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AUGUST 26, 2011

NR # 2507B

Bill to ban politicians from any sports agency or association

Politicians may not be allowed to hold positions in any sports agency of the government or any national sports association which receives funding from the government. House Bill 5154, authored principally by Rep. Salvio Fortuno (5th District, Camarines Sur), shall prohibit the appointment or designation to any national sports association or sport agency of the government, of any person who lost or has served in any elective position in the government. Our never ending quest for the first ever elusive Olympic Gold will not come to pass if our countrys sports agencies and national sports associations will continue to be headed or dominated by politicians, Fortuno said. According to Fortuno, it is a sad fact that in our nations life, politicians, both the frustrated and the successful, have built-in adversaries, who, in every opportunity, are always on the sidelines ready to hurl criticisms against our sport leaders regardless of ones performance. Under this situation, they will be out of focus as most of their time will be spent defending the criticisms to the detriment of our sports program, Fortuno said. In some cases, sports leader-politicians tend to have impaired judgment in selecting athletes to be admitted to the national pool, as in most cases, they have their own protgs, who may either be a political ally or will help boost their political stocks, Fortuno added. Fortuno said many national athletes had bolted the national pool out of frustration due to the squabbling of sports leaders. Fortuno cited the cyclists who have been deprived to compete for some reasons even when they were already on foreign soil ready to fight for the flag and the country. The most recent controversy involving our sports leaders was not only the nonrecognition of the victorious Dragon Boat Federation but the accusation made by our sports leaders that the team members are old and are into steroids. We need to put a quietus to this nightmare, Fortuno said. Violators face a fine of not more than P200,000 and a jail term of not more than three years or both at the discretion of the court. The same penalty shall be imposed upon any person who shall knowingly accept such appointment or designation, or election as the case maybe, Fortuno said. (30) jsc

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