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Comparative Essay Paragraph

By: Amy Chau

Zoos are park like areas where animals live in cages for public exhibition. In

Lynne Dierling’s essay, it states that it is wrong to capture animals from the wild and put

them in cages for people’s entertainment. Zoos may think they are educating the people,

but it is said that people spend less than three minutes looking at the animals. It takes

longer than three minutes to be educated on anything (par3). In the zoo, it is shown that

animals are protected with no danger around them. If the animals were let free, they

would think that they are protected and taken cared of. This could cause death and

endangerment (par4). Capturing animals is also destroying the lands because it is their

habitat. It will take a while for the animals to reassure that the habitat is safe and for it to

move back in (par5). In closure, Lynne Dieling is trying to convince everyone to go

against capturing animals and put them up for exhibit. It is wrong and bad for the

animals; which needs to be treated with respect, just like humans. The animals need to be

happy in the wild with freedom. Where as in “Life of Pi” by Yann Martel, Pi disagrees

when people think animals are happy when free in the wild. Pi believes that the wild is

the real dangerous place where the animals can not be protected or taken care of. In the

social environment, the dangers are high where as the supply of food is low (pg.16). The

zoo is like a house for the animal, where they can have a look-out, a place to eat and

drink, and a place to sleep. The zoo workers take good care of the animals by feeding and

washing it, and healing it when it is injured or sick. When in the wild, there is not a soul

that will know if the animals are sick or injured (pg.19). Therefore, Pi believes that it is

better for the animals in the zoo, where they can be taken care of than out in the wild

running around freely where danger lurks around.

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