CCEA Minutes 5-20-11

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CCEA Executive Meeting May 20, 2011 7:00 am Lakeview Jr.

High Present: Joy Coppoletta, Jen Maass, Lisa Boyer, Heather Tran, Loretta Cornfield, Kim Swaekauski, Annie Enzibigilis, Andrea Conley, Jake Little, Erika Myers, Terri Smeltzer I. Approval of minutes A motion was made by Lisa to approve the April 15 minutes, Jen M. seconded the motion. The minutes were approved. II. Treasurer's Report Receipts from summer leadership should be turned in to Annie III. Lakeview report -bathrooms in the 7th grade wing have been continuously out of order IV. Prarieview report +Thank you to Jay for visiting and watching whole classes +Bus drivers have been taking an active role with PBIS to reteach bus behavior -Concern about scheduling choir field trips at the end of the year V. Elizabeth Ide report -Concern over finding out the schedule for next year. Teachers would like to know their positions -pension concerns +the retirement party was fun VI. Regional Council Report see attached report VII. President's Report We will look into the retirement gift from CCEA VIII. Adjournment Jake motioned to adjourn the meeting. Joy seconded the motion. The meeting adjourned at 7:20

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