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Vincent F.

Lopez Typographic Illustration

the Project Statement

The Project Statement


Background: For my typographic illustration, I choose to do a portrait of a great friend and

leader we lost during our last deployment to Iraq. He was a great mentor and overall person. His name is Daniel B. Hyde. March 7, 2009, our platoon went on a routine patrol, well what we thought was going to be routine. During our ex fill back to the patrol base our patrol was ambushed. Our truck, the middle truck in the patrol, was struck by multiple RKGs (grenades designed to penetrate thick armor). My gunner, driver, and Dan were hit directly. Although the gunner and driver were hit, Dan took the majority of the grenade blast, killing him almost instantly. The Country lost a great leader and American that day. It saddens me to think that most people will never get to know such an awesome human, I feel by doing this memorial portrait illustration I could at least show the world what he has meant to me.

2. Target Audiences: My main audience is anybody who has never met a soldier who has sacrificed his life for his country, or anybody who has ever lost anybody to the war. I am doing this illustration in hopes to one day give a copy to Dans family.

3. Objectives: After seeing my illustration I hope to open the eyes of the viewer and put at least one face to the war that is going on overseas.

4. Obstacles: An obstacle I might have is that the type or text will be unreadable. Maybe Dans features will be unrecognizable aswell.

5. Key Benefit: My illustration will grab the viewers attention, perhaps spark an interest in whats going on in the war.

6. Support Statements/ Reasons Why: never hear a name or see a picture.

Everyday people hear about soldiers dying in the war,

7. Tone:

8. Media: Illustrator and a photo.

Illustration can be used in a magazine article or even the cover....

Original photo....

the Inspiration

the Process

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