Death Anxiety2

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Death Anxiety Scale

Please complete the Death Anxiety Scale found on P. 67-68 in your textbook. After completing the scale, please indicate your scores. After assessing your death anxiety, please write your response to completing this activity. Be sure to include things in your written response such as: Would you consider your death anxiety to be high, average, or low? How do the results you found correspond to what you thought your beliefs were about your personal death anxiety before you completed the scale? For example, does the anxiety revealed in the scale differ from what you assumed before you completed the scale? Did you find anything surprising? For example, were there areas you scored very high on and very low on others? Why do you think that may be? Were there questions posed that you had never considered? Please follow the formatting and grading criteria for written assignments found on Moodle. Bring your written response to class to discuss and turn in for credit. This assignment is due when called for at the beginning of class. It is each students responsibility to be familiar with the late policy for assignments found in the course syllabus.

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