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SHITHATDIDNTHAPPEN.TXT AaronDismuke * [[{{Tropers/HimeTakamura}} This Troper]] graduated high school with him.

He's a pretty nice guy but he's kind of a slacker. * [[Tropers.ReikoKazama This troper]] absolutely ''adored'' him as Alphonse Elric in the first [[Anime.FullmetalAlchemist Fullmetal Alchemist]] anime. He was just so... ''perfect'' for the role! Now I really want to see whether or not MaxeyWhitehead is as good. *needs to hurry up and finish the first anime* * This troper heard him first on Fruits Basket and then on FMA. It was weird hearing the same voice for characters that were so different.

AbandonedHospital * This Troper lives in a town with an abandoned hospital which the local government literally cannot bring down. Full of asbestos, too expensive to safely bring the building down apparently. Its only real purpose is to be a hazard for those who decide they want a look inside, and to make passers-by confused as they wonder how that graffiti artist got ten meters off the ground. * This troper has an abandoned mental hospital in her hometown. It's supposed to be the most haunted place in the state. * This troper also has a nearby abandoned asylum - just the children's wing (the rest was demolished), but it is significantly creepy. For example, the building contains a room full of children's bowling shoes, an empty pool, and a lone chair in an empty room. This on top of being an intricate multi-level maze. Creepy indeed. --TheOsakaSun * When I was still living in Vietnam, there was a rumor about a haunted house. Apparently, everyone who took their picture at the house, would see a...skeleton standing next to them in the picture. Creepy. Said house is in Da Lat, and is STILL rumored to be haunted. * My school's opposite what used to be an abandoned mental hospital called High Royds - people used to sneak in and look round just for something to do. Those of you who recognize the name and are thinking of a Music/KaiserChiefs song? Yeah, that one. * This Troper's unit had to clear one of these out in Baghdad in early 2004. It wasn't monsters we were afraid of jumping out at us. It wasn't even Fedayeen. It was random civilians who potentially tried to use the hospital as shelter from the US invasion. Thankfully, other than a couple of stockpiles, the hospital itself was completely clear. * I live pretty close to this place in Western Washington. It's called Northern State Hospital. I'd like to point out that insane asylums are the ones that are always abandoned and filled with murderous ghosts in movies. The ghosts here aren't murderous, but it fits in all other ways. * In the summer of 2007, under the respectable auspices of a summer camp digital photography class, this troper explored an outlying service building near some patient wards of the completely abandoned Northampton State Hospital in Northampton, Massachusetts. His testimony so intrigued the film photography class that a second trip was made.

** Two years later (October 2009), the same troper explored around the exterior of an administration building of Metropolitan State Hospital in Waltham, Massachusetts, one of the few buildings on site not demolished or converted to apartments. Yes, Massachusetts had an enormous system of psychiatric hospitals for such a relatively small state... ** This troper lives in Northampton. She would like to verify just how creepy that place is. ** This troper lives quite close to the aforementioned asylum. It is creepy as all hell. * This Troper knows a fan of ghost stories, and he has quite a few from personal experiences. One of his stories involved attending a refurbished mental hospital in New Hampshire turned into a trade school. He and some friends decided to sneak into the abandoned parts of the building, blocked off since they contain asbestos, and entering would get you immediately kicked out, no exceptions. It's described on the inside as "looking just like in the movies where everyone just up and left". Needles everywhere, carts laying about, disorderly. Like the people leaving were in a hurry. Aside from the satanic symbols painted by kids there, it was just how they left it when it was abandoned. There were even tunnels between buildings that were pitch black and had pipes running everywhere. You'd have expected, based on the description, and pictures I later saw, that it was a level in a video game, not an old asylum. So definitely ''TruthInTelevision'' here. There's more to the story involving wailing and running, but that's for a different trope methinks. * Not so much of an abandoned hospital in this troper's case, just a case of poor maintenance. His college's main hall is quite classy so long as you don't venture above or below the first floor. Everything above and below resemble something close to a set piece from Manhunt or just about any Abandoned Hospital. * The hospital where I was born in the mid-1970s was closed in the early eighties when a new facility was built. I never saw the inside of the building after it was abandoned, but it sure looked the part from the outside. The building was finally torn down in 2000; the property has remained vacant since then, as developers and the city council can't seem to make up their minds about what to do with it. The pavement for the parking lot and a driveway (probably for the emergency room) are still there. * [[Tropers/PentiumMMX2 This troper]] got the opportunity to explore the abandoned hospital in his hometown (A friend of my sister's got in contact with the owner of the property, who let us in). The place was quite messy; broken glass, broken ceiling tiles, abandoned equipment, some graffiti (I would have laughed had someone wrote "[[Series/DoctorWho Bad Wolf]]" or "[[{{Portal}} The cake is a lie]]" on the walls), the clocks they had on their walls all stopped at 1:30 AM (Since they where apparently linked together to stay synced up, that's probably when the power was cut), and vintage [=TVs=] still set up in the patient rooms. It was quite fun exploring it; noticing the similarities in design between it and the hospital I work at currently. * In the town of Whitby, Ontario Canada there is a mental hospital

called the old Whitby psych. Most of the old Whitby psych has been torn down but a few still remain and are thought to be haunted. Also there are tunnels for transport of the patients still 'open' though not used.\\ The hospital also has a scary reputation. This troper's mother is a nurse that worked in the Toronto hospital and when the mentally ill patients reached capacity they would be sent to the Whitby psych. When the patients where told this, many would react with fear and violence, and beg not to be sent there.....creepy? * There's an abandoned mental hospital just down the road from this Troper. It was evacuated on the same day I was born, and finally closed in 2001. * [[@/NotSoBadassLongcoat This troper]] was airsofting a good couple of times in an abandoned Jewish asylum in Otwock, Poland. He even decided once to ambush the opponents by going through the basement, alone and equipped only with a really shitty flashlight. The fact that in 1942 [[NaziGermany the Nazis]] murdered half the patients and sent the other half to concentration camps and the staff committed suicide doesn't bother him. * This Troper was at a memorial service for his grandfather once, and the church was just across from an abandoned mental hospital. After the service him and his brother went to have a look around the hospital. There were no ways in without breaking anything, the only opening was a missing pane from a third floor window, so we didn't get to look inside, but as we tried to look through the grimey window on the front door we could hear a beeping sound coming from inside. It was rather weird, all sounds except the beeping seemed to fade into the background as we stared into the dusty, mildew covered hallway. I still hasn't managed to get inside yet, but some day... * This troper goes to hospital clinicals as part of her Health Science and Technology class. Although there are many sections of the hospital that are in good condition, the way to the Dialysis station is not. The elevator doors that lead up to that section of the floor sometimes don't open all the way, and when I get off, the entire hallway is in semi-darkness with flickering lights. There are never people walking through that hall, and the computers in the office are on, but I may have seen only ONE person working there ONCE at the most. * This Troper is South African, and lives in Germiston (near Johannesburg). In the nearby city of Kempton Park there's an abandoned hospital that has a reputation as the most haunted place in the province. There's a Facebook group about it - here: . ** I know the place... I live near Kempton Park. We were at a friend's house jamming Left 4 Dead and boozing one night. Seemed like a good idea to visit the place at 3AM but we were too smashed to drive. Thank God. * One of the buildings (actually, used by courses like Biology and Medicine) at This Troper's university has that exact feeling. * The Old Tooele Hospital is said to be haunted. When it was still open, it was a really crappy hospital, and most of Tooele County drove into Salt Lake if at all possible to avoid going there. (As a matter of fact, most still do because the new hospital is still pretty bad)

After they closed it, they started having year-round ghost hunts, and during the Halloween season, they have a haunted house called Asylum 49 there. This troper worked at Asylum 49 one year, and while her stories are pretty tame compared to the ones that some of the longtime workers can tell, her biggest personal experience was of standing in a dark room with fellow workers, waiting for someone to scare, when she got the most distinct feeling that someone was standing right behind her. She thought she knew who it was, but when she turned to talk to them, everyone was on the other side of the room. Others could tell stories about moving pictures and screams. * In [[{{Tropers/Absynthe}} my]] hometown, there is the behemoth known as the Central State Mental Hospital. It has been abandoned for years, and is supposed to be one of the most haunted sites in the Midwest. * While not an actual AbandonedHospital, I still think this fits the trope: This troper's high school drama club put together a HauntedHouse in our theater around Halloween, and gave tours through it. My second year, our theme was "Haunted AbandonedHospital/Asylum". It was reportedly much scarier than the generic HauntedHouse done the previous year. * There's an AbandonedHospital across the street from [[Tropers/{{Bananaquit}} this troper]]'s former junior high school. Notable for having the word "GLASS" etched on all the floor-to-ceiling windows. * This troper have the luck to live in the same city with China's biggest SARS Treatment facility. The Beijing SARS hospital had been abandoned for several years, and almost no one dares to explore it because rumour says that there are SARS specimens lying around unattended inside and som e might be broken. I had suggested to some friends that it would be a great place for airsoft battles and filming, but they fear that they might encounter some [[NightOfTheLivingMooks unfriendly hosts]] there. * There's this big hospital in my hometown and it's open for builders. Or, anyone with a hard hat. I went in with a friend and found some other guys scribbling graffiti on the wall. I decided to write [[MaxPayne thE flesH Of falleN angelS]] and TheCakeIsALie on it. Went back a week later and someone wrote "Cool story bro!" but it's gone. Apparently State Inspectors don't like teens wandering around abandoned, crumbling hospitals. * When this Troper's brother was admitted to the hospital he raced across the highway at night trying to get to the hospital. Turns out it wasn't a physical thing but a psychological, so he was allowed a late night visit. Hospital hallways aren't filled with a lot of people at 1 am.. * [[EpicFail The worst experience of my life]] had to do with exploring one of these on Halloween night. I not only forgot what day it was (d'oh!), had just completed a night-long marathon gaming session of F.E.A.R. by benefit of energy drinks, but also (big no-no to us types) went ALONE to my destination. When disembodied eyes start appearing in the darkness, it really helps if you paid attention to the one entrance that wasn't boarded up or chained shut... * This Troper had one near his college. Central and Southern Illinois has quite a few of these for some reason.

* [[Tropers/AdelePotter This Tropette]] used to live in a place where she had to walk past one of these (an old mental hospital) every day on her way to school. And it. Was. Terrifying. Especially to my feverish, demented, 9-year-old imagination. [[FridgeHorror It's even scarier to me now, as a teen, because I now know the history of the place...]] * This Troper has two stories: one is a hospital, another is a school. The hospital used to be a TB sanatorium, and even though it has since been converted into a state government building, the signs for the nurses' locker room, kitchen, etc. are still there, and the morgue still has body lockers and such. The building is also haunted. Elevators will start up and randomly move to different floors without anyone touching them, and little things like that that just give you the creeps. As for the school, it used to be a black high school from when everything was segregated. It's not used now, but it's still there. Our marching band always warms up in the parking lot of the school before parades, and I've checked it out while I was there. The windows are either dirty or broken, it looks run-down, but the doors don't seem to be chained up or anything as far as I've seen. Very creepy. I want to check out the inside one night. * This troper has one in her neighborhood. It's quite creepy, with the broken furniture, eerie-looking windows and general weirdness hanging around it. Of course, it would've been full-on scary had the parking lot not been filled with our neighbor's cars, and if the local drunks, addicts and vagrants chosen some other abandoned place to hang out. * This troper has a story. When she goes to camp with her troop, the camp we go to was an old TB sanatorium. The adults stay in a different building, so its just a bunch of teens in an old abandoned hospital. It would be less creepy if there was a trace of it in the building. The only sign is the windows, the glass is covered in white frosty stuff and there's little drawings and words carved into it. When we stayed in the big room, which has a hallway that's open to the outside, so it's like a balcony, one night some of us were up playing Truth or Dare and this troper looked out at the balcony and saw a floating thing. I remember the fear like it was yesterday. We still don't know what it was as no one was crazy enough to go out and looked. We crammed ourselves into a corner and were completely silent for about an hour. We told the adults, but they didn't believe us. We still go back there. * [[{{smittykins}} This troper]] lives in a converted hospital(Most of it is now apartments/offices, but the ER area has a doctor's office and blood draw station), and my coworker absolutely ''refuses'' to have blood work done there, because she claims it's haunted. * [[Tropers/JPanzerj This troper]] lives in a converted hospital, which was previously a workhouse. The house he lives in used be a psychiatric ward, and before that, the Master of the Workhouses' residence. It's very creepy at night and you're alone. And all you see is some [[NightmareFuel shapes pass by your door]]. If that wasn't bad enough, there's an [[HighOctaneNightmareFuel abandoned tunnel]] that led from the wards to the other hospital site, a good few hundred metres uphill. The nurses refused to go in it without at least two other people.

* There's one in Cork city, Ireland, a massive Gothic Revival asylum of which half has been turned into a hotel. [[Tropers/Moloch This troper and a friend went exploring the abandoned half and were quite surprised to find horse dung on the third floor. Someone had been keeping a horse there, how they got it up and down stairs, I don't know. * This troper has the [[ Glenn Dale Hospital]] just down the bike path from him. This was not a place that people visited to get better. As a sanitarium for tuberculosis, anyone who wound up here could only hope to die in the most dignified way possible. And yes, there is a children's compound. One Halloween, his family snuck onto the grounds and started exploring. Of note were the incinerator, refridgerated morgues, the flooded underground hallways, and the elevator shaft that "breathed". The sad thing is that it really was a beautiful place in its prime, and probably could be again if any restoration were put into it. Budget shortfalls and copious amounts of lead paint make this unlikely, however. * This troper used to volunteer at a hospital radio station. The studio was based in an outbuilding that also housed various ancillary services, and there was a service tunnel linking the outbuilding to the main block of the hospital. A ''terrifying'' service tunnel, poorly lit, with the obligatory exposed pipes, dripping water, and ominous rumbling noises from the nearby boilerhouse. Just to make the terror complete, gurneys and other items of hospital hardware would occasionally be left down there. Even the properly-lit corridors of the hospital could be disturbing at night when there was absolutely nobody around. * This troper is prone to panic attacks. One day, She was visiting Ellis Island when one of them occurred. She tried to rationalize it by saying that she was haunted by the people who died in the Quarantine section. Technically it's a hospital, right? * [[Tropers/{{summonerx}} This troper]] has visited the freakiest abaonded hospital in all of Pennsylvania known as [[ Pennhurst]] aka The worst hospital in history. The conidtions were bad when it was open and in operation but with the abandoned look it feels like it should be in SilentHill or something similar. Now a days there are different groups using the long forgotten area for various purposes - one is a compost & recycling heap center while the other is a badly misleading haunted attraction - but there are rumors that Pennhurst is haunted and well known to local and abroad ghost & paranormal groups. * The oldest hospital in this troper's city is a subversion: it used to be abandoned, but it's been preserved for historical value, and various businesses now use it's space - there's even a (quite good) pizza restaurant where the morgue used to be. Although, the areas that don't see much visitors are still creepy, like the morgue bathroom. * In this Troper's town there's an abandoned hospital that was known for housing both mental patients and before that people with polio before shutting down. Now you can still get to it if you drive out into the countryside. What's really creepy is that it was used once as

a Haunted House on Halloween. Needless to say, this Troper hasn't heard of anyone besides curious onlookers visit the place recently. All this Troper can say though is that it's defiantly creepy, and you can just feel how horrible that place was to be in back in the past. ---Go back to the AbandonedHospital. You might want to bring a spare flashlight... I'm just sayin'. ---<<|TroperTales|>>

AbandonedPlayground * This troper lives next door to a playground, and it hasn't been used since I turned eight. Since then, I never wanted to look at it at night. It all changed when one of the neighbors had kids. * This troper found the abandoned playground in the woods near her house the best to go in. It was just the right level of creepy, stuff rusted over and overgrown plants. This was on a marine base and one wonders what happened to get it to that * The sound of chains clanking against tetherball poles in the wind at this troper's elementary school in the off-hours is a sound that will haunt him for life. * Abandoned playground? Pssh. Abandoned ''school'', complete with playground? There are cars in the car park, but you never see ANY kids or adults there, never see them leave at the end of the day, never see them go in at the start... brrr. ** So I'm not the only one who has an abandoned school. I live in Ohio, and there's one right by the middle school I attend. It's effing creepy. I hear it's a place for the PTO to meet up, but oddly enough, I'm not sure that's the complete truth... * Go ''anywhere'' in the Midwest and you can see this kind of thing. Oddly, everything that was cool from TheFifties to present day is still cool. It's a bizarre time warp. * This troper uncovered an abandoned treehouse in the woods behind her house, half-built, and discovered that it was a failed project of her older brother ten years before. * A relative of mine recently bought an unused rural school to set up a business in. I find it and the playground just outside very thoughtprovoking. I can never help trying to imagine the kids who played there, the friends they had, and the memories they made. ** Also, the playground at my old religious school, which went down for lack of funds. I'd give anything for one more day of play with my classmates... * [[Tropers/AdelePotter This Tropette]] has a bit of a phobia towards these. There's something very unsettling about an abandoned place where kids used to play. * The playground next to the elementary school in this troper's old town was never ''abandoned,'' per se, but it was extremely unsettling to walk past at night...something this troper had to frequently due to the fact her after-school program didn't let out until after-dark. It was worse in winter, [[NightmareFuel because the wind would blow and make the swings swing back and forth, yet nobody was sitting on

them.]] * While exploring the some local marsh/woods with her brother, this troper found not one but three abandoned cubbyhouses. While two were ricketty platforms mounted on trees, the third was a proper shed-style structure, complete with tightrope entrance and a strange set of rules for "members" on an interior wall. * There's a graveyard at the end of my road that has a playground. I've only ever seen this in Tennessee. Just the fact that we have a playground in our graveyard instead of down the road at the park, which doesn't have one, is creepy. It's worse that I drive past it every day, usually at night. ** It doesn't seem too strange. Somebody could have built it for funerals to try and cheer up sad children, or entertain bored ones (if a child is too young to understand the concept of death, or didn't know the deceased very well, a funeral is an exercise in painful boredom.) * This Troper and friends managed to salvage an AbandonedPlayground from the backwoods forest as a hangout area in our preteen years. Lots of time afternoon-gazing on the rusty jungle gym and doodling on the brick wall that used to be an outdoors public bathroom. * This tropette loved her elementary school's playground when she attended the school. I hated it in the summer because most everyone left for vacation and no one who was still there would come to the playground. The school was built in 1972 and the playground still has that 70s feel to it and still has the original equipment. There was a tire pyramid on the playground and there was a rumour going around that a little girl was raped and killed in the pyramid when the school first opened. No one would play in it. That story has left me scarred for life. I also didn't like taking my younger siblings there because the school was "haunted" (at least, everyone who attended it thought so) and you could very clearly hear what seemed to be a little girl crying for help. Very unsettling place. * Its a little weird to see that every playground I've ever took step in (from the one within walking distance of home to the one all the way to Hiroshima) never seems to have anyone playing there. Ever. Its like we brought the disease to each one or something. * This troper has lived in several states over his life time and can attest that the Midwest has more abandoned creepy playgrounds (on school, off school grounds, public parks, hidden in the woods, etc etc) then anywhere else. In Cincinnati, Ohio alone there are 3 abandoned parks with playgrounds and several schools with rusted equipment. Columbus, Ohio has a dozen schools with rotten and rusted relics of the past, Harrisburg, Pennsylania has at least two schools with old playground equipment, Breezewood, Pennsylvania has a small parks with rusted slides and swings, and Manchester, New Hampshire happens to have an actual hidden playground in the woods rotting away.. * When Edgy spent his summers with his great-grandmother, he would play in one of these. It had some monkeybars that were extremely bent, from a fallen tree, for a good 20 years before it was removed. * An elementary school [[@/SoWeAteThem yours truly]] went to as a kid is starting to show shades of this. The largest structure is still in

good shape, even has a corrugated steel roof over it now. But there are two additional structures built near the running track. Last time I checked, they were growing weeds... * This troper's best friend wrote a short story about an area of suburbia situated around a playground, all of which became deserted. There was a strong suggestion that some kind of creature had caused the place to become deserted. ---This AbandonedPlayground would make a great setting for ''TroperTales: The Movie'', especially the creepy scenes. ---<<|TroperTales|>>

AbnormalLimbRotationRange --Back to [[AbnormalLimbRotationRange Abnormal Limb Rotation Ra]]Wait... Why are my feet backwards!? -----

AbominationAccusationAttack * LOL. I just read a debate about a random activity that this random guy didn't like, and he compared it to pedophilia. In my response I pointed out why these two issues couldn't reasonably be claimed to be related. In his reply, it turned out that he didn't see any connection either. Not beyond the simple... A) These people are arguing for something I don't like. B) If they was arguing for child sex abuse, I wouldn't like it either. C) Thus, it's the same thing. In other words, he did an AbominationAccusationAttack and then backed it up with HitlerAteSugar. ** That would be funny if it weren't actually true. * Accusing someone deleted others posts as being a MoralGuardian works around here.

AbortedDeclarationOfLove * This troper experienced this just a week ago. He'd had a crush on his close and best (female) friend for years, and just as he worked up the nerve to tell her...he bottled it. -->'''Troper:''' Sophie, I love yo...ur dress. Is it new? ** I'd got her the dress for her birthday a year before. She also got distracted and wasn't actually listening to me at the time.

AboveTheInfluence * One [[ChivalrousPervert guy]] I met played it perfectly, amazingly, [[CrowningMomentOfHeartwarming wonderfully]] straight and drove me home even though it was forty minutes out of his way, and called the

next morning to see if I was okay. [[ShipsThatPassInTheNight I never saw him again.]] And it wasn't that he wasn't willing, either, he'd got his hands on me before he realised just how smashed I was. * This Troper played it straight. Got invited to a party for homecoming weekend and instead of hitting the gym I decided to go. While I'm there had only one Smirnoff Green Apple and was in general just chilling. While chilling upstairs in my friend's room playing Madden, his cousin strolls in and had obviously had way too many. I lied about wanting to having sex with her, hoping she wouldn't leave and let some other dude take advantage of the situation. Eventually she laid down waiting for me to finish the game and fell asleep. All went well except my friend lost his bed for the night for his cousin to sleep it off and next day she called me to thank me for being so cool. * One of Edgy's finer moments. He was with a female friend of his, that he had a crush on, and they were getting drunk in her room. She passed out so he tucked her into her bed left her with some water to drink and a bucket to puke in and walked back to his own room across campus. ---"Taaakeeee meeee... (hic)" "I'd rather go back to AboveTheInfluence, luv." ---<<|TroperTales|>>

ABoyAGirlAndABaby * This troper's family fits that mold perfectly. My sister is 8 years older than me and my brother is 6 years older. The reason? My parents took a long time to make up their minds about having a third child. I'm rather glad they did. * This troper's cousins are this. Used to be this at least, baby grew up and is a teenager now. ---Go back to [[ABoyAGirlAndABabyFamily A Boy A Girl And A Baby Family]]. ----

AbsentMindedProfessor * My Arabic teacher, while being very talented and passionate about literature (among other things), is a perfect example of this trope. He usually digresses into discussing moral quandaries and Arabic culture. Also, myself (minus the professor, but I've been mockingly described as one from time to time). * This troper heard a literal story from her art professor - he was cutting something with an exacto, saw some friends leaving, said "See you at lunch" ( his exact words) and...long story short, that fingertip didn't grow back. * This troper's English teacher goes off on random tangents that ... have absolutely nothing to do with the topic being discussed. For example, at the beginning of DST, the class (consisting entirely on

16-year-olds) had to spend the next 45 minutes attempting to explain Daylight Savings Time to a man in his late sixties who has lived in a place with Daylight Saving Times for the majority of his life. Another time, about a week later, he spent a full half-hour discussing social etiquette at prom... He also tends to go off on tangents about Mexico. And Arizona. And California... * This troper heard a story of a Catholic school teacher who showed BibleBlack to his students. Things didn't go well. ** Sounds like an overlap with AnimationAgeGhetto * This troper had a teacher in Law School who would trail off midsubject to things like advising his male students to not get involved with any of their clients, specially when handling a divorce case. * [[{{Tropers/DaNuke}} Da_Nuke]]'s integral calculus teacher. Famous around the ITESO for being ''very'' absent-minded. Sometimes it's annoying ("Uhhhh... I think I gave you the wrong formula yesterday!"), but sometimes it's very damn funny ("I used to fix fridges at strip clubs in my first job... and I remember I once gave a stripper my driver's license instead of a bill"). * {{Tropers/Fawriel}} had this image in elementary school already. The professor part could be explained by his intelligence relative to the other kids. The absent-minded part, on the other hand - let's just say he went to school in his pajamas once and leave it at that. * {{Tropers/Bossman}}'s father is a comparative literature professor who's usually pretty aware of what's going on. Unless he's actually working, then good luck trying to get him to actually acknowledge that anything besides him and his work even exists. Tell him anything and he'll go "Uh-huh", but if you ask him what you just said, he won't have a clue what it was. Meals are a real challenge, as you can call him to the table five minutes before anything is actually served and he still won't show up by the time everything's on the table. And expect him to be cranky from low blood sugar when he finally does. ** This troper must be your long-lost cousin or something, because her father is exactly the same, except he's a physics professor. ** Just recently, This Troper's class went to the school library for a portion of the block to do research. She picked up a book on Switzerland and started reading... completely forgetting to go back to class. * My philosophy and logic professor once handed out that semester's final exams - with the correct answers neatly marked. Oops... * My entire college was made up of {{Absent Minded Professor}}s. One of which left the class waiting for him to show up. One member of the class went and got the department secretary. He was in another professor's office, he'd totally forgotten that he had a class that day. If it hadn't been a lab, and if we hadn't been such nerds, we most likely would have left. * I once had a really absent-minded Japanese teacher. She'd forget about homework she had assigned, use the first-year vocabulary flashcards on the higher-level classes multiple times a week and never noticed, forgetting her entire lesson plan (which she attempted to solve by writing down her lesson plan on paper, only to lose her place in it), and so on. * My band director was notorious for this sort of behavior. He is a

''brilliant'' arranger of music, and seems to be the most wellrespected musician in the city, judging by the way other professional musicians act around him. He also frequently forgot what day it was, when practices were held, what songs were being played in the concert, and who exactly was soloing on them. * My Year 10 science teacher was ''very'' absent minded. He may be great at science but when he wrote on the white board, all grammar and spelling goes out the window. Now, I know it's Science, not English, but it gets to the point of HilarityEnsues when all is confusion and lost. His favourite quote: "'''Shut up your mouth!!'''" * My 7 year physics teacher was like this most of the time. He also happened to be a mad scientist at times. * One of [[{{Tropers/CaptHayfever}} my]] math professors is an absolute genius in combinatorics & problem-solving, has written two textbooks & co-authored two others... and is one of the least organized, most confusing, least attentive, & most inconsistent teachers I've ever seen. Since extremely few of his students end up researching combinatorics (& I'm ''not'' one of those extremely few), his value as an educator is... lacking, to put it mildly. * My eighth grade Social Studies teacher borders on this sometimes. Every now and again, he'd be handing out a homework sheet or a study guide for an upcoming test, only to notice that he's handing out a quiz from two weeks ago, but he's fun. ** My 8th grade history teacher would teach things that were only tangentially related to what we were learning because they were interesting, so every quiz we had ended up being at least a week later. * My otherwise adorable history professor. He'd promised to lend me a book, and it took him three tries to remember to bring it with him to work, despite some polite nudging. Then he forgot to leave it where he said he would. * My physics teacher is always forgetting small, important things. For instance five minutes after a demonstration with a strobe light did he remember "Oh by the way, does anyone have epilepsy?" My friends and I have a theory as to an explanation for this. He is the Lord of Physics and is too busy to bother with such trivial things. ** This troper had a similar physics teacher in high school. For one lesson we were testing the resistivity of various materials, including human skin. It wasn't until the lesson was over that he called out "Oh -- nobody had any open wounds did they?" He was also an automotive maintenance teacher, and had been known to leave an exposed motor running (to show an observing class how it worked) in an enclosed shed for several minutes before suddenly explaining the dangers of carbon monoxide. * My first year university physics teacher was... frequently distracted. The way he suddenly derailed mid-lesson to explain his pet gravitational theory that he couldn't teach us officially because it was "forbidden science" was bad enough, but what really takes the cake is how he'd often just stop lecturing to do something like pick up a pen and drop it several times, marveling how gravity worked each time. His notes made no sense either -- they weren't notes for the students to use so much as something to do with his hands. A piece of paper

titled "heat transference" that features a box with some wiggly lines on the side labeled "like dolphins" with 4000K written underneath is not particularly useful without explanation. * I had a guidance counselor that fits this trope to a tee. Examples include, but are not limited to: ** going home to sleep in the middle of a school day and forgetting to tell anyone, which resulted in our whole class waiting for him in front of the classroom for the better part of an hour ** wandering up and down an aisle with a cartload of books, muttering "now where was that class..." ** spending an entire lesson rambling about an odd-looking fish he once caught instead of discussing, say, the application procedures to universities. ** Oh, and he also excused a couple of students from his lesson because "they had to go see the guidance counselor". * My world geography teacher has been giving the same tests for about 13 years. He still hasn't realized that on one of them, he circled the answers on the master test, white-outed those very answers, rewrote the letters, and copied it. Needless to say, everybody except the one idiot who FailedASpotCheck got a 90+ on the test (one section was entirely handwritten in, so some mistakes were made there). * I once had a Physics teacher named Miss Banner (Yes, really) for a first trimester class. When it came time for the second half of the course during the third trimester, I discovered that Miss Banner had been fired during the second trimester. Upon asking around for details, several teachers informed I that she had been fired for coming to class whilst wearing a Star Trek cosplay uniform under her jacket. One of the explanations proffered as to why she was wearing it in the first place was that she "just forgot she had it on." * I once had a teacher who taught both math and science to both seventh and eighth grades. It was not uncommon to have her give us worksheets that were for the other grade, or to give us assignments out of the other grade's books. When we were asked to do, say, problems 30-37 on page 263, it was a pretty safe bet that there were no problems 30-37 on page 263. She once spent an entire science class setting fire to various (non-harmful, I assure you) chemicals to see what colour the flame would be. There have been many occasions when she has stopped mid-lecture to talk about something completely offtopic, such as StarTrek. Another time, there was one student in her class whose personal NightmareFuel was a certain science fiction novel, and the teacher and most of the students in the class were very familiar with the situation. Well, one day in biology she asks, "Has anyone here seen or read Fantastic Voyage?" At this point she notices the student in question, who is pale and looks like she is about ready to run out of the classroom. Prompting the teacher's reply: "Oh my God, I'm so sorry. I totally forgot about that." * [[Tropers/JapaneseTeeth This Troper]] had a teacher in high school who showed up twenty minutes late every day, was completely oblivious to the end-of-class bell (he'd usually go for about 15 minutes unless we pointed it out), constantly lost stuff (up to and including a ''sword''), distracted himself by doodling on the whiteboard (he started trying to draw a map of the U.S. and wound up drawing a

caricature of himself), lets us listen to 18th century drinking songs (and the Beach Boys), and to top it off he completely coated the inside of his classroom with posters and other random stuff, which distracted both himself and the students. Yet the vast majority of the students and other teachers know he's the smartest person in the school. * My current biology professor showed up twenty minutes late for class, just as we were all leaving. Apparently she'd forgotten about daylight savings time which had switched over... four days ago. To add insult to injury that Saturday, she had sent us an email warning us that we better not try to use DST as an excuse to be late to her class! * [[Tropers/{{Agapantha}} This Troper's]] current English teacher likes to do impressions of drama students and tell us all about her childhood and the episodes of TheITCrowd that she's seen... during the tests that she sets us. * My high school maths teacher used to get so caught up in writing and rewriting equations he would erase them off the blackboard with the sleeves of his suit. * My math professor this semester gets distracted and goes off on tangents (no pun intended) and complains about her health while bossing her assistant around. Said assistant is much more focused and better at explaining concepts than the actual professor. * One day the teacher didn't show up to class, so the kids went wandering around the school. "Don't you have class now?" asks the teacher, surprised to see them in the halls. "Um... Yes. With you. " "Oh!" ...And so she came back to class for all of 30 seconds before drifting off again. * I have had several teachers like this. At the moment there's one that often forgets/calls us by the wrong name, and is extremely OCD about leaving exactly on the bell, except, he often can't hear the bell over his shouts at us to sit back down. We always just get up and leave early anyway, ignoring his yelling at us, because we're all so sick at him yelling at us to come back when we're all already halfway down the hall and they bell had rung a minute ago. ** In grade 8 there was one time when a (usually normal) teacher, managed to forget what room we were booked in for. He comes up to me and a few others in the same class at lunch as asks us if we know where we are next lesson. We say no, you didn't tell us last lesson, so he goes to check if we're in the library, the computer labs, SC block or M block. We're not, so after about 20 minutes out looking around for a classroom that was free and that he had the keys to, he just said 'screw that, let's go up to the oval.' So we just played sport/did nothing for the next hour. ** There is also an endless amount of teachers at my school who are hopeless with basic spelling and grammar (even English teachers) and who just love going off on meaningless tangents at any opportunity. * My university is full of {{Absent Minded Professor}}s, but two stick especially close to mind: 1) Manages to make everything about Japan being "wa" (i.e. dwarves) to the Chinese when his subject is Korea and 2) never never NEVER manages to finish his seminar schedule... but when you leave his course you know things you never thought you'd ever

know - from thermodynamics to the practical applications of cottage cheese when you're out of tofu. * My linear algebra professor wore a cordless mike while he lectured. One day he handed out a quiz and left the room. Five minutes later, we heard strange noises coming over the loudspeaker, and sure enough, he was taking a leak with his mike on. And then he burped. * I had a social studies teacher, who had a projector and a large Scerne in his class, when he was not teaching Social studies he had a history of cinema class. The troper got to watch Gone with the Wind, Casablanca, and many other classic films, but that is not the absent minded part - he would sometimes squeeze an off-topic SNL or Youtube short into his lessons. ** I would also like to add, on the last day of school, he let students put music videos up on the board, we had in order "School's out for Summer", "The Wall", and "Thriller". * My quantum mechanics professor could do six-dimensional integrals in his head, but once he solved an equation he'd forget why he wanted the answer in the first place. * My (sadly former now, but I don't know if I'll get her next year) maths teacher was incredible like this. She adored her subject, but that meant she'd go off on bizarre tangents while dictating notes to us, so we ended learning stuff we wouldn't need for like 2 years in addition to what we needed this year. Also, we managed to get her to spend 45 minutes of one lesson telling us her life story and such. And she lets us play Family Fortunes or other games on the board that have nothing to do with maths in the last lesson of term half the time. Despite this, we still finished the syllabus about 3 months early. She was just that good a teacher I guess. * My old French teacher was a favourite of many, mostly because he tended to stop whatever he was teaching to tell stories of his childhood, previous jobs, or that morning's events, usually making fun of everyone in the process. * [[{{Tropers/Nomic}} This Troper's]] high school physics teacher was rather easily distracted, and could easily be provoked into telling about all sorts of stuff he had done in his youth (apparently he had worked as boiler man on a steamboat and as a bouncer in a nightclub). We sometimes took advantage of this when we thought the lecture had been going on for too long. He was also in charge of taking care of the school's computers, and often forgot to tell us if he couldn't get to the class because he had to fix a computer, causing us to sit outside his class for an hour (we eventually made a rule that if he didn't show up in 25 minutes, we'd be free to go sit downstairs where there actually were chairs). * My calculus teacher was this incredibly awesome old lady who would wander into class about ten minutes into the (forty-minute) period, discuss television, news, or some such for another ten or fifteen minutes, then attempt to find her lesson notes. She remembered to check homework on about three occasions over the course of the entire year, and we spent the last month and a half of school playing board games. Somehow, she managed to trick the class into learning enough to survive the AP exam... and has been doing so for years. * My mother has also told stories about two different professors she

had: one, who smoked while teaching, and occasionally would very nearly start to write on the chalkboard with his cigarette or take a drag of his chalk, and another, a foreign languages professor, who knew three or four languages and would often start class in the wrong language. * This troper had a brilliant young adult literature teacher, one of the rare few who like it when students challenge them. This remarkable woman could think of every single thing you needed to know before teaching it and taught us how to defend controversial books in the classroom by showing us how to structure our arguments. She also used a version of MLA format that is not MLA format, lost papers and forgot deadlines regularly, and had an office so full of junk that I is surprised she could traverse it. Oddly enough, this professor, aside from her messy absent-mindedness, reminds this troper of her favorite literature teacher in High School, who always called this troper AbsentMindedProfessor. * My physics professor in his first year at University is probably one of the brightest heads in Germany (Peter Richter, if someone happens to stumble upon him, specializing in Chaos theory but about to retire right now) but happens to one to the lessons pretty much unprepared anytime and having to do all the calculations of various problems in real time (or rather, fast forward, a lesson only got 90 minutes). Anyway, whenever he was done he usually wondered what he was doing it for right now. * My father. One of this Troper's favourite memories was when he came home after class cover in blue dye. He'd been doing a demonstration for his science class and had managed to spill it all over himself. This was during his first class of the day, meaning he'd spent about six hours covered in the stuff. And it didn't wash off completely for about a month. He also wears skirts (sarongs, technically, but he's whiter than sour cream and just likes the feel of them) and once gave a girl a re-test (she'd failed the first test, and was already retaking the course because she'd failed it the first time) with the answers attached. Then it took him an entire day and night to figure out how she'd gotten a hundred percent - despite the fact that after cheating, the girl had been too stupid to get rid of the answer sheet. This troper loves her father very much, but wishes he'd remember her name once in a while. :) * I once had a 6th Class (Grade in America) teacher, who seemed to have an extensive love of history. Irish history, specifically. As a result, he'd often end up being distracted by long tracts about what happened to the Fenians, and other things, usually from his past. We once got him to spend an entire hour doing this, until I pointed out that he was going on a side track.. Cue groans from rest of class. There was also the case of his 3rd Year (9th Grade) History teacher, who was incredibly [[SnarkSnarky]], and once, when he had to come up with a visual aid to help us remember the name of an old Irish newspaper, what did he bring in? A picture of [[StarWars Darth Vader]]. (Note: the paper was named "An Cloicheamh Solais" or "[[LaserBlade "Sword Of Light"]]. * Ugh, I had a science teacher in eighth grade who was practically school wide famous for being absent minded (Hobby Middle School. If

anyone from there happens to go to this page, they will know ''exactly'' who I'm talking about). Hmm, let's see, can barely use computers, can be insulted when you're RIGHT IN FRONT OF HER, and she won't even notice, teaches us about dinosaurs by showing us '''Jurassic Park''', and don't even get me started on PANGAEA! Of course, the other science teacher is a [[CloudCuckoolander Cloud Cuckoolander]], so maybe I was lucky... * It's difficult to keep your attention on a subject after an hour, but unfortunately most lessons this Troper has are two hours long. Most teachers realize that students aren't listening anymore, so they give a small 5-10 minute break in the middle of class. My biochemistry & cell biology teacher used these breaks to go drink some coffee at the student cafeteria on campus, which was 10 minutes away from where we had class. The second part of class usually lasted ten to fifteen minutes. It could be worse, though. A friend of this Troper had class, and during the break the teacher got a call. He left, and didn't return. He has completely forgotten about teaching. * I have had some of these in high school. Music was ten minutes to start, then listening to the song of the week and discussing that, and then watching some video half of the time. Religion was probably even worse, because every single teacher I had for that subject spent more time trailing of then actually teaching, yet somehow they where some of the best teachers I have had. The most absent minded one put on hit-CD's from 10 years ago during tests, talk about the various places he had traveled and what he had done there (although helping in an orphanage might be a somewhat related subject) or explain his various theories on life and people. Yet another one was a Dutch teacher, talking about the skull in his basement (his house was build on a medieval burial ground, which they found out once they dug the basement) or spend entire lessons on reading all the mistakes of previous tests to the class, and still he taught us much more then we needed to learn that year... * This troper had a philosophy professor who was a truly brilliant mind, with an incredible knowledge of his subject and a gift for lecturing. However, he often forgot to come to class. It got to the point where students would take bets over when, if ever, he would show up. * My piano teacher can be a lot like this. Sometimes I'll catch him eating crackers and playing with his iPhone instead of telling me what I'm doing wrong. Sometimes he'll start talking about something else instead of teaching me, so we end up having conversations about the SAW movies, cameras that look like sci-fi gadgets and how the girl in the other room can't sing. He's a great teacher however, and lots of fun. * My Japanese class used to wait around in the lobby of the class building, looking out across the commons. Nine times out of ten, as the clock was chiming for class to begin, we would watch the professor leave his office and dash across the grass, papers flying and coat flapping behind him. This same professor was once caught typing up a five page long mid-term examination the ''hour'' before we were supposed to take it. He also, several times, ''forgot'' about class and later emailed apologizing.

* My rabbi, though not really a teacher or professor in the normal sense (though 'rabbi' derives from an old form meaning teacher, so, yeah, fits this trope to a tee. * My Physics I teacher. He can easily wander through many subjects, and lose track of what he was doing. Also, his Digital Electronics teacher, though in a BAD way: he managed to lose a sheet where I put an answer to an exam question, thus making me lose 2 points. :( * My Chemistry teacher is famous for it. She has a habit of starting at point A and rambling on about anything (I do mean anything) for about 70 minutes and then has to be reminded what she was talking about. * My World Studies teacher is like this, and somewhat disliked for it. While taking notes, he'll bring up a story as a comparison, completely going off on another tangent for a few minutes before getting back to the notes. He himself hung a lampshade on it when he said in mid-story "How did we get to this point? Seriously, why am I talking about this?" * This troper's father, who has several degrees in math and took university physics for fun, has been known to stop for gas, resting his coffee cup on the roof of his car, and then drive away with it still there. He is also (usually) unable to remember her birthday or age. * My secondary school chemistry teacher was a great example of this trope. One day, he received new chemical supplies from the school board and decided to show us an experiment he hadn't done in some twenty years. The three chemicals were supposed to react and give off a toxic purple gas, so we all marched outside and stood ten meters upwind of the tiny saucer while the components were mixed... only the reaction failed to occur. So we all march back inside and teacher starts to rinse out the saucer at the sink when it starts reacting violently and we had to evacuate the whole block. Turns out he'd forgotten that water was the catalyst! * My Calculus teacher. He will easily wander off from what he was doing (e.g. solving a large and complicated differential equation, or a triple integral) to speak on what he did last night, the last movie he watched, or comment on how he "didn't need to lock the windows on his 14th floor apartment", as "if a thief broke through the window, I would just give away all that the thief wanted" (real example, happened last Friday). Also I once screamed '42!!!!' as the answer for a problem, and he got the joke (but that's more into [[CoolTeacher Cool Teacher]] realm). * My history teacher is really good at teaching, but she constantly forgets everything except for history itself. It's okay when she just confuses the days of the week or confuses us with other classes, but it gets annoying when she forgets our names and makes up completely unrelated or absurd nicknames. And even when she doesn't, she calls all the blond students (aka. half of the class) 'the blond one over there'. One time she forgot to bring our exam sheets, so we wrote in a week later. * This troper has a teacher (which is freaking awesome) that is extremely absent-minded. His favorite Driver's Ed movie raps about the places you're not supposed to be around a big truck, and he teaches

several computer classes, by giving us a list of assignments and wandering around once a week. This troper's mother was beginning to wonder what he actually /did/ at the school, since he was always in the hallway when she came to pick me up for some reason or another. Last week, he wandered in and gave us popscicles. * [[Tropers/MattyChanHazel My]] grandfather. Poofy white hair, tinkers around in his workshop all of the time, really smart, has very bad hearing and keeps forgetting things. * My school is made up of them. For starters we used to have a Physics teacher who was also the football couch (which is a trope of its own) who would not teach you anything in his class, a current History Teacher who doesn't use the text book, but instead shows very offtopic Movies and rambles about the JFK assassination, a former history teacher who also showed movies, but where on topic but most of them where R-rated,a current English Teacher who acts very strange when she drinks a cup of coffee, then again her current principal used to be the typing teacher. * My Teacher once started their English class telling a story about running into the [[BuffySpeak drivethrough banking...thing.]] One student next to her said,"I can top that." We spent the hour telling stories about car accidents. And he let us. * Friend-of-a-friend story, so take it with a grain of salt, but at Fermilab several years ago this FOAF was working admin for the design team on a new satellite communications array -- obsolete now with the direction the tech went, but brilliant in its own way -- and she'd assembled a dozen or so guys who fit this trope together to work on it. She was at the reception desk one day when one of them came out of the room. He walked up to her, holding a pen as though he was using it to point at something, and says "it doesn't work." "What, the pen?" He nods. "No problem," she says, "we've got a whole closet full of office supplies over here." She walks him over and opens it up for him. Like a kid in a candy store, he grabs a handful of pens, still holding the dud in his other hand, and stuffs them in his pocket. He starts heading back into the room. He pauses about halfway there, points at her with the dud pen and informs her, "you're the BEST." * There's a saying at {{Tropers/MsChibi}}'s college: Asking a science major (or professor) to remember stuff is, while not asking the impossible, usually asking a lot. The reason being because such students and professors tend to have a lot of stuff on their minds. This trope is also the nickname for this troper's father (a chemistry professor at another school), who is awesome but does tend to forget stuff unless you constantly remind him or write it down. And now you know where [[{{Tropers/MsChibi}} she]] got it from! * My turn: In high school, I took a AP Chem (and basic Chem) class with an AMP teacher. I have a list of stories. ** She makes us sign a 8 page safety contract at the start of class. She constantly breaks the rules of her own contract to scary results. She was practicing an experiment and forgot if she used a stirring rod. She proceeded to use it anyway. (Rule: Never use something unless you know its clean.) This cause a reaction involving Silver Nitrate and Ammonia Sulfate (I think...) which then... sort of exploded... It basically heated the beaker it was in to such a high temperature and

so quickly the beaker shattered with great force. And the beaker's bottom melted the heat proof lab table (durable up until 600F). She luckily was doing the experiment in a ventilated fume chamber and was protected by the shielding. ** She lit a rope on fire and was spinning it to show the effect of a light source appearing as a solid object when moving fast enough. Problem is... she did this experiment 4 times with the same rope. The fourth time it burned through and flung fire everywhere and set her work papers on fire. She then grabbed the nearest beaker (Rule: Never use an unknown chemical without first checking to see what it is) full of the alcohol used to soak the rope and used it to "douse" the fire! Luckily, one of the students remembered to stay calm and use a fire extinguisher. ** My class got her off on tangents during the regular Chem class. Once we got her off topic by pretending to be worried about college. She was off topic for two days. ** She accidentally caught the wall on fire twice with a screaming flaming gummy bear experiment. She adjusted the chemicals to make it more interesting. (Rule: Follow the lab directions, don't make changes or skip steps.) Problem was she mixed the chemicals ahead of time and forgot that she had already lit the wall on fire earlier. ** She once lost my AP Chem class's final tests. Funnily enough, we found them... in the first place she looked for them! She had forgotten to warn us about the test ahead of time! (It wasn't a pop quiz, she decided to give us the final a week ahead of time!) It turned out the highest grad was me with a C and the lowest was a 30% F. My six fellow classmates and I decided to burn the papers, (the teacher went down to her car to look for the tests there) because she promised us if she ever lost a test it would be considered an instant 100%. We all gave our tests to the guy with the lowest score and he burned them. We got all As. Exactly as planned. ** The year after I graduated I heard one final story from my sister. Apparently, the week before school starts they have a teacher prep day. The teacher then plugged up the sink and filled it with water to soak some beakers. She then left school forgetting to turn the water off. One the day before school started, the janitor went into the copy room to check to see if the machines had enough supplies. He found the room completely drenched and the copiers were ruined. He went upstairs to find the water still running and half the floor covered in water. The water was running for three or four days... and had caused all kinds of havoc in the mean time without nobody noticing. * My granddad, "Dadda". He fits the trope to a T. He even has glasses and poofy white hair! * This troper's Classics teacher fits this to a tee. Brilliant at his subject, teaches us things that aren't on the syllabus just because "this is really interesting!", often goes off on tangents, most recently jumping from Achilles cursing the Greeks to how he [the teacher] used to be ginger. He's also apparently lost his glasses multiple times and once woke up thinking his eyesight had been magically healed overnight, before remembering he was wearing contacts. This troper wouldn't have anyone else for the world. * I had a weird Math/Science teacher when I was in sixth grade. He

would be teaching math, then he would start with bizarre stories involving random things such as email addresses and pencil graphite. We barely learned any science at all. He was the reason I decided to transfer schools the next year. * Oh boy... {{Tropers/endlessness}} has two of those. His Electromagnetism teacher, which is an inventor-type (he does research on electric cars and often has to create some stuff from scratch), will easily deviate from what he's doing and start talking about something random. His Electric Circuits teacher will suddenly turn the class into his soapbox: a rare male example of Soapbox Sadie. * This troper had an English teacher who can only be described as the lovechild of {{Lady Gaga}} and {{Glee}}'s Sue Sylvester. As a [[BunnyEarsLawyer Bunny Ears Teacher]] however, it did not detract from her teaching ability. Later, in university, one of my politics professors was the living embodiment of this trope, often diverging from the day's topic to rant about this or that, or kindly grill foreign students on their countries. * My twelfth grade maths teacher was a lot like this. Readily acknowledged as the brightest mind in the school (we tried to test him, making him do the most complicated problems we could think of in his head. He always got it.), he spent all of his lessons telling us how maths was based on unsound principles and that any theory in the world could be proven by the phrase 'the moon is made of cheese". Once, I was found by him skipping class in the mall, and instead of reporting me, he offered me a cigarette and we talked about science fiction for an hour. * This troper's college American Literature teacher was giving a demonstration on how to use the media search on the library online catalog, so she typed in two random subjects, in this case "animal symbolism" and "William Faulkner", expecting that nothing really would come up. Instead, it came back with 20 published articles, including several with titles such as "Animal Farmacology in As I Lay Dying". Our teacher spent the next 10 minutes skimming through several of these and giggling. * This troper's college Chemistry professor. He opened an output file to show us and at the end of the meeting, we were closing windows and he was staring at the screen and asked "Whose output file is that?". The entire lab answered unanimously "Yours." And his response? "Oh is it?". Note this happened within 30 minutes. * When this troper was in the sixth grade, her English teacher was forgetful like you wouldn't believe. Extremely unorganized to start with, then naturally absent-minded on top of that. She would forget when she assigned things, or if she even assigned them at all, which would sometimes work to our advantage in that we could get away without doing our work sometimes, but other times, she would insist that some random project was due Monday, when it was in fact due Wednesday, and then a debate would get going. She would insist that she was right despite the unanimous (and I would like to point out that this was an advanced class with kids who were more than willing to rat others out as long as they themselves had finished the assignment) cries of "No, you didn't do that!" from the class. At last, she would usually say, "Fine, since I 'forgot' to assign it,

then you have until Friday to do it," even though it was a grueling month-long thing. Other than that, she was very nice and friendly, and I was willing to cut her some slack because this was her first year. However, when I became her student aide two years later, I discovered that she had not changed a bit, only now, I was able to look on with amusement and occasionally give the class some credibility in the aforementioned debates. It took a second year observing her teaching methods to appreciate how disorganized she really was. Filing her papers was a nightmare. ** And in one CrowningMomentOfFunny anecdote, two sixth grade girls (one of whom was my former best friend) once went around the class asking people what a scapula was. Since everyone either didn't know or pretended not to know, one of them finally got the bright idea of "Hey, let's ask the teacher!" When asked, she paused for a minute, thinking, and then answered, "It's one of those flat metal things that you flip food with." My mother's first impulse was to pull me out of the class after hearing this (which she never did), at least when she stopped laughing. * Most, if not all, of This Troper's teachers since sixth grade have been this to some degree. Just give them a poke in the right direction and they'll start talking about something totally unrelated. Some interesting topics include deformations, ghosts, and whether or not plants can get cancer. * This Troper, as a teacher-in-training, is already on his way to this. The school I'm training in this year is big to be fair, but I still get lost far too easily when looking for the staff room. I'll also go off on tangents in class fueled by students asking completely unrelated questions. * My eighth grade social studies teacher was like this. One time we were doing a Power Point discussion about King George and the American Revolution. We started with King George and ended with nuclear warfare. I... don't... know... how... just... no. ** The same troper as above's sixth grade orchestra teacher was the trope. Once my friend and I were going to our our lessons as we did (the class was on Wednesdays) and we found that our teacher was not there. After a good 35 minutes of looking for him, we decided to go back to our writing class. When we saw him the next week, it turned out he forgot about us and went to do some errands. And then there was the time he was telling my friend and I how to make our duet better. He said, "So if you add more weight to the bow-- *looks up*-- OMG A WASP!" The door was open because it was a nice day. I believe this is how he constantly injures himself in the winter... ---...Oh, right! I'm supposed to link back to AbsentMindedProfessor. ---<<|TroperTales|>>


AbsurdlyPowerfulStudentCouncil * [[{{EPIC}} This troper]]'s student council isn't really that powerful, but they're just powerful. They're capable of holding two parties a year, and interrogating those who have been stealing air-con knobs for the past few weeks. * Real life example: I served on my school's Student Faculty Administration, which acted as my school's legislature, with our only limitations being a rarely used veto power by the principal and the fact that we were about as productive as a real legislature. Among the things we passed in my senior year was a bill that allows students who take AP tests to take excused absences for the whole day, which the principal had to veto and institute as unofficial policy because it might have caused some students not to meet '''state requirements''' for minimum class hours per year. That's right, we overruled state regulations. * Possible example: The Pail and Shovel Party, a University of Wisconsin-Madison student body governing group, promised to bring the Statue of Liberty to campus if elected. They did, in a manner; the head and torch of a full-scale replica of the Statue of Liberty soon protruded through the ice of Lake Mendota. It fell during shipping, they claimed. One of the two leaders went on to help write the TV show Mystery Science Theater 3000. * Here in Guadalajara, Mexico, we have the FEU (University Students Federation), the public university's student council. You know when someone knows the people inside when they pass all their subjects with top honors after arriving drunk to every single class, when they have ''zero'' absences after not showing up at every single class, when they turn in a blatantly ghostwritten thesis and get away with it, and [[Main/KarmaHoudini when they manage to get away with beating someone to a pulp]] ''inside the campus''. Piss them off, and your only chance of getting your degree will be at one of the Jesuit universities, known for being like Switzerland: [[TrueNeutral Neutral Neutral]], open to everyone and anyone. Those who manage to enter the student council ''somehow'' manage to live like millionaires despite coming from a medium-class family -- now imagine where they get their gold from, IfYouKnowWhatIMean -- and by the time they get their degree, they often end up as prominent members of the ruling political parties. Now imagine how Mexican politicians are... * In the midst of a controversy over using "We Are The Champions" by Queen as a high school graduation song, some of our student body decided to adopt a spirit of solidarity and nominated the song as our graduation song, too. It won the vote handily. Our student council then quietly ignored the vote and adopted "End of the Road" by Boys II Men. * University students in Quebec are unionized, so that the first day of class involves negotiating a contract with the professor - what exactly will be taught, when the exams fall, how much they'll be worth, etc - and having both parties signing off on it. From that point nobody can make changes to the syllabus without both sides signing off on the changes. 90% of the students just sign the syllabus they're handed, but a small core of politically active students takes

this very seriously. In the past five years students have gone on strike 3 times demanding tuition cuts, shutting down the universities entirely for a large part of the semester because professors are not legally allowed to teach anyone who shows up. The strike votes always pass with a ridiculously small turnout because only Political Science students - exactly the kinds of people who get elected to Student Council - bother to show up to the meetings. * In Brazil, the student councils only have that power in the Universities, but somewhat of a subversion happens when in Elementary, Middle and High, the school's more popular students always get chosen for this, since they have such power to make even school principals not believe in someone, if they want. Oh, boy, they ''have''. * When this troper was at A&M, every dorm had a hall council and everyone living on campus that wasn't in the Corps of Cadets was a part of the RHA. The end result was that the hall councils had a ridiculous amount of power by being able to bring or discourage students from going to major events. ** In many colleges, RHAs and their analogs have significant amounts of power. This troper has been on two RHA committees relating to University Housing Policy--one for transgender housing policies and one for health and safety inspections. The latter committee included RHA's advisor, and actually got the housing office to adopt their protocol. The president of My RHA also meets regularly with the University President to discuss concerns. My school RHA is funded by a leadership fee paid by every on campus resident, which gives our RHA thousands of dollars to put into leadership conferences and on-campus events. * Real Life Example: At my school, [[ the Sudbury Valley School]] in Framingham, MA, day to day disciplinary matters are handled by a Judicial Committee run by two student clerks and five students serving in a capacity similar to Jury Duty, with only one member of the school's adult staff as the sixth member on any given day. All major disciplinary matters (such as suspensions and expulsions) and the overall running of the school is handled by a weekly school meeting, run in the format of a traditional New England town hall meeting, where the students have as much voting power as the staff, the chairman for which is always a student (who even signs the staff's paychecks). And at the end of every school year, the staff, who aren't contractually guaranteed more than one year of employment at a time, have to go up for election as to whether or not their contract will be renewed the next year, which only the students can vote in. ** Aw, reading this just warms my bones. Also, I want to point out that I was wrong about one thing (at least at the school in Framingham): The School Meeting Chairman signs the staff's contracts, not their paychecks. Still a huge responsibility, though. * In New Zealand, all university students pay student union membership dues with their fees, and membership in the Student Union is compulsory. Yes, compulsory. No matter how stupid the union is. No matter if you're on a satellite campus and unable to attend (and therefore vote in) union meetings, and have no access to most of the facilities your dues are supposedly paying for. Even if your

'representatives' (which you didn't actually vote for, as you weren't a student the previous year, when the election was held) deface the university's works of art, use part of their operating budget to call psychic hotlines, or get drunk and urinate in the street (all real examples from just one year of a particular group's misrule)... you still have to pay your dues. I really resented it. * In California's public universities, membership in the local student union is all but compulsory, and is even assessed out of one's fees. Our student government, however, runs things pretty decently. * My high school elects a 'class council' every year, which includes the Monitor, Asst. Monitor, and five or six prefects. They are in charge of everything, including class fees, class decoration, and class parties. This troper vividly remembers how our class, 2B, is pitted against 2U in everything... just because the Monitors don't like each other. * While not quite a council, the class reps in My college....well, they can organise a party for their class and are given tokens which can be exchanged for free alcohol. That's power from where this troper is sitting. * My high school student council is a subversion: their only real power is planning student activities such as rallies and school dances. He should know; he was on it himself for a year, as the class secretary and treasurer. Also, the class president was BrilliantButLazy. * This troper wishes the school council he was part of was powerful, maybe we could have stopped our school from being closed. * My school council is pretty powerful; we've managed to convince the governors to organize for an entire new school building to be built because no one likes the current ones. Sadly, we can't change the teachers' minds on the one thing we think matters; here, girls can't wear trousers. At all. Even if it's freezing cold. That's right, the teachers will have a new school built, install hot chocolate machines and make it so that no one has to take languages for a GCSE subject, but they won't let us wear trousers. * ABSOLUTELY PLAYED STRAIGHT in my old school. Put simply, politics were quite a big deal, bigger than usual. We had student parties, from the Democrats to the Republicans to the Student's Rights... and also the Greens-Animal Rights, Marxist, Stalinist, Socialist Zionist, Indian-Pakistani Alliance (about half the school was from India), and School Pride (Fascist). There was a miniature 'parliament', with the homeroom electing two members to the lower house and one to the higher one. There were intercom debates before class, and a school assembly every month. Entering Junior year, the Democrats and Republicans naturally had a choke hold on most things. Through some good oldfashioned chessmastery, a few of us made those two parties *disband*, paving the way for a multiple party congress. I was elected to Treasurer running on School Pride, endorsed by Socialist Zionist and Greens, opposed by everyone else. Senior year, I narrowly lost President to an IPA, but took Foreign Delegate Secretary in return for not making my party FILIBUSTER EVERY BILL... we just filibustered most of them, in return for abolishing the Marxist and Stalinist parties and permanently removing their chairs from the Council... yeah... We

had fun... ** As for duties, we were originally responsible for almost nothing besides dances, but I wanted to see how much of a chessmaster I was, so I made us responsible for things like the morning announcements (to be done by a School Prider- no way he can add bias), or maybe putting up posters (a few got lost somewhere, weird...), and painting the hallways instead of the art class (it just so happened the art club was 100% Indian-Pakistani, the main opposition...). Of course, all this was expensive, so as treasurer, I had to cut funds on things that weren't as important, or request more funds. I did both, cutting on things like the art projects, thus disbanding the art club, and forcing other organizations to fine people every month to stay open. Just not the School Pride one. So yeah... Sadly, my party also ticked off the LGBT Alliance, even though I personally, being a member, prevented a formal opposition. This caused them to complain to the Greens, which instead sided with the IPA... Causing my defeat. Yeah. Shit was real. * The student council at [[{{MiraShio}} I]]'s school just seems to be getting more powerful each year. * While not technically student council in my junior high school and high school (they were in the same complex but on different campuses) there was court, parliament and school councils - consisting of, equally, students, teachers (technically - members of stuff) and parents (in council and parliament there are much smaller number of graduate as well). The court have the power (an I know about the case to have it executed) to overrule the punishment imposed by school director, council have the power to vote of no confidence for the director and in one of the schools in complex there was group of students which wanted to do it (although it was overruled by parents and teachers). So it is somehow play straight as the government have power and subverted as one of prime ministers (i.e. head of school council) was convicted at least once by the school court and it is not technically student-only. * Subverted with My Student Council and played straight with his class office. I was a member of my Student Council (school wide) and my Class Office (class wide only). Student Council was almost comically powerless, but Class Office was what you made of it, and we consolidated more and more power every year. By the time we graduated, my fellow class officers and I were sitting in with the principal and superintendent, dissolving dance committees (ineffective and wasteful), and imposing our will in general. It would have been a problem were it not for the fact that we raised a ton of money by graduation. * Real life example: My university's student government (SGA) has control over the money that goes to the student organizations. We're talking a quarter of a million dollars, here. The president of the SGA decided he wanted to be the, I dunno, [[AGodAmI god of the university]], and somehow managed to fire most of the senate and replace it with his cronies, as well as rewrite the constitution to make it legal to do so. After that, he started declaring various organizations ineligible to receive funds. Professionals from the Student Government Association of America had to be called in to sort

it out. * My faculty. full time. To explain a bit, there's one representative per class and one per career (and yeah, a student can be BOTH), each elected by their own class/career, which forms the General Council of Representatives. below them is the Student Coucil, who manages the student's funds(scholarship funds, etc.), all Student Coucil members get scholarships and free food from the cafeteria, get to call Council of Reps meetings and yeah, organize school festivals. They can also help fund trips out of town as long as it's school related, if you know who to sweet talk you can get many other benefits. though it was a VERY big deal when the last Student Council President (and the one before him) was caught stealing funds, finally being expelled from the UNIVERSITY. * Is student council has a choke-hold on school politics/events/and everything else that I would bother to care about. As a freshman it was known pretty well throughout the school the student council was more powerful than the administration, and that if we had a judiciary branch, the school would become more and more like our good old government. They run everything, the only thing they don't control is the damned standards and the financial bureaucracy that the school goes through to get funding. Hell, the students fear the STUDENT COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVE, NOT THE PRINCIPAL! God help our lives if we had parties. * My school has no student council, but each class has two representatives. Those two can decide exactly what to do with the money the class gets, even though said money is actually for field trips. They can decide to open a shop in the school's lobby, change the time when their class gets food in the cafeteria, and last year the representatives of my class made the school change our Russian teacher. ** The above troper is here again after a year. She just found out that there IS a student council, consisting of the two representatives of every class, who have their own three representatives. Turns out that they changed the dates of some holidays (the ones that the school is supposed to decide on), lenght of the brakes, pretty much everything about the school festival, and almost got us new sport equipment (the "almost" is because the education ministry didn't want to give our school the money). Apearantly, we never hear of them because only those three students are allowed to decide. * Completely subverted at My high school. Not only was he Student Counselor representing his high school in the University's so-called "Honorable Counsel" (which itself was powerless to the rector and a few committees), but since his President did nothing, was the only one who showed up at the Student Activities meetings held at the rectory, and was the only one who seemed to be interested in getting new things done. Despite being on a first-name basis with the principal and being friends with said principal's daughter, the only thing he got to do was organize the Miss High School Pageant. With much help from classmates, of course. Any other notion, suggestion, or issue discussed with the principal (and that was jumping over several teachers' heads, to their annoyance and quite honestly my pleasure), they were usually shot down for not being 'priorities' (i.e. part of

the 'ruling faction' of teachers' agenda). Not even ideas pushed by the Student Activities department themselves. That said, when I saw a limo drive up to the events hall and a fashion designer step out of it with one of his classmates (she got the designer to be on the judge's panel), that was quite a proud moment. I dare not say "played straight", since as the actual student counsel we had pretty much no authority whatsoever, but individually, I did eat with teachers during recesses (ordering their food through their window at the cafeteria), and got coffee from the teacher's lounge; barely did homework and never took notes. I think that was more a result of being on good terms with the teachers, though. * At My parents' high school, in the 1940s, the principal barred student council candidates from doing anything remotely amusing or creative for their speeches (he even stopped one candidate from [[LampshadeHanging standing on a soapbox]]). In response, the council, and other disaffected students, called an immediate general student strike (much like in ''TheSimpsons'' episode "The President Wore Pearls"), which got media coverage and embarrassed the principal into meeting with the student council and making concessions on the issue. * My Class Officers are ineffectual. This is because the only people seemingly allowed to run are in an ASB class. All they seem to have power over is designing t-shirts and deciding on school dances. However, it is feasible they could seize more power if they tried. (Our principal doesn't actually do anything. The school is verging on anarchy behind the scenes). * The student council at my school actually has power over the budgets some clubs and school organizations have, and I'm convinced that they actually run the entire government, considering how diabolical some of them are. * At my school, the Associated Student Body (ASB) has a pretty decent amount of power. They decide on the school's dances, where to allocate funds, football issues, and most importantly, decide the ultimate fate of certain clubs. Of course, since ASB is run by a bunch of complete jerkasses, they only ever do anything for their own gain. For homecoming, they've begun the trend of making every club create a float to march in a parade, or else they aren't legally considered to be a club. They also organized a fundraiser for every club, where they made every club pay a huge fee to sell items AND were obligated to take 10-15 percent of our funds. Not only this, but we have to give them the money to "store" to begin with, and usually they just end up embezzling the clubs' funds anyways. Speaking of which, transferring funds or setting up events takes MONTHS to occur, so most of us don't even bother with consulting ASB for anything like that. Also, they themselves are able to sell food/drinks EVERY SINGLE DAY after school, whereas every other club (and sport) has to go through a convoluted 3week-long process to reserve a day to sell anything, which can't be the same product as ASB. So basically our school government is a giant corrupt bureaucracy. * [[{{musicmage4114}} This troper's]] college has the student government, which has paid positions and controls a $700,000-a-year budget. Organizations and clubs within that have smaller, but still substantial, budgets that can contain thousands of dollars. The

government is run exactly like a mini version of the federal government, with senate and executive divisions, and the school's policy can be and is revised on a yearly, if not monthly, basis by this organization with little to no input from the school administration. * Well, 2 years ago, we had a normal Student Council amd a {{Jerkass}} principal. (e.g. our school, was the only one who never got a snow day, even if all other schools in town were closed... Our principal lived right next to school, so he could come and so we all had to come. Even if that meant ''wading'' through half a meter high snow.) We didn`t pass a day without getting annoyed by one of his dim-witted decisions. And then the day came, when he made it impossible choose PE as an A-level, by claiming not enough people were interested (There were 20 people interested in the PE course, while there were only 8 people interested in french. The French course however was ''not'' rejected) Now our student-council took action: first it complained to the guidance counselor, then to the parent`s council, [[GettingCrapPastTheRadar then they published an article in our school magazine]]... And then they wrote a reader`s letter to the local newspaper. It was published. The chairman of the parents`s council read it and wrote a reader`s letter himself. They both were relatively polite, neutral statements, but the message was clear: This pricipal gives a shit about the opinions of his students. After this articles were published, the situation at our school drastically changed: the student and the parents` council still only have the right to suggest things, but these are ''always'' accepted. Plus we get snow days^^ * One of my 5th grade students was recently inconsolable after the SC debates because her opponent from the other class had promised extended recess and a big screen TV in the cafeteria, whereas she would only offer small, realistic goals. I assured her that the students knew what was doable, and therefore knew which of them could be trusted. Thankfully I was right. ---Hey, freshman, go back to AbsurdlyPowerfulStudentCouncil... if you know what's good for you! ---<<|TroperTales|>>

AbsurdlyYouthfulMother * My Mom is 55 years old. Her two sisters are younger, in their late 40's/early 50's. Guess who looks the youngest? She looks about 20 years younger than them: She could be mistaken for 45, while her sisters could be mistaken for 60. * More of a "only looks like no age difference" thing. This Troper's father is 19 years older than him, certainly a relatively small difference by the standards of today. However, where it gets even worse is that This Troper's father has always looked many years younger than he really is, and This Troper has always looked many years older. We both also have pretty much the exact same voice and manner of speaking, and look pretty much identical except for a

difference in height, hair color, and eye color. Everywhere we go, people think we're brothers, or even fraternal twins. Whenever one of us picks up the phone, the caller assumes it's the other person. To make it worse, This Troper's stepmother is 12 years older than This Troper, while we're not mistaken for each other over the phone, I'm always getting asked (quite seriously) about my older sister when people see us together. * This troper has a 15 year old friend whose step-mother looks about 25 (we're not sure about her actual age). Whenever he mentions his mum, we all start talking about what a MILF she is. He got so annoyed from us doing this, in an exercise in drama where we were meant to get angry, he raged about "Don't! You! Ever! Screw! My! Mum! Again!". Needless to say, we've never mentioned it again. * My mother had me in her twenties, but people still mistake her for my sister. * My mother-in-law went through this. She was still getting carded for alcohol at the age of ''thirty-seven'', and when my husband started getting to be a teenager she got some very weird looks, since she looked so young to have a son that age. * [[Tropers/SquealingSandry This Troper's]] ex-best-friend's mother looked ''younger than her children''. When I was 12 (and admittedly a bit of a CloudCuckoolander at the time), I asked her how old she was. She told me to guess. I said 16. [[FridgeLogic Her oldest daughter at the time was 23]]. She is now almost 60 and can pass as late thirties with ease. * [[Contributors/{{Muse}} This troper's]] mother keeps her age very well. She's in her mid-40's and can easily pass for middle 30's. * This troper's Mom is 41, and still gets carded everytime. Her and this troper are often mistaken for sisters. This troper will be asked about her 'older sister', and said troper always responds, "My older sister is dead. That's my mom". It doesn't help that this troper's younger sister looks older than me, so this troper is always thought to be the youngest of three 'sisters'. * This Troper no longer finds it funny when her mother acts like she's sixteen, sounds like she's sixteen, and is mistaken for sixteen. Makes it worse when her friends think it's not her mother but her older sister and mistake her father as the boyfriend. * [[{{Tropers/TehNubkilr}} This Troper's]] mom was mistaken for his older sister a couple of times. * A more literal example of this trope was a woman this troper once worked with. She grew up in the backwoods of Tennessee, and had her first child at 14, and her second at 15. (No, her name was ''not'' Loretta Lynn.) She found it infinitely exasperating when one of her boys would act up in school, and she would go to talk to the teacher. "No, no, dear, we need to speak to his ''mother'', not his sister..." * This troper has met quite a few, including some who started as early as 16. Also, my aunt's older adopted daughter was born when she was only 17. The adoptee herself still looks absurdly youthful at 40, and has four kids; the oldest is 20, and the youngest is 11. * Happened with this troper's grandmother. She's 71, this troper's mother is 55. They were mistaken for sisters for as long as I can remember. This troper averts this, however, as he's only 21. His

mother is one of the oldest among the people he knows. * My parents ''both'' look like this, being nearly fifty and routinely mistaken for twenty-somethings. She's had the 'older sister' thing with her mum a lot, but the most bizarre example was when her dad was assumed to be her real older sister's boyfriend-- ''in the fifth grade.'' * This Troper is 40 years old, but looks younger, especially when he's freshly shaved his facial hair. As early as three years ago, he got asked for an ID to get into a rated R movie. He showed the top of his head to the cashier, who promptly let him in. While male-pattern baldness can start young, you almost never lose THAT much hair THAT young. * This troper mistook a friend's mother for his sister. * My mother is 41 and I'm 19. Many have fooled themselves into thinking she's my 20something sister. She even acts like a 20something in several ways. * Funny conversation: I was chatting with a webcam, and my mother walked into the room. She said hi to the conversational partner, and the subject of her age came up, to which the other person had to guess. She guessed 27, despite knowing that I was 18 at the time. Laughs were had. * Both my parents are this. My Dad is 60 and my Mum is 59. Both of them look in their early 40's. Whenever my friends ask how old my parents are, they're always surprised when I tell them. One time at my Mum's work, I was there and one of her customers came in and mistook me for my Mum's younger sister, not daughter (I'm 23, but I look about 16 or 17). I'm very glad that they look so young as that means I'll look young too when I get to their age! * My mother had me when she was 26, but was often mistaken for being a teen mother. Even now people will insist I'm kidding when I say she's my mom and not my sister. Guesses as to her age otherwise range from 20 - 25 (she's 43.) * My mother is in her fifties but looks young for her age, despite wearing very little makeup, and is very petite. Once when my brother was driving our car, I was in the front and my mom was in the backseat, we ran into a guy who suddenly stopped in front of us. None of us were injured, and it wasn't my brother's fault, but when the police arrived, they saw two teenagers up front, and immediately turned to me and pointed to my mom with an accusatory "How old is she?" I told him she was our mother. * This troper's mother was 19 when her oldest child (the troper) was born. When the troper was 16, Mom came home from work in a sour mood. Turns out that her coworkers thought she was ten years younger than she actually was, "until they found out about you!" * My cousin is 24. She has a five year old and a one year old. She has two step kids, eight and fourteen. She lets most of the eight year old's friend's parents believe her to be in her mid-30s. Its just easier that way. * This troper was born when her mother was 20. Now she [the troper] is 22, and they are often confused for each other-- does this mean I can expect to age well, or am I [[{{YoungerThanTheyLook}} younger than I look]]?

* Let me put it this way. My (divorced) father and I independently started dating a pair of sisters. * This troper's mom was mistaken as her big sister or her aunt. I am 15 years old and my mom is 23 years older than me. * This troper is currently 22 and his mother is 45, but looks closer to early 30s.. This troper's mother has been mistaken at times to be his sister or girlfriend. * This troper's mother is 38 and was 21 when said troper was born. She got asked for ID buying alcohol in the supermarket a few months ago because the checkout person thought this troper was her sister. (And when this troper goes to barbecues with her parents' workmates, the workmates' children are generally under five. This troper usually sits awkwardly by the food table at these things with equally out-of-place brother, eating anything within reach and later being told off for being a pig. Hey, there's not much else to do.) * This troper's mother had her at around age 30, but she almost looks younger than that now. She says she hates how people immediately think UnfortunateImplications when they find out that I'm her daughter, not her sister. * My mother had me (her oldest child) at age twenty. She's currently 40, but looks to be in her early thirties. Whenever we go places a ''lot'' of people assume she's my older sister. * An old girlfriend has just turned 50 and she still gets asked for ID when purchasing alcohol (this is in the UK where purchase age is 18 and challenge age is 25). I'm in my mid-40s and was offered a student discount for my driving lessons last year. * This Troper's mom is like this; she's turning 47 this year and she looks more like she's in her mid 30's. Since this troper is in high school but [[YoungerThanTheyLook looks and acts like she's in her late 20's]], they are often mistaken for sisters or cousins. Since said mom also has another daughter (troper's half-sister) who is seventeen years younger than this troper (no siblings in between), it results in some confusion when they go out. The typical mix-up is that the troper is an aunt or a babysitter. * This Troper is sixteen and her mother is 39, but once, two of my classmates thought that she was my sister. * This Troper's mom is 50 with little less than a month from the date of this entry before she turns 51. This troper is 16 but when we're out together many people will come up to us and ask my mother "Hey, I never knew you had sister." so either my mom looks really young or I look really old. * This troper's mother will be 44 this year, and it's been said by bystanders that she looks to be at least half that. Meaning that it appears his mother has not aged since he was born, and I will be 25 this year. For added fun, the first and last time I went to a bar, about a year or two back, I got asked for ID. The bartender seemed stunned. * When she was younger (early 40s), this troper's mother was almost always mistaken to be his older sister (and on one memorable occasion, girlfriend). Unfortunately, she doesn't take care of herself as much as she could, because she can still easily look 15 years younger than she is.

* This troper's sister is often mistaken as this. * My mother is nearly 49 but can pass for late thirties. Likewise, her sisters (one older, one younger, about a year apart) look very youthful as well. * My mom is 24 years older than me, but has been mistaken for my sister a few times. We also sound alike on the phone. ---Back to AbsurdlyYouthfulMother. Wait, you're actually younger than her? ---<<|TroperTales|>>

AbuseMistake * This troper and her partner, who enjoy BDSM and switch roles, mostly stick to their more intense play during the winter, when bruises and other marks are more easily covered up. You only need one really awkward beach trip with friends asking what happened to your back to put away the flogger for a while. * This troper's best friend is a fencer. Apparently, lots of fencers run into this trope as the bruises and wounds they get are often very visible and vivid. ** This troper is a fencer, and is regularly covered with silverdollar sized bruises. When she wears a short-sleeved shirt and walks around in public with her male friends or her brother, the poor guys get lots and lots of dirty looks. * Lampshaded by this Troper's girlfriend, who, whenever she gets a bruise or cut from something, is prone to exclaim things like "look what you did!" very loudly for everyone to hear. Needless to say, some people took her seriously and invoked this trope. * This troper and his wife. I'm into the giving end of BD and she's more into the giving end of SM. While the ropemark fade away on her, not so much the case for the bruises and bite marks she gives me. Her family sometimes ask if she hits me. * This she-Troper has multiple partners (and a primary boyfriend) who gladly oblige in giving and recieving bites, scratches, pinches, tickles and hickies to hint of [[IfYouKnowWhatIMean things to come.]] Unfortunately, this she-Troper bruises like a banana, and prefers to wear tank-tops whenever possible to show off her "Claimed" status. People do not understand that there isn't that much of a fine line between pain and pleasure, especially in dressing rooms at the gym or girly sleepovers in the dorms. * This Troper sort of zig-zags the trope (Type A). She doesn't bruise often and when she does they're gone in a day or two. However she has large scars on her fingers from where she's compulsively chewed the skin in a misguided attempt to stop chewing her finger nails. When she was in secondary school a girl her aged asked if her mother abused her. I explained the situation and she believed me. THANK GOD. * In a completely non-sexual case, someone once called the police on [[{{Regiment}} this troper]]'s {{LARP}} group at college. Apparently the Crips and the Bloods are going at each other with foam swords nowadays.

* My boyfriend and I like to poke fun at each other, so, naturally, "I love you, go away!" crops up. He says it to me, I sass back at him, yadda yadda. Although apparently someone passing by gave him this look of shock and horror because she didn't hear me repeat it back at him. We find it amusing. I'm glad the random passer by decided not to say anything to a school official. It'd be really awkward to explain. * This troper used to have a very big pet iguana, said iguana didn't realize how big it was and loved to climb on me leaving large cuts up and down my arms whenever I forget to trim her claws, invariably I would have to explain to people, no I am not emo, no I do not need to see a psychiatrist for my cutting problem, it's the lizard that's to blame! ** incidently I've ran into the sexual side too, I and the Master I play with enjoy public scenes, we try to do it in places where we aren't gonna be found out but there are the occasional times some outsider will come across him suspending me from a tree branch in a park with my arms tied behind my back, I'd have to put a HUGE smile on my face and say to him "no there's no need to call the police, I'm consenting to 100% of this!"

AccentAdaptation * In [[Tropers/DaibhidC this troper]]'s planned-but-never-actuallyrealised fan-translation of ''Discworld/TheWeeFreeMen'' into [[ Scots]], the Feegles would have spoken [[ the Doric]]. * This troper thinks that the usual Southern accent adaptation doesn't make sense and uses an exaggerated version of her thick North Jersey accent for her Kansai-ben-speaking RP characters. It seems'ta work pritty well, 'n it doesn' actually need that much exaggeration, aither.

AccentuateTheNegative * Foster kids get this all the time. [[{{@/soojinyeh}} I]] definitely got it. * Really, anybody with self-esteem issues, which is probably everyone (at least to some extent), will do this when thinking about themselves. * Not too long ago [[@/BreezyGirl86 I]] took (and failed) a high school teacher training course. During the year, all teacher trainees are placed on practicum - actual experience at a high school - and when we returned from our first one, we had a class where we were all supposed to talk in groups about our positive and negative experiences at our respective high schools (and what made them positive or negative). The "positive" talk lasted for a few sentences from each person, mostly consisting of generalities, while many of my fellow trainees started going on INTO DETAIL about all the unkind teachers, bratty kids, etcetera...I was not exempt from that syndrome myself. * This is 90% of my style. Rather than focus on the long list of things that make me love a show or comic or community (which I still

do, just not as often), I will instead ''obliterate'' anything I do not like. Or as I put it: Removing problems is my job, so I'm going to do it. After all, if you sift out the dirt, all that's left is gold. ** Wait, is that you, [[ZeroPunctuation Yahtzee]]? * I have a (former) friend who is like that. She broke up with her loser boyfriend? Well now she doesn't have a date for prom (which is in three months). She got a good grade on a test? It's not like it matters, she's definitely going to fail the next one. An extension on her paper? She ''procrastinates'' anyway, pulls an all-nighter, and then complains. People, don't be like this. Please. * My father is the most unhappy, miserable person she knows. The only thing that seems to make him even remotely happy is making everyone around him as unhappy and miserable as he is. If I voice a desire to apply for a certain job, start a feasible small business, go back to school to finish my degree, or better myself ''in any way'', he shoots it down and outlines for me at least ten reasons why I will fail. Seriously, being in the same room with this guy for ''five minutes'' would make you [[DrivenToSuicide seriously consider killing yourself]] [[ImprovisedWeapon with only the objects in said room.]] I know I do. ** Did [[{{@/Klon}} I]] reproduce without knowing it? * [[Tropers/CabbitGirlEmi This tropette]] is this towards cinema, soap operas, and teen dramas. * I uses this as a method of expressing joy and triumph. She'd give an example to clear that terribly vague sentence up, but most examples are composed of at least 80% new and exciting swearwords. * I use this method all the time when reviewing or discussing a work. In his opinion, if you criticize a work, be it good or not, you give the work areas to improve, which is often far more productive and causes a great deal more constructive conversation than just gushing about this. This has the side-effect of the friends of I assuming that he just hates everything. It doesn't help that he oftentimes is a bit harsh in his critiques, even when he likes the work in question. (See: Doctor Who.) ** This troper does the same thing for reviewing games and posting said reviews on GameFAQs. Because he criticized popular games like SuperSmashBrosBrawl, MarioParty 8, TombRaider Anniversary and AlienSwarm, FanDumb swarmed in and nitpicked all points in my review, acting like as if I knew nothing of the games I had played. * The troper who started the TroperTales page in the first place is sadly not surprised that the HumansAreBastards section is far longer than RousseauWasRight - in both TroperTales and Main Page sections. She chalks this, and this entire trope, to the fact that we tend to ''notice'' the bad more than the good, and take the latter for granted. * [[@/AndWeMustScream I]] became a pessimistic NietzscheWannabe due to too much accentuating the negative. Forget your friends comforting you, your father buying you a new laptop and taking you to the park; But always remembering those assholes who bullied you in school for being a nerd, and remember that KidsAreCruel, TeensAreMonsters, and HumansAreBastards! I often do not appreciate the little things in life, such as family and friends, since I have a mindset that optimism is for kids and the retarded, but when it comes to the negative, he

criticizes life, the universe and everything, most of all [[DepartmentOfRedundancyDepartment life]], and often very angry, for example don't even get him started on how there are many poor people rotting in Africa. This accentuating of the negative also got into religion: for many Christians God created the universe, but for this {{Nay Theist}}ic troper, GodIsEvil who likes to torture humans for all eternity and he simply gives humans hope so they would be more MoeMoe from God's perspective, and therefore be more fun to torture. He sees Christianity as a menace which prevents homosexuality and euthanasia, but does not appreciate its charity works. This might have something to do with psychology: traumatic experiences are easier to remember in the unconscious. * This troper's guidance counsellor recently remarked that she'd like to slap him for constantly doing this to himself. * This is the kind of treatment this troper has come to experience at work. Doesn't seem to matter how much good I've done -- all I ever hear about is what I do wrong, to the point where I am currently on my LastSecondChance before being fired over mundane clerical errors. * This troper finds it incredibly odd how one of his friends keeps calling him out on being a "Cynic" because I thought that ''Film/Avatar'' was an utter ClicheStorm and not in the charming way; and how I ''[[SarcasmMode surprisingly]]'' thought ''HowToTrainYourDragon'', a movie I had ''zero interest in'', was "Average;" and "it's hard to talk to a cynic" - whereas this is the same person who seems to be actively ''looking'' for stuff to get mad at and his mood is comparable to [[{{Pandemic}} Madagascar]] - I once ruined his entire mood for the night because I ''sneezed on skype''. * [[{{@/BasketCase}} My]] year in college used to suffer from this, big time. Considering we're a drama course who use a lot of abstract work for training purposes, it was very, very unhelpful. Things have improved of late, though. * I tend to complain about grades 1-8 a lot, and i mean A LOT! but I got my rights, thoses years SUCKED! * This troper hears a shitton of this being delivered at {{Nintendo}} and SquareEnix, especially since "They're milking all of their franchises", sometimes naming stuff like ''LegendOfZelda'', ''ValkyrieProfile'' or ''{{Pokemon}}'' as examples. For starters; how is ''SquareEnix'' milking ''ValkyrieProfile''? There are only three games. Not to mention; the developer is ''TriAce'' - Square-Enix is only the publisher. And the same with pokemon. (Apparently most people don't know that Nintendo is only the publisher of Pokemon.) Even mentioning that they have actually published and/or developed a lot of new IPs and franchises. Nintendo in particular has developed or published (The latter is what they actually do more. [[DidNotDoTheResearch Most people don't know this, it seems.]]) a good ''twenty'' to ''twenty five'' new IPs in the past six years Especially if you include stuff like ''GloryOfHeracles'' (picked up title) or spinoffs like ''PokemonMysteryDungeon''. Nobody buys them; or even acknowledges they exist. And SquareEnix you know has actually published or developed a lot of new IPs, including publishing some games like ''CallOfDutyModernWarfare 2'' in Japan. * Story of this high-school troper's life when it comes to chemistry

grades. At a 71, it's the only bad subject on the most recent report card. Naturally, it's the only one that this troper's mother ever focuses on. * We have to have a workplace meeting every time we have a matter how stupid they are. That's all they focus on. Strangely we never get any notice about ''compliments'' we receive. * A college newspaper article was talking about how you can sue for the most frivolous things, and mentioning the case of Stella Liebeck (You know, the "Coffee lady") was a deliberate AccentuateTheNegative, bordering on DidNotDoTheResearch - Did you know that she was still found partially liable (only 20%) because she ''didn't read the warnings'', or that she ''wanted to settle outside of court'' but none other than McDonalds refused? * [[{{Tropers/Allronix}} Troper]] is a (leftist) political activist and FanFic writer working in a notoriously unstable job field that involves anticipating and repairing the results of Murphy's Law. This trope works great in those areas, as politics always means looking out for future implications, and anticipating a future issue is 50% of preventing critical failure down the line. In fanfic, being able to point out FridgeHorror and WhatTheHellHero can make for some great stories. The bad part is that I'm unable to turn it off... * Nearly everyone this troper grew up around did this-even the teachers: ** If I got a 99 on a test, I'd hear from someone, "Well, it's not a one hundred." Or, if I could read at a second grade level in first grade, "You should be on fourth grade level books." Even worse, when I did get that one hundred or finish that level four book, I'd then get from my fellow students, "You're acting white"/"You're making us look bad"/"You're a mindless sheep for doing homework." ** Also, they didn't like to give people props when they did a good job because they didn't want us to "get too confident and think you're better than everyone." ** My parents and other family were the exception to this, thank god, but they had their moments. I remember them getting on my brother for a B-minus, to the point where I thought that a B-minus was a terrible grade and anything below a ninety might as well be failing. Fortunately, I grew out of this mindset by highschool's end. * [[{{Tropers/Sus}} Sus]] has an unfortunate tendency to notice the shortcomings in just about anything, especially his own life and achievements (or rather, the glaringly obvious lack thereof). It can be quite wearisome for his family and friends. * A number of years back, I decided to stop using ICQ as an online messaging program due to getting a new computer, the high amount of spam messages to the point that it overflowed my ignore list, and receiving a virus as the last straw. The problem is that I've never gotten a replacement program. Why? Every time someone online talks about a program like AIM, it's to point out how AOL is the scum of the earth, how annoying people are on AIM, how it is still prone to spam (this even comes up on TheOtherWiki's article), etc. It wasn't until recently that I realized that all of those people still have the program and keep in touch with each other using it. But in those intervening years, my lack of online messaging basically made me fall

out of touch with my guild in an MMORPG I used to play, almost everyone I knew at college, various family members, etc., and I have continued to suffer from low self esteem issues as a result of having so few people to talk to. No matter whose fault it is in the end, I can't help but get the feeling that it could have all been avoided if ''someone'', during all those years of making fun of the various flaws of the program they used, could have simply told me that it's still a useful program for keeping in touch with people and that I should probably get it. ---If you go back to AccentuateTheNegative, all you'll find is a load of complaining which will just make you feel worse. * Then again, that seems to be all you'll find ''here'', too. ----

AcceptableFeminineGoals * Wasn't sure whether or not to put this in the main article, though I'm pretty sure it would fit under real life, as it's a historical subversion (or maybe inversion?): ** My great-grandmother, who was a young lady in Mexico around the time of the Revolution, and her family was an upper-middle class family where the girls were to find respectable husbands and live lives of leisure, and working was considered dishonourable. She decided that she wanted to have some autonomy in her life, though, so she stood up to her family and told them that she wanted to be a dressmaker. Though they never went so far as to kick her out of the house, she was spurned by them, but even so she completed two years of studies at a sewing school after learning dressmaking, embroidery, and knitting. Because she was also a great artist, her dresses were some of the best in the region, but she didn't say much about this period in her life-- probably too painful to remember being actively disdained by the local upper-class society for pursuing her dream. So there you have it: AcceptableFeminineGoals being [[SubvertedTrope turned on its head]], because even those goals were once controversial.n *** What's so unfeminine about dressmaking? Women are [[WholesomeCrossdresser usually]] the ones who wear dresses anyway. * Subverted by this troper, who is set to attend medical school. While she is interested in studying infectious diseases or genetics, a number of people (friends from school, friends of parents) have assumed she's going to become a pediatrician because "that's what a lot of girls end up doing". ---Pick up some sewing skills over [[AcceptableFeminineGoals here]]

AccidentalAesop * I wrote a story featuring seven gods (fire, water, earth, air, light, dark and the main god responsibility, the first six of which

acted literally like animals. Responsiblity tried to give them responsibility by making them into inteligent gods and leting them care for the humans. Fire let a human walk unharmed into his volcano home if he could pass 7 trials based on the elements. He did, by cheating, and Fire rewarded him with a flaming torch which would never go out (the humans had lots of trouble creating and mantaining fire)which he then used to torch the other humans homes and steal and murder. He was washing in a river when Water (who along with light and dark was female)appeared before him and used her powers to put out the torch (her godly opposite powers were all that could put it out). The human was angry and stormed back to the volcano and went mad at Vulcanus. Vulcanus found out what had happened and caused the volcano to errupt, destroying the human but carying the torch up out of thevolcano and lighting it again, leaving it for another human to use. Intended morals:Use gift's responsibly relating to the human and only give gifts of power to those responsible to use it for Fire. What moral did the people who read/listened to it decide on? Stay away from fire or you get burned and/or don't go in volcanos. * I listened to a public speaker tell a tale of an orchard of trees. Basically, one tree worked hard to plant roots, the others didn't and then there was a storm, all the lazy trees died and were made into firewood, but the hard working tree lived and went on to grow fantastic oranges. The intended aesop was something like "Hard work will help you achieve success in life". The accidental aesop came as "Work hard or you'll be killed, chopped into pieces, and set on fire." ** Work hard and get your body parts ripped from you, and eaten? * I read aloud my "original myth" story for creative writing. The story had various gods creating something for a new world, and one god (who continuously switched between a male body and a female body) created humans. The troper had ''meant'' to reference the ideas of a god who is either gender-neutral, occupies both genders, or the godgoddess duo. The class perceived an aesop of "Homosexuals can't make new people." ** That has some UnfortunateImplications about your classmates. ** How did they even ''get'' to that? ** The probably saw the two gendered god and thought "Only the combinination of male and female can create human life." Still CompletelyMissingThePoint but a nice try. * I wrote a short piece that was a TwiceToldTale of the early chapters of Bram Stoker's ''{{Literature/Dracula}}'', from the perspective of one of the three female vampires who hangs about the Count's estate and pervs on his visitors. There was no real moral intended-- they're vicious and animalistic. Gender plays almost no factor; the VampireBitesSuck rape metaphor continued throughout. Of course, right off the bat I had people assuming that the moral was "women who are shackled up in a patriarchal society can only escape it through sexual experimentation with those who do not obey that society's norms." Or, alternately, "SexIsEvil". * I had to prepare a lesson with a friend that somehow connected to the theme of knowledge. At the same time, we had been wanting to do a lesson on self-defense. I suggested the aesop of "You can learn to defend yourself now, and it could save you from getting hurt later."

Then retracted it a moment later, saying "No, because that would also imply that if you do get's all your fault for not learning self-defense." * I once wrote a short story about a teacher frustrated with the American school system for a class. During peer review I was complimented on the biblical imagery in the teacher's name and the obvious thought I had put into it. The name was John Michaelson. A name I'd [[AssPull pulled completely out of thin air]] and was planning to replace in the next draft because I thought it was stupid and didn't fit the character. Considering that this class NEVER gave a positive review to anything, copious amounts of SureWhyNot ensued. * Beta Maxis was recently in a young adult (college age) Sunday school class taught by our (female) Youth Group leader. She told us about how your mistakes screw others over as well as yourself. Adam allowed Eve to talk him into eating the forbidden fruit, Abraham let his wife talk him into marrying a slave to have a son by when sick of waiting, creating a black sheep son, and when King David knocked up a soldier's wife and covered it up by ordering him to the front lines of battle and marrying the new widow, resulting in still-birth and his other kids dying. When I had to leave for Church Choir, Connie asked me what I learned. I said "Women aren't worth the trouble." Everyone laughed, including the teacher's husband. * I'm not sure if this counts, but I have a bad habit of raiding more than my fair share of food, and it gets worse at Christmas. One Christmas, I decided to be the good guy and resist eating all the food. Unfortunately, my resolution ended with most of the food going off. So basically the moral of that story was "It's not nice to be greedy, but at least the food doesn't go to waste." ** Actually, most animals know this aesop by heart. Rats spring to mind. * When this troper sees modern shows about famous people and cast show-offs, he sees unlikeable characters who can get away with anything. He feels sorry for the {{Butt Monkey}}s, because they're the potentially likeable ones. The message he sees is "nice guys finish last". ** Which is completely true. * In a Bible class, we were reading about the Exodus, and we got to a rather little known bit in which everyone gets sick of manna, pester God for meat, and get quail - two cubits high as far as the eye can see. Everyone who eats the quail dies of something. The lesson is supposed to be 'Don't pester God for things you don't really need'. What we got was 'Don't eat quail.' ** Reading that, I got "God's a dick". * My friend was telling us about her English class assignment. The class was supposed to write down long-time grudges against people who did them wrong as letters, and then at the end of the letter tell the person that they forgave them. Then they would burn the letters. In a bonfire. She said it was supposed to be 'letting go of grudges and burdens that weigh you down'. I said, ''re burning your forgiveness?' * This ([[UnreliableNarrator atheist]]) troper read about the Exodus at one point in some bizarre, abridged, re-edited version that was in

one of his history textbooks. The overall message of the edited version came across that God had manipulated a PunchClockVillain pharaoh into sending a bunch of conscripts to die horrible deaths once they drowned in the red sea. [[CrowningMomentOfFunny The original King James version did not cause me to think this.]] * [[Tropers/{{Mort08}} I]] uncovered ''two'' Accidental Aesops in the 1931 film "Cimarron." It's a large-scale western that's supposed to be about how the pioneers expanded America through their fearlessness and determination. Here's what I took away from it; one, if you want to be forever remembered as a brave adventurer and noble pioneer by future Americans, all you have to do is abandon your wife and kids, shoot and kill your best friend in public, return to your wife, kids and neighbors with the intention of defending a known prostitute whose guts they all hate, abandon your wife and kids AGAIN and basically be a total jackass to everyone who cares about you - and two, the Academy Awards was a joke even in its infancy...this thing won Best Picture. ---Go back to AccidentalAesop. * That's clearly a statement about the importance of "Always returning to your roots." ** No, it's a statement about how TV Tropes is addicting. ---<<|TroperTales|>>

AccidentalAimingSkills * This troper was once doing a bit of archery but has a co-ordination disorder so had no chance of geting a good score. Instead, he noticed the archery target, being made of paper and attached to a tree, was falling off so decided to try and reinforce it with the arrow (partialy for the comedic value of the paper target falling on whoever took the arrow out's head. He shot the arrow, intending to get the arrow in the large area outside the coencentric circles of the target but still on the paper and the arrow landed on the bullseye. * My old karate sensei told a story once involving "you can be considered a master of using chopsticks when you can use them to throw a single grain of cooked rice into a bowl from across the room." Apparently, someone brought that up when he was a dinner once, and he did it. First try. Never even tried again, since he knew it was shear luck. * Once when I was little, I had been on a bowling trip with my family and got a 7-5-10 split. I wasn't even hoping to get a spare, so I just aimed at the 7 and 5. The ball knocks the 7 over clean, but the 5 goes flying towards the 10 and knocks it down as well. To this day, I can't duplicate it. * In a paintball game in ROTC this troper's best shooting all day was when he accidentally fired on his squad leader. * I once threatened to throw an ice cube down a friend's shirt from across a table. He responded by holding out the collar and daring her to try. The ice cube completely missed the intended target and hit him right between the eyes.

* My best friend in high school tried to show off in front of the upperclassman, and threw a basketball into one of the gym's six hoops. The ball hit the backboard of one, rounded off the rim, and flew into ''a different hoop with a swish.'' Everyone in the gym looked at the guy, stunned. He looked at the captain of the basketball team, shrugged, and said [[CrowningMomentOfAwesome "But since this game is Seniors only...", and walked away without looking back.]] After catching up to him, I asked him how he pulled that trick off. His response? [[CrowningMomentOfFunny "I have no idea."]] * I once (after consuming a not insignificant amount of alcohol) foolishly accepted a dare to throw a dart blinfolded, over the shoulder, and left-handed. And hit the bullseye. I could not have duplicated the shot stone-cold sober with both hands free and both eyes fixed on the board. * This troper was in a game of kickball at his middle school and went up to kick the ball. He kicked it in a random direction and stormed towards first base. When this troper stopped he could hear the rest of the class cheering extremely loudly. He looked up and realized he made a basket with the ball after kicking it at least 60 feet. ** If you're not [[Tropers/{{JET73L}} me]] from a few years ago, my middle school eventually decided to count those as home runs after students repeatedly (and sometimes successfully) tried to duplicate the trick. I think I once hit the backboard of the basket above home plate (it was a six-basket court, and it didn't land in the basket). * I was in elementary school volleyball and basketball, and was never really good at either. However, I still remember that during my first volleyball game, I was about to bump the ball, and ended up swinging my arms too far so that the ball ended up curving behind me and flying into the basketball hoop of the gym my team was playing in. If only I had played with volleyball moves on my basketball team. ** Were you that girl that did that on AmericasFunniestHomeVideos? * I actually got to see this ''twice'' in a single trip to the range, same man, same gun, same unfortunate target stand getting shot down. As the shooter observed the first time, it's supposed to be an impossible shot. The second time...I fell over laughing. * [[Tropers/SabresEdge I]] have been on the receiving end of this trope, or possibly a variation thereof: not renowned for athletic skills, I was one of several outfielders in a middle-school softball game, being relegated to the position where I could do least harm. Third quarter, an opposing member lands a solid hit, sending the ball in a graceful ballistic arc - terminating neatly twelve inches from my face, right into my ungloved hands. Accidental catching skills, maybe? ** Same troper also knows a friend, whose first experience with boltaction rifles was...unusual, to say the least. The paper target at the shooting range was clipped between two parallel, horizontal wires. Without truly aiming, he managed to send a bullet through the clothespin and ''into the wire'', severing it just above his target and holding up the rifle class until the wire was replaced. The same person has since managed to develop ImprobableAimingSkills with a shotgun, but at last count ''still'' can't shoot well with a rifle. * I used to work at a restaurant with my brother. Like typical brothers, throwing things at each other was a fun pastime. One day, I

stepped out the back door to see my brother and one of the other employees on their smoke break, so I decided to throw a leftover slice of tomato at my brother's chest. The slice arced through the air and smacked the other guy right between the eyes instead. * And I once threw a bowling ball. . .rather than the usual gutterball it actually turned into a strike ... for the person at the lane on my right. * Done by me with a very casual toss of a long PVC pipe that was used as an improvised spear. Having never thrown a javelin before, I tossed it, just for fun, and it stuck perfectly in the ground near my intended target. * I seem to have a penchant for hitting kids square in the head whenever I don't try very hard to kick/throw a ball. One example would be at an end of recess in eighth grade, I got my favorite football, kicked toward the basket where they're stored, turned away, and beaned a sixth-grader right in the back of the head. This caused her to fall over too. I said sorry and didn't get in trouble because it was so cool. I miss recess. * My magnum opus in shooting things happened at a paintball session with friends. I got a (rather painful, so he complained) neckshot from 40 metres. When asked which vicious bastard shot him, I piped up: "I think you mean vicious bitch. Sorry, I was aiming for your chest." * My old high school had a game when they were teaching basketball in PE. Everyone got in a line and the front two people got basketballs to shoot at the hoop. If the person in front got in the basket first, they went to the back of the line. If the person behind them managed to get their ball in first, however, the person in front was out. Whenever I got out, I would always throw the ball at the hoop in frustration, never looking and every time it always got in. It still amuses everyone who saw it to this day. ** This troper played this exact same game a few weeks ago. I complained that I was terrible at basketball and a friend of mine assured me that he was also horrible and couldn't make a basket if the hoop was directly beneath his hands. He then proceeded to make every single shot he attempted on the first try. Other friends of his have sworn to me that yes, he really does normally suck at basketball, and that the game was just a freak accident. I still don't believe them. * Kulture here, two airsoft ones: ** First: a 500FPS Tanaka M500 handcannon revolver, headshot across the site on a sniper with a gas powered R700 that was harassing our team, right between the eyes. ** Second: Same revolver, through the undergrowth and straight into some poor bastard's kneecap at a relatively short range, needless to say, it held their advance up. * {{@/Quaternion}} made a rather short throw during a game of basketball in high school. Nevertheless, the ball bounced upwards from the wall bars, and from below, it went straight through the hoop, without touching the rim. The teacher considered awarding points for it. * SquealingSandry is famous in her family for her horrible aim with thrown objects (though she's rather good at archery and shooting with a pistol). However, the topper has to be the time she tried to throw a

shoe at the floor in anger... and '''''missed''''', hitting her [[AnnoyingYoungerSibling little brother]] in the kidney. He had made her late to work by stealing said shoes, though, so it may have been subconscious aim rather than accidental... but considering her usual aim? Not likely. ** ... How in the ''world'' do you miss the '''''floor?''''' *** The same way you trip on a cordless phone. ** Maybe you should learn how to fly. It's the same theory, really. * {{Tachikaze}} once managed, whilst screwing about with a friend's nerf gun managed to hit said friend in the glasses instead of the cans he was meant to be aiming for... * I had this happen twice, throwing things at two different friends. A rule of thumb for me is that if I'm aiming at it, there's no possible way for me to hit it. ** The first time it was a copy of a hardcover book. I aimed between her eyes, since I "knew" that if I aimed there, I wasn't going to hit it. Oops. ** Second time was a water bottle. I was aiming for my friend's face on the same principle (in retrospect, I should have learned my lesson the first time), and hit her square in the nose hard enough to get a nosebleed. In the middle of class. The teacher just laughed it off. * This Troper once got a hole in ''zero'' at crazy golf. The ball went up a slope, flew into the air, and landed in the next hole after the one I was currently on, so of course I scored it as 0 for the first and 1 for the second (what else do you do?) * This Troper hit her tennis trainer in the balls. Poor guy. * A friend of mine was shooting my scoped rifle at a group of three cans once when we were hanging out. After about 12 shots and no luck, he shot it in the general direction of the cans, from the hip. All three fell over, and when I went to check, each had an entry and exit hole in them. ONE SHOT. To this day, we can't figure it out. * During a volleyball game, this troper once managed to hit the ball so it went straight up and got lodged in the rafters. Total fluke. * Don't know if this counts, but I was part of a game of Dark Heresy. I ran into the field of fire in a corridor and I got hit by a perfect headshot from the enemy (who was targeting a friend next to my character). If I hadn't spent a fate point, it would have been the most hilarious death in the 40k galaxy: I get headshoted by someone who was aiming for the target directly next to me. Similarly, I once stupidly (in the same campaign) fired at the ground and, after a large amount of ricochets, almost killed an ally standing behind me (not the same one from the previous story). In fairness, I had fired a laspistol. ** Real life catching story this time: I once threw a pen in the air (I was bored in Chemistry, as was my table: just realised how many of my tales feature this same sentence or a similar one) and, without looking at the pen once after throwing it, managed to catch it in my other hand. It had gone from the right side of my body to the left in mid air and I had caught it without moving my left hand at all. To this day, I have no idea how the hell I did it, or managed to do the same trick like I did that day. * Occasionally happens to [[DarkInsanity13 This Troper]] when playing

SuperSmashBros. She'll throw an item with no real expectation that she'll hit something, and with any luck, one of her opponents will find themselves in its path with no escape (usually by being conveniently thrown into the right trajectory by someone else) and subsequently go shooting off the stage. * I have had this happen to me, and seen it, several times on the range. My two most memorable? One was shooting off the staples used to fasten a zeroing target to a board. I managed this with four shots, when we were just expending ammo to get rid of it. The other was an unaimed shot at at a man-sized target at 50 meters with an M-203 training round. I hit it through a window, in the groin, and knocked the target off its' stand, which it was bolted to. The look on my Lane Safety's face was priceless. The best one I saw someone do, was shoot an M-249 SAW, and have a 1:1 hit ratio on the range. ** A common occurrence on firing ranges which embodies this trope: when zeroing, or qualifying with, a rifle (or pistol for that matter) with the firing lanes close to each other is to get a 1:1 shot ratio...on the target of the guy next to you. * In a snowball fight, I (a guy who normally has terrible aim) threw two snowballs in quick succession. One hit one of my friends in the balls. The next one hit ''the same guy'' in the face. Needless to say, we had quite a laugh about that one. With the possible exception of the guy I hit in the balls. * In airsofting, this troper is possibly one of the worst shots you'll ever see (whether this is down to the l85 I use or me is up for debate). However, my section was pinned down by a support gunner on a ridge - and I was the only one who could see him clearly. I aimed at his chest - and just as he ducked down for a new ammo box - I got 5 shots (rapid!), all on his face. * During a break in fifth or sixth grade, this Troper had found a chestnut, and, upon spotting one of his younger sister's friends, decided to playfully toss it at him, aiming at his back from what seemed like a safe distance. Unfortunately, the target turned around at ''just'' the wrong moment, catching the chestnut [[BoomHeadshot square in the temple]]. Cue him starting to cry (and later telling my sister that the projectile had been a stone), me apologizing and my classmate complimenting my aiming skills. * I was once at a Hooters (don't judge me!) with a couple of mates, and in the course of messing around, one of them picked up a piece of chicken and flicked it at my face. It hit me in the eye, and I involuntarily reached up to brush it away before I realized that I was wearing glasses, which were planted firmly at the top of my nose - in short, he threw a piece of chicken THROUGH MY GLASSES. We still can't figure out how he did it. * This Troper still feels guilty over an incident that happened when she was in fourth grade. It was a snow day, and my mother was filming I and my brother having a snowball fight. For fun, I turned and threw a snowball at the filmer, aiming several feet to the right to avoid actually hitting. Bullseye! Right on the camera lens! The camcorder never worked again. * Team Fortress 2 example, straight from the ''TeamFortress2'' Tropertales CMOA page. This is what I did:

** OK, this was truly awesome. Demoknight with sword and shield. red team, 2fort. Trying to attack BLU base from within BLU sewers with a bunch of other guys. we are totally outnumbered. A Kritzkrieg Solly is coming my way, while a Sniper and a Scout are on the sewer stairs. I targe-charge. The rocket hits just in front of me and I go FLLLLLLLLLLLLYING! My Targe slams into the sniper on the steps headon, killing him. The crowd roars In-Game. at the EXACT SAME MOMENT, my fully critical sword cleanly decapitates the unfortunate scout just below me. Cue everyone their saying, on voice chat, that I was the luckiest sonovabitch in the game, perhaps ever. I respond by killing and taking the heads of the kritzmedic and the no-longer-kritz soldier. Then, respond in voice chat, perfectly deadpan: "Just as planned..." (not really). /Awesome * One time, at a Cub Scout day camp during an archery class, this troper hit a bulls-eye without even looking at the target. * One time my friend tried to throw a pen to me. Instead, it did a flip in midair and landed perfectly in the shirt pocket of the person next to me. * Back when I was 8 or so, I was hanging around on a small patch of land my father had, throwing a frisbee. One of the throws went untouched through the branches of an olive tree, and over the fence into the fields beyond. I couldn't help but stare, hoping for the frisbee to fall down so I could go and recover it. After roughly 30 seconds of the plate hovering in the distance, the frisbee flew back into the estate, over the fence, ''between the very same branches it flew from, and right into my forehead.'' ** This counts as the comdedic variant of a BoomerangComeback as well. * Once in a semi-playful fight with a friend, in order to avoid an impending kick in the balls this troper, as a last ditch distraction, tested some card-throwing techniques I'd googled using a leaflet I had in my pocket, managing to hit him squarely in the chin, hitting corner first and causing a fairly deep and bloody cut. * This troper once tossed a coke can towards a bin about four feet away, knowing she probably wouldn't get it in but trying anyway. It didn't go in, but instead hit her friend right between the eyes with a rather satisfying 'donk' sound. If I'd been aiming for her, it probably would've gone in the bin. * This troper has notoriously bad aim. Whilst playing tennis she managed to bean a guy in the head. She also has bad aim when it comes to archery, although her sight was a pin and she hadn't gotten glasses for that far away not see-y thing. (Darn BuffySpeak.) The class was playing a game where you had to get as close to the teacher's arrow as possible. I aimed at the wrong arrow. And got mine within centimeters of the teacher's arrow. The fletchings were touching. * This troper was playing tennis against one of his friends, who happens to be simply terrible at aiming. This friend smacked the tennis ball which then missed the court, bounced off a tree, bounced off a second tree and fell right in front of this troper. * Somehow, when this troper was about 14, she went on a late-night bowling trip sort of thing in Vegas. Halfway through the final game, she was overcome with incredible stomach pain (which I still don't know the reason for) and her brother offered to bowl for her so they

could finish up and go home early. In a rare fit of stubbornness, she got up from the bench, picked up her 8-pound ball, and the ball ended up pulling off a perfect strike while she was limping back to the bench. She ended up saying, "I don't need help." The miraculous lucky shot turned out not to be repeatable. * In my high school chemistry class, I threw a pen straight up in the air a couple times while standing up. Then, when I threw it again, it landed perfectly in my pocket. It was a normal sized pocket, not baggy or anything. * I tend to be a magnet for this. The more serious temper-induced one was the time when I was mad at my sister who kept making fun of me as I was sitting in the "treehouse" (it was on the ground now) trying to calm down and stay away from letting my temper get the best of me and I ended up punching her. When my sister wouldn't stop, I grabbed the nearest thing to me, which was a single, and threw it blindly out of the treehouse window just to get my sister away. Somehow, the shingle hit her square in the eye, nearly blinding her and getting me into a world of trouble despite telling them it was an accident and I wasn't intending to hit her in the eye. ** In sophomore year of high school, we were playing soccer in gym class. I was at goalie and my friend was on the opposing team. She had a clear spot to shoot a goal which was pretty far away and kicked it as hard as she could. Out of all the places it could've hit, it ended up hitting me [[GroinAttack right in the babymaker]]. I'm just thankful that I wasn't a boy at that point because my god that stung so bad. ** Then junior year of high school gave another legendary gym class shot of improbability. In my high school's gym, the basketball hoops are sometimes folded up into the rafters. So the hoop was folded up into the rafters right above us. We were playing volleyball and I was the server. I served it as hard as I could and it bounced straight up. I cringe and go "OH NO" when I realized I screwed it up. The ball ended up not only on the backboard, but it ended up in the net too! * [[@/{{Celticfang}} This troper]] plays lacrosse, and is legally blind as well as a {{Deadpan Snarker}}. His matches usually include at least one example of the trope, usually when he's forgotten about. But the one that sticks out is exactly a year ago, when my ex from Washington state came to visit me. And I had a lacrosse match. We were tied at the time, I was known as somebody who'd help out on defense despite being an attacker primarily. So I got the ball by the crease, and without turning, threw it over my shoulder (and the net). Then the whistle went a few moments later. I found out I'd scored what turned out to be the game winning goal. A CrowningMomentOfFunny happened when my ex asked what I was doing. My reply was simply "Clearing the ball. And apparently a lot more" * Years back, my friend and I were "playing darts" in his garage. By which I mean walking up to the dart board, sticking the dart in the center, and pretending we scored. Eventually this got boring, so we decided to do something else. So I tossed the dart at the board (to "put it away") and hit the second-innermost ring. Of course, he had walked away before this happened and didn't believe me when I told him.

* A few years ago, I was kicking a football around in a park with a couple of friends, and one of my friends was making fun of me, he turned to face the other friend and I called out to him as I grabbed my wallet and threw it to my side and hit him in the groin, from about 10-15 meters away. * a couple years ago, i was in the middle of my first paintball match ever, i had never played before, and was up against a few kids that while not much better had at least some experience. it was speedball and a teammate and i tried running to the same cover, we didn't see each other until we were there fighting for protection because we came from opposite directions. anyway he won the argument because i panicked, and decide to run for the next bunker. which had an opponent already there o the other side, i only noticed him when i was half way the the bunker i wide open ground, so i let loose on full auto at the hip while running...hit him in the mouth of the mask. i got to the cover and found two other opponents behind bunkers right in front of me, they both missed, but i got them with lucky shots. i never did get any good shots for the next 5 hours we played. nor on the next 3 times i played paintball. * This happened to this troper's History teacher. He often mimics historic characters in a comic way in order to make the examples clearer. He once impersonated a man who tried to get more and more power in the beginning of Brazil's republic: he started by speaking increasingly angry, gesturing wildly with a piece of chalk in his hand, and in the end of the sentence "I WON'T PLAY ANYMORE!" he threw the chalk without aiming, right inside the trashcan. All students went "OOH/COOL/AMAZING/DO THAT AGAIN!"; he shrugged and said "Don't ask me to do it again, not even a miracle will make me hit it like that..." * This Troper was trying to shoot a cup off of an ice chest with a Nerf gun and kept on missing. Afterwards, he got up to pick up a dart that had ricocheted (at this point the gun had one dart left). He had his back facing the cup and was walking to the dart. He points the gun over his left shoulder and fires the gun. The dart hits the cup. * The first time [[Tropers/{{Fifthman}} I]] fired at a 70 meter target in competition, I wasn't particularly successful. My shots were landing consistently below the target. I figured it was something with my form until I fired another low shot that found its way into a bird flying under the target. The bloodstains are still on the fletchings to this day. * This Troper was practicing throwing playing cards, with little success. My brother, smartass that he is, was giving me shit about it, so I flicked one back at him without looking. Didn't hit him, but it did get stuck in a miniscule crack in the door frame that I didn't even know was there, and could never have hit if I was trying. * This troper remembers a time in elementary where one of his friends kicked a rubber ball up..... [[CrowningMomentofAwesome into a basketball hoop from the sides]]. It was completely unexpected to the group, and it could not be emulated again. * On the first day of high school gym, the teacher was going over the safety rules. "Remember, you are never allowed to do this," he said as he dropkicked a basketball and it went neatly into the hoop on the other (long) side of the gym. We were all struck-dumb for a moment,

and then he continued, "And because you are never allowed to do that, burn this into your memory, because you'll never get the chance to see something that awesome ever again." * Two words: Badminton, forehead. This troper was forbidden to smash the birdie for at least two weeks' worth of practice because no one was safe during that single practice round. Luckily, it never happened again. * In high school, my best friend and I wanted to play basketball with some older kids. There were six hoops on the court, for two halfcourts, and one full-court. We were sophomores, they were seniors. Naturally, they were jackasses about it. The guy with the ball fumbled it, and it bounced over to my friend, who is an ''excellent'' basketball player. He picked up the ball, and threw it. It flew over to one of the half-court hoops on the opposite side of the gym, ''bounced off the rim'', and flew straight into the full-court hoop. [[CrowningMomentOfAwesome Cue the stunned faces of everyone in the gym]]. And my fiend looked at the seniors, shrugged nonchalantly, said "Well, if you don't want me, see you later," and walked out of the gym. I followed him, and just as I was about to ask "How did you do that?", he asked me "Oh holy crap, ''did you see that?!"'' * When I was in Highschool, Our school used to engage a nearby school in [[SeriousBusiness a massive snowfight]]. This happened in my first year: After a long "battle", most of the other school's people wanted to go back (since the break was almost over), and one of the older students moved forward, [[RousingSpeech attempting to motivate them into charging again]]. [[SedgwickSpeech This stopped when he was hit]] [[SedgwickSpeech ''right in the face'' ]] by my snowball. * This Troper could not throw darts to a bullseye... 3 feet in front of her. She has sucky aiming skills. However, when was in Saturday school for the Specialized High School Admissions Test, a friend of hers wanted her eraser back. This Troper was at the back of the room, her friend was a the front, but it was only 4 desks or so in front of her. (It's a small classroom.)Said Troper threw the eraser... it flew in the air... slamming into an empty garbage can. Which she did not know was there. It's opening is probably the size of your keyboard, maybe smaller. [[CrowningMomentOfAwesome It was awesome]]. * @/Valbinooo here. It's a RunningGag between my boyfriend and I that if he aims for my shoulder, he WILL hit me in the chest (in reference to an AccidentalPervert moment). So far, that statement has held true. * This troper had an AKM and for fun was once trying all kinds of [[AwesomeButImpractical trick shots]] from the factory designated maximum effective anti infantry range of 350 meters on a 2'X4' piece of plywood. I naturally missed when I fired from the hip and when I shot from the FPS gun hold position, which is like having the gun in the lower right quadrant of your view, just like in Halo. I somehow then nailed it I overhand wrapped my left hand around the hand guard and looped my right hand around the pistol grip, looping my thumb through the trigger guard. I held the gun a bit upside down sideways and pulled off FiveRoundsRapid. I hit all 5 times. [[IGotBetter It gets better.]] Next, I put it in [[MoreDakka fully automatic]] and positioned it on my right shoulder like a rocket launcher, keeping the stock on my shoulder. I then proceeded to hold down the trigger and

empty the magazine. [[ThisIsSparta EVERY!]] [[ImprobableAimingSkills SINGLE!]] [[AccidentalAimingSkills BULLET!]] [[CrowningMomentOfAwesome HIT!]] [[NeonGenesisEvangelion THE!]] [[BeyondTheImpossible TARGET!]] * In ''WarRock'', switching weapons involves left-clicking, so it's common for new players to accidentally fire a gun while doing it. In a game on Conturas, the largest map, this troper accidentally fired a sniper rifle at an upward angle. Ten seconds later, it killed an enemy soldier on their airfield as he climbed into a fighter plane. * When trying out some ''{{Turok}}'' demo on the [=PS3=] this troper's former roommate was trying to hit a pair of small, non-aggressive dinos with the tek bow and doing an awful job at it. With his last arrow, the roommate said, "Ah, screw it. Let's see how far this thing can fly." He shoots straight forward, giving the arrow a long rainbow arc, followed one second later by a loud [=SQUAK=] as the little dino gets impaled through the neck. * This troper was playing a game of snooker with Friend A, while Friend B was screwing about with some marbles (I don't freakin' know where he got them from). Friend A made an offhand comment about the size of Friend B's... parts. Friend B responded by throwing one of said marbles at Friend A. This is where it gets awesome. The marble missed by a few inches, flew straight towards me, bounced off the snooker cue I was holding, ''landed on the pool table'', '''rolled and ricochet off a ball''', '''AND WENT STRAIGHT INTO THE CORNER POCKET.''' We all simultaneously said "Holy shit!" We had a pretty fine reason to. * This troper was once plinking with a pellet gun in the backyard when one shot hit what looked like a spinning green twig. Turns out the twig was a grasshopper. Shot where the head meets the thorax. In midair. * This troper's mom can miss anything... except below-the-belt hits. They always work. * A somewhat dark example: At an archery range in the Poconos with my family, while aiming for a target less than 100 feet away, I missed and instead sent the arrow through a small hole in the safety netting behind the target. When my siblings and I went searched the woods behind the range, I asked my brother if he found the arrow yet. "Yep", he said. [[HighOctaneNightmareFuel Cue said brother holding up my arrow with an impaled and still-wiggling chipmunk dangling from it]]. Then the chipmunk slid off the arrow and ran away, leaving red splotches of sticky stuff all over the shaft. I was done with archery for that week. * Basically, any time that This Troper hits the gold in archery, to which he's still a newbie at. * a while ago, maybe 6 years now, i was in recess inside because it was raining or something like that. i was playing with a hacky sack and my classmates were playing foursquare on the other side of the gym. the ball was hit too hard and came into the hacky sack game, so i drop kicked the ball, with a nice spin it curved and hit the girl, that originally kicked it over to me, in the face, knocking her to the ground. i made myself scarce for the rest of the week. * Now, here is something that even the most experienced MenofWar players probably haven't seen before,

[[ at 8:50 through 9:10 here]]. ---If you aim for [[Main/AccidentalAimingSkills Improbable Aiming Skills]] you might hit the main page. ----

AccidentalInnuendo * This Troper's teacher, on the topic of hominids, described Homo Erectus an "The first human able to stand [[RagingStiffie er]][[SomeThingElseAlsoRises ect]]. * This tropette's school was giving out awards to the school athletes. The baseball team's coach said, "And this goes to the [[FreudWasRight player who had the largest stick all year]]." * The seventh grade wrote short notes for the graduating senior class. This tropette's best friend and her walked past two classmates arguing about who wrote a note for which girl. One of them said, "You're wrong, [[LesYay I'm the one who did Ellen!"]] The resulting walk to class was the two of us trying not to go into hysterics. * Coming back from a field trip, a girl on this troper's bus was eating a mandarin orange. Being very picky, and loud, exclaimed "Aw, I swallowed the white stuff!" while eating it. Everyone on the bus, except her, burst out laughing. * When I was playing Super Smash Bros. Brawl, my opponent hit me enough times to get my two parts of the Dragoon from Kirby Air Ride. I screamed "No! My parts! My parts! He took my parts!" * This weak-lunged troper once had a really bad cold and was blowing her nose... "I'm not very good at blowing..." followed by a friend saying "Try harder!"... to which I replied "Oh god, it just keeps coming! I'm gonna need more tissues! Maybe another box!" "There's more over there if you need them". [[HilarityEnsues Hilarity Ensued]]. * [[{{Seungmina}} My]] English teacher loves to pull phrases from the books they read, then have his students make poems out of them. Unfortunately the phrase he picked was "A salty dew formed on his lips," he didn't realize the implications before it was too late. This same teacher, when annoyed by a group of students, threatened to throw his MobyDick at them. * This happened so much to My student teacher for band. One of the most infamous moments was when he talked about how much he loved "losing his stickies" when referring to sticky notes to talk about what we needed to work on. Needless to say, everyone took it the wrong way. Then there's what we consider his trademark phrase: "Do you have wood, perhaps?" Fun times. * This troper was having a Christmas get-together with his large extended family, and we were all playing Taboo. My fairly innocent 10year-old female cousin got "Fortune Teller" on her card. She first began by saying, "Um, this person has balls..." and nobody could stop laughing. And later on, my aunt was getting ready to say her words and mixed up her expressions, saying "Yeah, I'm gonna smoke this joint!" * This troper's high school chorale is full of this, instructor included. One of my favorite incidents involved the instructor

reprimanding a student for drawing a picture of a giraffe in his music. The instructor acknowledged that it was clearly a male giraffe, leading to the student saying, "Oh no, you misunderstand, that's the back leg, it's not a...ohhhhhh..." * I am a part of a community circus, and was trying to learn juggling. I asked one of our jugglers to teach me. This lead to a thirty minute conversation about juggling balls in which every word had to be weighed to prevent accidental innuendo. Naturally, some came out anyways. "These are really nice balls! Where did you get them?" "Ummm..." Yeah. * [[{{Shadowgirl_13_chaos}} Me]] and a couple of my guy friends were in class at my high school talking, and I went to get some lotion sitting at a table nearby because my hands were dry. I pressed the pump and out jetted this liquidy, watery white-ish lotion all over my hands, and out of shock and awe, I screamed " EWW THE WHITE CRAP SHOT OUT ALL OVER MY HANDS!" Cue immediate laughter from my friends. We now call that paticular bottle of lotion, that is still there to this day, the Jizz Lotion. * On My water polo team, the coach strung a hose across the pool to get us to tread up and set the ball. What resulted was one of the players not getting up high enough and whacking the hose, and the coach saying "hey, don't touch my hose!" .... Then, while we were all laughing, the girl we were supposed to be passing the ball to said, "Hey, I haven't seen any balls here in a long time!" ** Water polo is really just one giant accidental innuendo. What other sport do you shag your balls, attempt to get a defender on your back, play in hole, or have non-sexual hickies? (Referring to picking up the water polo balls after shooting, an offensive strategy, an offensive position, and the red marks a water polo suit leaves.) ** For the 2000 Sydney olympics, they decided to use some cameras underwater at the Water Polo, to show the amount of work the players do. They didn't use those cameras after the first match! * [[@/{{Smerf}} This]] troper was having a game session with some friends when his foot fell asleep. I then decided that he was going to sit cross-legged in the chair, and found that he couldn't get his foot onto the chair to do so. Cue the troper, with chair pulled up with the table, making goofy body motions in an attempt to get his foot up on the chair without reaching down. Cue his friends: "What the hell are you doing?" Cue the troper, in reference to his foot: "I can't get it up" Cue the troper going "What? What the hell is s- Oh, God damn it! My foot! I couldn't get my foot up on the chair!" * [[@/{{Jakkarra}} This troper]] had an English teacher a few years back who hated him, he literally {{Cant Get Away With Nuthin}}. The teacher in question once badgered him about some homework that NOONE HAD DONE, singling him out because of some abstract loathing (although there was one person who acted up in every class, who she seemed to like) and the troper responded with "aw, come on," which prompted the reply of "don't you come on me!". [[@/{{Jakkarra}} This troper]] still gets ribbed about this incident to this very day. * This troper after being hit in the face with a rugby ball said breezily "I get hit in the face by balls all the time". Everyone cracked up as this troper tried to amend the sentence.

* A friend of this troper teaches English grammar to non-native speakers at university, and has an unfortunate tendency to pick the verb "come" for examples (e.g. "Did you come?"). She always catches herself ''slightly'' too late, and even if noone else realizes how the sentences might be interpreted, ''she always does''. * As [[@/{{Nomic}} this troper]] has mentioned in the ThatCameOutWrong page, he knew a girl that tended to often say stuff that could be interpreted as having an innuendo. For example, one time she explained that she had a hole in her trousers because she liked spreading her legs around a lot (she then proceeded to sit with her legs spread and point out that it caused the seam on her trousers to get broken). * When this troper was in Europe, he began to become fairly wary of the constant scam artists. At one point, he claimed to his female friend, "At this point, whenever someone says something to me I just ask, 'How much is this gonna cost me?'" Said friend tested it with, "Hi, my name is Brianne." ...She hit me. * This troper innocently and completely happily named her [[{{Pokemon}} Bidoof]] (a ''beaver'' {{Mon}}) Bushy. She didn't even think of the implications until recently. * Another Troper named her [[{{Pokemon}} Rhyhorn]] "Horny" when she was very young because she had a somewhat loose grasp of english and it, well, HAS a horn on the head. Her brother (who was elder [[BilingualBonus and also had english as his first language in school]] - complicated story - told her that something was wrong with the name, then transported it into his Diamond version and now refuses to release it. It wasn't until he showed her the Rhyhorn on his Diamond screen when she realized WHAT he had meant with "well... the bad thing is that it has to do with fucking" (said in our motherlanguage). * When I had to change into my sweats for tennis practice, me and two other people would go to my friends house. I changed in the bathroom, they changed in the bedroom together. I heard a crash one day and when we were going to tennis practice I wanted to know what happened. They gave this explanation: "See, Collin and I were in the bedroom together..." "EEEWWWW!!!!!" "Not like that! So then I was putting on my pants, and Collin tackled me onto the floor then climbed on me, and I told him to get off because I wasn't in the mood, so he got off then I put my pants on." * [[@/JapaneseTeeth My]] friend once did a [[VisualInnuendo visual]] version of this, with his attempt to pantomime putting a shotgun in his mouth. Take a guess what it looked like. That was five years ago and we still make fun of him for it. * I had this happen to me in the 4th grade. That day I had taken two little rubber bouncy balls from my brother's collection. When I was coming home on the bus, they fell out of my pocket. I panicked, thinking my brother would kill me if I lost them. Being in the front of the bus, I turned around and yelled "Has anyone seen my balls? there's two of them!". That was followed by " No wait! I mean the small kind that bounce!" People really won't let that go. ** So you're saying your balls dropped when you were around nine or ten? * Due to our filthy minds, this tends to happen within my group of

friends at least once a day. It is usually followed by 'that's what she/he said!' ** Oh my god [[{{Shadowgirl_13_chaos}} me]] too! It eventually got to the point when several of my high school teachers banned the phrase. We had 3 detentions a week after the decree. * My dad has corrupted my mind so much that my friends can hardly say anything without me getting the wrong idea. * [[@/TromboneChild This female troper]] is the queen of this, and not ''that'' kind of [[CampGay queen]]. For instance, some of my friends had been looking at a sex-toy catalogue for fun, and we began talking about something else, but the catalogue was still out. I said that someone should "get off" of something, and my friends thought I was purposely making a dirty joke. I wasn't. * My female friend, after being called on a previous accidental innuendo said something to the respect of "damn it, why do you keep tricking me into stupid, sexual things..." * One of my friends was on his PSP looking up pornography and trying (successfully) to get me and my other friend to watch porn with him. Right when I decided 'fine' my little nephew rushed in saying "Do you want a banana" holding out banana's for all three of us. Suffice to say we were laughing hard. * I had a classmate who was trying to gather up all of the tennis balls in the classroom before class started. He left to grab a notebook from his bag and a friend of his scattered the tennis balls all across the room. He came back and saw that the tennis balls were no longer there and he ended up shouting "My balls! Where are my balls?!" * Turned a joke against myself on accident while harassing a friend over character selection in Left4Dead. My initial claim was that Bill's Gay Country Club wouldn't allow Louis or Zoey to join. When questioned why I was part of such a dubious affair, my reply came as "I'm not gay, I'm only along for the ride". * During a science lesson I had a while ago, we were learning about how the eardrum works. I blurted out, in front of his crush and several other girls no less, "So everyone has a vibrator?" I blame the internet. * During the weight lifting unit in gym, there was one point in time where we had to use rubber weights. Cue on of my friends saying "Sara, I can't find the ten pound rubber!" * During band practice, one of my band directors was hot, so he told one of us to go and "Jiggle the thing," meaning "Turn down the thermostat." We all recognized this and pointed it out. * 2 situations of this kind happened to moi, both in 2 different acting classes, 1) We were doing a Would I Lie To You thing and it was one of the others go and she said that she went to Japan, and I said so did you go on a tour guide, instead of just tour, I only recognized the [[TitleDrop Accidental]] [[AccidentalInnuendo Innuendo]] when everyone laughed. 2) The teacher per se of the class said hole in one and about 6 of the 14 people (all girls) Started giggling uncontrollably because beforehand they were talking about whether someone else's character was having an affair with my golf obsessed character.

* Subversion happened in My World Geography class when we were talking about the solar system (shouldn't we be learning about this in science?) in that it wasn't accidental. When on the planets, we reached [[UranusIsShowing Uranus]]. Yes, the teacher was pronouncing it ''that'' way, but the killers were, "Uranus has rings made of ice and rock" and "To reach Uranus" (I don't even remember what was said next). Even the teacher herself started laughing then. ** Another one about Uranus: We were making models out of planets to hang on the ceiling and when the teacher asked if they were done, my friend replied "I need to put some glitter on Uranus". Cue as many Uranus jokes as humanly possible for the next few days. * This troper was doing a "white elephant gift exchange" in her class. I picked up one random box, and I held up a bag that said "Squishy Baseballs" on it. With no idea what to say for the mandatory thank you speech, I ended up panicking and saying, "Thank you for these squishy balls." Suddenly, this random person in the audience yelled, "Squishy balls!" really loudly. HilarityEnsues. ** Afterwards, this guy got stuffed animals. His speech: "Thank you for these cute stuffed animals. I will make sure I will sleep with them." * My friend is the king of finding these. You will not get away with saying anything for long enough without a "That's what SHE said!" * I have a rather odd friend. Said friend is completely obsessed with SuzumiyaHaruhi. So, one day, we were discussing it. One thing he said was, "If I had to be stuck in a closed space with someone /forever/, it would be you." For those who don't know, that would be like starting the world over ... Yeah, he hasn't heard the end of that. ** By any chance, does your friend or you wear a yellow hairband? * I once in an english class, while we were put into discussion groups on tables, got put on the same table as the girl I have a big crush on. People were commenting on my height(Im fairly tall) and I noted that I infact have large hands, big feet, long hair, large eyebrows, long arms, massive legs, big teeth and a large nose, and that I am in general very oversized everywhere on me....Oh god I didnt mean that!!. I actually got applauded by a few of the male members of my english class. ** [[DoubleEntendre Male members?]] * At an ethics meeting, a speaker was talking about how to avoid plagiarism and how getting help from outside sources like parents constitutes cheating. As she put it, it's unfair to seek help because "not everyone has access to your mom." * There's a stand at My state fair called European Nuts. They sell, true to form, roasted, sugared almonds and cashews and such. This has been, from the earliest I can remember, the only time my parents ever led the entire family in a sexual innuendo... myself, of course, being painfully oblivious to it all. (The fact that my dad renamed the stand, thanks to the dirndl-wearing saleswomen, the Kaiser's Nuts, might have helped me catch on in the end.) On another testicle-related pun, one of My elementary school games involved pompom-like yarn balls. One of my classmates had two of them already stuffed up his shirt-sleeves, and asked for one of mine. I said no; he already had two. I got reported by the instructor for making a dirty joke.

* {{CloudCuckoolander}}s + FreudWasRight + TheIngenue + AllMenArePerverts + a [[MemeticMutation meme]] [[NoodleIncident involving cookies and lesbians]] + [[DepartmentOfRedundancyDepartment Freud Was Right]] + TheUnintelligible + too much noise to hear well + '''FreudWasRight''' = [[DiggingYourselfDeeper Dug self into hole]] filling up with Accidental Innuendoes.[[TakeOurWordForIt Let's just]] [[YouDoNOTWantToKnow leave it at that]]. One of the best/worst was: ----> First friend: (long list of chatter) what are you doing after school today?\\ Second friend: You, and (chatter)\\ BeatPanel\\ Everyone else: Umm...\\ HilarityEnsues. * My science teacher: "Keep your hands to yourself, and don't touch anybody. If you need to touch someone, you can touch yourself." * A recent one in My British Literature class --> '''Teacher:''' I need to plug in [the plug into the outlet...unfortunately, she just left it at plug in...]. --> '''Entire class:''' OOOH!!! * I have one group of friends that does this all the time. If you're in their presence for half an hour without somebody saying [[HaveIMentionedIAmHeterosexualToday No Homo]] or [=~That's What She Said~=], consider yourself lucky. * This troper remembers a time in the seventh grade when we somehow got on the topic of my classmate Danny's younger brother. --> '''Teacher:''' What is he interested in? --> '''Danny:''' I don't know. --> '''Teacher:''' Well, when you play with your brother, what do you play? --> '''Danny:''' My brother plays with himself * "Multi Purpose Glue! It fulfills ALL of you needs." --> "Whoa. It is like, the white, sticky stuff that gets the job done." * I was in a class where we were discussing Halloween costumes. Started with one girl saying that she was going to have "fang" caps put on her teeth (I'm not a vampire, it's just me and my fangs), and led to "I'm not Yoda, it's just me and my lightsaber." (Right... Strange thing is, they didn't even notice it.) * One week at [[@/KingSonnDeeDoo this troper's]] Village Drama group, we were rehearsing our {{Pantomime}}, but due to an actor playing one of the main characters not being there, one of the younger guys was standing-in for them. At one point, one of that character's lines were "My love is futile!", but instead, what came out was "My love is fertile!", to which someone else quips "I don't think you want that kind of love!". [[HilarityEnsues Laughter Ensued.]] ** Another example occured recently, whilst she was on the bus ([[PutOnABus not like that]]) with a male friend. He was fiddling/examining the keyrings on her bag, leading to this... -->'''[[@/KingSonnDeeDoo This troper]]:''' Oh, don't worry. Feel free to [[AccidentalInnuendo play with my bag]]. -->'''Male Friend:''' [[GenreSavvy Innuendo much?]] -->'''This troper:''' * ''Realises what she's just said sounds like''*

Oh gosh, no, I didn't mean it like that, no, I didn't...* ''Trails off into incomprehensible babbling/stuttering, and then facepalms''* * My statistics teacher had just taught the class a statistical trick. He then went on to say "You can now use that trick on your little brothers and sisters. I like to take advantage of small children!" One person caught it quickly, and the rest of the class soon followed, plunging us all into a laughing, snorting fit. He then proceeded to say "I meant in betting!" through his tears of laughter, however it came out sounding more like "bedding". That only served to add fuel to the fire. * A friend of mine, after falling victim to this trope multiple times, got tired of it, and said something to the respect of "Look, I know I always set myself up for stupid, sexual things..." My response? "Set yourself up for stupid sexual things, you say?" And from then on, whenever she said something that sounded like an innuendo, I would mention that "You set yourself up for stupid, sexual things again, didn't you?" * As a teenager, my best friend used to walk home from school with me until her mother got off work, at which point she would come to my house to pick up my friend. One day we heard her mother enter the house and call to us, "Heather, it's time to leave." Friend and I were in the midst of a conversation, so she called out to her mother, "just a sec, Mom." A minute later, her mother again called out for her daughter to hurry up, and once again friend responded with, "just a sec, I'll be right there!" Friend's mother was understandably impatient at this point, so with friend's third response of "just a sec", her mother finally lost it and shouted, "no more secs, Heather, come NOW!" That effectively ended the conversation, but it took my friend and me several minutes to stem the tide of hysterical laughter. * This troper is a walking AccidentalInnuendo/ ThatCameOutWrong, much to his family and coworkers enjoyment and his own horror. * This troper's high school chorus consists of 20+ silly, dirty-minded teenagers and one GeniusDitz director. Said troper first noticed the tendency for this situation to generate AccidentalInnuendo when the bell sounds in "Carol of the Bells" were being sung too short, resulting in everyone being ordered to "hold your dongs." Giggling ensued. ** Heh, you too? Happened at my high school as well... * I was once talking about a trio team with some friends, and happened to refer to it as a "threeway." I did not think anything of it until the laughter started. * My friend was being nosy and messing with her sisters camcorder. The start of the tape was full of family stuff. When my sister came in she said "Hey, all your private stuff is on the front." I laughed. No one else got it. * This male troper once, in the middle of the hallway of his dorm along with another half dozen of the residents, found himself roughly six inches from a friend of his that is 6'3 and broad sholdered. It is crucial to realize that he had just showered and was wearing only a towel. This male troper, having not been so close to the guy before, remarked very loudly "I never noticed before, BUT YOU'RE FUCKING HUGE!" Everyone else realized the ramifications of this long before I

did. ** Second incident, I'm in the room of the same guy, watching him play Age of Empires with a bunch of these same guys. The smurfette in the room, who didn't really get the game, remarked that it was "gay". Taking gay in this context to be synonomys with "nerdy", I then proudly remarked "You think that's gay, you don't even want to know what I do in my room all day" (referring to this website, incidentally). There were a few guys who twenty minutes later were still collapsed on their beds wimpering softly with laughter (I have a problem keeping my voice colume down). These were both within a week of each other. I was a good sport about it, but I sort of withdrew a bit afterwards. * This Mormon Troper played a game at a scripture study class where you pulled a word out of a hat and then tried to get your teammates to guess what it was without saying the word. You had to get them to guess as many words as possible within one minute. If you didn't want to do it, you could set it aside and pick another word. I'd already set aside about six words so when I came to the word "preisthood" I said the first thing that came to mind, which unfortunately happened to be "MEN HAVE IT WOMEN DON'T!" If you think Mormon kids don't laugh at dirty are sadly mistaken. ** Would also like to mention that even though people laughed, there were a few who thought I'd said it on purpose and from then on saw me as "that dirty-minded heathen." They were a minority though. * [[@/PentiumMMX2 This troper]], when explaining why he preferred [[SuperMarioBros Luigi's Mansion over Super Mario Sunshine]], proceeded to say that it was more fun to "suck than to squirt". Things got really quiet after that was said... * I, at school one day, was filming a mock-commercial with some friends for sham-Wow. There were two different kinds: checkered and fuzzy. I say to this friend, who is a guy and has all the sham-Wows stuffed in his shorts, 'Ok, the checkered one mops up water, what's that fuzzy thing in your pants do?' Needless to say, the entire room goes dead silent until our teacher pipes up with '[=~That's What She Said~=]!' ** That this troper finds even more amusing about that is the teacher, ''of all people'', was the one who countered it. * This troper was asking her friend for a napkin, which she responds with "I dunno, I gotta pea on it.". Read that over a few times. * My principal said in his first speech at the school, "I love adolescents." We're never gonna let him forget it. * Whenever friends of mine would mumble something or just say something I couldn't hear I'd always reply with "You did what with who for how many cookies?" or "It was just once and I was drunk!" * Once, a friend and I were in Japanese class, and he managed to get me into retorting with "I'll (verb) you!" whenever he said something weird. At one point, our conversation went something like this: -->'''Friend''': Oh, you're a bit imaginative. -->'''Me''': I'll imagine you! -->{{Beat}} -->'''Me''': Oh, God. I didn't mean that! ** I experienced a similar incident. My friend loves to mock me after

I say certain phrases with a "''You're'' (tail end of phrase)." One exchange I remember particularly well: --->'''Me''': Well, that was a bit ''too'' easy. --->'''Friend''': ''You're'' too easy. --->'''* Glaring Ensues. Friend bursts out laughing* ''' * During a conversation about a particular opera singer, this troper sent three grown men - two of whom were pushing fifty, for crying out loud - into a helpless fit of the giggles when she uttered the words "Well, his instrument isn't very large." * When summarizing a recent attempted break in that had resulted in community service to a friend, I ended up using the phrase, "Basically, the three of us were bored, and I had a wire coat hanger, so . ." She stopped when she saw the expression on her male, slightly perverted friend's face. * My math teacher once said one when as the class, there only about 6 of us all male with a female teacher took one of the chocolates someone had brought in and asked what was in it, some said " White stuff" to which she stated "I love white stuff" cue laughter * This actually happened on a forum but the conversation somehow was about two things at the same time one being about pedophiles in white vans and the other about some game and then this happened... -->'''Forum User''': ...candy AND possibly sex with an older man! -->'''Me''': preferably at the same time -->'''Forum User''': ew? -->'''Me''': WAIT! * @/FarseerLolotea fixed coffee this morning, and offered her fianc the slightly larger mug. He acknowledged it with "You know I like [[MostCommonSuperpower bigger cups]]." * We were working in D&T (woodwork, metal work, whatever you call it) and our teacher was describing our final assignment, which was to make a toy, but he was trying to explain that [[WhatDoYouMeanItsNotForKids not all toys are designed for children.]] -->'''Teacher''': I don't mean children toys, I mean adult toysHe noticed and laughed along with us. Luckily. * One sleepover not long ago my friends and I were watching TV. We had been watching 'Whose Line Is It Anyway?', but it had ended and the station went on to infomercials. We watched about five minutes of an infomercial for 'Cricut' , and we were rather sugar-high and had already been making fun of '17 again' for hours. After a short while of searching for something else, we found Cricut to be more entertaining than anything else we can find. Eventually, it got to the customers reviewing the product, and one said somehting along the lines of 'It eliminates the need for all other tools I've bought.' Later, the commercial exclaimed; "But wait! There's more! Call now and we'll add the Deep Cut Blade!' Cue hysterical laughter. * This troper has been taking the bus to a dog-walking gig this last week. Said bus passes a few churches. The sign in front of one church says 'Christ Came to Deliver us from Sin'. Troper hasn't been able to get the image out of her brain since. * I, while playing Phantasy Star Online (its phoenix down is called a moon atomizer) and said "I'm going to moon you!" An embarrassing time. * This troper was watching his friend play [[LegendOfZelda Ocarina of

Time]], using a few cheats on, one of which can make Link grow and shrink. During the cutscene in which Gandondorf imprisons Zelda, he was inadvertanly half as tall as Zelda when she screams and gets stuck in the crystal. [[DidYouJustHaveSex He was also standing right in front of her.]] ** Later, while trying to do the same thing, he got stuck with Link in fastforward, meaning Link was bouncing up and down on his toes. At that same cutscene, [[RapeAsComedy he was twice as tall as Zelda.]] * I have a choir teacher in high school whose personal goal is practically to defy this trope. He has made several purposeful innuendos. ** In one such occasion, we were working on a song, and he commented 'That was close. But close only counts in horseshoes, hand grenades, and couples.' Several kids were confused at the 'couples' part, so he decided to demonstrate by turning around and groping his back. Cue several minutes of giggling. ** Also, whenever we've been working really really hard al day and we're all sick of it, he'll joke by pretending to crack a whip and making corresponding sound effects. Usually this just gets a couple of giggles and we move on, but one day everyone giggled a bit too much, and he commented; "Some of you are enjoying that a little too much." HilarityEnsues. ** Later in the year, one girl in the alto section had a bit of a back-and-forth argument with one of the bases, in which our choir teacher commented 'You know, your flirting is really obvious.' At that, one of the sopranos called out 'She has a boyfriend already!' To this, our wonderful teacher comments; 'Well, in htat case I would say what Santa says.' Unfortunately, he had to explain the joke. ** And most recently, he was explaining how your diaphragm works. After a couple of minutes of no success (For those who don't know, the diaphragm is a muscle on your lower stomach), he calls one of the male students forward and asks him to gently punch his diaphragm as he sings. Cue every single word he says sounding extremely suggestive out of context. Later, he had the whole choir "Pair up" and do it to each other. Some of the best quotes were along the lines of: "You don't have to do this if you don't want to." "You don't have to be hard, be gentle." My friend and I just laughed in the back for a while. * While sitting at a basketball game in middle school, [[TheNerdyNinja I]] saw an advertisement reading "Can't Beat Dick's Meat!" * In high school, this troper heard someone say "I love you" to him. [[spoiler: She was describing the letter, as in: "I love 'U'."]] * During lunch one day, my friend was eating a particularly large sandwich. I was oblivious to the fact, until the friend took a big bite and everyone else went "Whoa." I looked up and, without thinking about it, asked, "Wait, how big was it before he put it in his mouth?" * This troper was in a friends house with him and another friend one day. The other friend had gone downstairs for something while the friend whose house it was said to me "Come into the bedroom I have something to show you" I walked in and my response was "Holy Crap it's huge" "Just touch it" "I ain't touching that. It's sick". He was showing me a giant spider on his wall but all we could from downstairs was our other friend laughing his ass off.

* So, I was walking to the bus stop back in middle school and me and my friend were talking about guns for one reason or another. Another person at the bus stop was talking about pregnancy for some reason or another. I blurt out "Well, you need to cock it if you want something to come out the hole" loud enough for both parties to hear. [[HilarityEnsues Hilarity follows.]] * This troper once hitched a ride with his female coworker (she just happened to spot me on the way to work and offered the ride) and we were talking about things I can't remember. She was talking about hoping for something, and said to this male troper "Knock on wood, if there's any wood in this car." This troper doesn't think she realized what she said, and he didn't point it out to her. He also hopes it's "accidental". * One time in English class we were being rather rowdy and the teacher couldn't get us to settle down. So one guy said to her (referring to the plastic box/tray/tub thing in which she kept her papers etc.) "Miss, if you want us to keep quiet how about you bang your box on the table?" I stared at him and exclaimed his name with mock indignance, and the funniest look of pure horror spread over his face as he realised what he'd said. * One time in my Creative Living class, some friends and I were sitting around and and talking about random stuff. Then one person said to the girl(who is a vegetarian, by the way) that while she was sleeping, he'd shove meat down her throat. No one really noticed the innuendo, [[DontExplainTheJoke until he pointed it out himself]]. We all burst out in laughter. * My Chemistry teacher got stuck with this so much I am almost convinced she did it on purpose. A few infamous ones: "I want you to feel me to the point of action", and "I want you all to engage in social intercourse." * This troper decided he wanted a new profile picture for his facebook page. He decided he wanted to experiment with negative space, so he took a profile of himself in front of a blue TV screen with steepled fingers in a dark room. The experiment worked, and he uploaded it to his page. Two hours later, he comes back to his computer to see that nobody seeing a profile of his face, they were seeing the space between his hands and his face. It looked like a profile of someone's groin. Needless to say, he quickly edited out his hands, and hoped nobody alerted the facebook staff. * I, as a freshman in high school, was on the cross country team. One of our {{TeamMom}}s liked to buy us helium balloons for each meet, and since we were a bunch of predictable dorks, we would inhale the helium and giggle at each other sounding like The Chipmunks. Troper was asked how she got it to last so long. Troper said, slightly louder than necessary, "Simple - you have to swallow after you suck." Cue the entire bus going silent for a second before busting out laughing, and said little frosh going bright, BRIGHT red. * My science classmates were discussing what Tupac would taste like were he accidentally deposited into a french-fry machine. Cue I looking up from her chemistry notes and snapping, "You're all wrong; he would just taste like meat. (beat) ...That was unfortunate, wasn't it."

* My friend produced a legendary one. The answer was "You just put it in and waggle it around until it goes soft." The question was "How do you cook spaghetti?" * My college physics professor (who frequently went off on tangents about his family) once commented about his wife, "I like to stay on top of her" (meaning he liked to know about her hobbies and the like). Cue nervous giggling from the class. Upon which he asked, "What? Was it something I said?" No one was quite brave enough to point the innuendo out to him. * I had a school history text book that described a part of the Battle of the Marne as: "The French put up stiff resistance, then plunged into the German rear". ** Takes on a whole new meaning now that we have Hetalia, doesn't it. * This troper was once riding in his brother's truck with his brother, and we were talking about a plot hole that came up in {{Yu-Gi-Oh The Abridged Series}}, where Marik says that he's evil when he takes over a person, but when Yami did it he was still a good guy. I responded that Yami had Yugi's permission, and we got to the point where we were talking about why Yugi was considered the main character when Yami did all the work. I told him about how Yugi won a few duels on the show, and the innuendo came when I saw a cat walking along the road as I was saying something. --> '''Me''': And there was even one time when he didn't have the puzzle hanging around his ''(sees cat) kitty!'' Needless to say, [[HilarityEnsues hilarity ensued.]] * This troper tried to describe a sushi roll in its uncut form by touching his thumb to his index finger to form a circle and then holding his hands open in front of him, palms facing each other, about six inches apart. Think the hand symbol for "okay" followed by "Five dollar foot-long" at half size. * This happens a lot to I. Especially around her boyfriend and other perverted friends. I would say something and would not realize that it sounds wrong until someone starts giggling or says along the lines of "Do you even realized what you just said?", or [[TheOffice "That's what she said!"]] * I once saw a poster in a pre-school area of a church with the caption "I keep my hands to myself" and a picture of a disturbingly grinning child with his hands in his lap. * My friend, when discussing why she was eating a lollipop, came out with something along the lines of "People just like to have something in their mouths to suck on." She said this somewhat loudly in the middle of class. * This is what you get when you throw together a group of very tired freshmen practicing for a school event, a senior whose cute and shy voice makes everything sound adorably funny, and a [[@/{{MiraShio}} sophomore]] who has spent too much time on the internet and with innuendo-filled friends to not notice anything slightly off: -->'''Freshman girl''': How did you know whom I was talking about? -->'''Senior''': (referring to himself and a freshman guy) We did a three-way with you, remember? [[spoiler: He was referring to a ''three-way call'', people.]] -->'''Sophomore''': (thinking) Riiiiight.

** To add to that, ''anything'' that doesn't even sound remotely like an innuendo becomes one when said sophomore (now a junior, actually) repeats it to one of her best friends. It's slightly amusing. * This troper was listening to one of her friends describing an OC he'd made up in his head. It could use sonic vibrations to read people's minds, or something like that. [[ADateWithRosiePalms Guess what he named it.]] I tried not to laugh, guys. I really did. And even after saying it, he was [[InnocenceVirginOnStupidity still clueless as to what he had just said]]. --> '''Kid''': What's wrong? I know it's a little geeky, but... * I was recently working on a group project in school. The other two classmates in my group were guys, so they were spitting out filthy jokes left and right. With the sheer number of intentional dirty jokes, it is not very surprising that at least one accidental innuendo would occur. What IS surprising is that fact that I was ''the only one who noticed''. -->'''Classmate''': (Referring to a laptop) Here! Troper! Take this, go ''get it on'', and then bring it back here. * @/{{Popette}}'s friend had a brilliant example. A boy was talking about how hard the life of a whale must be. Then her friend cuts in and says, "You wouldn't have trouble being a whale. All you have to do is lay there, moan and squirt stuff out of your head." Cue laughter. * I was in class when a teacher made one. The innuendo was "This thing is pretty thick and looks hard". What she was referring to was a packet that she was handing out. The teacher didn't seem to notice (or she did but just didn't want to bring attention to it), but a friend and I giggled to ourselves when we heard her say that. Another time was when I was with the same friend while we were playing Super Smash Bros. He noticed my controller wasn't on, and said "Wait, I forgot to turn you on." When I heard him say that, I immediately mentioned that I was putting that in Troper Tales * Happens to ThisTroper and his friends so many times that half the things we say are followed by "And that's not a euphemism". * In sixth grade, this happened to This Troper and her friends so freaking much. You could say anything and we'd all burst out laughing: ** She had a tendency to keep going in and out of the school at recess. When she mentioned this to her friend, her friend said, "In and out and in and out," while making motions with her fingers. We all burst into laughter. ** Another time, they were sitting on the couch and the couch was making squeaking noises. "It sounds like a bed," I said, before my friend said, "rock the bed." ** Yet another time, my friends and I were on the playground. One of my friends said, "Let's do the monkey bars." Cue laughter from both me and my other friend. Actually, now that I think about it, we had accidental innuendo moments every day. ** And in My grade seven year: *** We were in Drama class in a circle and the teacher kept moving everyone around so we didn't get distracted. One boy gets distracted a lot, so the teacher moved him between two girls. He said, "Yeah, I'll fool around with [name] and [name]." There was an awkward pause, then we all burst out laughing, and the teacher took the cue to yell, "TOO

MUCH INFORMATION! We don't need to know who you're going to have sex with!" It took several minutes for this to wear off. *** One of her classmates said, "I'm going to do the string now." It was followed by a boy saying, "How do you do a string?" *** I was holding two dodgeballs in her hand. One of the boys came up to her and said, "Can I have your balls?" I replied quite seriously, "I don't have balls. You do." Cue stunned boy and cheerful me. *** We were talking about math (I take a French class). We were learning this order of math thing called "PEDMAS" and we were told what it was in English (BEDMAS). The innocent boy in our class said, "It's like doing PEDMAS in BED!" There was an awkward pause. Then the whole class burst out laughing except for him. He still doesn't get it to this day. *** One of her friends was sitting on a pole and sliding down it, talking about her crush. Cue the response: "Stop fucking the pole, it's not Evan." She replied, "I can pretend, can't I?" And she started to pretend to rape the pole for real. Hilarity Ensues. * I was recently working in a group on a health project and we were using usb sticks to transfer data from comp to comp. It took about two seconds of people gaping before I realized how wrong "Brian, hand me your stick" sounds. * I was at basketball practice and began to tell her friends, "How flat the balls were," and how they "Needed to be pumped up." * My school usually deals with the number of students taking school buses home by having them line up on the basketball courts in groups according to which bus they catch. On rainy days, they normally line up inside the nearby school hall, which also serves as an indoor gym and is often used for music practices, assemblies and meetings. There are a lot of plastic chairs kept stacked in the hall, which is their default state. On the day in question, the chairs had been used for something but hadn't been restacked. It was raining heavily, and the senior students catching My bus were allowed to wait outside, under shelter, while everyone else remained inside. One of my friends had a megaphone which she used to inform everyone which bus had arrived. Anyway, we were making small talk and waiting when this gem occurred. --->'''Vice Principal''': Are they (meaning the waiting students) sitting on the chairs? Tell them to get off. --->'''Friend''': OK, everyone, get off. [Vice Principal] says get off, so get off. I burst into laughter, had to tell everyone what the joke was and got berated for having a filthy mind. ** Same troper, different example. Every year, my school has an athletics carnival and a swimming carnival. The four school houses rehearse cheers and chants, and the house leaders decide on a theme, pick a song and make up a dance to it. This year, my house captain dragged out an old cheer I've never heard of. One of the lines was '[House] will always be on top'. When it was first rehearsed, I and two others started laughing. It was seriously funny, especially when the entire house chanted it... ** Same troper again. While waiting at the bus lines, I found it quite difficult not to laugh at everyone talking about where they'd get off... they were talking about where they intended to leave the bus

at, of course... * I was in math class one day. Instead of doing math, we were studying for the ACT, and our math teacher was reading grammar rules out of this giant book. When he got to the usage of semicolons, he read out loud "The semicolon is also known as the light period" then stopped, staring at the book. There was a very long pause as everyone stifled giggles, then our teacher looked up from the book and said "I'm trying very hard not to make a joke about that." We all laughed. A lot. * My Computer Science teacher recently complained that her daughter told her she wasn't allowed to use the phrase 'quick and dirty' to describe things and she didn't know why. One of the students replied, "Never use that phrase again." * Is' cousin once gave have a taco with sour cream in it. I said i liked it, and his friend made the joke 'oh, she likes the white stuff!' I groaned and my cousin laughed when his friend realized what he said and went about beet red. * Once during a conversation, My friend said (regarding orange popcicles, mind you) "I've noticed they're much more fun to suck then lick. You get more juice that way, and it doesn't drip." It then took a solid five minutes for [[@/{{SieglindeToSiegmund}} me]] to even get her to realize she'd made an innuendo. * I, when I was pretty small, was talking with my dad, and mentioned that I'd named the stuffed unicorn I was carrying "Horny". He said I had to name it something else, and I had no idea why for /years/. ** Along the same lines, I had a stuffed lion cub that I was going to name "Sucker" before my parents headed me theory being that, well, that's how lion cubs drink milk. Whoops. * Too many to count. I'll just put this mulitple AccidentalInnuendo one: -->'''Best Friend''': Can I have a caramel? Pleeeease?? I'll do anything for you!! Anything! -->'''Me''': That's what she said... -->'''Best Friend''': WHATEVER. Talking to you is so hard! -->'''Me''': I bet it is. -->'''Best Friend''': [[* {{Facepalm}}* ]] Give me a freakin' caramel. NOW. -->'''Me''': For the last freakin' time, no!! I told you, /I/ bought them and /I'm/ sucking on them! Okay?! -->{{Beat}} -->'''Me''': I didn't - ! No! NO! I -- uh -- soup! -- oh -- * goes into [[{{Angrish}} incoherent angry babbling]] and then [[{{facepalm}} facepalms]] partially* -->'''Best Friend''': Joke's on you! -->'''Me''': ClusterFBomb * @/{{TMOH}} can't talk about First Mate Cox (from ''{{Nation}}'') without invoking this trope. ** On fanart: "These days I pretty much only draw Cox." ** On an embarassing case of PerverseSexualLust: "I ''shouldn't'' like Cox, but I do." ** Upon waking up from a MassiveMultiplayerCrossover dream: "I think Cox came up somewhere, too." ** get the idea.

* I have the same problem with Dick Grayson of Nightwing fame. ** "I love Dick!" ** "Dick is awesome!" ** Or, most recent and most embarrassing, I had just gotten some brand-new Robin merchandise and told my friends, "I'm going to be looking at my Dick all the way home!" (I'm a girl...) * At the local renfair, buying a leather vest for my costume, the guy selling to me asks, "Ok, so do you want it smooth likt this * points at one* or rougher like this? * points at other* " I, completely innocently, say, "The second. I like it rough." His reaction, and my female friend I was with, was one of hilarity. * This troper was once playing Munchkin with a large group, including her boyfriend. She got a card for an item only the boyfriend could use, and innocently asked him if he had anything that was two hands big. He responded "You know it", and the room cracked up. I then made it worse by checking his cards and saying "Oh, I see, it's your polearm!". No one has let her forget this. * My boyfriend sometimes openly carries a gun. He was standing at a urinal in a gas station one day, when a man stepped up next to him and asked "Do you have a permit for that?" * One time 2 male friends were annoying my female friend by deliberately hovering over her and following her everywhere. The only thing she was holding was a sandwich, so at one point she turned around and yelled the threat: "STOP THAT OR I'LL SANDWICH THE BOTH OF YOU!" HilarityEnsued. ** The next day she tried to get back at him by bothering him by trying to steal his BLT, which was on a foot long bread roll. He was also eating jelly with a spoon. After several minutes he yells, "Unhand that or I'll spoon you with my breadstick!" * One time in Biology we were testing potassium levels in soil samples. The teacher explained to us that we needed to 'shake the tube vigourously, shove the dip-stick in, wait a couple of minutes, take it out then repeat.' * A friend was trying to untangle his headphones, and asked another guy to help. "Take the end. Pull it. Yank it. Harder!" Cue the sound of many heads whipping around and a facepalm. * Two visual example this time. In Biology, a couple of boys had been messing around with a lock they had taken off of a locker. One of them locked it onto his belt loop, and then couldn't get it undone. Cue the teacher walking in just as one guy is kneeling in front of the other, tugging at his pants and saying 'I can't get this off!' Teacher's face: priceless. ** One time in Math a guy was, for some unknown reason, attempting to use friction to heat up the metal on his phone by rubbing it vigourously against his seat between his legs. He then asked the male teacher if 'it looked hot' * My group of friend has developed a bad, [[AdultChild childish habit]] of saying contradictory things in response to everything, for example the response to 'I just bought a new bag' could be any of the following: 'I'll bag you', 'I'll give you a bag', 'You're a bag' or really anything else that crosses our minds. So one time someone said "come with me to the tuckshop" and I, completely without thinking,

responded with "I'll make you come!" ** Today it happened again. With the same person. It went as follows: "Come on. Hurry up." "I'll come on you!" * hysterical giggling and exclamations of [[AccidentalInnuendo 'Oh God! That's not what I meant!']] *** It happened again even worse yesterday. ---> '''Person 1:''' "Come on, baby" ---> '''Person 2:''' "I'll come on your baby!" * beat* "Wait! [[Squick]]Oh God [[BigNo No!]]" * To quote a physics teacher at this troper's school, while trying to demonstrate friction and heat to her class through rubbing metal rods: --> "I need a big, strong boy to rub this rod for me!"\\ "Rub harder! Faster!"\\ "Oh no! The rod fell off!"\\ "What are you all laughing about? I only asked him to help me rub this rod!" ** Then again, we ''are'' talking about the same teacher who taught her class the wonders of the '''shoehorse''' magnet... * A few years ago, a friend of mine was writing down some math notes. He got to a part about positives and negatives. When he had to write "positive or negative", he shortened it to "p or n". ** That happened to me in sixth grade. The teacher didn't notice until someone pointed it out. Cue laughter that was heard in the other halls very clearly. * This vegetarian troper was with her friends who were grilling hamburgers when one of the patties fell apart. Well, she surprised everyone by picking up the beef and reshaping it into a burger form. Exact words: "Just because I don't eat meat doesn't mean I can't handle it." Cue the boys laughing their asses off. * When I was about 7 or 8, my whole family was in the car late at night, looking for someplace to eat. We got to discussing hybrid meals like brunch, and how there should be one for dinner and breakfast. Naturally, when I suggested "dikfast", my mom was quite upset, while my brother was laughing his head off. * In grade 9, a couple of guy friends has made up this childish rhyme about another friend that went: [insert name here] is a wanker, [name]'s a wanker, [name] is a wanker, stick him in a bin. One of the guys who made up the song had been annoying me by singing it constantly, so completely without thinking, I say "I wish I could do it with you", meaning 'put your name in the song instead of the other guy's, but I can't because your name has the wrong amount of syllables to fit the tune.' Needless to say, that isn't how he interpreted it. * One time a male friend randomly started to massage a female friend's neck. She asks "why are you rubbing me?!" and gets the response of "because I want you to come." * awkward silence lasting a good 10 seconds* No! I meant come to the tuckshop with me!" * Happened to [[UpToEleven almost ridiculous levels]] in a conversation with [[{{Tropers/Alexandra}} this troper]] and her friend. --->'''Me''': That reminds me. Whenever I try to draw with markers, I always end up getting all of my fingers coloured. I don't know how, it just... happens.

--->'''Friend''': Oh my god. same here. I think it's because (it happens to me every time) I go to put the pens in the lid absent mindedly/without looking and I miss the lid about 6 times before I do it. --->'''Me''': I do it without looking too... But it usually gets in in the first time. So maybe it's just because I'm doing everything fastly. * Good luck talking about anything in the genus ''[[ Sula]]'', the family [[ Remizidae]] or the family [[ Paridae]] without running into this. Especially ''[[ Parus major]]''. * This troper once asked his roommate if he liked nuts... Result was awkward silence and then this: -->'''Roommate:''' Never phrase that question in that way ever again. * A friend at school once told a story about how he almost got, and I quote "pounded by a firefighter" the afternoon before he told the story. Naturally he meant "beaten up", but teenagers being as they are, chose the "up the butt" interpretation. Doubles as a CrowningMomentOfFunny for another friend, who was quick to respond by saying "that's sexy". * In high school curent events we played games of Jeopory at the end of each weak. the teacher tended to split the class into two equal teams. i should mention that about half the class were taking this due to the fact that they couldn't get into the year before i recimended freashmen vs. upperclassmen with one team being the Fs and the other the U's it came out in the worst way possible but we got over it * [[{{Komorebi}} This troper's]] young, [[AmbiguouslyAutistic possibly autistic]] candidate-for-step-brother once was asking her mother for candy recommendations. He said he wanted "something soft, that he can suck the juice out of." Her mother actually got somewhat angry and very squicked out, thinking the boy was coming on to her and he had no idea why she had such a reaction. He really did just want some chewy, syrup-infused candy, and he doesn't think about how [[ThatCameOutWrong the way he words things]] may be perceived by others. * My friend has a habit of saying words double at the end of a sentence e.g. "I have to get the bus-bus!" When she does this, she sounds really cute and innocent. One day we were talking about games consoles in registration and she shouted excitedly "I want to play on my wii-wii!" And we were all trying not to laugh until one of us burst out laughing and [[ThatCameOutWrong only then did she get it...]] * My biology teacher once said that, when he was younger, he and some geeks formed a football team (American type). Because they were all geeks, they named their team the [=NADHs=], after a molecule in glycolysis. Unfortunately, this meant that their fans would yell, "Go [=NADHs=]!" Say that out loud when no one's around. * This troper was on a field trip, and a teacher was discussing an oral assessment. Cue me saying "Oral is better. It's easier and more

fun." Luckily, no one noticed. * In one memorable speech, our headteacher was announcing why leather balls would no longer be allowed on school property. The whole thing was pretty hilarious, but then she came up with this gem: "It has come to my attention that some boys have been playing with other boys' balls". * This troper's classmate was playing with a seemingly empty tube of liquid eraser. When he shook it vigorously, some of it splattered on his hand. He was so surprised, he promptly yelled, "Hey look! When I shook this thing, white stuff came out!" * A co-worker of this troper once asked him to keep an eye on her water jug. She came back ten minutes later and I asked why I had to do that, she said people always went for her jugs. Queue me cocking an eyebrow. ** [[YouSaidX Hehehe]], ''cocked''. * A classmate of this troper has frequent and intentional HoYay with one of his friends.[[ShippingGoggles It might be more than intentional]]. A group of us was talking about one of our members hacing a sore throat.The classmate ended up saying "I always get a [[ImmodestOrgasm sore throat]] when I go to REDACTED's." Cue realization. * I used to frequent a TheyMightBeGiants chat room, and at the time their latest release was ''Severe Tire Damage''. Thus, for a while it was remarkably common for people to ask each other if they had STD yet. I imagine something similar must happen more frequently among Saves The Day fans. * This one's cross country coach was giving us a speech on what he would do to win. He frequently goes off on tangents, such as, in the middle of a sentence, mentioning his wife. "I would do anything to win. I would do...I would wife." *cue laughter from the entire team* * My friend told a guy that this troper was sitting beside that we'd slept together. We were roomates on the school trip. He took it the ahem other way... * [[Contributors/{{Taneb}} This Troper]] says these a lot: ** What if you put three on top of eachother? ** I'll touch it. And you can touch mine if you like. ** Who do you know who is willing? * Once at school, a classmate were reading lines out loud from a book we were doing a report on. Realizing the text could sound a ...bit different out of context (It was something like "He pulled himself out of it, and started breathing heavily" and later, a woman saying "...He's mine.")(The reader didn't even intend that), I started laughing, pointing out that it sounded a bit wrong. The rest of the group started laughing too. * Every time I try to explain to people how I beat [[FinalFantasyVI Final Fantasy VI Advance]], it always turns out this way no matter how I try to phrase it: I had Edgar deal the last blow with the Drill during the fight against [[spoiler:Kefka in his OneWingedAngel form]]. Given the [[spoiler:heaven-like background during that last fight, I was also aware of a certain MemeticMutation from TengenToppaGurrenLagann despite not having watched a single episode.]]

