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1. Download and extract SimpleHRM package to the root directory of your Apache installation. 2. Chown all files and directories so they are owned by Apache user (e.g. www-data) 3. Change the mode of the directories var/ and image/ so they are writable: chmod 777 var/ image/ -R 4. Under flexycms/configs change the directory name "localhost" to your domain name. 5. Under this directory, change the filenames to reflect the domain name (e.g, 6. Create a database (in this example, simplehrm_db) on MySQL. 7. Change the DB configuration under flexycms/configs/ 8. Run the following under MySQL. Replace database name, username and password with the ones you used in previous step. mysql > create database simplehrm_db; mysql > grant all on simplehrm_db.* to simplehrm_user@localhost identified by 'simplehrm_pass'; (In example above, simplehrm_db is the database name, simplehrm_user is the username, simplehrm_pass is the password). 9. Insert SimpleHRM SQL data inside MySQL: mysql -u simplehrm_user -p simplehrm_db < simplehrm.sql 10. Either with MySQL, or using PhpMyAdmin, change the administrator e-mail and administrator password in hrm_company table inside your database. Below is an example MySQL command. You need to change the username ( and password (pass). INSERT INTO `hrm__company` (`id_company`, `id_admin`, `company_name`, `company_info`, `email_id`, `password`, `address`, `tax_id`, `twitter_id`, `facebook_id`, `linkedin_id`, `logo`, `language`, `currency`, `timezone`, `add_date`, `last_login`, `ip`) VALUES (1, 1, 'Demo company.', 'Demo company explanation', '', 'pass', 'address', '1234', '', '', 'http:/', '', 'it', 'INR', 5.5, '2011-01-10 15:48:52', '2011-05-01 12:35:40', ''); 11. Change localhost directory under /var to reflect your domain name. 12. Go to and login using the administrator e-mail and password. 13. Add the following two lines to your crontab, so reminders and notifications are sent on time (everyday at 08:00) 00 08 * * * root wget http://[DOMAIN NAME]/index.php/adminstration/cronJobNotification 00 08 * * * root wget http://[DOMAIN NAME]/index.php/adminstration/cronJobReminder


Before adding a user, you need to define at least one division name, department name and team name. These are required parameters for each and every employee. Also, you may need to modify the currency information if default is not a good option for you. Better, you have a look at the Settings tab and check options there.

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