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Thunderbird Motel Project

Residents are supported at the Thunderbird through non-intrusive case planning practices developed with the Homeless Program Coordinator. Admittance is based on the applicants motivation towards working on identified personal barriers that in effect have been the root of each residents instability. Initial goals consist of maintaining self, maintaining rental unit and participating in activities of interest on or off site. The Homeless Program Coordinator assists clients in securing housing at the Thunderbird while addressing the issue of inadequate funding and the necessary supports required by the typical multi-barrier client.

Special points of interest: Low barrier housing initiative for those experiencing homelessness BC Housing rental supplements available 25 unit semi-independent accommodation Homeless Program Coordinator support Services

Debbies Words.
Hi! Im Debbie. I live at the Thunderbird Motel Project. My husband & I have lived here for a fun & fabulous three years. Its community living at its best, with individual problem support and tons of neat projects, from inside maintenance to gardening. Weve really enjoyed all the new friends and acquaintances weve made. There are lots of benefits from free breakfast (compliments of a local business) to having a shoulder to cry on if necessary. I sincerely hope that other communities will follow our lead at the Thunderbird. It helps provide affordable housing for those who may have trouble locating and keeping living quarters. We even have free laundry facilities and a Shuttle Van to help residents get to town. Very beneficial!!!!!!

Inside this issue:

Garden Time Coopers Foods Buddy Nurse Practitioner Harm Reduction Mental Health 2010 Christmas Sponsors Job Postings Volunteer

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Garden Time Again!!

Home Depot Donation Two Greenhouses
programming utilizing horticultural therapy concepts to build self worth, increase physical activity and promote cooperation.
Getting involved in activities of interest promotes wellness! (Thunderbird Ideology)

The Thunderbird co o p erative gard en i s approximately 1.5 acres in size inclusive of two greenhouses and twenty-four fruit trees. The garden is a big part of the Thunderbirds

This 2011 gardening season the residents will plant potatoes, carrots, onions and pumpkins. The greenhouses

will be filled to capacity with tomato plants. Residents have signed up for taking care of individual sections of the cooperative garden. The fruit trees, greenhouses and garden will bring much needed food into the kitchens of individual residents.

Coopers Foods
Locally operated Coopers Foods has been donating meats to the Thunderbird for morning breakfast and weekly resident meetings. The residents at the Thunderbird live well below the poverty line and are in need of this type of support from the community to help make ends meet. A typical resident has an income of $600 to $900 monthly. Not much left at the end of the month for food and basic body care needs after rent is paid. Thank you Coopers Foods:)

Dave And Judy Morley

Dave and Judy will be moving on from their position a s La nd lo r d s a t t h e Thunderbird July 1, 2011. We appreciate your work and commitment to the project during your time with us. You will be missed. We wish you all the best :)

Buddy is a Golden Retriever who loves meeting people. He can be found at the outreach office or on the streets of Hope building relationships with individuals who need to touch, interact and look into the eyes of a nonjudgmental friendly face. One of Buddy`s favorite places to be is at the Thunderbird Motel Project. There, Buddy roams the 3 acre property freely going from door to door and from tree to tree. Buddy has been approved through the Hope & Area Transition Societys Board of Directors to attend work with the Homeless Program Coordinator. Buddy performs pet therapy services to clients accessing support through the Outreach Program.
Dale & Buddy At the thunderbird

Partnership Residents & Thunderbird Project

Maintain Self Maintain Unit Contribute


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A man has made at least a start on discovering human life when he plants a shade tree under which he knows full well he will never sit . D. Elton trueblood

Nurse Practitioner
Nurse Practitioner, Sue Lawrence attends to clients at the Thunderbird Motel Project. She meets with residents who don't otherwise have access to health services. Sue has a real knack for outreach supportive work. No matter the barriers, Sue is willing to put the needs of the client first providing healthcare to those who need it most in our community. Thanks to Sues intervention, residents at the Thunderbird are gaining trust in the services provided by our Fraser health region. As a result, high risk clients are accessing medical help more often and decreasing the need for emergency services.

Sue Lawrence, Nurse Practitioner with resident Gordon Dean.

Harm Reduction Services in Hope

Phoenix Room used for social and resident committee business

Kim Lloyd of Pacific Community Services is soon to be mobile in the Hope and Boston Bar region providing HIV/AIDS prevention services. The Homeless Program Coordinator, Paul Keller is looking forward to working with Kim and Hope Public Healths, Kim Roberts on this initiative. The Thunderbird Motel Project will have Kim Lloyd regularly onsite developing working relationships with the residents who need HIV/AIDS prevention support.

Aboriginal Mental Health

23% of residents at the Thunderbird Motel Project identify as aboriginal. Many suffer from mental health illness. Nicole Kiniski, Aboriginal Mental Health Worker with Fraser Health provides services to residents of the Thunderbird. Nicole has worked well in collaboration with the Homeless Program Coordinator in support of residents.

2010 Christmas There is a Santa Claus

Hope & Area Transition Society

Unit B - 895 3rd Avenue Box 1761 Hope, BC V0X 1L0 Phone: 604-869-5111 Ext. 226 Cel: 604-869-1880

Hope and Area Transition Society is a beacon of empowerment, which encourages and develops the inherent value of people through excellence in leadership and service delivery.

The Hope and Area Transition Society is a non-profit society in Hope and surrounding area that provides programs and services to individuals and families affected by social issues. Our mandate is to promote the development of a safe and healthy society through services, advocacy and education.

Check our agency out on facebook!

Supporters of Thunderbird Motel Project

Thunderbird Employment and Volunteer Opportunities

Adult Support Worker
Landlord/maintenance and tenant responsibilities Day time hours, Monday to Friday, 35 hr work week Contract $2500.00 Monthly Limited transporting of clientele Seeking Professional Social Work/Support Worker certificate or related field

Live In/ Overnight Monitor

Free accommodation inclusive of utilities in exchange for limited night monitoring Successful candidate (s) are permitted to sleep Supervise Activity Nights 1 x per week (3hr shift) Document legible nightly logs Report to the Homeless Program Coordinator

Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteer positions available in various areas Garden Social Caf Activity Night Office Administration Mentor/Support Personnel

Thunderbird Motel Project Homeless Program Coordinator, Paul Keller 63030 Floodhope Road Hope, BC V0X1L2 Ph. (604) 8691880

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