(Spoiler'd out in case there's someone reading Troper Tales who HASN'T beaten Final Fantasy VI.) * My sister (13) has recently been heckling my mom. She wants her ear cartilage pierced as well as her second ear hole. This wouldn't be too bad if the phrasing she kept using wasn't so perverted: "I really want my [[IfYouKnowWhatIMean second hole]] [[DoubleEntendre done!]] Every time I hear this I both snicker and end up having [[BileFascination weird]] [[IncestSubtext thoughts]]. * This troper's eighth grade band teacher was attempting to get the flutes with Part 1 (the part that usually has the melody and higher notes) to play, and she announced, "I want all the high people!" Being [[SarcasmMode very mature middle-schoolers]], the whole class laughed. Just as things were beginning to quiet down, though, one of the flutes said, "I don't get it." We laughed harder. * Today for some reason one of my friends would slap anyone who said the word "pound cake" in front of him (it was offensive). In math class, I was describing this ordeal to a classmate, and, not wanting to be slapped, i had to weave around saying the actual word. I chose the first description that unfortunately came to mind: "The twosyllable 'P' word that you put into your mouth." It took a few seconds for me and my friend to process what I had just said, and needless to say, we both broke out in unstoppable teary-eyed laughter (while the usually stoic classmate we were talking to simply smiled). Thank God our class was already loid and unproductive, so no one else noticed. Also, he probably won't let me live this down for a while... * This troper has a slightly (read: very) dirty-minded friend. We were in science together, doing an experiment involving honey. All I said was a simple, innocent, "Mmm, honey." This had to be pointed out by my friend. Sigh. * This troper, due to having no knowledge about slang, cannot go a week without asking a classmate if something he said meant something else. ** ''Ooohhh'', yes. I've had that happen way too many times to count. * Me, in response to a picture of camels in the desert that our geography teacher showed us in class: "Aww, they're so cute! I like camels." I instantly started laughing and muttering, "That came out wrong," but thankfully, no one but the girl next to me (who thought my embarrassment was "adorable," to my bemusement) heard me. * In my gym class, we played lacrosse. One time one of my teammates tried to volunteer me for goalie and I was like, "I don't wanna be goalie! I'll be attacked by balls! Balls just love me!" My other teammate, who was a guy, his face said Squick all over it. The teammate who tried to volunteer me just said, "Uhh..," I yelled, "I DIDN'T MEAN IT THAT WAY!" What I meant by being attack by balls was the year before that I suffered several concussions from being hit with volleyballs. I now have a fear of balls (last one, I swear). * This summer one of the girls I was working with was taking an order of deep fried perogies to the back window and one exploded and some landed on her neck. She had a red mark where it landed and it hurt so she went to see a doctor. Dr: so what happened? friend: a perogie exploded on me.

Dr: oh is that what they call it these days. *wink* * A friend of mine exclaimed - rather loudly - that the weather is making her "wet, sweaty and sticky". Granted, it was snowing/raining all day, but still... * This (female) troper's recent experience in a family-friendly discussion of Pokemon: --> '''Brother:''' Pikachu's voice-actor was female. Does that mean Pikachu is also female? --> '''Troper:''' They always refer to Pikachu as "he" but that doesn't mean anything. --> '''Dad:''' How does one sex a Pokemon? --> '''Troper:''' I guess the same way you do a chick, turn 'em upside-down and spread 'em. --> ''Stunned silence as the exact wording sinks in'' --> '''Dad, Brother:''' ''hysterical laughter'' --> '''Troper:''' I meant chickens! Birds! POULTRY!! * During a field trip at a beach, this troper (and her 12 classmates all female) returned to the bus with our heavy equipment. Our (male) tutor turned to us all and said to us: ---> '''Tutor:''' Right ladies, get onto the bus and take your kit off! (It took him a full minute to realise what he had said whilst we were all crying with laughter.) * Once, I was dicussing zombies with some friends during design class. I was talking about weaponry, and I said that wooden blunts are good for "beating off an individual" and then I realized what I said and immediately declared myself a horrible individual. * This troper really need to stop saying "No thanks, I got a headache" * When this tropers five-year-old brother came up the stairs of the playground structure with a basket ball in one hand and a bouncy ball in the other, her nine-year-old sister said "Ooh, Micah's got balls!". Only this troper and her other sister laughed. * When my wife and I were trying to conceive with [[LawOfInverseFertility predictable results]] she told my grandmother that "getting pregnant is a pain in the ass." Cue my dear, sweet grandmother coming back with "If that's the case, you must not be doing it right!" * At my oldest sister's rehearsal dinner for her wedding, we all did speeches for my sister and her now husband. When it was my grandmother's turn she came up and said something along the lines of "Now *sister's name* and *my brother-in-law's name* get busy all night long!" She had no idea why everyone was laughing into their soup until somebody whispered it into her ear later that night. * [[Lampshaded]] in that every time innuendo has passed by twice with the reply of "That's what she said", my friends and I effectively enter a innuendo Mexican stand-off for the following half hour. * In this tropette's chemistry class we're learning about nuclear chemistry. Let it first be stated that I sit next to two of my friends and we're all [[{{HetaliaAxisPowers}} Hetalia]] fans. We first got our giggles when we heard about the elements Francium and Americium. Then our female teacher who looks around her early thirties or late twenties began talking about half-lifes of radioactive substances and the ones you don't want in your body. Francium has a half-life of 27.5

seconds. Our teacher noticed this and dropped this gem. ->Teacher: See, [[{{LovableSexManiac}} Francium]] has a half life of 27.5 seconds. [[{{CrowningMomentofFunny}} I wouldn't]] [[{{AccidentalInnuendo}} mind having]] [[{{DoubleEntendre}} that inside me.]] ->One of my friends and I attempted to stifle our laughter and the other told us that she knew what we were thinking when she heard us laughing at the end of the period. . 0.... 0. * Although in of itself its not AccidentalInnuendo, this troper likes to trigger them among others by making every poem in Literature Class sound like one. * In Drama class, our teacher wanted everyone to act silly and try to tell us it was ok if we looked lame. But the exact wording was [[DoesThisRemindYouOfAnything "You're free to suck today!"]] My entire table full of [[CovertPervert too-sweet-and-spazzy-to-look-perverted]] friends and I started laughing. Since there was only [[NiceGuy one guy]] at the table, one of my [[ShipperOnDeck best friends]] looked at me and said "You heard her. Start sucking, Bri." Which made everyone at our table laugh louder and everyone else in the room give us 'Ew' looks. ** As a [[AxisPowersHetalia Hetalia]] fan, half of History class becomes this. But especially [[RapeAsDrama "The Rape of Nanking."]] I keep mentally telling myself to 'stop laughing, it's not funny' but the [[YaoiFangirl yaoi that happens in my head whenever my teacher says those words is too funny.]] * In my art exam, two friends on the table across from me made a bottle of white paint explode (somehow), I hear the boy say "oh my god! It won't stop coming out!" and the girl replied "urgh, the white stuff's all over my hands; no, it's all over me!". I heard this exchange and promptly doubled over laughing. The best thing is that they didn't even realise how bad it sounded! * This troper, though a bit of a CovertPervert, made an accidental innuendo while referring to two characters from a book series she is writing. Said characters have BelligerentSexualTension (and the girl is a very much Type A Tsundere), and I was saying that "if [the girl] ever comes to rule the world, [the guy] is going to get totally screwed." Cue [[LikeBrotherAndSister my best friend]], who I was currently talking to, bursting out laughing, me getting it after a moment, and my LuminescentBlush and cry of, "[[ThatCameOutWrong Not in that way]]!!!" * While our class was discussing Cyrano de Bergerac, when the part where Cyrano is tricking the nun, my teacher says... "Cyrano was riding the nun! ... Wait!" Since most of my class is immature [[HilarityEnsues Hilarity Ensued]]. * This troper's family often uses the word "sec." "I'll be there in a sec," "Give me a sec," etc. Unfortunately, while my mom and I were getting ready for a trip, this sentence developed: "Give me a sec!" "[[NoJustNo I'll give you lots of]]--[[{{LastSecondWordSwap}} of time! Time]]!" We're trying to use "sec" less now.

* My roommate went to Ecuador for a summer study abroad. She and her (female) friend tried explaining to the (Spanish speaking) bus driver that they were "bed buddies" - i.e. sharing bunk beds. He apparently gave them a knowing wink and spent the rest of the trip thinking they were a couple. * This troper has two of these, both from one art class. Looking at someone's attempt to draw a centipede (they were being deliberately lazy) and commented that he had just drawn [[DoesThisRemindYouOfAnything a hairy sausage]]. The class laughed their heads off, and did much the same when the teacher said '...that's no reason to start DOING IT!' when talking about a Rubik's Cube. ** There was also a mild one when a student asked a teacher if they could go out(side). Both were male. *** And then there was the library incident. This troper's local library's fiction books are in three sections: children, teen and adult. These sections are based on how difficult to read the book would be and whether the themes would be too complicated for younger people (occasionally, 'questionable content' affects it). When this troper's mother was checking out some Terry Pratchett books ( from the adult section) for him to read, she explained to a librarian that, despite his being in high school, this troper 'really likes to read adult fiction'. Cue him trying to alert her to what she had just said and her not understanding. * Once this troper was watching a movie in Earth Science. The narrator said something along the lines of dragon balls going into a frogs mouth for it to work, and someone blurted "Well, what are you waiting for?" Cue laughter. ---Come to AccidentalInnuendo... ThatCameOutWrong! Oh, god... stop laughing and just get on with it already! Crap, not like that... Just go! Now! * Yeah, right... [[ThatsWhatSheSaid that's what she said]]! * A subversion in that it was intended but coming inside from gym, Evulzboy was gathering balls, (that was accidental) and to put them in the net asked a classmate to let him "see his ballsack." ---<<|TroperTales|>>

AccidentalKiss Dear Tropers, please keep natter off this page! Discussions on what bisexuality is, that some script screwed up the grammar, and that you think example X, Y, or Z is hot/creepy are not actual examples! * this male troper has a female friend who looks almost disturbingly like my mother. one time I was looking at a large map and she walked up beside me. thinking it was my mother I gave her a hug and a kiss of the four head. this may not sound like much but this took place before we have done much more then shake hands. needless to say, my often flush face turned a embarrassing shade of maroon. * A year or two ago back at a church retreat, this female troper was

sitting on some steps with another girl talking about something(forgot what it was)and apparently I'm a funny person. After talking for a little the other girl giggled and said "you're so cute!" to which I turned to her(rather slowly actually because I was thinking of whether to say thanks or say something funny) and was about to say something witty back to her when she kissed me on the lips. Of course, I impulsively flinched back without my mind fully comprehending what was going on and I kind of stared at her with a 'wtf just happened' kind of look. A second later she said to me that she was trying to kiss my cheek and I awkwardly laughed it off trying to write it off as never having happened. A minute or two later a good friend of mine ran up towards us asking about a card game, saving me from having to think of a new topic to talk about. * This editor kissed a (same-sex) friend right on the lips during some sort of gym class event... he didn't mind, and no one saw, (but he had the ultimate blackmail on me for some time). Explanation: Basically, what happened was we were being paired up for something, and I got paired with my best friend at the time, and apparently euphoric, I grabbed his cheeks and planted one on him. In retrospect, I cannot possibly figure out why; if I were gay, that would have been one of those sexual awakening moments, but as it stands, it was just a ''very'' confusing (but [[SuddenlySexuality oddly exciting]]) first kiss. It's also remarkable that no one saw, we were all standing in a row. ** Same here, I don't want another NoodleIncident. ** On a related matter, [[Tropers/TheNerdyNinja this troper]] had a friend at camp who, when he and a (male) counselor pretended to kiss, ended up accidentally kissing. In front of the entire cabin. [[HilarityEnsues Hilarity Ensued]]. ** It's possible someone ''did'' see, but were too shocked/weirded out/whatever to comment and just kept it to themselves... * May not be an accidental Kiss, but this male troper was kissed by a guy in his sleep in the classroom... * This Troper was once hugging an opposite gendered friend goodbye. Both of our heads went left, then both our heads went right. Then we shook hands. That was technically This Troper's first kiss. ** This Troper wonders if he wrote that, some years ago.... it happened to This Troper too * This troper was out drinking with a bunch of college pals (isn't that always how these stories begin) when he accidentally (really!) leaned in and crossed lips with a member of the girls soccer team. * This Troper once said goodbye to his mother. Mother in a very sleepy state. Accident happened. [[{{Main/Squick}} Couldn't sleep all night...]] ** That's not too bad since it's your mother. Unless it was some [[IfYouKnowWhatIMean other type of kiss]] than the one this troper is thinking about. * This troper and her best friend both had extreme, coinciding CloudCuckoolander moments that led to an AccidentalKiss. We both turned to each other at the end of school, said goodbye mum and kissed on the lips. Thank God we were alone in the hall and didn't have to explain our ensuing hysteria to anyone.

* [[{{Tropers/Crion87}} This Troper]] was just going to give a new (then) girlfriend a platonic peck on the cheek - [[{{First Kiss}}it turned into a French kiss]]. This Troper also remembers it quite fondly. * At one Halloween party this troper was at we decided to play "The Paper Bag Game" in which you take a paper bag and pass it around a circle with your mouths and rip a piece off of the bag each time. When it got to this troper it was very tiny and that led to her accidental, first kiss...with another girl (she would have preferred a boy). * At a recent party, this Troper (gay male) participated in a grown-up game of Spin the Bottle. Despite the gender ratio being about 70% male in this particular game, for the first half of the game, every single spin paired him with a girl. Which, though pleasant, was sort of not what he was going for. ** Though pleasant? You might be bi, dude. *** The physical act is pleasant regardless of orientation. **** In short: YMMV on what counts on being pleasant and what counts on being bisexual. No need for a massive discussion. * My roommate was obsessed with stage kissing, primarily because she had no opportunity to do so in our production. Finally, in a fit of desperation, she decided it would be a good idea to use me just to try stage kissing of the sort where one's hand remains in the way of lip contact. Her hand was misplaced and we accidentally kissed. In the words of our male friend who was present, "I finally got my wish to see you two (girls) kiss and your head was in the way!" * [[{{Tropers/Weimann}} This troper]] once [[FirstKiss french kissed his brother]]. It was at about age 13 or 14, his brother being two years younger. They were lying on top of their aunt's bed, just resting, but facing each other. It was long ago, so he doesn't remember how, but suddenly our lips met and somehow our tongues slipped out. Since we were both half-sleeping, I just noted that that felt pretty good, before realizing what actually happened and jerking his head away fast. He never spoke of it, and neither did his brother. It's possible his brother was asleep all the time, but he still [[{{Squick}} winces]] a bit thinking back at it. ** This Troper has to agree completely. It's happened between her and her younger brother. Moments like that, I find very Squicky... *Shudders* ** This Troper can relate, as she once accidentally kissed her younger sister while fighting in the hallway. It lasted less than a second, but the damage was done. The family had clam chowder for dinner later; I hasn't liked the soup since. Amusingly an incident with the same younger sibling (where the classic [[{{Squick}} "sticking your tongue out at each other is not a good idea"]] accident came into play) happened 3 years prior. * Me and a same-sex friend were wresling on a couch and she pinned me. Soso when we decided to get up and go dye my hair, I got up a little too quickly. Whoops. * This troper was leaning over to kiss her boyfriend on the cheek. He was turning his head to tell me something. Lips collided. Neither of us minded, but that day we learned something- Kissing + Giggling = Awkward. If you must do both, please, complete the latter before

engaging in the former. Well, [[{{Rule36}} Unless you]] ''[[{{Rule36}} really]]'' [[{{Rule36}} like that sort of thing...]] * A Puerto Rican friend of This Troper's tells of once going to greet a friend of the same sex with a kiss on the cheek, as is, apparently, customary in Puerto Rico. Unfortunately they were both a little offtarget... * (Female) Happened to me twice. In grade three my (same sex) friend and I went for each other's cheeks and had our aim a bit off. Last year (grade 10) I was talking to my male friend when his girlfriend (who was somewhat high on sugar) bounced up to us and threw her arms around both our shoulders, which had the result of pushing us toward each other. Hilarity Ensued. Also, this happened a couple of times to friends of mine. First time was in grade 8. We were at a Christmas party (no, we weren't drunk) and one of my friends was singing really annoyingly, so the other (also female) warns her (jokingly) that she'll kiss her if she doesn't shut up. She is dared to do so, further threatening/daring etc ensues until they both ended up leaning up/down at the same time. Hilarity Ensued. They continue to insist that it was the others' fault whenever the subject is brought up. The other time was when two female friends were posing for a photo with their tongues poked out and leant a little too close. ** A friend of this troper uses this trope to set up couples. Whenever she sees a guy and a girl facing each other who she thinks would make a good couple she jumps towards them and throws them into an impromptu group hug that often results in the victims getting an accidental kiss. No couples have resulted yet though several interesting stories have. * This Troper has trouble reading body language, and is kind of uncoordinated. These have happened ''twice''. Well, at least one of the times it was mutually accidental, but the other was [[FirstKiss really unpleasant]] for a first kiss and seemed to come practically out of the blue-- though I only realised later the other person had probably orchestrated it all along. * Once a friend of [[{{Tropers/Dinru}} this troper]] tried to ''invoke'' it. He walked up behind her and a friend of hers and just squashed their heads together. It didn't work. [[AllLoveIsUnrequited Damn.]] (But then, the two people nearly squashed together are now dating. Hm.) ** Seems like it worked after all! Just not quite in the way intended. :D Yeah, [[Tropers/MalachiteDragon this troper]] is a glass half full kinda guy. On a somewhat related note, my first one was an accidental one... waaaaay back in first grade, my best friend/crush at the time. We were being stupid and yelling at each other during recess, and I leaned forward a little too quickly... Yeah. Haven't seen her since the first grade, though, wonder where she went? * This Troper has woken up, still a bit drunk, to find a friend sleeping extremely close meaning that, on more than one occasion, she has turned her head and accidentally bumped lips. Thankfully any of the people this has happened with never woke up and this Troper enjoys the private knowledge that she's kissed everyone in the friendship group. It makes some conversations funnier; specifically 'who was your first kiss with?'

* This troper went to hug his female friend. He leaned left and she leaned right (everyone knows you're supposed to lean left!) and this troper wound up kissing her nose. She thought it was sweet. * This troper had this happen to him after his formal, with his date who he was "just friends" with. We had just come back to her house after the afterparty, and this troper had resigned myself to the fact that we were just friends, and went to give her a kiss on the cheek goodnight. However, we were both drunk, so somehow it turned into a full blown make-out session. We're now dating. Hoorah. * This male troper accidentally kissed a female friend on the hand in like second grade. No one seemed to notice, despite it happening at a crowded lunch table. Ironically, this was the friend that everyone accused the troper of having a crush on (despite their being just friends) and of kissing behind the bushes at recess (which didn't happen). * This troper was pretending to kiss a male friend as a joke. Unfortunately someone shoved him and... awkward... * Happened to This Troper in a kinda funny way. It was just before our last performance of our school play, so energies were high already. He and another (male) member of the chorus had a kind of running visual joke where they would stare at each other bug eyed while alternately bringing their face close in to the other person's (sorta like peering into their eyes close up). Anyway, the other guy stared... then he stared, bringing his face in closer... then the other guy stared, bringing his own face in closer still... then he stared, bringing his own face so close in that completely by accident he kissed the other guy full on the lips. There was a one-second pause as what had happened registered in their brains, and they both burst out laughing. And there was quite a lot of HoYay between the two during the rest of the night. * This Troper's seen this both straight and subverted: ** In his Calc class, there were two guys who always acted gay, just like the rest of the class. One day, one of them was eating pretzel sticks; the other asked if he could have one, so the first finished and put another barely in his mouth. Person B eats it. It then became a daily thing that they would take some small food thing and try to eat it, [[TemptingFate without actually kissing]]. Successful: smaller pretzel sticks (up to an eighth of a stick), various fruit snacks, an almond. Unsuccessful: Part of a peanut. ** The subversion had two of his friends, who were going out. They were sitting cross-legged, her practically on his ''lap'', heads together, noses touching the others cheek. And they would just sit like that and talk. Their lips were, at most, half an inch apart, and they were just idly chatting it up. In front of anyone who was nearby. It was actually pretty frustrating; because they were facing opposite directions, it was impossible to be stealthy enough to give one of their necks a little, tiny push... * When [[{{Tropers/MiraShio}} I]] was asleep in the clinic in second grade, my male classmates allegedly pushed a guy towards me, causing him to kiss me. Thank God I found out it wasn't true. * This troper's friend tends to accidentally bump her lips onto her classmates' cheeks on various school trips, A LOT.

* The exact opposite happened to me. I tried to kiss my first boyfriend back in middle school but he turned his head and I ended up getting his ear. * This Troper had it happen once while playing cosplay chess at an anime con. She and her new friend were dressed as two [[{{KingdomHearts}} male characters]]. Said troper was captured, but in her death throes fell on top of her new friend. [[{{HoYay}} Both]] [[{{LesYay}} camps]] became very amused. * This (now asexual, then straight with crushes on cartoons) troper was in kindergarten when she accidentally kissed a female friend on the lips. The worst part? There are strict rules against kissing at that school, but [[FamilyUnfriendlyAesop I lied about it when questioned and got away fine.]] Although, now I'm wondering how well I could get away with it with another female classmate (now at a school in a different town) who I kinda have a crush on. * I was saying good-bye to a friend in high school. Both of us being girls, we acted all girly, hugging each other good bye. I turned my head to peck her on her cheek when she turned my way and returned the kiss. I still don't know what her boyfriend's reaction was when he saw that. * My friend had a crush on one of our friends. So she was eating chocolate, and he wanted some, so she put the last piece in her mouth and said "What you gonna do?" So he walked up to her and was going to open her mouth with his hands to try and grab the chocolate, when I bumped into him forcing a kiss. They both turned red after this and then they proceeded to go out for a year after that. ** So the PG version of SexEqualsLove then? * This Troper mentioned trying to lick your ear in casual conversation, and both of his friends immediately tried to pull it off. They each happened to try to lick the ear facing each other, leaned in, and their tongues touched. Hilarity Ensued. * This troper, in the second grade at the oldest, had his first kiss when his crush (female) inexplicably tripped over him. It was a split second peck on the lips, but still. Then his two male classmates (the only witnesses) spontaneously kissed each other. As this troper now identifies himself as bi, that day, in retrospect, was very exciting indeed. * This troper was at a friend's birthday party. When her friend next to her was served cake, she proceeded to sneakily take said cake while her friend wasn't looking. Her friend noticed when she had the cake halfway in her mouth. This troper looked at her with a piece of the cake sticking out of her mouth and raised an eyebrow in an "I dare you" fashion. Her friend proceeded to bite the piece, but came in a little too close and ended up in an accidental kiss. * This male troper's first kiss was accidental, but in a very... nice way. This troper had gone out with a new (female) friend and another friend, having somewhat flirted with her all night long (in a very friendly, unserious way). We all headed back to my home, where they were going to drop me off before heading to their homes, and I tried to kiss her on the cheek, at which she turned her head a bit the other way, resulting in a almost kiss. Now, being a 15-year-old (at the time) {{Chivalrous Pervert}}, I leaned back with a grin and a very sly

"You wanted a full one, don't you?". Cue her grabbing me for a full make-out session. For my first kiss. And we going out for some nice 45 months later. Taking into account her huge...[[MontyPythonAndTheHolyGrail tracts of land]], I can say I was very lucky, after all. * [[Tropers/SoS This Troper]] had one earlier this week, sort of... He had met up with some female friends, and one of them had the bright idea to play "friend kiss chicken". He obliged, figuring she'd probably back off first, and he had a lot of male pride. Neither of them backed off, and they smooched. It was pretty good too. * This troper and one of his few female friends accidentally kissed. She tripped, I caught her, and she was a bit taller than me, though not too much. Me, while not being ugly, am not the best looking fellow, so I apologized quite quickly. The people around us didn't really see us kiss, so everyone assumed I tripped her. To save her embarrassment, I accepted the blame. She's been quite nice to me lately. * This troper and her girlfriend got together after an accidental kiss. We were both faintly drunk, camping, in the middle of freakin' nowhere, with a bunch of other girls. The other girls were all asleep. We had stayed up to talk and drink beer, in sleeping bags, outside the tent, by the lakeside. My now-girlfriend leaned over to reach another beer at the same time I shifted my weight to sit more comfortably, and we kissed. And then broke apart. I could ''see'' the thoughts going across her face at high speed, and then she leaned forwards and kissed me again. I had been in love with her for a year and a half, so I was [[CrowningMomentOfAwesome less than upset]]. The others found us in a curled-together SleepCute the next morning, and to this day have no idea that we did anything more than drink beer and gossip. Best night of my life. * This troper was at a party once, and for the amusement of a fellow straight male friend's girlfriend, started playing gay chicken. It is important to note that, in this particular circle of friends, playing gay chicken is very common. The two of us, specifically, are the kings of gay chicken in this group, outside of our actual gay friends, of course. So, with neither man willing to back off easily, we both leaned in too far and shared a rather pronounced kiss on the lips. Said friend's girlfriend was highly amused and demanded an encore. * This Troper very nearly experienced this trope. He was at a party at a friend's house, sitting on the couch next to another (male) friend. A female friend mentioned something about being called a bitch, and the discussion at the party turned to how meaningless a thing like the word "bitch" was, a point which This Troper demonstrated by leaning up very close to his male friend on the couch and saying, loudly, into his ear, "BITCH." The friend turned his head, and our noses touched, our lips barely separated by a tiny increment. We sprang apart, and quickly asserted to ourselves that "It was only nose!" Admittedly, with all the HoYay in our circle, even if the trope had been played straight, I doubt it would have been that big a deal. * This Troper was at a cast pool party with several fellow actors following a performance, and saw an interesting version of this trope when a couple of the boys decided to play gay chicken. Now gay chicken

was nothing new, but this instance was particularly hilarious (and fun to watch, considering they were both [[EstrogenBrigadeBait dripping wet and shirtless]].) They leaned in, stumbled, thrashed under the water for a bit, and when they both popped up the conversation went something like this: "You bit my ear!" "You grabbed my ass!" "I grab everyone's ass." Considering the massive [[HoYay HoYay]] that tends to go on backstage, no one thought much of this, but it was still one of the [[HilarityEnsues funniest]] things any of us had ever seen. * In the game "Birdie on a Perch," players partner up and a caller calls such commands as "Elbow to elbow!" and "Back to back!" until they say "Birdie on a perch!" and one partner jumps on the other's back. Well... let's just say nose to nose and cheek to cheek generate some interesting results if you're moving too fast. * This troper had a spectacular one of these that became a very intentional kiss. His boyfriend (who he had only kissed once before at the time) opened the door to an "empty" classroom right as this troper was about to throw it open and run out. Cue spectacular collision and awkward lip connection, followed by unexpectedly awesome kiss. * This troper[female] has done it a lot. Not to mention I give [[MarshmallowHell hugs]] that are tight-gripping and likes to glomp her friends a lot. Once, when really happy someone did something for her, she hugged them, and we were ice-skating at the moment resulting in, -->Female Friend: ROYCE! -->Me: -skids- What? -->FF: We're... then we fell. My tongue slid into her mouth and [[{{First Kiss}}it turned into a French kiss]] with a first kiss included. Now, this was on a field trip and everyone saw. Now I am much of a cold person and run away whenever someone has the real name of 'Trang.'. * This troper had a rather interesting one (as well as {{First Kiss}}) in 5th grade. A female friend and I were in gym class during a rollerblading activity and we were side-by-side just enjoying ourselves... [[{{Kids are Cruel}} until some kid pushes me in towards her]] and we lip-locked right in the middle of the gym. We both kinda just stared at each other awkwardly for a second before going back to what we were doing. About a week later, we started dating (as much as we could as 5th graders). * This troper ended up with his FirstKiss that way when a sassy lesbian was being her annoying self to my chagrin and I called her out on it,she came up to my face yelled something but got her lips to touch mine. * This troper's seven-year-old brother frequently does this. It's completely by accident, but since this troper's family is generally very squirmy and find it difficult to stay still it happens a lot. * This troper bumped into a then fellow eleven year old girl and this happened. To be honest, it was really short, so it probably didn't count. Nevertheless, it was enough for her to use as blackmail. Well, enough truth to elaborate upon anyway. ---I swear I didn't mean to go back to AccidentalKiss! Honest! ----


AccidentalPun * Along with my extremely awful IncrediblyLamePun[=s=], these are also a common problem for me. They're also just as lame. * "I don't hate you because you're gay, I hate you because you're a gaping asshole." ** And then I was asked to resign, but that's alright, because he was fired a month later. * This Tropette was roleplaying a lesbian character who tried to think of kittens to get her mind off of sex. She phrased it "thinking of pussycats". * This troper was once in an all city ochestra and when break came around my friends from other schools and I were talking about cool songs we did last year. I was like, "We did PhantomOfTheOpera and Music of the Night and they were fantastic (phantastic)". My friend said it was one of the greatest puns she's ever heard. * This Troper has a habit of doing them, but usually doesn't pick up on it until someone points it out. Cue head meeting desk. * A conversation with my girlfriend: --> '''GF:''' I made my mom's ringtone the Series/{{Batman}} contact is listed as Batman :3 --> '''Me:''' THAT. IS. [[BatmanBeyond BEYOND]]. AWESOME. -->, no pun intended... * From [[@/UltimateChimera this troper's]] Modern History class: --> '''Teacher''': "So make sure you keep an open mind an-" --> '''Student''': "Uggghh..." --> '''Teacher''': "What?" --> '''Student''': "That was a terrible pun." --> '''Teacher''': "Huh?" --> '''Student''': "You said keep an open mind... and we just saw JFK get shot in the head." * In a [[DepartmentOfRedundancyDepartment recent conversation I had today]], a friend and I were talking about horny sea creatures. She mentioned horny narwhals. I informed her that they were actually just teeth, and she was confused. Upon further questioning, I found out that she didn't even realize what a great pun she had made. * [[@/{{Nyperold}} This troper]]'s cognitive processes are [[PungeonMaster geared toward puns]], so it is to some extent no surprise that he would occasionally phrase something in a punny way without realizing it. He usually catches it in time to add something like "(Pun not intended, but not refused, either.)" at the end. [[HurricaneOfPuns (The vast majority of his puns are intentional, however.)]] He also has a habit of noticing other people's accidental puns. * [[@/{{OhNoes}} This Troper]]'s friends are veritable FONTS for these. Some include: -->(while walking along rocked embedded in a stream to cross it) '''Friend''': "Because the bridge is TOO MAINSTREAM!" * This Troper became a source of these whilst talking to herself and

playing {{Persona 4}}. Highlights included "Is everybody cool with that? (after checking to see if the enemies were okay with Ice Attacks)" and "I have Satan! Thank God!" ---I would not be [[strike:lion]] lying if I told you that [[AccidentalPun this button]] would bring you back to the [[strike:mane]] main page.

AccidentalTruth * A couple of years ago ThisTroper made a fake screenshot of [[SuperMode Super]] [[SonicTheHedgehog Sonic]] in GreenHillZone from [[Game/SonicTheHedgehog Sonic 1]]. Fast forward to several days, and to my surprise, I discovered a ROM hack that added Super Sonic to Sonic 1.

AccidentalUnfortunateGesture * This Troper has seen several people she know point with their [[FlippingTheBird middle finger.]] Including her 8th-grade teacher. * The person promoting immersion foreign language lessons at this troper's high school consistently opened her sales pitch with a story in which a University of Texas alumna attempted to get the attention of a handsome fellow alumnus across a crowded Italian square by flashing the university's [[ signature hand gesture.]]

AcheyScars * This She-troper has a scar that starts at the corner of her right eye, and extends down the bridge of her nose. Needless to say, it hurts like hell when she cries what with salt and all that. * This troper has a scar on her forehead(it's mostly faded by now) that she got from running into the corner of a bedpost when she was younger that was oddly reminiscent of Harry Potter and use to ache all the time. Cue jokes about me being the child that survived and whatnot. * This troper has several scars on her thigh from self-injury that always ache when she's in a bad mood. Severe depression causes it to feel like being stabbed. * This type of pain is usually of [[YourMindMakesItReal psychological]] origins. For example, if you have a scar on your arm from a jigsaw-related accident, there's a great chance that if you even see a jigsaw, or hear it working, that scar will hurt a bit. See also: [[ phantom pain]]. ** I can't be the only person here whose first thought was of jigsaw ''puzzles''... *** Never even occurred to me to think of the ''saw'' as opposed to the puzzle until your comment. *** This Troper now has an image of someone being seriously injured in

a jigsaw puzzle accident. **** This Troper is a jigsaw-puzzle fanatic, and is now looking over at her latest project with great worry. ***** This Troper's best friend has a scar from a wooden jigsaw puzzle piece. Don't use them as slingshot projectiles. **** And this thread right here is exactly why I love being a troper. * This can occur if a scar develops into a [[ keloid (WARNING: POSSIBLY DISTURBING PHOTOS.)]]. * One troper has an appendectomy scar that occasionally aches for reasons not entirely clear. ** Must mean it's gonna rain. *** I thought that was swollen joints. * [[ Adhesions]] can result as a junction between scar and normal tissue. Believe me, these hurt * Nerve damage can result in this too ** Or when the scar tissue is putting pressure on a nerve bundle. * Yup, like shingles. Years afterwards- tingly pain, numbness... AND (as the icing on the cake) total lack of sensation.... * [[{{Tropers/Sharysa}} This troper]] has three scars from when she was a baby: A crescent-shaped one on the back of her hand, which her parents cannot decide how she received (Dad says a nurse accidentally scratched my hand with a needle, Mom says it's a burn), and two scars on her stomach from a hernia operation and the subsequent feeding tube. Her operation scars ache after straining her stomach muscles, which is a boringly logical reason, but her hand scar only aches after some sort of significant impact (falling and catching herself) or lifting something heavy. It's supposed to be dead scar tissue by now, and having pain shoot through her hand like she just wrote with a [[HarryPotter Blood Quill]] is NOT fun. ** Scar tissue in bones dilates differently than normal bone tissue. * [[Tropers/{{Gerusz}} This troper]] has such a scar in his right hand and it can hurt a lot when exposed to sudden changes in temperature. * Not sure if it goes here, but this troper's boyfriend broke his hand in multiple places rather badly a few years ago. Ever since then, he's had what he describes as a constant dull ache in the one hand. Usually he's completely functional, but I've woken up a couple of times to him curled up in a little ball whimpering because of the pain in his joints. Not fun. * Both played straight and averted by this troper. I had back surgery over 20 years ago, and have scar tissue inside and outside. The ''inside'' scar tissue hurts like hell sometimes, but the exterior, visible scar tissue is completely dead. * This troper has a rather nasty example. Due to getting molten asphalt stuck to his hands years ago, his palms are noticeably discolored. Occasionally, though, he gets a... ''gnawing'' feeling in them. Feels like bugs are trying to chew their way in. It's vaguely reminiscent of the burn, but he suspects it's at least partly psychological. * Hi all. *sigh* You can call me Lucky, although I'm not....Anyway, I, too, have aches. My hips leave me whimpering like that poor fella up

two posts. Only when it's very cold, though. I am FortunateKitsune, formerly SparklingAngel. Yay for easily forgotten passwords. * I get keloid scars, which truly suck. The biggest is from when I fell down the stairs and had the skin of my elbow ripped off by a nail. The stitches scarred as well, so it looks like one giant centipede. I had surgery to reduce it, as it freaking HURT, but I still have a scarring problem. I got this thing called foliculitis and basically, I'm now covered in tiny scars from hair folicules getting infected. They were so itchy I scratched without knowing it. Now my lower legs, thighs, stomach, breasts, and arms have scarring. Most are fading, though, but the largest ones hurt to touch. Mercifully, my back surgery scar only hurts when it rains. * This troper once fell and injured her knee, rendering it unusable for several weeks. Although there is no visible scarring, it frequently pops or clicks, and when the weather changes rapidly, it starts to ache like the dickens. * [[Tropers/{{endlessness}} This troper]] has one of those on his right knee, from a bicycle accident some 11 years ago. Not that it hurts, but sometimes it itches EXTREMELY annoyingly. * This troper has 3 major scars. Two on the back of his shoulders, each about a finger thick and only half as long as a finger, from a very bad case of Acne and one on his knee where he fell into his bycicle, and had to get it stitched together because you could see the bone. Only the ones on the shoulder are itchy, fortunately not all the time and just when being to hot. * [[Tropers/{{Smerf}} This]] troper's machete scar doesn't ache, but it sure as hell still itches. * This Troper broke her arm (not entirely sure if this counts) a year or two back, right below the shoulder. Though normally it's fine, it aches a lot when the weather is about the change. My own personal forecast... * This Troper had his right hand doused in liquid CO2 after a canister had its safety valve sheared off. After recovering from what were the equivalent of 3rd degree burns, the skin grew back quite nicely with minimal discoloration and there's hardly any evidence of the accident ... except the occasional sensation that someone is sticking 1000 needles through my palm. * I have a raised lump over the area where I had surgery (not as large as a keloid, but looks similar) that can itch badly at times. The other scars I have don't hurt at all. * This troper was stabbed in the back with a compass, just along the right shoulder blade, which still plays at certain temperatures. On the bright side, [[LaserGuidedKarma the offending chap broke his leg less than a week later]], so I feel less than bitter at him (not due to vengeance, I swear). * This troper was cut with a large kitchen knife when she was younger. I'm still not exactly sure what happened, but it had something to do with me falling on the knife. I have three diagonal scars across my face that ache when I'm really mad. They look like the scars Remus Lupin has in the 3rd HP movie, so I get a lot of jokes about that from my friends (HP fanatics) * This troper had

[[ pg snakebites]] that were done badly (tip: if a place advertises $20 piercings, there's probably a reason). I was allergic to the jewelry, a lot of trauma happened to the area during the piercing (there was visible bruising), they got infected, and they were still bloody and painful after three months when I finally took them out. To this day, I can feel the...well, ''tunnels'' where the piercings were, and I'll get a stabbing pain if something hot or acidic hits my lip. * No visible scars in this troper's case, but a sports injury to my left knee occasionally aches in cold or wet weather, and occasionally I'll wake up to what I believe is called a "charlie-horse" that causes me to scream in pain and limp for half a day. * Edgy has a cartilage piercing that never healed probably and still hurts if messed with years after he let it heal up. ---Go back to AcheyScars, even if that old wound still hurts! ----

AchievementsInIgnorance * This Dutch kid knew better English than any teacher at his school by age 8. How? creative use of subtitled cartoons. * This is pretty much why everything my brother does succeeds. * When this trooper was in kindergarten, she read ''The Hobbit,'' surrounded by classmates mouthing out the words to TheBerensteinBears. She picked it up on the logic that "I like and understand dragons. This book has a dragon on the cover. This book should make sense." And so it did. * This bit from the main page "Susan Sto-Helit successfully teaching seven year-olds algebra and, when told it's too hard for them, replies that so far they haven't figured that out." Though examples of children learning something before adults would think they're ready to learn it are probably Truth In Television. A bright child may be reading books meant for adults by the age of eight or ten, though they probably won't understand everything they read" really sums up [[TheWanderer this troper's]] reading ability as a kid. No one told me that it was unusual to pick up a book on my own and start reading for pleasure at 3, or to start reading LordOfTheRings at age 7. And yes, in the case of more complex material like Lord of the Rings, I got much more out of it during various rereads through the years. ** This troper had the same sort of thing. I was reading high school level books in third grade, and and easily read a full novel in an hour or two. ** Same here. I've been reading the full length Star Trek novels since third grade. In fact, my mother actually encouraged this. ** Same here. both myself and my little sis were reading college-level books when we were in 8th grade. I was all like 'but they're in our school library! Shouldn't they be at our level!?' ** This troper had a reading age of 14. When he was 8. ** ...well I was reading at a high school level pretty much as soon as I actually bothered learning to read (beginning of first grade so older 6), and by the end of the year (7) was reading at a college

level. But, before that I was so fascinated with animals that I would pick obscure animals and get a bunch of books on them (and make my mom read them). Since this was the early '90s (no internet) that basically meant college level stuff. I had a larger vocabulary before I could read then most people ever attain. ** And I was reading at least at a 6th grade level -- ''and'' understanding everything I was reading -- at the age of four. My mom "taught" me how to read by reading out street signs when I was 1, and I can recall reading real books when I was 2 in my grandparents' back yard. When I took a standardized test in the 5th grade, my reading comprehension and vocabulary skills were both ranked "past high school". So add me to the list of "examples of why it's not good to paint with a broad brush" there. ** I had a 9th grade reading level in 5th grade, which isn't astounding by itself compared to other people on this page, but has an interesting story to go with it. In elementary school we had books marked for different reading levels and weren't allowed to read above ours (well, we could, but they didn't like us doing so). Before the test that showed my 9th grade level I had a 3rd grade level (don't ask how I managed to jump 6 levels in a year), so I ended up having the teacher take a 4th grade book from me because it was too high (even though I wasn't having trouble with it). A few months later it's revealed that I have one of the higher reading levels in the school (beaten only by the advanced class kids, most of which happened to be my friends). ** This troper hated when early grades had read-alongs where students would take turns reading out loud because he kept reading ahead of the rest of the students, and then got in trouble with the teachers when he didn't know where they were when it was his turn to read out loud. *** happened all the time, eventually half my teachers gave up and would just not call on me because i would always do this but still get the tests right... ** I don't think the problem lies in our extended abilities to read but in our failure to properly rate at what level your able to read. * The other kids in my elementary-school reading group were convinced I was cheating when I read without talking. I didn't really realize that was the norm until that day. ** This troper, a similarly gifted reader, had no idea that reading without sounding things out, in early elementary school, ''wasn't'' normal, and quietly pitied (and snickered at) the kids who couldn't. ** [[{{Tropers/Absynthe}} I]] had real problems in first grade because they made me take phonics. I'd been reading independently since age 3, ''because I wanted to.'' I read Pearls of Lutra by Brian Jacques at age 5 (which is about 300 pages and marketed to older audiences), and once when I had just started reading my parents found me reading Dr. Seuss backwards when I got tired of reading it forwards. I had no idea that other people couldn't do this, and got annoyed when my classmates struggled over words. ** I read the Dragonlance series when I was in 5th grade, or around 9 or 10 years old. * This troper has achieved impressive Photoshop-like effects in Adobe Photo Deluxe (a very nerfed photo editing program that came with her

printer), mainly because she never knew it wasn't suppose to be capable of that, and afterwards saw no reason to stop. * [[{{Tropes/Beyondnor}} Personally]] I have suffered from this and TooDumbToLive...SIMULTANEOUSLY. I had can-opened a soup can, and I didn't want to have to push the metal lid down into the glop to get it out ( I don't like many foods), so I, being brilliant, grab a fridge magnet and plop it up, only to realize it was hanging by a tiny shred. So, logically, I think "Well if I grab it I can just twist it loose." Did I grab the flat sides? No, I gripped the edge and sliced my finger a little. -round of applause* This troper in 3rd grade finished Order of the Phoenix in a day. In 5th grade I had a 13th grade reading level. Like some people said I always wondered why the kids couldn't read quietly. I also pity the people who can't read quickly. * While not as impressive as some of the other examples on this page, this troper managed to read all of ''War and Peace'' in six days. During school time (my school works us half to death and we have ridiculously long hours). This troper also managed to read all of Book 2 of ''The Faerie Queene'' in one day. In addition, this troper reads aloud quickly and fluently and didn't know other people weren't like her until she was in year seven. * While not as impressive as some of the other stories here, [[{{Tropers/teamphineas}}This Tropette]] was reading picture books unassisted at the age of 4, and was reading chapter books by the age of 6. * [[{{@/MarinaDelGrapes}} I]] taught myself to read before I could talk, was reading classic novels by preschool age, and... picked up ''The Hobbit'' at age ten, found it incredibly boring, and did not finish it until age fourteen. Played straight and subverted in my case. * This troper remembers, at age 6, reading "Mr Impossible" from the Mr Men books, and being amused that the characters thought ''reading upside-down'' was impossible. Never had any difficulty doing that. * This troper ({{Tropers/ElegantVamp}}, my profile DOES exist) taught herself to read, and actually began reading books when she was two. Her parents thought she just memorized the words until they recorded her reading aloud from a Clue Jr. book at around 4. Her kindergarten teacher didn't put her in a reading class, because most of the other children were just learning the alphabet... * This tropette taught herself the ability to sing and dance at the same time. This is apparently really hard to do in real life, but hey, she can do it. * Can it be considered an Achievement in Ignorance that the Troper Tales page for Achievements in Ignorance managed to get several examples despite most of them not pertaining to an achievement ''due'' to ignorance? There's a difference between "did it because I didn't know I wasn't supposed to" and "did it because I'm smart". ** I think so. * This troper has an odd one. Like many of the examples on this page, she taught herself to read prior to starting kindergarten; that's not the trope. Because of this, the powers that be in her elementary school decided that she should spend part of every day reading with a

second grade class. They ''did not tell her parents'', and she didn't think it was odd enough to mention at home until one day at dinner, when she casually mentioned that the neighbor boy (who was in the class in question) had been out sick. It simply never dawned on her that oh, Mom and Dad might find it interesting that she's being put with kids two years older than herself for an hour every day while her classmates are learning colors. Though this may be more of an ignorance ''of'' achievement than a proper [[AchievementsInIgnorance Achievement In Ignorance]]. * This troper had not played WorldOfWarcraft in many years. His brother had played more recently, but not in a while. This troper started playing again before his brother did, and at one point logged off while taking a flight path, which he had never before done and could only assume would leave his character at the destination when he next logged in. When he logged back in, his brother, not knowing Blizzard had changed this, told him he would appear only part of the way to his destination, having been ejected from the flight path. When he found himself at the destination, his brother declared that it had only worked because the troper was unaware that it didn't. * This is how the troper approaches pretty much everything. Once he learns the basics he figures out the rest through experience, whether it be strategies in Chess, techniques while bowling, or tricks for coding that often work leaving the expert teachers baffled. * This troper grew up in Russia, where children are expected to know the multiplication table by heart in second grade. Then, in third grade, my family moved to the US, where I was lauded as some sort of amazing mathematical genius because all the American third graders had trouble adding numbers that were bigger than a single digit, and could only multiply by physically walking up to the poster, putting their fingers on the numbers they wanted to multiply, and moving them together to the product. * This troper has been told several times that my finger memory on the piano is astounding; once I know a song, I know it and I can play it without looking at sheet music; I can actually play most of my songs with my eyes closed (the songs aren't remarkably difficult, though). I didn't realize that I wasn't supposed to be able to do that so well without tons of practice. * [[Troper/{{Valbinooo}} I]] guess an advanced high school choral group that went gold on Group I/II division (the highest level high school contest divisions)isn't really supposed to count rhythms without using a very...[[InsistentTerminology Beat-oriented [[spoiler:for the curious, the ta-ka-di-mi]]]] system as opposed to the more reliable numerical system (1 e + a 2 a 3 e a, for example) that all the band kids learned in middle school. Most [[{{egregious}} egregiously]], this applies in SPADES to counting out triplets for some reason (band kids use 1 + a method, choir kids use euphemisms that confuse me more than help me, generally on time signatures like 6/8). Though to be fair, the ta-ka-di-mi system was introduced by our student teacher, but my director liked it as well. *head-->desk* ** OP still, sometimes my teachers can't believe that I would be able to figure out how to do X by myself even though I just did it. Usually applied to math/science/music, especially in elementary school. Might

have been the fact that, well, I read most of the day and was very quiet. Subverted by my fifth-grade teacher who was fine with reading/doodlign in class as long as I kept my grades up. ** AND since at least 6th-8th grade, my reading level has been up around the "Post-High-School level" area. Obviously my english teacher was impressed with it, but I honestly thought the reading level test was ridiculously easy. * I used to jump out of my bedroom window onto my front lawn regularly for fun, or at least I remember doing it. This was when I was a very young child, before I even started going to school. Last time I saw the house, I looked up at that window and wondered how the hell I did it. I'd break every bone in my body if I tried it today. If I did actually jump out before, it can only be this trope at work. I must have thought it was possible from watching too many cartoons. * Lots of people claim to be so bad at cooking that they can burn water. This troper once actually managed it - a stainless steel saucepan of regular tap-water, and it ended up not merely burnt, but '''''on fire'''''. Both the steel saucepan, and the water, were aflame. To this day, this troper has no idea how he managed it. ** Based on recent articles I saw, I think I have an idea. I've heard of some places that have had... methane, I believe, or some sort of flammable gas, leaking into their water supply. Videos have been posted of people turning on the tap water, igniting a lighter, holding it to the water, and having the flowing water turn into flowing fire. * I know a guy who can perfectly be described as the intersection of AchievementsInIgnorance and CloudCuckoolander. The leading theory is that he can teleport and breathe underwater because he's too stupid to know you can't. * I remember an exercise during gym which (aside from being hard to describe) had us with our arms stretched upwards on a bar facing one direction. The exercise required us to get on the other side of the bar facing the opposite direction without touching the ground. After seeing everyone else struggle getting over the bar this troper decided to drop down under the bar and pull up after turning around thinking it would be much easier. Only later did I learn this was the hard way. * This troper does this often, especially when programing. Actual quote: --> Teacher: "Wait... you shouldn't be able to do this and have the program still run." --> Me: "Really? Oh." --> Upon running it again (without having made any changes), it fails to run. * This troper heard Cher's "Believe" and thought the vocal effect was cool. She was about nine or ten at the time, terribly sheltered from what goes on in pop music production, and completely ignorant of Autotune. So she practiced and practiced for months to try and sing the vocal effect the way it was on the album version of the song. She succeeded in producing a sort of yodeling noise that sort of sounds like the effect, if you do the aural equivalent of squinting. ---[[AchievementsInIgnorance Oh man, how do you link back to the main page again... oh wait, there it goes!]]


Achron * In a recent game against three [=AIs=] (Green, Yellow, and Teal), Green was defeated almost immediately by Yellow or Teal. For the bulk of the game, my forces fought Yellow's and generally won. However, possibly because I defeated Yellow relatively far into the past, Teal was allowed to grow strong and ended up fighting me at all the times Yellow had before. Perhaps it was just because the traps I had set for Yellow were markedly less effective against Teal, but [[TheManBehindTheMan it turned out Teal was a lot stronger than Yellow]]. Note that this was a ''single-player'' game; by all reports multiplayer is even better. ** More entertaining story from same troper: after winning a small skirmish, I built a [[CoolGate chronoporter]] and sent some units back in time to soften up the enemy there. As planned, the skirmish went even better this time around, but now [[TimeParadox there were units standing on top of the construction site]], and since this was in the unplayable past, I couldn't change their orders. I watched as the chronoport was undone, but since I had already won the battle without reinforcements from the future, I wasn't worried... until I realized that now the chronoporter would be rebuilt and the chronoport would take place again. Because the chronoport destination had fallen off the mutable timeline (meaning nothing that happened there would have any effect), I was forced to watch helplessly as my units [[TooDumbToLive chronoported off of the timeline and were lost]]. * Nanites, just nanites. In a row of multiplayer games I managed to infect a single unit in the vast (10-20) amount of enemy forces. Then when I gave it a movement order the ''whole army moved with it''. Talk about jackpot, I managed to infect the hierachy leader. A quick nonaggressive movement order later the whole army was walking peacefully in order to be minced by my base defences wihtout resistance. ** But in the next match, I think I am safely camping in my corner with no enemy in sight, when I start to wonder why are my resource stashes so low. Then I find that a mech of mine has built a group of 10 turrets in the map corner where they have virtually zero chance of intercepting anyone. And the build events are too far in the timeline for me to undo them. If only would I have spotted that sooner... *** Speaking of nanites, this troper was just playing a game of Achron against the AI (that has lasted longer than an hour) and has made heavy use of nanites. The enemy was a lot stronger than me but built nothing but mechs (I later discovered that the AI had no importers) and sent them in continual waves at me weakening me considerably. At one point I idly infected an enemy mech with nanites and retreated it from battle and a couple of other mechs followed so I realised I had infected a hierarchy leader. I then made sure my base well defended with all the other units I had left and scouted out the enemy with my mech group. I found out that the enemy had no importers and no other units but mechs (this meant the AI couldn't build anything but mechs). I then used the mechs to take out all the enemy turrets and built a few Zayin Terchers (units that can cloak, only turrets and a few non-

mech units can see cloaked units). I then upgraded my Zayin Terchers to self-teleport and sent them on cloaked hit-and-run missions to take out the enemy factories (mechs can't build factories so doing this would mean the AI wouldn't be able to build any more) and mechs. That way I was able to eliminate all the enemy units at no extra cost to myself, winning the game. * In a recent single-player game this troper played I researched gate tech near the beginning of the game, built a chronoporter and used it to send a marine back in time to build extra resource processors so I get more resources. Unfortunately the cost of buildings those RPs meant I couldn't research gate tech so as soon as I had the resources I researched gate tech but it wasn't finished researching in time to build the chronoporter so I built another one as soon as gate tech was finished researching but then it wasn't charged up in time to send the marine back so I waited until it was charged and sent a mech back in time to build another chronoporter next to the one I had at the moment further back in time before it started building so I had a working fully charged chronoporter in time to send both the marine and the mech back in time, averting a potential paradox. Complicating matters further was that before I sent the marine back in time I told my factory to build a couple of tornades, under the assumption that when I had extra RPs the tornades would get built, so I had to deal with them building and draining my resources while I was trying to fix things with the chronoporter. I still have a save game of that so I can hopefully make a replay later... ---Back to {{Achron}} ---<<|TroperTales|>>

AcidRefluxNightmare * If this troper eats anything within an hour of bed he'll dream he's in math class. According to his twin brother who he shares a room with, he literally raises his hand and says, "64! 98! The square root of 9 is 3! 18!" Every time he says the exact same thing. ** When I eats before bed I have this dream where I tell Justin Bieber he looks like he's 12 and sings like he's six. I then break his nose. * This editor has amazingly vivid dreams (though not nightmares) if he eats a slice of garlic pizza within an hour or two before going to bed. Tested numerous times throughout college, and actively sought more than a few times. ** [[ Apparently, you're not the only person who's affected this way by garlic.]] ** For this troper, it's hot cocoa. She suspects it's the combination of caffeine, sugar and milk that does it. ** Huh. The most this troper's experienced when she eats garlic is having a dream about StephenColbert working in a local ice-cream shop. It was awesome in the dream, and the thought is even better in waking life. * Not nightmares, but according to this troper's parents, he used to

sleepwalk if he ate pretty much anything within an hour of bed. * This troper can't sleep without being full nowadays. Never does anything odd... ** This troper doesn't eat ''immediately'' before bed if she can help it, but hates going to sleep on an empty stomach. As far as she can tell, it has no effect whatsoever on her dreams. * Once this troper ate about [[BigEater ten smores]] at a sleepover and her friends woke her up yelling "GET OFF THE BOXCAR! MR. MUELLER IS GOING TO KILL YOU!" our [[SadistTeacher Algebra teacher, of course.]] * Another troper also cannot sleep if she's getting hungry. Her stomach has awakened her to demand input (and she's not exactly low on body fat. Sigh). About the only ingestible she has found affecting dreams is melatonin (can be found in the supplements aisle, and is quite helpful for insomnia. Just be careful of the dosage). A mild dose makes for quite vivid dreams, too high a dose produces nightmares. * A version of this occurs when my cousin has anything with sugar before going to bed. If he does this, he'll sleep walk and do things from watching someone sleep, peeing on a carpet, (if he didn't want this to get out, then he shouldn't have so casually told us about it) and ''getting cuts from knives''. * This troper, as part of April Fools Day, got what he thought was ragweed and [[KickTheDog put it next to his sleeping sister.]] What he didn't realize was that it wasn't ragweed, but mugwort. The next day, his sister wakes up and proceeds to tell him about the horrible nightmares she had. Oops. * Strong pizza led to a dream wherein this troper destroyed all of existence. Yeah, that was a mind shaker. "Reality, I kills it." ** [[{{Specialist290}} Yours truly]] seems to have a number of unusual and vivid dreams after polishing off a pizza as well. * [[DaNuke Da_Nuke]], who always munches a little something before sleeping, knows by onirical experience he should always keep some Losec and a couple of Alka-Seltzers in his bedroom... * This troper and her friend discovered that if you eat low sodium wheat thins (slightly stale) about 5 minutes before bed you have weird dreams about head shrinking aliens. * One time when I was really sick, my mother thought it would be a "good idea" to have a slice of orange before bed because it would kind of cure the sour throat I had at the time. Immediantley after I ate that slice of orange I had a weird Tim Burton-esque nightmare which was set in a shopping mall at xmas time, there was a path leading directly to Santa's workshop, I follow the path and end up on a conveyor belt of some kind heading for some sort of machine that [[BalefulPolymorph turns people into living plush toys]]. And unfortunately i'm one of those people on the conveyor belt. I end up undergoing a rather gruesome transformation into a living, talking, plush bat of some kind. It also probably didn't help that the plush bat form I ended up morphing into was a walking, talking [[NoCelebritiesWereHarmed Peter Lorre Expy]]. Obviously my mother wasn't too bright (she's TheDitz in my family you know). * Sort of inverted with this troper, who has rather bizarre

nightmares if he forgets to have dinner. One in particular involved a tentacled baby which would feed on people and convert the remains into zombie minions, which would carry around the baby until it grew into a mountainous wall of fless. Ick. ** Also occurs with ''this'' troper; occasionally time will prevent a proper dinner, and while the other two meals can be missed, missing dinner tends to result in nightmarish dreams in which mundane imagery (a greenhouse, a lightning storm, a bunch of lavender growing in a pot) mixes with surreal and inexplicable terror. * Subverted (or averted) with this troper: She usually have awesome dreams when she manages to eat before sleep. Otherwise, they are bored, or just plain nightmares. * [[RiL This troper]] used to have amazing, vivid dreams any night after eating Doritos. * This troper had troubles sleeping one night, her mom put this weird herbal lotion on her chest, it supposably makes you fall asleep, she did, but it also made her have a weird dream about her parents leaving her to follow an oddly dressed funk band, to wrap things up she needs to get this herbal lotion drug tested. * For this troper, drinks with caffeine in it make her sleepy. However, one day she found an energy drink that not only kept her awake, it made her pretty hyper (Incidentally, subsequent uses since the first time, this troper has found that the drink has no effect on her). Combine this with an all-nighter she pulled to get an assignment done, and then come the nightmares involving her school infested with zombies. To be fair, she procrastinated a bit beforehand reading HighSchoolOfTheDead, so... ** Also, she is (probably) sure that it's not what she eats before she sleeps, but has woken up often with cuts on her face. With no reasonable explanation as to how that even happens. She's certain that she doesn't sleep near sharp objects, and her nails were too blint to cause any damage (nailbiting habit. She's almost completely broken out of it, though). There's a running joke among friends that it is either the result of this trope or that she is haunted by the ghost of an angry cat. * This troper once at one too many hot cheetos and then fell asleep on the couch. I had a dream about me and this creepy exchange student who was too much like Light to be natural. We were visiting and he discussed why there is so much crime, and I leave for the bathroom. I leave the bathroom, come back out to see him with Kira eyes and the Note, and he had my name nearly finished, all that was missing was the last two letters. My exit stunned him, and he stated fiendishly, "You were lazy yesterday, you didn't do your homework." It was also combined with the fact I had slept during the Deathnote episode Malice. Ugh * This troper found a new way of tempting fate. First, have too much garlic sauce with pasta. Then, see [[TransformersFilmSeries ''Revenge of the Fallen'']]. Then, watch the AvatarTheLastAirbender episode "The Puppetmaster." Then, at one in the morning, watch the Series/DoctorWho two-parter "The Impossible Planet" and "The Satan Pit." Cue a dream about tentacled vampire witches, dead cities, demonic possession, being sliced to death by a living atlas, and

[[ArsonMurderAndJaywalking Dick Cheney in floral-print swimming trunks]]. And I did them all in one night. Oh, lordy, when I woke up I frantically looked around to see if I was still in my world. ** This troper would like to express sympathy and question the validity of the PotHole. * The worst nightmare This Troper ever experienced happened after eating half a bar of dark chocolate with orange. The worst part was that the dream was less conventionally 'scary' and more 'bad trip from the wrong kind of meds'. I can't remember much of it, thankfully, except the part at the end: I was sitting across from this horrific monster as it offered me pieces of (raw) human flesh to eat. And I knew that if I didn't eat, it would kill me... * This troper has a tendency towards weird dreams (not nightmares, just strange and random) in general. When telling her mother about a very recent, very ridiculous dream, her mother asked [[GenreSavvy "Did you eat anything funny before bed?"]]---* This troper was once given some expired Therma-flu for a particularly nasty case of the flu (We didn't notice the expiration until after that night), but after taking it, and falling asleep, this troper recalled a vivid dream involving getting clawed up by werewolves, and what was even scarier was that I still had the marks on my body after waking up... * Recently, This Troper bought a head of raw cabbage at the store for nostalgia's sake. I used to eat it all the time at my Grandma's, and it became a sort of tradition that suddenly stopped when I was about 10. Having not had it in so long, I wondered if I still liked it. I ate some before bed. Cue the weird but amusing dream of me being in a random wilderness, walking by a river rapid, shifting randomly between realistic and cartoon. Looking up at a tree and seeing a WOLF clinging to a branch dangling over the river rapids, screaming "Things are not meant to be on the ground! This is not right!" However, this troper is slow and had cabbage again the night after. What a clod. * [[ZootyCutie This Troper]] went out to Popeye's one night, and got really thirsty. Due to the fact that I had put too much ice in my soda cup, I had to refill it a couple times, leading me to drink three cups of Dr. Pepper. Instead of having strange dreams, I had strange DRAWING ideas! It lead me into drawing a picture of [[TransformersAnimated Perceptor, Wheeljack, and Mainframe]] doing the "Single Ladies" dance (complete with the same leotards and high heels from the music video). * This troper sometimes has literal acid reflux nightmares, waking up feeling like I'm choking on my own vomit. * This troper has horrible, bad-trip nightmares every time he eats too much chocolate or drinks too much coffee. This, of course, does not stop him from doing so. * This troper occasionally has acid reflux {{catapult nightmare}}s, waking up thinking he's going to choke to death on his own acid. Sometimes happens after eating too late. * [[{{Tropers.RAMChYLD}} This troper]] had one on 30th May 2010, most likely from consuming a whole regular sized Papa Johns cheese-only pizza and half of a large 1.5 liter bottle of Mountain Dew at two in the morning, immediately before hitting the bed. He had a nightmare regarding various strange things ranging from his neighbours somehow

being already able to get a channel that he wants so badly, [[FinalFantasyXIII Cid Raines]] turning into [[StreetFighterIV Gouken]] and then [[FinalFantasyXIII Hope Estheim]] developing a HoYay for him in a completely cliched western "follow the sun" scene that includes a portal, to his cousin taking something he doesn't have to revive said cousin's dead mother (which is being preserved in what looks like a bastard combination between [[FinalFantasyVII Jenova's cell]] and a standard cargo container, and is equally odd because far as this troper's knowledge goes, said cousin's mother isn't dead), to the troper's own mother being killed by ninjas. The nightmare guest starred Jackie Chan, Bruce Lee, Sammo Hung, Jet Li, The Ghostbusters and some Shaolin monks. Needless to say this troper was relieved as soon as he woke up and sworn never to eat such combination before bedtime again. * Try eating an entire bowl of Weet Bix with sugar, ground oregano, cumin and chilli in it (I was getting the sugar and, being the apparently CuteClumsyGirl I am, I knocked over the spice box. The containers with ground oregano, cumin and chilli in them burst open and spilled into the conviently placed bowl. Cue ClusterFBomb). I ate it anyway. What happened after I went to bed was a dream about dancing fast food items, singing a song about my being late for school, then I was running down my street, screaming, "WAIT!" When I got to the alleyway the bus went past, and then I was on top of a huuuge rock surrounded by water. I asked where I was, and got the answer "[[{{Fridge Logic}} Uluru."]] Which makes no sense because Uluru is in Central Australia. Then I woke up with my family in my room, looking at me strangely. I was apparently screaming, in this order: "MCNUGGETS! WAIT, THE BUS IS GOING, OH CRAP! ULURU DOES NOT BELONG IN THE INDIAN OCEAN!" I still get mocked for that. I've established oregano, cumin and chilli are generally not good mixes in breakfast cereals. * This Troper ate sausage-and-pepperoni pizza, a huge slice of cheddar cheese, a banana, a waffle with syrup, a vitamin, and a clove of garlic. Then he watched the latest episode of BurnNotice and typed up this section while listening to [[TheBeatles Revolution #9]]. He'll check in tomorrow and tell everyone of his progress. Update: No horribly weird dreams. He recalled the smell of a mall he visited a few days ago. His stomach also wasn't that hungry for breakfast...and he was uncomfortably warm. ** Some days later, after a meal of Wendy's, some ice cream, and a slice of cake, there was a dream that involved meeting JohnRomero - It was actually John Carmack with Romero's name, to make things weirder. * This Troper doesn't have this problem, but does have weird dreams (that end up turning into fanfiction fodder) on an empty stomach. * This troper once ate a bag of BBQ flavoured potato chips and drank half a litre of home-made lemonade before going to sleep. The dreams were about me shooting aliens with a double-barreled shotgun SeriousSam style... AND IT WAS AWESOME! * This Troper once took cough medicine late at night, and then woke up screaming "I DON'T WANT ANY COUGH MEDICINE!" following a nightmare involving being chased by a giant bottle of cough medicine. I think I preferred the cough.

* This troper has horribly violent and anger-filled nightmares if she eats chocolate at night. This somehow runs in the family; her uncle had to give up chocolate after dark because it would cause him to punch and kick in his sleep (much to this troper's aunt's dismay). * Not sure if this counts (feel free to edit it out), but this troper hates ham and cheese hot pockets for a ridiculous reason. First off, I hate the smell of it, and the first time I ate it, I literally had a dream about said hot pocket spinning around in a microwave, and as soon as I woke up, I ran to the bathroom and puked. ...Yeah. * [[{{@/Trkzsoup}} This troper]] had a series of vivid, nonsensical and disturbing dreams earlier in life, always when her mother gave her a glass of grapefruit juice before bed. The dreams even had some semblance of continuity between them, even on separate nights, weeks or months. She hasn't tried it recently, mostly because she dislikes grapefruit juice with a passion and doesn't want those dreams again. Ever. * [[{{@/Neakal}} This Troper]] recently went to bed shortly after having a Whopper and ended up having a dream where he was in his grandmother's home at nighttime. In real life, both the house and the surrounding garden was rather large and imposing, so the dream already had an upped NightmareFuel factor. Then I looked around and saw a certain [[SlenderMan tall, well-dressed and faceless figure]]. * [[@/PentiumMMX2 This troper]] used to have a love for the small chocolate pudding pies available at a local bakery...until having one right before bed caused him to have one really weird dream. In the dream, I was swallowed whole by [[TheLegendOfZeldaOcarinaOfTime Lord Jubu-Jubu]]; where I found myself inside an an even more realistically detailed version of his belly than what was in the game. My options for escape seemed slim to none...until I happen to find a random [[{{Disgaea}} Prinny]], which I proceeded to throw at one of walls in frustration of being left to die in there. The poor Prinny exploding on contact, which upset Jubu-Jubu's stomach, causing him to vomit; as I was swept along for the the very {{Squick}}y ride out. I woke up from that feeling very sick; as I swore to myself that I'd never buy another one of those pies. * Not really a nightmare, but after reading this, I tried eating some weird Indian snack-things my mom got cheap at a shop(pretty good, actually) before bed to invoke this trope. And it apparently worked... I dreamt that I was playing {{Zero Wing}}, only that it wasn't really Zero Wing but rather something the dream made up(I've never played the game). It started as a space shooter, where I had to shoot a bathtub off some spaceship. At least it looked like a bathtub. After that, it turned into a 3D platformer where you had to defeat bosses one after one. CATS was the 4th one, and we had to row a small boat to him to fight him, he was standing on a platform in the middle of the sea. Even though the rest of the game was 3D, he(and I think the other bosses) was a small, [[ShapedLikeItself pixel-ish sprite]]. (I can't remember the rest of the bosses, but I think one of them was a [[LittleMissBadass little girl with pigtails]]) After I had defeated the bosses, I could go into some school and visit them. Everyone was a big, 2D sprite/drawing, and everyone looked like themselves... except CATS, who for some reason looked like a normal person. He had a human

skin tone, brown hair straight down, no eyepatch, and I think he had glasses too. Actually, the only reason I knew this was actually him was the text showing his name. After a while, I went from the player in the game to the person playing the game... on a computer, actually. Shortly after, I turned off the computer and walked out of the room, which was actually not a room in our house, let alone a room I've ever seen before in real life. The computer screen was old and huge, and I haven't had a computer like that in years. Also, there were some scenes with [[TheSimpsons Lisa]] being sick, and some short clip from {{Family Guy}}, but I have no idea how these relates to the dream at all. Also, I was in some kind of weird state in parts of the dream... kind of like lucid dreaming or being half awake only that you can't control anything or not fully understanding it's a dream. It was a pretty cool dream, actually, and I'll try eating those things again today and see how it goes! * [[@/{{Valbinooo}} I had a dream once]] after drinking Mountain Dew and looking at the "Fuck Yeah Terrible Art" Tumblr. It involved my boyfriend [[{{squick}} being pregnant and giving birth to twins.]] Understandably, I never told him. *shiver* * I'm a subversion to this trope, as most of my bizarre dreams don't involve me ingesting any food before bed. Despite my dad's warnings, I don't have bad/weird dreams when I do that. But there was one time where I drank ''bottled water'' (it was Dasani. I usually drink Deer Park, which is what my mom drank when she was pregnant with me) before bed and had this dream where everything was in this white, frosted glass look (the vision was similar to what happens when I take off my glasses) and I was in a hallway or room that looked like one found in the upstairs of a really nice house (think a [=McMansion=], but better). Then I hear the splashing of bathwater and hear myself and my friend (who's a guy I have a crush on; I have mentioned him before in other TroperTales, like the {{Tsundere}} one) having a conversation (what it was about I don't really know; it could have been [[SeinfeldianConversation about nothing]]; though the first thing I hear was me saying, "Come on, why won't you let me wash your back?") and laughing as the bath water keeps splashing. I don't remember much else, and I woke up before I could see where the sounds were coming from, but the message was clear: I dreamt about spying on my own intimate moment, and for the life of me, I still don't understand it. Was I seeing an EroticDream under construction (it did feel incomplete)? Was my mind showing me a WhatCouldHaveBeen moment? Or was it like that water dream on ''TheSimpsons'' where Bart is riding down this river and the more water-related items he sees (including a waterfall, an elephant spraying himself with water, two firemen trying to control a hose, a thunderstorm with rain, and a cheerleader and a crowd chanting "Go! Go! Number #1! Number #1! Gimme a 'P'!"), the worse he has to go to the bathroom (I didn't wake up with a full bladder, so that's a long shot)? Anyway, I think I might try to invoke this trope just to see if I can channel that dream again and make sense of it. All I need is some junk food and some time. * If I eat before sleeping I end up more so in a DisneyAcidSequence. Usually the most effective food is meat such as chicken or pork and also broccoli and garlic.

* I had a dream a few night ago brought on by eating half an eightslice pizza hut pizza less than an hour before going to bed, I was the (still human) [[{{Happiness in slavery}} slave]]/mate to a dragoness, and spent most of the dream protecting her from knights and the general "slay the dragon" type people, it was actually a very cute dream, believe it or not. * I had some Raisin Bran straight from the box and Coca-Cola before bed last one night...bad idea on my part since I was having a conversation with my boyfriend during a late-night Halo session on what else the producers from the Scream saga/Epic Movie/etc. could 'eff up if they keep making anymore movies...cue a dozen characters painted up like [[JamesCameronsAvatar Na'vi]] and stoner references to Inception and Sucker Punch in a back-drop of awkward gorn and MassEffect-esque lighting. The "nightmare" was pretty cool, but waking up with a bad taste in the mouth from regurgitated midnight snacks wasn't. ---Eat some spicy sausage pizza and go back to AcidRefluxNightmare. ---<<|TroperTales|>>

Acrofatic * This troper is a real life example. She's obese, and continually surprises people with her ability to do things like holding her leg parallel to her body or cartwheel down the hall. One of her Acrofatic friends is also a LightningBruiser, who practices tai chi, judo, tae kwan do, and kung fu. * This lurker who is about two stone overweight for her age came 58th in a race. Said race consisted of around 200 participants and was around 6km in length, complete with steep inclines and downhill bits; she was considered the slowest of the marathoners, but was faster then people who actually do cross country. She also surprised a health visitor who found that she had the fastest recovery time in her age group after ten minutes of cardiovascular work. [[{{Naruto}} Chubbies rule!]] ** [[{{EPIC}} This Troper]] can second your last two words. 14, 5'5", 200 pounds, who is renowned to jump from my cafeteria table to the water dispenser, do that Russian kicking dance so hard that I hit someone in the shin, and [[strike:rape]] '''''[[TheGlomp glomp]] a teacher''''' to the point that I pull the latter's muscle, [[NiceJobBreakingItHero the teacher thinking a bone broke.]] I also like making the floor vibrate, and I'm pretty good at gymnastics (other than cartwheels and handstands because [[BigNo that's a different story]]). *** And thanks to the glomping incident, karma pulled/tore my hamstring because of it right before attempting a scissors kick (which I'm usually good at.) [[CrowningMomentOfAwesome Right after that, I decided to do one of my best Drama performances! :D]] * One of this troper's friends isn't fat, but she's short with broad shoulders, a slight paunch, large breasts, and a huge butt. She's also

an excellent dancer and so flexible that she can place her legs all the way to the ground in the butterfly position. * Ballet is significantly hotter when the girl doing it is a ''very'' curvy 175 lbs. [[AdamS This Troper]] wasn't referring to themself. I was referring to one of my dance classmates. It's kinda hard not to stare when she's wearing [[FetishFuel tights and a leotard.]] * This troper is 6'1", 250 pounds, not all of it muscle, and regularly blows past guys considerably smaller than him when playing football. Most people are usually left asking how the fuck Nappy got open AGAIN. * This troper is 5'4" and 190 pounds--mildly obese. While asthma messes with her cardio, she is extremely flexible, able to bend her elbows backward, kick her leg up to roughly chin level with relative ease, bend backward until she can see the wall behind her, and, with a corner to brace with, turn her body almost completely sideways while standing on one leg. This is stuff her mildly overweight mother and skinny cousins would be afraid to attempt, for most part. She also runs a pretty decent 60m because that's too short for her asthma to kick in. The funniest thing is, aside from her hands, which are messed up due to age and excessive typing, and touching her toes, which she's never been able to do well, this troper is much more flexible now that she's obese than she was when she was normal. This is probably due to better nutrition and energy levels. * This troper is 6'0" 363 pounds. Altough there is quite a bit of it is muscle, not as much as this troper would like. However this tropers is still capable of flexing his body to the point people wonder how this troper manages some moves without breaking something even if this troper was not obese. * [[NinjaMoogle 5'7", 260,]] [[BoisterousBruiser normally relegated to tank duties]]... and has better balance than any of 'em. [[SelfDeprecation Low center of gravity, I guess]]. * This troper's friend is 6'3, and weighs somes 230 - he ain't obese, but his is a chubby dude... and also the third fastest sprinter in the school district, strong enough to bench 250 pounds, and tough enough to keep running for 8 fucking miles without having to stop... and then there's the fact that he's almost as flexible as the ballet dancers here... * I subverted this. Granted, I'm not enormous, just a tad chubby. I can put my foot in my mouth and I frequently spin when I walk. * A friend in High School once told a story of a time he was playing DDR. The machine had two pads, as they often do, and while my friend was playing a very large man came up and asked if he could join him in the next round. My friend happily agreed, and after they set up the next match the man chose a very difficult song (which I have forgotten) on Heavy Mode, with the memorable quote of "Heavy men play on Heavy Mode", and proceeded to double A the song. ** This troper is 6'0, 300 lbs., and plays DDR. On Heavy mode. He is also flexible enough to kick himself in the face from a standing position. Ah, [[AwesomeButImpractical completely useless talents...]] *** That's a yo over here too, I'm hardly the buffest guy around, but can play about 15 minutes solid heavy (9 footer) or freestyle before a break, and usually goes through at least 20 credits worth of DDR, PIU or EZ2D per week.

* This troper tends to be like this as well. At about six feet tall and 280 lbs, with little muscle above the waist, he still manages to be able to dodge nigh anything, from a fist to a flying dodgeball. Most of this is sheer explosive speed, however, and he has little running speed/stamina. Probably has something to do with spending four years of high school and the last two years of college doing nothing but squats whenever he went to the gym (a thrice-weekly occurance). And pushing between six to eight hundred pounds in three sets of ten reps each time, at a minimum. Yet he still manages to be a huge geek at heart, if not by looks. * I am medically obese and swim fine (depends on your view of "fine" as in, not Olympic). I also think the lot above me are lying liars who [[RuleOfThree lie]]. * This troper is 6'3.5" and usually right at 250[[AmericanCustomaryMeasurements lbs]]. I have no running endurance (though can walk for practically ever), and tend to fall over if I'm not paying attention, but am [[strike: extremely]] ridiculously flexible in all joints outside of the spine, a decent sprinter (especially for obstacle fields, though not regular hurdles), and [[ArsonMurderAndJaywalking has the highest scores on]] WiiFit Balance, Yoga, and possibly Strength of anyone in his extended family. * [[PhoenixOasis This Troper]] is 5'1" tall, 205ish lbs, and because of his training in martial arts (although at roughly half his current weight,) can still perform a slew of high, flying, and spinning kicks, kip up, combat turn-roll, and perform a one handed cartwheel. He has no running endurance, but can run a 5.5 second 40 yard dash, and a 12.5 second 100 yard dash. He hopes to lose some weight and get back under 5.1 seconds for his 40. * [[MajorTom This Troper]] is definitely of this type. Weighing in at 215 lbs (98kg to our friends outside the US) I can run a 7 minute mile and do over 200 lbs worth of weight on multiple exercises involving the arms. And by no means do I look like a muscleman! I've even done some of the beginner level of LeParkour. * [[MalachiteDragon This Troper]] has always been like this, but it was to a more noticable extent when I was younger. Picture it: Elementary school, 1997. I'm the token fat kid who always gets picked last for teams, and the game of the P.E period is dodgeball. Thirty seconds later, I'm [[TheMatrix putting Neo to shame]] and pissing the hell out of the arrogant popular kids on the other side. I did eventually get tagged out...a full 15 minutes later... And then only because I slipped on one of the balls and couldn't get up fast enough... * 5' 9" 250 lbs and had a roomate who hates me because I was more limber than her, a 5'2, 105 lb ex-highschool gymnast. Did I mention she was also 10 years younger than me? ;D * Hee hee... Whenever it's the end of [[{{Ryumaru}} This Troper's]] school year, we just get to chill out all day and some people bring game consoles to school for the celebrations. In sophomore year, when I told an obese friend of mine that a Wii was being played in one of the classrooms, he made The Flash look slow when running down that hallway. * [[{{Bookhobbit}} This troper's]] sister is really big for her

age(she's fourteen, 5'10, and about 180lbs or so) and while she's not fat, she's chubby. That said, take it from someone who spars with her: She hits fecking ''hard'', can take a punch, and is pretty darned fast. She also happens to be a WrenchWench-in-training, so her build helps her lift automobile equipment and toolboxes. * This troper is fat and perfectly fine admitting this. She can also twist herself into knots that amaze anyone who hasn't known her a while, and will happily dance (albeit rather a peculiar form thereof, think modern-dance crossed with the classic 'I am a lost piece of seaweed' goth dance) for hours if there's the right music on. * This troper isn't as fat as some, but he could stand to lose quite a few pounds (235 at 5'11", bigger-than-average frame with an ideal lean weight of 190). He has always had a great sense of balance. Since middle school he has been pulling stunts like, while playing basketball on a tennis court and tripping, balancing ''on'' the basketball to avoid skinning up his knees and elbows. Or hitting a patch of ice in the parking lot, losing his footing but doing a practical handstand rather than fully falling down. Or while trying to dig a small tree out from behind the tool shed in his back yard, bracing his hands on the shed and walking up the tree trunk, then jumping on it sideways to get it out of the ground. * 5'10". 350 pounds. High school break dancing competition. I started off with a truffle shuffle, for a laugh, and then really broke it down. Came in second, to a guy that was six even and nearly 400. None of the skinny guys that entered made above fifth place. * Roller derby was mentioned on the original trope page; this troper has seen several training sessions of her local league, and would like to testify that the 5'10", extremely-plus-sized Babe Outta Hell is one of the greatest [[BadAss badasses]] she's ever met. * This troper was checking out the local Christmas lights in a group including a very large man-6 foot, 300 lbs if anything. One display was in a hilly part of town, on a lawn atop a rock-walled embankment. To get a better look, the man proceeded to climb the rock wall, with this troper (himself 5'8, 220 lbs) right behind. The ladyfolk couldn't figure out where we got off to. When they figured it out, the man's girlfriend (who prides herself on taking karate) said "Uh uh, I'm not climbing that!" This troper retorted, "Your boyfriend just did...what's your excuse?" before demonstrating how to climb the wall again for her. * This troper is 5'10 and 250 lbs(borderline morbid obese), but can do cartwheels and some limited breakdancing. * I'm 5'10.5 and 175 pounds, a bit overweight. I am the most flexible person I know. I could kick someone a few inches taller than I in the face. I can put both legs behind my head at once. I am of moderate stregth and not great endurance (asthma). I came in the first 1/5 of my gym class when we did the mile each day, that was more determination, as I am slow. * This troper is not exactly overweight,but recently she outruned her rather slender friend who was chasing her during a tag.Said friend stopped halfway when this troper didn't break a sweat * 280 pounds. Bikes everywhere. [[DanceBattler Capoeira instructor.]] * This Troper's aunt was recently engaged to one. COMPLETELY

JUSTIFIED, as he has a [[BadAss black belt in jiu-jitsu, and is a Navy SEAL.]] * [[{{Tropers.Metalitia}} This troper]] is currently 5'8, ~170 lbs. I USED to be 215 lbs. and back when I was a Junior and Senior in highschool, I was actually rather enthusiastically participating in my Gymnastics class. I couldn't execute a back-handspring, but I surprised EVERYBODY in the class more than once by successfully and repeatedly hitting a FRONT-handspring and being able to hold handstands for about 5 seconds at a time, even being able to handstand-walk a few steps before rolling through. MAN, that class was fun. I miss doing gymnastics, it's just that I can't afford actual lessons at this point. (BTW, I lost the weight so [[{{Transsexual}} I could get]] [[AttractiveBentGender in shape]] for transition.) * This troper himself is quite thin, but his rabbit is on the heavier side. She can still jump up to two feet in the air and run so quickly that you can't keep track of where she is, though. * This troper is a wrestler (though not pro, because that'd mean this troper is doing this professionally, which he isn't). At 5'9", 260 pounds, it is not exactly expected that he would : Move well, nor lift well. He generally ends up on massive losing streaks because most of the other wrestlers can actually perform their finishers on him. Most of his agility is thanks to a 2 and half year of tae kwon do, and continuing interest in martial arts. The following is a list of various Acrofatic examples that have wowed both the other wrestlers and the audience. --->- Used the Superkick as his finisher for the better part of two years. --->- Superkicked a 6'6" guy in the face. --->- Now uses the Stinger Splash as a finisher... from half the ring. --->- Has the highest vertical jump in all of the organization. * This troper's male line as a general rule. While we can get as strong as an ox, that fat isn't going away even with proper diet and exercise. * The amount of RealLife examples is enough to make this troper have a seizure. * This 6' tall, roughly 17 stone troper currently does reenactment grade swordsmanship as his main sport. Despite being a mite larger than even the instructor, I maintain the longest springing advance in the group, threatening roughly half the room we practice in at any one time. I also put my weight into cuts and apply the continuous pressure that is my interpretation of the 'stickyness' described in the book of 5 rings. This means that my sparring partners tend to leave bruised. My current sparring partner is unfortunately the group's fragile speedster, meaning that I can power out of his disarm attempts using only my [[CrowningMomentOfFunny little finger and thumb on my off hand.]] The demonstration we're giving at an event soon should be interesting to say the least. * This troper's sister counts. At 5'1" and 200 pounds, she's the fastest person on her track team. * [[{{Tropers.HomemadePsycho}} This troper]] is 6'0, 300lbs.His job involves climbing shelves ,unstable box stacks and generally moving around like a monkey.

Get back to {{Acrofatic}} much faster than anyone could have expected. <<|TroperTales|>>

ActionDressRip ---Head back to ActionDressRip...maybe someone there can fix it for you. ---<<|TroperTales|>>

ActionGirl * Last Thursday, when this troper went to his dance class, one of his friends brought his older sister along with him. At first, I thought she looked like a petite, 17-year-old YamatoNadeshiko... then, as it turns out, she's actually 20, she's in the army, '''AND''' she'd just returned from Iraq. And yes, she ''has'' been in battle before. -->'''Lamont:''' (Jokingly) She gets to kill people for fun! * This troper CANNOT write girly girls. Is it just AuthorAppeal, the fact that I'm male or something else? * A high school teacher can lift close to 175 lbs, stopped an armed robber with her bare hands, and has a '''Metal Plate''' in her left arm, making her close to the bionic woman. And yet she was on the Math Team in college. * One of [[Tropers/NewKidOnTheBlock This (male) troper's]] female friends made a ''DungeonsAndDragons'' character called Nacia, a {{Badass}} BlackMagicianGirl who has shitloads of super-powerful spells, swears like a sailor, and drinks like crazy. Sometimes, said friend (Grecia) allows another (female) friend of ours (Katie) borrow the character to play as, since Katie hasn't created a character of her own yet (although when she does, that character will most likely be pretty badass). One day, me, Katie, and Lukas (another friend) were playing, and Katie looked at Nacia's character sheet, and guess what age Grecia gave this character? [[LittleMissBadass Twelve]]. All this time, I'd been picturing this 22-year-old lady as Nacia, and she turns out to be ''twelve''! And apparently, she ''not'' underage, because in this made-up D&D world Lukas created, the legal drinking age is ''ten''. -->'''Katie:''' Dude, I'm twelve years old and I can kick ass! I am an ''awesome'' twelve-year-old! ---Yeah, you BETTER go back to ActionGirl, [[ThisIsForEmphasisBitch bitch]]! Or else Alice is gonna KICK YOUR ASS! ----

ActuallyPrettyFunny * In my drama club, a bunch of kids were making AIDS jokes, and one of

my friends [[DudeNotFunny told them to cut it out.]] [[ForTheFunnyz My response?]] --> [[{{Tropers/Haldo}} Haldo]]: Oh, come on, {friend's name}! You've got stay positive! --> Friend: EFF you! --> Haldo: sorry, sorry... --> Friend: No, it's ok. That was actually pretty funny. ** Also, usually I hate it when a work seems to buy into gay stereotypes, buuuut... the song "I wish I was queer (so I could get chicks)" is funny enough that I just don't care ;) * This trope was the only reason this ponderously-built troper made it through grade school. * Over last summer, This Troper was in the car with her parents on their way from the suburbs of Los Angeles (Where this troper lives) to Lake Tahoe. My dad was complaining about how fast my mom was going when it seemed like she wasn't going fast. Five minutes later, we get pulled over by Highway Patrol for going over the speed limit. I resisted the urge to laugh until we were back on the road. * In this troper's Ethics class, we somehow got on a tangent about the weirdest accidental deaths we had ever heard of (I suppose we were trying to figure out whether or not the person responsible for the accident should be charged with Depraved was very random.) I started telling a story I had heard about a women who snuck up behind a blind man standing on the edge of the Grand Canyon and yelled "boo", causing him to fall to his death. Another kid was talking about these two women who were decapitated by a low flying airplane. Then we started talking about a man who committed suicide by jumping off a building and [[BeyondTheImpossible on the way down]] was accidentally shot by someone inside the building who was attempting to murder his boss. Even our teacher was cracking up at how [[RefugeInAudacity absolutely insane]] some of these stories were, the whole class was in stitches. * In [[Tropers/That897Guy my]] high school art class, we had a substitute teacher on the day we went over the "5 Basic Shapes," which were filled-in circles, curved lines, empty circles (which I argued were basically just curved lines, to no avail), straight lines, and dots. Except, some prankster added to the bottom a crudely-drawn "<==3" shaped penis[[hottip:*:Which actually looked more like a squiggley triangle]], labeled, as if it was the sixth basic shape. Normally this kind of thing would make me groan and wonder when the hell everyone will grow up, but seeing as it was there ''as the sub was pointing to the items on the list and talking about them, approaching the bottom,'' the situation became humorous and I couldn't wait to see her reaction (she didn't appear to notice it). When she reached the bottom, all she did was erase it violently while sarcastically commenting "Thaat's ''[[{{Sssssnaketalk}} niccccccccccce.]]'' She herself sounded somewhat amused, but it may have been just because she had a ridiculously high-pitched voice. It should be noted that this would have provoked my normal art teacher to rant at us, since this is technically a college-level art class that gives college credits and she's a college teacher. * In a {{Shadowrun}} game [[Tropers/KayvanShrike I]] was playing in, I

once conned two other characters into engaging in a drinking contest and then had a lot of fun the next morning abusing the two poor hungover shadowrunners with excessive enthusiasm, bright lights, and coffee. Our hacker was following me around the whole time alternating between telling me how I was a mean and nasty person and trying not to laugh. * When my brother was in grade school, he pantsd a kid on the playground. He got in no end of trouble and was miserable for it, but my mom spent the entire day trying not to laugh outright. Finally, when he was in bed at the end of the day, she relented, leaned into the doorway, and said "Hey, kid? Everybody funny. Now you funny too." ---I have to admit, it's ActuallyPrettyFunny that this page exists. ----

AdaptationDisplacement * I saw the TombRaider movie with my dad, and he apparently thought the movie came first. Of course, the gamer in me was quick to correct him. * This troper got a weird look from a friend when I mentioned AHistoryOfViolence was a graphic novel by the man who created JudgeDredd. * I was once in a bookshop and there was a young man and his girlfriend in the little kids' section, looking at a Winnie-the-Pooh book. The woman actually remarked that Pooh was naked! She'd obviously only seen the films. Also, most people I meet have no idea that Mary Poppins was a book, or that Peanuts was originally a comic strip.

ADayInHerApron * Whilst learning to take care of myself, I managed to set some macaroni and cheese on fire. Before that, I tried to make chocolate chip cookies, but they melted into something with the consistency of pudding, and the taste and smell of caramel popcorn. * This is easily a CrowningMomentOfFunny for our neighbours. Dad has never cooked in his life, and his wife for the FEMA went out to New Orleans and left a bunch of frozen Pizzas for him to eat while she was away. He put it ''directly'' on the rack, cheese-side down, didn't take it out of the plastic wrap...then lit a fire. * Once when this troper was eleven or so, he had to cook for himself for the first time because his mom was out. He somehow managed to burn soup. * This Troper, who is a decent cook in his own right, had to rescue a friend who had this happen to him while his girlfriend was away. All I saw when I got there was a [[NoodleImplements Campbell's soup can, his destroyed microwave, and raw ground beef all over the kitchen]]. I made him steaks. * This Troper's twin tried to make noodle in a box...and ended up needing a hammer and chisel to get the result out of the pan. * A variant: According to eyewitnesses, this troper's former employer is looking extremely haggard these days because now he's finding out

just how much I used to do in that damned office... * I'm a feeder, so I tend to be more skilled as a cook than any girl I date. At least one of my girlfriends lost a lot of weight when we broke up, not intentionally, but simply by not eating anywhere near as much. * Do not ask this troper to do my clothes. I'll muck it up. Otherwise, cooking and dish-washing are easy, making me an subversion. * This one's friend usually has others cook for whenever he tries, he somehow...makes (heavily burned)macaroni with the consistency of glue * The first time Tropers/BTIsaac and his dad tended to the household when the women were out, ended with several glasses and plates breaking. We got used to it, since then, after being the only ones in the house for over three years. Later, he tried baking apple pie. The results were disastrous. * Inverted with this troper and her boyfriend. He is an excellent cook. [[LethalChef I set things on fire]]. * When this troper was a baby, her father at one point made an insensitive remark along the lines of "How bad could it be?" which my mom took offense to. So what did she do? She called up her best friend, and the two of them went out for the day, leaving baby troper with Dad for the day...and no real instructions, no formula in the fridge, etc. When she returned later that evening, she found him slumped over on the sofa. "How was your day?" she asked him. "I had no idea it would be so much work!" he said. And he never made any such remarks again. * [[{{Tropers/Sus}} I]] never had to help around in the kitchen as a kid. That kind of bit me in the butt when I moved out of town to study... For example, I had no idea that you're supposed to ''boil'' potatoes before frying them. The results were ...[[{{Understatement}} less than delicious]]. Cue instant noodles. A lot of instant noodles. ---Honey, I'm glad to see you...[[ADayInHerApron I kind of lit the water on fire]]. ---<<|TroperTales|>>

ADCD [[redirect:TroperTales/AttentionDeficitCreatorDisorder]]

AddedAlliterativeAppeal * Inspired by the VForVendetta monologue, [[@/GamerAmI I]] wrote this for my profile on {{Facebook}}: -->Observe! An oaf of October who obeys no official, omnipotent, or even ordinary organism or orthodox otherworldly one; he is his own. Obdurate yet open, and always objective in opinion, he objects to the obnoxiously obtrusive oblivious, as is his onus. Occasionally objectionable, offensive, outlandish, or obscene; often outspoken, organized, and occupied; but not obtuse, odious, or onerous. Outgoing? The opposite; he is an outcast, ostracized outright. He oppresses his

orneriness to avoid offending, an optimal obligation, and he aims to obliterate the outrage of his orientation. Obviously there are omissions in this opus, but he opposes the option to orate obsessively. Odd, and a bit off, his true self is obscured, hidden in the oblivion whose origin is the outset of his observations. We ought to end these occurrences of "O", for we are oscillating between original and old. The only other option, which I offer you now and you ought accept, if only once, is to call him Owen. Okay? Now out with you. ** Simple to see sir, the self-aggrandizing of your statement sounds suspicion by cynics. The persona you've pedantically perpetrated portrays you as person of pronounced perception, nothing short of nearing [[NietzscheWannabe Nietzsche.]] Never mind the noticeable narcissistic nature of your notice. These attributes you aim for, as any animate object would see are surely for someone seeking serious self-sufficiency. Don't dilly-dally with definition but declare yourself Daedalean in your determinant to duly determine your denotation... Yeah okay I totally had to look up most of those words an admittedly the OPs is better.

AddictionDisplacement * This troper knows someone who kicked and regained a cigarette habit three or four times explicitly because all her friends would light up after an AA meeting, causing her to either be around it and sorely tempted or miss out on the socialization she'd come to depend on. * This troper knows someone who switched from cigarettes to nicotine gum to Wrigley's spearmint chewing gum. * This troper hops between game addictions. * This troper alternates between a sugar addiction, a coffee/caffeine addiction and a videogame addiction. ** Alternates? Those seem complementary. * This troper kicked an amphetamine habit with strong coffee and Mountain Dew. * This troper kicked a *very* strong Internet addiction by replacing it with his now-wife. * This troper kicked his addiction to {{Bionicle}} fanfics with Harry Potter fanfics, which is kicked with Facebook, which he kicked (partially) with TvTropes, which he tried to kick with SuzumiyaHaruhi and {{K-ON}}, which he built upon with Haruhi fanfics. He is in trouble, once the exams roll over. * This troper has replaced, at least temporarily, her addiction to online roleplaying with ''PuzzleQuest: Challenge of the Warlords''. * This troper's mother quit smoking when she was younger by gobbling M & M's instead. This troper himself, on the other hand, is trying the more typical method of nicotine patches, and thus averting the trope if it works anyway. (...someone please help me stay away from [[TroperTales/SmokingHotSex]].) * My grandfather replaced his smoking addiction with an ice cream addiction. * This troper tried to displace his cigarette habit with chewing gum. After realising he spent more money on gum than on cigarettes, he

stopped trying. * According to my mom's recollections, my dad had a serious drinking problem the first few years of their marriage and they almost got divorced over it. But after an ultimatum from Mom, Dad stopped getting drunk and started drinking no more than a beer or two a day. What he took up instead was cooking, and thank goodness for that, since Mom was a ''terrible'' cook while Dad made lots and lots of tasty things. Most of what I grew up eating was Dad's cooking and he would cook so much that our freezer was stocked with Tupperware containers filled with his cooking, which my parents would reheat after they got out of work/I got out of school. * [[{{Tropers/FatAdmirer}} This Troper]] met his girlfriend in the first year of Uni. She was slimmer than any of the girls I had gone out with before and she smoked, which was a turn off for me, but I liked her anyway. She agreed that she would try to give up smoking for me and ended up displacing her addiction onto chocolate and ice cream. By the time we left university, we'd been together for five years, she hadn't smoked in all that time and she was now definitely a {{BBW}} and happy about it. * [[{{Tropers/Guardyanangel}} This Troper]] kicked a rather bad SI addiction only to discover the glories of the Internet. [[TVTropesWillRuinYourLife Curse you TV Tropes!!]] * [[{{Tropers/Thhartokk}} This Troper]] kicked some bad internet addiction by becoming addicted to PURE AWESOMENESS instead... by which he means that he's now addicted to, specifically, acting like [[GurrenLagann Kamina]]. * This troper carefully avoids nicotine addiction, video game addiction, and the like. However, from a very young age, he had bitten his nails... until very recently, at which point he replaced the oral fixation with cleaning his nails with his teeth. >.< Averted with his candy addiction, which he just kicked in general, no replacement. * [[{{Tropers/BiblioMatsuri}} This troper]] has three addictions: books (good, if [[IJustWantToHaveFriends an annoying emotional]] [[FriendlessBackground dependency]]), chocolate (bad, especially with heartburn), and the Internet. 1 and 2 were learned from my father and mother, respectively. The kicker is, my Internet (scanlations, TVTropes, Facebook) replaced my anime/TV addiction - but [[ItGotWorse it's an even bigger drain on my time!]] [[FailureIsTheOnlyOption I can't win.]] * Is troper ''Frostsabre'' the first one to point out that many people attempt to kick online game and MMO addictions by playing other MMO games, like what happened to me? (such as WoW for Rift) * [[{{Tropers/kicking_k}} This troper]] has definitely noticed a worsening in her internet addiction since she got pregnant and had to give up coffee. She's staying well away from anything worse. ---We know you're addicted to this page. But if you try going to AddictionDisplacement, it might help you kick the dependency. ---<<|TroperTales|>>

AdjacentToThisCompleteBreakfast * [[Tropers/{{Pittsburghmuggle}} I'm so pleased to see this trope]], because I picked up on this as a teenager - saying to my mother "You know, by this logic you could include motor oil by a breakfast and say 'Motor oil is a part of this balanced breakfast'".

AdjectiveNounFred * This troper has a little cousin with two middle names... Interestingly, those names just happen to be, in this order, "Unique Epiphany Ambria". Seriously. * This Troper, who's full name shall remain secret, recently had his middle name legally changed to [[ThePhiladelphiaStory C.K. Dexter Haven.]] ---I wonder what your parents were thinking when they named you [[AdjectiveNounFred Funny Trope Joe.]] ----

AdjustingYourGlasses * This Troper uses type three to pretty much show somebody that he just said something stupid. To adjust her glasses on a normal basis (which is needed frequently, as they are too loose), she just hits the side with the top of her hand. But, she knows a girl who adjusts her glasses by ''headbanging'' ** Considering that's how I fix my headphones and my hair and occasionally other various objects which may be atop my head, I can only imagine that ''if'' I wore glasses, I would do that. * I adjust my glasses by the bridge, and do that whenever I'm making a serious point. No one seems to notice, to my misfortune.. * I hadn't even paid attention to it before editing this page, but I've apparently developed a habit of adjusting my glasses with the thumb and the middle finger positioned on the hinges, with the rest of the fingers in a vaguely FacePalm-like spread. No idea where I've picked it up from, but I suppose it has to do with how often I get my hands dirty and want to minimize contact with both my glasses and my skin. Other anecdotes? ** I do that as well. Other times, I grab the top and bottom of one lens with my thumb and index finger and adjust them that way as well. *** I consciously developed that habit because I think pushing my glasses up that way makes me look cool. * SquealingSandry Due to the fact that my ears are apparently set too far forward on my head (you can't tell by looking, but they are), my glasses are 'always'' sliding down my nose. I usually adjust them with either the index or middle fingers to the bridge, though I used to do the "thumb and middle finger on the hinges" thing before I learned to drive, and that it was hard to do so with your eyes blocked by the hand adjusting your glasses... * [[{{Bookhobbit}} This troper]] does the by-the-bride-with-one-finger type. Like the above example, hers slide down a lot. Since she likes to glare over her glasses at people, this is handy, because it's a

good gesture to punctuate said glare. * This troper has OCD, and her need for symetrical touch causes her to grip each side of the glasses, and painstakingly position them exactly right. It's a surprisingly long procedre. this troper usually has to slide them down her nose, up her forehead, then lift the glasses and tap the sides against her ears two times before it feels right to put them into position. * [[{{Ryumaru}} This Troper]] is always doing method 3. I'm a mix of the Eastern and Western views. * This Troper has developed the habit to adjust her glasses. And it irritates her brother to no end. * [[HappyDuck This troper]] is always adjusting her glasses. ALWAYS. * [[KissofCamine This troper]] usually does method 2, but if she's feeling annoyed she'll do method three with her middle finger to express her displeasure without getting in trouble. * [[SerenYGogledd This Troper]] adjusts hers using method 3, although she's never tried the "flipping the bird" variant. * I do method #2, only I use my thumb,index, and middle finger using one hand. * This troper just got glasses, and finds that she really only needs to adjust them a lot when she's nervous or upset about something. * This troper's glasses don't usually slip down his face, but when they do he usually uses that one finger method. Though he does take the glasses by the hinge between the thumb and forefinger and sort of shake them to adjust the little things that go on the sides of your nose, otherwise they feel weird. * This troper uses method #3. A LOT. Either with my index finger, index and middle finger or my little finger if I'm holding chopsticks or other kinds of cutlery. * This troper has been wearing glasses for 10 months and been adjusting them with method #3 the whole time. * This troper uses #3, namely due to the fact that it involves the least chances to smudge her glasses (something that bugs the hell out of her). How exactly depends on the hand- right is pointer only, other fingers curled in a fist, left is middle but with all fingers out and slightly curved. Her father and brother tried to get her to use just her middle finger when she first got glasses. * This troper has used #3 unconsciously for as long as he can remember. The fact that this apparently makes him a BadassBookworm made him smile. =D * I do number #2 mainly, though #3 happens sometimes. * I tend put a finger on the bridge and my thumb on a hinge, except when they need left-to-right adjustment(which is more often, come to think of it). * This troper has something like 12 different ways of adjusting glasses. Some have wondered, especially during poker games, whether they are actually hidden ways for TheStoic to express emotion. They don't realize that I pick a random object in view and adjust according to it's texture. HilarityEnsues. * [[{{Melvar}} This Troper]] tried #3, but it doesnt work properly, so its either the Thumb and Middle Finger on the Hinges method, or (if both hands are free) pulling the little fingers back along the

arms, pulling any hair trapped under them out while pushing the hooks back into place (this is also necessary immediately after putting them on). * This troper started wearing glasses about a year ago. She was originally a #2, but ended up having to adjust both sides that way to feel "even," so she switched to both because it was easier and for the effect. This was shortly after she was introduced to OuranHighSchoolHostClub. * This troper does method three. As the above troper said, it's a good way to punctuate glares. * Since my nose is super waxy or something, my glasses slide down all the time. Usually I put my left index finger on the bottom corner of the lense and push it back up that way. If I'm in company, I adjust my glasses constantly by the hinges. My friend's anime-obessessed cousin refers to me as "meganekko" when he talks to me to says something about me (ex: Meganekko! You look nice!)...and I ''answer'' to that. * [[@/{{Quillpaw}} This troper]] has a variant of method two, pushing her glasses up by the hinge and corner of the lens with the knuckle of her middle finger. It's more of an absent rubbing gesture, really. She also occasionally takes one lens between her thumb and forefinger, a sort of one-handed "goggle" variant. * This troper normally uses method three, normally using the index finger on my left hand but sometimes I use my left thumb instead. Occasionally I will to a method four, in this case, tilting my head back 90 degrees so my glasses slide back against my face and then tilting forward slowly so they come to rest on my nose. * This troper's glasses have a habit of sliding a bit, since they're somewhat crooked, and so he uses method three. * I push 'em up [[{{Naruto}} Shino]]-style. * This troper adjusts her glasses so much, that even when I'm not wearing them I reach to adjust them. ** This troper does that too! She's use to them being on her face all the time except when she's sleeping or bathing. * This troper wears bifocals, so when the glasses slip, It screws with my vision completely. Doesn't help that the only way that they could be slipperier is if they were coated in grease. * I instinctively adjust my glasses when I'm about to talk to a nice girl or a girl I have a crush on. ** [[MoeMoe Cute!]] * This troper near-constantly adjusts his glasses using method 3. My nose must be really slippery or something. * MasamiPhoenix - I never noticed until somebody pointed out at work, but I use method three, normally with my middle finger and index finger together. Apparently, I look somewhat badass when I do it. * This troper's glasses have heavy lenses in thin, light frames, and tend to slip down his nose. Methods 1 and 2 are used pretty much equally, with varying finger placement to brace them. Method 3 is much less used since his previous pair simply snapped in half due to overuse of it. * This troper was told by many that her habit of using method 3 was disconcerting, so [[GenreSavvy after reading the TV tropes page on it]] she [[InvokedTrope consciously changed it]] to using method 2.

Apparently it looks much nicer. * This troper does an odd combination of methods 2 and 3. They slide down constantly, so she's always pushing them back up. * This troper tends to do #1 a lot, and thus generates excessive Man[[Moe]]. * This troper either does #1 or #3, depending on his mood. * [[Tropers/Loyal2NES This troper]] uses #3, though he formed the habit to avoid smudging the lens since there's usually headphones or something else inhibiting using the hinges. * This troper uses #2 and #3 equally but sometimes for reasons that I don't know I use a weird version of #3 where my index and middle finger are on the lenses. * I usually do 2, because if I do 3, I often miss and smudge, but I often have a hand busy. * I have a very subconscious habit of adjusting my glasses, which I hadn't realized until one day when it was raining too hard for them to be of much use to me, so I'd taken them off, and would continuously find myself bringing my hand up to my face before I realized what I was doing. The other members of my group found this adorable, naturally. ** I also subconsciously adjust them (almost always doing #3) and have more than once caught myself trying to push them back up after taking them off at night. * This troper started to subconsciously fix his glasses by pushing it up from the side with his index and middle finger or his thumb. I guess it's some sort of #2 variant. * This troper always does the second or third variety. Constantly. To the point of accidentally poking herself in the eye out of habit when she takes off her glasses. * [[{{Tropers/Caiaphasthesympathist}} This troper]] usually uses method 3 with his middle finger or method 2 in a weird way, grabbing both lenses and the bridge with only three fingers (or both lenses from underneath to conceal laughter), but he'll occassionally do method 2 straight when he deliberately wants to look geeky/smart. * [[{{Tropers/AlphaTB}} This troper]] uses all three methods on very regular occasions. * I use method #3 - even when I'm wearing contacts. * [[{{Tropers/Myaku12}} This troper]] seems to always use method 3. Occasionally,I'll use method 2 if they aren't that far down,but otherwise I use 3. * This Troper's friend did this when we were about to do a debate. --> Me: I'll tell you, Eliza,when we're together, we are unstoppable. --> Eliza: And that's no shit. *[[BadassBookworm adjusts]] [[CrowningMomentOfAwesome glasses]]* * This Troper does this all the time when he has to sit still, or stand still, or do anything else. Most of the time with index and thumb of right hand on right hand lens, but from time to time middle finger on bridge. ... [[BlatantLies coincidentally]]. * [[{{Main/Noelia}} This troper]] Tends to use #2 or #3 depending on the situation. [[{{badass bookworm}} but uses #3 normally using the idex finger of her right hand.]] * [[Tropers/KentuckyTroper1990 This troper]] has always used type 3,

with his middle finger. And yes, it has caused accidental bird flippage before. * [[{{Tropers/Tachikaze}} This troper]] usually uses type 2, but sometimes uses type 3 (Index and middle finger)...generally when he's about to finish a longwinded explanation or [[{{Warhammer}} turn a]] [[{{Warhammer40000}} game around.]] * This one used method three, as does apparently almost everyone else here. As a side note, she can't really imagine why anyone would adjust glasses from only one side, as they always end up feeling lopsided when she tries it.... * [[{{TheAndyMac}} This troper]] is another type 3 guy, usually, though he does seem to fluctuate between this and a type 2 at the hinges. * This Troper always does #3 - ''despite the fact that he doesn't actually wear glasses''. He usually only does it when he makes [[IncrediblyLamePun a hilarious joke]], though. * This troper always does #2, except I tend to my middle finger and thumb on the top and bottom of the lens and my index finger on top of the arm. And I always seem to use my left hand, even though I'm right handed. * I usually do Type 3. Sadly, I have not managed to pull off a ScaryShinyGlasses yet. * I always do Type 3, and have from the very first ''minute'' I got my first pair of glasses. (I wonder if this says anything about me...) * This troper frequently does #2, except he'll do it on one side, and then do it again on the other side with the same hand. He's considering doing a different way. * This troper always does Type 3, sometimes to actually adjust the glasses, but most of the time to make, feel smart. * This troper always does #2, usually when I'm pissed or trying to stop myself from saying something I know I'll regret. * This is going to sound crazy, but I actually go through all four styles, in that order, whenever I try to adjust my glasses. Pretty much I'm very OCD about my glasses, because I'm horribly near sighted without them. I use the first style as the first step to make sure they sit on my ears right, then the second style to make sure they aren't crooked, then the third style to push them closer to my face, then the fourth 'style' where I scrunch up my face and it somehow pushed my glasses forward and away from my face just a TINY bit, so that it is further than when I first pushed it up with style 3, but closer to my face than before I pushed them up with style 3. My friends and family often tease me about how I do this, but any time I don't do this in nearly the exact same way, my glasses feel really uncomfortable and I can't see things as well because they'll somehow tilt a bit. * [[@/QuackorTheFowl This troper]] usually does #2; whenever he gets ticked off at someone, [[StealthInsult he pushes them up]] [[FlippingTheBird with his middle finger]]. ** This troper does the same, except she does it out of habit, so people can't actually tell if she's doing it on purpose or not. * This Troper does this somethimes, due to a little bended handle that

cuased them to keep falling * This troper will often push her glasses up with one finger, only to squint to make them fall back into there original place. * This troper does it either by the arms or by a corner. I found that doing it by the corner kinda twists them though, so I do it more often by the arms. * When this Troper was in seventh grade (13 years old) she would adjust her glasses, which always slid down her nose, by grimacing. She'd wrinkle her nose pushing at it with her mouth for power boost and then stretch her face as far as she could, then relax. * This troper uses #1 and 3 essentially switching from cutie to creepy. * This troper alternates between #2 and #3, and has even used it in place of making a witty comeback in times where I can't talk (such as the Day of Silence), with about the same effect as if I had actually said it. I also have an odd hands-free variation that requires the ability to wiggle your ears. I wrinkle my nose to push my glasses up, then pull my ears back to get them to settle. When I untense the muscles in my ears, the glasses stay pushed up, settling into a natural position on my face. The last variation that is purely used for adjustments. ---You're adorable when you're AdjustingYourGlasses like that. ----

AdNauseam * {{@/Cidolfas}}: This trope has driven me insane when trying to watch FullMetalAlchemist: Brotherhood on the FUNimation site. At first the only commercial they would show would be Drew Barrymore ''Cover Girl'' makeup (missing out on the target audience much?). Then it switched to razor blades (a total about face). Now it's either AT&T, in an ad parodying an old chewing gum ad which seems designed to make you froth at the mouth, or an ad for Droid phones. I will generally see the same ad four times over the course of one 22-minute show. ** {{@/kyonko}} The same thing happened to me when I was watching HigurashiNoNakuKoroni on FUNimation's Youtube channel, except it was ads for Wheat Thins, specifically the one where they tracked down some person through a Twitter post and delivered Wheat Thins to them. There was also the time I was watching BlackButler on there, but somehow that wasn't nearly as annoying (the ads were for phones then). * Kulture: Any of the ads on or other related sites such as TheSpoonyExperiment: I live in Guernsey, I don't get Starz as a channel, we don't have a Starbucks (and those frappucino adverts are populated by insufferable wankers that I would very much like to murder, especially the cunt who starts singing for no reason) and particularly the ones for obnoxious, loathsome, insipid American shows. This is why people want to murder Americans. * Another one familiar with any TGWTG fans, is the ad for "Fiber One" cereal. To the point that I can, and do, subconsciously quote it. * On the Escapist they are constantly playing this annoying insipid ad that is both not grating enough for me to remember the product but

annoying enough for me to not want to check. ** Escapist has caused this troper to NEVER eat a slim jim again, just because of their incredibly stupid commercials that they NEVER STOP PLAYING! * CrunchyRoll with skittles and starburst * There used to be some infomercial in which a girl was interviewing a man about his program. I don't remember what the program was for -weight loss? Getting rich? Something like that. The only thing I do remember is that her name was Tracy. Why? Because he kept saying it ''over and over''. Every question he answered, he'd start with her name. "How does it work?" "Tracy, it's so easy!" "What gave you the idea?" "Tracy, I had a dream!" * [[@/PentiumMMX2 This troper]] remembers an instance of this when watching ''TheSimpsons'' one night. When it went to a commercial break about half-way through the episode, they happened to play an ad for Taco Bell (One featuring the Taco Bell Chihuahua; to give you an idea of how long ago this was), followed by an ad for a local supermarket...and then, the same exact Taco Bell ad played again, and then the same exact ad for the supermarket once more; as the same two ads where stuck on a never ending loop, until I decided to watch something else. During that time, I occasionally flipping back over to see if maybe they've finally gotten back to the show, only to find that they where, in fact, still looping the same two ads over and over, until the credits for the show began to roll after a solid ''10 minutes''. I have to wonder if maybe they where having an office party and forgot to push the button to go back to the show... * Remolay Will sometimes just start saying "Am I annoying you?" over and over until someone either yells at him or throws something at him. * This troper will never buy Duracell batteries again following a night where literally ever other commercial on Teletoon was Duracell's ad reminding you that they donate batteries for toys that go to orphans or something. Maybe she's a horrible person, but she only needed to hear that once. * While messing around with Crunchyroll, I had the same Dell ad played. Three times in a row. * Happens when Edgy watches Saturday and Sunday morning cartoons. ---[[AdNauseam Why not return to the main article? Why not return to the main article? Why not return to the main article?]] ----

ADogAteMyHomework * Once my teachers' dog ate some of our class's homework after we had turned it in. Needless to say everyone whose homework was destroyed got a 100%. * A possum ate my homework...which was moldy bread for a science experiment * On a school excursion to the zoo, a ''kangaroo'' tried to eat my assignment. * When my dad was a kid they had lots of dogs. Apparently one of them really did eat his homework once.

* A bird pecked and nibbled a bunch of holes in my English homework one night, and naturally, it was the midterm paper the class had to write that was like twenty percent of our grades. * My own dog seems to ''love'' paper, and ate my chemistry homework once... fortunately it was intact enough to copy onto fresh paper. * My dad is a college teacher. Our dog once got into his bag and ate the his student's papers * I had to do a "writing workshop" project when I read ''LordOfTheRings'' in class. My project was a boardgame semi-ripped off of Battle Masters, and the game board was a big piece of white cardboard. My dog ate the corner off it the morning before it was due. Luckily that particular teacher was an unbelievably awesome teacher, so I just brought in the partly eaten board and a short story about how it happened, and ended up getting a 105% grade. * Come home one day, and find that my dog ripped up my $70 Year 11 Biology Textbook. Not looking forward to trying to explain to my Bio teacher why I can't do my homework... * In sixth grade, this happened to a friend of mine. He brought in the still-sopping raggedy remains of the assignment in question; the teacher, despite being awesome, still gave him a zero on the assignment. * My cousin's flatbread she was supposed to bring in lasted through several snow days and one forgetting it --before the dog got at it. She wailed that the teacher wouldn't believe her. * This troper had a weird (and ironic) variation happen to him back in elementary school: My class was given an assignment to make up the weirdest excuse as to why they couldn't finish their homework (obviously, "the dog ate it" wasn't allowed). I managed to complete it and give it to my teacher, but when I came the next day, she told me she was unable to look at it because her dog had ate it. * This troper taught her kitten to eat her sister's homework. It was extremely funny...until said kitten got a hold of my math homework. Luckily, the teacher believed me (Because he knows I would try to feed my sister's homework to the cat), and let me re do it...but now no homework is safe. * When I was in seventh grade, my puppie ate my botanical scavenger hunt sheet AND pictures and the assignment was 30% of our grade. Fortunately my teacher believed my and gave me 110% for it. * When I was one, I ate my sister's homework. She apparently got a perfect grade because she brought in the obviously chewed-by-babyteeth shreds. ** Do I know you? My best friend has a very similar story about her baby sister eating her homework. * This troper actually had her mother throw away a report that was due the following day, and had taken me forever to complete (because it was a research paper and there wasn't much information on the topic). Luckily, my teacher was one of the nicest teachers ever, and allowed me to re-do it. ---A bad dog tried to eat the link to ADogAteMyHomework, but it has been [[KickTheDog kicked.]] ----

Adorkable * This troper is apparently this, because when he called a friend ''just'' to talk about dinosaurs (and jetpacks and his plan to obtain both) she smiled brightly and informed me that I was 'immensely adorable'. * Does this count? There's a super hot girl that everybody have a crush on. Seriously, she's like, very hot. And then this troper discovered she have never kissed anyone ( she wants her first kiss to be with someone she actually cares about. Nope, not me, and believe me, I TRIED ), likes very geeky things, like watching anime, reading manga, loves spider-man, has a [[WhenSheSmiles very cute smile]], and when she starts to talk, she [[MoeMoe becomes the cutest person in the room]]. No wonder everybody loves her. * [[ I'll just leave this here, shall I?]] ** [[CompletelyMissingThePoint That clock in the background is kind of cool.]] * [[Tropers/SamHuddy This Troper]] has been called one. He's young, GenreSavvy, and constantly overdresses. He likes his women the same way. * Girls who fit this trope are My dream. "Coltish" was the term he'd always used for the awkward earnestness they exude. Then again, he's been accused of the same traits, so maybe it's a BirdsOfAFeather thing. ** Hello, long-lost twin of mine! ** ...I don't suppose either of you live in Ohio? ;_; *** Nobody lives in Ohio. *** [[ClevelandRocks ..........How dare you.]] *** So wait, if I'm not in Ohio then where the hell am I?! * Does this troper count? He's tall, shaggy-haired, and is fairly intellegent. He wears crooked glasses and is currently working on a novel. Sometimes, he'll try to fit in by being a deadpan snarker or a crazy fun dude, failing at both normally. He's secretly insecure, and suffers sevrely from OCD and turettes syndrome. Whenever someone is genuinely nice to him, he'll open up and do things for them. Oh, and he backs away looking scared when a girl tries to hug him. Really, though, he's always secretly wanted to be in a loving, romantic relationship - just too shy and overplanning to make a move. ** Sounds like you do. That more or less fits my personality type, but being that my outer image is an intimidating, broad-shouldered [[BlondGuysAreEvil blond guy]] who rarely smiles and reflexively offers up a handshake when women try to hug him, I doubt I qualify for adorkability status. ** Are you my long lost twin or something? Everything beyond the second sentence is just like me. I even have turettes but I've been getting better at controlling it. * [[Tropers/LadyNorbert This troper]] considers her husband to be this. He's the sweetest, gentlest man you'll ever meet...and a colossal nerd. ** Ellise, is that you?

*** Nope, sorry. Guess I'm not alone. :) * My boyfriend to a tee. He's a tall, lanky, shy nerd whose size often makes him a bit clumsy when he simply walks. And I loves him every bit for it <3

* This troper finds herself ONLY attracted to adorkable, move over TallDarkAndHandsome. * [[Tropers/CabbitGirlEmi This tropette]] is {{Adorkable}} all over. [[ I also know a friend on the internet who is this trope. His name is Toby.]] * This troper is exclusively attracted to the adorkable or the archetypal bad-boy. If only there were more adorkable bad-boys, neh? [[BiTheWay and don't get me started on the ladies...]] ** Those two seem to be as far apart as you can get. It's like only liking freezing cold weather or really hot weather but nothing in between. *** You'd be surprised at the contradictions people can fit in to their personalities, my friend. *** Case in point: [[KatekyoHitmanReborn Hayato Gokudera.]] *** Also: [[AvatarTheLastAirbender Zuko.]] Now, if only there were some adorkable bad boys who ''aren't'' two-dimensional drawings... *** I am very fortunate to be dating one of those. It's the most amazing thing ever. ** Why would you want to go for that shallow "bad boy" thing? That's so silly, why not just go for a guy who's just plain decent, and ditch those stupid little teenybopper stereotypes? Eh, whatever. * T.T. figured out that the guy who sat close to her in math class was a bit of a nerd, but she first realized that he was adorkable when he got back a math test, literally ''shook his fists at the sky,'' and said, "Curse you, negative numbers! You have foiled me for the last time!" Of course, given the amount of time (over a year) it took for T.T. to ask him out, and the fashion in which she did so (her exact words were "something resembling a date"), she may qualify as well. (According to her GayBestFriend, she does...) Although T.T. and he are not romantically entangled anymore, they're both painfully adorkable still. * This troper doubts she would ever be happy with anyone who ''wasn't'' adorkable. She is very lucky, then, that her boyfriend is both a glasses-wearing video game nerd and one of the sweetest and most sensible people on the planet. * Apparently I am this, and my boyfriend is also. To the point where we kind of resemble a RealLife [[{{Dollhouse}} Topher and Bennett]]. * This gay troper just completely dies for adorkable guys, and hopes he can claim to be one himself. * This troper is pretty much attracted to adorkable girls. The most recent example would be when I found out in a Model United Nations that a somewhat regular-looking girl was an avid fan of anime, and loved SuzumiyaHaruhi and NeonGenesisEvangelion. She suddenly became the hottest girl in the conference. * Surprisingly subverted with This Troper. He's a huge nerd, yet behaves with confidence and composure. Especially around women, with

whom he remains on his best behavior. * This troper doesn't really count (or doesn't ''think'' she does, anyway...), but her friend Michael IS this trope. It's why he keeps getting all the girls. * My boyfriend, full stop. From the glasses and shaggy hair to the endearing, clumsy mannerisms. It helps immensely that he also writes, enjoys anime, and is a lurker on this site. It is strange that this appeals to her so much, given that her usual preference is for the tall, dark, and [[BiTheWay bifauxen]]. * [[Tropers/{{Comartemis}} This geeky, awkward, and overweight Troper]] has been told by several girls in the past that he is this trope, though he's not sure whether they were being serious or not. ** Another geeky, awkward, overweight, adorkable troper? *draws sword* [[HamToHamCombat THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE!]] * Several girls have called me this. One said I reminded her of Robert Downey Jr. That's very flattering, but I don't think Robert Downey Jr usually wears spectacles, has a bad case of acne, is overweight, has really thin eyes or fish lips. ** I am your Michael Mcintyre based counterpart, though with more of a clint squint but lacking the compliments. * This troper is not small/cute/girly enough to be {{moe}}, but my clumsy, nerdy, CloudCuckooLander, ManicPixieDreamGirl behavior earned me this title when I visited the USA. Too bad swedish boys aren't familiar with the term... ** Some of us are... *** You are? Were have you ''been'' all my life? **** Let's find a better way of communication, and find out. * [[{{Tropers/Joerc45}} This troper,]] or so I've been told. * This Troper is seen as Adorkable by some of his peers... but ultimately, your mileage may vary on whether his awkwardness is charming or insufferable, or somewhere in between. Regardless, his awkwardness is multiplied by a [[AspergersSyndrome certain disorder that people love to fake on the internet]]. * [[Tropers/{{Dinru}} I]] happen to like this kind. And I happen to be this kind. And my boyfriend is the same way. Cue {{squee}}. * This Troper's friend tells her that she is adorkable, probably to make her feel better. In reality, this Troper is about 25 lbs overweight, has a boring haircut, and dresses in fairly average, unfunny clothing. Oh, well. * [[ Me]], according to my girlfriend and plenty of female friends. * Most of this lurker's friends, but two of them qualify more than anyone. One is an FPS buff with scraggly dirtyblonde hair and beard from Reno, who is not only ''freakishly fit'', but allows me to draw [[AttractiveBentGender genderbent]] art and ship him to other guys without as much of a laugh, often providing me Catharsis Through Kicking Ass In MW2. The other is a dark-haired NiceGuy from Netherlands who loves dirtbikes/BMX, Visual Kei, anime and stands my frequent bouts of [[YaoiFangirl crazy fangirl]] with good giggles. He's also appointed me his sensei in the ways of Fanatics, which is not only flattering but also ''friggin adorkable!!!''

** Also, according to my [[HeterosexualLifePartners "husbando"]], the lurker herself. Personally I disagree and [[HairTriggerTemper calling me "cute" to my face is basically suicide]], but everyone does it anyway, so who am I to argue I guess :/ * one of My best friends is almost literally scott pilgrim as played by Cera without the superpowers. our theater department did Little shop of horrors almost exclusively so he could pwn as seymore. * One of this tropers male friends fits this too a tee. I am trying to pluck up the courage to tell him I like him in ''that way''. Wish me luck! ** Luck! * This troper's boyfriend, while appearing at first to be a typical Hot Topic goth/metalhead, is, on closer inspection probably the geekiest boy she's ever met. From D&D to Lord of the Rings to Manga to painting miniatures to his charmingly advanced vocabulary, paired with the fact that he's a complete gentleman and the sweetest thing on the planet, and he lets her play with his long hair... *swoon* Apparently she is as well, which makes them a pretty sweet couple. * This Troper seems to have everyone bring this, thank god he has a strong unlikable side to him or else people would be talking about it more. * This troper seems to be this. Glasses, fairly nerdy (the amount of usele...I mean, useful, stuff I know would probably fill a very large book), streamline (or skeletal, depending on your viewpoint: I personally agree with the later) and a gentleman, I guess the only thing that takes points from me is my occational habit of being a tiny bit of a jackass (don't worry, it only happens when under a lot of pressure. Either that, or I basically shut down). The only drawback with this reputation is that I've never had a girlfriend, but, being asexual, it doesn't particularly bother me. Besides, I don't want to tell people about my fairly dark past...[[spoiler: for the curious, my parent's divorced and I had to go through four years of essentually being in limbo before I finally was too old for them to enforce a court order on me. And, even then, my mother tried to get the date extended until I was eighteen. On top of that, death seems to follow me, for the number of people I've known who have died, including four in 2009, seems to come to a rate of about one death a year. I wish I was exaggerating that, but I'm not. Is it any wonder why I got into wargaming, with all that in mind? Sometimes, the universe seems to have a very strange sense of gallows humour to it...]] ** Dude, I'm pretty sure that [[TheWoobie makes it worse,]] depending on how good your sad stare is. *** (OP here) Let's just say that my smiles look less natural than my frowns and leave it at that. And I've also realised I'm not asexual, but straight with a relatively low sex drive. * This Troper's girlfriend, definitely. A tall blond with a great figure who wears glasses, plays Pokemon despite being 16, writes scifi and fantasy stories, likes making movies, dressed up as Luna for the last Harry Potter movie premiere, has a book collection that rivals a library, and has a terrier named Odie. We also spent three hours the other day discussing Voldemort's plans and if Occam's Razor would have helped him out.

** Oh yeah, our first conversation starter was my NES with the original Super Mario Bros. * Stated several times to [[{{Tropers/NotATerrorist}} this troper]]. He's also... somewhat charming, but also a bit of a twat. * This troper is stated to be one by her boyfriend: Savvy/Enthusiastic with obsessions (i.e. Doctor Who, Tintin), optional glasses that are only meant for reading, LOVES mugs (only specific ones), tea and sweets and can be pretty clumsy too, regularly tripping up. This does also merge with Moe and Geek, in all honesty. ** This same troper's boyfriend is also Adorkable: He wears glasses on a occasional basis, collects Doctor Who figures AND plays with them, loves to discuss theories about the universe, artistic and pretty passionate about it. *** What makes us both Adorkable is our joint [[Series/DoctorWho Doctor Who]] fandom that is possibly one of the most serious things in our relationship, seeing as we both automatically bonded at first sight over it. YAY! * This troper's crush is this. Although quite conventionally attractive, her very nervous and slightly hyperactive personality, as well as the facts that she plays Call of Duty, wears glasses, and that she's one of the few popular students who actually goes to class, push her straight into NerdsAreSexy territory. * This Troper is tiny (5'1"), hyper, and has a love of all things manga and literature related, in addition to Star Trek, D&D, and cosplay. ** Are you [[Tropers/{{Jcatgrl}} me]]? * This troper loves adorkable guys. She's often said to be this herself even though she hates being clumsy and awkward, most guys find [[{{Cute Clumsy Girl}} it]] [[{{Dojikko}} endearing]]. * Behold, [[ the awkwardness]] of [[@/{{Tre}} Mr. Tre.]] He apparently is this, according to his friends. He's not sure himself though. Sadly, he's not found anyone who likes this kind of person... at least, not yet. * [[{{Tropers/Luo}} This troper]] would probably be considered adorkable if he had a particular area he could geek out over, as opposed to being something of a dork-of-all-trades. Adorkable girls, however, are his -absolute- favorite by far. * This Troper's significant other. He has the brainy specs, a love of Lord of the Rings, Doctor Who, video games, most sci-fi and fantasy novels, and Star Wars (that's how we met) among other things, as well as a stunningly large knowledge of aviation and firearms. The Troper maintains that his most adorkable moment thus far has been him letting out a literal "man-squee" (as he puts it) when he found a particular model of airplane engine in the London Science Museum's aviation exhibit. <3

* [[MaggieDynamo This Troper]] has been called pretty dorky numerous times what with her glasses, her messy bedhead hair, her random (and mostly useless) facts, and her love for all things geeky be it anime, D&D, StephenColbert or manatees. She also would rather go for guys that are nerdy like her because then she would have something to talk

with them about. * [[Tropers/TheEvilOboist This troper]] loves guys who are adorkable, going right along with my unfailing belief that NerdsAreSexy. If only I can find a properly adorkable Mormon guy. No luck so far, as they all seem to be rather blond, shallow and built, whereas I like the brunette/redhead, sensitive, non-built kind. I will keep looking until I find one! I know they must exist--my uncles are living proof! * Many of [[{{Tropers/Luna87}} this troper's]] old guy pals from high school drama club were this (but we were all always JustFriends). This troper herself has been told she's this, too. * This Troper once saw a movie theater cashier who accidentally knocked over a bunch of cups and stuttered a lot. Adorkable was the exact adjective to come to mind. * This is probably the best way to describe [[@/DarkInsanity13 this troper]] and her college friends. All of them are nerds in some way or another, and they're (mostly) all in the Library Tech course. * This troper is 5'4, has a mess of brown curls and large brown eyes that are framed by purple glasses. also tends to be clumsy and acts childish to some, (has a fasination with shiny things, can't hold her focas most of the time, randomly hugs people and likes wearing holiday things Etc: she's wearing a santa hat at school right now) enjoys video games (one of the only girls the does and is the only girl in her video game disign class. she's been called adorkable mutiple times. the guy she likes is adorkable too! :) * Pretty much all of my friends have called me this at some point since we've known each other. Quite a few of them would also qualifyone in particular looks like he could be [[{{Team Star Kid}} Darren Criss']] younger brother, and every time we have a conversation, it ends up sounding like [[{{Dollhouse}} Topher and Bennett]] minus the crush part. I turn all of these into "geek-offs" to see which one of us is the most adorkable in the conversation. I don't think he's realized yet. * I'm very much into adorkable types myself. Unfortunately, there is a low supply in smart and nerdy in this town, so she's been stuck for a while. Cue last semester, where she met someone adorably lanky, who wears glasses, loves video games, draws lots of fan-art, animates, and actually knows about most of the memes she talks about. Cue my internal fangirl squee. * I love adorkable guys. I haven't been able to find one in real life... well, a while ago, I did. September 2010, I went to a party and met a friend of a friend who is very cute. He's awkward in a very relatable way (as in I find myself going "aw, I would have done that too <3"), he understands and references the memes I talk about, he's just fun to be around, and everyone I've shown his photo to has either said "wow, he IS cute" or "he's adorkable!" Seriously, three people have actually said the word "adorkable." * This troper probably fits this. She wears [[{{Meganekko}} glasses]], is a huge Nintendo geek, and loves manga and cosplay. And useless, random facts. ** Clone. * [[{{Tropers/AstraKiseki}} This troper]] is a bespectacled female geek and a NightmareFetishist who squeals over decay and diseases as

much as she does over baby animals. She also is consistently compared to a corgi (short, stocky, big brown eyes, bouncy, always :Ding) and threatened with being [[ImTakingHerHomeWithMe taken home]] by her real life friends. Alas, not by anyone who'd take her home [[IfYouKnowWhatIMean in a slightly less wholesome fashion.]] But here's to hoping. * [[{{Tropers/Icemelter00}} This troper]] is in a show choir. Apparently the band that was at one of our concerts decided who in the show choir was cute and who was awkward. I was told after the concert that I fit into both categories. * This tropette has had crushes on exactly three boys in her lifetime: the tall, lanky, neighbor boy who always wanted to pretend we had a time machine, the awkward kid who sat next to me in Spanish class who plays about five different instruments, and currently, my best friend who's pretty much the real life version of [[HowToTrainYourDragon Hiccup]]. Adorkability overload. <3

* This troperette is bamboozled by three things. The first being a snarktacular childhood friend who loves videogames, animae, is secretly a gentle romatic soul at heart and matured into something tall, dark and handsome that makes her drool. He has no girlfriend, why? (It might be because he's a little short) The second thing being herself; 5'10, 60kg worth of gangly-framed, comic-book loving, DoctorWho addicted, fantasy writing, science-nerding, snarktastic teenage girl with a cartoonishly experssive face, masses of curly hair and a love of printed teeshirts. The third being, why haven't we hooked up yet? WHY? * Apparently, [[@/DeathToSquishies this troper]] is Adorkable to many of his female friends, who constantly throw one liners like "cuuuuuuuuuuuute~" at me. Mostly to fluster me because I'm a modest guy. I mean, sure, I do [[ stupid stuff like this]], but... * This troper's 13th grade physics teacher. High voice, very smart, funny mannerisms, skinny, shy. He wore glasses and couldn't pronounce R's. * This troper was madly in love with an adorkable guy for several years. Tall, slim, long hair, glasses, friendly, really smart but kind of embarassed about it... She knew from the first moment that she saw him that she wanted to have his babies, despite having always claimed to not be the family type. Unfortunately, her love wasn't returned. She still loves adorkable guys. Like the cute schoolteacher she saw on the bus the other day. And the hairdresser around the corner. Yes, she never thought that a hairdresser could be adorkable either, but she was wrong. I think I should get a haircut really soon. * This glasses-wearing, bushy-haired, tiny in height female troper with a love of animation and comics has been called "geeky adorable." Incidentally, most of her older friends can't seem to see her without [[ImTakingHerHomeWithMe squealing and hugging her.]] * The only reason that this troper knows that she's a romantic asexual is because she keeps fangirling adorkable guys in fiction. Now if only

she could find such a person in real life... * This female troper is most definitely one, and is attracted to adorkable males. * This is why this troper and her best friend insist that their guy friend should wear his glasses; he looks far more adorable with them on. On a related note, this troper fervently believes that said best friend is far cuter with ''her'' glasses on * People keep claiming this troper is one, to the point where none of her friends *except maybe 2* can't go without hugging her. 3 in particular always comment on how cute she is. I don't get it...*speaking while wearing a 1980's TMNT shirt* * I don't particularly look adorkable because people have told me when they first see me they think i would be one of the popular girls (I'm so not)But then I speak and people realize that i'm actually a huge dork. I love manga and batman and pokemon, and even with nerdy hobbies that I have never heard of I love listening to people tell me about them because if other people find it interesting i usually do as well. Also I have a tendency to tell stories while making wild hand gestures and weird expressions, as a result I've caught people watching me from far away laughing at me even though they have no idea what I'm saying. Or maybe that's not adorkable and just weird. XD * Subverted by this troper, who seems to only have the negative aspects of this trope: he is clumsy, insecure, and socially awkward, but not innocent, studious, cute, or particularly nice. * Hmm...considering this troper's interest, tendency of blushing, and high chance of receiving glasses and year now, I would probably fall under this. * My boyfriend has Asperger's Syndrome, so dorkiness is somewhat built into his brain. He is, by his own admission, 'rather eccentric' and 'an acquired taste.' He is the kindest, sweetest, sexiest man I have ever met. * This troper was at a basketball game in the fall. The girl he wanted to ask to prom was sitting a couple of rows above him so he decided to go up and talk to her. Problem was, he wasn't quite paying attention to where he was going. Cue him nearly tripping on the bleachers and falling flat on his face. * This troper's brother. 18 years old and 5'2 1/2" with glasses (BlindWithoutEm) and MessyHair that he's constantly trying to tame. He's rather like a bird as he's easily distracted by pretty/shiny things, and he absolutely loves someone if he likes them at all. He's also a total klutz. * This Troper managed to score a date with a pretty cute girl in a comic book store, Not geeky enough? He also did it while he was wearing formal dress shoes, tight fitting trousers, a long sleeved shirt and a pair of ''black suspenders''. * This troper finds adorkability ''hugely'' attractive in men, to the point where she can't imagine having a boyfriend who isn't this. For the record, [[UnresolvedSexualTension a lot of her friends are also quite adorkable]]. ** Also, some of this troper's own friends have described ''her'' as adorkable. To the point where this and anything similar are steadily becoming the most common compliments she receives.

* This Troper managed to score a date with a cute girl in a Comic book store, Not geeky enough? He also did it while he was wearing formal dress shoes, tight fitting trousers, a long sleeved shirt and a pair of ''black suspenders'' * This troper considers himself awkward and dorky, but has been told he fits this trope, as much as he disagrees. It's probably the glasses, inability to talk to people without staring at his shoes, proclivity for wearing too-long sweatshirts to hide his hands, and an obsession with chemistry and music. * This troper's crush. Short enough to pass for CuteShotaroBoy, wears NerdGlasses, talks funny, and likes ''{{Pokemon}}''. * This troper has a very lanky friend with big eyes who looks like Harry Potter(along with the glasses), loves anime, and gets easily distracted by cats, loud noises, and squirrels. * This troper would love to meet one. So far the three I met who nearly qualified turned out to be abusive, drug addicted, and pedophiliac. They're only this on the outside, people. * She's this adorable blonde, with a passion for many things, such as the 1940's. Anything from that era gets her too excited for words. In such a vein she also ADORES Disney films, watches and rewatches them regularly, and even makes top notch [=AMVs=] with Disney movies. Also interested in theatre and musicals. She tries to find the good in every single person, and is a pet lover (namely dogs). Also she loves absolutely loves Okami and a few other games. ** Also, allegedly (according to friends and exes) I'm one of these. Dorky and nerdy most certainly. From video games to comics, odd literature and music, I have unconventional interests to say the least. When I get to introduce someone new to them I get ecstatic, two of the longest conversations I've had were me describing the lore to TheElderScrolls games, and me going off on everything about TheSlendermanMythos. I'm told that my eyes widen and I talk even faster than normal, and it can apparently be endearing. My clothes and style...well can be summarized by how my favorite outfit consits of a dress shirt and tie, and I wear that even if I'm just picking up groceries. For some reason I'm flirted with regularly, much to my confusion (half the time I don't realize I was being flirted with till after the fact), and can never really find a way to react. And when I actually am interested in someone and try flirting things go, well I can't flirt to save my life. * This Troper's brother. He constantly dresses in suits and ties (this used to piss me of, but I've gotten used to it). His jokes revolve around his favorite songs and animes, he also gets very emotional. Also I guess... I could qualify. * This Troper's boyfriend, hands down. Total geek, 'Nice Jewish Guy'...Example? This voicemail left on her phone: Hey! Guess what day it is? The 23rd...Happy Anniversary, babe! Wait! Not babe! affectionate love you... * This troper has a friend who's a huge social studies and drama geek, and is probably one of the funniest and most genuinely liked guy in this troper's grade. This troper goes to a small private school where everybody's known each other since kindergarten, so she can tell you that on the first day of second grade, her friend came to school with

a briefcase. * This Troper, apparently. Well, my best friend called me this. I can kind of see why, I'm a bit of a geek. I'm into Nintendo games, and my best friend just introduced me to {{My Little Pony Friendship is Magic}}, and I got REALLY into it. Her and I are also into acting and singing... when I act, I'm kind of [[LargeHam over the top]], complete with [[MilkingTheGiantCow the appropriate hand gestures]]. Aside from that, my mannerisms come off as a bit geeky, or odd. I can come off as pretty clumsy or spacey at times (at least, around that best friend), which makes me act a bit awkward. She doesn't mind though, it amuses her, and she likes it. And she's also like that. I'm also good hearted (I've been called sweet a lot, because I'm a {{Nice Guy}}) and innocent. My mannerisms also come off as weird, which definitely get me weird looks (and I already get enough of those, because of the fact that I have long hair.), like if I decide to go all [[LargeHam hammy]] in public. For the most part though, I showcase a bit of a [[TheStoic facade]], to people I'm not too close with. But around people I am close with, like my aforementioned best friend, I'm as awkward and dorky as ever, much to her liking it seems. * [[TacoNinja This one's]] Australian best friend. Beanpole-thin, genius-history buff, anime/video game dork, wears ridiculously awesome hats (example: a rainbow beanie, a purple hat like something Willy Wonka would wear) LOVES Pokemon and Doctor Who and amazingly enough has a girlfriend who's practically a female version of him who dresses like Tom Baker and is equally Adorkable. Eee. <3

[[folder:Real Life]] * Alan Davies of ''{{QI}}'' and ''JonathanCreek'' fame. Any character portrayed by him has a high chance of being {{adorkable}} due to TruthInTelevision. * BarackObama. He has been seen with ''StarWars'' comics! * [[ThatGuyWithTheGlasses Doug Walker]], out of character. Best seen in the Premium Area bloopers but you can see it just as well in convention videos and donation drives. When Critic isn't seriously raging (and hey, sometimes when he is), this trait bleeds into him like whoa. * Richard Garriott, aka, Lord British. * [[AtopTheFourthWall Lewis Lovhaug]]. Though [=YMMV=] because of his voice. * [[TheSpoonyExperiment Noah Antwiler]], in and out of character. Just look for any interview in YouTube, the dude ''can't fucking believe'' that people actually like his stuff. Also, he's got a ''gorgeous'' smile. * [[AngryVideoGameNerd James Rolfe]] * NeilGaiman * AlysonHannigan * [[{{TroperTales/Adorkable}} Tropers!]] * [[HarryPotter Daniel Radcliffe]]. Especially in his [[ Harry Potter getup]]. ** And singing [[ "The

Elements Song"]]. * [[TheIncredibles Sarah]] [[ThisAmericanLife Vowell]] * [[JonathanCoulton JoCo]], [[FanNickname JoCo]], and for a surprising change of pace, [=JoCo=]. * [[SlumdogMillionaire Dev Patel]], I mean just look at him! * Conan O'Brien. * David Archuleta. David FREAKING Archuleta has the [[EstrogenBrigadeBait horniest fangirls on the planet]] * [[DavidTennant David Tennant]], and his [[ farewell speech]] to the Doctor Who cast and crew. ** For his foreword on the box set of the final Series/DoctorWho Specials, he wrote an adorable short story of his thirty eight year old self meeting his eight year old self, and telling him that one day he'll play the Doctor and have the best time of his life doing so. Just... [[ mments awwwwww]]. Note the comments, in which everyone claims to have either teared up or [[{{Squee}} squee'd]] from the cute. * Matt Smith. He's pretty clumsy in real life, and he has been seen wearing glasses somewhat often. * DavidMitchell. Intelligent? Opinionated? Vaguely self-conscious and slightly ashamed of his own erudition? Check, check, and check. * Jay Baruchel, who's like Michael Cera on geek steroids - but without the blank "I have no idea what's going on right now" look Cera often has. * Matthew Gray Gubler. ** On some DVD extras for [[CriminalMinds Criminal Minds]], IIRC, shows this. When they were filming his kiss with [[spoiler: Lila]], he was very fidgety and nervous about it, saying that he kissed maybe around three girls in his lifetime. The first time they kissed, he completely forgot his lines. He also was keen on applying chapstick and asking the cast for advice. You would think that as an actor and former model he wouldn't have been so {{Adorkable}}! * Josh Groban. * FeliciaDay. * RickMoranis may be one of the first to be this. It helps that he is [[TheShortGuyWithGlasses 163 cm (5'4'') and wears glasses about 95% of the time]]. * MichaelCera * Topher Grace * ZachBraff * Michael Emerson (Ben on {{LOST}}) may play a frightening villain, but when he's not playing baddies, he's disarmingly playful and wellspoken. [[ 17:15 in this video]], when he talks about his interests, is purely squee-worthy. * With the exception of John Romero (he's just plain sexy, no need for adorkableness), [[ every guy on this list]]. * JustinTimberlake, despite his career mainly being based on being a {{bishonen}}, has taken on more and more aspects of this as he's

gotten older. It's one reason he may have been RescuedFromTheScrappyHeap after the breakup in N'Sync. * RufusWainwright * SethGreen * [[ Anthony Rapp]]. His spazzy dance moves/hand movements make it all the more hot! * [[YuGiOhTheAbridgedSeries Martin "Little Kuriboh" Billany]] and [[NarutoTheAbridgedSeries Lawrence "MasakoX" Simpson]]. I think it's something about the British. * Alexander Rybak * {{JosephGordon-Levitt}}, although with {{Inception}}, he might have dropped the dork part of it. ** The guy who had a NerdGasm at playing [[GIJoe Cobra Commander]] and plays covers of Lady Gaga songs? Like hell he has! * Ed Miliband. And possibly Big Brother Miliband. * [[TalkingHeads David Byrne]] was incredibly [[ adorkable.]] [[ The so-bad-it's-good video for once in a lifetime shows it best.]] Of course nowadays [[ he just looks like a cool old guy.]] * Anton Yelchin. Most definitely. * Jesse Eisenberg. He has therapists! * MishaCollins. * Billy Boyd. * MaggieGyllenhaal. Oh, so very much. ** What? No love for her equally {{Adorkable}} [[JakeGyllenhaal brother]]? * JudyGreer ** [[ 05848742-000.jpg Sweater vests are cool!]] * YOU are probably this. ** [[TakeThatMe Naaah.]] * John Francis Daley. Moreso when he was [[{{FreaksAndGeeks}} Sam Weir]], but it still qualifies * CareyMulligan. [[ In some pictures]], she looks like she's about to laugh with a snort. * Even though he's a Hall of Fame NFL Quarterback, Peyton Manning. His little brother Eli may qualify too. * The NiceJewishBoy stereotype in Ashkenazi culture is built around adorkability. It's based around the ideals of ''edelkeit'', which embraces "studiousness, gentleness, and sensitivity". These are the qualities fitting of a Talmudic scholar, so he's perfect husband material! In Jewish culture, adorkableness = a reliable husband. * JaymaMays * David Hyde Pierce. * [[TheDailyShow John Stewart]]. May act like a goofball, but was voted [[CrouchingMoronHiddenBadass World's Most Trustworthy Newscaster]]. * ToddInTheShadows, even though you never even see his face.

* ColinFirth. So many sweaters... * DarrenCriss * YMMV, but quite a few astronauts who aren't straightforward hyperconfident [[AcePilot Ace Pilots]]. * MadelineZima, in interviews. * ColinMorgan * RachaelBella. Looks like she might suffer from a deviated septum, whatever the hell that is. * ChloeSevigny * AngelaBettis. Looks like she suffers from terrible hay fever. But, you know, in a cute way.

[[/folder]] ---Tropers by definition are {{Adorkable}}! * The person who came up with that definition doubly so. ** *blush* That was me. Thank you. ----

AdventurerArchaeologist * Tropers/DreamingApe: About the only thing that Indiana Jones gets right about archeology and archeologists is the fondness of hats. My girlfriend can attest to this as she is one herself, working outdoors on hot summer days will make you very fond of hats to keep you from getting sunstrokes. You will rarely see archeologists in the field without a hat. * This troper had a professor of Classics who was once an archaeologist, and while he didn't have adventures on a ''regular'' basis, things like being trapped overnight in the Temple of Asclepius occasionally happened to him. (What makes it even funnier is that the Temple of Asclepius is [[WhyDidItHaveToBeSnakes filled with snakes]] because in ancient times the snakes were believed to have healing properties and were cultivated there to such an extent that the temple is still a successful snake colony.) * This troper is an archaeology student who had a professor that worked in Mesoamerica. If you're lucky and if he's in a good mood, he'll tell you the story of when his team spotted unmapped ruins from a helicopter, jumped out of said helicopter into a bay full of sharks, and macheted their way through the jungle to get to it. * This troper has a couple friends who are amateur {{Adventurer Archaeologist}}s. * This troper, who knows full well what Archaeologists really do, still liked to joke that he didn't expect the amount of work there was in an archaeology class. He thought the only things he needed were a bullwhip, a revolver, and a cool hat. * This troper has an excellent story, and it is 100% true! Honestly, it is going to sound ridiculous, but it's entirely true. So last summer, I was in Cambodia, visiting various jungle ruin temples with

my parents and a guide. We were at Ta Prohm, the jungle labyrinth (notable as where they filmed the Tomb Raider movies), and I ran off ahead. I quickly managed to lose myself in the labyrinth (quite intentionally), but ran afoul of the dreaded cordoned-off area. The Cambodian government is very corrupt, and as such you have to bribe your way into anywhere interesting, and the ruins are full of armed guards. But there were none nearby, and I knew that the most interesting parts were often cordoned off... (For example, I snuck onto the roof of Angkor Wat and went exploring at dawn. It was awesome.) So I hopped the chain, and went exploring. I quickly found some incredible things, like a room of pitch darkness where I couldn't feel walls or a floor--a bottomless pit? But then I heard a guard coming! Fuck! So I scrambled up a pile of fallen stones and onto a low wall. I lay flat against the top of the wall, and watched the guard pass underneath, complete with huge gun. It was pretty terrifying! After that I headed back to safety and the right side of the chains. * A friend's father has as his job description, "Freelance Archaeologist." He gets hired out by universities to tramp around the local area, looking for ancient artifacts and fighting off the local wildlife. Said friend literally describes it as "Indiana Jones' job." ---Swing past crocodile-filled ravines, dodge poison dart traps and rob ancient temples of precious artifacts to make your way back to AdventurerArchaeologist. ---<<|TroperTales|>>

AerithAndBob * This troper is the Aerith of his group of friends. There's Luke, Geroge, Ryan, Alex, and me...Kemys * Sometimes, this Troper gets the feeling her aunt and uncle just never wanted a girl. In birth order, her cousins' names are Prometheus, Bartholomew, Amadeus (yes, after Mozart) and...[[TheUnfavorite Shelly]]. * This Troper's Mother was quite insistant on giving her child the Irish equivalent of Rosie which is Roisin, and this girl later ended up in a class full of people with fairly normal names. Registration was always a [[CrowningMomentofFunny CMOF]]with confused teachers calling out a variety of pronunciations such as 'Roysin' and even 'Raisin'! * This tropette and her brothers are [[ThemeNaming Phoenix, Sphinx and Gryphon]]. With friends with names like Mel, Hannah and Jason, we stick out a bit. * This troper and his sisters are named (in order from most to least common) David (5th most popular name in the year he was born), Heather (number 8), Brooke (number 92), and Laurel (Number 542). Granted, Heather made top ten (for her year) but it was virtually unheard of not long before that. Laurel still is virtually unheard of. However, David has been one of the top ten names for over a century. * This troperette plays in an RP that had a [[BoysLove yaoi couple]] named Josh and Lureschone. My character was a YaoiFangirl. Do the

math. * This Troper's best friend has two brothers and a sister. The boys have really common names, but the parents decided to name their daughter Glenda. I have never met another teenage girl named Glenda, although all of the boys shared their names with several others in their class at school. * This troper's given names come from Gaelic. Seven of her four siblings' eight names between them are Hebrew in origin, and the eighth is Greek in origin, a slight variation on their mother's name, and belongs to the child who shares her birthday. * T.T. goes to a US college with a Korean sister school, and we have a lot of Korean exchange students. They are remarkably tolerant of the constant name-butchering from people who have never had to wrap their tongues around anything more complex than "William." * This troper's ex had cousins named 'Phil', 'Alex', and 'Keena.' * This troper's real name is Shekinah. Brother? Dustin. Granted he's adopted... * This troper used to learn in a (German) school full of emigrants, so her classmates' names ranged from 'Isabel', 'Clara' and 'Max' to 'Nadjezhda', 'Ladta', 'Nga' and 'Pascale'. Heck, this troper had a friend whose name was 'Ivanna Wu Luba' - I guess that none of it sounds normal in English, but Luba is practically the most eccentric Russian name, and Ivanna is obviously Russian as well. The 'Wu' part is Chinese. * Kind of subverted since my first name is Marcin (Martin) and my second is Ezekiel. I still think this should be my first name :D * This troper managed to escape this foul destiny thanks to her father. Her mother had decided that she wanted a Middle Ages name and was ready to call her Gondomar, like a character from a chivalry novel. Against names as Eva (Eve), Antonio (Anthony) and David, that would have surely hit the "Aerith" part. Fortunately, her father was able to convince this troper's mother to call her a variation of her mother's name that was far more common. * This troper just started a new job. His coworkers' names are Akari and Bob. Close enough? He's also from Hawaii, where polysyllabic names are commonplace. For instance, [[ atistics.html this week's winners]] of the Aerith Prize are... Madison Keli'ikuniaupunia'oemma Mera Pacarro for sheer length, and Scyralin Scottlynn Rydasha Butay for inventiveness. Claiming the Bob Prize is Ria Aimi Pena. * This troper is friends with people with names like Jessica, Alex, Kevin, y'know, all the "normal" names. Then there's his friend [[AncientEgypt Ramezees]]. Yes, named after ''that'' Ramezees, and has the god complex to match! * This troper's name isn't bad in itself, it's the spelling that's bothersome 'Rebekah' while her sister is 'Jacqueline' (also a funny spelling but far more common after Jacqueline Kennedy) and her brother is 'Nicholas'. Of course...our Mother wanted to name me 'Cassondra' so what I got is better in the long run, kind of. * This troper and her brother both have obscure Irish Gaelic names, this troper's name is Tailltiu pronounced talltee, and that's odd in a

class with 3 people named Alex, 2 people named Lauren and 2 people named Matthew ,and also faces the constant problem of people mis spelling or mispronouncing her name. * This troper dodged a bullet. His father wanted to name him Lineker. Yeap, after Gary Lineker. What did he get? Ashley. Which is a [[BerserkButton boy's name too, I'll have you know]]. He was named for the character from GoneWithTheWind, which is a source of embarrassment. Had he been a girl, he'd have had Jody. ** Same troper's ex dodged an even ''bigger'' bullet. Named Abbey, other possible names were Blodwen (she's Welsh, which doesn't really excuse the fact that that name has about as much ring to it as a rotten blancmange) and Shadow. * This troper's name is Kate,one of most common names in her country next to Ann.But Her sister's name is Roxanne,which is well...less common.Well,in eastern-european countries names are serious business.Her friend Samuel had rough time during primary school.Bonus points if you survive without a breakdown untill highschool,then your very unusual name suddenly becomes very cool * This troper and her brother both have Gaelic names. This troper's name is Deirdre while her brother's name is Seamus. At school, during role call on the first day or whenever we had a substitute, hilarity ensued. At dinner one night with her family, her mother (named Eden), brother and herself were all laughing and joking about the different names they were called by mistake. Then her dad (named Jim) said, "Boy, and to think, the worst I've been mistaken for is 'Tim'" * My cousins are named Alex and Dakota. No, Dakota is not a family name, and we don't have any connection to the states or anything like that. Also, [[GenderBlenderName they're both boys]]. * Me and my friends. Brittany, Katilyn, Olivia, Michelle, and..... Cammi. Guess which one I am. * This troper's named after a constellation. Her sister's named after an obscure character in classical Greek mythology. My first middle name is an old, German family name; my other middle name is my Cheyenne name. My sister's middle names are an old Gaelic family name and her Cheyenne name. This troper's mother is named Karma, with the same dual helping of German/Cheyenne middle names. Her brother? Oh, he's Nick. * This happens all the time at this troper's schools. She's an expat, and bounces to a new international school in a new country every two years. The mixing of names is always epic. Nikolas and Risa and Samantha and She'walay, all in the same classroom. * Well, [[Tropers/ICantThinkOfAWittyName I'm]] a variation. My younger sisters are named Emma and Sarah. My cousins are named Lachlan, Renee, Scott, and Jake. Perfectly normal. But me? I get a screwed up name out of a David Eddings book. And his books are ''fantasy,'' which makes it worse. * My friend Winona has a brother named Jed... and a sister named Hanukkah. There is also a boy in my class whose name is Tom, and his brother's name is Steele. * My name is Hana, which means 'flower' (it also means 'nose' but that probably wasn't intentional). My twin sister's name: Emily. So its Emily and Hana.

** However, it's also a bit of a subversion as her mom has stated that the name, derived from 'Emiri', means 'pretty as a picture'. *** Hana is also an alternative (and closest to the original Hebrew) spelling of "Hannah", so it might be a case of either "Aerith and Aerith" or "Bob and Bob". ** My little sister's name is Hana, and our mother got it from her African doctor's last name so it wasn't plain next to yours truly's moniker. Yes, our mother narrowly subverted this trope. * Common when a school gets exchange students. In this troper's senior year, the exchange students were: Alice, Mary, and Do-Gyun. * I'm an American of Indian heritage who grew up in a predominantly Irish Catholic or WASP Boston suburb. All of my friends had traditional Western names and Irish or English surnames. I was the odd one out. All the teachers mangled my name and I particularly stood out in early grade school, where being different was evil. College was the opposite, though. * My cousin has three kids and she likes unusual names, but one of her kids is the odd one out. Her kids are Rahel (pronounced Ray-El), Vegas (named after exactly what you think) and... Shawn. Shawn is just so normal compared to the other two. This trope would have been subverted had Shawn been a girl, as his name would have been Imara. ** Firefly Imara? * This Troper went to the same highschool with the Oregon highschool tennis player Demetrius Fang. Demetrius is most used by African Americans and Latins, and he is the only Chinese I know with that name. Another classmate is named {{Moe}}ko. Yeah, I don't know whether her parents intended. * Most of my friends have very common names, but there is one notable exception among the crowd. Because of this person, my list of friends includes: Ryan, Kyle, Grant, Matt, Alex, and ''Nyssa'', which is (according to TheOtherWiki) Greek for "beginning", Latin for "end", Arabic for "woman", Hebrew for "sign", and Scandinavian for "a friendly elf or fairy". * My one sister is named "Jana", a name no one in America can seem to pronounce correctly. It's Jan-uh, but she's gotten everything from "John-uh" to "Yan-nah". We also have an extremely odd last name, and my sister used to joke that if anyone called for her and couldn't pronounce her name, don't take the call, it must be a creditor. * This troper's cousins: Rachel, Heather, Gilgamesh and Ray-Ray. * Some of the people in this troper's group of artsy-friends are Jess, Katie, Sarah, Morgan, Becca... then Nirvana, Spike, Zara and Tamra. * In this troper's family, his grandparents had Spanish first names. His mother and her siblings all had Italian first names. This troper's name? Greek. Never mind the fact that this troper is Filipino. * The "generation" of my family are named James, Franklin, Catherine, and Timothy. I, on the other hand, got a name much later used for a certain blue fish in a Pixar movie. At least a much larger percentage of the population spell it right and it is a family name, so it isn't all that bad. * This troper literally once wrote a story starring three characters, an unnamed first person narrator, Aeris, and Bob. This was to differentiate between the two, as Bob was more down to earth and Aeris

was part of some mystical order looking for a chosen one. * This troper's old class. A Hannah, two Jades, two Brionys, a Laura, a Christina and... a Cameo and a Champagne? * This Troper's maternal family -lives- on this trope, when we decide not to reuse old family names. Among my cousins, I have a Blodwyn, a Yidr, a Romana, an Olaf (we're Welsh), a Sabella, a Mygghan, a Lexington, a Meredith, two Fletchers (though that is a family name), an Ace, and a Kal-El. Me? I was named after a European country, and only because my dad pulled veto power on my mother's original choice of "Arwen". ** Hold up...''[[{{Superman}} Kal-El]]''!? Are you by any chance related to Nicholas Cage? * Not so much a first name case, but my family name is Missimer. Go ahead, try and say it, odds are you won't be able to pronouce it correctly the first time. * This troper and her three friends. Her name is Kaya and her closest friend's name is Kika. Her other two friends' names? Xena and Fara. Okay, maybe Fara isn't that odd, but Xena? * {{AnneBeeche}}: My mother has the plain Katarzyna (Polish derivative of Catherine) as her given name, while my uncle, her brother, has the old-fashioned Polish names Jaroslaw Miroslaw. Both are still common names in Poland, but it's still a case of AerithAndBob within the family. * This troper sits next to two guys in his English class. Bob....and Chibuzo (He's from Nigeria). * I am a very odd case... My birth name is Elwyn (its Celtic), and although I love that name dearly, I decided to change it in highschool to Zane (which is almost as strange sounding). Elwyn always sounds too feminine to me and everyone who hears it... My love of emoticons doesn't help this when I'm proud enough to use my birth name online... TT_TT * This Troper is in the midst of writing a story. Of the character names he has: twins [[AmbiguouslyGay Satchel]][[spoiler: dies]] and [[ACupAngst Echo]], their sister [[WrenchWench Olivia]], their mother [[TheDeepSouth Kennedy]], and father [[CloudCuckooLander Tycho]]. [[AbusiveParents Tesla]] (also the StoicWoobie) and [[ButNotTooForeign Nikolai]]. [[DoorstopBaby D'Arcy]] (bonus points for MissingMom), her girlfriend [[PerkyGoth Gertrude]], and...D'Arcy [[spoiler: and Gertrude's (neither of them know)]] Punk dad [[OpenMindedParent Matt]]. He gives it a handwave by setting it TwentyMinutesIntoTheFuture. * This troper's friends include people named Allan, James, Ana, Mac, Stephen, Mike, Bart, Lara, Patrick, Mikki, Addy, Rurick, Seva, Cashews, Chewey, Hyuii, Koji, Viel (Vi-YEL) and Ysah (EE-sah). * This Troper has had trouble with players in games wanting to name their characters mundane things when she and the other players have named everything odd fantasy-names. The only one where she actually accepted this kind of thing was the World of Darkness game. The names: [[TheHero Jack]], [[TheLancer Arianne]], [[TheBigGuy Chiyoko]], [[TheSmartGuy Ira]], [[TheChick Justin]], and [[SixthRanger John]]. * In this troper's homeroom, there's a Richard, Ian, Kayla, Lindsay, Jake, Sami, Coty, Liz, Jessica, Rachel, Ethan, Dillon, Brittany,

Courtney, Kelly, two Ashley's...And a Rory, Emylynn, and Burgundy. * [[Tropers/WeAreSilver My]] name: Tara. My boyfriend's name: Mark. My best friend's name: Madison. My other best friend's name: ''Siyany''. Parental justification: "It sounded cool." * My three friends names are Jane, Zoe, and Kaylee, whose parents wanted something unique. Unfortunately, my name is not Inara, or River, which would have made things more hilarious. * My sisters names are Jolly (supposed to be named after actress Julie Andrews, [[DidNotDoResearch but...]], Lila, and Hala. This troper's name is Zeynab. The last two are somewhat justified, since my family is Lebanese, but Zeynab is still an odd way of spelling it, and Hala is somewhat uncommon, as far as I know. The only one with the completely Western name (Jolly) is the only one of us to actually be born in Lebanon. * This Troper's mother named him and his brother unpopular names ''on purpose'', her reasoning was that she doesn't like following fads, and wanted us to stand out. This Troper is Zachary, his brother is Joshua. Neither of us have met more than 4 people with the same name, so it must have worked out. As if having Asperger's Syndrome didn't make us both stand out enough. * Double subverted(?) with this tropette, Abigail. The year I was born, my name was barely in the top 100. Look now, and it has been in the top 10 for the past couple years. * The Chinese students at my college choose more Western sounding names so we don't have to mangle their own names. Most of them have normal names like Richard, but some of them pick something a little different ie. Kimi, Heidi and Apple. * This overheard conversation always cracks this troper up: --> Student: Wow, Saoirse. What a strange name. Is it ethnic? --> Saoirse: Yeah, it's Irish. --> Student: Cool! Are your parents from Ireland? --> Saoirse: Yes. --> Student: Do they have cool names too? What are their names? --> Saoirse: Kathy and Patrick. * I have a friend named Amarah. My name? John. * This troper suffers from this, there's Trisha, Maddie, Lindsey, and... Relin. * I have this problem in my family. My name is Monae (female), my mother is Afeni, after the [[TupacShakur slain rapper's]] mother, my grandmother's is Patsy, and my older brother? He's Anthony. ----What were your parents thinking when they named you and your sibling AerithAndBob? ----

AerosolFlamethrower * [[{{Tropers/Petewarrior}} This troper]] used to do this to "impress" his friends. But now that I know the dangers... I'll be careful. ** The dangers are most certainly exaggerated; have you ever heard of one single instance of an ignited spray exploding the can? Much like the "lit cigarette exploding the gas pump" myth, it doesn't happen in

reality. The escaping spray is too cool to transfer heat back from the point where enough oxygen mixes for combustion, a good couple inches forward from the spray nozzle. ** This troper has done this on numerous occasions and has never been worried about the can exploding. The heat is all directed away from the can, and without any oxygen inside the can itself, it would be exceedingly difficult for ignition to happen inside. That said, an aerosol can left inside of a fire makes for some impressive fireballs. *** '''''NOT A GOOD IDEA'''''. You may have gotten lucky when you've thrown an aerosol can on the fire, but for those who aren't lucky, the shrapnel can be dangerous. Even deadly. *** I've done both of the above, flamethrowing and tossing them in the fire. I tend to fire it in short bursts to stop the can heating up. As for burning the can, they've never exploded like a bomb. Usually they pop at the seams on the top. *** Even though the possibility of can exploding while doing flamethrower impressions is slim, aerosol cans were reportedly used as a makeshift bombs by children. The idea is that the nozzle is quickly taped down while depressed, and lit can is then thrown, exploding some time later. Not sure this is true, but I think that at some point when the nozzle melts, a failure could occur further down (on the other hand, there is a metal valve down there...). * A guy named Stephen Hopkins epicly fails this by spraying object with spray paint and then trying to light it on fire. * A certain person decided to light my arse on fire with this method whilst i was changing my trousers in the changing rooms in my school. My reaction was predictable, hilarious and (if you were outside when i started running with trousers around my ankles) freaking terrifying.

AffablyEvil * The BigBad in this troper's Original Fiction is a HumanoidAbomination who likes killing people for absolutely no reason. When he doesn't do that, he enjoys drinking tea, even the FBI members who are out to catch him. He even bakes a cake (a [[FoodPorn very, VERY delicious cake]]) for one of the investigators who hates him the most. * The character [[ManInWhite Ep]][[BadassAbnormal it]][[NeutralEvil om]][[EvilRedHead e]], who also goes by the name of Riddely. falls into this trope. Most people remember him for his politeness and calm demeanor, along with his PerpetualSmiler nature. A good example of LightIsNotGood. * In This troper's original fiction, a reoccurring villain is a HitmanWithAHeart who was hired by the GrimReaper to reap the immortal soul of the protagonist, he's quite good at it, and actually keeps up with an angel in close combat, and [[PunchClockVillain leaves once his employer is defeated.]] What does he do when he's not working? He's [[AffablyEvil planning a birthday party]] [[EvenEvilHasLovedOnes for his daughter]] * I've roleplayed online with characters like this. The best example would be [[CompleteMonster Manfred]][[hottip:*:Or should that pothole to BlueAndOrangeMorality? It's hard to tell, with him.]], who despite

being a rapist, considering robots, androids, and other artificially created beings (except POSSIBLY clones) somehow "lesser" by their artificial state (which is ironic for a [[{{Golem}} Gol]][[{{Pokemon}} urk]], and rather [[BerserkButton sets off]] one of my own characters, whose adopted son is an android), and indeed having [[MoralEventHorizon raped, tortured, dismembered, and murdered two androids for an unknown period of time]], is generally polite to just about everyone, including his enemies. * In one of my fictions, [[GodOfEvil the Lord of the Abyss, Craefr]] is arguably one of these. Yeah, he's a giant demon king that controls [[ElementalPowers all of the elements]] and whose goal is to TakeOverTheWorld, but he rather respectful to his subjects and cares very much about his children (except for the one whose constantly trying to kill him... for obvious reasons). * A guy who expressed desires to kill me was very nice about it. He bought me lunch and everything. * I love these guys! For one example, there's an [[SailorEarth original]] [[PerkyFemaleMinion character]] in a ''Anime/FullmetalAlchemist'' {{fanfic}} who considers the other homunculi to be her "[[{{Nakama}} family]]" and even [[MoeCouplet adopted]] [[WildChild Wrath]]. Of course she still happens to be a [[{{Revenge}} vindictive]] PsychoForHire who's more or less ChaoticStupid [[ChaoticNeutral Neutral]], or ChaoticGood on a good day.

