Levels 1-3: 10BB Rule

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SNG 10BB Rule: If your chip stack is more than 10BB, never push all-in without a raiser in front

of you Instead, raise the amount recommended If your chip stack is less than 10BB, go all-in instead of raising If your chip stack is less than 3*(SB + BB), you should go all-in at one point before the blinds

3Blinds Rule:

Levels 1-3
Bet AA AKs KK AK QQ JJ TT 99 88 77 66 55 44 33 22 Bet 3BB If raised Raise or push Fold or push Push Fold

Any position

Flop If hit top pair or better, bet more than 75% of the pot If you have top pair/top kicker or better, go all-in if raised Slow-play only sets or better Fold anything worse than top pair/top kicker to any bet

Level 4
If you still have 1,500 chips or more, play as in Levels 1-3, otherwise: Raise at least 4BB with no callers to you on either the button or in SB with any pocket pair, any A, or KQ If anyone pushes over your raise, call AA KK QQ JJ TT 99 88 77 66 55 44 33 22

AK KQ AQ AJ AT A9 A8 A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2


AK AQ KQ AJ AT A9 A8 A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2

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Level 5 and up
Abide by the 10BB Rule! AA KK QQ JJ TT 99 88 77 66 55 44 33 22 Bet Amount 3BB or push Fold or push 3BB or push If raised to you Position Push Any Fold Any Fold Late



4 Players (Bubble)
Yours is the smallest stack: Play extremely aggressively until you are at least evenly stacked with one other player Push with any 2 cards when it is folded to you in SB, unless the BB is the giant stack On the button open-push any A, any pair, KQ, KJ, QJ, JT, 9Ts UTG push any pair and A7 or better Open-push on the button AA AK KK AK KQ AQ QQ AQ KQ Evenly stacked with others: QJ KJ AJ JJ AJ KJ QJ JT AT TT AT JT Open-push or open-raise with AA 9T A9 99 A9 AK KK AK A8 88 A8 Call all-in AQ QQ AQ A7 77 A7 AJ JJ A6 66 A6 TT A5 55 A5 99 A4 44 A4 88 A3 33 A3 A2 22 A2 Push UTG Yours is the largest stack If you have twice as much chips as every other player, consider open-pushing any 2 cards from SB and button Only call all-ins with premium cards Do not mess in when other players eliminate each other

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AA AK KK AK KQ AQ QQ AQ KQ QJ KJ AJ T9 87 76 65 54 43 32 42 53 52 64 63 62 75 74 73 72 86 85 84 83 82 JJ AJ KJ QJ JT QT KT AT TT AT KT QT JT J9 Q9 K9 A9 99 A9 K9 Q9 J9 T9 87 86 85 84 83 82 76 75 74 73 72 65 64 63 62 54 53 52 43 42 32 98 T8 J8 Q8 K8 A8 88 A8 K8 Q8 J8 T8 98 97 T7 J7 Q7 K7 A7 77 A7 K7 Q7 J7 T7 97 96 T6 J6 Q6 K6 A6 66 A6 K6 Q6 J6 T6 96 95 T5 J5 Q5 K5 A5 55 A5 K5 Q5 J5 T5 95 94 T4 J4 Q4 K4 A4 44 A4 K4 Q4 J4 T4 94 93 T3 J3 Q3 K3 A3 33 A3 K3 Q3 J3 T3 93 92 T2 J2 Q2 K2 A2 22 A2 K2 Q2 J2 T2 92

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