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Hepatocellular Jaundice

A jaundice that is

caused by the inability of damaged liver cells to clear normal amounts of bilirubin from blood leading to hyperbilirubinemia

Causes of cellular damage:

Hepatitis viruses Other viruses Medications or chemical toxins Alcohol

Signs and Symptoms include: mildly or severely ill lack of appetite nausea possible weight loss malaise fatigue weakness


Liver function tests (ALT, AST, TBIL) Blood Tests

Nursing Diagnosis

Imbalanced Nutrition:
Less than Body requirements Activity Intolerance

- depends upon the cause of the underlying liver disease. It may include the following: Abstinence from alcohol consumption and cessation of medications contributing to liver dysfunction


Supportive measures

fluids, rest, pain relief for Hepatitis A Patients known Hepatitis B and C on Interferon should stop the therapy if the liver function deteriorate suddenly


Steroids and

Immunosuppresants for autoimmune hepatitis

Surgical Treatment

Liver transplantation

for fulminant hepatitis and end stage liver failure

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