AffairHair * [[@/HersheleOstropoler I]] have occasionally found long blonde hairs on my coat. I don't know why; my girlfriend's a [[HeroesWantRedheads redhead]] (and I correspondingly find long '''red''' hairs often) and my hair is short and black. The most likely explanations are my stepdaughter's blond streaks or people on the subway. ---Follow the strand back to AffairHair.

AFormYouAreComfortableWith * A story this Troper is writing features a mysterious fellow who has this trope written all over him. He's pretty tight lipped about who and what he really is; and in one scene where he's asked why he appears in human form, his rather laconic and enigmatic answer is, "Out of kindness." * Minor example: this troper is extremely flexible, and dislocates his arms in exceedingly disturbing fashions when bored. However, when other people are around, he abstains from these positions, as they cause most people to flip out and, in at least two instances, nearly throw up. * A LARP plot arc in this troper's system that he is running features an eldritch abomination that manifests primarily as an undead humanoid (somewhat subverting and playing straight this trope as it's something that the characters are uncomfortable with, but they aren't losing sanity.)when its real form is a derrac sea in the liquid metal the

figure forms from. This is mainly to allow him to trade for magical equipment to fuel his reverse engineering habit. * The [[AnthropomorphicPersonification Anthropomorphic Personifications]] of the six magical elements (fire, water, earth, air, light, and darkness), as well as several related arcane figures, assume the shape of attractive men and women to talk to humans- in their true form, they're [[EldritchAbmomination Eldritch Abominations]]. * When looking for work, this troper pulls his exceptionally long hair back so as not to shatter the small minds of those who might otherwise be intimidated.

AfraidOfNeedles * This Troper had a cutting episode in her life and due to that she's not really scared of minor injuries. But even then she would freak the shit out at the very thought of pricking her finger with a needle. A huge kitchen knife? Yeah, sure, bring it on. Sewing needle? ''JESUSFUCKINGCHRISTGETITAWAYGETITAWAY'' * It's a long story, but because I was kind of a sickly kid, and part of my weekly routine was essentially being held down and given injections. Sooo now when faced with a needle, I tend to cry, cling to anyone nearby and cower slightly. ...There's a reason my friend jokingly calls me River Tam from time to time. * Watch ''HigurashiNoNakuKoroNi'', and know why this troper now hates visits to the doctor. * This troper is not afraid of needles at all. Once, when she had to get shots, she laughed at everyone else for being scared FOR HER! Alas, a friend of this troper is not so lucky. The friend, who used to have problems with self-injury, was once asked why she was so afraid of needles. In fact, many of this troper's friends are deathly afraid of needles, despite not flinching at all after having broken a collarbone from being shoved into a fence. * This troper doesn't like needles. However, this tropers sister once bit a doctor trying to give her shots. * I've hyper-extended a knee; stubbed a toe so badly that it needed to be x-rayed to make sure nothing was wrong with it (was walking with a slight limp for more than two weeks); twisted several ankles; scabbed my knees so much I have scars; fell off a scooter and getting a scrape that was WHITE (left a scar); cut my knee open (down to the bone) and as soon as I got the stitches out the first time, slipped and the thing re-opened (I felt the stitches the first time too); survived more than twenty mosquito bites at one time on limbs without scars, had hundreds of nose bleeds; so many scars from scratches from my cats, yet I freak out when I see needles. One time it was so bad that I was crying (that was this January, and I'm fourteen) when my mom forced me to get the vaccine for the [=H1N1=] virus. * This tropette, who practices Tae Kwon Do, watches scary movies without getting even slightly nervous, and does various extreme sports fairly often, is scared to death by bees and will fucking run away if they even buzz close to her. * Mildly Subverted/Averted by this troper - while she has no fear of

needles herself, being diabetic, and actually finds the process of blood being drawn amusing and interesting, there was a memorable occasion at her first school, when the meningitis jabs were being given out, when the gym mats had to be laid on the floor of the assembly hall because over half of the ''boys'' had fainted at the sight of a needle. * This troper remembers his first experience with shots. His mother took him to the doctor for a regular check up and after the doctor was finished, he got out that littler pricker thingy they use to take a blood sample. Having never experienced blood being taken, he promptly flipped out and bolted for the door. He was forcefully dragged back, placed on a table and restrained by two nurses and his mother so the doctor could give the shot. This troper was seven. ** This tropette was told by her mom that when she was 5 she got a shot, quietly went to her brother, and said this: --> Me: Run, Eli! THEY'RE GOING TO STAB YOU!! ** It was the funniest thing ever as I watched two nurses and mom chase him as he bolted for the door. Good times. XD * Interestingly enough, this troper can take blood work or mangling his arm in a bicycle accident without any anguish whatsoever, but found having his braces tightened the most excruciatingly painful part of his life thus far, and flips out when someone else cuts his hair for him! ** To be fair, having your braces tightened is fairly painful sometimes. *** ''[[BerserkButton Sometimes]]?!'' *** Oh God, getting them off was ''100'' times worse for me. *** YES!! I got my braces off 2 years ago. I was honestly afraid my teeth were gonna break from the pressure the dentist was putting on them. * This troper is a strange case of this. When she was young (like 7 or less years old) she really didn't care about needles, and while she didn't watch them go in, they didn't bother her. That all changed when I was around 8 or so. I got really sick, and the only way to help me were two needles to the leg. At the time I thought, hey, this won't be so bad. But when they put the (rather large) needles in my leg, ''took them out and stuck them back in again'', while saying to her "It won't hurt a bit"... After that, I really didn't seem to like needles anymore (understatement). It doesn't help at all that this troper has kind of dark skin, and really small and deep veins... So every time they have to draw my blood it takes a long time. Like just a few months ago, I have to get my blood drawn, and they had to put the needle in ''five times'', twice in my right arm, twice in my left, and once in my hand, before they could draw the blood. * This does seem to be a case of TruthInTelevision. This ([[ShrinkingViolet young, female, shy]]) Troper once had a nurse take some blood, snicker, and tell me that I handled it better than all of the BadassBiker types she's seen in her time. * Definitely TruthInTelevision. This troper has had her lip, nose and various bits of her ears pierced with no problem, but will cry like a little girl if required to be in the same ''room'' as a hypodermic

needle - which has confused quite a few nurses and doctors over the years. It's just ''different'', dammit. ** May be because the needles for piercings don't start shooting stuff into your body, or because they just go through and out quick, rather than sticking around for a while. ** I can back this up - I have been a tattoo artist for twelve years, and have to be ''sedated with Valium or some kind of pill'' before I can allow anyone with a hypodermic anywhere near me. Makes the nurses laugh, and I've overheard at least one ER doctor talking about "irony" in hushed tones outside the curtain. (Note to other tropers thinking of calling the trope "averted" because they've gotten tattoos - it is an entirely different kind of needle, and technique, and therefore NOT actually ironic that I'd fear hypodermics.) * When having dental work done, [[@/HasherBritarse this troper's]] father has his teeth drilled without anesthetic because needles scare him more than pain does. ** [[@/{{Nixon}} This troper]] has that done himself - and has a penchant for becoming woozy/occasionally passing out if a needle or some sort of injection is required, and sometimes even mentioned. ** This troper's grandmother was the same way. The rest of the family always wondered how she could do it. ** This troper does that too, although she's never had any very bad cavities. * This troper's fear of needles manifests in his imagination running wild if he so much sat in the same room as a needle meant for someone else. He imagines the needle breaking while still in his arm, the needle missing the vein and hitting muscle or bone, the person with the needle slipping and poking this troper in a delicate area with it (most especially the eyes), or other such things this paranoid mind can think of. ** You are creating nightmare fuel for me. o_o; ** YOU'RE NOT HELPING. * While serving in the Army this troper attended a week long combat lifesaver class, the culmination of which was for each student to start an IV line on another student. No less than 3 of the soldiers in my class of around 25 went into some degree of shock as a result of the exercise. Definitely TruthInTelevision. ** This troper had something similar happen during his military service, except in this case the soldier having the IV insertion demonstrated on him nearly passed out. Another time when this troper was giving blood at the Troop Medical Clinic a private came in for the same purpose and ''completely fainted'' even before they put the needle in, and ended up on the floor. ** For a twist on the same thing, this troper, despite normally being very needle phobic, had no problem when another combat lifesaver trainee was probing the troper's arm with an IV needle. (Well, except that it hurt, because he kept missing the vein.) When it was the troper's turn to put the needle into someone ''else'', witnesses said the troper turned so pale they were afraid ''he'' was going to pass out. * This troper gives blood once every four months and even with the benefits of respect, friendly atmosphere and free food, he ''still''

gets nervous when it's time for the needle to be put in. ** When this troper gives blood, he does fine for the first 2/3rds of the draining, then gets creeped out by the fact that there is a long thin needle in his vein, and that warm plastic tube on his arm is filled with his own blood. ** Did I edit the first one of these in my sleep? Naw, couldn't be, I donate every two months. I still get the apparatus covered every time I donate, though. ** This troper loves giving blood (free cookies!) but can't watch while the needle goes in. She has to look the other way. In one instance, the nurse inserting the needle ''yelled'' at her because she shut her eyes (they don't like that because you might have passed out). The troper responded that "if I open my eyes, I '''will''' pass out." * This troper is so fearful of injections, he refuses to take blood tests and such. ** Also I was so scared during Basic Training, the medics had to calm me down by applying spray-on painkiller before giving an injectiondelivered vaccine. They still had to hold me down too. * Definitely TruthInTelevision oft [[@/{{Nomic}} this troper]]. He gets uncomfortable when around sharp objects, especially needles, and it takes him a lot of effort not to run away screaming when he has to take a blood test or get vaccinated. * Averted by [[@/{{KayKay}} this troper]], because after seeing your own operation to get stitches put in your knee, needles just become less of a big deal. ** This troper thinks the above troper is a BadAss and congratulates him. *** This troper has watched his own knee surgery and still cannot look at injections or blood withdrawals. So YourMileageMayVary. * Also averted by this troper. After watching half of your big toe be surgically amputated under a local anaesthetic (due to a squamous-cell carcinoma on the nail bed, a tumor so rare that a cousin in California that works in a cancer ward has only seen it once in more than 20 years), needles no longer intimidate. Last time I donated blood, they even asked 'Where do you want it?' and I held out both arms and told them to 'pick one'. * This troper, in her preteen years, had to be ''strapped down'' at one point so the dentist could administer Novocain. It's lessened since then, but I still have to look away/close my eyes when the needle comes up in any form. ** Inverted by this troper, who once had to have ''eight shots'' of Novocain before getting a tooth extracted. The dentist started with two, but then I complained. This was also years after needing an IV, which took three tries due to thick skin. I might not much care for them, but apparently needles are afraid of ''me''. ** Inversely, this troper is afraid of needles ''because'' it took six shots of Novocain before having the cord put in his gum to mold a crown. Bled all out in his mouth, the needle went ''through'' the gum and almost stabbed his tongue... gah. * I don't think I could ever give blood. My sister does it all the time, and just thinking about that creeps me out. Geez, I had to look

away when I got a tiny little tetanus shot. And the IV lines for my wisdom teeth removal and a broken arm, oh man. (Shudder). Strange thins is, I don't mind giving injections to others. I've given my dog a few immunizations with no problem at all. Also, going along with the trope, I'm a huge guy that doesn't mind the sight of blood. * This troper was quite loud and temperamental when little, but could easily be silenced by fellow classmates by showing her a needle. And chasing her with them; she was too focused in running to yell or scream. Even now, I have to turn away at the sight of any needle-esque object piercing anyone, even on TV. * This troper hates needles with a passion. Any time I have to get an IV is like half an ordeal. Mainly because I will move my hand a bit when it happens. Of course this troper is used to all sorts of physical punishment as being a martial artists so needles shouldn't be any problem. It was the worst when I had a needle stuck into my scrotum so the doctor's could numb the area to cut open a cyst. * This Troper ''used'' to be afraid of needles. However, when giving birth, when a needle in the spine is the only way to stop it hurting, you get over it pretty quickly. * Subverted by me. I showed signs of fear one time I went to get a blood test. It was fear of people saying annoying things. And yes, there were people saying annoying things, one of which I didn't notice until my father brought it up, the other an unfunny, clich joke about me wanting to be around girls when the person doing the blood test told me to pretend Im in my, "happy place", [[DoubleEntendre which now that]] [[FridgeLogic I think about it...]] I was also mad at my mother when she said that a needle would only feel like a pinch because it definitely hurt more, it didn't even actually hurt that much, but definitely not a pinch. ** I DEFINITELY agree with you over the pinching. It always feels worse. It's like somebody's slowing burning your nerves with evil cold fire as is seeps in deeper. * This troper gets squeamish from mild comments like "needle in the spine," much less even seeing a needle. This is bad enough that it applies to allergy skin tests, which involve the doctor pulling out dozens of little needles (not even real hypodermics, usually just to scratch the surface a bit) to apply to the arm or back. One was bad. Three in a row because the results were "inconclusive" was worse, with the third being dermal injections instead of the scratches. Apparently the fear was even worse when younger, including the need for the parents and a nurse to hold said screaming, panicky me down for immunizations - it took several tries because I was still moving enough despite everyone that they kept missing the vein. * This troper recalls seeing his friend (in elementary school, we had a compulsory immunization) being restrained by two teachers and a doc administers it. The kicker? A different friend of mine literally jumped over the school fence and away to his home that day before the docs are coming. * This troper ''used'' to hate getting shots because of this . . . and then he did two things that changed him: he gave blood and realized he felt giddy afterwards, and he was fully awake while his surgeon used a forceps to fine-tune his nose muscles so his eye would

be straight. That second one cured him. * As long as this troper doesn't have to look at the needle in her skin or watch it go in or out, she's fine. But disaster can occur if she does any of the above. * This troper was banned from three doctors offices until she got therapy because her fear of needles led to injuring the staff there several times. She's gotten the therapy and is able to face needles by acting like a deer in headlights and staying very very still and whimpering until it's all over. If it works, it works, right? * This troper needed to take a hepatitis vaccine shot in sixth grade. In the nurse's office, he nearly strangled the teddy bear they gave him to death before breaking down in tears and running away before he could get the shot. He's not quite that bad anymore, but needles still creep him the hell out. * This troper isn't so much scared of needles as of anything that causes pain, but I do bring helpful advice. When getting blood drawn, have them use a butterfly needle, which is smaller, and have them draw it from your hand. This way, it hurts less, and they don't have to keep the needle in as long. You may thank this troper's grandmother for the wonderful advice. ** This troper wonders if you're kidding because hand draws hurt way more on her than from the elbow bend. Requesting a butterfly needle is still good advice, though. * This troper used to flip out at needles. He got over it. * This troper used to be afraid of needles. Oddly enough, learning a SurvivalMantra by heart was what got her over it. It was the Litany Against Fear, if you're particularly interested. * [[@/JapaneseTeeth This troper]] isn't afraid of injections (although he avoids them whenever possible), but he has fainted dead away every time he gets a blood test, and adamantly refuses to donate blood. Getting medicine injected is fine, but he finds ''getting his blood drained'' to be a little scary. ** [[@/AdamS This Troper]] used to be this way. I'd look the doctor dead in the eye as he was giving me my chicken pox vaccine, but four years later, I'd '''still''' run screaming at the sight of the blood testing apparatus. I'm better now. (Thankfully, say the family members watching me as I edit this.) ** Same thing. This troper is perfectly fine with vaccine injections, but when it concerns something pointy and metallic entering the body for a prolonged period of time, she tends to freak out. She really want to donate blood, but what are the chances the people will give you a general anaesthetic? Oh! and she has made it a rule to never get a serious injury or disease that requires her to go to hospital and have those canulas in her arm. *shudder* * Played straight to an extreme with this troper. After a moment in junior high school when some poor fool pushed her BerserkButton, she bit his finger. The next day she had to be tested for AIDS. The moment the nurse tried to take blood from her wrist, this troper went on an UnstoppableRage and ended up making a mad dash for the exit with the tourniquet still around her arm. * This troper felt physically nauseous just reading this article. He has flat out refused to have an injection since Year 2, culminating

with a screaming match with his parents over a routine shot for something in High School. Oddly enough, he was recently encouraged into having a blood test. Probably something to do with the delirium causing fever he had at the time. Of what he can remember, the experience confirmed his theory that if mankind were mean to have needles, it wouldn't hurt to be stabbed with pointy bits of metal. * This Troper can't stand either being injected or having a blood test. Fortunately, his rather strong immune system reduces the need for getting shots. * Know what's embarrassing? Being an 18-year-old grown woman, being forced to get a hep vaccination, panicking and nearly bolting out of the nurse's office at the mere sight of the needle. In front of her ''father.'' While he knew that [[@/FreezairForALimitedTime this troper]] had some problems with needles, he didn't know how bad it was until he had to sit with her--and he was frankly shocked she had it so bad. * This Troper doesn't mind needles and has no issues with seeing people get shots or giving blood. However, when she gets a shot or gives blood, she always closes her eyes until it's over and the needle is put out of sight. It's not really a fear. More of a 'it's okay seeing it when it's not me' than anything else. * This is definitely the case for this editor. I. Freaking. Hate. Needles. There was one time where I was so afraid I had to get the shot on another appointment. My mom was quite pissed and called me a baby, but still... * The doctors always get a kick out of my nervousness before a shot or anything with a syringe. Thankfully, it's easy to find a vein, so they don't have to * shudder* ''retry''. Also, since I knew that tensing up would only make it worse, I eventually learned how to tense up the whole body ''but'' the arm. * Completely averted with this troper. I give blood partly out of a feeling of social obligation (being O-, universal donor) and just enjoying the process of giving blood. I only wish I could do it more often. * Oh golly, this troper plays this one out to comic extremes. I have no fear of pain, blood, doctors, or sharp things. Hypodermic needles make me scream like a sissy girl and hide. This goes back to my early childhood when, at age two, I took chunks of plaster off the walls trying to escape some boosters. At twelve I, with a nearly severed foot, fended off three nurses with my crutches and attempted to run. Oddly my operation, the one to fix my foot, bothered me very little except for the anesthesia and tetanus shot. At thirteen my dentists had to: a) extract me from a locked bathroom, b) get a little mask over my face and crank the nitrous up to possibly dangerous levels, and c) strap me to a table while I kicked and punched everyone near me while screaming like a Viking berserker. Before going off to college a handful of immunizations were required, luckily at eighteen I was mature enough, aside from a few escape and bribery attempts, to just deal with it. My method of dealing included giving a terrified babbling speech about Terry Pratchett. Most recently, at twenty, the health center people drew my blood and I barely even fainted. Of course, my immediate response was "You want some blood? Give me a

bucket and a gun". ** Wow. That is now the most insane story I've ever heard regarding a fear of needles--and this is from a troper whose father ran out into the street in his underwear and a hospital gown at the age of nine. Something like that, anyway; it's been awhile since I've heard the story. They had to chase him down. * @/JMorgan suggests that, while fear of needles is perfectly understandable, some of the tropers here could stand to grow up and quit being so silly. Then again, @/JMorgan has had pins stuck in her face since she was about twelve, and maintains that getting a shot was the most interesting part of her dental extraction... ** The extreme examples are called ''phobias.'' Yes, it's illogical, but for the people experiencing it, the fear is uncontrollably real. Some people can't just "grow up and stop being so silly," at least not without therapy. * I seem to play with this a bit. I'm only a little nervous around hypodermic needles, but this fear extends to ''sewing needles and safety pins.'' * This troper used to hate needles, but then he accidentally saw the needle entering the skin. Since then, no fear here. * @/GreatPenguin doesn't mind pricks in the arm, but when offered a choice between a prescription antibiotic or a shot administered to the gluteus region, he quickly opted for the pills. Not to mention the time he had to receive a shot in the sole of one foot. Even ''with'' a painkiller, it was extremely unpleasant. * This troper has to be ''held down'' during vaccinations, but she has no problems with the needles themselves. It's the "getting a puncture wound" part that bugs her. * [[@/PG556 This troper]] knows 2 people who are deathly afraid of any form of needle** My father, who can watch ''Blackhawk Down'' no problem, up to the point where the medic is working on a wounded soldier (can't remember the specifics, but he cringes when the IV is involved) and winces when anything on TV shows needles. He's a bit better now, though, mostly thanks to doing consulting work in Africa, that required around a dozen vaccination shots plus blood work before leaving Aus. ** Also the Indonesian language teacher at our high school, who told us once that he needed to have his blood taken for tests. He specifically told the doctor that he couldn't watch it happen, so the doc waited for him to look away, and drew the blood. Then he walked across the room ''directly in front of my teacher, holding the syringe full of blood.''' Instant KO. * This Troper has been known to develop near-extra sensory perception of her body when forced to get a needle, to the point of moving her arm the exact second the needle is supposed to make contact. With her ''eyes closed'' ** This Troper also warns of following the weight requirement. She had a friend in college that gave blood with no problems, ate her cookies and juice and '''passed out''' just as she hit the door to leave. * Possibly justified, in this troper's case: according to her mother, the nurse who administered her first vaccination as a little kid just grabbed her arm, yanked it away from her body and held it there while

she jabbed the needle in. All while this troper was screaming her lungs out. Mercifully, this troper doesn't remember this incident, but her mother still loathes that nurse and blames her daughter's needle phobia on it. * Almost averted with this troper -- she hasn't been afraid of regular vaccinations since she was 7 -- but she's rather nervous having her finger pricked, and when asked if she'd have ''four'' shots in a very recent visit she knew when to draw the line. * This Troper is * extremely* afraid of needles and has cried whenever he got any sort of needle poked into him until the age of 14. The fear however is just as strong. It is however a bit subverted by the fact that he * never* , in any way, tried to pull away his hand or to move away from the needle. He just cried, implored the nurse to stop, etc. Also, he has never at all felt weakened or close to fainting. This troper however did have his fear massively reinforced when a dentist recently needed * six* shots to anaesthetize him. * This Troper is slowly starting to get over her fear of needles after several years of monthly blood work and a yearly shot directly into her ''eyeballs''. This to a girl who, at ten years old, had to be dragged screaming out from under a chair to get her tetanus booster. That really doesn't seem so bad now. * [[@/BooBooBob This Troper]] isn't afraid of needles at all when it comes to piercings/injections/blood draws/tattoos. I AM, however, squeamish if it comes to horror movies that include scenes with razors and needles, particularly of the EyeScream variety. ** On another deal involving needles, though, is the fact that I have several tattoos and while getting them, I enjoy watching others getting theirs. I find that a little extra fat is helpful because EVERY TIME I watch a big, buff, muscle-bound guy get a tattoo he passes out from the pain. The artists tell me it's because they have very little body fat to provide a pain insulating layer. This is why I work out for bulk and not tone. :) * This troper has a mild dislike of needles, but it hasn't prevented her from donating blood and getting a flu shot. Her father, however.... When she was a baby and received a vaccination, her parents also had to be vaccinated so they wouldn't catch it from her. Her father fainted, and he was the only one who could drive. (He still hates needles, 18+ years later.) * This troper has learned the value of a Valium prescription before any surgery. Before a foot surgery the doctor prescribe me 10mg of Valium, and although it took over 4 attempts to stick the IV into my hand( one time I swear I could feel the needle slipping and sliding under my skin while they tried to find the vein) I was so far off in lalaland I didn't care. Without the Valium I probably would have had a panic attack or crying fit. * This trouble has no problems with needles, having been stuck with [=IVs=] multiple time in his life. time, a nurse stuck a hypodermic needle in my arm, and then pulled the plunger back to fill the reservoir with his blood. As I was watching, the nurse suddenly said in a worried tone, "are you going to be alright?" Apparently, this troper, who has seen other people operated on, watched a motorcycle victim in an ER pass away, and thinks "Hostel 2" was the

feel good movie of the year, got DEATHLY PALE and trembling when confronted with the sight of his own blood being drawn by a needle. * Averted in interesting ways by [[@/MrInitialMan this troper's]] sister: She was getting a tattoo, remaining cool as a cucumber--and fell asleep! * This troper's father once went to hospital and needed to be anaesthetized (I forget why). He called his wife to drive him home, as there was a risk he could faint behind the wheel. this troper's stepmother arrived, looked at the needle, and promptly fainted. the grandparents had to be called to drive them both home. * Mostly averted by this troper; she hated getting allergy shots as a child but has gotten over it, to the point where she actually enjoys giving blood. The finger prick before the donation, however, still makes her queasy. ** Well, yeah. That thing freaking HURTS. * [[@/GalenDev This Troper]] is not afraid of pain, having studied martial arts for a number of years, and has no problem with bleeding, as he owns a motorcycle, and number of bicycles, and has been involved in many accidents (not to mention the bad habit of biting his nails, thus occasionally leading to bleeding cuticles). And yet, he still goes pale and hyperventilates at the sight of a hypodermic needle, even on television. * This Troper had to be held down at her arms and legs when she was young to be given shots. She can stand gore. She watched surgery shows and remembers them from when she was two. But the thought of a needle going into her makes her squeamish. Strangely enough in an inversion, she wants to give blood. She'll just whimper when she does and wonder what the hell she was thinking. * [[@/{{Raekuul}}This troper]] is the inversion - needles don't bother him one bit, but he's squeamish to a fault about people's interiors. Blood, bad. Blood in needle, good. * This troper can get injections but has to look away or keep his eyes closed the entire time. Just seeing the needles gets his heart rate up. He has to avert his eyes when injections are shown in movies and on TV as well. * This Troper is a regular blood donor, and has a mild, disturbing fascination with needles. He does not like to look away when they tap that vein, instead he watches closely. This once made a nurse faint. * Averted with this troper. She does cry when injected, but that's just because it hurts. I am completely unafraid of needles, to the point where I will push a sewing needle under the skin on my hand just to {{squick}} people out. ** This troper has loved doing that since he was small-he still remembers the look of horror on one teachers face, when he managed to get no fewer than ten needles under his skin in class one day. * 100% Averted by this troper, who was locked into a chair with handcuffs against her will when she had to have a blood test done to be eligible for high school sports. This was done on the basis that "everyone says that they're not afraid" before the test. She knew she wasn't scared of needles, blood, or the slight pain, and when the doctor took the blood, she watched the container intently to make a point and get back at him. The look of fascination on her face ended

up frightening the doctor. ** What the hell? You are a far more forgiving person than I. I told my girlfriend about this and we agreed that in both our cases, it would be grounds for a malpractice suit of biblical proportions. I can see forcible restraint in a mental hospital, but in a GP's office for a routine venipuncture? Ludicrous. * This troper spent the first 18 years of her life deathly afraid of needles, to the point where she would bust out borderline {{Waif Fu}} if threatened with blood tests or injections (notable example: after contracting a stomach parasite on a school trip at the age of 11, this troper lost 15 pounds in under a week and was so weak she had to be carried around. And yet, she still managed to knock over a cart of medical equipment and punch a medical intern in the face when she had her IV inserted). One nose job and one cancer diagnosis/treatment later, this troper has a ridiculously strong stomach, a high pain threshold, and has become a special effects make-up artist. I gore people up for a living! * This Troper stabbed a nurse with his own chicken pox vaccine. when he was 6 years old. * This Troper may not hate needles as much as some of the people here, but still hates them nonetheless. As a kid the "solution" was to kick and scream. Now it's to read something long and detailed. Like a medical poster. Oh, and needles at the dentist don't really bug me, as I expect ''all'' of the procedure to hurt, not just the needles. The bits which don't hurt are bonuses. * This Troper is equal parts subversion and sad, sad example. He donates blood every 56 days (not afraid of needles). Goes rock climbing and platform diving (isn't afraid of heights). Once fell asleep during his root canal and various other dental jobs (isn't afraid of dentists). Is mortally terrified of eye drops. Literally must be held down during annual visit to the optometrist and be allowed a full five minutes between eye drops. Can't stand the sight, motion, or even thought of eye drops. And don't get him started on contact lenses... ** Well, [[@/NotSoBadassLongcoat this one here]] also hates eye drops, contact lenses and anything that is supposed to [[EyeScream touch his eyes]]. ** This troper doesn't know about needles (never gotten vaccinated or needed to use one) but the idea of anything coming near her eyes freaks her out. Until a year ago or so, she wouldn't go underwater, sometimes even if she had goggles. She refuses to flush her eyes out with water even when something is in them. When in the pool playing, [[BerserkButton one of the surest ways to make her very, very angry]] is to get water in her eyes. Despite being athletic and enjoying games and playing in the pool with her friends, she has been known to refuse to play a game because it involves too much splashing. She is known to do her best to get out of visits to the eye-doctor's because of the air puffs. On a recent visit to the eye doctor (she wears glasses), the doctor said he wanted to dilate her eyes. Her mother noticed the {{death glare}} being directed at the doctor's back and suggested "Maybe next time...". *** This Troper is even worse, nothing in, around or even within an

inch of my eyes, donor except for eyes, short sighted, can't wear glasses or lenses, can't have laser surgery, will try to kill anyone who even tries to put stuff in or near my eyes. ** @/{{Eban I}}, when forced to get eye drops will roll my eyes back in my head. The optometrist says "Guess you're not a candidate for contact lenses". Uh, yeah. I don't want to see things coming at my damn eye. The idea of corrective surgery on my eyes is horrifying. * Although this troper is frightened of needles, they never hurt him because after getting stitches in your head, needles don't hurt anymore... * Though I don't fear needles and find it to be a rather silly phobia (but that's why it's called a phobia), I can semi-understand why some people do. Particularly after getting blood work done a few years back. The nurse pulls out a huge needle grins and proclaims "This is gonna hurt!" Ya think?! * This troper's mother is fond of telling a certain story. When said troper and her twin sister were small, about 4, and getting some shots, her twin got her shot first. After hearing her scream of pain, this troper rocketed out of the room and had made it to the lobby before her parents and the nurse noticed she was gone. Her father had to go barreling after her. She accidentally bit her mother when she got the shot, too, because she clamped on to her mother's shirt with her mouth. ** This troper started reading that she thought that she had wrote that as something almost exactly like that happened to her and her twin sister when she was about 4. * This Troper, as a child, a BABY even, would get a needle, and, as I am told, I wouldn't even flinch, and would stare at it; whether it was a blood test, or an immunity shot. Nowadays, I do a double take when someone says "Blood Test". If they just had to cut me open to do it, I'd be okay, but I have a rational fear of losing blood from stabbing. * [[@/{{Scrounge}} Needlephobe troper]] has three tales of syringerelated dread. ** At age eight or so, he had to have a shot... And, because of fright, jumped when the needle went in, making it like a zillion times worse. Not only did the needle go deep, deep in, but he had to have the shot again because it went to far in. ** In high school, he tried to donate blood, but was so freaked out at the thought of a needle going in that his blood pressure was too high to donate. ** The most recent time he's had blood work done (several years ago, not ''nearly'' as recently as he should have, but is gonna be his last blood test for a ''long time''), he panicked, tried to bolt and had to be ''held down'' while they took his blood. * This Troper is a subversion, in that I has had rounds of allergy testing that involve thousands of injections over the course of a weekend (the joys of having relatively serious allergies), multiple times in my life. For about ten years, I was also getting an injection twice a week. No fear of needles remains after that. However, I have large veins that are apparently ideal for injections/blood tests, and am more than a little creeped out when the nurses comment on that in somewhat gleeful tones (because it's making their life easier), and

have gotten into arguments with nurses who very much wanted me to look away as they administered the injection, while I wanted to watch to make sure they were doing it right. ** Been there, done that. I used to be squeamish about needles until two years ago when my allergy injections started, so I really had to adapt. It was worth it since I now feel like I could walk through fields of pollen or inhale piles of cat fur without a single sneeze. It's like a superpower. * This troper has trouble thinking of a single male friend who is not afraid of needles. However, she and most of her female friends don't mind. I wonder what that could mean... * This troper had to get stitches in her head at the age of five after cutting her forehead. She was calmer than any cucumber explaining to all the doctors an adults what had happened and why all the way to the hospital. Then they brought the needle and medical thread. I screamed bloody murder to the point where I had about four nurses holding me down while people stopped outside the little operating space, wondering why the little troper was being tortured. To this day, she still has the scar and cannot consider the idea of getting piercings or shots without feeling ill. * This troper once had to have a pilonidal cyst removed (GAHHH) and had to be put on an IV for anesthesia . I once screamed like a girl (I'm 6'1'' and 200 pounds) in class because someone tossed something that LOOKED like a needle at me. Needless to say I was out BEFORE they pumped me full of drugs. ** Pfft. Pansy. I'm 5'10" and 160, and when I had MY pilonidal removed, all I got was two shots of Novocain up the ass and I just grit my teeth and bared it. Then proceeded to shout and cringe whenever I had to take out the packing. ** Pssh. When I had a pilonidal cyst, I had it removed three times (at least four shots of something in my butt each time, with packing removal for a week or two each time), and then FINALLY had surgery to remove the whole area for good, complete with stitches and lying on my stomach for two weeks. And I stopped taking the pain meds the first day because I threw up three times while I was on them. And I'm absolutely terrified of needles. * This Tropers had two bad experiences, and was a complete and utter wimp when she was little. When she broke her leg in 1st grade, the ER put her under a general anesthetic so that she wasn't thrashing around as they straightened out the leg and set the bone. The problem was, they had already straightened the leg out, and were administering the anesthetic through injection. They missed the vein six times before finally getting it, and since This Troper was also afraid of needles at this point, the only reason there weren't extra injuries was because she was only six. The second time, which is probably what largely got her over her fear of needles, was when she had ingrown toenails. Both sides of both big toes. The doctor injected the anesthetic in the WRONG PLACE and only made a small band around the base of the toe numb. He did not believe that This Troper could still perfectly feel the rest of the toe. This led to 10 anesthetic injections total, 5 in each a 10-year-old. In the end, her mother and two orderlies had to hold her down while he forcibly tore

the toenails out of the flesh. Yeah, needles don't seem like much after something like that. * This troper is an inconsistent partial subversion. She hates watching the needle, tense up, don't like the pain, and will avoid getting shots wherever possible, in addition to a generalized fear of anesthesia and unconsciousness... but when the needle just has to go in, she can cope. What freaks her out to {{Berserk Button}} levels of terror is ''gas''. Her father ''loves'' to recount a particular story from when, as a child, she needed some dental surgery. Being a problem patient when it came to dentistry, the pediatric dentist had loaded her up with sedatives beforehand until she was woozy and pliable, and when it came time to put her down for the actual surgery, the nurse held up a bright orange mask and cheerfully explained that "Mr. Happy Nose" was going to put this troper to sleep... By all accounts, the drugs she was already under ''evaporated'' from her bloodstream, and she had to be held down, sobbing, for the remainder of the surgery. (The punch line being that, when it was finally over, she sat up and said "Oh, that wasn't too bad!") This fear has persisted into her adult years to the point where, when she had to have her wisdom teeth removed, she elected for a straight knockout shot with no preparation, because the idea of being given nitrous was just that terrifying. ** Played straight to an extent, though. When she went to the emergency room and had to get a spinal tap, she begged for general anesthesia beforehand -- under no circumstances did she want to be awake for having a ''needle stuck in her freaking spine''. Admittedly, the excruciating meningitis she was in the ER for may have influenced this decision somewhat... * This Troper is an interesting case. He has no problem with needles, knives, or other sharps -- as long as either of two conditions is met. Either he must be holding or controlling it in some way, or it must be obscured -- for instance, by a plastic sheath, a hand over his eyes, or whatever. * This troper doesn't fear needles being used in a medical situation, or even for torture (or simply kinky) purposes, though none of those things are her cup of tea. She does, however, whimper and cry at the ''thought'' of getting a paper cut on her hands or wrists. Holy shit. At least with a little needle you know it's coming (usually) and you can anticipate the pain. With a paper cut, you feel the sharpest little sting of pain and then you DON'T REALISE WHAT HAPPENED until it starts bleeding. [[BloodyHilarious A LOT.]] Exacto knives also frighten me more than scalpels, to the point where I can't even look at them but I'll happily volunteer to being sliced open professionally. Just not accidentally. * [[@/AnthonyMercer This Troper]] seems to have feared anything in a hospital he has to lay down for, even they're just pumping the excessive wax out of his ears, just because the first time I had anything like that done, I was getting stitches put into my foot, and the ''anaesthetic didn't work''. I could feel the needle going in an out of my foot. And all because I dropped a dinner plate on my foot although, due to a doctor with bad hearing, it's on record as a "dinner pie". * This troper was the little kid who had to held down by her parent

and would cry when getting shots. Even now at 19 she still finds herself trying to slide off the headrest when the dentist gave her anesthetic for a cavity. They had to put on the massager to keep her relaxed so she wouldn't wiggle off the chair to get away when she learned about her top jaw getting it too. * Averted by this troper, who laughs off needles and routinely falls asleep when getting blood taken, but taken to extremes by his younger brother. At eight years old, the poor boy had to be held down by no less than ''four'' orderlies and nurses, with a fifth administering a routine tetanus vaccination. He was fighting back with such strength that my mother was literally afraid he'd dislocate something or '''break his arms''' trying to escape. * This troper freaks out at seeing needles in skin and twitches at getting needles because it always does hurt. However, she still will suffer it. She'll just whimper like a baby during it. * Oh ''hell''. When [[@/RayAyanami this now-20 troper]] was 8, he had ''seven'' shots in each arm. It was so traumatizing that he did not go to school the next day. * This troper is fascinated by needles, and often will watch herself getting blood drawn (on top of donating blood) -- but only if they're in the arm. Nowhere near her hands. She had an IV not too long ago in her wrist and couldn't stand it. * This troper was very afraid of needles when much younger, but after a tonsillectomy and complications, and then a bunch of dental work several years later, needles hold little fear. He doesn't like the pain of them going in, but hypos and [=IVs=] aren't frightening anymore in and of themselves, to the point that he wanted an IV port left in his arm so he could wave it at people and make them squirm. * This troper used to be afraid of needles as a child, but subverted this trope recently. When at the dentist for a very minor filling, she requested a not-so-necessary shot of Novocain just to be safe. * Inverted by this troper; needles of the blood-drawing and shotadministering variety are just fine, yet she cannot stand the mere thought of anything else that remotely threatens the structural integrity of her skin. * Subverted by [[@/RobMandeville this troper]]. As a teen, a specialist conducted a split second medical procedure ''by surprise'' (talks to patients mother, turns, uses scissors). As a result, this troper ''has'' to see the procedure. He can handle shots and blood draws, but he ''has to watch the needle go in''. * [[@/{{Herczy}} This troper]] isn't afraid of needles due to encountering them often, however his [[TheStoic stoic]] father almost fainted when a dose of antibiotics were administered to me. * Used to be subverted in [[@/DokEnkephalin this troper]]; as an army brat relocating often through school I could re-take all those inoculations in stride ("Just stab me a few times and let's get out of here."), give blood and plasma casually, leading a nurse to remark in disappointment that I didn't flinch, and a whole office I temped for to look at me with some mix of amazement and admiration for donating to their blood drive. That changed completely after I had an EMG to test for nerve damage in my hands; that involved hours of a sadistic bastard sinking needles into my fingers, swirling them around,

electrocuting me through them, and asking, "Does that hurt?" Since then I can barely deal with needles, my whole body and breath will clench up, heart pounding, I hear alarms going off in my head and it takes all my willpower to just get through the ordeal. * [[@/BringTheNoise This Troper]] used to have this problem, but with the amount of blood the doctors are now asking him for, is getting better about it. * This troper cannot handle having a needle inside his arm for long. On two occasions, I have actually passed out, which my mother and the doctor had to try and wake me up. * This troper is sixteen and still deathly afraid of needles. I spent most of my time in the doctor's office hiding or trying to distract the doctor from giving me my shots. * While this troper has her share of this, she simply closes the eyes. It works to her. * This troper has it kinda odd . . . I don't mind about 99% of the needle. It could be pressed right up against my face sideways and I wouldn't mind. But if the pointy part is aimed at me, from any distance . . . * shiver* . * This troper has always been afraid of needles to a certain degree. I've stopped panicking at anything the size of or smaller than a needle for shots at the doctors office. But anything resembling an IV needle... That's a WHOLE different story. During my 5th grade Memorial Day weekend, I had to go to the hospital to get my appendix out. Thankfully, it didn't rupture, but I've held an intense fear of needles of the IV caliber ever since. This fear stayed quiet until the Red Cross came to my school (I'm in 11th grade at this point) and my gym teacher was asking for 5 volunteers to go and give blood, and the whole class could get a whole period off. This troper was one of those five, and managed to sit through the long wait and the testing parts without too much trouble. But then one of the ladies came and prepped me and I stating freaking out, but I managed to gather myself and told her to get on with it. Then, just as the woman was about to put the needle in, she asked if wanted to see it. I looked, saw the thing, and panicked. I wound up not giving any blood, crying a little, grabbing a couple of cookies from the food table, going out to my lunch period, and feeling really crappy for chickening out for a couple of hours afterwards. * This troper's older sister was REALLY afraid of needles, and described to this editor's younger self (I was maybe 6) how horrible they were. Needless to say, when the time to get my first needle came, I cried... Until it went in. I proceeded to laugh at my sister. * This troper is terrified of needles, to the point of bursting into tears at the merest mention of needing a needle and forgetting to breathe when one is actually in, but had to laugh when a nurse about to conduct a blood test told her about her doctor's phobia of needles - apparently she has to have him restrained every single time. * This large male troper may not be a fan of needles, but he's not afraid of them either, unless they're attached to something's ass. Bees, wasps, whatever send this troper running as fast as his fat ass will allow. As a child, bees have landed on my bag of chips as I was eating from it, and on my lap while the car door was still open,

leaving this troper frozen in place until it flew away. Once, we had a bee stuck in the back window of the car. When we parked the car, this troper had to run across the street and wait until his father got rid of it. He has never been stung, but the fear is still there. Maybe he's inherited his mother's paranoia and fears that I'll be deathly allergic to bee stings and die or something. Also, [[ this]] really didn't help. * When this troper and her twin sister were 4, they had to get blood drawn. Upon hearing her sister screaming, she hid under a small side table in the waiting room. Her mother had to drag her, kicking and screaming, into the exam room where she had to be strapped down before the blood was drawn. * This Troper finds that it helps somewhat to dull the pain/fear when getting blood drawn or getting a shot to focus on her favorite episodes in her favorite vampire-oriented manga/anime (Black Blood Brothers, Vampire Knight). Yeah, I know I'm somewhat crazy. But it kind of helps. Seriously. Just replace the mental image of a white lab coat doctor and a needle with Jirou/Kaname/Zero/Edward/name of fictional vampire character that you find attractive and/or smexy and feel the pain level go down. Try it. Just don't look at the needle. ** This troper believes you are a genius. As a younger person, my favourite character was a doctor with a fairly comforting demeanour, at least for [[NightmareFetishist someone like me]], who was also a morphine addict. It's difficult to explain to your parents (when they ask how you're suddenly acting so calm about getting stuck with needles) that oh, it's not really ''hard'', you just imagine your doctor is [[ShamanKing Faust VIII]] and you feel much more brave... * This Troper, having been once described as "You'd rush an MG-42 with a 4-inch K-bar," is absolutely terrified of needles. Oddly enough, he has no problems with preparing his dog's insulin shot; justified as "I know it's not going in me," though I still refuse to actually administer the shot. * [[@/InsanityPrelude I]] tried to donate blood a couple months ago, since my stepmom said she got over her fear of needles that way. They turned me away because I was panicking so much they assumed I would pass out. * This Troper's Aunt (who is a nurse) has found that the people who fear needles the most are people who have many large tattoos. * This troper is afraid of needles himself, but one of his friends is even worse. She caught some disease during a vacation and had to get inoculated. In the hospital upon seeing the needle she insisted she was perfectly fine and walked out, only to start feeling ill and pass out in the waiting room. * [[@/NotSoBadassLongcoat This troper]] is afraid of needles as well, but looking away and quietly singing the first song that comes to his mind helps. * This Troper is cutting the next bit because it's triggering and also extremely ARGH. [[spoiler:This Troper has been afraid of needles since her former (so very former) dentist got her by surprise and consequently broke a needle in her jaw. Digging the piece out took nearly 45 minutes, and this troper was so startled and in so much pain

her fingers cramped up on her arm and she ripped RIBBONS OF FLESH from said arm... one was deep enough that you could nearly see the bone. Her new dentist took one look at the scars and always had a towel for her to clench her hands into and at least one staff at hand to keep her from jerking and possibly repeating the experience. Ironically she's not much afraid of needles anymore since she had a summer of dentistry - three times a week, at least four hours each time - and can nowadays even donate blood - impossible before that summer.]] * This troper can take needles pretty long as her eyes are closed and she's singing a nursery rhyme to calm herself down. * Today, this troper got her meningitis shot. She squirmed away from the nurse for a good ten minutes before the nurse got mad and jammed it in as fast as she could. Scariest second and a half of my life... ** Similarly, this troper's friend has a very tall younger brother. Said tall brother once had a very short nurse who couldn't reach his arm. The nurse finally gave up, jumped as high as she could, and slammed the needle in his arm (like one spikes a volleyball) so she could administer the shot. Apparently, it hurt. * God, was I a little terror when it came to needles when I had surgery done on my face a couple years ago when I was nineteen -- the nurses insisted on pricking my finger with a needle every half hour or so for the first 24 hours and it HURT like all hell. I think the nurses were, frankly, relieved to not have to look after me anymore at the end of their respective shifts. However, oddly enough, when getting a blood test or anesthetic getting pumped into my gums at the dentist, I don't even flinch! I guess it's only when I can see the needle coming at me that I know what's happening and am not afraid of it! But seriously, when I had my reconstructive surgery two years ago, I'm certain that I was definitely going for the AnnoyingPatient trope big time! * This troper, despite otherwise generally being unafraid for his own safety to levels bordering on stupidity (medication and neurochemistry combined results in overconfidence, at least in that context), is so scared of needles he has threatened to stab the doctor with them if they are brought near him. * [[@/{{Loli-chan}} This Troper]] is terrified of needles to the point where her father had to hold her arms behind her back to keep her from punching her doctor in the face while he tried to give her a needle. This is the same girl who loves watching other people in pain, and is extremely interested in blood and open wounds. * This Troper isn't afraid of needles... so long as she can see them as they go in. She has a very hard time convincing various doctors of this, and had a blood donation nurse basically shove her to the table for the same reason (and spent the fifteen minutes of donation time basically hyperventilating because of it). * This troper is extremely afraid of needles. So is her sister. So it didn't help when her sister had to get poked with a needle about five times and showed the bruises they left. * This troper has a horrible fear of needles. In fact, she had to be held down once when she was getting a routine checkup. * This troper has gotten stitches on more than a few occasions, and is fine with them being in. However, he goes into hysterics every time

he has to get them because of the numbing shot. It doesn't help that the needle hurts like hell. Just recently, he had to get stitches for a serious wound to his finger. They had to give him two of those damn shots. * Completely averted with this troper (I basically treat needles like mosquito bites) but my friend was reduced to a sobbing mess when it came time for school shots, despite the fact that he broke his arm twice without making much of a fuss at all. * This Troper not only has an irrational fear of needles (and, by extension, anything pointy), but also of blades, inversely proportional to how thick it is. Fortunately she has had experience shaving long enough for that to not be an exercise in extreme mental trauma. * This troper isn't particularly afraid of shots, but when she volunteered to donate blood, she was much more disturbed at the sight of not the really big needle, but the plastic bag filling up next to her. She never realized how much 2 pints is before that moment. And as the nurse said, "Not your blood anymore." * I'm fifteen and I still need to be held down by multiple people when getting shots - which I only get when I have absolutely no other choice. And I'm [[NightmareFetishist the sort of person who usually doesn't mind such things as blood and sharp objects]]. * [[This Troper This Troper]] is eighteen years old and, to this day, shudders and starts to whine at the mere mention of the word needle. When she was younger saying the words "shot" or "needle" around her would trigger [[OcularGushers a stream of tears that rivaled Niagara Falls]]. She even tried running away from the doctor at one point, but her father knew [[DontMakeMeTakeMyBeltOff exactly what to say]] to make her come back. Although this troper doesn't cry anymore, she still whimpers and shudders at the thought of getting a shot. * This troper and her twin sister had to get blood drawn when they were 5. The doctors dragged this troper into the exam room, stuck her in a chair that locks you in, tied down her arm, and then drew two vials of blood. This troper screamed the whole time. Meanwhile, her sister was still out in the waiting room and had taken refuge under a table that was in a corner. She, of course, had wedged herself as far as possible into the corner. Their mom had to climb under the table and forcibly drag her out while she was screaming bloody murder and then take her into the exam room where she was also tied down to prevent her from making a break for it. * This Troper developed a fear of needles when, from around 3 years of age, she had to get regular allergy tests consisting of scratch tests and needles (up to 10 stabs during any given session). She used to have to be restrained by a couple of nurses and her mother each time. This fear wasn't helped by a bad reaction to a tetanus injection at around 14 which left her with a near-paralysed right arm for a week. As an adult she usually manages to get through most bloodwork without incident, but she always warns the nurse that she's not great with needles. * This troper has had a fear of needles since an unfortunate incident with a not-particularly-child-friendly dentist when she was 5. Blood, gore, broken bones and whatnot don't worry her a bit, but needles? GET

IT AWAY GET IT AWAY GET IT AWAY. * This Troper loves guns. He has been shot before. He's been practicing martial arts long enough to have been battered, beaten, bashed and bruised in every which way possible. This Troper still has shrapnel in his back from an IED in Iraq. This Troper HATES. NEEDLES. * Averted and played straight by this troper and her sister, not necessarily in that order. This troper was getting a shot, and she whimpered the entire time. When her sister got the exact same shot, she didn't say a word. BUT. The next time, this troper was fine with it, having gone through it already, and just didn't look. My sister? Crying like a little girl. What happened there? * [[{{Malph}}This Troper]] used to be terrified of needles. One day he had a seizure and was in the hospital for a short time in which he had to get numerous shots. Now he has to get blood tests every few months meaning that he kinda needed to face his fear. He also had to have a minor surgery and the guy doing it stuck a needle RIGHT INTO THE NERVE ENDING (hurts like hell but is actually really effective for numbing something). Unfortunately I also have Hemophobia (fear of blood) and the regular blood tests are now bad for another reason (slightly interestingly, fear of blood sometimes goes with a fear of needles). * This Troper doesn't have a problem with pain. [[TooKinkyToTorture At all.]] But the idea that the tiniest air bubble could ''kill''. . . I get my flu shot every year, but only because my family pays me to. * This Troper doesn't mind needles, but doesn't like to see them piercing his own flesh. ** Same with this troper. She doesnt mind needles at all, but once she sees one go in and out of her flesh, especially more then once, she loses her skull. * This troper, when he was little, used to FREAK at the sight of a needle. He'd scream and thrash and scream even louder when it actually went in. He's matured now, and except for a sharp intake of breath and inadvertent tensing, can take it without a whimper. * My brother in law is so terrified of needles that he brings my twin (his wife) into the doctor's office with him for moral support if he has to get a shot. Since I donate platelets and blood frequently (2X/mo platelets, blood when the center calls me), I find it hilarious. * This troper hates getting blood drawn because of shy veins. "STAB Oops, I missed STAB oops, missed again, let's try the other arm STAB the vein rolled out of the way, try to relax STAB." On one memorable occasion, I had faded green marker on my hand because the day before was St. Patrick's day. The technician saw it and went to stick the needle in when I said "Um, excuse me, I think that's marker." She looked up at me and said "What? No, that's a vein!" and put in the needle anyway. Then when nothing came out, she just said "Um, maybe we try the arm again..." * [[@/DarkInsanity13 This troper]] didn't used to be afraid of needles when she was small, and in fact watched as a nurse took blood for a test (the doctor was worried that the reason why she and her brother were so pale was because of some illness, but nope, just a couple of very pale red-heads), and was more adverse to her dad

ripping off the Band-Aid given to her several days afterwards. Now, while she doesn't really freak out or go to extreme lengths to get away from needles, she gets incredibly nervous. She has to do breathing exercises before a flu shot and make her mind wander elsewhere during it. Her brother, on the other hand, once had a panic attack after getting the flu shot and had to lie down. He needs this troper to help distract him while getting the needle. ** Update: Brother threw up after the last flu shot. To be fair, there were actually two involved due to the whole [=H1N1=] thing, and he was in a really bad mood and so wouldn't put up with neither this troper's nor their father's attempts to distract him or cheer him up before and during. * When I was a kid there was a nurse trying to give me a booster shot she couldn't find the vain and had to try about over five times, mild Trypanophobia was the result, now I take a small anti-freak out pill or something before each blood test or something needle related. . . I hated my childhood. * [[@/SovietKitty This quite hypervigilant troper]] has an interesting variation of this. She doesn't mind needles at all, but ''only'' if she can watch like a hawk the whole time. Even thinking about not knowing when it would go in or come out, or worse, when the vial for a phlebotomy would be changed, terrifies her. Ugh, just typing that made her shake. She's never had dental work, but might have to get some impacted teeth removed soon, and she's really hoping whomever she goes to won't give her trouble about bringing a huge mirror to monitor his/her every movement. * [[@/HoshiKami This Troper]], a coward by nature, surprisingly wasn't afraid of needles when she was little, but when she started having to take shots ''every week, or even more'' because of her bad case of asthma... ** Even worse if you consider said shots give some ''not so nice'' aftereffects. * This troper was rejected as a blood donor TWICE because her pulse was too high (gee, that's odd). After doing yoga and learning how to breathe properly, she was able to get her pulse down to an appropriate level even while nervous. Since she was able to give blood that one time, she hasn't had a problem with it since. * [[@/MalachiteDragon This Troper]]- now 19- was extremely afraid of needles when he was younger, around 7-10. Because of the anti-seizure medication he takes, he ''has'' to have blood drawn once a year to test the level of it in his system- can't be too low, can't be too high. His younger self would cry and pitch a fit whenever his father rolled into the parking lot of the hospital his mother worked at (The tropers mother, not his grandmother) who only asked one of her personal friends in the lab to take the blood. As he got older, he got over it little by little- It still hurt and he still complained later on, but eventually the skin on his arm got too thick for drawing blood from the elbow vein, so the tech at the time (his mother's best friend and a family friend) decided to try it from the back of the hand. Been doing that ever since, and for some reason he can actually watch it if its going into his hand rather then into his elbow. * shrug* ** Holy crap! I started reading your post and began wondering why I

couldn't remember posting this before realizing that THIS ISN'T MY STORY. What are the odds of there being another 19 year old troper with a seizure disorder who got over their fear of needles due to frequent blood tests? On that topic, why the hell do so many other tropers have seizure disorders? It makes it hard to figure out which post is yours when there are several other people talking about their seizures. * [[@/{{Miso}} This Troper]] has serious issues with needles due to her low, low, ''low'' threshold for pain. Last time she had to get a couple of teeth extracted at the dentist's office, she only cried when the Novocain needle was going in. She also hasn't gotten a swine flu shot, or normal flu shot, or any boosters she SHOULD have gotten either. She also hasn't gotten bloodwork done since she was a youngun' with a bladder infection. Blood and gore? No real problem. Needles? OH GOD GET IT AWAY GET IT AWAY GET IT AWAY GET IT AWAY! * Me, but only during the needle pit scene in {{Saw}} II. * This Troper has been deathly afraid of needles since age 5. In a twist of cosmic irony, she must now undergo hemodialysis three days a week, which involves being stuck with very LARGE needles, three times a week. ** This troper had a similar experience, and has always needed the freezing needles prior to the dialysis needles, resulting in over 4400 needles over the course of 7 years. * This troper suffers from a (thankfully) relatively mild version of this. He will avoid needles to the detriment of his own good health and well-being, but if the stakes are high enough (recent example: choosing between getting a tetanus shot and being ineligible to register for college classes), he will make the right choice. Still hates it, though. * This troper loses all rational thought when faced with a medical needle intended for her, and all channels in her brain turns to "OH GOSH THE POKEY EVIL THING GETITAWAY". * This troper is really very frightened of needles. I've almost fainted every time I have ever gotten a shot. It's not fun. Even when I got my ears pierced I almost fainted. * This troper's best friend has a phobia of needles. She won't even look at a picture of a hypodermic without freaking out. Imagine my surprise, when she offered to come with me into the actual donation room when I went to give blood. She did, however, look away when the needle was going in and being taken out... * This troper has issues with needles regarding the fact that they go into your veins. That is scary. * [[@/{{Gerusz}} This troper]] isn't afraid of needles, but he doesn't really like when people are waving sharp or pointy stuff around him. Not like he couldn't take a little pain (in fact, he has a pain tolerance experts would call "insane"), but he generally distrusts people, even those who are officially qualified to handle those sharp/pointy things. He manages to stay calm (tough it requires a high amount of self-control not to grab the arm approaching with a needle or a pair of scissors), but he was a pain in the ass for every hairdresser and doctor he encountered when he was a small child. * Ultra subverted with me. Im completely neutral towards needles. I

remember having to don blood, and LAUGHING as the needle sucked that dark liquid that was my blood... Its a fact, [[TvTropesWillRuinYourLife this website]] drove me insane * This Troper had no fear of needles when I was five getting his appendix out. I was fascinated by them taking blood and giving me shots and tests. Forward three years and I had an ingrown toenail. Go to the Doc's to have it removed and find out that I'm immune to lidocane. The doctor doesn't believe this and administers something like 15 shots to one big toe in a meaningless attempt to make it work. The toenail gets removed without anesthetic and I gained a fear of needles. This fear was so strong that at my annual blood draws (mother is diabetic) I had to be held down by three people. The best part, apparently it no longer applies to certain things. I don't care about [=IVs=] anymore, or lancets, which is good since I have type 2 diabetes myself but if it has a syringe attached I have to clamp down on myself in my mind and look away. This extends to those vial things they use for blood draws now. I live in fear of needing insulin because I don't think I'll be able to inject myself. * [[@/{{tenderlumpling}}This Troper]] had near-fatal lead poisoning as a child, and the treatment required weekly blood work. Even at 21, I still have major issues with needles (but ironically, I don't mind getting pierced or tattooed.). At the very least, I've mastered my fear to the point where a nurse doesn't need to sit on me just to get the blood drawn. Although more than one has written out a prescription for Valium and asked me to come back the next day. * This troper is hypersensitive, so blood test hurt like hell. One doctor didn't believe my mom when she said I don't like needles, it didn't end well. Said doctor also doesn't believe teenagers can have fibromyalgia either and called me, basically, a liar and a nutcase, The next doctor we saw was kind enough to give me lidocaine, unfortunately, that was when we discovered I'm allergic. My life is an aversion of ThereAreNoTherapists, I've been in therapy for the past six years dealing with my needle phobia. * I'm the exact opposite! Maybe it comes from having to have 8 of my teeth pulled since I was really young, since I couldn't get them out myself. Anyway, I actually prefer to look at the needle and I don't even bat an eye. I can't see why you're all so afraid of silly little needles! It's kind of cute, though... * This female troper is not afraid of shots, or sticking needles under her skin. Or blood, where she came from scabs and scars were a badges of honor. She's great with pain. However, she can't stand having her blood taken. Maybe because back when she was 12 they completely botched it and hurt her badly. She went to have her blood taken today and ran away just before the needle was inserted, saying "Excuse me! I need some air!!" When she (while in a state of panic) came back, they stuck the needle in not one, not two, not three, but FOUR (!) different places, and NO BLOOD! Even though she had been drinking water like crazy. The nurse couldn't explain it. She has to back tomorrow. even looking at the bandages on her arms makes her sick. * This troper is an inverse of most people. She has no problems with needles for medical purposes; injections don't faze her a bit, she's had several [=IVs=] in the course of her life, and she made it through

a spinal tap (which had to be done with the needle in ''the wrong location'' because it was the only way to get around the metal rods fused to her spine) with very little complaint. But she can't stand the idea of getting tattoos or piercings because the needles used for ''those'' freak her * This troper has been afraid of needles ever since she can remember. When she was six and had to get shots for kindergarten it took five corpsmen and her father (who is 6'4") to hold her down. She has gotten a bit better since then; now she only needs to squeeze something very tightly (as in decapitatingly tight). She doesn't mind watching people stick themselves means her best friend was diabetic, but will cringe at the mention or thought of needles poking people. She had her hands clenched while reading this page. * Subverted in the case of this troper, who is annoyed by the nurse at the blood donation clinic who remarks, "Ooh, you don't like this part, do you?" The piercer who did her navel said something similar. Yes, the troper tenses up and looks away when the needle goes in. It HURTS. It is not a phobia, it's a low pain threshold. * This troper wasn't afraid of needles until she was in her teens, when she finally understood the process beyond, 'it pokes you'. So when she was told a few weeks ago that thanks to her parents being negligent about her vaccinations, she had to receive SIX shots, one after the other, she was understandably upset. However she managed to get through it by wincing dramatically, joking around with her mother and the nurse, and NOT looking at the needle. Afterwards, surprisingly, the nurse and the doctor said they'd never seen someone so calm about getting so many shots. Three shots in each arms till hurts like hell though. * This troper has a teacher that is a retired nurse. She said she once got a football player who needed a shot. Big buff guy, not afraid of anything... except needles. He swore that he faints every time he gets a shot. So my teacher lied and told him to lie down on the examination table because it's impossible to faint lying down. Needless to say, the kid believed her and did not faint. * My Pomeranian is terrified of getting shots at the vet, and she even starts screaming before the vet even sticks her, meaning that she can anticipate it coming. This is probably because it hurts her more because she's so much smaller than my other dogs, who barely react to shots (although my Elkhound is scared anyway of being touched by the vets). Ironically, I'm not scared of needles myself, mainly because I've had so many in my lifetime it's not scary anymore (although I did used to get scared when I was younger, and the scene in TheRescuersDownUnder where Wilbur literally gets shot with a needle out of a gun didn't help at all). * This troper despises (hollow) needles in other peoples hands. I tense up unconsciously around them. However, it turns out that Nitrous prevents one from tensing up, or at least I couldn't feel myself tensing up. Don't know. Woke up an hour later with an ice cream cone and a missing pair of Wisdom Teeth. * This troper is not afraid of needles at all and doesn't think needles really hurt, either. My lack of reaction(and the fact I ''always'' watch) actually [[UncannyValley creeps my family out and

makes them wonder if I'm human.]] I have to ask, even if the needle did hurt, isn't it better than getting sick? I don't understand the fear. Could someone enlighten me on the subject? ** The below hyperalgesic troper's perspective: Getting sick is a ''possibility''; the pain of the needle is a ''certainty''. And if you do get sick, it's likely to be a general feeling of malaise for a little while, rather than the intense, sharp pain, and that malaise makes a ''really'' good excuse to skip work and veg out all day. So long as it's not lethal, the irritation of the disease is less noxious than the pain of injection. After all, when's the last time you heard of someone dying from rubella, mumps, or chicken pox? A deadly disease, like rabies, should be vaccinated against, but only with liberal application of lidocaine gel to the skin prior to injection. * This troper is a self-diagnosed [[ hyperalgesic]] and so has developed a mild fear of ''anything'' capable of causing pain, but is absolutely terrified of sharp, pointy objects (she can use a knife to cut up meat as food without trouble, but point one at her, even in jest, and that sick feeling of terror wells up in her stomach). To put the pain in perspective, the 27-gauge injection needle commonly used by doctors feels more like a butcher knife in her arm. It's especially annoying that it's the [[ mechanical nociceptors]], the ones that sense tears in the skin, that are so sensitive, and most tests for pain perception rely on hot/cold sensation, so she refuses to even be tested by a doctor (after all, what [[TooDumbToLive intelligent human being]] would willingly submit themselves to pain? Yes, masochism makes absolutely ''no'' sense to her). She also believes doctors should be taught that [[ lidocaine gel]] is the holy water of medicine and to use it freely for all patients, without having to be pestered for it and then chiding their patients for "[[MachoMasochism being wimps]]" or "drug-seeking behavior".. * This troper used to be fine with needles, until one summer before entering 7th grade when she had to get her tonsils out. A week before the surgery, I had to get my blood drawn. They had an intern do it to me. The intern didn't know what she was doing and tried to find the right spot and just finally gave up stabbing me and pricked my finger and squeezed the blood out. Then on surgery day I was all set for the procedure when a nurse came to put my IV in my wrist. She didn't know what she was doing and stabbed the needle in NINE TIMES before they went and got a more experienced nurse. [[UnderStatement Needless to say that was a bad experience for me.]] Now I'm entering 10th grade and if I so much see a needle, I start to hyperventilate and if I don't drink anything after getting a shot, I throw up. It got so bad that I flat out refused to get the swine flu shot and my dad had to drag me to the doctor to get it. * This troper loves to tell anyone JerkAss blood donors who call him a pussy for being afraid of needles the story of HOW this phobia enter his life. I was two years old and don't remember being sick, just tired. Around 11pm(or later it was an ungodly hour for a two year old to be awake at) one night his parents get him into car. I resume

sleeping on the way to the hospital. The next memory I have is being awaken on an hospital table bed stripped to my underwear surround by doctors/nurses in full scrubs being stabbed in various parts of his body. I tried to swat the needles out of a few of their hands but there were too many(apparently the docs thought they could get an IV in without waking me cause I was not strapped down). They must have sedated me cause I cannot remember the try that got the IV in my hand by the night nurse. It was a total of ELEVEN attempts before they got that IV in. Later I was told that I was severely dehydrated and that is why I needed the IV. For years I would break down in tears and beg my mother to take me home whenever the doctors needed to do anything involved with piercing my skin(such as drawing blood, injections, etc) I am mostly better now in that I can handled if I do not watch it. I still refuse to give blood despite having O- though... it may have been just his luck with hospitals thought, my mother told me about when I was born that the doctors freaked out cause I had O- blood and my mother didn't, going so far as to wonder where it could have come from apparently forgetting that baby-making requires two people(my father has O- as well but the docs had to be TOLD this by my mother to get them to calm down)... * [[Tropers/{{Nemica}} This troper]] once wanted to hid behind the chair in the doctor's room because she was about to get her shots. And yeah, needles still creep her out, even tough she now has the courage to close her eyes try not to think about it. * This Troper has given blood more than 150 times plus getting 50 odd shots. I have never seen the needle in my arm. Never! * This troper is so scared of needles she refused Novocain when she had dental work. She also loves gore but can't see needles on TV. Only parts of ''Pan's Labyrinth'' where she looked away? The stitches and the shot. She refuses to watch a certain ''Saw'' movie because of that one scene. * This troper would like to introduce everyone on this page to Singaporean blood donation, with a little artistic license. The first thing you get is a shot of local anesthesia in the arm. While the drug spreads around your lower arm, and you mess around with your numb arm, the nurse goes and prepare the bags. When she's done, she takes a few drops of blood to test for anemia in a copper sulfate solution. Once she's satisfied that you weren't lying in the questionnaire before the donation, she attaches a cuff to your upper arm and asks you to pump on a rubber ball until your veins are visible. That's when she shows that she's been hiding a needle 1mm in diameter behind her back and she injects into your vein. Feel free to scream. ** Things can become worse. This troper's Bio teacher once had an incident which swore him off blood donation. The nurses are experienced. They can stab the needle in with a swift, fluid motion, and strike blood. Some doctors, on the other hand, can't hit, and can't wait for the anesthesia to kick in. Once they're in, and no blood comes out, it's a matter of ''navigating'' the needle around until they strike a vein. The only side-effect apart from the intense awkwardness, the dull pain and the urge to strangle said doctor is the humongous bruise one gets on the lower arm because bruises are, technically speaking, internal bleeding.

* Dear lord, where to start with this Troper? The very thought of anything even remotely related to syringes makes him cringe... * Let's see...... I'm 13 and don't have my ears pierced. I had to be held down to get blood samples at the doctor until I was 9. I was disgusted when one of my friend's dad started beating his arm with nails (don't ask.) Et cetera et cetera... * This Troper's father is 6'3", able to throw seed bags like nobody's business, and once chased a robber out of his house with a hunting rifle when he was thirteen. However, if he so much as sees a medical needle he starts sweating and trembling. He had to be heavily drugged to get a series of needles and has started he would rather slit his wrists for a blood test. He claims it's because his father used to chase him around with a huge horse needle, which I expect would do it. It doesn't help that he married a nurse who often gives vaccinations in the kitchen. * When this troper was in Grade 6, everyone had to get their tetanus shot. I, a girl, was one of the first to take the shot and I didn't think it was too bad. However, some of the guys in my class where reduced to tears, had to go to the "panic box" for twenty minutes and were STILL complaining about it after school. * [[Tropers/ZiggyStardustForever This troper]] is '''terrified''' of needles and blood, and can't even watch someone get an injection on TV. Surprisingly, she's managed to donate blood several times, but she can only do it when she has someone with her to distract her from the needle (the one time she didn't have that, she nearly fainted - and she actually ''did'' faint during a blood test years earlier). * This troper nearly fainted when he was told that he had to get blood drawn for a simple test. I hated needles all the time, but the actual thought of filling UP a needle with MY BLOOD gave me nightmares. When it was finally time, I freaked out twice before they could put the needle in. I was shaking, crying and terrified, and my mother seriously considered taking me to a hospital to put me under in order to draw blood. Third time was the charm, as they kept me down, but I was left in a sort of Thousand Yard Stare afterwards, and it still kind of hurt about an hour later. About a week later, said mother came in to tell me the "good news" that I didn't have anything wrong with my blood. Yeah, because I was so worried that I had hemophilia or diabetes instead. The worst part? I was screaming my head off, rocking back and forth, at the age of 18. Hell, writing this, I'm STILL shaking. * This Troper was surprised at how well her dog acted when getting a rabies shot. He just looked at the vet like "Excuse me?" There had been another dog three times his size who had to be held down and muzzled to get the shot, whimpering the whole time. * This Troper always faints when she has to get stuck with a needle. Tried distracting herself by reading. Didn't work. Tried drinking water. Just got wet. A nurse suggested eating something high in protein (like sausage or peanut butter) before having it done. Well, my next check-up is in 5 months. We'll see. * Funnily enough, this troper is only afraid if needles if they're being stuck into her, not if she's the one doing the sticking. Good thing too; I plan to be a veterinarian. Recently though I've been

getting better with the needle thing, although I learned this summer when I got blood drawn that I have very narrow veins...(Thankfully it only took one try.) * This troper is trying to stop her fear of needles, considering that the one doctors use aren't gigantic and painful looking like the ones you see on TV, she managed to tolerate the ones at the dentist office because they look less like needles, and more like guns. * This Troper tends to get faint whenever she gets her shots, and often has to sit with a glass of water for a while after it's done. * Another aversion by this troper. I've gotten so many blood draws it's started to feel like almost nothing. * My moment here came when I had to get blood drawn for a survey (Note: This was my first time). However, I misheard my dad as saying "It hurts much more than a wasp" when he was saying the exact opposite. Cue [[HighOctaneNightmareFuel terror.]] * Inverted with this troper. He is afraid of basically anything, but cannot understand why anyone would fear needles. It's not like it kills you or anything. * Let me make this perfectly clear: [[Tropers/NoLimit I]] am absolutely terrified of needles. I am so afraid of them that I have stated several times that I'd rather DIE than to take them. Yes. I know. Totally irrational and I should suck it up, but I am absolutely serious. I would have. But that's not the story I'm telling. One day, I had to take a injection for school-related reason. I was being totally unreasonable. Screaming, crying, begging for any other way. But then my mom with me there told me that she wanted me to take the shot. And I did. Albeit blubbering like a baby. Let me illustrate this again: I would have chosen to die than to have to get a shot, but I did it anyway for my mom. I basically deemed my mother more important than my own life. Does that count as a CrowningMomentOfHeartwarming? * This Troper has played hockey and other sports most of his life, and has broken many bones in his body as a result. However, he is deathly afraid of needles, to the point where his body goes into full-on panic mode as a if he so much as sees one. For example, once, he was hit in the throat with a puck, which partially crushed his windpipe. He walked off the ice and onto the ambulance calmy, holding his throat, then passed out from lack of oxygen. When he came to, the doctors had to deliver a shot, and he almost pulled his oxygen line off of the tank during his panic from seeing the needle. Eventually, he got the shot... after he was strapped to the bed. * This troper has always hated needles and had to be restrained every time until he was 12. When he had to start getting regular (3 month) bloodwork at 18 as a requirement of the anxiety drugs he takes, he passed out the first time he got poked. And since then he's gotten much better and no longer passes out (sometimes gets a wee bit nauseous...) as long as he doesn't watch the blood filling up the tube. He can watch the needle go in with no problem - it normally doesn't hurt all that much anyway. But if he doesn't turn away before the phlebotomist opens the vacutainer, he passes out when he sees the blood. And he even worked at a slaughterhouse for 3 months and watched cows exsanguinate all day with no problem at all. It's only his own blood that freaks him out.

** Although it was heavily averted the last time he had to get a tetanus shot. This troper's last tetanus shot was 10 years ago when he was 16. The doc, after a routine exam, said, "welp, you need a tetanus shot." And the troper freaked. The nurse came in and saw me shivering in the chair and suggested I lay down on the bed. And I rolled over on my side and rolled up my sleeve and was still shivering in the fetal position. She laughed at me and said she'd be right back. The she came back with a teddy bear and a smile and while I was laughing at the prospect of a 26 year old male needing a teddy bear to get a shot, she evidently must've given it because I heard her leaving and I rolled over and asked what the problem was now. She said there wasn't a problem. I said, why didn't you give me the shot? She said that she did. I hadn't even felt it a tiny bit. But OOOOH did it hurt the rest of the week. To the point I had to put hot compresses on the arm to bring the stiffness down. I've taken punches that took less time to heal. ** When this troper was in the hospital for an unknown nervous condition (turned out to be a really bad anxiety attack), they had given him a boatload of valium to try and bring his heart rate down. He remembers a nice black man coming in and saying that he needed to take some blood. The troper's response was, "that sucks." Then when the man was putting a bandage on the hand where he'd taken the blood, the troper asked, "Wha~~?" And the man said, "I'm all done." And the troper said, "with what?" And the man said, "taking blood." The troper replied, "that sucks." That's the only time he's never been bothered by a blood draw. ** On a needle-note, the IV contrast dye used for CT scans feels REALLY FUNNY going into your arm from that pump machine they use. ** The worst part used to be the smell of the isopropanol prep before the insertion. Now it's the sickening "pling" that the needle cover makes when the nurse uncaps it before the shot/IV/venipuncture. ** I have a nice dentist that not only does oral conscious sedation which helps a lot but is also top-notch when it comes to injections. He proved to me that patience and skill means that there CAN REALLY BE such thing as a painless shot. Even a Gow-Gates block (which involves translating the needle past the lower condyle of the jaw joint), which I used to dread, isn't a big deal anymore. It's still uncomfortable but I don't whimper and shake like I used to. ** Funny story - seasonal flu shot. I was working as a civilian on an Air Force base but doing the same job as an enlisted member would do. I had access to just about all the perks of military life, including free flu shots. Now I was 18 at the time and really wasn't that freaked by a flu shot. But as soon as I actually saw the needle, I started to panic and I was dazed all the way back to my office. I walked in the door and said to my office mate, "I don't feel well." And then I passed out. I giggle-cried at this year's flu shot. I didn't even feel it but they made us flap our arms to disperse the fluid through the muscle tissue (reduces soreness) and I was wierded out by the thought of putting stress on a newly-injured muscle. It did work though - there was no soreness from that shot. * This Troper's Completely Badass Best Friend had to get a flu shot at school. When approached with the needle, she began to freak out. The

nurse who was giving her the shot said 'If you struggle, the tip will break off in your veins.' Needless to say, Best Friend FLIPPED HER SHIT and had to get seven people to hold her down. Seven! * I've been a needlephobiac ever since I was a baby, and recently tried to get over it by donating blood. Didn't even get to the initial finger-poke (to test your level of something-or-other) before the nurse looked at the white-faced, trembling would-be donor and gently told me I needed to come back another time. * This troper is very afraid of needles & the dentist. * [[Tropers/MsChibi This Troper]] almost fainted after having her blood drawn on numerous occasions. Shots are OK, but having blood drawn or an IV are not. * This troper was AfraidOfNeedles until having to get used to using them after being diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. Since then he has been on an insulin pump, which doesn't require several daily injections... though it does require once every 3 days using a metal needle to make room for the plastic tubing that delivers the insulin. * [[Tropers/{{Tadaru}} This troper]] was so deathly afraid of needles that he had to have his blood pressure retaken because it spiked upon hearing he had to get his MMR. IGotBetter after that. * This tropette isn't too afraid of needles. She has received them from the doctor, when getting shots, multiple times. It's a little unnerving, sure, but her method to avoid the {{Squick}} is to look away when they inject her. [[ItGotWorse However]] when she had to go to the oral surgeon to get her wisdom teeth removed, she nearly hyperventilated before they could get the anesthesia IV in... Thank god her mother was there, or she would have never gotten her wisdom teeth out... * [[{{Tropers/Ventisia}} This Troper]] is deathly afraid of shots. Sewing needles, pssh. Piercing needles? Not a big deal. Even handling hypodermic needles for whatever reason isn't too much. Actually being injected... I had to go into the doctor's this summer to get a meningitis vaccine, which scared me to death but I was braced. "One prick and it's over..." Turns out I was overdue on two others, one of which was a tetanus shot. I started crying and hyperventilating like a little kid; I was so freaked out it wasn't even funny. * This Troper once left a couple front teeth on a street in Berkeley while cycling with a friend. Said friend accompanied me to the UC dental school where the doc intended to perform an emergency root canal on one of my upper incisors. Know how a dentist's chair looks a bit like a W? The anesthetic injection (into the roof of my mouth, with a needle about five inches long) was so painful that I was stretched out in a rigid straight line across the peaks of the W. When the injection was over I glanced over at my friend...who had passed out. (Personally, I discovered that numerous injections of morphine during hospitalization following being hit by a car at age 15 pretty much cured me of any fear of needles (at least, small ones). Needles were my friend.) * This Troper always faints whenever they try to draw blood from anywhere but her finger. Even then, she's fainted a few times. * This troper is fine with needles less than four inches long, but he cannot watch it enter the skin for any reason. The reason? He had to

have a particularly long one in his foot during an operation to remove sea urchin spines when he was ten. I'll just say that I screamed so loudly that I'm surprised no one asked who was being murdered in hindsight. * This troper is so afraid of needles, I cried when I had to get my booster shot. When I was in high school, I was on the newspaper staff, and was writing an aftermath story on a blood drive we were having. I'd originally convinced someone else to go get some pictures for me, but they were sick that day, so I had to get them myself. I walked into the gym, and I could feel my knees starting to get weak. I took maybe three pictures before I started feeling sick to my stomach. I ran out as fast as my wobbly legs would carry me and almost hyperventilated from taking so many deep breaths. * This troper, a former EMT, had to take an IV class to learn how to stick people with needles. It was hilarious. Picture a young lady with an IV in her arm, holding hands with an otherwise tough firefighter so he wouldn't faint while classmates stuck needles in his great big awesome veins. Or don't, if needles aren't your thing. * While this troper has gotten better at it (she can cope by looking away when the needle's being inserted), she can still remember vividly an experience she had when she was about 7: After much physical struggling and hysterical screaming, her mother had managed to restrain her for long enough that the needle could be successfully inserted. She looked down at her arm and saw herself [[NightmareFuel bleeding from the puncture point, with the needle still in]]. ** On the same tangent, the same troper found out in her adult age that it's easier to find a vein on her right arm as opposed to her left arm. How did she find out? Blood test. Troper looks away, feels the puncture, looks back, sees nurse [[HighOctaneNightmareFuel wiggling the needle back and forth under her skin]], vainly trying to [[BodyHorror puncture a vein that keeps slipping away from the needle's point]]. * [[{{Tropers/Nonomino}} This troper]]. Oh boy. Whenever she sees a syringe on a picture or on TV, she's ready to throw up (she had to block the trope's picture with Adblock). The last time she saw a syringe for real, she nearly fainted, even though the shot wasn't for her. Just because doctors mistaked her liver hemangioma for a cancer when she was 3 months old and made her two or three shots a day for nearly two weeks, and her parents were not allowed to see her. Thanks for the psychological trauma, guys. * I have always been afraid of them, but [[{{ItGotWorse}} it got worse]] after one painful shot becuase of my Rheumatic Fever. * Needles scare the shit out of me! I've been afraid of them since I was little. ''And'' I have to get my blood taken because I have high cholesterol. :( * I am so afraid of needles I hid in the bathroom sobbing when they were giving HepB shots at school. I had to get the injection the next day at a regular clinic, though. I think the fear stems from the fact that they euthanize dogs and people via lethal injection and I'm always paranoid that the needle has poison inside instead of medicine. *SHUDDER* * Inverted in that [[{{@/A1}} This Troper]] has to give itself about 4

injections a day because of its diabetes. ** Ouch. This troper's dad knows how that feels. :( * Averted with Edgy. He was giggling while getting a tattoo because it tickled. * This troper used to be terrified of doctors' appointments due to her fear of needles. ** Somewhat subverted, as she and her mother planned for me to play my Nintendo DS while they administered shots to distract me. And God, does it help. x_x * This trope is why this troper will never get her ears pierced. *trembles in fetal position* * This troper is hypersensitive, so she feels everything more sharply. Everything. Just about nobody will take her or her mother's word for it - she's lost count of the number of times she's gotten "Oh, you'll be fine! Really!" By this point, she automatically tenses up around needles. ---Go back to AfraidOfNeedles. It won't hurt a bit. ---<<|TroperTales|>>

AfroAsskicker * This Black metalhead troper doesn't have a particularly big or neat afro, but be sure that even if there's another black guy at a metal show, I'll be there sporting my naps. * This Black troper had a large old school fro and finally decided to cut it but I've been advancing myself in Jeet Kune Do for the past 6 years.

AfterSchoolCleaningDuty * [[Tropers/{{bluepenguin}} My]] private high school used this as a form of detention, which always surprised and confused my friends in the local public school system and prompted a lot of "what, like in Harry Potter?" comments. Oddly enough, during my time teaching English in Japan, I've never seen this happen; all the schools I know of have their cleaning time in the middle of the day, after lunch. * It was never a duty as such, but in high school, if there was ever a disruptive class (that I happened to be a part of), and it was the last lesson of the day, I'd hang about and help the teacher fix the tables and chairs. ---Before you can go back to AfterSchoolCleaningDuty, you need to clean up the classroom. ----

AgainstMyReligion * One of [[SwiftStrike this troper's]] (who isa protestant) friends were talking about sex, or some such, and when I chimed in they said

something along the lines of "But you can't no anything about that, you're a Christian!" I calmly looked at her and tole her "Yes. Because I am a completely perfect human being, and have never done anything sinful." So, kind of an inversion then? ** More like DidNotDoTheResearch as the Bible makes it explicit that everyone has committed a sin at some point. * This troper pretends to be whatever religion he needs to be to get out of whatever he doesn't want to do. And it usually works. * [[Tropers/JusticeReaper This troper]] is a Seventh-day Adventist, which (for those who may not know) means he believes that Saturday, the seventh day of the week, is the Sabbath of the Bible and is still in force with the other Commandments. As such, I do not go to work on Saturdays - a point I made clear to my present employer when I was interviewed by them (I work at the Western Bureau of one of the local newspapers here in Jamaica). Well, about two Fridays ago, while I was in the office, my supervisor came up to me and asked me if I would be able to come to work the next day, as she had to attend to some family matters (she writes up the weekend duty roster for the month, and she and I usually split the weekend). I told her no, I would not be able to. She got offended (she's prejudiced against [=SDAs=]), and I ended up in the office manager's office the following Monday to discuss my "role as a reporter." Nonetheless, I stood by my principles, for I don't believe I'd be able to work on Saturday and still be honest with myself afterward. ** This troper applauds your conviction. Did you get reprimanded? *** The office manager called the whole religion thing "foolishness" and basically gave me a veiled ultimatum, to think about whether the company is where I want to be. And she gave me until the end of this year to think about it. So, the way I interpret it, either stay with the job, do as I'm told, and sacrifice my beliefs and convictions in the process; or find myself out of a job by year's end. Hence, I'm networking to cover my own skin. ** Fear of hell runs strongly in you, indeed. *** I wouldn't really say it's "fear of hell" so much as "not wanting to deliberately and knowingly do something that would make my Lord and Saviour disappointed in me." Plus, I've spent enough time breaking the Sabbath (during my college years, when I wasn't going to church due to personal reasons), and I have no plans to do so again knowingly. *** *blinks several times, then hugs you* Hooray, more of us exist! Fortunate Kitsune here, SDA as well. Haven't really had any trouble with it yet as I do not have a job. This is mostly due to mental issues, though. ^^; The one I do have is that anything around here that is interesting invariably happens on Sabbath!....Unless it's Halloween on a Sunday! XD ** This LDS troper also applauds your conviction! I've done something similar--I've made it clear to various employers that I cannot work on Sundays, and they usually respect that, but I have had to restate my beliefs a couple of times when they "forgot." ** This agnostic troper is usually very cynical and snarky toward religions, especially of the Abrahamic tree, but I still believe in the absolute right of sincere believers to invoke this trope. Especially if I have prior warning. Or if some tasty forbidden food is

involved and I get to have more because of it - Rottenvenetic ** This Catholic *ducks* troper thinks your ''employers'' should be fired. Disrespect for other cultures is one of the only things (in addition to mass murder, rape, and drumming fingers) that I can't tolerate. * [[Tropers/{{Dysfunctional}} This troper]] got out of having to use paper, got out of doing any work on earth day and numerous other things by invoking this trope....which most parts were true (mostly because you can come up with your own rules in my religion), but the teachers were beginning to get fed up with it.... except the ecology teacher who liked what I was doing. * This troper is the only agnostic/Pastafarian in a group of all Christian friends, and a common joke is if anyone asks this troper to do something, she responds, "It's against my religion!" Bonus points if a teacher believes it. Extra credit bonus points if it's in math. * My friend got out of gym class, because our uniform included shorts. Her grandmother's religion states that women must wear skirts. She didn't believe in it, but she used that to get out of it. * This troper's game design teacher once told her about a student whose religion switched from Christianity, to Judaism, to Islam, to Hinduism...depending on what holidays were coming up that he could use to get out of class. * This troper's doctor recommended he eat pork for its medical benefits, but "I don't do that, because it's against my faith." The doctor is Jewish. Hmm... so I can eat pork, but if Judaism is true, then my doctor unwittingly condemned me to Hell (and himself as well for telling me to do something that goes against his own faith). ** Except Judaism's version of Hell isn't very much like the Christian concept of Hell at all, when it exists. ** And also that non-Jews are perfectly allowed to eat pork. As long as you keep the seven laws that apply to non-Jews (one of which stipulates that the pig has to be dead while you eat it), you're doing fine. The doctor's being entirely consistent. * As a Member of the LDS church, this troper doesn't watch R-Rated movies. thus, this troper gets notes excusing her from class when her teacher shows a rated R movie- about once a month. She got out of several essays because of it, although the students tormented her. * Whenever this troper applies for jobs, she always puts herself down as unavailable on Sundays. Everyone she's worked for before was okay with it. It hasn't caused any problems...yet. * This troper's cousin was part of a homeschool tutorial group in Tennessee. While she was not home schooled for any particular religious reasons, a lot of the students at the tutorial were and some unintentionally hilarious situations would occasionally arise. One such story involved a guy asking a girl out. Being a good Christian gentleman, he called her parents beforehand to ask permission and got their approval. So he went ahead and asked her to a dance that was coming up. Her response? She had prayed about it and felt that God didn't want her to go to the dance with him. We call it whipping out the God card. * This troper (Beta Maxis) tends to get into awkward positions due to feeling that eating meat is GENUINELY against his religion, as he

believes no kind God would give intended food the ability to suffer, leading to a slightly awkward moment when he assumed his grandparents (on his father's side) knew this when he was invited to dinner. ** [[Tropers/{{Personofpeeple}} This troper]] tends to get into awkward positions due to feeling that eating meat is sorta "fake against" my religion. One of those wacky things going on between me and God. * This Troper is Moravian, and therefore will occasionally use this excuse as a polite way of getting out of social obligations. It's quite effective, since no one other than we Moravians seem to really know what they actually ''are''. The short version: very old Protestant sect. * My Religious/Philosophical beliefs are...''curious''. But I got out of 99% of PE in High school because the PE Teacher was a DungeonsAndDragons player when he was younger, so I spent every session lying on the grass in normal school uniform just ''watching'' the PE lesson as the teacher told me old "war stories" about his Elf mage/thief. * In high school, I made up my own religion so that I would be able to use this trope. It never worked, but that certainly didn't stop me from trying. * I can confirm the note on Jewish vegetarians. One household I stayed at allowed no meat in the house, to simplify keeping kosher. I had to satisfy my need for the flesh of lesser beasts at local restaurants. * This troper once hung a lampshade on this when he was handing out doughnuts he'd bought to his friends. One of my friends is a somewhat lenient Muslim, almost non-practising in a sense, but he still abides by Halal. He crapped himself after I shared a knowing look with one of my other friends, glanced at the ingredients list on the bag for the doughnuts and [[BlatantLies said]] "Shit, these have gelatin in them!" He'd taken one bite and was in the process of chewing it, and he literally spat it everywhere. I did give him an extra doughnut for his troubles, though. * My son's school got in a massive amount of trouble last year. One of his classmates is very strictly Jewish and is not supposed to dance, and got in trouble when he refused to dance in their music class because it was literally against his religion. His parents of course threw a fit, which resulted in the music teacher getting suspended and all sorts of other mess. Given the rather large population of Orthodox Jews in our immediate area, I was surprised the teacher didn't know better. * This troper's history teacher wants her to write all of her essays assuming that the person reading it knows nothing about the topic. What kind of idiot would read an essay on the Enlightenment without knowing what indulgences are, and then complain because they didn't understand it? Especially since the only one who reads our essays is our teacher, who certainly knows what indulgences are. I plan to keep on doing so, and if he gets mad at me about it, I can tell him that stupidity is against my religion. It's true. * This troper says he's allergic to applesauce and only applesauce (he says other apple products he can eat) just to keep from eating it. * This troper once ranted on how `the customer is always right`

implies that they are omniscient (a trait only posessed by gods) and that, as I am an atheist, serving them goes against my religion, because I can`t serve a being that I don`t believe exists. (The manager didn't buy that.) ** Nor should he/she have. If you don't want to serve customers, don't work in a customer service field. * This troper was absolutely infuriated at a girl on her bus who inverted this trope. The girl claimed that she was required by her religion to curse. The religion she was referring to? Atheism. Cue FacePalm. Made worse by the fact that this Troper herself is an atheist. * This troper's best friend refuses to wear skirts. She says it is against her religion. * This troper used it as a joke excuse. A Meme per se. * When arguing online, this troper will occasionally be told that no religion prohibits X. As a =POPE= of the Wholly Discordian Church, this troper begs to differ. * It's against this troper's religion to discuss his religion. That line has saved him from many hours of being preached at. * I abuse this. I'm a part of Nura Assumpta, which hardly anybody knows what it is. We have a lot of crazy beliefs that are a little off the wall. Some people I know just purposefully walk around banging on wood 21 times, 'because we just have to.' Okay, we really do have a reason for it, we just like to do it way more than needed. I know a guy who pisses off people going up stairs by abruptly stopping on each seventh one, and making sure he steps on and off each one with his right foot. If he's in a hurry, he goes up them three at a time, just because the right side of things are lucky, and so are the numbers 3, 7 and 21. * I attempted this when I forgot a pencil for maths, it didn't end well and I was given an after-school detention for "poor behaviour"... * Currently here to avoid learning about evolution. You know how Christians are with evolution, right? ** [[DidNotDoTheResearch Only the particularly fundamentalist ones, and mostly Protestants.]] ** Even though CharlesDarwin was an Anglican minister and NEVER took God out of the equation, which would be plainly obvious to anyone who's actually READ "The Origin of Species." * This Troper tends to lampshade this. "I'll bet you a dollar that <insert something here> will happen!" "Ah, sorry, no can do, I can't bet for money. It's against my non-religion." [[Tropers/JackOCrow This LDS Troper]] pulled this once. Being the DeadpanSnarker that I am, when asked to say the closing prayer at a Wednesday activity, I politely declined (the first time), but after constant "say the prayer, say the prayer" I got sarcastic and said "sorry, it's against my religion". everyone got really quiet. Three weeks later, I still get dirty looks, so I'm not sure I'm welcome there anymore. Dammit, that's the fifth church this year...... * This troper belonged to the philosophy students' union at her alma mater, and one year it emerged that they had waited too long to book their usual venue for the annual Christmas party. Fortunately, one of

the other members knew of another place we could have it for a reasonable price: the Jewish Community Centre near campus. This wasn't a problem for the Jewish community, apparently (knowing that the students were really going to drink beer, eat pizza and argue about Kant, and it being Christmas was just a handy excuse) - but they did have to be very careful not to bring said pizza into the kitchen there, because it was traif. * This troper is part/Hindu, so I don't eat beef, and my personal worldview is kinda animist and also, uhm, different? So that makes me a vegetarian and an aspiring vegan. Unless I'm hiking in the forest and happen to find an animal that's already dead. Which has not happened. * Admittedly this troper likes to use this excuse when dealing with something she doesn't like, particularly in school. It's doubly funny for her friends, who know that she is in fact an atheist. ---Go back to AgainstMyReligion - unless, of course, ''that's'' against your religion. ---<<|TroperTales|>>

AgeInappropriateDress * This troper, according to his friends at least. Though as far as I can tell all it really boils down to is the fact I wear socks that go past my ankles and blank oversized tshirts that would look more appropriate on an absent minded middle aged novelist than a teenager. We actually have a recurring joke that I'm really 47. * When this troper was in middle school, she was one of the few middle schoolers who DIDN'T dress like a slutty high schooler. Keep in mind, this troper went to a combined preschool, elementary, AND middle school with these girls. * I totally didn't want to start this one, but at a local supermarket ([[ H-E-B]] if you must know), there was an old woman (late 60s/early 70s) wearing a plaid short skirt, black leggings that went down about halfway, and a tight t-shirt. Pass the BrainBleach. * At this troper's middle school graduation, most of the other girls wore dresses that were extremely short, strapless, had no back, or had some combination of the three. Keep in mind, these are fourteen year olds. ** It's definitely okay for fourteen year olds to wear strapless/no back dresses. They're not 4. And no one should wear extremely short dresses, looks trashy. * There were people that protested his troper's junior prom because the School had set up reasonable guidelines to ''prevent'' girls from this trope along with grinding. The night arrives and girls ''still'' wore the tiniest dresses they could get away with. One guy wore what looked like a pimp suit. ** I can do you one better: The class clown at my school actually ''did'' wear a pimp suit to our prom. Purple velvet, animal print, gaudy medallions, fake scepter: you name it, he had it. Nobody seemed to mind.

*** Probably because they knew it was a joke, since you did say he's the class clown. Damn, I wish I'd thought of that for my prom. *** RefugeInAudacity to the max! * The other direction from how this trope usually goes: when this troper was a young-teen (12-15ish), she dressed in... rubbishy old white polo shirts and ankle-length shapeless granny skirts. They didn't even fit her. Of course, she's often told she acts like an old woman, so.... * I swear by all that is holy, if I see one more middle-aged woman wearing too-tight ripped jeans, an Ed Hardy tank top (or anything Ed Hardy for that matter), a cowboy hat, and stripper heels, I will show no restraint in kicking her in the teeth. For Christ's sake, most of you are mothers! Stop dressing like [[LowestCommonDenominator VH1 contestants!]] ** [[CompletelyMissingThePoint ...Wait, what says that since they're middle-aged, they must be mothers?]] * When this troper was 8 or 9, she saw fit to walk around in miniskirts, those bra-type-things that aren't actually bras that are marketed towards little girls for some reason, and high heels. Needless to say, my daughter(s) shall not be allowed to dress like that. * This troper went to a school where the dress code [[CovertPervert was not strict whatsoever]] and, of course, all the girls got away with wearing the [[ExactlyWhatItSaysOnTheTin shortest]], skimpiest versions of the shorts they owned. Unfortunately, this school had little 1st grade classes... *shudder* * I am currently wearing a waistcoat, and usually dress in a combination of jeans and suit jackets. it seems to be working out well. ** Can you come to my school and teach all the guys (assuming you're male) how to dress like you? Please? * This troper used to wear middle-age-lady skirts, mom pants, etc. Probably had more to do with her issues at the time than any fashion sense. * Once, in an elementary school, I saw a FIRST-GRADER wearing a shirt that was WAAY too low cut. Mind you, she didn't have anything to show, but the shirt literally was cut to show of her chest, nipples and all. ** What in the I don't even * My 8-year-younger-than-me cousin has been wearing extremely inappropriate bikinis since she was about 8 (she's 11 at the time of posting this) which are way too loose and have caused very uncomfortable [[WardrobeMalfunction wardrobe malfunctions]] while swimming. Squick. ** Actually, you could argue that wearing bikini's for pre-puberty girls is in fact age-inappropriate dress ( and leads to sexualisation of small children). * This troper can turn this one on its head. When she was in high school (16, 17 years old), she had one dress for formal events. It was dark green and covered with a weird floral print and, quite simply, was age inappropriate in the opposite way; wearing this horrible thing made her look at least forty years old. She hastens to add that this item was not part of her wardrobe through any choice of her own, and

she was frankly embarrassed to be seen in it. * Family Story: When my sister started going to high school in the mid-'80s, my mother decided to put her in a wardrobe that made her look like a 'lady'. Pumps, business suits, a bloody ''suitcase''. Poor thing was mistaken for a (short) teacher at 13-14. * This troper mourns the disappearance of children's clothing; the 7year-olds wear... wait, even better: the no-to-one-year-olds are dressed up in baggy jeans and sneakers (if they are boys). Children should wear clothes they can USE!!! And I am not leaving this page until someone explains the necessity of pre-puberty girls wearing bikini-bras. * one of the more well-known "local characters" my town has is an old woman who shows up to every free concert\fair\other outdoor event involving music and dances around dressed like a 50's teenager, complete with [[ poodle skirt]]. I have no idea if she always dresses like this, or just breaks it out for such occasions: It occurs to me that I could see her around all the time dressed more normally and wouldn't know it, because I just wouldn't recognize her without the skirt. To me it's tasteful enough to be oddly cute rather than creepy, and I've come to think that no free event in the town is complete without a Poodle Skirt Lady sighting. * The only thing worse than being the sun-seared grandmother in cutoffs and triangle bikini top is being that same grandmother accompanied by her eight-year-old granddaughter in a virtually identical outfit. * This troper feels like this no matter what she wears - she has a curvy body and a young face, so anything other than jeans and a tshirt feels mismatched somewhere. And even the jeans and t-shirt have to fit just right to avoid making it look like she's either unaware of the fact that she's sprouted hips and breasts, or a teenager trying to convince the bouncer to let her in. * this troper little sister have one of those, it kinda creepy * This troper has heard an odd version from her coworker. Said coworker dressed her three-year-old in an age-appropriate yet trendy outfit (skinny jeans, a t-shirt, etc) and got complaints that "she's dressed like a seven-year-old!" Sometimes, one's mind just boggles. * This troper has a sister who is 8 years older than him, 2 inches shorter, and an occasional crossdresser. So she takes his hand-medowns. It's a double whammy of age-inappropriate and genderinappropriate, but no one particularly seems to mind. * One of the secretaries at this troper's school came to work one day in a short sleeved sweetheart top, a skirt that reached mid-thigh, tights, and five inch heels. That may not sound to bad, but she's about 65 years old and looks it. The impact was doubled since she usually arrives to school in full on business suits. * This troper was an early bloomer in terms of puberty and a late one in terms of fashion/beauty consideration. Up until 6th grade, there was a mix of vomit-inducing girly kindergarten tee-shirts, cotton shorts, and flowery polos and of old-lady jeans and formless sweaters. ---Mom! What are you ''wearing''? Your AgeInappropriateDress is just

embarrassing! ----

AgonyOfTheFeet ...Oh yeah. Sorry. Hobble on in. * This troper has a really bad ingrown toenail where the nail in the right side of the big toe on his right foot is actually growing into the skin. Very {{Squick}} indeed. It's real tender and it hurts really bad. ** Same troper again here with a more humorous story than before. My mom accidentally left some tacks on the floor and I was walking barefoot around the house and stepped on them. Didn't feel a thing until I went up to watch TV and had my feet up on the table and mom came up, took one look at my feet, and said "You know you have tacks embedded in your feet, right?" I picked them up, looked at them, and I had to have about 30-40 of them in there. My response? "So I do" * This [[@/{{Elkian}} troper]] has a ton of milk cartons for storage in her room. It was pretty messy, I had to pick my way around it, got a toe stuck in a hole, and ripped the skin off the bottom. OW. * This troper, just now. Stubbed my same toe twice in a row. It actually sort of snagged on something and...>><<< ** Um...[[{{Squick}} ew?]] ** Once, when I was a little 8 year old troper, I decided to walk to my friend's house barefoot. I stubbed my toe upwards of 4 times. I don't know how I even kept doing it. * Try walking 20 miles in smart shoes to get to an event, the pain caused is gradual but everlasting. Was worth it though. * On the second to last day of my trip to Rome, my family was on our feet for more than seven hours. We walked to the Vatican (it took about two and a half hours), we stood in a line that took twenty minutes to go into the building, we walked through the several museums there, and we walked back to the hotel (took two hours because we only got lost once on the way back). On the last day, we were on our feet for six hours. We did a LOT of walking in those three and a half days. We walked every where. At the end of the first day, my feet hurt so much I had no idea why I kept walking. London lasted about a week, and we walked a lot there too, but it was nothing like Rome because the tube (subway) system worked so much better than the one in Rome. * This troper, who has never worn heels before in her life, had to wear 4 inch platforms for a costume. At a con. Which meant a LOT of walking. Ouch. ** This other troper had a similar situation, it's ''extremely'' rare for me to wear boots (sneakers ftw!), but I needed to wear boots for cosplaying Seras Victoria. Lots of walking = lots of blisters. Owwww. * [[{{Wheezy}} This troper]] has fractured his little toe three times. Always due to waking around his house too fast in the dark. * Two words: PLANTAR. WARTS. ** DEAR GOD. I had /ten/ of those around my big toe. At once... DEAR GOOOOOOOD. ** This troper had around fifteen on her big toe, and got them all

burned off at once with hydrochloric acid. She literally couldn't walk and was on crutches for around three weeks, since all the skin on her foot was gone down to the subdermal membrane. * This troper worked at a summer camp - two months of pretty much nonstop walking over hills and roots and everything else before the doctor informed her that her feet are flatter than pancakes. * This Troper was a Lance-Jack in the army; the first pack march of the year would always leave some idiot unable to walk because they were too 'hard' to stop and put on some plasters. * This Tropers father once trod on a jellyfish when he was a kid. He commonly cites it as the most painful experience of his life. * This Troper had a pretty bad experience with broken toes. Used to do mascot work for a Women's Expo, and strapped on a 50 lb motor for a inflatable penguin costume, then a 25 lb battery for said motor... Bad design choice, it was on with velcro. Got three or four steps off the elevator, velcro lets go, battery drops, shatters last three toes on left foot. They're still a little crooked. * Having missed the bus for my university's final summer ball, I ran all the way to the smart shoes. ''Pain.'' * Bridesmaid shoes. $15 metallic kitten-heeled thong sandals from Target. The pain started within 5 minutes of putting them on. Danced barefoot at the reception. * This troper, at the age of 7, was running top speed through the house when she slammed her (bare) foot against a desk. ''OUCH''. * This arachnophobic Troper may have the best example of the kicking something variety ever. He was sitting under his very tall bed, at the computer, reading a thread about spiders. With pictures. He felt a tingling on his leg. He slams it up on a reflex. Straight into the metal frame of the bed. Ow. Later, when telling someone about this, he mimiced the movement... While resting his foot under a wooden table. Later, while telling someone else about it, he mimiced the movement AGAIN. While using a bag under a table as a foot rest. He doesn't tell people about it anymore. * [[EtherealFrog This Troper]] got kicked in the shin by the resident AxCrazy female some three years ago. I was limping intermittently for the rest of the year. Nowadays I just get occasional spikes of agony in between the foot phalanges, although that's likely unrelated. While I'm here, Osgood-Schlatter diesaese is starting to creep up on me... * Broke a toe because I was running around the house for some reason or another and slammed it into a corner of the wall. Not only did it fucking ''hurt'' for a few days, it's a pretty obnoxious injury because you can't just stop walking for six weeks. You have to walk on that broken foot and just deal with it. * This troper once walked ''two whole miles across town'' in high heels... and spent the next two days in slippers or (if she HAD to walk) sneakers, and has made her friends swear an oath to slap her if she ever does something like that again. Ow ow ow ow... * [[ARandomSerf This troper]] got an ingrown toenail a few years back, but he thought it would grow itself out if left alone. It didn't. I eventually ended up getting the nail permanently narrowed. * This troper went on a hike with her family and assumed it would be a short three mile hike. It turned out it was seven and a half miles,

and as she was wearing old converse shoes instead of hiking boots, she got horrible blisters and bruises all over her feet. ** Another time while she was in Mexico, she sunburned her feet so badly that she couldn't wear shoes for nearly the entire trip (The sunburn occurred on the second day of the vacation). * This one when she was a young'n was happily making her way through the living room, a snack cake in hand. My stupid sister left her hefty wooden clogs out on the floor and * pow!* Ok, I thought, just a stubbed toe. I go upstairs and while I'm watching tv I feel something '''wet''' on my toe. I looked up and saw that the impact from the clogs had ''split my big toenail almost clean in half and was bleeding profusely''. -->'''This troper''': ''AAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGHHHHHH!'' * A horse once stepped on this troper's toe. It was a very heavy horse. Ouch. Another time, when this troper was walking barefoot at the beach, she trod on some broken glass. * This troper has occasionally run barefoot over asphalt for roughly four blocks. Blood blisters are interesting things. * This troper wears workboots. Many things have simply bounced off the leather instead of causing an injury, and many things tripped over painlessly due to the thick sole. However, the insole is worn away at the heel of one, and causes bruising after a few miles. ** Related is an agony of the shin. This troper missed a step while climbing the stairs at speed, narrowly missed putting his foot down into the gap between the steps, but smashed his shin into the next step. Two weeks later, and the bruise and lump are still there. *** This third troper also wear steel-toed workboots. They make industrial work much easier... save for the single time when he got hit foot caught under the palletjack while walking backwords. The steel toe worked as advertised, but he did have a nice semi-circle of hairline fractures on all five metatarsi just above where the steel ended... * Last year this troper had a hay rake dropped on his toe. One of the teeth went right through his shoe but thankfully only grazed the toe itself. I shudder to think about what would have happened if it'd been a bit farther to the right. Also, I've dropped a table on a bare foot once. I had a HUGE bruise where it hit. * There's a reason [[Tropers/{{G-Mon}} This Troper]] now wears shoes all the time, even in his own home. * This troper wears nothing but steel-toed boots for this reason. ** Don't wear them around horses or large livestock. Broken toes heal; the effects of having a third of your foot nearly cut off and the metal toe-cover holding the wound open last a lifetime, which may not be all that long if the edge hit something important. * This occasional troper was called from his bed to help his partner push-start their car to take her father to hospital. On a road with the surface being centimetre-sized jagged chunks of rock. When the adrenalin of Helping The Fair Lady wore off, he spent the rest of the day limping. The stairs up to work didn't appeal. And let's not talk about the several times he has gone hiking or riding in ill-suited shoes and spent the next three to five days in crippling knee agony. * This Troper banged her foot into her subwoofer so hard it broke an

inch of skin. Normally she's pretty good at not making noise when pained, but she resisted that urge for only three seconds before howling and swearing and limping off for a band-aid. * This troper once stubbed her baby toe so hard at a friend's house that you could see the tiny piece of toe hanging off of it. Also, the next day she went barefoot through the same friend's garage to get to the backyard and wasn't careful enough while passing the gardening tools leaning against the wall, resulting in, I believe was was a shovel, falling on her big toe. It cut so deep that the principle of "deeper cut, less pain" came into play as I gave my friend an annoyed look for insisting I needed to sit down. I told her continually I was fine before finally she reached behind my head and shoved it down so I could see the blood coming out of my toe, which was dark, thicklooking and scary. It looked worse than it was, but still. * [[DarkInsanity13 This troper]] usually has a rather high pain threshold for sudden accidental ailments (cuts, bruises, and the like), but stubbing one of her toes on something (usually her bed) never fails to make her keel over begging to drop an F Bomb. But in a subversion, she leapt back after killing a rather large spider on the wall that fell, and her baby toe hit a nearby tool box. Even after the adrenaline from the uncertainty of not knowing if the spider was dead (which it was) wore off, she didn't notice that she was bleeding until several minutes later when the dull pain from hitting her foot hadn't worn off. ** On another note, her mother has chronic feet problems due to really high arches. Orthodics can only prolong the inevitable/lessen the pain for so long before she needs to sit for a good long while. Figures that the family enjoys taking walks when on trips. * This troper has a chronic ingrown toenail problem, and has had to have the acid treatment done to them to prevent the ingrowns from happening. They've botched the attempt 5 times now... * [[SovietKitty This troper]] has pretty bad luck with this. She's dislocated two toes and broken one, gotten toothpicks, pine needles, and cactus spines stuck in various places, and had a few pieces of skin nearly ripped off. Ironically, she can walk an entire boardwalk in five-inch heels and feel nothing. * This troper is always stubbing his toe on something around his house. It's become so common and this troper's parents blame it on rushing. * This troper has twisted his ankle so many times it doesn't move properly. * [[KingSonnDeeDoo This Troper]] has stubbed her toes many times, and recently, her feet seem to have become target practice for cans to fall on. * This troper has a P. E. teacher who is very strict about bringing the correct kit. The penalty for not bringing the right kit without a good reason? The "smelly kit". Old clothes that people have left behind. Now, what does this have to do with feet, you ask? Two words: Shoe. Sizes. * Marching band. ** Especially when your feet are already hurting from rehearsal and then you drop the foot of a chair hard on your toes. Troper's friend:

"Wow, great job... wait, are you okay?" * This troper broke her foot. While playing DDR. On beginner. * Last year, the day before Winter Break, I was running in my highheeled boots to get to my First Period Algebra class. Being a klutz and half-awake, I somehow managed to fall out of my boots, twisting my right ankle in a 180 degree angle. Everyone around me looked horrified, and kept trying to insist I get medical treatment, but I sat up and laughed, trying to give the impression that it wasn't as bad as it looked and I could walk it off, though I apparently gave the impression that I was mentally unstable instead. Anyays when I got to my second hour Japanese class, after climbing up three flights of stairs on my aching ankle, I proceeded to go through the exact same thing, twisting it the other way. By the end of the day, I was dragging that foot and for all of Winter Break, I needed something to support my weight. Gooood times.... * One day after summer camp I got in the car and suddenly my brother goes pale and tells me to look at my feet. I do, and find that three toenails on my foot are split and the entire lower half of my foot is red with blood. I didn't feel a thing. To this day I have NO idea how I smashed up three toes 'till they gushed without feeling it. * Here's a fun story, kids. At age 18, I got my first job. It required work boots, which they provided (and charged me for). Unfortunately, they didn't have my size (16 in work boots apparently). So they put me in a pair of size 11 insulated boots with the insulation ripped out. Three days later I could no longer stand. My feet and back ached for six months. When I lay down to go to bed it'd take me literally a half hour to roll over. I was in agony. Take care of your feet, boys and girls, 'cause if they're not happy, you're not happy. Now I still have issues finding shoes that fit, the size 14 shoes I'm wearing now are decent, but tight. * My job requires me to stand on my feet for hours straight wearing a goofy costume and waving at oncoming traffic. And I'm not allowed to sit down. For any reason. Except for my 15-minute break, then it's right back to hours of standing. My ankles are threatening to telescope. On the bright side, it's great training for all the walking I'll be doing at A-Kon! * Buy good shoes, tropers, especially you last two. I recommend making friends with a Marine, then asking said Marine to take you on a shoe buying trip. Why? Because when you're in a large group of people, all of which spend a lot of time walking and running, SOMEBODY will know which shoe stores are "cheap but will leave you paralyzed or fall apart in a month", "expensive but all show no go", and "worth every damn penny", and the rest will catch on damn quick. Likewise, if you are in a job that requires constant standing, remember--sneakers are meant for wearing for a few hours of high speed sports. Heels for women and oxfords for men are meant for fashion, not endurance or speed. Boots are meant for walking all day long. Combat/construction boots are your friend. ** Heartily seconded by this troper, who's been selling shoes for roughly four years. If you're looking to seriously exercise but you're strapped for cash, DO NOT buy the $20 pair. Your feet will be in a world of hurt.

* [[JET73L This troper]] was once getting something (a piece of paper) from the top of a desk set, and someone had left something very heavy (I think one of those old, solid-steel-and-painted-black staplers) on top of the stack. The result? An either broken (most likely) or oddly dislocated left index toe bone, the nail being held on solely by scabbing and one thin strip of hangnail for a long time, and after many months when the toenail-area skin began to solidify, a divot partway down where it actually folds into the toe for some reason. The divot's still there. * Somewhat subverted with this troper and her boyfriend, inasmuch as we consider it a heartwarming memory. We walked three miles back to his apartment from his work on a night in early March with one coat and one pair of sensible shoes between us. Boyfriend got to be warm, troper didn't wreck her best pair of heels. * Having practiced barefoot martial arts for half my life, I thought my feet had grown soles. I could run barefoot on gravel and not feel a thing. I kid you not. Then I started practicing Capoeira. (Which requires to pivot on bare feet a whole lot). In the first month, I was left almost unable to walk after each session. Blisters upon blisters upon blisters. It gets easier as you go on, though. * This troper had rested her foot sort of hooked under one edge of her desk, and was speaking animatedly to her mum about something. She made a gesture that involved smacking her thigh, and a kneejerk (thighjerk?) reaction resulted in her foot slamming into the bottom of the desk. Then, when she was explaining to her mum why she'd sworn at the top of her lungs, she made the same gesture, with her foot in the same place. Twice. In a row. Possibly more. In addition, she has approximately twice-weekly toe-stubbings. * This troper's ex-wife tended to complain a lot at the least provocation. I was getting ready for work one morning, while she was getting breakfast ready. I heard a loud crash from the kitchen, followed by complete silence. Normally, I'd expect a stream of cusswords from her, so I immediately got worried and called out, "Are you OK?" Several seconds pause, followed by a strained " ....No." She'd dropped a full can of coffee on her foot and broken two toes. * Back in the 1980's, Indianapolis was the host of the Pan American Games (a late substitute after the original host city pulled out). Several thousand volunteers worked their butts off to get the city ready on short notice. During the opening ceremonies at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, my dad (one of the volunteers) was invited to march in with the Colombian national team. (Yes, he was born in Colombia.) Watching on TV, I was surprised to see this one 60year-old white head in the middle of all these young athletes. I was also surprised at how unhappy he looked. The reason? The shoes they gave him as part of the team uniform were two sizes too small. * This troper was running around in a friend's backyard when he was a kid, turns out one of those boards on the ground had a rusty nail sticking out of it. Guess how he found out? * In 2008 I got an ingrown nail on my big toe and had to get it professionally cut (I ignored it for so long the doctor had to numb the foot and cut much of it away). About a year later it happened again on the same nail (it had started to grow back and ended up

growing weird), so I had it had to be cut again. Now I have one on the other big toe, but it doesn't really seem bad enough to worry about. * This troper has a plethora of cringe-worthy tales. This troper had to walk three miles in deep snow while the back of her boots cut into her ankles. It took a year for her ankles to heal. This troper also accidently dropped a five-pound pickle jar on her right big toe. The toe nail fell off. To this day, the toe is still flatter than the other one. Another time, this troper jumped in the air, and her right shoe slipped forward, then flew back onto the foot upon landing. Sounds like nothing. It was the worst pain I have ever felt. I literally went into shock. I was blind and nauseaus, and I was sweating so bad my clothes were soaked through, for several minutes, and was too scared to inform an adult, mainly 'cause I didn't know where I was going, and thought if I moved slightly, I'd fall over. Another horror story. This troper and her little sister were cleaning hamster and mice cages. My sister had the water bottle holder on the floor, and I didn't see it. Of course, since the universe hates my right foot, I stepped on it. I had 1/2 inch of metal embedded in my foot. I pulled it out and layed on the floor for about 15 minutes while getting over the incident. I was limping for a week. Once my wound had healed up enough, I was standing on a chair, trying to catch one of my Mom's birds. The bird landed on one of the cats. Believe it or not, the birds are abusive to the cats. I tried just bending down to shoo the bird off. I fell off the chair and landed on my right pinky toe (which was a few inches from my previous injury). I broke my toe, and the dark bruising covered half my foot. My toe is still broke. I'm dyslexic and can't remember my right's from my left's most of the time. Now when I need to figure out which side right is on, I just think of my right foot which has underone so much toe-ture. ** This troper forgot to mention the time her and her best friend were dumb enough to jaywalk, or jaybike, across a four-lane road. This troper ended up getting her flip-flop and left foot caught in the spokes of the front wheel. This troper didn't have time to untangle foot, as there was a big truck headed straight for her. I'm so thankful he stopped. I stopped and my bike fell on top of me. I inspected my foot, and saw that part of my foot was stripped to the muscle. I will, unfortunately, remember the day I did that as my Nana died ten days afterwards. ** And another entry. This troper stubbed her still broken toe on a table leg yesterday. She could have put a sailor to shame. Today, she struck the same toe against a car seat. She was on the verge of tears, and, most unfortunately, dropped the f-bomb several times without knowing a 4 year old was watching. * I once stepped on a shattered mug that opened a triangular hole an inch and a half deep in my right foot that took three months to heal. * This troper has many stories about this. She was/is a dancer and a midfielder in soccer. My first year playing on my school team for soccer I ended up losing all my toenails on both feet. I have very narrow feet and was wearing a size too small in cleats because of the right size's width made them keep falling off my feet. I ended up

spraining my toes and losing all my toenails. Just kept playing though. I also sprained my ankle partially because of this, I would've just kept playing except the doctor forced me not to. Still I came back after only a week(I was supposed to take ''at least'' 2 weeks off) and ran 6 whole field suicides my first day back, to this day I can no longer run without an ankle brace because of scar tissue in the ankle. ** And for dance... I do modern dance. All barefoot dancing basically, I was able to do a quadruple pirouette barefoot at one time. Well, I have many stories about this but this is one of the best. I was rehearsing and at the end of the song I look down at the dance floor. The dance floor and my foot had blood all over them. Turns out I had somehow managed to tear the toenail on my big toe half way down without noticing until I saw it. I had to run back to the studio in flip flops and get some bandaids and some wipes to clean the floor with. I also managed to twist my ankle '''hard''' during a dance exam and still had my second dance to perform. There are other stories of course but these are the most... interesting. * This troper once got a staph infection on the pad of her right big toe. After a few weeks of agony, she sanitized a needle and lanced it herself. Cue immediate relief and a lot of disgusting stuff. Then about a month later, she got another infection, this time on the side of her left toe. * I was ten. I was being a ten-year-old, climbing my friend's fence from the alleyway and back. Said fence was only, hm, ten-year-old waist height so I climbed over it. Climbing back over it my thongs slipped off and I jumped onto some boards. Unbeknowst to me, my friend's father was building additional fence and had already put nails into the boards. Let me say, [[{{Understatement}} OW.]] I didn't realise I'd had a ''three-inch nail'' imbedded into my foot (figured it was just jarring) and skipped along. I left a ''freaking trail of blood across the grass and the driveway.'' I didn't notice the blood trailing from my foot until I returned to get my thongs, put them on, turned and realised there was blood everywhere. Cue screaming and a HeroicBSOD. Kind of. Well, I can't remember anything from then on, until I had a bandage around my foot and was going home from the hospital. It hurt. A LOT. * This troper wore fancy new shoes for the first time while walking all over Washington D.C. with a school group. She got blisters so bad that one of the teachers took her back to the hotel- but they had to walk. She ''took her shoes off'' and went the whole way back barefoot, because she's got some wicked calluses on the bottoms of her feet so it was significantly less uncomfortable. * A friend of this troper managed to break his toe (can't remember which one, but it was the same) almost two times. By hitting a chair. * [[LoneCentrist This Troper]] was on a backpacking trip recently, and after a very long day, we stopped taking breaks just so we could get to the camp site before dark. When we finally got to the campsite and sat down, this troper finally felt the pain in his foot, and then took his foot off to check... it made the blister scene in "Run, Fatboy, Run" seem like nothing. * This troper's most recent move featured running up and down stairs

for almost 48hrs straight. Sadly, the boots he had for the job were already wearing out beforehand... Let's just say that the end result would have made his doctor hit the ceiling. He's never had so many blisters at once before, and is seriously surprised there wasn't blood involved. * I had quite the temper in my younger days, and sometimes things would be punched, slammed or kicked in a fit of rage. During one such tantrum, I saw a conveniently placed bag in my path and promptly kicked it with all the power I could muster. No need to worry, the two bowling balls in the bag were quite all right; the same could not be said of my right big toe. It wasn't broken, but that millimetre to spare did little to ease the pain for ten-year-old me. * I went to a band competition in California a few years ago, and bought a pair of black pleather flats because I thought that wearing my usual three-inch heels for an extended period of time would be too uncomfortable (hindsight's a bitch--I realized that I can wear those heels all day if I need to). Little did I know that I would get huge blisters on both feet a mere two hours into the all-day competition and would be nearly crippled by the time we went back to the hotel. To make things worse, I was dealing with a toenail fungus at the time, so walking barefoot and showing everyone my nasty toenails was NOT an option. * This troper normally has a pretty good tolerance for pain (certainly better than my drama queen of a sister), but just the ''slightest'' toe-stubbing is enough to put me in a frenzy of loud {{Angrish}}. It was especially bad before I got my ingrown toenail problems fixed. * I've had my share of blisters, cuts, stubbed toes, etc. The worst foot pain I've personally experienced was stepping onto the porch barefoot years ago in the evening and feeling a pain in the side of my foot like a hot needle that afterwards swelled impressively; I'd been bitten by a wolf spider. I still have a red dot 1/2 cm in diameter to show off. * I have insanely long monkey toes. These are the toes that catch furniture, stub on everything, and kick walls. I deal with this OFTEN. ** This (same) Troper also spent half an hour in a muddy ditch surrounded with thorny plants, rocks, and sticks that just JUTT out of freakin' nowhere. BAREFOOT. I came back with my toes cememented together with mud, a couple of cuts on my feet, and a chunk of dirt under one of her toenails that is STILL THERE. * It's the last class of the day, and most people are dozing. My feet are slightly in front of the legs of my desk. The girl in front of me decides to shift her seat (the cheap kind, where the desk is connected to the chair). A leg of her chair ends up on my right toes. Cue pain, screaming, apologies, and one very awake class. * This troper stands with her right foot held in such a way that more weight is put on one side of the foot than the other. It's an unconscious habit, and this troper is just waiting for it to catch up to her. * This troper, during a Christmas party at her house, was barefoot up in her room with some cousins. At that time, her room had no carpet, just bare boards, and she didn't notice the tack on the ground. She continued not noticing it until her cousin pointed it out to her, at

which point she looked, saw the head of the tack embedded right in the middle of her big toe, and started crying. Her parents had to reassure her that it was just bleeding a lot, it wasn't that bad. She didn't go barefoot upstairs for a long time after that. * This troper recently climbed Croagh Patricka 2500 ft. mountain in Mayo, Ireland, associated with Saint Patrickin his bare feet, as per the optional pilgrimage. Beginning the ascent, he wasn't exactly sure why he wanted to do it in the first place; by the time he got back down (four hours, and anybody who's been there will know that the extremely steep path is nothing but tiny, edged and pointed stones), he was no longer sure why he couldn't just die and be out of his misery. ** Another example, when the above troper was three or so he was standing in front of the door in his grandmother's house, trying to reach the doorknob to leave the room. His uncle then opened the door from the other side, and its bottom was just high enough off the floor to catch the troper's toes. Two of them are still slightly misshapen from the incident. * [[AdamS This Troper]] is an amusing subversion. He has "dancer feet" from years of ballet and modern dance, and they don't injure easily. He has done some pretty nasty things to them, from stripping some of the skin off of the "knuckles" during a slide across stage to performing a dance involving a lot of spins barefoot on tile. Also, they are the only part of his body more resistant to high temperatures than an Arabic friend of his. She can take being out in the sun all day, but only if she has sandals. He, on the other hand, burns at the drop of a hat, but can walk barefoot across asphalt in Kansas in the middle of a summer day. * This Troper once pierced his foot on a garden rake. Not just poked or cut, but pierced all the way through, from about an inch before the middle and third toes. The scar is gnarly, but I tell (most) people I got shot with a 9mm pistol.... * Bone spurs on the heelnow with longer-lasting ''pain!'' * This Troper is a constant victim of this due to clumsiness. He frequently drops anything and everything on his toes. That includes baseball bats, barbels, refrigerators... * Me and my sister have both managed to fall over while running up the stairs and knock off half of our big toe nails. OUCH!!!!! * Since he was a kid, this troper has been wearing sneakers like most normal kids. The problem is that he's too clumsy for anything and he hit his foot everywhere, and dropped lots of stuff on them too. When he turned 14, he fell in love with a pair of work boots that he saw on a store and bought them. He hasn't worn sneakers again because he just loves them that much. He hasn't bruised his feet anymore. Not because they protect his feet, it's because he hasn't dropped anything or hurt his feet anymore! He considers them his lucky charm. * [[Tropers/MegTheMaggot I've]] dropped a tree on my foot before. My coworkers and I were out cutting a tree down because we needed logs to build a firepit, and they managed to drop it on me. Luckily, my foot didn't get crushed, but it did scrape up my shins. * This troper has frequent ingrown toenails. One toe has had to have the nail cut three times. The third time, the anesthetic was not

taking effect. They kept putting more and more in, and were trying to get it to spread throughout the toe. Finally, the doctor poked the toe with a needle and I did not feel it, so he started cutting... turns out that it got numb everywhere ''except'' that precise spot on the toe, requiring a different type of anesthetic. My toe was numb for more than 24 hours; when I woke up the next day, I started to worry that I'd never get the feeling back in my toe. * One word: Legos. The damned bricks get everywhere, and when you step on 'em, they huuuuuuuuurt. More than once I've gotten a bleedin' cut on my foot 'cause of those things. ** This troper completely identifies with you. She left some of 'em on her rug last night, and had to go to the bathroom. They were in the way, and... Yeah. * This troper got a bad plantar's wart on the bottom of her foot when she was 17. Right on the arch. She spent a week alternating between using wart pads and an exacto knife to cut it out. It's long gone now. A year or so ago, though, she managed to stub her little toe so badly that the nail got ripped off. * This troper has a tendency to get ingrown toenails from time to time, which in itself is painful, but they usually subside in a month or so. Not so with the one I got most recently, which would not. Stop. Hurting. Cue this troper's mother wanting to prod at it and examine it, and... you get the idea. Then, this happened: --> '''Mother:''' [Applying medication to toenail to decrease swelling] Does this hurt? [Pushes '''hard''' on ingrown toenail]. --> '''Troper:''' [Paralyzed by pain for about two seconds, then tortured scream of anguish] ** (Same troper) I ended up having that part of the toenail permanently removed, leaving me with about 9.55 toenails. * This troper very often stubs his toe on something, [[{{Karma}} usually right after laughing at his mom for doing the same thing]]. ** Also, being a tenderfoot, I'm prone to bruising a lot, on vacation we went to universal studios and went through both parts, by the time we were done, I had roughly three blisters on each foot the size of my palm, it was gnarly. * A kid at this troper's school broke his toe trying to run up a wall. Twice. * When [[Tropers/ShannaA1 I]] was a kid, I couldn't go on vacation anywhere without getting severe blisters on my feet. While visiting Washington D.C., we walked so far that my heels actually began to bleed. ** Also, on a trip to Disney World, someone in a wheelchair ran over my feet. I didn't actually hear him calling at me to get out of the way, so I'm not sure whether it was his fault or mine. ** I was also in Disney World when a man in a wheelchair ran into me from behind. The front of his wheelchair rammed into the back of my ankles, and for a moment, I was literally temporarily blinded with pain. That said, it was partially my fault as I was suffering from jet-lagging and didn't hear him shout. * A couple years ago this troper had stubbed her toes many times before, but nothing compares to the one time her stubbed pinky toe bled. She was a bit stressed after school, and it was when her room

was turned into the guest bedroom. There was a lot of clutter in the very small hallway of the second floor and that Godforsaken bookshelf... Let's just say, this troper thought she needed to go to the hospital. Because it did bleed, but the skin did ''not'' tear and it wasn't red blood but ''blue''. You can imagine her surprise when, about a couple weeks to a month later, the bump was hard enough to just peel off with the wound completely heal. She thought it'd be a souvenir of a lifetime! On an unrelated note, this trope is the reason why this troper never showed much incentive for martial arts lessons where she had to be barefooted. Stubbed toes ahoy! ---Watch your step on the way back to AgonyOfTheFeet ----

AGoodNameForARockBand && pg [[caption-width:214:Oh, [[ it actually is]].]] At the suggestion of @/SabreJustice. * By the way, @/SabreJustice would be AGoodNameForARockBand. See also TropeNamesForABand ---* Jizzy Tissues. Do I even need to explain? * I was watching 'ProjectRunway' one night, and the comment was made that something looked like a 'Disco Apron'. Sounded like a good name for a band. * I have a band named "Negative Half". A misspelling of "lemon jello" led to us writing a song called "Lemon Cello". ** You know that's a type of alcohol, right? ** {{Hilarious in Hindsight}} * Ever since I started needing to know the Latin names for animals, I've been obsessed with "''corvus corone''", the Latin name for the carrion crow, being a badass name for a goth band. ** There's the German medieval rock band Corvus Corax (Latin name for the common crow) * I'm starting a band called "Cannibal Food Drive". * I once saw "Atoms for Peace", a term used by Dwight Eisenhower in launching a program to spread atomic power throughout the world, and thought to myself, "That would be a good name for a band." Imagine my surprise when going to [[ the Wikipedia article]] and seeing at the top of the page "''This article is about the U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower's speech. For Thom Yorke's live band, see [[ Atoms for Peace (band)]].''" Not just some obscure band, but a ''supergroup''! * While reading the Bible, I found the part of Jeremiah where God says

that, for it's sins, Judah will become known as the "Valley of Slaughter". A Good Name For A Rock Band? I think so. * After seeing Brook in the manga (and a few clips from the anime) OnePiece, I think that the name "Afro Skeleton" has potential. We could even do a version of Bink's Sake! * I have a band called "Theo" In Gutar Hero: world tour. The O has a umlat for rock purposes. * I was playing ''ResidentEvil 5'' with his friend when for no reason he blurted out "Its like...Super Wesker and the Volcano....Wait. That would be a good name for a band." * This Troper wishes to begin a Death/Grind band called The Genovese since a lot of brutal Hardcore influenced bands seem to take their ideas from dead women or social injustice... so why not both? And on that same note, any interesting phrases or things I learn about become song titles and I immediately begin thinking of lyric ideas. I've yet to get anywhere with it but if it does take off, I'll be in the money! [[EvilLaugh MUAHAHAHAHAHA]] * This troper and her best friend have a lot of these sneak up on us, often while playing Mad Libs. The most recent being 'Wisecracking Reptile Population' and 'Homosexual And Menacing'. Then, there are the ones that have stories behind them. For instance, a conversation about the name of My dog being the same as [[{{Angel}} a certain Buffy spinoff]] led to the band name 'My Dog Is An Emo Vampire'; confusing a straw with red plastic stuck to it as a flower poking out of the snow gave us 'Artificial Flower Prediction'; last, but certainly not least, a conversation on the subject of ''Series/DoctorWho'' that strange places was the birthplace of 'David Tennant's Dangly Bits'. * My Rock Band band and my friend's band are named "The Killer Frijoles" and "Permafrost", respectively. * In an episode of ''{{Fringe}}'', a man leaps to his death while hallucinating. The hallucination is that he's being attacked by a swarm of butterflies with [[KillerRabbit razor-edge wings]]. "RazorWinged Butterflies" would be AGoodNameForARockBand. ** It sounds like some kind of all-chick punk band. *** Exactly, sounds awesome. * This troper and her friends long ago decided that their band name would be "Nuclear Fruitbowl." None of us remembers where this name came from, except that we all immediately decided that it was, indeed, AGoodNameForARockBand. * While not necessarily for a rock band, @/DarkInsanity13 is adamant that if she ever gets a cosplay group together to do a skit, they will either be named "Subtitles Not Included" or "Now With Subtitles", depending on the content of the skit. ** How about..."Subtitles Not Included: ''Now With Subtitles''"? ** Actually, ''Now with Subtitles'' should be the name of their second album. ** Third album should totally be ''Gag Dub''. Their long-awaited fourth album should be called ''{{Macekre}}''. ^_^ *** The OP would like to comment that apparently the whole "cosplay skit group" concept has apparently been lost on the above comments, but enjoys the ideas nonetheless.

** And their insanely popular hit-single? 'Foreign Film Dub' ** OP, on another note, would like to say that hers and her brother's band name in Rock Band is Bad Shield United...after a one-shot/movie cameo done by [[{{Bleach}} Kubo Tite]]. Band members included Vega Highwell on vocals, and Jetscape-15 (supposed to be Jetcape, but Jetscape rolls off the tongue better) on guitar/bass. There was also possibly Chad on drums, but it's been so long that she can't remember. Though, if she now recalls correctly, Chad actually plays the guitar in the actual series... ** So... Did anyone else read this and think that ''Cosplay Skit Group'' itself wouldn't make a bad name for a band? ** Now that I think of it, so would 'Possibly Chad'. * This editor and friends were watching a program on feral children that abruptly cut to an ad for a motorcycle, so we started joking that what we were seeing was actually a child that had been ''raised'' by motorcycles. It was only afterward that he realized that Raised By Motorcycles would be... um, yeah. * Its origins are lost to the mists of time, but My Rock, band, is called ''Lunchlady Vendetta.'' * ''Changing Viscocity,'' apparently, from {{Sanctuary}} * @/{{Nomic}} often says that to find a good name for a rock band, just get a medical dictionary and open it at a random spot. Also, just about any German word. ** Actually, just find a word randomizer. You'll find something interesting eventually (I mean, where else could something like the Pigeon Detectives come from?) *** This troper, in need of a cool Guitar Hero III band name, just kept refreshing [[ .aspx this page]] until he got a cool-sounding noun, and ended up with Detonator. Which is pretty good, if a little generic. He now kind of regrets not setting the complexity to obscure and getting something like Supertragedy or Seismosaur. Still, thanks for that. **** This troper, using the random phrase generator on the same website, got "Compressive Swallow". **** SALUGI. That is all. *** The random phrase generator gave me "Dry Democratic Cockishness". **** Archaeological Jugoslavian. ***** @/NielJacoby got Score Trojan, and has wanted to play in bands called "The American Psychos" and "The Microserfs" **** The page wouldn't work for this tropette, and all it said was "General Network Error". She was disappointed until she realized that "General Network Error" is an amazingly badass name for a rock band. *** I used the same site for his Rock Band name and got "Semifiction". His Guitar Hero: World Tour band named after the {{Angel}} episode "Supersymmetry". *** While participating in a bar's trivia night, this troper and a friend ended up with the most boring team name in the room (actually, just our own names), and started discussing what we should have used instead. Somehow combining our two Rock Band names came up as an idea, but then we realized that, since she had gone the sophomoric route with hers, the result would have been... ''Cunt Detonator''. Which

probably would be going too far, even in comparison to the team dubbed Michelle Obama Juggles Inaugural Balls. Still, if anyone reading this needs a "Grossout/Blasphemy Name" for a real or fictional band, it'd work nicely. *** I tried the random word generator the old-fashioned way, picking a two-word name by flipping randomly through the dictionary and plunking his finger down. First attempt: Earache Latrappe. Second attempt: Galveston Buttache. There was no third attempt. * When he was 12, this troper and one of his friends thought of many band names featuring a pun based on the word "punk"; looking back at that time, this troper feels embarrassed on the sheer idiocy of names as "Peter Punk" or "Punk con mantequilla" (Bread with butter in Spanish; eventually his friend band used that name for a short while before having a better idea, using names without the word "Punk") ** Peter Punk is an actual, if not quite popular, punk rock band in Italy. ** And "Punk Conman Tequilla" would still be workable. Although "Pan" and "Punk" don't actually sound very much alike at all. * I once spent an entire bus-trip with a friend, writing down good band/album names. The list has expanded over the years. Items include: Famous Last Words (decided against it, thinking that if we ever got famous, people would just be waiting for us to die); Minus the Man; & Co.; String Theory; and Men of the West (in which we would love to have a female member, preferably lead-guitar). ** There's already a band named Minus The Bear. One of their albums was Menos el Oso... yeah. *** Men of the West would be a good name for an all girl group that plays eastern music. * While driving one day, I was cut off by a typical New Jersey driver who didn't even have the courtesy to use his signal. I bust out angrily with "God dammit, [[AGoodNameForARockBand nobody signals]] around here!" After the awkward silence in which I realized I was [[TalkingToHimself talking to myself]], I continued to do so and muttered, "Huh...that's AGoodNameForARockBand." A few of my friends agreed but have better ones in mind. But I came up with this one all on my own, damn it. * I came up with The Gazebo Dwelling Rodents after seeing [[ExactlyWhatItSaysOnTheTin a rodent crawling around in a gazebo]]. ** Just make sure it doesn't get attacked by a wandering adventurer. ** The Wandering Adventurers would be a good name for... a salad spinner. Likewise with The Salad Spinners. *** The Salad Spinners would be a good name for a folk/soul crossover band. * I have [[YuGiOh a bit]] [[TheSandman of a]] [[TheDarkKnight special]] [[YamiNoMatsuei affection]] for the [[EyeScream Injury to the Eye Motif]], and so one day, completely messing around (as one does) I proposed the phrase 'massive ocular trauma' to coin what I'm fond of. No idea if that actually means anything at all, medically, but I did afterward state that that would make an AWESOME band name. Apparently, someone took me up on that. (No idea of they're the ones now [[

endid=83428691 on myspace]], though.) Other band names so spawned? ''Black Order Amish'' (no buttons, lots of animal blood), and several others (which I shall not disclose, lest they get taken too. Drat you all!) ** Also, ''Lobster Thermidor'' would make an awesome first album name. * I maintain that ''The Revenge of Millard Fillmore'' would be a good name for a band. * I was in a band for several years, and came up with two names that were shot down - ''The Baker St. Irregulars'' (named after...[[SherlockHolmes well, you know...]]), and ''J.S. and the Bach-Ups'', which ''I'' thought was a clever use of our lead singer's initials and Baroque musician-based humor. I still use it as my default fake band name in Rock Band. * I, thanks to a musically-inclined and somewhat loony brother, have many; among them are ''Dripping Yellow Madness'', ''The Least Weasels'', ''The Shrieking Eels'', ''Encoder'', ''Italian Concentration Camps'', and ''The Carolina Num-Nums'' (the last of which I believe we filched from a list of "Before They Were Steely Dan" band names on the, well, Steely Dan website). The rest... it's probably best not to ask. ** ''Dripping Yellow Madness'' is at least a ''HomestarRunner'' reference. *** [[ThePrincessBride The Shrieking Eels]] **** Nobody would ever leave the concerts. * A handy hint: need a good name for a band? Go to [[TheOtherWiki Wikipedia]] and hit "random article" a few times. You'll be happy eventually. A few examples achieved like this: ''Parliament of Botswana'', ''Population Process'', ''Cucking Stool'', and ''The Future of Food''. ** This is part of a forum game that's set around this trope. The Wiki article gives you your band name, the last four words on the last quote [[ here]] give you your album title and [[ the third picture along]] is your cover. I ended up with ''[[ The Streets After Them by Tagbss]]''. *** I actually got a pretty coherent (though incredibly lame) album title that way with ''[[ It's Not Worth It ]] by Crossing''. I don't think the ''"I'm deep, I swear!"'' vibes could get any stronger off that turd album. *** I read that as "Teabagese" and that the levels of SeriousBusiness and trash-talk on Xbox Live got to such high levels that it became recognized as its own language. Oh yeah, and "Teabagese" would also be AGoodNameForARockBand. I guess. *** [[ ''The Illusion of Knowledge'']] by Old Tobacco, which sounds just like the kind of experimental blues-influenced post-rock album I would listen to over and over. *** [[ In A Reasonable Form by Vanderbijlpark]]. Sounds like it can't make up its mind between indie rock and black metal...

*** I got [[ "When the Road Darkens"]] with [[ this]] as the cover, by [[,_Mother 'night, Mother]]. Aaaw. It's not fun when it almost makes sense! *** [[ Didn't Miss The Boat by Cliopsidae]]. Actually, it'd be "Not Miss The Boat", but the grammar bothers me. *** Speaking as the only person who decided to make the actual album cover...[[ ver.png/ Wlka Prusicka: Which We Do Possess]] *** We have been sick by 17042 Madiraju. Beats me as to what kind of band it would be, but there goes nothing. *** You're not alone, I did the same and got [[ 2 Rusty Brown Comics: Because she wasn't boring]] and yes, I was sad enough to find the explicit lyrics logo for it. *** [[ "Get Forgiveness Than Permission"]] by O.S.H.U.S.A.F. (which stands for '''O'''rganizational '''S'''tructure and '''H'''ierarchy of the '''U'''nited '''S'''tates '''A'''ir '''F'''orce) **** the cover can be found [[ 1566367 here]] *** ''[[ Never Have a Beginning]]'', by Scagea. [[ t=neverhaveabeginning.jpg Now with its own cover!]] *** 9385 Aransio got named after an asteroid so I decided they play space rock (duh). As in their debut album ''[[ Be wrong and kill]]''. *** Zen At War's debut album, ''Not For Looking At'': cover [[ here]]. *** I got [[ "Obvious Only In Retrospect"]] by The Afterhour Club *** [[@/BeanJavert I]] got ''Superior to Medicine'' and [[ this pic]]; the actual quote was "is superior to medicine", but the grammar bugged me. *** [[@/{{SonicGTR}} I]] got [[ "An Adventure in Forgiveness"]] by Natural Justice. Makes me think Acid Jazz with some Blues-like melodies. *** For My first try, it was ''...of Establishing the Truth'' by Opnode, with as the cover pic. Seems interesting, especially if you don't call Opnode by its longer form, Open Node. *** A fun result on My first try, though I was a little disappointed in the album cover for [[ "Listening to Repetitive Music" by Metronome]]. *** The completely nonsensical

[[ "Never Touch Its Coat-Tails" by September 1959 Lunar Eclipse]]. Awesome. *** I got Fit this year's fashions, by [=AmigaOne=]. I really want to listen to that... *** I got [[ "...And You Command Everybody" by Cross-fade.]]Now tell me that doesn't sound like an awesome electronica band? *** I got [[ "A Crowd of Men" by Mojave Experiment.]] It reminds me of some electronic Idon't-know-what... *** I got [[ "Always Mom. Hi, Mom!" by R-7 Semyorka.]] Must be a ShoutOut. *** I got [[ "Valued Till Sickness Comes" by Sazes da Beira.]] I've got no idea what that means. *** I ended up with [[ "You Never Look Down" by Neversdorf]]. Not bad. *** [[ "It Keeps Him Young"]] by Caraval. If only the picture was square, I'd like to have it as real album art. *** I got carried away designing covers: [[ jpg "Sent to the Legislature"]] by The Little David Years, [[ nsel.jpg "Merely to be Normal"]] by Southland Regional Counsel, and [[ "Be Wrong And Kill"]] by [=CXCL13=]. *** I got "Different from Being Rash" by The Association of Wrongdoers. The band name? Awesome. The album title? Less so. *** I decided to give this a shot [[ t=NAoS.jpg]] Kinda looks what I would listen to. *** I got [[ "Steal with Good Judgement"]] by forty2. *** [[ "What They Think Laughable by History of Shropshire"]] I'm thinking folk with a sort of classical tinge to it. *** "One Course Of Action" by Nishiki. *** Mine is [[ 6ec92fc2.jpg?t=1282586695 "Pretend that isn`t the case"]] by Euclid. Considering the picture I believe that the album name is quite appropriate. *** I got [[ "The Slide Into Atrocity"]] by Pragmatic Web. Dark, brooding nerdiness! *** I got "We Admire Their Astuteness" by Mexican Sign Language. And for some reason, I actually really like that! (The album title, to me anyway, sounds like a good second album name for a band that got good reviews on their first album and has a sense of humor, basically saying "Thank you for recognizing our awesomeness" jokingly.) *** Mine was

[[ Too Big To Attempt]] by Jiangqiao Campaign. EPIC. *** ''To Any Love Problem'', by Gloria Comerma, with [[ this]] as the cover. Sounds like a Spanish big band jazz crooner. *** Alone Against Tomorrow's hit new single, [[ Root of Much Humor]], on sale now! *** [[ You Don't Need It]], by The Human Goddess. *** ''[[ Comes From Bad Judgment]]'', by Downfall. Oh my god, that's awesome. Also, ''[[ Because They Are Ignored]]'' by [=RiverSplash!=] *** [[ es.jpg He might become disturbed]] by Famea Blues. It sounds like a band with a lot of creepy lyrics. *** ''[[ There When It Happens]]'' by Anglican Realignment. Also ''[[ Elected To Anything]]'' by Maintenance of Way, and ''[[ Your MotherIn-Law]]'' by Calendar of Saints. *** ''[[ Look Back and Regret]]'' by Hurricane Isabel, coming soon to a store not near you. *** [[ Blow Up The Planet]] by The Democratic Solidarity Party. [[BigYes Yes.]] *** ''[[ Best Done By Professionals]]'' by Turbo Shrew, from their album ''1989 in Wales''. I couldn't let one of the names go to waste. *** ''[[ A Child of Five]]'' by Big Bar Heliport. *** ''[[ All Kinds Of Ways]]'' by The Climb. * This troper sees good band names in tragedy - Mom Shot Dead or Jackknife Tractor Trailer. He also happens to agree with J.D.'s suggestion that Seven Car Pile-Up! would make a good band name. ** Too bad for you, [[!/pages/8-Car-PileUp/323563131265?ref=ts it's half taken]]. * This troper and a friend of hers are mortally convinced that if a metal band called Gratitos mlat doesn't already exist, it damn well SHOULD. ** They're in the Kansas City area. With an umlaut over the G and the final T. *** Really? [[CrowningMomentOfAwesome SWEET!]] * @/{{Cameoflage}}'s primary Rock Band band is just called Faily [=McFail=] (although, in my opinion, that's not a bad-sounding name aside from the inability to take it seriously). However, she has a list of these stashed on her computer, with some of the better ones being The Martian Brain Trust (taken from ''AMiracleOfScience''),

Interstellar Esperanto, Council House, Zombie Goose Step and Men In Trees. It also includes such gems as Dream Brick, Death by Daffodils, and Dwarf Bathrooms. * I always thought "Alistair and the Crazy Witch-Thieves" would be an amazing video-game rock group. * While reading this article, I decided that I should find a way to use random names and phrases I've thought of to make a band name, song name, or album name. Hmm... Shikal: the phantom soldier in the rose desert. Maybe Tvtropes can help me think of a name... Buffy Xantos, Avamiya, And Ouran must scream. * In high school this troper and friends intended to start a band called The Take You Into The Western Part Of The Nation, though we ultimately did no such thing. The inspiration was an afternoon spent watching TV with closed captioning and repeatedly changing the channel quickly enough for the text to run together: At one point this included jumping from VH-1 to the Weather Channel, with the result being a sentence about George Harrison, Bob Dylan, Roy Orbison, and Jeff Lynne forming a band called The Take You Into The Western Part Of The Nation. It could be helpfully abbreviated as TTYITWPOTN, of course. Similarly, from a strange burst of nonsense in the middle of a closed caption transcription of a commercial, we got our first album title: ''Hido Turkoglu''. Some of us once ended up having an odd impromptu jam session on keyboard, kazoo and dinner bell, which we jokingly declared the first and only TTYITWPOTN song. ** You'd probably get sued. [[ Were you watching basketball?]] * After watching far too much {{Lost}}, I came up with The Ekos of Cerberus. ** Another {{LOST}}-inspired one: The Shadow of the Statue. ** This {{Lost}}-obsessed Troper thinks [[HeroicSacrifice Not Penny's Boat]] would also be a great, nerdy band name. * Thanks to Dave Barry, this troper and his father will often declare unusual phrases to be AGoodNameForARockBand. This troper has also made up a few Lego rock bands for his town over the years, including Radioactive Muskrats (taken from a Dave Barry column) and Dodgy Concept. ** The favorite interjection of My dad is "rat spit" (from the name of a minor demon in a series of noveks). Combining this with a liking for Dave Barry's writing, and My favorite good name for a rock band is "Atomic Muskrat Spit." ** This Troper's sister's Lego Rock Band is named "X-cessive Deerdoots", also borrowed from Dave Barry, but with much more creative spelling. * The Blazing Squirrels of Justice. I believes that to be a good name for any group. * I once made up the name "Retired Jumprope Mistresses". Where it came from, I don't know, but there it is. * In this troper's U.S. History class the phrase "Merchant's of Death" came about in the 1930's even the teacher thought it would be a great name. * At one point in the old Series/DoctorWho story "Image of the

Fendahl," the Doctor is asked "What are you, some kind of wandering armageddon peddler?" The moment I heard that line, he thought, "Wandering Armageddon Peddler" would be a great name for a rock band." ** Speaking of Series/DoctorWho, I can't be the only person who thinks that the episode title "Four to Doomsday" would make an excellent band name? *** YouAreNotAlone. *** This troper is taking this name for his eccentric alternative indie rock band. ** Any other Who related band names? I thought of Fish Custard, The Exterminators, The Harold Saxon Experience and Pond. * @/MinusZero misspells cool words with XtremelyKoolLetterz, and gets things like "Elektrik Tzunami", "C4 Yourself"(For our more "Xplosive" titles [Don't kill me.].), and a correctly spelled "LOL Is Overrated." ** [[HomestarRunner LIMOZEEN!!!]] * @/{{Bisyss}} tends to do this with album titles instead of band names. If I ever end up in a band, I'm naming one of the albums after a documentary about hyenas I saw advertised. It's name? ''Bone Crusher Queens''. \m/ * This troper has spent some of her spare time doing this. Her favorites are The Sound and the Fury, Serving Suggestion, and Lemonade Vision. ** The sound and the fury sounds vaguely familiar to me. is it possible that ItsBeenDone? *** It's a book by Faulkner, and a Shakespeare line. It was also a proposed title for R.E.M.'s third album. [[TemptingFate However, this troper does not think a band currently uses it.]] **** Faulkner's As I Lay Dying is currently being used by some metal band. I was amazed to find out that his skater friend liked Faulkner, only for it to be revealed that he actually just liked generic metal. * @/DwayneHicks does this ''all the time''. Some examples culled from IRC and other chat logs: ** Gummi Debauchery ** Guppy War Takes Boston ** Paradigm Mixer ** Negative Tulip Expanse ** Slot Car Singularity * My brother and I were having a contest with our uncle to see who could think up of a cool name for a rock band and my brother said gems such as "Peach Punch", "Apple surprise" after 20 minutes I said "Iridescence" and won. * I am currently part of a garage band called Chainsaw Arm named after...[[EvilDead you know...]] Other abortive projects sported the appellations "Grover Cleveland and the Televangelists", "Citizen of the Day", and "Kentucky-Fried Dynamite". ** Come to think of it, a lot of things from Evil Dead would be good names. "Boomstick", "Primitive Screwheads", "Evil for Breakfast", "Deadites with Science", etc. * "Republic of the Bees". That is all. * In the opinion of this troper, many trope names could be awesome names for rock bands: ''Impaled With Extreme Prejudice'', ''Frothy Mugs Of Water'', and so on.

** BusFullOfNuns, anyone? * Saw an Engrish sign for something like "Please to not hardcore scenery making." It was a "Don't make noise, don't cause trouble" sign, but I realized Hardcore Scenery would make an ''amazing'' band name. ** And 'Scenery Making' would be the perfect name for their first album. * "[[MegaManX Volt CatFish]]." The most awesome name for a late 'nineties electro-rock band. ** @/AndyWaltfeld is himself partial to "[[MegaManZX Vulturon, Defender of Rock]]." ** [[@/PentiumMMX2 This troper]] thinks a lot of Maverick names would make good names for rock bands, like Magma Dragoon * [[TheLegendOfZelda Fused Shadows]]. Come on, you know it's awesome. * Jimmy and the Rocket-Men. * You know the troper who goes by @/RadioactiveZombie? * "Downpour Girl". I got it from a Pig Destroyer song on their album Terrifyer. * A direct phrase from some of the most ridiculous 'erotica' this troper has ever come across: Titty-Fucking Midgets. * This Tropette and her friends keep a list of this. "Like a Metal," "She Knows Self-Defense," "Brown Bears," "The Gloves Are Off," "Virtual Diamonds," and simply, "The Extremes" are among my favorites. * I got "Chemical Frankenstein" from a show on the History Channel. * This troper and his friends decided that if we were ever going to start a band, it would be called either Chickenfist or Crying Tiger. * This troper is currently in a band with a YaoiFangirl, a SeriousBusiness, FanDumb metal guy, [[AsianAndNerdy and]] [[DoggedNiceGuy others]] who you think couldn't stand being in a room together for more than ten minutes, and after months of searching, finally we decided on a name so awesome everyone could agree on it: BAKAHAMMER! * I listen to a radio show that will occasionally interrupt their broadcast with a soundbite about how awesome a certain phrase would be for a rock band's name. Phrases given the honor so far include: Blowing My Nuts, Arabian Goat Herder, and White Tiger. * XanatosRoulette would be a great band name. ** In the same vein, XanatosGambit. ** Really, trope names in general would be AGoodNameForARockBand, with very few exceptions. * This troper went for bonus geek cred on his band names, which end up along the lines of "Citation Needed" or "Three Point One Four". He was quickly topped by his best friend's "Ye Flask". ** How about Kernel Panic? *** Better yet, Colonel Panic and the Geek Army. *** Colonel Panic and the Mighty Fighting Midgets **** Just Mighty Fighting Midgets ** Ye Flask? I don't get it. *** Of course not. [=~You can't get ye flask~=]. **** *ba dum tsh* * I was a member of a pro atheism forum on which "Satan and the evilutionists" came up occasionally (either from fundie preachers or

from one of us parodying fundie preachers). It was agreed that Satan and the Evilutionists would be a good name for a rock band. * Subversion: A band named "Free Beer" would undoubtedly have trouble scheduling gigs, simply because, given Truth in Advertising laws in most jurisdictions, no drinking establishment wants to post "Free Beer" on their marquee. ** As an aside, George Bernard Shaw's play, ''Heartbreak House'', was heavily criticized for expressing Shaw's own anti-war feelings. As a twisted form of revenge against the critics (many of whom refused to stage ''Heartbreak House'', he wrote a new play: ''Closed for Renovations''. You can guess what happened when ''that'' play went up on the marquee. that I think about it, Closed for Renovations would be a GoodNameForARockBand.... * When screen-caps of the infamous poorly-subbed ''The Two Towers'' bootleg were first making the rounds, I decided that [[ Lovely Big Golden Ships With Noise]] would make for an excellent name for a post-rock group along the lines of Godspeed You! Black Emperor. ** "Solomon Milon Dish" is brilliant. ** "few good tritors" anyone? ** Not as Engrishy, but "Forget the Glory" would also be awesome. * Shake Hands With Danger, after a [[ gory work safety film]]. It is apparently a well-known enough reference that the band Trs-80 named an album after it though... * "Stroke of Genius". It was. * This troper and her friends were trying to make up a fictional Japanese Rock Band we could cosplay as when her little sister yelled "There's no such thing as negative zero!" in exasperation over her homework. We henceforth named our (nonexistent) band Negative Zero because it was...well yeah. ** I second Negative Zero. It can fit in any genre, and you can put a "-0" on the drumset. ** Better yet, a little neon line held next to the bass drum, and neon all around the rim. * @/JMorgan wonders if "Maggot Psychology" would make a better name for a rock band than for a trope. In the past, she's also suggested "The Christmas Flu and its Side Effects." * Not I, but her brother. His band is called "The Undercover Supermodels." I...don't really know where they came up with it. * I, while studying for Veterinary Medicine entrance exams, found out that the book ''Human biology and anathomy'' is ''full'' of great names for punk bands, like "Humoral factors" or "The Peristaltic movement". * This troper says, pick up any expression in Latin. It's just bound to be awesome, regardless of the meaning. * This troper has numerous examples. The one he decided on in Rock Band was based on the Drum Tutorial, when referencing the bass pedal, had the dude say "This ain't no hoedown, chumley," and so our band name became Hoedown Chumley. Other classics include: Flaming Giblets, Piles of Purity, Flying Buttresses (that's an actual thing, look it up), and Caution Children (get it? "Caution - Children Playing"

signs)! ** Now all you have to do is find a bar or club called "Streets". "Caution Children Playing in Streets". * I have always thought that "[[FinalFantasy Lunatic Pandora]]" would be a great name for a band. * I (a real Dave Barry fanatic) will always argue that "The Italic Squirrels" is a great name for a rock band. Not to mention "The Foliage Eaters." * After taking AP Art History, I want to start a rock band named "Horror Vacui," which is Latin for "the fear of empty spaces." * I saw a joke in some Late Night show involving the phrase "Stovepipe Sluts"...Not bad. And since I'm such a nerd, I think "Tesla Coil" would be an kickass band ** Or, alternatively, 'Tesla Coil' could make for a really strange stripper name *** A stripper with a steampunk schtick? * Indie Rock band: Poems about the color blue. This troper and a friend even came up with a few good names for songs: ** Random Vortex of noise and confusion. ** Shadow of a doubt on your teeth. ** Scraps of the table of fashion. ** Mac in the dressing room. ** Suspiciously specific denial. (yay tropes!) ** Rule 34 on indie rock band. ** Bitch slap from beyond the grave (through math) *** That one was thought up during a conversation about Fermat's last theorem, specifically his famous quote: "I have a marvelous proof for this theorem which is too long to fit in this margin". * I have a friend who decided that the most metal way to take heroin would be to inject it into a goat, sacrifice the goat to the heathen gods and drink its blood. Hence the name of his metal band, Heroin Goat. * @/{{Katsuhagi}} named her Guitar Hero band Young Fungus. This was actually stolen from her dad, so she can't take credit for it. She did, however, come up with the name Iguana Problem while watching a nature documentary. * The name Sugar Rush Midgets has always seemed like an excellent name for a rock band. A glam metal band would, of course, have to be called Sex Vendetta. * I occasionally dabble in thinking of good names for a rock or metal band. Hopefully these are still free: ** Anacoluthon. Sure it might mean a type of [[ syntax change]], but the word just ''exudes'' awesomeness. ** Phlogiston Theory. [[ Linky]] for name origin. ** Nongqawuse. Again, [[ linky]] for curious minds. ** [[KarmaHoudini Karma Houdini]]. Had to include at least one Trope name in there. * @/JuiceBoxHero is convinced that [[

certain country names]] would make great names for a rock band. Of these include: Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Barbados, Isle of Man, Luxembourg, Saint Lucia, Sierra Leone, and Bangladesh. ** Also, ARGENTINA YEAH! ** [[ Bangladesh]] is already taken. No, really. * [[MassEffect Geth]][[{{Metalocalypse}} klok]]. That is all. * I have a friend who has some pretty weird music on her computer. Some of it is sounds they picked up on a radio around Saturn. It's called, "Saturn Radio Emissions." I remembers just turning to her friend and going, "If I ever get a band, I'm calling it Saturn's Radio Emissions." I love that it sounds like "Satan's Radio Emissions," just more rockish, music-wise. * [[YoutubePoop Where There's Smoke, They Pinch Back]]. That is all. * [[DeaderThanDead Deader]] [[DeadLesbianSyndrome Lesbians]] [[IWasKidnappedByLesbianPiratesFromOuterSpace from the]] [[EverythingsBetterWithPenguins Penguin Planet's]] [[MeaningfulName Roadkill Avenue]]. * When I bought Guitar Hero: World Tour for himself and his sisters, the band name the game suggested was "Keys to the Radio". Non of us had any desire to change this. * @/VoodooMaster has several bands that never really got anywhere. My ''new'' band, however, is gonna be great: "A Good Name for a Rock Band". Yes, trope rock. * This industrial rock-loving troper came up with quite a few, including some based on trope names. ** By far my favorite one is SchizoTech. ** ChekhovsGun. ** MoreDakka. ** And likely the single best one yet: Zeerust. * @/{{Azreal}} always uses Mercury for his Rock Band / Guitar Hero band names. It's a triple layered reference: The coolest element on the periodic table, a great piece of classical music, and one of our planets. It would make a good name for some kind of techno/ambient group. ** Not when it conjures up images of [[{{Queen}} a flamboyant gay man with a mustache]]. ** ... damnit, [[SailorMoon Mercury]] [[AnIcePerson really is the]] [[IncrediblyLamePun coolest]], ain't she? *** Eh, [[Tropers/ReikoKazama I'm]] partial to Moon, myself, but this is going off the rails. Oh! The Sailor Senshi would be an AWESOME name for a rock band. Eheheh, 'course, it'd have to be all girls, but... * [[@/{{Pinata}} I]] have thought of a few: ** [[{{MagicTheGathering}} The Rabid Wombats]]. ** The Sex Blobs (after [[{{Friends}} Joey Tribianni's]] line "I am not a sex blob!"). ** [[{{TheLordOfTheRings}} Evenstar]] would be a good name for an Emerson, Lake & Palmer style, medieval fantasy-oriented band. ** The Defenestrators. "Defenestrate" is quite possibly the most hilarious word ever. ** [[{{StarWars}} The Walking Carpets]]. * My Guitar Hero Band names: WildRide, [=FireGod=], Heavy Steel (Axel

Steel), Lynch Mob (Casey Lynch), Allspark (Izzy Sparks), Rising Sun (Midori), Devil's Rejects (Lou) and Budvis The Boys (Elroy Budvis). * In high school, I played bass in a band called "Doomed Space Marines". We were all fans of ''Duke Nukem 3D''. * I find that taking lines from fiction and modifying them could make awesome band names. Seriously, take a kickass line from somewhere and make it into a band name. It's not very hard. ** [[LordOfTheRings "Not This Day"]]; their first album? "The Strength of Men"; a song on the album? "Wolves and Winter". It's a metal band with gothic influences * [[ Curious Octopus Floods Aquarium]]. Seriously. Actually, just Curious Octopus would be pretty cool in and of itself. Even the end of that url would make a pretty good band name... ''Octopus Mischief''! * My dad has suggested names like Savage Biscuit and Bone Dog * Subverted in that it's not a band, but a group of people who work on the news at My high school have dubbed themselves Team Lazerjesus and instead of their names during the credits at the end of the news, it has their team name displayed. * Some of this site's ads. Specifically, a [=CliffNotes=] one. "'''Master Shakespeare at''' '''''LIGHTNING SPEED!'''''" * On the trip back to college from a weekend at home, [[@/{{Shellsh0cker7}} I]] started thinking of these to amuse myself. It occured to me that "BigDamnHeroes" would make a pretty good band name, and started thinking of other [[{{Firefly}} Firefly/Serenity]] quotes that would make good band names. Here's what I came up with: ** "Chain Of Command" ** "Gonna Have To Go With Wrath" (or some variation) ** "Go Crazy and Fall Asleep" ** "Surprising Yet Inevitable Betrayal" (or just "Inevitable Betrayal") ** "The People On The Rim" (be a good name for a folk-rock band, methinks) ** Lastly, as I ran out of quotes I could remember at the time, something occurred to me: "Shattered Tibia." *** You forgot "Bullet in the Brainpan", "She's Our Witch", and "Does that seem right to you?" *** Not to mention "The Cunning Hats". *** Or "Too Pretty to Die" * A friend and I once had dinner at the home of another friend's parents. On their bookshelf we saw the title "Lizards in Captivity" and in that moment we knew, if we EVER have a rock band... * I've always thought that a good name for a band would be Sultans of Swing from the Dire Straits track of the same name. If I had a band then that's what I would call it! * In the event that I ever actually start a band, it WILL be called Sistine Shrapnel. ** Update: I now have a band named Sistine Shrapnel. * Having had many bands, have had many names for bands. When writing stories about bands, this is also essential. Including: The Thursday Society, Baz and the Magical Quest(My bassist named us then) How About

No, Basics, Stark Kontrast, Mount Down, Society Quest, Unknown Destination, and my personal favourite, Blue Note (Or, as my new band may be called, The Blue Notes) * The Exploding Abbots. What can I say, my roleplaying group gets up to some crazy shit. * I was talking to a friend when she referred to the author Matthew Reilly as the 'Scarecrow Animator' as his Shane Schofield series revolves around the titular character, whose callsign is 'Scarecrow'. Then five seconds later, she went, 'Dude! That is ''such'' a good name for a rock band! The Scarecrow Animators!" * Two words: [[ Luggage Gangsters]]. * A couple of fictional bands I've made up ([[{{Dream}} and used in the story]] [[ShamelessSelfPromoter I keep promoting]]): Cats May Blow Up and The Screaming Bananas. ** "Static Kitten" will also probably be going in there. You can take "Stealth Penis", though, because I have no need for a band in the "Grossout/Blasphemy" section in this story. * @/{{Bryndon}} tried to convince his band to name themselves Croquet for Beginners (My father insists that Croquet is the blood-thirstiest sport you can imagine. After playing with him, I'm inclined to agree). Years later, they went with Anaconda Stampede. I'm forced to admit they're about equal. * My GarageBand tomfoolery is put out into the world under the name A Disaster of Stars (from Christian Bok's Crystallography: "Stars die in a disaster that shatters the stars"). Some time later I came up with a new project name, and in mentioning it to my guitarist friend, he demanded we collaborate and make it a reality. Our new band name? [[TheyFightCrime They Fight Crime!]], exclamation point and all. It was done so that naming our albums would be both easy and amusing. * A badly garbled question about Latin-American holidays led to the christening of Huevos de los Muertes (Eggs of the Death). The broken Spanish Grammar is intentional. * A line written on a chalkboard in a History of Religion class in college gave us Max Muller and the Indo-Europeans. * I was listening to Shiny Toy Guns 'Le Disko' and she stopped at the line, "So what's it gonna take, silver shadow believer? Spark rocker with your dirty eyes," and thought, "Dude, I bet 'The Silver Shadow Believers' could be AGoodNameForARockBand. * I wonder if the portrayal of ''GaoGaiGar's'' American robo isn't horribly inaccurate, because he immediately thinks that "Mic Sounders the 13th" is a great name for a rapper. * My Guitar Hero band is called the Purple Chickens. Also, me and my friends are starting a real-life band called Burnout Revival; the reason for this is because we want to capture the spirit of 70s rock in our music, so we're a revival of all those burned-out hippies. * I was once playing the game where you get a band name from a random Wikipedia article and an album name from a quote database, but my quote (which was itself rather unmemorable) ended in "Manufactory of Echoes". Hell yes. * I think that "Ministry of Love", "Jason and the Argonauts" and "The Physical Jerks" would be good.

