Classroom Discipline Policy

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Classroom Discipline Policy CONDUCT

Mrs. Schonbeck

1. Be on time and prepared for class.(See material list) 2. Be respectful. (There is a zero tolerance policy for any kind of disrespect for self, others, the school, our class, belongings, etc..) 3. Focus on learning. 4. Observe all student handbook rules.

If you choose to break a rule:

1st offense: verbal warning 2nd offense: verbal warning; phone call home 3rd offense: teacher detention; phone call home 4th offense: teacher detention; meeting with parents, administration and guidance 5th offense: referral to administration. Additional consequences may include written or verbal apologies and behavior contracts where appropriate. For severe offenses (i.e. insubordination, endangering the safety of self or others) a student may be sent to the principals office immediately. This extreme action will be followed up with a referral and a meeting with parents and guidance counselor.

REWARDS: o Praise and encouragement (daily) o Positive phone call or letter home (random and on request) o Fifteen Free Fridays (for entire class once every 2- 3 weeks) o Various other positive perks (through out the semester)

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