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Daniela Thacker

Palestinian Rights
Palestinians have the right to get the Gaza Strip and West Bank back; they are fighting for their rights and their freedom. The international community recognizes Palestine as a state. Also, the Palestinians lived on the land ever since the Jews where kicked out of Israel, the Diaspora. The Palestinians are at this moment living harsh and discriminating lives. These freedom fighters are going to extremes to get their point heard. The international community partitioned Israel to the Jewish people and Palestinians. Palestinians were granted the Gaza Strip and West Bank, as their land. The land was separated into fifty-five percent to the Jews, and forty-five percent to the Arabs. This percentage is unfair because Jews only made thirty-four percent of the population. They have traced land back for decades. The Diaspora happened during the date 135 A.D. This is when the Romans kicked the Jews out of the land now known as Israel. After this happened the Palestinians victory of Israel had took place. The dispersed Jews had left the land and had returned more than two-thousand years later, in hope to find their land untouched, as their holy land. The Palestinians and Jews have very strong beliefs upon each other, and will do impossible to reach them.

Palestinians have gone to extremes to make a point. Many say they are terrorists, yet they believe they are freedom fighters. Suicide bombers are not in the right state of mind, yet they believe there is no other way to make sure the conflict or belief is heard. The Palestinians are fighting for their freedom for the land that was once theirs. Palestinians are fighting for more then land but respect and honor. Its their way of life. If the U.S. partitioned it before. Why not now? The U.S. interferes with all around world affairs why not one for freedom and independence,

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