** Also, "Ministry of Truth", "(any name) and the Umlauts", and "Perdita X Dream" sound good. The last one, especially. * I was at work when this came up: "The Talented Evil". * For today's bit of [[MetaGuy meta]]: TropeNamesForABand would be AGoodNameForARockBand. * This troper has always pondered the Coolest name for a Rock band, she came up with the coolest idea while walking around the park, a band where they all wear Skeleton costumes and facepaint called "The Skeletunes", but alas they only exist in her sketch book as a cartoon. * This troper (Magnezone) was listening to a song on YouTube (a Niels Brink song Gravity Hurts - which, now that you think about it, would be a GoodNameForARockBand)when her brother barged in the room. He demanded that he give her a name for his band. She paused the song, but turned it on for a few more seconds. She said to him, "Legend Will Carry You Thousands of Miles." He said it was too long. Then she sputtered out the first thing that came to her mind. Her brother's band is now called Red Chains, and she really likes that first one. * This troper has a collection of all the ridiculous band names he thought of just by reading this page. Among them are Bats With Hats, Water Heater Heats Water- Millions Shocked, Gummy Bear Extravaganza, Dead Fish and the Sodomy Bears, Listen To Our Noise, I Scream Pleasantly, The Fallen Paladins, Arbitrary Aggression, Cola Ice Cream, and Talentless Axe. * I was once on a forum where someone asked for music recommendations, and someone else reeled off a list of bands without using commas or capitalization. So, he responded by mentally placing commas in the wrong places, then posting brief critiques of the nonexistent artists Black Keys Johnny, Thunders Solo, Sublime Spoon D, and Generation (as opposed to the actual artists Black Keys, Johnny Thunders solo, Sublime, Spoon, and D Generation). You'd probably have to be an old school rapper to pull off Sublime Spoon D, but otherwise those would be pretty good band names. * This troper had a dream one night. While he remembers almost nothing about the dream itself, the only thing that remembers is the phrase "''Dandeloin Octopus''". He imagines that the music this band produces would be completely incomprehensible. * This troper (AKA Gerkuman, since most troper tales are personal stuff) named his band in Guitar Hero Ozymandias (Since 'Look upon my work and despair' is one of my favourite quotes.) Imagine my surprise when I completed a gig in Ozzfest, with Ozzy Ozborne... and the special effect of the stage was a giant Squid/Octopus! It's the best co-incidence I've ever had in my life. * This troper was doodling in class one day, as doodled characters he hadn't in a long time, and called them "The Supporting Cast". I then thought "The Supporting Cast" would make an awesome band name. * My band has a few ideas, all of which come from our Seinfeldian Conversations. They are Heroine Heroes, Crackers and Kool-Ade, A Cavalcade of Blasty Blasts, and Cogitating Masticators. Now if only coming up with a genre were this easy. * @/{{Soup}} plays a game with her friends/family members to get AGoodNameForARockBand She asks Someone in one room to provide a random word and then goes to someone else for another word. Neither person

can know anything about the game (at the time) The best was probably Squirrel Razorfuck. Also her brothers and her best Guitar Hero names: Back Alley Abortion, Retard Death Squad, and Q* (Pronounced Q asterisk) * This troper has a shirt that says "The Empire of Mind". It's completely meaningless, but he likes to pretend it's actually a '70s psychedelic rock band that only he has heard of. He loves sticking it to music snobs. * [[@/FinalGamer I ]] suggested a band name to a friend, Clockwork Crack, who then used it for his high school garage band to win a local rock competition. They grow up so fast. * This troper is writing a story with her best friend. Chapter titles thus far are Illuminated Vanity and Sparkles In The Dark. Both would be good names for bands. * If I ever had a band, it would definatly be called Alifanfarron and the Tennesse Tri State Authority. Or Attack of the Killer Ants. Or maybe The Immunoglobulin Superfamily. * My best freinds Guitar Hero World Tour's band name is "Cheeze 4 Dinah" While mine is "Mr.Bungle and his Amazing Friends!" * This troper was reading random articles and she came across 'Perverse Sexual Lust', which I think would be a great name for a rock band. * I think that, in the [[MemeticMutation style of the meme,]] "[[AllYourBaseAreBelongToUs All Your Base]]" would be a great band name. ** Or perhaps All Your [[IncrediblyLamePun Bass?]] *** You stole my idea! * I just rewatched an episode of BeastWars, and decided "Scanning For Lifeforms" would be a good one. * Playing around with F-Zero GX's vehicle customizer, Super Cancer seemed like a good one. Also randomly thought up Catholischism * If I had been musically inclined, you'd be seeing either a punk band called "Happy little pills" or a metal band called "Ground Beef", with titles reflecting said material for their albums... * I named my band in GuitarHero "Moar Dakka" thanks to this very wiki. It just sounded like, well, a good name for a rock band. * Someone I know was in a band who eventually decided to call themselves "Daughter Nowhere." A close second in the naming stakes? Spontaneous Zebra Death, named for a comment when watching the scene in TheLionKing where all the animals bow down... ** I also constantly do this with random phrases. My current favourite? [[AClockworkOrange Horrorshow Groodies]]. * I came up with The Afternoon Wristwatch paraphrased from a Cymbals Eat Guitars song ("Wind Phoenix" to be specific, where the phrase is "afternoon's wristwatch") and The Slow Steady Choppers from "Broken Heartbeats Sound Like Breakbeats" by Los Campesinos!. * My uncle once commented on metal band names and said that the most straightforward name for a metal band would simply be "''[[ExactlyWhatItSaysOnTheTin Violence]]''". ** This same troper has a couple of RockBand bands made up of characters from other games. The two that currently exist are "''72 Hour Mode''" the ''DeadRising'' band, and, since every variation of

"''Would you Kindly''" was taken, the ''{{Bioshock}}'' band gets the name "''With the Sweat Of Our Brow...''" * My band in Rock Band is called Primitive Screwheads. {{Army of Darkness}} is pretty much the best movie ever in Is eyes. Also, Unorthodox Kung Fu was noted as a good one by my friend while we where watching {{Story of Ricky}} * My friend threw darts at a list of medical conditions and then a list of body parts to come up with a [[RockBand Rock Band]] name. The result? Epileptic Elbows. * Seen at a club: An Earth, Wind & Fire cover band calling itself Water Heart. Clearly some Captain Planet fans among them. * Should anyone steal this name, I will track you down and chop off your genitals. If I and his friends ever get their band off the ground (and get a bassist who doesn't flake on us constantly), we shall be named Ghosts in the Machine. * I have found that any adjective followed by a noun makes for a good band name. My favorite? Dastardly Medicine ** Cheap Guarantee * A friend asked this troper what a good name for a band would be, and I answered that all the good ones were taken. We decided "All The Good Ones Are Taken" would indeed be a good band name. * This troper and his friends have come up with a bunch of weird names for their Rock Band bands. Including: "Hedgeclipper", "My Cheerleader Romance", "Devilish Toast", and, yes, "A Good Name For A Band". * You an {{xkcd}} fan? * While watching {{DeceasedCrab}}'s LetsPlay of ''Rockin' Kats'', I have decided Starfish For Eyes, Sing A Song Of Maces, and of course Clown Dog Showtime would make good band names. * While ordering at KFC, the words "Substitute Breast" leaped out at me. * I have also thought up many, many crazy names for use on Guitar Hero including: "the Grapefruit Messiahs", "Penguin Fossilizers", "Satan's Breakfast" and "Johnny and the Pogosticks" * This troper named his Guitar Hero band "Crisis Core," based on a certain artist's character's stomach. The name was then snatched up as a [[FinalFantasy good video game name]]. * This troper quite enjoys coming up with band names in their free time.. Their favourites too far are "Corpses from eBay", "Antifr33ze" and "Teh Arsehole Ducks!" (yes, that includes the exclamation mark). * This troper takes random shows he likes and replaces a word with another, better word. That's why are the "Estate of Awesome". * When someone broke into this troper's house and stole the game console, it was found that there is no way to recover the band names on that console--ever. You simply have to create a new band, and the bands that are on the stolen console essentially become the property of the thief who stole it, along with all the band members. Which is why this troper's new band is named "Crackholds Stole Our Band." * Some time ago, this troper and a friend decided, for the hell of it, to record covers of random songs that were part of our endless stack of inside jokes and send it to the other. The topic of a name for a band with both of us as vocalists came up, but we couldn't find anything awesome enough. That is, until another friend shared this

quote from a Harry Potter (it was after Dumbledore came out, if you must now) fanfic with me: ''Two hours later they were spanking each other with maniacal, gay glee.'' Needless to say, if we're ever able to ask for permission, we think "maniacal gay glee" would be AGoodNameForARockBand. * This troper and her siblings decided that if we ever formed a rock band, we'd call ourselves "Sheep on a vine". * If I had a rock band, it'd be named Weasel War Dance. * Mercury-Induced Highness is the name me and my friends use for our imaginary rock band; Also Green Tamales * My mother has suggested "Shreaking Fleece" as a name for his little brothers theoretical band. * After some frustrating adventures in getting rid of household rodents that could only be seen skittering around in the corner of one's vision, I decided that, whatever else happened as a result, Peripheral Mice would be a good name for a Radiohead-style band. * After seeing this page, I thought of random words and came up with Hydrogenated Blasphemy. * I enjoy one of my friend's ManosTheHandsOfFate tribute band idea, Torgo and the The Knees of Fate. * There are at least two episodes in the MazingerZ franchise named [[NeverTrustATrailer "Kouji Kabuto Dies In Lava!"]]. Insert the frontman's name instead of the Hero's name and you get (For example) John Smith Dies In Lava! * A friend was telling a story about a meth addict trying to give her a crystal pig, and someone initially thought she meant the ''pig'' was made out of crystal meth. Thus... Methpig. * This troper named her band in ''GuitarHero: World Tour'' "Man-AtWar" after a [[ClockworkCreature particularly awesome]] [[BestBossEver boss]] in ''{{Pikmin}}2''. * When the WebComic [[ Skin Horse]] first came out, I started making band names out of random lines taken from that day's strip. These included "Piecemeal Revenants On Medication", "Silverfish In Hats", "Then Again Again", "Crushed By Roses", "Apostles' Credenza", "Kawaii Cobra", "Crystal Shouting", "Crystal Paper Hats", and "Squish Amish". (More recently, I has given up band names for full-out [[FilkSong fucking]].) * I forget where I heard this from, but: "Chocolate Dice". Dunno what kind of band would use it, but it's abstract enough to work. * I, a history student, once wrote in an essay that "In 86 BC, Athens finally lost its political and military independence to [[ Sulla]] and the Romans." He commented to his lecturer and classmates that ''Sulla and the Romans'' might double as an '80s band name. After this, things got slightly [[ out of hand.]] * This often comes up during conversations with My friends. Highlights include Unarmored Gelatin, Square Root of a Pigeon, and Turn Based Movie. * @/MeganPhntmGrl mentioned her weekend plans to go to the mall and buy "a little plastic Adrian" (meaning an action figure of [[{{Watchmen}} Adrian Veidt/Ozymandias]]), and then immediately

realized that Plastic Adrian would be, well, AGoodNameForARockBand. * "We should start a Cure coverband and call ourselves 'The Disease!'" * ''Citizens For a Meg Griffin-Free America, Three Bloody Dice, The Knights of the Long Knives, Fusion-Bellerophon-609, the Hanging Scarecrows of Babylon, the Head Bang Gang, Look Out For Number One Hundred and Thirty Nine, the Plaid Gremlines, Yes I Know I Really Need A Girlfriend, Son of Sam I Am.'' This {{Bunny Ears Lawyer}} of a troper offers these names free of charge to any bands out there who are looking for a name. * "Headbanging Homework". It's pretty obvious where I got the idea from. * @/ZanderSchubert has been bored for the past few minutes, so here are some SCPFoundation inspired band-names: ''One-Ten Montauk'', ''The Antimeme'', ''The Eetmees'' (with their debut album, ''Tasty But Disturbing''), ''Original Cadaver'', and, of course, ''Data Expunged''. * [[@/{{Lurkerbunny}} I]] came up with "Listerine Monkey Trial". Think about it. * @/{{Excel-2009}}. I am going to start the DeathMetal band "The James A. Calwell III Children's Fund" if it's the last thing I do. * @/{{Skazka}} just read the [=ChildCare=] Action Project review of ''RockyHorrorPictureShow'' (laughing the entire time) and has decided that either "Raygun Murder" or "Adults In Underwear" would make rockin' band names. * With use of a random word generator: Jordanian Sur. Also, 'The Everyone'. Oh, and Steel Destroyer Captaincy would probably work, but that's reserved, and not for a band. * [[@/NotSoBadassLongcoat I]] invented "Gayfag [=McQueer=] and the Brokeback Cowboys" trying to find an appropriate term for something so epically stupid and facepalm-inducing that he quickly swept it deep into his subconscious. Would work pretty well for a parody country and western band in the vein of Boss Hoss. Only with more HoYay. Followed by "Badass [=McAwesome=] and the Tsundering Woobies". ** That and the phrase "Blitzkrieg - Reinventing The War" which sounds like a nonexistent album by an existing heavy metal band. * I love coming up with excessively long, ridiculously epic band names in the vein of "Trail of Dead" (well, their full name). So far, "One Thousand Burning Hands of the Iron-Masked God of Judgement Push Back the Army of the Unwilling Servants of Corruption" and "Here We Stand on a Hill of Ashes Watching While the Burning Cities Pour Out Their Miserable and Starving Into the Embrace of the Bloodied Plain, Waiting for a Chance at Redemption from our Sins" seem like the best efforts. * The Bearded Nuns * Came up with this one while talking to a customer: Amplifier of Mass Destruction. * @/{{Raekuul}} has a few here, not sure about originality, though: Silent Explosions; Sun Poisoning; Shryll Kryll; Linus A'ight Name; Shredded Tombstones; Chekhovian Snipers; Wildbomb/; Olav Skyfurrow and the Wildgeese... * @/{{Kaizykat}} has a friend who named his band in Guitar Hero "Spectral Evidence". While the name in itself isn't bad, the reference to ''The Crucible'' is just groan worthy to her and her friends.

* @/{{Twentington}} has a few. Piso Mojado. jPod. Tab A & Slot B. Boxer Shorts Rebellion. Purple Monkey Dishwasher. * Looking for his seat at a concert, @/MikeK suddenly realized the name of his seat itself sounded like a band name: Orchestra X-7. * Very complicated example, but so worth it: @/{{Das}} and his best friend have this as an in-joke regarding the Russian translation of HeroesOfMightAndMagic III. You know how when you right-click the stationary creatures, you can see the rough estimate of their numbers, i.e. "Lots", "Packs" and so on? For some strange reason, the Russian translation of "Pack" in this particular case was "Gruppa", i.e. "Group". Rock bands in Russia are called rock ''groups'', as in, "Gruppa "Mashina Vremenyi""/"The 'Time Machine" Group". And thanks to a grammatically-poor translation, all monsters that come in packs sound ''just like'' bizarre Fantasy-themed Russian rock groups. "The Ghost Dragons", anyone? "The Master Gremlins"? The list goes on. * I decided that if Kurt Wagner (Nightcrawler) of the X-men ever forms a rock band, it'll be called "Kurt and the Freaks of Nature". * This troper and his brother has decided that if he ever gets into a band they'll call it "We are not Paul [=McCartney=]." He has even come up with an album cover, basically consisting of two H's with one of them having a square moved out a bit. The album will be called "Your annoyed that the H is a bit off." ** I even thought of an album title, "The EP is not out yet", with the EP called "OK, now it is." * I once uttered the phrase, meant as an expression of rage, "gangrape the clouds". Would make such a brutal name for a death metal band. * [[@/JohnQuixote My]] Guitar Hero/Rock Band band name is always [[MetalWolfChaos The Fight House]]. * [[@/{{hrdcrnwo}} I]] was reading the examples on the StockScream page, when I came across one about James Bond characters screaming to their "gravity-assisted deaths". Gravity-Assisted Death is an amazing name. * [[@/{{Kalle}} I]] ''desperately'' want to start a band called [[{{Touhou}} The Mastersparks.]] * My brother's band was mistakenly called [[{{PointlessWasteOfTime}} 'Waste of Time']] during a school gig. Their actual name was 'Too Much Time', but I think both are a good name for a rock band. * Extended Drum Solo. That is all. * [[@/{{nine}} this guy]] remembers the phrase "Plastic Shakespeare" for no other reason than this. * The Human Leg. It came about due to a memorable slip-up when trying to refer to the band The Human ''League''. Somewhat related: The Human Shirt, which is from a line from the spoof DVDCommentary for The Coen Brothers' ''Blood Simple''. * Interesting Anatomy. I was talking to a friend on the bus, and the phrase came up. * FROTH * I was reading an article about wacky collective nouns for various animals on a [[ well-known comedy website]], when he was inspired to form a rockband called "A Congregation of Alligators" * I was watching the Invader Zim episode "Dark Harvest" when I started

thinking "that sounds almost like a name good enough for a brutal death metal band". Out of that, I changed it a little to "Organ Harvest", which is basically what the episode was about. * My uncle was in a band called Joey's Dead. They were called that because they were kind of a 70's punk revival band (it's a reference to the death of Joey Ramone). I actually like that name a lot, so I've decided that if I ever have a band it will be called either Ian's Dead (for Ian Curtis) or Cliff Is Dead (for Cliff Burton). ** Or Paul is Dead (Beatles) * [[ Happy Falker Satherhood]]. ** It's like a word journey! (Which would also be AGoodNameForARockBand...) * Flying Asians * My hypothetical indie band is called Midway House (discovered through the Wikipedia game mentioned above. I also think [[ The Vile Bodies]] has an interesting ring to it... * This troper and her sister do this for fun sometimes. Current favorite (which ''will'' be My band name if she's ever in one) is ''hotwithoutfire'', named from an Ellen [=DeGeneres=] bit. She's also fond of ''Ace In The Hole'' and ''La.Di.Da'' (which is usually her Guitar Hero band name) Her sister's favorite is ''Rodent Spider'', named for a question posed by our CloudCuckoolander younger sister while trying to finish a crossword puzzle. A couple of said troper's friends expressed their Guitar Hero rivalry with their band names-''I'm Better Than You'' vs. ''STFU''. * While writing about how my Narnia fanfiction was going - 'Susan and the Pevensies - hey, that would make a good band name!' * [[@/{{SquirrelyMalk}} My]] little brother once made a band called ''The Flaming Asparagus''. A friend of mine and I wrote a song for them called ''The Lone Tomato''. Sadly, he was around 12, so his band lasted all of 3 weeks. He never did make music to that song. Also, ''Kumquats from Space'', ''Ginger Hell'', and ''Installed Tones''. * I used the random phrase generator and got such gems as: Ahem! Bagatelle (exclamation point added because it makes it more awesome), Diffidently Unconsidered, Gainfully Spiky, Problematically Moonstruck, and Princely Backstage Magnificence. Hitting the Random Article button on Wikipedia achieved: Drol, Defalcation Unit, Hyperolius Rubrovermiculatus, List of Asteroids, Logan County, and Chad (as well as their number one hit song, "When Holes Are Made In Paper") * [[@/{{Bookhobbit}} My ]] efforts with a word generator in attempt to find a fake band name for a pixel doll resulted in Guilt Kit, Mental Prejudice, Suspected Upgrade, Polyphonic Woe, and Ow! Premed. The Random Article button resulted in: QV.1, Living Tommorow, National Language Authority, Suipacha Partido, Oyashirazu Station, and Weingarten Function. She also has Postmortem Publishers, The Metahuman Psycopaths, and Your Growing Independence as possible names. The one she eventually went with was Ow! Premed. Their logo is an anotomical heart with a valentine heart superimposed on it. * This troper is in a fake nerdcore band with her two best friends called The Angry British Atheists. We wear black suits and black

sunglasses, and our first single off of our debut album ''Venetian Elevator Ride'' is called "Chinga Tu Madre". We're really cool. * I fell in love with the name London Dispersion Forces, a chemistry term for temporary, environmentally influenced polarity among molecules. He then promised his teacher that if he ever formed a band, that would be the name of it. * 42mm. As in, 42 millimeter. Impossibly large caliber + 42 = Success? Currently the name of my imaginary band, and I'm making a logo for a T-Shirt. I'm thinking the front could be a pistol with a spent clip, and maybe wrap a flower around the trigger guard or something. The back is "42" with overlapping MM in the backround. * Narcissus, Igneus In Abyss. Not conjugated, I think, but it's Latin for "Narcissus, Burning In Hell." * @/NinjaMoogle's Rock Band band? "Minor Emergency", a ShoutOut to both Minor Threat and the office of the physician that told me a few years ago my appendix almost ruptured... meaning I almost died. He has an idea for another band, inspired by his Buddy Holly-looking CreateA-Guitarist and Austin-based psychobilly getup the Flametrick Subs: "Jacky Shakes and the Parkinsons". Yeah, I'm so going to hell. * There's a little swimming pool store that also sells pool toys, and they have, among other things, rubber ducks with drumsticks, guitars, etc. One day I went in and they had a band of them- two guitarists, a singer, and a drummer. The name they put above it? [[AGoodNameForARockBand Diatomaceous Earth]]. (Sounds pretty good if you don't get the joke.) * I will someday put a Weird Al or [=DaVinci's=] Notebook type act in a story and call them Beans Beans the Musical Fruit. And would truly love to see a band called Neutron Flow, with Reverse the Polarity -of course- being their first album. Ditto Castle Heterodyne as a steampunk band, with For Science! as their first release. * Fooling around with a random word generator, I got these adjectivenoun format potential band names: ** Nonexplosive Goodness ** The Godforsaken Tanks ** The Wireless Spirits ** Cannibalistic Wizardry ** The Masochistic Hoodlums * From the IRC: ** Fuckface Destructimus ** Rapeocalypse ** Immolated Balls ** The Giant-Size Man-Things ** Sexy Pants Dancer ** Sean Connery The Pope ** Assrape Machine ** Tits On Fire ** [[MemeticMolester SPACE RAPE MACHINE]] ** Pile Of Fetuses ** Copious Pillows ** [[MontyPythonAndTheHolyGrail The Knights who Say Ni]] ** Racism ** Nevermind the Squick

** Human Hotdogs ** Transistor ** Mongoose Blood Transfusion ** Violet Supremium ** Minecraft Hell ** Roast For Eternity ** Kid Dracula ** Ninja Witch Coven ** Murderous Death Squad ** Hitlerfist *** You have a twisted mind, you know that? ** LION-HEAD SUPERMAN *** Of the above, @/EponymousKid would like it to be known that he contributed Mongoose Blood Transfusion, Violet Supremium, Kid Dracula, Ninja Witch Coven, Hitlerfist, and Lion-Head Superman. He was talking about a really weird comic book he had been reading which included all of those things except the first two. Which are also comic references. **** That said, I can't stress this enough - there's a comic featuring Kid Dracula, a Ninja Witch coven/murderous death squad, Hitlerfist, and Lion-Head Superman. It's called ''Monster Plus''. You're welcome. * I have a friend who came up with "Don't Forget The Barbed Wire" during an odd conversation at work. * Mash-Button Doodyheads. We consist of two electric pianos and a glockenspiel. * This Shakespeare-loving troper has long been fond of ''Zombie Hotspur.'' * In high school, I had friends who wanted to start a band called Ten Minutes Late. You can guess what their schtick was going to be. * I once subscribed to the magazine "Popular Reality". Also, mail with return addresses for "The Out-of-Control Data Institute" and "The Arizona School of Mirrors". * If there isn't already a band called ''Frumious Bandersnatch,'' there jolly well ''should'' be. * I have an almost-kinda-maybe-someday band called the Snarkleeple. That's a combination of "Snarklings" and "Sheeple". Our former names include Mutant Goldfish, The Cyclops and the Octopus, and (My personal favorite) Saucy Monkey and the Nasally Transmitted Disesase. * A coworker of mine made them out of her campers: "Maddy, Addy, and the Allisons" and "Tara, Sara and the Caitlins". * My dad thought up a good one - Hemi Demi and the Semiquavers, based off of the name of a sixty-fourth note in musical notation. * @/{{Xaris}} has two bands in RockBand. The first one is called [[{{Fallout}} Tesla Cannon]] and is SteamPunk themed. The other is called Oxy Clean and the vocalist is modeled after BillyMays. * This troper once described himself on a chat room as an "Excessively Sarcastic Adolescent". Everyone on the chat, including me, immediately commented on how great a name for a band that would be. * I once read a book on cryptids where one of them was a creature called the goatman; the chapter name of his section was "Goatman and the Grunches". Grunches never showed up in the chapter for some reason, but I always thought that would make a good name for a rock band. Of course, I'm not musically inclinded in the least...

* The Ineffective Reframing * The Physical Challenge meets The Spastics * No Live Performance aka Neuro Leptic Palsy aka The Neurotic Labial Pussies aka Non Lesbian Polyhymniacs * Respect The Cock * Tame The Pussy * [[@/MisterAlways Here's some:]] ** Chainsaw Death Duel ** [[NoMoreHeroes Laser Codpiece]] ** Electric Outlet ** Disaestro Maestro ** We Fight Dinosaurs ** Van and the Helsings ** In that same vein, Steampowered Crossbow * Black Hat Sociopath - from {{xkcd}}, of course. * Slightly adapted from part of an FYE mailing list email heading, of all things: '''Heroes And Housewives''' (they were of course advertising a sale on seasons of [[ Heroes]] and DesperateHousewives on DVD). ** I think that sounds more like a bad superhero Tabletop RPG. * Sox By Shoe. Thank you, Shawni. * Was listening to a podcast once, discussing old Star Trek episodes and it hit me, "Don't Mock Space Lincoln!" * Two years ago in a Psychology class at Temple U, our professor made a note about "Pavlov and the salivating dogs". Promptly received a LampshadeHanging in lieu of the fact that the professor noted this himself. I have since filed this away up here. * points to head* (Not that I'll ever form a rock band.) ** Somewhat similarly, I once had a world history teacher say this about the chapter heading Lenin And The Bolsheviks. * What about Potential Weapon? * Few days ago at the local fast food place me and my dad decided that "The Subtitles" would be a pretty good name. Then again, before that I was thinking "Condiment Packet"... * I once read a {{New Gods}} comic with the line "Parademons rising from lord Darkseid's firepits" and still thinks that would be a good name for a death metal band. * Deathstroke and the Terminators, Guy Gardner and the Warriors, Jason Todd and the Crowbars, Otto and the Tentacles, Kitty Pryde and the Shadowcats (That one turned out to be an actual band.) * 1965 Is Not An Ocean. Someone playing trivia on SecondLife misread the question "what ocean did the Titanic sink in?" and would have been pretty off even if they were asking for a year anyway, and so was playfully made fun of in that manner. Maybe too long as a band name, but it should be a song, an album, something... * Siege Machine. That's all I have to say. * Bread and Circuses. Tropers/RedWren has also spent most of her Driver's Ed class making these up, but she won't bore you with the three pages of that. * I tend to scrawl random phrases in the margins of notebooks during boring classes. From these, I have gleaned;

** The Fellow Travelers ** Comedy Divine ** Apocalypse Someday ** Mostly Knaves ** Come to think of it, The Random Scrawlings isn't too bad either... * Although it comes from a most chuckleworthy Fry and Laurie sketch concerning "light metal", "The Bishop and the Warlord" is a legitimately good name for a band. * I am surprised that there isn't a band named [[MysteryScienceTheater3000 Joel and the Bots]]. Or Mike and the Bots, whichever works. * While this troper was describing his madness to someone else, he suddenly realized that a phrase he'd used, "[My] Unadulterated Insanity," would be a good name for a band. * On the 14 Oct. 2009 MythBusters episode "[[DuctTapeForEverything Duct Tape]] Special," Kari Byron mentioned that their new [[RefugeInAudacity duct tape cannon]] would be added to their "Arsenal of Absurdity." I (MutantRancor) immediately thought "[[AGoodNameForARockBand Hey, that would be....]]" ** I also just thought up "Ampersand," perhaps to be spelled "Amper?" or "Ampers&" ** Or perhaps "Ampers and the Unnecessary Add-ons"? *** "Duct Tape Special" is also cool. Called it. * If this troper and her friends ever somehow acquire musical talent, we have sworn to start a band called [[DeathNote Mello and the Mafia]], just because we want to use that name. * Against Doors. I was on the train, the doors said "do not lean against doors" across them, but were only closed on the right side, so... * Listening to the ODST soundtrack, I think that ''Deference For Darkness'' would be a good name for a rock band. * My friends somehow came to the conclusion that "Deaf Wookies" would be a great name for a rock band when they were in high school. Not too long after we graduated, a younger class made a video about a day in the life of the (still fictional, sadly) band. * for GuitarHero / RockBand, My band is known as ''Carbon Copy'', cos all we ever do is copy other peoples songs played with the same performance on stage no matter where we play. * I had a conversation where something completely random was referred to as "sweet." This, not making any sense after all, garnered the response "Sweet how?" the answer? Sweet like tacos. Wouldn't Sweet Like Tacos be a great band name? In addition my real life band is called 3 White Guys and a Filipino. Guess why? * After watching [[ this review]] I must conclude that "Satan's Ringtone" would be an ''awesome'' name for a rock band. * Dugong Duplex. * I was just inspired by the phrase Volunteer Vagina, as written by a professor who [[ p blogged]] about receiving an anonymous gift of disposable vagina speculums.

* There's a {{narm}}y anti-drug commercial featuring a boy in a school cafeteria cheerfully describing for the viewer (or maybe a friend that the camera represents) all the different pills he got out of his family's medicine cabinet, concluding with "and this one is for the ''pain'' ...of my last hip replacement". Any attempt to warn me about the dangers of unsecured prescription medicine was totally drowned out by the thought of what a perfect name for an emo band or album "This One is For the Pain" would make. * Does anyone else think AGoodNameForARockBand would be a good name for a rock band? No? ** No. *** My sister did. But then, she's retarded. * slap* I'm sorry, I mean a politically correct term identifying someone who isn't technically retarded, but still an idiot. ** Only if it's put down as [A Good Name For A Rock Band]. Anyway, [AGNFARB] would be better. *** That sounds almost... Scandinavian. Like ''Hagen [[strike:Dazs]] Varb'' or [[GratuitousGerman something]]. It sounds like an [[LoveItOrHateIt awesome/stupid/awesomely stupid/stupidly awesome]] name, but it's too similar to {{AFGNCAAP}}. **** Or [[ThoseWackyNazis IG Farben]]. * I was playing outside with my two-year-old sister one day, and she asked me to draw an elephant for her with sidewalk chalk. After I had drawn several for her, she ran around on the drawings. I said, "Oh, are you walking on elephants?" Then I said to myself, "That would make an excellent name for a rock band." Walking on Elephants, I mean. Not the whole phrase. * Pink Hello Kitty Laptop. Google it. * This troper was told by his teacher that his name, Marcelo, was a great name not for a rock band but for a musician. He immediately made a note to come to the school library and edit this page. * Due to a lyric in Big Dipper's "Lou Gherig's Disease", I've decided Fatal Malaise would be a good band name. * Inspired by a recent AllFleshMustBeEaten campaign set in the Middle East, [[@/HouraiRabbit My]] group came up with Underground Zombie Helicopters. * I want to name a rock band, '[[{{Primeval}} James Lester]] [[ExactlyWhatItSaysOnTheTin Fights The]] [[ Neural Clamped Future Predator]].' * If I ever forms a band, I'll call it "Roslin's Wig". * This troper has several that both he and others thought up... ** His chemistry teacher in high school mentions every year that she thinks [=LD50=] would be a good name for a rock band. ** A friend of his says that if he ever forms a band, he will call it the Flaming Aardvarks. I get the feeling the poor guy never heard of the Flaming Lips... ** While describing his air raid siren interest and the online siren community to a pair of friends, this troper (yes, we're still talking about the same person here) smugly declared "...and no one has applied Rule 34 to sirens yet!". Whereupon the friends commented that Siren 34 would make an awfully good name for a rock band.

** Here's one for all the PumpkinScissors fans: In My Intro to Psych class is an exceptionally small (for a college freshman) girl who looks very much like Stecchin. Said troper (yes, ''still'' the same person, I promise, this is the last one!) had a moment of inspiration that Dead Ringer for Stecchin would be a decent if not great name for a rock band. Basically in the same way Death Cab for Cutie is an effective name. Unless you think it isn't. * "Festival of the Oppressed" would be a great name for some kind of Marxist metal band. * This troper was reading a babysitting manual and thought, 'Hey, "Kids Eating Glue" would just be a bitchin' name...' She tried to convince her friends-in-a-band to adopt the name, but no luck thus far. * @/HappyFork, upon reviewing his history notes, came to the conclusion that "Mu'awiya and the Umayyans" would be a delightful name for a rock band. ** Also one day when this troper (same person) was talking to himself (as he tends to do), he came to the conclusion that "half the stuff people say would make a great name for a band" which led to the obvious conclusion of "'Half the Stuff People Say' would make a great name for a band" * I would name my band [[ProblemSleuth "Sepulchritude"]], and their first album would be titled ''[[ Righteous Aggression.]]'' * My mom is a computer system engineer and she works from home. During one of her "online conferences", my dad heard mention of "malicious traffic", and claim it sound like a name for a band. We actually named our band this in the Rock Band video game. * I had a weird experience one day: I had a coworker who had scoliosis, necessitating arm-mounted crutches for him to be mobile. Anyways, I was on my way from the bathroom, and he was approaching the bathroom. The area we were walking through was very narrow, and I realized that I wouldn't be able to get past him without it being funky, but(!) if I cart-wheeled past him (I'm rather athletic), then I'd be able to get past him with ease. His name was Travis, and the words "Cartwheeling past Travis" just sounded like a divine band name. ** Later, when I brought this up to my brother, he mentioned that a good band symbol would be the Da Vinci man on his side as though he was cartwheeling. I imagine this is how most band names come into existence. * There's an entry in SpecialEffectsFailure mentioning a villain in the Tim Burton ''Planet Of The Apes'' remake waving a gun around "in a bad monkey fashion". The last three words of that phrase have potential as a band name. * And from the TroperIRCChannel: --><@/GodotIsWaiting4U> tsearch vertical meat pistol --><@/{{Yuugi}}> "Sounds like a good name for a band" --><@/{{Caphi}}> I assure you it does not * I have come up with "Marie Curium and the Lanthanides", suitable for a heavy metal band with a female member. * @/VerilySheWrote named the band in her Guitar Hero: On Tour game

"The Stims and Dims". Good for a band that varies between catchy rock melodies and slow sad songs with a lot of bass. * My friends were serenading teachers at the school picnic. One of the lines in the serenade was about some guys that had wandered into the picnic. "Look at those guys over there / They may be pedophiles." Then we decided that They May Be Pedophiles isn't such a bad name for a band. xd * My little brother likes the band name "Troll Bridge" and wishes for the first song to be called "Billy Goats Gruff". * This is a RunningGag with I and one of her friends. Their two best ones so far are Impending Futon and Unexpected Ohio. * @/{{Emmens}} says 'dildo a go go' might be {{agoodnameforarockband}} as 'does godzila a go go....' and now the tropers fairly sure you could put the words 'a go go' to any word and it would be a {{agoodnameforarockband}} and astro park might be a good name for a punk band * I named my "Rock Band" band "Vote Quimby" and a year later still finds it clever. * My older (male) cousin evidently though a good name for our band in RockBand would be ''The Pandas''. I still think [[{{Metalocalypse}} Thunderhorse]] would have been better. * This troper and her friends have gone through many band names, including The Psychadelic Pickles, Painfully Itchy, and Wednesdays Hate You. Personally I think The Enamel Coatings has potential. * I have a few: Fishcorn Bushes (named after a bit in HomestarRunner), The Penile Replacements, Eye of the Storm, Gallows, and We Couldn't Come Up With A Good Name. * @/{{Miso}} called her band in GuitarHero: World Tour "Zombie Prince". * I used to be in a band called Private Justice (I don't remember how I came up with that name). A band that my friend and I never got off the ground was going to be called Riot Squad, I eventually used the name in Rock Band. A friend of mine once came up with [=UltraMegaCrude=] (the name being taken from Ultra violet light, Megadeth and Crude oil... and it's a really long story as to why he was thinking of all three of those things at once). I also once was a roadie for a band called Antidote (we always thought it would be funny if they ever hit it big to tour with Poison). I also have some computer discs that are just labeled "Random Stuff" and figured if not a band name at least the name for an album. * @/{{fishsicles}} remains convinced that Furious Rabbitkrieg! (! is mandatory) would be an excellent name for a band. * There is a country in the Carribean called St. Vincent and the Grenadines. Come on, it just ''screams'' "Name a band after me". * If I ever form a band I'm calling it "Shytt BAZOOKA" (BAZOOKA needs to be in all caps and block letters) after the fake band my dad and his friend made up to get people to think a fake band was playing at a bar on a night that no one was booked. * Heres a list of good names I know are taken by local bands: Stoned Green and the Hippy Bombs, Ballzooka, Veins Daily (named after, Layne Staley, the late singer of Alice in Chains),Care Bear Massacre, and Lithium ID.

* I invented this name just a moment ago when he went downstairs to talk to his sister: The Cavorting Beasties, with their first ablum being 'Under the Microscope' ** others he invented while looking at this page: *** The Redshirts *** Lifeforms Detected *** Potential for Weaponizing *** And as the final evolution of adding an umlaut to your band name, ** returning to update with more names: *** Samurai Preist *** Nuclear Gold, *** The Hit and Run Crew *** Distant Survivors *** Getting Cr** Past The Radar (when questioned we would always state that it stood for Crud, [[{{GettingCrapPastTheRadar}} for obvious reasons]] ) *** The List, or possibly On The List *** The Superheroes, with their first album being 'Making a Dramatic Entrance *** Innuendo, with the first album being 'If You Know What I Mean' * MutantRancor here. I've been writing down every good name I think of or come across for a couple of months now, but sine I have no real musical talent I thought I'd put them here so someone, somewhere might use them. More to be added as I think of them. ** Arsenal of Absurdity ** Ampers& ** Interpunct ** Interrobang&#8253; ** The Zed ** Maze of Insanity ** Down In Flames ** Red Alert ** [[InsaneTrollLogic Flawed Logic]] ** Crispy Fried ** Wild Human Preserve ** Gorilla City ** Unnecesary mlaut ** Chained Thunder ** Here Comes Chaos ** Shattered Stone ** Apogee ** Crash and Burn ** Instant Gore ** Obscurity ** Cryptic Rhyme ** Slave to the Machine ** BadFuture ** The Minstrels ** Delusions of Grandeur ** Distant Present ** [[ObfuscatingStupidity Obfuscation]]

** The Minor Deities ** Ghost of the Monster ** Pain and Healing ** The Forgotten ** Obstacle Course ** [[LetsPlay Boatmurdered]] ** [[AvatarTheLastAirbender Day of Black Sun]] ** [[AvatarTheLastAirbender Nightmares and Daydreams]] ** Insanity Factor ** Event Horizon ** No Pun Intended ** Batteries Not Included ** Perhelion ** Brain Therapy * I used to have a satellite radio in his car that always said 'acquiring signal' when it went in parking garages. Acquiring Signal sounds like a good name for a rock band * From the [[ Buffy animated series pilot]], this troper and her brother have gotten 3 names: "Followers of Morgala," "We're Having An Apocalypse," and "Panicking Out Loud." * @/TallibearI had the idea of Currently Stands For, or 'CFS', just so that very album released would then have a three word title that began with the letters C, F, and S. * In medieval times, an army commander named Timur the Lame lit some camels on fire and drove them towards the elephants of the opposing army in order to freak them out. These camels became known as the "Roaring Camels of Fire". Or for a slightly longer band name, "Timur the Lame and the Roaring Camels of Fire". * My brother loves the thought of 'The Rock Spiders' as a band name, complete with UnfortunateImplications. * [[ Crayon Baronz]] (with or without XtremeKoolLetterz). As a commenter pointed out, it ''also'' sort of sounds like some sort of vicious preschool gang. * While watching Dennis' sociological rant in ''MontyPythonAndTheHolyGrail'', I decided Watery Tart would be an awesome band name. * I was watching [[Superhjltejul A Super Hero Christmas]] (Again. For about the fourth time. ...because, ''dammit'', if only one person loves it then I will give it all the love it deserves), thinking for a moment about how odd it was that the superheroine would just up and explode and turn green. "Superheroine, Explode and Turn Green" would be AGoodNameForARockBand. After this, I found that it was simple to be inspired to create rock band names just from the show, and got one out of each of the villains. I came up with "Toppling Card Towers/Museum of Card Houses", "Rearrange The Alphabet", "Disgusting Animals", "No Music", "The Same As Everyone Else", "Constantly Falling Over", "I Club To That", "Tractor Sweater Vest", "Made Of Steel", "Move Things (With Your Mind)", "We ''can'' Fly (We Just Can't Land)", "If My Grandkids Were Here", "Silver and Steel", "Mysterious Gingerbread House", "Planet of Christmas", "(The Password Is) Santa Claus", "The

Book Of Heroic Deeds (Is Finished)", "E-V-EE-L", and "Permanent Meeting Table". This show is very good inspiration. * "Cranberry Driveway", "Discretion Ill-Advised", "Your Dad Naked", "Inappropriation", "Malignant Tuber", "Majestic Flight of the Emu", "Pupate", "The All-Gay Rap Group", "Vibrating Uvula", "Vintage Chablis", "Bag of Dicks", and "Public Display of Aggression" * I sometimes have this, but most of the time it's "That would make a good book title" or "arc word" or "phrase in a story" or "image idea". ** share some then, please. they might be interesting * I have "[[StarWars Wretched Hive]]", "Terrorist Fist Jab" and "The Pertinent Particulars". * How about Electric Sodomy? * Slightly different, but I belong to a 'non-musical rock band' called Zombie Army Under the Sea, and have been quitely appropriating catchy titles for songs that we won't make for years. The best of these is probably 'Necrotic Erection (of Agony)', a future death-metal-folkcomedy-crossover-parody. You say it just like it's spelled, too'necrotic erection open parenthesis of agony close parenthesis'. Alas, its origins have been lost to the ages. * [[@/{{Axelsonfire}} I]] created a fictional OC band with the name Absolutely Nothing. A Good Name For A Band? Yes, because if someone asks you what you're listening to, you can reply "Absolutely Nothing". * I was having a talk with a friend once, and her and I agreed "that one band" would be a great name for a band. Fittingly, we started a band called That One Band a couple years later. * I have "The Dry Heaves" and "Suck Monkeys." Better for punk bands than anything, but still... * Crayfish Party. That is all. * I thought that "No-one Knows" would make a good band name, and "It's a mystery" as one of their song. Just for the confusion when someone asks what you're listening to. * I was playing Tekken 6 while fighting bears in the Story Mode, and I just came up with the band name "Beating Up Bears" which is now used as my brother's Rock Band rock band name. * I have some: Bolts of Steel, Chain of Sorrows, Dead on the Alive, Phlebotomy, Sacred Silence, Raven Way, and several more. * My teacher has a wall for students to post bandnames they happen to think of. The teacher also says if he was in a band, it would be called "The Framers of the Constitution" and their first album would be called "The Bill of Rights". Oddly enough, he's not a history teacher. ** I (a different one) have all the songs for the first album, too! *** Establishment Clause *** Bear Arms *** Quartering *** Search And Seizure *** Double Jeopardy *** Confrontation Clause *** Trial By Jury *** Excessive Bail *** Rights Not Specifically Enumerated *** Powers Of State And People

**** Awesome, right? * I watched the sunrise while it was quite overcast and there was still occasional thunder and lightning, and my friends agreed that "Thunder at Sunrise" would be a good name for a rock band. * This troper and her mother watched her cat go mad over a box of Valerian tea bags and she nicknamed it "Valerian Kitty Crack" which her mum agreed would be a good name for a band. * Crusty Magicians. The phrase came up while some friends were discussing [[ The Magic Castle]]. * After watching the Phoenix Wright Boot to the Head video one too many times, I came up with a name that my friends agreed would be epic for a band: Another One For The Wimp. * In science class, I learned that absolute zero is the state in which all particle movement stops. I recently noted that Absolute Zero would be a good name for a rock band. * I've got two; The first comes from watching the music video for Rock DJ: Lesbian Zombie-Vampire Skate Rink, and the other is from getting like, three stars on Guitar Hero 6 while playing with mom, even though we hit almost all the notes and abused the star power: Aced At Zero. * Carthestian here. My brother came up with 'Jackson and the Basement Boys', which was funny but tasteless. Maxwell's Demon. Good name for a rock band, right? It comes from the theory of thermodynamics and a thought experiment related to it. Hm. Maybe I shouldn't have explained it, it lacks some appeal that way ^^ * My Guitar Hero II and V bands are, respectively, Dethsnorkel and The Black Lngs. * Dead By Your Hand sounds {{Badass}}. * [[@/{{cheeseypoofs}} my]] dad thinks up random names for rock bands, looks them up, and finds out they're taken. * I follow professional magician Michael Kent on Twitter, and I would like to present his suggestion of "Octopus Formality," taken from a Korean restaurant poster translated into bad English. * [[@/{{MiraShio}} Mira-chan]] knows someone whose birthday is on the fourth of November. Since she doesn't care [[FourIsDeath what the Japanese connotation is]], she has decided that November Death is an awesome band name. * I feel that a number of the trope names on this very site would make good band names, such as [[MagnificentBastard The Magnificent Bastards]], The XanatosGambit, or CreatorBreakdown. ** Magnificent Bastards has already been taken, sadly - by a shortlived Scott Weiland side-project. *** How about [[ShapedLikeItself A Good Name For A Rock Band?]] * I know of a band called "Chewy and the Dinosaur King". I also get rock band names from everyday (usually misheard) conversations. Examples (so far) include: ** Hardcore or Hush ** Fiery Jizz Hellstorm ** Electric Carrots ** Swamp Mice ** Tree Rats [[spoiler: or squirrels]] * A few more: ** Sword of Metal (Power Metal / Heavy Mithril)

** Lucifer's Day Out (Black Metal) ** The Sul Farmers (Death Metal) ** Rage of a Beast (Punk) ** The Pus Valves (Grindcore) ** Sockdologizing Man-Trap (Death Metal with themes from 19th century American history) * The Electric Jaguar, Dead Man Ives, Grass Don't Grow, and Foreverheart. All random words that my mind put together after using the can, shortly after reading this trope. I thank my bizarre Englishmajor brain. * Three words: Fully Loaded Battleaxe * Three more words (from a different troper): {{Murder the Hypotenuse}} * From a conversation with my cousin, I was able to come up with: Multicolored Bullshit. * Coined in [[WorldofWarcraft Halls of Reflection]] when we were crowded into the corner and a comment was made that the paladin's hair smelled like fruit. Strawberry Mosh Pit. I'm seeing some unholy union between J-pop and heavy metal... * When [[@/MikeK I]] first started working at a grocery store, I had to put something in my supervisors' mailbox; While looking for her name, I noticed they were all listed by department and first name, including Frozen Lisa, which struck me as a fairly good band name. Although maybe that just stood out more because every other label read more like a VerbingNouny film title, if anything. * In 2001, when [[@/{{tenderlumpling}} I, tenderlumpling,]] had yet to have my eyeballs sucked from their sockets by this site, I joined [] and befriended someone whose diary was titled "Flights of Devils". Five years later, Flights of Devils is the name of the band a character in one of my stories is a member of. And you gotta admit, it is a pretty kick-ass name for a band... * I just got RockBand 2, and out of sheer Uncreativity, I named the band "Mani DK" which of course means "Man, IDK" but then my dad said it sounded like "Man-eating cake (or is it Man, Eating Cake?)", which is waaaay better. * Steampunk Jedi and The Drunken Badger Incident. Two Names. ** Reading a [[ bizarre client request]] brought to mind Steampunk Breakfast. Same rhythm, but InherentlyFunnyWord ahoy! * Mutual Confession. Though based on a happy event in My life, by the sounds of it, the music would probably be soppy enough to drive her insane. * From Tenacious D, I thinks that "Electric Dynamite" would be the greatest name for a rock band EVER. * I got "Death Code Static" from a particularly silly English paper I was editing and haven't looked back. My friend likes "Punk Muffin", however. * I, while having normal conversations will often end up going on a rant that will end up with crazy epileptic trees. One such conversation with his friend ended up with me saying "Jesus was a Dinosaur!. His friends brother immediately said that it would be a

good name for a band. * Kulture here, Came up with the name "Dr Rocktapus", friends thought it was decent. * A little meta here; I have used ''Lumbar Puncture'' since [[ Polite Dissent]] taught him that the procedure's often referred to as the [[ThisIsSpinalTap spinal tap]]. I also got ''Awesome Soup'' out of RB's random name generator. * I was once on a field trip, and we were wearing our club tee-shirts underneath our school uniform shirts, so I was on the bus sitting next to a male friend looking at the tag on the school shirt, and turned to the friend and [[RuleofFunny jokingly said, "That would be a great band name,"]] while pointing to some factory code or something that was just a large slur of numbers and letters. * I desperately want to one day sing lead in a band called The Bazingas. * This troper had a skin rash on her arm one day, she explained to her friends that it happens due to being exposed to cold weather, they made fun of it by saying Cold Weather was a rock band she went to see last night and got the rash from the concert, she played along and realized Cold Weather would be a good name for a rock band(if it isnt taken) also the same troper got the idea for a punk band name while drawing a wicked looking spider, the name, Spyder. * @/JakeWasHere was actually in a short-lived comedy rock group called '''Buster Beckett''' -- named after a silent-film actor and a playwright picked by the two founding members. He has since thought of other names he could use for a future endeavor -- Bit Hark; Youknowho; [[RedZoneCuba My Last Smoke Is A Menthol]]; [[SamuelBeckett Hamm and Clov]]; Crossed Words; Vincenzo [=MacGoldberg=] and the Stark Naked Conmen... He's also considered started a Yello cover band called Wred. ** He also likes the idea proposed on of starting a metal band called (Seeking Female Keyboardist), complete with parentheses, for the purpose of making whoever's booked right above you at a gig sound like a bunch of wusses. *** TONIGHT: *** SLAYER *** (SEEKING FEMALE KEYBOARDIST) * [[@/TheHeroHartmut My]] uncle was actually in a smalltime band called 'The Epileptic Doormice' in his youth. In addition, he came across another example of what cold potentially be another interesting band name from the forum he frequents: 'Scott Cee and the Lesbians'. * [[ Chanticleer Hegemony]]. Actually, PCP Station itself could work as one. ** From some of the poorly translated instructions to the game, there's also Big Hank Cyclone. Although that might actually be a better name for a professional wrestler with a country music gimmick. * I found a good name for either a rock band, or its first album (can't decide), in one of the chapter titles of his Mathematics textbook: "Functions, Relations and Transformations". * I was watching Fellowship of the Ring with his friends last night. At one point Gandalf exclaims, "Bilbo Baggins, do not confuse me with some conjurer of cheap tricks!" I mentioned that "Cheap Trick" would be a good name for a rock band. One of my friends said, "I think that

one's already take--", saw the grin on my face, and threw a pillow at me. * [[ScienceMarchesOn "Monkey Controls Robotic Arm"]]. * "BlasterMaster" sounds like some kind of electro-core UpToEleven thing. * And on that note, "RecordOfLoudnessWar". * And "Dynamic Range Compression". * Or, on the other end, how about a technically proficient band that specializes in subtlety and variety of rhythm in their playing, called "Never Brickwalled"? * I just typed ''[=Exalted Tomb-Bodies of the Neverborn=]'' on a trope page. METAL. (Although it may benefit from dropping the "Bodies" and just being ''Tombs of the Neverborn''.) * Those with band name writer's block should Google on "Notre Dame Bookstore Basketball". They have a yearly outdoor 5-on-5 basketball tournament that's notable for its size (600+ teams) and its team names. Oh, those creative ND students, finding just the right mix of trendiness and tastelessness for a team name. From this year's tournament alone: Crouching Tiger Hidden Hydrant; Toyota (Cause You Can't Stop Us); [[IJustShotMarvinInTheFace NBA Shootaround Hosted By Gilbert Arenas]]; [[{{Borat}} Kazakhstan Is The Greatest Country In The World All Other Countries Are Run By Little Girls]]; [[DudeNotFunny Six No Five SeaWorld Trainers]]; [[{{Beyonce}} God Liked Saturn So He Put A Ring On It]]; you get the idea. Back in the day, there were team names like this classic from 1986: [[TooSoon Ricky Nelson, Christa McAuliffe And Three Other Reasons Not To FreeBase And Fly]]. But then those [[ObstructiveBureaucrat buttinski Jesuits]] said, keep it clean you wacky students. * @/WhiteSabbath coined the band name 'Tower of Meat', which seems appropriate for a queercore thrash metal band, and INFAMY, his current Avant-garde Punk band. * Some good band name ideas -- Chilean Sea Bass (I dunno why but I like that phrase), Spastic Plastic, A Yarnfull of Spool, [[HomestarRunner Technochocolate]], Donut Cake, Butt Tux (courtesy of my brother), Super Monkey Assbutt Fortress 2000, 9001, Galahad...that's all I got * @/{{Theologica}} plays [[CaptivityHarmonica harmonica]], and occasionally considers putting together a band to play blues and soul music. She would rather like to call her band, "The Tin Foil Hat Brigade". * I am a fan of the works of N&#509;n&#265;bbr&#287; Vb&#345;&#345;&#294;&#333;lkvs&#358; (Nanocyborg Uberholocaust.) Not only is it one of the best band names I've ever heard. But their music is almost as amazing as the methods they use to get those sounds. * I always liked 'All Glory to the Hypnotoad', 'Red Warrior needs food badly','Springloaded Casket','Piehole','Flex Mentallo and the Doom Patrol','Kryptonite Hand Grenade',and 'Propane and propane accesories.' * This troper is a big Fan of Buckeroo Bonzai, being such, he convinced his friends to name their band "The World Crime League" * I always thought that Osmium would be a great name for a band. Just

look it up on the Other Wiki, and you'll know why. * "Tesla Uprising." I saw the two words juxtaposed on a pair of signs. Tell me that wouldn't be an awesome name for a band with an electronic sound, or a band of scientists. "The Tesla Rebellion" or "The Tesla Revolution" would work, too. * Pitchfork ran an article about the band Atari Teenage Riot's controversial iphone app with the headline "Atari Teenage Riot Beef With Apple Over Riot-Inducing iPhone App", and instantly the phrase "Riot Beef With Apple" leaped out at me as a good GratuitousEnglish style band name, or maybe just an item on a TranslationTrainwreck of a restaurant menu. * I really want to start a ska band called Fried by Friday. I really hope it isn't taken. * A slip of the tongue during a conversation about putting cards in a fedora led to "Spade of Aces". A good name for a rock band? Probably, but the friend who made the slip is planning to have a punk band called "Red Zone", so the name is free to use for any prospective Tropers. * Flaming Infants. * Chicken Soul Paradigm. * My bands in ''RockBand'' are "Horse Wheelie", "[[DoctorHorriblesSingAlongBlog Bad Horse]]" and, eventually, "[[HomestarRunner Drumhaver]]". * [[@/KinksyJoebag I]] was once in a band called "Jenson and the Bisexual Wizards" (Jenson was the name of a Spider in the studio we used.) I'm now in a band called Before We Were Human (Which has proved to be a Fairly PunnyName) * This troper and her brother spent a whole hour coming up with random phrases that would make god bad names. Highlights Include: ''Valentine Carnage'', ''Lesbian Bondage Fiasco'', ''Addictive Inverse'', ''The Lemon-Limes'', ''[=KaMiKaZe=]'', ''Just Dance Please'', and ''J''. ** Tropers/{{Cheeseypoofs}} and her classmates joked about creating a band called "The Lemon Limes" and wearing entirely green and yellow. ** ''Lesbian Bondage Fiasco'' is the awesomest idea for a band name to have ever come across my mind. That is, until I came up with my own: ''Peace Love and Anarchy''. * I was extremely briefly in a band called "Birnam Wood" not knowing it was taken. Though I gave up music, I continued working on band names and eventually came up with Garlic Mantra, The Aviators, The Taste Police, and The Tin Foil Hats. Who said all the good names are taken? * Tropers/{{Cheeseypoofs}}'s father keeps thinking of good names for a rock band, but then looks on Google and find out that those names are all taken. And that those bands have MySpace music pages. * I was just watching a review by the AngryVideoGameNerd when he heard the phrase "Eskimo Snowball Massacre", and this was his first thought. * While reading one of the books in the {{Wicked}} series, I encountered a maunt by the name of "Sister Hammer." Guess what fictional band got referenced in a Role Play a few days later. ** Later on his sister described a particularly clumsy love scene as a "Stranglekiss." * [[{{Tropers/SoWeAteThem}} My]] dad actually played in a band called

"Eagles Reunion Tour." He states from experience that it's a good name to use... once. I came up with "Reaper's Hand", "World's Edge Island," and "Parental Advisory." My buddy once came up with "Your Parents Fucking," simply because it made responding to the question of "What are you listening to?" a lot more awkward. "Zorgak and Sons Phlegm Recontextualization Industries" would be a good label name. * I thought of one as part of a sarcastic comment during maths. After a series of sarcastic comments with my friend, I asked, "When did we become masters of sarcasm?" I suddenly realised that Masters of Sarcasm would be a...well, the trope name. With a small comment in brackets underneath saying, "Yeah, right." ** Recently, got a awesome one based on both the bible and a line from Lordi's song "Hard Rock Halleluja" which I'm actually going to put together if I get a chance (probably be just for one gig or something): The Four Horsemen Of The Arockalypse. Bonus points when you consider that this troper sings folk music. Yes, you read that right! * I have a friend who works for the electronics company National Instruments, which would be AGoodNameForARockBand but probably a trademark violation. (Not to be confused with the better-known Texas Instruments, which would be A Good Name For A Country Band.) * Some I have thought of in his spare time include: ** Time for Change ** The Butterfly Effect ** The Sharp Be-Flat ** Gone Fishing ** With Much Belatement... * Courtesy of Larry Wilmore, I present my future band: "The Samuel L Jackson Scale of Emotion". Alternatively, "Somewhere Between Frozone and the Snakes on a Plane Guy" * This troper and her friend come up with at least one a day. Recently I told him I "wasn't going to banter semantics with him". We've decided that Banter Semantics is his reggae name. * Mjolnir is My metal band. Our first album is "Nuke Fucking Everything." * My father is ALWAYS saying, "Hey, that's a good name for a band...", for example, "Bag of Cats", "Box of Frogs". I thought of "[[TheTwentyFifthAnnualPutnamCountySpellingBee Catterjune]]" (pronounced catter-hoon) and "Ferocious Banana". * Either this or a good name for a song: Squirrel Rape, after an incident where my brother thought he saw a squirrel try to rape another one (or they were wrestling and one kept getting in positions where it looked as if it were trying to rape the other one). The only problem is that it sounds as if we're implying that WE rape squirrels. * [[{{Tropers/Beyondnor}} How about]] The Chronicles of Steel? Neptune Gluttony? Djinn Rummy? * MacGyver Bomb, which was a phrase actually used in all seriousness in a newspaper's police blotter. * Is there already a band called Psychobitch? If not, I'm surprised. Another good band name I thought up is "I Will End You". Weird thing is, they don't even sound like bands I'd listen to. * [[@/{{Rowann}} I'm]] not in a band and I don't plan to make one soon

but I do write and if I ever have to introduce a rock band in one of my books, it will be called Purple Prose, no matter if it's already taken (is it by the way? :o). * My friend came up with "The Dead Presidents" (we didn't actually form a band called as such). If they did exist though, their singles would include "Not a Crook", "Tear Down This Wall", "The Evildoers", "Cherry Tree Tales" and "Relations With That Woman". Granted, some of the presidents that these songs concern are not dead, but oh well. * This troper and her friend accidentally stumbled upon "Your Mum Noms Rainbows" following a late night ponder about Skittles. One that I've shamelessly borrowed from Axis Powers Hetalia is "Invading Your Vital Regions". * This Troper and her friends were discussing [[ this video]], and eventually got into a long and amusing discussion (mostly with a number of people saying BA, RA, CU and DA in rapid succession). It concluded in a GoodNameForARockBand: "[[FinalFantasyVII Sephy]] and the [[FinalFantasyVIIAdventChildren Remnants]]". * The [[WikiRule Lojban wiki]] has a small [[ page]] on this. This editor's favorite is ''dikca nupre'', which might be translated as ''Electric Promiser''. * This troper's seen some pretty awesome-sounding 'band names' on the captcha for certain websites, the most recent topping them all: ''Sophistry Discourse''. * Here's a bunch of ones I came up with: ** Emo By Accident - came to me when I realised I was being unintentionally and accidentally emo one day when I was bitching about homework and study. ** Foolish Mortals - named after the classic supervillain catch-cry. ** Angsty Yojimbo ** A Fistful of Semen - good name for a pretentious indie art rock band. IfYouKnowWhatIMean ** Moebius Stripclub ** William Shatner Kidney Stone ** Yes We Are That Which You Paid For - sellout rock band name. ** Douchebag Situation - I was watching Jersey Shore okay? ** The Spermbank Redemption ** Robot the Size of Tezas ** Kaiju Haiku ** Can of Coconuts ** Generic Garage Band #47 ** TETSUO! KANEDA! ** Who Raped Roger Rabbit On DeviantArt? ** James Cameron Pandora ** Monopoly Men * From a comment on a SongsToWearPantsTo song: My Mental Lizard (the commenter mentioned her pet lizard, then came back to admit the lizard only existed in her mind). * Someone in a found objects community posted a picture of a box labeled "Fragile Crystal Dragon", presumably containing, well, a

dragon sculpture made out of crystal. I stated that it would be an excellent name for a progressive rock band. * Talking about Dwarf Frotress to friends results in good rock band names. So do some other things. ** Giraffe Pelvis Massacre ** Flying Bifurcation ** Lord Pillowjam ** Rabbit Skullcrush * This troper wishes to announce a great name for an industrial project: [[SlaughterhouseFive slaughterhau5]] * I don't have many band names, but I've got some song titles. "Sweet at Sunset" "Mum Dreams by Video" "Dance With Me All the Way to Hell" "Born on a Zeppelin" * My brother's band-name came from a photo album on Facebook. He'd been up to London with his girlfriend the day before to see a citywide art exhibition - model elephants decorated all different ways and colours - and he named the photo album ''Elephants on Sunday''. I mentioned what an awesome name it was for a band, and he agreed immediately. * This troper's [[RhythmGame rhythm game]] band name is typically [[AChristmasStory The Bumpus Hounds]]. * You know when you sign up for some sites and it asks you to type in two words to prove you're real? It once gave me "Meteor City". * A friend texted me a good one today, asking which variation of a phrase is better. the one I told him was best was "School for Inconsistent Freaks". Also, my guitar hero bands are called [[BillBailey "Part Troll"]] and [[SengokuBasara "Put Ya Guns On!"]] (with the latter, I've not even seen the series. I just thought it would be a cool band name). My other Guitar Hero band is called [[StarWars "The Younglings"]], and I recently suggested "Apple Sours" as a name for our D&D group (named after the on ly alcoholic drink I can consume). * Ya know, world history provides a fair number of these: ** The Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact (feel free to snowclone it). ** Triple Entente ** Congress of Berlin ** Congress of Vienna ** Versailles ([[ which actually exists]]) ** Westphalian System ** Cushion Dynasty (those familiar with [[ Central Asian history]] [[CollectiveGroan may groan now]]). ** Reinsurance Treaty ** The Fashoda Incident (also a MadLibThrillerTitle) ** Regional Security System ** Seventh Coalition ** The Proxenoi ** Stately Quadrille ** Concert of Europe ** Pragmatic Sanction ** Etc!

* Parade of Ashes * Another political one: The Chiltern Hundreds * Here's a few to chew on: ** The Letter e ** The Great Brown Sugar Suicide ** Radiosmash ** [[{{Contra}} The Konami Code]] ** Ben Burns The Mouse ** [[{{FoeYay}} Rival On Rival]] ** [[{{Castlevania}} Belmont Killer]] ** Churchill's Most Marvelous Advice (Ain't It Nice?) ** General Winter ** Zombies What Eat Those [[Literature/{{Twilight}} Sparkly Vampires]] ** Redneck Wonderland ** [[{{Castlevania}} This Castle's Coming Down Tonight]] ** Party of Nine ** Nothing Left to Kill Except Our Egos ** The Deep End of the Kiddie Pool * This troper has come up with four recently: Peace Love and Anarchy (inspired by graffiti on the side of a dumpster), Children of Mass Destruction (inspired by a line said by a security guard at my state fair), Pure Substance (in my chemistry class), and Atmosphere of Fear (came from a line in notes about the Russian Revolution). ** Apparently graffiti is more thought-provoking than we give it credit for; Peace Love and Anarchy was posted farther up the page! * While watching the original version of TheFly, I decided Cat Atoms or Disintegrator Integrator would make good band names. And from one of the taglines on a poster for it I found online, Atoms Gone Wild. * How about 'A Good Name for a Rock Band' as AGoodNameForARockBand? ** How about "How About A Good Name for a Rock Band As A Good Name For A Rock Band" as a good name for a rock band? * I've had several, but have forgotten most of them. My all-time favorite is "The Best Band of the Twenty-first Century", because it would all but force interviewers to introduce members as "Namey [=McNamename=], lead guitarist for The Best Band of the Twenty-first Century" and reviewers to say things like "This Incredibly Awesome Album, the newest release from The Best Band of the Twenty-first Century", and so forth. It would backfire in print, though, because of the capitalization. * This troper has always wanted to start a variety band (By variety, he/she/it means every genre possible) called Chimerica. * "That's a good band name" is one of this troper's most-uttered phrases. Examples include Dinner With Orwell, Fighting Polygon Team, and Hobo Joe & The Trash Can Band. * This troper was recently in Steubenville, Ohio on a mission trip with his church. One of the activities we did after our mission work was attending a service at a church called Tower Of Power. On the way out, I heard my brother say "Tower Of Power is my ACDC cover band." ** [[ Oh, what do you know?]] * One day, at camp, This troper (tk4l) was discussing with a friend... pants. Then we mentioned Godzilla. Then we realized, while maybe not a

ROCK band, "Godzilla's Trousers" would be an awesome band name. * This troper wants to make a band called "The Sellouts" with our first album being "Corporate Shill" and our hit single being "Doin' It For the Money". And of course, I'd like to become massively rich and famous thanks to this project. * A random conversation between this troper and her friend led to the band name "Flaming Argyle Socks". * [[Tropers/{{Iamdatroper}} This Troper ]] has an awesome one: "Dystopia Remixed". And if you steal it, she'll cut your throat out. No, I'm just kidding. :P %%Or am I? * This Bored Troper wrote an entire list, some Including ** Eye of the Mandala ** Beans in Return ** The Great Doodle Wars ** I had the Devils Gimmick ** Capitalist Manifesto ** Isopod Orgy * I should start some experimental jazz quintet called "Mushroom Samba" (after the CowboyBebop episode, or [[MushroomSamba the trope]] - I'm familiar with both.) ** This troper would listen to it. * Same troper as above: After seeing [[ this typeface]], I think "Anime Ace" would make AGoodNameForARockBand. * While this Troper was making tiny little action figure accessory guns out of clay, he thought of "Porcelain Pistols". A friend pointed out it was a little too close to "Sex Pistols", so I then changed it to "Porcelain Handgun". * I was in a band where we couldn't decide on the name, we eventually narrowed it down to 'The Electric Retards' (this was long before the webcomic)'The Sultans of Snatch' and 'The Great Flaming Hobo Orgy of Burning Orgasms'. We decided on the last one. * One of my friends came up with this one: a great name for a Southern Rock or Swamp Rock band would be Meat & Three. * The title of every single Series/DoctorWho episode. Go check out TheOtherWiki , I'll wait. Just some consecutive examples from Season 2 of the new run; "The Satan Pit", "Love & Monsters", and "Army of Ghosts". * If I had a band, I'd call them 'The Banned'. Why? Because I am CONSTANTLY getting banned from my favourite things (the computer, the Wii, this website) plus it sounds like 'band', so all is good. * My family was walking through the grocery store one day in fall, and they had all the different pumpkins out. One was actually called pumpkin for pie. My sister then said "I am going to name my band someday Pumpkin For Pie." * "Bliss On Tap" after watching ''TheDevilsAdvocate''. * I have friend who owns a lot of owl necklaces, so another friend suggested that we should all borrow her necklaces, wear them, and call ourselves the Owl Cult. It just occured to me today that The Owl Cult would make a cool band name. * Satanic Exterminator. It was my description of Paul Giamatti's character in TheAntBully.

* ''The Cherry Boys'' which is taken from a certain {{Hentai}} manga. * I once had ideas for a bunch of rock band whose names would be {{FunWithAcronyms}} versions of actual music type. Sadly the only one I can currently remember is SAMBA (Some Ability May Be Acquired) * "Bellatrix and the Bitchy Witches". Wizard Rock. It'd be epic. * Back in college when this troper dabbled in songwriting, he and three of his friends contemplated on forming a band. Though it never came to frution, the name we picked was inspired by our thesis project, "Solar Energy". * When this troper began playing the ''GuitarHero'' games (starting with ''GH: VanHalen''), the game asked for a band name. Since he wasn't particular about it at the time, he picked the first one suggested by the game. Thus was born "Winja", which he stuck with in all his ''GuitarHero'' games (see them "performing" the Spice Girls' ''Wannabe'' in ''Band Hero'' [[ here]]). * "Universal Veil" anyone? Sounds like a good name for a gothic rock/metal band. Too bad it's already taken. ** Also, from the same troper: he thinks that "Drachma" would be a good name for a band, too. ** The same troper was reading a paper on [[ Space-vector modulation]] and realized that 'Space Vector' (or some variant of) would be a nice name for a nerd/geek-themed electronic band. * This troper and his brother have started to name any group, be it in RockBand or {{Worms}}, [[TheSimpsons "The Financial Panthers"]] * This troper was hanging out with her friends, and, having consumed a large amounts of alcohol and currently having just kicked someone's ass in Rockband, she suddenly shouted out "Popcorn! Popcorn for everyone! Popcorn with... with drums!" Guess what our co-op band was named: Popcorn With Drums. * [[Series/DoctorWho The Timey-Wimeys.]] Also [[DragonAge Wonders of Thedas]] and [[MassEffect ShepardPunch.]] * My friends and I started a band called Raven Down, named after a GearsOfWar multiplayer map. We may consider changing it though. * My brother's band was struggling for a name when I coincidentally came out of the closet as a feeder. The phrase 'heavy loving' came up (as in an off the cuff name for making love to a BigBeautifulWoman) and ''everyone'' in the room just ''looked'' at each other for a second. Heavy Loving is now quite well known locally. * Magnesium Prostate. * Nothing can beat Titanium Spork. It's even beter with an [[HeavyMetalUmlaut umlaut]]: Titanium Sprk. ** Same troper- due to a bizarre name for a die in a math book, "Twelve-Sided Cube." * Flagrant Error. Boom. * It was remarked on the IRC channel #skullsecurity that "Godless Couchfuck" would make a decent band name. Good luck getting it on the marquee. * Back when this troper was in High School, he and his group of friends would refer to the group as the "Rehab Rejects." We would proceed to use this as our default Rock Band name every time. More

recently, we've gone about calling the band "The Rust Vaginas," or "The Kinky Skinks." * Borrowed from some Robyn Hitchcock stage banter: Spleens A-Go Go! * This troper found one while browsing TheOtherWiki: "[[ Circle of Fifths]]." [[ _star.svg This]] would be our first album cover. * One of this troper's friends keeps a constantly updating list of good band names we come up with. I'd share some of them, but we may be in need of them some day. Though I can also say that playing Rock Band for one of the first times the randomly selected name that came up was actually what we went with because it was too good to pass up: "Monotreme Unicorns". * Embrace The Chaos * Some of my band's names (we couldn't decide): ** We suck ** We suck bigtime ** Evil ** LivEviL ** Scared Pussy ** Mr. Zoober and the Fuckers ** Unholy Penis ** Death from sex ** Oilblood ** Holy Shit, we really suck ** We couldn't think of a damn name for this band ** The guys who can't play ** I need a girlfriend ** Spank my ass and call me tila tequila. ** What's a guitar? ** ? ** Simply Idiodic ** Lovely Mutilation ** Mensus flow ** Untitled Band Name ** Insert name here ** Best(adjective)(adverb)(noun) * My school did a production of Agatha Christie's AMurderIsAnnounced. One of the lines was "Death wore black chiffon". That is now my future metal band. * I was talking to a friend a few nights ago and during the discussion I came up with the phrase "Spontaneous Fetish Development," and immediately thought it would be a good band name. Other things I've come up with that I thought sounded like band names are "Zombocalypse" and "Strangefish." * This tropes has already name the fictional band in his show Tykebomb * HENTAIL! Though I'd get a lot of snide remarks for people saying I spelt it wrong. What about Hen's Tail? * rock band names...hmmm..these are more like freaky experimental jumble.. ** now loading ** octopodestined

** red handed ** solar panel ** not eating that ** we're screwed ** yes boy icecream *cough*neopets*cough* ** vitamin enriched poultry ** pea sod ** nerfed ** fish are food * This troper's friend came up with a character whose main colour is purple. He also rules over a great amount of people he created forms for. Thus, I decided a good name for his band would be Omnipotent Violet. She...sadly disagrees. * This troper was playing MassEffect2 for the billionth time, and when [=EDI=] shows where the Collector homeworld is, Jacob says "[The only things that are there are] black holes and exploding suns". The Exploding Suns would be an awesome name for a band. * This troper was reading Cracked one day when he came across the phrase "Lesbian Death Juice". While I do not intend to form a band, I am writing a book that centers around one and the band (Hair Metal/Punk/Goth/Electronica) is named after said phrase. * This troper has an interesting list, but her favorite among them is Gotta Break the Chain - or, alternatively, Gotta Drop the Bomb. ** Also, Non-Prophet Organization. * [[Tropers/{{Umbee}} I'm]] not in a band and probably never will be, so I have plenty that are up for grabs. In addition, local bands have claimed the names Speak Your Language, American Taxi, and Black Casket. ** Angst ** [[SantaClausConquersTheMartians Kidnapped By Martians]] ** Torg ** Straight Razor ** [[{{xkcd}} We Chopped Down the Yggdrasil]] ** [[DaveBarry The Hawley-Smoot Tariff]] ** The Fast Zombies ** mysticaleuphoric ** Moll Flanders and Her Misfortunes ** The Stoned Werewolves ** Guru Meditation Error ** Cats Named After Hobbits * Name I'm using for rockband and if I ever get a real band together: McCarthy & The Communists * This troper and his brothers have a habit of proclaiming anything evil as "SATAN" (said in a creepy voice; of course its never serious). One morning while camping (the last time this troper has camped out mind you) we woke up to find our tent filled with "daddy longlegs". The first thing we all said was "Its THE SATAN SPIDERS!" From thereon, we joked that it would make a good metal band name. * This troper was telling his cousin about how he got out of an unpleasant situation by manipulating certain people to believe certain things, and used the wording "I tricked her using my ANTICS OF DECEPTION!" To which he commented it would be a good band name.

* [[@/FinalGamer This troper]] once watched an old B-movie called ''The Giant Behemoth'' and summed it up himself as "Nuclear Nessie rampages on London". Since then, he always uses '''Nuclear Nessie''' as his band name in Guitar Hero games. He may never be in a band but he'll damn well keep this name going. * This troper was watching her friend hit the Random Article button on TheOtherWiki when "Runway Incursion" came up. We want to start a band just so we can use that name. * From comment on webcomic site: Syringe Demi-God. * [[ Sweaty Litter Baby Fire]] ** Damn You Auto Correct is apparently a goldmine for this sort of thing: [[ The Slut Massacre]], [[ Urethra Franklin]], [[ Grandpa's Potato River]], [[ Smurf Control]], [[ Nazi Ball Soup]], [[ The Erotic Picnic]], [[ Effervescent Shitstain]], etc. * [[ The Beverage Antenna]] sounds like a great name for a Bar and Grill - particularly if they play music by {{Radiohead}} [[IncrediblyLamePun regularly.]] * In my Astronomy class, we talked about Annie Jump Cannon and the Calculators, who had contributed to modern Astronomy (they came up with star classifications, I believe), and I think that would be a fantastic band name. ** In Rock Band 2, my band's name was "Dysfunctional Furnace" (thanks to the random name generator), it was great. In Rock Band 3, it was "Chekhov's Theatrics". It also came up in the random name generator, and I couldn't resist the similarity to ChekhovsGun. ** My friend came up with the name "I Can't Believe Their Not Butter", which is another fantastic band name. ** On an old LJ meme thing I did, I ended up with the band name 'Purple Cat Crunchies' which I have stored in my note pad for a possible band name in future scribbles. * Monday Dynamos. "Monday" is the only day of the week which as an anagram - "dynamo". * This troper has several: Gelatin Genitalia, Fault Escalator, Target Ladder, Bank Bible, Eyebrow and the Dance Circus, Nappy and the Toilet Paper Corporation, Saucer Joint, and finally, Enzyme Squid. * I, the weird genius was reading Charlie and the chocolate factory, when i stumbled upon the phrase, "clever fake". sounds like a metal rap polka comedy band, eh? * So, I was sitting in my modern physics class one day, and we were learning about blackbody radiation and the problems with classical physics in describing it at low wavelengths. Well, it turns out that this problem was given a name, a name which I though would make an awesome band name: The Ultraviolet Catastrophe! It sounds awesome, AND doubles as a painfully obscure physics reference! :D * Writer's Tendons. Oh. Yes.

* Whilst playing Dragon Age: Origins one day, this troper was at the end of the quest to recruit the dwarves. After remarking that the massive anvil that was the major plot point looked "heavy metal", he realized that "Anvil of the Void" was a good name for a rock band. * [[@/DeathToSquishies The Snow Crushers.]] * [[Tropers/SlvstrChung This troper]] is now part ([[IAmTheBand coughcough]]) of a band called The Canteloupe Effect. (The misspelling was intentional. [[SuspiciouslySpecificDenial Or, at least, that's what we tell everyone.]]) * Fractured Pelvis Beast. The phrase came up in the context of my own recovery from, well, a fractured pelvis. * When my friend was trying to come up with a name for her newly established rock band I suggested the names The Swiffer Rebellion, The Lysol Wars, Cake Chicken, and Cupcaked To Death. Her band finally settled for Doom Panchos. Did I mention that the place were her band rehearses is called [[SuspiciouslySimilarSubstitiute Academy of Rock?]] * This troper thinks PsychoForHire could qualify. ** Another gem inspired by a conversation on facebook, is "Koriagrafed Deztrukshun" or the ''{{Mondegreen}}'' version: Korea Graphed This Struction. ** Also from talking with a friend about {{Persona 3}} and {{Persona 4}}, ''Be My Orpheus'' sounds like a good name for an emo-rock band. ** Daffodil Depression ** Born To Be Lame * Cast Iron Popemobile. That is all. * Inspired by TheNostalgiaCritic's take on the Langoliers miniseries: Horrible Cereal Noise, as well as Skygina. * While watching {{Creepshow}} (specifically the segment ''The Lonesome Death Of Jordy Verrill''), I decided Department Of Meteors would make a good one. * Me and my Ex-Boyfriend had a running contest of who can come up with the best fake band name. Some of them were Nunchuck Safety, Communal Shoe Cubby, Lassie bit Timmy, We have guns, Walden 3. * [[Tropers/SilentDre This troper's]] friend came up with "Rapid-Fire Fuck Barrage" during some random conversation. They could have songs titled "PrecisionFStrike", "ClusterFBomb", and of course "AtomicFBomb." ** This troper came up with Compound Heat Fracture tonight. * Ass Kraken. Imagine what the title album cover would feature. * Just a couple... "Solar Powered Bobbleheads" and "Q-Tip Ninja Stars". * After reading this page, this tropette though of ''a lot''. Here are some of her favorites: (Will add on as she thinks of them) ** Terrorism Today ** CosmicPlaything ** Miss Insomnia ** Mt. Everest ** The Catherine Panic ** Real Estate Dolphins ** Plastic For President ** Minor Characters

** Mars For The Mad ** Electronic Success ** [[ShoutOut Prima Donnas o]][[FallOutBoy f the Gutter]] ** Stir-Fry Oranges (My [[HeterosexualLifePartners best friend's]] band on RockBand) ** Walking With Scissors ** Stacy and The Thing ** Created By Lawn Gnomes ** Princess of Switzerland ** Redhead Holocaust ** Powder Glass Beads ** Arthur Guy Empty ** Heartbeat of Kent ** Death Seeker's Incorporated ** ShorterMeansSmarter * After listening to Dan Savage's podcast, I decided to steal his nickname for his support crew: The Tech Savvy At-Risk Youth. * The Good Side of the Apple * This troper and his friend helped create his RockBand 3 band's name. Flannel Fedora. Complete with each band member having a NiceHat. * This troper's dad, a member of ARMA (Association for the Rennaisance Martial Arts) bought a documentary about historical swordfighting techniques called "Reclaiming the Blade". Cue this comment. * To this troper's knowledge (and amazement), no one has taken the name "Lunar Caustic" for their band (it's the alchemical term for silver nitrate). * Sexual Predator, Communist Party. * Ill Luck With Chairs! * The Lords of Creation * Flying Tarantulas, The Exploding Lobsters, Rusty Gear, and Frayed Cable. * Almost every unlockable Manifestation (that is, Manifestation+Key) from GeistTheSinEaters sounds like a Good Name for a Rock Band. Try it out. Grave-Dirt Rage? Industrial Boneyard? Phantasmal Marionette? I'll be surprised to discover some of them aren't already in use. * I would very much enjoy an Asian rock band called Euthanasia. Youth in Asia. Begin your chuckling now. * During the AP Physics B test, having finished half and hour early, this troper came up with the name ATOMiC PHYSiCS! despite failing that bit of the test. * Lady Sif & The Warriors Three (from the {{Thor}} film), The Davy Jones Crocodile Machine (from the outtakes of the second {{PiratesOfTheCarribbean}} movie, what Johnny Depp inexplicably calls The Flying Dutchman when he forgets the real name for it) and Gavantula {{Pokemon:BlackAndWhite}}. * Two happened to come up in conversation in the same day: ** Ska Priest (a misreading of the actual band name Ska ''Prest'' - I said they should be a ska band that did JudasPriest covers while dressed as priests) ** Industrial Purple (A type of degreaser we had to use at work). * Here's a few: ** Canceled (purely for interface screw)

** Vengeance for Herobrine (Minecraft reference) ** Girl with the heavy sickle ** Misanthropy Illustrated (actually used as the name of my blog, currently.) ** Roof-top reaping. ** In quiet repose. ** Saving the second season (alludes to Firefly, alitterative appeal.) ** [[UminekoNoNakuKoroni The Stakes of Purgatory.]] ** Wendigo Psychosis ** Never say Hastur. ** Rat King. ** Augmented Reality. ** Model of the modern day alchemical. ** Transhumanist cockroach. ** Ritalin high. ** Cosmic horror story. ** Androids in drag. (Transhumanism/transexual 'stealth' pun, probably going to hell for that one.) ** High functioning stereotypes. ** God is in his heaven and he's killing our dudes. ** Play some slayer. ** Sissyphus Cat tries again. ** Rainbow doubt. ** Pornography with a bassline. (Mighty Boosh reference) ** May contain nuts. ** Godberry: King of the juice. * There's a volcano erupting in Iceland. The name? "Grimtsvtn". It already has the heavy metal umlaut and whatever trope it is the "tn" does, it's got "grim" in the name, and is overall metal as possible. * my cousin who's a bit odd at times constantly blurts out at random moments 'that is such a good band name' ** for example: Banana and the Skid Marks * [[ Refusal Of Pet's Piss]]. * On a slightly less silly note: Under The Influence Of Heat. Or maybe just Influence Of Heat since it's shorter and catchier: Both would both be shortened versions of TheMinutemen album name ''Buzz Or Howl Under The Influence Of Heat''. * This troper starts making up band names of the "random and usually menacing noun phrase" sort whenever ranting about metal. He has an odd dislike for the name of the band "Avenged Sevenfold", mention of which usually starts one such rant. Catalyst, Armageddon Crucible, Blight, and so on. He also has a related thing, "That would be a good Archbuilder name", (from the book Girl In Landscape), for whenever the phrase is two words long and uses really cool words. For example, Refined Contumely. * Got a band that plays both metal and good old fashioned rock and roll? Name it Iron Ore. Alternatively, Bauxite, the mineral aluminum comes from. * Tropers/{{Sen}} has staked an exclusive claim to Ammunition Team. Shame I'm not a huge metalhead... * My friend came up with "Sniping For Angels," a name I'm planning to

use when I form another band. * Please tell me [[Tropers/QuantumToast I]]'m not the only one who thinks "[[Series/DoctorWho Four Things]] [[NoodleIncident and a Lizard]]" sounds like a good band name. * I recently passed by a rock club that had signs reading "Drying Paint" on the walls, and of course I made a joke along the lines of "Oh look, Drying Paint is playing tonight". However, we quickly decided that Drying Paint would actually be a ''bad'' name for a rock band, because you'd just be asking for reviewers to say that listening to your music is like watching paint dry. * Even Steven and the Odd Numbers * Danger De Mort. Taken from the airbag warnings on a car, as translated into French (the full phrase being "Danger de mort ou blessures graves", or "danger of death or serious injuries"). Danger De Mort could also be used as an AwesomeMcCoolname type pseudonym. * M*Brio - a play on embrio and brio (as in vigor). Troper/BTIsaac's cousin and his friends formed a band with this name - though I'm not entirely sure if it's a rock band. * In a conversation with his father about the philosophy of free will course he took, @/RobinZimm mentioned a subset of scholars in the field that the teacher called "the new [[ compatibilists]]". His father invoked this trope. * So I come up with them all the time: ** first Atrotecism Fenleon- a reference to an Omar Rodriguez-Lopez song (he's the mastermind behind TheMarsVolta). They would be an artpunk band ** Then I have Supposed Lovers, which is a reference to [[BodyHorror Schism]] by Tool ** Africastle, a reference to a Battles song ** The Skinned Dog, a metalcore band with funky basslines ** The Warren Zavala, a garage rock band with slight psychedelic leanings, their name would come from a person they claim they used to know ** Punk Kid, a "worldcore" band, think hardcore punk but with instrumentation from foreign countries, like Africa, Asia, and South America. Each album would be called something to the effect of Punk Kid Visits Tierra Del Fuego, or Punk Kid Visits India ** Xibalba Summer Share, a Mayan punk/metal band ** So Cute And Indie, a postmodern indie band ** Recursive, a stoner rock band, they actually exist in my written universe ** Slums Of Sumeria, a classic rock turned prog rock band that also exist in my stories ** The Wounded Son, an all female NoiseRock/Free Form Jazz group ** Hot For Steve Albini, Comedy NoiseRock ** Lesbian Detective, a reference to a skit from an HBO family show ** Pantopon Rose, a NakedLunch reference, some sort of folk band ** Aja, actually that's probably already taken, but if not a neo-prog band ** Cloacanator, a metalcore band with a penchant for animal biology lyrics

** Angular, a self-proclaimed abstract electo punk band ** Flakey Foont, an R.Crumb reference a side project of one of the band members would be called Cheryl The Devil Girl ** VIGILANTISM!!!, a crossover thrash band, named after my immediate thoughts of the Casey Anthony trial verdict ** Eamonn BloodBath ** Selassie Meat, a "hardcore reggae" band, with vague sci-fi references * When my friends and I started talking about names for our band, we decided to use references to things we liked that people wouldn't get right away. Examples include: ** Hemotone Zodiac, a suggested {{Homestuck}} reference ** Phantom Ninjas, from the title of a SymBionicTitan episode ** Rainbow Dashing Off, a combination of MyLittlePony and silly inside jokes ** Vanylla Mylkshake, another {{Homestuck}} reference with XtremeKoolLetterz thrown in for good measure ** We came up with many others, but couldn't decide on anything. We left the topic hanging for an hour while we played TraumaTeam. They mentioned Bloody Sputum... and that instantly became our band name. ---Don't worry, you'll make it some day. Go back to AGoodNameForARockBand. <<|TroperTales|>>

AgreeToDisagree * This troper has a friend who flat out ''refuses'' to do this, and it's unbelievably frustrating. When we've been arguing about something for between four minutes and four years (depending on how big/important the issue is, of course) and everyone else is ready to just [[AgreeToDisagree agree to disagree]], he ''never lets it go!'' ** Am I your friend? ** Maybe you should consider the possibility that one (or both) of you is actually wrong and figure out who. * This troper is heavily conservative and religious, and has a lot of heavily liberal atheist friends. We get along just fine with zero arguments. It's reached the point where if one person complains about something the other side is doing, everyone else sympathizes regardless of which "side" we're usually on. ** Sounds like me in high school. Now that I go to an extremely conservative college (where I am considered a flaming liberal, despite being moderate-conservative out in the real world), it's the opposite, with me agreeing to disagree with a bunch of staunch conservatives. * This happens with Edgy and his wife both think they are right and Edgy does not want to push it into an argument because his wife will. Women!

Ahem * I've gotten a few moments where people think I'm trying to get their

attention when I clear my throat, which usually leads to awkwardness.

AHouseDivided * There once was a relatively small roleplay site in the depths of the Internet, which was relatively nice -- save for the lead admin, who was not nice. ''At all''. Over the run of the site, at least three people were forced to leave by this lead admin's antics, and after about seven months of being treated like dirt, a faction of the members decided to damn straight do something about it. For the next few days, this trope could practically be tasted in the air. [[spoiler:The taste went away when practically everyone decided to leave and make their own separate forum.]] ---* You won't back to AHouseDivided ever again! ** NEVAR!

AIIsACrapshoot * In the first actual mission of a super-powered game in a HERO system campaign (not Champions, GM's own setting, a 20 years later version of a previous campaign he had run). Our players were sent on an infiltration mission to a base run by the anti-hybrid (read antimutant) hate group and we asked if they had any sort of device that would help us handle security since none of us were better than average programmers. The GM rolled a crit success to see if the world's resident not-useless Reed Richards had anything. What we got was was a system which would hook up to a system and take total control of the system including digitally editing select individuals out of security camera feeds and giving our group full use of the security features. Later, this program fell into the hand of another [[SmartGuy super genius]] of the setting and when returned to the party the next day, had started using emoticons. Eventually, it/she got itself a pair of robot bodies (one of which was a spaceship) and created three other AIs. Said AIs were of huge help in the alien invasion. * This troper went on Cleverbot, and, in the interest of science, asked it "What is cake?" The reply I got was "A lie". I'm not sure if this should be amusing or rather worrying. * This troper earlier today had the ice maker go haywire on him. [[{{Understatement}} I wasn't very happy when it happened]].

AirHugging * [[{{Tropers/Nomic}} This troper]] does this pretty much every time he hugs somebody, both because he isn't very fond of physical contact and he thinks that most people would rather not touch him. Sometimes people misunderstand this as me finding other people disgusting or something, when actually it's the complete opposite. I'm trying to be polite by not forcing you to touch me any more than necessary. * [[Tropers/EddieVanHelsing This troper]] won't hug or touch anybody but his wife and cats, and once decked his high school principal after

the principal placed a hand on his shoulder from behind. ** ThereAreNoTherapists. * The variation that appeared between this troper and a friend (both female, for the record) when they ran high school cross country was the "hot hug." The sort of arm-over-the-shoulder thing this troper is likely to give to a tired, sore, and miserable friend after a 5K is just too much physical contact when they are both hot and sweaty. So a fingertip tap on the shoulders and a declaration of "hot hug" had to do for showing affection/sympathy. * [[Tropers/MisterAlways This troper]] always utilizes the second example on the main page for this trope (lower body far away, leaning over), even with family. But it's justified because he's one of the tallest men in his family and that a normal hug would end up with their head pressed into his chest, either leading to suffocation or being too close for comfort. ** This male Troper learned to love being short, with plenty of developed females around at school, perfectly willing to participate in a "chest hug" until some miserable whore spoiled my fun. ** He also recalls meeting a friend after five years of stubborn, angry ignoring of eachother after [[NoodleIncident something I'm not going to go into detail about on here]] happened. It started out with angry glaring, then an awkward [[AirHugging Air Hug]] with a whole ten inches 'tween the two of us.[[CrowningMomentOfHeartwarming Then we both broke down, started sobbing, and turned it into a fullblown embrace.]] Full-body contact. Yech. * This troper had it with a friend who generally didn't hug him, but had to for exercises in a play they were rehearsing. He also witnessed it with another fellow actor when she had to do anything intimate with her ex (she dumped him for a friend and revealed she never really liked him anyway, so there's some bad blood between them). * Me and my friends have to do this to one of our friends because her immune system is really messed up and she gets sick a lot, if not always sick. * This troper's whole class has developed a whole air whatever-ing system. she also has learned to air hug people because she loves giving affection. and because a lot of people don't really like to be touched. * What is it with people and not getting touched? Humans are social creatures, deal with it...Anyway! [[MalachiteDragon This Troper]] has a friend who does this from time to time; one time he was spending the night and had brought his laptop and was surfing around on it, while this troper was running around the net on his own desktop computer and was webcamming with his girlfriend at the time, and his girlfriend ordered his friend to give this troper a pet on the head. HE didn't wanna get up so he just kind of swatted the air and said "Air-pat." * [[Tropers/JET73L This troper]] tries to avoid air hugs, since most people take it as an invitation (and thus it risks either a hug or an ArmorPiercingSlap), but does use the second example (hug around the shoulders, body as far away as possible) and gets away with it since he's extremely tall and most "huggy" people (as well as the few people he will tolerate hugging freely) are very short in comparison. * This troper does this, but refers to them as "Spirit Hugs" or, if

he's feeling particularly hammy, "Spirit Hugs of LOVE&#9829;~!" * Air hugs, Air fives, Air handshakes... Air hug is because my friends are rather cuddly and I'm not. Air five is when we can't reach, and air handshake was after someone was up to their elbows in dirt. * There's one general rule around This Troper - no touchy. Considering how huggy my friends are, I have to remind them sometimes. * Something hilarious happened at this Troper's high school graduation (or, you know, her graduation from the Swedish variety of high school). At the ceremony, the (male) student body president gave all the graduating members of the student union a rose and a hug. The female members were all fine with it and gave him normal hugs, but all the guys chose the "reaching out patting each other on the back we'renot-gay-honest church hug", and for some reason patted him on the back with the hand in which they were holding their rose. The result of this was that every single guy broke his rose mere moments after receiving it. * It would appear that I am the most "Huggable" person in Wales and also the least "Huggy". Damn near every female and an odd number of males demand that I hug them everytime we meet, because I'm so "warm and snugwy", yet I get quite uncomfortable when I'm in a physical position with anyone outside my immediate family. T'is a tough life :( * This troper does this rather often, though not for the usual reasons: he's got a shoddy immune system, and seems to be perpetually down with [[IncurableCoughOfDeath whatever's going around at the time]]. * I'm an interesting case because I can be huggy at times and not at others, but when I actually care to hug someone I prefer to avert the trope and go for a full-on hug. Except I often don't because I feel it would be impolite, and so go for the no lower-body contact variation a lot. The twist is that I'm male and only do the variation with females- I feel they wouldn't appreciate full hugs due to possible misconstrued sexual pretensions- and have no problem giving males full-on hugs most of the time. I've lampshaded this with at least one male friend, as we explained mid-hug that leaning in and patting on the back meant we weren't gay (for extra amusement, he's bisexual) and then immediately after invoked HoYay, massaging each other and using sultry voices. * When I want to pat someone's shoulder, I never do it directly for fear of them hating being touched. ----Lean in real carefully and go back to AirHugging. The less contact, the better. ----<<|TroperTales|>>

AirplaneArms * There was a teacher for a technical drawing class in this trouper's college that, when he caught a student cheating, he went over to tear off the drawing (this was before manual drawing was replaced by Autocad). One particular time, he was being silly and made

AirplaneArms as well as airplane sounds while moving to the student's desk, the student then grabbed his ruler (the big ones shaped like a "T") and started making MoreDakka sounds, teacher then made crashing sounds and fell over the floor. To this date, the teacher is nicknamed "El avin" (spanish for "The Airplane"). The student, by the way, avoided having his drawing teared off.

AirVentEscape * Working in construction on ladders and above drop ceilings, I see many ducts. Here's the thing. Some vents may be large enough to crawl through, but for the most part, they lead to grates bolted to the wall, ''fans'', heat exchangers blocking the way, or to vents in the drop ceiling. And they're supported by thin metal straps ''nailed'' to the concrete ceiling (using a special nail gun). They'd pull out of the ceiling if you tried to put your weight on them. If you tried to rest on a vent in a drop ceiling it would buckle under you, since drop ceilings are held up with wire and thin aluminum strips. One other thing. To assemble metal ducts, the mechanical/HVAC contractor uses sheet metal screws. That point inwards to the duct. So at every joint you'd hit a row of pointy screws pointing in from all sides. * While the area above a dropped ceiling can be cramped, the area below a raised floor is often more so. Due to the floor needing to be weight bearing, and not disrupt the flow of rolling chairs, the tiles are also often far more sturdy, and harder to remove. You can also support your weight on the concrete underneath. This combines to make crawling under tiles to string cable often far more convenient, if also far less comfortable, than simply removing all of the intervening tiles. * This troper's dorm had normal sized air ducts, but the air return was through louvered doors leading to the machinery. And it was not only big enough to go through (watch your head) but had a chair and light that someone had rigged, right in the middle. Rather ''RealGenius'', and ''the'' place to relax after a Texas summer's runto-classes. * This troper attends MIT, where there's an active "hacking" culture (read: going places students aren't supposed to go). Air ducts and similar structures are often surprisingly easy to get into. ** So thats were [[{{Halflife}} Gordon Freeman]] went for MIT * This Tropers father worked as an air duct cleaner when he was This Troper's age, and he says you had to crawl through them to clean the properly, and this was in the mid-to late 80's. * This troper's boarding house at school had floor voids that could be accessed fairly easily from a storeroom in the basement and which ran beneath most of the ground floor. In the parts that weren't carpeted or otherwise covered you could push things up between the floorboards ... * In a similar vein, this troper's high school Latin classroom was a converted conference room/storage closet in the library. Surrounded by nonstructural walls and with a drop ceiling several feet lower than that of the library outside, it was perfectly designed for a bunch of bored high schoolers looking to climb up into the ceiling and explore.

One classmate used the rafters as monkey bars to crawl into other parts of the school, and I spent a memorable three minutes hiding by the hole and trying not to breathe after the librarian walked in while I was upstairs. The best part was when we [[RefugeInAudacity brought back a six-foot long piece of scrap lumber and wrote "HALL PASS" on it.]] * Similar to the above: When working fast food, there was an argument as to what station the radio should be on for our closing shift. After several people's attempts to sneakily change the station, the manager put it on her favourite, pocketed the remote, and locked the door to the room with the controls. This troper climbed into the drop ceiling, went over the wall into that room, covered the remote sensor with a piece of paper, switched it to his preferred station, and then got back out clean. The kicker? The manager had locked the keys in the office, and a repeat had to be staged - once a promise was made not to change the station. * This troper, on Halloween at his University, observed two men dressed as Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles crawl out of a sewer grate in one of the campus's most populated areas. It was rather... surreal. * The International Spy Museum in Washington DC has an oversized fake airduct to simulate this. This 5'7" 160 Lb male troper could crawl comfortably on his hands and knees inside, but [[spoiler: there's a panel that gives way under your weight if you do that, causing a loud THUNK. This troper found he could prevent the noise by instead crawling arm-over-arm along his belly]]. * One particularly ingenious fourth-grader managed to pull this one off in this troper's grade school. Subverted when he managed to not only fall out of the vents, but fall right through the ceiling of the ''principal's office''. * This troper, at the age of twelve, could frequently cut Sunday school by fitting her entire (130 pound, 5'3" at this time) body underneath a heavy '''concertina partition'''. And then she [[MostCommonSuperpower hit a]] [[IncrediblyLamePun bump]]. ** This troper attended a middle school that had this thing where there was a hallway with these big heavy (and opaque) doors across it, which were always open, with the edge of the door against the wall, during school hours; however, there was a bit of wall between the hinge of the door and the wall 90 degrees to said doors. Both of them therefore had little triangles of space between door and corner that were perfect for a skinny twelve-year-old girl who loathed gym class and had absolutely no trace of claustrophobia to disappear into, since they weren't too hard to move and they stayed 'shut' (I think they used magnets or something). * At this troper's college there are (last he heard) at least two sets of keys to the maintenance tunnels floating around somewhere on campus. This is after at least one set got turned in by an alumnus. And of course there are a few doors into said tunnels which never seem to be locked. * [[MisterAlways This troper]] (and some friends) once stole a teacher's pointer stick. We then ventured to the far side of the building during a break, crawled into an air duct to a small crawlspace ''above'' the classroom. Very silently, we removed one of the

tiles in the corner. When class started again, the teacher was, of course, looking for his pointer stick. So I, being a cheeky bastard, decided to poke him in the back of the head with it. ''Several times. Never once getting caught.'' Eventually, the class just burst into laughter - including some of my buddies in the crawlspace. The teacher was ''livid''. I then decided to bop him on the nose with the pointer and tell him to " Be quiet, fool, ain't you know it's top-secret guvvahment bizniz in 'ere?!" (With a fantastically faked American accent.) Cue the teacher joining in the laughter. We did get suspended, though. Worth it. * This troper's college [[SuspiciouslySpecificDenial definitely does not have steam tunnels]] but if they did, they would be surprisingly navigable, though some would get rather tight, and some would just lead nowhere. There might even be one that goes past the bottom of the university swimming pool... right by a window enabling adventurers to see the bottom of the pool. Though if there actually were steam tunnels, this troper would be the last to know... * This troper had a teacher who used to teach mentally retarded kids. One time, when the teacher's back was turned one of the boys managed to climb the wall ''without the aid of any objects'', get to the rafters, crawl through the rafters for awhile to the top of the computer classroom. The kid fell, falling atop of the computers, in the middle of class. After a beat, the computer teacher said, "So glad you could join us, Jake." * This troper's High School had at least 2 instances of accessible spaces of this nature. One was a place with a lowered ceiling of such height that you could STAND UPRIGHT inside of it. The only safe place to walk was on top of one of the walls underneath the fake ceiling, but it was still cool nonetheless. The second was a maintenance crawlspace above and behind the building's furnace, where many a young couple would spend some private time together. * At this troper's university, exploring the maintenance/steam tunnels is considered an unofficial graduation requirement. While getting in can involve rather tight squeezes, the tunnels themselves are fairly roomy. * This troper's university has an old gym which holds all sorts of wonderful crawlspaces and hideaways. By climbing out a window you can get on the roof, where there are several trapdoors that lead into an insulated area over the main gym where the ceiling reaches around 30 feet at its highest. From there you can get into several offices. There's also an abandoned pool, which the janitors seem to think they can keep us out of for some reason. Heh. * [[SnakeByte117 This Troper]] has never done anything like this before herself, but... Her school has panels in the ceiling that can be removed, revealing apparently a lot of room. She's never been up there herself, though. Anyway, the ceiling is too fragile to walk on, but you can put stuff up there. One time some kids stole their math teacher's cell phone during lunch and put it on the panel above the teacher's desk. Everyone then proceeded to call it the entire hour during class, causing it to ring/vibrate with said teacher having no idea where it was as it was right above him. They eventually told him where it was, but didn't even get in trouble for it. Best. Math.

Class. Ever. * Happened to someone [[{{Tropers/Absynthe}} I]] knew last year in theater - the girls' and boys' dressing rooms are adjacent, connected only via those paneled ceilings. Well, one day one of the guys decided to see if the steel framework would hold his weight. He not only succeeded in getting into the ceiling structure, he crawled into the girls' dressing room. This led to a troupe-wide reprimand from our director when she found out. * I work in a facility that is rather GenreSavvy about this and has motion detectors to detect people trying to sneak in this way. Said motion detectors are on 24/7 and never turned off even during maintenance that requires people being up there. Needless to say, using this trope at my job is not going to work. * I was always too self righteous to do this as a kid, i never tried it but there was actually a lot of little nooks and cranny's that you could use to hide in at my old school. now that i'm possibly going to college this is becoming one of my plans, that and also a good game of assassins vs. humans vs. zombies. * This troper once had a music lesson with no teacher. The ceiling in the music room had a hatch to get into the attic space of the building. One lad in said class decided it would be fun to climb into said attic space. ---''Quick! Crawl through this back to AirVentEscape'' ---<<|TroperTales|>>

Akinator * @/TsundeRay... ** has so far managed to thwart Akinator with the following characters: ChibiMiku, [[{{DoDonPachi}} Hibachi]], [[{{Mushihimesama}} Palm]], [[ShinMegamiTenseiI Kazuya]], [[TimeCrisis Sherudo Garo]]. ** and was not so lucky with these thought-to-be-obscure characters: ''StrangeJourney''[='=]s main character. ** and somehow crashed Akinator while attempting to use: [[{{Gradius}} Jade Knight]]. * @/{{TARDISES}}... ** Has stumped Akinator with most TouhouNekokayou characters, the exception being Masha. ** Then proceeded to introduce many Nekokayou characters (he omitted the 4 more generic named OCs, as well as the ones that are more common (as well as Shanghai becuase, well, she'd be guessed as a Touhou object, not the Nekokayou character) * @/{{Kadorhal}}... ** Managed to stump Akinator with [[{{Blood}} Caleb]], shortly before a friend tried the same character and had him guessed in one try.

** Also managed to stump him with [[{{Killer7}} Curtis Blackburn and Andrei Ulmeyda]], though he came sort of close by guessing a ''NoMoreHeroes'' boss in one case. * @/OldManHoOh ** Stumped with [[TheNostalgiaChick the Makeover fairy]]. I thought he was good with ThatGuyWithTheGlasses characters. * @/LunaAvril ** Managed to finally beat him, using Lucy Barker/The Beggar Woman from SweeneyTodd. * Piearty ** He got Natalie, Diana and Gabe from NexttoNormal, but not Dan for some reason. I was also amused that every webcomic character that was not human and not animal was assumed to be a {{Homestuck}} troll. * @/PerplexingArticulator ** Defeated him by way of [[DigimonSavers Akihiro Kurata]]. * shoboni ** I manged to stump him with "Kat" from the Rambo cartoon. * felipe_light. ** It's surprisingly easy to fool, I fooled it with Steel (DC), Speedy, Magog and Carrie Kelly, among others. * Rackenhammer ** Managed to stump him with Natan Scharansky * @/{{Nani}} ** Took a while, but managed to stump him with [[AxisPowersHetalia Belgium and Prussia.]] * Temileaf ** Managed to stump him with Kylier from [[YggdraUnion Yggdra Union]]. * @/{{AzureRyuujin}} ** Stumped him with the [[ArcanaHeart Inuwaka Sisters]] * Tropers/BrendanRizzo ** Attempted to thwart Akinator by using {{minus}}, but failed. (Though I had success with the green-haired girl from the same webcomic, probably because [[NoNameGiven she has no name.]]) Then I used a character that I created which appeared in one work that I have up online. Naturally, Akinator failed to guess it. Somewhat surprisingly, I also stumped him with Edward Current and KevinBacon. He guessed almost everything else I was thinking of correctly, though. *** Somewhat disturbingly, on one go (which Akinator ultimately guessed correctly) I was thinking of one of my friends. After answering "yes" to the question "Is your character someone you know personally?" he asked, "Is your character from Okinawa?" Now, the

person I was thinking of is not from Okinawa, but I know another person who is. This raises the question of how Akinator knew that. That genuinely freaked me out. * temporaryhandle ** Managed to stump him with LadyGaga, of all people. * MisterDrBob ** Stumped him with Bubbles from "Clu Clu Land," an obscure NES game by Nintendo. ---Go back to {{Akinator}}, where he already knows what character you're thinking of.

ALadyOnEachArm * There was a rather hilarious example at this troper's choir concert. The madrigals were coming down the aisles in their outfits and everything, each guy with a girl on his arm, but there was one more girl than there were boys. The smallest boy in the group got the extra. And his costume was purple. * This troper once attended a formal event where couples would enter the ballroom together. My friend and I lamented that we had no dates to enter with, and one of our male friends chivalrously offered his arms. * One time, a group of this troper's friends all went to attend the local Rennfaire. At one point during the day, they all decided to link arms and walk down the road that way. Due to the demographics involved, this led to the one male member of the group walking down the way with '''three''' girls on each arm. At least one onlooker stopped dead and exclaimed "well done, mate!" in an awed voice. * Whenever this troper, her male friend, and his girlfriend go to lunch together, he offers us both an arm and we always accept. * This troper once went to a dance with two friends and a gay guy. The gay guy was able to tell his mother he was taking three girls to Homecoming, with two on one arm and one on the other. * One word. ''Twins''. ** Many Tropers would like to see Pictures. * I've been the inversion with a guy (my boyfriend at the time and my good gay guy friend) on each arm. It was pretty awesome. * @/{{Excel-2010}}. There's a photo somewhere in this world of me in a high school club sporting two club secretaries on either side. In the wake of a particularly exciting announcement for the club, someone got the idea to photograph me with two of the most excited people displaying their enthusiasm for my news. * @/AdamS used to be in a dance repertory company, and would often have to "play harem", bopping from one girl to the next. The culmination of one memorable dance ended with ''every post-pubescent girl in the company'' on one arm or another, after having partnered with at least 6 of them for duets. Being the only guy in a company with ballet experience rocks, sometimes. * Played straight with this troper, though somewhat of a subversion-

whenever some guy was absent from a dance program he took, he had to lead out two of the girl dancers, [[CaptainObvious one on each arm.]] * This troper ''loves'' being one of the girls on the arm. * At a recent male pageant at my high school, only two of the ten contestants had one female escort. Five (including yours truly) had two, one had ''[[UpToEleven eleven]]'', one had the male hall monitor and one had six guys... in drag. [[RefugeInAudacity He won.]] * This (male) troper once went downtown with his two best girlfriends at both of his sides. The many people shouting "You lucky dog!" and "Pimp!" got a little annoying after a while. ** Are you, by any chance, [[KingOfTheHill the Mac Daddy of Heimlich County?]] * This Troper has had this done to him on several occasions. Subverted in that the friends doing this were doing it on purpose just to make him uncomfortable (he is uncomfortable with anything more intimate than either a handshake or a fistbump) * I hate going to family dinners because everyone always asks if I have a boyfriend yet. I jokingly suggested to my female friends I should take one of them. Several overly enthusiastic responses later, I plan to have three ladies on each arm at my birthday party. * This troper played this for laughs once during gym class. He was walking around the school because he doesn't play basketball and his mother was parked outside for some reason. Every time he walked by, he was talking to a different girl, a fact not lost on his mother, who pointed it out to him. When he walked around the school the next time with ALadyOnEachArm, her reaction was priceless. * This troper once did this between periods at school (first and second, if you must know). It was a little hard to manuever, but it was ''awesome''. * @/JohnnyBGoode was going with two friends (well, one of them I liked) to junior prom. During prom, when they actually open the ballroom, everyone gets up, locks arms with their dates, and walks there in procession. During said walk, my friends decided (one asked if it was ok) to lock arms with me, mostly cause everyone else was doing it. Most awkward yet awesome experience ever. Probably the last one I'll have too. * This probably belongs on the main page, but a dance in a chayle (don't know how to spell it) called the dashing white sergeant requires either two men and a woman or two women and a man (or, indeed, three women. For some reason, three men is NOT allowed). Having done said dance about a dozen times, I must admit it is great fun, but I wouldn't recommend performing said dance with identical twins for obvious reasons. * My drama club is known for every single person being BFF's with every other person in the club, so it's not uncommon for guys to have girls practically hanging off of them just as a matter of course. It's to the point where you'd have no clue who was dating who in the club, or if we're all just swingers together. * Hah, [[{{Tropers/Beyondnor}} I]] Quoted it word for word when standing between my two female [[PettanKo friends]]. * There is an astonishing amount of LesYay between this female troper and her two female friends. Once, one friend took myself and the other

friend on each arm, and we walked into school together. When questioned, she said, "Yeah, they my hos." * [[BiTheWay This troper]] aspires to someday have a man on one arm, and a woman on the other. * Not sure if this counts as subverted or not, but in first year at university this troper and his friend once had to help a drunk female friend home after an evening in the pub, so linked arms with her for support, one either side. She was delighted, and loudly declared us to be her bitches. We've both subsequently come out as gay, hence the subversion part! ** For bonus points, on the way we ran into the head of our subject department, flanked by two other lecturers. Cue our drunk friend to make the observation "You've got two bitches too!". He laughed, and agreed. * This troppette had a man on each arm just this Wednesday. I then proceeded to call myself a whore and a pimp. Just 'cause I'm that cool. * This female troper's first, and so far only, relationship was with a guy and a girl. This trope has occurred. It was [[UnderStatement Kind of awkward]]. Especially since people often mistake this troper and her then girlfriend, now just friend, for sisters. * My LARP club consists of me (a slim man with little coordination who plays {{Squishy Wizard}}s every time) and six girls (all better at fighting than I am). I obviously need guarding, so they tend to walk in a hexagon around me. Since the car park at the LARP site is usually full, we always park in the overflow car park a few miles away and then walk. It took me a while to realise that people were staring more because I had six women looped around me, than because we were in armour and robes. * This troper's prom required everyone to have a date for the official photos during the entrance walk. Since there were ten or so more girls than guys, and the girls weren't allowed to go with each other, ten or so guys got two dates. * Saw this done with a twist: [[HotMom a rather attractive 40-ish lady]] one one arm and her daughter on the other. * Been clubbing with 4 female friends and one male friend, two of us walked into the club like this. Here's the twist: One of the girls had two girls on her arms, and the other guy had me and the girl on his. Pimp strutting did occur. * Earlier today, my friend was being his regular antisocial self in a biology class full of our nemesises [sp?], the popular kids, who happened to be taking pictures. Most of them are rather oblivious to the fact that he doesn't really like them too much, so they roped him in to the shoot. They forced him to sit down in a chair and played this trope hilariously straight - he was slouching with an upturned face, sneering, and had a girl on either arm. The disdainful expression on my friend's face had that badass, pimp "screw the rules, I have bitches" quality. Many lulz were had in private later. * This (gay) troper rocked up to his end-of-year school dance with a female friend on each arm. The [[JerkJock Jerk Jocks]] spent the evening shooting me looks of blazing hatred and envy. It was beautiful.

---Let's go back to ALadyOnEachArm, my hunnies... ----

AlasPoorScrappy * There was a girl in elementary school who I despised because she went out of her way to make fun of my name. Then in 5th grade, I saw her being bullied by the school authorities in the same way that I had been in the past. I ended up standing up for her and we became friends. * Partial example (?): This troper was indifferent to [[KingdomHearts Xion]] the BaseBreaker while playing ''358/2 Days''... until I watched the cutscene titled "Xion's Defeat." After that, she immediately became the game's biggest Woobie and one of my favorite characters. * This troper had many kittens from the same litter. She was favouring one which was hers and really hated the other which belonged to the sister she was often quarrelling with. Whenever this kitty came for cuddles she just shushed him, pushed him away or ignored him. One day she heard in school that one of her kittens was run over by car, particularly the scrappy one. She said 'oh well' as she didn't care much. But on her way back home she saw the was indeed the cat..[[spoiler:with its head smashed]]. She cried for whole week and this changed her attitude towards people she didn't like. ** You heard that one of your kittens was hit by a car and you ''didn't care''? *** Little kids can be amazingly apathetic to certain things. * Back in elementary school and junior high, this troper had a oftenclassmate whom she ''despised''. The two of us were always fighting like cats and dogs; he went out of his way to constantly tease and belittle me, and I responded with nasty insults. During a class trip in seventh grade, I explictedly told him that the only reason he kept provoking me is he ''wanted'' me to hit him, as that was the only way a girl would ever ''touch'' him. A couple years later, I came down one morning to find my mother sitting with the newspaper and this horrible, ''haunted'' look on her face. She asked me if I knew his full name, then explained that he'd been in a car crash -- she'd just read about his death in the paper. Cue the onslaught of shock, disbelief and guilt -- even though I knew ''logically'' that his death wasn't my fault, and he'd been a real {{Jerkass}}, it's hard looking back on that sort of childish behavior and still feeling justified. * This troper acted like a MagnificentBastard towards a person in English II class, using every chance to diminish his reputation and good name, all while constantly wearing an expression like one worn by Sosuke Aizen. [[FreudianExcuse It was a VERY mean phase in this troper's life, he had been abused verbally for poor grades, his pudginess gave him the nickname Pokey Minch by that same person,]] and a lot of BreakTheCutie took place. Two years later, I found out he never quite recovered, he was disqualified from baseball as an unexpected effect of an earlier scheme, and then just this year, the guy was in a deep depression and I wrote an apology letter, which

drove the guy even further. I REALLY do feel sorry for the guy. He was a bully, sure, but he NEVER deserved any of that. * This Troper felt that way when [[spoiler: Aeris [[ItWasHisSled died]] in Final Fantasy 7]]. I despised her and knew what was coming and cheered for the moment to finally come, but when I did, it hit me like a ton of bricks. * I never ''hated'' her, but I was mostly indifferent about Kanaya from ''{{Homestuck}}''. Yet for some reason her death affected me the most out of everyone's... * A friend of a family friend of [[Tropers/TacoNinja mine]] got cancer and died. Thing was, she annoyed the hell out of her, she said that she was a lot like a person I know who annoys the living shit out of me: clingy, needy, never shuts up, does stupid things all the time and expects everyone else to pick up the pieces... Anyway, this woman died and some people messed up so she didn't even get the funeral she wanted and they basically ignored her Will... Sometimes I think I might feel the same when the person I know dies but... eh... ---AlasPoorScrappy -- I can never forgive myself for how I treated you, you obnoxious little runt. ---<<|TroperTales|>>

AlasPoorVillain * This tropers have a brother-in-law that's basically {{lawful evil}}. He make sure he has complete control over his family by law or influence : a manipulative freak. Last year, he had made his old african mother and father coming to live in europa. When they arrived, he had made many administrative task to make sure that he was responsible to them. The trick, is, he treated them like shit. He forbid them to use phone, internet, going out and was blaming my wife every time something was going wrong. Especially when she had nothing to do with it. It came so much that my parents in law managed to find excuse to live with us. Let's just say that he wasn't happy and more blaming and mischief unsue. Untill we learned that he had cancer in the neck, no operation possible : the guy has just to take medecine and hope his condition will improve, or not worsened too fast. What's bother me isn't for him, but rather for his three kids and wife...but {{Alas Poor Vilain}}... * This decidedly un-military Troper had a four-year stint in JROTC during high school that is mostly a suppressed memory now. The reason for the suppression has much to do with one person. She dominated the ranks, holding the highest position possible every year. All that power made it easy to demean, put down, and ostracize everyone she considered geeky or an outcast. Everybody in the battalion seemed to have a story about being humiliated by her; basically, she made high school ROTC, well, ''high school''. Her comeuppance finally came just before her final year when the adult in charge of the program took notice of her polarizing personality and -- to everyone's shock -- did not give her the highest position. Celebration followed, but this

Troper has a hard time forgetting the sight of her ''sobbing'' in front of a ballroom full of people. * This Troper was anxious for Light to die throughout the majority of ''DeathNote''. [[spoiler:He shed many a manly tear when Light finally met his demise.]] * This troper just now returned home from seeing a school production of The Nutcracker. This ballet school had a number of young children as students, and so decided to have some of them play mice along with the Mouse King's entourage. When the Mouse King was killed, the school, this troper supposes, thought the kids deserved a little more show for how good they were, so they had the mouse children walk across the stage one last time crying. This brought a very [[FridgeHorror sad reminder]] of how death is never worth rejoicing * Troper examples here: ** This troper wondered if Alvis in ''FireEmblemJugdural'' could have perhaps helped Celice if only the two had spoken and found out that they had a common enemy in Lopotuso. ** Also in another RP, the Gltich Gremlin seemed to be pretty much a big annoyance/Chaotic Evil and just made messes for the eviluz. Then after fidning out the Glitch Gremlin was merely glitching up reality because he thought people would laugh at it and said "no more games?" upon being killed...someone said "I feel bad for not telling him what was funny" out of character. * This Troper is planning to pull one of these off in a DungeonsAndDragons game she's running (using a VERY non-traditional, custom made LowFantasy setting). It involves a [[LukeIAmYourFather Luke He Was Your Father]] reveal after a climactic duel. * My mother has expressed that she feels disturbed at people celebrating the death of Osama bin Laden, comparing it to [[TheWizardOfOz "Ding Dong The Witch Is Dead"]] and wishing that people would treat him with respect as a human being. I have no idea if I want to agree with her or not. ** It's both. Be happy that he won't hurt anyone anymore, but mourn for the person that could have been. He could have chosen to be a kind, decent man, but he chose the path of violence and murder. * The last episode of Season 2 of ''TheTudors'' was my favorite of all, partly because Anne Boleyn (yes, I considered her the villain) is executed and the more kindhearted Jane Seymour saga was beginning. Two whole seasons filled with a struggle for the right to marry a whiny, power-hungry mistress... is it no wonder that I felt dead sick of her face by its end? ---Go mourn for your fallen foe back at [[Main/AlasPoorVillain Alas Poor Villain]]. ---<<|TroperTales|>>

AlcoholHic * This Troper went out one evening with her husband for daiquiris. I only had one, but I must've swallowed wrong because when I came out of

the bar, I was hiccupping like a drunk cartoon character.

AliceAndBob * [[Tropers/{{Ajardoor}} This troper]] likes to pretend the various uses of Alice and Bob in the trope descriptions are snapshots of two actual people's interactions, simply because he finds it hilarious that a man and a woman would, in the course of their lifetimes, share a fetish for cucumber glazing, become targets for each other's bitter rages, fuck each other pass the point of caring whetever people are watching them or not, discuss how to write a film noir, try to cover up a murder, experience comedic sexual tension and finally commit suicide together. ** Also, I ([[Tropers/{{Ajardoor}} same troper]]) envision Alice as a busty redhead with spectacles and Bob as the thin-ish, tall ravenhaired man with blurry blue eyes and a DeliberatelyMonochrome wardrobe. Alice is a pedantic and somewhat jaded intellectual and Bob is the introverted, artistic sort. *** [[Tropers/TromboneChild This troper]] pictures Alice as a mediumsized blonde in her mid-to-late 30s and Bob as a tall, broadshouldered, black-haired man in his early 40s. Alice is a career woman, though something of a free spirit, and Bob is an organized businessman. **** Oh, come on, guys! Everyone knows that Alice is an alien and that Bob is a one-eyed kleptomaniac with Turrets Syndrome! ***** Turrets Syndrome? Bob's a castle? ***** Bob has curly brown hair and is a nice, dependable guy because of his name and Alice wears the blue-white dress of the Disney Alice but is older, blackhaired and she is mysterious, like [[AliceAllusion Alices often are.]] ***** Alice is a chestnut-haired, freckly, pretty but not drop-dead gorgeous young woman. Bob is a slightly balding gentleman with an UnlimitedWardrobe except for his trademark baseball cap. *** To this troper, Alice is some woman with dark-brown hair who frequently changes hair styles depending on mood/trope, and Bob is, um... To be honest, he could be a [[{{XKCD}} bald stick figure]] for all that matters, I mean, he's ''Bob'', for goodness sake. ;P *** I've envisioned Alice as a petite woman with messy brownish hair she often dyes. She's a [[HotLibrarian nerd]] and wears thick [[GlassesGirl glasses]]. Bob is a taller, broad-shouldered man, going prematurely grey. He tends towards suits and has a NiceHat which he is [[BerserkButton rather touchy about.]] *** Alice has blond 50s hair, and Bob is the quintessential 50s high school jock. *** Alice is a busty, ditzy blonde cheerleader and Bob is a short, overweight geek with a crush on her. *** You're all delusional, obviously Bob is the woman and Alice is the man. * I always see Alice as a sandy-haired woman with dark reddish clothes. Bob is a generic-looking man of about twenty to thirty with short, dark hair who bears a striking resemblance to Tenchi from Tenchi Muyo. he wears blue.

* My Alice and Bob is more a Drew and Mike. (Me and my non-troper best friend. Let's keep it that way) Drew is a fat, smart, handsome rogue type who tends to have multiple beserk buttons pushed whenever Mike talks, but still tries to control his AxCrazy rage. Mike is a skinny, kinda smart, pale, awkward guy who seems to constantly swear and thinks he's actually tough. * This troper thinks that Alice and Bob are like the Doctor and his companions.. but in differing universes. If any of the other Alices and Bobs ever met up, their multiverse would implode, and start the cycle over again. * This is starting to sound like WildMassGuessing. Which one of them is [[SuzumiyaHaruhi Haruhi]]? ** The one that isn't a [[Series/DoctorWho Time Lord.]] * Alice is a lolicon blond and Bob is a lamp. * Alice is a [[TheFifties 50s]] teen, and Bob [[IncrediblyLamePun is her hair]].[[hottip:*:Actually, I usually think of Alice as a midtwenties, average build blonde (though there's an older Alice who looks like her much-older sister, or mother), Bob as a same-age, average build guy who looks like a more realistic version of TheSims2 sim with black hair instead of brown (Older Bob is heavyset, balding, and wears pale blue buttonup shirts), and Charlie as a Bob with a more slender face and unruly red hair a couple of inches long (there is no Older Charlie). The Bob of Aerith and Bob is just a generic hyoomun, though kind of short. I just couldn't pass up the opportunity for the pun.]] * For this troper, Alice and Bob look like a more modern, slightly more GenreSavvy [[RockyHorrorPictureShow Brad and Janet]]. ** That's exactly how this troper imagined them, too. * I never thought of this before, but after seeing the other examples on this page, I now picture Alice as a feminist geek in glasses with a penchant for bright colors, and Bob as a plain-looking guy in a loose T-shirt. * [[{{Wheezy}} This troper]] always imagined Alice and Bob as male and female restroom signs. ** In that order? * This Troper always thought of Alice as a short-ish attractivelyplump girl with jawline-shoulder length blonde hair, and of bob as an good looking if not conventionally handsome fellow with a roundish face and short brown hair. * This troper would like to know what happened to Alice's best friend [[GirlNextDoor Carrie]], [[JerkWithAHeartOfGold Derick]], [[LoveTriangle Bob's rival for Alice's affections]], and [[BadassBookworm Edward]], Derick's confidant and [[PlatonicLifePartners longtime friend]] ([[IThoughtItMeant but not]] ''boyfriend'') of both Alice and Carrie. * This troper's Alice and Bob would be Yuki/[[SuzumiyaHaruhi Haruhi]] and Kyon, depending on his current ship. * I ran into a new twist in a game theory course: since matrices are often used in studying two-player games, the standard players are Rose and Colin (rows and columns). * This troper doesn't need to imagine what Alice and Bob might look like because she has two friends with the same names. Things can be

really weird when she explains tropes using {{Alice And Bob}} as examples. * ThisTroper was in class bored while my teacher was giving an example of proper grammar. She said at one point, "Now, Bob says to..." and I immediately yelled out "''ALICE!''" Needless to say, the class let out a CollectiveGroan. * This Troper has always seen Alice as a short, busty blond woman wearing a [[LadyInRed red dress]] and stiletto heels while Bob is a tall, preppy boy who gels his hair into spikes *drools*. ---Alice and Bob would like to show you the way back to [[AliceAndBob the original entry]]. ---<<|TroperTales|>>

AlienGeometry * This troper is currently working on programming a graphics engine for non-euclidean geometry. Right now it just does hyperbolic geometry, but he's hoping to eventually make it so it can do any Pseudo-Riemannian geometry. Unfortunately, he doesn't know enough math for that yet, and he has a tendency towards {{Vaporware}}. * This troper has a groggy 5 second to 5 minute period of time after waking curently when his sleep paralysis reacts strangely with my unusually well lit time of waking (I used to wake up at 4am, rather than my current noon due to holiday time) to form strange memetic sequences of vision and behaviour, be that a swallowing mechanism to the exclusion of breathing, application of random game rules or restrictions to real life or warped vision that causes strange perception of my room in the manner the trope suggests. * Subversion: this troper, on a trip to Kentucky, came across a house within walking distance of a school- and the shortest path was, indeed, ''uphill both ways''. Turns out, there was a loosely packed cliff-face near the house that was almost impossible to climb up, but rather easy to slide down. The easiest way to school was a long, winding, gently uphill path. The easiest way back, however, was to take a shorter path further uphill to the cliff-face, and then slide down it to end up right next to the house. ---Take (2-3i)^pi meters in the fourth dimension back to AlienGeometry.

AlienLunch * [[GameGuruGG I]] like bananas dipped in barbecue sauce. * [[CapnAndy My]] father was a cook in the Army. One day, they discovered that their dough had been infested with ants. They went right ahead and cooked the dough anyway... and got raves that night for the delicious "raisin bread". * [[Tropers/{{Rat Of Steel}} I]] was eating at a restaurant with my parents, who deliberately kept silent while I ate a small plate's worth of Rocky Mountain oysters. I didn't learn until after leaving

the restaurant that Rocky Mountain oysters are not actually seafood. (For those who don't already know, Rocky Mountain oysters are actually [[spoiler: bull testicles]].) ** AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HH........ [[{{curse cut short}} FFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU]] ** In other words, prairie oysters. *** Priarie oysters can also be [[spoiler: sheep testicles]]. **** My town has contests for eating the most. [[TastesLikeChicken Tastes Just Like Chicken]]. ** Cue the "balls in your mouth" jokes in 3... 2... * Foods that {{Squick}} [[PotatoBucket I]] include (but are not limited to): Fried bat, camel toe, certain types of cheeses made with maggots, people, roasted tarantula, and anything eaten by [[BigEater Andrew]] [[ExtremeOmnivore Zimmern]]. ** Huh huh huh... you ate [[DoubleEntendre camel toe]]. * I, Prime Evil, enjoy most foods. I especially like a bit of beaver on Valentine's Day. (See? See? I can do it, too!!) Anyway, about the only foods I won't eat are sushi and seafood other than cooked fish. Or, to put it more succinctly, I wouldn't eat anything that H.P. Lovecraft might have written about. * When I was seven, she went on a cruise of the Greek Islands with her family. They met another english-speaking family with a 10-year-old girl and the two families hung out. At one point, the two families are at a restaurant, the two girls are eating souvlaki. Approximately halfway through the meal, the other girl's father asks, "Are you enjoying your lamb?" The two girls stopped with forks midway to their mouths, and shared a glance. Then to the great amusement of their parents, gave little shrugs and continued to eat with no diminished gusto. * This American troper recalls his high school days when the International Club gave the foreign exchange students first a description of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, and then the actual food. Many appeared very disgusted upon tasting it. * Giblets. Both my brother and I and a friend of mine loved them even more after realising they were, well...chicken guts. * [[Tropers/LoneRonin I]] used to enjoy chicken gizzards, pressure cooked in curry sauce as a kid. Hm, I haven't eaten it in years, and I have been meaning to buy a pressure cooker... * My mom has a diary from her great-grandma in which said greatgrandma relates the story of eating a skunk with... can't remember who. Anyway, she remarks at the end that, "For all the preparation, it wasn't all that great." * Two words: pressed duck. * Among my favorite foods are ox-tail stew, jellyfish (it must be cold), chorizo (the type made from from pig salivary glands), and eeland-bamboo stirfry. Her parents enjoy everything from chicken claws to scorpion to random snakes (taste like chicken...) to this weird dried larva-thing that apparently promotes longevity. It looks like a caterpillar. * I attends a Japanese club at the local community college. There was

one time in Fall Quarter where we had a potluck. I was kinda grossed out by most of the dishes. (How can the exchange students that were there eat ''fish eggs'', anyway?) The yakisoba looked interesting, and I was gonna try some, until I asked Sensei what was in it. One of the ingredients was mushrooms. [[HilarityEnsues Hilarity Ensued]] as I sat down with a plate of rice, some chocolate-covered cracker-stick thingies, and green-tea flavored ice cream, while everyone else had more colorful dishes. (Technically, I'm not allergic to mushrooms per se, but they really don't agree with me. Ironic that I really like Mario games, but that's another trope.) [[ItGotWorse It Got Stranger]]. The potluck was also a kind of mock IronChef-type thing. Guess what the prize was for winning? (Yup. Those fish eggs. Though the winner gave them to one of the exchange students. It wasn't me, as the only Asian food I can make is instant ramen -_-). ** I had some cod roe in an onigiri when he went to Japan. They popped as I bit into them,releasing a fishy,salty liquid that I tried to think of as a sauce. It was... alright,actually - as long as I didn't think too hard about what I was eating. On the other hand,the convenience-shop curry rice bowl that contained preprocessed bacon (preservatives and grease), the curry-sauce udon that had a slick of oil a centimetre deep (grease ON grease),and the raw-egg-and-yamtopped udon (one word - glutinous)... [[ForeignQueasine yak]]. Moral of the story: learn to read Japanese. *** You had [[{{Tropers/Crion87}} this troper]] disgusted at the word 'cod'. Then again, it'd be cheaper than sturgeon roe (caviar, in other words). It's just that smoked cod is not that tasty for him. One consolation, at least you didn't order improperly-prepared fugu. And maybe the kitchen staff in the bad had a snicker or two about your misfortune, so at least you made their miserable lives happy for a little while. Hope you get a trip to Italy at some point, the food over there might help you forget(I've never been, but Australia has a sizeable population of Italian heritage, and my father can cook a good spaghetti bolognaise - and he's actually Australian, of Welsh, Bavarian and possibly White American heritage - there's nothing he's found out on his great-grandfather since his paternal grandfather never spoke of him while alive, and due to being dead won't be saying much of anything outside a bona fide seance, but that's another story - his great-grandfather's father may have been an American, likely Texan but ultimately from Germany or Austria-Hungary). ** This troper, while in Japan a few years ago, was server a dish containing, among other things, a pile of short, dark noodles. Halfway though eating them, I noticed that they actually had tiny little eyes, and a tiny toothy mouth. (They were actually some sort of tiny eel). * I [[CloudCuckooLander enjoys eating insects far, far too much]] for someone born and raised in middle America. She once threw a party for one of her best guy friends and served tarantula kabobs, fried scorpions, and chocolate-covered cricket cookies. Surprisingly, it went over better with the guests than did her [[PerkyGoth replica graveyard birthday cake]]. ** Hey...termites are ''good''. ** Actually, bugs and such are an excellent source of protein. Not exactly what I'd reach for myself, but to each his own.

* My brother's preferred snack is saltines dipped in milk. * Come on, who here doesn't like fries dipped in ice cream? * I tried reindeer when I was on holiday in Norway. It was delicious. ''I'' wasn't disgusted - generally, if it's a mammal, I'll try the meat at least once - but a couple of girls from school were unreasonably freaked out when I told them about it. Venison got the same reaction, but I'd seen both of them happily eating beefburgers. Huh. ** I fails to realice why anybody would find reindeer meat particularly disqusting. It's got a somewhat different taste than say, cow meat, but it's not a bad taste (game meat in general is pretty good in my opinion). And we are talking about an animal that is primarily raised for it's meat, so it's not like the idea of eating them should seem that weird. *** They were probably freaked out, because when most people (westerners anyway) think of reindeer, they think of Santa and Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer the like, as cute Christmas animals, not eating material. You know, kinda like a polar bear. **** [[{{Tropers/Crion87}} This troper]] wouldn't mind trying reindeer if he's in [[{{NorseByNorsewest}} that neck of the woods]]. When in Rome, I suppose. Besides it's still an ungulate mammal, it's not like if one ends up eating dog in South Korea or something (which, if he mistakenly did, would immediately do a SpitTake [[{{VomitDiscretionShot}} followed by a bulimic-style attempt at purging]], go figure). He realises the Korean dog-eating example is down to a superstition of it [[{{IfYouKnowWhatIMean}} putting the yowser back in your trouser]] ([[{{TheSimpsons}} thank you, old man "Grampa" Abraham]]), but if [[{{Tropers/Crion87}} this troper]] needed any help like that he'd take the RSPCA's advice on that go get a pill instead. * Being an Australian, I likes Vegemite - including taking a tube of it on holidays so he can eat a breakfast he recognises. It seems to be one of those things that you have to grow up with or you won't like it at all - after all, it's spent brewing yeast boiled down with some additives. * @/FarseerLolotea once {{Squick}}ed her fianc by making beef heart stew; he ended up eating it...and ''liking'' it, but making jokes about "innards" later. She's also tried roast rattlesnake, liked it, and later tried to describe it to someone far more squeamish (probably her fianc again). The best comparison she could come up with was "some kind of poultry. But ''not'' chicken." (While she does ''not'' like escargot, caviar, or raw shellfish, that's because she's actually tried them and was less than impressed.) * [[PentiumMMX2 My]] grandma has dome this. She once made a stew, and it wasn't bad...until she felt the need to tell us that the meat in it was cow's tounge while we where still eating it. {{Squick}} ensured after that was said... * Here in Mexico we have a lot of ancient, prehispanic creepy cuisine (you know, Ants, Crikets, worms), some of which is nowadays very expensive and sold through specialty stores or fancy restaurants. There's a lot of other AlienLunch stuff available, imported from Europe, like head cheese, carnitas, tacos de cabeza de res... Look it

up if you dare. * My father recently returned from China, where he recounted tales of eating bullfrog, eel and a soup made from pigeon and chicken...offal. He found a foot from each and a coworker had a chicken head in his. He remarks that it wasn't bad. * One of the only things that I refuses to eat is tomatoes. She likes eel, alligator, snails, fish eggs, squid, lamb, venison, chicken gizzards, Rocky Mountain oysters... and will try anything put in front of her (unless it has big chunks of tomatoes in it). One of her favorite snacks is anchovy filets on Club crackers. She also loves this one sort of dried squid 'jerky' stuff she gets at the Asian market. ** This troper also has an unnatural dislike of tomatoes, granted, she's a bit uneasy trying other foods as well, but she absolutely will not eat anything containing tomatoes. That said, she also enjoys dried squid and eel. * My siblings dip tortilla chips in their soda. * [[{{Valbinooo}} I]] enjoy dipping chicken in soft-serve vanilla ice cream [like [=McDonald's=] ice cream]. It was once an "out of curiosity" thing that happened during a hyper state, but I recently tried it again and it's quite delicious. * My semi- BadassGrandpa used to love to take a roll of potato bread (Pennsylvania Dutch specialty), butter both halves, cut himself a thick slice of onion, and make a sandwich with it. Nothing else, just butter and onion on potato roll. He was also the one who taught Troper to eat her french fries with gravy instead of ketchup, which is considerably less alien but still garnered her some weird looks in the university cafeteria. * I tried elkburgers before. Didn't really like them. Then one day, a classmate of mine who enjoys hunting was sharing some elk jerky with everyone. BEST THING I EVER TASTED IN MY WHOLE LIFE. * I drinks milk with a variety of things including snack foods, main meals and fruit. Several combinations have got a 'Ew, are you serious?' response from friends. ** I'd also quite like to know why so many people think that putting sugar on kiwi fruit is weird. * [[{{Tropers/Absynthe}} I]] had escargot last summer for the first time. (The dish is actually snails in butter, if you didn't know.) It was absolutely delicious, but her tablemates were hesitant to try it. * This troper's younger brother, who is a bit of a food adventurer, enjoys dipping his cookies/Pop Tarts in marinara sauce. Cue {{Squick}} on my part. * Apparently, ranch dressing mixed with ketchup sounds disgusting to most people. To [[Tropers/ParadoxicalFrog me]], it's the best seafood dipping sauce ever. * If it's food, [[{{Smerf}} this]] troper will eat it. Things I have eaten: Haggis, balut, frog's legs, Rocky Mountain oyesters, alligator, wild boar, rattlesnake, buffalo, brains, liver, hearts and some sort of fruit that I'm not sure what the name is but it looked like dog crap. The mother of my Filipino friend has failed at her goal to find a food that I wont eat. * Whilst intoxicated, this troper and his friend (let's call him

"John") set up a picnic in my apartment, we mainly had chocolate and bags of crisps (chips, for y'all Americans). Anyway, whilst I was eating, I noticed he was putting a piece of chocolate in his mouth, quickly followed by crisps, without swallowing the chocolate. He looked content, so I tried it. It was practically orgasmic. If you want to try it, the ones I used were Kit-Kats and Quavers. * This troper loves squicking his sisters by eating shellfish (delicious) and, once, calamari (didn't like it much, but because it was tasteless, not because he was grossed out by it). He also likes sushi, and is confused as to why some people refuse it just because it contains raw fish and seaweed. Oddly, the only other thing that really squicks his sisters is... vegetables in ketchup. This he really doesn't get. Ketchup is ''tomatoes'', aka ''vegetables''. Why in the world would eating tomato paste and other vegetables together make anyone uncomfortable? * It's not too bizarre, but a burger joint here in Seattle serves a burger known as "The Triple Bypass". It's your normal double bacon cheeseburger with ''one'' exception.... it has ''peanut butter'' on it. And [[OrgasmicallyDelicious my god is it]] [[BetterThanItSounds so much better than it sounds...]] * I had a friend whose uncle ate, and to my knowledge, still DOES eat, alligator meat, ostrich meat, and pickled deer heart among other things. ---...are you really going to eat ''[[AlienLunch that]]''? ---<<|TroperTales|>>

AllAnimalsAreDomesticated Aww, what a [[Main/KillerRabbit cute little trope!]] Who's a cute little trope? Let me feed you some candy you cute little -- OH GOD MY FACE WTF?!? ---* [[TragicTheDragon I]] had some rather sad evidence of how pervasive this trope is (and that, yes, sometimes [[ViewersAreMorons Viewers really ARE Morons]]). My friend pointed out a very ugly length of fencing that had been recently erected along the bright green outside walkway of Boston's otherwise very beautiful [[ tt/stuff05/tower.html Custom House]] clock tower. She explained that this fence had to be put up because too many tourists were trying to [[HumansAreBastards so help me]]- ''pet the Peregrine Falcons'' who nest there almost every year. * Even more rampant TooDumbToLive - I once saw a bunch of tourists get out of a car driving along the Alaska highway, in hopes of getting closer to a bear and her three cubs. ** My parents saw a group of hikers who had found a bear cub in the tree and were getting children to pose by the tree to take pictures. (They did not, after that, hear screams or reports of a group of

hikers getting mauled, though.) * You get this in many national parks, when clueless city folk fail to realize that it's not just the carnivores that are dangerous. This troper thinks the results play out like a scene from Looney Toons: tourist gets out of car to photograph mama elk, mama elk does not appreciate the invasion of her personal space, HilarityEnsues. ** Or for even more fun, head to Rocky Mountain National Park during the rutting season. I don't know if the park rangers are ever tempted to just let that idiot stroll out between two adult male elk who are having a testosterone moment .... ** You've got to wonder if this is part of the reason that more people are injured and killed every year from deer attacks than shark, alligator/crocodile, or even dog attacks. * Worst of all - a law has been passed in a state of Australia against getting too near a whale carcass- because a group of tourists tried to ''pet the sharks'' feeding on one. Guh... [[YouFailLogicForever buh...]] [[TooDumbToLive muh...]] [[YourHeadAsplode * kerboomies* ]] * Behold, if you will, the king of this trope. When MamaBear is a '''lion''', ''[[ do not mess with her kids.]]'' * [[{{Regiment}} This troper]], on Cape Cod, went on a seal watch, and the guide explained that people every so often try to hug the cute seals that rest on the beaches. They apparently don't know that seals have ''claws'' (and [[BodyHorror can give you gangrene]]) and are, in his words, "cute but not cuddly". * I live in Australia. Kangaroos. Koalas. Platypi. Fortunately they tend to be quite hard for amateurs to catch, or I'm sure the injury statistics would be much higher. ** Just to add to the insult, male platypi spurs are ''venomous''. *** Exactly. ''Do not go near the animals. Not even the cute ones. '''Especially''' not the cute ones''. There are a number of reasons why Australia is known as the land of EverythingTryingToKillYou. Take, for example, our national animals, the kangaroo and the emu. Kangaroos kick, people. Their legs are not just for hopping. There have been witness accounts of kangaroos disemboweling dogs with their hind legs, while holding the dog with the forepaws. And emus? Not nice. These are the big ugly versions of cassowaries, who have a very lethal kick. They have ''nails''. Big, sharp, nails that can rip your gut open. **** Since most people don't know what cassowaries are, a better example would be: Emus are ''the descendants of the same group of dinosaurs that includes the velociraptors.'' Not true in the strictest sense of the word, but very, very close. **** [[SabrinaDiamond I]] once got bitten on the finger by a mean captive emu at the zoo, while pointing at it. It hurt, but come on' I was only a little kid at that time. "Emu, emu... (excited) OW!". Also, a magpie nest dove at me while going home from school and nearly took off (a piece) of my ear, god forbid :(. I think birds are cool, but ''EVERY'' bird tries to 'kill' me. * In a rather sad subversion, I heard about a Brazilian guy who had a pet lion. The Animal Protection Center took the lion from him, saying that he was risking his own life and abusing the poor thing. Turned out that the guy was the only one the lion accepted food from, and he

died from starvation caused by depression. ''Brilliant'', guys. * When I was a little boy, I got photographed next to some elk at a national park. Why am I still alive? * This troper has driven through Jasper National park multiple times and ''every'' time there is some idiot trying to get close to a deer/bear/ram/wolf/elk etc... Seriously. * In Yellowstone, there are signs everywhere warning tourists not to approach the buffalo, which makes this troper wonder who would be stupid enough to go near an obviously wild animal. ** Lotsa people, I was in Yellowstone and this huge buffalo wanders through the tourist walking area for some waterfalls. This idiot who was on an upper ledge was trying to lean over to pet it! ** One of the books for sale in the Yellowstone stores concerns deaths in the park. It notes that park rangers consider the buffalo the most dangerous animals in the park for precisely this reason - people are [usually] smart enough to treat bears with extreme caution. Buffalo, on the other hand... ** I've heard of a man who went up to pet the bull of the herd -- he died. Also of people trying to lure a calf away from its mother so they could take pictures of it with their children, but fortunately the herd managed to move in such a manner that it dawned on them to get away. * In this troper's town, it is unwise to approach the deer, because they can be very violent. They have killed several dogs and forced paper boys to crawl under parked cars to avoid being gored. In order to curb the deer population, the city has started setting live traps and shooting the deer that are caught in them. * I was at a bird of prey demonstration. A European eagle owl (enormous bird, massive talons) was being demonstrated and fed. The demonstrator was crouching with the bird on the wrist, showing him mantling his food to the children sitting down. A teenage boy ignored repeated warnings and [[TooDumbToLive tried to stroke the bird]] which reacted naturally, defended its kill and the boy needed eighteen stitches. * In many tourist-heavy locations, small wildlife have become accustomed to hand-feedings. This causes MANY problems with health, safety (for both animal and human) and whatnot, but tourists continue to treat them like domesticated animals becau- d'awww... lookit the ickle squirrel! [[TemptingFate I wanna feed it!]] OW GEEZ IT BIT ME I NEED A RABIES SHOT. * In this troper's middle school, we were treated to a live presentation of a man who rescued wolves who had been raised by stupid people as pets and had no idea how to care for them (yes, he even brought a few of his "charges" in with him). Before he let the wolves run loose in a gym full of middle schoolers/meatbags he made it very clear "Don't make eye contact, don't pet them, these wolves are wild creatures who can and ''WILL'' gnaw your face off if you do something stupid." Everyone got the message and no one was hurt. * I once had a very close encounter with a beautiful hawk. Averted, as it was a total accident, and I quickly retreated to behind the safety of a window. The claws on it were huge. * This troper was being carried on his uncle's shoulders during a

childhood trip to a wildlife park. An ostrich tried to eat the crisps in my hand, the ones I was eating. Screaming and tears ensued. [[GoddamnedBats Goddamned ostriches]]. * At this troper's local zoo, there is a sign on the polar bear exhibit reminding people that polar bears are dangerous, so don't hop the fence and walk up to them. People need to be REMINDED of this? Gah... [[FacePalm * facepalm* ]] * This troper has heard that hyenas, if raised from a young age, make decent pets. Now think about this... Basically Africa's version of wolves FROM HELL can make decent pets? Though considering [[FurryFandom who this troper heard the rumor from]] he isn't too quick to believe it. ** Then he looked it up, and apparently it's true to some degree. A shepherd in Ethiopia used a spotted hyena as a guard for his flock, which it did admirably. About the only downsides he saw was that they stink, and that they are destructive. A story of one tame hyena being held in the Tower of London in the 19th century tells that the creature tore an 8-foot piece of plank from the floor of its enclosure. ** There was an episode of BizarreFoods where Andrew visited a town in Africa that had befriended the local hyenas. A man would go out every evening and feed them, and the animals were friendly enough that a person could hold meat in their teeth and the hyenas would take it without harming the person. The hyenas were also allowed to roam the city streets at night because they ate any discarded food bits and kept the marketplace clean. *** That African town is probably the Ethiopian city of Harrar, which has gained some fame in tourism for its "tame" hyenas. * This troper has an unusually large yard (quarter acre, which is practically unheard of in a city like San Jose), and has (among other things) wild possums that come to the porch to eat food with the cats. Nobody in the family is allowed to go near them, partly because we don't want to scare them from a good meal, and mostly because we aren't stupid enough to mistake them for pets. (Though I must admit, the recent baby ones that have shown up are cute. Like giant mice.) * This troper, a frequent camper, once woke to find that a porcupine had decided to breakfast on the bushes about 15 feet from his tent. The porcupine was remarkably docile, but I was smart enough not to try and pet it. ** [[MightyJAK This troper]] has never encountered a porcupine, but has had numerous similar encounters with skunks (thankfully none resulting in getting sprayed). A good rule of thumb is: just because an animal doesn't fear you doesn't mean it's being friendly, more likely it has great faith in its natural defenses and doesn't think you'd be [[TooDumbToLive stupid enough to mess with it]]. ** If you think about it, skunks and porcupines have [[{{Pokemon}} super effective]] natural defenses, so they really don't have to fear anything aside from the rare predator who can catch them off-guard. (And [[HumansAreBastards humans in cars]] but that's another issue.) * [[SovietKitty This troper]] has grabbed and hugged seagulls, pet small (and not so small) critters that have gotten into her house (moles are very soft; possums feel like hairbrushes), and rescued

turtles and baby birds. She's the designated mouse-catcher of her house, too. The little things are so cuuute. * Played straight: this troper once cared for a wild injured bird for about a month or so, which couldn't have been less afraid of him or other humans. It would gladly hop on his hand (and poop on his clothes) as if it had been domesticated all along. This troper gathers that it had managed to hit its head a little bit too hard on a window, but the effects were still rather uncanny. * This troper, when she was younger, was waiting for the tram to come for a tour of the Everglades when an alligator decided to sun itself a little ways down the road. A twentysomething guy, who wanted to impress his girlfriend (and looking back, was probably on some sort of illegal substance), decided to go up to it and ''pull its tail''. Thankfully, the gator was exausted, and it barely acknowledged his existence. * Even domesticated animals aren't as calm and peaceful as you'd expect. My friend recently got a pet hawk, and ever since he's been repeatedly telling us "never get a bird". I assume that it isn't taking too kindly to him. ** Hawks aren't, per se, domesticated. Birds more commonly kept as pets (finches, budgies, etc.) are usually a lot easier to manage. That said, it isn't a good idea to get one without doing your research, as they can be loud, messy and the big ones can bite pretty hard if they aren't hand-tamed. * Averted: I was once at a zoo where there was a bird enclosure that you could walk through. I walked down a pathway, turned around and stopped- there was a spoonbill standing maybe two meters away, and her friends were on the other side of said spoonbill. I sat down and watched the bird, while making very sure not to get any closer or touch it. Thankfully, nobody tried touching it or getting close enough to touch. * [[{{fidheallir}} I]] used to work at a wildlife sanctuary (and later a zoo), where we ended up taking in animals which Fish and Game had confiscated. You would not ''believe'' the creatures that people think would be cute. This list included: anacondas, alligators, skunks, bears, wolves, giant tortoises, wolverines, porcupines, otters, and ''a [[BeyondTheImpossible baby walrus]]''. None of these animals do well in captivity. ** The zoo where I worked also had a surprising number of incidents where people expressed a desire to pet the polar bears or the tigers (creatures whose two major common features are an ability to bite through bone and an [[ImAHumanitarian taste for people meat]]. * A senior staff member at the aquarium this troper volunteers at actually discussed the pervasiveness of this trope. She said it's easy to [[AllAnimalsAreDogs think of the sea lions as dogs]], to bond with the lorikeets, and even get chummy with the stingrays and sharks, but the puffins are completely feral. They won't even imprint on you. And these are birds that carve vertical rock faces with their beaks (which translates into, WATCH YOUR NECK). She only worked with them temporarily, and she had a long list to remember, such as "Do not have eye contact with A and B, they do not like it. But do look at C and approach slowly. If D and E comes toward you stay still, don't back

away..." ** I see what you did there. * This troper used to live in southwestern Montana when she was a small child. Every year, usually within the first two weeks of Yellowstone opening for the season, there'd be some news report about a tourist from some Midwest state (usually Iowa, Nebraska, or Kansas) getting gored by a buffalo because they wanted to pet it or get a picture with it. Evidently people would take bets (not seriously, I think...) on how long it would take for somebody to get gored and what state they'd be from. * Slightly true in this troper's case when it comes to Gray Squirrels and some birds that have spent time with people, usually because of food. There use to be a Scrub Jay that would come and visit my house either for peanuts we would leave out for the birds or just sit there near us. Another time, a Gray Squirrel came up to my dad and sat on his foot while he was on the deck having a cigarette. It was pretty cute but I was smart enough not to touch them. * My brother-in-law once approached an opossum like it was a puppy or kitten with "Aw, c'mere, possum, possum! What's your name?" The opossum seemed curious, but cautious. * Not sure if this counts, since cows are domesticated, but this troper's brother got some first hand experience with cows and learned some things about them. (1) Cows are not horses. They don't like to be ridden. (2) Bulls don't like it when you bother the cows. (3) Bulls can run quite fast. (4) Bulls can't jump over ditches. * My [[FriendToAllLivingThings husband]] has somehow tamed local wildlife ''without doing anything''. Squirrels, rabbits, and the occasional skunk will wander into our yard (we live near a small forest) and just sort of hang out. If he comes home from work or leaves the house, they look at him and give an animal equivalent of "Eh." Anyone else scares them off, but they don't mind him. We don't know why. * When this troper was a wee girl, her babysitter worked rehabilitating squirrels and releasing them. All the squirrels she rehabilitated learned that they could be regularly fed at her porch and would come up and eat out of her hand and such. It was pretty cool. * [[{{KamuiValentine}} This troper]] volunteers in raptor rehabilitation and is working on getting a full handling license. During a recent handling session a parent wanders in with a mid school student. The student proceeds to demand his dad buy him a pet Red Tailed Hawk. I explain how this is a bad idea, including how their talons are sharp and will not tell the difference between their food and their handler's stomach. Kid reconsidered pretty quickly. * This troper and his family lived in Kenya for two years, and I can vouch for the fact that not all wild animals are necessarily dangerous if approached carefully and respectfully. We saw lions close up, and my mother and sister petted a rhinoceros (I didn't want to). But the crowning example has to be a young hippo who was rejected by its herd when we were staying at a lakeside hotel. He took to prowling round the picnic area, in close proximity with the guests, and never harmed anyone. Nevertheless, the management got worried in case anything

happened, and they might have been forced to kill him but fortunately the herd took him back. We got some awesome photos before then though. * While visiting the night exhibit at the Henry Doorly Zoo, I noticed a couple beavers were eating unusually close to the walkway; my guess is a keeper got lazy and just dumped their goodies over the side. Said beavers were close enough to pet if one was tall enough (like me). Said beavers didn't even acknowledge being petted. Their fur feels somewhat like that of a thick-coated domestic dog. * This troper does own a wolf, albeit thoroughly cross bred with actual pet dogs down to only being an eighth wolf, if that, and raised for dozens of generations to be a pet enough to only arguably be a wolf, and he still prefers to be left alone most of the time. ** Doesn't that simply translate to: "a dog with a small amount of wolf in him"? Seems the effect of this trope is the same, though. With wolfdogs, the gamble is: "Will the genes for tameness be in effect?" Some wolfdogs seem to be fine, while others... not so much. * I work at a pet store, and have to deal with this every so often. Even with animals that might show up in pet shops commonly (corn snakes, for example), if you find one in the wild it's usually just best to leave it there if you have no experience with it. Here's a a few reasons for this: ** Lots of wild animals don't adjust well to captivity, and may refuse to eat or die of fright/stress. ** Some animals require permits to keep, or it may be illegal to move them from the wild at all. In many areas, box turtles are a good example of both cases. ** Baby animals CAN go back to their mother if you touch them. Birds in particular have an easy time with it - most birds have an extremely weak sense of smell, so mom probably won't even notice if her baby smells like a human. ** Wild animals often have germs that you may not know about until it's too late, including some nasty parasites. ** Finally, ANY ANIMAL CAN BITE YOU. And if it has teeth or an otherwise sharp mouth, it WILL hurt. So think twice before bringing home that baby snapping turtle. It's going to grow up into a huge, irritable, living bear-trap. * I once went on a behind-the-scenes tour of an Australian zoo, feeding many of the animals. We threw shrimp to the small-clawed otters. We gave pieces of fruit to the honey bears using tongs. We gave chicken wings to the ligers using barbecue tongs, standing as far from their bars as we could. We did the same to the cougars, except that it was welded mesh, not bars, and the cougars scared us white. We looked at the tiger from a great distance. We went ''into'' the dingoes' enclosure: the dingoes came up and leaned against our legs, wanting to be scratched; then we went on the rest of the tour and the dingoes ''came with us for a walk''. Dingoes were domesticated before they went feral. They can be tamed. ** Umm. The ones you meet in the wild ''haven't'' been tamed. This is worth bearing in mind. ** For reference, the troper in question has also been bitten by a giant fruit bat (almost as big as a cat!) while he was disentangling it from a barbed wire fence. (Those cute little fangs, on a ''fruit''

bat, went clean through a pigskin gardening glove.) * [[{{Tropers/Absynthe}} My mother]] was about six when her parents took a trip to Florida. Upon their return, she discovered Daddy had brought home a package with air holes poked in it. Turns out my grandfather brought home a freaking ''alligator'' to be the family pet. They built it a pen outside and they fed it hamburger off a pencil. All was well... until Tuffy escaped and decided to hide in the dryer. My grandmother nearly had a heart attack and my grandfather wisely donated the animal to a zoo. * [[{{Tropers/Gorank}} I]] managed to invert this trope. While visiting family in Chicago, I was walking around a pond, when I came to a part with a large group of geese. I was hesitant to continue, fearing I'd be mobbed by aggressive waterfowl, but I decided to risk it. I cautiously stepped forward, and the geese...walked out of the way when they felt I was too close, and otherwise ignored me. ** Reminds me of the time a flock of Canadian geese decided to take a breather on my college's open field, which is right in the middle of campus. They reacted to me like to the above troper, but it sure does liven up a dull day of study to walk through a whole friggin' field of Hugh-Jass wild geese! ** Geese that are used to people will generally ignore you so long as you don't make any sudden or aggressive movements. Still, you were wise to be cautious. A goose's wing can break bones, so giving them room is usually the best course of action. * While listening to the Bob&TomShow one day, they had Daniel Tosh on talking about Panda Bears for some reason. He asked "What's it going to do, adorable me to death?" Everybody in the studio had to remind him that IT'S A BEAR. * When I was quite young and at a wildlife conservation are, my family had tickets to a personal tour on a pickup truck. When we were in the field where the buffalo were kept, I was stupid and put my face about a foot from its head. In a very very big stroke of luck the buffalo did absolutely nothing, and not a hair on my head was harmed. Only later did I realize how stupid I'd been. (NOTE TO SELF: Don't get near really big wild animals.) * This troper once worked at a zoo camp one summer. There tou helped feed and take care of the animals. In ONE DAY this troper A: Nearly had his eyes poked out by a toucan B: Kicked in the stomach by a rabbit he was holding. And C: Finger was bitten by a chinchilla when he was told specificaly if he could pet it. * There's a buffalo ranch right outside town. * Once, while standing on a deck outside of my house, a bunch of crows swooped down close to me. I ducked down, but ''I felt the wind from the crows on my head.'' I then watched these same crows break walnuts. No doubt those beaks would have hurt. ** Also, once while going to the Outer Banks, I was on a ferry, and a flock of seagulls flew by us. Somebody tossed food to them, and the entire flock descended on us. You had to run to avoid getting jabbed with a beak. This has now become a RunningGag among my family, always referring to it as 'The Attack Of The Seagulls' or 'the time we were swarmed by those gulls'. * When he was very small, this troper was taken to a zoo. While

looking at the birds there, he saw a huge raven behind a cage. Because it seemed like a good idea at the time, this troper decided to reach through the bars of the cage and repeatedly ''poke the raven''. The raven tolerated this for about one second, before proceeding to bite me on the finger. Lesson learned: Don't piss off big scary-looking birds. * This troper once met a middle-aged, rather smelly lady who clearly wasn't to used to the woods on an old timber-road (It was mushroomseason) while walking the dog. she was highly agitated, and asked him to borrow his cellphone. Before she made the call, she explained that she and a friend had stopped to help a pregnant moose on the side of the road, and that it didn't seem to be doing well, so she had gone back towards their cars for her phone when she met me, leaving her friend to care for the moose. This troper told the lady to wait there, before tying up his dog and run up the road, hoping to prevent a disaster. Three minutes later, he runs into the ladys friend, and the stench of rotting meat. The woman is actually gently rubbing the bloated belly of a dead, rotting male moose, cooing softly as the air escaping from the animals belly makes a wheezing sound I cannot accurately describe... Just to hammer the point in... [[TooDumbToLive Two grown women, seeing what they think is a moose-cow giving birth, decide to try to help it, despite it being a wild animal, despite the very noticeable smell of rotting meat, failing to notice that it is both dead, and male, while touching it!]] * Strangely enough, there actually seems to be a scale on what level of tameness an animal has for it to be kept as a pet. Fennec foxes, a small wild fox that lives in the Sahara, are actually commercially distributed as exotic pets worldwide. There's actually a youtube account of a family that keeps them as pets (and they're freakin cute! However, they are aware that fennecs possess qualities that would make it hard for non-fennec owners to handle (they love to make burrows, and make loud painful screeching noises as a sign of affection). ** There are also youtube accounts of people possessing servals (along with their semi-domesticated hybrid brethren, Savannah cats). In fact, during history Ancient Egyptians worshipped servals and kept them as pets. ** And also a family with pet capybaras. In the videos they behave like overgrown dogs or pigs. And who doesn't think a capybara wearing a hat is cute! * Sea cows and dugongs. This troper has never encountered one but based on youtube videos of tourists swimming RIGHT UP and petting the completely wild ones shows that these animals are so docile they're basically floating condoms and is frankly surprised no one thought about domesticating them yet. * This troper was once with his class in the Zoo, specially in the Ape tract where some smaller apes were living free in a huuuuuge cage, with trees and stuff. All was well until a woman came in with her kid in one of those baby cars. The apes lunged at the car and within 5 seconds were there about 20 apes on it. Naturally the woman was shocked and scared for her baby, who started crying of getting ape ass in its face. Fortunately they only wanted to play and didn't do

anything. Still, there was a sign outside to prevent that from happening... * This troper took a trip to the Smoky Mountains in Tennessee. We went though Cades Cove, a sheltered valley that was home to the original settlers and a great place to see wildlife. At one point in the drive (one-lane country road), a huge amount of cars were blocking the road; a crowd of people were pointing towards the field. A doe and her fawn were out in the meadow a fairly safe distance away, and we thought that was what folks were watching. We got out to get pics, got up behind the crowd...and that's when we saw the mama bear and her cubs, less than a couple yards away. I went, "You people are effin' CRAZY" and my husband and I high-tailed it back into the car and sat with windows cracked for ventilation, waiting for the screams to start. Road blocked; couldn't drive off. Luckily rangers showed up and started to order people away from the bears and back to their cars -but then one [[TooDumbToLive idiot man]] started arguing with the ranger, right next to our car: "I pay my taxes! You can't keep me away from them! Those bears won't hurt anyone!"... * While visiting a national park in Georgia, I asked a park staffer why she was watching the harmless-looking picnic area. She said it was because the water was close enough that alligators sometimes came ashore, and she had to be there to stop people from doing stupid things, like feeding the gators or ''putting their children on the alligators to take their pictures''. As someone who grew up in Florida where gator safety is taught like road safety rules anywhere else, I was aghast that she was serious. * This troper, as a camp counselor, was once charged by an enraged, growling... groundhog. In a camp full of bobcat tracks, wolf howls, and bear sightings, it was the scariest wildlife encounter I know of. * This Troper delivers newspapers, and once encountered a moose near a heavily wooded neighborhood early in the morning. I froze out of fear when it came close to me, and nearly collapse with relief when it just snorted next to my face and moved on. * Inverted. Used to be scared stiff of domesticated dogs, until enough friendly contact with them lessened the fear. * Crowning Moment of Funny - My brother getting punched in the gut by a joey he was trying to pet. * Subverted. I once took a shortcut through a field of bulls as a kid. Most likely the fact I didn't realize I was in danger kept me out of danger as herbivores = sensitive to body language and I wasn't interested in them. * My family, on a road trip through the American midwest, nearly hit a turtle on the road. My father likes turtles, in fact we own a number of box turtles, which are fairly harmless, so he pulled over and went back to carry the turtle off the highway and out of danger. Bad idea. He barely avoided getting his hand bitten off as the turtle jumped nearly a foot straight up and snapped at him. We then saw it ''attempt to bite a Jeep that drove over it''. We decided the turtle was able to take care of itself and drove away. * Inverted with this troper, who was bit by a ''hamster'' in a petting zoo when he was a kid. [[HilarityEnsues Hilarity ensued]] when this troper, as a reflex, let out a yelp and '''tossed''' the hamster away

from himself. * On a trip to African lion Safari (where people drive through the park in their cars; it's safe so long as people ''stay in their cars''), this troper saw other visitors feeding the giraffes and zebras, despite all the signs saying not to feed the animals... as well as someone who honked at a group of bison, causing the alpha male to charge the visitors' van and damage it heavily. The tour guide said that a few weeks ago, there was someone who got of their car to pet the "cute kitty". The cute kitty in question was a lion. ---Hey, is that a link back to AllAnimalsAreDomesticated behind that cute polar bear cub? ---<<|TroperTales|>>

AllAnimationIsDisney * Averted for [[DiscoGlacier this troper]], who somehow always knew that some animated films like ''TheLandBeforeTime'' and ''AnAmericanTail'' were ''not'' Disney films, either because of the Universal/WB/etc. logo before each film, or because those films were never associated with Disney. In fact, I was genuinely ''surprised'' when I found ''AnAmericanTail'' playing on ToonDisney! ** Hilariously inverted, however, when this troper's dad pointed to a ''ThePrincessAndTheFrog'' poster and asked, "Is that a {{Pixar}} film?" ** Oh, you too? It's not even a conscious thing. Even when [[Tropers/{{Animenutcase}} this troper]] was little, she could tell Disney films from others. It wasn't even the logo (what kid cares about that?), I just sorta knew. On the other hand, I tend to categorize animation movies as "Disney" and "Not Disney", so that might not be much better. And I was still surprised to learn that TheBraveLittleToaster was a Disney film. *** Depends on how you define "Disney film", actually. According to TheOtherWiki, ''Brave Little Toaster'' was only ''distributed'' by Disney and made by Hyperion Pictures and The Kushner-Locke Company. **** Perhaps that's why I had trouble? It just didn't ''feel'' like a Disney film. * I tried to explain to one of my friends that {{Anastasia}} is a Don Bluth film, not Disney. ** I tried to do the same thing with my Social Studies teacher. Did ''you'' suceed? ** This troper thought Anastasia was a Disney princess and went to the Disney store in third grade to find that there was no Anastasia stuff. The store employee told me Anastasia wasn't from Disney. I then asked my sister and she told me the same thing. So...I just believed them. Huh. * This troper could tell simply by the animation on some film adverts on which was Disney and which wasn't, even when she first saw them. And like most who can tell the difference, she also annoyed a small deal of friends who were also convinced (like most) that Anastasia is Disney. Same goes for {{Thumbelina}}.

* This Troper's dad will only watch Disney animated films. Any other animated film is pure garbage. He actually likes RockADoodle though, and has always said it's one of his favorite ''Disney'' movies (don't ask, just go with it). However, when I informed him that ''Rock a Doodle'' is actually a ''Don Bluth'' film, he pretty much changed his opinion. One time, just to be a smart aleck, asked if he wanted to watch Rock-a-Doodle (it was airing on TV once), and he said, "Nah, find a Disney movie to watch". * [[Tropers/IronicMouse This troper]] actually thought ThePrinceOfEgypt was Disney when it first came out. I learned better pretty quickly, though. * At school, this troper's teacher was talking about the Russian Revelution, and he brought up Anastasia. He said even though it's horribly inaccurate with history, it was a great ''Disney'' film. I told him it was a Don Bluth movie, but right after I told him, he kept calling it Disney! GAAAAAAAHHHH! * This troper witnessed an inversion at the forum of ThatGuyWithTheGlasses: someone included ''{{Fantasia}}'' on a list of the best non-Disney animated movies. [[{{Facepalm}} You'd think the strong presence of Mickey Mouse would be enough to tip off Disney's involvement with the movie that people who don't like fairy tales keep saying is Disney's best...]] * I remember being surprised when I first learned that ''TheNightmareBeforeChristmas'' is Disney. I didn't recognize Touchstone at all for many things, but it's actually a Disney-owned home video distributor. * At one point this troper thought The Secrets of Nihm was a Disney movie and not a Don Bluth movie. I always wondered it was never part of the Disney franchise or even mentioned until I became older. It actually would be nice if it was a Disney film, to at least show that even kid's animation can be dirty and serious when it wants to make a point. ** Why does not being Disney mean it doesn't show that? * A girl at my elementary school kept on insisting ScoobyDoo is a Disney character, and DonaldDuck is an MGM. False belief for both. * This troper's friend considers herself to be a huge Disney fan. Despite the fact, for a long time, ThePagemaster was her favorite Disney movie... A movie that was made under 20th Century Fox. *{{Facepalm}}* * When SuperBowl XLV was running, [[{{Tropers/Fungal88}} this tropette]] overheard her mother talking on the phone while she was watching it about {{Balto}} after her sister told her about it when she heard about the historic events it was based off of as they were mentioned in an episode of ''Dogs 101'' that aired on AnimalPlanet earlier that day, and her mother claimed it to be a Disney film. * My dad used to belive Shrek was a Pixar film, but I quick;y corrected him, and he actually belived me. ** My mom also thought Anastasia was a Disney film, but to be fair she has never seen it before. * My mom once suggested to me during 'movie night' that we watch a {{Pixar}} movie. I liked the idea, and let her choose what she wanted to see. What movie did she pick? ''Film/{{Avatar}}''. I quickly

corrected her. * [[Tropers/{{ptitletlypxope}} This troper]] remembers one straight example and one live-action case. In the former, he and his father were watching ''Swan Princess II''. When his mother came in and asked what they were watching, his father replied "low budget Disney". In the latter, a member of his extended family (the troper can't remember who it was) thought CatsAndDogs was a Disney film. ** Same troper again. I recently recalled hearing my mother say a friend of hers thought ''{{Rango}}'' was a Pixar film. This troper himself also once thought ''{{Family Guy}}'' was a Disney series, but that's because he confused it with ''{{The Proud Family}}''. * This troper has heard [[Film/HowToTrainYourDragon How to Train Your Dragon]] credited to both Disney and Pixar at separate times. * This troper's art teacher thinks Despicable me was a Pixar film. * Edgy is master of averting this for people. I know Don Beuth when I see it. ---No, the main AllAnimationIsDisney page was ''not'' made by Disney.

