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Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering


B Tech SeminarECU 491, Monsoon 2011 General Instructions

Instructions to Students
o All the students must submit the Title and Abstract of their chosen topic along with hardcopies of two related journal papers on or before 10th August 2011 for approval. After approval, it will be returned to each student on or before 12th August 2011. o All the students must submit the Seminar Report in unbound draft form on or before 22nd August 2011. o The seminar presentations will begin from 12th September onwards. o Each day, five students will make their presentations in the alphabetical order of their name as per the schedule which will be announced shortly. o Each presentation shall last for 20 minutes, followed by question/answer session for 10 minutes. o Seminar Report in bound and final form must be submitted within a week after the seminar presentation of each student. Dr. Elizabeth Elias Faculty - in - Charge of B. Tech(A batch) Seminar Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering

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