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Lesson 38 Body Vocabulary

Written by Aaron Tuesday, 27 July 2004 04:56 - Last Updated Wednesday, 06 April 2005 00:35

Thiswill be an easy vocabulary lesson. We will learn names of the parts of the body!I have aslo added the kanji for each. Body- Karada Hair- Kami Face- Kao Eye- Me nose- Hana Mouth- Kuchi Ears- Mimi Throught- Nodo Neck-Kubi Head- Atama shoulder-Kata Arm- Te Leg- Ashi Upper back-Senaka Lowerback- Koshi Belly- Onaka Belly Button- Heso Wrist- Te kubi Some of the are just general terms arm and such asleg, but practice these vocabularies you will never know when you need to use them. For example: I have a stomach ache. Onaka ga itai desu. So you can see how these can be useful! {mos_sb_discuss:24} {mosgoogle}


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