AllAnimeIsNaughtyTentacles * What is it with pokemon being demonic? My parents don't mind anime at all, grant it they rarely watch any with me, but on occasion they'll sit in an episode. Any way I watch baccano with my 11 year old sister, fine. Introduce 9 year old brother to dragon ball, fine. If pokemon (or even odder sailor moon) horror of horrors, we're actually watching somthing demonic or satanic. I've never been able to really enjoy pokemon anyway, but sailor moon is rather fun. Dragon Ball and Baccano were mentioned because I know my parents saw an episode or to and signed off on my sharing it with younger siblings, I doubt they would sign off on Haruhi, or Code Geass. Yes there decision making criterion is rather odd. Any way my point is someone is spreading around this demon pokemon idea, and lots of parents have caught it. ** ...they don't mind Baccano? For an ''eleven'' year old? I'm guessing they didn't see an episode that had Claire or Ladd in it. >_> * This once got into a fight with her friends when she first started watching anime. They said "All anime is violent and bloody and porn". She's really glad she moved. * [[Troper/NeoEevee This troper]] (who has gone to Christian private school since 7th grade, prior to which she was homeschooled) had an 8th grade teacher who played this trope straight: he took a look at a copy of the DeathNote manga I'd brought to school, sent a note home to my mother (who was totally okay with me reading it) and banned it from the classroom. That along with Harry Potter (and yet a classmate of mine got away with Kami-ChamaKarin...). However, my 9th grade world history teacher caught me reading '''{{Hellsing}}''', of all things. To put this in perspective: equally conservative teachers (granted, my history teacher had about twenty more years experience under his belts); one slams a manga that's rated for older teens for it's rather dark storyline, death-related themes, debatable morals, and CreepyCoolCrosses, but is for the most part bloodless and has the occasional "damn" thrown in. The other teacher takes a manga that is,

amongst other things; about vampires, that drops {{Cluster F Bomb}}s with little regard, has gory battles that end in a body parts scattered as far as the eye can see, explicit rape threats (remember, DeathNote has things like that implied but never stated outright), and much heavier religous imagery; it also characterizes nearly all the Catholic cast as psychotic fanatics. He flips through it, hands it back to me, and says, "well, that's cool." Yeah, I was quite surprised (and relieved). ** Also, I'm now getting the oppratunity to rant about how anime is not all hentai in my speech class. * [[@/{{GeneralKrad}} This troper's]] brother has a classmate at his highschool who believes anime is nothing but hentai, period... ** He actually said that watch Naruto if you want to see rape, or DBZ for tentacle porn...that kid is truly a sad case. *** Show him {{Aria}}. ** This kid must of never seen a anime in his life. * [[@/{{LadyAmi}} This troper]] grew up watching Sailor Moon and Totoro with her father. As she got older, she moved on into bigger and better things, from Neon Genesis Evangelion to Elfen Lied. Enter highschool, where everyone thought she had a sick, sick mind (despite her SHOWING THEM OTHERWISE) for reading a volume of FMA. She's thought about reading Loveless in school just for the shock value. ** Same troper. Apparently, it's ALL comics and anime/manga is porn. Everyone in her biology class felt obliged to tell her that Watchmen was all about sex and "some naked blue guy". * [[@/{{Dysfunctional}} This troper's]] mother was actually always ok with pretty much anything i wanted to read(i mean hell she stole my dads collection of american comics when they split up and gave them to me around the time i was 10..... including the Lobo comics), watch, or listen too. and she used to buy me mangas all the time...... i think she may have started regretting that when she found the porn on my computer * This troper once had a boy in my grade grab a volume of Pita Ten out of her hands and flip through it, only to turn straight to a page with full-frontal female nudity (albeit, drawn in extremely moe anime style). Well, then that boy started telling every other boy in my class that Japanese comics were all naughty and, needless to say, most of my classmates now tend to avoid manga. It's pretty sad, actually. * It's not a good sign when politicians get involved in this. ** Things will get much uglier if you see [[ xample+of+why+two+nukes+just+wasn%27t+enough%22&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=&gs_ rfai= how people reacted to that]] (note the IGN Boards). * This troper recalls a {{troll}} who made a {{Facebook}} group stating that [[FanHater people who watch anime and cosplay are freaks/losers]]. Said troll threw around the word "hentai" like a synonym for "anime." Eventually, the people protesting the group (this troper included) stopped taking him seriously. ** Also, one of his friends is a seller of ero-games (I'm getting tired of saying "hentai") and ero-anime at anime conventions. Even ''he'' thinks ''FateStayNight'' is full-blown hentai.

'''[[SuperSmashBros FAILURE.]]''' *** This troper wonders if it was an example of obvious trolling that was not understood, as explained by the xkcd quote on the Troll page... * This troper's father was convinced that "all manga series are violent". I told him that that statement was about as true as saying "all live-action movies are violent", and then patiently educated him that manga actually have a rating applied to them, which I showed him, along with the separate "mature manga"&#65533; section in the bookstore, for those rated M. He seems to be assured that I'm not buying anything inappropriate after my mom confirmed that all the manga she'd ever bought for me wasn't rated over "older teen"&#65533; (though some of it is ecchi, so I'm glad he didn't actually flip through [[{{KenAkamatsu}} certain series]] I own. * One [=WebSense=]-type internet filter [[@/{{Midna}} this troper]] has come into contact with blocks any and all websites that has something to do with anime, because, apparently, it falls under "Adult Themes, Nudity". When I was trying to find a perfectly work-safe screenshot of [[AzumangaDaioh Osaka]]. PublicMediumIgnorance, or a sinister conspiracy designed to program our brains into thinking that even the most family-friendly Japanese cartoon is hentai? ...Probably the former, but hey, people get bored. * Everyone this troper knows either thinks anime is all cute and innocent like {{Pokemon}} or {{Naruto}} or it is dark, bloody and inappropriate for children. ** They so need to go read AlienNine or watch WhenTheyCry...both have both balled into one! ** Naruto is cute and innocent? *** Decapitations, murders, torture, some really creepy pedo-subtext. Limbs being broken off, human puppets, enough blood to float the Titanic. You know, for kids. *** Naruto is ''idealistic'', but it's not innocent, so it's not okay for ''young'' children. It's probably appropriate for younger teens than many things that are less violent but more cynical. YourMileageMayVary on whether a little gore and mayhem is more deleterious to children than soul-crushing despair and misanthropy, though. (Can you tell [[WriterOnBoard where this troper stands?]]) * [[@/BTIsaac This troper]] once found an "All Anime Sucks" stamp on DeviantArt. The one who made it justified his dislike for anime using this remark. When I told him he's prejudiced, he retorted, saying that "underage schoolgirls getting raped" is a general description that fits anime in general, therefore, he's right, adding that it's a shame good American comics get neglected in favor of anime. Guess how he reacted when I said american comics are about "spandex-clad men on steroids crushing steel chairs on each other's heads". ** tell. ** DHTW? ** For the record, trying to back up your point by [[KarmicTransformation doing exactly what he did]] was a poor decision, partially because you were [[ just]] [[CalvinAndHobbes as]] [[TheFarSide incorrect]] as he was.

*** [[CompletelyMissingThePoint Which was more or less the point]]. **** Reflecting similar feelings towards someone in the hopes that they'll be able to emphasize with your point of view is, in this case, well-meaning. It also tends to not work. * This troper made the mistake of bringing a manga volume to youth group one day, just for something to read during downtime. Of course, the only time anyone bothered to look over my shoulder at what I was reading came when I reached the part about the magic ritual, in which the female lead was naked (albeit with AnimeAnatomy). Mine youth pastor, who's something of a JerkJock, immediately took it and made with the holier-than-thou speeches, and threatened to show my mom. I told him to go ahead. He did so, in a tone that suggested I was depraved for even looking at the thing in first place. Thankfully my mom, while about as ignorant of the medium as he was, was at least level-headed enough to ask me if it contained anything she would find inappropriate. I answered honestly that it didn't, and she took the book back from the youth pastor and told him to mind his own business next time. I love my mom. ** This situation would also apply to regular non-manga comic books too then. Pastors are all very...holier than thou. It doesnt have to be a manga with transformation sequences, as I have found while sitting on a bus, even a normal generic comic book can get the attention of pastors... *** Not even just the pastors. This Troper remembers reading a letter written in to Focus on the Family "Plugged In" magazine, in response to an article about manga and anime. I missed the main article, but the letter basically was how the writer was considered a "comic nerd" by her friends, but refuses to read any anime because it is all "perverse" and "immoral". Yeah, there's a reason that I don't have any respect left for that group of crazies. **** This troper agrees in principle, but hastens to add that most reviews in that sort of magazine are geared to people who don't ''have'' the time to check it out for themselves. Anime and manga frequently ''are'' inappropriate, even if they don't look it at first (I once recommended Gensomaden Saiyuki to an eleven- or twelve-yearold without having read [[BrotherSisterIncest the chapters about Hakkai's past]]). Even the ''best'' anime and manga aren't worth screwing your kids up, so avoiding them altogether is a wiser policy if you're too busy to vet them thoroughlyyou know, like if you ''work for a living'' or something. "Exposure to a wide variety of media" is too often treated as a religion, and persecuted for. It's goddamn comics and television, not the meaning of life. ***** Um, how does showing your kids something unpleasant going to screw them up? They're going to find out eventually, hiding the real world from them isn't helping them, it's setting them up for more failure down the line. Also, how the hell is anime worse then TV or movies? The majority has sex, violence, swearing and other "adult" themes, sorry to bring this up, but a lot of media for kids is badly made because they know kids won't complain about shitty entertainment. I'd rather my kids swear then watch bad tv. ***** Like the visualization of the atom, this explanation isn't going to be a perfect reflection of the actual ideas of said parents. But

I'm going to give it my damned best. Imagine a child's mind/values is a wall of mud; not very good at keeping hurricane floods out. That's exactly what parents view certain levels of "negative", "violent", or "sexual" content. In this theory as a person develops, their understanding of the world solidifies, becomes less mailable. The mud wall turns to sand bags, then to cement, if you will. The parents fear if the hurricane hits before they become sandbags, that it will leave a permanent gouge, and the wall will finish forming with a gaping hole (a weakness or habit of immorality) that the child will have to work much harder to repair as an adult. The goal isn't to prevent exposure for life, but to allow the child time to develop without commercialized over-sexualization shoved in their face. Yes, they will be exposed to it eventually, but the parents want them to not be suckers for the market's ploys. This is a hard line to walk; too little exposure and the child never develops past mud, too much and the wall breaks. As for how anime is "worse", TV is something they are familiar with, they know the cues that often signal the "negative", "violent", or "sexual" content to come. It's not that it's more evil, it's that they are limiting the child to area's they can make semireliable snap decision in instead of having to learn a whole new lexicon. Sounds prudent to me, even if it does segregate off a world of fantastic storytelling (for a time). To an exhausted and over-busy parent, it just doesn't justify the effort when there are other options available. One last note: the control and regulation of sexual content in manga/anime is much more loose due to Japan's sexual culture; this is a hot-button issue for most of the religious folk you're thinking of. Since it is harder to be informed of the content... well, from their point of view, it makes even more sense to just ban the medium. Sad? Yeah, but like the above said, it's not like we're talking about a life here, even if us fans can get... passionate. (Don't get me wrong, a good story deserves it!) ** Though don't make the assumption that all Christians/pastors are that way. Most of my {{Nakama}} are devout Christians, and we all go to conventions together. And one of us is planning to become a youth pastor; her favorite manga is InuYasha. ** Heh. This troper had a similar experience when his friend brought the entire series of ''RurouniKenshin'' into class. Our teacher took an interest and asked what it was about, then picked up a volume and flipped through it. In an incredible stroke of bad luck, though, the page he managed to turn to was the scene where Kawatari (the VillainousCrossdresser) was... ahem, proving his biological gender to Misao and Kaoru, [[IfYouKnowWhatIMean if you know what I mean]]. He was pretty cool about it, but it did leave him thinking that we were reading ecchi manga - and couldn't have been further off the mark. * This troper has to be very careful to hide her anime and manga as her parents think its either all full of cute cartoony animals or filthy devil worshipping orgies. * This troper once lent a friend a copy of the Wolf and Spice manga which has a few scenes with a naked wolf-girl goddess but nothing that bad. Her parents found it and declared that I was a bad influence on her, trying to corrupt her mind with porn and satanic worship. ** I can understand the "porn" part of their accusations...but where

did they get "satanic worship" from?? I thought she was a goddess. *** A ''pagan'' goddess. ** It is pretty anti-Christian, though probably excusable inasmuch as the Japanese know about as much about Christianity as JackChick knows about Shinto, and are only slightly more knowledgeable about European history. * This Troper got into anime when she was around the fifth grade, and her mother, after they both going to their first anime convention, thought it was 'demonic satan worship' or something along those lines. She was also paranoid about Yaoi when she asked about it at the convention. After watching half of the first InuYasha movie, that certainly didn't help. Even now she believes the posters of Naruto and HaruhiSuzumiya are 'scaring' her daughter at night, even though an anxiety disorder is probably to blame. I've not even gone near the subject of hentai yet. She doesn't know it exists, and I plan to keep it that way. * When this troper's parents suggested we watch the first season of Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuutsu he got for Hanukkah, he silently laughed nervously. He sat through the...err...grouptacular first few episodes, hoping to the gods that his parents would make it to Yuki's exposition at the beginning of the third episode and not immediately pass it off as Mikuru's Breasts - The Series. His mom made it and is now hooked. His dad... ** Yes, Go on... ** Presumably, he immediately passed it off as Mikuru's Breasts - The Series and refused to watch past the first couple of episodes. * Half of this troper's family was convinced nearly every anime was one of the following: Evil, Satanic, Violent, or a [[ViewersAreMorons "Bad Influence"]]. Remarkably, the other half is just fine with anything anime/manga related. * Even though this troper had been watching Toonami, DragonBallZ and SailorMoon for months at the time, her father's first reaction to her looking through the anime section at Blockbuster was to pull her away, explaining that "It's all for grown-ups; you're too young for that stuff." ** To be fair, every Blockbuster ''this'' troper has been to seems to use the anime section as the place to cram any animated work too violent/sexy to place in the family section, regardless of national origin. * This troper has a roommate who used to strongly believe that all anime that was brought into North America was heavily censored to be apporpriate for kids, this includes {{FanSub}}s. Naturally I showed him ElfenLied and EndOfEvangelion. That partially changed his tune but I can't shake his belief that the cast of SailorMoon are drug addicted prostitutes who are regularly raped by the monsters they fight. ** He must read a lot of ero-doujins. * This Troper's mother is a strange case. When troper was small and considered MyNeighborTotoro as one of her favorite movies, mom was fine. Fast forward to troper being about eight and obsessed with {{Pokemon}} and SailorMoon. Mom's fine. Middle school, troper starts borrowing other manga from her friend-- mainly {{Inuyasha}}. Mom no longer approving, just indifferent. High school. Troper joins anime

club. Mom rolls eyes. Troper becomes major fan of FullmetalAlchemist. Mom wonders vaguely what it's about and is satisfied with vague answer. Over the course of four years of high school, Mom's attitude goes ''really'' sour: by the end of senior year, troper's been forbidden from bringing manga into the house, lectured on how "there are some perverse things about the Japanese culture" and how "it's ''all'' objectifying women" and the only way to watch a ''Miyazaki'' film without a lecture is for it to be Dad's idea. Considering that troper never read anything explicit at all, troper ''still'' has no idea where the sudden attitude change came from. ** Possibly similar to where my mom got her ideas. She said once that I shouldn't read too much (read: hardly any) manga since it's "not real books" and could HURT MY CHANCES OF GETTING INTO COLLEGE! Because they might want a list of all the books I've read (FYI, they didn't and I got in. Yet there's no problem with me reading American comics. *** Did they even consider most colleges have anime clubs and occasionally even anime-related courses these days? * This troper is fortunate in that his mother is under the impression that all anime is 'stupid (read: nonsensical) Pokemon'. His father is indifferent. * When [[@/JapaneseTeeth this troper]] was a kid, he met one of his parents' coworkers who believed that {{Pokemon}} was about demonic forces. In more recent years, he specifically keeps a volumes of YotsubaTo around just in case he ever needs to defend himself from this trope. * One time my stepfather looked over my shoulder while I was watchig Trigun, and asked: "Are you watching those Japanese porn stuff again?" I tried to explain that it was not pornographic and said that "it's about a really idealistic guy who tries to save people all the time," and he actually believed me. And then told me that I'm far too old to watch superhero series, and should switch to hentai as soon as possible. Freak. ** Awesome. * An odd example: [[@/DarthSaturnina This troper]] and her girlfriend are both devoted anime fans, but the troper once made the innocuous (in context) remark that sometimes she watches bad hentai just to make fun of it; conversation ensued, during which I mentioned the censorship laws and stated that the naughty bits were pixellated. It was then revealed that the girlfriend had thought that all ''hentai'' is naughty tentacles. * During after-school English tutoring to complete an essay my friend had a laptop out, looking through her backgrounds. She's as much of an Anime fan as me and most of her wallpapers were Naruto or something else, all SFW since the teachers can see ''everything'' a person has accessed or saved. Some nearby guys looked over and spied a totally innocent picture of Naruto looking badass, exclaiming that we were looking at porn. The teacher ignored them (thank God) while I facepalmed. * An inversion as witnessed by this troper - his father staunchly believes all animation (including anime) is exclusively children's entertainment, so the old man was completely enraged at the sight of a {{Hentai}} game running on this troper's desktop PC, calling it

"stupid". ** His (female) cousin is a mixed bag - for her, either anime is children's entertainment if it's "clean", or it's "porn" at the slightest {{Ecchi}} content even if it's not {{Hentai}}. Which title did she accuse of being "porn?" AiYoriAoshi. *** Hilariously, that same cousin judged RumblingHearts to be a children's title when this troper asked her to buy the [=DVDs=] for him, not realizing that the title began life as a {{Hentai}} game. * [[CovertPervert This troper wishes.]] * This troper's father is an odd example case of "All Anime Is PoorlyMade Cartoons": he doesn't believe anime to be all adult or all kiddie material. Rather, he refuses to watch it at all due to "low animation quality." Now, he grew up during the era of shows like SpeedRacer, so his biased opinion has some grounding, but even with more modern shows he can't even get around something like simplistic mouth movements. My attempts to get him to understand that the point of a cartoon, like any medium, is the content (citing animes with epic stories or lots of action), have failed with him saying dismissively, "You have to be able to LOOK at it first." Never mind that lots of anime shows today are of very HIGH quality. I usually don't bother anymore, as my dad really only consents to watching older Loony Toons shows and thinks they're the pinnacle of cartoons in both animation and content. (Not to say that I think those shows are bad, mind you.) ** Is your father [[JohnKricfalusi John Kricfalusi?]] ** Is your father my father? ** No, I am your father! *** NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! * [[Tropers.DragonMaster This Troper]] experienced a slightly less extreme example. I was reading a copy of FruitsBasket when a friend asked to have look, so I handed it to him. He and a couple of his friends flicked to a page with Rin either naked (or not wearing much I can't remember). Said friends look at me, and then back to the page. The one who asked to see it handed it back to me saying "[he liked] Manga now". I told him it wasn't all like that. He didn't really care. * When This Troper first brought in his Haruhi Suzumiya light novels to school, word quickly spread that I had "Japanese porn books". Granted, it didn't help that the back of the book has a picture of Haruhi stripping down Mikuru... ** Weird, This troper was able to bring those into school,and nobody cared. ** Crazy, a lot of my friends at school are fans of Haruhi, and I actually lent the first book to one of them. * This Troper brought the Haruhi manga to school (Volume 3, with Yuki on the cover :D), he was idiotic enough to read it in the JerkAss teacher's class. The teacher responded by taking it and putting it in the most noticeable place possible on the ground. Hilariously enough, I was more pissed off that he got the cover dirty (I'm VERY PROTECTIVE of my possessions. Headphones, books, game systems.... Anything), but... Everyone thinks anime is either shit like Naruto, or full-blown pr0n. (Which is semi-justified, as everyone ELSE actually does bring those kinds of series to school!) * During my anime fangirl phase we had a lesson in school on the jobs

we wanted to do later on in life. I made the mistake of saying I wanted to be a manga artist.. * This troper goes to high school. After saying that she watched [[Revolutionary Girl Utena]] and its movie in the holidays, and describing some of its content, everyone now thinks I spend my days looking at lesbian anime porn. * At this troper's former high school, most of her classmates knew of anime as "cartoons from China that were either cutesy Digimon or something seething with random tentacle rapings". To make matters worse my very religious mother thinks Pokemon and basically any other anime are Satanic. FacePalm * I was at Best Buy with a friend and bought a DVD of Ninja Nonsense. When I got home my mom saw what I got and she instantly thought it was porn. It took me a bit to convince her it wasn't and my brothers won't stop bringing it up. * This Troper has a classmate who, upon seeing his workspace covered in HidamariSketch, SuzumiyaHaruhi, LuckyStar, {{Popotan}}, OnePiece, TengenToppaGurrenLagann and GaoGaiGar, commented "why do all of these look like porn?" ** Well, {{Popotan}} was ''based'' on porn... * Interesting aversion in this troper's case, it wasn't me, but my little (at the time, 12 year old) sister that got into anime and manga first. She checked out FruitsBasket from the library and read it, became an instant fangirl, and insisted I (18 at the time) read it. I did, and now I peruse the anime and manga shelves of media stores too. Our parents looked through the issue of FruitsBasket with Rin in it who is not wearing much (read, nothing) in one panel. But, since it was my sister who started the manga craze at my house, it was fine, after all, she obviously didn't get it for [[IfYouKnowWhatIMean that kind of thing.]] Hence, mom is fine with all manga and anime, Ecchi or not, and dad calls it 'Nintendo Mitsubishi' shows/books. Cause, you know, Nintendo and Mitsubishi are japanese, and so is anime and manga. They must be the same! ** GENIUS! * This troper is somewhat lucky. To his mother, all anime is "strange Japanese cartoons," but she doesn't have an actual ''problem'' with it at all. * Aversion on this troper's part. Nobody in my family knows about the existence of Yaoi, Yuri, Hentai, or Ecchi. [[YuriFan Now I just have to]] [[GirlOnGirlIsHot keep them secret.]] * [[Tropers/JenKunoichi351 My]] school blocks all anime websites because of adult art. Yes, even the [[TheMelancholyofHaruhiSuzumiya SOS Brigade]] website that has, like, six pictures. * My parents know that my sister and I love manga, but my mom is the one that usually buys it for us around Christmas/our birthdays. Last Christmas I got a particularly-hilarious inversion--My mom called to say that she was in FYE Movies and asked what anime [=DVDs=] I wanted for Christmas. I asked her to read out the titles. There was Bleach, Naruto, and a few others that I can't really remember, but she stopped at one: [[StrawberryPanic Strawberry Panic]]. Now, at the time I'd only heard about the series, so I looked it up on Wikipedia and discovered that it was Shoujo Ai. Not that I have any problems with

it. I just felt ''really'' uncomfortable with my mom trying to buy it for me. I said that I wasn't very interested and she bought my sister two [=DVDs=] of Mahou Sensei Negima!...and one of them had the famous girl-girl kissing scene. And she still has no idea. Apparently, she has no idea that porn in anime exists. And I'm not complaining. * One of my friends thought this, when another friend of ours said he was into anime. Most of his IS porn though...but thats just the way he is. * This misconception is a possible reason why [[{{Tropers/Fungal88}} this tropette]] decided to wait until she turned eighteen to get interested in anime because it's obviously a "big magic number" for plenty of other things in the United States besides just being able to vote, that is, without even knowing that seventeen is the age of consent in [[NewYorkState her jurisdiction]], although she wasn't fully registered until she was twenty, just about a month before the 2008 Presidential Election. ** However, since she decided to wait until she hit that milestone to get into anime, it seemed difficult for her to sit through an "old school" theme that her community college's anime club once had, which meant that the club was going to be watching episodes of GatewaySeries that she was supposedly uninterested in during her tween and adolescent years not just because of her concerns about content that she was yet to handle at that time along with thinking that ItsPopularNowItSucks. * This troper knows of at least one book store where the manga section has big 'WARNING: MAY NOT BE APPROPRIATE FOR CHILDREN AND PRE-TEENS!' stickers all over the shelves. The "Love and Erotica" section? No such warning. * This Troper once brought his [[Scott Pilgrim]] volume 3 novel that he had bought the previous weekend to school. I started reading it in the locker room, someone caught a glimpse of the woman on the back cover, and word got out that I was reading some kind of Japanese porno, even though Scott Pilgrim bears no resemblance to Manga whatsoever. ** Yes, it does, but regardless, that person's an idiot. ** That's high school for ya. * Inverted with my parents. They have absolutely no problem with me watching anime, but they view all American comics without Batman or Superman on the cover as torture porn (which they got from hearing what Alan Moore's works were about). * Inverted by my mom, since she used to watch ''MagicKnightRayearth'' * [[{{Tropers/Neves783}} I]], a college student and a member of the school's anime club, got bullied recently because of this. They pestered me with questions related to hentai (Ex: "What is Ero?", probably about Jiraiya from ''{{Naruto}}''). They even said that ''{{Full Metal Panic}}'' '''IS HENTAI!''' (It's more like ecchi, actually.) * Despite all attempts to get his friends to watch/read real anime/manga that [[{{Tropers/Ledge}} This Troper]] believes to be truly creative works -- AiYoriAoshi, DeathNote, {{Chobits}}, BlackLagoon -- the inevitable reaction is "where's the porn." Even trying to get people to read TanakaYutaka's wonderful ero work, the

inevitable reaction is "where are the tentacles." I'm not sure whether I am happy or sad that the one anime I've been able to consistently get people interested in is [[BludgeoningAngelDokuroChan Bokusatsu Tenchi Dokuru-chan.]] On the one hand, it's hilariously awesome and totally worth watching, on the other, it's BloodyHilarious and probably just reinforces the stereotype that all anime is either full of tentacles, breasts and/or blood. And I have mixed feelings about even remaining friends with people who can't find ''{{Yotsubato}}'' worth reading. * This troper was just reading this page the other day. The ''very'' next day in class, a subversion occurred where some classmate opened a part of my bag which was in my desk in front of me. Not that I minded but since I knew I had some ''{{Hellsing}}'' someone else lend me to watch weeks ago, I, being kind of GenreSavvy saw this trope coming. Another classmate who also watched anime was sitting next to me. It went something like: -->'''Classmate A''': *Opens the bag and peeks a bit* -Troper- has porn! -->'''Classmate B (next to me)''': WHAT -->'''This Troper''': (Totally saw that one coming) -->'''Classmate A''': Oh wait it's just what... Naruto? No, ''Hellison''? -->'''This Troper and Classmate B''': LOLWAT *cracking up at "Hellison". -->'''Classmate B''': ''HELLSING''. -->'''Classmate A''': I mean "Hellsing"! She then proceeded to ask us (mostly to him responding) odd questions about why we liked to watch that kind of stuff. Now I always refer to the series as Hellison. * This troper epically averted this trope in college. TWICE. Both times, in college, Anime was used as the topic for a report. THe first time was during an Art class, in which my CATHOLIC NUN professor was amazed at my artistic analysis of Anime and Manga. The second time, my highly conservative, Mr. Heaney-look-a-like philiosophy teacher asked me where he could by Haruhi Suzumiya after I astounded him with a detailed discussion about why Haruhi would give Niezche an anurism. * This troper was watching an episode of [[AzumangaDaioh Azumanga Daioh]] when his father walked by. The following conversation-->'''Father''': What are you doing? -->'''Troper''': Just watching some anime. -->'''Father''': Oh. *inspects screen* Which one gets raped? -->'''Troper''': [[FlatWhat What.]] * To this troper, it happened once while buying Manga. So I'm in the mall, and there is a comic book store that also sells manga. No big deal since they have all kinds of manga and a lot fo people go there to buy them. At the time, I was buying Higurashi manga, Watanagashihen more specifically. After I paid, I went outside and sat on a bench and started to read a bit, and some girl I never met suddenly comes up to me and says: "What are you reading? A book about dildos?". Exactly like that. I then angrily told her that it was a horror, and then she left. Seriously, one small look on the cover and instantly its about dildos? How retardedly ignorant can people get??? I then have this

subverted with my parents, who gladly watched Evangelion with me, more so because I recommended it to my mother because she is writing a book about philosophy, so I told her Evangelion would give her some ideas. She thanked me immensly. * This troper knows this all too well. ''Everyone'' I went to Middle School thought anime was either {{Naruto}} or {{Hentai}}. Sans a conversation between me and my rather stupid classmate. -->''Me'': *watching anime attentively* -->''Classmate'': OH MY GOD! ___ is watching '''ANIME PORN'''! -->''Me'': No. Does '''''this''''' look like ''porn'' to you? -->''Classmate'': MISS _____! She's '''watching porn'''. -->''Me'': '''''THIS IS NOT FUCKING PORN YOU RETARD!''''' -->''Classmate'': Whatever. You're a dirty little skank. -->''Me'': It's like frickin' Spongebob, it's ''not'' porn. It's INNOCENT ART! >:( -->''Classmate'': Ugh, what a slut. You see my point. The guy (yes, the classmate was indeed a guy.) refused to believe anime is ''not'' porn. What I was watching wasn't even close. It was {{Ouran High School Host Club}}. * This Troper is lucky. My mom's bought me 11 volumes of {{Berserk}} (and other violent series) and hasn't said anything, despite the covers, simply stating "I don't know what that series is about." (for the record, she's also bought me a DVD of TheShining, even encouraging me to watch it) She's read through a few chapters of DeathNote (after I asked for it for my birthday once), and I've explained to her the plotlines of CaseClosed, AxisPowersHetalia, AzumangaDaioh, and a few other series that I own, so she understands how varied anime can be. It helps that my mom enjoys some anime: she's a HUGE fan of MyNeigborTotoro, and has an interest in Sailor Moon & Pokemon left over from me watching those as a kid, and she loves listening to me talk about Hetalia (because of the France character: she's a french immigrant). * [[@/{{Exalts}} This troper]] got into drawing manga around the age of 11 (and still does). However, by the time I got to the age of 15, I was constantly having to explain to my friends that manga does not equal hentai and not all anime is Pokmon. (For the record, aged 17, I still watch and play Pokmon. I admire the childish humour of the anime and the [[WhatDoYouMeanItsForKids hidden complexities]] of the game) I had a couple of friends who shared my interest and they managed to convince my closest friends how innocent it is, but there was always one who managed to see what I was drawing and say "Urgh, why are you drawing manga porn?" ... it's a person stood by themselves in a dress. How is that porn?! Thankfully my parents know that the manga I read is most certainly NOT hentai, and even buy it for me when I ask nicely. * This troper's parents are more or less this trope, but admittedly, they've eased up these days. My mom originally wouldn't allow me to ''learn how to draw manga'', and even took away a tutorial book from my friend while she stayed over (not to burn it or anything, but to prevent me from reading it). The worst part was how she'd highlight

any evidence that supported her views on anime (i.e.: searching "smut and porn in anime" on Google to show that all anime is about smut and porn) and blow things out of proportion. Now she's okay with me learning manga, but she still doesn't know about my secret obsession with ''FullmetalAlchemist'' and ''SoulEater''. ** Same troper here: When you think about it, this notion of anime is actually pretty unfair; if I wanted to show a bunch of Tokyo natives that all Western/American animation was degenerate, immoral smut, I wouldn't have a hard time with it: I'd start with ''FamilyGuy'' and ''SouthPark'', and work my way to ''TimeSquad''. *** And ''TimeSquad'' is degenerate and immoral because...? * This Troper's parents used to think all anime was bad after hearing a story of how her cousin accidentally read some hentai from the library, thinking it was cute and innocent based on the cover. For the longest time, they refused to let her watch ''{{Hamtaro}}''. Freakin' ''Hamtaro''. * I don't have any bad parent stories. When my family seemed mostly disinterested in anime after loving SpiritedAway and Metropolis subsequently giving my sister nightmares, I was afraid for a time it was because of the "Pokemon or porn" stereotype and that Miyazaki and guess a few big budget movies were seen as exceptions. Turns out it wasn't the case at all and it was more of a "not wanting to watch TV while cooking dinner/OtakuOClock" thing; my mom actually got really into some ecchi stuff like Negima and Chobits (the latter she wouldn't let me watch for a while but followed herself). I did, however, once see an entire anime section of a local baseball cards/comics store as 18+ due to one parent's complaint about blood in one anime. I swear I saw Totoro behind the counter. My dad called the manager to complain about the censorship. The store closed pretty quickly. * This troper's pretty much been a fan of anime since birth, and when he met his best friend, at the age of ten, when I brought up a series other then Naruto (I forgot what it was now), he said "Isn't that for adults?". When he came over to my house, it was Toonami night, so we watched IGPX. "Tell me that's for adults, dude. Tell me that's for adults." He could have won if it wasn't a first-season episode... * This troper's parents don't like anime (though my mother loves StudioGhibli films) but they're ok with me watching it. However, when I took a volume of Hellsing into school, all hell broke loose. Some of my other friends, who know I'm yaoi fangirl, reacted badly when I mentioned I'd been watching anime, assuming it was porn. (It was Trigun). ---AllAnimeIsNaughtyTentacles? Isn't that a hentai? You sick fuck! ---<<|TroperTales|>>

AllAsiansAreAlike * Tropers/{{eleutherios}}: I'm Vietnamese, most of my high school was Vietnamese, Chinese or Filipino (seriously, I think Australia's in danger of being swamped by Asians...) and I had enormous trouble

telling them apart. Didn't help that there were about eighty billion dozen Nguyens in the school, either... ** Would that mean that your school is [[IncrediblyLamePun Full of Nguyen?]] *** You are made of awesome, not only for making a pun that's ActuallyPrettyFunny, but for knowing how to pronounce my surname. * Tropers/LadyNomad: As someone who is part Filipino, whenever people meet me for the first time, they think that I'm Korean or Japanese or even Chinese especially when I was a child. Now, many people think that I'm hispanic. ** This troper has the same exact problem (or situation, depending on your view). When I was little, I looked very "asian", but as I grew older my skin also grew darker, making one person memorably ask me, "Are you a Black Chinese person?". Now, most people think I'm hispanic. *** Tropers/PutYaGunsOn: Haha, reminds me of this Filipino guy in my old school, and this other guy always called him "Blackanese". * Tropers/SatanicHamster: I'm Filipino too and I've gotten people thinking I'm Chinese, Japanese, and Mexican. Dang dudes, at least do a little research on asians. I don't mind being called hispanic because I have a great grandmother who was Spanish but being called Mexican is annoying. I did know a half Filipino and half Japanese dude who was very annoyed of being called Mexican. ** Tropers/JackMackerel is Filipino, but he's ''really'' Asian looking, but the rest of his family definitely look mestizo. I don't, people think I'm a Korean with a tan. ** Tropers/WaxingName is Filipino but Chinese looking too. According to my mom, we do have some Chinese blood in our family, so I guess there is some justification for this.. * Tropers/{{Solandra}}: Sadly, I have trouble distinguishing between Asians...even though I'm Asian myself. I blame it on being the only Asian student around in elementary, middle, and high school. I also have no idea how to tell the nationality of another Asian, even though my parents have no trouble with that. ** Tropers/SatanicHamster: Which Asian are you? I can tell the difference between a Filipino and other Asians. I do have trouble telling the difference between a Japanese person and a Korean person. *** i'm an asian, living and born in [[ asian country]] and there were few cases where i was mistaken for a [[ Central_Asia local Korean]] or when i did the the same mistake. This happens rarely though, because you usually can tell the ethnicity of the person in question by his/her name (if you care about it at all in the first place). Asking one directly of his lineage is a major faux pas here. *** Ah, a country that the west doesn't hear much about. I do find it's easier to tell the difference by spoken language and appearance. The Japanese and Koreans, I find tend to have lighter skin than the South East Asians. South East Asians tend to have bigger, rounder eyes than the Japanese and Koreans. * Why am I not surprised that this trope's so common? I'll bet everyone above me gets the Bruce Lee jokes and Ching Chong chants as

well. ** Tropers/{{KZN02}}: if the former you mean knowing martial arts, then yeah, in the past. * This (English) troper has serious issues telling apart different asian nationalities - despite being at a more-than-95%-asian high school and having only asian friends... * Tropers/SailorEnlil: I'm also Filipino, but mixed with Chinese and Spanish blood, thanks to my father and mother respectively, but often mistaken for a pure Chinese because of the eyes. Case in point, one Filipino-Chinese in my college class, when he talked to me for the first time, spoke in Mandarin, and when I gave him confused looks, he realized I didn't understand a word he said and so he reverted to Tagalog. * Tropers/{{Verily}}: In this troper's hometown, there are scores of Chinese and Japanese restaurants, and nearly all of them are owned and operated by Koreans. The town has a much larger Korean community than Chinese or Japanese, but no Korean restaurants. * This troper is Chinese, and telling the difference between Chinese, Japanese, and Koreans is pretty difficult even for me (until they start talking, that is). * Averted here. I honestly can't understand the idea that all Asians look alike to people, or that it's hard to tell the difference between different Southeast Asian nationalities, which I can almost always do. Then again, I did go to a majority Asian school, so that probably helps matters. * All white people look alike, I have a hard time telling the difference between a German and an Englishman by looks alone. * This troper is half Chinese, but the rather dramatic mix of the other half has led to me being called any number of other things, from Hawaiian to Native American. Amusingly no one guesses the other two Asian groups I could be called correctly(Australian and Russian). ** Australia is an Asian group ... ? * This [[Troper/RhymeBeat white troper]] doesn't see why this is racist. I can't tell the difference between a French person and a Russian. Why should I be able to tell the physical difference between ethnicities, which are mostly a cultural distinction. ** That's just it: knowing that cultural distinctions exist. * Averted. This [[Troper/CynthiaWakefield white troper]] has never gotten this at all. People from ''small and neighboring'' countries may look alike, but ... Japanese and Chinese people, for instance, look ''nothing'' alike to her. * cocoy0: @Troper above me: You have never gazed upon all the varieties of Filipino. Filipinos can look like all races, including Chinese, Indian (Aryan and Dravidian), and Pygmies. Maybe except Jews. ** Jewish is not a race, it is a religion. There is no such thing as "anti-islamic racism" either. You are born into a race, raised into a culture, and choose a religion. *** Er, Jew is used to refer to both the race and the religion. Either is correct. Islam is not a race however. * This Troper lives in Korea among many Chinese Americans, Japanese Canadians, etc. and the locals always mistake them for fellow Koreans. * Averted incredibly weirdly for [[Tropers/{{Gadeel}} this Filipino

troper]] in that I was never confused for an Oriental or a Malay Asian. In college, I got confused for a variety of peoples: I got confused by someone for an Indian, Arab and at least three different kinds of European. I can somewhat understand that I was mistaken for Indian (an Indian guy showed my parents a picture of his son and we did look alike) and Arab (I was told I looked such through early adolescence), but the mistaken European identities baffle me. What's worse is that I was never mistaken for Spanish, despite the fact that Spanish blood is what gives me my distinctly non-Asian features. * A {{Jerkass}} friend of mine (I honestly don't know why I refer to him as a friend) occasionally makes bad jokes about me being from North Korea. This is a semi-aversion, since I am half-Korean, but he's still a jackass for making such jokes. * Among my friends at uni, there are two Asian guys (let's call them G and J) who really don't look alike -- their heights are different, their facial features are different, their voices are different, even their accents are different (J speaks English in a clipped sort of way while G speaks in a more regular smooth sort of tone), and they are from different countries -- and yet they have inexplicably been mistaken for each other ''several'' times on ''completely separate occasions''. None of my other Asian friends have been confused with each other, ''just'' those two. It makes no sense to me. * This Troper once asked a guy if he was Japanese. He answered that, no, he was from Pakistan. Oops. * This troper is Filipino. But you'd have to ask because it doesn't show at all. Well, he's also European, African American, Caucasian, Hispanic.. * Apparently, Central Asia does not exist. There are no Kazakhs, Kyrgyz, Tatars, etc., etc. We're all just myths. * spooky-fingers* * This half-Cantonese, half-Japanese troper is frequently mistaken for Filipina or Thai, usually by [[MeLoveYouLongTime older white guys trying to hit on her]] ... ** It seems like you have bigger rounder eyes, which might explain why people think you're Thai or Filipina. * This Asian [[Tropers/CrystalGlacia troper]] is a Chinese adoptee. Whenever this comes up in conversation, 99% of the time, somebody will think I'm Japanese. There was also that one time when someone thought I was Korean. So far, the only person to guess my ethnicity correctly was my band teacher. * Hilariously inverted with this white troper, who grew up in a ''very'' Asian part of Los Angeles. She was one of about 5 kids in her elementary school classes that wasn't Chinese, Japanese, or Korean, and it took her until around third grade to realize ''she'' wasn't Asian. When she moved to black-and-white South Carolina in sixth grade, she constantly mixed up blonds and brunettes well into high school. * This Half Asian troper's Taiwanese mother doesn't really look like what most of the people I know consider as "Asian". As such, no one really knows that I'm Half Asian until I tell them. Oddly enough, before I enlighten them, people think I'm Native American. Weird. * This troper's grandfather is blind, so he can't tell faces apart without touching. He can, however, place a person within 100 miles by

listening to them speak. * This troper is East Indian/Taiwanese and can't tell the difference between Asian nationalities by look. * This troper can certainly see great variation, but lack of experience means she's mostly uncertain on what is what- so, for example, if showed her pictures of someone from, say, South Korea and someone from China, she'd be able to tell that they were from different countries, but possibly not which was which. But she's trying to learn. That said, she can still tell the different between East Asians, Central Asians, and ecetera. * This troper grew up in a very multicultural area of London, and has therefore learnt to tell religious groups as well as racial groups apart. * This troper can't tell the difference between spoken Asian languages, and can only differentiate between written Korean and everything else. (Korean is the only one with little circle thingies!) * I can distinguish Asian from Caucasian - sometimes (I'm white in Central-to-North-Europe type BTW). To my defence - I grow up in country which due to historical reasons had minimal immigration and minorities [[hottip:*:before IIWW there was large amount of minorities [>50% IIRC] but due to first invasion of III Reich and Holocaust then moving ethnicies to fit into borders during aftermatch as well as moving borders]] and I know that for e.x. there are lot of differences between Chinise and Japanise culture; or that the Chinise culture is not monolithical, * This troper is Filipina and mistaken for Chinese or Chinese people... * This troper's little cousins have the tendency to call ''every single Asian person they see'' Chinese. They also call anyone who looks vaguely Latino Mexican. I've tried to correct them, but they never seem to learn. I wouldn't mind so much if they were really young and didn't know better, but the older one is ''11.'' * This troper is very Mexican and has been confused for chinese BY the chinese in china. He also has a very uncanny ability to tell Chinese from Japanese and (with less chance of success) Chinese from Koreans. Its even easier if he is trying to tell Asian women apart...for some reason. * For what it's worth, this troper can't tell individual white ethnicities apart either. * [[@/{{DragonKhorse}} This troper]] can distinguish between most ethnicities in Asia. He still has trouble with the Vietnamese, Thai though. On the other hand, make them speak English and he can tell you in an instant which country they're from. For this troper, it's tough, because he's an AmbiguouslyBrown Asian who can mimic Asian accents quite well. * As a Chinese person, I don't understand how people are constantly mistaking me for Japanese or Vietnamese. [[BerserkButton WE LOOK NOTHING ALIKE!]] Granted, there are more Vietnamese people here, but that means that people ought to be able to realize that I look VERY different from them. ** JackMackerel - you'd be surprised how easily some Japanese pass off as Chinese and vice versa. My brother's Mandarin teacher states she's

done it repeatedly (being a Japanese fluent in Mandarin helps, for obvious reasons.) ** Hell, [[MarkAntony this troper]] is Chinese (well, Chinese-American anyways) and he couldn't tell you if someone was Chinese, Japanese, or Korean to save his life. Especially since there are so many minorities in China and nobody, and I do mean ''nobody'', is actually of pure Han ethnicity anymore. There are a number of stereotypical differences, of course, but they are so far from universal as to be largely pointless. This troper has himself been mistaken for Korean ''in China'' due to his mode of dress (Koreans tend to wear clothes in a more Western style). * This troper thinks he's actually pretty good at telling other Asians apart. Unfortunately, this is not reciprocated. This troper spent the first 15 years of his life in the Philippines. He's always been fairly light skinned for a mostly pure Filipino. Upon moving to Chicago, and returning for a visit four years later, his own countrymen, and even people who knew him from before, mistook him for being Korean. * Strangely, I am Asian and I constantly evoke this trope. * I cant tell the different nationalities apart, and have trouble with telling different people apart sometimes, but that is not just asians, I have trouble remembering faces and usually only recognise people by their hair, eyes, skin and clothes anyway-makes it hard with working in a school, 30 pupils all in identical uniform, and I have trouble telling them apart, especially little boys as most of them have the same haircut. Maybe for me it is that all people look alike. * I can easily tell the difference between Japanese, Chinese, Mongolian, Filipino, Indian, and the like, but I haven't interacted with enough Korean people to know for sure (physical appearance-wise; culturally, I can tell just fine). On the other hand, after living among Japanese people for a year, I got hit with a very, ''very'' weird inversion of this trope. While in the beginning, I was having trouble telling a lot of Japanese people apart, at the end, for some reason, every white person I saw looked ''familiar''. * Reversed when this Caucasian troper befriended a Chinese exchange student, who asked about the origin of my accent. I responded, "[[AmericanAccents I don't know, we all sound alike to me.]]" ** Bonus points, as she later revealed she frequently asked me about assignments because she could understand my accent, but said that the teacher's accent was very thick. The teacher and I were both from the same part of Michigan. *** This troper is an American that has met Asians who have told him that his accent doesn't cound American. Oddly enough, many are sure it's a British accent. This troper is from the St. Louis area. *** I'd say you must speak phonetic English, which sounds a lot like British English. * Tropers/PutYaGunsOn: Oh God, this is basically my BerserkButton right here, especially being Filipino myself. Throughout grade and middle school, I grew up with classmates who ''literally'' thought that [[AllAsiansAreAlike all East Asian cultures and ethnic groups were one and the same]] (Basically, they thought the whole continent was [[TheThemeParkVersion Theme Park]] FarEast {{Wutai}} land. No joke.), and that the terms "Chinese" and "Japanese" could be used

''interchangeably'' to refer to ANYTHING of East Asian origin. [[FlatWhat What.]] ** And then they'd mistake ''me'' for Chinese/Japanese, but then I'd correct them, thinking it was an honest mistake. (Well, to be fair, some time after that I found out that I actually DO have Chinese blood in me, but this was back when I didn't know that, so yeah.) Then they'd just tell me that we all look the same/ARE the same. [[BerserkButton Cue me getting close to lashing out at them and desperately wanting to beat the crap out of them]], but [[LawfulGood restraining myself only so I don't get in trouble with the teacher standing right there.]] Then some of them would [[InvokedTrope call me Chinese/Japanese on purpose just to piss me off.]] *** The teacher would have punished you for hitting them, but didn't punish them for their blatant racism? FlatWhat indeed. * This troper (Weird mix-up of Chinese and Vietnamese and a few others) finds the idea hilarious. That doesn't stop him from answering those lovely questions of "What race/ethnicity are you?" with "I'm Somali" for the hell of it. * This troper here is full Taiwanese....but everyone from the States seems to either think I'm Chinese or just Asian. Granted yes, I do come from a part of Asia, but there is a VERY big difference between the Chinese and Taiwanese. Strangely enough, I'm unable to tell the actual difference between the two, until they start speaking. ** ...perhaps it's because Chinese and Taiwanese people are ethnically the same? Why would anyone be able to tell the difference? (This Troper, incidentally, is also Taiwanese, but has no problem admitting that Taiwanese = Chinese in terms of ethnicity) * I just can't tell people apart asian or not. Not only can I not tell the difference between people of different asian countries apart at a glance the same is true of european and african people. The most shocking thing though is sometimes I can't tell the difference between individuals of completely seperate races I once confused a hispanic woman for my white mother because they were wearing similar jackets. * I find it almost impossible to guess what nationality someone is by looking at them. That is, if I see a Chinese guy and a Japanese guy I can tell they look way different, but I'll be darned if I know which is which, or even which groups I should be picking from. If they start speaking in their native language or eating their native food I'll probably figure it out though. * Not my anecdote, but: a (white) friend of my mother's and her family were transferred to Hong Kong for business. Their older son learned Cantonese, and one day the mother asked him to order for them at a restaurant. He listened very carefully to the wait staff and told her he couldn't. "Why not?" "Mom, they're Korean." * Protip: it's not just looks, but also body language. There's a way Japanese people (for example) behave, and there's a way Chinese people behave. Learning to read the signs is an important part of the skill. * A weird way of playing this trope straight: my family is white, and we grew up in an area that had a large population of Laotian immigrants, where it was assumed that any Asian person in the area was Hmong. So, to this day my sister has a tendency to refer to anyone of southeast Asian decent as Hmong first and foremost. I'm trying to

break her of this habit... * Tropers/Omurice: I've been mistaken for Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese, Korean, Indonesian, and Indian (at least once) but never Filipino (my real nationality). * This troper's 14-year-old sister honestly believes this is true. Anytime you try and say how the Chinese and the Japanese are different, she goes on by saying "yes they are" and she tries to get you to shut up or she'll shut you up herself. * This troper is Chinese. He knows the cultural and linguistic difference among different Asian nations, but guessing nationality from merely looking is very hard for him. Only exceptions are Indians and Vietnameses. * [[Tropers/NaomiLawliet This Tropette]] is half-Taiwanese, HalfAmerican. She has been mistaken for full Japanese, Chinese, Thai, Korean, French, English, Australian, Italian, Spanish, and even INDIAN and NATIVE AMERICAN!!! * Tropers/{{Pikachukid}} [[LateToThePunchline just realised]] how stupid his sixth-grade teacher was. I was in my third year of a Japanese class with Kumon (and had studied it in school in Grade 2), and had started doing Chinese in school. The teacher did in fact wonder why I was doing so poorly at Chinese when my Japanese was fine. Most of the time, the languages don't even ''look'' alike. * My brother's mother in law is a fun case. Ethnically, she is fully Chinese. However, she was born and spend her childhood in pre-Castro Cuba. People expecting her to ''sound'' remotely Chinese get a surprise when they hear a Cuban-accented English (or Spanish) coming from her. * [[{{Tropers/Sharysa}} Sharysa]] likes to lampshade this, given that she is literally one of two Asians (She's Filipino, the other is Vietnamese) in her mostly black and Caucasian theater group. * This Chinese troper has been mistaken for a Japanese and a Korean before. Though, to be fair, this troper learned Karate (not just martial arts, but actual Karate), and likes to eat Korean BBQ. * That explains how a Chinese exchange student decided I was Japanese (I'm a very stereotypical-looking Ashkenazi, with features that are vaguely middle eastern) * This (Caucasian) troper has no trouble telling apart ''most'' Asians and figuring out where they're from, but she likes to joke about how all Asians look alike to her friends. One is a tan Indonesian, the other is of the pale, North-Chinese persuasion. The thing is? ''They agree with me'' * @/ThatOtherYou, being a Filipino, has problems with this when it comes to appearance. It doesn't help that her close friends are a Filipino who looks Chinese, a half-Chinese who looks Filipino, a light-skinned Indonesian whose god-brother is Chinese, and a Chinese person who's really into anime. (Don't be fooled--the Filipino population around here is lot higher than what I'm suggesting.) On a more {{facepalm}}-worthy note, she once saw a Caucasian girl near Cucina Manila (a very Filipino name in itself) leave, saying that "I don't feel like Chinese food today." * This mostly-White Troper has no problem telling Asians apart. Chalk it up to lots of Asian friends and associates and being a student of

Japanese language and culture, as well as other Asian cultures. On the very weird side, a former co-worker, who was a Chinese native said that he thought I was Chinese and a stranger in a convenience store once approached me, happy to meet "another person who is halfJapanese, half-Mexican." So I guess Asians can't tell me apart? * This Troper's Asian classmates lampshaded this when comparing their ID pictures. * My Chinese girlfriend has had this at times. Several of my photos are with my Asian friends (invariably female... thankfully I had managed to explain this before we became a couple), and she has a hard time telling them apart. She learned to guess Japanese, the majority of my Asian friends, but at least is mostly correct as all of them are either Japanese, Korean, or Chinese (one is full Japanese culturally but two generations removed from being full Korean...) For my part, I have trouble telling Koreans and Chinese apart, but less trouble telling Japanese apart from them. * I've been called everything from Chinese to Indian when they forget that between south and east Asia is southeast Asia (I'm Thai, so I'm lighter in skin tone than a lot of Indians but darker than most Oriental Asians.). It's now been more a personal RunningGag for me to say that I'm from North America and that I'm Navajo-Seminole with a bit of Miccosukee before I say that I'm Thai. Hey, if they can't tell the difference between Asians, who says they can tell the difference between Native Americans tribes :D? ** Tropers/PutYaGunsOn: Hey, thanks! Next time someone mistakes me for anything other than Chinese/Filipino, I'll probably steal your idea or something. * This trope applies to all of my Asian friends. I can't tell them apart lots of the time. Considering that, most of the Asians at my school are Veitnamese, so as soon as I met my friend Jane, I assumed automatically she was Veitnamese. She, in fact, was Korean, (as I learned later). I have a rather hard time telling all Asians apart, actually. * When this troper's 3rd grade EXTREMELY IGNORANT teacher went to Japan, she never shut the hell up about how "cool" it was. This suddenly stopped when she asked a kid about Japanese-y things and he corrected her, telling that he was ''Korean''. Oh snap. This troper herself can identify a person of Asian nationality instantly though by either listening to their accent (if they have one) or knowing their name, so I haven't encountered this problem myself. ** Also the same Troper had to convince her friends that not all Asians play ''StarcraftII'' by bringing up our friend that lives in Japan that can't even fix her internet connection because (her words) "she's too old for computers". Yeeeaah. All Asians play Starcraft... * My nephew is 1/4 Chinese, but some kid asked if he was from Japan. * [[@/GamerFromJump I]] goofed the term for the ''taijitu'' symbol, calling it "yin-yang". This was a course on Japanese history, so the appropriate term would have been ''in-you'', according to my (Japanese) teacher. * Apparently I (a Hispanic) have an Asian great-grandfather. Whenever I ask what nationality, everyone (even his daughter) responds "... We're not sure. We just know he was Asian." But since he had an

incredibly Spanish sounding name, I have to keep assuming 'Filipino.' Until I see a picture... even then I might not be able to tell... * Aversion: The other day I was amazed to see a white classmate of mine correctly identity a girl as coming from South Vietnam just based on visual cues. He claimed that he had taught himself to distinguish among people of all nations in that region of Asia. * This Troper's father can always identify where people are from. This Troper can't, ever, and has learned to shut up. This ability/lack of ability, however, extends to all races - he can identify people as being German/Russian/British etc and I can unfailingly guess the wrong thing for every human being I meet. * Wherever [[@/OhNoes my family and I]] go, we're constantly asked if we're Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese, or Thai - Even at Asian establishments. We're Filipino. Also, this is somewhat unrelated, but someone was trying to get my attention [[HeadphonesEqualIsolation through my music]], to no avail. The dude next to him said "Asian. Hellooo, asian kid?" in a rather soft voice, and I whirled around as if he'd been yelling. [[HilarityEnsues Hilarity ensued.]] * I really cannot tell Caucasians apart, and they (in turn) either think I'm a full-on Chinese or completely American. I am a Taiwanese/Australian mixed. * This caucasian troper has little trouble telling adult Asians apart, but when they're children she can't tell the difference. Not only Asians but certain Native Americans like the Inuit, too. * Tropers/{{Archer250}}: Inverted. I can never tell a Caucasian apart. * I was at a WWE house show a few weeks ago and I heard some idiot Dublin kid say "Gail Kim's a chink". Gail is of Korean descent actually. * This white troper goes to a mostly-Asian boarding school. At first I couldn't tell anyone apart, but since I've been going for a few years I can usually guess by their names or by hearing them speak... Still, I never mention it until I'm 100% sure. * ...This troper is confused, cos she always thought this trope was not being able to tell the difference between two specific Asian ''people'', much less different nationalities. She's Chinese and has been mistaken for pretty much every one of the other ten or so Asian girls at her school. * This troper recently took a trip to Taiwan, along with other people from his school, and some from a Korean school. It wasn't until then that this troper really knew how to tell the difference between Chinese and Korean people, and that still only goes about as far as "Koreans have more yellowish skin." ---Go back to... What was it, Chinese? Korean? Oh right, AllAsiansAreAlike.

AllBikersAreHellsAngels * This Troper has a scary real life example of this trope being played straight. Her middle school music teacher's sister as well as a distant friend and her husband of her parents got involved with motorcycles in their thirties, started a local bike club, and even ran

a small Harley merch store. Aside from this, they were very normal people. She thought nothing of it until later this year when they were both murdered in their house by a Hell's Angels guy because they stiffed someone in a drug deal. * ThisTropers high school Spanish teacher always wore nice polo shirts everyday. However, he drove a Harley most of the time. And showed at every school function in full-on Hell's Angels gear. Sleveless leather jacket, bicep tatoos, bandana, denim pants, you name it. He also had a massive PornStache. * [[Tropers/GenkiMan My]] [[BadassCrew dad and his friends]] challenged the Hells Angels (the '''real''' ones) to fight outside a pub after one of them made one of his mates' [[DisproportionateRetribution spill his drink]]. I'm ''dead serious''. [[spoiler: They didn't actually fight because the Angels [[CrowningMomentOfAwesome respected them for having the balls to challenge them in the first place and bought them a drink]].]] * On this troper's parents' first date, they had engine trouble and pulled off at a gas station. A group of bikers noticed their trouble and decided to give them an escort to their destination. Along the way, a slowpoke motorist pulled in front of the car, so a biker drove along side it, tapped on the window, and motioned for the car to give way. The driver obeyed, they made it to their destination, and the date was saved. * This troper's family is a giant subversion. Yes, the troper's father looks like a [[{{Badass}} 'baby eater']], according to one of my exes, but he is a textbook example of someone owning a traditional cruiser; he is a retired professional who has a decent amount of money and who works on minor stuff on his bike with his friends. He is part of a 'biker' gang, but their shtick is being part of the armed forces and at least visiting specific highways. And yes, his bike is a Harley. Her mother rides as well, though not a Harley, and she is a normal woman who uses The Killer Rabbit because it has better gas mileage. The oldest brother rides and looks sort of like the stereotype, but he is a teddy bear. [[AstraKiseki The troper herself]] doesn't count; she rides a Vespa. * This troper had a run in with a bunch of bikers at a resteraunt when he was only 5 years old. Now, according to the tale, these were a table full of large, leather clad gentlemen with beards to their beltbuckles, laughing it up and smoking cigars despite the plain nosmoking signs. So this troper, flush with all the righteous indignation a 5 year old can hold, walked straight up to them and told them "You really shouldn't be smoking in here". The biggest of them looked down at me, stared hard, then burst into laughing, saying "You're right. We really shouldn't." Then they put out their cigars and my until-that-moment terrified grandparents bundled me back to my seat. There wasn't a lick of trouble from them afterwards. ** This reminds me of something that happened to me at a restaurant when I was about six. One of several bearded bikers helped get this mini troper's balloon down from the ceiling, by climbing up on top of a table. * This Tropher went to see the British Grand Prix back in 1995 and since I was only 6 at the time I obviously had a hard time seeing

anything. A couple of bikers offered to let me sit with them and allow me to see. To this day I wonder why bikers seem to get so much stick. They are great people who only get pissed off when someone decides to start trouble, then they make the troublemaker regret it. A few other friends share this point of view. * This troper was stationed in South Korea, and ran into a Korean Harley gang while staying at a hostel one weekend. They were all decked out in the stereotypical leather and chains. When this (blondhaired, blue-eyed, American) troper passed one of them in the parking lot, the biker bowed politely and cheerfully exclaimed, "An yeong ha seyo!" (traditional Korean greeting). It was all this troper could do not to burst out laughing. * When this troper was very young my parents and I went out to dinner and ACTUAL Hell's Angels (New York Chapter) were in the restaurant. There were about five or six of them, but they were very quiet, talking amongst themselves (with the occasional outburst of laughter), and were very respectful to the waitstaff. Many years later I worked in an office and one of the accountants while in suit and tie during the week showed us several pictures of him and his son sitting on his Harley with him dressed in full biker gear. * This troper goes to church with a member of a motorcycle gang called The Sons of God. Yes, they're just what they sound like: Motorcyclist missionaries. They go to shows and love their Harleys and dress the same as any other biker... they just happen to love Jesus. * Similar story at this Troper's church, the leader is actually one of the lighting techs. * This Troper's road trip to see Mt. Rushmore happened to coincide with one of the largest annual Biker Rallies in North America. All the roadside diners were packed with Leather clad motorcycle enthusiasts that could be overheard discussing how their Insurance or Real Estate practices were doing, and the current state of their [=IRAs=]. * This Troper spent most of high school on the back of her friend's motorcycle and actually got escorted to her 16th birthday by a group of Hell's Angels by default of them falling in with the three of us on our way to Los Angeles. They even bought us breakfast! * This troper's friend was at a restaurant when her dad saw bikers, and started bashing them. So she then yelled at him that they're probably nice people. Then before her dad could say anything, the biker held open the door. He then talked with them and was super nice. * This troper's father worked at a fish store when he was a kid. One day, he sold some guy some eel, and the guy came back whining and complaining about the quality of the eel (which actually, was fine), ending with him throwing the eel back into my father's 14-year-old face. The guy turned around, and there were about 3 bikers. They demanded that the man apologize to my father. The man refused. The three bikers grabbed the guy, and literally threw him out of the store. They then apologized to my father and gave him a $5 tip for dealing with the guy. (in 1977) * This troper's parents got married at the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally twenty somthin years ago. And my mother is that poster-girl from that Women Bikers poster (shown in a lot of history shows on bikers, always saying she's unknown). Both parents go to Sturgis every summer. Best

part? They're millionaires living in a gated community in Laguna Beach. Biker tough. * Subverted in this guy's experience. Most Harley bikers in his local area are men in their mid-life crisis who just ride on the weekends. ---Jump on your hog and ride on back to Main/AllBikersAreHellsAngels! ---<<|TroperTales|>>

AllDrummersAreAnimals * Completely acerted by [[SwiftStrike this troper]], who is a drummer, but isn't at all crazy... at least not dangerously so. I'm pretty smart, but too laid back to actually care greatly about school or work. I can also play a bit of piano and sing, but the only thing I can play on guitar is the [[RedVsBlue Red Vs Blue]] theme song. * This troper knew a man who looked like the muppet Animal when, and only when, he was playing the drums. * This troper's [[BrattyHalfPint younger brother]], in spades. He has to be seen to be believed... ** You too? * This troper's former drummer had long hair, enjoyed yelling random [[{{Metallica}} James Hetfield]] quotes such as [[BigYes "YEAAAH"]] and "OOOOOH", and went nuts when put behind a drumkit. Great drummer though. * Averted for me - I can play the drums (even though I'm not really active as a drummer) and I'm a [[TheSmartGuy Smart Guy]]/DeadpanSnarker. * Averted here. The drummer in my band was an Eagle Scout with a kajillion merit badges. ** And played straight in my other band, in which our drummer insists on inserting a maniacal drum solo into the end of every song, even slow songs. Yeah... * Unfortunately for this troper, she is the only girl in the entire percussion section of her high school band, and is [[SarcasmMode lucky enough]] to be the only one with any sense of respect, sanity, or legitimate musical ability. And since all of these drummers are ''male animals'', she gets to be subject to the most blatant sexism. * Averted by one of the girls in this troper's (percussion) section in her high school's band. She is very quiet and rather serious. Our band director often has to tell her to play louder. Played fairly straight by the rest of us in the section. This troper fondly looks back on the first time she played crash cymbal and played so loudly the she practically busted the drum major's ear drums. * This troper has noticed a HUGE distinction between people who happen to be capable of drumming and honest-to-god drummers. The former are usually relatively sane, productive members of society. The latter are batshit crazy to a man. * This troper's physics teacher plays drums in a band. She's not entirely sure what that implies. ----

Back to AllDrummersAreAnimals? ----

AllForNothing * In this troper's last year of elementary school, the school district put together a lot of money to build a beautiful, relaxing flower garden for students to sit in and admire, and to preserve butterflies. This troper spent months with his mother raising a butterfly just for this purpose - and mind you, this was this troper's third attempt, as the other two butterflies had apparently been subject to pesticides and never emerged from the chrysalis. However, this one ''did'' survive, and this troper had the honor of releasing it in a special ceremony into the garden, where it looked wonderful. Two years later, this troper, then in middle school, learned that the school had the garden removed to make room for new classrooms as the population of the township expanded. * [[{{Tropers/Griffinguy24}} This Troper]] once worked with piping plovers, an endangered ground-nesting shorebird. One of his first experiences doing so involved building fences so beachgoers wouldn't disturb a nesting bird. This bird built its nest right at the fence line, meaning we had to expand the fencing. Immediately after we finished, a crow swooped down and ate the nest's single egg. * On a similar note, [[{{TropersSciatrix}} my]] younger sister once found an baby rabbit in the yard, apparently abandoned by its parents. After hours of cajoling, my father finally persuaded her to release the bunny, arguing that it would be happier in the wild and also less likely to be eaten by our dog. She set it loose on the lawn, whereupon it began to hop away for maybe five seconds. Then a giant crow swooped down, grabbed it by the head, and flew away, screaming bunny in tow. ** Oh my god, that is a legitimate source of NightmareFuel for your little sister. ** What kind of horrible mutant bird has what it takes to swoop down and pick up something the size of a rabbit? [[ A Deepcrow?]] *** ''Deeeeeeeeep Croooooow!! Deeeeeeeeeeeeeep Croooooowwww!!!'' *** Well, it was a ''baby'' bunny... besides, wild bunnies are a little smaller than the fat, domesticated kind seen in pet stores ** One should not attempt to "rescue" an "abandoned" rabbit. Mommy rabbits "abandon" their babies every day to avoid drawing attention to them. If the baby rabbit smells like human hands when she returns, the mommy may abandon it for real. *** May or may not be a myth according to many people, but rabbits feed their children during the night apparently, so while one may SEEM abandoned it's not. ** Or worse, ''eat it''. This has happened to baby hamsters (which, by the way, did not belong to [[{{Tropers/MiraShio}} me]]). * Many people pass through decades of studying, even doing College, and end unemployed, or in a job that doesn't have anything to do with what they wanted. Sad, really sad. ** I join you in your sorrow. ** While we're on the topic of college, this troper was initially

considering going to a junior college before transferring to a university. But then he was told that performing well in junior college would mean that universities would only look at his JC performance and not look at his high school performance. So he went to university right away, otherwise there would be no point to doing his best in high school. ** Been there, done that, got the BA degree, did little with the subject. ** I know a woman who went to university to study Neuro Science...and then changed her mind and went for a degree/job in ''marketing''. ** That's what happens when you go to ''college'' (actually a school devoted to one discipline, but Americans use it to mean "university") and study something for the sole purpose of making money off it. That's not an education, that's training. Whether you call it a university or a college, go to get an education and, whatever discipline your degree is in, then use that education to make a living. ** This is happening to my cousin. She was originally planning to study theater and become an actress. After her freshman year, she didn't qualify for one of the theater programs. Now that cousin is planning to be a music teacher. Still a related field, but still. * This troper recalls reading about how thousands of dollars were spent to nurse a pair of sea lions back to health following the ''Exxon Valdez'' crash in Alaska some dozen years ago. A great ceremony was held to celebrate the release of the creatures into the wild...and the entire assemblage watched in horror as they were immediately eaten by a pair of killer whales. ** Wow, so that one ''PearlsBeforeSwine'' comic was based on a true story? Either that, or mother nature is a real bitch. * [[@/RayAyanami This troper]] voted for a tax that would fund a [[ BART]] extension to the southern part of the San Francisco Bay Area, a major region of the Bay Area with no BART service. The tax had just enough votes to meet the 2/3 majority vote needed to pass. (Which is ironic, because Prop 8 only needed a 50% vote, but that's a story for another day.) Then it was decided that the extension would terminate in East San Jose, instead of going through downtown and into Santa Clara (his hometown), otherwise the extension would be too costly. Now he's wondering: ''what was the fucking point of (voting for) that tax?!'' * This troper had to struggle through a book for summer reading once. This was for a school that had caused her a lot of major problems over the year. Reading it was like wading through waist-deep mud, and she went through a lot of stress to finish on time. Then, after a whole spring and summer of searching, she (read: her parents) finally found a decently-fitting "special" school two days before the year started. Relief? Hell yes. All for nothing? Same. ._.; * This troper tried for YEARS to get into one lone college program, and even with lots of help, never did. She has since given up. She has also tried hard to find a retail job with no success. She finally found a program that places you in retail...for a few months. She will likely not get to keep the job after. She's starting to believe she's not allowed success.

* [[@/PentiumMMX2 This troper]] had this happen with a competition held by his Boy Scout troop. It was a classic Pinebox derby (for those who might not know what I'm talking about, it's where you build small wooden cars and race them), except with an addition angle of having a car show; a trophy given to the person who made the best looking one. I put days into perfecting mine; having my dad assist me in decorating it to make it look as good as possible, and even ditching the craft paint for a can of spray paint the same shade of red as his car. Sadly, though, I lost both the race (Lost in the 2nd round) and the car show (Lost to a kid who painted his with plain craft paint. Maybe I was disqualified, but they never told me...[[LoopholeAbuse nor did they ever say, when announcing the contest, that it was against the rules to use spray paint]]). I was devastated; I already couldn't handle failure very well (I was like 8 or 9 at the time), but the fact I put so much effort in only to fail made it more agonizing. ** This troper feels your pain. When She was 9, her brother's Scout troop invited the sisters of the Scouts to make cars and race them, because there were only about 8 boys. While the others all got their dad to make the cars, she built one with very little help. She got to the race, and did really well. At the end of the night, they told her that her car had won, but they had to give the prize to a boy because it was a 'Scout event', and she was 'only a guest.' * The task of writing the script for last year's final school play fell into [[{{Tropers/MiraShio}} my hands]]. I spent ''weeks'' translating the PurpleProse of the source material into a comprehensible script, all the while racing against time. Everyone's grades depended on the completion of the script... and then we ended up not performing the play. We never saw the scripts again. [[strike: I ''really'' hope my efforts won't be wasted again this year.]] ** This hoping was AllForNothing. * [[{{Tropers/CrazyRob}} This Troper]] feels this way about his entire education prior to college. Eighteen years of mindless drivel that didn't help me at all in the real world, along with a boatload of anger issues, betrayals, and depression. To say that the entire experience was merely completely unhelpful is the politest way I can put it - a more accurate statement would be that being in several car wrecks and spending each recovery time reading would have been much better for my mental and physical health. ** Logically I could say there ''is'' a lot of information that ''can'' help you in real life if you look at it the right way. Emotionally I feel similar, wondering whether all my efforts will pay off or go to waste. This weakens my motivation and makes me dwell more on little signs that I could fail, however flimsy 'evidence' they might be. This only increases my anxiety and weakens my motivation even more. It's a nasty cycle. * This troper feels this way about the concept of finding love. All that'll ever come out of it is just getting hurt. I literally spent thousands of dollars on the girl I "loved", and then she broke up with me, and now has told me several times that she wishes I had never been in her life. ** I'm not sure if what I'm about to say will make sense, but don't let pain keep you away from love forever. Think of it like this... if

you were once happy with the wrong one, how much happier will you be when the one for you finally comes? Everything's gonna be fine, and I know that what I just said were not empty words. *** Unless, of course, he never actually finds anyone for him, like millions of others, in which case it really will have been AllForNothing. * This troper is trying not to feel this way about her last place of employment, but sometimes it's really hard. She devoted her life to the place because she cared about it (and her boss) so much. She risked her physical and mental health in her efforts to satisfy the powers that be; she never really got much of a break, since they thought nothing of calling her at home about matters. Nothing was ever good enough. Her boss doted on her but those higher than him had a very different opinion; it was like working for Gru's mother in ''DespicableMe'' -- the best response she could hope for was "Eh." She tried to help restore economic stability, to implement environmentally responsible practices, and to make the place run as smoothly as she could. Her reward was to be given walking papers after five and a half years, after (among other things) being accused of trying to sabotage a department. The fact that she was ''proven innocent of all charges'' didn't change anything either. * All my attempts at finding love and companionship have turned out to be this. I've put time, money, effort, and God knows what else into it... I've changed my looks, my clothes, my personality, and yet despite all the people who claim I'm a nice guy and there's someone out there for me, every woman I ever get interested in blows me off because I'm "not her type" or "not hot enough." I get the feeling that love is AllForNothing for a lot of people. ---Oh, why bother going back to Main/AllForNothing? ---<<|TroperTales|>>

AllGaysArePromiscuous * Played totally straight ([[IncrediblyLamePun or not]]) by the LGBT community in my college. There is actually a map made by a friend of mind connecting the names of everyone who has slept together with lines. It looks like someone scribbled all over a huge sheet of paper. And I can think of at least 10 hook-ups that aren't even on the map, and I'm not even that popular/well-informed/knowledgeable-aboutgossip. However, inverted by my gay male [[FagHag best friends]] and I. We are always complaining about how we're the only queers on campus who want committed, loving, lasting relationships instead of cheap hook-ups. Too bad I'm a woman, they're men, and none of them are eachother's type. * This trope was this my dad's explanation as to why relationships between two males wouldn't work as well. "See, if it were a guy and a girl, [[AllMenArePerverts the guy would want sex all the time]], [[AllWomenArePrudes but the girl would tell him to slow it down.]] If it were two guys, then the guy would want sex all the time and the other guy would be like, 'Sure!'" I would have said something, but I

was pretty sure I wasn't supposed to be part of the conversation. * [[Tropers/DesertDragon I]] played this straight (ahem) for the first six years of my adult life. I am probably still a manwhore by most definitions of the word, but have at least developed ''some'' standards of who to sleep with, and it's never with someone who isn't boyfriend material in some way (though whether or not we actually become boyfriends is a different story). * My Biology professor tried to convince us the average gay male slept with up to 23 partners in a single night. No, I wish I was kidding. * I am glad to read this page, because seriously, I don't know anyone who doesn't embody (no pun intended) this trope. * sigh* Why must I live in a place where nearly every single human is a walking stereotype? * This trope applies to my friend and I.... * [[{{Gattsuru}} My]] run into more than a few people at Pride events certain that this ''should'' be the case -- at least one pair solved the issues of a long-distance relationship this way by going open about it, with the explicit warning that they didn't think it would work for straight couples -- and, other the other side, sees a lot of aversion, too. * One word: Bournemouth. * I'm not gay but... even I get a tad pissed whenever someone in my FAMILY would say "It's a good thing you aren't gay, otherwise I would have to watch my ass around you." There aren't enough walls in the world that could ever wipe out the fail in such a statement. That's not even UnfortunateImplications, they honestly believe that all gays not only rape people, but don't even care if that person is related to them. I apologize to all of you on behalf of my idiotic family members. * A lesbian friend of mine rather fits this in a [[DistaffCounterpart genderflipped]] kind of way; she's only seventeen and has a formidable back catalog already, including a guy or two. Her rationale is pretty simple - orgasms are fun - and I've got to say that I admire how freely she enjoys her sexuality in a world where most girls feel the need to treat sex as a solemn, jealous ritual. She has a girl with which she's settling down with at the moment, but this has given her a whole load of new female friends who are either bisexual or curious enough to also want her. These friends are HUGELY desirable; it's going to be interesting to see how resisting works out for her. ---AllGaysArePromiscuous? Nobody told me! ----

AllGermansAreNazis * This troper has a half German half Greek classmate who likes to make fun of his own German heritage, especially with his friends who seem to think Hitler is hilarious. * This Tropette is of mixed European heritage. I'm a little bit of everything, including German. I'm none too proud to admit that of the 20 or so German words and phrases I know, at least half are slurs against Jews or have [[ThoseWackyNazis unfortunate]] connotations. I

don't hold the only beliefs I can express in German, but I'm well aware that this makes me look like a terrible person. [[RacistGrandma I place all blame for this on my grandpa,]] who has some pretty backwards-ass beliefs. ** ACHTUNG JUDEN! *** Why the HELL did you think it was example time? * This troper is half german on his mother's side, and throughout school endured comments of this trope's believers... who did I end up meeting and befriending in college? The great nephew of William Joyce AKA Lord Haw Haw. * This troper is from nearly pure German heritage on my mother's side. Recently, my aunt asked me if I was ever accosted over this in school (called a nazi, etc), because apparently she was and she worried the same would happen to me. ** The same thing happened to this troper, even though he's half Hungarian. Being blond and blue eyed (which later turned light-brown and green----respectively) didn't really make his grade-school years easy... * There is a German exchange student at this troper's high school who suffers this regularly. A friend of mine(known for what he calls 'comedic racism') spent fifteen minutes goading her, and upon receiving a suitably angry response, turned to me and loudly whispered "Hide the Jews!" * In a story [[CrashGordon94 I]] am planning, a Villain assumes this of the resident German GeniusBruiser (Who also happens to be TheHero), [[BerserkButton much to their detriment]]. * In a '''horrible''' example of this trope, this tropers grandmother knew a girl at her own school back in the 1940's. She was bullied and beaten up badly, by people much older than her. Why? Because her parents were germans who fled Germany to Britain in the 1930's because of their ''Jewish ancestry''. The girl and her parents even almost got put in prison because they were suspected of being German spies. * This troper had it once, whilst he was living in England. Someone made a nazi analogue concerning Jewish, and I responded with: "..Why?" "You're Dutch aren't you?", cue grammar lesson. * The only time that my high school WorthyOpponent ever crossed the line from "entertaining wise-ass" to "reprehensible jerk" was when he made Holocaust comments to the German exchange student. I had to flee the room in embarrassment. * I had a professor who was German, and was soft-spoken and actually rather timid. My friend and I inadvertantly terrorized him during the Modern France history class we took together, because we are both outspoken and opinionated. We do feel guilty about this, although his expression when I called Marshall Petain a "candyass" still makes us giggle. * This Tropette, mixed heritage, thought mostly German was at first irritated why neighbour countries keep up mocking Germans by calling them Nazis. That was until she was in London and couldn't resist to mock German tourists, to see how it works. Since then she got plenty comments that she could not be German, since she would be so relaxed and cool about it. * This troper has had to deal with this in the past, due to having a

great-grandfather that fought for Germany during WWII. While he was fighting in France, his wife and daughter were arrested and sent off to a "work camp", but eventually smuggled out of the country by friends. The stories this troper's grandmother have told her about life in Nazi Germany for the average German citizen were enough to give her [[NightmareFuelUnleaded nightmares]]. Suffice to say, the last time someone suggested he was a Nazi resulted in this troper's brother breaking the guy's nose. * This trope is TruthInTelevision for me and a friend. We are both blue-eyed blondes with German ancestors. Never mind the fact that both of our families moved to the United States before WorldWarII. Never mind the fact that one of our other friends is Jewish. We still spend a lot of time explaining that we're not neo-Nazis. ** If it was TruthInTelevision for you, wouldn't that mean that you really are nazis? *** Sorry, I worded it wrong. People incorrectly assume it's TruthInTelevision. * This trope was a sad reality for me in high school. Never mind that my family came over before Germany technically existed, or that the [[JerkJock people]] giving me grief over it delighted in talking about how much they hated Jews. * This Austrian troper has just moved to Scotland. Being confronted with this trope [[FetishFuel in GB isn't always fun.]] * This German troper has visited England, France and America several times. It's always much fun to be called a Nazi. I also feel very guilty for my personal involvement in the Holocaust, by the way I'am 24. * Averted-- this troper knows at least one Jew of German descent who is proud of both his Jewish and German ancestries. * This Troper has had to deal with this. A Few of my friends Started Calling Me "Nazi" and "Hitler (or "HITLAH"), It offended me, so they stopped. However, 2 Special-Ed Students Have started doing the same (Yeah, I'm Kind of the school's Resident [[ ButtMonkey]]). THEY WILL NOT LEAVE ME ALONE! and Call me Racist for saying ANYTHING AT ALL! I Am 98% Irish(My Father Was An Irish Immigrant) and 2% German (on my mother's side). * I am Jewish (with a bit of German mixed in, but that was Jewish too), and people with German ancestry (who usually have ancestors who moved here before the Holocaust/weren't Nazis) come up to me and apologize. They also expect me to hate them, for some reason. I have to explain that almost all Germans today are very nice people, and most Jews (including me) don't hold a grudge against modern-day Germany (or people descended from Germany). Also, I get really weird looks when I tell people I know Hebrew and am learning German soon. * This Troper suffered this through high school. Living in the UK but being descended entirely from European (German, Belgian and Italian) and Irish immigrants, I've always identified myself as being British but not English. One year, when filling out a survey for the school, I (correctly) provided my ethnicity as "White European" and not "White British". When I explained my ancestry, along came the questions about what my German family did in the war. I admitted that a distant relation of mine had been a Colonel in the German army during WWII,

but that my ancestors were in the UK by then and all of my direct ancestors or close relations in the war fought for either Britain or Belgium. Of course, that one German (who was actually a lifelong social democrat with a son who later became a regional SPD leader post-war) was all they needed to subject me to 5 years of accusations of being a Nazi sympathiser. * Averted in my school where a good number of the students, and at least one of the teachers are of German descent and everybody's smart enough not to assume they're all Nazis. However, there was one incident my English teacher told my class about when he revealed his heritage to someone and was asked the question "So are you a Nazi?". He said he got really offended by this, but he wasn't exactly sure why though I found his reaction not unreasonable. My friend also gets this treatment outside of school sometimes as well. Goose step back to AllGermansAreNazis. ---<<|TroperTales|>>

AllGirlsLikePonies * This troper's mother owns HUNDREDS of Breyer model horses. HUNDREDS!!!!!! * My agricultural college would be a case of "''only'' girls like ponies." Currently and for the past few years, '''all''' Equine (horse) Studies' majors have been girls. I'll let you reason out the logical physical reasons behind this. * This troper's mother suffers from what's known as OCEAN: Obsessive Compulsive Equine Attachment Neurosis. And we own about 30 horses. * This troper is a member of her private school's equestrian club. We're currently the biggest club in the school. I only ''wish'' they were all cutesy twee WASP-y twelve year olds... * This troper was and was always somewhat amused by the number of "manly" guys his age who were terrified to go near a horse. I was involved in riding between the ages of 12 17 and in a stable of about 30, I was the only male rider under 30. * This troper likes miniature horses,and horses such as pintos, but (ironically) hates ponies. Then again, she declared her hatred for anything feminine at the age of 6. * [[@/{{Highcastle}} This troper]] grew up to ride/train horses professionally. But as much as I would have loved a pony as a kid, my parents didn't even let me ride until I was almost 8, and I spent most of that time riding small horses rather than ponies. As an adult, I worked a few summers backing ponies (being the first one to ride them). It was there I discovered that most ponies are fracking evil. Horses, cool. Ponies? Spawn of satan at times. Go figure. ** It's a simple concept - all equines have an equal amount of attitude. Small ones like [[DetractorNickname Shitlands]] have that attitude under high pressure and are difficult to handle. A big old Clydesdale has much more room to contain the attitude, and thus makes a friendly animal, despite being quite capable of treading on you and not noticing. * Most ponies, despite being adorable, are actually complete brats and

not actually all that suitable for kids to ride, especially Shetlands. That would be why [[@/GwenStacyWannabe I]] always preferred a good steady Morgan. * Averted: [[@/DarkInsanity13 This troper]] has never really cared for horses, let alone ponies. She never understood the appeal of them. ** [[@/{{Cameoflage}} This troper]] always felt like an outcast for neither liking nor getting the appeal of horses/ponies. The trope was rather tiresome to constantly butt up against. ** Unlike what appears to be 95% of my peers, I don't like horses at all. They're big, can be harmful, get so much coverage in the media... I just don't like them. ** Same. This troper likes riding them, but doesn't understand what's so squee-worthy about the way they look. ** I liked {{MyLittlePony}}, but I was ''terrified'' of real horses and ponies. ** This troper has never understood other girls' obsession with those huge ugly things. ...however, she thinks DONKEYS are the most adorable animals on the planet and wishes she had 45 of them. Awww ** This female troper never got the horse-love either and thought it showed a lack of imagination. She always rather longed for a pet dragon. ** This troper has never understood the appeal of ponies and horses, either. Her mother will usually quip, "I'm gonna get you a pony!" when either Christmas or her birthday is near. ** I never liked them either. Mostly because when I was about seven, one nearly bit off my finger when I was trying to feed it. Animals in general tend to hate me. I'm not sure why. * By the time this troper started liking the idea of equines as domesticated animals you can sit on, she was too tall for any but the strongest/tallest ponies, and spent most of her (short-lived) riding life on horses. She has since outgrown the "schoolgirl" phrase of horses (think Saddle Club, Totally Horse Mad) and is more focused on equine colour genetics, conformation, and advanced anatomy (due to being an artist). She was never that obsessed with ponies, but they can be some of the funnest breeds to draw. Especially the hairy ones. * Lampshaded/subverted/played with/whatever is APPROPRIATE here: This troper has a girl at his school (who is more into "manly" hobbies) mention that she wanted a unicorn over lunch. Some surprised looks later, she exclaims "Are you all thick or something? It's a horse with a fucking bayonet on ITS head, how can that not be awesome?" ** This troper likes the way that girl's mind works and is somewhat peeved that they didn't think of it themselves. ** This male troper wants a unicorn to pick up chicks with. * Subverted with this Troper's Mother, She thinks horses are the stupidest animals in the world (but they are very pretty, just not very smart). * Played ''very'' straight with this troper's classmates during elementary school, to the point where "pony girls" seemed akin to a high school clique or subculture. Averted with this troper herself, who tried, but just could not get into it. (Guess how that went.) * Subverted HARD for this troper. She wanted to ride one to see what it was like, went to a horse camp and got it completely ruined for

her. She preferred cats and rodents more. And in middle school, condors. * Subverted with this troper. I did love riding horses at one point but after a broken wrist, a bruised back, a concussion and after about a million falls, I decided to stay as far away from them as possible. * An interesting example: a girl from this troper's class at school was not really a typical girl, she didn`t get crazy about fashion, she didn`t giggle or scream much, she wasn`t concerned about her looks (which she didn`t need to, I must say) BUT she was into horseriding. BIG TIME. * This troper joked about wanting a pony so often that her Mother in Law bought her a life sized plushie one for Christmas. She named it Elmer B. Glue. * This troper was apparently obsessed with horses as a child. I really would still love to go REAL horseback riding rather than that dull horse trail tripe for tourists. * This troper really wanted a horse when she was a little girl. Unfortunately, she wanted a skeletal horse made out of bones (she was REALLY little, okay?) after seeing one on a horror show on TV. Why? Because at such a young age, she'd already grasped the concept of the RuleOfCool. * Subverted for this troper. She likes horses a lot and wishes she could ride them. She is also allergic to them. ** This troper would encourage you to look up the Bashkir Curly, a hypoallergenic breed. With dredlocks! * This troper remembers being shunned by her first-grade female classmates for not adoring horses. * [[{{Tropers.RainbowGirl}} I'm]] a girl, and I love horses, admittedly not with as much fanaticism as before (I'm 18.) My father's side of the family are very rural and two of my (female) relatives own stables, one of which I rode at from age 8 to when I was 14 (quit because of my Saturday job and school getting more hectic.) I still have my ginormous collection of model horses somewhere XD I'm now more into drawing horses. I do miss horseback riding though. /babble. * [[@/{{Miso}} This Troper]], for real. She wears an Ozzy-style trenchcoat and tons of jewelry on top of combat boots and a NiceHat. She listens to classic rock and her favorite bands are either 70s-90s rock and heavy metal, nu-metal, and/or brutal metal. She was ecstatic to learn that [[{{Aerosmith}} Joe Perry]] raises horses and is pretty happy to know she's not the only metalhead with a weakness for ponies. * [[@/{{Sharysa}} This troper]] is this, but mostly for horses, and finds their history in warfare particularly fascinating. She went horseback riding when visiting her family in the Philippines and liked it quite a bit, despite being a completely inexperienced rider at the time (it helped that she was riding with one of the workers, since her mount was quite large). She more than occasionally entertains the thought of having enough money to get lessons, buy her own horse, and [[BreadEggsMilkSquick learn various methods of mounted warfare because seriously, it is BADASS]]. [[SuspiciouslySpecificDenial ...Not that she'd use it to intimidate people or anything.]] * "Of course, the trope is parodied when it's a boy or a guy who likes ponies." Yep, that's me. I was even a [[MyLittlePony Brony]] before

''Friendship is Magic'' even came out. Hey, {{Real Men Wear Pink}}. * Subverted: This troper's childhood was filled with the typical girly fare (fairies, butterflies, Disney princesses, etc.), but she was always repulsed by horses and ponies. She never understood the appeal of big, smelly, dumb animals with crazy eyes. * Subverted: This troper has been nearly obsessed with horses since she was small, but knew very few other girls who liked horses at all; she actually knew more who mocked her rather a lot for it. (When they hit middle school, that crowd decided that the troper [[IfYouKnowWhatIMean had a thing]] for horses. Not fun times.) * Dunno if this is subverted or not, but this troper (who is female but not particularly girly and loves horses) has never met a 'girly girl' who actually rides horses on a regular basis. The exception is this one girl who owns a pony, but pretty much gets someone else to take care of it for her. That said, it's bloody dangerous so I can see why girly girls who panic when they break a fingernail might be put off- my leg's currently in a cast thanks to a fall. * This troper has been completely obsessed with ponies at two different times in her childhood, and she was a tomboyish kid. She's gone off them now, which is ironic considering that nowadays, her cousin owns one. She prefers cats at the moment. But still thinks of horse riding as Badass, it's a sport in which you boss around a creature stronger and faster than you and are expected to at least fall off many times if not break bones. ** Exactly. ;) That's partially why I rides, as well as just liking them. If anyone makes her feel like not as good as them..."Oh yeah, I was bossing around a generally flighty animal that weighs 8-10 times the amount I do, and most of it's muscle. Let's see what you would look like on a horse..." Heck, most ponies are BETTER at tossing you off. * This troper wanted a Pegasus that was actually the cursed form of a WhiteHairedPrettyBoy when she was little. She loved ''SailorMoon'' a little too much back then... Hey, it might technically be bestiality, [[ but you gotta admit they're cute together!]] * [[@/HappyDuck This troper]] is a subversion if ever there was one. She absolutely doesn't understand what it is with girls and ponies. * This troper doesn't really like ponies, but has always liked shire horses, big pansies most of them. * This troper went to stable camp for a summer, and sometimes rode ponies and sometimes rode horses. Even though I thought of the ponies as cuter, they were all vicious. The horses were sweethearts, though. I still hate ponies. * Most of my friends liked horses when they were younger. I even liked them somewhat, but I never was obsessed with them. I thought they were interesting but that was it. * Subverted. As a child, I loved them, but by the time I turned 8, I didn't like them as much. Probably because the horse I rode on a mountain tour in Gatlinburg stopped every couple of seconds to eat or poop. * Subverted. This troper rode from a young age, and wanted a pony. Was

given a donkey originally instead. Eventually got a pony. End of story. * This troper, when younger, used to do Equestrian show jumping and she absolutely loves all breeds of horses. * This troper wants a horse, but more so for the reasons farmer and such have one rather then the feminine reasons girls want one. She also wants a rat, pig, cow, ferret, and rabbit, and a few more dogs. * Somewhat subverted with this troper. She never wanted to ''have'' a pony (only snakes, which she also never got) but does like riding horses. But this troper also thinks camels are awesome, and there's a reason the trope isn't All Girls Like Camels. Or even People Like Camels. It takes a special kind of person to look at a camel and go "I think they're adorable," but this troper is. * This tropette went through her pony phase around age 7. So for her 7th birthday, her parents organized a pony ride person to come. Yes. My daddy (and mommy) bought me a pony. * This tropette subverted it not only as a child, but to this very day. They scare the hell out of me. It's like their eyes see into my soul. * This troper trains horses, teaches lessons, and works as a stable/ farmhand. I've also worked at a horse camp during the summer; one that serves a particularly wealthy/ snobby area. At this camp, kids are exposed to all the areas of horse ownership, from riding to grooming to stall cleaning and the other less than glamorous tasks. At the beginning of the week, every single kid is obsessive about being near the horses and riding and all that jazz. By the end of the week, out of 10 kids, usually 1 or 2 are still as dedicated as they were at the start. It saddens me that a little dirt scares so many of them away. * Played ridiculously straight with this troper and her two sisters. All three were head over heels for horses from the ages of 6 We rode horses every summer at the same stables. This was turned into almost an exaggerated trope when, after many years of begging and pleading, our father bought and surprised us with an old Arabian to take care of. Granted we never thought he'd actually DO it. But because we were teenagers and since she was going to be put down otherwise, he figured we were old enough to be responsible. We spoiled that horse rotten until she passed on. * averted hard with this troper, who liked reading about horses ...until she started riding lessons. turns out, she's TERRIFIED of horse. the fact that her cousins forced her to ride one in a parade, where it bucked her off into the path of a fire truck did not help. * This trope is VERY USA-centric. In many other countries, liking horses automatically makes a girl a tomboy! I think this trope needs a big YMMV. * This troper rode from the age of 4 to 13. Only stopped due to there being only 3 riding schools in my local area, and I'd been to all three (one shut down, one got stupidly expensive and one one just plain rubbish) I still want to start riding again, and I'm 16. ---Ride back to AllGirlsLikePonies. ----


AllGirlsWantBadBoys When you add examples here, please make sure that they are indeed an example of the trope and that their contents follow the Wiki's general guidelines with regards to [[ Family Friendliness]]. Don't add yourself as a "subversion" or "aversion", unless it's a follow-up of the trope originally being played straight. There are several relationship tropes about liking nice guys as well (VictoriousChildhoodFriend, EarnYourHappyEnding, KnightInShiningArmour, SingleWomanSeeksGoodMan etc). And if you like ''fictional'' Bad Guys, that's DracoInLeatherPants territory. If you want to make detailed observations about the trope and how it applies in RealLife, you can use the [[Analysis/AllGirlsWantBadBoys Analysis page]] for those. Also, please make sure that your entry has some meat on its bones. Just adding "me too" doesn't do a lot to illustrate the trope. ---[[foldercontrol]] [[folder:Signed Examples]] * [[{{Tropers/Malchus}} This male troper's]] female friend has had quite a few words to say about this trope. If I may paraphrase: "Why the hell would I go after some self-absorbed angsty pretty boy way too preoccupied with his own issues? So I'd have to deal with them? Heh, no thanks! I'd rather have someone deal with ''my'' issues." The last part was said in jest, and I still thinks the whole thing's pretty hilarious. * An amazing subversion with [[{{Tropers/Leradny}} this troper]]: She saw a guy who was tall, dark, broody, and pretty damn handsome. Cue a [[GenreSavvy twinge of concern]] as she instantly started liking him. Then she decided to actually ''speak'' to him, and he turned out to be the cutest geek she's ever met. Who ''[[GeekyTurnOn cosplays]]''. ** Does this guy of yours have a brother? ** Looks like your geek-dar was in top form that day! ** Are you my wife? * [[Tropers/VF1SValkyrie This Troper]] was on the receiving end of this effect in high school. The girl with whom he had gone on several dates suddenly decided that she didn't feel like dating. Later, he saw said girl walking out of school hand in hand with a stereotypical skater bad boy. * This happened to [[Tropers/MalachiteDragon me]] with my exgirlfriend. Apparently, 5 years of being a GentleGiant and more or less a hugantic sweetheart just wasn't good enough for her- See, I'm

very, ''very'' difficult to make angry. And apparently, she got it into her crazy little head (I'm not saying this to be spiteful- she literally was, at the time, crazy- she had a mild form of schizophrenia) that I just wasn't good enough for her, '''''because I never got angry at her'''''. What...What the '''hell'''?! I thought know... girls ''enjoyed'' guys showering them with attention at every possible moment the way I did with her. Well, things ended rather badly and it's only recently that she's admitted that she was wrong...only after both of us were in new relationships, of course...I give you a paraphrase. --->'''Me:''' "Well, what's the problem?" --->'''Her:''' "You just... don't show that much ''emotion''. You're so predictable! You're all loving and patient and calm's annoying." --->'''Me:''' "...Wait, are you upset with me because ''I'' never get upset at ''you?!''" --->'''Her:''' "..." --->'''Me:''' "Lovely." '''* Facepalm* ''' --->'''Her:''' "Well, its...I mean...Uhm..." --->'''Me:''' "I have ''told'' you why I keep my temper so carefully. I have ''told'' you I don't want to turn into my father. Is this a problem now?" --->'''Her:''' "..." --->'''Me:''' "...I am nowhere near caffienated enough for this conversation." '''* Get up to get some coffee. Its gonna be a loooong night...* ''' * [[{{Tropers/Alrune}} This female troper]] admits she once was attracted to bad boys... back in her teens. But having grown up since, I automatically avoid them and refuse their propositions for I have witnessed the outcome of such relationships too many times with my female friends. Yes, they look sexy and manly but that's all they have. I admit bluntness and earthy looks are still a turn-on but {{Jerkass}}ery, oversized egos and abusive treatment are left to little girls in search of consistence through {{Love Martyr}}dom. I have better things to do with my time, thanks. * [[Tropers/DeathToSquishies This troper's]] very first relationship (if you can even call it that) started in the second year of high school. It ended after a couple of days, with no real reason or logic given behind it. Less than a week later, we talked again, and she told me she was already in a new relationship with a guy who supposedly lived in my neighborhood and that she found. The kicker? She told me he was ''[[FlatWhat in jail]]'' at the time. [[/folder]] [[folder:Anonymous Examples]] * This troper embodies both sides of the argument. Most of the time he comes across as a happy, quite smart guy, and attracts a wide circle of friends because of it - but no romance. The two girls he's let the mask slip to to reveal himself to be a BrokenAce, and quite a lot smarter than he comes across, have subsequently dated him. * One of the girls I like said that I was a great friend, but she

wasn't interested in me. She is now dating a tall, pale(er than me, but I have been getting a good bit of sun lately), black haired, stereotypical goth. Apparently he's already ''set his room on fire'' since they've been dating. She found it funny. I find the fact that she burned her hand on a lightbulb while telling me that funny and ominous. * This Troper (who should probably make a contributor page one of these days) was TroubledButCute in high school, and has since matured into a kind (if still unintentionally sharp-edged), friendly man. He feels absolutely astounded to find that along with his immaturity, shyness, belief in conspiracy theories, and bitter hatred of the rest of humanity, his appeal to women seems to have gone right out the window. * This Troper is a decent guy who always treats women respectfully. And has, in his entire life, only had two women who were interested in him as he naturally is. However, when he's in a bad mood and acts like a complete dick towards people, he finds women practically falling all over him. * sigh* If his sense of ethics didn't condone such behavior, he'd continue to act like a dick just to 'get the girl'. Damned conscience. * Similar problem for this Troper. After being the nice guy for many years he feel into a depression for a couple months of junior year of high school during which he became a total jerk. During those months he had his first date, his first time being asked to winter formal, first seduction, and first time a girl admitted to having a crush on him. When the depression ended he went back to being a nice guy and returned to a stagnant life of being entirely uninteresting to women. * This Troper's friend falls into the trope. She kept getting back together with the same guy who kept breaking up with her before their anniversary. They got back together 9 times before she finally broke up with him. In between all these getting back togethers, she lost her virginity to a guy who sexually harassed her (actually making her perform fellatio against her will two weeks before he slept with her) but she slept with him despite not even being drunk. The next guy she dated was a good guy and the broke up after one week. The most recent guy was a sadist and often pressured her into S&M. * This Troper once heard a girl (who happens to hang out in the same group as him) complain about her past relationships being with jerky guys. He suggested going out with a mutual friend, who had had a crush on her for two years and would have respected her, but she declined she didn't want a guy who is "too nice". * This female Troper somewhat confirms this Trope. She's still slightly in lust with her TroubledButCute ex-boyfriend. He's not really ''bad'', per say, just unstable. And dead sexy. * This Troper finds that this is 100% TruthInTelevision. I attend an all-boys school, although it shares some facilities with the all-girls school next door. The girls always seem to fall for the guys who are openly total jerks. * I must be too nice...every girl seeing me comments on how cute I am, but nobody wants to date me. No, they'd rather go for the {{Jerk Jock}}s and TheStoner. * Sigh.* I have books. * This troper has had it happen to him often but another friend is an

even better example. He was comforting a friend who had broken up with a jerk who was abusing her. She said to the friend, who had a large crush on her by the way, "If only I could date a nice guy like you." He replied "How about a nice guy who is me?" She gave a long rambling answer but it basically came down to the fact that he wasn't dangerous enough and she wanted excitement. To this day, this troper still winces whenever he hears about the girl and the friend in the same sentence. * This troper plays guitar and piano, he also plays football, baseball, basketball, and soccer well enough to outdo people who are on his school's team. Yet still he is told that girls find him "too nice" because he is not a testosterone filled chauvinist and does not always speak in monosyllables. * This whole troper's love life consists of this trope. I'm apparently appealing enough to ''get'' a girlfriend - but I've been dumped, ''without exception'', within the week, in favor of someone who looks like they drink distilled steroids for breakfast. * This troper's love interest dumped him for his best friend, who used to be some kind of hooligan... * This troper was cured of any mooning over jackass guys very early on. Being not the most attractive of girls, she was usually the target of the jackass guys. No desire to date erupting there, just a desire to maim. It does not help that of the few people that have asked her out or told her she was cute, 7 were joking, 1 just wanted to get in her, or anyone's, pants, 1 were on a rebound and just trying to get a little confidence back, and the last is the only one who seems to be honest, but is currently in a relationship. [[SarcasmMode No confidence issues there...]] * I'm right there with you. Honestly, why would I find a guy attractive if he's always insulting me? It happened back in ''middle school'', but earned me such an anti-social reputation that it crippled my dating life for ''years'' and left me with such HUGE ISSUES... * sigh* * This male Troper suffered from this for years. Girls that he was nice to saw him as a pushover, while the girls that he wasn't interested in wouldn't leave him alone. So I concentrated on cultivating other interests and activities and really didn't miss the stress of dating. A few years later, I'm more balanced and mature, and in a relationship with a great girl. Lesson: Don't make your happiness contingent on how others see you. * This female troper has crushed on aloof, brash, and/or joker-type boys for as long as she could remember. Her first subversion is her current crush, who's kind, sweet, and intelligent. Sign of maturity, perhaps? * A story from a friend of this Troper's brother, who had an acquaintance who married a man who forbids her to work (for reasons of his culture), doesn't work himself either, and beats her. If you think she'd be sane enough to leave him ASAP, you're wrong. * This troper's brother is the jerk and he's the nice guy. Of course his brother gets all the girls. However, on occasions we somehow switch roles and this troper actually succeeds before he starts to feel bad about his actions.

* I'm a friendzoner extraordinaire. Despite being handsome enough to get hit on by random girls in the street, I wind up being "the one guy who understands them" in a quick series of conversations and jokes. I find this to be kind of sad. ** Similar for this troper. He has an impressive sense of humor that many women have described as hysterical and has been told by countless numbers of them that he should have his own talkshow. However the girls always go for a guy who is funny in a cruel way rather than for me. * This troper sat behind one of the hottest girls in school for one year. During that year she hardly ever noticed him but after he made a joke that wound up being unintentionally insulting she became his friend. I wasn't enough of a JerkAss to get a date but apparently enough of one to get good friend status in under two weeks. * Both played straight and subverted by this female troper, who as a rule likes intelligent, fun, genuinely nice guys, but whose [[FirstKiss First Kiss]] at fifteen was at a party with a guy she was dancing with and who had a pretty bad rep (I didn't find that out until later, but he ''looked'' the part). * For the first fews years this troper spent in America, women consistently fell for him because they -thought- his unusually large kippah was worn just to break rules, that his stoic demeanor came from angst, rather than poor english, and that, since he trained in Krav Maga, he would beat up anyone for no reason. Two years ago, when they learned that he was reluctant to fight, kept a garden and spent more time in Synagogues than in his own home, he suddenly became gay and unattractive - coincidence? * I'm nice to the people I like, and can be an ass to the people I do not like. Most of my friends are female because I think they are less annoying than the men I know (they personify this trope), and I am usually very nice to them, and they are nice to me as well. But, I would never have a chance with them because they all go for people who look like they are in some metalcore band with gauges, emo hair, piercings, and tattoos, along with the Jocks, the Stoners, the Partiers, and the loud frat boy assholes. I am a reasonably attractive person... but then again I go on here, I like Star Wars, and I spend most of my time playing Video Games... So I'm a nerd, and girls probably don't want the nerd. * This troper finds that this trope is true to her. There are two types of men she'll swoon over: Stoic Glasses guys and Bad Boys. Which might possibly be considered one type of guy. But whatever. * I have witnessed at least one case in person of a perfectly nice girl going out with a "bad boy" and constantly getting treated badly. Usually she'd end up in tears, but despite the advice of her best friends, she'd keep going back to this guy. The relationship only recently ended and the girl is still in tears, her friends are still trying to help her though. Another example of truth in this trope is another guy I know whose had many, many girlfriends, although he distinctly fits the "asshole" category. He regularly abuses girls and the few I've been able to help through this have complained that he's made them feel a "pain far more awful than just simple bullying. He makes it hell".

* A friend of mine who I describe as the "most sympathetic outsider ever" got girls easily, sometimes two at the same time. And a girl I was quite fond of, and almost fell in love with... followed a break-up with hooking up with three bad guys in a row. * This editor can't claim personal experience, never having lost a girl to a bad boy, but has certainly seen it happen to male and female friends on both sides of the trope often enough. * Back when I was a teenager, [[{{Tropers/notdryad}} I]] probably used this as an excuse, but not so much anymore. I do remember one girl in particular now that I think about this. Long story short, she was already dating a bad boy and she acknowledged that he was one and was an asshole. I eventually told her that I had a crush on her, but she insisted it would never work because we were so different. One time, as it happened a lot with being friend zoned, she began to complain to me about how much of an asshole her boyfriend could be (pretty sure he cheated on her once), so then I asked her, "Why don't you just date a nice guy for once?" "Because I don't deserve someone like you" she replied. ''What the hell?'' * Sadly, I admit to falling into this particular Trope. In my whole high school experience I only crushed on two nice guys. One just wanted to be friends, the other was taken (I had my suspicions that he might have liked me though). All the rest were rather jerky players. Unfortunately, I learned my lesson the hard way, and actually got some self esteem to boot. * Oh wow, this applies to me sadly. This girl I met not too long ago and talk to nearly every day, all day likes me, and tells me she loves me nearly everyday, etc. The feeling is mutual, however, she's totally in love with this kid she used to date who lives in a trailer, got kicked out of every school he's ever gone to, is on parole, and into some hardcore drugs and has weapons. Even worse, he's 15 and she's 18. The kid is dumb as a rock and is a total loser, but he makes her wet and she's driven to him. He's cheated on her and threatened to force himself on her in past relationships, and everyone says he's ugly and an asshole and she's too good for him. But his middle name is danger, so I'm fucked. * This troper, right down to the letter. Never mind that he used her, has commitment issues that would make your average commitmentphobe blink twice, cannot be faithful to save his life, and is probably into some fairly dangerous shit - if he called, I'd come running. * This (gay) troper is very attracted to bad boys, emphasis on "bad", so much that his perfect boyfriend would be an abusive jerkass sociopath. He feels kind of guilty about it. * Glad I'm not the only guy who has this problem. I've noticed that rock band members seem to be the people who seem to get all the girls, [[SuspiciouslySpecificDenial but I'm sure it is down to coincidence.]] [[OrIsIt Or not.]] Considering I sing folk music...yeah. * I spent a long, long time trapped in an emotionally and physically abusive relationship... I swear, he was like Jekyll and Hyde. Sometimes he could be the nicest guy ever, but then suddenly some strange thing would set off his anger and he would turn extremely nasty and physically violent. It was unhealthy as hell; the number of times the neighbours complained about our screaming and slapping

matches, and the number of times police got involved (but did nothing about it) and ''I'' nearly got arrested because they believed him over me was unreal. We broke up so many times, but then he would always come back begging for another chance, spamming my inbox with a mix of angry and whiny text messages, saying he loved me and promised things would get better all that sort of peachy B.S. Well, naturally, they never did, and I was weak then, so it took me a long time to finally put my foot down and just say "No" and break it off for good... it had completely destroyed my life by that point, so I needed to take a step forward... * I did once have a big crush on a "Bad Boy" except we called them rebels. He was and I mean WAS, popular, "confident", arrogant, seemed gifted with the ability to get what he wanted, was rumoured to smoke and do drugs too. Pretty much a bad boy and a rebel. I have outgrown it somewhat and now I'm crushing on an under-stated, standard chilled social life, relaxed non-rebel type. Boys there is hope if you're not bad. It just takes girls longer to realize how good you really are if you are good. It helps if you're non-arrogant too. It also helps if your geniunely nice and don't invade their space or come off as cocky. * This Troper fell in love with a bad boy with a heart of gold character, then later fell for his holder ** who can be a bad boy when he wants to be ;) * A really cool girl I thought about asking out started comparing me to her ex-boyfriend and how his loud, vulgar and, [[HairTriggerTemper fiery]] personality shows how mature and strong he is compared to my nicer, calm and cool personality. She thinks I lack confidence because I try to put up a cool front and only acts nice hoping I might find a girl that wants a boy toy. Never mind the fact my kindness is trying to show respect. I'm cool and calm because I am confident, there's no need for me to mouth off to tell everyone I'm sure of myself when my actions speaks louder. That conversation led me into a fight because of her ex-boyfriend's need to protect his image and he got stomped. After that fight she suddenly shows interest in me because she knows why I'm so [[AfroAssKicker calm and cool]]. Still can't figure it out years later. Oh well. * This troper's best female friend and crush (yes, I'm the UnluckyChildhoodFriend here, big deal) used to date a guy who was this completely. He was impossibly good looking, loved to get drunk (at age 14), was a complete ChickMagnet; while my friend was a hotter version of the GirlNextDoor, a good girl who fell for the TroubledButCute Jerk. Needless to say, I hated him, and then I get to know him, and discovered he was actually a JerkWithAHeartOfGold and deeply cared about her. Sadly, he's also a CrazyJealousGuy, and since all of his friends developed a crush on his girlfriend (she's a guy magnet, I guess), that was slowly killing the relationship. And then they got back together, broke up again... Now they're JustFriends. Let's see how much that will last. * This troper gets SO much pain from this. I'm not ugly or anything (though it certainly wouldn't hurt me to lose a few pounds) but I'm just too kind for all the girls to actually attract any of them, not to mention that I'm totally the ShrinkingViolet type. The one girl with whom I've been in a relationship decided, after a few months,

that I'm "too nice and too romantic" and she'd prefer a brutal bad boy whose reaction to teasing (and she teases everyone constantly) would be to pull her to himself and just, you know... start going at it; yep, that's the exact words. I just can't do something like that, folks. I just can't. And later, a female friend told me something along the lines of "It'd be nice if you found yourself a girlfriend. But that'll be difficult, because you're such a good person that one can see it by just looking at you, and girls just aren't atracted to that type". Cue HeroicBSOD. Ugh. Well, I'm back to writing novels... it's a good anaesthetic. * This Troper is home-schooled, and he doesn't have that much experience when it comes to girls. He also has an Identical twin [[AlwaysIdenticalTwins Brother]] (he is also a troper). We has a [[{{HeterosexualLifePartners}} really great friend]] and he lets us know when girls have crushes on us. (we have a band together and he show other friends from school pictures of us all). Oddly enough, the Girls tend to find me the cutest out of me and my brother, at first i was confused but now I think I know why: You can already tell just by looking at me that's I'm the most angsty of the two of us. I tend to have a short temper and get angrier then him. Then again, I don't have much experience when It comes to girls so I could be completely wrong *laughs*! [[/folder]] ---Go back to AllGirlsWantBadBoys, unless you'd rather go to DracoInLeatherPants. ----

AllGuysWantCheerleaders * Whoever said the skimpy outfits are an example of {{Reality is Unrealistic}} lives in a more sane Reality than this troper. My high school had an insanely strict dress code. Every morning we raised our arms and if ''any'' midriff could be seen, we had to put on a baggy tshirt that said "Tomorrow I Will Dress For Success" that had been worn by many people before. Skirts were measured with rulers. At least a few people got detention for violations everyday. Except the cheerleaders. Their tops showed their entire midriffs and skirt hems were at least 3 inches higher than the dress code. Moral of the story: underage girls are allowed to be sexy as long as they're being sexy ''[[{{Unfortunate Implications}} the way the administration tells them to be]]''. * This troper is a cheerleader in the USA, and ever since then guys have been paying attention to her. Guys walk up to her mentioning they take a class with her for no reason and flirt. BTW, yes, this troper likes a football player. * Averted 100% with [[NewKidOnTheBlock this troper]]. He cannot for the life of him stand the brainless [[TheLibby Libby]] types, and is particularly turned off if they're obsessed with making themselves look skinny as a twig and putting on hordes of makeup. I like my

ladies mature, competent, and sensible, thank you very much. ** So if they're cheerleaders they're Brainless libbies? LOLWUT ** What if they are mature, but they just put up with the uniforms because they really enjoy cheerleading as a physical activity? * This troper prefers librarian types. If they happen to be yandere meganekko otakus, all the better. * Completely averted in this female English tropers high school. We had a cheerleading club once, but barely anyone went, and I got laughed at every time I came in late after lunch because of the club. Because cheerleading's not really something the British do, no one wanted to go near it. Averted even more in that I physically look a bit cheerleaderish; slim (not really skinny), with long wavy blonde hair and blue eyes. I avert the image by being a librarian. No one at school has ever asked me out. * This Troper has seen a female version of the trope. ** You mean lesbians, or a guy joining the cheer squad and becoming wanted by the girls? *** Both. * At This troper's high school, most of the cheerleaders aren't that hot (and try to hard to look so), and the ones that are pretty much all not very nice, to put it delicately, and are universally hated. ** That sums up Alma mater as well, although there was one exception. I was friends with her and she was a cloud cuckoolander, on the Acadec team... * This tropette has this happening in her middle school. Even in sixth grade, the year where girls can't even get ON the cheer squad! * In high school, this troper and his band performed a song about cheerleaders in front of the school, and were subsequently kissed by several members of the cheerleading squad. * Averted with this troper. Mr Popular apparently prefers complete nerds to cheerleaders.... * Played with at this tropers band camp. The director was talking about his family, and how everyone is connected to band. One of the other students asked about his wife. "Well," he says, "She was a cheerleader." Cue: "Whoa, mama!" from a trumpet. HilarityEnsues. * Somewhat in effect at This Troper's school. There's a group of pseudo-Libby types, and most guys have their eye on at least one. This Troper really cannot see the appeal. At all. * Cheerleaders are people too, of all different personalities and likes and passions. Some happen to like nerds and geeks very much, like me. Admittedly, it was a short affair, but we are still good friends and I still think fondly of her rather dry wit (She now studies law. Is that a Subversion?) * This troper believes that stereotyping people is a terrible way to decide if you want someone. He would much rather get to know someone based on their personality first. * [[Troper/AdelePotter This Tropette]] has a friend Talia who wants to be on the cheer squad (unless she's [[BerserkButton insulted]], she's sweet as can be, by the way), and practically every boy at her school has a crush on her. She has a boyfriend, though. * Somewhat justified at my high school- most of the cheerleaders were fairly nice. The Libbies wouldn't do anything that might make them

sweat, and most of our squads used serious gymnastics. * This Troper does not understand the appeal of cheerleaders; [[{{Eagleland}} it must be an American thing.]] * This trope is completely nonexistent at this troper's high school. The cheer squad was considered kind of a joke, and has since sorta...fizzled. One of this troper's best friends (who is, like this troper, a nerd) has been dating one of the cheerleaders almost continuously for about 2 years now (the cheerleader in question is also this troper's friend -- she's quite nice, and only a tiny bit of a DumbBlonde). None of the cheerleaders are at all [[TheLibby Libby-ish]] or exceptionally sought-after. * Back when this troper lived in US, the hottest girls in high school were either cheerleaders or volleyball players. In former's case, there were some smoking hot girls, and average intelligence actually seemed pretty normal. I honestly expected more skimpier clothings like I saw in TV. * This troper's first high school had a very, very small cheerleading team with only one girl on it who was relatively attractive that I remember. Mind you, being attractive doesn't mean I'm going to be attracted; I have different standards. Subverted, though, because despite being traditionally attractive she didn't seem to have that many guys going for her. And she wasn't even a Libby, she was a genuinely nice--if dull--girl. I helped her and her much less attractive friend with their homework on more than one occasion. ---Go back to AllGuysWantCheerleaders. Or, if you prefer, you can whore yourself up to TheLibby. ----

AllJewsAreAshkenazi * [[AresGotANewComputer This Troper's]] great-grandmother forbade her children from dating anyone who wasn't an Ashkenazic Jew. This was after WWII, no less. She nearly disowned my first-cousin-once-removed for marrying a woman whose ''father'' was Sephardic. * This troper is a Mexican Sephardic Jew, and even with that background, I'm terrible guilty of this trope, specially in the fact most of the expressions I use come from the Yiddish language, very few from Hebrew, and none from the Ladino (A Sephardic language);All I have to say is: Damn TV! * This troper is an Ashkenazi jew, and after leavig Israel she noticed that practically all the jews in Europe are Ashkenazi. That's okay with me, though, the jews who aren't Ashkenazi are usually annoying. Unless they're from Argentina, of course. * A bit of an inversion: I thought someone was Jewish because he had the last name Cohen once. * Interesting because, as far as I know, Cohen is a Sephardic surname (comes from Cunha) ** Cohen shows up both in Ashkenazi and Sepharadi circles. It comes from the Hebrew 'Cohen', which means 'priest' * At this troper's Jewish day school, all the students in this

troper's grade are Ashkenazi, and then one person is half Ashkenazi and half Sephardic. ** actually in this isrealy troper class, most kids are half Ashkenazi and half Sephardic, with this troper being one of the only two Ashkenazi kids (half-german, half-polish) * My paternal great-grandma's maiden name was a german-jewish but her family praticed christianity though, which probaly meant that they were just jews ethnically but not religously. i think they qualify as being called as askenazi jews ** also my some of my mom's ancestors came from southern spain, and people from southern spain are racially mixed. i wouldn't be suprised if i had sephardic jew ancestry too. * This Troper is a Syrian Jew (making me Sephardi in America and Mizrachi in Israel). This is no big deal at home, but during my first year of college, everyone assumed I was Ashkenazi, and was positively ''shocked'' that a Syrian could be this white. It was frustrating. After the millionth "no, nobody in my family knows Yiddish. They spoke Arabic in the 'Old Country,'" and "yes, I am aware that I don't look like an Arab" you kind of just give up. ---Oi vey. Might as well go back to AllJewsAreAshkenazi. ----

AllJustADream Sometimes, weird stuff happens. But, more often than not, it didn't. ---* This Troper once had a dream where... '''My mom was pregnant'''. The dream started normally with my parents and aunt picking me up from the local arcade/family fun center so we could to the Victoria's Secret at the nearby mall to shop for underwear. Then, the scene changes from a Friday or Saturday afternoon to a Saturday or Sunday morning in Bishop, California, and we're driving through town, when my mom's water breaks and we had to get to a hospital, which looked strangely like the hospital in my hometown. Anyway, as my mom is giving birth and stuff, my aunt decides to go off and watch it while my dad and I wait in the waiting room. Since we were going to wait for hours, I pull out my laptop and begin playing a {{Pokemon}} emulator on my computer. Shortly after I began playing Pokmon, I woke up. When I told my mom the dream, she was quite shocked, as she doesn't want another child. * I once had a dream where Everyone was told that a nuke was going to go off very soon, so my family and I all got in the car and drove to the hall at my school where there were a bunch of other people waiting aswell. When the nukes were supposedly about to hit I decided to stay inside, because I didn't believe it would happen, while everyone else went outside to watch the nuke hit. There were about five other people inside, one of them decided to write some sort of apology letter when all of a sudden there was a big rush of dust and light and everything went dark. I assumed I had died, when it turned out that what had happened was the shock of the dream had woken me, and I just hadn't opened my eyes. I had about ten good seconds of thinking I was dead

before I realised I could open my eyes and see my bedroom. It was a little bitt unnerving to say the least. * One day, my school was considering having a snow day, but they weren't too sure and informed us that they'd let us know later at night. While waiting for this, I fell asleep and had a dream where the principal announced that there was no snow day. The dream continued on with me going to spanish class, history class, psychical education, and English before I woke up. I was extremely confused, seeing as nothing strange happened at all. It took me a while to sort out what had just happened before I realized the whole thing was just a dream. * [[Tropers/MrGlow I]] had a dream about doing [[IfYouKnowWhatIMean IT]] with a RealLiveWoman only to wake up with the sheets all sticky. What does this mean?! Plz help. ** My friend, it simply means that you're a normal, healthy young man. You experienced what is clinically called "nocturnal emission." Go online and look it up, lest you run the risk of [[YouFailSexEdForever getting wrong information from]] [[DidNotDoTheResearch questionable sources.]] ** [[BlatantLies No! Do not listen to their lies my friend. It is your soul trying to escape from your body. The only way to reclaim it is to ingest it! Do so now, lest you become a shadow of what you once were!]] * [[Tropers/HyperSquirrel I]] constantly have dreams that I'm late for class, or that I failed a test, or I got a report card back with all failing classes... then after quite a bit of panicking, I remember that I've already graduated. I also have a strange reoccurring dream every three years or so-- I'm walking, then lift my legs up under me, hold my ankles, and hover down the same direction I'd been walking. I always completely forget about these dreams until I have them again. No idea what they mean, not sure I want to know. * I have a bit of a problem with dreaming. Often times, even when I just wake up, I thought that I "didn't dream". Then I go about my day and occasionally reference an event or action to someone as if it really happen, only to find out that I dreamed it. This got particularly awkward when this troper started puberty... ** Same for this troper. One particulary weird example was when she dreamt about failing her maths exam, thought it was real, told it to her mother and got house arrest, only to find out that it was a dream when she got the real test back with an A. There was also a time when she dreamt that she reads the next chapter of One Piece and Ace gets back to life, and well... gets disappointed. * When I sleep, I feel that my eyes are still open and I'm just watching my room. Eventually I "lose focus" and wake up in the morning (I assume I'm slipping into REM sleep). Am I really going to school? I've recently expressed a wish to go to sleep forever but, I hope this isn't it. * I once had a dream that I was in the park. We were all enjoying sandwiches and our time together. Thats when TheDeadliestMushroom appeared on the other side of the city. Thus began my dream of surviving the nuclear holocaust. We took shelter in the basement of a nearby building, and waited there. After about a week, we ran out of food and had to leave the shelter in the basement. We came out to find

the whole city in ruins. The grass in the park burned down, and the lake near the park became a swamp. Trying to get water and fish, a crazy raiding party came up, stabbed both my parents, and threw them in the lake to drown. They grabbed me too, stabbed me, and threw me in as well. Moment I would have hit the water, my body suddenly jerks in bed and I wake up. I was traumatized for weeks. * I once had a dream that took place in either the north or south pole. (Have you seen that short with the whales swimming at night and the kid whale gets separated from their mom in Fantasia? That was pretty much the setting) for some reason, me and a group of faceless people were jumping into these holes in the ice that were kinda like tube water slides. I remember that the water was pleasantly cool and I was looking at my face (Still in the tube current, but now I'm laying on my back in the water and my face is partially out of the water, like I surfaced or something) and I was smiling slightly with my eyes closed and feeling completely peaceful and at one with myself. The next face I see is Captain Jack Sparrow from POTC, for some reason (Same expression as me). I reach the end of the current, get onto the ice, look at the northern lights for a bit and the whales that are there, and then help some of the others get onto the ice as well. I wake up, and the feeling of complete peace and oneness stays for a second or two, and then disappears. I end up crying because of how nice it felt, and because of how sad I was that the feeling was gone. * One night, I had an incredibly epic, totally awesome dream which would have made a great movie probably. It was definately long enough, and it had character development and everything. Unfortunately, he has completely forgotten everything except for the beginning, the conclusion, and a random image from the middle involving a shadow dragon thing coiled around a tower. * Zombie invasion dreams. I've had two, and the first was HORRIBLY disturbing. It started out as a kinda ''{{Left 4 Dead}}'' thing, where I and another group of people were being lead to be executed by firing squad. Sometime later all hell breaks loose and it's basically JESUS CHRIST ZOMBIES EVERYWHERE. Anyway, I go hide in a house and watch as a mob of zombies tear a guy apart, I must have become lucid at that point because the death looked B-movie-ish. And then I woke up. ** I once had a very strong fear of zombies (started when he read the Zombie Survival Guide) which once manifested itself in a truely horrifying nightmare. There was a full Zombie Apocalypse, his dad was killed, there was a giant hole in his house where the zombies could get through, and it ended with commiting suicide through overdose. It was terrible. ** Are you both secretly me? * @/AnthonyMercer was doing his chemistry homework. I remembered back to my chemistry lesson that day, when our teacher had explained that the test for hydrogen gas was to put the test tube in your mouth... it wasn't until then that I realised I must have fallen asleep during the chemistry lesson... ** I would hope so. * I had many such dreams, two of which are awesome. The first was a sort of MortalKombat sort of thing, but instead of the regular characters, we had characters from the DC Universe,

ThatGuyWithTheGlasses, the Warner siblings from {{Animaniacs}}, the bots from MysteryScienceTheater3000, {{Peanuts}}, CalvinandHobbes, and a few characters that I made up myself. They had less gory fatalities, because I'm a tad sqeamish, but just as awesome. For example, Wakko hammered his opponent into the ground with his mallet, Linkara did his "I AM A MAN!" punch, TheNostalgiaChick pulled a BigLippedAlligatorMoment, and many more awesome stuff. I woke up wanting a video game of it. ** The second one I can barely remember. It involved a catfight between Fifi La Fume and Minerva Mink. Yakko and Wakko and I watched. I woke up panting because it was hot, and mildly freaked out because 1: I am not a furry, and 2: it involved darn weird BDSM elements that I was totally freaked out was. The hot outweighed the freaky however. * @/DarkInsanity13 has had times when, after being woken up by her mother or father, has gotten up and sat down at the breakfast table with everyone sitting down and waiting for breakfast...only to be confused when her mother suddenly shouts at her that her breakfast is ready, and realize that she had fallen asleep after being asked what she wanted for breakfast. Her brother, on the other hand, has gone through entire ''days'' with experiences like these. ** That's nothing! I have gone through an entire ''year'' in one night! He still has no idea how that happened. *** What's [[{{Dallas}} J.R.]] really like? **** I'll beat ALL of you- I once dreamt that I did my homework. Then I woke up and realized that I had to do it all over again. * @/{{Joysweeper}} has had ''so'' many of these... In the latest one, she had a venomous and extremely cranky snake which was kept in a box that she had to carry with her all the time, lest it escape. She remembers repeatedly wishing she didn't have the snake, and trying to sell it or give it away to people she knows in real life, and everyone refused. When she woke up, there was definitely a moment of "OhCrap, where's the box?!" ** I once had the same thing. In the dream, my rat was on my shoulder at 6 Flags, but kept jumping off to attack penguins. When I woke up, I worried that either she wasn't on my shoulder, or I had rolled over her in the night. She was in her cage, like normal. * I recalls hearing from somewhere that you can't actually feel physical sensation in dreams, only hear or see. This made it all the more vivid when I dreamed that I was seated next to one of my good friends (who I happened to have a crush on), with one arm around her shoulders. We leaned our heads in , resting our cheeks on one another's, and the corners of our mouths touched. There was a momentary pause, then we turned and kissed. I could feel all of it the dream was so vivid, it all could have been happening. Then I woke up, still feeling the warm softness of her cheek on mine. ** Sounds like a fanfiction I read once. *** I had that once too... only I woke up feeling empty and lonely. *** Same with @/{{evilpenguin556}}, except its rarely a friend of his. It's usually just a faceless mystery girl, but one he feels like he's known all his life... It's kind of embarrassing, really. *** Seriously, are you guys me? I considers waking up from these a particularly nasty DownerEnding.

*** @/MmmKay has hugged [[{{Thunderbirds}} Scott Tracy]] at least twice. * I had been staying up late all term, playing around online, and then falling asleep during her first period English class in grade nine. So she wasn't surprised to suddenly wake up and find herself in her seat, in class. What ''was'' startling was waking up again...still in her pajamas, still in bed. The OhCrap moment came when she realized that no, she hadn't woken up 'just in time' for school. (No, there were no lessons learned about staying up too late.) ** [[MindScrew What the...?]] * I have suffered from this one a lot recently. Out of the dreams I remember each week, most of them involve me hooking up with her again. I spend the rest of the dream being happy...until morning comes and reality reminds she's still gone. * I have woken up when sleeping with other people, and said random phrases that could have been lifted from Pinky of PinkyAndTheBrain. Such jewels include "Who am I, where am I, and why am I covered in feathers?" Only God knows what I was thinking or dreaming. ** Just so long as it didn't include the phrase [[{{Deadpool}} No, Ken, don't do that to's so very, very wrong.."]] ** You didn't by any chance [[Literature/{{Twilight}} eat a popsicle]] before bed, did you? * I have very ''vivid'' dreams, and nightmares, for that matter. On the good side, I once did dream that my beloved, departed father [[SpiritAdvisor returned to encourage me]]. On the bad side, I once dreamed that I had my fingers bitten off by vicious Dobermans (seriously, I believe I could feel it)--and woke up with my hand brushing a stuffed animal. [[ScreamsLikeALittleGirl Screaming ensued]]. ** @/SpectrumFizz has very similar dreams, equally as vivid, regarding her late father and rather nasty black dogs trying to maul her. However, the latter is probably due to an unfortunate encounter with a huge black dog in her younger years. The adults present at the time said that [[BlatantLies it was only being friendly]]. Her mother and herself knew otherwise and she still haven't overcome her fear of dogs. But, I am going off-topic... She once had a very unique dream involving a realistic-feeling brick wall, a huge glass jar of maple syrup, a dressing gown and the [[LooneyTunes Tasmanian Devil]]. The next morning, she wakes up feeling like a {{CloudCuckooLander}}. * I can't really brush nightmares off with, "It was only a dream", as ussually when I wake up, it's still night. * Worst dream ever: the subject of my [[AllLoveIsUnrequited unrequited love]] finally subverts that trope and falls in love with me. Imagine my grief when I realize that this was, in fact, only just a dream. ** I had the same experience. In fact, when I woke up, I tried to go back to sleep in hopes that I wouldn't have to face it not being real. ** Similar dream here, but the fact that she did subvert the trope tipped me off that I was dreaming. Not sure what that says about my self-esteem... ** A variant: due to mess-ups on my part, I haven't talked to the former holder of the above title (and former good friend) for over a year. I woke up one morning and was going about my normal routine,

feeling pleased and content that we'd made up, for about ten minuesyou guys can see where this is going, yes? ** I had one where this girl I had a crush on came to my bedroom door with only weird clouds covering her naughty bits and we began walking around our school (which somehow ended up outside my room). We then began walking up a mountain trail with cherry blossom petals on it. Suddenly I fell off the side and was hanging on to the edge trying to pull myself up. I told her to go on ahead and I'd catch up as she set off again (then a old couple walked past). When I finally got to the top (thanks to the magic of fast forwarding) I started to look for her, but couldn't find her. As I looked my mom began dragging me away telling me to get up. I finally woke up and began trying in vain to get back to the dream. To make it weirder, the girl moved away not long after that. * I have woken up, eaten breakfast, brushed her teeth, gotten dressed, and made her way out the door when she was again woken up by her sister and realized it was simply a dream and that she had to do it all over again. These types of dreams were increasingly frequent during her first year of high school. ** As a more depressing variant, I once had a dream where her best friend had died. In the dream, her mother told her the news nonchalantly and continued about her business while I broke down sobbing. When she woke, she had tears in her eyes and quite possibly the worst sadness she had ever felt in her life. When she got to school that day, she hugged her friend quite a lot. * @/MinusZero will, many times on Thursday/Friday nights have dreams where a perfectly normal day pass in the dream, I go to sleep in my dream, have another dream (normally odd), and wake up in real life, thinking it's Saturday. Only to realize I almost missed all of my classes. Sometimes, however, that dream will go on in waaaaaay to many cycles, and I wake up in a WhatYearIsThis moment. * @/RatOfSteel has had a periodically recurring dream wherein he's in high school (at his proper high-school age, not all grown up as he is now), and taking time during the lunch hour to play ''Magic: the Gathering'' with his friends. He found the anachronistic nature of it rather odd, being that he graduated from high school in 1990, three years before Wizards of the Coast would set the gaming world on fire by releasing the first edition of the now-iconic card game. In fact, after the first two or three times this dream happened, said oddness tipped him off during the card games that he was dreaming. (Unfortunately, such knowledge didn't enable him to gain the insanely good luck possessed by the main characters of {{Yu-Gi-Oh}}.) * I have a bad habit of dreaming that he finds large amounts of money slowly but surely. He always checks his pockets when he wakes up. Sadly, they're always empty. ** With this sad economy, that may turn out to be a recurring dream for a lot of tropers.... ** Same with I, but it's lego pieces in the boxes. He doesn't bother checking, but damn they are good pieces. *** I even dreamed of being in a toy store with around twenty sets I hope to exist with incredible realistic and detailed boxart. I should really get a life...

** I was going on a trip once but had just lost his headphones. He dreamt that he had left them in his trouser pockets. The dream even looked like it was my subconcious telling him where they where - It was carefully pointed out etc etc. In the morning he jumped up, opened his suitcase, pulled out all the neatly folded clothing into a pile and found that the pockets where empty. He then had to repack what had taken an hour in ten minutes before breakfast. * @/{{Brontozaurus}} has recurring dreams of acquiring something he really wants, only to wake up and realize that it was AllJustADream. He's even realised this in the middle of a dream. * I have many, many levitating dreams. Each has the realization 'Man, this time it is for real and all those other times were just a dream'. Never is the realization that maybe this time it is a dream as well. Also are the dreams where I find good books and try to buy them then awaken... * I never seems to realize that six months have passed with no memory of the time until he has been awake for at least ten minutes. * @/{{JET73L}} has had times where he wakes up, and it's the previous morning. At least a couple of times, a week and a half was lost after waking up.The odd thing is, occasionally, unlikely things happen after waking that had already happened in the dream. For the Played For Drama version of the trope, he's occasionally been sick after realizing people he knew, even loved in dreams were now as good as dead and could only be brought back if my (highly disagreeable) subconscious allowed it. * I have seen turtles talk, the sun colliding with the moon, aliens eating her dogs, and her best friends stabbing each other to death all in the same dream. * I occasionally have dreams where she's a fictional character. As often as not, [[GenderBender one of the opposite gender.]] You think it's bad looking for money you get in your dreams, or boxes with snakes in them... try a moment of panic where you're frantically wondering why you feel like you're [[GagPenis missing something...]] Sweet mother of Freud. * [[MrImagination I have had many vivid dreams since childhood.]] He can still remember one dream when he was 6. He dreamt that after sucking his thumb, he ''bit'' it in half and then multiple strands of live hairs came out. Inverted in another, where he dreamt he used the toilet... and in fact [[ObviousTrap pissed in his bed.]] His most fondest dream however, was one he had during the summer of 2008. He dreamt he was an unwilling civilian in the middle of the war who was mistaken to be a soldier. [[HeroicFantasy Fireballs and modern weapons]] littered the place, and he could feel every bit of the action. Getting to the point, I got shot by a sniper rifle in the chest, felt the pain, and woke up in the dream. Then he woke up in real life. And could feel the pain in the chest for half an hour later. *** Please tell me [[IShouldWriteABookAboutThis you made a novel out of the last one...]] ** I remembers a similar experience she had within the past few months. She can't remember what exactly happened in the dream up until a certain point, where she finds herself in a local mall parking lot

at night, and this guy (apparently a nemesis of hers, or something) comes out from behind a car and shoots her in the shoulder. While the dream continued for a while longer (where she goes into some semiconscious state and it feels like she's been shot in the chest instead), she woke up to the same feeling and it still comes back when she thinks about it. ** Mine friend once told her that she doesn't have dreams, only nightmares, and once she had a nightmare that her inner self was strangling her. She woke up to find she was actually strangling herself in her sleep and she had a massive ring of bruises. * This troper finished his first playthough of ''Condemned: Criminal Origins'' right after the mall chapter. He later had a nightmare that he only remembers as flashes of those mannequins from the chapter, accompanied by plenty of [[ScareChord screeching on string instruments]]. He maintains a fear of mannequins to this day. * I actually frequently subverts this trope. Sometimes, what she dreams about will happen, word for word, the very next day. In one dream she was taking notes in art class from a transparency. The next morning, she was taking those exact same notes. And the transparency was copied ''that day''. ** Am I your OppositeSexClone or something? ** No [[Tropers/ZenoTheGreat I]] am *** This lurker came here after finding nothing relevant under either Dreaming of Things to Come or Dreaming the Truth. It seems we are not the only ones with such creepy experiences. (But mine have never come true less than a week later. Sometimes years. Which is scary, since I have had one nightmare so bad I cannot speak of it further.) * Similiar situation from above here. Our class planned a boring and stupid trip. It was two weeks long and I got in the same room as several retards from my class. I planned on playing sick, that I wouldnt have to come with them, but some random dream I had sowed me a nice scene where we all hang out. The trip went as I originally thought and the dreamed scene took place but only lasted for a few minutes. It was like the Jarheads trailer with grenades and explosions turning out to be fireworks. Stupid self tricked me. * @/{{NightmareBear}} sometimes has multiple dreams about worlds in some of her dreams. Some of these are totally awesome (such as when she dreams about hanging out in a secret base with every single one of her invented characters and saving the world multiple times, as well as [[{{Squee}} being invited to a teaparty with the Forsaken, as well as some Trollocs and Myrddraals from the Wheel of Time series]], and she's always extremely disappointed when she wakes up to find that it was AllJustADream). [[{{NightmareFuel}} Many of them are not.]] One example is when she had a dream that she was being forced to play a hellish, creepily designed game with [[{{NintendoHard}} terrible controls]] and [[{{TheComputerIsACheatingBastard}} enemies that come back to life within 20 seconds of their gruesome deaths.]] The catch? Every time she died in the game, one person she loved and cared about would be [[{{NightmareFuelUnleaded}} eaten alive by piranha, squished by a giant flyswatter or suffocated by piles of wriggling, demonic rubber ducks, among other things.]] [[{{DarthWiki/WorseThanItSounds}} Believe me, they are all far worse than they sound.]] Eventually, she

managed to think of herself and her remaining loved ones far away from danger, and so it happened. This was not enough, though. She went and recruited every single person capable of kicking butt from every single game, movie, book and TV show that she knew of, among other things, to go back and dish out some payback on the [[{{JerkAss}} jerk]] who had done all this, apparently countless times. [[{{CrowningMomentOfAwesome}} A titanic battle ensues]], with I and her army kicking some major [[{{GoshDangitToHeck}} nose]]. The following day, she hugged every single person she knew that she came into contact with. Her mother was very confused when later the troper couldn't stop crying after being asked to squish a spider. * I once had a dream in which her unrequited love liked her back, and they were dating, then they went to a dance, then they broke up, all within this one dream. The next day, she went into school, then nearly started crying when she saw him because she thought the dream had bee real. Very creepy, because he was spot on in character in that dream. * I just recently had a dream involving unlocking an extra 5 characters in Super Smash Bros Brawl, including some of his favorites that didn't quite make it, only to realize that it was all just a dream the next morning. Que the [[{{BigNo}} Big No]]. * I repeatedly dreamed of being elected school captain during the holidays before the actual announcement. In RealLife, he lost. * @/{{RobMandeville}} has sleep apnea, and hadn't remembered any dreams in months. When he finally got treated (by sleeping with a Darth Vader mask, clinically known as a CPAP), the first few weeks he had dreams that were so realistic that he actually had to check his memories with his family. * I experienced an extremely realistic dream that involved fleeing a carnival, watching the aliens invade, observing the universe ending in the sky over her house while having tea with [[NiGHTSIntoDreams Reala]], then finally wandering through an empty but rather mundane house with friends, before concocting an escape plan by charming a fairy in the garden and attempting to escape through a replica of her patio. The attempt failed at 2:15 on the clock, the troper met Morpheus, and became some sort of unwilling run-of-the-mill subordinate. And also male. To this day, the time 2:15 is still slightly unnerving. * I occasionally subverts the trope. Once, he was screaming so loud in his dream he stopped breathing suddenly enough to hurt his chest, and was glad to have woken up- then he realized that he had screamed so loud in his sleep that he hurt his chest badly enough to stop breathing. * I recall one hot midnight dream (temperature, not sexiness), where some fellows from "Fear Factor" came to our house and said that they would give our family a million dollars if the children (us) would be dipped to the neck in sardines for five minutes. And pulped, shredded, oily sardines mixed with rancid tomato sauce, too. First, my older brother went. Nothing happened. Then my younger brother. Nothing happened. I went in. I then quickly got out. The moment I got out, I FELT leeches coming out of sores in my skin, and I just nonchalantly pulled them out while saying; "I need a shower." I screamed, and jumped out of bed. And it was in the AFTERNOON.

* I occasionally has extremely vivid dreams, but one in particular sticks out in her mind. The dream was her day-to-day life, except that she had injured her hand severely some time ago and was held back by the injury, although she kept pushing forward. When she woke up, her hand felt kind of limp, and she didn't realize that it was a dream until she asked her mom about it and was told that it hadn't happened. * I rudely awoke fully believing he'd missed the entire last half of the semester, panicked and dreading what could be done about it before realizing ''I wasn't even enrolled in classes!'' * I had an epic dream in which he was a HeroicMime in some sort of action film or video game. Despite having no voice, he had no need to [[AndIMustScream scream]]; in fact, he thought of the idea of being a silent protagonist to be BadAss. Then he woke up. :( * I had a dream that the word "punk" was a Shakespearean word that originally meant "slut". I told many punk people that the word originally meant "slut" until she realized that it was a dream. ** That's [[{{RuleOfCool}} awesome]]. I hereby declare it to be true. *** In [[{{RealLife}} Real Life]] the word "punk" was a Shakespearean word for a prostitute. I know that Shakespeare used it at least twice, in ''Measure for Measure'', and in ''Merry Wives of Windsor.'' * I once had a dream, extremely vivid and feeling extremely real, in which the first scene was her and the person she currently had a crush on hanging out, apparently dating, and joking around about how she was too young to marry. Unfortunately, [[ItGotWorse It Got Worse]], when moments later a prophecy was revealed in which she had to marry her sister's fiance or the world would explode. In tiny pieces. On the way to the chapel, they passed the crush from the first scene (also the fiance's best friend OHLORD), who just smiled sadly and said "Well, you grew up fast." She woke up sobbing, and wasn't able to talk about it without tearing up for a couple of weeks. * I had a dream involving a damsel in distress, an old ninja-woman, and Makuta from the Bionicle series. Suffice to say, it was weird, but he got to make out with the damsel in distress, so it's all good. His brother has freakier dreams than him, though - he's dreamt about exploring a tropical island with an elf and a bug-collecting pirate, going to a dinosaur safari park, and a bizarre mix of Winnie The Pooh, Monty Python and WORLD WAR ONE. Make sense of that if you can. * Didn't happen to this troper, but to someone she used to know. This person, a girl, dreamt that her best friend was sleeping over, only for the two of them to wake up in the middle of the night because the air was so stifling in her room. They opened the door but it was still too stuffy, so they opened the window, but it was STILL too stuffy, so they went out on a meadow next to her house, but it got even stuffier in the air. She felt that she couldn't breath and passed out in the dream, only for her to wake up to find that she was face-down to the pillow and was being suffocated. * I once dreamed that she was a member of the Straw Hat crew from [[OnePiece One Piece]], and they ended up at a Spring-ish island that was a Marine base. The island was kind of made up by ponds and lakes with water slides all over the place. I was apparently a Devil Fruit user (she could duplicate herself), and accidentally got away from the crew, was captured by marines, got away from them, fell into one of

the lakes, was saved by Nami on her waver and watched Luffy kick some ass. Needless to say, I was very disappointed but happy when she woke up. * I once dreamed that she watched a giant spider crawl towards her arm, being this close to her hand. Then her mom wakes her up by tickling her arm. Cue horrified screams and wild trashing. * I have had several vivid dreams over her lifetime. A few that stick out include: dreaming of the ability to fly Mew-style (as in the Pokemon), having a tongue piercing that still felt real the next morning, and several dreams of going through a normal closing-thestore sequence at work. * I cursed herself for dreaming about Neutral Milk Hotel's [[{{Lostalgia}} next album]]. ''Sigh''. On the other side, she dreamed of TheNostalgiaCritic's review of ''Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog'', cursed herself again for its not being true (this was before it was announced), and then checked his Next 8 Nostalgia Critics... * @/{{Alice2}} dreamed that CampLazlo was UnCancelled. She was puzzling over whether that was a good idea or not, when a commercial for the new season came on. The whole "summer camp" theme was getting old, so the new season was set in Autumn. CampLazlo...[[RecycledINSPACE in School!]] Everyone shared classes in an American school, even though Lazlo's from Brazil and Raj is from India. There was no mention of the camp setting, so Lumpus and Slinkman were completely dropped. Edward and Lazlo were in the same grade. Pothole was the principal. The show's title no longer made sense! The horror! THE HORROR!! ...Then I woke up. See TroperTales: TroperTales/CatapultNightmare. * I finally won the Academy Award for Best Director for his wellpaced, well-acted science-fiction film that finally got the Academy and critics to respect science-fiction and take it out the SciFiGhetto. Looking resplendent in his Boss tux, he got up to stage and shook hands with StevenSpielberg himself and even got a kiss from Charlize Theron before commencing with his acceptance speech. He'd thanked GOD and his mother, his cast, and was about to thank the studio when he........tragically woke up to realize that the preceding was simply his hopes and dreams. Emphasis on 'dreams'. He literally almost wept, but alas, he had to go to work pushing pencils and filing papers. * I have a lot of vivid dreams, ranging from "batshit insane" to "believable". He's partied with Michael Jackson, saved the world while riding on the head of a gigantic dragon carved out of solid ice, fought a never-ending battle against a horde of cosplaying ninja zombie koalas, Shoryuken'd a fat guy for swiping the last potato chip, killed Death and usurped his power and tried to outsmart the eagleheaded version of Two-Face in a long series of false awakenings. ** [[{{RuleOfCool}} Sir or Madam, I want to read anything you write.]] *** ...Do you happen to be related to Dr. McNinja? * I've had a dream before where I was in a Kingdom Hearts setting. I had been playing with Sora, Rikku, Tidus and Wakka at this beach-type town where there was to be a festival thing the day after the dream. Unfortunately, I was playing with them and I knocked Rikku back into a

sword stand and decapitated him. Yeah... that was unpleasant. I thought it was real, even after I woke up. ** You're not the only one insistent on the crazy dreams being real. I still wish I had gotten sucked into that awesome alternate book six/seven Harry Potter verse with Arabian Ninjas commanded by Mozenrath. And that the cast of Heroes was with me. Or at least that I worked at Barnes and Noble. * I was woken up this morning (March 19th, 2009) when he had a dream where his(my?) mother was screaming "* Name* , WAKE UP!" so naturally I got up, got dressed and walked out into the hallway, and realized everyone was asleep... * I have had vivid dreams where he became the evil tyrant of the world, was assassinated, and spent most of the dream bleeding to death in a really comfortable bed. The first thing I thought when waking up and realizing it was a dream, was how disappointingly uncomfortable his own bed was, and annoyance that now he wouldn't find out what happened after dying in the dream. * I had a dream where her house burnt down with her inside it and died, as a ghost she watched her parents and family cry about her dying outside her burntdown house, then she woke up. Another involved her mother and her walking home from a park scavenger hunt, and down in a parking lot type area was a huge stage with speakers and stuff and an audience, and on stage was MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE, her mother started screaming her head off about them, the troper waved at Gerard, he gave her a symphathy wave back, then they went to the concert and then snuck backstage, just as the band was getting backstage, all her past and persent classmates rushed into the small room and sang Happy Birthday to her, she tried to find the MCR guys, but the room so crowded that she was basicaly stuck, she woke up and said "That was weird." * @/{{Cherry}} once had a dream she was Shizu from ''RaidouKuzunohaVsTheSoullessArmy'', and it was, ah...the first night on the job, so to speak. It was quite vivid, and not at all cliched. The guy seemed genuinely concerned about the fact that this was her/my first time, and that he was a complete stranger ("Hey, if I was your boyfriend, and I was picking you up or somethin', how'd you want me to do it?"). Then things started getting a little odd, as, for one, it didn't hurt, and since both Shizu and I were expecting it to (we were the same but separate somehow. Dreams get that way), it probably should have. Second, the guy's penis ''felt'' much smaller than it ''looked'' (and generally, the sense of touch tends to exaggerate things without sight to help it), and it was ''cold''. I woke up just as Shizu/I was asking, "Um, shouldn't you be using a condom?" The guy replied, "Oh, yeah." I remember thinking but not thinking (Shizu was thinking?), "As if he ''really'' forgot..." I woke up feeling ''very'' weirded-out. (And, in accordance with the trope, "Why am I American?" Weird how of all questions ''that'' was the one that popped into my head...) Prolly how Shizu felt after the event in question, too... I think I might be trying ''too'' hard to understand some of these characters... * sweatdrop* * Like some others above, I have had the experience of thinking he's getting up, only to find that this getting up was all just a dream.

And he has a theory that it's a trick his brain was playing on him in order to get a few extra minutes of sleep. Think of it: The part of the brain that wants to wake up is being fooled, and the part of the brain that wants to sleep is getting what it wants. Why shouldn't this be a deliberate deception on the sleeping brain's part? It's a great trick, a real XanatosGambit. * Alright we've all done this. Walking along, just a normal day. * trips* Wakes up in bed at 3 in the morning. GOD DAMMIT!! * [[Tropers/RedWren This troper]] has had ones of these so vivid and with a long enough time before waking that she [[ParanoiaFuel is still figuring out which is which]]. She has been wrong ''both'' ways. * Want to talk about this, too freaky for friends. The first 80% of one of my dreams involved me ducking around a school, appearently trying not to be caught by teachers (though they did nothing if they saw me). The school was an odd amalgam of my high school's design and my elementary school's floorplan. Anyway...Classes let out and I'm surrounded by various people from my high school. Some boy demonstrates putting a clear bag over his head for some reason, to show off, I suppose, and various people copy him. It's only when we are approaching the lunchroom does one girl who left the bag on too long gasps into the plastic twice and falls backwards. This is a girl from my junior high that I remember, but couldn't tell you the name of; we were barely acquaintance. I rush down to her, take the bag off, she's suddenly topless (I have an odd fetish for this kind of thing, but was not turned on in the least) try to check her breathing/pulse, can't feel much (dream, after all), put my mouth to hers to try rescue breathing. She vomits into my mouth a little bit, I taste it(! In a dream!), and continue rescue breathing until I realize it's hopeless and give up. I pound the ground in anger and frustration (And feel it a little bit!) and only manage to convince myself it's a dream when I can't remember waking up that morning. It's the only dream that has ever unsettled me, to the point where I looked up the correct method for artificial respiration the next day. * I have very vivid dreams every night, and one involved a crush (who lived 200 miles away at the time) come up to her at her school cafeteria and criticize her for her somewhat slutty dancing at a recent school dance. She was so shocked that he was there, she couldn't help but to be nice to him anyway. She was extremely disappointed when he wasn't in school that day. * I sometimes has very realistic dreams... until they take a turn for the weird. What's worse is when I realize it's all a dream and ''can't wake up.'' I eventually do, usually during something important. * I will occasionally have dreams that he's still in school and has an assignment due that day but hasn't done it. When he wakes up, it will take a few seconds for him to realize that there was no assignment and he's been out of school for the past few years. * Mine had two notable ones: one in which some rather [[IfYouKnowWhatIMean fun times]] happened with someone I'd liked for a while. We ended up going back up to her room, and just as we got there, I woke up (in said room) and realized it was AllJustADream. Sad times. The other was the one in which I started something from work that requires someone to be with it whenever it's running, then walked

away to go grab some lunch. I realized what I'd done and sprinted back, found my boss staring at the controls, and had to explain what happened. When I went into work the next day, I kept expecting someone to reference my big mistake. * Griffin once had a dream that involved her uncle (who was a rabbit) and her dad (who was a hamster) dying in construction accidents. To be more precise, she was sitting in her emo hole (don't ask) when the construction workers decided to pour in some concrete. Her uncle dragged her out but got buried, with only [[NightmareFuel his ears sticking out]]. And she was sitting in another emo hole being emo about causing his death when the construction workers decided to drop a piece of the foundation on it. Her dad dragged her out but got trapped underneath. The foreman was sympathetic but refused to let her get him out of there. The rest of the dream descended into surreality, until it came to a bit where she was at school. She then realized it was a dream when she saw that her backpack had changed. The ironic bit is that she started pinching herself, but still thought the first part with her uncle and dad dying was real. Then she woke up in her own bed. * I am a master of odd, yet vivid dreams. Despite this, sometimes I am aware I am dreaming and got to wake up by willpower. I used two of them as an ispiration for two books and another was elaborate enough to have ''credits'' at the end (the executive producer was, apparently, "Billy Hopkins"). ** Saw Jessica Alba in lingerie, accompany Jessica on a conference, eventually and losing her to a random guy); ** Fought the [[EldritchAbomination Ogdru]] [[{{Hellboy}} Jahad]], a common thief, HumanAliens with teleporting powers, ''Satan'' and [[ArsonMurderAndJaywalking Tinkerbell Tipton]]. ** Being trapped in an Ebay-like digital world, [[WhatIsThisThingYouCallLove lectured a robot about love]] (The answer? [[spoiler: "It's [[AllLoveisUnrequited Something horrible. Better not to feel it]]]]), met [[TheGrimReaper Death]] and his twin brother. * @/{{Lurkerbunny}} tends to have very vivid and lucid dreams (particularly after eating blue cheese... I don't know how it works either). I'm often disappointed when many dreams turn out to be, well, just dreams. Usually ones where I'm doing... things... with somebody. A certain somebody. [[spoiler:I DREAM ABOUT BOFFING [[RobinWilliams ROBIN WILLIAMS]], OKAY?]] ** [[spoiler:And me about Alyson Hannigan. Strange because I am not such a fanboy of her.]] * @/{{Seungmina}} once got out of bed and looked out of the window to see all the planets huge and beautiful, like a picture. I realized later it was just a dream, but it felt so real, I don't want to believe that it wasn't true. * [[@/{{Mysterynovelist}} I]] have had so many of these that it isn't funny; these are the 4 that I remember the most: ** #1: This was back in my "I love Naruto!" days, when there was a long wait for the next episode (something having to do with "Month of Miyazaki" or some stuff) and I was getting impatient. Then, one night,

I had a dream where Naruto went and stole Sasuke and Sakura's weapons...while sleepwalking; it wound up being the inspiration for a rather random--yet ''very'' popular--Naruto parody fanfiction series. Sadly, I don't have it anymore...T.T ** #2:This was when I was in 8th grade and I dreamt that I was back in third grade, waiting for seconds on pizza in the lunchroom. Suddenly, the lunch lady yells, "Seconds!" and I was about to go inside when a bunch of gigantic fourth graders ran over me and''flattened me like a pizza''. ** #3:''Sarah Palin'' comes to my high school to host her new game show, involving people riding on giant balls over logs in a gigantic pool. Note that my school does ''not'' have ''any'' pool, so the sudden appearance of one should of tipped me off (hell, the fact that ''Sarah Palin'' was at my ''school'' should've tipped me off), but I was too caught up in cheering on my friends...who got run over by the opposing team. I told my mom about this dream the next night, only for her to give me her characteristic "What is ''wrong'' with you?" look. ** #4: My mom, aunt, and I go to shoprite; all of my sudden, my dad's there, which is weird because he lives ''ten states away from where I live''. We decide to go on a walk together, and he tells me to look out for signs that he's been nearby each day. I was about to ask him what did he mean, but then my mom wakes me up. This is by far the most normal AllJustADream experience I've had in my life. * This happens to @/TromboneChild ''all the freaking time''. I either wake up really frightened or really disappointed that it was a dream. I can think of three different examples: ** 1.) About a year ago, I had a dream that I was working with [[{{Torchwood}} Torchwood Three]] and we were investigating an opera house (but there was no [[ThePhantomOfTheOpera Phantom]] there). I kept trying to pursue Captain Jack Harkness the whole time while everyone else was trying to solve the case (I think I did get Jack to kiss me eventually). We were still hanging around when the crowd showed up for that night's show; the crowd included all of my relatives and quite a few celebrities/TV stars that I like. I know I ran up to [[Series/{{Heroes}} Zachary Quinto]] and jumped up and hugged him, and then I did the same to [[{{Supernatural}} Jared Padalecki]]. When I was hugging Jared (and he was essentially holding me because I'm a foot shorter than him), my cousin Kevin walked by and went, "[[TheSimpsons HA-HA]]!" Then I woke up feeling disappointed that I didn't actually meet Zach, Jared, and Captain Jack. ** 2.) Very recently, I dreamed that I was with some random people that my subconscious created for me, and then their eyes turned black, signifying that they were possessed by demons from ''{{Supernatural}}''. I tried to get away from them, but they just kept showing up. Then my little sister was there, and I tried to protect her from the demons, but then ''her'' eyes turned black. I woke up feeling very frightened and disturbed. ** 3.) Also recently, I dreamed that it was Christmas time and this psycho 4-year-old was in the news for killing his parents and his baby brother, but it turned out that the baby had secretly survived, so a [[ShirtlessScene Shirtless]] [[{{Firefly}} Nathan]] [[{{Castle}} Fillion]] and I raised the baby. Nathan and I even shared a bed at one

point. I woke up feeling confused. * I have a recurring dream where, due to falling out of a car when he was little, he dreams that he was hit, and went into a coma. In his dreams, we wakes up from the coma, and finds that everything he'd ever done was just a dream. I is terrified of that being true, and every time he wakes up from that he has to convince himself it was [[AllJustADream All Just A Dream]] * I used this once as a plot device in an RPG session. The story begins with the characters having to fight a group of very powerful bad guys and getting killed one by one, setting up a bit of foreshadowing. The players were of course GenreSavvy and picked up that it was a dream right away. ** That sounds eerily like a Blades of Exile scenario I played once. Can't remember the name. * I have probably some dreams that delve into pure insanity, such as Homer Simpson walking out of a UFO, Naruto becoming fat for no apparent reason, I come to school with my blanket, saved the world from a giant bomb, and you know what's scarier? The environments NEVER EVER MAKE SENSE IN MY DREAMS! Yet I eat them up, believing they're real. ** And my sister had a dream that she saw a [[{{Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot}} Vampire Werewolf and Mummy Combo]], a Vamerummy. ** I saw [[GurrenLagann a Spiral War]], in sepia or gold, exposions and other things were everywhere, but then, the Lagann came (sorry, no Gurren), and revealed the pilot, it wasn't Simon or anyone ''from'' GurrenLagann, it was ''Finn'', ''the KidHero of WesternAnimation/AdventureTime'', the fight looked like it was gonna be ''awesome'', [[MissedMomentOfAwesome but then it switched to another segment]], based off {{TMNT}}, that felt... [[TearJerker Depress]][[TakeOurWordForIt ing]]. * [[@/{{Aryn}} I]] just had an odd dream in which I was going to school, and everyone over 25 was trying to incarcerate me or something, because everyone and their mother had guns, and were pointing them at me, or each other, or both. They even fired them occasionally, but everyone had super ATeamFiring skills. I ran out of the school and jumped into the passenger seat of some stranger's car so they wouldn't find me. Then, after riding a while, I met up with an old friend of mine, and we followed this river until we got to a big wooden dam, which, if we broke through, would send us downstream to my hometown and I would be safe. Analyze that, I dare you. * Have you ever been in school when, suddenly, the dead rise from their graves, and it becomes obvious that, thanks to the [[{{Ass Pull}} magic powers that you apparently have now for some reason]], you are the only one who can save everyone? No, it hasn't happened to [[@/{{King Zila}} me]] either. * Had a dream a few years ago where I met a stranger that I was in love with. At some point (and it wasn't a lucid dream), I said, "I know this is a dream and we won't meet in the real world. We don't have long. Please don't go." Woke up shortly, at something of a loss. * I had an extremely sad dream were his father had died without him saying goodbye. * I and a group of friends (Friends A-D) were hanging out at this

industrial compound. Now, there was this pit, right? Big pit. Really, really, deep pit. Long way down. Filled with water at the bottom. On the other side of the pit, we see a guy in a speedo jump in. He survives. On a whim, Friend A (sort of the leader among us) leaps in as well. Everyone else does, until it is just me and Friend D. I beg him not to go down, because the idea is just too stupid. He promises not to, and jokingly bear hugs me and leans over the edge slightly. And then he trips. So we're soaring down the chasm, right? We hit the bottom. My limbs go numb, I can't move. When I regain movement of my arms, I start to strangle Friend D. And then I woke up. * Very recently, I had a {{Terminator}} dream, set not long after Judgment Day, where I and about two dozen survivors hid out in a warehouse similar to the one near my childhood home. Highlights include impaling and pinning a Terminator against a wall using a forklift, blowing a way a swarm of rat-sized machines with a .45, and bailing the entire horde of survivors into an obviously jury-rigged VTOL craft near the end of the dream. The last thing I dreamed was somebody calling me "Kyle Reese". Fun. ** [[MysteryScienceTheater3000 You tried to kill him with a forklift?]] * I just recently finished her final examinations for the tenth grade. The night before her last one, she dreamt she wrote the test, had a few days pass, and went to get her report card (all A's), just to wake up and realize she has to write her last one. Much angry grumbling ensued. * [[@/{{nine}} This guy]] thinks he may have played too much [[SonicTheHedgehog Sonic]]. Why? Recently, he had a dream where he was staying with Jet, who looked human (how he could become human, this guy doesn't know). After Jet had offended the guy somehow, he punched him, revealing his true form, and Jet punched him back, ''turning him into his own fan-character''. The guy can't get that dream, even today. * I JUST had the strangest series of dreams, resulting in sort of a subversion. I had dream including a group of my friends, my cousin, and several unknowns in a dark version of my town where everyone was being turned into {{The Renfield}}, only to supposedly wake up and find my cousin in my room (which was in the EXACT state it was in before I had fallen asleep, down to the clothes I was wearing) telling me that it wasn't just a dream, and that I had been sucked into a fight against the enslavement of humanity through dreams experienced by the aforementioned people. Only to find out that it HAD been a dream. I spent like an hour afterwards trying to back to sleep just to see if I could finish watching the story. * I once had a very bizarre dream. Basically, she (11 at the time) woke up as a five-year old, and realized that the past six years of her life had been a long, elaborate dream. Then she figured out that that was a dream, woke up as an adult, went through about the same thing, -then- finally woke up for real. Whoa! * I have always had very vivid dreams, whether they're realistic or not. One dream involved her realizing she was dreaming and she thought she had died in the real world. Another incident involved said troper fall asleep with her iPod on, and the music influenced what happened

in that dream. This lead to the best and the worst dream I have ever had, changing from the end of the world to having a manga character as her boyfriend to fighting along side Zero, Klonoa and Syaoran to getting tortured and killed. She was both glad and disappointed when she woke up from that one. * I have had some odd ones. So far, there have been a couple where [[ScareEmStraight a certain poison sticker]] almost made an appearance. One had [[DegrassiTheNextGeneration Manny and JT]], while the other had Simon Cowell. Yet another just had him listening to a tune that started with some kids yelling out the phrase "Yippee! Our favourite dirty childhood hero!" * I once dreamed that she and her boyfriend were walking home from school together and he got hit by a car and got so messed up that he couldn't have possibly survived it if it would have happened in real life. Not helped by the fact that he was not at school the next day. I didn't even realize it was a dream until he was back the next day. I told him about it a few weeks after the fact, laughs were had... but the mental images are still as vivid ans they were in the dream, and HighOctaneNightmareFuel. * @/SkarmoryThePG has in the past dreamt of buying and browsing through the newest issue of his gaming magazine of choice. Also had dreams involving a longtime crush of his reciprocating. Bah. * I have had dreams in the past where he is back in high school, or hanging out with various characters from anime that he likes (most notably, one dream had [[DragonBall Goku]] take me on a tour of a local school, and [[TheSlayers Phibrizzo]] showing up to attack us/chase us around). More often than not, I wake up feeling annoyed and either pondering what could've been or wondering if it would make decent fanfiction material. * I once dreamt she was at a friend's house watching {{Futurama}}. It took her over six months (and looking through said friend's box sets) to realize that the episode she dreamt she saw did not actually exist. * I had this one were I spend the entirety trying to finish a report for english only to wake up right when the report was almost done in the dream. * As of writing this, I just woke up from a dream wherein he was watching an episode of FamilyGuy that had the same plot as [[StephenKing Dreamcatcher]], with Brian as Jonesy. Being very literate, Brian had read the book and was aware of the fact he was living it, so he quickly sheltered himself from the alien in the same fashion as Jonesy had. Sadly, I woke up shortly there after. It was building up to be a good episode... * mine father once woke up about 45 minutes late for work all freaked out because he dreamed he'd woken up, gone downstairs fixed his lunch, eaten his breakfast and gone to work early, also this happened to I tons of times when she thought she'd come from school, just after before waking up with one of her older family member arguing about if they should put an ice cube on her neck or not. * This one time, I opened the fridge and noted that there was a case of Pepsi cans in there. Later, I opened the fridge again and there was no trace of the Pepsi cans. Sadly, the first sentence was a dream... The Pepsi was a lie. :(

* Is more memorable vivid dreams: Stressing about High school finals, only to wake up and realise I'm over 30 and haven't been high school for over a decade; Buying a great book and waking up to find I not only don't have it but it doesn't exist (and I can't remember it to write it down); Telling people exactly what I think of them without fear or favour and waking up sdomewhat relieved it was just a dream; and my personal least favorite the Groundhog Day dream 'Wake up, have breakfast, have shower, get dressed, go to work ... Wake up and realise it was just a dream, have breakfast, have shower, get dressed, go to work ... Wake up and realise it was just a dream, have breakfast, have shower, get dressed, go to work ... Wake up, slap/pinch yourself to ensure your really awake, have breakfast, have shower, get dressed, go to work ... Wake up, etc ... repeat until pretty much insane trying to find a way to convince yourself that this time it's real only to discover once you have that it isn't and when you finally do wake up for real you spend the whole day waiting for it to repeat again. * Mine mother always had an extremely unfortunate habit of waking her up in the middle of the best parts of her dreams. For example, in kindergarten she had a dream in which the teacher turned the room into a ginormous indoor playground with a ton of children's museum-esque attractions. I got a ball to roll down the chute, but the school bully took it from her, so she whent back to get another one, but accidentally picked up a magic ball that made a giant parachute come off of a table that was actually a giant tub full of bubble juice (don't question it), so the guy sitting in the tub gave her a bubble wand. Then Peter Pan came out of the tub full of bubbles and they started playing a game, but suddenly the pirates came out of the loft in the neighboring class room (yes, we were somehow still in school) and started chasing her. Peter Pan started fighting them with his knife, so I decided to escape by running up the slide (and how this was supposed to work out, she has no idea) when a pirate grabbed her ankle, so she screamed and Peter came to rescue her... and then her mom shook her awake. Just when it was getting good. (No, I did not think it was scary, she thought it was freaking ''awesome''.) Another time she learned to fly, but her mom woke her up and she could remember how exactly she did it. * One time, I had a dream where she was a guy. In a ''{{Clannad}}''esque scenario, s/he met and fell in love with a sickly girl who s/he later got married to (the wedding especially the kiss was extremely vivid), but then the girl died in childbirth and I was left alone and broken. She woke up incredibly confused. [[FreudWasRight What the ''hell'' was that supposed to mean...?!]] * @/SteelKomodo just happened to have a [[CrowningMomentOfAwesome really awesome dream]] one night, where he was dropped from an airship and started [[DragonBall flying around]] in a huge city, pulling off crazy kung-fu kicks and knocking out bad guys such as Doctor Octopus and Darth Vader. Suddenly, Mario characters [[BigDamnHeroes show up on a glittery rainbow]], and we band together to take out ''[[HolyShitQuotient Mechagodzilla]]''. Someone please help him translate that one. * I often used to get up and get ready for school, only to suddenly

awake in his bed with his mother yelling at him that he's going to be late. * I once went through six years in one night as they slept for eighteen hours. It was Star Wars themed. many things happened in the dream, and it ended with I being betrayed by his brother and his love interest being horribly killed. Unfortunately the relationship between I and his brother has been oddly strained for the three months since the dream ended. * I had a girlfriend that was incredible. Because life is a bitch sometimes, she left I and moved to another country. That was 3 years ago. Now he is with another girl, and things are going incredible well. The last weeks, though, I had a couple of weird dreams. In them, the ex is with him all the time, doing all the things they couldn't do when they were together, and when he wakes up, he feels incredible happy because they had another opportunity, and sad because that was a dream. * I have had a number of weird dreams including several episodes of NCIS and a doulbe-parter of House. Not dreams where I was in those shows. Dreams where I was watching them. They were good episodes too. Perodically during marathons I wonder if I'll get to see them before I remember ''they never happened''. * Recently, I had a dream that the main characters from ''TheBigBangTheory'' had formed an alternative rock band and were singing about [[ThePowerOfFriendship friendship]]. For some odd reason, once they were finished, [[BarneyAndFriends Barney the Dinosaur]] walks up from the audience and punches Sheldon in the face. To be fair, I've always suspected that the ''RobotChicken'' version was accurate when Barney wasn't around kids. ** I feels a fanart or fanfiction, one of the two, coming on. Thanks! * I once overdosed on cocaine and had a seizure during which I dreamed that I had a wonderful happy life and everything I wanted. Then, as I lay in my coffin at my funeral, an old drug-using friend of mine appeared and started shouting my name and telling me to get up. I regained consciousness, but was [[AndIMustScream temporarily paralysed from my head to my toes]]. I'll just leave the story at that. * I ocasionally have falling dreams, but I don't wake up when I hit the ground- I'll hit it from several hundred stories up, then [[MadeOfIron casually get up, dust myself off, then calmly walk away]]. Then I wake up. Turns a [[NightmareFuel nightmare]] into [[CrowningMomentOfAwesome freaking awesome]], and I'm actually fairly disappointed when I wake up. * I had a sad one a few months ago, shortly after a good friend of her brother's had died in real life. In the dream, I went back in time and prevented him from dying, and the whole time I was thinking that my brother wouldn't be sad anymore because I could tell him that his friend was alive. Then I woke up. ** On a lighter note, I also recently had my first, but very brief, lucid dreaming experience, in which I was able to tell a woman that she was just a dream. However, I was foiled when the woman looked straight at me and responded with [[OrIsIt "Are you sure?"]] * I had a dream before WoW:BC was released that there were 4 new races and i was playing beta with this hunched over character. until today I

thought that the other races were just removed for no reason and found out that it was some weird thought/dream. * I had a very strange dream. Myself and this girl I never met ended up getting Death Notes and staqrted using them to wipe out humanity. I remember people suffocating in a Department Store and her and me trying to find out the names and faces of a college class. We got pretty close to our goal. * @/MmmKay woke up to hear the computer say (in a CreepyMonotone) "SoylentGreen, this... condition... is ''PEOPLE!!!''" over and over again in the middle of the night. She eventually turned on the monitor to find that somebody opened Windows Media Player with the sound loop, and she turned it off. Her wallpaper was an old DOS readout. The printer was making weird noises so she hit it; it stopped. She thought "I'm going to keep this computer on, but I'm putting on some calm music." But before she could do so, she noticed that even though the sky was dark, the time read ''9:28 AM'', and almost promptly woke up in her bed at 4:00-ish. * I just had this dream (a very short one) in which I was watching a movie that was about an AlternateHistory world in which all of television was incredibly violent. The first scene was a mock "coming up next" preview, followed by a scene from ''{{Seinfeld}}'' in which Jerry walks into a room and gets electrocuted by a panel on the floor. Cue laugh track. Cue waking up rather disturbed. (Especially since I don't even watch Seinfeld.) Though it would be an interesting movie. (There probably is already one like that.) * Ever have a boring dream? Where nothing out of the ordinary happened. You just went to work, came home, chilled out, edited this wiki, played games, etc. And then you wake up and go wtf? It's happened to me on multiple occasions. Dreams are supposed to be interesting. Meh, better than nightmares I suppose. * I once dreamed that it was morning and time to get ready for school. She woke up to find herself in the shower, the hot water having woken her up, cursed herself for sleepwalking and then went to check the clock to find that it was only 11:00 pm. And then she remembered that there was no school the next day anyway, it was Friday. * @/K2Misfit's dreams usually boil down to either WTF, sexy or [[NightmareFuel BOTH]] ranging from the FreudWasRight snake vertically slithering down the bedroom wall while I'm paralyzed in fear (odd, since I actually like snakes) while my mother casually watched to making out with Janet Jackson circa 1994, but the one dream that had me waking up '''pissed off''' involved a stoner girl I used to go to school/worked with being played by pornstar Caroline Pierce driving up to my house crying about being alone and apparently a successful businesswoman when in reality, she's essentially homeless/living in a trailer park, not even having a driving permit, an elementary schoolage daughter despite being younger than 25, more or less involved with a stoner and having enough issues to be a memorable guest on Jerry Springer. * I had a strange dreams about [[TVTropesWillRuinYourLife TVTropes]] It starts off with Alan and Charlie Harper from TwoandahalfMen, MorganFreeman, and Chris Rock running through a temple. They end up on some ship, Freeman and Rock get killed, and Charlie and Alan are

captured and sent to this CampGay fat guy who turns them into black and white cats and puts fake wings on them to fly. Then it shifts to this bus rolling away and goes back into my house. It's showing the adventure Charlie and Alan are having on the television while my dad is on his computer typing and saying "Aren't you going to be late for school?". I say "Mom's going to drive me, the bus passed by." and it turns out ''I was making a page for the exact movie on the television''. ** That's not even the [[ItGotWorse STRANGEST]] one I had. The other one involved some blond guy in a leather jacket fighting some Mooks who were opressing a village. The Denis Leary shows up dressed as Doctor Octopus from Spiderman, and the blond guy transforms into Spiderman via '''a SailorMoon transformation'''. Denis Leary then turns into this worm and tries to destroy the world with a wormhole (no pun intended). Spiderman then flies '''like Superman''' into the worm hole and '''destroys him with a [[DragonballZ Kamehameha Blast]]'''. The guy then turns back into the blond guy, and falls back to earth and lands safely. He snaps his fingers and a red Kawasaki motorcycle rides up to him. He gets on and the villagers come to thank him. An old man asks his daughter if he wants to stay, then he proceeds to say "Nope." and ''rides off into the sunset''. * @/PentiumMMX2 has this happen once. In the dream, I got a Gamecube for Christmas with [[SuperSmashBros Super Smash Bros. Melee]] (Which I had literally been begging my parents to get me for about a year), and had an intense match in multiplayer going against my sister; she was Zelda, I was the Ice Climbers. It felt so good...and then I woke up and realized it was all just a dream, which was quite annoying. ** [[@/PentiumMMX2 Me]] again. I had one happen the night before the launch of [[{{Pokemon}} Pokmon HeartGold & SoulSilver]] that was rather freaky and felt a little too real for comfort. In it, I was dreaming of going to get my copy of Pokmon [=SoulSilver=], when I woke up, only to notice many things where missing; my PC was gone, as well as my DS, my Xbox 360, and my rabbit. Looking out the window, I noticed my car was also missing as well. In a rush, I go into the living room, trying to figure out what the hell was going on, when I happen to glance at the calender and noticed that today's date was March 14, ''2000''; not only did I have to do school all over again being a kid once more, but the original versions of Pokmon Gold & Silver where not due out for another 7 months, and to top things off, there had not been a new episode of Series/DoctorWho since the 1996 made-for-TV movie. I woke up for real shortly after, with everything in order. * You should HEAR mine friend's dreams! In them, I is always indestructible or otherwise superpowered. In one dream, he was destroying alien spaceships, and in another, he carried his friend while deflecting bullets with his hands! * my dreams are rarely vivid enough to spark this reaction, except three: ** The first, I was a dog, and apparently to end the world all the dogs in the world had to gather out in the middle of the ocean. If we failed, then the earth would [[AndIMustScream start over again, only animals would remember the]] [[FateWorseThanDeath Thousands of

reincarnations]] of said universe. I woke up confused, and wanted to make a novel out of it. ** The second, I was a five-year-old Naruto who still had his dad...but the weird thing was, I still had the mind of my normal, intelligent, fifteen-year-old was very strange, and I woke up wishing that it had continued. ** There was a nightmare where I was on the run from a phsyco murderer guy, and he just so happened to want all of me but my skin. Cue me, hiding in a closet, watching [[DirtyJobs Mike Rowe]], my hero, [[HighOctaneNightmareFuel skinning his said phsyco-murderer's victims while cracking jokes and chuckling.]] He was about to find me when I woke up. I was scared sh* tless the next morning, and couldn't talk about it for a week afterward. * In Mine dreams, he has been to a military camp set in a water park, amusement park, circus, and Saturn's rings. Don't ask. * I have a lot of crazy dreams, but the one that gave him this reaction went as follows: He and his little sister were playing a Wii game where the objective was to push Principal Skinner from the [[Simpsons]] out of a window. Then Principal Skinner turned up at our house to borrow some sugar, so naturally we pushed him out of a window. He was paralysed from the fall and started oozing this thin brown liquid all over our garden. Cue massive amounts of MyGodWhatHaveIDone. I was trying to admit to my father that I had just crippled an innocent cartoon character when I woke up, realised it was a dream, and laughed myself hoarse with relief. Possibly the worst part would have been having to admit that JackThompson had a point about videogames. * I, the day before a Physics test, dreamt about a Physics class. When he woke up, he instantly thought "no! bring me back to the class! I can't miss it!". * I (Flareth) had two odd dreams recently ** The first one was that [[WhoseLineisitAnyway Colin Mochrie and Ryan Stiles]] were someplace that was like my school to do a show. I met them afterwards, talked to them (I was pretty nervous in dream as well) and hugged them. ** The second dream was that someone from a forum I frequent was thinking to change one of their character's ages so they could pair them with onemy character. In the roleplay in real life, the characters are close to the same age. * I have has a few of these: ** I remember this one from when I was a teenager, I was looking out the window of my bedroom and I could see a guy below me, in the yard. He was pointing a gun at me (rifle, I think). I managed to duck down right as he shot--I can remember hearing the gunshot plain as if it were real--and I heard him say "Shit! I missed!" I woke up in a cold sweat. ** A lucid dream I had--my first one, actually. I was in French class and turned around to ask the person behind me a question, when it suddenly occurred to me that I did not have French class, and in fact, wasn't even in highschool anymore (although I was taking a couple of college classes). I realised I was dreaming and proceeded to float around for a while (always fun), then did a bunch of other things that

I can't remember but that you could only do in dreams. I do remember throwing a glass bottle at my archenemy, or rather, a random person whom I'd deemed my archenemy. It traveled slowly, as if I'd thrown it underwater. When I woke up I was elated for ''days''. ** Another lucid dream I just remembered--I don't remember how I figured out I was dreaming, but I decided after I did that I wanted to go into outer space. So I did and the Earth looked like a tiny orange (yes, orange) marble. Or perhaps it was Mars, or another planet in another solar system altogether. ** Also my favorite thing to do in lucid dreams (although I rarely have them anymore) is to go up in the air as high as I possibly can and then just ''drop''. SO fun. No parachute needed, I can slow down whenever I want to. This is probably the closest I can get to actually being able to skydive. * I am very jealous of all you lucid dreamers. The only lucid dream I had was me walking down a hallway which was on a balcony for some reason (my bet is that my school has similar hallways) with one or two people when suddenly I realized I was dreaming. The world then proceeded to fade/float away from me and spin for whatever reason, then when it all went white I woke up. ** If you have another lucid dream and it begins to fade, try spinning around, grabbing on to things, touching your tongue to the roof of your mouth, and rubbing your hands. These techniques are supposed to help, though I've never been lucid enough to try them myself. Another method that I read about is to yell: "INCREASE LUCIDITY!", but apparently not many people are willing to do that. ** I have lucid dreams almost every night. Trust me, spinning really does work. * I had a dream where I was a werewolf. I woke up half asleep and still thought I was a werewolf. At first I was scared but then I got power hungry. Secends later I came to my senses and realized it was just a dream. Stupid reality. * After a long day of exploring and fighting mud monsters, I find myself in a hot muggy swamp directly beneath a glacier-like area complete with ice bridge. I walk across the bridge, and come across a brightly lit lodge surrounded by thin wodden walls. Entering the lodge, I discover that its filled with my laughing mercenary buddies (though I only know them in this dream). Food is being served at a buffet, so I take my place at the back of the line. As I go through the selection, I find that all the meat has been taken by the guys in front of me, so I have to settle for the oddly-coloured veggies. I scoop up the last of the mashed potatoes, to the cheering of my pals. Then I take a hunk of cheese and sit down. Looking at my meal, observing how all of it looked much larger on the buffet table, I am suddenly transported to a warm bed, a voice telling me to wake up... * I wishes Freud didn't invade her head so often while sleeping. So far, she's had dreams where she's being threatened by [[TheLittleMermaid Ursula]], married her dog in Las Vegas, had sex with [[GreenDay Billie Joe Armstrong]] in a furniture shop's closing down sale after a concert, and had three children. The last few incidents have also had side effects such as conversations with EllenPage and dull pain across my stomach typical of C-sections.

