lies, The linear equations do not apply. My friend please do not trust the mask, Trust the peel within the cast. You know its true, You know you must, Believe the feeling that no one does. Take off the mask, look inside, The endless darkness of our untapped minds. Walking the hallways of our schools, One kid cool, another the fool. Their cold hearts, fading out, The undying reminder of our doubt. My friend Ill let you be, Go on living in your world, your fantasy.

Anthony K. Rosales

Complications Part I

I leave you now, With knowledge endowed, Face the truth, Reveal your youth Realize your dreams, Unwind the seams, Because my friend, there is no lord, We live in a world of utter discord. Let go of emotion, Break down and cry, Cold and retched, as was I, End the sickness, Show your mask, both sides apply, Life and death, do or die. Complications further hinder our minds, Fog our intentions, cover our eyes. With one breath, you now move on, The mask you wore, that burden you carried, Is now gone.

Anthony K. Rosales

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