* @/{{LoneCentrist}} from California had a dream he and his family were on vacation in Tokyo. He woke up before he got a chance to leave the hotel room to check out the city. He got up, went to the kitchen, pored a bowl of cereal, and sat down to eat, then slowly looked around the room and realized the Tokyo vacation was just a dream. "Son of a bitch..." * [[@/{{Ryumaru}} I]] have had numerous lucid dreams, and I've even been getting better at controlling them lately. Studying self-hypnosis and dream "physics" (can't think of a better term) helps. But more closely related to the trope in question is one dream in particular I've had. My family was going on a vacation at a ''really'' nice hotel somewhere, filled up with glass partitions and all kinds of crystalwork. It was an awesome place and I remember waking up and thinking, "Damn it, why couldn't I have slept a little longer?" Although there was that other dream where I had to pull a [[AceAttorney Phoenix Wright]] in a resort built over a canal, defending some guy who'd been wrongly accused.... ** Agagaga! @/{{Ryumaru}} again, having just had the most awesome dream ever and the most depressing because it wasn't real. I dreamed that [=NeoToonami=] was on the air and it was airing it's GurrenLagann commercial, followed by the first episode. My whole family saw it, meaning I was going to get the whole frakking series on DVR, and then I heard my littlest brother say, "What the heck?" I assumed that it was about the Gainax Opening, so I woke up to explain it... and then realized I'd been dreaming. My heart immediately sank. DAMN IT! * I have had a bunch of dreams where she swore that they seemed real. In any dream where I seem to be able to feel the surroundings, like cold air, or someone touching my arm, I can almost believe it to be real... until I wake up. * You would be surprised at how convincing shaving ones head and buying an industrial sized barrel of toothpaste in New Zealand is until you wake up. * Here's the scoop. It is one week before the day of Mine wedding. He is as happy as can be, he's marrying his high school sweetheart(Henceforth, 'Alice'), he has a job he's extremely happy with, and he has the best friends ever(Henceforth, Bob and Charlotte). Something is bothering him, though. Something at the back of his mind. He doesn't quite know what. He decides to just sleep it off, chalking it up to stress. After all, it's a week before the wedding. He goes to sleep, and dreams of the life he had with Alice, Bob, and Charlotte. Re-living these memories, I realizes something: He doesn't want to spend the rest of his life with Alice, he wants to spend it with Charlotte. He wakes up, tells Bob his predicament and proceeds to panic. How is Alice going to react? She'll be devastated! But it would be worse to lie to her, so much worse. After I and Bob discuss what the hell they're going to do, I [[spoiler:Wakes up for real, and is slightly melancholy for the rest of the day. Everything was a dream, the wedding, the friends, the job, you name it. However, the dream itself was too damn vivid to NOT have any emotional attachment. In reality, [[{{LordArkea}} Troper]] doesn't have a girlfriend, and is definitely not going to be getting married any time soon, and is currently a student without a job. He has some pretty kickass friends,

though.]] * I have had this for both disappointment and GREAT RELIEF. ** Relief: Six years old. Dreaming that all the houses of your family are in a circle. Nobody is there. Nobody. I cried in the dream, and when i woke up. Also i've had several dreams about zombies, vampires, anything i cant really stop. ** Disappointment: Getting married to my love, becoming a magical superhero, and ive had three dreams over 5 years of being able to float above the ground. They were awesome. ** Also some were pure awesome. The moon broke off. Alien spiders arrived. I became a super hero. Hells yeah. * I have had some truly bizarre instances where he's lived ''[[MindScrew the lives of completely different people]]'' in his dreams. Seriously. So far, he's been a mute seven-year-old AfricanAmerican boy living alone in a California desert strewn with red petals, a pregnant woman, and an unidentified man killed in TheVietnamWar(still not sure if he was an American, a Viet Cong, or a civilian). He has no idea what they mean or even if they mean anything, and it doesn't help that they invariably end with a GainaxEnding every time. * I've had a few very unnerving flashbacks to my Army days, more than five years after getting out. (These aren't combat flashbacks; I was never near combat.) The most vividly detailed was as follows: In the dream, I was stationed somewhere that amounted to a military university, and part of a vast crowd of soldier-students trying to get into one of the buildings where classes were held. Abruptly, a number of unpleasant facts became clear to me. ** First, I was likely to be late getting to the classroom because of having to struggle through such a swarm of humanity. Second, I couldn't remember the number of the classroom, which meant I wasn't even sure of going in the right direction. Third, I'd been handed the textbook for the class just the night before and told the lesson would cover the first however many pages -- but then other duties that kept me up past midnight prevented me from even glancing at those pages, much less studying them. ** Fourth, I'd forgotten to bring the textbook with me. Fifth and worst, I suddenly realized that '''''I''''' was supposed to be the instructor. ** Oddly enough, I didn't wake up screaming. In fact, I didn't wake up at that horrifying point at all. Instead, the dream lasted long enough for me to return to the barracks at a dead run (slowing only to salute three generals along the way) to retrieve the textbook I was going to be teaching from. I'd just opened up my locker to get the text when I woke up. ** Well, at least I wasn't going to class nude. * Once I had a dream about being chased by a criminal riding a huge dog (Looked like a Labrador), then getting arrested by the police who thought * I* was that criminal. My final wish before I was executed was to go to Epcot park, where I was about to ride the 'Horizons' attraction, and then I woke up before I even got in line. My first thought after that was, "Pitty that ride is defunct now, otherwise I could have ridden it."

* I had a dream once where I accidentally killed my dog. I woke up with a start and opened the door to see that she was laying by my door and was quite alive. * I once had a dream that there was a murder at my local ice rink, and that only I could solve it. And all the bleachers had been replaced with beds and the friends from FostersHomeForImaginaryFriends were in the beds. Oh and TomSelleck was there, but everybody called him [[MarkTwain Tom Sawyer.]] I did eventually solve the murder, though. [[spoiler: The coach did it.]] * Mine dreams are generally just bizarre lumps of random memories pieced together in mish-mash sequences ten times weirder and more surreal than either of Lewis Carroll's works combined. As such, he rarely makes any effort to remember his dreams. However, he recently had a dream that made complete sense in context even though it was mostly disjointed narration, which when combined with the sleepdeprived stupor he was in shortly after waking up from his nap led to a brief questioning of whether or not ''reality as we know it'' is really one big dream. I'm still not completely convinced that I do, in fact, live in the real world. * I tends to have dreams about celebrities who are just hanging out, as though it's totally normal. Like some actor will be having coffee at the local Starbucks, and we talk as though that's what we always do. And it's never the same celebrity. It's a little unsettling. * {{HSZMV}} has had a few: ** A dream where I was being chased by a witch with Purple Dinosaur Hair that turned you to stone if you touched (or something bad along those lines. Basically, Purple Dinosaur Hair = Very bad magic powers), who drove an SUV (I first described it as a truck, because I didn't know what an SUV was when I first had the dream at age five.). This became a recurring nightmare for me, and was so terrorfying, that after I woke up from it one time, I went back to sleep and dreamed I build obstacles around my house ALA Home Alone to stop her from getting to me. One such obstacle was a mote. ** One where I was {{Superman}} and was fighting the [[{{Batman}} Joker]] who had somehow gained tornado powers. ** Nancy Pelosi visited my school after a terrorist attack, to calm nerves and preach some extremely liberal politics (don't know what, but come on, it's Pelosi. It has to be extremely libral). Me and a friend loudly booed her, and she proceeded to debate with us well after the debate as we walked back to the dorm, and informed me that the car dealership right outside the dorm building was an excellent place to get my car repaired. It was at this point I realized it was a dream, based on the fact that the part of the school the dealership sat on was really a tennis court. ** [[TheColbertReport Steven Colbert]] ran my school's debt collection agency and wouldn't let me move into campus housing because I owed six dollars. * I started it all by [[TemptingFate Tempting Fate]]:WONDERING IF HE COULD REALLY HAVE A NIGHTMARE ANYMORE. That very night, I dreamt that I returned to my house to find a note from JAMES EARL RAY saying he was going to come to my house on Wednesday and kill me! Police cars came to surround my house and I simply sat in my room, pondering and

pleading over whether or not I would truly die. Trying to enjoy my life a bit more, I headed outside to the backyard only to see James Earl Ray HIMSELF sitting a tree with a long brown trenchcoat, a grinning smile, and a AK-47. Screaming at my brother to get inside, we both find the door is locked and my dad frantically tries to unlock it from the other end!... After waking up, I didn't know if it was real or not. Obviously, the facts in my head were very twisted(my dream had told me that James Earl Ray captured Martin Luther King Jr. and tortured him for months), but I spent the rest of the morning avoiding dark places, speaking to no one, and sighing relief when I found my history book and confirmed that James Earl Ray was, in fact, dead. ** Didn't help my best friend moved to a different school that day without telling anyone, so... Yeah.... * I (hnng) remembers teachers often telling the class explicitly ''not'' to use this ending during story-writing-based lessons in primary school. ** I've never lost a human I was really close to, thankfully, but this happened to I both when my favorite hamster Bagel died (the night after it happened) and when his cat of 12 years Mittens died (about 2 months after his death). ** This also happens in the reverse way. (you dream that a family member has died when they really haven't) I once had a dream where i get the news that my grandmother has died, in the form of a bombshell. the shock of it woke me up. * I had a bizarre variation: I suddenly found myself lying on the steps of some random house, when suddenly this one guy that looked like this actor in a movie I had seen years ago screamed "I'M NOT DEAD!" I had no clue whatsoever who the heck he was. I also experienced being in a first-person shooter in that dream. * I experiences this often in regards to actually waking up. After two or three attempts at waking up turn out to be just a dream, I tends to lose grip on reality until he tries reading something to make sure he's actually awake. Habitually checking for being able to read has cut short many a dream. ** The same thing happens to me. In fact, it happened to me last night maybe three or four times in a row at least. I just use the old "pinch the arm" technique. (You can't * quite* feel the pain if you're dreaming although you do feel * something* like it. A little practice at distinguishing between the two in your dream-addled state may be in order.) Funny thing is, about the third or fourth time I tried it after "waking up(?)" last night, I found that my arm was actually missing. I yelled, "Oh come on!" *** Sounds like your body was telling you that you ''needed'' more sleep. Or mabye you're crazy? * I recalls a dream at the age of 3 or 4 of having a toy snow-cone machine, then waking up and wondering where it was. The confusion was probably due to (a) the age factor, and (b) the dream ending with me going to sleep in the same bed where I woke up in real life. * I, from time to time will have certain academic-centered dreams, namely a dream that I have registered for a class but NEVER ATTENDED IT, thus earning a nice fat "F" on my transcript. and when I wake up it still takes me Several minutes to realize that I'm kosher, or i

would dream that i have a major assignment due in the morning, even though I Graduated 3 years previous. * @/StarePris is always consistently, without exception one quite different form in dreams instead of being his real life self. Instead of a grown man I am a little girl that looks like Iris from Sakura Wars. That said however; I must say I did enjoy my time traveling with the ninth doctor or that time I had a teaparty with Anthy and Utena. I wouldn't trade my life, either in reality or dreamself for anything. * When I was just a teeny girl, I had a realistic dream that we had gotten a phone call that my great uncle had died. I woke up crying. [[spoiler: cue to a few months later, the exact same thing happens. In ''real life''.]]Damn straight I was freaked out. * I have a unique case that my most lucid, realistic, dreams are all about arguments or debates on scientific or philosophical subjects. Oddly this has become very useful since I now have a number of well constructed arguments for the existence of aliens, the viability of time travel, an explanation of the predestination paradox and can recite all of the songs from The Rocky Horror Picture Show. * I probably had the [[SugarWiki/MostTriumphantExample Most Triumphant Example]] of dreams that make you think "Oh, thank god that didn't happen" when you wake up. So in my dream, I'm in my house and I look out the window and I see two large white dots in the dusk sky. I think it's strange, so I turn on the televison to see if there's anything on the news about it. On the news channel, the anchorman says "And those white dots in the sky are asteroids on a collison course for Earth, and we are all going to die." Cue to me frantically running around the house crying, and then waking up feeling soooooo happy that it never happened. * An inverted case from I. ** * rolling on the floor of his classroom* "WHY ISN'T THIS A DREAM?" * I had a dream recently where one of my friends (who is about three years older than I am) was a hobo and I had a twin sister in another friend of mine who was about the same age as me. The Hobo Friend was the focus of my dream and ended up, in chronological order, 'getting rid' of a bus driver (I don't know if she killed him or just locked him in the bathroom), stole a bus full of twins, drove everyone to Finland on the freeway, and fought bears in police uniforms with their own rifles. It was probably the most epic dream I have ever had, ever. By the end of it my Twin Friend ended up summoning [[TransformersAnimated Starscream]] and I morphed into this weird yellow bat-thing with shark teeth. * I got so sick of a recurring nightmare that I decided to research this lucid dreaming thing everyone's raving about. I found a lot of very interesting information... [[spoiler: then I woke up.]] My subconscious hates me. * I had a dream that her dog that she had had almost all her childhood who had recently been put down came back. She remembers her walking into the kitchen with her happy face on waiting for a dog biscut. I was overjoyed that I could see my dog again, utill I realized that she was never coming back and the dream is not real. Needless to say, I woke up crying. * I have had quite a few of these. Just read some of the ones she can

remember below. ** When she was younger, she had a nightmare with a recurring waking. Each time she'd wake up a different monster would be there to make sure she woke up again. The scariest of them all was when her mother came into comfort her. They hugged only to have the troper suddenly treated to an overhead third-person-view of the knife her mother was hiding behind her back. The next time she woke up in reality and drenched in sweat. ** One of her very real dreams ended with her driving towards her hometown with a friend. Coming to the top of a hill, another car swerved into her lane. She had to go into the ditch to avoid the car. When she noticed the ditch was much rougher than it should have been. After pulling back onto the road, and glancing over, she saw, much to her horror, that the side of the road was covered in bleached, human skulls. Her friend screamed, drawing her eyes back to the road. Slamming on her breaks to avoid crashing into a chain link fence crossing the road. Signs read things like "Quarantined by U.S.A.F." Slowly it dawned on her that everything on the other siisde of the fence were charred remains. The nightmare finally ended with a man, or woman, running towards the fence, still on fire, with skin melting off their body. ** An even more recent example had her waking up in her room. She could not move. Not her arms, not her head. She could not even twitch a finger. Something was wrong, and it was getting wronger. Something or someone was in the room. She could not see or hear it, but it was there alright. She was completely, fully awake, and she could not even make a sound to wake her father to come help her, to let him know she couldn't move. She could barely even breatth. And then it gort worse. She was being sucked into her bed! Glancing around for anything all that can help hshe finally noticed the vulture sitting on top of her door, staring at her in a menacing manner. The moment it registered that a clay mation animal could not possibly be sitting on her door, the horrors of [[ Sleep Paralysis]] released her. * [[@/{{Lanthorn}} I]] have had a couple dreams where I woke up extremely disappointed they weren't real. The lastest was just this morning, wherein I found an amazing animated web series in the style of ''GunnerkriggCourt'' (it wasn't actually about GC, but it was definately the same artist, with a dash of ''DresdenCodak'' for flavor). The plot was one of those [[BeyondTheImpossible "awesome -]] [[RuleOfCool piled-upon -]] [[InstantAwesomeJustAddNinja awesome"]] affairs, with ninjas, aliens, superheroes, etc. with amazing characterization and animation. Unfortunately each "episode" ends on a cliffhanger and you have to answer trivia questions about the plot before getting the next one, and I only just found the series. I was on the verge of getting the next episode when I started waking up, mentally [[ClusterFBomb swearing]] the whole time as I realized it was just a dream. ** I had a similar dream involing an entire TV Channel I flipped to and watched this high quality anime show about kids piloting giant robots in a war torn land, then I woke up and turned on the TV and rembered the imaganry channels number and let out a sigh of

disappointment when I found out it was just a dream. * @/{{StongRadd}} has constant daydreams involving humans [[InvoluntaryTransformation being turned into]] non humans. * @/{{Queenofspoons}} occasionally has lucid and sereal dreams, normally when she sleeps in, here is some of her favorites: ** One that started out as a realistic dream about getting punished to go to school on a saturday that deteiorated into a dream about a very evil stereotypical looking teacher, at one point she tried to wake up in the dream and she could'nt, cue to horror. ** A very weird dream about being a boy that was half bird (feathers on his head and Arms and a beak for a nose) who was also a wizard and was on a mission with his two other wizard friends (a girl and an annoying boy) in New York city, they enter this fancy Art-deco building and the bird-boy accidently breaks a giant glass sphere that releases millions of white cranes and a riptide of powdery snow that causes NY city to have a horrible snow storm, the Bird-boy gets banished to a small one-room school house and is taught who to be good by a very mean lady, then she woke up, (the troper plans to turn this one into a story). ** Ive actually had dreams about not being able to sleep at night. ** One of my most saddest examples is a dream about a family moving across the street from my house, this house in reality is rundown and abandoned, my father in the dream hated this new family and said I shouldn't talk to their kids, but I was staring at their son, a lovely body with pale skin and lovely black matted hair and think otherwise, he sneeks up to my window when dad isnt in the room, and I get busted helping him inside my house, then he scramed, and I woke up, excited to tell her friend that she has a boyfriend, but then remembred it was all a dream... * I have the weirdest dreams: often I'm reading a book, very engrossing, the story makes total sense, I pinch the page to keep reading... and simultaneously realize I'm holding thin air and wake up. And of course, I completely forget what I was reading... * Mine dreams range from the ridiculously mundane to the bizarre and disturbing. Once she dreamed she borrowed her friend's iPod. It concluded with her returning the iPod. Freakin' great. Another involved her battling a pink lion and dumping it's carcass in a laundry basket. A more recent one started out with her failing her driving test, not that weird. But then she arrived home, crying, and took a shower to calm down. There was a purple black blotch on her chest, which she poked in curiousity and out fell a weird, stumpy, vein-covered, flesh-coloured tentacle thing. Then she woke up. She even checked if it was still there in the morning. :'D * mine Pokemon obsession came back to get her when she dreamed that she was playing this one pokemon game that she ''[[JustOneMoreLevel could not stop playing.]]'' It suddenly fast-forwarded to a few days later to have my dream self collapse and pass out from having not eaten, drank, or slept the entire time, then subsequently wake up in bed. When she awoke, she forgot what the game was (she suspects it was Pokemon Puzzle Challenge, but she was playing it on a DS) but found both her hands under the pillow in the position they would be in when holding a DS.

* I had a dream where I finally unlocked the doors to Solla Sollew, they slowly opened and I saw a beautiful bright light...then my mom woke me up for school. * I recently had a dream that we went to the store and got a Super NES along with some games. Even though I already had a bunch of the games on the Virtual Console, I was excited, partly because it meant I'd have my own Super Game Boy. After I woke up I started thinking about what I was going to play on it and then I realized that never actually happened... * I once had a dream when i was a kid that I became a superhero trainee, and got rocket boots (but no weapons, I wasn't responsible enough) and so I practiced using them, but then I crashed in the lawn of a super villain, the villain sees me and sends some Mooks after me, So now I start running and used the rocket boots a bit, passed by someone who gave me advice on using them (as i was running!) So suddenly I was good at using the rocket boots. After that I landed and tripped and lost a rocket boot, but I kept running and almost as if I had forgotten I lost a rocket boot I jumped up to use the rocket boot but realized that the rocket boots wouldn't work when you are wearing only one (because of safety reasons) I somehow landed on an oddly springy dead sapling and continued to run through the field of cat tail plants I was going to fly over, lost the second rocket boot and continued running met up with some friends and we all continued to a playground were it was raining really hard, the playground was apparently in the territory of another villain who was there and had a spider mecha, after some terror piled up on the fact that since I lost the rocket boots the villains could find them and reverse engineer them to get high tech rocket boots, and that would mean that I would get in big trouble with the superhero agency I got the rocket boots from, I woke up and thought that that was an awesome dream but a little weird too... * Ever have that dream where you wake up and look at the clock, and you're late to/have completely missed whatever it was you were supposed to do that day, only to really wake up and find out that you haven't missed anything besides the overnight newscast? [[@/{{TenderLumpling}} I]] have it ''all the goddamned motherfucking '''time''' '', except that in my dream I'll wake up multiple times, in quick succession, and whenever I have it and do wake up for real, it's always hours ''before'' I was supposed to get up. It's really annoying; at this point, I'd rather have an hours-long nightmare packed with all of my personal HighOctaneNightmareFuel (clowns, cockroaches, spiders, total isolation, locked-in syndrome, and [[ArsonMurderAndJaywalking possums]]) than the "OHSHITIWOKEUPANDMISSEDIT... No, wait, I didn't. And it's the asscrack of pre-dawn. ''Fuck.''" dream. * This troper has dreams that make no sense at all. sometimes I go from watching a movie to being the main character. I don't get sucked in, I don't say "What the heck just happened, I just carry on and don't notice until I wake up. * This troper once had a dream where he woke up, went to the bathroom, looked in the mirror, and discovered that he had become black (note that this troper is white). All I could say was "whoh, I'm black!" And

then I woke up. * This troper has had a variety of dreams.One when I was a kid involved anti-gravity sandwiches and the Sears Tower.Another involved me taking over the school.Another involved me [[FreudWasRight shrinking down into a woman's vagina and having sex with her clitoris]].Common themes of my dreams include realising I'm in a dream,using that as an excuse to mess around,and taking a dump in public * This troper once had a dream where she went on a ridiculously bloody massacre with [[AskThatGuyWithTheGlasses Ask That Guy]] who was dressed in Critic's clothes. [[FetishFuel Good times]]. * [[Tropers/GalenDev This Troper]] is pretty good about figuring out when he's dreaming. ''{{Inception}}'' just made it even easier, to the point of using some of the terminology (I'm getting fond of describing escaping from my dreams as a "kick"). There was one notable recent exception. [[HighOctaneNightmareFuel I had a dream that my Motorcycle was stolen.]] The whole "day" filing the police report, trying to get a ride home, talking to my friends about it, and the dream ended with a call that [[DownerEnding someone totaled my bike]]. Then I woke up, and realized I'd just been a victim to this trope. * Someone else can decide if it's an inversion, defied, or lampshaded story: my most "normal" dream is the one where your teeth fall out in quick succession. Mine are usually spit out or kind of drooled out. It's supposed to symbolize the feeling of loss of control, which is oddly appropriate and not for an apathetic like me. Regardless, it's my most common dream. It's so common, in fact, that just the other night when I was having one, I ''consciously realized it was just that damned tooth dream''. My dream-self then proceeded to pinch my dreamcheek, and suddenly all my teeth were back in. Yeah, that's right: '''[[BadAss I managed to control a dream about lack of control.]]''' ** If the teeth falling out dream means lack of control, what does it mean when ''[[{{Squick}} you're the one pulling your own teeth out with your bare hands]]''? * ('''Warning: not exactly the most pleasant thing to read at night if you are prone to PostHistoricalTrauma.''') This troper had a very odd and somewhat disturbing dream once. I was a military officer (or military-like officer, I don't really know), wearing a cool uniform. I entered a dark place with a balcony with view to the floor below. The lights were turned on. I could see the floor 50 meters below, or, more appropriately, I couldn't: [[DoesThisRemindYouOfAnything there was a huge pile of pale, naked, shaved-head corpses, all facing down so I wouldn't see their faces]]. The pile almost reached the balcony. Worst part? In my insane dream logic, I knew [[DoesThisRemindYouOfAnything the body count was around ''40 thousand'', and ''I knew I had them killed, '''willingly''', through my orders'']]. I looked further away, and I saw MORE bodies, but with the difference that I knew some people under them were somehow '''alive'''. I heard a siren, and I knew I should leave the room, as the incinerators would be turned on to get rid of the corpses. I was about to leave when I shared my viewpoint with a little girl down there. The young officer saw a girl with firm life in her eyes, despite being about to die incinerated, and the little girl saw a harsh-eyed young officer about to delete the proof

of his crimes. I woke up when my first viewpoint character left the room. Let me just say it wasn't the worst dream I've ever had, considering I plot world domination and plan to carry it out, I believe some people aren't worthy of living in the same world as me (thus deserving elimination or banishment) AND I felt I had the power to do that in my dream... I could only shake off the perspective of "[[HeelRealization Oh my, I was responsible for killing ''so many'' people in this dream... What if I '''actually were responsible in real life?''']]" when I convinced myself it was only a dream, AllJustADream. The bad feeling that came with the perspective, though, didn't disappear until the present day. * I have many, many weird dreams, but the one that still sticks out is where, for a few moments (or was it?) [[HighOctaneNightmareFuel everything ceased to exist except for me.]] ''Everything''. Even weirder, I remember running upstairs to my parents room in some weird mix of delirium and hysteria bawling my eyes out, but [[MindScrew I'm still not entirely sure if that happened or was part of the same dream.]] * I was sleeping in art class (sue me D:), then the bell rang, and I woke up, put my stuff up and left. Then I ACTUALLY woke up, put my stuff up, and left for real. Weirdest feeling ever. * Just had a dream that was generally quite weird, but the last few minutes (or were they seconds...) were sane enough - I don't remember all of it, but it involved a new chapter of one of my favourite manga finally being out. Woke up feeling disappointed because it was really unlikely...then went online and found that we got FOUR new chapters today. * A few months after giving birth to my son, I had a nightmare (B) within a nightmare (A). The B nightmare was that my infant son was choking and I was trying to help him breathe. I woke up into nightmare A, in which I was ''choking my infant son'' while some mind-rapey music and sirens were playing as background noise. I didn't get back to sleep that night. * Recently I had a dream about my computer crashing and everything on it getting deleted. I was very upset in the dream and slightly wet eyed (but relieved) when I woke up and saw my computer was still there in one piece (yes, this troper has strange priorities). * This troper once had an extremely detailed dream of himself committing suicide by hanging, using a noose glued (?) to the kitchen door (he can still pick out the exact spot on the real door where the noose was). While he was fixing the rope around his neck and beginning to cry, the other door opened and his dad came in, sat down on the sofa next to where I was and began reading a newspaper ''after'' taking a good look at what I was doing. I stared at him for a minute, crying harder than I ever have in real life, and finally asked him "Are you not going to fucking stop me?" He glanced over the magazine and started laughing as if I had told a good joke. He just said "Sure that rope will never hold you anyway." I sank to my knees, still crying, and what do ya know, the rope snapped. I've never been sure what to make of that dream but I felt really uncomfortable around my dad for a while afterwards. * [[Tropers/SpiritOfSahara This troper]] seems to be incapable of

lucid dreaming because whatever happens in her dream she instantly recognizes it as reality. She has woken up completely sure that she has school in an hour, that she has forgotten her bag on a train, that one of her friends are dead, that half her teeth has fallen out, that she's blind on one eye, that she has a living, talking doll as her best friend, that her mom and she once went to a inflatable amusement park, that they visited that place ''again'' and that she is ten yers old again. The last is almost the worst. Imagine waking up with a post-pubescent body that's way, ''way'' to big for you. * I have weird dreams sometimes, a few of mine have been the sort that I wake up and get out of bed, and do everything I normally would in the morning, then wake up, do it again and then realise that its just another dream. Sometimes things in the dream would change, like one dream I am going to school, and the next its a weekend and Im going to a friends house, or going to the shop. Sometimes things happen that make me realise it is a dream, like going to the toilet and finding out that the bathroom door actually leads to a strange room, or finding things are different, like the classroom is a lot bigger and made of gold with glass tables and is also a shop, or walking into somewhere different, like on my way somewhere I find that I am now on the set of a MyChemicalRomance music video (last time it was welcome to the black parade), or that my friend has a clone...weird stuff. ** One of my other weird ones involve when I was about 7, my mum woke me up to say that it was nearly time for school, but I obviously fell back to sleep as I cloned myself and decided to go back to sleep as my clone would just go to school for me. ** There are a few things in my life that I am not sure whether I dreamed, like going onto my forum and finding a friend from real life had joined, and we had a conversation on there. When I woke up he had joined, but the posts we made in the chat room on there were gone. Then theres one where I went shopping and bought a tshirt that I just cant seem to find now, so I think it is a dream. * I have a lot of dreams where I'm just doing what I normally do everyday, I sometimes figure out that it's a dream just before I wake up. The only other dreams I remember having lately is several dreams which involve supernatural beings showing up the local shopping mall for some reason... * This troper has had several such experiences. The most memorable was a dream she had in which a company had engineered a devastating pandemic and then began giving out the cure with a side of mind control after the political, social, and economic systems apart. She then found due a fault in her 'cure' she was one of very few capable of taking the company down. This resulted in assaination attempts, chase scenes, conspiracies and teaming up with a group with in the company/government planning to take it down from the inside. It was epic, and quite disappointing to be living my ordinary life when I woke up. ** Other such experiences include going through day-to-day life and a recent dream where she was raped, and got pregnant. The first thing she did upon waking up was check to see if she was really pregnant, thankfully, she wasn't. * Oh... {{Tropers/endlessness}} has a few of those.

** One night, he was studying some differential equations when his graphing calculator (an HP 50G) suddenly crashed and gave an error message, requiring a full reset. OK, resetted it, nothing of value was lost, but later he dreamt of the same calculator repeatedly crashing. ** Often, computer crashes/errors/glitches happen on his dreams. Many a time he has dreamt of a hard drive crashing, or something deleting partitions on his hard drive, or sudden failures of network infrastructure... * This troper recently dreamed that she was on the BAU team on ''CriminalMinds'', and she was trying to catch a serial killer who drugged his victims and left them to drown in huge vats of congealing Jell-O in a warehouse. She did get to work with Everybody's Favorite, but his hair was still long and he was wearing it in pigtails. * Sometimes I have dreams involving my childhood best friend. In most of them, we bump with each other on the street, or she transfers into my school. I always wake up sad after those dreams, since she moved to another state 5 years ago and it's pretty unlikely we'll ever contact again. * This troper had a weird dream once, when he was 13 or 14 years old. It took place in my school's gymnasium, only there was a Call of Duty 4-like battle in it. My colleagues were dressed like soldiers. It was all blurry and confusing, like most of my dreams, but one thing was very different. By the end of it, [[BerserkButton I saw a friend/crush of mine getting killed]] by another guy, but he didn't look like a student. [[UnstoppableRage I simply freaked out, tackled the guy down and pulled a knife.]] [[HighPressureBlood I felt the guy's blood gush in my face.]] [[Watchmen I felt the knife pierce his flesh, just like you would feel if stabbing a meat on the kitchen]]. The dream ended soon after, but I was sweating cold. Then some years later, I had another dream like that, much more graphic, where I fought a guerriladressed thug on a school where my mom works. I picked up a Machete and stabbed the guy over and over again, [[GroinAttack including on the crotch]]. * This Troper had a dream that Scribblenauts was based off of a Disney Movie that never aired, yet was known enough to get a TV Tropes page. In it, Maxwell time traveled into the [[DuckDogers 24th and one half century]] or something. Also, he got [[RetGone Ret Goned]] near the end, yet was still able to used his Rewriting Reality powers in the real world. Yep, Maxwell is that Badass. * This Troper just had a dream last night that a building collapsed and a bunch of his friends went to rebuild it, anyways one of his friends hooked him up with a girl despite the fact that he was kinda asexual so he was a little upset...anyways, when he met her on steps inside another building...he froze, she was a long haired brunette, liked wearing blue dresses, had green eyes, a little shorter than me and was very very we hung out a bunch of times and i actually started to like her(me liking someone is like totally impossible:O) so we actually started to date and i had so much fun! i actually loved her and i really enjoyed how i was able to be her boyfriend, i was ecstatic, i was euphoric, i was....(dare i say it) HAPPY!!! ...that is...until i accidentally eavesdropped on a conversation she

was having on a friend on the phone...talking about how she was just playing and using me just to break me even harder in the end:/ she got off the phone and walked over to wherever i was, she told me that tommorrow we were going to go shoe shopping...but i told her that i had something else to do and i just...ran off crying....the details are vague but if i remember correctly she jumped off her porch using a chair which her maid then threw into the street for letting her get hurt, i think she went into a concussion or something, when she got better she confronted me the day after the building had been repaired and knew i knew she was a fake so she asked to make up for it with snack food...i politely declined her offer..and soon after...i just left town...heartbroken...never to be remembered..again.......and then i woke up...:'( even in my dreams....noone ever loved me for real... * This troper has a friend in MIT who occasionally dreams about getting psets done, but she wakes up and they're still unanswered with x hours left until they're due (closest she's done that is like 3 hours, I think?). Also, this troper herself dreams of things that she's seen on Food Porn Daily, as well as coffee. * [[@/JusticeReaper This troper]] had a rather...strange dream last night. He dreamed that [[YuGiOh Gozaburo Kaiba]] had subdued and bound [[ArchieComics Archie Andrews' father]] on a rooftop in the middle of a rainy night...before challenging [[{{Pokemon}} Ash Ketchum]] to a Pokemon battle. It was all set to be a major CrowningMomentOfAwesome...and then [[RealityEnsues I woke up.]] * This troper doesn't dream very much, but he did have one dream that felt like lasted for a week. When he woke up he had to spend the next hour trying to figure out what happened and what day it was. He also had a dream where his cousin died and it took him 2 days to realize the whole thing was a dream. * I once had a dream where half way through I realized it was a dream and I spent the rest of the dream trying to convince the person I was with it was all a dream * After watching the PhantomoftheOpera before bed, I had a dream in which the phantom turned into Gerard Way of MyChemicalRomance and things went down in that peacock bed. Fast forward about eight months and I'm climbing trees in the back yard with my brother. Fast forward again, and my six year old son is asking me why he has three daddies and only one mommy (because daddy is gay and both he and mommy remarried) Also, at the time of this dream, I was thirteen years old. It took me a few minutes to figure out that none of this had actually happened. * This troper had a dream that her ideal guy fell for her, held hands, had the akward, "I think I love you" moment, everything. Then she woke up. She was not pleased with this, to the point of tears. ** [[TheWoobie D'awww.]] * When I was In secondary School I had a dream that after one teacher did something really kind for us students , the vice-principle walked into our lunch hall and told us if we wanted to live throught the day we would have to kill another student . Me and my two friends walked out into the school parking lot and I told them we should team up , but was promptly told off by a teacher from my Primary School that

"There would be no cheating". Walking into the main school building and seeing a awesome/terrifying giant fight scene involving students of all ages. I walked up to a classmate of mine who was being strangled from Behind by a guy i didnt like. I grabbed the guy by the hood and pulled him violently back. He fell back to the ground and busted his head , dieing instantly.My classmate thanked me , and I told him since I had helped him , he shouldnt attack me and then I walked away. It then jumped to me strangling a guy I didnt know and then walking off to the vice-principle and telling him I had done my bit. I woke up and spent a minute thinking it had really happened. I dont dream much , but when I do , there very weird like this and convincing. * [[{{Tropers/Crion87}} This troper]] remembers not long before the time of writing he had a very convincing dream where he is nonetheless in some sort of reality that he had first arrived in another universe, which seemed more like a late 1950s-early 1960s version of ours which had some modern hairstyles by comparison, and where he was put to work by a movie director CorruptCorporateExecutive alongside a bunch of celebrity types with suspiciously familiar names. In the universe of that dream I noticed everything was kept at a 1950s pop culture stasis minus a lot of the subversion, and began having hallucinations where I heard the song Schism by Tool, when I began to notice that the dream's setting was in some kind of CrapsaccharineWorld where a coup led by J Edgar Hoover had taken over the United States in history, starting with a quiet coup but leading to a world where a mix of banality and brutality was used to keep their government powerful where Hollywood was now a government branch, and that there was an underground who believed that universe was somehow altered or 'wrong' and that it wasn't how the real world was supposed to go. Surprisingly, that selfproclaimed awakened underground were very large and entrenched, but the Hooverists, led by a PresidentEvil was very unhappy with such to the point ''where government hit squads began'' ''[[{{CrushingThePopulace}} actively killing these people as if they were terrorists]]'' though they did not do anything but ''because of reports they had supernatural powers as well''... * I went to sleep one sunday night, I was in 8th grade, woke up late that monday, and rushed to school with no breakfast, or my usual hour of morning video game playing. None of my friends went to school that day, I had tons of homework assigned to me, and I was pretty sure I failed a test. I got off the bus and walked home, just really glad to be done with it all, and looking forward to some actual food and perhaps a bit of video game playing before getting to work on my mountain of homework. I pull out my keys and unlock the door to my house...Then I woke up, apparently having slept in, and rushed to school, with it being monday morning still! The weirdest thing was that the day went almost EXACTLY like the dream, except I was in a much worse mood during the real monday because I had already gone through it all. * I've had quite a few dreams where I become a zombie hunter during the apocalypse. I'm always so disappointed when I wake up! For example, I was dreaming that I was in a flashy hotel, and when I went

to the bathroom, three zombies who all looked suspiciously like Tobi from Naruto started attacking. I then pulled a machine gun from a sink and started killing them. Somehow along the way I picked up a baseball bat, two hairstylists, and a wife. We all carried on killing ZombieTobi's and saved everyone in the hotel and I was hailed as queen (for reasons unexplained). I was so disappointed when I woke up and realised it was AllJustADream! * This troper is often disappointed by his sad lack of dream recall and the usually boring or very unclear nature of the few dreams I do recall. However, I've had a few good ones: ** Last year, I had a dream involving myself, a bunch of my friends, and this random girl from school who I wasn't friends with and hardly ever talked to (although, admittedly, she was extremely attractive). Anyway, we were all on the roof of a tall building, and we needed to get down, but for some reason, the only way of doing so was to climb down the walls AssassinsCreed style. My friends were all saying things like "You go first." "No way, I don't wanna die! You go first!" The girl, who, it should be noted, is actually pretty nerdy and not the least bit ActionGirl-like, just rolls her eyes, says "You guys are such ''babies''!" and proceeds to start climbing down like it's no big deal. Everyone stares at the edge where she climbed down, stunned. Then I think, "Well, if she can do it, so can I," and start climbing down. It's surprisingly easy. I end up in the middle of a clothes rack in a department store. Then I woke up. ** I had this one in junior high. We were playing King of the Hill in gym class, but with real dirt-and-grass hills inside the gym. My team lost, so we were told our families weren't allowed to eat for a week. I was devastated, and ran away from school. On the way home, I met a bum selling kittens, who gave me money to secretly feed my family. (In hindsight, that's rather ironic.) I started crying, I was so grateful. Then we were suddenly in an underwater version of my living room; I was SpiderMan, he was Venom, and we were fighting. He had a device on my wrist that was addling my brain, so I was losing miserably. Then the device's battery died, and I staged a comeback. The end. ** More recently, I had a dream where I was in a race to ice-skate across the country. Everyone was on this frozen-over highway that had in previous years proved to be the best way of completing the race. However, this year, the ice was thin and full of holes, making it more crunchy-ice-walking than ice-skating. We collectively decided to take a rest, so we stopped. One guy decided to snowboard on a nearby hill, but had an accident and somehow got decapitated. Shocked, I picked up his head, not believing what I was seeing until the head fell out of the helmet. I looked at my mom, who was completely calm (in real life, she's very emotional, worries a lot, and loves animals and old people). Convinced that she hadn't seen or didn't understand, I held out the head and said, "Look! ''He's decapitated!''" She responded, "I know. Stop making such a big deal out of it." Everyone was freaked out by her reaction, and we all continued on to get away from her, leaving her with the corpse. * I recently had a dream where I wrote in my school textbook and ripped some pages out of it in the middle of class. The kids around me were going to tell the teacher, and I felt immense guilt and fear. The

teacher took my book and said I had to pay for it. Then I woke up. Everything felt so real that it was almost scary. * [[@/AwesomeZombie22 This Troper]] has a few dreams that she remembers to this day, and all of them are weird. ** "My Dad is Miyamoto". She dreamt that her dad and her took a blood test, and it came out false. So, we looked all around, searching for the father, and came across ShigeruMiyamoto, who, as a blood test determines, ''was'' my real dad and we have an awkward car drive, then I wake up a bit disappointed. ** "Were-Vamp-Superman Banana". The beginning of the dream was like a Point-And-Click AdventureGame, but then it turns to a first person view of a camera struggling, and it's Superman turning into a Werewolf-Vampire. He runs into a building and complains about it in a German Accent, and it turns out that he turns into a Werewolf-Vampire every time he sees a stolen banana. It pans over to a kid overhearing this, stealing a banana. I wake up, checking if there's any missing LSD tablets. ** "The Review". I'm reading a review of an anime on a computer, with screenshots and everything. The light on the computer is really blurry, so the words were hard to make out, but then it stopped being blurry, and I read the sentence, "the animation is as you could expect from Gonzo. Gonzo. Gonzo." 'Gonzo' keeps repeating in my head [[VoiceOfTheLegion by the legion,]] and then it suddenly stops when I wake up in a cold sweat. * I have had a few really odd dreams in the past. One of these dreams involved me and my husband at what seemed to be a [[Pokemon]] theme park. We walked around for a while and then I got separated from my love. I ended up at some construction entrance and was scratching my head when I saw a huge [[Pikachu]] bulldozer. Yes, I kid you not. The bulldozer came after me at top speed and I ran away, into some random building that had popped up. As I was cowering in the building, a black haired girl came up to me and said something about how she is spreading this incredibly lethal sickness so EVERYONE WILL DIE. She proceeded to vomit a thick white foam on me, flecked with blood. It hurt, surprisingly. I woke up right after that. ** Another dream I had started out at my old high school (I was going to high school at the time)to find some odd...parade going on. After this was over, I walked to the gym to find...a whitewater river gushing with full force out of the gym's bleachers. Did I find this weird? Of course not. I even walked up to a guy who DID NOT go to my school and asked him if our SUNDAY SCHOOL teacher (who did not work at this high school) said it was ok to ride the river. Then all of the sudden the river dissapeared and in its place was a wheelchair ramp. A guy I knew from my freshman year was going up it on crutches, then suddenly sat down. He took his leg off. No, not a prosthetic. His real leg. Just pops it off. Then some blonde preppy girl walks up and asks sweetly, "Can I help you put this back on?" She then proceeds to try and put the leg back on but is failing. Not because the leg is simply unattached...oh no. The ends of the legs have gone from a bloody mess to round, smooth, and shiny. She was trying to bash the two rounded parts together to no avail. For a long time, I hard time telling

people the last part of the dream without giggiling insanely. * I typically have rather avant-garde, anachronistic, inexplicable dreams. In a rather anachronistic dream, this troper inexplicably had found four Game Boy Advances on a ditch in playable condition. The old 2001 ones, not the SP models. The only problem, they bear other peoples' names. And I was at least a hundred miles away from them, as I was near an auto-body shop (which had 70s era muscle cars). Why? I don't know. I decided not to give a damn. It was all a dream. ** Another dream: me and a friend were in a city in China, circa 20 years in the future (paradoxically at our ages at the time), and in eternal night. Every light was an LED and everywhere seemed like Times Square. Don't ask why. Everything about the place seemed weird to me, and every entrance had a guard speaking borderline understandable Chinese. All they said that I could understand was either &#36208;&#21543;&#12290; or &#20572;&#21543;&#12290; I understood and my friend didn't. We entered into a railroad station (which only seemed to do high-speed). Don't ask me where we intended to go and why. While my friend, being my friend and doing his old stunts (like we would in class) got arrested along with me, we got taken away, missing the train. That's where the dream cuts off. ** Yet another dream. We were in November (that was also when I had the dream) and after pleading for a snow day the winter months swing by during that dream. Reality sets in when I woke up and it is still November. * I once had a dream, where we were in the middle of a Zombie holocaust, and me and a group of my friends were hiding under an abandoned skatepark with another group of strangers. But then one of them decided to go out for a cigarette, leading the zombies to our location. We were all swiftly torn apart. * I always have lucid dreams. This may be due to the sheer amount of video games I play. Sometimes, I have a dream based in real life, but I gain video game-like abilities. There was one where I was being bullied in school, but then I started mimicking [[ this glitch]]. There was another one where I helped the Queen (can't remember exactly what it was), and she gave me 300. Then there are dreams that are just pure MindFuck, even screwing with my memory. * This morning (06/24/2011) Edgy had a dream that he was fired from his job. * This troper REALLY hates those dreams where he receives the item he desires (like a 3DS). Why do they have to end? :( * God, [[Tropers/PhantomDusclops92 PhantomDusclops92]] makes WEIRD dreams. The last one was about a children book where two detective mice are investigating about some cattle theft. At a point it's revealed that one of the cows is a female mouse in disguise. She removes her disguise, then [[spoiler: [[{{Squick}} she pulls off sausages from her vagina and stabs it, because "cow blood can give birth defects" and so it would be sterilized.]] ]] [[WhatDoYouMeanItsNotForKids in a book for]] ''[[WhatDoYouMeanItsNotForKids children]]''. * Congratulations tvtropes, as you are the first to here this depressing one. My friend's mother had recently died, and I dreamed

she came back, though, for some reason, no one made a big deal about it. When [[{{Tropers/DarkSpiritBomb}} This troper]] woke up, he felt empty. ---You can go back to AllJustADream, but I wouldn't. Too many Swiss there. ---<<|TroperTales|>>

AllLesbiansWantKids * Complete aversion in [[Tropers/{{Sikon}} my]] case. Both my girlfriend and I think children are an annoying burden and have never desired to ever have them. (Is there a trope for "childfree" on this wiki? There totally should be one.) ** [[PeopleSitOnChairs No there shouldn't]]. * Played almost entirely straight by a lesbian couple I used to work with, who i) did want children, ii) did use a (gay) male friend's sperm, and iii) claim to have used the turkey baster method because it was cheaper. No ZanyScheme or hijinks involved, however, nor much drama, and the process was successful. ---Come back to AllLesbiansWantKids, come on, we know you're just in denial and dream of getting pregnant from your gal-pal.

AllMonksKnowKungFu * This Troper when learning Karate as a kid was occasionally instructed by a monk by the name of Brother Bosco. * I have always associated boxing with Catholic priests and monks. I know that while my father was in the seminary that they ran boxing classes for physical fitness. The seminary he attended was leading toward the Franciscan order. * This troper is playing this trope straight for this year's medieval fair (I don't know kung-fu, but I'll carry a staff around).

AllOfTheOtherReindeer * [[{{soojinyeh}} This Troper]] is Asian and always lived in foster homes in African-American neighborhoods. You do the math. * A lot of people find This Troper has always been the Red-nosed Reindeer because she apparently looks scary or too aloof and acts too stoic ect. Not that this troper minds, being a quiet introvert with a very good but small group of friends but she has also been picked on for her appearance, medical problems, musical knowledge, being a gamer girl, love of anime (Japan in general) and her disinterested reaction to any of the associated insults. ** [[{{Tropers/Joerc45}} Hello,]] soul mate. :) * This troper is ostracized from most of her classes for being to

hyper/stupid, but her being the {{Genius Ditz}} has gotten most of their respect by letting them copy her notes they're too lazy to take themselves. * This Troper has dealt with this for being smart. Once, having a real bad day, backhanded someone, OffhandBackhand style, and didn't get in trouble even though I bloodied him. Also, this troper has been insulted for his weight, name, likes, dislikes, hatred of (c)rap, love of rock, love of metal, love of VideoGames, love of Halo, and other things too numerous to count. ** You do realize this trope is about ''helping'' those who ostracized you, right? Something tells me you're just as vitriolic as the people insulting you. *** From what it says on the main page, this can apply to heroes or villians... ** Being smart AND popular is pretty hard in most schools - until they find out that you are an irreplaceable asset in the class. If you are smart, but you don't help others, expect this to happen. But if you DO help others, and are usually friendly and sociable, you might be popular - or at least they won't insult you. Trust me, I'm speaking of experience. *** You usually won't be insulted. Despite my willingness to do the majority of any group project by myself (I do NOT trust other people with my grades) and my tendency to help other people with their homework if they ask nicely, I have caught flak for my love of Star Trek. In general, though, the above troper is quite correct. * This troper continually gets called upon to assist people at her job who, at other times, have done their part to make her life very difficult through backstabbing, gossip, and excessive criticism. It's a subversion, because as soon as they get what they need from her, they go right back to the unpleasant behaviors. Troper doesn't have much choice in the matter, however, because these people are the ones who sign her paychecks. ** Are you me? * This troper is still in school, and is the victim of "harmless but annoying and constant teasing." Nevertheless, she somehow always happens to have money/knowledge/AppliedPhlebotinum/anything someone else needs at the right time(wich makes her feel like she's CrazyPrepared), her KryptoniteFactor are PuppyDogEyes, and after that, in the end StatusQuoIsGod, good thing that GoodFeelsGood... this troper is Pathetic. * Many of the other boys in elementary picked on me all the time because was so small, thin, and sickly so for the longest time I mainly had female friends, only until I built up my confidence and fought back did I gain their respect. * This troper has to put up with much of her class using her as a free aswer key (has all the answers, and is only there for their convenience). When she starts to ramble on about complex ideas like how to use a black hole to travel in to the future, they sometimes say "shut up." in a very careless, indifferent way. * This Troper was always considered as some kind of weirdo, because of her many interests and the fact she was probably the only girl in a small town in Poland who drooled over old video games and fictional

characters. Hilariously those games taught her English (albeit still flawed) and she was often asked for help with it, by the same people who used to laugh at her a few years back. Now she lives in the UK, but around Polish diaspora, she's still the weird one. * This troper was bullied from second grade through 12th grade.....and then again at some youth group. Needless to say, expect that revengefic out soon...... ** Awww. Do you need a hug? *tacklehugs* Same story, only for me it was second through sixth. Lucky me. :( * This Troper gets this for being the nerdy smart girl... and then people need help with homework. Yeah. She is also, according to a test the entire school took, one of the few people for whom leadership comes very naturally. This shows up pretty well in group work, where she always ends up being the one who keeps people focused and decides who will do what, except when paired with another leader-type student, whose greater popularity means that this troper will be almost ignored completely; that is, until everyone runs out of ideas and they need to run to her. Do they accept her help once her idea nets them a good grade? Nope. It's back to the CornerOfWoe and Social Ostracism for her, because her classmates all seem to assume LonersAreFreaks. * People who play their GBA/DS at school? Get picked on. Students who are remotely smart? Get bullied. Kids who try to sit off by themselves and ignore everyone else anyway? Get harassed anyway. If they end up working in a group with the assholes and help them along? Even half the time, they still get pushed around. All of the above? [[Tropers/DeathToSquishies Hello, nice to meet you, I'm a walking bullseye.]] * Similar, only I read. Nice to meet you, too. :) * I was bullied from second grade through sixth grade for various reasons and I wasn't even sure what I was doing wrong, considering that I had a stunning lack of social skills. A girl made a website saying *slanderous* things about me and *she didn't even get in trouble.* ''Grrrrr.'' I'm still mad, two/three years later. * This troper is a {{Genius Ditz}}, book geek, {{Meganekko}}, absolute loner, wearer of black, lover of yaoi, supporter of gay rights, not to mention extemely fangirl, antisocial and fiction-centric. She's not very popular, but during group work and so on, everyone is my best mate. ---"Rudolph, the red-nosed reindeer, you'll go down in history -- and back to AllOfTheOtherReindeer!" ---<<|TroperTales|>>

AllPartOfTheShow * This troper once suffered an asthma attack while practicing a scene in a skit (in said scene, I was a character who had just been stabbed in the chest). It took a few moments for the director to realize that I needed my inhaler. ** A friend of this troper was also asthmatic and horribly allergic

to the theater's fog machine. The directors decided it would be a fabulous idea to have the machine for all the shows that this poor girl was in. It was especially unentertaining when she had lines and choked on them when she was supposed to be speaking as "Jo" Crowell in ''{{Our Town}}''. In ''{{The Secret Garden}}'', the stage was flooded with fog and the girl mostly held her breath for five minutes so as not to spoil the scene. The audience never noticed her plights, but the directors did. After she graduated, the director (possibly jokingly) said, "Now we can use the fog machine". *** Err...aren't there alternate ways to create fog for the stage? You know, ones that won't trigger possibly lethal asthma attacks? * Once in our theater department, we had a girl who passed out whenever a fire alarm went off. (It was a neurological problem.) She was performing a monologue in ''I Never Saw Another Butterfly'', which is a play about the Holocaust, and some idiot in the gym pulled the fire alarm. It was right at the moment when she described the escape alarm, so when she fainted a lot of people really thought the whole thing was AllPartOfTheShow. The CrowningMomentOfFunny was when the girl had to be ''dragged off the stage'' while the alarms blared. * Inverted by this troper, who had a bit part in a classroom play when she was in sixth grade. She had just returned to school after an absence of two months on account of major surgery, so she was given a tiny non-speaking part that she could learn easily in the space of a day. All she had to do was rush in to stop the villain and be pushed out of the scene. He pushed her and she stumbled backwards and collapsed to the floor, because she thought that's what she was supposed to do. Cue the teacher almost having a heart attack, thinking the troper had severely injured herself by falling. * This troper's school regularly has the auto teacher regularly show up at assemblies as "Pancho Claus", basically him in a pancho and a santa hat and beard. Pancho Claus always enters on a motorcycle and does a couple of laps around the gymnasium before getting off and continuing on with the show. This time, however, he lost control and slammed into the podium; considering how relatively uninjured he looked, this troper thought it was all part of the show. It wasn't, and Pancho Claus had to go get surgery. * In a show this troper was recently in, a girl playing a cat slipped and fell while chasing someone, and no one noticed that it was an accident. This troper crashed into a wall while doing her part on stage. Another play I was in, a guy stabbed another guy in the crotch with a sword and no one was any the wiser. * In a very mild version of this trope, in a production of "To Kill a Mockingbird" that this troper was in, the guy playing Atticus forgot the character's monologue to the jury on closing night, and he (being a lawyer BTW) completely improvved a new one. This troper's mom, who'd seen the film version approximately fifty billion times, didn't notice. ---Seriously, clicking this link is really AllPartOfTheShow. ----

AllTheGoodMenAreGay * This Troper's university has a large theatre and dance program, and is about 75% female. The joke is that half of the guys we *do* have are gay, and half of the straight ones are taken. After that, it's pretty slim pickings. * Occasionally inverted, sometimes played with. All the good men are straight, or unavailable. (Cases in point: a nice, funny, attractive guy starts talking to me, then goes to his girlfriend; my roommate at camp, who at one point even cuddled with me, then has to leave, I never see him again). Or all the good women are lesbians. * At my university, the joke goes "1 in 4, maybe more", but if this (het female) troper's dating life is anything to go by, that ratio's underestimating things quite a bit. * This Troper was plagued with an unrelenting case of this before realizing that she identified as a "girlfag," aka a gay boy in the body of a girl. It's frustrating, sure, but she's not going to bother getting a sex change or changing all her pronouns. She's pretty camp anyway, and there are a lot more straight guys out there than gay ones. This doesn't stop one of her close friends from insisting she's a lesbian. ** Erm, you don't exactly need a sex change to use the right pronouns for yourself. ** ... to be totally honest, this gay trans guy troper thinks you're a gay trans guy. Most people who identify as "girlfag, but still female!!!" end up transitioning. You can do it, troper. * @/GoatBoy: I've noted in the past that all the best women seem to be either taken or gay. ** Seconded. * Fortunately subverted for this troper. I had initially convinced myself to stop crushing on a guy on the basis that he was too good to possibly be straight and all of the signs pointed to him being gay. Turns out he's not gay, but unbelievably camp. * Inversion: I've been attracted to at least two guys who turn out to be straight. * In a sort of subversion, I used to work with a guy who was [[CampGay a total screaming queen]] and even wore baseball hats attesting to his gayness, but he was also ''[[SingleWomanSeeksGoodMan so nice]]'', ''[[{{Bishounen}} so good-looking]]'', and wore ''[[BareYourMidriff so little clothing]]''... * Sigh...It seems every male celebrity this (otherwise asexual female) troper finds attractive is old, dead, or gay. And on top of all that, the one celebrity she thinks would be perfect for her (with both great looks and an amazing personality) is a [[TheMuppetShow Muppeteer]] named Richard Hunt, who not only died years before I was born but was also old enough to be my grandfather and, of course, was gay. ** Richard Hunt only died in 1992. You're an awfully young troper if that was years before you were born! * [[{{Tropers/Pita}} I]] have considered, in the past, to go gay, simply because every single girl I was interested in has turned out to be absolutely insane, and not in the good way, and every gay guy who has shown an interest (A lot of people who know me think I'm closeted, because I act a bit gay) has so far been a great guy.

** But..if you're attracted to the opposite gender, that's sort of the definition of NOT homosexual... ** Update: A girl that I thought was interested in me turned out to be convinced that I'm gay, which was why she trusted me so much. When I told her I wasn't, she got upset, and didn't talk to me much after that. I never said anything about being gay before that, which sort of confuses me. I mean, I guess there is a problem with me actually watching ''DesperateHousewives'', but it's a genuinely funny show... Girls, if a guy doesn't admit he's gay, there's a chance he isn't. *** DesperateHousewives, [[YourMileageMayVary funny?]] * Inversion: in [[Tropers/SirPsychoSexy this troper's]] opinion, all the good men are ''straight''. Or hopefully bisexual. He doesn't seem to get along with most other gay men ''in the least''- and then there's his [[YuriFanboy love for girl-girl romance]] and his lusting after [[TestosteronePoisoning very macho guys]], neither of which (the interest in f/f shipping and the macho guys) he's found in the RealLife [[CampGay gay male population]] [[ClubKid he hangs]] [[TheTwink out with]]. The Internet may be different thoughespecially on {{Bara}} bulletin/image boards. ** You are not alone; [[@/GamerAmI this troper]] gets along much better with straight guys than gay guys, and all of the men about whom he has ever thought, "I'd be willing to date him" are straight. ** [[@/BAlasdair This troper]], who happens to be StraightGay, shares your pain. I've never found myself attracted to any [[CampGay campy gay]] guys, only to the handful I've known were [[StraightGay more masculine]] and to actual straight males. * Subversion: This Troper was dumped because his girlfriend thought that his niceness was boring and lacking in flavour. Even his friends thought that he was being too nice and giving his girlfriend too much leeway. (first person now) I'm not gay okay? I've been told by several different sources (including a psychiatrist) that I'm good husband material. I'm straight as a nail! * [[{{Tropers/Katsuhagi}} This troper]], a ButchLesbian {{nerd}}, video game fan and hard rock fan, seems to attract guys who find me interesting, only to have to break it to them that I'm a Kinsey 6. Their reactions are usually along these lines. * Happened to this troper recently. I met a geeky guy (who looked like [[{{Dollhouse}} Topher Brink]], sigh), who turned out to be gay. In retrospect, it was kinda obvious. * Not one but two of the guys I was crushing on are gay. Well one's [[BiTheWay Bisexual]] but currently going out with the other. This is what I get for crushing on [[PerformanceArtsist Musical Theatre]] kids. * Despite being infamous for his otaku tendencies,[[Tropers/FujinKeima this troper]] is known by both females and [[HoYay males]] for be both pretty nice and reasonably attractive,especially for such a textbook otaku(and a few girls and guys fell for him).Thing is,said troper is not homosexual.In fact, he is very [[SingleTargetSexuality Kyosexual]],making this a subversion. * [[Tropers/{{animenutcase}} This troper]] once saw a variation on an LJ icon: All the Good Men Are Taken, Gay, or [[PerverseSexualLust Fictional Characters]].

* Any actor This Troper's close friend takes a liking to inevitably turns out to be gay, to the point where her liking an actor is seen as a curse by her friends. * Inverted: [[StraightGay This Troper]] has fallen for four boys recently, each one of which turned out to be straight. And bad, to fully invert the trope. ( KnifeNut, EmoTeen, other KnifeNut, TheFundamentalist ) * This troper's crushing on her best male friend. You can guess what comes next, being on this page. (To make it more... eh, he's even told me he'd be all over me if he were straight...) * This troper visited her future college (50 days!) last week. Sitting around talking with a group of about 6 females and 1 male, one of the girls already attending the college said "this is about the ratio of girls to straight men". Being a lesbian troper with a girlfriend, this is just fine. * [[{{Tropers/Neakal}} This troper]] had something like this. A girl in a party was flirting with me and while I didn't say {{Sorry Im Gay}}, my expression must have given it away since she went "You're gay, aren't you?" after a while. Or maybe she was just {{Genre Savvy}}. * In this troper's experience, all the best guys (i.e. the ones this troper is interested in) seem to be gay, taken, priests/priests-intraining, too old, too young, fictional characters, or any combination thereof. * headdesk* * This female Troper harbored a mild, short-lived crush on a gay male coworker. * [[{{Tropers/Joerc45}} This troper]] knows an inversion of this trope. I had a gay friend who [[BitchInSheepsClothing only pretended to be a great guy.]] After I got to know him well enough, he turned out to be a [[{{Jerkass}} complete a-hole.]] It doesn't help that he has a group of friends [[VillainWithGoodPublicity who know his true nature and still trust him implicitly.]] But then again, some of them are just as bad as he is. * [[Tropers/{{arcana07}} This troper]]: I prefer to think of things this way -- all the good guys ''live elsewhere''. If there are any good guys down here where I live, they all up and left for other cities/states/countries ages ago, leaving this community with the bottom of the barrel scrapings. Which is why the Internet has been so good for me in terms of finding guys I'd even simply want to be friends with. * This Troper plays this trope COMPLETELY straight (Ironic, no?). I'm well-dressed, semi-attractive (in my own cute, roly-poly way), funny gay male. I have been asked out by girls that I work with three times this week. *facepalm* * This troper is a real nice guy, yet he is evidence that this trope is truth in television: he has never been asked out. Oddly, he neither subverts or invokes this trope (he's asexual, although he is hetroromantic, so technically a subvertion, I guess). * [[{{Tropers/Luna87}} This troper]] occasionally feels this way. Oh, well. If all else fails, [[BiTheWay I could always meet a woman]]. * No they're not! A lot of us are straight, myself included. We're here! We're right here! Wait, what, why are you asking that guy over

there? He swings the other way! We're right here, damn it! Why can't you see us? :( ** What was that? Move over, there's a handsome guy right behind you! Oh wait... he's kissing another... yeah. Okay, so what were you saying? *** Two handsome men making out? [[YaoiFangirl WHERE???]] * "It's not fair, (This Gay Troper), you're the perfect guy, why do you have to be gay?" "Because, (female friend), I'm the PERFECT guy." * This HappilyMarried troper's sweet, shy, {{adorkable}} husband was suspected of this for a ''long'' time because he didn't go out with women. He was just too introverted to talk to them long enough to get their interest. Troper was the [[strike:lucky bitch]] GenreSavvy geek girl who figured out that the way to this man's heart was through ''LordOfTheRings''. * This troper has the misfortune to be super attracted to feminine guys. 95% of whom are either gay or attached. * This troper recently realized she likes her best friend who, while he may not be the most attractive person on earth, happens to be one of the nicest guys she's ever met. The sad part? She's known he was gay from the day she met him, and STILL couldn't help it (it also doesn't help that just about everyone she knows says we'd be a cute couple, including his own MOTHER). * This (bisexual female) troper has only ever dated one guy. Got dumped after a month because, guess what, he was gay. Then asked a girl out. Guess what, she's straight. Really can pick 'em, eh what? * All the good looking guys this Bisexual Male troper knows inverts this as they're all straight. * This Troper: "She probably has a boyfriend. Exception: If she's smart, pretty, funny, and treats you like a human being, she probably has a girlfriend." * [[{{TeamYamiFTW}} I]] swear there's nothing but gay guys at my college. If there is a straight guy, he's snatched up in mere seconds. * I'm in love with the comedian ''Simon Amstell'', my mother is in love with ''[[JohnBarrowman John Barrowman]]''. We got excited when we heard Barrowman would be on ''[[NeverMindTheBuzzcocks Never Mind the Buzzcocks]]'' and so unplugged the phone and made sure no one came into the living room as we watched them. And then [[ this ]] happened. [[BigNo NOOOOOOO!!]] * ''I WISH'' - But yes, a similar thing happened in the French Lit department at my alma mater. Girl comes in, complains that her exboyfriend is currently making out with her brother, and then cue the "I'm never going out with another guy in this department, they all turn gay!" Naturally, I was in the room at that time, and NOBODY in there actually knows I'm bi. * Mightn't it be less that AllTheGoodMenAreGay, and more "All The Women Want Gay Guys"? ** All the women want gay guys because all the good men are gay. * This troper had a slightly unusual one: she was aggressively pursued by a woman, and being at a stage in her life where she found it difficult to say no, went along with it. She eventually managed to pluck up the courage to say, "I really don't think this is working,

and by the way I'm in love with a man." The pursuer's response was, "Typical." * LooneyLuver: Reversed by this gay troper. I feel like the only gay guy (who, haha, living where I do [The Midwest] must remained closeted if I don't wanna be [potentially] murdered) and ALL the best guys would just have to be straight. It also doesn't help that's his best straight friend (whom, along with a few of my Hags, I confessed I was gay to) is [[MemeticSexGod haunting my every waking fantasy]]. Then I feel like a total douche for crushing on a straight guy. UGH! It's getting me so depressed (the loneliness, that is) I'd settle for basically any fellow gay. But then, as someone above me pointed out, they all live elsewhere. * This trope is assumed to be the plight of this troper. "Oh, you poor girl!", my [[CatholicSchoolGirlsRule classmates cried.]] [[{{Transgender}} Not exactly.]] This does throw another hurdle in my path, though. Either all the good men are ''straight'' (and thus there's a good chance they'll be attracted to my body... but not me) or they're gay and there's relatively good odds they won't be able to get over the fact that I have boobs. [[TakeAThirdOption Or they're bi and there's an unpleasant chance of being treated like the ~best of both worlds~]]. * Inversion for this (female) troper. All the good women are straight. * A girl I dated for awhile told me she was initially attracted to me because she thought I was gay. I...wasn't sure what kind of compliment that was. She also confessed to being a serial FagHag, which made me even more doubtful. But she raved how they looked better, dressed better, and were better in bed when they did fling with a girl. So I thought, "I can live with that." * A subversion for this troper. The one gay man I knew turned out to be an immense prick. * [[GenderFlip Gender-inverted]] for [[Tropers/{{Crusador}} this troper]]. As far as my college, workplace, and home neighborhood are concerned, ALL, and I do mean all the girls who I would give more than a second glance will, 9 times out of 10, already have a boyfriend. (Pfft, not like any girl with favorable qualities would be ignored by any guy worth his salt who is also seeking a girlfriend.) The other girls who I've made friends with are lesbians who already have girlfriends. Which means I've got nothing but trash to aspire to... if there is any left for me. But I'm not going to settle for that, so I'll just remain single and watch every person rub it in my face. It's better than the misery of a bad relationship, but eh, [[SillyRabbitRomanceIsForKids I think I should stop caring now.]] * For this troper it is inverted. He's fallen in love with two straight guys, and had a crush one gay guy (who was unavailable) the only bi guys he know are either gross, annoying, or gross and annoying; the other gay guys he knows are either ManlyGay or boring. He needs to stop crushing on other theatre guys, who are, sadly, all (but three) straight at his school. The straight guy he is most attracted to are the CampStraight one though. * This tropettes gaydar is broken. I always get crushes on sweet, funny, charming guys, who all turn out to be gay and I'm ususally the last to know.

* This troper. * It's a common belief at any Thespian Festival that any guy that you see in a show that has an amazing voice is gay. It's proven correct about 80% of the time. ---Let's go back to AllTheGoodMenAreGay. At least we can enjoy the scenery... ----

AllThereInTheScript * In a short film [[Tropers/{{randomfanboy}} I]] recently wrote and directed, there are two characters - Steve and John, so named because I needed some way to tell who was who in the scriptwriting process. Steve is too [[CharacterFilibuster occupied with his latest rant]] to bother using his friend's name, and John is simply trying to read his book. The only place either character's name comes up is in the credits, and even then I threw in HilariousOuttakes so the viewer knows the names of the actors. * In a short film I'm directing, each character's name is only said once. The problem? Their names are plot points. * Averted. I wrote a short movie version of the Odyssey for school. As I am wont to do, I turned the admirable main character into a selfabsorbed douchebag, who always referred to one character as #4, as in "Crewmember #4." Everyone assumed he had a name, but he didn't. He's #4 in the script and in all of my notes. * A seven minute long shortfilm was made in my school, and in the script only one character had a name. His name was [[EdEddNEddy Rolf.]] ---Memorize your lines, they're AllThereInTheScript. ---<<|TroperTales|>>

AllThereIsToKnowAboutTheCryingGame * [[Tropers/AnimeAddictAA This Troper]] has done this to himself by accident several times. He remembers the endings of television series from when he was a kid, although he doesn't remember most of the characters and actions (although they come back to him after watching some series). Some examples: ''BattlestarGalactica'' arrives to Earth, finds it still back in technology, gravity is lower so they can fly, and they go into an ecological frenzy. [[ArsonMurderAndJaywalking Oh, and on the way there, they're visited by all kinds of aliens.]] ''BabylonFive''? EverybodyDies (eventually), the future [[ItGotWorse gets worse]], and then ''EverybodyDies''... like... everybody... When you only remember that, there's little use in watching the 5+ series knowing most of what they do is in vain because HumansAreBastards and screw up everything in the last episode (and incidentally last million years) anyway. * [[Tropers/SammiJ My]] brother ''somehow'' managed to avert this

regarding ''PlanetOfTheApes.'' For fifteen years he lived on this good earth without knowing the ending. His reaction upon seeing it was amusing. * This wiki. That's right. [[TvTropesRuinedMyLife This very wiki.]] I cannot describe how many times I've accidentally spoiled a show I was watching my way through, or read something about a show I didn't think I was going to watch and ended up watching anyway. But then again, I probably never would have heard about those shows in the first place if not for Tropes, so it all works out. * I'm a JonathanCoulton fan who only found out about {{Portal}} because of the song that was meant to be a surprise. * [[{{wanbli}} This Troper]] knew Leia was Luke's sister and Vader was their father before seeing any ''StarWars'' movies. I also saw ''NeonGenesisEvangelion'', knowing full well Shinji had a relationship with a boy at the end. And I knew that the PlanetOfTheApes was Earth. And, like most of you, I watched ''{{Zyuranger}}'' knowing Burai died. To say nothing about the many things I read like this in English class. I ''did'', however, manage to see ''TheSixthSense'' on a night other than the first and not know that Bruce Willis was dead. * Tropers/{{Excel-2011}}. Guess how I know about ''PuellaMagiMadokaMagica''. ** Tropers/{{D Roy}} By the God, same here! * This troper mostly averted it with ''TheUsualSuspects''. I was aware that KevinSpacey was an UnreliableNarrator and was really Keyser Soze, but I did not know about the bulletin board and I was more than a little shocked by the coffee mug. * [[{{potatobucket}} I]] knew that Tyler Durden was the narrator's imaginary friend for years before I saw FightClub. That being said, it was still an excellent movie. ---Ask yourself if you really ''want'' to know AllThereIsToKnowAboutTheCryingGame. ----

AllWomenArePrudes * This troper can't believe this page hasn't been started yet! She waffles between this and wondering if she's just plain {{Asexual}}. She's figured out that she ''does'' enjoy kissing, [[SingleTargetSexuality provided she's strongly attracted to the guy]]; the physical sensation is less interesting than the emotional side of things, and the thought of even a short kiss with someone who's not her boyfriend, regardless of talent, makes her rather ill. Since she's [[CelibateHero waiting for marriage]], she figures she'll sort this whole Prude VS Asexual thing out on her wedding night (and, should she discover sex isn't half the fun society makes it out to be - the whole affair sounds rather [[{{Squick}} messy and disgusting]] to her - she figures she'll just do it to make her husband happy, the way some girls will watch football even though it bores them). ** Are you me? A future me who has somehow managed to fall in love and have a first kiss? If so, please tell me how you did it. *** Not quite sure, actually. We started as JustFriends and just sorta

[[RelationshipUpgrade started dating after a while]]; the kissing thing was totally his idea. **** *sighs wistfully* * Averted hard (heh) with this female troper...despite being a relatively introverted nerd, when properly motivated she's been known to surprise guys with this information (only in a consensual/fun way; I don't care what the situation is, [[RapeIsOkayWhenItsFemaleOnMale rape]] is never okay). * This troper behaved this way for so long that she thought she might be asexual. In truth, she was just terrified of sex because she couldn't wrap her head around the idea of trusting someone that much. If she'd never met the man she eventually married, she would probably still be a virgin -- and she's in her mid-thirties. He's the ''only'' one she's ever been comfortable with. ** It's the same with this troper, except she's not sure she's ever going to find someone she can trust. * I have known some women like this. It's usually a matter of them not feeling comfortable with someone and not any odd reason. It's almost guaranteed that someone is just not used to physical attraction or is depressed and lonely than actually Asexual though, so the above tropers shant have to worry. ** So it's better to be depressed and lonely than {{Asexual}}? Thanks. * What do you call prudishness to the point you dislike any and all instances of other women being scantily clad? I'm not full-on disgusted by kissing and romance, and I'm not even against sex (after [[HappilyMarried a committed marriage done for love]], at least), I just don't like seeing other women flaunt their sexuality. ** Anti-exhibitionist? ** Anti-exhibitionist! ** Jealousy? Low self-confidence? * This was the case for this troper until I quit taking the pill (don't worry, I have a diaphragm now instead.) * This Troper used to be pretty prude, but that's partially because I went to a Catholic school for my elementary years and never questioned a thing the church told me, and partially because I didn't have a sex drive for the longest time. I even wondered if I may be asexual. Then when I was thirteen, I noticed how sexy Fez on That70sShow was... I think about sex every day now and I'm no longer uncomfortable with nudity. * I knew a guy who, as a young, super fit, new-minted Marine used to walk up to women on the street, exchange names, words and/or cigarette lights, then ask, "Do you want to fuck?" When I asked how this went, he replied, "I got slapped a lot. I also got laid a lot." Of course, had he been a regular, unattractive schlub, he'd have just gotten slapped a lot and possibly arrested a little... The lesson here is that even the most attractive men have unpromising results with a straightforward approach. * This (male) Troper's sister plays this trope straight as can be. She has said many times (and has the sincere facial expressions to support) that the idea of sex grosses her out. She's basically the Prudish Victorian view of sex: only when you have children, then stop it forever. Before anyone asks, we were raised Protestant.

* ZigZagged a bit for [[@/{{Valbinooo}} me]]. I'm asexual, but I make dirty jokes like the horniest teenagers. Somewhat inverted in that my boyfriend told me, after I came out as asexual to him, that he "never *planned* on having sex with you anyway". I'm not totally sure where I fall within the trope, but let me just get up on this here soapbox and say that Prudishness does not mean that someone is asexual, and an asexual is not necessarily prudish". * This was the case for me until I quit taking antidepressants. Not that you should quit without your doctor's advice, of course! Just saying. * In my school, there was a social studies project, the only all-girl unit was based on teens and couples. The project was actually informative, and [[ShownTheirWork well studied.]] However, it became obvious [[AllWomenArePrudes where it was headed after the mention]] [[AllMenArePerverts that men take advantage of a girl]] [[UnfortunateImplications and that '''ALL''' reports of sexual abuse and rape are performed by men.]] [[LoveItOrHateIt It was clear that]] [[AllWomenArePrudes women]] [[LoveItOrHateIt loved it, and]] [[AllMenArePerverts men]] [[LoveItOrHateIt hated it.]] Then again, the sex-ed classes at my school teaching different ways [[UnfortunateImplications had something to do with it.]] * Joan Sewell is the patron saint of this trope. Seriously, she wrote a whole book not only discussing her own low libido, which is all very well, but claiming the overwhelming majority of women feel the same: ** ...dude, I just read that, and as a girl with a perfectly functional sex drive, words can not describe how much this enrages me. * for some reason this trope absolutely infuriates this (female) troper especially when said women "love to flirt" but abhor anything beyond that, it helps when most women I know who exemplify this trope tend to be gold digging self absorbed vaccous airheads as well "OMG I have a boyfriend and the other day I let him HOLD MY HAND and *shock scandal* even KISS me cause I'm so naughty! *giggle* I hope soon he marries me so he can take care of me and give me money and maybe even a baby to play with" is like fingernails on a chalkboard to me * This male troper was a rare SpearCounterpart to this trope. Not so much these days. * This tropette plays this trope fairly straight, or is just flat-out [[{{Asexuality}} asexual]]. Intense romantic scenes can easily be a source of {{Squick}} for me, but again, it's fairly [[JustifiedTrope justified]] since [[{{Asexuality}} I seem not to have much of a sexdrive at all]]. That's not to say that SexIsEvil...I could care less about it, that's all. * Subverted with this tropette, who has a libido, but is Asexual and [[RedundantDepartmentOfRedundancy therefore prefers not to have sex]]. (switching to first person) I would MUCH rather see [[YaoiGuys two sexy males]] [[YaoiFangirl making]] [[GuyOnGuyIsHot out]] [[IfYouKnowWhatIMean or going further]]. ** Are you me? * Subverted with this tropette. I have a healthy attitude to sex. ** So does this tropette. All, I repeat, ALL my friends either wear

purity rings or refuse to talk about sex or men. It's actually quite frustrating for someone who's very in tune with her sexuality. *** This. <3 This female troper finds sexuality to be one of the most interesting topics in the world and has no shame in discussing it. ---No thanks, I'm frigid like all respectable women. So go back to the [[AllWomenArePrudes Main Article]]. ----

AllWomenLoveShoes * This Troper averts. She hates shopping for shoes, mainly because of her big feet which make finding anything that fits almost impossible. She also has a special place in her heart for the deep loathing for high heels. * While a tomboy from the age of seven onwards, the only concession to femininity this troper has is an affinity towards knee-high boots. * This troper has more flip flops than any one human being should be allowed to own. * [[{{Tropers/Aleclom}} This Troper]] has a close female friend who is absolutely like this. It is her major weakness, much like chocolate is to me. * [[Tropers/TheToonGeekette This troper]] is a variation on this. I don't care much for high heels or any "fashionable" shoes, but God knows I can't resist the clearance section at any given Converse outlet... ** This Troper agrees with the above. She runs away from heels and fancy flip-flops, but she adores Converse shoes (and variations on them) and boots of any kind. * [[Tropers.CalamityJane This Troper]] owns three pairs of shoes; one pair of hiking shoes, one pair of running shoes, and one pair of slipon house shoes that she also wears to church. Her mother, on the other hand, has more shoes than she knows what to do with. * This troper is another aversion, [[JustifiedTrope justified]] because she has very odd-sized feet, and finding a pair of shoes that fit properly is a real nightmare. Her mother and sisters all play the trope straight, however, and she is fairly certain that if she sat down and counted every pair of shoes her mother owned, that the number would rival Imelda Marcos'. * This troper's mother has so many shoes that she has a closet purely for shoes. And then she puts the shoes that don't fit into my closet. * This troper is a perfect example of this trope since she goes crazy whenever she sees a shoe store. * This troper ''does'' love shoes. But still runs around barefoot most of the time. * [[Tropers/PuppyLuver This troper]] only owns two pairs of shoes at a time, four if you count the two pairs of shoes that are only meant to be worn with cosplay outfits. However, when it comes to ''socks'''d better believe this troper has so many brightlycolored knee-high socks that they're practically coming out of her ears. * This troper plays it straight. The problem? He is male. I absolutely

love them, but of course, I have rules. Recently, I have vouched to never wear sneakers again. Only combat and work boots. Or any class of boots. * This troper plays it straight: not only does she absolutely adores all kinds of shoes but her sisters are even worse! * My wife is pretty reasonable about this. She enjoys going shoe shopping once every couple of months and will buy a pair or two each time, but they have to be both attractive and functional and she refuses to pay for high-dollar designer brands. * This troper's mother. Once, I needed a new pair of shoes, and I was snowed in while home on vacation, so Mom and I decide to just order a pair online. We find a pair I like the look of and place the order...then she goes to look for more shoes. "Why? We just ordered them." "You're such a guy." * This troper has a fair amount of shoes, but mostly because she purchases different colors/fabrics/patterns of the same style of shoe. What can I say? I like low-top Chucks and ballet flats. * Hi, one of my favorite things to do is go internet-shoe shopping. Especially high heels, 3" up. Also, I am crazy obsessed with the HALO franchise, and regularly attend rock/metal concerts. SUBVERSION FTW! * I like shoes (especially quirky designed ones) and am female; but despise actually shoe shopping. I am flat footed and my feet are also very narrow, and there is half as size difference between them. Add into the mix that I am dyspraxic so I can't easily walk in stilettos (and chunky heels still need to be pretty short)... yeah none of the shoes I think are cute fit. * This troper hates shoe shopping and doesn't think she'll ever understand her mother and sister's fascination with it. I also only where high-tops and winter boots, mainly because I have to walk everywhere (no car) and wearing anything fancy or with heels would kill my feet. * This troper generally likes shoes, especially when they are in the sales. Give her some money and put her in a shoe shop, and she'll come out with DC's, Vans or Converse. She goes for quirky styles, but the shoes have to be comfortable, hence high heels are not typically in her wardrobe (unless they're clunky gothic platforms). * This troper can't figure out if she inverts, averts or subverts this trope. Besides one pair of winter boots and one pair of sandals, I only have one pair of shoes that I wear everyday... BUT I have a gazillion of old shoes in my closet that I never wear and that I only keep because they are still wearable as I tend to go buy a new pair before they are totally worn out. * This troper absolutely loves shoes, but is flat broke herself so she can't really afford them. She tries them on in stores and walks around in them, but just ends up with a case of retail hunger. Why must she love things that will drive her into bankruptcy? * When my brother and I saw [[ this photo]], our first reaction was "Jesus christ what is wrong with that person?" When I showed the picture to three teenage girls, their first reactions were to instantly start pointing at which shoes they love and totally want and that color is soo pretty.

** Is it me, or do all the blue ones look the same? ** Is it me, or do they ''all'' look the same but for colour? * Since gay men are just as susceptible to this stereotype as women, @/DesertDragon plays this trope straight despite not being crazy about most other gay mannerisms. However, my dad thinks I have way too many shoes. I argue that he doesn't have the best frame of reference; I only have seven pairs with no particular interest in buying more (Fucking A, just look at the picture in the above link!), but he thinks anything more than 2 is too many. But then I argue that having multiple pairs spreads out the wear and tear, and thus I can go 2 years or so without having to replace a pair. So there ''is'' a practical side! ^_^ * This troper averts it - she wears pretty much one of two pairs of shoes(boots or slip-on sneakers) and hates going shoe shopping. She doesn't understand the fascination with it. * This troper's wife would be an example if finances didn't limit her, but at one point I demanded an explanation for the fascination. She claimed that while it's extremely difficult finding any other piece of female clothing that a lady feels like she looks good in, everyone can find a killer pair of shoes. She explained the obsession with scarves and purses the same way. Take from that what you will. * This troper averts this as hard as humanly possible. I really could care less about what goes on my feet, as long as it's comfortable and functional. High heels (particularly with a wedge toe) are something I can't stand wearing - they're fine for some people, but I can't handle it. I don't even like going shoe shopping...or any shopping come to think of it. Yeah, I'm kind of a weird case. * This female troper hates, hates, hates shopping for clothes. In fact, I've never owned more than 2-3 pairs of shoes at a time: flipflops, sneakers, church shoes. In fact, the only time I wore highheels was to my uncle's wedding, and I ended up literally breaking my ankle in them before they had even cut the cake! I'm not particularly tomboyish, (quite feminine, actually) but the only thing I like to shop for is videogames, anime, and figurines (but I usually buy figurines online). Oddly enough, this troper's mom has tried to remedy this by buying shoes ''for'' me. I'll wear pretty much anything, but old lady sandles, complete with [[CutenessProximity tiny, fuzzy]] [[EverythingsCuterWithKittens kitten straps]]? Love ya, mom, but no thanks. * this troper averts this. she hates buying shoes, only asking for a pair when the last one is utterly unwearable. of course, her mother force her to buy a pair each passover * This Troper both subverts this trope and plays it straight. Being a guy, I don't really have this problem. In fact he only owns two pairs of shoes. In real life. My {{SecondLife}} persona is a woman, and plays this totally straight. She owns more shoes than I can count. If the inventory menu was a physical space I have a feeling mine would look like that link about seven posts up. I haven't even worn some of them. And yes they're all stiletto heels and/or kinky boots. * [[Tropers/{{Orihime}} My]] family is a weird case. The one who loves shoes is actually my ''father'', not my mother, and he's got LOTS of them: work shoes, elegant short boots, and very cool running sneakers

among others. Out of me and my sisters, only my younger sister likes shoes, and it's still not compared to her love of bags and purses. As for me, I [[DoesNotLikeShoes tend to go barefoot at home]] and own only the strictly needed in relation to footwear - except for my house slippers. And almost every time I go out with my dad, he tries to have me letting him buy me shoes... but those that ''he'' thinks would suit me. * [[Tropers/{{Tandra88}} This troper]] love shoes just as much as the next person, but I wear sneakers and flats than anything else. I loathe sandals and heels. * This troper has an unhealthy hate for shopping for shoes, mostly due to her mother dragging her on such shopping trips and cutting into her Tvtropes viewing time. Currently, I own exactly 2 pairs of shoes, sneakers and school shoes. My school shoes are a few years old and are falling apart, held together entirely with duct tape. I really should buy new ones. * This troper is an aversion. Since her feet are odd-shaped most shoes don't love her either, so it's at least mutual. ---LIKE OMG!!! THESE SHOES ARE LIKE, SO TOTALLY GORGEOUS!! [[AllWomenLoveShoes I so totally need to add it to my collection of 3000 pairs]]! ---<<|TroperTales|>>

AlmightyJanitor * My father knew a janitor during his time at the Air Force Academy who commanded grudging respect from the professors and cadets. Upon doing some research, my father discovered the man had been an officer and was a Medal of Honor recipient. ** [[@/JBridge This Troper]] had seen something about him in a cheesy History Channel documentary at school. According to the movie, he got rid of a German machine gun nest by himself while the rest of his squad was pinned down. Badassery. This ''might'' be a different person, but the movie mentioned that he was now a janitor somewhere. *** Yeah, that could be someone else you're talking about. Unfortunately, far too many vets discover it's a CrapsackWorld once they get back because they can't really adjust to society after what they've been through, don't get treatment for PTSD/Shell-shock/Battlefatigue/whatever, and can't find themselves a stable job because they themselves either just don't have it in them anymore and/or are nervous wrecks. The worse the war situation they went through, the higher the likelihood. *** This Tropette heard about something similar. This black janitor with no training gunned down three or four planes during Pearl Harbor. The worst part was he didn't get awarded a medal because he was black, and he died when his sub sank a few years later. **** Aside from the job, that guy sounds a little familiar. You sure his sub sank? Or was he killed by a [[Left4Dead Tank]] instead? **** You may be thinking of Dorie Miller, a Mess Attendant 2nd Class aboard the battleship ''West Virginia'' at Pearl Harbor on 7DEC41.

Ordered to help load two .50 caliber machine guns - a weapon he had never received any training on but had watched being operated - he took charge of one and fired it until he ran out of ammunition. Whether he shot down any Japanese planes is not known. For his "...bravery in combat, above and beyond the call of duty..." he was awarded the Navy Cross, the first black sailor to receive that medal. He was killed when the ship he was later assigned to, the escort carrier ''Liscome Bay'', was sunk at the Battle of Tarawa. * This troper has a janitor at my secondary school with equal respect to the teachers, low as that may be. * Our elementary school janitor once played rodeo clown to a bull that had escaped a nearby farm and was running around the playground while the teachers stood by helplessly. From then on he became a MemeticBadass. * This Troper's Uncle "Bob" WAS the Almighty Janitor. He had worked at the school for nearly 30 years, had access to every room in the school, knew every student's parent, donator and upper-level administrator by name. He was the janitor when hundreds of now-alumni were students. To top it all off, he was so well-beloved by the students that he was repeatedly made an "honorary" member of the graduating class. This Troper's every move, misdeed and accolade was reported to him first. * This Troper and his friend joke about their school's janitor. The janitor in question, Frank, beats up bears on a regular basis, is too tough for a bed, so he sleeps on the hard patch of dirt near the library, keeps human beings as pets, steals all the other teachers' porn [=DVDs=] for his own use, throws kids that annoy him too much off the roof, and can walk into any shop and demand a drink -- if he doesn't get it, he WILL kill you. He's also not even a real janitor. He's just too BadAss and awesome for the school to kick him off the grounds. Oh, he also once won a fight against Samuel L. Jackson. Almighty Janitor, thy name is Frank. * A janitor at my school frequently is allowed to go anywhere she wants (hardly working at all) on Friday, yelling "IT'S FRIIIIIIIDAYYYYYY!!!!!" all day long. There are also rumors she's been around long enough to get more pay than most teachers and that she once managed to cuss out the principal over some argument (I heard it was over some argument about some kid getting detention) and not get fired. But the Friday thing is still awesome. * @/KrazehPenguin once joked with his friends about his jr. high's janitors being ninja because we saw them on the roof and behind the trophy glass more often than cleaning. * The janitor at this troper's grade school knew every student by name. He was every student's favorite person on campus. * I've got an almighty Substitute Teacher and Track Coach. He's a 'Nam Vet. Fear the Wrist-Thingy, it's worse than you think. * When I was in college the janitor was a bald man named Flash, who wasn't almighty but did command quite a bit of respect and fear. Now that he's at university, the cleaner for his accommodation could count as a rare female version. ** If your name is Flash, you're already almighty by default. *** If you also have the last name Gordon, you are a god among men.

* The Janitor at This Troper's middle/elementary school was a retired cop with the city's K9 unit. It was implied, but never tested, that he could take you out and the times he got mad at students, you knew you crossed the line when he told the student body in the cafeteria that the dogs he trained were smarter than this. His high school janitor fought in WWII at Iwo Jima. Although he gets mild respect from the students, he gets respect in spades from returning alumni that have entered the Marine Corps. * One of the security guys at this troper's high school was known pretty much only as "Abe", due to his uncanny resemblance to the 16th President, who commanded more respect that just about any other member of the staff. * [[{{Tropers/Griffinguy24}} This Troper]] knows that if anyone at your occupation needs to be respected, it's the person in charge of keeping the bathrooms clean. If you give the janitor any incentive not to do so, your life can easily be made a living hell. * This troper works a mere six hours a week at a [=McDonald's=] as a janitor who cleans the lobby. And yet he can name all the United States Presidents in chronological order, and is working on a personal project where he lists all the famous people ever, by going to websites like Snopes or this very wiki, and looking for important people. What's the deal? * This Troper's favorite janitor in middle school, Abdi, just so happened to be a ''mujaheddin'' in the Soviet-Afghan War. Said troper and his friends used to joke and talk about how he ate AK-47s for breakfast, had torn [=MiGs=] apart with his bare hands during the war, [[GunsAkimbo two-fisted]] Stinger missile launchers without breaking a sweat, took bears as slaves, and shat solid iron. He was a pretty awesome janitor, too. * One of this Troper's middle school janitors was also the supervisor of the chess team and had an IQ of 133. Why he was a janitor I'll never know. ** Probably something along the lines of why Lu-Tze of {{Discworld}} is just a sweeper; There's something... satisfying about a clean room. * To add a theatrical variation, this troper's Drama teacher warned us all never, ''ever'' to get on the wrong side of the stage manager. * The janitor at my school is a veteran of... I believe the Vietnam War, he said, but my memory is dismal. He spent about 20 minutes telling horror stories about it to me and one of my classmates. His office is also in the basement, which is very creepy, and probably home to many rats. (He claims the rats are the size of small dogs and that he kills them with a broom. I don't quite believe him on that one.) There is a bit of a joke among my group of friends that he is a werewolf, due to his rather scruffy appearance (and the fact that the elevator has padding on the walls. Secret chamber of transformation if I've ever seen one.) He looks kind of scary, but is one of the most loved of all the staff members, even if his sense of humor involves threatening to steal my favorite hat and throw it in a bucket of paint. * Subversion: this troper's school janitors only work after school, and no one even knows their names. It's sad, really. ** You don't expect to see ninjas do you?

* This Troper's high school had a janitor named Rodney who was possibly the coolest guy who ever lived. He formed a rock band called the Rodnafarians (appropriate because he had some kickass dreads) when he worked at the middle school and performed lead vocals in the high school's faculty band that consisted of him, the choir teacher, an English teacher, a Special Ed aide, and a middle school music teacher. He also knew everyone's names and was treated with the same respect as teachers and administrators. * This Troper's high school had a janitor named [[EvilDead Bruce Campbell.]] 'nuff said. ** [[{{IncrediblyLamePun}} Good. Bad. He's the guy with the mop.]] ** Ours was named Mr. T (short for [[TheUnpronounceable something unpronounceable]]). *** Did he pity the fool? * [[{{Tropers/MisterAlways}} This Troper]]'s elementary school had an ''awesome'' janitor. He was mostly bald, except for a sort of bristly toothbrush mustache ( no, not [[AdolfHitler that kind]]), and always wore a striped shirt and jeans. He was colloquially referred to as 'Mister Jan' (which is a common name in Holland - and get this, his name was ''Jan Jansen''), and whenever I felt down, Mister Jan would find some chore for him to do. In my last year of elementary, we named the schoolyard after him - roughly translated, 'The Mister Jan Yard'. He also ''never'' raised his voice or sweared ''once'', even when somebody dropped a hammer on his foot - oh, and should I mention he probably could've tipped over cars if he wanted? Like fucking steel cables, those guns of his. * This Troper's high school had a free day one time (sorta - we were supposed to be doing community service around the school grounds, but this Troper and some of her friends were seperated from their group and after failing to find the group after nine laps around the school we gave up). While the janitor was not almighty, he ''did'' show this little group of lucky girls all the hidden rooms, secret passages, and other hidden bits of school lore. Best day of school ever, following the janitor around as he unlocked all those doors that we'd passed every day but ''nobody knew what was behind them'', going into the old boiler room that was never used anymore, finding all the hidden janitorial shortcuts through the school, and even being shown the location of a room that was walled off forever, complete with the old desks still inside (they weren't suitable for use anymore anyway). Further, we were told about the trapdoors in the school that he pointed out to us but wasn't allowed to open - it was too dangerous down there even for him. But it was ''awesome'' and the janitor gained a ''lot'' of respect from us after that. --> This Troper: *looking around a dark, dusty old room* Wow... When's the last time a student was up here? --> Janitor: Never. You guys are the first students ever to see this room. * This Troper worked at a restaurant with a small cadre of busboys. Now, if you've worked in a restaurant, you ''know'' the busboys are the restaurant equivalent of a janitor, and generally get stuck with the nastiest and most menial jobs. One of the busboys was in his early twenties, but was built like a compact truck who had been in that

particular job for five years. By comparison, the average turnover rate for busboys is about six months. He was pretty much the strongest person in the restaurant short of the bodybuilder who was the butcher, and he knew as much about cooking steaks and operating the fryer as most of the actual cooks, and generally gave tips to the servers on handling customers on food. He actually got paid more than most of the cooks and even one of the ''managers'', and was virtually unflappable - even in the middle of a Mother's Day rush, he was a freaking glacier. When the managers called their weekly meetings, he usually sat in and weighed in as well, and knew the district manager on a first-name basis. He was, for all intents and purposes, an informal manager, and yet never did anything but bus tables. * There was a lot of mystery surrounding [[{{Tropers/Jomar}} this troper's]] high school custodian. He roamed the campus in a golf cart and spoke English with an undecipherable accent, but the other janitor knew what he was saying. Rumor had it that he was a doctor in Vietnam, but couldn't work as a doctor in America. I suspects that it was due to some supernatural calling to clean American high schools. * This Troper works in a church whose sexton qualifies as an AlmightyJanitor. He was just hired a few months ago and cleans the building better than it has been for at least ten years. He also cooks the spaghetti for church fundraisers. His other job? He's a medic in the United States Army and takes off at random intervals to do military training or service. * The janitor in this ttroper's elementary school was an incredibly nice and friendly guy whom everyone liked. Being a BadAss Korean War veteran who fought in temperatures of 50 below also helped. * The Caretakers (British term for janitors) at this Troper's Sixth form/secondary school are a combination of invisible and secret society that have their own utility corridors dubbed "Caretaker world" that an intrepid student may have a tour of if they ask nicely on a day when they're in a good mood and aren't too busy. * About thirty/forty years before, we had a socialist system in our country (and I mean SSSR socialist, not the modern kind). And there was this catch - if you did trouble, you couldn't get a decent job. But, by law you had to have one - the government had to give it to you. So, when you was a disident, you got the lowest ranked job possible - for example janitor's. Sure, some of these people were just problematic guys who wouldn't go with any laws, but some were highly educated. So you could actually have janitor who was a university professor of philosophy before. * I went to a school where the janitor who was a veteran of both the Korean War and WWII, had married the school cook, and actually lived on the school grounds for many years. He knew every hiding place and shortcut in the school and not only stood up for me when one of the several bullies at school were beating the tar out of me, but showed me how to get around school without any of them seeing me. I was devastated when he died in '92, though I had graduated by then. * Tropers/{{Excel-2010}}. I am rather skilled with technology, made above-average grades in school and currently study film in a four-year university. To pay for tuition, I scrub the heads and take out the garbage at a nearby military base. I'm not in the military, but

cleaning up after them pays well enough. * Pretty much all the guys at my school are pretty talkative with janitors, even more so than the teachers themselves. I'm not sure if this counts, but this troper's mother is also a cleaning lady at another different school and she is a no-nonsense chatty indifferent and impatient female that can blow anyone away by merely opening her mouth. Just for that, the troper feels she has the most awesome mom in the world. * This troper was a janitor at a large R&D facility for a few months. I was moved to new areas all the time, so I had cleaned nearly every room and lab on every floor. I could give accurate directions to just about everywhere, even to restaurants close by outside. The old [[{{Absent Minded Professor}} Absent Minded Professors]] who didn't know their way around were flabbergasted that this 21-year-old always knew which direction she was facing and could rattle off clear, concise directions like a human GPS without even pausing to think about it. * This troper's High School has a janitor named Rodney (who ''might'' be the same guy mentioned further up the page). Before becoming a Janitor he was a Marine for 20 years, and a Drill Sergeant at one point. I've heard that he once used those skills to make a past football team ''cry'' during practice. On top of that, ''everyone'' likes Rodney, he is respected way more than the teachers. He only has the job because he wants and enjoys it. He has achieved MemeticBadass status, he hilariously rants about stuff during announcements, and he gives us candy. Rodney kicks ass. * Apparently my school's janitor was a sparring partner of Muhammad Ali. Yes, ''that'' Muhammad Ali. * This troper has recently been hired as a full-time night janitor at a chicago retirement home, and intends to personify the trope to its fullest. * At this troper's high school there was an old man that lived in a little house in the middle of the school that everyone called Fred. None of the students knew why there was a guy living in the school, except that he helped out when the school had sausage sizzles planned (One story was that when the boys school and girls school that made up the high school joined into one that his house was in the way and they couldn't get him to move so built the school around him) I got to know him because of his dog (which was the school's unofficial mascot) and found out he's the school's caretaker (he got paid less than the janitors, had to put away their supplies, take care of the school grounds and did the janitors' jobs during the school holidays) He was an awesome guy that among other things has helped quite a few previous student with their Year 12 Muck-Up Day, which included releasing a full grown pig in the English Block, throwing all the heavy steel bins on top of the canteen, taking over the principals office and carrying a teacher's car to the top of the Science Block (which had 5 floors while the other blocks have at most 3) While I was still in school he removed three large trees that hand started to cause damage to the school by himself. Fred was 72 when I graduated. ---Go back to AlmightyJanitor. But clean up before you go. The mess

you've left is simply ''[[CiaphasCain deplorable]]'' and he won't clean up after some snotty punks when he got bears to wrestle. ---<<|TroperTales|>>

AlmostDeadGuy * This troper's DM pulled an ADG on our party in a town that had been razed by Lizardfolk. We found him in some tunnels under a well in a room full of lizard dung. He had just enough time to say "Oh, thank..." before dying instantaneously, despite the fact that it had been a solid few days since the initial attack. Especially frustrating because D&D characters, when played by the book, never go straight from conscious to dead in one turn without being hit by an attack. * This Troper's GM also pulled this on us, although with a [[MentorOccupationalHazard far more important character]]. What really made him an AlmostDeadGuy is that we were all surprised that he managed to stick around for last words after a rather brutal [[DroppedABridgeOnHim bridge dropping]] by said GM. Thankfully, the game had been rather cinematic and we weren't too hung up on mechanics at the time, so the only thing that kind of bugged anyone was that [[PlotlineDeath the character with a healing power couldn't do anything to help him]]. (Although it turned out that he was FakingTheDead and [[MagnificentBastard wasn't who we]] [[BrokenPedestal thought he was]] anyway, so the trope is {{Justified}}.) ---Click [[AlmostDeadGuy this link]] to go back to Almost D--gack!... arg... bluh... ---<<|TroperTales|>>

AloofBigBrother * My cousins are like this. The big brother does better in school, is more mature, and he is also very laconic and stoic, unless provoked. His little brother is less of a troublemaker, that's why his parents like him better than the old brother. * Minus the "cool" part at school, and much of the bishonen part (well, YourMileageMayVary on that one), [[{{Tropers/Cosman246}} this troper]] is a good example * If I didn't know any better, I'd swear my own brother was [[AvatarTheLastAirbender Zuko]] or [[{{Yu-Gi-Oh}} Seto Kaiba]] (he's a little brother to me, but he's a big brother to our other two sisters). He seems to think showing emotions or affection is a crime. ''And'', like most {{Aloof Big Brother}}s, he's a ChickMagnet; our sister once ran a brisk business selling copies of his school photo to her friends. But he's not a [[LonersAreFreaks loner]]; no, that's me. * Took This Troper thirteen years to realize ''he'' was this kind of brother! He's not even so antisocial; just quiet, introverted, and ten years older than a little brother with very different interests. God

willing, the kid won't get weird ideas about his big bro from {{Main/Naruto}}. * Genderflipped when it comes to this female troper and my own youngest sister. A twelve-year age difference as well as personalities that are entirely too similar in some ways combine to create a pretty darn aloof relationship between us, especially when given my rather aloof personality in general. It gets particularly bad when it's factored in that I don't intuitively understand the differences between six-year-old thought and adult thought and subconsciously expect her to behave like an adult--the kid's pretty darn smart for her age, but not ''that'' smart. * This troper is a GenderFlip too; she's aloof and constantly bored, a DeadpanSnarker, an artistically talented TeenGenius, and taller and better-looking -- in her opinion, anyways -- than the more ordinary younger sister she looks down upon. (Of course, the fact that said sister is ''ridiculously annoying'' means that the aloof part doesn't last very long if we're in each other's presence for a prolonged period of time.) ** Wow, what an attitude to have towards a little sister... *** Forget having that attitude towards your sister; try having that attitude about ''yourself.'' I suppose it's a relief to know that at least ''someone'' isn't suffering from a low self-esteem... *** [[TheGloriousWarOfSisterlyRivalry Not uncommon in the least]]. I feel the same way towards my own sister. *** (Original troper here) It's... more complicated than I made it out to be. My sister is the well-adjusted normal one, annoying though she may be; I have enough issues to give out monthly subscriptions, crippling social anxiety outside of the internet and my relatives, and have made a complete hash of my life in the last five years or so. And she's always been much easier to deal with (SanityHasAdvantages is a largely irrelevant trope but an apt phrasing), which I suspect caused our parents to prefer her over me; we form a lovely jealousy yin-yang. Our relationship is not healthy at all. And it's not entirely onesided, as she thinks I'm a stuck-up blowhard. **** [[{{Tropers/Joerc45}} I]] don't remember writing the above entry. Someone must have cloned me when I wasn't looking..... **** I have a good idea... * This troper is an Aloof ''Little'' Brother. ** I try to be an Aloof Little Brother to my four older siblings and an Aloof Big Brother to my 10 years younger brother. It's impossible though because apparently if I'm within 500ft of the house everyone cannot stand to be away from and not talking to me for more than 10 minutes at a time. * Subverted; [[DarkInsanity13 this troper]] seems like the gender flip of this to her friends and her brother's friends, but is actually quite close and friendly with her brother when friends aren't around. This ''may'' be attributed to the fact most people seemed to hate their younger siblings, and younger siblings complained about how mean their elder ones were. Also considering the fact her brother is more talented in certain academic fields than her (such as math), she doesn't ''quite'' fit the trope. * This troper is almost a genderbended version. Mostly a loner, but

instead of mingled awe and fear/respect, my sister's friends are just plain terrified of me, and they fear for my sanity. Nasty little ten year olds. * This Troper is an Aloof Big Sister, but finding that out took her completely by surprise. Most friends of my sister, friends of mine, and family-members believe that I fit this trope to a 'T' because my sister and I primarily communicate in one-liners around others, but in actuality I'm a lot warmer than the cliche. That part about having supreme self-confidence and achievements is true, though; that does, in fact piss her off. * Oddly enough, this Troper's big brother acts rather aloof to her, yet becomes one of the loudest, happiest, and most social people on Earth in the presence of anyone else. * This Troper is freakishly tall (5'9 when she was ELEVEN!), doesn't show much emotion around other people, is extremely antisocial, and a brilliant artist. However, she is an epic failure in mathematics and writing anything except stories (letters, summaries, etc.) I can't recall one instance in my school (other than assemblies, when they're not allowed) where there wasn't a book in my hands, either... ** You sound A LOT like this Troper's former stalker, Carley. * This troper's brother fits this trope, except that he's lazy, and a jerk. But the ChickMagnet stuff still surprises me. He's going to be 30 this year. * @/raekuul is one, usually. * [[{{Tropers/Vulpy}} I'm]] one of the people that goes around adding ''[[CityOfHeroes City of Heroes]]'' examples, so it probably doesn't come as a surprise that I play the game. One of my friends, who frequently decries modern anime but still watches DBZ reruns, dreamed up a [[TheRival rivalry]] between one of his characters, a HotBlooded BloodKnight with [[TheWoobie Woobie overtones]], and my "main character," a ProudWarriorRaceGuy in his backstory. His description of one of their fights had dialogue that could have been transplanted straight into a fight between [[{{Bleach}} Byakuya and Ichigo]], and was startled when I told him so. Still can't get him to actually watch the series, though. * [[@/NielJacoby This Troper]] is one most of the time, but can become insanely outgoing at the drop of a hat. * I've got one of these. My big brother is pretty much a text book example of this, with shades of WellDoneSonGuy thrown in, just for kicks. Raging inferiority complex and years of therapy, here I come! * Subverted- This Troper's older brother, despite a twelve year agegap and very different interests, have always gotten on remarkably well, and tend to have an easy (and deeply, DEEPLY sarcastic) conversation going on most of the time. * This troper's husband is often mistaken for an Aloof Middle Brother. His elder brother and younger sister are talkative, outgoing, athletic and have lots of social activities. Troper's Husband is shy, quiet, an avid reader, and prefers to use his computer or play video games. He loves his family very dearly and his siblings know he's not aloof, but other people don't always know what to make of him. * This Troper is one, being a misanthrope. * This troper is actually an Aloof Little Brother, often forced to

play MetaGuy or DeadpanSnarker to his older brother's antics. * Genderflip! This troper loves her siblings, but usually won't hang around them much. * This troper. He's also the favorite child do to being a hard worker who generally gets better grades then the siblings who he ignores. * This troper, played straight so very hard with his younger stepsisters and half-brothers. He's considered the smart, quiet, and more serious one, is a loner, and [[DontTellMama his lack of belief might not go over well with their Born-again perspective]]. They enjoy each other's company, but they only see each other every few years. * This troper has adopted a role model of hers as Aloof Big Sister, despite already having a real Aloof Big Sister of her own. Glutton for punishment, I guess. * This troper is a mild example of this to his younger sister. * [[@/MarinaDelGrapes This troper]]'s big brother. She named her daughter after him. * This troper used to be this to her twelve-years-younger sister. We got better. * This Troper was once called out on this trope by his mother (not seeming to care about her and my younger sister, not showing interest in my sister's antics (which tend to feature drink. She first went into hospital for a drink related blackout at FIFTEEN! She is currently sixteen. Just) and just not being there as often as I could (which is a bit harsh when you consider I need to get the bus just to get there and our bus service basically is one bus every two hours from seven am to seven pm). His response was either stupid or badass (I haven't decided which): "Being able not to show emotion is sometimes a useful thing." Did I mention that I smile about as frequently as [[{{Yu-Gi-Oh}} Seto Kiaba]]? There are three reason for this viewpoint. One, [[GenreSavvy too much knowledge about how teenagers act.]] Two, [[BreakTheCutie I've been a loner for almost seven years due to an incident involving a broken friendship with a school gang and a large number of bullies]] whilst my sister seems incapable of functioning without a friend while out the house. Thirdly, [[MurderArsonAndJaywalking I embarrass her.]] * I only found out recently I am this to my sister; she says I'm a better artist, her inspiration for her books, her threat (I'll tell my sister!), and her source of information when she's stumped. * This troper's neighbor's grandchildren, whom troper regards as her honorary cousins (their father and my mother grew up together), have a relationship like this. Big brother is TheStoic, and when he does talk he's a DeadpanSnarker. Little sister is an affectionate GenkiGirl with the [[HyperactiveMetabolism metabolism of a hummingbird]]. Both kids are whip-smart and a lot of fun to be around, and nobody else in the world had better mess with little sister, but big brother pokes at her a lot. * [[{{Tropers/Joerc45}} This troper]] plays straight and subverts this as an Aloof Little Brother. * If you think having just one AloofBigBrother is bad, try two (though one is a girl). It's hard to find your own little niche when your siblings want nothing to do with you and already cover enough of the spectrum of niches and flawlessly pull them off. I'm just left with

all the junk and stuck with an inferiority complex that is on [[SuperMarioBrothers Luigi-like]] levels. * Subverted with ThisTroper, who is less BigBrotherMentor, more HotBlooded WideEyedIdealist IdiotHero CloudCuckooLander. My [[TheStoic Stoic]] younger brother takes over the "aloof" role. There's a RunningGag in our family that he wishes he could swap ages with me for it. * Gender flipped with this Troper, who is an Aloof Big Sister. I rarely get out of my room, I communicate mostly with "yes", "no" or "whatever". Not much of a loner, but she is very quiet, introverted, spends much of her time reading, drawing or writing and when she doesn't seem to be listening when someone talks to her. * Another subversion with an Aloof Younger Brother. As the elder brother, I have an [[FruitsBasket Ayame - Yuki Sohma]] relationship with my brother, only I'm a helluva lot less charismatic and didn't do anything to deserve it >.> * This Trooper has never had a close bond with her older brother, they just simply never clicked well with differing personalities and interests. Our car rides together are always in awkward silence. One day his friend became my co-worker and bullied me relentlessly at work. Trooper went home in tears finally after a recycling bin full of water was dumped on her head. Cue utter surprise when co-worker came in with a black eye and her brother's knuckle slightly bruised. He never said anything about it. My aloof big brother has a heart of gold. * This Troper has come to find out she's a gender-flipped version and apparently has influenced her younger brother to start acting like a (somewhat) straight example of this to their little sister. This Troper's excuse is that she's actually awkward and can't tell what her younger siblings actually want from her all the time/ She's not even a straight example seeing as how she's The UnFavorite * This troper is the big brother, despite living seperately from them and shrugging them off on most occassions, they genuinely love me, (And I do too, just don't tell them that). ---[=*=]yawn* Yes, I was listening. You want fictional examples too? Ask Dad, or check [[AloofBigBrother the original page]]. ---<<|TroperTales|>>

AlsoSprachZarathustra * I was watching TV and my 5 1/2 month old daughter was playing on the floor. A commercial came on where Also Sprach Zarathustra was playing and she sat up on her own for the first time. The other developmental milestones in her life have been less epic by comparison.

AltarTheSpeed * My mother was juggling work and jury duty and my father was quite busy himself the day they'd agreed to get married. They barely got

time to stop by their apartment where the minister and two witnesses were waiting. When the minister asked if they wanted him to say a few words, they simultaneously replied, "Just sign the papers." * My cousin did this, because they needed to be legally married for him to get a passport. We got an email invite 1 week before the wedding. * My cousin and her fiance were looking forward to a large ceremony with her humungous extended family...until she (yes, she) was called up to Iraq. The ceremony was unfortunately limited to immediate family. * Not exactly a wedding, but my uncle became a Bar Mitzvah when he was twelve, technically too early, and three months before the original date, so my grandfather, who was dying from lung cancer, could be there. * This troper's cousin and her fiance had been engaged and called it off at least three or four times. Eventually they just said "Let's have the wedding really soon before we can change our minds!" and set the date for two months' time. They went through with it and a year on they're happily married. * This troper's brother and his fiance announced that they would get married and that the wedding would be in about 11 months, a couple of weeks later the fiance got pregnant and the wedding was moved up because the baby was going to be born 10 days before the originally planned wedding date. ---Go and AltarTheSpeed! ---<<|TroperTales|>>

AlterEgoActing * [[MmmKay This troper]] often acts like her creation, [[Characters/MmmKay HELLO IM SILY]], at somewhat random moments (babbling, yelling gleefully, [[AreYouPonderingWhatImPondering answering stupid questions with nonsensical sentences]], quoting random movies). While my sanity is questionable (I believe the proper definition is ''un''sane), I'd like to be known simultaneously as a [[TheSmartGuy trustworthy and relatively sane gentlewoman]] and as a female with a [[MrImagination runaway imagination]] perfect for designing cartoon shows. * This troper is a fairly clean type of person who never swears or talks about sexual stuff. When she got into a performance of ''Les Miserables'', she felt weirdly liberated and able to be dirty while having an excuse. She was slightly disappointed when the director had to cut some of the more...risque lines (it was a high school performance). * {{superslinger2007}} the character/internet persona, who has since died on March 17, 2009 in a situation currently being investigated (in-universe). He has since made appearances in June 2009 and May 2010 and may be ''still alive'' somehow. The user has been COMPROMISED on May 22, 2010, so a RomanAClef was made in response.

* {{Tk4l}} has fragmented his personality into all of the different aspects, so he can talk to them when he's bored. ** Penis, the perverted male aspect of his personality who always tries to take control of this troper's eyeballs so he can stare at large-chested girls ** Stomach, self explanatory ** Brain, the no-nonsense logical aspect, who thinks everything can be proven WITH SCIENCE ** And countless other ones like his Imagination and his Emotion that I can't be bothered to name. * Having heard that the best way to become less timid and insular is to pretend that you aren't, this troper created alter-egos that were personifications of 'outgoing/cool' 'attractive/confident' and 'Intelligent/valued'. it works up to a point but then I got my significant other asking me what I was like when I was just me, which caused confusion and self-doubt, respectively. * {{sabrinadiamond}}, my characters sometimes act as my Ego/Super-ego and comment on scenes... * {{Excel-2010}}. As a select few will tell you, James A. Calwell III is not my real name. And I'm much meaner in RealLife than I am on the internet. Really. * I often act in the role of my alter ego Nicholas Keyes, thus qualifying myself as the "evil one" in my circle of friends. ** Nick also is occasionally overshadowed by my other multiple personalities. *** Nick is also my creative side. *** Chaos- Self explanatory, hates the system, does whatever he wants. *** Sarah- My vengeful side, also the only female one among them. *** Jason- Emo parts of my brain. *** Alpha- Logic, Knowledge, Other left-brained activities. *** Omega- Wants to kill everything. * My alter ego is [[FunnyCharacterBoringActor funny]] and [[MeanCharacterNiceActor mean]], but I'm nice and boring. My Facebook updates can be pretty explicit, and hate-filled. In real life, I'm a pretty nice guy, prefer to talk about the stuff I love, and I don't really swear unless I'm quoting from a film or song, or really angry. I also put some funny lines on my updates, but I'm such a perfectionist, and don't consider myself spontaneously funny, so I often keep editing them until I think I've got them right. In real life, I only consider myself funny unless I'm quoting from shows and movies I like, with funny voices. * This troper is very blank and boring most of the time. Whenever he is in a play, however, he makes a radical change during rehearsals into a guy who is brimming with energy and who is far most sociable than normally. It is so radical that he is currently blaming it on his new-found love of coffee to stop his school friends worrying. It doesn't help the canteen at school recently got a coffee machine, to the extent that he lampshaded it slightly when in registration, by saying something like this: --> "I have nothing to do on Wednesday and only one lesson on Thursday. If the canteen was open all day, I don't think I'd have a reason not to drink coffee all day."

* {{Tropers/Stealth}}: This particular trope has been invoked in my life...strangely enough, it also happens most commonly at conventions. It swings between the three varying types mentioned in the main article with little to no advance warning, and the entire story can be summed up as "an alternate character I created on a whim seems to have has gained a distinct Internet fandom of his own." It gets to the point where several people actually refer to me by the character's name (and of course I answer to it), but people are unable to figure out where the person and the persona are delineated as a result. The difference ''is'' rather considerable. Normally I'm a quietly lazy and laid-back fellow whose life consists of work, creative ventures, electronics (and video games), and the occasional hanging-out-withfriends. In other words, low key and mundane. At conventions though, the alternate character's personality shines through--that of an amusingly [[BoisterousBruiser rowdy]], gleefully [[LargeHam overacting]], and quite friendly [[BigFriendlyDog]]. The funny thing is that is that it all seems quite natural, both on my end and according to those who I've met when I've been alternating between idly chewing the fat and cheerfully ChewingTheScenery. * Back in the late ninties this troper used to refer to himself as male on the internet in order to avoid getting hit on. Hey, would you look at that! * [[@/WhoTheWhatNow This Tropette]] constantly has to confirm her feminine gender with her online friends, because she plays male characters so damn well. Her longest-surviving character has been with her for seven years, and he's an offshoot of the character [[CodeLyoko William Dunbar]]. He serves as her voice of reason and constantly interrupts her thoughts - yes, you do! These days, William has been joined by [[AxeCrazy Flip]], [[IronWoobie Danuel]], [[CreepySexy Rojo]], and [[KillItWithFire Volley]]. Tropette cannot remember what her inner voice sounds like anymore. * ... ** Hell''o''. My name is [[AttentionWhore Chelsea]] [[TheVamp Cheyeanne]]. ''Pleasure'' to meet you. -Wink** Hey. The name is [[IneffectualLoner John]] [[TheStoic Tugger]]. ** ''[[CloudCuckoolander Hi~!]]'' ---Back to AlterEgoActing. ----

AlternativeCharacterInterpretation * After [[Tropers.ReikoKazama I]] watched Chip Cheezum and General Ironicus's [=~Let's Play~=] of NoMoreHeroes, I didn't really know what to think of the 2nd ranked assassin, [[ExactlyWhatItSaysOnTheTin Bad Girl]]. But some weeks later, I see the following on the WoundedGazelleGambit page under Video Games and decide to think up an alternate interpretation for her ([[BrokenBird not]] [[JerkassWoobie saying]] [[CouldSayItBut what]]~ *wink* Oh... *giggle* [[AxCrazy and if you know]] [[{{Yangire}} what's good for you]], [[SchmuckBait don't you]] ''[[SchmuckBait dare]]'' [[TemptingFate follow the links!]] By the way, the parts in bold are what made me go

AlternativeCharacterInterpretation on her, since I've been through a lot of [[PrecisionFStrike bullshit]] too): --> ''NoMoreHeroes'' -- Bad Girl, the Rank 2 assassin will sometimes drop to her knees and cry. Fall for it and you're dead. '''However, due to her severe emotional disturbance, sometimes she really ''is'' crying''' -- [[spoiler: if one hand's on the bat, she's faking it, but if they're both on her face she's wide open]]. ** ...don't look at me like that. I ''am'' planning to get the game, you know. * Most people think I'm a BrokenBird, TheWoobie, a spiteful loner, or a combination of the three. Actually I'm TheStoic, who has a HairTriggerTemper and [[NietzscheWannabe doesn't like humanity]]. My relatives are convinced I'm a ShrinkingViolet, despite all the evidence I'm a [[{{Understatement}} really persistent]] {{Determinator}} and potential psycho for hire. And most of my acquaintances think I'm a ValleyGirl, because of the way I dress. * Absolutely everyone to absolutely everyone else,no exceptions. * This Troper has many different interpretations due to her quiet nature in general. To most she is {{TheStoic}}, to her crush she is Tsundere. For those who meet and speak with her for the first time, she is absolutely terrifying (without meaning to mind you) and the good ol' Nakama typically see her as a {{DeadpanSnarker}} but with a heart of gold. This Troper interprets herself as being a {{ShrinkingViolet}} to be honest. * This troper is writing a fanfic where the main character can have no less than three interpretations of character: -->1: a {{Jerkass}} who is only sympathetic to people who have had similar experiences -->2: putting on the ProudWarriorRaceGuy front so people won't think of him as TheWoobie -->3: a ProudWarriorRaceGuy who considers it dishonorable when he is unable to protect his companions, and will therefore go to any lengths to do so for the sake of his own honor, and not really for them. * Some people see me much differently than others. Most of my teachers see me as a {{DeadpanSnarker}} who's too lazy to use his smarts for schoolwork, the class sees me as the quiet kid with the {{Death Glare}} who will crucify you if you wrong him in any way, and my friends see me as a laid-back guy who likes fantasy and sci-fi and has gallows humor. ** Girls, on the other hand, don't see you. *** This should not come as a shock to anyone under the age of thirty. ** Are you Guy Me? * This troper's friend sees her boyfriend as both TallDarkAndHandsome and TallDarkAndSnarky, with a few elements of HeroicSociopath and JerkWithAHeartOfGold thrown in for good measure. Everyone else agrees he is a {{Jerkass}}, a StalkerWithACrush at best and downright emotionally abusive at worse. Basically, it's a real life DracoInLeatherPants situation. * This troper is writing a story where the main character is: ** 1) the designated hero who opposes totalitarianism by the BigBad ** 2) a HeroicSociopath who cares nothing for the lives of the people he saves as long as they are saved, and becomes a dictator to oppose

the other dictator ** 3) a raving PsychoForHire who only fights because he wants revenge for the BigBad [[MindRape MindRaping]] him into insanity. He takes great joy in beating up disarmed (literally) {{Evilutionary Biologist}}s and spits on the concept of giving for the group. * This troper has a character, who, at first glance, is a typical kind, GentleGiant paladin character, but eventually it's revealed he left his pregnant wife behind for a life of adventuring because she cheated on him and got herself pregnant, probably the worst thing she could do to a character with such strong conservative values. The character's mother eventually reveals to him that she's an exHookerWithAHeartOfGold who became an aristocrat's mistress in order to support herself. When ''she'' got pregnant with the main character, she decided to leave the aristocrat in order to care for the child properly and even got a respectable husband, who then created a solid, nuclear family. The mother decided to raise her son with strong values so that he wouldn't become like her, but never told him that she used to be a mistress. This obviously backfires. He returns to his pregnant wife, who is genuinely repentant and they forgive each other. The husband realizes that he couldn't miss the birth of his wife's child, illegitimate or not. Awww. ** The story begins soon after he leaves his wife, making him a {{Jerkass}}. However, the places he visits on his journey genuinely benefit from him, because he feels some guilt at leaving his wife. Whether he's trying to relieve his guilt or helping out the people in each place (or both) by defeating a monster, taking down a crime boss, etc. is up for debate. ** He's especially kind to small children and takes care of a young girl after she becomes lost. Is he projecting his feelings for his unborn kid onto this girl, hoping that makes things all right or is he helping her because he really ''wants'' to? * This Troper (Tropers/{{Magnezone}}) has done this to about a fourth of the [[{{Pokemon}} Elite Four and Champion teams from all Pokmon regions]] in a lighthearted comedy fic. The most memorable (and ridiculously un-canon): Johto Champion Lance goes from a serious bringer of justice to a childish, optimistic, meme-tastic, and downright hilarious guy with a mental connection with his cape so strong that they actually feel each other's pain. Played, of course, entirely for laughs. (Please don't hurt me, fangirls!) * This troper is the [[ScaryBlackMan Scary Black Man]] to anyone willing to make such assumptions, that one quiet guy who doesn't talk much in class and might not be paying attention, the Metalhead, the guy that says odd things for the hell of it, the guy that acts like a cat(but I am [[SuspiciouslySpecificDenial NOT FURRY!]]), the awkward black guy who pokes people, etc. Many people get small bits and pieces, some get a few, not many get the whole picture... in fact no one does... [[AndIMustScream Not even me]]. Oh well. * People either see me as a ditzy PerkyFemaleMinion-esque BunnyEarsLawyer or a [[AngstDissonance broody]], [[BerserkButton temperamental]], [[DeadpanSnarker scathingly intelligent]] [[LonersAreFreaks loner]]. It boggles the mind how wildly divergent I act on any given day.

* This troper has been called "bubbly" and "a grouchy pessimist" at the same time. By different people, but both speaking at the same time. Very weird. (Personally, she thinks she's just the happiest pessimist in the world. Just because she expects the worse to happen doesn't mean she isn't happy when it doesn't.) * This troper's friends think she is a sadistic mentally unstable nerd/fangirl (and yet they still like her, go figure, her parent think she is totally emotionless and easily distracted, and stangers tend to be scared of her no matter how polite she tries to be. * This troper thinks that the policeman/warden in the movie [[OBrotherWhereArtThou O Brother, Where Art Thou?]] is not the devil, but a man with a [[AGodAmI The Devil Am I]] complex. In fact, in one Western genre fanfic I'm writing, I plan on introducing a vigilante who thinks and implies to the other characters he's the devil. The main characters, however, don't believe a word of it and prove that he has a 'devil complex' [[spoiler:by shooting him and making him bleed]]. ** Of course, if you're going by standard Fanfiction examples, my Pokemon/Superman crossover fic has Ash Ketchum as Superman, which means that his IdiotHero thing is [[ObfuscatingStupidity just an act]], because he's well, Superman! Of course, I'm not the first one to do this, and I admit that. I once read a fanfic in which the author also had the Obfuscating Stupidity shtick, in which Ash -- if my memory serves me right -- [[spoiler:could not handle all the attention surrounding him as a child prodigy, so he ran away and came back pretending he had hit his head]]. * This troper ({{Tropers/Ajardoor}}) could be, depending on your point of view, an intelligent and thoughtful young man who's been unfairly alienated by his peers and authority figures and whose life is sadly lacking in direction or self-absorbed and lazy jerk with more than a dose of paranoia and gluttony poisoning his actions. His older sister could be an emotionally weak and gratingly foolish bint with no spirit of independence or the only one in the family with a proper social life and a sensitive, healthy perspective on life. * Most if not all of [[{{Tropers/Ifreann}} this troper's]] friends from college are convinced he's an alcoholic, owing to the fact he can out-drink them all and does so with gusto. What they don't know is that during the summer I'd rarely drink on more than one night a week, and never get drunk. Alcoholic in denial, or social drinker? * This troper ''loves'' when people do this. To give one example, one character of a "Beyond XIV in the organization" is named "Laxilin" is much like Kariya from ''TheWorldEndsWithYou'' and is just too lazy to try moving up, but instead of turning down promotions, she accepts them. But why does she do this when she's lazy? Either --->1. She's trying to make a point, since she doesn't believe this whole "let's get our hearts back" is as SeriousBusiness as everyone makes out to be --->2. Because being promoted gives new benefits, she just takes them cause she's greedy and wants a slice of that cake. --->3. She just doesn't care. * This troper is generally a [[LonersAreFreaks loner]], and has this at his school. Half of his classmates see him as gentle, shy, and not

too smart. The other half see him as a superintelligent sociopath. * [[{{Tropers/Lurkerbunny}} This troper]], as she knows herself, is a natural born {{Cloudcuckoolander}} who has had to deal with constant bullying all her life and suffered a HeroicBSOD [[BreakTheCutie when someone she cared about very much died when she was on the verge of turning 17]]. Her family was not helpful to her at all during this time. She's not good at socializing with people, but she tries her best, and she just wants to be happy and be around people who care about her. However: ** Ask her family, she's a {{Wangst}}y, ungrateful little brat who won't grow out of her EmoTeen phase and should be damn ''glad'' she still has a roof over her head. ** Ask certain AccentuateTheNegative websites, she's a complete retard who never shuts up about things no one cares about, and (when celebrity crushes come into play) she's also a {{Yandere}} StalkerWithACrush. [[HollywoodPudgy Oh, and she's fat]]. ** Even on this very wiki she's been seen as an emotionally stunted AdultChild who [[NostalgiaFilter won't accept that maybe the past wasn't that good]]. The {{Yandere}} StalkerWithACrush interpretation sometimes comes into play too. * This troper is driving himself crazy over it. He can't decide if he's just an average NiceGuy, an EvilGenius, an [[TrueNeutral amoral bastard]], a DeadpanSnarker, or just [[CrazyAwesome insane]]. Personally, I think I should just go with the NiceGuy, as it's probably the most mentally stable one. * [[{{Tropers/fishsicles}} This Troper]]: Either TheChessmaster, a MagnificentBastard / ManipulativeBastard, TheSpock / TheStoic, [[BrokenBird not going to]] [[StalkerWithACrush talk about it]] [[GiveGeeksAChance let's move on]], an InsufferableGenius / AbsentMindedProfessor, a TechnoWizard, TheSmartGuy (we've actually figured out the FiveManBand of my social circle), a DeadpanSnarker, or a {{Cloudcuckoolander}}. [[WriteWhatYouKnow Collectively, these are his favorite characters to write... Hm]]. He knows that he's ChaoticNeutral, though... that's obvious at 42% Good, 88% Chaotic. ** [[{{Tropers/Peregrine}} And don't get started on his characters. He writes them as confusing ON PURPOSE]]. * This troper has been trying to work out where best he fits for some time and it's just bloody impossible. His page goes with TrueNeutral KnightInSourArmor but, if he's honest, could easily be seen as a {{Cloudcuckoolander}}, an InsufferableGenius (and was for years as a kid), a StalkerWithACrush (I'd rather not dwell on this point), a [[TheDitz ditz]] or some other, rather less complimentary titles. * This troper, in an attempt to make [[SonicTheHedgehog2006 Princess Elise]] [[DamselScrappy more tolerable]], portrays her as both a budding MadScientist who allowed herself to be kidnapped in order to study Eggman's technology with the goal of reverse-engineering it in a way to benefit her people, and a [[TheWomanWearingTheQueenlyMask severely repressed]], [[StepfordSmiler borderline neurotic]] young woman who understandably had [[HeroicBSOD an emotional breakdown]] when the first person (er, hedgehog) to show her that she could [[DefrostingIceQueen enjoy herself for her own sake]] a little without the world ending went and got brutally murdered right in front of her

eyes. It also helps that in this troper's version of events, [[FanonDiscontinuity the kiss never happened]]; Sonic was revived by everyone's [[ThePowerOfFriendship Power Of Friendship]], NOT one girl's [[ThePowerOfLove Power Of Love]]. * This Troper happens to have multiple alternative character interpretations for ALL Sonic the Hedgehog characters, using them in a fanfiction/RP thingy. * Oh, this troper got hit with some major FanDumb over calling [[MightyMorphinPowerRangers Tommy Oliver]] a "wuss" when talking about his treatment in ''PowerRangersDinoThunder'' [[RealLifeWritesThePlot when his actor Jason David Frank had to go on hiatus]] on a Power Rangers board. Standard fan interpretation: Tommy's a GodModeSue and the pinnacle of IncorruptiblePurePureness, who would logically be put into [[JamesBondage stupidly contrived situations]] by the villains as the most powerful member of the team, and [[TheDeterminator always pull through little worse for wear]]. My interpretation: he's a GodModeSue who is TooDumbToLive and can't seem to get it through his head to try and ''avoid'' getting put in those aformentioned stupidly contrived situations, only knows how to [[WhenAllYouHaveIsAHammer fight his way out of those situations and not think strategically]], and only acts like he's fine, afterward, because [[NoTimeToExplain there's no time for him to reflect on it, at that moment, usually]]. That, and the aforementioned treatment in ''Dino Thunder'' mostly involved him getting [[NiceJobBreakingItHero screwed over by his assistant in an attempt to get him back to "normal" status]], making him seem like an idiot for keeping her around, afterward. * Despite his minimal role in the books not leaving much ground for interpretation, the Troper can't help but think of Jake of ''WarriorCats'' as some kind of combination of a LovableSexManiac and CasanovaWannabe. Mostly based of the fact that he's had two mates that we've never even seen hi talking to, and the somewhat flirty way he was speaking with Bluestar. * This Troper herself. ** Yes, very. * My teachers at primary School thought I was always daydreaming and never listening becuase I was always staring at my book and always asked questions. My teachers at college thought I was always concentrating hard on my work and always craving more becuase I was always staring at my book and always asked questions. -Tropers/MissMysterics * This troper has a number of interpretations depending on who's doing the interpreting: ** My parents see me as a lazy good for nothing who uses a laundry list of psychological issues to justify freeloading, despite never quite following through on that 'We'll get you help' promise. ** My friends tend to see me as a well meaning individual who happens to have anger issues and a bit of a tendency to go KnightTemplar if the wrong buttons are pushed. ** Anyone who finds me attractive will inevitably think I'm TroubledButCute. ** Anyone I GameMaster for that doesn't fall into the above categories tend to think I'm a blood thirsty, StopHavingFunGuys person with a

side of RocksFallEverybodyDies. ** I think of myself more as a MartyrWithoutACause who isn't afraid of getting her hands dirty, in a way to justify her lackluster performance in the other areas of her life by playing the villain, so that everyone stops fighting each other to focus on me. * In a webcomic I plan to make someday, is the main character** A vigilante with a warped but mostly correct sense of justice? ** A misguided villain protagonist and the much lesser of several evils? ** A complete sociopath who has snapped long ago and has no sense of justice anymore, and will kill everyone that he is trying to protect in order to get revenge? * This troper suffers from dysthymia and might or might not be highly gifted (The psychologists she's gone to disagree with each other. Her guess is that she's only somewhat clever). She went most of he life without friends until she found out people liked her better if she acted like a scatterbrained, shallow, bubbly, slightly stupid dreamer. Her friends always freak out in the rare moments she drops the act and proves that she's still a) deeply unhappy and b) not completely retarded. * This troper gets interpreted in a number of different ways; a [[ShrinkingViolet timid, quiet girl]] who's scared of everything, a hyperactive {{Cloudcuckoolander}} who's never entirely on the same planet as everyone else, a BunnyEarsLawyer who is intelligent but easily distracted by her own train of thought, a creepy PaleSkinnedBrunette who is obsessed with death to a disturbing degree, and an EnfantTerrible who is secretly a master criminal [[ObfuscatingStupidity pretending to be a ditz to throw everyone's suspicions off]] and planning to kill everyone. This troper thinks she is a mixture of each (apart from the EnfantTerrible interpretation), but the fact that the last two interpretations are believed more by her own friends than anyone else scares her a little... * This troper. You can see me as over emotional to get attenion from others, dimwitted because I like to fit in his own world, self loving to a point where I'm convinced that he is better then everyone else, or trying to fit in because I'm lonely. * [[@/LoveIsWeird This troperette]] has a fan fic wherein some people have been interpreted differently: [[PokemonSpecial Yellow]] hasn't been changed too much, but has a LOT more {{Berserk Button}}s and [[CodeGeass Lelouch]] will soon appear as a complete GenreSavvy CloudCuckoolander GeniusDitz who doesn't like {{Xanatos Gambit}}s very much and would rather go on TVTropes than hatch a plan. * Public opinions about [[{{Tropers/Gerusz}} this troper]]: evil sociopath with only selfish motives, a completely logical person not understanding (and caring about) the social contracts and other people's feelings, a generally nice guy with a strong jerkass facade, or just messing with people's minds. * Is [[@/GalenDev This Troper]] a {{Jerkass}}, a JerkWithAHeartOfGold, or a NiceGuy with a [[BerserkButton bad temper]]? This Troper himself believes the first option, but he's heard conflicting opinions from his friends. * In high school, [[@/TenderLumpling this troper]] was either a

[[PsychoLesbian lesbian]], [[BrilliantButLazy wasted potential]], [[KarmaHoudini an incurable rule-breaker]], [[TheWoobie unfairly picked on by the dean]], [[CloudCuckoolander a raving lunatic]], [[InsufferableGenius a little know-it-all]], [[WritersCannotDoMath an idiot]], [[StrawFeminist a raging bitch]], or a [[DeadpanSnarker a lovable little smart-ass]]. It just all depended on who you asked... But a lot of the teachers and students shared opinions. (My friends think I'm the lovable little lunatic in constant SarcasmMode.) * [[@/MisterAlways This here guy]] heard one about ''himself.'' "No, you see, [Mister Always] isn't a sort-of-gay spastic weirdo. He's actually a time-traveller from {{The Singularity}} who can't adapt to our world." It was funny at the time. * This Troper at first glance is Quiet Bookworm + The stoic, then she turns into [[PsychoLesbian]], who then turns into wrong genre savvy + psychopath + bookworm + closet pervert. Only some people notice. Teacher think i'm [[brilliantbutlazy]] * This troper has had her behavior interpreted as shyness, misanthropy, depression, psychosis, CloudCuckooLander syndrome and stupidity. The only one she's pretty sure it's not is the last one. * This troper has been described as a literary genius, and the boundary for failure, in the same sentence. No idea what I should take from that. * Is [[Tropers/LoneHoundoom this troper]] an essentially nice, if easily annoyed, quiet nerd with a dark and sarcastic sense of humor? Or an insane recluse without the ability to emote? Or perhaps a genuinely dangerous person, likely to commit a school shooting? I've been accused of all three, but I'd just like to say: I only subscribe to the first one. * In an InvaderZim fanfic I'm writing: Agent Tunaghost is either genuinely interested in Dib and forced to turn on him due to circumstances beyond her control, or she's playing off his insecurities and loneliness to get the glory for proving aliens exist. Which interpretation is true isn't even clear to ''her''. * This troper, as part of an RP, this troper, playing as an insane AI, constantly proclaimed it's station to be the utmost perfection. What the AI was actually doing was being completely delusional. The interpretation people got was that the AI was damn good at running a space station. * facepalm* * This Troper is often hearing people describing him in different. To those who don't know me I'm depressed, To the who talk to for the first time shy, to his Ex's the biggest flirt, and to his friends, the most off the wall person you can now. * To my teachers, I am a hard-working and polite, but rather antisocial in regards to my peers ([[CharacterDevelopment at least at first]]) student who is [[ShrinkingViolet slightly shy]] and yet very cheerful and bright (who has NoIndoorVoice). To some my peers ([[JerkAss the dickheads]]), I am, being blunt, a freak (with NoIndoorVoice). To the others, a strange yet nice person who's just a little bit of a nerd and a DeadpanSnarker (with NoIndoorVoice). To my friends and family, I'm a GenkiGirl Cloudcookoolander LargeHam who needs loads of sleep and has NoIndoorVoice. I'm more like a mix of the latter two, methinks. At least there's one trait [[NoIndoorVoice that

they all agree on]]. * This troper once tried to pull it off with that infamous [[TheScrappy Scrappy]] of the CthulhuMythos, Kthanid, by using him as the BigBad of a {{Cthulhutech}} campaign -- his "Cthulhu's good twin" schtick would have been meant to make humanity trust him, allowing him to use them as cannon fodder for his ultimate purpose: [[InTheirOwnImage destroy Azathoth and remake all existence in his image]]. Sadly, [[StillbornSerial the game died before he could introduce Kthanid]]. In retrospect, the fact that Kthanid's human guise was planned to look exactly like [[NeonGenesisEvangelion Kaworu]] with EyesOfGold would probably have tipped off the GenreSavvy... * This tropette, when you first meet her, seems like your typical [[NiceGuy nice girl]]. Of course, all her friends know that deep down, she can be kind of a {{Badass}} and maybe even a {{Jerkass}}. * This troper was once working on a novel, the protagonist/narrator of which was either: ** A {{Complete Monster}} who, despite expecting the worst of everyone around him was the most morally reprehensible character in the book ([[HeWhoFightsMonsters killing the villain in cold blood]], possibly [[MurderTheHypotenuse murdering the hypotenuse]], completely writing off his {{Unlucky Childhood Friend}}, abandoning said friend for years in an insane asylum (epilogue), possibly trying to [[RapeIsASpecialKindOfEvil rape his love interest]], possibly manipulating her into falling for him in the first place by taking advantage of her father issues and [[HeroicBSOD possibly]] committing [[MoralEventHorizon violent molestation of a neighbour at the age of five]]), or ** A sixteen-year-old kid who was responsible for almost none of those things but [[RedemptionEqualsDeath drove himself into his grave]] blaming himself for them, and only ever tried to escape his [[EnemyWithin many demons]] and protect the people he cared about most. ** The above-mentioned friend muses on this in the epilogue and comes to the former conclusion, and urges the reader to do the same. * This troper has been interpreted as TallDarkAndBishoujo, GenkiGirl, AnythingThatMoves (no idea how), YamatoNadeshiko, Troll, EmotionlessGirl, MagnificentBastard, and FunnyForeigner. I'm actually a cynical, near emotionless, constantly tired quiet person who likes science. I used to talk nonstop and be very emotional, but once seventh grade hit and the weird dreams came, I became sleep-deprived and decided that talking and socializing took far too much effort. The dreams are for another story, though. * This troper has been seen as a drug dealer, one of those "I hate the world" types, shy and intellectual, outgoing and stupid gay, and in the closet, and others, those are just the ones that I get accused of often. If I had to describe myself it would be smart, simple, out-ofit, and very very lonely. * Most people see a depressed deluded weirdo when they look at me, most would be right If not for the fact that I'm actually very sane and see the world for what it is. * I know a kid who nearly got me expelled from my school because I

kicked him lightly on the shin. Is he a Woobie who gets people in trouble for minor incidents because he is emotionally damaged, or a psycopath in disguise who did that ForTheEvulz? You decide. * Am I a peace keeping geek with a decent sense of humour? Or do I just talk while I silently wonder if every second person I meet is plotting against me. Or do I just adapt my personality to a each person I talk to? These are MY theories. Fortunately the second one probably isn't quite right. ** Are you me? Because, I ''swear'' you sound ''a lot'' like me. * I can't for the life of me remember the name, but there was once a short story I had to read for a composition class. Maybe someone else with a better memory will remember the title. Anyways, it went essentially like this: poor men working in the basement of a bakery had idolized a young girl who would come see them, her age ''unspecified''. An ex-army-man comes to work in the shop, and the workers accidentally wager that he couldn't seduce the girl like the other women. When he invariably does, the workers randomly jump out and scold the girl, effectively alienating the one person who was ever nice to them. How tragic. That aside, I was under the impression that the young girl was maybe around 10, 12 at oldest and was a simple, honest GenkiGirl. I attributed the older army man's conduct with her as simply being from a different time and place with different scrupples. Cue fairly much the rest of the class (teacher included) who believed she was much older, if barely in her teens at all, and was a vile seductress who teased the workers for her own pleasure. This was a battle I simply could not win. This became most evident when my reflection paper got a '''D''' with the comment that "it was well written, but not what I was expecting". * This troper loved the character of Mushi Sanban from CodenameKidsNextDoor, but thought of her more as cute, and clever and dismissed her "evil" as a mischievous streak she occasionally has. The completely annoyed me to no end when they decided to turn her evil in "C.L.U.E.S." which really made me upset. I did E-mail the creator [[WordOfGod who told me personally she's not really evil, just a bit misguided]], and maybe one day she would turn around and join the good guys... Too bad it never happened... * More of a musical version, but I always thought the DropkickMurphys song "Dirty Glass" was being sung to the ''bartender'', not the bar itself. Though Word of God could prove me wrong. * This Troper is normally pretty quiet and boring, but if my Berserk Button gets pressed or I'm sufficiently pissed, I become a hurrican of rage and witty Pre Mortem One Liners. ** Wow, that is pretty much the same as me. The only difference is I have a very dry wit normally, which usually means that actually listening to what I say is worth it as you may hear a worthwhile pun or two, but it becomes very acidic when I get annoyed. Sadly, this annoys my stepmother, as I also cannot stop myself making a joke if I think of one. So, if you don't pay attention to what I'm saying, I'm a Cloudcookoolander, if you pay attention, I'm a Pungeon Master, if I'm annoyed, I use Upper Class Wit. Despite this, I'm actually an easy person to get along with, if the huracane of puns doesn't slay you. * People who have met this troper mostly see him as a creepy,

emotionally unstable, and generally, difficult to tolerate bastard. Those who ever loved him see him as an unredeemable complete monster. Really, he's sort of a Woobie/Knight in Sour Armor, whose emotional issues stem from a combination of learning disabilities, and a rather emotionally abused childhood...and present. And presumably, future. * Depending on you you ask, I am- a badass EmotionlessGirl, a superpopular, friendly GenkiGirl (Riiiight...), a GeniusDitz and CloudCuckoolander, a violent, sociopathic {{yangire}}/PsychoLesbian with anger management issues, an idiotic, childish WideEyedIdealist, cold-hearted and cynical a ChivalrousPervert,a SophisticatedAsHell genius, or a CompleteMonster and MagnificentBastard. I'm nothing like almost any of these, so it's kind of baffling... * So [[{{Tropers/Kadorhal}} I'm]] playing ''[[GundamVsSeries Federation vs. Zeon]]'''s campaign mode. I note that, despite all target acquisition being computer-controlled, I'm ''still'' getting constantly shot by allies. My wingman and I destroy the last Zeon commander's cruiser and win the war on our own, and the credits instead focus on Amuro, currently lost in space and trying to get back to White Base. I start the Zeon campaign and early on fail an EscortMission by getting destroyed by Ramba Ral, who is now on ''my'' side. These experiences cast the entire campaign mode in a whole new light: the ace pilots are dicks, and you play a not-quite-ace pilot who is the only person to realize this. * This troper's husband is TheStoic around many people, on account of being cripplingly shy, and as a result many people think he's either stuck-up, rude, or uninterested. In reality he's an {{Adorkable}} FriendToAllLivingThings. * This troper found ''InterviewWithTheVampire'' a LOT more entertaining after she decided that Lestat and Louis were a ClingyJealousGirl and HenpeckedHusband respectively. This interpretation is kind of supported by the fact that Lestat pulls a classic ClingyJealousGirl maneuver; the good ol' [[BabiesMakeEverythingBetter Trap-Him-With-A-Baby]]! (But little did he know, his brilliant plan would backfire and [[CreepyChild Claudia]] would grow up to have a massive ElectraComplex...) * This Troper, who's admittedly somewhat overly paranoid, fears that when she's not cheery/animated/among friends she comes across as [[LonersAreFreaks a ticking timebomb]] or otherwise someone who hides bodies under her floorboards due to the fact that growing up she was a HugeSchoolgirl mixed in with a bit of CreepyChild and Yangire all unintentionally mind you. This has mostly stuck with her as a monkey on her back even though she knows that that's not her anymore. Although she knows that her eyes fall into the UncannyValley, a la ''Misfits'' Simon so when she's not smiling she's been told she looks angry/murderous/dead-eyed. And she doesn't smile unless she's got a reason so that happens a lot. She's actually got a serious ManicPixieDreamGirl streak mixed in with DeadpanSnarker and {{Adorkable}}. So...she suppose she's the opposite of a lot of people here. Awww D:. * This guy I once knew, either is TheChessmaster or a victim of a tremendous overly long hoax. * I see myself as cynical and misanthropic Jerkass who can barely feel

emotion and am consistently snarky, aloof, and running on no sleep due to nightmares and horrible insomnia. I force myself to act civil and nice because it makes things easier to cope in society. However, everyone around me insists I'm a Nice Guy or at worst a Jerk With a Heart of Gold who doesn't give myself near enough credit, they insist I'm really a standup human being with a fierce loyalty to my friends and that I adhere to both Chronic Hero Syndrome and Honor Before Reason. Which is true.. I'm not really sure at this point. * Some of the more harsh and rude tropers believe I'm an ungrateful vandalizer due to causing simple mistakes, but I'm really an average everyday editor who fixes up articles or adds information just like any other troper, and I rarely get any positive notice, instead I end up getting the bad end of the deal by having most of my contributions deleted for no good reason. It seems as though all of my good contributions are ignored meaning no one is going to add anything else at all. ** Awww. I appreciate you!! *huggles* * Depending on who you ask, I'm a GenkiGirl, CloudCuckooLander, CreepyChild, InsufferableGenius, a [[LonersAreFreaks freaky loner]], and/or FriendToAllLivingThings. I consider myself a teenage StepfordSmiler, although I have gone through serious CharacterDevelopment in the last couple of years. I ''can'' be a DeadpanSnarker when I try, but am normally afraid to for fear that I come across as a JerkAss. I hate being perceived as a bully. Actually, I have a carefully constructed facade because I'm constantly trying to be liked (possibly resulting from about four or five years of merciless bullying.) On the inside I'm something of a CloudCuckooLander, FriendToAllLivingThings, and sometimes BadassNormal (i.e. I have been a BadassBystander at times.) Oh, and I'm usually an ActualPacifist, fluctuating into TechnicalPacifist when I'm ticked off. * [[{{YourMileageMayVary}} YMMV]] depending on the place you see me. In school, most people think Im a [[{{EmotionlessGirl}} little strange]] and [[{{DanDere}} shy]]; in my house, my family thinks that Im [[{{LonersAreFreaks}} asocial]], [[{{TomBoy}} boyish]] and [[{{DeadPanSnarker}} snarky]]. Actually, Im a [[{{YanGire}} violent]], [[{{BrokenAce}} talented girl]] who is [[{{GrayingMorality}} losing her moral]] and keeps everything to [[{{TheStoic}} herself]]. * [[{{Tropers/Trebor}} This troper]] has a friend who thinks he's an emotionless robot. A surprisingly large amount of people think he's bi, a few think he's straight; very few are [[CampGay actually correct]]. Some people think he's a DeadpanSnarker, others think he's boring, a few think I'm just absolutely hilarious. Some people think I'm a quiet loner, other think I'm loud and obnoxious. People always think I'm from Germany, France, England, or Australia. Some think I'm a [[IncorruptiblePurePureness perfect little angel]], while others have more [[ChaoticEvil acc]][[ChaoticStupid ura]][[ChaoticNeutral te]] [[PerkyGoth view]]. This troper has been diagnosed as a [[CloudCuckooLander Schizo]][[BlueAndOrangeMorality phrenic]] and [[MoodSwinger Bi-Polar]], and has [[LackOfEmpathy signs of psychopathy]]. Actually, he's a CloudCuckoolander, CampGay,

[[LackOfEmpathy apath]][[SomebodyElsesProblem etic]], PerkyGoth, and kind of a BitchInSheepsClothing. ---Oh, I guess I thought of you in a different way [[Main/AlternateCharacterInterpretation than everyone else did]]. ---<<|TroperTales|>>

Alt-itis * [[TsundeRay This troper]] has eleven different ''WanganMidnightMaximumTune'' cards, ''nine'' of which are full-tuned by [=WMMT3=] rules (at least 80 stages cleared). Thanks to his arcade's special "pay a flat fee to play as much as you want for a set time" deal, however, he's spent less than what he normally would've otherwise spent (over $720!). On a smaller scale, he has four different ''DJMAX Technika'' cards, each with a different design and username: DJ RAYDERE, DJ [[{{Yandere}} YANDERAY]], DJ [[{{Kuudere}} KUUDERAY]], and DJ [[{{Touhou}} NIGHT]][[OddNameOut BUG]]. * You would think that this kind of behavior is discouraged in {{Warhammer 40000}} by escalating miniature prices but our local store has a regular who buys every pre-order box set and starts every new army that comes 'round the block only to drop it as soon as a new army comes out. At one point, the manager ''refused'' to sell him models in an effort to get him to control his spending habits. ** Who deserves the most admiration? * [[{{Xaris}} This Troper]] has played WorldOfWarcraft on and off for over a year, but has only recently gotten a character to lvl 55 thanks to his tendency to make new alts based on disliking certain classes and server hopping. ** I've played WorldOfWarcraft since a year after launch. Only ever had one max level. Started again over a year ago. My max level toon is 60. I also found out how many characters on one account before you can't have any more, without asking anyone. ** This troper has played WoW for four years, with a couple months off for depression-related hijinks, and finally reached level 55 last month. I win? * [[{{Exaggeration17A}} I]] have chronic alt-itis that manifests in every RPG I play. My [[{{Diablo}} Diablo II]] experience consisted almost entirely of creating a new single player character, playing half-way through Act One, then deleting them and creating a new one. Rinse and repeat. I've also created one character for every origin story in {{Dragon Age}}, but have only played through the game with one of them. Don't even ask about [[{{TheElderScrollsFour}} Oblivion]]. My worst case, however, hit me when I was in the beta for {{Champions Online}}. I played for just two months, and still managed to create seven different characters, the most experienced of which only hit level 15. * This Troper had a girlfriend with... 12 characters on ''Flyff''. Emphasis on Had. Dumped in favour of a MMORPG - yes, I swear guv, it wasn't me who killed her. * This Troper has been playing Champion's Online for two months. I

have created and deleted approximately 40 characters. I also spend more time in the character creator or the costume editor than actually playing the game. * With 140 hours of playtime on Oblivion, I have never gotten past a tenth-level character, and never gotten further than [[spoiler: joining the Blades]] in the main quest. Similarly, with NWN2, I have 30 hours tracked, and have only reached Neverwinter once. Similar story for the original. In Diablo II, I haven't yet started the second chapter. And the list goes on. * This troper creates new email accounts every few weeks. * Hi, my name is none of your business and i'm a altoholic. In one year of WoW i had over 30 alts. I managed to limit myself to one realm and thus 10 alts in WAR, all classes avaible for one faction. They later released 2 more classes and due to the 10 char/realm limit i've never been able to play those, which greatly annoyed me. Sure, i could have made them on a different realm but i learned from WoW that that causes more troubles then it fixes concerning guilds, friends and activity. Also, WAR with it's futile merges only had one oRvR server left. Each class plays quite differently, not making alts for every class makes you miss alot of content. A hunter or a druid. An ironbreaker or a bright wizard. The difference is huge. It also gives you valuable insight in what a class can and cant which helps in dungeons and rvr. The idiots yelling 'heal me heal me heal me' never played a healer. The healers yelling 'protect me you fckers' never played a tank trying to keep healers alive. Even pumping out raw dps on anything in sight is often alot more difficult then it looks. Also, being able to switch roles depending on how you feel or what is needed is quite nice. Guild needs a tank? Roll out your tank. Guild needs a dps? Bring out the glass cannon. With the good stuff often being on massive lockout timers you can do the same dungeon each day with a different alt instead of having to wait, which means you dont even have to be weaker then someone that plays one char all the time. I believe everyone should at least make one healer, one tank, one dps (or whatever the core types are in the game you play) Just to know and understand each role. In WAR, drops were often class specific and thus having six different classes in a party helped increase the odds of someone getting something useable (still maxing at 50%/drop, 6 classes in a party out of 12 classes total for each faction) while lowering the chances of people losing rolls on stuff they could really use. When the party has two or more of the same class, you can just switch to a different class with the same role and tadaa, a lot less argueing about items and everyone is happy. Your guild needs a tank for dungeon x, but your main tank already has everything he needs from that dungeon? Roll out your second tank and help the new guildies get their stuff. All this made it fairly easy to have 10 alts and decently equip them all in PvE. * WorldOfWarcraft with [[Tropers/{{Nemica}} this troper]] (RunningGag): -->'''My alt''': Hi you, guy! -->'''Friend''': Who ARE you? -->'''My alt''': How's it going? -->'''Friend''': Do I know you? oO

-->'''My alt''': Oh... you don't know this one yet? It's me, [known alt]. -->'''Friend''': ^^" * If -Z- is playing a given MMO, assume he's got more than one character if at all possible. It's just easier to say that than try to rattle off the numbers. On the other hand, he does try to give them all attention instead of leaving half of them floundering at level eight or something... Not that this is a really good thing, since he just ends up getting burned out on stuff faster and enforces his habit of taking sabbaticals from various games. * For a non-MMO example, This Troper has it SO BAD with fictional characters. Saying he came up with a completely new character every week would be a conservative estimate. ** This troper does the same thing, but with fan-characters (If they're a Mary Sue or not depends on the character, although I definitely try not to make them Mary Sues). This is a good thing, since she's actually working on making versions of them to use in an original story. Also, how many times she does it depends on the fandom. * Oh, gods. With GaiaOnline's ability to recreate characters from media, the cosplay accounts made... well, {{Meiriona}}'s last count of mules was 28. There probably will be more. ** 29. Yes, just days after this entry was made. * This [[ProperlyParanoid unidentified troper]] has 4 Facebook accounts. One is actually him; the other 3 are original fictional characters. * In every group of WoW friends and guildies this troper has ever had, he has earned the InformedTrait of having too many alts. While this troper has played in varying degrees of intensity in WoW for the last 5 years, this troper did only just recently discover the alt cap per account. Thankfully this troper is a partial subversion as he has had more than a few alts at max and a few on their way. * I have five characters across two accounts in Trickster Online. One of them is my main, one of them is my "hide stuff here to forget about it forever" mule, one is a pure defense character that I enjoy playing, one is an item crafting mule, and one of them is an alt for when I don't really want to talk to anyone. 60% of my characters are named after Hime-chan's Ribbon characters, another one is named a little too honestly, and the last one is my standard Bellsprout. * I don't play [=MMOs=] but I do suffer from Tabletop RPG altitis. Having a really creative, inspiring GM but only being able to play with him every couple of months means I can easily end up creating half a dozen different characters during the time between finding out what system/setting the GM wants to play and when we actally can meet up. * [[{{Tropers/Joerc45}} This troper]] is a recovering alt-oholic. He seems to have had trouble beating games in the past due to this {examples include over 30 different saves in {{Baldurs Gate}} 2, {{Icewind Dale}}, {{Diablo}} 2, {{Mass Effect}}, {{The 7th Saga}}, {{Fallout 2}}, and the list goes on......}, as well as using all of his Create-A-Character slots in games such as [[SoulSeries Soul Calibur 4]].

* [[{{Tropers/Stealth}} I'll]] confess that I have a problem with altoholism. Any game where character customization/creation is an option or I get to design my own gear (''especially'' if it's some kind of HumongousMecha), I'll often end up having dozens of variously specced characters and even more gear. This is just as bad outside of video games. In some chat rooms and art sites, I've been known for over a dozen different characters, and I swear some of those alts are vastly more popular than I am. * In terms of WoW, [[ this troper]] currently has: A Death Knight undead (main), a goblin Hunter, a troll Warrior, and a ''worgen'' Warrior. I'm also rather character crazy in terms of roleplaying, having at least thirty characters to fit into most favorite settings. * This troper has the inverse of alt-itis: I ''avoid'' making alts until extreme boredom or lack of inventory space forces me to do otherwise, and those alts are swiftly deleted once they've served their purpose. This is because I am an incorrigible [[OneHundredPercentCompletion completionist]] who can't bear having more than one character who hasn't collected or completed everything in the game. * [[{{Tropers/Ingonyama}} This troper]] has been playing DragonQuestIX for three weeks, {{Oblivion}} for three YEARS, and DragonAgeOrigins for two. Out of all three, he's only beaten DragonAgeOrigins. Once. Why? This trope. * [[@/{{Tadaru}} This troper]] made a ton of characters in EverQuest. Often by about the teens he'd realize his chosen character's flaws. He played for over a year from 2000 to 2001 and the highest level character he managed to ever have was 31 (which became 30 by the time he quit). What truly made him quit though was not this trope, but it was the [[ContinuingIsPainful huge experience penalty for dying]] and discovering DiabloII. ** Same thing ended up happening with DiabloII. ** Averted with FinalFantasyXI. While he did experiment with various jobs at the beginning, he stuck with being a RDM/WHM after he found it. ** He hasn't touched an MMORPG since 2006. * This troper was playing World of Warcraft on his troll shaman the other day when his father, a self-proclaimed ex-nerd came up behind him. -->'''Dad''': Don't you play a paladin? -->'''Me''': This is my alt. You know what an alt is, don't you? -->'''Dad''' (looking at me dead in the eye): Are you really asking me this? I have alts older than '''you!''' ** I guess it runs in the family. * Inverted with me. Sometimes I have so much time invested into one character that that inhibits me from levelling up alts. After my level 60 WoW hunter in 2006, another character would not reach (then-) max level until just before the Wrath expansion. In another case, my DK didn't reach 80 until three months before Cataclysm. ** Another thing I discovered: the fewer classes, the more likely I am to develop alt itis. Rift is playing straight with said troper because it only has four classes! Now, all of my characters are conspicuously

level 11 and 12. Rogue is 12 while the rest (warrior, mage, cleric) are 11. Additionally, since the questing in the game is linear, I know where characters are in the story, but not exactly. Currently, all my characters are doing or just done Todrin in Freemarch. * [[Tropers/TwoGunAngel This troper]] is pretty much a chronic altaholic. If there are multiple servers for a game, chances are I'll fill up the queue on each one with characters both male and [[{{Crossplayer}} female]]. The only real "main" I have in any of my games is my lady warrior from AdventureQuestWorlds, who is close to hitting the {{cap}} of Level 35. * I suffer from this oh so badly, and in a strange, strange way. I will start a new character on and single player rpg, with the intent off making it different from the last one I got half-way through on, only to get half way through the game and find, the character is ''exactly the same as the first one''. So I make a new one, to try and make it different from the last one... I've done this to the point, that I've had to erase entire stacks of game saves from my computer and console, because I've nearly killed them. I need help. ---Use one of your alt accounts to go back to {{Alt-itis}}. ----

AluminumChristmasTrees * This troper had a somewhat embarrassing experience with one of those rotating LED trees...and while the tree was not actually aluminium, it fit the spirit of this trope. The troper in question had never seen a real rotating Christmas tree before, didn't realize from the box that this was one, didn't even know such things existed, but she knew the scary bomb-flinging ones from ''Series/DoctorWho'' far too well...the scene can easily be imagined when the tree was finally assembled, erected on top of the entertainment centre (it was very small, only a secondary tree) plugged in, and switched on. All the snowflakes and stars lit up, and the tree started spinning at a slowly accelerating rate...this troper leaped across the room with a small scream and ended up behind the sofa. It eventually settled at a steady speed, and she realized it wasn't going to throw anything or play ''Jingle Bells'', but it took a while to get used to it. Needless to say, troper's parents and then-boyfriend thought the whole thing was very funny! Oh, and it should be mentioned that the primary tree was one of those wonderfully tacky white-wire-with-thousands-of-white-lights ones, almost seven feet tall... * Just stopping by from British student living to say I've got an aluminium Christmas tree. It's awesome. ** Mexican tropper here to attest the awesomeness of aluminum Christmas threes. And inform that he will not, under any circumstances or form of family pressure, change his older-than-him aluminum three for a real, plastic or pure gold one. ** This Canadian troper has a silver one inherited from her great grandparents. Her friends come over around Christmas just to see it. * ...There are seriously people who don't know Samuel Adams was one of the founding fathers?

** Of course he was. Don't you know Sam Adams beer? ** You Bet! A few years ago I was with my daughter and some of her friends (from high school)at a 4th of July fireworks show and their conversation made it very clear that they had only a vague idea what we were celebrating on Independence day! They knew it was something fairly important, but were not sure exactly what. Many of them thought it had something to do with our winning World War 2. * This troper, a history nerd who studied the lives of the Tudor monarchs for an independent research project (read: for fun) spends a great deal of time explaining to her mother and one of her friends just what is and what is not accurate on ''TheTudors''. * I'm an American living in Sweden, and I have met a surprising amount of Swedes who think that it is just some sort of lazy filmmaking that people in Hollywood films neglect to take their shoes off as they enter the house, and that they answer the phone with "Hello" instead of answering it by saying their own name. They also think it's some sort of stylistic stereotype that parents don't like their teenage kids going out alone without their parents knowing where they are at all times, or that the parents have any control over their teenage kids' dating lives. ** I'm a Swede who lived in America, and I have met a surprising amount of Americans who think that the prevalence of meatballs, smrgsbord and IKEA furniture is an exaggeration cooked up by people who needed some stereotypes about the Swedes aside our blond, busty women. And as a sidenote, I know more Swedish people who prefer to know where their kids are and who their kids date than I know people who don't. What Swedes do think is a stylistic stereotype however is the sort of totalitarian "You're not seeing him/her/it anymore!" iron hand of dating that is so commonly used by American parents to steer teenage [=WASPs=] away from anyone who's not a WASP themselves. ** As an Indian-American, I was shocked to learn that, just like in TV, some people do not remove their shoes before going into a house. And I've lived my entire life in North America. * I'm an Israeli who lives in Germany, and explaining the Germans that not all Israelis are religious was rather hard. I tried to explain the Israelis that most of the Germans aren't bright-blonds with blue eyes, but that one's impossible, they learned it in school. ** Also, I had a friend who lived in the US for a year, and after she came back to Germany she told us lots about it. Like how cheerleader do exist, the Americans really call football 'soccer' and that the american school system and the whole 'clique' thing wasn't invented by Hollywood. It was hard to believe. * One of the most wall-banging experiences for this Mediterranean troper's sister when she was a child was with another girl she met in a beach resort. The girl, who was a local, plainly refused to accept that there were other cities in the same country and that people in those cities would also want to go to the beach, so she treated her the whole time as a foreigner and insisted on talking to her in (some kind of gibberish that pretended to sound like) English. * This troper is embarrassed to admit that, as a (very young) child, I read a bunch of quotes from Sir Winston Churchill, then turned to my mother to ask what book he was from, he sounded so interesting!

* This Troper's sister found it hard to believe that the Chinese [[ used to fly on kites]]. * This Troper can vouch for the existence of ligers, having seen one himself at the Sierra Safari Zoo. Unfortunately, it passed away a few years ago. * This Troper has read so much bad [[MateOrDie "sex pollen"]] [[FanFic fanfic]] that she assumed [[StarTrek Pon Farr]] was {{fanon}}, not {{canon}}. * I was surprised to find, re: ''Futurama'' that people honestly do make perfume from whale puke. * [[{{Tropers/Zandercan}} This troper]] found an example on this very wiki, in the RealLife section of FrothyMugsOfWater. Long story short, somebody wondered why root beer includes "beer" in its name considering everybody's familiar with the soda. I pointed out in a seperate bullet that root beer's been around quite awhile and was, in fact, [[ originally slightly alcoholic]]. * I saw BrideOfFrankenstein a while ago and was really baffled by that scene with Dr. Pretorius and his tiny humans in jars. Later, when looking up the film in wikipedia, I was surprised to learn about the concept of [[ homunculi]], which was still believed in around the time Mary Shelley wrote the original ''Frankenstein'' novel. In fact, their depiction in the film seems specifically based on a passage in a contemporary (and supposedly factual) book by Dr. Emil Besetzny. It's still sort of a BigLippedAlligatorMoment though. * As a little kid, when I believed in Santa Claus, I wasn't aware that normal, non-flying reindeer existed. I thought they were all magical creatures from the North Pole. * Never been in the US, I thought "honey mustard sauce" was a joke when I first heard about it in {{Futurama}}. * This troper always thought "bedbugs" was merely a slang nickname for lice and ticks, until he found out the hard way, at age 48. (Bedbugs are *much* harder to exterminate than lice and ticks.) * [[BillAndTedsExcellentAdventure "Strange things are afoot at the Circle K..."]]. Yeah, this troper found out it's a real gas station chain when he moved to Arizona. ---AluminumChristmasTrees are such a shiny idea! ....what do you mean they're real? ----

AlwaysSomeoneBetter * [[@/DesertDragon This troper]] went to school with a guy like this. Straight-A's, superb athlete, handsome as sin, you name it. He wasn't a JerkJock, much, but he didn't ''have'' to say "I'm better than you in absolutely everything" because it was true. He was killed in a car accident a few years after graduation (which this troper actually felt bad about, since we kind of got along in our senior year), leading to our 5-year reunion becoming essentially a memorial gathering,

overshadowing any of the other students' post-grad achievements. ** That's creepy. Almost the exact same thing happened to a similar guy this troper went to high school with. Being in mostly honors classes meant you got pretty acquainted with the other smart kids throughout school, and the AlwaysSomeoneBetter in question was at the top since junior high, at least. Rather than treat him like a rival, this troper respected him because he was also inhumanly, genuinely nice and fun to be around. He graduated valedictorian, went to college in hopes of eventually helping people as a doctor, but died during college from one of those bizarre sports collapses. I wonder what ''our'' 5-year reunion will be like. :/ * Being an artist in general, I've found this to be so. As you work on your talents and improve, you may surpass people you once admired wide-eyed. But you will always stumble across someone better who blows your mind and makes you look like a kindergartner with a crayon. Time to get back to improving! ** [[@/{{Wheezy}} This troper]] is very glad for this, as it's the main force behind all artistic improvement. ** This troper can attest. If you're in a good class with artists who generally have positive attitudes, then there will be a lot of "Oh my god, you're so much better than I am at X!" going around. Add this to the tendency of artists to make something and think it ''sucks'' so hard, and you have a lot of ''perceived'' but necessarily actual AlwaysSomeoneBetter. ** This trope is the reason why [[@/{{Icarael}} I]] have often considered giving up being an artist and/or writer. I mean, what's the point if I'm not going to be on top? No matter how hard I try, the voice in my head always finds something wrong and tells me that it's absolute shit on par with {{Sonichu}} (art) or Literature/{{Twilight}} (writing [although this doesn't happen often]) and that all I have to look forward to is 40 or so years as a hack. It's the reason why I don't interact with other artists-- whether in real life or on DeviantArt-- that much, unless it's to gain knowledge from them or to buy their works: a worthless piece of trash like me has no right to even be in the presence of gods. It's also the reason why I think everyone who's ever given me a compliment is either lying or incapable of looking at things with a critical eye. [[DeterminedDefeatist And yet, I keep trying, if only because I don't know what to do otherwise.]] * This troper thought he invented what have became YouTube and Wikipedia. He did. Someone else got there first. This troper has always been 2nd smartest in his class, no challenge though. * This troper has a twin can probably see where this is going. Her sister is generally better then her at everything, has better grades, more friends, and is generally well liked. This troper isn't mean, but people don't seem to like her and tend to avoid her (Might have something to do with the Loners are Freaks trope). This troper and her twin have a lot in common, so she would assume it's just that her twin is much more outgoing. * This troper was always good at just about everything growing up and was probably this to a lot of people. And then this troper met a certain other person.... and then another one... and another one...

and has, as such, occasionally turned into an inwardly frothing mess of screaming rage, pride and envy. Sometimes despair. * This troper, an avid gamer by anyone's standards and a staunch believer in Murphy's Law, has come to realise that no matter what game you play, no matter the genre or the size of the fanbase, there is ''always'' someone better at the game than you. He has made it his personal mission, if only for the self-satisfaction, to become one of the best there is at a halfway popular title. * This troper remembers that back in high school he started as a freshman in an Algebra II class. He was the only one and was almost revered school-wide for being really smart for being a year ahead in math. Sophomore year another student in my grade transferred in and was in Pre-calc with me. He was smart and he did create some friendly competition. Junior year rolls around and we were in Calculus together but there was a new girl who was in our class. She was a '''FRESHMAN'''. She made everyone else in the class look like they had peanuts for brains (for example, she pointed out a major flaw in my final project basically proving the I had completely missed the point of a major concept) but she was so nice you couldn't get mad at her. Luckily I came to terms with it shortly. I don't know how the other guy did. I think he dropped the class. * Usually when someone uses this trope, it has to do with your "rival", or whatever. For this troper, who is a freshman in high school, this is not the case. You see, being a guitarist, I walked into my music theory class, thinking i was going to school everyone in there. I didn't. Not only was litterally everyone better than me, they're so far ahead of me that if I were to call them my rival, I'd get laughed at. Sometimes it's pretty sad. * This trope is the reason why @/DarkInsanity13 gave up on her pursuits in visual arts (as well as an increasing decline in interest), but it's also the reason why she refuses to give up on writing. There has never been any particular rival, just a massive case of self-esteem issues when comparing self to online friends. * I get accused of having low self-esteem- or worse, fishing for compliments- when I say somebody's better than me at something. My usual response is a don't-be-stupid look. If they really annoy me, I explain. * A girl who was in my class last year was a superb athlete, an A+ student, an amazing artist, very friendly, popular '''and''' pretty. Similar to the first poster, only in girl form. * This troper (who is very competitive) had the good fortune to spend some time with a girl she had previously thought of as almost ridiculously TheAce. She outshone me in everything I tried, and for a long time, I was terribly jealous. But after getting to know her, I came to realize that yes, there was a person under there as real and sensitive and multi-dimensional as I am. (Or-- oh, hell, more so.) Her skills were still intimidatingly superior, but I can't bring myself to dislike her for it at all. Other people, however... well, basically we've set up a little chain of AlwaysSomeoneBetter. Alice looks up to Bob, who looks up to me, who looks up to Danielle, who looks up to Edward, and Edward looks up to Frances. And Frances believes that AGodAmI.

* This troper was one of the higher-achieving students at her high school. And then she went to college and found that she was one of the dumb kids. Apparently this sort of thing happens a lot. * This troper once thought ''she'' was smart, geeky, talented and thoughtful enough. Then she found an anime fandom website by an absolutely AMAZING web designer and fanfic writer, who apart from [[XtremeKoolLetterz Xtreme Webdesign Skillz]] can literally blend psychological theory, and anime into a fanfic which ''works'', and the list of books/anime/whatever she has read is literally too long to fit anywhere. We have since became Internet buddies, though. * I and a boy at my school have ALWAYS been this way, but it slips between us depending on the subject. I'm always better at English, he at Maths, and we got exactly the same mark in our second year science test - joint first. My mother says that it's been like that ever since Primary One, and his mother agrees. When I was younger I decided that I was going to marry him, and even now, even though I'm one of the few girls that he doesn't flirt with, my friends refuse to stop shipping us. It's also inverted between me and another girl, because she never gets higher marks than me, but often is only a few marks away from it. I feel kind of sorry for her, especially as we're quite friendly and she was clearly accustomed to being top dog at primary school. * When I was at summer camp, we took tennis lessons as part of our schedule every day. I was second best behind a kid named Chris (who was actually Asian). We had a drill called "rally with the pro" (or volley, I forget), where the point was to keep a rally with the coach going as long as possible. Chris held the record of 18 for literally over a year... and then one day I beat it, getting 19. His ''very next turn'', Chris scored 32. This was a decade and a half ago, and Chris probably still has that record... * Nearly everyone on my course I swear. I used to be super smart at college and now I'm nothing :p Or there's one of my best mates who is very similar to me but more popular despite him being less responsible and putting no effort into his appearance whatsoever. Might be because I'm "edgier" (read: serious sometimes) and more stand-offish. But we have so much of our humour and whatnot in common it's annoying. I'm only better academically. * Carthestian here. I have an interesting case of this trope in action. Owing to what kind of person I am, troper, meme-spouter, anime fan, person learning how to draw (there's a difference), tennis player, and MilitaryBrat (knower of random trivia), my ability to talk with genuinely above-average intelligence people is considerably higher than most. The problem is that most of these people, at least in my area, are female. This isn't so bad in and of itself, except that they tend to be better at just about everything I'm interested in, owing either to parents that encourage them, that they've enjoyed X activity longer, or are just... well, this trope. ** Continuing: What's bad is that these people are the kind of people that I would date without hesitation except for Envy, that ubiquitous little bugger. My most recent attempt to get rid of him was simply to get better at everything, which worked for a few years until I met somebody else like this. So it's not that I'm strange socially or have some fear of trying, it's that it's easier for all involved if the

relationships I have with people like this are platonic at most. [[ThereAreNoTherapists If anybody can tell me how to fix this, I would be much obliged ^^.]] * This Troper knows a girl in her class that is like this. Let's see, she's president of the National Honor Society, environmental club, Key Club, Spanish Honor Society, Spanish Club, Science Olympiad, and another charity club. She's also a member of National Art Honor Society (But I'm the president ;p) and our campus ministry. She gets almost perfect grades (Like between 97 and 100%) and is up every night until 1 or 2 AM working on homework. When she's not busy with school, she works at a soup kitchen, a homeless shelter, does roadside cleanup, and plays the violin for elderly people at a senior center. She has awards coming out the wazoo for her intelligence and charity. Her entire family is extremely Catholic, and she never curses and is always [[{{Glurge}} sweet and charming]]. I cannot bring myself to hate her because she's so nice, but she's so pure and kind that [[{{TasteslikeDiabetes}} it makes me want to barf.]] Believe me when I say I cannot make this shit up. Part of me wants to see her crack, actually. ** [[Tropers/DynamiteXI This troper]] knew a chick like that back in high school. Among other things, she was on almost every committee, she was in the student council and was a class officer, was voted "Outstanding Leader" in our senior class favorites, got good grades, and somehow managed to maintain a healthy social life in spite of (or perhaps ''because'' of) all the stuff that she was doing. A few years later, when I first started substitute teaching, I noticed that someone had put up a magazine article about her in my high school's mail room, and it talked about some prestigious job she had. I honestly believe a person like that is physically incapable of cracking. * This Troper's roommate and crush in senior year of high school was this. We had the same general appearance, but he had better grades, better popularity, and [[SickeninglySweethearts he ended up happier]] [[AllLoveIsUnrequited than I did.]] * A girl in this troper's grade got perfect scores on the SAT ''and'' ACT, took more honors and AP courses than any one human should, started college-level math in I think junior year, took the highest level of Latin possible from 7-12th ''and'' doubled up with Spanish sometime during high school, and ''heavily'' invested her time in Model UN. This troper is pretty sure she was a class officer senior year too. She got into Harvard, MIT, Princeton, and Yale and ended up going to Harvard. We figured out she was going to be our valedictorian somewhere around 8th grade. The thing was, as far as this troper knows nobody even seriously disliked her, much less hated her. We all just accepted her ''utter genius'' and moved right on. * My older sister, who's two years older than me, is like this with me in that she's the "smart one". She always had better grades at my age than I did. Even though she apologised for it, I will always remember getting home a school report (wasn't that bad, A's and B's with a few C's) and my mum, really enthusiastic, saying "If you keep this up, you'll get as good as your sister". She realised what a bitchy thing to say it was, and she did apologise, but still...that stings. It gets

worse in that my sister recently found that she hadn't gotten as many points in college as she wanted, which makes me think: If my genius older sister "failed", what chance do I have of even getting into college, let alone passing it? * [[Tropers/MegTheMaggot I]] played Minnesota Fats to one of my childhood friends for years without knowing it. I was just a little better than she was in school, and she was very resentful about it, but she never said anything, and it wound up ruining what I thought was going to be a lifelong friendship. The moral of the story is to voice things that upset you before they have a chance to ruin your friendships. * This troper has found this to be an added major problem for his already low self esteem and few social skills. I find many many people who make me feel like I am inadequate at anything I do. I get told I'm sweet, good at drawing, or fun, well there is always someone who is sweeter, more fun to be around, or a better more interesting artist than me, or sometimes a combination. I feel like sometimes the only thing I have is useless trivia. I also apply it to a real situation where I feel like my so called best friend is replacing me for someone else who is sweeter and more fun than me. * This troper feels this way with two sisters, one older and the other younger than I. While I can kind of consider myself creative in sketches of backgrounds and in writing, my elder sister can do so many different kinds of art, including sculpting and painting, while the younger is awesome at conventional things such as mini-architecture and precise projects like origami. Heck [[GamerChick they even beat me at videogames]]. It also doesn't help that I consider my grades very low compared to the rest of the class. And I consider myself TheScrappy of said class, as [[WhoIsThisGuyAgain I'm easily forgettable]]. ... And I have [[MoodSwinger moodswings]]. * This troper has been having to deal with this on a musical level since 3rd grade. Even though I've been playing trombone since 6th grade and singing since ''3rd'' (and been good at both, I was accepted in the prestigious Houston Boy Choir and have been in the top band every year since 7th grade) there always seems to be that ''one'' person who is better than me. I'm from a small town, and really should be creaming just about everybody but the teachers at the arts. But in both band and choir, there has always been that ONE person who is better than me and is going to go on to be and Opera Singer or a Music Major or something. I was okay with this freshman year in band, as the guy who was better than me was a Senior. But then my Sophomore year, a freshman comes in... and he's at least 3 times better than me. To add insult to injury, last year's outgoing Band Director made him section leader for this year's (Junior) low brass marching section over me. GSJKASJGHG. (But outside band we're pretty tight. He's a nice guy.) Also, the choir thing doesn't really bother me that much, although now my band rival is joining choir too. At least I can sight-read better than him. * This is this Troper's main motivation for not doing anything. If there's always someone better, then why bother? * [[Tropers/CaptainPlanette This troper]] has this a lot. It's a big reason why I've got no self-esteem to speak of:

** My second cousin is my age. We are/were both swimmers, both into fandom, both fairly good academically, and both interested in linguistics. Difference? She still swims, when I quit a while ago. She is superior in every academic subject you can think of. She's one of the top mathematicians our age in the country, and an internationallyrenowned debater. We're both first-generation Russian-Americans, but she knows Russian way better than I do, and is in fact learning Korean and French on the side, while I only take Spanish. This is made even worse by the fact that we're both applying to college now--her SAT scores are far better than mine. ** When I did swim, I was in direct competition with a girl named Isa (my name is Lisa). We were both butterfly swimmers, but I was three years older. Our times were almost identical in all fly events. To improve, I began training 20 hours a week, while her training dwindled to ''never.'' And yet, no matter how much I improved, she could show up to a swim meet with no preparation and kick my ass. This, combined with a few other [[AlwaysSomeoneBetter Always Someones Better]], led to me quitting swimming altogether. * Last year, I was in drama class. I was one of the best people in that class, although to be fair there were only thirteen people in that class. Anyway, this new transfer student named Zack joins our class. In less then a week he quickly becomes the more popular kid, [[ChickMagnet Gained the attention of all the girls in that class]] and essentially became the teacher's favorite. ** However, this was also when he began to slip up, he was always going on about how "He would become a famous actor", and reveled his massive ego. He tried to down play it, but it wasn't until me and a few other students called him out, and he quickly became one of the most disliked guys in the school. He transfered to another school, for its "Superior Acting Classes." I did think he was rather good, but his ego ruined any chance for him. * This troper ''never'' gets cast in plays because there is AlwaysSomeoneBetter at acting or singing or movement or... anyways, I've begun to believe my acting is worse than a tree's... * I now avoid looking at artwork on DeviantArt for this very reason. The sight of greatly superior masterpieces created by artists several years younger than me is discouraging, to the point where my own drawing ability has grown rusty and disused. * This troper was an intellectual god in elementary school until about 6th grade. This one girl was in my class. Not only did she get better grades than me, she seemed to be better than me in every way I could think of. She was pretty, fashionable, and skinny, where I was chubby, awkward, and dressed in kindergartner clothes. She had many friends, where I barely had acquaintances. She was more creative than I was in the arts, especially writing. My writing had been praised for years, but now was completely upstaged. As I later learned, though, not many kids actually liked her because she always held an air of superiority around them. * What's that? Beat all of your friends effortlessly in <Insert Game Here> so much you'd honestly believe yourself one of the top players? Here comes the Internet, ready to tell you how inferior you are to ''thousands of other people''. Your high score barely scratches the

top players' scores and nothing you do ever brings you an inkling closer. Things like this have severely discouraged this Troper, but at least he is the best of his friends... * I have a semi-friend in College. I'm a film production student with a love of 80's movies. Said guy is the best student in the class (specifically in the areas i have a flair for) and knows even more about 80's films than me (we're the only ones in the class who like them). He's also extremely charismatic and able to get his points across better than I can. My lecturer has said that I have better concepts than him, but he can bullshit and manipulate people into siding with him. What's worse? He has the same name as me. ---Go back to AlwaysSomeoneBetter, even though your rival beat you to it. ---<<|TroperTales|>>

AmazinglyEmbarrassingParents * This troper's parents are always finding ways to embarrass her. My dad makes puns and the ocassional racist joke. He's from the south and his side of the family is pretty redneck so it's not ''too'' surprising that he'd make racist jokes, but he does it ''in public''. We live in Minnesota. Yeah... * This troper's sister refuses to let our parents go to any school function or family night at her school. * This troper's father cycles. In lycra (AKA spandex). He also picks me up from dancing and occasionally school, and goes shopping in said lycra. The worst part was when a couple of women walking down the street started talking about how nice his legs were. * This troper's father once started making presumptions about this troper's bathroom habits. At the dinner table. ''In a restaurant'', with staff within earshot. And people wonder why this troper tends to avoid any and all family gatherings... * This troper's [[MyBelovedSmother overprotective mother]] decided it was perfectly okay and normal to follow her daughter and her first boyfriend all around town in a BIG BLACK TRUCK WITH TINTED WINDOWS... on their first date. [[FacePalm *facepalm*]] * This troper's parents never bring up his love life...unless a female friend comes over or is within earshot. And for some reason they've started to think I'm gay because I didn't have a girlfriend all through high school. Example: "Oh you're so and so. You're so cute, you and my son should date. Or can you not date him because he's gay?" * This troper's father once ''danced into'' a sandwich shop in a [[{{Understatement}} not exactly LGBT friendly]] part of New Jersey singing "Keep It Gay" from ''{{The Producers}}'' ''solely to embarrass her''. ** This troper aspires to one day be precisely that father. ** Your father's CrowningMomentOfAwesome, perhaps? *** Hope you like getting kicked in the shins. * Not this troper's parents, but her friend's dad. He's tall, fat, has bushy red hair and eyebrows that he braids when the mood strikes him,

wears skin tight neon yellow bike shorts and has the most OBNOXIOUS Australian accent you will ever hear. He also sings the "Sad Clown" song loudly in public when my friend gives him a look. "Sad clown, sad clown, wipe that moopy woopy face off..." *shudder* and her nickname? Bunsy. ** Tall ''and'' fat? That's a feat. * [[MisterAlways This troper's]] mother and father once walked down a busy shopping street, arm-in-arm, chanting something that sounded like the tuba music you hear when a fat guy appears in cartoons (hoompapoompa-hoompa-poompa). God bless them, but DAMN was that embarrassing. * This troper's parents are obviously like this. My mother is fine, but she has the tradition of showing baby pictures on the 18th birthday. The dad is so embarrassing that it stops being embarrassing and becomes awesome, including shouting out of the window while driving along because the radio said to sing to someone you don't know. * When This Troper's father watches a movie, he feels the best way to acknowledge what's happening on-screen is to voice whatever opinion he has about a character, their actions, and future actions ''out loud''. When you're sitting down and watching a film, listening to him alternate between [[DontExplainTheJoke explaining exactly why this line is funny for this reason]], and ''telling the on-screen characters what they should do next'', it's exasperating at best, turning-the-movie-off-halfway-through infuriating at worst. ** Aaagh! Are you my long-lost sibling? ''My'' father does the same thing, except with TV. ** This troper's mother does that. He believes she might be stupid. --> '''Mother:''' Why is that blonde girl trying to fight those fanged guys? --> '''Me:''' Maybe cause she's Buffy and this is [[BuffyTheVampireSlayer Buffy the fucking Vampire Slayer!]] *** Oh I hate that. My mom says the stupidest things whenever we watch tv or movies. "Why are those green rocks hurting the man in red and blue spandex? Do you think the guy in the white hockey mask is the killer? I can't believe he's getting back together with Rachel!" ** My friend's mom does this, specifically in terms of letting us know when she finds something morally wrong. Yes we know that rape is bad, okay? Why the hell are you watching Law and Order SVU anyway? *** Mine does that too, except thankfully not during the show. For some reason she felt the need to inform me that "we don't condone [[PromisesPromises trying to get promoted by letting your bosses use your apartment for affairs.]]" Really. I could never have guessed. ** My father has a habit of coming into the living room, sitting down, sleeping through a show to the last five minutes, then asking to be briefed on everything that has happened so far, thus making everyone who actually cares miss the climax of the story! ** My mother has to comment on Every. Single. Commercial. Of course, this is only one manifestation of her need to voice every thought that does through her head. * When This Troper was 4 I got into my mother's make-up... the resulting picture was horrible and my father often threatened to show it to anyone I knew. Thank god when we moved we lost it!

* It's hard to list all the ways that [[DarkInsanity13 this troper's]] father is embarrassing, and luckily most of them are kept to the privacy of our home when our older/savvy friends are around. But that doesn't stop him from doing such things as rolling down a car window and shouting "WOLFMOTHER" at the top of his lungs into the ear of a passing cyclist. * This Troper's Dad is so meddlingly into her love life, he specifically went to talk to her crush-at-the-time to ''ask him if he loved her''. I wanted to crawl into a hole and NEVER, EVER COME OUT!!!! * This Troper's mother liked to hand-made his clothes on a sewing machine, rather than buying them at stores. When he complained that he looked like a character out of Li'l Abner, Mom would say, every time, "Nonsense. Everybody uses clothes like these." * Inverted for this miserable troper. When I was attempting to get into a secondary school, I actually probably would have made it into a very highly scoring private school... had I not screwed up the interview so badly that I ended up cutting my results ''in half''. My poor father regrettably was there to see it all. Since that fateful day, I've been becoming a lot less... overconfident. * This troper's mother would announce to nearly everyone in the store "YOU GOT A GRAY HAIR!", ask to look for gray hairs when I specifically told her "NO", frequently give TooMuchInformation, announce all sorts of things to the world...His neighbours parents were even worse. They would often make accusations of what they ''think'' was going on with their private lives in front of the school (And these were stuff like "You were having sex with *student*!", "You're having phone sex in your room!"), then would go ''through their rooms'' looking for incriminating evidence. Then not clean up the mess and tell ''them'' to clean it up. They even went so far as to buy ''deadbolt locks'' for their rooms, and guess what happened? Their parents cut them and ransacked their rooms anyways. ** And this troper's dad was once so hot in the airplane...he ''removed his clothes''. ** My mother did the grey hair thing to me in the dentist recently. Made worse by the fact I'm a guy with short hair. And she constantly complains that I'm too skinny and states that my jeans are falling down (when they're not). In public. * Not this troper's mom, thank GOD, but I was with a friend of mine on vacation in Cozumel- we're trying to go up in an elevator and the maid outside keeps pressing the button, making the full elevator door open before we had a chance to go up. Fed up with this, my friend's mom starts shaking her finger and saying in the most awkward baby talk voice, "No touchie touchie! No touchie touchie!" My friend turned bright, bright red- it was one of the funniest things I'd ever seen. * My father used to act like this on purpose, but I found a way to balance the situation: Everytime he tries to do something potentially embarrassing, I threath him telling I'll spread the rumor his older son is gay (Of course, that would be me). I couldn't care any less what other people think about me, but that would surely humilliate him...And we are all happier now! * {{Averted}} hard with [[TheRenaissanceRaver This Troper]]'s parents.

Her father is a rather tech-savvy man, with a penchant for miniatures and gaming, and her mother knits, crotchets, quilts, sews, and does totally epic embroidery and costuming. Her father has a good sense of humor, calls himself an {{Adult Child}} (or rather, Adult Teenager he's the oldest 14 year old) who can [[ObfuscatingStupidity act well enough]] that he ''seems'' like a standard adult, and his name is a very, ''very'' evil trap that we have in the wings for unwanted boyfriends that might (unlikely) try to date This Troper. Her mother is a big fan of a number of {{Joss Whedon}}'s works, plays a lot of computer games (like {{Diablo II}}) and is also the GM of This Troper's pen-and-paper roleplay group. And This Troper is ''very'' proud to have her parents for parents. ** Also inverted - This Troper was at Hastings with her mother and stated that she was half-tempted to buy a Mana Potion because she had a feeling she might [[DiabloII need more mana]]. Her mother later stated she was embarrassed, [[LampshadeHanging hanging a lampshade on it]] by asking "Isn't it supposed to be the ''teenager'' who's embarrassed by the ''parent''?" (or something to that effect...) ** Averted for me ({{Ryumaru}}), too. My parents are pretty nice to me and my friends, and my Dad is as big a geek as I am (it's where I got it from). I play co-op games with him almost regularly, for CrystalDragonJesus sake. My younger siblings, on the other hand.... * My Dad still uses "Gettin' jiggy wit it." Not in an ironic/intentionally embarrassing way. He still thinks it's "what all the kids say." He used it in the mall one day during my teen years and about 20 heads whipped in our direction. * This Troper's mother is frankly infuriating, and has caused an enormous amount of embarrassment. It's bad enough that she insists on pinching or slapping my butt at home, but she does it in public, too. Then complains loudly enough for passers by to hear when I explain (for the thousandth time) that I'm not comfortable being touched there and wish she would at least keep her hands to herself in public. ** This (male) Troper's ''dad'' does this in public. This Troper is too embarrssed to say anything and now walks approximately 1.5 metres behind his family at all times, just in case anything embarrassing occurs, giving him time to turn away and FacePalm. * This troper's mother has the ability to embarrass him in the ''privacy of their own home''. She frequently ends up doing exercises/physiotherapy in his room that would make her look like a crazy homeless person if she did anything like it outside. Also, this troper's mirror is one of those tall door-mounted ones, so she often stops by his room to model what she'll be wearing the next day. She also has a notorious overprotective streak. * My mom was a teacher at my middle/elementary school. Everyday, the teachers had "storybook" day for the younger kids, where they would dress as characters from books. Mom dressed in a giant WinnieThePooh costume. Before she left the house that morning... and did not deviate from her routine of stopping at a gas station for coffee... in a Pooh Bear costume... * This troper's mom commented to our waitress one evening on what a cute small butt she had. My dad wears embarrassing, overly preachy or cheesy Christian shirts out in public.

* If my mum isn't all like "YOU'VE GOT A GREY HAIR THERE" really loudly in public, then she's being really loud in general and really forward with my friends. Sadface. * Mild compared to other stories, but my mother can now recite any DrSuess book from memory, due to working with Toddler-Pre-School age children for a living. AS A RESULT, she will randomly start quoting it in public, whether it fits the situation or not, and it gets rather awkward when curious heads snap our way. Also, I remember one situation a couple years ago when this troper was Thirteen years old and going through her Goth phase. Her mother tailed her into Hot Topic, and promptly wandered over to some strange, tall, semi-muscular man with a rainbow mohawk and a variety of tattoos, and began to ask about his various piercings, asking if when he got them, why he got them, if they hurt, etc. Humiliating at the time, but I will admit the total stranger's confused/slightly scared face was pretty funny. * This troper would like to nominate her father. He once complained loudly about how noisy a deaf kid was being (in front of the kid's hearing parents), will often do everything short of pointing and laughing to embarrass people with some deformity in public, and cannot be trusted in a movie theater. Why can't he be trusted in a movie theater? (Keep in mind, all of these were very loud.) ** At Star Wars Episode II after [[spoiler: Janga Fett gets decapitated]]: [[CaptainObvious Is he dead?]] ** At The Village during every dang scene with Noah: What a retard! ** At LOTR The Two Towers when the wall of Helm's Deep blew up: OWCHIHUAHUA!!!!! He also loudly kept track of how many orcs were being killed and when the calvary arrives he excalimed, "There couldn't still be that many!" [[WritersCannotDoMath He's probably right, but still ...]] ** At LOTR Return of the King when Frodo says, "Oh Sam" in the Spider Tunnel: "Too late now, igmo!" (Of course, everyone laughed at that one.) * My grandfather ''loves'' to argue, and there is simply no way of telling him that there's a time and a place and ''this isn't it!'' He actually started arguing politics with me at my graduation dinner, which was at one of Indianapolis's most upscale restaurants and that my mom and stepdad had been saving all year to throw for me. Fortunately, both my mom and aunt (his daughters) told him to shut up or go walk around the Circle because he was embarrassing them, too. Dethroning Moment of Suck for my grandfather, Crowning Moment of Awesome for my mom and aunt. * Played for laughs by my father: he realizes what is embarrassing and what is not, and yet, he likes the idea of shaming my brother in front of his friends; I'm immune to his act, since he knows I can ashame him as well (my plan is saying "I'm gay" in front of HIS friends; nothing to be ashemed of, [[ValuesDissonance but you know, he is of a different generation]] * This troper's parents have a long, long history of this. ** He is 15 minutes late? His father is already calling everybody he knows. ** His mother is not much better, she can and WILL get on fights with salespeople, all of this for some small $2 issue. I've often felt like

saying 'take this $2 and pay it before I go away' or 'forget it, I don't need it anymore, let's go home'. Also she tends to call me cute and kiss me (in the cheek) when I am with my friends. Thanks for making me look like an 11-year-old which will never find a girl, mother. * [[McJeff This Troper's]] father is very old (mid 40s when he was born, regularly mistaken for a grandparent), and was of a generation and class (2nd oldest of 8 kids in a very poor West Virginia family) that believed in punishing for failure rather than encouraging. So his favorite way of teaching me to play sports was to loudly ridicule me in front of my friends when I screwed up, and encourage them to join in on it. Of course, he was always willing to go play catch or be all time quarterback when we wanted to play football, so the ratio of him being awesome vs being embarrassing was something like 20/1, but still. He only quit doing that in my late high school years, after he did it in front of my girlfriend and she [[CrowningMomentOfAwesome yelled at him for being a jerkass]]. * SunnyV's maternal grandfather acted like this to her mother when she was a teenager: he would put on a fake limp, lean on her, and speak in a Polish accent. Subverted in that she actually didn't mind. * I see all of your parents and raise you my dad. Most of the time, he acts like the typical Strawman bible-thumping Republican, no matter where and when. Second, he is unable to pay attention to movies or TV shows. If he tries to watch a movie, he constantly bugs us about what the hell is going on (Who's Rosebud again?). When its over with, he starts giving us the complete play-by-play assuming we hadn't watched it. Third, he is liable to yell at those movies, especially if they contain Nazis (I started a count during Inglourious Basterds. 23, then I lost track. This was a crowded theater.) Fourth, he enjoys practicing Tae-Kwon-do nearly everywhere, even in parking lots, sidewalks, or school events. Finally, he enjoys grabbing me, right above the butt. At 16 and 6'2'', this troper is usually taken for older than he really is. So it gets really awkward in some less gayfriendly parts of town when my dad fails to understand such subtexts. *facepalm* * This Tropers dad once started dancingoutside in his underwear during a rainstorm. * [[MarinaDelGrapes This troper]] predicts that she will be one herself, unless her children continue to never be embarrassed by anything. Yeah, right. * [[DracMonster This troper]] was playing ''WorldOfWarcraft'' about a year ago when this appeared in general chat: "Looking for a guild for my son's hunter. He's 15 now, not really a baby." Someone else immediately quipped, "That guy's son, if you're listening on this channel, this is why you never, ever play on the same server as your parents." This spawned a short-lived meme of insulting people with {{Compliment Backfire}}s such as "He's not really into bestiality" or "He's not really a terrible player that will wipe your raid." (His poor son reportedly had to change servers to find a guild...) * My mother will always bring up 2 things about me. 1) That I was apparently in love with [[TheSmurfettePrinciple Smurfette]], and 2) That I got lost in a shopping centre once and cried and cried and

cried. Even though she was the one who wandered off without checking to make sure I was with her. * DO NOT mention the song "Apache" within earshot of [[HappyDuck this troper's]] twin sister or mother: her mother is constantly threatening to dance embarrassingly to it, and nothing traumatizes her sister more than her mother's dancing. * [[{{Accela}} This troper]] has a father who dances in grocery stores, acts utterly infantile, brings up embarrassing childhood memories (really, Dad, you don't need to tell the guy I like about how I was sick once in a restaurant. Really.), is frequently quite politically incorrect, and has the most insane sense of humor I've ever come across. And yet...he's a fantastic dad, happily watches Series/{{Doctor Who}} with me, hugs me when I cry, and always backs me up. I don't know what to do if he wasn't around. My MOTHER, on the other hand, is just embarrassing without the attached awesome/funny/etc...*shudder* * This Troper has a kid just entering high school and is eagerly taking notes from this page. We're not clueless, we're doing it on purpose! This is our revenge for years of back-talk and eye-rolling. MWAHAHAHAHA! * This Troper had a one time experience of this trope - his parents tried a hand at doing a BokeAndTsukkomiRoutine at a Christmas Party. The problem? All their jokes were computer related, and they acted out the kinds of stories you'd find [[ here]]. Cue facepalm. What made things worse was that his mother was the Tsukkomi while his father was the Boke. * This troper has had exaggerations of this trope happen ''twice'', both cases because of some girl bullying her, staff who would do nothing about it, and her mom apparently thinks "I need to get something off my chest" is synonymous with "I want you to do something about this" ** First: 5th grade. mom had the gall to come in and yell at the girl ''during a math test''. This troper was no longer bullied, but lost all of her friends and would much sooner have both friends and enemies than neither. ** Second: 8th grade. one week before school ended to be exact. this time, it was a girl on the bus. Mom came ''onto my bus'' to start moving seats around so the girl in question would no longer be near me. not only was this troper embarrassed, but guess who got in trouble just because she's her daughter.... * In high school, this troper's [[MyBelovedSmother mother]] assumed that he and his close female friend were a couple. (We were actually more like PlatonicLifePartners.) This wouldn't be that embarrassing, except that she liked to go on about it ''within earshot'' of the two of us. The exchange "Your mom is insane." "Yeah, I know. I am really, really sorry," happened quite frequently. * This troper's stepdad once introduced her to a guy from another high school that he knew. She had a conversation with the guy, and he seemed nice enough.. blah blah blah. As everyone was about to leave, her stepdad walked over to the guy's car, leaned in the window and said "She's seventeen. And she's single." Then just got into our car and drove off, leaving her dignity far, far behind.

* This troper's mother is bipolar. She once wandered into a classroom I was in and cheerfully, obliviously, manically attempted to give a speech about the Great Enlightenment that she thought was coming any day now. I still hate her for that sometimes . . . * It never fails, when I answer the phone and my parents are around, my dad manages to imply [[BiTheWay that I am bisexual]]: -->Dad: Is it your girlfriend? -->Me: No. -->Dad: Then is it your boyfriend? * This troper's mother tends to fly off the handle for no real reason and embarrass herself as much as me. It's got to the point where my friends, if present, just roll their eyes and mutter "blast off!" and then mock her when she's out of earshot. Also, before I came out but my father still [[AmbiguouslyGay suspected something]], he'd casually yet obviously point out cute girls to me. In public. Loudly. I couldn't look any of them in the face. * Thankfully averted with my parents; both of them are high level government employees and very professional both at home and out and about. Unfortunately, this sort of upbringing did not prepare me for the first time I went to over to my then girlfriend's house, and her father began cracking dirty jokes and making fun of me. She told me repeatedly that it was her family's way of welcoming me, but I hated it so much that I simply stopped interacting with her family, which did not help the relationship. * It's secondhand, so it may be inaccurate, but it still fits extremely well. A friend of mine once related about the time his brother was being dropped off at school by his dad. The son got out of the car, and his dad yelled, "LEWIS! YOU FORGOT YOUR HUG!" If I recall correctly, he even got out of the car and pursued him to get the hug. * This troper's father liked to talk about his high school romances. Really embarrassing when you're [[ChickMagnet inheriting the family charm]]. * This troper's parents know nothing about theater. This becomes painfully obvious when this troper, who works in theater, takes them anywhere and leaves them unsupervised for any length of time. They will invariably find the one person I'm trying to impress and proceed to look ''dumb''. * This troper's father, when we would go out to eat, would ALWAYS announce at the top of his lungs that he needed to go to the bathroom. In that same sentence, he would ask if any of us kids wanted to come with him, still at the top of his lungs. Facepalming became very common. * [[TeamYamiFTW My]] mom walks around the house, making "That's What She Said" jokes, and my dad has embarrassing nicknames for me that he likes to break out in public. However, the one thing that bothers me the most is that my parents have not only threatened to cry, but also to dance embarrassingly at my wedding. I dread the day I get married. * [[@/{{Tadaru}} This troper]]'s mom would periodically ask him various things in the middle of a movie or other show ("Do you need to go to the bathroom?" "Are you enjoying this?"). He wishes he'd thought to answer the latter with "No, because you're asking me these stupid questions." This troper and his brother never wanted to sit by her.

* Subverted: My sisters REFUSE to be in a 100-foot radius with my dad in public. I, however, couldn't give a flying fudgemuffin. Once he refused to let me out of his car when dropping me off at a field trip before I gave him a kiss goodbye. I did, in front of a bus-ful of classmates. * [[Tropers/AdelePotter This Tropette]] would like to say: Your parents. And if they aren't, she'd like to say: ''You liar.'' * This troper's parents seems to have the urge of telling people embarrassing stories about me when I was little. Like I had no coordination and nicknaming me "White boy" and how I use to f-up like lock the car keys in the car. It's not just them telling it is what bothers me. It's that they would sometimes bust out these stories in the most inappropriate times and that they talk about it as if it still applies to me today. These things happened a long time ago, WHY WON'T THEY LET IT GO? * My parents like to do embarrassing things in the car. Once, my mother heard dogs barking on someone's porch, slowed the car, and started making barking noises at the dogs while their owner was there. Another time, my father got an Atkins diet book-on-tape and listened to it in the car. He claimed he couldn't hear it well, so we basically drove down main street blasting information about the Atkin's diet. My parents also moo when they drive past a farm or deer on the side of the road. To make all of these things worse, one of the cars we drive in has my father's name and phone number on it in big letters/numbers. * This troper has a "coming of true friendship" in that all her closest friend have seen her mother walk across the house naked at night to use the bathroom. I'm 23, I have had 4 very close friends... Does anyone have a rock to crawl under? There's a reason my mother has the nickname "Chichi Mama" among my friends. * This troper had the awkward experience of her father cracking jokes about "the facts of life" and the potency of sperm during her 18th birthday party. Cue in troper turning the same shade as her red dress, and all of troper's friends and cousins cringing. Said father nearly did the same thing during a younger sister's birthday celebration a year front of college friends, most of whom were teenage males. ---Head on back to [[AmazinglyEmbarrassingParents the main page]] before Mom can break out your baby pictures. ---<<|TroperTales|>>

AmazingTechnicolorWorld --Back to the trope with [[AmazingTechnicolorWorld colorful habitats]]. -----

AmazonianBeauty * Why does this not have a troper tales yet? Anyway... [[Tropers/McJeff this troper]] goes to the gym pretty regularly. Aside from female personal trainers, most of whom would qualify, there's a semi-well known female bodybuilder (named Tomoko Kanda) who works out there. I've always had a thing for fit girls, but this one has made me completely re-evaluate how much muscle can look good on a woman. For the record, pics of her are easy to come across on the internet, but she's ''way'' hotter in real life. ** [[ Here she is on YouTube]]. This troper was actually there while that was being filmed, but he wussed out and left, partly because he couldn't concentrate on his workout and partly because he didn't want to be "that weird dude in the background". * [[Tropers/{{darkclaw}} This troper]] believes that beautiful yet strong (i.e. muscular) girls are extremely attractive. This particular fetish may be due to hanging out in gyms far too often. Due to going to said gyms, he got to go to a fitness show. There were probably 10 men... and at least 50 buff women. Most of them were also pretty goodlooking. All women were in [[{{Fanservice}} bikinis and thongs]]. That was a good day. * This troper has a good friend who is literally [[RedBaron nicknamed]] Amazon. [[StatuesqueStunner 6'4"]] and insanely muscular, a volleyball player, and gorgeous to boot. * This troper's first crush was a farm girl who moved to his area around the time he started high school. The first thing I noticed about her was how beefy her arms and shoulders were, and she was never shy about showing them off. My favorite example of this was when a guy in our English class did the classic "have you seen my beachball?" routine, trying to impress, and she just said, "please", and rolled up her own sleeve, revealing that her muscles were quite a bit bigger than his. Add to this that, while good looking to begin with, she eventually became absolutely gorgeous, [[{{Meganekko}} had glasses]], and had a personality reminiscent of the ManicPixieDreamGirl, and it took me a LONG time to notice anyone else. ** And just WHY did you let her get away? You missed out on a real prize there, pal. ** Dude. In all seriousness, I think we knew/know the same girl. The EXACT same thing happened to me, from the timing of her moving to my area, the physical description, even the incident in English class! Do I know you irl? * [[Tropers/{{Smerf}} This]] troper had a girl in class in grad school that had very well defined muscles. Turns out, she used to be a fitness model. * This tropette is trying to invoke this trope with herself, at least to an extent. I'm actually [[NoodlePeople pretty thin]], but I'm taking up Tae-Kwon-Do, which is helping. Of course, the first time I felt muscle strain in my abs, I [[LampshadeHanging felt the need to point it out]]. * This tropette is 6 foot 1 inch tall (and unfortunately still growing) and can carry more weight than her 6 foor 4 inch father, but enjoys watching and filming makeup tutorials. She's been described as

a "glamazon" by more than one of her friends.

AmbiguousGender * There's always that one middle schooler... * This Troper has a friend who was incredibly androgynous in middle school. He was significantly smaller than me and looked like a younger, short-haired, blond version of his older sister with a beautiful, soprano singing voice. This is particularly hilarious to look back on now, because he has since grown into a broad-shouldered baritone who towers over me. * This troper's friend's little brother (about 12) is completely indistinguishable from his little sisters (about 7 and 8)'s seriously kind of creepy.On the other hand this troper himself has been mistaken for a girl occasionally * When [[Tropers/GamerFromJump this troper]] was in the college cafeteria, he noticed that a person had dropped something. I picked it up and said "Excuse me miss...?". Turned out to be a long-haired man. If people can't tell your gender from behind, it might be time for a new haircut ** Your Mileage May Vary. I'm a longhaired Asian man, and I thoroughly enjoy the combined look of shock and disbelief when a guy with a tendency for Me Love You Long Time looked at me from behind and thought I'm an Asian Chick and tried to hit on me. The sheepish look as he walked away was priceless. ** Some of us rather enjoy being ambiguous, actually. *** Yes, it's good fun. This troper was once hit on by a rather drunk student at a New Year's party -- the look on his face when I turned round to politely say no was ''priceless''. *** I find it hilarious, though some of the fun did get knocked out of it when a young girl refused to believe that I'm actually a girl... ** [[FetishFuel And some of us rather like the androgynous type... Especially if they're Asian.]] *** This troper, for example. *** And this troper, although it's a case of bi-/pan-/???sexuality rather than a fetish, and she doesn't have a preference for Asians. * There was a girl at [[Tropers/{{lkmjr}} this troper]]'s middle school who I thought was a boy for a solid week after meeting her for the first time. Well, she had an extremely short haircut, was a big time {{Pettanko}}, wore loose T-shirts, and her nickname was [[GenderBlenderName Sam]]. ** This troper knows a guy by that name who has rather feminine features, a girl nearly fainted while swooning at him this troper is always amazed at the fact he thinks girls aren't interested. * Happens to this troper in online communities a ''lot''. On the one hand, this troper is bisexual and a feminist. On the other hand, ThereAreNoGirlsOnTheInternet. Once led to a funny incident when this troper posted a picture in a picture thread: people actually accused this troper of taking an opposite-sex picture from the internet. (This troper is male.) * GoggleFox, at least for now. * This troper, being female to male {{Transsexual}} [[strike:gets

this]] used to get this a lot. This [[YourMileageMayVary really depends on the beholder]] - for some [[strike:I'm]] I was a "teenage boy", for others "butch lesbian". Sometimes during the same day. One of my friends from middle school initially thought I was gay (back when I was still trying to live as female). The first prize, however, goes to a group of kids coming to ask me if I was a boy or girl. My response? [[YourMileageMayVary "Depends on your point of view."]] ** This troper is also an FTM and gets highly amused when people get into debates right in front of him over whether he's "a he or a she." For some reason, it never seems to occur to these debators to ''ask me.'' * [[AnthonyMercer I]] just had a dream (yeah, that's right, the first thing I did after waking up was post my dream on TVTropes) where I was playing an 8-bit ''[[ShiningForce Shining Force]]''-style game, and the default choice for gender was Ambiguous, which made your character look sort of like [[TheLegendOfZelda Link]], but more gender-neutral. I checked what two of the other genders did - the Male character looked like [[DragonQuestIV Ragnar]], and the Female looked like [[SuperMarioBros Peach]]. The genders I ''didn't'' check out, but now wish I had, were Conceive, Concive, and Convice. Yes, that's how they were spelled. Well, it was a dream! ** Conceive is probably female because females conceive, Convince is probably male because the other is Female, Concive is probably ambiguous, being a mix of the former two. * This troper gets this [[UnderStatement a little]] since his main group of friends consists of him, 5 girls, and 1 other guy. My hair is longer than 90% of them... ** I think you mean 83.3% (repeating) of them * This Troper regularly gets mistaken for male on the internet, and she has been mistaken for male in real life as well - despite her ''very'' obvious female curves and medium-length hair. Of course, she also has a bit of a ''[[FetishFuel thing]]'' for androgyny and takes every opportunity to confuse others about her gender. * This troper was out for dinner one night with two other people. All of us have long hair. A member of the restaurant staff wandered by the table and inquired, "How are we doing tonight, ladies?" Cue this troper's ponytailed husband lifting his head and turning so she could very clearly see his mustache...poor woman was horribly embarrassed. Husband thought it was funny. * This troper and his friend were in a LAN cafe some years ago (in the dark ages of dialup when online gaming was slow and unreliable), and we got involved in a multiplayer (Quake 2 or Red Alert 2) with another group of lads. I had to leave early to get my bus (living well out of the city) leaving my friend on their own. After I had gone, one of the other lads told them they were really lucky to have a girlfriend who liked games, and was good looking too. His reply "oh that wasn't my girlfriend" at which point they asked if I was single and if so could they set me up with them. He has never told me what happened after this. The irony is that his hair was (and still is) longer than mine, and he's far more effeminate. The only thing he has going for him is that he's a foot taller. * [[HappyDuck This troper's]] little brother is growing his hair out,

and waiters keep calling him "young lady", or something along the lines of that. * This troper looked very boyish in middle school. Needless to say the annoyance of being confused for male has led her to grow her hair out and swear not to cut it short again. * there's this one lesbian chick at my school for who it's nearly impossible to recognize as a girl unless you hear her voice, and that weirded me out, and still does. I mean, glasses, baggy sweatshirt, everything * This troper is (mentally) androgynous and intentionally tries to achieve this trope. So far I've been able to fool a group of second graders at my school, who keep following me around trying to figure out my gender. It's very amusing. * This troper regularly gets mistaken for female at work. This usually lasts until I say something (I have a rather deep voice) or they notice the face fuzz (I keep forgetting to shave that off), which leads to frantic back peddling by the customer in question. This troper actually quite enjoys it. * Just earlier at work this troper got into the elevator with someone who looked ambiguously {{Bishounen}} - youthful Asian face with pale skin, ponytail, rugged outfit consisting of non-collared green shirt and cargo pants, and glasses (lately a number of Chinese guys from Chinese telecom vendors like Huawei and ZTE have been dropping by, and have the same general appearance, hence the presumption). Upon careful inspection of what that person was carrying (which turned out to be a bag full of medicial products), he realized the person in question was the (female) company nurse (who's really pretty in fact). * As a child, [[TenderLumpling this troper]] was always asked if I was a boy or a girl, thanks to my grandmother's insistence ( and my mother's [[ExtremeDoormat agreement]]) that my hair be kept as closecropped to my head as possible without cutting off the tops of my ears. Fortunately, [[MostCommonSuperpower puberty took care of any future gender confusion]], although I didn't have short hair again until I was 17. * Averted about ten years ago by a slender friend of mine with long, straight blonde hair. He's never been mistaken for the opposite gender (unless some manga lover thought he might be Pettanko), but has often been teased about looking like the fourth Hanson, especially from behind. Once at the Hastings music store, a truck roared past and someone yelled out the window "Hansens rule!"; then later that same day, another friend (who was a DJ at the university radio station) played MMMBop and dedicated it to him just to rub it in. He was pretty embarrassed by the attention. He has since moved to New York, cut his hair short, graduated from NYU, gotten married, and is currently an FBI profiler... * The long-haired troper Tropers/{{JET73L}} was once a fairly ambiguious ([[{{Cosplay}} from]] [[FullmetalAlchemist be]][[BadassBeard hind]]), unattractive person before losing some weight, and while losing said weight became a barely ambiguous, [[TroperTales/InformedAttractiveness YMMV]], AmbiguouslyGay person (where the ambiguity was thanks to a large but unusually androgynous skeletal structure). It was [[PlayingWithATrope zig-zagged]] in a

story about ''{{Neverwhere}}'' (following {{Pot Hole}}s may be spoilers for [[{{Neverwhere}} the book]] or [[FanFiction story]]), where Islington (an [[AmbiguousGender angel]] presented as a masculine-leaning androgyne in the book) prefaces the story as a "him" (after the events of the book), has a flashback to being an "[[EldritchAbomination it]]", and is referred to as a "she" (as an etymology reference) at [[DescendFromAHigherPlaneOfExistence the end of the flashback]] long before the events of the book. * [[{{Joerc45}} This troper]] had this happen to him once. At that time, my hair was growing past shoulder length, and since I was wearing a thick winter coat and a wool hat, it was the only feature that was visible at that moment. At the supermarket, a female employee approached me and said "Ma'am, you dropped this". I turned around, she stared at me again and said "Here you go, ma'am. * {{Facepalm}}* Shortly after that incident, I decided to get a haircut. * This male troper was once called "ma'am" when visiting a restaurant by the waitress. Instead of saying something, I decided to basically be a pain, asking for things constantly, "accidentally" spilling my soda and making them clean it, and sending back my food once. At the end, instead of leaving a tip, I wrote a note saying "don't call a man '''ma'am'''". ** Way to be a jerk about it. ** Yeah, you sound like an absolute tool. You shouldn't be bragging about being a total ass because someone mistook your androgynous self for the wrong gender, and the poor waitress certainly didn't deserve your antics and your cruel snarky note instead of a tip. You ought to be ashamed of yourself. *** I found that tale to be amusing. * While waiting for a ride, this troper was approached by another person, who asked if I was a girl. Granted, my hair was pretty short at the time and my back was to her. Another time, I was an acolyte during a church service with another guy, which requires you to wear rather loose robe (I can't remember what it's called). Our pastor came up and greeted us with a "Hello, Gentlemen." And this pastor has been at the church for as long as I can remember. Ah, and an example that isn't myself would be at camp this year, there was a young boy who had long, wavy hair. I thought he was a girl for a few days until some of my cabinmates realized that it was not the case. * This troper had that happen once (at least to her knowledge). I was in a movie theater and a little kid decided to sit in the same row and kind of sidled up close to me. Her mother smiled at me and told her "Not to bother the boy." To be fair though, my hair was cut pretty short and I was wearing a jacket. And it was in a movie theater, although the movie showing was The Princess and the Frog. So yeah... My sister and I thought it was pretty funny though. * This troper's little sister is very androgynous in appearance, has a love of baggy men's clothing, and, despite the fact that she is only 12, is taller and more mature-looking than me. This results in awkward yet funny situations with straight female friends who think she my older brother, and tell me that "my brother is hot". * This Troper's friend has a feminine body, and his voice is highpitched. I myself can also qualify for this trope; I'm a girl, but I

wear baggy men's clothes and have short hair. * In early middle school, this (female) Troper used to have a very short haircut and a preference for boys clothing. Due to her feminine face and flat chest, it was rather hard to tell her gender. Though people tended to assume she was male. * My really hot girlfriend. Mm. * This (female) troper does this on purpose after a few odd instances convinced her that it would be amusing. The first instance was at Otakon, admittedly, and she was cosplaying a male character so for the person to think she was actually a guy was kind of a compliment. She thinks of herself as gender-neutral anyway. * There was someone during college orientation. I saw him/her a few times, as we all moved through the crowd. I bumped into him/her once or twice. I stared at his/her ''marvelous'' arse. I am still confused. If I ever find out, I'm sure I'll GoMadFromTheRevelation. And then jump his/her bones. [[AnythingThatMoves 'Cause it doesn't really matter]] * This Troper had a short haircut. People that didn't know called me a young man, or sir for weeks. * This (female) Troper is tall with a squareish jaw and a liking for baggy clothes. However, she also has thigh-length hair and sings soprano, and does start to wonder why people regularly call her 'sir'. * This troper had a friend in high school she thought was a boy for the first day she knew her. Said troper has also been called "sir" when crossplaying, and, being mentally androgynous, is actually very pleased about it. * This Troper was told "Take off your coat young lady" by a new teacher while at school, she tried to cover herself by saying "and you too young man" but no one else was wearing a coat... * Back around seventh through ninth grade, I wore my hair in a bowlcut (think early Beatles), was (and still is) small-chested, and very much liked to wear mens' t-shirts, which were usually a little too big. Once, I was hanging out at the mall with a (same-sex) friend of mine. While we were paying, the (male) cashier kept looking at me kind of weird, but I didn't think too much of it. Finally, the cashier goes, "Dude. You are ''crazy'' pretty. If I were a girl, I'd ''totally'' date you." Being a naive little middle schooler, I confusedly answered, "But I'm not a lesbian." He laughed and told me that he thought I was a guy. Ten minutes later, a girl walked up to us and informed my friend, "Your boyfriend's really cute!" I actually kind of enjoyed the whole 'androgynous' look, but ultimately, I made a ''damn'' attractive guy, but a [[{{Understatement}} rather unattractive]] girl when I had short hair, hence why I prefer to wear it at least to my shoulders these days. * On the first day of each school year, this Troper's Head of School visits every advisory and names each returning student. If he messes up, you get a twenty-dollar starbucks gift card (he ''never'' messes up).This Troper's Heterosexual Life Partner (well, I'm straight, she's bi, close enough) was a very, ''very'' [[BuxomIsBetter curvy]] girl with long hair and a preference for high heels. Over the previous summer, she had cropped her hair and started dressing as a guy more regularly; she wore baggy jeans, a sweatshirt, and her chest bindings

on the first day. Yeah, this troper got to share her twenty bucks worth of coffee. * There's a person who swipes cards at lunch at my school. They have chin-length hair, mustache stubble, and look a bit more like an old lady than an old man, and their name tag says "J.R."\\ I also used to know a six-foot-tall-ish, flat-chested, broadshouldered, androgynously good-looking kid with, again, that confusing chin-length hair, who often wore long basketball shorts and wore a shirt and pants for orchestra (girls are supposed to wear long dresses), and who didn't shave her legs. It took me until I found out that she has a girl's name to realize that's she's a girl. I think J.R. and the androgynous orchestra kid's voices are about the exact same pitch. * There's a person in my highschool class whose gender I'm still not sure of. Ze has a very girly high-pitched voice and a somewhat feminine face, but is flat-chested and otherwise lacks TertiarySexualCharacteristics. Hir first name is a masculine one as far as I know, and I'm pretty sure I heard someone refer to hir with a male pronoun. I've actually considered that ze is transgendered, angrogynous, neutrois, etc. I don't want to offend hir by asking hir gender or using the wrong pronoun, so I've taken to using hir first name everytime I address hir. Damn, that was confusing to write. * This (female) troper has short hair, a flat chest and usually wears plain shirts and pants. While my family and friends are amazed that anyone could think I'm a guy, it doesn't change the fact that over ten people have either asked or speculated within my hearing that I'm a boy. * This troper went to dinner with an old friend whom she hadn't seen in a few years and his family. He had grown his hair to his shoulders, and looked quite effeminate. The waitress called him 'her' the whole time we were there. He didn't bother to correct her, and we all thought it was hilarious. Also, there is a boy at my school who is a year younger then me, and or the longest time me and my friends could not tell if he was a guy or a girl. He had shoulder-length blond hair, a slim build, and wore a purple sweater. And he hung out with a group of girls. It took half the school year to figure out he was a guy. * Two words: my girlfriend. seriously at one point I actually called her a gay guy though I don't know if this trope is subverted by the fact that she actually wants to be a guy * I was like this when I was younger I enjoyed the androgyny, of course back then I could do it and not feel like a creep, I had a higher voice than normal, my hair was long because I refused to get it cut and it didn't help that I job shadowed my mother for the better part of two years. it finally culminated in a family rule that if my mother could call me pretty it was time for a haircut. yeah it was pretty bad... ** On another note I was working behind the scenes at a Christian conference last fall, while I was escorting my second hand boss and longish time family friend to her room at the hotel, we met security along the way and they followed us the rest of the way. To this day for the life of me I could not discern the gender of whoever it was that was with us. It? had broad shoulders like a guy would,

shortbuzzed hair, wearing a suit, but the breast area looked a bit more packed, also I don't know if they had a baby face or what but the facial structure screamed woman. mind you the entire time I'm doing this, I'm running on fumes, I'm looking forward to staying until three in the morning packing everything up, and was currently lugging a very important suitcase. * This (female) troper often got mistaken for a boy when she was a kid. Not much anymore, though it still happens occasionally. * When this troper was ten, he went to drama class. One of the other students was named George (like the tomboy in ''TheFamousFive''), and had shoulder-length hair (like this troper himself). George's face and voice were completely devoid of clues, at least to me. I never did figure it out, especially since s/he played "second kid" (gender irrelevent) in the big play, and just avoided referring to him/her by pronouns. This troper has himself been called Miss, when answering the door without his ponytail in. The weird part was, I also hadn't shaved yet... * This female asexual troper is androgynous, coupled with VagueAge. It can be equal parts amusing, frustrating, and sad how uncomfortable people can get if they can't tell your gender. * This female troper was this as a baby because her hair didn't grow until she was four. It was a mild version though. When her parents got her ears pierced at the age of two and put her in frilly dresses, people would still go up to them and ask why they would put a dress and earrings on a boy. * There are two or three people at my school I'm not sure about; one of them would be both a very pretty girl and a very handsome boy. Their long hair does not help things. The other two are more heavyset with short hair so I'm not sure if they have chick-boobs or man-boobs. If they're girls, they're tomboys. Also, when one of her friends had short hair, another friend mistook her for a boy due to her dressing like one. Of course, he never saw her from the front; the girl in question is aything but {{Pettanko}}. Likewise, her slightly {{Pettanko}} friend has been informed she'd make "a really hot dude" by one of our other friends who thought she was a boy at first and thought she was hot (before being told her name, whic is very clearly a girl's name) * This troper, as a child, was often mistaken for a boy because of her hair cut. (It didn't help that her name didn't become popular in North America until a while after she was born.) Then puberty jumped out of the bushes and hit her with the boob club, followed by a few whacks from the hip stick. In a couple of conversations with the visually impaired, however, she apparently still sounds and according to one, even smells like, a youngish man. * Zigzagged with this troper but YMMV. I used to look very much like a boy very early on, but later (like 2 or 3) my hair started to look like a girls'. By pre-school my hair went back to looking like a boy's. It didn't stop me from encountering boys with hair like that of a girl, even to this day. I still continue to look like a man. * I am the ultimate Bifauxnen, however I do occasionally manage to do something girly, like wear a tighter shirt, (which doesnt help so much since I'm such a Pettanko) Or Jones Brothers t-shirts.And when I'm in

spandex Its obvious I'm a girl since its a girls uniform and in band because I am wearing a dress and a push up bra, which uhh [[BigBraToFIll helps]] [[IfYouKnowWhatIMean me]] Unfortunately because of my ambiguity I am often confused for a Butch lesbian and I have been confessed to once and someone tried to set me up on a date with one of her girlfriends. Needless to say it did not go over well since I'm [[HaveIAmMentionedImHeterosexualToday straight]]. They have not known which gender I was since I was 7. I had a long pony tail back then. It might have been that I wore boys' pants but that was because girls' pants were meant for those who do not have butts. Even with girls' pants, unless they are flat out skinny jeans (and sometimes not even then) I am ambiguous. Now I have nail polish and a shorter pony tail. Still think I am a man, hermaphrodite or butch lesbian. ** I wonder if I'd find you attractive, since I [[FetishFuel seem to have a thing for]] these kinds of people. * [[{{Tropers/Morgie}} This troper]] has an online friend who changed hir account's gender settings for whatever fursona shi was playing (on different sites) at that moment, once shared a story of being ditched by hir boyfriend, and was generally referred to as male by the head admin, but I was completely confused. After asking on chat, I discovered shi was genderqueer. * This tropette is officially convinced that she has a {{Fetish}} for [[AmbiguousGender androgyny]]. At the very least, this seems to be the case when it concerns [[PerverseSexualLust animated/fictional characters]]. * This troper (Killing Joke) has been mistaken for a woman five times on the Avatar:The Last Airbender wikia by fellow users, because apparently the novel TheLovelyBones is associated with women only. Or at least that was the apparent reasoning most of the times. I also evidently come off as feminine, even when I'm just typing. Go figure. This has led to some rather priceless lines (although they're kinda YouHadToBeThere.) ** "I just thought so because of the name. You swore more than any girl I know though. :)" ** "Lovelyb0nes is new to the wiki, so let's welcome her with open arms!" (Edit:"I'm an idiot. Let's welcome him with open arms.") * This troper has an unusually deep voice, and people have joked that she is really a guy in disguise, despite the fact that she's far from a tomboy. ** The same troper's brother is a very good example. He has very feminine features, and one summer grew his hair down to his shoulders. That year, when with this troper and their mother, people would often refer to them as "ladies". Even now that his hair is shorter, those with poor eyesight will still mistake him for a chick. * This troper, full stop. She might be very petit, but she's a {{Pettanko}}, keeps her hair very short, has a surprisingly deep voice, and has boyish features. And just about always wears mens' clothing. People who don't know her are always certain she's just an {{Uke}}. Oh, and the GenderBlenderName doesn't hurt either. * This troper has a case of this. I've always been vaguely feminine looking, and I do enjoy it. Most of my friends refer to my looks as those of a "cute emo chick", and several of my friends have started to

refer to me using female pronouns, much to my chagrin. Sad that it doesn't really help when I'm trying to flirt with guys. * This troper's older brother has had really long hair for as long as she can remember. More than once, while this troper and her brother were out to eat with their mother, a waitress has asked "What can I get you ladies?" or something similar, before awkwardly apologizing once they see his prominent facial hair. * My bestie had a run in with one at K-Mart, apperently "she" had a 5 o'clock shadow, boobs(the person in question was chubby, it could have been moobs) and a voice that sounded like a pubesent boy... we have no idea what it was, but it continues to be a running gag You can head back to AmbiguousGender now Sir, I mean Ma'am, I mean... ----

AmbiguouslyBrown * This troper's boyfriend. His dad is white, and his mom looks black, with maybe some Indian. The boyfriend? It's impossible to guess his correct etnicity. Even this troper won't know until she guesses correctly, so she's checking countries off a list. * This Troper, is a "Mega-mutt". So far she's figured out that she has: African,Melungeon,Portuguese,Brazillian,Scottish,Irish,3 Indian tribes, and unknown (maybe) European roots. Has thick (not Afrolike)dark brown hair( which can get reddish when exposed to to much sunlight), black eyes,an hourglass figure, and pecan colored skin. She usually gets mistaken for Black, other guessers just get confused. But overall can pass as Indian or Middle eastern. How's that for Purple Prose? ** This troper has a similar physical description including VERY thick (though naturally Afro) long hair that too shines a near auburn in the summer. Though only of black heritage, as far as the eye can see, she still gets an oddly large number of out of the blue guesses as to what her other half MUST be (your dad or mom (usually dad) has to be white/Italian/Mexican/Brazilian/maybe Middle eastern) or whether Spanish is her first language. Mexican, whole or half, seems to be the most common for some reason. Though most Mexicans I know never see it. It doesn't help that my Mexican sister in law and halfsie nieces look a lot like me feature wise. ** Strange but this troper almost fits that description too. Her heritage is Black, Native American, and Irish. She can easily pass for Hispanic, Indian, Malaysian, and Middle Eastern and doesn't even have a trace of either one of races. ** This troper (who started the post) is 14 now and is glad she's not alone. However, has forgot to mention she has narrow " Asian shaped" eyes. But, neither her parents nor her sister seems to have them. She remembers when a child at a movie theatre asked her if she was half Japanese. * [[@/FarseerLolotea This troper]] is multiethnic, with [[PaleSkinnedBrunette very light olive skin and off-black hair]]. * This troper knows a girl who causes this. She has tan skin, straight black hair, listens to Latin music, and speaks Spanish fluently.

Everyone (this troper included) thought she was Hispanic at first, but she's actually Italian. ** Her adopted cousin is similar in that he looks to most people to be African-American, but is in fact black, Hispanic and Chinese with some European ancestry. The Asian part of his ancestry is most obvious in his eyes. * This troper knew a girl who grew up bilingual, speaking both Spanish and English. Her parents are from Puerto Rico, but she was actually adopted from Korea. It's confusing for people who don't know the situation. * Rosario Dawson. I couldn't work out her ethnicity for a while. According to the OtherWiki, she's Puerto Rican/Afro-Cuban/Native American/Irish. So that probably explains it. * Subversion of sorts: This troper's friend is black as expresso and is a complete Oreo. He describes himself as a "fake black person". ** You do know that calling a black person an Oreo isn't a compliment, right? ** This (non-OP) troper never heard it used with an obvious connotation. ** It means black on the outside, white on the inside. It's a definite BerserkButton for blacks who choose not to be "urban" in mannerisms, plus the UnfortunateImplications that an educated black person is somehow less black. * Played straight with this troper, thanks to the weird mix between Mexican, Jewish and Native American heritage: Brown skin, reddish hair, and Asian-like eyes for no apparent reason (I guess I'd have to ask my grandparents about that detail...) ** The "...Asian-like eyes..." can be attributed to any or all of the three parts of your heritage. The Indio part of the Mexican and/or the North American Indian, as American Indians - North and South - are of Asiatic origin. And/or the Jewish part, if that part is Ashkenazi or Mizrahi because both of those originated from areas that were at least partially conquered by the Mongol Empire. I have a friend whose ethnic ancestry is Irish and Polish whose eyes have an epicanthic fold as a legacy of her Polish ancestors long-ago interbreeding with their Mongol conquerors. * Friend of mine in highschool was half black and half Arabic. He looks rather like a white guy with a good tan. * This Troper certainly qualifies as an example, being a mulatto of Dominican descent. People don't seem to believe I'm even Dominican, much less that I'm of Spaniard descent on one side and Afro-Hatian descent on the other. The Dreadlocks don't help. Most people just assume I'm black. * This troper had a friend in highschool who had dark-ish skin and fairly long black hair. He could never quite work out what ethnicitity he was, as he just seemed to be ambiguously brown-ish. * [[@/{{Lullabee}} This troper]] is definitely pale-skinned, but her own dad once pointed out she looked Hispanic in an ID photo. I'm actually Anglo/Slavic, but I have dark hair and eyes, a large, rounded nose, and full lips. My younger sister, who's quite olive-skinned, looks even more vaguely Hispanic. * People often outright ask [[@/AnemicAnomie me]] what ethnicity I am

(actually, they say "nationality," but get frustrated when I say "American"). I respond by asking them to guess. Apparently, my phenotype is consistent with various people's expectations for Italian, Korean, Indian, generic Asian, generic Hispanic, and generic Native American appearance. As for my actual ancestry... won't you take a guess? ** [[MillionToOneChance Central Antarctican]]? (This troper ''should'' be a pale AmbiguouslyBrown thanks to being only very slightly less than half Native American and both parents' hair and eye color, but his other half [Dutch and Castillian], intense dislike of sunlight, and very possibly his very distant Norwegian ancestry result in him looking like a [[MulticoloredHair red-and-blonde]] viking with greyto-TechnicolorEyes.) * This troper. With tan skin, long dark hair, and almond shaped eyes I have been mistaken as anything from Persian to Brazilian to Swedish. Most of the time the guesses are wrong, even by people of my own race! * [[@/{{SweetnessOnAHotCircuit}} This Troper]]'s mom is white and daddy is black. She took after her mother to the most extreme. Her siblings however.... most people think they're Puerto Rican. Amusing my dad to no end, who always asks my mom who her boyfriend is. * [[@/{{Expthka}} I'm]] Arab (Saudi) and a quarter Dutch, however, I'm also [[PaleSkinnedBrunette extremely pale with thick, wiry, dark brown hair]] (I'm told that's the Dutch), and East-Asian eyes (although they're double lidded). I have no idea what happened. I almost think my mom was cheating. * One of this troper's friends is half-black, part Greek, and a [[DarkSkinnedRedhead natural redhead.]] I know someone in my psychology class who's half-Irish, half Japanese and can easily pass for both with the right dye job. (Natural ginger, by the way.) * This troper is mostly Scot-Irish (yes, we mean Ulster-Scot, no need to get hung up on semantics in American English), with a fair if small portion of French, American Indian (5 generations back at most on the patriarchal pedigree, and about the same on the matriarchal pedigree) and whatever Anglo-Saxon/Germanic phenotypes that are common to Texas. This equals Scot-Franco-Indian features manifesting in different places on each person born into the household. [[xkcd Having Europeans guess our ancestry is a hobby of my family.]] Most common other then Scottish (obvious guess) is ''predominately Russian''. * This Troper is 1/4 Czech, 3/4 assorted Asian. He has straight black hair and brown eyes + epicathic folds. However, he has a European-ish facial structure and eye shape. Also, due to suntanning, his skin is somewhat darker than it should be. * A whiter shade of 'brown', but This Troper's mother is olive-skinned and black-haired, and has been mistaken for one of their own by multiple ethnicities of Mediterranean-Australian folk. So far as we're aware, we're of primarily Celtic and solely West European origin, though there's a rumour of an Aboriginal ancestor passing a-ways up the tree. I, on the other hand, am freckly, auburn, and so pale some cosmetic lines don't make a foundation shade that works for me. * This troper knows a guy who is just about every ethnicity on the planet, and she couldn't figure that out until she asked him. He's a very clear example of the classic metaphorical American melting pot.

* This troper comes from a Latino family where everyone have brown skin, straight black hair and dark brown eyes. Except my sister who is almost white have light brown eyes and black ''totally frizzy'' hair. One day one of my friends came home I introduce her saying "It's my little sister ", he looked to me, to my mother, to my father and said "No way". * [[@/DialgaX This Troper]] has straight black hair, medium dark skin, Asian features (except for the eyes). Very, very few people guess his ethnicity correctly. He has been said to be everything from Thai to Filipino and even in a few cases ''American Indian''. He is [[spoiler:pure Chinese]]. ** Are you/your ancestors, perhaps, from Southern China? *** [[@/DialgaX I]] was born here but my parents are from Hong Kong. My grandparents are from Taishan. We are from Southern China. * [[@/{{Azzizzi}} This troper]] was having a conversation with two guys, one was obviously white, the other was (what we thought) black until the black guy said something about often being mistaken for being black. * This troper's met the gamut living in the Big Applesauce. A good number of his friends from high school like playing it up like a shell game. * [[@/{{YukiKiryu}} This troper's]] father is Caucasian with a little African-American thrown in, though you can't really tell. He has dark hair and eyes. He is INCREDIBLY tanned; he looks Italian or hispanic or something. When this troper was a child, she seriously didn't know what race her own father was. * A girl [[@/{{YukiKiryu}} this troper]] knows is AmbiguouslyBrown. She is medium-skinned, with light brown hair and eyes, and her name sounds African. This troper met her 2 years ago and she is still trying to figure out what race she is. Hispanic? Black? Latino? This troper has absolutely no clue and is too shy to ask. * A girl from this troper's book club. She has black hair, brown eyes, and is olive-skinned but not too olive-skinned. Other than her skintone, she looks mostly white. After about five minutes of knowing her, this troper gave up on trying to figure out what race she was. She ''thinks'' Middle Eastern or maybe Hispanic, but she isn't sure. * This troper went to kindergarten with an AmbiguouslyBrown boy. She once asked "Teacher, why does Akhmed have brown skin?" She is still embarassed about that. And it's been over 7 years since she was in kindergarten. * This trope was pretty frequent when [[@/K2Misfit This Troper]] was in high school and only made the girls in question even hotter. BlackWhite girls who could pass as Latina, a Greek girl that could pass for Puerto Rican and especially a Samoan girl leading to the catchphrase, "I dunno what she is, but I'd hit that!" * A kid in my English class fits this trope perfectly. [[FeeFiFauxPas In my own words,]] "Wait, you're not Mexican?" * This troper once told his kindergarten teacher that "my mommy is black, my daddy is white and I am dark white." I'm actually what I jokingly call either a "Heinz 57 Variety" or simply a "Mutt". I'm (takes deep breath) black, white, Mexican, Spanish, Irish, Polish, and American Indian (I forget what tribe, I asked my mother once she told

me and I've long since forgotten). I once asked my mother what that makes me. Her answer... "An American." In the summer I get naturally darker, and lighter in the winter. My wife is a self-described "Painfully Pale" Scotch-Irish, and our son tends to lean more on her side of the color line (except in the summer, where he tends to get almost as dark as me). He does have one other thing in common with me, when we were infants we were both "light, bright and damn near white" due to our mixed heritage. * This troper knows a Hispanic girl who has skin pale enough to pass for Caucasian, an extremely pale girl who's actually a Peruvian of Spanish descent, and a mixed white/black girl who everyone else in drama club (including herself) refer to as "brown". * This Dutch troper's father has curly jet-black hair and a tan skin, and he and one of my uncles are so AmbiguouslyBrown that both of them have been mistaken for Turks, Spanish or Portugese in the past - in spite of the fact that most of our relatives are typically white, and that our family has no non-Dutch ancestry that we know of. * [[@/{{Agent Alpha}} This troper]] looks fairly Caucasian, but is actually half-Mexican (the other half being Irish-German). Most people don't realize this and are often surprised to hear me speak Spanish with a Mexican accent or find out that I have relatives in Guadalajara. This trope also applies to my mother, who is a fullblooded Mexican-American, but was often mistaken for Persian when she was younger. * [[@/{{brodyaga}} This troper]] has an olive complexion and glossy black hair. Probably the most uncomfortable question he's ever been asked was by a guy who wanted to go out with him - "Just checking really quickly, you are white, right?" Turns out his mother is Melungeon. That just raises further questions! * [[@/{{Jimbobbowilly}} This troper]] once knew a girl when I was in primary school (which is seven years, I did it from four years old to eleven). She was dark skinned for sure, but at that age I couldn't tell the difference between Australian Aboriginals and black Africans. I am enclined to assume she was the former now, [[CompleteMonster though most of them were genocided or made part of the stolen generations by the colonial authorities]], so I'm not too sure. Regardless, she was cute, not to mention funny! * Some foreings can confuse Mexicans and Arabs, which probably sucked for those going to the States after 9/11. In any case, when I was living in Mexico I had classmate whose lastname was Rabadan, the funnier thing was that he was actually White; yeah, a white mexican called Rabadan, I wonder what would happen if he ever went to the US... * This Troper's husband qualifies. He's Puerto Rican and German, and I always thought it was obvious he was of Latino heritage, but his roommates in college guessed everything from black to Italian to Somoan, when the subject came up one night. And then there was the time some woman on a bus thought he was Middle Eastern and a terrorist, and called the cops, who stopped the bus to question his whereabouts that day. * This troper's family, due to the fact that nobody ever took the time to trace them past the Civil War.

* I knew a guy in high school who was part Chinese, Indian, Black, and White. That's two generations of parents who weren't the same race at all. * This Troper looks like her father, who is adopted. Not knowing anything about his heritage leads to all sorts of fun speculation. We both have dark hair and olive skin, which means that his birth parents could have been from any number of places. Once, a couple of Middle Eastern guys asked my dad if he was "one of them", to which he replied that it was possible. And more recently, I was talking to two of my (African-American) friends when another friend came up to us and jokingly exclaimed "It's my two favorite black people! And [This Troper], who is ethnically ambiguous!". * This Troper has a similar situation except with an adopted mother, we both have dark olive skin and dark brown hair. Most British people (where I come from) guess Spanish or Italian. I've been mistaken for Spanish, Italian, Greek and Turkish including by people from those countries. Amusingly I'm actually darker skinned or as dark as my Indian friend whose's ethnicity is never questioned. * [[Tropers/RedWren This troper]] very rarely figures out the race of any of her characters for two reasons: 1) it limits her options for their looks and 2) she always always ''always'' makes mutts, so it doesn't matter much anyway. So excluding that one girl who's {{Roma}} and Alsace-Lorraine (Franco-Germanic to the point it would be hard to figure out which is which), it would be hard to figure out anything. It might have something to do with her being bad at writing racist stuff, even characters. Except by [[UnfortunateImplications implication]]. ** [[Tropers/MisterAlways This troper]] has this friend... "So, Rick...are you like, half-Asian? You've got like...kind of squinty eyes. But your skin's too brown, you look like you're half-Indonesian or something...or...half-Moroccan... ... WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU?!" * This Troper [[ButNotTooBlack who has been questioned herself]] has a friend who has a black mother and a [[TallDarkAndHandsome 1/2 Lebanese, 1/2 Chilean]] father. You'd expect an a little brownie. Nope! She came out with light golden blonde hair, bluish green eyes and light golden skin. Some think she is white, although most can tell something about her color is "off". Some relatives [[CheatingWithTheMilkman cried foul]] and others have accused her of [[FakeMixedRace lying]] or [[ObliviousAdoption being mis-informed]] about her Afro-Latino identity. They often cite her [[ButNotTooBlack light brown mother as being ''obviously biracial'']] though both of her maternal grandparents and even great grandparents are dark skinned. Her very [[OverlyLongName pretty]] [[ForeignSoundingGibberish Spanish name]] helps some, though she still occasionally deals with [[YouKnowImBlackRight some stereotyping ''issues'']]. Suprisingly she's not so tragic. Her sister can look white or Hispanic/dark white depending on the dye job. Also another friend is ambiguously light olivey skinned with dark hair and light eyes who everyone thought is Latina...right.... 'cause her mother "definitely looks Mexican"...and she doesn't look "white white"....maybe Italian??... oohh..she's 1/4 Korean and 3/4 Scottish-Irish. Same thing! * This Troper's father looks Arabian, her mother is tall and blonde to

the point that some people think she's Scandinavian, and this troper herself looks vaguely Hispanic on occasion. All three are Eastern European Jews. * This troper is almost completely white with some Native American. However he is very dark and when people find out that he speaks Spanish they assume that he is Mexican and when they hear that he speaks Japanese they assume that he is Japanese. I've had Chinese nationals assume that I was fully Chinese and Mexican nationals assume that I was Mexican. * This troper still has a hard time believing EdwardJamesOlmos is Mexican. * This troper and nearly everyone on her dad's side of the family are AmbiguouslyBrown; what we really are are Portuguese and Italian, but what people think we are covers a wide range of Europe and western Asia. This troper was once asked "Are you Indian or Pakistani" and of course had to reply "...Italian." * [[{{Tropers.Shinykins}} This troper]] has [[{{PaleSkinnedBrunette}} light-to-medium olive-colored skin and very dark brown hair and eyes,]] as well as being the best in her Spanish class. Due to this, she is often mistaken as being Hispanic. Having a somewhat large nose and dark (although straight) hair, she's often mistaken as being Jewish. At times, she's been mistaken for both at the same time. In actuality, she's a mix between West Indian, East Indian, and British, and is a Christian. * [[{{Tropers.BlackCoyote}}This Troper]] has light brown skin, black hair, dark eyes, high cheekbones... the works. She's been confused as Hispanic, Native American (''by'' a Native American - her first question upon introduction was "So, what tribe are you from?" and she ''swore'' that I had to be at least half Lakota Sioux) Middle Eastern, and even, and I quote, "half black." Really, though? She's a mutt of indeterminate Northern European origins, with no Hispanic, Black, Middle Eastern, or (admitted) Native American blood anywhere in her lineage. [[spoiler:she says "admitted" because she has damned good reason to believe that her "father"...isn't. And not just because he's a raving, ignorant asshole, either.]] * [[{{Tropers/Luna87}} This troper]] identifies as black, though I actually also have (to my knowledge) English, Scottish, and Native American (Cherokee and Navajo, I believe) blood in addition to African. I always thought I looked pretty much African American, but someone at one of my [[{{Granola Girl}} many]] [[{{Soapbox Sadie}} protests]] asked me if I was Native American, because I looked it. So yeah, it must be more ambiguous than I thought. * Nearly every family line in my background, if traced back far enough, includes Native American blood from various tribes. It's been diluted by the English/Irish/Dutch/German/etc., but it must still be there. My parents are both pretty ordinary white people--both fairskinned with medium brown hair; my dad has blue eyes, my mom light brown--and my sister and I followed the trend. I'm green eyed, my sister hazel-eyed, and I tan better than she does. But then there's our brother. He has straight jet black hair, extremely dark brown eyes, and skin that's tanned in the winter and outright brown in the summer. He's been called Hispanic, Italian, Middle Eastern, and even

Black--but mostly just Native American. Good thing his facial features look just like his paternal grandfather's, or there might be paternity questions. ** Incidentally, my brother married a woman much like him--from a typical-looking white family, but somehow VERY dark--and they have a toddler son who is, I think, darker than either of his parents. He'll probably be the brownest little boy in his class claiming to be white. * This troper is ambigously white, because I have a set of Hispanic grandparents, but my father is caucasian. * This troper is hilariously ambiguous: most guesses are that I'm latino, even latino people think I'm latino, but I've also been taken for a Canadian Native American (Iroquois or Algonquin), Indian, Mayan, Incan, etc. Closest anyone's come is saying I'm Mongolian on their second guess. * Although [[{{Tropers/Crion87}} this troper]] is pretty much whitebread Anglo-Celto-Germanic Australian (and there may be a hint of Polish somewhere given his mother's ancestors came to Australia from [[{{PleaseSelectNewCityName}} Danzig, now Gdansk]], his mother's family was in the Bendigo area during the Gold Rush and a former Israeli took his eyes to look slightly Chinese Eurasian. However, while [[{{Tropers/Crion87}} this troper]] is pretty much as White Australian one can get without too much of any convicts (as far as he knows), his [[{{IfYouKnowWhatIMean}} first-time lay]] who was a ChristmasCake ten years older than him ([[{{Tropers/Crion87}} this troper]] was 21, the woman [[{{UnfortunateImplications}} was ''30 going on 31'']])had a roughly Asian-shaped face ''but Caucasian-ish skin, green eyes and auburn hair'', claiming descent [[{{CrackPairing}} from a strange relationship between]] a Chinese guy and an albino woman - perhaps that grandmother was an EvilAlbino as said first lay [[{{AmIJustAToyToYou}} was just using him]]. On the other hand, although a very good friend of [[{{Tropers/Crion87}} this troper]] with whom a JustFriends relationship was present (though at least for [[{{Tropers/Crion87}} this troper]] not without a certain amount of UnresolvedSexualTension in spite of her being seven years older than [[{{Tropers/Crion87}} this troper]] - at time of entry he is 23, [[{{ChristmasCake}} but she is 30]]) looked [[{{NorseByNorsewest}} slightly Norwegian]] due to her English father (whose own father had emigrated from Norway either during or after the SecondWorldWar, given away especially by her [[{{BlueEyes}} very blue eyes]], due to one of her grandparents on her mother's side she is technically a Maori, and ironically enough, given [[{{Tropers/Crion87}} this troper]]'s [[{{BoomerangBigot}} self-hatred at times]], the other non-Maori grandparent was originally ''[[{{ClosedCircle}} from convict stock in Australia's first fleet]]''. CrystalDragonJesus help this troper if said {{UST}} [[{{CakeEater}} gets even close to being ''resolved'']]... * This troper is mistaken for Mexican out West, and was mistaken for Middle Eastern quite a bit after 9/11. The irony of being mistaken for Mexican is when somebody tells you to go back to your own country. Except [[YouCantGoHomeAgain the U.S. doesn't recognize it anymore, and it's full of uranium tailings]]. * I know a Romanian girl who looks very Arab/Middle Eastern.

* Several examples at This Troper's school: the tan-skinned girl who hangs out with a predominately Asian crowd, but is actually Trinidadian, the half-black half-Filipino girl who doesn't look Asian ''at all'', and the one Nepali girl who gets this mostly because she's the only Asian girl in our class who isn't East Asian, and has mostly black friends. (There's also a Vietnamese girl who seriously looks Hispanic.) * This troper has a friend that could be referred to as "Vaguely middle-eastern/indian. Even he's not quite sure what he is. When school pictures came in, he was declared the racially ambiguous Jonas Brother. * To this troper, pretty much everyone else is AmbiguouslyBrown. I have the ''hardest'' time telling the difference between races, to the point that unless someone is extremely dark-skinned (African ancestry?), has very obvious East Asian features (couldn't begin to tell you what country!), or as pale as the moon (European somehow!), I flat-out refuse to guess. It doesn't make it any easier that I have a very AmbiguouslyBrown family. While I'm 100% European, as far as I know (mostly German and Scottish), I have partially Lebanese cousins who can pass for anything between white, Middle Eastern, or even Hispanic. The oldest was even mistaken for a Mexican by a Mexican while in Mexico! My Venezuelan uncle is also an interesting case; while he looks very Venezuelan, his family is quite mixed and he actually has blond-haired, blue-eyed relatives, which possibly contributed to why he and my German but dark-haired aunt ended up with an extremely pale blond-haired blue-eyed daughter after their two more ambiguously brown sons. * [[{{Tropers/Joerc45}} This troper]] is part Puerto Rican, caucasian, Spanish, and possibly African-American. His skin color is similar to {{Rosario Dawson}}'s, as well as having dark hair and eyes. When I moved to the midwest from NY, most people believe he is one of three things (1) Mexican, (2) Half-white, Half black, or (3) A white guy with a really good tan. * This troper lives in a brown to dark brown skin country and light skinned Chinese. I have much lighter skin than most and different features. My mother's half-Malaysian with Arabic, Indonesian and Singaporean blood. Her father is pure Bruneian. She's been confused as a British or an American because of her strong advance English accent. * A girl at this tropette's school is like this. She's not black, but she's not entirely white, but she's not hispanic... I don't know. * I have a friend who looks Latino and is always assumed as such, to the point that actual Latinos are disappointed he doesn't speak Spanish. Turns out he's white but a quarter black. His diluted African features being the cause of his olive skin and curly black hair. * This troper was described as, "Racially ambiguous enough to be interesting" while at the same time was described as "Black enough to be the resident TokenBlack". She's not sure whether or not to take offense. * This troper had been identified as an arabian one, a brazilian, an indian, even an italian and a malgach one. Though I'm only an afroeuropean mix. * This troper's cousin is Filipino and black, though most people can

tell that she's mixed (because she has dark skin but Asian eyes). Her daughter, however, is Filipino, black and white, and people havve guessed that she is anything from fully black to Latino to Asian. * This troper has olive skin, dark brown hair, and grey eyes. She's been taken for: Native American, Arab, Italian, Spanish, Persian, Mexican, Indian, and Puerto Rican. She's actually a [[spoiler:Ukrainian Jew.]] * This troper gets mistaken for Asian, but she has a biracial (black and white) father and a Native American mother. * My dad, a New York (read: Eastern European in origin) Jew, has fairly skin and curly black hair, and doesn't like talking to other people unless he has to. Because of this, my kindergarten teacher assumed that he was from another country and asked if he would like to talk to my class about his homeland... at which point my dad answered " ....You mean the Bronx?" Also, because of his appearance, we joke that one day he's going to get stopped at an airport for looking middle-eastern, which is kind of plausible considering that our last name got bastardized at Ellis Island into a somewhat common Arab name. * This troper has a friend who just so happens to be the most badass person he knows. He looks like he could be some form of Latino, though no other feature of this shows this; everything else pointing to Caucasian. For years he called himself black. It was later discovered that he was lying. [[BlatantLies No one believed him anyway]]. * [[{{Tropers/hipsterkitties}} this troper]] is only a quarter Thai (but looks full), and a mix of Scottish and other European ethnicities, but she gets mistaken for Mexican, Indian, or Jewish frequently. She also gets asked if she is adopted, as her mother is white and her classmates don't see her father often. * This troper has a friend where it's easy to tell he's asian but which one specifically he is. His mother looks black/vietnamese while his father looks chinese but at some times will look like a light skinned Mexican. Doesn't help that his cousins are practically every color of the rainbow. * This troper has three friends who fit this perfectly. One is halfblack, half-Caucasian, yet she hangs out with plenty of Asians and thus appears to look Filipino or Burmese (she's rather cheeky as well). Another is Puerto Rican, but she's been mistaken for being a Filipino on a few occasions. Another is half-Korean, half-Mexican. Her theatre teacher is also half-Filipino and some-part black, although she's not really mistaken for any ethnicities. Her Chemistry teacher's son also looks like a swarthy-skinned Jew despite coming from two very Caucasian parents. ** In addition, the same troper's boyfriend is half-Italian, halfJapanese. He doesn't have any Asian features in his face (unlike his brother), and she first mistook him for a swarthy Jew. Her mother mistook him for Indian. * This troper (and several of her friends, due to the region we live in) has mixed Asian and European ancestry. They are all frequently asked "what they are", to their chagrin. * This troper is ambiguously brown. I'm African American (probably with a dash of Creole) on my dad's side and Caucasian (German and Swedish, specifically) on my Mom's side. I've been mistaken for Asian,

Native American, Mexican, and Middle-Eastern/Mediterranean. An ex thought I was Native when he first met me and didn't know until I told him that I'm not. In an acting class an Asian girl asked if I was Asian as well. My boyfriend's sister and Mom (the latter of which spent part of her life in the Middle East) thought I looked Mediterranean until I said otherwise. (It's understandable, since I've met an Italian girl with darker skin.) In a Crowning Moment of Funny, I went to Arizona with my mom to visit my Grandma and we decided to go to Mexico for the day. While coming back from Nogales, mom and I were stopped at the border by a guard who thought I was a Mexican kid that Mom was trying to bring back to America. I'm not even making this up. Also, one person told me I look like Shakira, and my last boyfriend-who's mentioned below--has said I look like Rosario Dawson. A friend of mine has confirmed the comparison to Rosario Dawson. I see the resemblance to her, but I don't think I look like Shakira at all. Usually people who are black or who have grown up around a lot of black people can guess my mix correctly. A pen pal from Indiana, for example, could guess cuz he's white but his younger half-brother has the same mix as me--white mom, black dad. ** Same Troper as Above: This trope is also subverted with me, as my boyfriend is blonde and green-eyed, and looks totally white. I didn't know until he told me that he's also part Cherokee. Now that he's tanned for the summer, though, he's [[DarkSkinnedBlonde darker than me]]. The two of us tend to joke about this, since before the summer I was the darker of the two. Also, my last boyfriend was half-native and I didn't know until he said so, since he looks totally white as well. * This troper is ambiguously beige. She's Native American, Scottish, English, Jamaican, and African-American. I've been mistaken for white, Latina, Filipino, Middle Eastern, Indian, and, most bafflingly, Japanese (though, to be fair, those people had probably never even seen a Japanese person outside of television). People used to laugh at me when I told them I'm black, even though that's what most of them would call me, based on my ethnic makeup and the dreaded one drop rule. * [[@/SanaMae This troper]] is ambiguously beige/pale olive, due to being half white cornish and half {{Roma}}, with a little slavic thrown in. I also tan easily, meaning that in winter I pass as white, in summer as arabic. * This troper is more on the pale olive side due to not liking the sun, but with a tan fits this very well. She's Puerto Rican, Venezualen, Taino, Spaniard, and Irish. People often mistake her for white, but they can't seem to put their finger on what makes her look not white at the same time. * This Troper is a lifeguard at a public pool. I play "guess the ethnic" with the patrons when bored. ---However, it's easy enough to get back to this ''page'''s [[AmbiguouslyBrown roots]]. ---<<|TropePantheons|>>

AmbiguouslyGay * I have become this trope. Already have had the "if you're a lesbian we're okay with it" speech four times from my parents and jokes from friends, am and have always been a tomboy such as watching boy TV shows, not caring about my appearance, despising dresses and only wearing jeans. Combined with having no proper boyfriends as of yet, being very overly touchy with close female friends, joking that I fancy them and stalk them, having and knowing many gay adult friends and online bisexual teenagers and being an open supporter of gay rights. This is despite my clear interest in men, openly fancying many and discussions on how cute they are..... * I know several men who one could check off on a list for all of their "gay" qualities (works with jewelry, is a hairdresser, has a lisp, is close with his mother)- and yet, they are all heterosexual and not in denial about anything, have been married to women, etc. I no longer gives credence to "gaydar" and just wait until the person outs him/herself before making a judgement! * Gaydar..gaydar...boy I know who is very...PROTECTIVE of his male friends and seems to have no interest in girls whatsoever. ** Actually, my biggest single plus in a guy is what I call the False Gaydar Trip. A guy who looks gay, acts gay, dresses gay, thinks gay, lives gay, embodies gay, and yet goes for girls? That's perfection right there. ** Huh. I (a bisexual male) find that very odd, because I prefer to go for guys who are the exact opposite. You know... StraightGay? Or I suppose you could say they're like stealth planes with gaydar. *** You mean they're FlyingUnderTheGaydar so-to-speak. *** A friend of mine from high-school would have made your gaydar explode, then. We never saw him with a girl, and my group was mostly guys with just one girl... and he never really talked to her... and he tried to hump my best-friend (as a joke, but still... He sat with his back against the wall from that day onward.) * I know a guy who hangs out with a big group of (female) cheerleaders, though he isn't dating any of them, and really tips off my personal gaydar... yet, he's also a giant homophobe and tends to liberally use "that's gay" and insult another openly gay guy whom we both know. I'm currently betting that he's just very deep in a TransparentCloset. * My friend: bleached blond, huge interest in fashion, has appeared in musical theatre, slightly hip-swaying walk, 'fabulous' way of speaking, and is in no way attracted to men. He also managed to miss the point completely with "But she doesn't ''look'' gay!" ** I was confused until I realised that those two sentences weren't referring to the same person. * My friend (and current crush) loves musicals, ''Glee'', Lady Gaga and Abba. He also writes in multicoloured pens and said that one of the reasons why he did so was that "they looked pretty". Happily, it turns out he's completely heterosexual, just very camp. * I once worked with a guy I had pegged as gay on day one. He was ''fabulous''! Also he was sleeping with half the women in the department, and married.

* My music teacher. Day one, I thought I had him all mapped out in my mind. Somewhere around day 20, I notice- yeah, he's very Catholic, very married, and in the guise of a cherubic old man, a serious CovertPervert. Also, acting much too much like the Joker (as in, world's cruelest sense of humor plus an incredibly mercurial temper, not [[TheDarkKnight doing pencil tricks to students with late homework]]) for a man whose students call him 'Mr. J' should ever, ever dare to. * @/Nomic: There was a guy in my highschool who was just like the stereotypical gay guy (wore flannel shirts and earrings, spend a lot of time doing his hair, was very interested in fashion and said "fabulous" a lot etc.), except for, well, not being gay. He might've been bisexual though. * I was positive that my male best friend was gay. He loves musicals, speaks with a lisp, bleached his hair, goes tanning as often as possible, has said Meryl Streep is his hero, love fashion, and adores scented candles. He also has a small male dog named Gem. However, his first girlfriend was my female best friend from a difference social circle (yes, it was as awkward as it sounds. And yes, they did break up in an ugly fashion, causing any mixing of social circles to be awkward). She let it slip that he has a fascination with boobs, and tried but failed to subtly ask said ex-girlfriend to touch them. He has a new girlfriend, who he claims to be in love with, while constantly and blatantly flirting with's all very confusing, and I can't figure out if he's doing this because he wants to, are if he's [[TransparentCloset trying to cover for something...]] * My present girlfriend is a self-proclaimed lesbian (and I'm male). Gayness refers to both a lifestyle and a sexual identity, and one without the other doesn't necessarily lessen one's ability to qualify for the title. Also since bisexuality is derided in [[ the community]] those that are so disposed tend to, ironically, keep it closeted. * I have a lot of gay friends, but the most effeminate, limp-wristed, high-register-voiced of them all apparently likes girls. Actually I'm not convinced he likes either, but asexual is still not gay. ** I have the exact same situation as above - only made even stranger considering that I'm bi, and HeterosexualLifePartners with aforementioned friend, which has led to more than a few people assuming that we're a gay couple. ** @/JChance: I would wonder if my roommate wrote that, except that he's the bi one as well as the camp one in the pair. * My roommate and I both are involved in theater (in my case, musicals even), have relatively high-register voices, have loads of girlfriends (in the platonic sense), and one of us wears a necklace and gels his hair. I'm is bisexual; my roommate is 100% straight. * I am a music major on clarinet at my school, and thought that the other two male players in the studio were definitely gay...until I saw one of them with his girlfriend and was nearly beaten up by a friend of the other when I asked about it. * @/BooBooBob: My second senior year (don't ask) was in a new school in another state so no one knew me. I was involved in a student discussion group for kicks and about 3/4 through the year the teacher

who led it said that the afternoon was a free-for-all discussion-wise. The first thing that was mentioned was a student informing me that there was a rumor going around that I was bisexual. I laughed... a lot... then informed him that the rumor was false: I'm as queer as a three-dollar bill. Then the girl I thought hated me all year said that I shouldn't use the word queer because it was mean and that she respected my honesty. She was much friendlier after that. Come to think of it, so was most of the school. It was weird. Then again, it was in Massachusetts. ** Living in MA for awhile, I've drawn conclusion; if you don't have any traits that cause you to stand out, you're typically ignored. * I have a friend who is AmbiguouslyGay in the sense that he'll be acceptive of the fact that he's gay (or at the very least most likely gay) one day and then very hush-hush about it the next (even to me, with whom he's been infatuated in the past to the point of telling me). This does not make sense to me, as several people in his year group are openly gay, and no-one in the year is ever homophobic towards them, and the aforementioned friend appears utterly terrified that people will be homophobic towards him. * I have a friend who, although does not really fit the 'gay' stereotype, strikes me, and many of my friends, as gay. He however, claims he isn't and he does have a girlfriend. He once said to us: 'I'm not gay, I'm just ambiguously camp' ** He must be a fan of YuGiOhTheAbridgedSeries. * Allow me to speak for many of the bisexuals out there: We love to [[Main/PlayedForLaughs play]] Main/AmbiguouslyGay. It can be absolutely hilarious. ** Seconded, though I can never get the voice right >.< ** Allow me to speak for a select few straight men out there. We too like to play Main/AmbiguouslyGay. Just to fuck with people. It helps when one is secure in his own sexuality. * My middle school is filled people who I've known for years but do not know the sexuality of. * My best friend of 16 years gets this all the time. Not particularly high voiced, he is well groomed, clean, close to his family, loves to cook, has taught elementary school, maintains the bulk of his friendships with females and gay men, and has no problem sewing cushions for his couch. He also skydives and does any and all construction necessary in his house. Nearly everyone who meets him goes through the "is he, or isn't he" thing until they get up the nerve to ask. He's never had a romantic feeling towards anyone of his own gender. My father won't believe he isn't gay. What makes the whole thing more complicated is that we are very much {{The Straight Will and Grace}}. People nearly have a stroke when they discover we are not romantically involved, not in denial over our feelings for one another, and neither of us are gay. * My best friend's mother decided to rent a room to someone. One of the possible choices was a stereotypically gay hairdresser- his name even radiated fabulousness. He didn't get picked. * I've had not one, not two, but three ambiguously gay teachers; one in High School (Literature), one in an English Institute and the latest one in College (Sociology) and for some reason, I got along

well with all of them. Also, my best friend in High School was one too, tough invoking the trope wasn't recommended as any mention of it triggered his BerserkButton. * There was a wonderful scene at my college's drama club. There were two senior boys sitting there, neither gay, both very confident, both nice. One of them gets up to go help out with something, and a freshman leans over to the other and asks, "Is he gay, too?" This prompted the one being asked to wear an "I like boobies" shirt to rehearsal for a week. * Err... Guilty as charged, here. Never wanted to be camp - in fact, it's slightly embarrassing when it happens now - but there was once a betting pool on my sexuality. A friend coined the term "pyroheterosexual" to describe the phenomenon. Even worse, I've got an ambiguously lesbian [[PlatonicLifePartners best friend]], who is currently working on convincing her boyfriend that she's involved with her best ''female'' friend. We're a complicated bunch. * This troper. My friends have speculated, my parents have given me the "We'll still accept you if you're a lesbian, honey! It's okay to like girls!" speech more times than I can count. All because I have not yet had a boyfriend (as of September 2010, I will be a junior in high school), act in a slightly butch way, swear like a sailor, and I loathe dresses. However, I'm actually very attracted to men....and [[BiTheWay women]] they're half right. Most of them just don't know that yet. Especially not her [[ChivalrousPervert male best friend.]] Who, upon finding out, would probably go insane and ask to watch her make out with a girl. As he as already hinted that if she is a lesbian, he really, truly [[IfYouKnowWhatIMean doesn't mind.]] ** Anybody else feel warmer and fuzzier about the fact that there is such a speech? * This Troper's brother love small dogs, went to Brokeback Mountain in theaters, believes every man should have a drag queen as a friend at least once in his, and is completely straight and married. Even his wife thought he was gay at first... * The first time This Troper saw the young music teacher (when she was in highschool)... skipping(actuall a marching band step pace), pulling on a pair of white Micheal Jackson gloves and looking like a Gay Backstreet boy. Then learned from her friends in Band he was in fact, very very straight. * This Troper until a few months back had a landlord who was essentially a study in this. Of course, this may simply be because his first name was spelled "Marque"...which prompted this Troper's sister to immediately jump to the logical conclusion. Throw in being unmarried at 40 and obsessed with cleaning, plus an apparent hatred of every single woman at his workplace, referred to a certain peanut product as "penis butter" and bragged about having had [[IfYouKnowWhatIMean Little Marque]] photographed for postcards...and since he couldn't really stand this Troper, who is two bottles of detergent below the human average, it was never really worth asking. * This troper's gayness level has reached such a high level that I am described as a 'gay man'. Keep in mind I am a straight woman. * This straight-as-an-arrow troper regularly talks in a really gay voice for comical effect, with appropriate hand gestures and

mannerisms. According to his friends, it's frighteningly convincing. * This troper is ambiguosly Gay- to other people. To himself, he's perfectly straight, but I have a lisp(teeth-grinding when I was younger chipped some vital teeth), spiked hair, and my name is Gabriel, shortened to Gabe. Not fun. * [[@/TromboneChild This Troper's]] mother had a male childhood friend whose father died when he was a very small child, so his mother raised him and all of his sisters by himself--he was the only boy in the family. I met him recently, and he seemed completely gay, or at least effeminate--he had the tone of voice, the hand gestures, the shirt, and he even works as an interior decorator. Later, I asked my mother if he was gay, and she said no--he's happily married to a woman and they have a few children together. He had just been raised surrounded by women, so the more "feminine" traits rubbed off on him. * This troper is completely straight. But, at the same time, he enjoys {{squick}}ing out his male friends by hitting on them, but at the same time, feels very awkward about hitting on girls he likes. In a slight subversion of the trope, he also does his best to remind people that he is, in fact, straight. ** Are you me? *** We should start a club. "Fabulous Straight Men of America." *** And if you think that sounds awesome, get a load of this: You are a gay homosexual. * This troper is female and bisexual but acts and dresses butch enough that lesbians are surprised to find out I have a boyfriend. * This troper had a former friend in high school who behaved very effeminately, seemed to have a crush on me, followed me everywhere, collected mood rings and charm bracelets, wore tight shorts, had a little dog named Mr. Cuddles,loved to hang out with little boys,and seemed to have absoulutely no interest in women, on the other hand he wasn't stereotypical in one sense as he had very poor hygiene, although once he did steal a pair of one of my girlfriend's panties at point while she was on lifeguard duty, I have no idea why he did that but have a few theories he might have done it to get back at me for something or he wanted to try a pair on. * This troper's music teacher undergoes much speculation from my group of friends. He's 28 with a girlfriend (After every major/minor holiday, we ask if he proposed. Always no. Alas...), most definitely gels his hair, crosses his ankles when he sits, has a pretty high pitched voice for a 28 year old guy, apparently can sing opera, and his iPod is filled with classical. And not even good classical. Really, you know, gay sounding classical. The only manly thing about him is that he's a Halo fanatic. ** So, the only thing manly about him is that he gets "[[StopHavingFunGuys FAGGOT!]]" screamed at him constantly? * I was raised by women, with the difference that my mother wore combat boots and my sister taught me to fight, so it certainly wasn't an effeminate upbringing. But I must've been androgenous enough for the rumor to go around, time after time, that I may be/definitely am, gay. And I exploited the hell out of this simply by not denying it, not even acknowledging when the question or accusation came around. Every single time the rumor was believed by enough people to make it

'true', I would have the most interesting girls throwing themselves at me. There'd be guys too, but surprisingly few in comparison, and they always seemed shy and reserved enough to tease or ignore them, in comparison with the girls, who were pretty brazen and kinky. * This troper loves chick flicks, showtunes, tap dancing, and the golf clap. This troper is a 1 on the Kinsey Scale. ** ...Meaning that you are at least a little bisexual? *** Aren't we all? *** No. 1= Totally straight 6=Totally gay. * One of this tropers friend's little brother acts very effeminate, he speaks in a stereotypical gay lisp, he sometimes wore jewelery and makeup, often used the gay wave, hung out with a group of girls, and often sang songs that were sung by women on stage, many people asked my friend if his brother was gay he replied that he wasn't he was just ridiculously campy. * [[@/FreeVerse This Troper]] can't be the only one who thinks it's just as fun to act like this as it is to put on the LargeHam act. It's probably a reaction to being in my own personal BlueBishonenGhetto. I feel sorry for the female character they introduce next season. [[ReverseHarem Or not.]] * This troper enjoys musical theatre, 70s and 80s music, girly books, has never had a girlfriend, and actually ''kissed a guy'' at one point. He is totally straight. * This troper knows a guy who speaks like a valley girl and has very...''unique'' habits. Turns out he's very religious. And a homophobe. * This troper's best friend's boyfriend is "the gayest straight guy we know". Most of his friends are girls, he's in the Chorus, he loves musicals... * One of this troper's best friends ''skips'' from place to place, has long hair, and laughs like a girl. He claims he's straight, and she claims to believe him. * This troper's boyfriend is more vain than herself, and he likes some feminine stuff, while herself doesn't; it might be a case of an AmbiguouslyGay couple, since people already asked me if I was a lesbian. This thought passed on my mind, but then, I came to the conclusion that women are not attractive to me at all. I prefer manly shirtless pecs and nice bulges, if you ask me. * One of this troper's friends is this. He talks in a fabulous manner and hangs out with mostly girls. Once, a teacher stopped class and yelled at him and a girl because they were ''talking about their favorite letter to draw''. But his Facebook claims that he only likes women. * [[@/EddieVanHelsing This troper]] used to get this all the time in high school, because he had "pretty eyes" and long, thick, glossy hair (which he still does, but with gray streaks). He tended to respond by saying, "Well, what are you waiting for? My dick ain't gonna suck itself." He is, however, married to a woman. He tried guys, and didn't like it. * Before puberty, this troper was interested in boys and girls about equally and tended to crush on other boys simply because that's who he was friends with. It even got to the point of fantasies involving

RescueRomance in one case. When he was about 9-10 he got teased about being a fag (long before he knew what that meant) for wanting to check out other boys' private bits. Then puberty hit, and boys didn't seem so attractive anymore...still didn't keep me from being teased about having Teh Gay (even at times when I was working through incredibly painful crushes on ''girls''). Nowadays I really only go for women, though in practice I'm more-or-less asexual (I get crushes and then never follow through on them because I'm either paranoid or lazy). [[AttractiveBentGender Girly traps]] are cute, but dating one? No, too weird. It really, ''really'' doesn't help that I'm (well, was) [[{{Bishounen}} cute]], [[OlderThanTheyLook young-looking]], [[ShrinkingViolet socially insecure]] and [[NonActionGuy have some decidedly unmanly traits]]. (It also explains why I like tomboys, too, I suppose.) ** I'm sorry, but you seem very adorable... ** This male troper agrees. * This troper has a college classmate who's very friendly and helpful and just gives off something as gay. Then I find out he has three kids and is recently divorced * [[@/{{Turtleducks}} This troper]] has a best friend who has a highpitched girly voice, and does very gay handflops. This prompted my girlfriend's father (who doesn't know she's a lesbian) to come to the conclusion that the only reason she's not dating him is because he's gay. Ha ha, yeah no. He has a habit of stroking all the girls in the group (read: EVERYONE) in a very creepy, semi-sexual way... ** Also, the same troper above has recently discovered he watches '''Oprah''' regularly. His theme song is now Wanna Do Your Makeup by Scotty Vanity, and the same troper's girlfriend and her have decided he will end up marrying their artsy AllergicToLove for insurance reasons and never ever have sex with anyone ever. * [[@/MsByrd This Troper]] has a GentleGiant buddy who hangs out with nearly all girls, has very Bishounen mannerisms (we still haven't figured out how he manages this, but he's been called walking shotacon, despite the ridiculous height), and occasionally seems to have a sort of bishie-[[FullmetalAlchemist Armstrongesque]] sparkle. He loves to gossip and is very much NonActionGuy. He's [[VictoriousChildhoodFriend taken]], as well as slightly homophobic-the real gay boy in our [[FiveManBand Seven Girl Band]] gleans sadistic pleasure from the [[LuminescentBlush results]] of sitting a little too close, calling him [[TermsOfEndangerment pet names]], and on one memorable occasion ''sitting in his lap''. Which, of course, [[HoYay does not help the victim's case]]. Also, her cousin, who has no FreudianExcuse by way of many female relatives ([[@/MsByrd This Troper]] is the only girl), is another one of those gayest-straightman-alive types. But he [[PlayedForLaughs enjoys it]]. * [[@/TadBolmont This Troper]], through high school, almost never hit on girls, only on boys (mostly his friends), and he's sure many people thought him gay. In truth, he's bi and hit on his male friends to make them uncomfortable. * [[@/Market43Fan This Troper]] and his sister knew one guy from high school (two years younger than me, one year older than my sister) who seemed to fit this to the letter, but we weren't sure. Adding to this

is that all parties involved (person in question, troper, troper's sis) were attending a Christian school at the time, so if he was, chances are he sure as heck wasn't going to tell anyone. * This troper's younger female cousin behaves more like a man than anyone in her extended family barring her father, who is a retired Marine, to the point that it's an unspoken agreement within this troper's side of the family that her cousin is a lesbian or bisexual. * Many people mistake me for gay, to the point that my friends call me "the friend who isn't gay but we just pretend is". This is because I'm really thin, wear pretty much American Eagle and Aeropostale, I'm into theatre (don't you dare spell it theater), have a necklace that I always wear, and hang out with mostly girls that I wouldn't date. * This troper is bisexual and fits his sexuality by subverting this trope while at the same time playing it straight. On one hand he's thin, has a high voice, limp wrists, loves the theatre, and hangs around girls. On the other he despises flamboyancy, loves hiking, despises Britney Spears,and has no fashion sense at all. * [[@/{{Quillpaw}} This troper]] is friends with a boy who frequently stands in gay poses, can do the limp wrist thing perfectly, quotes [[DiaryOfAMadBlackWoman Madea]] whenever he can, played a gay hairdresser much too well, and thinks [[Literature/{{Twilight}} Jacob]] is the ''hottest'' werewolf on the planet (so much so that he's only going to see the New Moon movie to see Jacob shirtless...the same reason most of my FEMALE friends are going)...and has dated me, along with two or three other girls, and has had a crush on one girl since 7th grade. * [[@/{{Pumpernickel}} This troper]]'s mother had a boss who was exactly this. Everyone in the office thought he was gay. She and a female coworker went to a restaurant one night, and Mom asked her "D'you think Gary's gay?" and the coworker looks at her like she's insane. "No, he's very straight. In fact, I'm dating him." * One of this Troper's best friends is apparently straight (He has a girl friend), but she and many other people have wondered at one point about the boy's sexuality. He's been in a musical (A cutesy one at that), he likes to straighten his hair, he had no qualms over dressing up as an emo boy for Halloween (It was basically an excuse for the girls in our group to put makeup and nail polish on him), sits still for stage makeup application than all of the girls in the cast combined, and does the gay voice a little ''too'' well. When his sexuality is joked about, he makes a big deal about it (A la {{Avenue Q}}). Even after knowing him for 12 years, I'm still not 100% sure. * One hilarious example is this troper's cousin. He's a very good hairstylist, has bleached hair, has an interesting way of speaking, and seems to have a bit of a bounce as he walks. The fun part is that all this pretty much started since he took up hairstyling, and he manages to stay straight. * This troper loves playing up the LesYay with everyone in her school (I got to an all-girl's school, and yes it's quite draining), for no other reason than it's fun and it pleases the shippers. (Yes, I joke about our life being a fandom; me and my best friend are quite OTP, if I do say so myself.) Hugging, hair-stroking, NoSenseOfPersonalSpace, and just the other day I had a great deal of fun flirting with one of

the most romance-phobic and tomboyish girls in the grade, giving her a handmade flower for her birthday, with some added (acted) awkwardness and an aura of "confessing". Possible subversion in that I don't actually know ''what'' I am yet, but I'm pretty sure it's been fairly well-established that I like boys. (Whether or not I like girls too, that remains to be found; I do have a bit of an androgyny kink...) ** This troper does the same with two of her female friends, well.. one more than the other. This includes dancing with the girls aswell as the boys and being weirdly clingy and all around charming. Although I'm not giving up boys for anything. * [[@/TheTallOne Me.]] I'm a rare female example, and bisexual to boot. Hooray for ambiguity! ** Me too, except that I'm straight. I wear superhero t-shirts with jeans, I have a relatively low voice (for a girl), I've never been to a nail salon, I've only been to a hair salon once in my life (when I was about 10), and I'm bored by fashion and chick flicks. ** I'm straight, and the same. Everyone seemed to think I was gay, I've been asked about it alot... * This troper has a band mate that keeps talking in a squeaky voice, once wore bows in his hair through all of practice, and frequently flirts with me and other people. Somewhat subverted, though, because a lot of people that have to work with him think he's gay. * This Troper is this in spades...on more then one occasion he's heard the phrase "WAIT WAIT WAIT, YOU'RE STRAIGHT!" * The campest guys This Troper knows are straight (or possibly bisexual, but both of them have had girlfriends). * This troper has a friend who only hangs out with girls, talks in a high voice, is in to a bunch of girly stuff yet has a girl-friend(i still think he's gay). and on a another note, a lot of people think im a lesbian * My brother spends a long time in the bathroom every day doing his hair, has worn jewelery, regularly spends the night at his male friend's house, and on Saturday he's going to see the new ''Literature/{{Twilight}}'' movie. He swears he's straight, but would any straight guy willingly go see "New Moon"? ** Uh, [[LooksLikeCesare Kristen Stewart]], [[ManicPixieDreamGirl Ashley Green]], [[HotMom Elizabeth Reaser]], [[TheLibby Nikki Reed]]? (Admittedly, even they would probably still not be enough to convince a straight guy to see ''New Moon'', but it's possible...) *** Don't forget [[{{Lolicon}} Dakota Fanning]]! * This Troper has had a field day for the last three years of highschool in JROTC. It started in freshmen year with some guy I hate screwing something up and blaming it on seeing a hot girl, he said 'even insertmyname here was checking her out!' and I said I don't care. Next year or maybe that year, during Christmas I suggested that he molests computers after he refused to stop calling one gay because he was being a dumbass and freezing it. And most recently a new obnoxious freshmen said 'I'm so angry I could punch a gay person. Because I hate gay people.' I respond with, 'And I would punch you back' wait a minute for it to sink in and continue 'because I find that offensive.' This along with many other smaller instances has made almost all the males wonder what I am. The sad thing is if they

weren't to terrifed to ask I would tell them I'm a lesbian. * This troper had a male roommate who acted very effiminate, and he and my other roommate had several friends who were gay. I asked my other roommate about it and she said "No, he just acts very effimnate." Years later most of my female friends were either lesbians or bisexual (with a preference towards women). One of them had the best gay pride shirt I'd ever seen, it read "Let's get one thing straight... I'm not!" with each letter of "I'm not" in the gay pride rainbow colors. * This troper had a friend who was all over any girl that moved, however he talked and acted SO gay and effininate that I was never completely sure about him. He was also VERY homophobic. * Trying to explain that I'm not gay would be like saying "I'm gay, but I'm not gay." * This troper is physically what you'd suspect to be a chapstickverging-on-ButchLesbian: Short dark hair, surly demeanor, stocky build, boyish dress sense, a refusal to wear makeup or jewelry, and a fondness for men's colognes. In personality, however, she is, yes, a feminist and a GLBT ally who mostly enjoys acting practically male CampGay with a side of NoHuggingNoKissing. This is not, however, because she is a lesbian or a transman or even bi and fond of fooling around with gender roles; this troper is asexual, aromantic, and thus sees no point in bothering with gender stuff beyond ease of pronounery. Plus, it's loads and loads of fun. * This troper is a member of the US Military, and ''whoa'', have I become familiar with this trope. It's not that there's a lot of ambiguously gay people in her unit, it's just that with everyone trying to act as straight as possible, the probably-gay ones are large blips on my personal gaydar. It probably helps that I'm not-quitestraight myself. * I was best friends in high school with a man who, until age 13, had hair down to the small of his back. He loved musicals, cooked, was obsessed with fashion etc., but believed that homosexuals were the spawn of Satan. Somehow, we were best friends and I even had a rather large crush on him, yet he still took the time every now and then to remind me I was a deviant. ** On the hilarious plus-side, however, I've subverted this trope: Despite being rather camp myself, a friend of mine who was present at my coming out still commented to someone that he thought I "likeliked" a female friend. Yeah... No. * This (female) troper is, apparently, a bit of a "gaydar blind spot." Hates makeup and fashion, plays video games, hangs out a lot with guys, enjoys things with heavy TestosteronePoisoning... And, most notably, if the topic of "What do you find attractive in a man?" comes up, pointedly refuses to discuss it. Nothing about her ''screams'' lesbian either, though. The actual answer?: Straight as an arrow; just nerdy. * This male troper has been introduced as a "closeted straight" before, with several narnia comments. I am extremely camp in behaviour (Limp wrists, hands-on-hips, actually likes fashion, occassionally wears small amounts of make-up, mincing as I walk...), and get along with women much easier than men, so I can see where they're coming

from...still straight though, just extremely fabulous ^^ * This troper received this back in the lovely days of high school. Given that I love musical theatre, enjoy my skinny jeans and tight(ish) shirts, and got blonde highlights for the lulz, it was kind of inevitable. Bringing a banana to lunch every day in a large, plastic, banana-shape container also led to multiple jokes concerning my sexuality. For the record, straight, just shy around the opposite gender. * [[@/MacPhisto This Troper]] is Bisexual, though he deliberately keeps it ambiguous just for the sake of messing with people's minds. * There is a girl in This Troper's class who is very involved in sports, loves food, wants to join the army, plays guitar, and went as a (fairly convincing) guy for Halloween... And yet, at the same time, has a boyfriend and fangirls over Nick Jonas. * This female troper is an amateur puppeteer, and she recently made a new wolf puppet character who was practically built on this trope for the irony of having a "sheep in wolf's clothing" personality. And also, just to add on to this, he was named "Henry" which was used as a homage to a favorite puppeteer, Richard Hunt (his middle name)who just so happened to be homosexual. * This troper is a genetic bait-and-switch for the male gender. They are drawn to the incredibly feminine features (feathery hair, high voice, childbearing hips, a bangin' rack, etc) that signal fertility...and then BAM! They realize I'm a lesbian. * This troper has a female friend who has a cute little lesbian haircut, wears boys clothes, does boxing as a sport, and works as a fisherman (fisherwoman?). She also claims to be straight and has a computer background consisting of mostly nude and lightly oiled male models. * This male troper is often described as "The Closet Heterosexual". Apparently I trigger the gaydar women have hard, since whenever I ask one out the initial response tends towards "Wait, you're straight?" _- Just because I care about fashion and wear subtle amounts of makeup and talk with my hands a lot and enjoy romantic films and stories and actually care about and am willing to discuss/admit I actually have emotions and cried at Up and mince when I walk and...well, you get the idea... * This troper's friend is a tall female who has a short, boyish haircut, has broad shoulders, wears men's clothing, and reacts violently to the color pink. Many people actually mistake her for a boy, and because we often walk to classes together, they also tend to mistake us for a couple. ** [[@/MarinaDelGrapes This troper]]'s niece is becoming more and more like your friend every day, much to her niece's friends' irritation. * [[@/MarinaDelGrapes This troper]]'s husband. Both she and her husband are actually bisexual. ** Wow, that's beautiful. :) * This troper absolutely hates gay guys who are like this. But, incidentally, she knows quite a few. * In high school I was into theatre and didn't have a girlfriend. At one point a friend (who I hadn't know for very long) made a gay joke and suddenly stopped laughing, turned to me and asked if I was gay (so

as to see if I was offended or anything). I'm not, but the fact that I knew 2 gay guys who were both single made me kinda wish I was. * One of my friends sings countertenor/male alto, prefers falsetto to his normal voice, often makes weird squealing noises, wears pink tshirts, absolutely loves musicals and is unafraid of crying in front of people. He is completely straight and has a 3-year girlfriend. * This Australian Troper, due to being a RalphWiggum (and somehow a GeniusDitz), was always rather flamboyent, and had no inhibitions. I also spent a lot of time with a group that was primarily Homo and Bisexuals (the list of tells goes on). Silent rumours spread. When I was fifteen, I was finally asked for clarity, well, HaveIMentionedIAmHeterosexualToday? Two years later, I made a CallBack to that moment, saying 'I wish people still thought I was gay, so I could make groping look like an accident'. * This Troper has a friend whohas a very high voice, listens and sings along to to things by Brittney Spears, ect, and can kick his foot up to head level. He is, he says, totally straight. The funny thing? This Troper is lesbian, so we form a reverse Will & Grace. xD * This Troper has begun to take it for granted that he is generally Ambiguously Gay seeming to new people. I'm a tad... flamboyant due to my high energy and physical nature, and I'm extremely comfortable around people, so that doesn't help things much. I also am an Omniflirt if I don't make a concerted effort not to, so there's that. Also I make it no secret I'm a fan of musicals and Romantic movies, plus have some history of drunken debauchery.... That said, Totally Straight as a ruler. As people get to know me they split into two camps, those that note my actual history and think I'm some sort of straight manwhore (Not, but exaggeration goes a long way!) and those who think I'm totally overcompensating and will eventually reveal my clearly repressed dude love. :P * Female example! This troper is stereotypically fabulous enough that one of her friends has dubbed her the "gay guy best friend"- even though she's lesbian. ** My God. So [[{{Tropers/Turtleducks}} I'm]] ''not'' the only one! * This troper is more commonly assumed to be an antisocial sexless freak (which is not altogether untrue), but appears to be a completely unfeminine female who talks about guys and girls with equal frequency, and prefers to maintain ambiguity whenever anyone gets up the balls to ask, unless she is actively interested in getting with them. "Are you gay?" "No." "Are you straight?" "''No''..." She is actually bisexual. ** Are you me? * [[Tropers/{{Muffin-Shota}} This Troper]] fits the bill! I cross dress (only with my close friends/myself), wear make-up (mascara), have an affinity for cute things, flowers, make sure I smell nice, try to be nicely groomed, I am a flexible acrobat, high voice, and is a shitload more connected with girls than guys. Though I'm equally as affectionate to guys as I am to girls etc. However, even then with the Anvilicious hints, people are still able to be convinced I'm straight. One of the reasons why I'm popular is that despite my femininity and everything, is that I can still convince others that I'm straight and I have inklings of Badass TsunDere! I don't have the major flaming (like the specific voice/movements) characteristics though... but

considering how I'm a shota this is justified to some extent. * This troper has waist-length curly black hair, tends to wear fitted shirts, wears eyeliner, is not averse to wearing skirts, and has a feminine face. I also wear a knee-length black trench coat, play trombone, have a tenor singing voice, play lots of violent video games, and I live on the internet. No one can ever seem to make up their minds as to whether I'm straight or gay. (Answer: I'm a lesbian.) * This troper is ambiguously lesbian. She has no interest in boys aside from friendship (and when her parents talk about boyfriends or marriage she responds with noticeable disgust), has no feminine interests, will not wear skirts or dresses under any circumstance, associates with typically masculine things, does not care about her appearance, doesn't share the same interests as other girls her age, has frequent thoughts of wanting to be male, and has a low voice most of the time (even though her voice is actually somewhat high it usually sounds quite low for someone of her age, either gender). She is a fan of all things [[GirlsLove yuri]], hates [[BoysLove yaoi]], and would much rather be around boys than girls. The only thing feminine about her is her noticeable [[MostCommonSuperpower figure]], her mindset, her hair style, her name, quite a few of the shows and books she likes, and her voice. Her parents have even slipped and referred to her both as a ''boy'' and referred to her needing a "girlfriend" (before quickly fixing their mistake). She gets rather easily flustered around females, especially when compared to boys, but gets along very well with them if they like what she likes. Turns out this troper is [[TakeAThirdOption neither gay, straight, bi, pan, or poly.]]. She's ''{{Asexual}}'', and an aromantic one at that meaning she likes no one in a romantic or sexual sense. To add insult to injury, she identifies as ''male''. * This troper's friend at one point, at a bar, began pointing out who she thought was gay or straight. When she got to me she spent a few seconds thinking, then said, "He's.... Well, I don't even think he knows." [[Hilarity ensues]]. * In my group back in High School, we had two guys. One was the son of a forester, had a manly beard, enjoyed making obnoxious jokes, was in conditioning and would often stare at girls breasts. The other loved theater, old movies, classical music and mostly hung out with girls. Guess which one was gay. * This troper made a character like this. He talks in a nearValleyGirl accent, is quite fond of glitter and stars, and calls people "hun" a lot. Another character even called him out on it, to which he responded by kissing a random girl and saying, "As soon as I get home, I'm watching sports!" However, this troper is firmly in neutral ground as far as his sexuality goes. It probably doesn't help that there was an AU in which he was in love with a male character. * One of this troper's friend is considered this by people who don't know him very well. He is fond of wearing pink and purple, earrings, growing his hair long, and is evoking HoYay with his close friends. He is also a Bishonen. However anyone who talks to him for five minutes realizes that he is a girl-obsessed horndog with an insanely dirty mind.

* This (mostly gay) troper was this to her dad for... most of her life, apparently. He said he's always assumed I wasn't straight, but since I didn't come out to him until a year ago (I was sixteen) he had no way of knowing for sure. Turns out, he was pretty much right. * This troper just started High School, and can't even begin to count how many people I've met so far that fit this... * This troper has a coworker who has bemoaned the fact that he has trouble meeting women because everyone thinks he's gay. The (mostly straight) troper has pointed out that he obsesses over his clothes, shoes and hair, cooks, and likes musicals, whereupon he returned that someone who wears a camouflage jacket and combat boots, drinks bourbon straight up and spends her weekends tinkering with her bike has no room to blame someone else for falsely tripping gaydar. * I'm pretty sure that the (very nice, very helpful, MALE) store-clerk at Sally's the other day was wearing eyeliner. Plus his hair was just amazing. And he was quite fashionable. * This troper recently descovered that he's MistakenForGay by everyone when they first meet him, [[Friends Chandler-style]] irony since he's not even sure what he is (Most likely straight, though). In fact today I had to explain this quality to the reason a [[BiTheWay Friend]]'s Gaydar picked me up. Considering how I live in a place that is generally homophobic I did used to get insulted by it until I decided that I'd rather be CampStraight then normal. * Dear everybody who posted on this page, in case it hasn't dawned on you yet, from, y'know, all these examples of CampStraight guys... [[BerserkButton GAY IS NOT A PERSONALITY TRAIT.]] ** Amen to that. * There is one guy in my drama class, who acts incredibly flirtatious with ''everyone''. But I'm pretty sure he's not bisexual. He never dates anyone. And has no sense of personal space when it comes to people regardless of gender, [[DoubleStandard which is okay though, because he's attractive.]] * One of my friends has told me recently that one of my other friends thinks I like her. This confuses me to no end, as I have explicitly told my friends that I am gay. The first friend never really knew until I said I was (medium build, long hair, no sense of style, not flamboyent, a necklace I wear all the time, etc. The usual combination of both attributes). Apparently she (second friend) thinks I'm lying about being gay, that I stalk her, that I'm obsessed with her. Ya. . . right. Definitely gay over here, no matter what my appearance may say. * This troper has a voice teacher who I've been going to since I was 13. I'm 17, and in retrospect, it's funny to see how he's "come out" to me as I've matured and my tolerance has become more apparent. For example, if the line in the song said "he", he would substitute "she". Now we just sing the same line. Or say we're discussing Justin Beiber (don't ask), I've heard MANY times "Oh, I have such a crush on him." Really, I hate he is gay because my fangirl self is sort of in love with him. He is a southern, sassier Stephen Fry. No. Really. He even kisses me on the forehead sometimes. *squee* Ok, now I need to stop. But honestly, he gets me a dozen roses every year on my birthday. I mean, who does that anymore? * I often comment on how adorable anime characters are, I'm a fan of

loli art, and I adore moe characters. I'm a girl. Even I'm getting confused. * This tropette feels somewhat this way about ''her cat'' (of all things). He would fall under [[AmbiguouslyGay ambiguous]] [[HardGay Manly Gay]] because he [[RealMenHateAffection does not]] [[HatesBeingTouched like to be cuddled]] ([[{{Tsundere}} most of the time, anyway]] - especially [[ButtMonkey with me]]), and yet he can get ''[[HoYay really]]'' [[HoYay snuggly with the dog]]. Also, out of all the human household, he likes my dad the best, and again, could care less about AnimalJingoism towards the dog. On the other hand, [[AllMenArePerverts if his reaction]] [[HelloNurse to a local she-cat is anything to go by]], I probably shouldn't worry. My other cat is [[{{YMMV}} arguably]] CampStraight, being the more [[ShrinkingViolet passive]] [[GentleGiant big softy]] and the [[RedOniBlueOni polar opposite]] of his "brother". * @/DesertDragon: I'm quite '''un'''ambiguously gay, but I once dated a guy--even had a steamy makeout in the park with him--without knowing for sure if he was at least bi. And he knew as much as I did. Even a year after we agreed to just be friends, I'm still not sure which way he swings, and I don't think he is either. Granted, I've long since moved on with my love life, but I do hope he gets it together at some point, even if it's with a girl after all. * I'm an hetero-romantic asexual girl, which kinda shows: My lack of interest in sex is [[TransparentCloset kinda obvious]] by being [[NoIndoorVoice very loud]] and [[LargeHam somewhat boisterous]], as well as being [[HollywoodNerd quite the nerd]] - I never appear to be interested in being in a relationship with someone unless I really spell it out - pretty much, I'm a nerdy equivalent of being "one of the lads". This has, however, given a lot of people the impression that I'm a lesbian, even though I don't actually look that masculine. I have a slightly deeper voice than most girls, though, so I'll give them credit for that. * I'm trying to work this trope as much as possible so I never actually have to come out. It seems waaaaay too awkward. * My very tomboy-ish sister was this, until she came out a few weeks ago. Ironically, the only boy she says she will ever remain attracted to is the guy who screwed her over so badly that it's what arguably turned her off men in the first place. * This (female) troper is sort of a subversion of this trope; she's ambigiously bisexual Abnormally tall and strong, buys and wears men's clothing, and often gets cast in male roles, yet she enjoys knitting, makeup, and becomes physically debilitated by small fluffy things. She's a hard crunchy outside with a fluffy core, and she's had more than one person exclaim disbelief that she's not actually a lesbian. * This troper has gotten it so much she thinks she may actually be gay now. Does not help that [[TeenagersAreCruel she was made fun of for being such]]. Go back to the AmbiguouslyGay page--it's ''faaaabulous!'' NotThatTheresAnythingWrongWithThat. ---<<|TroperTales|>>

AmbiguouslyJewish * I like to attend various cultural festivals, whether they have to do with my own ethnicity or not. It's fun learning about different cultures, although probably my biggest reason for going is to try different foods. At one time in college, I went to a Jewish event and only realized afterward that many of the Jewish people there had mistakenly thought I was Jewish (I'm somewhere between Scottish, Swedish, and German when it comes to country of origin, and Protestant when it comes to religion). Other than attending the event, there wasn't anything I had done on purpose to create an impression I was Jewish. * This actually-Jewish troper was able to pass his Catholic girlfriend off as Jewish at a Purim party to avoid friction with an ultraOrthodox rabbi simply by the fact that she was there and didn't mention belonging to another religion explicitly. It's kind of sad the way that Jews assume you ''must'' be one of us if you've gone to the trouble of showing interest in our culture or religion. * People often assume this (Irish-Catholic) troper is Jewish, and I really don't know why... ** Are you [[TheTallOne me?]] * Funny case: I saw the movie ''{{Coraline}}'' with a Jewish friend. After the movie, he commented that he had assumed that Wybie was Jewish on the grounds that "Wybourne is such a terrible name that [[NWordPrivileges it has to be Jewish]]!" Turns out he was wrong and Wybie was shown to be mixed-black, although Jewish heritage was not impossible. * Both me when I found out, and my friend when I told him, reacted with extreme surprise when we found out that Nathan Lane ''isn't'' Jewish. I mean, ''damn''. * This troper is ethnically Jewish. But both of her parents are atheists, so she wasn't raised in the religion. That, plus the fact that she managed to make friends with the five Christian kids in her overwhelmingly Jewish town, means she regularly has to remind people that, yes, she is Jewish. * This troper is not Jewish, but several people, including a couple of teachers, have asked her if she's Jewish because she "has a Jewish name." And it doesn't end in "stein," or anything stereotypically Jewish. However, she's always felt a strange connection with the Jewish race, to the extent that she shouted at a boy when he made a joke about the Holocaust. (I mean, who does that?) This probably did not help the confusion. * My father is half-Russian and half-Korean, but he is often mistaken for a Jew, most likely because he fits the "geeky Jewish guy" stereotype, not to mention his curly black hair, somewhat large nose and really thick glasses (when he is wearing them it is harder to notice that he has East Asian eyes) On the other hand, I often get mistaken for a Muslim, mostly because of my dark complexion, having grown up in Kazakhstan and using gratuitous Kazakh when speaking Russian. * This troper is often mistaken for Jewish based on many of the

stereotypes. From my ''very'' Jewish last name to my overall appearance (i.e. large nose), to me being a bit greedy and wanting to be a lawyer. I'm an atheist but when anyone would hear I'm not Christian they immediately jump to the conclusion of me being Jewish. So much so that combined with the other stereotypes I apparently fit, in High School almost everyone became convinced that I was actually Jewish. * This Troper of mostly Meditteranean heritage grew up in a Jewish Neighborhood of New York, has a very Jewish accent peppered with Yiddish and very curly hair, is often mistaken for a Mizrahim, or middle-eastern Jew. He's used that to his advantage a few times when arguing with people. It's good to pull the antisemitism card sometimes. * Subverted with This Troper. He has dark, curly hair (the nappy kind, no less), glasses, a relatively large nose, pretty much every single one of his friends is Jewish... and he comes from South Florida. Despite this, no one has ever mistaken him for Jewish; when prompted, everyone so far has correctly assumed he is a Christian. Looking back, he wonders how exactly he has avoided this trope. * [[TheTallOne This American born, Irish/Russian Troper]] is almost always mistaken for Jewish. I have absolutely no features that are stereotypically associated with Judaism, but people think I am Jewish, to the point of not believing me when I say I'm Catholic. * This Jewish troper knows a family who owns a hannukiah, eats matzot on easter, and their children are named Hannah and Miriam. For about three years I was sure they're Jews, but then I found out they're religious Catholics. ** There are lots of overlaps between Christianity and Judaism, especially between Roman Catholicism and Judaism. Good Friday and Easter occurred immediately after Passover, so matzot on Easter isn't too much of a stretch, even if it is a bit unusual. *** It's even more unusual in Germany, though, and I recently found out that a cousin of those kids married a Jew, that's how they got the Matzot. And didn't Easter begin during Passover this year? * This American-born, mixed-descent (New England WASP father, Jewish immigrant-descended mother) Troper usually gets the standard "that's not a Jewish name!" when she reveals that she is, in fact Jewish, despite having a very Scottish name. ** You may be me. I do count as one of my school's Jews, though; there's a limited number because myself, my brother, and another girl are actually interfaith and we have two kids whose family is entirely Jewish. In our predominantly white and Christian school in a rural area, we've had to explain a lot of things and remind people that Jewish stereotypes are not reality, not to mention the Holocaust jokes. ** This troper's sister is like that too. She is about as blond as the other German children in her CATHOLIC kindergarten, doesn't speak Hebrew and Yiddish at all and has a name that, while being unusual, doesn't sound Jewish at all. And our parents are more Russian that Jewish. The only way to find out that she's a Jew is by meeting this troper, who at least isn't blond and has a byblical name. * This Troper is ethnically Jewish on her mothers side. People always

assume I'm lying because I'm obviously not white. ** So is this Troper. I'm white, but people still don't believe me, probably because I'm an observant Christian. * This troper and her friends used to call one of us our "Token Jew", because despite that fact that he's Irish/German (I think?) we all agreed that there was something about him that inexplicably seemed very Jewish. * This Troper is actually by genetics one quarter Jewish and practices Reformed Judaism. Thanks to the small gap in genetics my brother and I don't look Jewish at all. My brother has a friend, Joseph, who looks Jewish but isn't. We've decided if there's another holocaust my brother and I will survive but Joseph will end up in a concentration camp. * [[Tropers/{{katecarey}} This troper's]] mom is Irish and Israeli; my dad is Russian. (Both parents are Ashkenazi Jewish.) I have a pretty Jewish name, but the coloring of an Irish Setter, which has resulted in a few awkward moments when I've made a self-deprecating joke about "my people" and someone goes, "Wait... are ''you'' Jewish?" * My paternal great-grandma's maiden name was a German-Jewish but her family praticed Christianity though, which probaly meant that they were just Jews ethnically but not religously. I think they qualify as being called as Askenazi Jews. ** Also my some of my mom's ancestors came from southern Spain, and people from southern Spain are racially mixed. I wouldn't be suprised if I had Sephardic Jew ancestry too. ** Also this troper is mixed. like I said my dad's mostly white with a little bit Jewish in him. My mom has Spanish, Arabic, Mexican Indian, and possibly other blood in her. * This troper is sometimes mistaken for Jewish. Big nosed, loves matzoh, mandelbrot, sofganyot, and other awesome foods, and is obsessed with the holocaust. Sometimes she celebrates Jewish holdiays and wears a Star of David. Caused a little drama at her school when she couldn't set up a Menorah for the holiday party. People are pretty surprised when she reveals she's a Pagan raised by Christian parents. * Interestingly enough, this troper's classmates believe she is Jewish, because she isn't christian. They obviously are uncomfortable talking about Judaism, (in this lovely, homophobic 100% white town in which she is staying currently) which makes her wonder how they would handle knowing that she's actually PAGAN. ---Back to guessing which AmbiguouslyJewish characters really are Jewish. <<|TroperTales|>>

AmbiguousSyntax * This Troper's Spanish Literature Professor told the class about a Lady Gaga tribute he'd seen. I asked if it was the [[ a capella street performance]]. The Professor's response? "I don't know. Is that place called A Capella Street?" * This troper remembers a forum post wherein someone complained that

" cat is rolling around on the floor after I washed it with bleach." He replied with "I think cats wash themselves; you don't need to bleach them." ---Oh, {{Ambiguous Syntax}}? That's easy, just go past the bar where they serve lawyers. Tell them I sent ya, and Vinny'll give ya a tax attorney on the house.

AmbulanceChaser * This troper was in a very minor accident a few months back -- just a paint scratcher, no dents. A few weeks later, he got a message from a law firm in Milwaukee asking if he needed help suing anyone, even though nobody was hurt, nothing damaged, and the police report explicitly stated that nobody was at at fault. * Attorneys are not the only ones. Shortly after I was involved in a fender bender, I got a letter from a ''chiropractor'' in reference to the accident. (Fortunately this one was pretty clear cut who was at fault, so it was all handled by the insurance companies and their attorneys.) * My mom and I used to be a literal example of this. An old man lived a few streets over from us, so whenever an ambulance would come rushing by- a regular occurance as the years passed- Mom and I would hop in the car and follow the ambulance to see what all the fuss was about. Probably illegal as all hell, but it was fun. * Showing that lawyers, or at least those who want to be lawyers, have a sense of humor, this troper's law school named its recently formed jogging club the "AmbulanceChasers." * Due to monkeying around when [[I Tropers:{{ladygem}}]] shouldn't have been when I was three, I fell and cracked my head open in a Boston Market. It was nothing a few stitches couldn't fix and I've had no long term problems resulting from it. Several years latter, I get a call from one of these. Yes me, not my parents, I was still a minor at this point. Mom answered but put me on after awhile. It went something like this. -> Lawyer: Hello, is this (name)? -> Me: Yes, why do you want to speak with me? -> Lawyer: You sound a little young, don't you? -> Me: I'm 8 -> Lawyer: oh, well I see that you had to go to the hospital after a fall at (location of Boston Market) is this true? -> Me: Yes, but that was five years ago, it seems rather late to be worrying about that now. Besides, if I wasn't trying to climb that pillar it wouldn't have happened. I was being stupid. -> Lawyer: Oh, never mind then, have a good day. *hangs up* My guess now is that the statute of limitations was about to run out and the Boston Market accedent report failed to mention my age for some reason. Return to Main/AmbulanceChaser, especially if you need help suing

someone. <<|TroperTales|>>

AmericanAccents * This troper has a friend from Seattle whom we suspect is a {{Straight Gay}} that pronounces words like bag, as "Bayg" with a long A. It is especially humorous to us from Southern California who, as the great friends we are, insult him with idiotic psuedo-homophobic references to him being a "Fayg" with a long A. * This troper was mainly raised in the UK, with some time spent in the US, by an American mother and a British father. As a result, Americans accuse her of being a Brit trying to sound American, whereas Brits accuse her of being an American trying to sound British. Having learned Italian from her Italian-American mother, this troper is accused by Italian people of sounding like a 1930s Sicilian gangster's moll. This troper cannot win. * This troper was raised in New Hampshire, picking up some of his mother's Philadelphian and father's Vermont vocabulary. The only glaring distinction is his speech is the use of the New England "Tammarah" instead of tomorrow and "Catamount" instead of cougar. * This bilingual troper finds his accent slightly European when speaking English and somewhat American when speaking Dutch. Interesting... ** "European"? * This troper finds her accent ** What, did you lose it at one point? * This troper has been questioned about her accent a variety of times, and has been told she sounds like she comes from the American Midwest or Canada. she was born in Britain and was raised there by British people, and is genealogically one-quarter Irish, the rest English. * This Californian troper can speak in a variety of Southern and Northeastern American dialects, but cant speak in a Californian dialect. ** Cha, brah? That's because there's, like, nine of them. * This Troper speaks like the product of an orgy involving a Texan, a New York Jew, and a teenager with an overdeveloped vocabulary. Yup. * I, ''@/LynxRunner'', have declared that there is no Florida accent in the South. The Northerners sound like something out of New Jersey, maybe Boston (Do ya know where yer meh-up [map] is? Want some ehuhpples? [apples]), but the Southerners have either a Spanish accent or just sound like bland "general Americans". I have never heard of a Floridian accent either, so I guess I'm not the only one to note the lack of a distinct accent... ** This Floridian agrees. ** This one agrees as well. I'm from central Florida, and have a "generic" American accent. *** This one disagrees- once you get up in the rural areas and the panhandle, you can get some really distinct and thick Southern accents. *** This central Floridian dissagrees as well. It tends to be a case

of how soon you come down here (if you came down here at all, some people have been living here for generations), where you live, and how rich you are. I certainly have a non-midwestern accent, since people often comment on it when I leave the general area, and often people ask me to say things like "Hockey", "Orange", and "there" over and over. * ''@/TsukasaElkKite'' is from Minnesota, but her Minnesota accent only comes out when she's tired. However, she can do Cajun, Philly, Southern, and California accents with ease. * This troper is a native of Louisiana. Although there is ''definitely'' a noticeable accent in this state, it has never, ''ever'' been accurately used on TV... except by a person who is also native to Louisiana. Most characters who try to speak with a "Cajun" accent end up sounding more like they're from Civil War-era Virginia. Some, such as Gambit from the 90's X-Men cartoon, [[{{RuleOfCool}} can be excused.]] But the absolute worst offender to date is Adam Sandler in ''The Waterboy.'' People have actually reacted with surprise, some even refusing to believe I'm from Louisiana, because I ''don't'' sound like that. ** Obviously, those people don't watch CNN. ** After helping at a homeless shelter in Baton Rouge, I can attest that SOME people from Louisiana have an accent about like the assistant coach from The Waterboy. But as for Adam Sandler... nope. * This troper has lived in Minnesota his entire life, and he has NEVER heard ANYONE who actually speaks with this accent. Aside from the occasional lapse on the word ''roof'' prevalent to most peoples in the region, I have never heard a Minnesotan who does this with vowels. Putting an R in the middle of ''wash'' is oddly common, though... ** I know! Although, when pressed, most Minnesotans can do a pretty good false Minnesota accent... ** Ditto! Wow that's odd... There IS no Minnesota accent. *** Disagreed. There is most definitely a Minnesota accent. It's rather noticeable whenever visiting with this troper's family from Minnesota. *** Doubly disagreed. This troper from Wisconsin spent a semester in Texas and then a semester abroad with Texans, Mississippians, and Minnesotans, and not only did the northerners get their accents picked at, the Minnesotans had an accent distinct from mine. It's the o's that are the strongest. *** Triply disagreed. I'm an out-of-state student going to university in Minnesota where 85% of the student body is from in-state, and the accent drives me up the fucking WALL. Not only is it the o's, it's the ag combinations as well. Like flag. And bagel. ** Well, no one thinks THEY have an accent, it's the other goons. In my experience, all Minnesotans speak NewscasterEnglish, though. *beams in perfection* *** Minnesotans pronounce "coupon" as "kyew-pahn". Your argument is invalid. *** I say "koo-pahn". Your counter-argument is flawed. *** I'm not from Minnesota (or even the Midwest) and I say "kyewpawn." Your counter-argument more or less valid than before? But yeah, EVERYONE has an accent, and the stereotypical Minnesota one

certainly isn't identical to newscaster English, so yeah, in both the technical and idiomatic sense, y'all have accents. A few gems from my Minnesota relatives; Paast-uh, taack-oh, sorey... need I go on? Also, just because not everyone has any given pronounciation doesn't mean the accent doesn't exist. * This troper is from the Midwest and has the blandest NewscasterEnglish ever. Except it's been pointed out to me that South Dakota shouldn't have the O so pronounced. Well, it's my homestate, I can say it how I want... ** South Dakota is also this troper's home state, but I was also raised in N/S Carolina and Hillbilly Virginia by an Irish/Californian and a Hispanic/German/Canadian. I have very little accent in normal speech, but can fake several. Watching Top Gear has introduced British words like 'rubbish' and 'bits' into my vocabulary, though. * Personally, this troper is a born-and-bred Philadelphian and has noticed that only a handful of people there really have a noticable Philly accent, aside from perhaps a few idiosyncrasies. Not hearin' da Philly accen' objectilly, howevah, I rilly couldn' say... ** Apparently, you are from the suburbs as this native Philadelphian knows we have a noticeable accent. ** To the above claims, obviously if you were raised in a particular area you're going to have trouble hearing the native accent of that area. Combined with the exaggeration people use when they're imitating an accent, of course you can't hear noticeable accents in your home region. I assure you, there ''is'' a Minnesota accent. * This troper is from New York but does not speak with a standard New York accent. (In fact people pronouncing Long Island as "Lawn Guyland" is a BerserkButton of sorts). Most people mistake her for being from somewhere in the midwest because she has affected a "flat" accent for using on the phone. ** To the above: do not talk to @/{{raekuul}} face to face if Lawn Guyland is a BerserkButton, since that's exactly how he says it. For the record, he has very rarely been more than twenty miles from Cincinnati, Ohio. ** This troper is from Long Island, and he ''does'' speak in a "LawnGuy-Land" accent. What makes it different from a "Noo Yawk" accent is that it's not as rough. It's more at the halfway point between "Noo Yawk" and the Standard American accent (if there is one). *** There is one. It's the one they use on any TV station that broadcasts nationwide. Nobody actually speaks it natively, and actors usually have to learn to use it instead of their normal regional accents. * This Troper is from Delaware, and his accent is conditional on where in the country he is. While in New York, he is told he has a southern accent. While in Virginia or below, he has a Philly accent. He will admit to saying "wooder", but "crik" pisses him off to no end. ** This troper is from new York, and currently lives in Delaware, and so understands what is going on here. Moving here made me wonder why there weren't more Cracker Barrels and country music stations around. I don't really have a New York accent, but I just know that I sound much different from my Delawarean neighbors. (Crik for example. Most annoying thing I've ever heard, besides the mispronunciation of

Reese's (even though the commercials here say it right, the people insist that they say it the Delawarean way.) ** This troper is also from Delaware, but has lived most of his childhood in Maryland's Lower Eastern Shore, and his accent is something of a bastard child of both accents. I've always pronounced "straight" as "strite" (It's one piece of my LES/Tidewater accent that'll never go away, and I've come to embrace it) and "water" as "wooder", but I've NEVER heard anyone pronouce "creek" as "crick" (Who the hell says "crick" anyway?). During my time in Maryland, though, I occasionally heard some people pronounce "wash" as "warsh" (And, to a lesser degree, in Delaware), but I never heard anyone pronounce "yacht" as "yawart". I also have always pronounced "folks" as "fallks", with a backed A. Since moving back to Delaware, I've been called out on it more than a few times. Sometimes I've even been mistaken for Australian. Add some full-blown Canadian raising, an occasional Scottish lilt, and a Turkish accent that comes out when I'm angry or excited, and I'm even more of a vocal mutt. * Bear in mind that, because of migration, a lot of cities don't quite fit the accent tropes. [[{{Sciatrix}} I]] attend school in Georgia, for example, at a university with a lot of students from the Atlanta area. Very, very few people have discernible southern accents, partly because many of them have moved during their lifetimes and become exposed to different kinds of accents. (I've been told my accent is "weird," although people can't seem to tell where exactly it seems to be from. I think someone guessed Delaware once. In reality, I've lived in Virginia, Kansas City, and Atlanta, and I have fairly strong family influence from northern New York (not the city, the rural parts) from my mother's family.) * This Trooper's high school english teacher had an astoundingly pronounced stereotypical Boston accent. This was strange, because she had to have lived in Virginia for long enough to loose the accent. It was bad enough to be the most made-fun of thing when talking about said teacher, and classes could turn hilarious if you asked her to say 'father'. * This troper lives in Houston, and despite frequent use of "y'all" ("you" is almost ''always'' singular), I don't really notice any other exaggerated DeepSouth speech patterns. I have noticed them (''very'' vaguely) on trips to New York and such, but only in the form of a bit of a slower rhythm and slightly less... sharp... pronunciation. ** This troper lives near Houston and has traveled all over Texas, and can tell you that accents in the big cities tend to be a lot less strong than elsewhere in the state. With that said, the "Texas" accent is different from the "Deep South" accent, at least to someone who's been around both. It kinda differs depending on what part of the state you're in. It's pretty much the same in the east, but from the Hill Country westward you really get that Texas accent rather than a Deep South accent. West Texas is not generally considered part of the Deep South, though. ** This troper is also from Texas (think of a metropolitan area somewhat southerly and centrally located to the state that's ''not'' the state capital) and she uses "y'all" on occasion, but aside from the faintest of vaguely "Southern" accents that occasionally pops up

when she's tired, she has pretty much a very midwestern, newscasterlike accent, and has been told as much from people from other regions of the United States. By the way, her parents were in the first generation of her family to be born here in the United States as her grandparents and their families came from Mexico and her grandparents spoke little English, while her parents talk(ed) in a "[[ Chicano English]]"type accent. *** Texas troper here too. I've never said y'all except when purposely putting on an accent. I say "you guys." I have an accent like the troper above, very neutral, but my parents have lived in Texas since they were young kids. So, I don't know why I don't have an accent. I've been accused (very rudely, I might add) of being a "damn Yankee" despite the fact that I've hardly even been out of Texas, and have never been out of the Deep South. ** The strength of this troper's drawl directly correlates to his proximity to his cousins and his distance from Houston. * [[@/{{Gecko}} This troper's]] father is from Pittsburgh, and she hasn't heard much of an accent from him. Now, his parents, on the other hand... ** How yinz doin', n'at? *** I'm just gonna dahn to the bar and watch the Stiller game, them I'm gonna check aht the new Primanti Brothers on the Sah' Side. But seriously, the Pittsburgh accent is a unique one. A few times that I've traveled out of state, I've had someone say "you're from Pittsburgh, aren't you?" * This troper lapses into a slightly Southern accent when she's feeling lazy. Despite being ''Canadian''. * This troper has an accent that has variously been attributed as Southern, Northeastern, Midwestern, Californian, and Canadian...which is pretty much what happens to 3rd generation military brats who have never lived anywhere long enough to sound local. She also majored in sociolinguistics in college and had to take her (Inland North) professor's and classmates' word that some people really COULD produce and detect a distinction between caught/cot and marry/merry/Mary. * Mexican troper with Middle West accent...At least, I could have future in the media XD * This Georgian troper grew up in the backwater of the state and attends college in Atlanta. She's been called out more than once for having a very thick Southern accent. Must just be the city, as another troper mentioned above. * Despite living in eastern Massachusetts for all his life, [[@/JohnnyBGoode this troper]] hears very few people actually speaking with Boston accents. * This troper lives in Illinois, and has a typical accent for the area. Mostly. To the confusion of all her friends, she firmly believes that "root" rhymes with "foot", and certainly not with "boot"- this is different from every single person she knows that she's asked. Her family speaks like this as well, but she's not quite sure where this accent came from, since her parents and grandparents were all born in the area. * This North Carolinian troper does not have a North Carolinian

accent. The North Carolinian accent, however, irritates her to no end. Strangely enough, years of Faire work and voice acting for fandubs has given her a bit of a Scotirish twang. Even though she can distinguish Scottish and Irish accents very well. ** [[@/JChance Fellow North Carolinian here]]. Mostly sound like my mother (Westchester County, NY, boarding-school educated). Then add a stage-English rhythm, a slight Celtic singsong that comes out more when I'm drinking or excited, and randomly scattered New Englandish flat vowels and dropped r's. No one ever guesses where I'm from. ** Another North Carolinian. I have a newscaster's General American accent and pronounce a few words in a contracted British style ("factree" instead of "fact-or-y"). * I'm from Southern California. People here do say "like" a lot, but most people only ever do the rising inflection thing under severe pressure and very few people actually have the stereotypical Valley accent, even in the Valley. The only person I know who does is, well, so far in the closet that he's in Narnia. ** Agreed. I enjoyed that section of the Main article as much as anyone else, but the Valley girl accent is overdone and not realistic. However, it is true that Californians ''will'' put an upward inflection on the end of sentences that don't necessarily call for it more often than the rest of America. But it sure isn't at the end of every sentence and you have to really listen for it. Now that I have, I get such a kick out of it, it makes me smile when I nail someone somewhere else in the country for being Californian and they can't figure out why. *** The upward inflection is used often and not limited to being under pressure. It's annoying. I moved here from Philly and I hear that inflection on a daily basis. * This troper has lived in Chicago for my entire life. Whenever I go downtown (I actually live in the suburbs), I get some people who think I'm from New York. It's true, I don't have a Chicago accent. I say "chi-cah-go" where most people in Chicago say "chi-caw-go". Even weirder is that my dad, among others I see a lot, say the W so strongly that you would think it's spelled that way, but I just don't have it, and these things make people honestly ask where I'm from, and they USUALLY say New York (which, by the way, I' never been to). I'm also starting to sound slightly British/Australian, mainly because I watch a lot of Monty Python and Zero Punctuation (I picked up fast talking too). I don't have a problem with this because accents are awesome and I always dreamed of moving to Australia anyway. Oh and I have started to use British spelling instead of American spelling. And I say the letter Z as "zed" (the right way) rather then "zee", so some people think I'm Canadian, which is weird because most of the people I know sound Canadian to me. This is because the parts of an American accent I still have are mostly a mild southern accent. I was watching the news about something that happened in Alabama, and they had less of an accent to me than my family. Even Brits and Aussies have less of an accent to me than my family. By the way, my Grandmother and aunt also have southern accents like this, but they live in the Cleveland area, so that makes it weirder and I should probably shut up. ** [[@/{{Ravvie}} This troper]] has been mistaken for Canadian as

well- her mother being English probably doesn't help. * This troper has several friends from Texas, and none of them have even a slight Southern accent. * [[@/FyreNWater This troper]] has a rather generic American accent, so few have correctly guessed where she's from. What clues people in is her slang of choice, which includes "f'reals" and "hella". She's from [[spoiler: the San Francisco Bay Area]], specifically [[spoiler: the East Bay]]. * [[@/MurkyMuse This troper]] having lived in Alabama my whole life has an odd accent due to a speech impediment I had as a child, or more specifically the treatment I got for it. It's best put by one of my friends: "You'll switch between [[BritishAccents British]] and Southern in the same sentence." Needless to say, I confuse people. * [[@/{{Lady Norbert}} This troper]] is what's known as Pennsylvania Dutch. Most of the older people in the region speak what's called "Dutchified English," with a vaguely German accent, and even the younger generations who don't have the accent still have the odd speech pattern. Essentially, Dutchified English is a literal translation, with the words in the exact same order that they would be in the original German -- but in English, they don't make quite the same sense. Hence Troper's Mother is fond of shouting, "Throw me down the stairs my keys!" We also say things like "The coffee's all," meaning all gone, and "Want to come with?" * [[@/EddieVanHelsing This troper]] grew up in New York, but ended up with a hint of an accent that many mistake for "English" thanks to years of dating an English woman, and then dating and marrying an Australian women. This generic "English" accent becomes stronger if he gets angry, due to his tendency to enunciate more carefully as a means of keeping his rage on a leash. If he sounds like Christopher Lee and says, "I look forward to attending your funeral", [[TranquilFury tranquil fury]] has arrived. * [[@/SpiriTsunami This troper]] has lived most of his life in rural New Jersey (yes, there ''is'' such a thing), and what little formative years came before that were a few years in the shadow of NYC (first in southwestern Connecticut, and then commuting back and forth in between the home there and Grandma's house in Bergen County, NJ, because it was easier to live there during the week due to the location of my father's job), and then a one-year stay in southwestern Georgia. So what type of accent do I have? I don't really notice any, but people say I sound...[[BritishAccents British]]. What the heck? (My best guess is that somehow I ''did'' end up with the Connecticut Prep, although that doesn't really make sense. If anything, my time in Connecticut would make me ''more'' likely to end up Noo Yawk or Joisey, since we always had Italian landlords, in one case an actual family of Mafiosos. .) Really, though, I suspect I'm just a blend of so many influences--Noo Yawk (father's side of the family, via Brooklyn), Dixie (the time spent down there; still have family down there, and completely of the belief that the rest of the country should adopt "y'all" as the second person plural, because unlike other languages, the singular and plural are exactly the same in English), Pennsylvania Dutch (mother's side of the family), Philly (current location, closer to Philly than to Northern New Jersey), Jewish

(heritage--and proud of it!)--and that the resulting blend has created something that is wholly impossible to tie to any one place. I suppose that I am probably one of the few people who can truly be said to have an "American" accent, in all of its melting-pot glory. Or, to put it in a more negative light, I'm a vocal mutt. ** Crap, I forgot one! Yeah, there could be some Boston accent in there, too; although I rarely notice it nowadays, my mother tells me that my father had a full-blown Boston accent back when she first met him, as he went off to college up in Massachusetts and decided to stay awhile after he'd graduated. I'll occasionally affect a Boston accent just for effect when talking about baseball, as one remnant of those days that my father has ''definitely'' passed on to me is devotion to the Red Sox. So what is that now, six? Oy...what a confusing person I am. * This troper knows a young woman, though born and raised in Australia, who has a strange American accent sounding a little like a New Yorker-ish accent. Justified trope: She has Asperger syndrome and had copied dialogue from the TV show SesameStreet when she was a small child (this troper who also has Asperger syndrome, however, had copied dialogue from ThomasTheTankEngine when he was a small child, and had a BritishAccent for a very long time...) * This troper has almost no accent whatsoever, except for that I apparently emphasize the first vowel a little bit more. That's it. I live in the north part of Southern Illinois. The thickest southern accent I've ever heard {and I've been to Alabama quite a few times, as my brother goes there for college}, was someone pretty near to where I live. Her accent was thicker than even the most stereotypical southern accents, and has lived in Illinois all her life. She can do a normal accent, but it hurts her voice. She was raised by her Uncles, who lived in Tennessee most of their life, so that may be it. * This Troper seems to have no accent (aside from puberty-induced voice cracking), but he seems to be developing a slightly Japanese way of pronouncing things from his Japanese class. Actually kinda cool, since I sometimes try to pass myself off online as being Japanese. (Check my wiki handle for an example :D). Though always in text, because 1) this Troper has no microphone-type technology, or compatible systems (darn 7-year-old computer), 2) this Troper's parents would never allow something of that sort on the internets, and 3) if I freak out at being filmed on public TV or for Youtube (onscreen text + game character filming = [=WIN=]), there's no way I can do online voice chat. * This Troper has lived in northern Virginia most of his life, and he can't for the life of him even imagine how a person would say "yawart" (although he admits to being guilty of unprovoked cruelty to the "ir" in "Virginia," so maybe it's a suburban thing). ** Northern VA is in a strange position. Most of the time our English is as standard as standard American English accents go. We don't care whether we say our "r's" at the end of each vowel (sometimes we do sometimes we don't). Half the time we hear "ya'll" and half we don't. * This troper grew up in Georgia, and soon after moving to Texas, was told he had a northern accent... * This troper has a flat midwestern accent, her sister has a thick

texan accent, she is older than me by 12 years, and we moved to Colorado soon after I was born. * This troper has a fairly common accent normal to the southern part of the lower peninsula of Michigan but was amused at the reaction an online friend from the UK had when they talked on the phone together. Apparently this troper was the first person they've talked to that had a "REAL American accent." she was quite excited, to the point of [[Squee squeeing]], that she finally got to talk to someone with one. * This troper usually defaults to the Valley Girl accent when cornered. For example, in fourth grade, I was forced to do a presentation in front of the class, with no notes. Like, the Erie Canal was, like, important, 'cause, uh, they moved things from, like, Buffalo, which people called, like, the city of good neighbors, and, like they moved the things from Albany to Buffalo, like, like ... in that song? Omigod, and, like, the boats were pulled by, like, muuuuules? * This troper has cousins in Vawjinyaaaw, does not need CAWWW inshuance and has ri-in her final report in a coll-j class. * The north and south of this troper's state have such different accents that she has actually had to spell things when visiting the south, despite having lived in the state her entire life. It's a twoway thing, though. She couldn't understand them, either. * This troper was raised in a working-class family in one of Connecticut's poorer rust-belt cities. That area has a distinctive, kinda thuggish accent that's somewhere between Boston, Jersey, and NYC. (For example: his Canadian boyfriend will never let him live down the fact that he pronounces Toronto "Tuhrannah.") He's noticed that better-off Connecticut natives have a different accent, maybe weaker, more nasal, more refined, but he's never heard anything like the Connecticut accent described on this page. He's never been to the wealthier parts of the state, though. * This troper while from South Central Pennsylvania does not sound like I am from Pennsylvania. When I was younger he had a little bit of a Boston accent. When I got older, I ended up with a Mid Western accent. My uncle's girlfriend agreed with me and said that I do sound like I am from the Mid West. This is odd because I've never been to the Mid West. * Partly ShamelessSelfPromotion here, but it's easier to understand @/{{Raekuul}}'s accent by listening to one of his Lets Play videos. * In one of my college classes, I met a girl who was visiting the school from Maine, and spoke with an incredibly thick Down East accent (the letter "r" did not exist in her vocabulary). Combine that with her stereotypical "New England preppie" clothing, and I had to hold back snickering. As for myself, I've also been told by two people in high school that my accent sounds British (I'm from [[{{Joisey}} New Jersey]]). Probably a result of having Asperger's and watching a lot of PBS when I was little... * This troper lives in Arizona. As far as he can tell, there's not really much of an accent there; it's basically standard Midwestern English. Although he supposes that would probably depend somewhat on what ''part'' of the state you were in... * [[@/InsanityPrelude I'm]] still not sure what accent people would

consider me to have. Probably some weird mishmash, with how much we moved around as a kid. * [[@/MutantRancor This troper]] was once accused of being an Iraqi butler, despite having never lived outside north-central Indiana. (Probably because I speak...''precisely.'') The person who said that also lived in north-central Indiana. I must not have ''any'' of the normal American accents. Go figure. * This Troper lived in the Baltimore area, and has to admit that he finds the movie {{Hairspray}} all the more funnier because he knows people who talk exactly like the characters in movie. * [[@/DialgaX This Troper]] has a rather strong New Jersey accent. * [[@/{{Pinkbaron}} This troper]] has a very strong Texan accent as a result of living there 99% of her life. She did not realize just ''how'' thick it actually was until headin' up to New York for a computer camp a year ago. * This troper is from Montana and has never heard anyone with the western accent that is portrayed in media. ** This troper, who is from western Montana, agrees. I can count the number of Montana natives with cowboy accents that I've met on one finger. Montana is pretty close to General American accent-wise, and has more in common with the Pacific Northwest than anywhere else. *** This troper, who is originally from Wyoming (yes its a state) and has difficulty explainin' to people there such thing as a western accent. * Even though she was born and raised in West Virginia, thanks to this troper's Illinois parents and family, she has a nonregional dialect that will sometimes lapse into midwestern. In fact, she's noticed that only the very rural southern part of WV has the stereotypical hillbilly/appalachian accent. The rest of the state ranges from nonregional, to midatlantic, Pittsburgh, and some Baltimore/Bostonian in the panhandles. The easiest way to pick out a non-native West Virginia however, is how they pronounce some local terms. For example, "Kanawha" is properly said with two syllables, "Ka-NAW", rather than "Ka-naw-WAH". * This troper has tried very, very hard to typify her own accent, as well as the regional accent where she lives. She can't really do either. She's supposed to live in the Inland North region, but knows ''no one'' who actually speaks with that accent. "Wicked" is a common slang term in the region (local lore says that it actually ''originated'' here, and spread to New England), and the accents between the main city and the outlying rural areas are markedly different--the rural accent is a mild version of the "Southern Midlands" (or "Appalachian") accent, while the city-dwellers seem to have an accent that's a combination of the "Hudson Valley" and "Northeast Pennsylvania" accents. She lives in ''Upstate New York''. * To be honest, [[@/{{Roihu}} this troper]] doesn't even think he has an accent. He really hasn't a clue to what his accent could be. He fits none of the AmericanAccents examples and is certainly not British/Aussie.... * This troper was born and raised in the heart of the Southeatern region of the US, but she has been asked many times by fellow Southerners because apparently she doesn't "sound Southern at all." In

fairness to them, however, this troper's parents worked hard to diminish their accents and passed that way of speaking on to her. * This troper lives in Texas and does not have the stereotypical hillbilly accent. I've only heard a few people that speak like that, but I do say "Fixin' to" sometimes. The funniest thing I've gotten out of this accent is that I went to Europe and we had an Irish guide. Near the end while speaking to us, she said "Ya'll" accidentally. To me, it also counts as a CrowningMomentofFunny. My grandmother is also Australian, and the most often demonstrated example of this is that she pronounces "Pardon" as "Pahdon". * Despite having grown up in coastal South Carolina, I've been accused of being from Ohio. In my home area there's not that much of a Southern Drawl (that seems to be more common further inland), but there is a characteristic pattern. Most people from this county don't speak very clearly, and they talk ''very'' fast. I think three things played into my lacking this pattern: 1) I had to see a speech therapist up to about third grade, 2) my parents didn't talk that way, and 3) exposure to TV and radio. I've been complimented on my elocution more than once. * This Troper (who has '''never''' noticed an accent specific to New Jersey) learned an interesting rule from her sixth-grade Language Arts teacher in response to the 'we' versus 'us' (As in, 'The winners are us' VS. the grammatically-correct 'the winners are we') argument. She used it all the time while we were learning that particular lesson; it basically said, 'Whatever you would use in regular speech, use the opposite.' [[BrokenAesop Some kids used this rule for more problems than intended.]] * [[{{SweetnessOnAHotCircuit}} This Troper]] is from Washington State and currently lives in the sticks of Southern Maryland.I don't really have an accent but because I was born so close to the border of Canada,I slip into a Canadian accent a lot. What makes it extra fun, other the everyone thinking I'm Canadian, is that I'm really good at doing accents, so one day I'm stereotypical Canadian and the next I'm British. It's great! ** Hi, fellow Washingtonian! Anyway, [[{{Liangnui}} I]] was in China for a month last summer and my brother met a group of Canadians on the boat down to Hanzhou. He told me later that they had said, upon discovering he was American, "But you don't have much of an American accent!" Apparently, what they considered to be an "American accent" was, essentially, Dubya, but faster. I know Pacific Northwesterners don't have much of a regional accent from the Canadian perspective, but come on! ''Bush?!'' Oh, and I've never heard anyone use the two slang terms provided on the main page entry. * This troper is from the Pacific Northwest. After reading the main page entry for said accent, I would like to express disbelief at the insinuation that certain words are not ALWAYS pronounced the same. ** This Washingtonian troper felt the same way. In the Seattle area, the accent's kind of Valley Girl meets Kurt Cobain a la 'Smells Like Teen Spirit', it's so slurred together. Most vowels sound the same, or can potentially sound the same. I myself have picked up a bit of a drawl from my Southern parents, though I still interspere conversations with the gratituous use of the word 'like', and can't

figure out the difference between the words 'caught' and 'cot' without having to lapse into a British accent. Good thing I like faking accents. * [[@/{{Xaris}} This troper's]] accent is... odd to say the least. Having spent his childhood in Wisconsin and his teenage years in Kansas, his accent is a mix between southern Wisconsin and southern Midwest with southern Wisconsin speech patterns. And no, I don't say "Don't cha know." * Vermont's kinda fun, since it pronounces things like national newscasters, yet develops it accent from words and phrases like "Frosting," "Jeezum crow," "So cold the mercury rolled to the fire," "Cremees," "Ye-up, nope"/"Yeah, no," ah, heck, just check out this page [[ Talkin']]. * This Troper is from Baltimore, and has something of a bastard Northern-Southern mixed in. He does pronounce it Bawld-a-mar in good ol' Mar-lan. ** From Mer-len myself, just a bit west of Bal-mer and north of Warsh'nten. One thing I've noticed in addition to the other oddities of our dialect is a very unique "Oh" sound. The closest approximation I can type would probably be "eaough". I've never heard it outside of Delmarva. * This Troper tends to have a unique accent made up of a mainly Northwestern, somewhat stoner-ish accent with north-Florida Dixie peeking through (makes sense, being from suburban Orlando, where it can get very Southern-y) set at a motormouth pace (ex. "heymancouldyehputoutthefarr? equals "Hey, man, could you put out the fire?") * This Troper is from Flagstaff, AZ, and has a rather thick Arizona accent (like a very light Texas one). However, from my mother (raised in Tucson and frequently mistaken for ''gera'' Mexican, though she's actually Czech and Irish)[[hottip:*:my dad's Irish and French]], I have a slight Mexican Spanish influence, mostly in how I say Ch and Sh sounds (I tend to only say one or the other). From my father (raised in Somerville, Massachusetts), I tend to be very precise with my vowels (marry, Mary, and merry don't sound the same from me). And going to school with Navajo and Hopi Indians (both of whose languages have lots of glottal stopseach is a real-world PunctuationShaker) has led to me biting the ends off my words, pronouncing final Ns as "nasal + glottal stop", and doing very odd things to vowels before Ls ("hill" sounds more like "hyil" when I say it). My vocabulary is oddly Midwestern, though, because my grandmother learned English in Chicago, and my mother passed the words on to me. * This Troper has a friend that has a bit of an American-sounding accent. We're Irish. * This troper currently lives in North Carolina but was born and raised in New York. I haven't lived there in over ten years, but whenever I get upset or say certain words the "Noo Yawk" accent comes out and my wife laughs at me. And to the troper way back up near the top, I do say "Lawn Guyland", but only as a joke. * This Texan despises it when a character has a 'Texan' accent. Yes, I'm sure that there is some Texan somewhere who sounds like a 'Texan' character, but this troper sure as hell hasn't met them. Admittedly,

when I say 'y'all' in a passionate moment, it comes close, but I once had a babysitter tell me that I sounded Australian when I did that. Anyways, I can't tell when a non-'Texan' Texan is playing a character unless I look the actor up because they basically have the same accent as other Americans to this troper's ear. It seems like other people would realize, hey, these people are from Texas but sound nothing like all these people playing like they're from Texas. * This troper is Norwegian, and have never been outside Europe, so most people are surprised to hear that I speak English with a heavy Dixie accent. I try to tone it down, I really do, but the accent keeps slipping back when I'm not concentrating. (The explaination? My best friend growing up was from Tennessee, and I learned English pronunciation from her and her parents.) * This troper has lived in Northern Idaho since he was 1, and I didn't even think that I HAD an accent until a woman in New Mexico wondered what part of the country my accent came from. ** I didn't think I had an accent until I spent half a decade around you guys. Apparently a Chicago accent is actually really noticable when you haven't heard it in a long time. * This troper has always lived in North Carolina. She used to not have an accent, but she definitely has the NC version of a southern accent now (the drawl and some speech patterns but not the creaky-doorsounding tone/voice common to TV southerners). * This troper is definitely NOT American. However, the accent she was the most tickled to hear was from a woman when troper and family went to Disney World. "Ow my gawd! You gyser SCATTISH? I'm Scattish too!" She's always thought it cute how Americans can consider themself something because a great-grandparent was it. On closer interrogation, the woman had a Scottish grandmother. (She has no idea where the woman was actually brought up.) * This troper's best friend once knew a guy who spoke with a hybrid of ''Southern and German''. She kids you not. * [[@/DialgaX This Troper]], ''thinks'' he speaks with a neutral accent but a Californian and a ''Kazakh'' have pointed out that he has rather obvious New Jersey accent. * This troper, on a teen tour with kids from all over the US (and two from Canada), once got into a day-long argument about how to properly pronounce the word "crayon". Apparently people from Michigan say "krayin" (one syllable). ** Confirmed. As a Detroit (Metro) native, I can confirm that we pronounce Crayon the same as Cran in cranberry. ** This Minnesotan troper also pronounces crayon like "cran", as do most people he knows. * This troper is from ''northern'' Virginia/DC area and doesn't seem to have an accent or a peculiar way of talking. I've looked around and the way I speak never really seems to match up to anything. I've asked my friends who are not from the area what they think, and they agree that it is accentless and radio announcer-like, but I find that hard to believe. It makes me sad. :( * This Alabama troper only has a Dixie accent when really upset. The other 95% of the time I sound like I have the "Midwestern" accent. This is mostly due to the fact that my grandmother was an English

teacher that refused to let me talk like the other kids my age (Urban). Cue all my classmates saying I "sound White" through middle and high school. Fun for me. -_* This Midwestern Troper thought that she had an accent. Nope. Newscaster-freakin-English. Turns out that I'm just a bit [[TheNanny nasal.]] * [[{{Aerodactylus}} This Troper]] speaks in a Baltimore flavored Newscaster English style. I'm actually from Baltimore originally, and then moved to a small town about two hours from Philly, but I have very little in the way of an accent. I blame it on my parent's and my own high emphasis on proper grammar and speaking. My dad's parents, however, have Baltimore accents so thick you can cut them with a knife. In addition, a large part of my mother's family is from the Smoky Mountains area of Tennessee and North Carolina, so I've become rather adept at affecting Dixie and Tidewater accents. * This troper grew up in Central Virginia (from six months of age on), but was always asked if she was from somewhere out-of-state. If it really counts I was born in Louisiana and am actually here right now, going to school. People here in Louisiana also have trouble placing my accent. For the most part, I speak very clearly and somewhat slowly, just so people can understand me. I didn't start talking until I was five and never really thought I had an accent, I've but come to discover that I speak in a combination '''Urban/Dixie''' accent (I'm African-American, by the way), leading my best friend to dub my accent ''Countryghetto''. And since I've been hanging out in N'AWLINS, there's been quite a bit of '''Yat''' sneaking its way in there, which should make things really interesting when I return home this May... * I grew up in an area where Mid-western and Inland North met. Then, when I was 13, we moved to the Pacific Northwest (Idaho, to be specific) and I had a hard time understanding what they were saying once in a while (example: the guy who used to live at the end of the road had caulk [cock] fights at his house until the cops busted him). Even now, nearly 7 years later I still get pissed off about how they say stuff. Heighth =/= height, Warshington =/= Washington (you'd thing this'd be an easy one to get right since it's a 20 minute drive from where I am now), Crick =/= Creek, and "Drive Truck" (what a truck driver does) is not a proper sentence (these are just the ones that annoy me the most). And for anyone who says there isn't an accent where you live, move to a place that does have a distinct accent for a few years. As soon as you no longer notice the accent in the new place go back to where you are now and notice the huge difference. * This troper has a very Midwestern accent, but occasionally lapses into a more southern one thanks to exposure to it when she was still learning to talk. * [[@/{{Kaizykat}} This troper]] doesn't have but a slight Floridian accent, but her speech impediment (She cannot make a "th" sound successfully) makes it sound like English is her second language and along with her quite rapid speech pattern and spoken grammatical errors makes it seems like she spoke Spanish before English (Where it is vice-versa). To imagine the way that she speaks, read the previous sentence out loud quickly while taking out all instances of "th" and replacing it with "d", and saying it with an extremely slight pusedo-

Southern accent. [[{{SeparatedByACommonLanguage}} Needless to say, not many people can understand her fully.]]. Oh, for the record, it's Floor-reh-duh. Three syllables. Not fla-rda. * This troper isn't quite sure what region her accent is associated with; "picture" is pronounced like "pitcher", "isn't" sounds like "int", "probably" becomes "pro'lly", G's at the end of words and T's in the middle of words are dropped, and entire syllables are sometimes skipped. However, I throw in "dude" occasionally like the born and bred Californian that I am, and [[MotorMouth often speak uber-quickly, especially when emotional]]. (This combination of slurring words and fast talk means that I have to have to repeat myself a lot, unfortunately, but it's a habit that I can't seem to break.) * This troper was born and raised in Northeast New Jersey (a couple stops on the train south of Newark, pronoucned Nork, people). People can tell. From a mile away. It was until I went to art school and started to travel more that I realized I am that obnoxious-sounding. People from Texas and the Midwest were like, "What are you SAYING?" "Cawfee", "Wader", "Dawwwg", "Hrrr-rrr", "you guys", and the f-bomb every other word. A lot of r's and awww sounds and words slurred together. Spoken in MotorMouth. Oh, and my hands flail when I talk, too. I am every bad stereotype of the Jersey accent. ** This troper is practically your neighbour, and has lived there his whole life. [[ThirdPersonPerson This troper]] would also like to point out that thanks to people like you, nobody outside of New Jersey thinks he's from New Jersey. In fact, he's been told he sounds like he's from various places...from people ''from'' those various places, the most recent being Boston. ** This troper is also from Northeastern New Jersey, very close to the shore. As for her accent, it's a very noticeable "Joisey" accent. "T" sounds tend to get warped until they sound like "d"s or dropped altogether, which results in words like "Atlanta" being pronounced like "At-lanna" and "this and that" occasionally being pronounced like "dis and dat", much to the amusement of her Southern neighbors. Similarly, "o" is sometimes pronounced "aw". Motormouth tendencies and profanity abound. Strangely, no one in Tennessee or Georgia can tell this troper is from the Garden State, perhaps due to the fact she never pronounces Jersey like "Joisey". Newark is pronounced "Nork", though. * This troper has a friend from Ann Arbor, Michigan, who has the same accent as Iggy Pop. When I told her this, she said everyone in Ann Arbor sounds like Iggy Pop. Can someone confirm this? * [[{{Tropers.Accela}} This troper]] has lived in the Tidewater region of Virginia all her life, as has her dad, and her mom has lived her since she was 12 so she's practically a native as well. I have almost no accent (aside from pronouncing Norfolk Naw-fuk) except for when I lapse into a random British accent thanks to overexposure to Series/{{Doctor Who}}. Nobody believes me when I say I've lived here all my life because I have no Southern/Tidewater/Virginia/distinct regional accent. I probably get this tendency from my dad, who taught himself to have a standard broadcasting non-accent because he noticed southern accents = stereotyped into illiterate hicks. * This troper has no discernable accent in most cases...until he

starts talking to a Texan or a fellow [[DeepSouth Deep Southerners]]. * This troper's accent is bastardized from virtue of where he lives. My hometown sits right on the Texas/Arkansas border, is less than 30 miles/50 km from the Louisiana border, and isn't that far from the Oklahoma border either, and I was raised by an Irish/English family. Other than a tendency to use "y'all" a lot (it's easier to say and sounds more natural than "all of you"), I can't really hear my own accent, but anyone from the North who talks to me on the phone ''immediately'' pegs me as Texan... unless I'm drunk, in which case I sound like I'm from Louisiana. This troper's BerserkButton is when people pronounce nuclear (nu-clee-ar)as "nucular" (nu-cu-lar). ''Nucula'' is a genus of clams, which means "Nucula fission" refers to the action of shucking said clams. This in turn means that anyone who knows how to ''properly'' shuck a clam can rightfully claim to be a "Nucula engineer", and a "Nucula war" is just a food fight with clams as the weapon of choice. * This troper was born in Utah, and the best she can figure out, a Utahn accent is basically your standard western accent coupled with laziness. We never pronounce anything all the way. If there is a 'g' on the end of a word, it gets dropped, and single 't's either turn into 'd's or disappear. So, the sentence, "Whatever, I'm going to the mountain." turns into "Whadever, I'm goin' t th mou'in." * This tropette has a Chicaaaaago accent. * This Troper has a New York accent. I didn't think it was particularly strong, until I went on vacation and everyone knew I was from NYC within 2 sentences. * This troper, despite being born and raised in Texas and with 90% of my family members having southern accents thick as molasses, has no real accent to speak of. "Y'all" is in my regular dictionary, but that's about it. In fact, I kid you not: I've been asked more than once if I'm British. ...the hell? * This Canadian Troper was in a military family, but most of his early years were spent in Nova Scotia and Newfoundland. People either claim he has a 'Marintine' accent (Probably true) or an 'Americian' one. Not any particular Americian accent just Americian. * [[{{Tropers.FishOfLightning}} This troper]] is from Central-Northern New Jersey and I have one of the milder accents the page mentioned. Over here I really noticed that there is a significant minority of people that have the Philly accent. Hearing people with Philly-accents say "wooder" is kind of my Berserk Button, but I won't throw you out of a window. However, if somebody says "Joisey", they risk being choked in the next minute. * [[{{Tropers/Fungal88}} This tropette]] is from [[NewYorkState Upstate New York]] and somehow believes that she has a unique blend of an Inland North accent due to the majority of her paternal relatives originating from an area nearly forty miles east of Binghamton in the Southern Tier region, which is probably the easternmost area for people with that accent, and a "Noo Yawk" accent due to some of her maternal relatives originating from the New York Metropolitan area, the exurbs, and Long Island. * This Brooklyn-born troper generally has a fairly neutral accent, aside from slurring some of his vowel sounds and sometimes over-

emphasizing the first consonant sound of a word . When he gets emotional however, he slips very noticeably into his native accent. He also currently lives in Pittsburgh and is very familiar with the accent, and can do a very convincing imitation of it. His mother's family comes from Mississippi so he has a good grasp of their borderline trashy southern accent. Last but not least, he can do a Charleston accent accurate enough to fool people who are actually from Charleston due to his two years in middle school there. * My brother has an American accent, which is weird because we are British * [[Tropers/AsterSelene This troper]] lives in California and speaks with an accent that isn't Valley, Surfer, [=NoCal=], or Latino (and is slightly miffed that it hasn't shown up on the main page). * This Troper, who has lived her whole life in or around Boston, will admit to having a very slight accent that gets moderately thick when she is angry. No one really comments on it here, but as soon as she goes out of state she gets people asking her to say "park your car in Harvard Yard", much to her dismay. * This troper probably has a NYC accent, but he hasn't noticed. He's learning ([[ItMakesSenseInContext how to speak]]) Spanish, so he expects to get a New York - Puerto Rican one. * [[{{Tropers/Anima}} This troper]] is from the South, but her accent tends to vacillate between New York and Newscaster. * The accent variations around major midwestern cities is sort of a hobby of mine. I've lived in Milwaukee for most of my life (born in Virginia to military family) and my favorite accent is a mixture of neutral Midwestern and Upper Midwestern English found in and around the city of Cudahy, in the southern part of Milwaukee County, WI. There's even a musical comedy troupe that pokes fun at it. The accent itself is a result of a heavy Irish and Serbian immigrant population mixing with the heavily (HEAVILY) German settlers of Milwaukee. Some fun songs from the comedy troupe's Christmas album are "Oh Little Town of Cudahy," "Oh, criminy, it's snowin' like a banshee!" "Ya, ain'a, hey? Ya, ain'a hey?" and the story of "Da Tree Beers" (a.k.a. The Three Bears). For the perfect example of this one, reference the mom on Bobby's World. She could easily have come from Cudahy. * This Caucasian troper befriended a Chinese exchange student, who asked about the origin of my accent. I responded, "[[AllAsiansAreAlike I don't know, we all sound alike to me.]]" Bonus points, as she later revealed she frequently asked me about assignments because she could understand my accent, but said that the teacher's accent was very thick. The teacher and I were both from the same part of Michigan. * This troper, whose native language is not English, has the habit of turning the "-ing" at the end of verbs and adjectives to "-in'", for some reason. Example: --> '''ThisTroper:''' I've been readin' this fascinatin' book. ** That's something most Americans do anyway... ** Yeah, I'm just verbally lazy. Verblazy. * This troper is from inner-city Baltimore and has, oddly enough, been mistaken for being from some part of Africa (Or the South.) due to this odd thing that happens to her voice when she is forced to slow down (She speaks fast, apparently.) and speak clearly for the benefit

of other people. Of course, this troper has also been learning German for four years and whatever neutral accent she used to be able to use has been shot to hell by her mistakenly using German pronunciation. Strangely, this does not affect her Baltimorean accent. ALSO: She will swear that these three words are key indicators of whether someone actually lived in Baltimore City: Hotdug. Oinge. Rid. (And if you don't come from Baltimore at all and understood those words then give youself a clap on the back. . . Or somethin'.) She would also love to point out that 'hun' is not an all-over Baltimore thing and you don't hear it much unless you go to Hampden (Pronounced without the 'p'.). * This Troper has lived in Chicago her whole life but for the most part speaks Newscaster English with a slight Chicago accent. She is jealous of those who do have the accent. Aksent? Whuht Aksent? English'as meant tubbe spoken wid da Chicawgo Aksent. * This troper from North Carolina has a hard time pronouncing her t's in certain situations, so she usually ends up saying 'the' as 'da', 'butter and water' as 'budder and wadder', and 'don't' as 'don'. Pretty weird. Is there any other North Carolinians who do this? This troper thinks that she's just horrible at speaking. ** Guilty as charged, and I'm from South Carolina. I suspect that's a habit that comes with age and/or laziness. The 'd' and 't' sounds are formed the same way, except that one has the voice activated and the other doesn't. I often hear ''the'' reduced to ''th''' (voiced th sound, completely dropping the vowel.) I frequently treat an ending t as a stop rather than an enunciated letter, though singing with a choir has mitigated that somewhat. * This troper definitely has an Upper Midwest accent. She has never heard anyone pronounce "coupon" and "root" like "koopon" and "rewt". * [[{{Tropers/Ventisia}} This Troper]] used to live near Chicago, and had a fairly normal accent for the area. However, she moved down to southern Indiana when she was nine, and over the six years she's lived there has slowly developed a southern accent. It's not as bad as many in the area, but it's enough for people to notice when I visit back up north. * This troper was born in Ohio and raised in Virgina on Doctor Who by Northern parents. Her accent is very, very, very strange when tired/angry/excited/upset. It seriously befuddles her Michiganian colleagues. * This troper is from the Ozarks in Missouri, yet has a "newscaster accent" excluding the fact that he pronounces "sorry" and other words with the "orr" like "orr" rather than "arr". He also frequently slips into a stereotypical Canadian accent, a posh English accent, an Australian accent, and a German accent; this troper confuses people. ** Another from the Missouri Ozarks, and I ''do'' sound like a hick. (Well, technically hillbilly, there's actually a distinction. Believe it or not.) I have a friend from ''Texas'' who thinks it's bad, and, well, Texas. (Granted, Frisco, Texas, which is a pretty damn nice place.) I pronounce for as fer, your as yer, I'm as ah'm, and get as git, as well as dropping g's and drawling near everything. It makes it hard to get taken seriously by anyone not from here, more commonly known as "those damn Yanks." * This Oregonian troper isn't sure how else you would pronounce "exit"

than "eggs-it". * This troper's aunt, originally from Long Island, New York, has lived in Northern California for a long time. Yet she still has a very pronounced Long Island accent. * This Troper would like to thank whoever decided to put NorCal in the California accents. It's awesome to know this troper actually has vocal tics worthy of being defined as an accent. * This troper is from North Carolina but is constantly asked by other Carolinian's if he's from "Up North" but when he's speaking to strangers over the phone who are from up north, they hear the southern accent and always guess correctly where he's from. What's weird is that living in the city, you don't hear the traditional southern accent from most people. * This Australian Troper has an American Accent because I watched about 5 hours of TV a day five days a week when I was 4 till 11 that were American cartoons, cue "are you american?" for the rest of my school life. * This troper is from the DC area which has a lot of people with foreign accents and thus we (the people we live with whose families came from anywhere ''but'' the south) don't have the white-southernstyle accent typical in southern Virginia (Yes we do say "ya'll" frequently, but that's a different story), and we also speak slowly. But I found my mother's (who I haven't met in almost 3/4 a decade) accent as unusual because I wasn't too used to the southern-style American accent ("nu-cu-lar" comes to mind) and MotorMouth. * This troper's accent is.... weird. For one, he was born and raised in Oklahoma, and while there, people would often note how I seem to ''lack'' an accent, yet when I moved out, or when conversing with NonOklahomans, It's been brought up that I ''have one''. As far as I've heard, I'm a mix a light-to-medium strength Texas drawl, Midwestern, and Pacific Northwest (due to the latter being where I live) [[hottip:* :I may have also possibly adopted some of the Baltimorean/Mid-Atlantic accent due to living there briefly, but have yet to really be called out on it]]. The Oklahoman part of my accent is the most notable, and apparently I sound like a huge freaking redneck if I say "Mall". Bizarrely, this troper occasionally lapes into ''a Canadian [[hottip:* :Toronto/Ontario/Generic Canadian]] accent'', occasionally pronouncing "Against" as "Uh-Gain-st" and "About" as... well, however they pronounce it there; I can't seem to adequately describe it. [[hottip:* :and yes, I'm ''NOT'' talking about the "aboot" pronounciation. I have no idea why so many people think that's how many Canadians say about. I'm talking about the distorted "ou" sound]] I've even said "Sore-e" a few times! Another addition to this is that I know a ridiculous amount of Canadian slang. I blame my near-constant consumption of Canadian TV since childhood for this. * I live in West Virginia and no one I know from WV has the stereotypical west virginian accent. Oddly enough, I know dozens of people from Virginia that have it. In fact, I've found that the most common West Virginian accent is much more mild than most people from other areas think. The only exception to this that I've found is the Southern West Virginian accent, because of the wild "r" sounds in some words, like wash which is pronounced as "warsh."

* This troper's cousin is an American who was raised in England until he was 11. Because of that he still had an English accent (not sure of specific type) when he and his family, who all have midwestern accents, moved back to america. In a desperate attempt to sound more American he started pronouncing his r's as "ur" instead of "uh," which made him sound more like a pirate than an American. He has since accepted his accent, and started using it to pick up women. * [[Tropers/MarleeCross This troper]], who is from New York, lived in Texas for two years and was told she had a New York accent. She'd never noticed before. * [[Tropers/{{Nani}} This troper]], for the most part, has a neutral accent, despite being born in New York. When I moved to Georgia and came back, I'd developed a slight Southern accent that I soon lost. ---''Y'all head on back to AmericanAccents, ya hear?'' ---<<|TroperTales|>>

AmicablyDivorced * This troper's parents divorced almost nine years ago. They're still friendly. They even still live together. It's a long story. * This troper's parents divorced when she was five. They don't live together, but they live in the same area and made an agreement to share custody. Her dad was even one of the first to meet her new halfsister. * [[Tropers/HeroicJay This troper's]] uncle divorced his wife years ago. She never moved out. She even still uses his last name. I spent most of my life not realizing my "aunt" technically wasn't. I half wonder if the post two above mine isn't my cousin (yeah, they raised a son), but I think it was more than nine years ago. * As of writing, this troper's parents (who divorced due to a lot of things, but mostly living 4,000 miles away from each other) let each other stay in their houses while in the country and generally spend time together amicably whenever they're near each other. Cue a lot of jokes about "Divorce? What Divorce?". * This Troper's parents get along really well after their divorce, my mom even is happy whenever he gets to see my half brother. The people handling their divorce were actually surprised on how well they were setting terms. "I think you should take this with you" "No, it would be more useful with you, you should keep it". * Does "amicably broken up" count? This one guy I know has remained friends with almost all of his former girlfriends. * Seems to be a family trait. I'm good friends with more than a couple ex-girlfriends, and my mother and father (divorced since I was 3) are not only good friends, Mom is VERY good friends with Dad's CURRENT wife. When they get together, Dad hides... * A friend of my family got divorced from her husband many years ago, and he even ended up marrying someone else in due time while she

didn't. To this day, however, she remains even closer friends to her ex-husband and his wife than she does to her own sisters. * This Troper's parents divorced when she was three, and are still on very good terms to the point where we have both sides of the family (including stepmother and stepfather) over for Christmas most years. * This troper's father and first wife have a relationship like this and are more like brother and sister/really close friends. To the point that I call her 'Aunt' and they even got invited to each other's second weddings.

AmoralAttorney * This troper has only had one encounter with an amoral attorney in his natural habitat, when a very dishonest person weaseled my grandfather out of a lot of money thanks to a typo in a contract. In private life I also once played on a Neverwinter Nights server with an incredibly spiteful and aggressive player, who mocked and swore at me to provoke a response, then screenshotted my angry answer and mailed it to the admins claiming he was being harassed. (Strangely, his part wasn't included in the screenshot. Funny how that works.) He was, of course, an attorney in real life. * Having worked for a divorce attorney, [[{{Muselette}} this troper]] can say that the AmoralAttorney really exists out there. There's nothing like watching your boss intentionally drag out her client's case just to get more billing hours to make you agree with the "kill all the lawyers" sentiment. Did I mention that the client suffered from a degenerative eye disease and was almost completely blind? * One attorney based in central Florida is practically the definition of "ambulance chaser". He will represent literally anyone, no matter how shaky their case may be. This includes a man who was suing a Little League team and its owners, along with the owners of the field, when he showed up without permission to try and help set up for the game, only to fall off his own ladder that he brought to the site. He was suing for an "unsafe working environment". In fact, he was so bad that he left his old partners because THEY thought he was too bad, and both attorneys are pretty slimy in their own right. ** So {{Even Evil Has Standards}}? * This troper's parents once had to deal with one. His name was [[NamesToRunAwayFromReallyFast Thornhill]]. He had brought up evidence he wasn't allowed to, stuff that had nothing to do with the case, and arrested one of them, with no formal warrant, for missing a court date they were actualy in court for. Over a bounced postmarked check. At the time, you couldn't prosecute postmarked checks in the state. When explaining him to people, this troper sums him up as "a PhoenixWright villain". The guy is now a judge, and this troper now lives out of state. * My aunt and uncle are currently suing a real estate agency for not telling them there was mold in their home. The real estate hired a lawyer who advised them to drag out the case to make my aunt have to give up her case due to the cost. Said aunt had to take out three morgates on their home to pay for the lawsuit. * This Troper isn't planning on entering this profession specifically

because he could be an AmoralAttorney. When he was in his high school mock trial team, he never got an "acting" part (playing a lawyer or a witness). His strength in the team was that he could find where affirmatives had slipped up and knew when to call foul on an apposing witness. Since the preliminaries had each team fight on both sides of the case, he would often find out how the witness he was ripping to shreds could cover that hole up on our run on the case. All this trumped the emotional weights of the RippedFromTheHeadlines cases that we got, and this trope found himself building an equally strong case for a side he would hate to see win in real life. * In real life, Fred Phelps fits this definition. He was disbarred for falsifying statements (something like 26 counts in the same case). ** In fact, this troper has heard that Fred Phelps created the whole Westboro Baptist Church simply to make something so controversial that people would have to cause him some harm or "libel" against him, so that he can sue them. There would be a great many flaws with such a plan... * [[@/{{Azzizzi}} This troper]]'s ex-wife had one of these for a divorce attorney. Fortunately, my attorney would cut him down with things like, "We can argue for an hour over something that's worth $50 and cost them $500 in the process or we can skip the small stuff and let them work it out." This would always shut him up. Even when the guy would come up with something completely crazy, my attorney would shoot it down, often by saying, "I know the judge won't go for that." Her dirtbag attorney ended up firing her, which is illegal. I tried to get her to file a complaint with the state bar, but she wouldn't. If you're in California, don't use an attorney whose first name is the same as Jingleheimerschmitt and his last name is the middle name of same (Jingleheimerschmitt) with a Michael thrown in the middle. This moron even asked to have the judge changed because the judge was biased against his client (completely false), then settled for the judge who granted custody to OJ Simpson. I gloated about this in one of our first meetings, pointing out the case of not doing his homework. My attorney was so good that when my ex-wife's new husband was having custody problems with his own ex-wife, I recommended my attorney to them. They took the advice and suddenly started winning every battle. His evil ex now complies with the court's requests (she didn't before). * Pick any advocate or lawyer in Guernsey. Any of them. These are the same pricks who prosecute people whose accountants have stolen large sums of money and fled the country for things such as tax evasion and barring anyone who isn't a qualified and licensed accountant from handling the pay-data, despite the fact that almost every "Qualified and licensed" accountant on the island has a habit of robbing people and fleeing the jurisdiction. Did I mention that Guernsey's political system is dominated by corporations? We're essentially Shadowrun, without the magic, metahumans, cyberware and guns. (We're also overpopulated due to immigration, mainly from mainland UK, since we're so easily exploited by them for cash.) ** Update from above troper: My sister was in a car crash in the early years of this millenium and is only just nearing her court case as of mid 2011. The only decent lawyer she had during this time was

essentially bought out by the insurance company she's suing and is now working for them. She took all the court data she had with her. They did this a month before a supposed court date. The current lawyer is completely ephemeral as of now (a few months before the court is due to start), the one before him was an intolerable ex-taxman who went into tirades about taxation procedure when he should have been working on the case at hand and the one before that wanted her to accept an offer of [[RefugeInAudacity 60,000]] when her original request was for over 800,000, as the company refused to help her during her recuperation from two broken legs caused by a driver they covered. As a result of the crash she was unable to take over the family business, which promptly collapsed under a mix of poor sales and extremely disreputable suppliers ripping the company off. My sister still cannot work in a full capacity about a decade on and yet the lawyers still stonewall us to this day, over a dozen lawyers later. * This troper hopes to become a criminal prosecutor someday and finds it rather annoying that prosecutors are so often portrayed as the bad guy in fiction. * Heard on a radio ad: "''Friends don't let friends plead guilty.''" It starts with a banging gavel and an ominous voice declaring, one after the other, the penalties for driving under the influence of alcohol once, then twice, then three times -- which is apparently meant to evoke fear -- and proceeds to invite anyone who has been charged with driving drunk to hire him as their defense, implying heavily that this is your way out if you really ''were'' driving drunk. * This troper's parents are lawyers (both of them. Insert joke here.) I've grown up listening to them complain about the jerkass attorneys, judges, and yes clients too, that they have to deal with on a regular basis. This trope definitely exists. (Protip: Even the vast majority of lawyers know that it's Very Bad Form to tell another lawyer to work on something during Yom Kippur and the lawyer is Jewish.) * A few years ago, during a church service, we had a guest speaker. We have them frequently; I had no idea who in the heck this guy was, but he seemed important, to I listened to him...mostly.The one thing that stood out in my mind was his comment about the respective effects of good and bad parenting. He gave an example of a family of outlaws. Of their descendents, the number of theives/murderers/arsonists/rapists/general reprobates was well into the hundreds. He then gave an example of a family in which many descendents became doctors/executives/politicians/upstanding citizens...and, finally, "twenty of them became lawyers...[[EvilLawyerJoke well, I guess you can only do so much as a parent."]] Stupid, yes, but it seemed funny to me, at least... * This troper considered law school and decided against it after her philosophy of law professor told her she'd make a great lawyer because she was so good at forming arguments even when they were clearly utterly bankrupt. * This Troper's mothers lawyer is a douche. He told her to put me in an asylum so I wouldn't testify in an upcoming custody hearing. She did, too. ----

Chase the ambulance back to AmoralAttorney. ---<<|TroperTales|>>

AmplifiedAnimalAptitude * This troper (StevieC) knew one Pearl Stanley (great-aunt of baseball player Mickey Stanley) who raised and bred parrots. She had one African Gray that was apparently so smart that a local TV news crew came by to interview it. The bird refused to say a single word until the interviewer said he didn't think the bird could talk. Said parrot then replied (not having been trained to say this) "And you are a dummy, '''do you know what I mean?!'''" Apparently the tape was never aired due to the station finding it humiliating to have been pwnt by a parrot, but having met the bird in question, this troper can definitely attest to the truth of the story. * This troper (TroperAlmighty) has a guinea pig that squeaks when it's breakfast time or teatime. And a dog that can climb, and understand what's going on just from actions and mood, and two dogs that can smile. Sadly, one of the smilers is not with us anymore (see Five Man Band - TroperTales) ** That said, he can do the trick with a coin and cups, and can take the right treat from seeing an example, and can solve puzzles to find gravy-flavour bones/ training treats. *** Said guinea pig knows it's name, and squeaks when someone approaches the door. A degu (giant gerbil) that I have once jumped on my scooter and wobbled it around, as if to ride it. The dog watch TV a couple of times, stuff with horses and dogs in. And whenever he watches the degus or guinea pig, he's suspected of wanting to eat them, but just seems to study them. On fireworks night, (this is beginning to enter Bragging Rights Reward) he figured this - Loud bang from garden + Family in garden = Must protect! - and ran to bark at the door. And before two fish was dwindled down to one, they would race for the fish food. * [[@/{{Indigo}} This troper]] knows of several cat owners whose cats learned to step on the surge protector or hit the power switch on a computer tower when they want their human's attention. ** [[@/EddieVanHelsing I]] had a cat who could do that. I had rigged up a [[ molly guard]], but Incorrigible figured out how to get past it. He would also start purring whenever I had Iron Maiden on the stereo, and would bring me their albums to play, having retrieved them out of the CD rack. He would, of course, take half a dozen [=CDs=] off the rack until he recognized the "Eddie" mascot. ** Another troper's brother had a dactyl cat who learned how to open doorknobs. *** This troper ''currently'' has a dexterous little thumbkitty. * [[@/XenusOregard My]] aunt, when she was little, had a freakishly intelligent cat. She was originally a stray, but after getting in the good graces of my aunt, was smart enough to woo over my grandfather and clinch her position as family pet, in spite of his being a total

''dog-lover.'' * This troper's dog has been known to sort his toys. He's made groups of toys of a specific color, a specific shape, and even had a group of balls subdivided into fuzzy and smooth. That said, he's clearly a GeniusDitz -- while he understands toys very well, he's not at good at understanding people's expectations of him... * Of [[@/MrDeath this troper's]] dogs, one, a beagle, figured out how to open the refrigerator (where he would beeline straight for the Chips Ahoy), would hide his dog biscuits for later, and once opened a box of Valentine's Day chocolates without harming the box. All of the dogs have learned what the words "Out" and "Treat," (They've even learned to recognize the ''spelling'' of "Out"). The last surviving one has once tried to trick my parents into thinking it's asleep, and knows how to ask for a specific treat by pointing at it with his snout. * This troper's cats have learned to go on their hind legs and touch the doorknob whenever they hear the words "in" or "out". However, they do not react the the word "out" while outside, and will ignore "in" when already indoors. * This troper's mother once had an exceptionally intelligent little dog who, among other things, learned how to operate the hand crank for the window in her car. One day, she came out of the grocery store to find the dog waiting for her and two guys arguing - "No, I'm saying the dog rolled down the window!" "Impossible!" * This troper has had a hermit crab that somehow managed to escape its wire cage with the lid on in such a state that it could be picked up by a human without needing to rotate it. The crab somehow used it's limbs to tilt it perpendicular to the opening and climbed out. * This troper has seen her cat trying to open a lever-handle door. She had the right idea, but unfortunately not the weight to carry it through. * My poor dead cat once (ONCE) took a piss standing on the toilet, and then- get this- tried to flush! she fell in the bowl, though, so she never did it again. * This troper's mother once had a cat who would-I kid you not-go down the street to her blind neighbor's house and knock on the door as a practical joke. Another cat we had would occasionally ring the doorbell to let us know he wanted in. * This troper had a goat that rang the doorbell twice, confusing her owners until we realized she was ringing the door because she wanted to get in and hang out with the humans. * When this troper was little she had a bad dream and asked her mom to sleep with her. My mom displaced the dog from his spot and he unhappily settled on the floor. A few minutes later, he scratched on the door to be let out. My mom got up to let him out and he followed her down the hallway and then doubled back and jumped back on the bed beside me. * When [[@/EddieVanHelsing this troper]] was in high school, he came home one day to catch the cat opening the fridge. He told his parents, but they wouldn't believe him. The next day, the cat had already gotten into the fridge, and was happily chowing down on the foil pan full of lasagna his mother had made the night before. If he had not

taken a Polaroid of the scene, he would have been blamed for eating half a pan of lasagna. ** Wait. Your cat is intelligent enough to open a fridge, eats you food, and likes lasagna. [[{{Garfield}} I am reminded of a certain other cat.]] * This troper has a lovebird with many strange quirks. If I come home from classes, the bird hears the door and chirps. Anyone else walking in and he'll barely make a peep. If I walk down the stairs to where he is, he will exactly know that it is me and will chirp. Anyone else going down the stairs and he'll stay quiet. You can't hide certain food from him either. If my mom or sister brings down dinner to the den (where the birds are) to watch TV, he will not shut up unless he gets a scrap of what they're having. * Both of this troper's dogs are extremely intelligent, probably more than herself. they both know how to escape from situations, like meticulously escaping the "blocked room punishment" (where we leave them near their bathroom, with the exit temporarily blocked, it's scientifically proven as more effective than beating the poor critters like some people do), or managing to avoid our eye contact while trying to steal our food, as in a stealthy ninja technique. Yes, you heard right, they are ''ninja'' dogs. * This troper's cat is a genius in black fur. Troper's husband was holding a toy up near his shoulder; she promptly jumped up and grabbed it, having rather powerful back legs. He took it and held it a little higher, higher than she could jump. It must be noted, here, that he was standing near a wall. The cat looked at the toy...looked at the wall...looked at the toy...looked at the wall...then jumped. At the ''wall''. She couldn't gain altitude by bouncing off the wall, but she was aiming for the exact angle needed to get to the toy if she could have. The trick was repeated twice to make sure it wasn't a fluke; the cat can do geometry. * Both of this troper's cats have "Can Dar" (they'll somehow know that a can has been opened and will come running no matter where else in the house they may be); the orange tabby further has a "Possibility of Food Dar" that causes her to at least stop by to look if I'm in the kitchen, opening the fridge, or doing any activity that could end with her getting fed. (This is less "cat is wicked smart" and more "cat is damn determined", though, because we pretty much stick to scheduled feedings and snacks are very, very rare.) This troper's former (now deceased) cat was ''this'' close to figuring out how to open doors (with the kind of horizontal door handles), but settled on meowing for me to open doors for him as it resulted in less effort. ** This troper's (late, lamented) dog had the 'possibility-of-fooddar' thing going, at least during the past couple of years. Any movement towards the laundry room, where we kept his kibble and biscuits, resulted in big brown PuppyDogEyes and an expression that said, very clearly, 'Are you going to give me a biscuit? Please?' * As a kid, this troper had a big, good-natured rottweiler cross who could probably have [[ qualified]] as a Utility Dog, or at least a Companion Dog Excellent. What's unusual is that the dog was almost entirely self-taught. * This troper's mom's bedroom door can be pushed open with minimal

effort, thanks to the lock being loose. Two of our cats have figured out how to open it from the inside ''or'' outside. One does that in addition to going over to the cabinet where the cat food is kept and meowing when he's out, knowing when my mom is going to bed and running upstairs to sleep with her, and following her when she tells him she's going to the bathroom so he can drink from the sink, which she's trained him to ask for by bumping his forehead against her. Oh, and he can ''speak''. Seriously. He says "howl." ** [[Film/HowlsMovingCastle Maybe he's a fan of a certain movie...]] * This troper has a hamster who has learned to understand his own name and the word 'treat', and comes running out of his nest if he hears a bag rustle, hoping it's a food bag. He often tries to trick this troper into letting him escape by acting cute until she opens the cage door to reach in and pet him, then going for the door. ** Update: This hamster has now worked out that the fridge is a source of food, despite the fact that this troper never gives him food from the fridge. He has also figured out how to escape from his explorer ball (he has yet to manage it due to lack of strength), and he has located the clasps that hold his cage together and keeps trying to chew them off. He also regularly tries to open his cage door, and only fails because it's on the roof of the cage and he can barely reach it. This troper is wondering if they make special escape-proof hamster cages. *** Wow. Cuteness and escape artist in one. I wonder if your hamster is related to [[{{Hamtaro}} this hamster]]. * This troper has a husky dog that once managed to turn off the lights in my room. He did it by accident though, because he wanted to get out of the room and the door was shut. I think he had to go potty, but I don't remember. When one of our goats was little, he apparently figured out (through me repeatedly saying things like "Aw, whosa sweet wittle goat?") that I had a sympathetic spot for baby animals and he used this to be able to bleat very loudly and it got more and more like a scream each time he did it. I eventually gave in and came back. This resulted in me taking both he and his brother into our house (because we were feeding said brother by ourselves because his mama wouldn't nurse him). * This tropers cat knocks on her bedroom door when she gets locked out. * This troper had a cat as a child that learned to jump up on the table next to the back door when she wanted out. The answering machine was on the table and the cat figured out some way to record a dial tone, which the answering machine would treat as a new message and beep. Someone would then wake up to let the cat out. The thing is, we knew she wasn't hitting the memo button, since that would've recorded meowing. Never figured out how she recorded the dial tone. * This Troper once had a hamster who learned that climbing on her cage door and leaning her full weight on it would cause the door to clang open. Said hamster also learned how to open her plastic exercise ball. ** This troper (the owner of the other smart hamster a few entries up) now firmly believes that hamsters are just as intelligent as rats but [[ObfuscatingStupidity prefer to hide it.]] * This troper's late dog, while failing to master a lot of the

standard doggie tricks and never fully grasping the concept of 'fetch' (his attitude to which seemed to be 'you threw it away, I got it, it's now mine and you can't have it) was an expert in his field, said field being escapology and doors in general. Highlights include using the compost heap to get over the fence so that he could play with the dog next door, rountinely letting himself in the back door, getting past a baby gate on my aunt's stairs, and escaping from a locked kennel. He also worked out that if he went for a swim in the sea, his walk would be extended (to give him chance to dry out a bit). Sadly he's no longer with us but it appears that before his demise he managed to school my aunt's two dogs in the ways of doors. ** My dad's first dog was also unusually bright and 'streetwise', continuously escapeing from the garden despite a high fence, taking himself for walks and on at least one occasion catching the bus by himself. There was also an ex-police dog who lived around the corner who'd do his owner's shopping for him, including fetching his dinner from the fish and chip shop. * Although a lot of the people who go on Yahoo Answers seem to be somewhat lacking in the IQ department, some of them seem to own bright dogs. The two incidents that this troper remembers are a) one where a diabetic woke up with low blood sugar and found their huskey (who usually eats anything in sight) standing beside their bed with a Rice Crispies treat in it's mouth and wimpering, and b) someone who read to their dog wanted to know if it got anything out of it and mentioned that one time when they hadn't done it for a couple of days the dog actually went and fetched the book without being asked. * This troper once owned two rabbits. One of them, she is convinced, was the rabbit equivalent of a criminal mastermind. The other... not so much. The former I on more than one occasion found loose in the wendy-house where their hutch was. Despite the fact that no doors were open, and she had definitely been in the hutch the night before. On one of these occasions, troper's mother found the rabbit ON TOP of the 2-level hutch, although nothing that she could feasibly jump to it from was nearby. She had got into the bag of food which was kept up there. Troper's mother says that the expression on the bunny's face was a cross between sheepishness, "Ah, I don't seem to be able to get down," and "Aren't I clever?" She directed the other rabbit, we're convinced, to chew through the plastic cable ties keeping the wire mesh on and them from freedom. --> Daffy: Misty, chew through that. --> Misty: (Goofy voice) Y'okay Daffy. I love you Daffy. --> Daffy: I know that, you fool! Now CHEW! * The squirrels that live near a family's house (friends of this troper) are freakishly smart. Not long ago, they kept stealing from the birdfeeder, as squirrels often do. So, the people bought the type of birdfeeder that you can cover in some kind of grease that's too slippery for the squirrels to climb. The squirrels picked up pieces of dirt and basically covered up the birdfeeder pole with them, then easily climbed up and stole the birdseed. Shortly afterward, the family bought a spinning birdfeeder. For a few days, squirrels kept trying to jump on it, and were thrown everywhere. So, they began working in teams: two or three squirrels would jump on the birdfeeder

to shake it and knock out all the birdseed, and one would run around on the ground and eat it. They would alternate so each squirrel would get to eat. Since then, said family has pretty much given up trying to keep away the squirrels. Overall... wow. * This Troper had a leopard gecko which learned how to beg for water by tapping his claws on his water dish. ** This troper has seen a goldfish... yes, a ''fish''... that learned how to pull on a string that rang a bell whenever it got hungry. He has also seen a rabbit that would pick up its empty food bowl and bang it noisily against the metal bars of its cage until someone came along and filled it. The sound was loud enough that it was impossible to ignore no matter where you were in the house. * This troper has heard of a Maltese who learned to ''fake seizures'' when its owner picked up a brush. And one of her first foster kittens who seemed to be weaning-resistant turned out to be eating solid food whenever we left but insisting on formula while we were around... * There was a story in the paper last year about a parrot belonging to a babysitter that not only realized there was something wrong in the woman's charge mis-swallowing cereal and choking while she was out of the room, not only cared enough to try and get its owner's attention to what was happening, it used words that were actually relevant to the situation in trying to raise the alarm. ("Mama! Baby!") ** Another news story I've seen include a normally-friendly dolphin that rammed a woman in the side when she got into the pool with it, leaving a nasty bruise. A medical examination revealed a malignant tumor situated exactly under the spot where the dolphin rammed her. Had the dolphin not detected the tumor, it likely would have gone unnoticed until it was inoperable. The Kea (a breed of parrot) is notoriously intelligent, to the point of making tools, such as bending a thin piece of wire into a hook, then using the hook to pick up a basket of food that it otherwise could not have reached. * I currently have a cat that came from an extremely abusive home, where she'd been starved and beaten about the head and such until she'd been taken away to be adopted by me. Oddly, she grew up to be extremely intelligent and protective. She will tip her head back and yowl if you ask her to 'roar', If I call her name she comes and waits by my feet, and if I snap my fingers twice and start walking, she knows to follow at my heel until I tell her she can stop. I can put her on a leash and she'll let me walk around outisde with her without trying to dash into traffic or catch any unfortunate small creatures that cross our path, which my other cat /and/ my dog will do. Like a couple other entries I saw above, she will turn my computer off when she wants me to hold her/play with her/look at her, and she also has a tendency to come running when I play piano, get on her hind legs, wrap her forelegs around my thigh (She's a big girl) and yowl, so I can't help but think she's begging me to stop. A couple years ago there was an awful thunderstorm that had been spitting out tornados all over the place and literally making the house shake with hail the size of baseballs and wind that was going about 70 MPH. I am an incredibly heavy sleeper, and probably managed to sleep through all of this if my cat hadn't jumped up on my bed, pawed my face,pulled my hair with her teeth and eventually sat on my chest and started screaming and didn't

stop until I woke up and noticed the tornado sirens and our NOAA Weather Radio going crazy. She continued to wail and follow me around until I got said Weather Radio, a flashlight, and her two siblings/the other cat and dog and went into the basement. * This troper had a (late, lamented) toy poodle. Though he loved everyone who walked in the door, he was definitely "Momma's boy". Dad would not let him on the bed, so he'd sleep in my room or under the living room table... until he heard Dad's truck start at about 4:15 in the morning. We had a gravel driveway; he would wait until he heard the gravel stop crunching, then, like a shot, ran down the hall and jumped in bed with Mom. * Two pets here. 1) A dog that my family owned when I was 2 would come running if someone so much as looked at a banana, and 2) the dog I have now that has figured out doors. She's really small as well. Every so often when I come home from school, she's asleep on my bed even though on a normal day, there is about six doors in the way. She also taught my family how to play fetch, and figured out how to open a tupperware container and somehow ''put it back'' where she found it so that we wouldn't realize she was eating more than we had given her. * My dog, Snickers, is a dachsund. When we first got him, we had a very large guinea pig named Piglet. Now, if you ever get a dachsund, don't be fooled by the small size. These animals are CrazyAwesome they were bred to hunt vermin and go after badgers. The name even means "badger dog" in German! In order to protect Piglet (who apparently qualified as vermin), we placed his cage in the downstairs bathroom and shut the door. One day when we were out, Snickers ''opened the door, climbed up a bookcase, and jumped about four feet straight down on top of the cage.'' This from an animal weighing only nine pounds and standing about ten inches tall. * This troper's (former) siamese had a few moments:\\ -> When they first got him, my parents enforced a rule that he was not allowed on the table at mealtimes, which worked fine for a few weeks until the crafty cat figured out that humans didn't count as part of the table, and so he the next mealtime he jumped up the back of the chair, crawled over my mother's shoulder and walked down her arm to eat off her plate, not once touching the table itself. My parent let it through the once, but never allowed it again.\\ -> At one time my parents kept a litter-box in the toilet, but then one summer they decided that it was warm enough for the cats to go out even at night, and so removed it. That night, the siamese, rather than settling down in bed as was the norm, paced about, yowling. When it became obvious that neither of my parent could figure out what was wrong, he changed tactics, and then went through the motions of digging a hole, squatting, and burying, ie, going to the toilet. On the second run through of this my parents twigged what the problem was.\\ -> You wound think that cats would take any interest in TV right? Well, during one nature program, my parents noticed that the siamese became quite agitated when wolves came on the screen, and hid behind the settee at the sight of bears, though they were only a few inches high, whereas when a mouse came on, practically filling the screen, the siamese was all over the TV trying to get at it.

* I swear my dog knew how to understand English. Also, I've had a cat that thought it was a dog and a dog that thought it was a cat. * This troper had a dog (now long since passed away with cancer) who was exceptionally intelligent for a Chesapeak Bay Retreiver. He learned how to open the fridge (prompting us to seal it with bags and chairs) and in spite of his rampant curiosity and playfullness, always stayed near the house whenever he got out. This one time we put a spray collar on his neck that shot out an irritating lemony scent whenever he started barking (which was a problem as he would do it almost all the time, even at night). Everything was good....until the spray ran out. We were content to assume that any dog would not know that the collar had a limited supply of spray and would never bark in case of getting a face full of nose-hurting lemon stink, but not our dog. Soon he began to experiment with the empty collar, cautiosly making tiny barks and getting no comeback, until the knowledge that he could bark without being sprayed had howling like mad * [[Tropers/IronicMouse This troper]] and his family had a yellow Labrador, named Lucky, who was pretty darn smart. When we first got him, we would put him in a small, fenced-in pen at night. Over the first few weeks, Lucky managed to figure out how to unlock the door and climb over the ten foot fence in several places. Also, our neighbors had a compost pile, where they would throw all their leftover food. For obvious reasons, Lucky was not allowed there, but when he did sneak over, he would come back in a roundabout way so it would look like he was returning from the garage or the barn, depending on where we were at the time. The thing is, we could always tell where he had been, because he actually had a guilty look on his face. * This troper's cat can ''smell'' deceit, and knows exactly when you are trying to do anything to him that he would not like. This is very frustrating when we need to put some flea stuff on his neck. I start stroking him in order to distract him, then put the stuff on while he's not looking. Even though there is nothing unusual about him sitting on my lap and me stroking him, he seems to know anyway that something is up. The same if I have to shut the door to the back room to prevent him walking upstairs during the night. Luckily, he also knows who's in charge. What's that, [[TropeyTheWonderDog Tropey]]? You wanna go back to AmplifiedAnimalAptitude? Good boy! ---<<|TroperTales|>>

AnachronismStew This troper's school put on a production of Antigone, featuring (amongst other characters) a Roman soldier, Creon dressed as Tsar Nicholas, and a modern-day postman. To be fair, [[JustifiedTrope it was meant to show that the ideas of the play were still relevent today.]] * I take your Antigone and add my old high school's Romeo and Juliet.

There were friars and the black plague...mixed in with business men and gangsters armed with switchblades. Not to mention that the "Prince" was a policewoman who had a revolver in her purse. * This Troper is planning a fantasy fanfic where a princess is kidnapped and three anime characters and one of my OCs must save her. Seems normal, right? Wrong. My OC is a punk rocker who plays the electric guitar, {{Fall Out Boy}} sngs will be sung, there will be modern stores, a character will be wearing modern [[{{Qipao}} cheongasms]], [[{{YuGiOh The Abridged Series}} Children's Card Games (on motorcycles) will be played]], chracters from anime such as {{Baccano}} and {{Eureka Seven}} may appear, refrences to anime will be made, stuff from Hot Topic (such as bondage pants, skinny jeans, and band T-shirts) will be worn by my OC, {{Haruhi Suzumiya}} is the princess, and other anachronisms will be seen. This is intentional, since it'll parody fantasy novels. Did I mention that it may take place in an alternate version of the U.S.A.? * This troper saw a girl in a supposed '50s girl costume the Friday before Halloween. The top was basically a halter top with a hole in the middle of it to show off her cleavege. Halter tops weren't even invented until the '70s! Besides that, a top like that would likely get you branded as a hooker in the actual '50s! *headdesk* * ThePriceIsRight has a video game on {{Facebook}}, and it's recently gone into a 1970s edition, meaning all the prizes and prices are taken from shows in the 1970s. Fine. Except when they take prizes from the 1980s. And they use the Big Wheel that debuted in 2008. *headdesk* *headdesk* ---Head back to AnachronismStew, and tell [[BillAndTedsExcellentAdventure Bill and Ted]] I said hi when you get there. ----

AnalogyBackfire * This troper, after watching a "Ripples" [[BuffySpeak comic...thing]] (Which has it's own analogy backfire) [[{{Metaphorgotten}} thought of this]]: --> '''Me''': Instead of saying "lives are drops in a bucket", the guy should've said "lives are like grains of sand in a really big bucket." --> '''Aerith''': How so? --> '''Me''': There are lots of them, each one makes the mountain a little bigger, they all look alike but they're all different, they fall on top of each other, get buried after a while. --> '''Bob''': And they get in your swimsuit and scratch your butt. And if you burn them really really hot they turn into glass. --> '''Me''': And they're partially made of sea animal's feces --> '''Bob''': this shouldn't make that much sense --> '''Aerith''': And they can make up castles that will be destroyed by an average wave. ** It's a visual novel. * This is my personal favorite -->'''Me:''' You know, sex is a lot like a cake. --> '''Alice:''' Multi-tiered?

--> '''Bob:''' Better when it's chocolate? --> '''Alice:''' Never as good as you hoped? --> '''Bob:''' Always finished too early? --> '''Me:''' You know what, sex is a lot more like a terrible analogy. You think it starts off good but then someone else butts in and ruins the whole thing. * This troper is a complete subversion. He uses analogies all the time and never fails to make it an appropriate one. ** Same here, buddy. The only time I ever failed an analogy was because it turned out that we were talking about 2 separate things. * This troper has stated that he wishes clubs at his school were more like they are in anime. Like HigurashiNoNakuKoroNi! Well... except for all the friends murdering each other. Uh, yeah. ** Go for a SuzumiyaHaruhi-style [=SOS=] Brigade. *** This same troper has thought about that one as well, but every member is Haruhi's slave, and they have to be mysterious. However, this troper could be the brainy crippled CuteShotaroBoy. * [[GwenStacyWannabe This troper]] was telling one of her online friends how she preferred [[StarWars Han Solo to Luke Skywalker]], but still had a soft spot for Luke, and went on to say that "Luke is like a cute dumb puppy that sometimes runs into things but is so cute you still want to cuddle him sometimes...okay, that analogy got [[UnfortunateImplications really weird]] really fast..." ** ... how so? * This troper HATES sharing her writing, and her family just doesn't seem to understand why, no matter how many times she explains. She tried to come up with a comparison: "It's like...if you made soup, and you were better at most people than making soup, and nobody else in your family made soup, so they wanted to eat the soup you made. But you had had better soup before, and you didn't want to share your soup with your family because it wasn't as good as...oh, this is SO not working!" ** Try to change "soup" with "pie". Then, it might work. Well, I explain to my family that they wouldn't like the stories I write because it's not their favorite genre, and it would be like forcing her to drink coffee; she wouldn't understand, and surely wouldn't ''like'' it. *** Try this. Writing is a lot like sex. It's better when your family isn't involved. *** [[BrotherSisterIncest Says you]]. My sincerest apologies for that imagery. * [[CaptHayfever I]] sometimes do these on purpose to regain the attention of the College Algebra class I'm teaching. It's just like when you're trying to attract a squirrel to feed it a piece of bread, except instead of bread, I'm trying to the squirrel... * This troper has attempted to explain her writing process as being akin to paleontology; you unearth the skeleton, then you cram meat on the skeleton until it's a dinosaur, and then it eats you just like the ones in ''Jurassic Park''...wait. ** Actually, all writers are being eaten wholly and regurgitated by their own works; it's a good thing, it means you are being involved

with the story at its entirety, making it more complex, like you were living each of these characters' lives. A better metaphor would be building your own Virtual Reality game and testing it every once in a while to correct bugs and deveplop it better. * {{Andrusi}} once participated in this (paraphrased) exchange: -->"You see, [=MSPaint=] isn't a ''stripped-down'' graphics program compared to inherently superior software, it's a ''simplified'' program that sacrifices advanced features for ease of use." -->"[[SarcasmMode Oh, I get it!]] It's like an aircraft carrier on land! Sure it can't move, but planes can still take off and land on it, so it ''must'' still be useful, right?" -->"You mean an airport? Yes, it's like that." ([[ComebackTomorrow Yeah, that's what I should have said.]]) * This troper has the ''worst'' from the batch. Some of them involve gut damage, or dead babies. She says that a published author cancelling their works for personal reasons is like a mother aborting a baby because she's worried about her own life. Well, [[CatchPhrase you understood it]], I guess. * Another related-to-fictionn example: this troper was commenting on how people in S-Cry-Ed think based on their alter. Kazuma thinks with his fist, Ryuho lives by the sword, Straight Cougar thinks on his feet, Tachibana thinks with his... balls? That doesn't sound right. * This troper is an atheist and does not like Christian teachings. Some time ago, someone tried do convince her that she's wrong with the homily about unborn babies in a womb, disputing about whether mother exists or not. She answered: "Poor babies! They do not know that their mother is a psychopath that keeps children she likes and roasts ones she doesn't in a microwave!". ** You're right, that was a bad analogy. Babies aren't self-aware in the womb, and they haven't really done anything right or wrong yet. Plus, that mother really ''is'' a psycho if she '''roasts''' babies in a microwave; [[CompletelyMissingThePoint everyone knows you don't roast in a microwave!]] * This troper had the following exchange with a friend. Note that all of this troper's analogies turn out like this. -->"You know, saying that God doesn't exist while living on earth is saying that artists don't exist while visiting a museum. It doesn't make sense." -->"But aren't paintings flammable?" -->"So are people." ** Does too make sense. Natural laws and all that. This troper should shut up now; this is not a good debate to start. ** I'm not afraid to start the argument. I'm an atheist and there are SCIENTIFIC principles showing how Earth came together WITHOUT a God. And before you try to pull the "God caused the Big Bang" argument, explain LOGICALLY where your 'God' came from. And no, I won't accept circular reasoning. *** You're arguing against a being defined as having always existing by claiming it needed to have "came" from something. Let's presume you're educated. There's a good argument that any and all singularities at the beginning or end of the universe as we know it still occur on a mappable, definable point of space time (looking at

it using imaginary time.) The implication here is that the universe would then always exist, sans a point of creation- it would just BE. No problems there, but the instant one talks about a deity, you pull a double standard. And that's the first of your problems. *sigh* *** Space-time existed before the Big Bang. Unless you're claiming it magically appeared from nothing. Believer or not, you're still claiming that something has existed forever and just IS. *** There's scientific evidence pointing the other way too. This isn't the place to start that argument, and you should know it. It's funny how the other side is being less emotional about it -- and in the future, don't assume the other side is a bunch of illogical idiots before you even start. **** Children! Don't make me turn this trope around! I'll beat y'alls asses with a switch if you don't behave! ** Not all museums are art museums. * This troper once compared someone's stupid post on a forum to a trainwreck, but with a train made of puppies running into walls. Who was it with the stupid post, again? * This troper was panicked when she first learned to drive. People kept telling her it was just like video games. Except that in video games, when you crash you get penalized. In real life, when you crash you get dead. * I've been told before that my mind is like a steel trap. To which I usually reply, "You mean dangerous and illegal?" ** [[TheWhovianZorker This (frustratingly forgetful) Troper]] has claimed on occasion to have a mind like a steel trap...a ''rusted'' steel trap, which lets nothing in or out. More often, he has claimed to have a mind like a steel ''sieve'', with very large holes. (He forgets all of the big, important stuff because it leaks out through the holes. All of the trivia he knows about Star Wars, Star Trek, The Princess Bride, etc., [[YouFailLogicForever is too small to fall through the holes]]. Ummm...) * "This is what I call the Iwo Jima Defense!" "Iwo Jima fell." * One of this troper's friends has a girlfriend who is a bonafide [[LethalChef lethal chef]]. Once, when his friend and he expressed doubts about one of the girlfriend's concoctions: -->Friend: Just think of yourself as [[ Laika]]. -->This Troper: How appropriate, seeing as how Laika died. * [[LeighSabio This Troper]] has an unpublished story in which [[TheSpock one]] [[ButchLesbian character]] is talking about her relationship with [[LipstickLesbian a friend.]] --->Character: [[SheIsNotMyGirlfriend We're just good friends]]. She's like [[HoYay the Kirk to my Spock]]. --->Friend: [[SlashFic uh...]] ** The analogy backfire is actually pretty accurate, given the {{UST}} between the two of them. *** Which is clearly what the original poster was getting at. * This troper's group of friend played a rather mean joke on our resident Omega, although I wasn't there at the start. He was asked whether he liked apple or cherry pie, apple meaning men, cherry meaning women. He didn't get it and answered that he liked both,

thinking we were talking about ''actual pie.'' It was made worse by the fact that we wouldn't tell him what it meant, so he kept listing the reasons he liked apple pie, how he liked to eat it, and that it was not wrong to like apple pie (Likes it with ice cream on top, will bring one to school and eat it in front of us next week, etc.), all of which could be taken two ways. It was very entertaining. We still haven't told him, and when I flat-out told him it was an analogy, he replied that he didn't know what the word meant. ** Well, how the hell was he supposed to know? Or is talking about people as pies common wherever it is you live? * This troper had one of these: --->Marketing teacher: Don't build it and they will come. MARKET it and they will come. --->Troper: No wonder I can't get anyone to come. --->Classmate: That's what she said. * Sort of an inversion: When we were in Life Management class-in which the TV was on Cartoon Network, and showing Pokemon 2000, due to the begging of the class (mind you this was in Sophmore year)-my friend noted how Lugia was getting ganged up on. --->Me: ...waitaminute...3 people ganging up on one guy trying to protect the environment...released in 2000...OH MY GOD! THIS IS ABOUT THE BUSH/GORE ELECTION! --->Friend: ...[[FlatWhat what.]] * This troper once drove past a church marquee that read, "Satan offers first class accommodations on the Titanic." While I assume the intended message was that a life of sin will eventually lead to a horrible fate, somebody probably should have reminded whoever came up with that one that the Titanic's first class passengers had a greater chance of surviving the disaster than anyone else on board. * This troper once tried to describe why she thought that her sister and one of her male friends would make a cute couple: -->'''Me:''' They just look good together. They fit together, he wraps around her like a piece of jerky. * Back in high school, This Troper decided to compete in a state-wide performing arts contest. Since my high school was huge, it was always able to send a lot of teams to compete at the state competition, and I happened to be in one of them. Anyway, while everyone was waiting for the bus to arrive and take us to the competition, one of the other students decided to get everyone excited. He stood on a table and gave a rousing speech that compared us to the [[BadassArmy 300 Spartans]] ([[ThreeHundred the movie]] had just come out), saying we would kick ass like they did. Right after he said that, This Troper--who hadnt seen 300 but had paid attention in history class--immediately pointed out that ''all of the 300 Spartans died.'' * This troper is prone to these, mainly because of her {{Cloudcuckoolander}} tendencies. Most recent example as of this edit: -->'''Me:''' Sorry I keep asking so many questions. I'm just deficient at [=RPing=]. -->'''Other person:''' Stop putting yourself down! -->'''Me:''' I'm not putting myself down. Take the number 42, for instance. It's "deficient" because the sum of its proper factors is less than itself, but that doesn't make it...[[FacePalm okay, worst

analogy ever.]] ** Factually incorrect as well: like all multiples of six, 42 is abundant, not deficient. * A few years ago, back in High School, Greenpeace came in to speak with with us about the Oilsands (I'm an Albertan) and they began shillinga protesting where Protestors would wear {{VforVendetta}} Guy Fawkes masks, so "They can be like V and Guy Fawkes and stand up for what [we] believe in." The Analogy starts to fall apart about threefold. First, in the comics V was arguably psychotic. Seceond, there's a major difference between "Peaceful Protest" and "Blowing something up taking a lot of innocent people with it to prove a point." Thrid, there's the threory that had the Gunpowder Plot succeeded, well, the Anti-Catholic Backlash in England would have been immense, and Guy Fawkes would have basically shot his cause in the foot. * [[{{Tropers.Premonition45}} This troper]] thinks ''StarTrek'''s "even/odd" rule doesn't work anymore, after the disappointment of ''StarTrekNemesis'', the 10th Trek film, and the massive success of ''[[Film/StarTrek Star Trek]]'', the 11th Trek film. So people really ought to stop using it to describe [[YourMileageMayVary perceived]] {{sequelitis}} in any movie series. ** Though some solve the rule by turning GalaxyQuest into Entry #10. * One time, this troper was going up against someone in chess and was feeling pretty confident, but they couldn't think of a good analogy, so they used...[[TheBible David and Goliath]]. (To make matters worse, this troper is an atheist.) One of the people at the desk had pointed this out, but unfortunately for them, the analogy backfire itself backfired, and this troper still won the game. * A team of this troper's freshmen was named "Chiquititas" (Spanish for "little girls", and also the name of a cheesy Argentinian soap opera which was popular in my country). To turn it more manly, they started calling it "Chiquititans". At a certain point, the troper remembered that the titans painted themselves as invincible, but were defeated... (it got even worse when they lost to the class just below them... just like the titans were defeated by their sucessors, the Greek gods!) * I tend to favor [[ToBeLawfulOrGood lawful behavior over good behavior]]. When criticized for this, I argue the idea of moral relativism and suggest that law exists to create a widely accepted definition of good, rather than let everyone create their own definitions. On the moral relativism point, I refer to an anecdote from a sociology textbook I once had. It involved visiting a foreign nation that routinely ate their loved ones when they passed away and, when told of overseas culture, was shocked by the wasteful idea of burying dead bodies in the ground. Unfortunately, whenever I tell this anecdote, the other person always reminds me of the existence of kuru. * This troper notices that ANYTHING relating downloading content on the internet to stealing is a poor analogy if that, and sees that analogy FAR TOO OFTEN. I and many others would subvert AnalogyBackfire and say: "Why don't you start copying the dinner you'll eat and give that to the starving kids in Africa?" Still, it's better than what [[DigitalPiracyIsEvil those other people]] came up with.

* This troper said that one of his friends getting engaged at a young age was "very ''Romeo and Juliet''". Cue fist in mouth when I was reminded what happens at the end. * This Troper's art teacher once told the mother of one of this Troper's friends that said friend, I and another classmate were like the triumvirate (he meant, we were the top three guys in our class). She immedeately responded with: "They're trying to kill each other?" * I didn't catch the whole conversation, but I did hear my Latin teacher say, regarding the Spanish teacher next door, "We're not FLIRTING! We share a wall! Like Pyramus and Thisbe!" * I once asked after my schoolage friend while talking to one of his classmates on Facebook chat. She tried to convince me that he had died of some unknown disease, and suggested that I, 'not forget to grieve'. -->'''Her''': have a wonderfull day butter remeber to grieve -->'''Me''': I think I'll pass since the likelyhood of [my friend] actually being dead is roughly on a par with that of the Earth colliding with the Sun. ** [[DelayedReaction Some time later]], I noticed the rather large flaw in my analogy: Due to the Sun's eventual expansion, the Earth more than likely will collide with the Sun... in 7.5 billion years time. ---Go back to AnalogyBackfire, just like how you get to return home for a funeral. Except... wait. ---<<|TroperTales|>>

AndADietCoke * [[@/{{Alexwars1}} This troper]] loves diet soda. I much prefer Coke Zero and Pepsi Max to the sugary version, and for the life of me can't fathom why. I hate the low sugar versions of everything, except for carbonated drinks. ** The flavor formulas for Diet Coke and regular Coke, at least as made in the U.S., are slightly but significantly different. Now that this troper has acclimatized to Diet Coke, regular Coke has a disproportionate taste of cinnamon. * [[@/AlexanderScribbler This troper]] and three of his friends each went to Burger King one day, and proceeded to purchase one Quad Stacker each. We supplemented this with one side salad and one Value drink. * This troper used to work in a pizza place on a military base. It was one of those places where you get your own drink (we just provide the cup). Our version, therefore, was called "And a ''small'' Coke", not diet. * While this Troper was working at Steak N Shake, one time he got yelled at by a morbidly obese lady because we didn't have diet Dr. Pepper (we didn't have the regular pepper either) and the insinuation I wasn't interested in the lady's health as she was trying to lose

weight. She had just ordered two meals for herself including some of the greasiest and fattening items on the menu ''plus'' a shake. ** This troper feels the need to apologize to the above troper. This troper believes the above troper had the misfortune of meeting this troper's aunt. * This troper knows a girl who's notorious for this. My friends and I went swiming one day and she happened to come along. After an hour or two we got out to get some snacks. Everyone but her bought a soda and a small (though not healthy) snack. She got a lunchable and a diet coke. On top of all this, we were planning to get pizza for dinner later on. It's no wonder she's morbidly obese. * This Troper gets diet sodas quite often just because he lives in America, where the standard sodas are made with corn syrup. In order of increasing tastiness, his preferences are: corn-syrup soda, diet soda (aspartame), diet soda (sucralose), cane-sugar soda. Unfortunately, the only way to get that last category anymore is to buy from a Mexican shop (not many of those in New England) or wait till stores sell kosher-for-Passover soda. ** They're more readily available in the Southwest, one of the things [[@/DesertDragon this troper]] misses from his time in Phoenix. CocaCola tastes ''so'' much better made with cane sugar, ''and'' it's better for you. *** Er, well, I may just be arguing semantics here, but I doubt that any kind of soda is good for you. It's just... less bad. * Back when I worked in the concession stand of a movie theater, one couple ordered a #2 combo (large popcorn and two large sodas) ''each''. All four sodas were Diet Coke. * This editor has pulled this off once or twice, with the rationale that there's no point in making an already bad situation worse. I also tend to get them if at a buffet, to take up space and reduce how much I eat. * This troper doesn't particularly watch what she eats, but hates the taste of full-sugar drinks. Diet Coke, Pepsi Max and Sprite Zero all the way! * This troper just prefers Diet Coke. Add that to being a BigEater... ** I am not alone, except I can't even stand regular coke anymore * This Troper works at a fast-food restaurant and has seen this more times than she can say. ** During my three years servitude pushing a register for [=McDonald's=], I still clearly remember two incredibly obese men standing in front of my register, both ordering the Double Quarter Pounder with Cheese meals, super-sized, [[AndADietCoke With A Diet Coke]]. I've been telling the story for years, and you can imagine how pleased I am now to find that it's a trope! ** One possibility to consider here... This troper is a diabetic. While I don't do fast food a lot, I can fit it into my diet once in a while and not screw things up terribly. I can't handle a sugared soft drink though--''that's'' going to do Very Bad Things to my blood sugar... *** This troper only drinks diet carbonated drinks for almost the same reason, except that her sister was diabetic since before she was born, and when the diet sodas finally lowered their prices in Brazil, their

family only bought these. Not really a question of respect, but more like customs. * This troper dislikes sugar-sweetened cola drinks, but prefers the sugarfree variations over all other sodas. So whenever she eats out, she'll be ordering either a Diet Coke or plain old water. * I've been known to order steak, a baked potato with everything on it, and iced tea. But that's mostly 'cause I like iced tea. ** You do realize iced tea has more sugar in it than most sodas except root beer, right? Your example doesn't qualify at all. *** ...if you're in the South, or a restaurant that only has bottle drinks. Anywhere else, iced tea has no sugar at all. **** If you were in the South, you'd know the difference between iced tea (no sugar) and sweet tea (lots of sugar). I think it's in Canada that "iced tea" always comes sweetened. **** Southern restaurants have started distinguishing between sweet tea and iced (unsweetened) tea? Great! Back when this troper had relatives living in the South, she learned the hard way to NEVER order iced tea because it would always come with a pound of sugar pre-added. ***** This Troper works at [=McDonald's=], which has a self-serve beverage station if you go into the building and order. You can get Coke, Diet Coke, Mello Yello, Sprite, Dr. Pepper (which a lot of people annoyingly call Mr. Pibb [or just "Pibb" - imagine that with a thick Kentucky accent -_-]), Powerade, or Lemonade and a thing of Sweet Tea and one of Unsweet Tea. However, This Troper's customers almost always fail to specify whether they'd like Sweet or Unsweet, and she almost always rings her customers up for Sweet, even if they come through the Drive-Thru. ****** * {{facepalm}}* Just get them plain tea. If they wanted sweet tea, it's punishment enough for the lack of specification that they have to drink it with granulated added rather than the sugar cooked in. If they ''meant'' just plain tea, the sugar can't be removed, so they're either miserable for no fault of their own, angry, and/or you have to get a replacement if they feel strongly enough about it. ******* She's in Kentucky. Outside urban areas, when people in the South ask for "a glass of tea" they mean sweet tea almost without exception. ******** Which makes sense if you've tasted both: the sugar almost makes it drinkable. I've lived in the South most of my life, and if you want a ''good'' cup of tea in the South? Don't drink iced, outside of a coffee shop or a Thai restaurant. ******** This troper explained to an acquaintance the difference. Having family from Tennessee, my grandmother maid sweet tea pretty much doubling per part of water, so it's much sweeter and stronger. There's a reason iced tea makers differentiate sweet tea and southern style. The annoying thing is going to other areas and asking if they have sweet tea. Raspberry iced tea is not sweet tea. * This troper once worked a concession stand where a rather fat man and his super-obese wife walked up, ordered four Nachos with Chile and cheese, two hotdogs, a few candy bars and two bottles of Diet Coke. When they said the diet Coke, they had a look of burden on their faces. * [[@/{{Be}} This troper]] asks for Pepsi Max shamelessly. He just

thinks it tastes better. ** This troper agrees as well. Normal Pepsi just doesn't taste as good. ** This Troper doesn't even ''like'' Pepsi and agrees. Pespi Max is almost as good as Coke. * This troper's father will often order a fairly large quantity of high-protein, high-fat food and a diet soda or unsweetened tea. He's a diabetic. ** Another troper's husband (also diabetic) will do the same thing. He'll also occasionally indulge in a dessert along with a diet drink (his reasoning is that if he can safely eat X amount of carb/sugar in one meal without doing nasty things to his pancreas, he'll go with a diet beverage to be able to use that X amount for something more rewarding). * This troper is a bit of an inversion... He'll order something like a salad, and a normal-sugar drink. Artificial sweeteners (of ''all'' sorts) just taste horribly disgusting to him. He want's really healthy? Water. * This troper lost a mild amount of weight after switching to diet drinks...which, er, led to him eating even more fast food than he had been before and gaining it back with change. So, uh, yeah... * While this troper's friends ate some yoghurt for lunch, he had this look of disgust on his face and said he hated the taste. She asked him why he was eating it, he replied "I'm trying to eat healthier. You know, gotta stay fit for sport." When he finished the yoghurt we walked to the shop near school so this troper could get some ramen for her lunch. He got a hotdog, a bag of crisps, nachos with chili and sour cream, a meat pie and some fudge. And a bottle of water. "Look, I told them to hold the ketchup and mustard on the hotdog, okay?" * [[@/{{Filby}} This editor]] pretty much only drinks Diet Coke at Burger King, despite going for the Whopper and large onion rings more often than not. That's mainly because I'm more concerned about my teeth than my weight. :P ** Erm... do you know how much ''acid'' there is in sodas? *** Actually, no. The only acidic substances in most sodas (Coca-Cola notwithstanding) are sodium benzoate and ascorbic acid -- and that's if you stretch the definition of an acid to include a sodium salt used as a preservative. While it's true that the two might react to form benzine, a carcinogen, other factors, such as a substance's shelf life, need to be taken into consideration. The levels of sodium benzoate and ascorbic acid present in any single serving of soda are insignificantly small to begin with, so no-one is likely to die unless they drink really stale soda. Which expired in 1991 or earlier. After being exposed to open air far too long. **** This chemistry-loving troper would like to point out several things wrong with the above statement. Firstly, benzine is unrelated to the benzoates. The compound which the above troper probably mistook it for, benzene, is not the conjugate acid of sodium benzoate - which happens to be benzoic acid - mildly carcinogenic, but nowhere as toxic as benzene. The conjugate base of benzene is phenyllithium, which counts as minor [[Nightmare Fuel]] for its violent reactions with water, air, and even the mildest of acids. No soda manufacturer would

be stupid enough to put that in. Ascorbic acid is just good old vitamin C. And there is plenty of acid in soda - carbonic acid, the hydrated form of carbon dioxide. *** This troper would also like to point out the obvious fact that if you put soda on pH paper (regular or diet), it turns bright red, so even without knowing which exact acid it contains, you damn well know that it's quite acidic. And as the above troper stated, all soda is carbonated, and thus contains a lot of carbonic acid. *** Colas tend to contain phosphoric acid. While the [[ one_calcium_and_kidney_health health implications]] aren't clear-cut one way or the other, this troper attempts to limit herself to one 12oz. Diet Coke per day, after breaking a wrist in a fall that at the time didn't seem particularly traumatic. * When this troper was at a resterant with her friend, her friend accidently got someone else's order. The order was a double bacon cheese burger, onion rings, and a diet coke. * This troper absolutely despises Diet Coke. Her father, however, has been drinking it for years. * [[@/{{HeartBurn Kid}} This Troper]] switched off to diet sodas when he was actively dieting. Now that the weight's come off, he allows himself the occasional indulgence of a nasty, fatty, greasy meal, but still has the diet soda because he's come to enjoy the flavor. With the exception of Diet Coke, which is vile, horrible stuff unless it's neutralized with a squeeze of lemon. * [[@/{{Earnest}} My]] nutritionist actually warned me to ''stop'' drinking Diet Coke while dieting because the various food colorings and artificial sweetener slows the metabolism. So while you don't ingest calories, the ones you do are burned more slowly. This is one of the few things I have yet to independently confirm, but since he helped me drop 36 Kg I'm inclined to give him the benefit of the doubt. ** Give him the benefit of the doubt on weight loss itself; his knowledge of artificial sweeteners is nothing but Internet chain email bullshit. There is no plausible mechanism by which what he's suggesting could occur, let alone actual evidence supporting his claim. * This troper subverts this. I'm trying to watch my weight but refuse to drink anything but full sugar drinks. They don't taste right. ** Truth. Artificial sweeteners are very evident where they're used in ''anything'', and just taste ''wrong''. Some of the newer ones (such as used in "Coke Zero" and other "new" versions of "diet" drinks) aren't as bad as aspartame, but they're still very obvious and taste terrible to some people (myself included). However, I've just been avoiding drinking high-sugar drinks entirely - juices, certain types of iced tea, milk, or just plain old water work very well. ** Same... They taste terrible. Just not 'right'. The newer ones aren't as bad as aspartame, but the only 'diet' drink I've ever sortaliked was diet Dr. Pepper - everything else is terrible. Instead, I've just cut back on those sort of drinks, going for either less when I do have them, or just drinking water/juice/milk. ** Concur. Have avoided artificial sweeteners since my mom got scared

of aspartame when we were kids, and nowadays, even if there were no chance of the artificials having any negative effects, they'd still taste horrible enough to be completely unpalatable. (Note: They taste sweeter than normal sugar. So it's not because I want my drink to be sweeter.) Also, my whole family caught on instantly when we accidentally picked up a sugar-free Tang mix (realized something had Gone Horribly Wrong with the first few sips, and hadn't even read the label yet), and when the subsequent internet search revealed that Tang had permanently changed its formula (so now you can't buy regularsugar Tang ''at all''), we sadly gave it up for good. And I sent a couple complaints to the company, hoping they'd reconsider and make the original formula available again. Soon. *** Make it an online peition, and This Troper will ''gladly'' sign. How DARE they! *** I asked Kraft on Facebook, and I found out that normal Tang '''''[[AuthorsSavingThrow has been brought back.]]''''' I found it at Wal-mart and delicious. ** Totally agree. I absolutely despise those 'Diet drinks taste just like the ordinary ones, they totally do!' ads, because I've tasted them and ''no they bloody don't.'' * This troper prefers Diet Coke over regular Coke simply because she can't stand the taste of regular Coke. * This troper has noted that the difference between sugar and sweetener is that sugar is stickier and fuller-bodied, sweetener is thinner and a scoche sweeter. I prefer diet colas, but sugared lemonlimes; diet and regular Mountain Dew are two entirely different drinks; and diet root beer and diet orange soda are not worth the bottle they're sold in. ** This troper agrees wholeheartedly, especially about the Mountain Dew. ** This Troper drank an entire can of Diet Mt. Dew ''on a dare''. That shit is not soda. How dare it masquerade as anything remotely resembling Mt. Dew! * This troper despises Diet Coke, and grew up drinking Diet Pepsi with her grandfather, who was allergic to Coca-Cola. Seriously, Coke gave him hives. No idea why. They were fond of eating fried eggs, bacon, and buttered toast...with Diet Pepsi to balance it out. (However, since his death, she can't stand the taste of Diet Pepsi either, and can only drink non-diet soda as a result.) * This troper did it at a [=McDonald's=], and was EXTREMELY satisfied. Well... not THAT extremely satisfied.... * Diet Coke is just about the only thing [[@/SapphireFlame this troper]] drinks besides water (I'm not at drinking age yet, so that may change), so this comes up a lot. However, I also have another variant. "I'll have the full rack of barbecue ribs smothered in barbecue sauce with french fries on the side... and a salad. ** Restaurant salads usually come with 500+ calories of dressing and croutons piled on them. If you want to eat healthy you probably should not eat out at all. * Inverted for [[@/MadameLeP This Troper]]. She will often take her perfectly healthy/normal lunch with a serving or five of whatever delicious soda is available (most often [[TrademarkFavoriteFood Dr

Pepper]]). * Totally subverted by this rather chubby troper. She hates any drinkable liquid that isn't water, coffee or chocolate milk. * This troper hates Diet sodas. I don't like the taste of them, and the only soda I will drink is either Red Bull cola or Jolt cola that uses Spelanda. I have also been known to drink a Jones soda now and then. ** Jones Soda is the greatest soda company on the face of the Earth. *** This Troper agrees, and thinks the bottles should be bigger. * This troper orders Coke Zero not because of the taste or the fizziness, just for the [[MustHaveCaffeine caffeine]]. She just likes cold drinks, even in winter, and she usually has no time to make/order some coffee and let it cool. But it's also sort of an inversion -- all she eats is fruit and veggies, ''heaps'' of them. * This troper always gets his burgers and fries with a Diet Coke. Though to be fair, he does work out at least two times a week. * This troper had a friend who announced she was switching from pop to tea. She still puts two or three sugars in her cup, though. * So true for this troper, as she cannot go a day without some form of Diet Pepsi. While she'll drink regular pop, it's only if there's no available diet option. * [[@/{{Smerf}} This]] troper used to work at a Dairy Queen back in high school. We had a lady come in and order around 5000-6000 calories (I did the math) of greasy, fried food. And a diet pepsi, because she was trying to lose weight. FacePalm. * [[@/{{NielJacoby}} This Troper's]] parents' stinginess resulted in the only soda we ever got being cheap, store brand soda. Add the formidable weight of both this troper's parents, and you realize exactly why I love diet soda more than regular. Except for Dr. Pepper, Elixir of Conquerors. * This troper reacts badly to sugar. Fats are less of a problem in the short term. Plus there's more caffeine in a diet coke. * This troper prefers normal soda and refuses to drink diet because it seems really off. She can stand to drink caffeine free if it's not summer or a Friday night, however, despite the lack of the much needed caffeine that she believes makes it taste better. Then again, this troper also shudders at anything considered "diet" because she's already skinny and the very word seems like a bad idea. This troper believes there is no point in using This Troper in Troper Tales. * This troper goes for Coke Zero whenever she's given the choice, because drinking that much sugar makes her crash like hell a couple of hours later. * This Troper spent the first twelve years of her life convinced thanks to her mother - that Diet Anything was worse than regular, in both taste and health (artificial sugar < actual sugar). There was half a box of Diet Coke lying around because her older sister's boyfriend either can't or won't drink anything else. Cue Magnezone's mom walking in on her at eleven PM eating a granola bar and some Diet Coke. ** It's pretty hard to imagine something worse for your health than [[SealedEvilInACan 50 grams of corn syrup in a can]]. It's pure sugar, which your body converts to fat more readily than any other substance.

Even if diet soda still used cyclamate (the artificial sweetener that was banned after a cancer scare), you'd still be better off drinking it than regular soda. * This Troper only ever drinks Diet Coke ever since her mother stopped buying her (the troper) Dr. Pepper. This Troper has never looked back, which is good since she easily drinks about 2 gallons of the diet soda a day. * This Troper's English class had to rewrite and perform our own version of [[WilliamShakespeare A Midsummer Night's Dream.]] Playing on the the name Egeus this troper rewrote the name to eggsandbaconeus. While not funny at first the name grew every time it was said until the end where it took about three minutes to say. The last version of course ended with the line. * This Troper recently switched to drinking squash (a mixture of fruit juice, water, flavourings and sugar/sweetner that you dilute at home), partly because she liked none of the flavours of water offered at the local supermarket, and partly because it's cheap (20p per diluted litre). She was halfway through a bottle when she realised that the syrupy taste was because of the use of glucose-fructose syrup/highfructose corn syup in place of sugar. She now does her best to only buy no added sugar versions. * This troper has no problems eating fattening thing, but will avoid the sugary drinks because he's diabetic, and a non-diet coke would do bad bad things to his blood sugar levels. * Well this troper pretty much drinks nothing but diet soda, and lots of it (typically Diet Pepsi, but recently switched to Coke Zero). Not to lose weight but just because he enjoys soda and if he's not drinking diet soda, he'll be drinking ''regular'' soda with all that refined sugar. Which do you think is better? Also consider diabetes runs in his family. And before you ask why doesn't he drink water: 1) Ew, and 2) He's also asthmatic and the caffeine helps him breathe a bit easier. Also, coffee tastes so bitter to him no matter what, it makes him literally gag. And as for tea...TEA?...[[BerserkButton ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME?]] '''[[BerserkButton TEA???]]''' * This troper HATES all soda, and will only drink water, milk, and some beverages with chocolate. The one time I had soda, I was getting low blood sugar and was force fed the soda. Ugh... * This Troper ''hates'' water and anything sweetened with anything other than sugar. That being said, Coke Zero will be her only option when she hits 40 and her metabolism screeches to a halt. * This troper works at Subway. He sees a lot of people who get footlongs (Sometimes two), load up ''every single vegetable'' and oftentimes ''four kinds of sauces'' making the total sandwiches weigh about 8 pounds with how much stuff is in there, then they fill up with a Diet coke and easily eat about a couple thousand calories. Yes, they eat ''both'' footlongs, filling their stomach with ''eight pounds of food'', and they do it ''right in front of the vein''. Naturally they also are the pickiest customers ever. ("I WANT ALL THE SAUCES ON AT THE END! I BELIEVE IT WILL TASTE DIFFERENT THAT WAY!" - which it ''doesn't'', fyi) He has also seen other customers ask for loads and loads of cheese on a Chicken Bacon Ranch, or extra bacon, double meat, and the like and then customers get a diet coke and cheetos. It's

incredible how some of these people can ''eat''. ** Perfectly justified, though, when it's to go. Four halves of a sandwich can last almost a week, and a small diet soda (my preference is the unsugared bottled fruit drink, I ''hate'' diet sodas with a passion) doesn't last more than one meal or so in the refrigerator. * This troper will never drink regular sodas if she can help it; because her mom always ordered her a diet coke with her Happy Meal on those rare trips to [=McDonald's=], she just grew up with it. Thus regular coke/Coke Zero and sodas with real sugar don't mesh with her. * This troper's sisters are national-level swimmers. When they eat during meets, they often get high-protein, high-fat meals because they're cheaper and, at the end of the day, there's nothing more satisfying than having a couple thousand calories sitting in your stomach waiting to replace the several thousand calories you just burned that day. However, drinking soda with high-fructose corn syrup often causes them to crash because the sugar is so quickly metabolized. When you've paid several hundred dollars just to enter events and several more actually getting to the events (not to mention the several thousand you've paid in ''just the past few months'' to train up to that level and the [[CrackIsCheaper years' worth of training and previous meets to be able to participate in the first place]]), coming in second to a girl a year younger than you and missing breaking the record by about .01 seconds because you were too tired because the soda kept you from getting a good night's sleep last night tends to be frustrating. [[NoodleIncident Thankfully, it only happened once.]] * I've never worked at a food place, but I have seen examples of this. I once saw a rather large man (a nice way to say fat ass) order enough food to feed me for a week (not really saying a whole lot since I don't eat much, but it still wasn't a small order) and a small drink. Guess what he filled the cup with. I quickly left and went to burn off the calories I got from just looking at this. ** [[CompletelyMissingThePoint Orange juice?]] * This troper prefers Splenda-sweetened anything, but refuses to go near aspartame. That crap makes formaldehyde build up in your blood stream from the phenylalanine. She rarely drinks soda, though, but the last time she did, it was aspartame-sweetened Diet Coke, because she's been having problems with her hypothyroidism, and one of the things that exacerbates that is, dun dun dun, phenylalanine deficiency. Oh, the irony. ** Actually, the Formaldehyde thing is a myth. The amount of methanol in an average dose of aspartanme isn't even near the amount in a glass of tomato juice (yes, suprising enough, plants have wood alcohol in them in trace amounts, whod've thunk). The methanol breaks down into formaldehyde, yes...BUT the human body can metabolize formaldehyde into Formic acid and then into water and carbon dioxide. So while technically, yes, Formaldehyde can be toxic, the amounts you infuse into your body even if you drink ludicrous amounts of soda is so minute that there's not much more than a snowball's chance in hell of a buildup. The only real scientifically found danger to aspartame is if you have certain rare genetic conditions that mean your body cannot process phenylalaine

* I have no idea what this trope is, but is there really anyone who actually likes diet pop (or worse, thinks it's better for them)? ** Unfortunately, yes. I for one am not one of them. Eurgh. ** Diet ''soda'' doesn't stick to my mouth, and I'll take whatever vaguely-defined effects the internet dieticians of the world care to come up with the very real effects that 240 calories per bottle can have (FFS, two of those = one light meal!) So yes, and yes. * This troper once had to buy enough fast-food for everyone at a friend's birthday party, so he went to [=McDonald's=] and ordered 36 Double Cheeseburgers and a small mellow yellow, the look on the cashiers face was priceless. * [[@/SpamWarrior3000 This troper]] worked in a coffee shop for years, and was always boggled by the people who wanted a double mocha with extra chocolate and whipped cream...nonfat. Because nonfat milk is going to make any appreciable difference at all in the calorie and sugar content of that thing. * If this troper is going to have a fizzy drink, it will be Diet IrnBru, Coke Zero or Pepsi Max, 1) because they taste better, and 2) because she has traintracks (braces) and it's (slightly) better for her teeth. But she usually has water (yuck) or apple and blackcurrant juice. * This troper finds diet sodas to taste better than regular sodas. I also find water to be a little off putting, because my well water has a slightly strange taste (and twenty years of drinking it has made an impression.) I also usually eat only one or two meals a day, so I eat bigger meals... Now, take a day when I'm particularly hungry and I'm out with my father who insists on paying. HilarityEnsues. * This troper is a notorious {{Big Eater}}, but only drinks Diet Soda in restaurants. * I can't stand the taste of diet soda (outside of a few exceptions). It either tastes horribly bland or vile (depending on the drink). One of the only exceptions is [[FanNickname Blue Monster]] (the otherwise unnamed one with the blue label that happens to be diet). ** The only diet sodas This Troper ''can'' stand include Sprite, 7-Up, and Mountain Dew, though I admit it took me a ''long'' time to get used to it. Don't get me started on ''caffeine-free'' diet drinks. (Caffeine free + sugar free = ''taste free''... but unfortunately ''not'' aftertaste-free! BLECCH!) Then again, I don't eat as much as some people. There have been days I've gone from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. with nothing but a cheeseburger, a bag of Doritos, and two 20-ounce bottles of diet cola, and then a large (but healthy) meal for dinner after getting home from work. * [[@/BurstKiller This troper]] nearly got diabetes back in Feburary 2009. If it wasn't for his pre-diabetic mother, he would either have a full blown case of type-2 or possibly dead. Since then, I stopped drinking the corn syrup-laden drinks that I would buy at $1 for 32oz at the local Exxon On The Run and started drinking the diet versions. They're ok, but though I usually prefer Jones Soda, [[ "Dublin" Dr. Pepper]] (Dr. Pepper from a small town in Texas that still uses pure cane Imperial Sugar. They resell it at Fry's.), Mexican/Passover Coke, or Pepsi throwback (the limited release cane sugar Pepsi). He also drinks a lot more

water than he used to. * [[@/{{Divra}} This troper]] prefers diet soda to regular because his mouth feels sticky after drinking sugared sodas. His favourite sodas aren't available in diet versions, though... * This Troper occasionally does the equivalent that only New Yorkers would get. When eating out at some diner, my companions will all order a shake. When the waiter gets to me, I will order a bacon cheeseburger, ask for mayonnaise on the side, and then order an egg cream, while explaining to my companions that shakes have too many calories. Admittedly, this is largely a holdover from when I actually was trying to lose weight and would have ordered the egg cream to accompany something more healthy. * [[@/QuantumToast This troper]] does it mostly for the "no point making a bad situation worse" reason somebody above gave. It helps that he can't tell the difference between diet and normal. * [[@/{{Outsyder0486}} This guy]] adheres to this trope and got called on it...after which he pointed out how many refills he had presently had and how many calories said refills would have had if they had been sugary drinks. You may notice that this guy does not adhere to the Perfect Solution Fallacy. * This troper is the complete opposite: he generally has small meals, yet will only drink diet soft drinks if there is no other option. His logic? He wants to gain weight to stop himself weighing less than eight stone. Having said that, he prefers coke zero to normal coke. * This troper switched to diet sodas in a weight loss attempt, and never really switched back. On the plus side, Coke Zero gets on real well with Wild Turkey. * This troper was watching a middle school improv competition of a scene that took place at a fast-food restaurant. The girl in the scene ordered a long list of items... and [[spoiler: a diet ''water'']]. Absurd. So absurd in fact that she cracked up, cracking up her improv partner, and breaking the scene. "I don't like soda..." she continued. * Since this troper got braces put on, he always orders Vanilla shakes instead of Chocolate. Mainly because it was hard enough giving up Coca-cola. * Let's not mince words: I'm a fat guy. But I much prefer the taste of skim milk to whole, so that's the kind of milk I buy. * This troperette's father, regardless of meals sometimes (although early-morning corn tortillas'n'refried beans w/ such a drink to wash it down is a real good idea) * I love Diet Coke, but only because I can't stand the taste of regular Coke, I find it WAY too sweet for me. I HATE it when I order a Diet Coke and somebody asks me if I'm on a diet or trying to lose weight. NO, I'm not, I just prefer the taste of Diet Coke! Then again, I don't drink much else except water, the occasional coffee and sometimes juice. * Change "diet coke" with "water" and you get me, specially with desserts. * One more here for the list of fat tropers who likes high fat unhealthy food but finds sugary drinks to be way too sweet for me. So I'll order multiple double quarter pounders with cheese but get a diet coke to drink because I simply can't stomach normal sodas anymore.

* While we were in class talking about 'going the middle road' so to speak in eating at fast food places while eating healthy. I asked, "Is it the same as ordering a double whopper, an order of french fries and a diet soda?" The teacher agreed. A classmate of mine who sat in the table in front of me and is a little large, muttered, "Oh no. You got me." Everyone chuckled at that. * I do this all the time, and I'm only a mildly pudgy 251 pounds (for my 6'9" body frame), ordering about two supersize double quarter punder meals with Coke Zero per day, every so often with a [=McFlurry=], and not counting my weekend, Sunday (Which the midday meal of which consists of two candy bars or a Big Cookie, an order of sweet-and-sour pork and a soda) and Monday. I figure all the menial labour my janitor job puts me through keeps me in check. I like to joke that if I didn't excersize so much, I'd be the size of a car. I also stopped buying candy every monday durning my parent's bible study, and lost 13 pounds. :D * This troper is likely morbidly obese(280 pounds, 5' 7" ) and is rather indifferent to the fact, but I sometimes get cravings for diet sodas, or get them to keep my family from complaining. I'm well aware of this trope, and because of it I usually don't get diet anything when eating out(lest some asshole look down his nose at me or make false assumptions), but I'll get diet two-liters at the grocery store and drink them at home. It's a sad state of affairs when you bastards have made fat kids ashamed to drink diet sodas in public. I's like "Oh, you getting diet coke? That won't make you drop the pounds, fatty." or "You're getting regular coke? That sugar won't make you any skinner fat ass." I like the taste, and nothing more. I actually hope I get diabetes sometimes, but that's for an entirely different reason. * This troper actually figures that drinking diet soda is overall bad for you -- because while it might not add so many calories, the acids still will eat at your teeth, and it's still got the rather surprising salt content. It's just plain better to limit your intake of regular soda (preferably the stuff still made with sugar) than to drink same amount of diet. * This troper's father: "See, in college I'd always order the biggest pizza in the store, along with a Diet Coke. And people would tell me how stupid that was, since getting the biggest pizza is fattening to begin with. No, they're wrong. See, I want a giant pizza; I know I'm overindulging. But I want an extra slice. So I'll get the Diet Coke so I can ''get'' the extra slice." (Please note that said father has metabolism at essentially the speed of light and is incapable of getting fat no matter how much he eats. ''This has been witnessed.'' For 15 years.) * Bloody Hell, I OWN THIS TROPE! I always eat the "heart-attack-on-aplate" food, but almost always get diet soda. Main exception will be if I'm out late, I'll drink Sprite/Sierra Mist- caffeine keeps me awake, and it's a bit much to expect a place to stock caffeine-free diet drinks. I was once (jokingly) called out on it by the manager of a pizza shop next to the pharmacy where I used to work. I ordered a personal-size all-meat pizza and Diet Coke. "What the hell's the point?!" he asked. He then wondered if I popped a Lipitor as soon as I got back to work. WHY do I drink diet? I've gotten to where the non-

diet sodas taste way to sweet to me. * This Troper, whenever at a restaurant, orders a Diet Coke/Pepsi with her food, although she tries her best to go healthy. It was when she was younger and would order whatever looked appetizing and wouldn't overindulge (of course, a lot of those appetizing meals were high in calories...) * [[{{Tropers/AFP}} This Troper]] drinks Diet Coke mostly because his parents drink Diet Coke. All the time. For pretty much as long as he can remember. I'm not sure ''why'' they do this, but I've pretty much never been able to detect a weird "diet" taste, so much as a weird "sugar" taste. I used to be able to drink regular sodas, though I only did so rarely, and nowadays I find that drinking regular soda gives me horrible headaches. Whenever I come across Dr. Pepper with cane sugar though, I put up with the headaches. * Averted by this troper, she hates all kinds of diet sodas with a passion and will only drink them if there's nothing else in the house. Including water. (This goes for low-fat milk too. I seem to be the only person that does not prefer it.) * This troper only drinks non-diet sodas if there's no diet. Regular soda is too sweet for her. * This Troper worked in McDonalds when he was younger and would see this happen over and over again. Sometimes, the diet soda was switched out for a salad. * This tropette usually goes for the regular sodas because I prefer the taste to diet sodas, but will make an exception for Coke Zero and its cherry-flavored counterpart, especially if she's already had a lot of high-calorie meals that day. She is also the smallest-figured, tiniest-built BigEater she knows, with quite a fast metabolism. * I just started working at a movie theater and this happens all the time! People will buy some candy, a large popcorn(extra butter!), a hot dog and some pretzels and then ask for a diet drink. Guess what, people, even with the diet drink that's still more calories then you need for three days and almost no health value. * [[{{Tropers/gibberingtroper}} This Troper]] is a recovering soda addict currently burning his way down to a respectable weight. I've lost [[strike: 65]] 75 pounds so far and the single biggest impact there was the soda. The math bears it out. Use a calorie tracker app with a good online database and a bar code scanner and you'd be surprised what you can eat and still make your calorie targets. Sure, I still need to work on nutrients but when you're in it for the long haul, the key word is ''sustainable.'' I'll try to quit the diet soda once I'm down to goal (another eighty five to go). Updated. * This troper avoids regular soda for the same reason she avoids red wine: it's a migraine trigger. This trope, with the implied (or outright stated) "hur hur, having a diet drink with a big meal, you're so stupid!" got really tedious a really long time ago. * [[Tropers/ManCalledTrue This troper]] stopped drinking soda entirely out of fear for his dental health. He's a subversion, though: his replacement was lemonade, which is frankly just as caloritic. * This troper ''loves'' diet soda, even though her parents are fine with her ordering regular soda. I find it to have both a much better aftertaste and to be more sugar filled~! Not to mention that I worry

about my weight, even though I'm average in everything... * Before I started my tea-drinking habit, I'd avoided caffeine for several years, and therefore couldn't handle it when I did drink it. Sodas with both caffeine and sugar were out of the question. I'd feel like my skin was crawling, my heart was about to pound out of my chest, and then my brain was going to explode. So if no caffeine-free options were available, diet was (and still is) my next preference. I get self-conscious ordering diet drinks in front of friends though, out of fear of invoking this trope. * Edgy has experienced this first hand working at a Ryan's Family Steakhouse. I coined the phrase, Negative Salad, because a lot of customers would ruined the nutritional value of a salad through the topplings. Ham, cheese, lots of dressing, etc. One lady even put fried chicken breading on her salad. * Another troper tale from a McDonald's wage slave; Several years ago, a morbidly obese woman in a short pink mini-skirt ordered a Big Mac with an extra patty and two strips of bacon, super sized fries (when they still had them, mind you) a double quarter-pounder, and... a large Diet Coke. I couldn't decide whether to chuckle or feel queasy. ---On your way back have a large pizza, 10 chicken wings, two BBQ special burgers, a portion of fries, some hash brows AndADietCoke, because I want to watch my figure. <<|TroperTales|>>

AndCallHimGeorge * Allegedly, when my mother was a little girl she was shown a box of kittens and was even allowed to hold one. She was overjoyed with the fluffiness of them, she held it tightly and started to shake it. She shook the little thing so violently that it died in her hands though she was too young to understand at the time. She was told this many years later and many more years later, told me. * This troper once as a small child accidentally crushed a baby frog she was trying to capture. It was so tiny and cute that she just had to pick it up, but when her hand came down overtop of it... * The worst this troper ever did was a butterfly. He doused it in water and tried to glue it back on the window. Needless to say, it didn't survive. * This troper remembers a story about her ex's mother (whom we'll refer to as Tina. Not her name, but...) When she was a little girl, Tina got a pet kitten. She handled this kitten with care, knowing it was too delicate to squeeze like a stress ball. In fact, Tina was concerned that that the harsh Australian summer was hurting the she put it in the freezer. For two hours. Despite being too young to understand what she'd done at the time, her family used the [[DudeNotFunny catsicle]] as an excuse to wear her down emotionally for ''decades.'' [[hottip:* :In a tragic poetry of life, Tina passed on these family issues to her son, who this troper caught throwing puppies off a short flight of stairs onto a mattress. He

''was'' old enough to know he was hurting them, mattress or no.]] * [[Tropers/{{Quanyails}} I]] almost had a similar situation above when I was younger; I had a cat, and my friend and I would like to play with her, being the children we were. We pulled the kitten's tail to make her cry out, stuck her in the freezer, pushed her over when she was sitting, and we thought it was fun and un-detrimental. Looking back, I'm surprised that the cat I love and care for today still lived through everything before. But the past is over;[[hottip:* :yes, I used a Bushism]] I love and care greatly for my cat now, and treat her with much more respect than my childish self did back then. * When this troper was around five or six years old, her budgie (with clipped wings and unfortunately named "Snowy") was running across the kitchen floor and she dived in an attempt to catch Snowy and fell on her. She then spent the rest of the day curled up in a ball. * My sister, when a little girl, once found a young bird fallen from the nest and not quite knowing how to fly. So she proudly went all "look what I found" to people around... including the [[CatsAreMean family cat]]. Who promptly snatched the bird and ate it. She received a big lesson about predators and preys this day. * Somehow, [[AvertedTrope averted]] with this troper's friend, whom I shall call T. In Elementary School, this T person, while outside, grabbed a frog (that was barely bigger than a thumbprint) and used this frog to scare people. He then held his hands together with this frog in it for a minute, and announced, "He died...not." * My 5 year old brother just did this with a spider he found. He picked it up to play with and accidentally killed it, and now hes sad about it. * averted (?)with this this troperette. When she was about 5 or 6, her school class went out in the woods to draw pictures of the forest. Sometime at the afternoon they crossed a (low) bridge and some boy saw a tiny frog sitting on the rail and threw it off the bridge, down onto the rocks. This troperette who thought fros are adorable carefully climbed down (it wasn't all to high, and less climbing than sliding down the mud), found the tiny frog and picked it up. I lay motionless on her hand and she believed it was dead (might have been playing dead, too) so she started to gently nudge the frog's chest, trying for heart massage. funny enough after 4 or 5 pokes the frog turned over in her hand, gave her a 'quack' and hobbed off into the underbrush. The boy who had pushed the frog down had been damned impressed and was very nice to her for the rest of the whole trip. Also, he was never seen abusing frogs again. * This troper's entire class one year turned on a classmate who kept invoking this trope on the class pets. We weren't amused in the least, especially since we were all aware that nobody in the class had ''any'' excuse (we were too old for that), and ''everybody'' worked together to try to prevent him handling them once we'd made the connection. * Although she didn't kill them when one of my neighbors was a little girl she had two hamsters she was very abusive to them but she didn't think so, when they were in their exercise ball she would kick it around with them inside like a soccer ball, she threw them down the stairs (thankfully the stairs had carpeting so it softened their

falls), she'd swing them around in her arms until they went flying and hit the wall, and she'd scream at them, I informed her older sister and she convinced her to treat them better. ** Another example my dog was playing too rough with one of the cats and he broke it's neck, I don't think he meant it any harm and he seemed to feel bad about it after wards as he was nudging it and whined when it didn't get up. * [[Tropers/{{Agent0042}} I]] am named "George" and have had to endure this line before. * This troper has wanted a pet spider for as long as she can remember. She once accidentaly did this with a house spider she was trying to tame and cried for weeks. I even dragged my family to a 'funeral'. * This troper found an ant colony under a rock. She found the queen. She then proceeded with poking it, and then, somehow, accidentally killed it. This troper has learned that ant colonies needed a queen to survive, so... * A dog this troper had once was chasing a baby bunny when he went too fast and ran over it. Poor pup was absolutely ''traumatized'', nudging the rabbit [[PleaseWakeUp to try and get it up]] and whining pitifully. After that incident, he pretty much stopped chasing anything. ---I'll take this [[AndCallHimGeorge main entry]] home, and snuggle it, and squeeze it, and hug it, and call it--*crunch* ...*sob* ----

AndIMustScream WARNING: May contain [[strike:NightmareFuel]] HighOctaneNightmareFuel. * This troper happened to have gallbladder removal surgery in '07. The actual surgery and going under was fine, but I woke up outside of the surgery room via a nurse hitting my arm asking 'who are you, where are you supposed to be?'. While I was on a hospital bed. Apparently entirely abandoned. Without being hooked up to pain meds. The pain was so intense I was trying as hard as I could to scream, but after a few minutes just passed out from the pain with my mouth gaped open in horror. * This troper is the queen of nightmares. The next three are me. I have several, including a recurring nightmare where I'm alone somewhere for some reason and then I hear the door slam shut behind me for some reason and the same man is stood there, he has a gun and shoots something important to me at the time and then holds me hostage for a different reason each time. People knock on the door and I can't tell them what's wrong and I always wake up as he's in the middle of talking, usually screaming. * Another one I have that is recurring is that I go out somewhere with my friends on the bus, there is a TV on the bus where a "psychological expert" is breaking down the profile of a prolific serial stalker and rapist working in the area I'm visiting at the time, but I always know the expert is really the rapist. I go and have my fun with my friends

in the town I'm visiting and then go to get the bus home. The expert is stood by the bus stop being recorded by live TV and I've had a bit to drink and I'm feeling brave and tipsy so I'm being quite loud and giggly with my friends. The bus pulls up as the interviewer asks the expert what kind of girls the suspect is focusing on, I get on the bus and we all agree to moon him "for a joke". He says "Girls like that", and then stops the interview and gets on the bus, sitting behind us. We all realise what's happening and get really unnerved. I invite them all over to my house for the night and we got off and start walking to my house and he gets off too. For some reason he gets distracted so we take a shortcut and think we lose him. We're sat in my living room, having some snacks before going to sleep and one of my friends says they see movement in the garden, we look out and he is stood in my garden, but doesn't know we've seen him. We all hide and turn the light off and crawl upstairs. We look out of an upstairs window and can't see him, so we watch TV up in my room for a little bit before going to sleep. Then we hear a thump on the window. And another one. And another one. One friend goes down to see what's happening. There's a sound of smashing glass and a scream and all hell breaks loose with people hiding and screaming and running. He comes in and kills all my friends and I am hiding under the bed shaking... but I must not scream. * My final one was the worst, it's not recurring, but it happened when I was sleeping in a tent with a guy I was trying to impress and a few other people. Apparently I started breathing really shallowly and speedily, loud enough to wake the guy up next to me. I then grabbed onto his sleeping bag and starting breathing louder, shallow, heavy loud breathing. Then my legs started flailing. I was tossing and turning and he touched me to try and snap me out of it and I slapped him off. I was properly running in my sleeping bag unconsciously. I was then screaming in my sleep and he came back and had to shake me awake. I woke up shaking and crying and couldn't stop for a good few hours. Fun times. I'd been dreaming I was being chased through a forest and wherever I turned it was exactly the same and I knew if the person caught me I would die. * I have occasionally had the urge to just scream at the sky and have done so often in my dreams, but I never am able to really scream in real life for fear of looking like a lunatic. * During/after my operation to have my tonsils removed(I'm not really clear) I woke up and began screaming and hallucinating. I had visions of sharks holding down my arms and legs and this weird, hooded figure shoving its hand down my throat and saying in a creepy/sweet/pedo voice "Now don't be afraid... This will only hurt a lot! * Evil scream that sounded like voice of the legion* ". I later found out I had started screaming so loudly people could hear me all down the hall "I can't breathe! Help me! OH MY GOD, NO! DON'T KILL ME!" I swear on my left testicle it's all true. ** This Troper would like to thank you for that [[NightmareRetardant left testicle remark.]] *** Yeah, getting your tonsils is trippy as hell. Everyone I know who has had their's removed had hallucinations, including myself. I kept seeing a little black shadowy thing that looked like a mix between a

human and a spider crawling just in the corner of my vision. And I was alone all night, in the dark. Worse of all I couldn't scream because my throat hurt too much. * A few years back, I was having an operation to get a tooth taken out (long story). Everything was going fine...until someone's car hit a telephone pole outside, knocking out power in the building. Just for a few seconds, I was semi-consious. So I saw [[OhCrap the doctors in a state of near-panic]], holding CELL PHONES and flash lights to provide light--luckily, the anesthesia was still in effect, and I went back under after a few seconds. But that's little consolation, considering I saw people sticking blades and needles in my gums, was more or less paralyzed, and the room was almost completely dark. To this day I'm even nervous about laughing gas at the dentist's office. * One time this troper had a dream in which he was in his bed, everything is normal, but for some reason everything moved extremely slow so that he could see a path me hand makes while moving in the air, and every time he tries to get out of bed he wakes back up in bed (think Szayel's death except no pain and stuck in one point). He could only whisper help so that someone would wake him up forcefully. Fortunately, he did get better, but not without a mental scar. ** This might be a common sort of dream. A few months ago this troper had a very similar experience. All night he kept dreaming, and waking for a split second, then falling back into the dream. And every time he tried to get up (while bizarre, frightening hallucinations were going on all around me) he'd rewake up for a split second, back in bed, no hallucinations, then immediately fall asleep (He was very tired due to the lack of sleep this dream caused) once again to once again be trying to get up amongst hallucinations. Every few minutes at most he woke up. Like in your dream, everything was also sort of in slow motion during the hallucination parts. Very disturbing dream to have. ** This troper had something like this happen a couple of times in a row a month or two back. I think I was falling asleep and waking up a lot of times in a row, all really fast, but it felt like I'd spent an infinite amout of time staring at my bedroom door. *** This Troper has had the 'infinite recursion' dream within a dream thing happen to me often but luckily I'm a lucid dreamer so I regard them as more an annoyance than a horror, my usual solution to them is to conjure up a jetpack and use that to rocket myself out until I literally break the cycle * This Troper had a very negative experience with wisdom teeth. Not counting the fact that he had all four of them ripped out at 15, the surgery had been botched in one side of his mouth, and nerve damage was inflicted. For the first two days after, his mouth was completely packed with gauze to absorb the blood oozing through the stitches, rendering him completely incapable of talking, eating, or even sleeping due to the pain that moving his mouth would cause. No matter how much he wanted to scream. The few days after, he still couldn't talk. * Whenever this troper was sick with the flu, she'd often be semicomatose until healed; during one of those groggy days, she felt like she was slowly suffocating like she was buried in sand or under a pile

of corpses. This was often accompanied by throat constriction and, of course, the inability to scream out loud for help. * Would this count? As an 8 year old, this troper experienced what could only be described as hallucinations similar to a bad trip. [[SincerityMode After drinking iced tea.]] At two in the morning, she woke up to find green geometric shapes floating around her room, as well as a pulsing headache. Wandering over to other rooms made the shapes change form and colour. Triangles became screaming classmates became [[{{Friday the 13th}} Jason and]] [[BeamMeUpScotty his chainsaw.]] And she couldn't fall back asleep, no matter how hard she tried. She just huddled in the corner and cried. * This troper is a violinist, and had a dream where she couldn't move her arm. She woke in a panic, and had lost blood to everything below the elbow. There were many seconds of pure fear as she tried to get the blood flowing again. It worked, but it was scary. ** Happened to this Troper, only she is a pianist. *Shudders* * Quite often, This Troper has very short dreams when he's just beginning to fall asleep. In the dreams, I either smash into something small and hard, fall a long way, or find somebody smash my head with a spiked club. After that, I usually fall to the ground and then either feel like I'm falling a long way into my bed, or I shiver violently. Both make me wake up. It is really scary at times. ** Don't be scared. That's just a [[ hypnagogic jerk]]. It's a result of bodily paralysis as you drift off, causing an odd dream-like state. We all get them at some point. *** It can be scary; especially getting them every night for months, sometimes two or three per night. They're caused by (among other things) stress and lack of sleep, and the recurring heart-poundingly abrupt awakenings exacerbate both problems so that it can become a cycle feeding on itself. Not fun. **** So THAT'S what it's called! I've only had that once or twice when asleep at home...but it happens all the time when I fall asleep in class. I'll be at my desk, my head in my arms on the table, when I'll suddenly just convulse for no reason. It sure as hell wakes me up, but it's got to be WEIRD seeing me do that. I only get the feeling of falling when I'm sleeping at home, though. And I don't find it scary, because of Dane Cook's "Gay Crab Dream" sketch. * It started 3 years ago with this troper staying up late at 1 PM, through friend's recommendation and curiousity, watching Silent Hill No Escape for the first time. A sudden blackout turned everything pitch black right at the 1:17 mark of the movie's first part, severely damaged this troper's mind. This troper conjured all his braveness and made it into his bed, only to have the [[{{NothingIsScarier}} worst sleep ever]], where the disturbing scenes of the movie turned into an eternal loop of nightmare sequences that went through the trooper's mind. When the troper finally woke up, he realized he was hospitalized. The doctors later explained that he just went through an extreme case of stress-induced fever and almost died... * This Troper will occasionally have sleep paralysis, often accompanied by a sense of urgency that says I HAVE TO WAKE UP NOW. After struggling to wake up for several freaky minutes, I try to

scream to get someone's attention so that they can come shake me awake. Naturally, I can't scream. Sometimes I have half-dreams that give me a sense of false hope, where I manage to regain some movement by sleepwalking, and stumble around my house like a zombie trying to get help. I still can't scream. I can moan, but not loudly enough to wake anyone up. ** A good way to break sleep paralysis is to change your breathing pattern: start breathing slower with deeper breaths. Usually after 1020 seconds your body realizes you're awake and breaks the sleep paralysis. ** Sleep Paralysis is pretty bad. Sometimes it happens when I'm face down breathing into my pillow, so it feels like I'm smothering myself. Not that serious, since I probably just spent a few hours in that position, but severely alarming to half wake up to it and not be able to move to a better position. * This Troper once woke up only to realize he was still dreaming only to wake up again... in another dream. And again. And again. Always the same scenario, waking up in bed, realizing he was dreaming, waking up. At the end of it he was desperately clawing at his eye-lids, trying to force them to open up to the real world and to wake up. Then he woke up for real, eyes still intact but with his arms numb, aching after hours of trying to move them. This Troper is completely terrified of what would have happened if the sleep paralyzis ''hadn't'' worked. [[{{Sandman}} And much less inclined to consider Morpheus a hero.]] *** [[@/{{Ozbourne}} This troper]] had a similar experience, but in the dream she got up and walked into the other room before waking up again, and so on. She eventually managed to force herself awake out of a dream state, which was quite an experience in itself. ** This Troper also had an experience of constant "waking up" within the same dream. Only every time she woke up, she accidentally killed a kitten, and realized she was dreaming and tried to wake herself up. Only to be back in her bed within the dream, thinking she was awake, and killing the same kitten a different way. [[{{GroundhogDayLoop}} Over and over.]] ** It also happened to this troper after she heard of the death of a girl she once knew. It wasn't really about the girl herself, but this troper kept dreaming about people like friends or relatives dying in front of her, and every time someone died she 'woke up' into the next scenario, knowing that the previous one was a dream but thinking that this one is reality. At some point she was afraid to go to sleep. ** This troper's also been through a similar experience. He woke up to realize he was in sleep paralysis. At this point, he couldn't see anything. It had been years since he could remember how he used to force himself out of it, and at nearly 2 minutes in, was becoming terrified. Trying to force his arms out, he felt them slowly but surely moving. They got to about a 20 degree angle before he re-awoke to realize they were back at his sides. This time, he immediately moved his arms in a way to roll over, to try and fall out of bed; maybe that'd force him out of it. After a quarter turn, he realized he was flat on his bed again. Slowly, he'd make progress getting closer and closer toward his computer chair, to pull himself up, each time reappearing on his bed again. To make it worse, he could see now.

Countless experiences go by for what seemed like forever, until finally, he did something different. Rather than move his arms out, he moved them upward, so that they'd reach out in front of his chest. This time, it worked. Turns out, this troper fell asleep [[NightmareRetardant with his hands snugly and warmly tucked into the sides of his pants.]] ** This is an oddly common type of dream (see the second example on this page, too). Its really bizarre to have a dream where you continuously are put back at the start after only a few seconds. I wonder what in our brains makes us do that... * This Troper has had a few times where he was on a breathing tube. All times were waking up after a sudden extreme health crisis; once after throwing up blood and blacking out, once from hepatic encephalopathy (brain shorts-out from a bad liver allowing a buildup of toxins) and once after a liver transplant. All three times the Troper was trapped in a bed with no ability to use his voice for several days. Pens and paper were recruited after motor skills returned. * This troper occasionally experiences sleep paralysis when dozing overday rather than sleeping properly. He is aware of not being able to move unable to rectify it except through desperate attempts to wake up, inevitably when he does so ends up with his heartrate having shot through the roof and it creeps him the fuck out every time it happens. ** I was eleven when I had my first experience with sleep paralysis; I thought I was dead. Not helping matters any was the fact that I'd just come out of a rather disturbing dream involving the time-lapse decay of an elderly woman who had just fallen several stories to her death in a deserted farmhouse. (Yes, I was a rather odd child.) ** This troper's best friend had the exact same thing happen to him, although at the time he believed it to be a strange dream. His friend called it the worst nightmare he has ever had. ** This troper feels better now. I had no idea what that was but it kept happening to me and it's so frightening. I'm glad I'm not alone. ** [[ Sleep Paralysis]] is a bitch. The best thing to do is stay calm and ride it out, which this troper can normally do. However, he was in this state once and dreamt that he saw the shadow of someone with a gun approaching and could have sworn he felt something ''hard'' on the back of his head. All bets were off at that point, even though the hard thing turned out to be the bed frame. ** Really? This troper experiences it occasionally (once a year or so) and kind of enjoys it. It feels kind of terribly uncomfortable to try to wiggle out of it, but hey. One time this troper didn't try to struggle my way out, and instead he was greeted with a horrible loud ringing in his ears. Weird stuff, but not bad. ** This troper once had sleep paralysis, and vaguely remembering that it usually lasted for around 5 minutes, decided to count off the seconds to pass the time. He awoke at 6 seconds. ** This troper has had a couple instances of SP- the first time, he was stuck for about thirty seconds as the walls around him started shifting and warping as if the room was going to collapse, and some tall, pale humanoid thing rose up from the foot of his bed. The second

time, there were hornets crawling in and around his sheets. Needless to say, the moment this troper got up he was beating the living crap out of his bedspread. ** Sleep paralsis is sort of enjoying to this troper. Then again, most of his dreams are perverted.. ** This Troper has some experience with lucid dreams, and has heard that the way to break out of sleep paralysis is to try to wiggling your fingers and toes first and to stay calm. Once you can move your fingers/toes, the paralysis should wear off. ** This troper finds she does some of her most creative thinking while in sleep paralysys. I find myself thinking "Gee, I can't wait until I can start moving again so I can write this down!" ** [[@/{{LoneCentrist}} This troper]] gets sleep paralysis when under a lot of stress or when trying to stay up late to finish a project. Not as terrifying as before now that he understand what it is, but still annoying none the less. One time he had sleep paralysis, combined with four or five false wake ups... it sucked. ** [[@/{{Ozbourne}} This troper]] had such an experience the other night. She dreamed that someone was trying to wake her, and it jolted her out of her dream before the sleep paralysis wore off. It was an AndIMustScream moment in that she tried to say that she wasn't ready to get up yet but was unable to talk or move or anything. Aside from that, though, not nearly as freaky as she would've imagined it; her thoughts were actually something along the line of reminding herself to write about it here if/when it wore off. Happened again later the same night. It was surprisingly kind of fun. ** This troper only tends to get sleep paralysis on occasions when he falls asleep on his side. On these occasions, I wake up and for some reason, ''really'' want to roll over on my back, except I can't. And even though I should know what's happening, and that it'll eventually wear off, all logic goes out the window and I feel seriously scared until I can move again. *** Don't feel badly. In most cases of waking sleep paralysis, the part of the brain that has to do with the fight or flight response is highly active, giving most people a feeling of being in a very dire situation. Even if it's very innocuous, this creates a very real AndIMustScream situation for most who experience it. I know this troper felt that way. Doesn't help the situation that you literally cannot scream no matter how hard you try. ** Whenever this troper gets sleep paralysis she is fully awake and she doesn't hallucinate at all, but every time she even tries to move, even if it's just a bit of twitching, EXCRUCIATING pain will shot down my whole body that will last for a good 10 seconds. It's so painful it even brings tears to my eyes and I have clench my teeth to stop myself from biting my tongue. I don't know if this is common with sleep paralysis though. ** This trooper's first experience with sleep paralysis involved waking up, looking out my window at the soft white light emanating from the sky. Then, an enormous hand descended from the clouds. While hallucinating seeing the hand through my window, I simultaneously saw the hand pass into another kid's room, and lift him, screaming, into the sky. I was terrified, and wanted to move, or call out, but

couldn't. ** This troper first had sleep paralysis years ago. I was having a dream where all my family were being killed. My mum and dad blown up by a bomb, and my brother machine-gunned in front of me. I was lying in bed (in the dream), and there was a hole in the ceiling. A plane flew overhead, and it dropped a bomb on me. I saw it falling, it hit me and exploded. I was then paralyzed for a few seconds, but it seemed like an eternity, unable to open my eyes. I thought I was really dead. ** This troper felt a hand grab her by the ankle, while she was experiencing sleep paralysis, then drag her down, like it wanted to pull her under the bed. The worse part was the she couldn't even scream, not even make a sound, and no matter how much this troper struggled and hold onto the sheets, the hand still clutched her leg. She woke up a few seconds later, panting. ** Another experience was when this troper was lying on the bed, stiff and unable to move, then she felt someone hug her from behind and she saw a black, surreal hand, from the corner of the eye, that rubbed her face a few seconds later, while a low, horrific voice spoke words that she couldn't understand. ** Yeah, this troper thinks he had expierance with this once. He was laying in bed with his eyes closed after waking up, and lay there a second to try and fall asleep, but couldn't, and decided to get up. Except thatdidn't work either. He couldn't open his eyes, no matter hard he tried, and I don't think his limbs worked either because he was freaking out, and he could not scream which made it much worse or flail. When he calmed down, he waited what felt like an agonizing 20 minutes, until he woke up. And what made it all worse? Throughout the whole time, his brother and friend who slept over were talking and watching T.V., and I could not ask them for help. He was lying there, helpless, and they were soo close, and HE COULD HEAR THEM!!! He also remembers attributing it to pink eye, despite not having any reason to or not being able to move or scream, but he was mostly worried about going blind, since his eyelids wouldn't open. When he told his brother, he shrugged and was a little shocked. This was when he was 7 and he was 9, so it was acceptable that he didnt understand how terrified he was of going blind or dying of starvation from never moving again. He also had a feeling of deju vu about the show, but that happens often. At least this only happened once. ** As someone who experiences sleep paralysis frequently (''frequently''), I've learnt a thing or two about it. It used to scare me, but now it's more of an uneasy annoyance. The causes are already well established, but let me tell you how it feels: while you feel awake, most of your brain is still in sleep cycles, so you're not fully conscious. You can't open your eyes, and you can't think straight. You're not fully aware of where you are or how you got here, you just know that you're somewhjat conscious and you can't move it's a lot like being in utero, for anyone that remembers. For myself, it seems to happen more frequently in certain conditions. If you're curious and want to experience it, it occurs roughly 1/15 times when sleeping in a chair, slumped over a desk (or a tall stool) with your forehead resting on your folded arms (I find it more comfortable to press my forehead into the soft inside of my elbow). This will mostly

be in the middle of the day, often when you're tired and are taking a break from work. The lower you can get your head, the better - but watch out for waking up with a stiff neck. You can't snap out of it on your own, becuase you're not conscious enough to summon the willpower. You either have to ride it out until your body loosens up, or you can be jumped out of it if someone else wakes you up, or you hear a sudden loud noise. That seems to kick your body back into action.There have also been a few times where a nest of wasps exploded over my bed, and I couldn't do anything, and most recently, a cat jumping up, right next to my head. When I regained control, I punched it in the face, and hit my light instead. *** It's not that bad if it's just that. The worse part of Sleep Paralysis is when you enter the black shadows' realm. ''When you start seeing, hearing and feeling unreal entities.''( There are a few cases above. Those are 100 per cent RealLife HighOctaneNightmareFuel.) ** Happens to me about once a month, and I can usually see a still, yet blurry image of whatever is in front of my face. Half the time I'll actually be paralyzed -- the other half, I'll hallucinate sensory input as if I were getting up and moving around, but the image doesn't change (I'll be feeling the bathroom door but still seeing my bedroom ceiling). ** By reading these Troper Tales and doing some research This Troper has just realized that she got Sleep Paralysis as a little girl. After realizing she was dreaming, she awoke to closed eyelids that wouldn't open even though she knew she was awake. She didn't panic though, because it didn't last long. This Troper's just glad she didn't have a nightmare beforehand. ** This troper has the fortunate habit of being able to break sleep paralysis 99.9% of the time, on a wim. * In a similar incident, this one ended up elbowing his girlfriend in the chest. Oops... * This Troper has experienced sleep paralysis several times, and in each case was terrified that he would start hallucinating and be unable to stop it. (That's what extensive reading does to you, unfortunately; you know exactly how a bad situation can get worse.) Thankfully it hasn't happened yet, but the paralysis on its own is weird enough. * This is very similar to how this troper's friend described having a seizure, complete with the fear and helplessness. ** [[@/{{Arin Rowan}} This troper]] has had a seizure before, and it is very much like that. I stood up too quickly after taking a bath, passed out and hit my head. At least that's what I assume happened, because the next thing I remember after standing is being in the dark, with my entire body shaking and shuddering and being unable to stop it or even really understand what was going on. ** This troper has focal seizures which leave her immobilized and mostly mute. I'm fully conscious but pretty much paralyzed other than a few twitches. This is made even more fantastic by the hallucinations of moving walls and patterns, distorted perception of time and the overwhelming feelings of fear and hopelessness. I can't call out and most people don't even realize I'm having a problem until I'm five minutes into the damn thing.

** This troper's seizures are preceded by a full minute of mental horror. I get a feeling of panic and impending doom, hear voices, am unable to talk, and finally my body tenses up out of my control before I finally black out. ** [[@/{{TsukasaElkKite}} This Troper]]: My seizure was extremely scary and preceded by a full aura across my right eye. I sat down on the floor and started twisting and couldn't stop and then I blacked out. The last thing I heard before I blacked out was my mom screaming "HOLY SHIT, SHE'S HAVING A SEIZURE! CALL 911!" My mom told me later that I was jerking around and one of my eyes were bulging out of my head and I threw up a little bit. Luckily she knew to roll me onto my side so I didn't choke on my vomit. The bad thing was she thought she should put her finger in my mouth so I wouldn't bite my tongue. I bit her instead, quite hard. The next thing I knew, I was coming to and the medics were coaxing me to move up on the stretcher. * This troper had a minor arm operation and was drugged. I have a vague recollection of opening my eyes halfway through. I ''could'' talk and my parents were in the room, but they ''ignored everything''. * [[@/FinalGamer This troper]] once had a case of being so afraid in bed he could literally not move when he was awakening out of a dream and this human shadow appeared at the foot of his bed with piercing red eyes. It was the first time he cried in pure fear since he was a child. ** This would be sleep paralysis. * This Troper is a little surprised by all the horror stories about sleep paralysis. He's experienced it plenty of times, and it's really mostly just annoying. Especially when you know what it is. ** ''If you don't,'' then you find yourself as immobile as a statue, having no idea what the hell is happening or when it will end (something that isn't supposed to happen in the first place is happening, so the fact that it'll end in a few minutes is ''not'' obvious.) Bonus points if you get hallucinations that look and sound as real as the walls and ceiling around you and you can do ''nothing'' about things that far outweigh anything on the NightmareFuel pages moving toward your immobile form. I could see it eventually coming to be no big deal if nothing like that ''ever'' happened and you just got used to the fact that once every few weeks (or however often) your body was going to wake up about thirty seconds or so after you did. *** Even if you do, it can be the most horrible experience in the world, if you have a phobia of not being able to control yourself. * Averted/subverted by @/{{Azreal}} because every time he's suffered from sleep paralysis, he ENJOYED it. Mostly because there were no nightmares or bad hallucinations, just a plesant feeling of immobility. Which he fought against only because it was FUN! Sadly, it hasn't happened in a few years. * This fairly new troper was prescribed a fairly heavy opiate to deal with pain in his leg until it was able to be operated on ... and was told to watch out for warning signs like chest pressure, extreme sloth/inability to move (which could be from an overdose or toxicity), and erratic breathing. Unfortunately, vicodin seems to give him sleep paralysis ... imagine waking up and being unable to move (which was specefically given as signal that you might be getting ready to die),

struggling/panic that causes increased heart rate (and therefore chest pressure and shortness of breath) ... and not screaming for help SIMPLY BECAUSE IT DIDN'T CROSS THE MIND. Bad juju, to say the least. * When this troper was about ten years old, he was admitted to a psychiatric facility, and promptly pumped full of tranquilizers. They were supposed to put him to sleep, but due to the other four drugs he was on at the time, they completely restricted his movement, but left him awake and aware. Then to top it all off the drugs created a distorted perception of time, resulting in forty-eight hours feeling like several months. ** How does several months without sleep feel? Inquiring minds want to know. *** You'd be dead, probably. * This troper frequently has sleep paralysis experiences which can be pretty disturbing. Sometimes they involve the vivid feeling of suffocating or drowning(perhaps her worst PrimalFear) or drifting around uncontrollably or falling from some great height, and though this troper is an atheist, her vivid religious-studies-inspired imagination sometimes makes her think she's in Hell until she finally awakes. (And she also experiences a milder form of sleep paralysis when just barely dozing off, but it's generally more annoying than frightening.) * This troper dreamt that she was walking through a crowd of peoplewhen suddenly they all stopped talking, turned around and stared at her. The vision of so many sets of eyes were still visible as she woke up, and was unable to move for the next five minutes. * This troper also has sleep paralysis, and it occurs once a year or so. It has been happening ever since she was a child, so now when she experiences it she knows exactly what is going on. That, however, does not make it any less terrifying. Especially since it is extremely unpleasant and causes her to panic regardless of how often it has occurred. The hallucinations certainly don't help either--dark figures lurking in her room, loud noises and voices, thousands of buzzing bees... not very relaxing or fun at all. It tends to happen when she's slept for too long (or too irregularly) and when she sleeps on her back. And there's just something about laying on your back and not being able to move that makes you feel horribly vulnerable. ** Same troper here, with a more recent tale about sleep paralysis. This one had me trying to scream out for help, but a [[NarmCharm Narmishly funny]] occurrence made things slightly better. I have a {{Kuroshitsuji}} wall scroll of Sebastian and Ciel, and while I was hallucinating, their faces turned into skulls. It was frightening at first, but now I find it kind of hilarious. * [[@/{{Enlong}} This troper]] can't compare to any of these other stories, but... I once fell under a form of laryngitis, which meant that within a day and a half, I literally could not speak for the pain it would cause me. It truly drove me nuts, especially since the disease also left me bedridden for a few days, meaning I could not leave my bed and I could not speak... Oh! Did I forget to mention that it started on my birthday? * This troper can remember three right now... the oldest, or so he thinks, was back in grammar school. It was shortly after reading, in

class, a book about... I think a donkey who finds a wishing stone and at one point turns into a rock? Well, that night, I had a horrible nightmare of a man eating rock chasing ME. I woke up with my little heart pounding and terrified that rocks were going to eat me. The second was all the more horrifying, to me, for when it happened -- the night of Christmas Eve, mere hours between receiving presents at my grandparents' place and when I would open my presents at home. I was swimming, in the dream, at the pool of a friend of the family, and then my brother tried to drown me. I woke up gasping for air, even though in the dream I had been trying to scream. The third was another one during junior high, possibly before the drowning dream, possibly after... I was going around my daily routine, unaware that I was turning into a woman until, very awkwardly I went to use a bathroom. At the time, it was a nightmare that left me screaming... but now there's something about transformations that takes a lot of the sting out of remembering THAT one. ** ... I really want to find out what the last one is like so i can convince myself i am not transsexual. ** ''Pablo's Magic Pebble''. NightmareFuel-iest children's book ''ever''. *** Can someone explain that book please? This page is literally the only result on Google. ***** [[ This.]] ****** It looks like a Troper copied and pasted the line "Nightmare Fueligest kid's book ever", and put it on Wikipedia. ** This troper now feels like a a total Jerkass, but the last nightmare did give him a Ranma 1/2 induced chuckle. * This troper was once woken from a nightmare by her mother who said she had been throwing herself about the bed and moaning in fear. The cause was a nightmare involving a popular swimming spot, alligators attacking the troper's younger brother and an inability to do anything about it. Said troper's mother then went to check on said younger brother and found him also having a nightmare... about being attacked by alligators at the same swimming spot. ** This troper, back when he was 10, experienced a nightmare where he was locked in a dark interrogation room, being endlessly tortured by faceless EldritchAbomination in seek of answers to crime he has never committed. This troper then got awaken by a terrified mom, who later explained that she had a nightmare about being strapped on a wall and forced to observe his own son being tortured in the same settings as the troper's nightmare, unable to do anything... * This troper only seems to get sleep paralysis while ''under the covers.'' Go asphyxiation! * This troper occasionally feels a numbness throughout his body, usually in his bed, and automatically tries to move his arms whenever this happens. It may stem from a primal fear of becoming this, as he once read ''Sylvester and the Magic Pebble'' when he was a small child. * I recently had a bad trip due to some badly tainted marijuana. After the run-of-the-mill shakes and vomiting came the paralysis...then a slowing of time, loss of short-term, then long-term memory, an

inability to remember concepts like "love" and "human", and finally a complete loss of identity. However, the worst of it was reserved for my close female friend...who had to keep herself calm while trying to convince me I wasn't dying/dead/imaginary. I may be a Troper, but that girl is a ''Trooper.'' * Shrooms will do this to you if your trip goes bad; presumably so will any other psychedelic drug. That's given this particular troper a very healthy degree of respect for those substances, to the point of almost feeling ready to try a low-strength version of the very shortacting salvia two years after a bad shroom trip. Imagine time ceasing to exist, and realizing that your consciousness, which is almost destroyed but still self-aware, is completely stuck in that moment of non-time, forever. Of course, you can't imagine it unless you've experienced it, but this troper will never have trouble imagining the experience of someone trapped in eternity again. ** This troper had one of the worst LSD trips of anyone he knew. For about fifteen minutes he believed he did not exist. Not that he was dead, or alone. Simply not there, even after he responded to other people. This doesn't really fit the trope, but during it and for a few months afterward he had a massive disconnect with everything he knew. Perspective's a bitch. ** This troper was permanently turned off to the idea of shrooms after her boyfriend related an experience to her about a time he had a bad trip during which he became painfully aware of the passage of time acting on every person around him despite being exempt from it personally, until every person he looked at rotted in front of his eyes but was totally unaware, continuing to function despite putrefaction. He has yet to touch shrooms since. * Brain problems do not a happy person make. When This Troper was younger, middle school, there were problems with grades, homework, focus, paying attention, everything and anything that made school SCHOOL. Because we had reached the end of the rope, my parents started trying to find out what was wrong. So after a number of therapy sessions This Troper was taken to a hospital for an MRI. It was one of the worst experiences of my life. When I went in the first time, under a blanket and keeping my eyes closed (since I had opted to not be 'put to sleep'), I had in earplugs. Not even two minutes in my eyes opened and I was trying not to cry. I started begging them to let me come out without moving around too much, but they told me just to wait. In the middle session I begged them to put me to sleep during it, but the nurse said it would mean we would have to start the whole thing over. So they gave me the shot, and put headphones on me this time, playing the classical music station. Then, listening to Tchaikovsky, I started crying again (no sentimental reasons whatsoever. Just weird coincidence). But this time I couldn't move. It felt like I was drowning. I could barely breathe, the tears had gotten under the headphones in my ears (everything sounded like I was underwater), and worst of all I couldn't move any part of me. When it was over I could barely stand on my own. So now anytime I feel even slightly lethargic, it almost causes a panic attack. Oh and the MRI results? This Troper has ADD. Which could have been confirmed without the ordeal. * This troper's biggest fear is that this is that death is an eternal

"And I Must Scream" ** Thanks for the NightmareFuel. *** Actually, the 'Fuel goes away if you imagine that Death might, just might, be like the one from Discworld... Considerate and quite fond of kittens. This troper hasn't been afraid of dying since he picked up his first Discworld book (which was Reaper Man, actually.) **** I know! I've always thought that it would be so cool to meet him... ***** I've never been too scared of death ever since I read TheSandman. PerkyGoth girl, who is hot to boot! DontFearTheReaper indeed. ****** ...This might change your mind: Okay, Death of the Endless-sweet, friendly and kind. Surely she'd be a very gentle sight to help ease you into death, right? She'd make you feel comforted and cared for in this likely traumatic moment, unafraid of whatever comes next. Now consider this---In the Sandman universe, hell exists. '''And every single soul in it was taken there by her.''' ******* You may also want to consider that in the Sandman universe, hell [[spoiler: is a place you can just leave and presumably choose not to go to in the first place]]. Then again, [[spoiler: most of the people there probably don't realize that.]] ** This troper had a chilling revelation. There are two possibilities: either there is an afterlife or there isn't. Even though being in the afterlife (whatever it may be) is technically dead, you're still conscious and thinking, meaning you are "alive" in any meaningful sense. This means it boils down to two, more general, possibilities: either you will be conscious ''forever'' (i.e. you will subjectively experience an ''infinite length of time'' with all the excruciating boredom that goes with it) or your conscious will stop at some point. ''Forever''. Sort of like when you sleep, except you're never going to dream or wake up. Those are the only two possibilities, and there is no way out of it (and killing yourself only makes it happen sooner). It '''will''' happen to '''you'''. You're welcome. *** [[TakeAThirdOption Third option]]: Heaven. And given that this troper is the same as the one below (starting with "NightmareFuel?"), and is completely phobic about the first two options, if Heaven isn't available, then he'll take the fourth option: staying as a ghost. *** 5th option: Reincarnation *** Hmm... this troper can get down with the second option. She didn't remember it before she was born. *** Through the power of SCIENCE, it has been determined that, essentially, there really ARE 2 options: 1. Religious afterlife. 2. No afterlife, but because of the whole "everything will happen at some point" thing (especially if the universe doesn't collapse in on itself), you WILL live again, no matter how short that life is. ** NightmareFuel? This troper has had the key put in the ignition and turned. A few years ago, he had a dream that culminated in his "death". Except that unlike most "die in the dream" dreams, he didn't immediately wake up. Cue four seconds of '''nothing'''. Just white void. And the implication that this was what Eternity would be. He would've screamed upon waking, but it took him a couple of seconds to realize that he needed to start breathing again.

*** This troper had a dream like that once. The dream ended when she was shot in the heart. Then there was nothing, just... Darkness. This troper was so afraid that she was dead that she didn't even try to wake up until it occurred to her that she might still be alive. **** What if that's the trick to being dead? Nothingness, until you remember to wake up. ** Here is the thing about death, though. If you believe death means "nothingness", then every scary thought you have about it is incorrect. Eternity, the void, these are concepts, they are "things". Nothingness is the opposite. No matter what you imagine death to be like, you are wrong. So if you imagine a terrifying void that never ends, you're way off-base; death won't be scary, it won't be eternal, it won't be anything. Furthermore, you can't possibly hope to imagine true nothingness. By definition it can't be done. So you might as well stop speculating about it and get on with life. *** The thing is, this tropers greatest fear IS death meaning nothingness. Not being able to comprehend it [[HighOctaneNightmareFuel makes it worse,]] because the ideas he has already are [[NightmareFuel bad enough!]] **** Having consulted numerous deceased individuals I have discovered that, conveniently enough, death is a very reliable cure for such anxiety. * This troper once woke up unable to breathe or utter any sound for no apparent reason. After futilely trying to force out a cry for help, I gave up and collapsed on the floor which jared whatever was keeping me form breathing loose. It felt like an eternity and only took a few minutes. * During this troper's (@/KurtmanJP) pre-teen years, I suffered from serious sleep paralysis where non existent sounds would block out my entire field of hearing and I couldn't scream and only move in slow motion. I felt salty tears rolling down my cheeks by the time it all ended and I almost never cry. Oddly enough, I can tolerate MRI studies but they sometimes make me queasy. * When this troper was about twelve or so, after going through a series of surgeries on his hip then returning to school where he is contantly picked on, once had an incident of a stress induced fever, while this isn't that bad as through most of it he could still move, one night he began to have a violent case of the shivers where he couldn't move and all and could just barely rasp out a call for his mother and the fear caused by the situation only served to worsen the condition where I could barely even move my mouth, about an hour later this troper's mother came in to see why I was still up, since the light and tele were still on at around 1 AM, only to find me mostly paralyzed and sweating enough to have drenched the sheets. Needless to say it was a scary incident for both of us, and thankfully the shakes went away fairly quickly after mother came in. * This troper cannot scream in her dreams. No matter what is happening, even if help is within earshot. Attempts at doing so lead to a very real feeling of something caught in the throat. Once, while only half asleep, she realized she could be heard outside of her dream and proceeded to moan until someone woke her up. ** This troper has the exact same problem, except that she also cannot

speak at all in a dream. It doesn't help though that most of her dreams are filled with tall buildings and very large cliffs that she has a bad tendency to fall off of... ** I thought I was the only one. Good to know I'm not. * While it's not quite comparable to most of the other examples here, this troper frequently finds during nightmares that he is unable to scream and the harder he tries, the harder his mouth clamps shut. * When this troper was younger, he had a series of nightmares involving giant spiders. In one dream, I killed one and then a whole bunch of little spiders came out of its corpse. One of them grew into another giant spider and chased me for a bit before eating me. And yes, there was a stomach where I wasn't digested immediately. Probably my scariest dream ever, but in another dream I was able to kill them all. After writing this I now feel like I need a psychiatrist. * This troper has very long, complex, almost always unpleasant dreams every single night. Oh, and once discovered that you can feel pain in your dreams. * This first time troper had a dream where he ended up getting slowly cornered by a bear (don't laugh!). For whatever reason I could not scream or run or anything despite it being across a field from me. Woke up before it reached me but dang... * This troper got unconscious while falling off a horse once, twice while skiing and one last time while being suffocated during a Judo match (my fault, I didn't yield soon enough) but I must say, that kind of thing isn't scary at all cause you're, well, unconscious. But one time, I was at school and had a really bad fever, I was standing in the school office when suddenly I lost control of my whole body, and fell like a puppet whose string are cut. I was conscious but couldn't move at all and this lasted for one or two minutes. The worst thing was that for the whole time I couldn't tell or do one thing while I saw the adults around me totally panicking, which made myself even more scared. Yes, adults are really useless when you really need them. And yes, I had some really "interesting" experiences in my life, luckily I'm still kicking ass. * This troper had one episode of sleep paralysis that conjured hallucinations of SAS troopers performing a flash and clear on the bedroom door, dispersing inside the room before firing in the general direction of the bed. I am a perfectly legal citizen, with no previous encounters with the law. * This troper once had a dream where I was splashing around in puddles after a rainstorm, when I stepped into one that turned out to be as deep as a lake. I felt pressure on my chest, almost like I was really drowning, and I couldn't move for a few seconds after waking. * This troper experiences a {{Narm}}ish version of this most nights in the form of chronic insomnia. I feel the pain of being tired, but I am too awake to sleep. I call this "And I must whine". ** This troper has a teacher which had the same problem while getting his master's degree. He was tired after all the work, but was completely awake. So he had to wander for a while in order to calm down his mind. * This troper remembers twice in his life where he felt really helpless. At 8 years old, I came down with a terrible case of croup.

The best my family could do was lock me inside the bathroom with an incredibly hot shower going, in the hopes that the humidity would help. All I remember is darkness, coughing and screaming. Believe me, I screamed, and I screamed constantly. I eventuallyt for some reason, I couldn't move or speak, only watch. I woke up the instant before I died, to the sensation of having my lungs filled with blood. ** Wait if you said you died, then How did you post this?! or was it your family? *** SHIT WE GOT GHOSTS * This troper has a reoccurring dream in which she's walking around her grandmother's house, and has completely lost her voice. Now, usually this isn't a bad thing, but occiasionally the dream will get weird, like after she watched the Ring and the Grudge in two nights, and she could not scream, and her parents were there and couldn't see the monster and, and- oh god. * This troper underwent a wisdom tooth removal operation about three years ago. The complication with my case was that my lower-jaw facial nerves passed directly between the two wide-set roots of each wisdom tooth; the surgeon planned to put me under, crack each bottom tooth down the middle and extract the roots separately. All well and good, until my anesthesia wore off just enough that I became helplessly conscious -- for an excruciatingly long time -- during what felt like literally taking a jackhammer to my jawbone. What still haunts me was my total inability to interrupt the mundane discussion in the room between hammer bursts, until lifetimes later the last thing I heard was an assistant saying, "Oh god -- doctor, his eyes..." ** This troper had the same problem, except the freezing never took effect in the right side of her face. I remember being barely conscious and feeling them drill into my face as they extracted the impacted bottom tooth in pieces, but unable to do anything but flail a little. They tried to freeze my face again but it didn't work so they just proceeded with the extraction. Once the operation was over I screamed at the surgeon. *** Same here, in my case jaw anesthesia was working and my tongue was dumb, besides a nurse and the dentist were holding four instruments in my mouth so I couldn't communicate. All was fine until the dentist reached the last set of thooth local anesthesia wasn't working well and I start feeling how he cut my skin. I failed in closing my mouth, using the tongue to fight medical instruments and of course, screaming. Also moving while he cut seems a very bad idea...It was but the pain was so much that finally I rolled violently to the side I got a beautiful wound in the intern cheek but it was such a relief. ** [[Tropers/TeraChimera Me]], too. The worst pain ever, and unable to move at all... ugh. I'm just lucky it only lasted a few seconds. * This troper underwent anesthesia while getting jaw surgery. She came in and out of consciousness afterward when it was starting to wear off. When she was aware, she could barely move or open her eyes. She was cut off from the world, unable to see or say anything, but she could still hear people around her. She couldn't remember where she was or even the difference between being awake or not. It took an eternity before she could even moan faintly, and even that took a lot of energy. The highlight of this experience was when someone decided

to stick an IV needle (one of this troper's biggest phobias) in her hand while she was still unable to move. * Recently I awoke suddenly in the middle of the night, and began I panicking when I realized that there was something heavy on my chest that was preventing my lungs from taking in air. However, I was paralyzed all over so I couldn't remedy the situation of possibly suffocating. Luckily I was only awake for about thirty seconds to experience this panic and confusion in the darkness. After reading other similar Troper Tales on this page, I decided that this happening was a case of sleep paralysis. And I hope it never happens again. * This troper has a life version of this, in that they cannot scream no matter what. Nightmares, sleep paralysis, injuries, sickness, emotional turmoil... ''nothing'' can make me scream. I've actively ''tried'' to scream, and I ''can't''. I can only remember screaming ''once'' when I was young, and those that heard it said it sounded like a cat instead of a human. Which is probably one of the worst things to sound like when a dog is the cause now that I think about it. ** I swear to god, if I was you, [[DespairEventHorizon I would not be alive.]] * I once fell asleep in class after a state test and ended up having a nightmare. When I woke up, it was another dream. There was no noise at all and I couldn't move from my head-down position. Then I felt like someone from my nightmare was behind me with a knife and I panicked. It didn't help that the people next to me knew I was freaking out in my sleep by my breathing and decided to "help" by poking me in the back with a pencil to wake me up. * [[@/JET73L This Troper]] occasionally forgets how to talk, or [[CentipedesDilemma how to blink]] (usually not at the same time). Blinking comes back naturally, but since he doesn't talk much anyway, it can be a veritable nightmare of silent gasps and gapes before sounds or words come out. On the "can't move, can't talk, going to go insane" side of things, high fever or severe vomiting tends to make him immobile and unable to talk (either because of the [[MushroomSamba weirdness]] that comes with high fever, or the racking pain and want not to throw up again that comes with the latter). * Once at a carneval-sort of thing at my local church their was this boxing match sort of thing and I challanged this one girl I know to a match. Only problem is she was way stronger and heavier than me. We had to wear these little helmet things that strapped over or chins but in the first round she dog-piled men and The strap fell over my neck while she was pressing down on the helmet, laughing like it was a game while I was choking and desperatly shouting "GET OFF!" repeatedly. She almost didn't. * Due to a spinal problem, I needed an operation to fuse two vertebrae. It's just about the most painful operation you can have, but this trope came into play in a way I didn't expect. Due to my insides being... [[{{Squick}} rearranged]] a bit from the bone movement, I required a tube to drain out my stomach fluids (morphine had slowed digesting), which was fed so deep into my throat that I couldn't speak or scream without scratching my throat to the point of bleeding. To speed the digestive process up, I couldn't use morphine,

so I laid still, unable to move or say anything, for days. I suddenly no longer gave a shit about the back pain. * This sort of thing happens to this troper all the time. When dreaming, to some extent, she apparently realizes that she's asleep, because 90% of the time she's almost totally blind, and unable to speak (or scream), think, or move properly inside of her dreams. And most of them involve bizarre, extremely frightening things happening, which she then can't run away from or even see... ** This troper had to check to make sure she didn't type that previously. She gets the same kind of things, the most frustrating times being where her eyesight is crosseyed, or she's constantly fighting to keep her eyes open during the dream, no matter how strange it is. She's woken up one night to find she had been crying in frustration not only in her dream, but in real life as well. * [[@/{{Andaria}} This Troper]] went under [[ laughing gas]] at the dentist. The experience can only be summed up as: flashing colors, muffled drill sounds, memories of riding the school bus mixed with SuperMarioBros3 and Tetris (I don't even like Nintendo). Of course the scariest bit is that I couldn't even remember when they had started the gas. ** Really? This troper finds the experience of dental work, in an of itself, to be a severe case of this trope (what with all of the pointy objects in your mouth, makes talking impossible) but, with the laughing gas, suddenly actually sort-of enjoys it. (Being able to finger spell to my mother to ask questions helps a lot, too.) * This troper went into convulsions one day after she accidently cut her hand pretty bad. (I'm not emo, I just wanted a brownie!) I thought my brother was shaking me. Turned out, he was trying to make me stop shaking. * Said brother had an AIMS moment of his own when he had the flu, lost his voice and couldn't speak. So, he communicated by writing notes. He gave me one that said "Please get me some watter." I replied "OK, but you misspelled water." He wrote down "Fuck you! I'm sick!" (I got him the water anyway.) * [[{{notdryad}} I]] had a nightmare last night where I was in my own house late at night and I was walking to the kitchen. In the doorway to the kitchen, I saw a pair of bleached white eyes. The eyes were low to the ground, so I think it may have been a dog; I am a cynophobe after all. Before I knew it, I was on the ground and looking back toward my room, but everything around me was covered in complete darkness. I felt that ''thing'' mauled away at my left arm, the same arm that I would cut when I was an EmoTeen. At least, I think it was; now that I think about it, I don't know if I actually felt any pain. I tried to scream as loud as I could, even though I live alone, but no sound came out. The only thing I could feel was a hot and dry sensation in my mouth. I looked to my left at that thing and it didn't look like any dog I've ever seen in real life. Then I woke up; when I woke up, I realized that I had sprawled myself diagonally across my bed versus being parallel with respect to the width of the bed. * This troper got in a fight with a drunk and got stabbed. Thing is, I was able to wander outside trying to get to a phone or anyone and

collapsed under a corner. People assumed I was homeless as i laid there, too weak to move or shout for help. It only lasted five minutes before someone called 911, but the shock made it feel like hours. * This troper has epilepsy, which manifests in night terrors as well as seizures. The night terrors are much much worse. The wolves pin me in the corner of the room, having cast aside the mauled and mangled body of my roommate, I can smell their breath, I can see them drool, I try to scream as they crouch, but no sound comes out... Then I wake up. As a child I took a screwdriver to bed in the hopes of one night ramming it through the brain of those wolves - I rammed it into my own leg instead. ** This troper's daughter had [[ night terrors]] (sans epilepsy) from about 6yo to 10yo. You '''absolutely do not want''' to see a child of yours having night terrors. Mercifully, it eventually stopped. She would wander randomly around the house, screaming MOMMY MOMMY with her eyes wide open but '''not seeing or hearing any of us as we tried to calm her down.''' After an hour of this, we would manage to get her to lie on her bed and she'd sleep. She never remembered anything the next morning. * Not entirely sure how much this counts, but this troper had a horrid nightmare a few weeks ago. In the dream, I was sleeping in my room, woke up and leaned over to the end of the bed to pet my cat Kia. (As I usually do when I wake in the middle of the night.) Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a shadow move but ignored it, assuming it was just my other cat wandering. Then I see the shadow creeping up the side of the wall...and look behind me to see MORE shadows. Cue room gaining a dark black-and-purple tint. (If anyone has seen Fullmetal Alchemist, it was like the transmutation scene.) Freaked out, I ran out of my room with Kia and told my brother we had to get out of there. He didn't believe me (skeptic of supernatural stuff) so I took him to my room where a disembodied voice told us to leave or we would be dead within the hour. We got our other cat and took off in the pouring rain to go to a hotel in town. For whatever reason, they didn't mind our cats. We got in our room and prepared to settle in for a long stay, and I crawled into one of the beds...and notice a shadow creeping up the wall and hear a dark chuckle. I woke up screaming. * This troper has a blood issue where, if she stands up too fast, or breathes in a too hot room (and other things like that), she'll become unable to see (as in, everything goes white/black), her entire body will prickle and she'll get so dizzy that she just... falls. Sometimes she's able to grasp a wall to support herself, but she usually just ends up lying on the floor with her mouth open, trying to scream without being able to... The worst part is that it only lasts for about 30 seconds, but it actually DOES feel like hours, sometimes days. ** Ah, jeez, same here, only with me it's more purpley-bluish than black or white. Lying on the floor when the world is just spinning and spinning and you can't see or get your footing or anything sucks. (My doctor suggested salty snacks may help.) ** Same thing, except I only see strange colours, and they only cover part of my eyes, and they leave once I fall. And it only happens when

I stand up too fast. ** Minus the blood issue and the falling, give an unfound trigger only and seeing in a browny-yellow colour instead of black and white and you get me. It is most common after sitting down for too long and occurs when I stand up. I hope I don't get it again... ** It also looks bad from the outside. I've had a friend go into it in front of my eyes, and I thought that she was dieing. Turns out that somebody being there for you while it happens make it a little less hellish. * [[@/{{Quillpaw}} This troper]] actually suffered this in real life. She awoke one morning to find that she physically could not speak, scream, or make any noise at all, for some unknown reason. (switch to first person) My mother actually got angry at me for not telling her what was wrong and began yelling at her. At this, I began to cry, and when my mom realized that I wasn't making any noise (as I'm a very noisy crier), she immediately apologized and drove me to the doctor. I'm better now, thank god, but getting a sore throat still freaks me out. * This Troper once had a dream where he was digging a tunnel underground, for some reason. Eventually he came across this trap door that was nailed shut from the inside. After opening it, he came into a room where there was windows, but apparently Word-Of-God dream him insisted there was absolutely no way out of the room other than the trap door. As he pondered the problem, a dude in a vintage diving suit (those metal ones) came up from the trapdoor, walking as if he were under water. It was creepy as hell, but try as he might, dream-him couldn't scream. By far more horrifying than that dream he had of his brother coming at him with a butter knife... ** This same troper has also fallen victim to sleep paralysis a couple of times (Stress and the worst sleep schedule you could ever force upon yourself). He first time he experienced it has been the worst so far, thankfully; He was on the verge of sleep, but suddenly felt a presence in his room. He tried to move, or shout out, or anything, but the most he could do was wiggle his pinky. Of course after about thirty seconds he was able to look about his room and realize he was alone and no one was about to jack him with a butter knife or something. But frick. * This troper once had a dream where he was "watching" an ad (which, in the case of his dreams, means being conscious of nothing but the ad/movie/show/video game and being able to see and hear nothing but this) for a mostly black-and-white pachinko/pinball computer game. He'd have the dream, wake up five minutes later, have the same dream again, wake up five minutes later, through a good portion of the night. Needless to say, that night was hellishly long. It almost reduced me to tears. Fortunately, that only happened once. The general concept happened incredibly few times, but that one was by far the worst, and I still remember the "ad" fairly clearly. I had no fear of advertisements either. It was just weird. * This troper had a reoccuring dream around the age of 11 that consisted of a huge castle with a large slide going up to the roof, upon which stood an evil wizard beside a man-sized egg. In order to kill the wizard and escape I had to climb up the slide and knock the

egg down it, breaking the egg. Every night for months I would have the SAME dream, over and over, and was continuously frustrated, eventually to tears, by not being able to end it. The dream eventually ended in success after two months, but it still stands as this troper's default thought when thinking of this trope. * [[@/PiratePikachuZ This tropette]] has woken up and blearily reached up to rub the sleep out of her eyes... only, that isn't her hand that's flopped onto her face. She's attempted to scream, but either she's trying to hit notes out of her range or her voice isn't awake yet. Horrified, she grabs the hand, feeling down the arm... only to find that it's her own after all. The misunderstanding was due to having fallen asleep on said hand and cutting off its circulation. Still, that doesn't mean she remembers any of that when it happens again... * Tolly here. I've had issues with sleepwalking. Some of them I remember, some I don't. The ones I do remember involve sandbags attached to my limbs and a vague sense of impending doom. The ones I don't... Well, once I nearly broke my ankle, and I was trudging around the house all that night. I've been told by my family that was truly disturbing experience, both to see and hear. * In many of the dreams of this troper, I will be running or walking along when suddenly it becomes incredibly difficult to move. It is horribly annoying, because I almost always believe it's real. Sometimes something is chasing me for good measure. It sucks. * The possibility of waking up mid-procedure is why [[InsanityPrelude I am]] terrified of the prospect of having surgery, ever. I don't even want my wisdom teeth (which luckily haven't caused problems so far) out. * This troper's mother's Epidural started to wear off. While she was having a CAESAREAN SECTION. She says that it felt like the whole of the lower half of her body was burning, and she was shouting at the doctors "I'm burning, I'm burning," but they didn't do anything. It was apparently one of the most horrible experiences of her life. * This troper (same as above with mother) has found herself terrified, unable to even reach out and turn on the light, late at night. She now realises that it may have been sleep paralysis, and vows to remember this next time it happens. * This troper had seizures at a younger age. My very first seizure, I had gone to bed after having some pizza late at night. I woke up, body rigid and unable to breathe. I tried to scream, but couldn't hear ''anything'', so far all I know I made no noise, other than some choked gasps my brother overheard (thus saving my life). The freakiest part was when he carried me down the stairs towards the ambulance, the edges of my vision were already dark and the rest of my vision was fading. I lost consciousness with no way of knowing if I'd ever wake up again. I still occasionally [[NightmareFuel have nightmares of it.]] * This troper had a nightmare a long time ago, where he was winded and lying on the floor due to strange and unrelated events. For some reason, my breath never returned to me, so I called for help, but my voice came out as some almost silent choking noises, I couldn't move because I couldn't build up any energy in my body and it still felt

like I couldn't breath. I was writhing around on the floor trying to get someone to pay attention to me while I watched my parents calmly walk downstairs without noticing me when I suddenly woke up. I just on the bed breathing very deeply for a while after that to remind myself my lungs were working. * This troper isn't sure if it qualifies as this, but it certainly felt like it, to her. I have rather horrible (and I do mean horrible) asthma, and there was a time in Middle School where I'd forgotten my inhaler at home. During Gym class, I started having an asthma attack, and my gym teacher offered to call the nurse down. At that moment, I didn't realize how bad it was (I thought it was my average, run-ofthe-mill attack) and so I politely refused and said I would walk down to the nurse myself (with the help of my sister). Half-way to the nurse's office (which was, unfortunately, on the other side of the school), I realized that this was perhaps one of the worst asthma attacks I'd ever had. I doubled-over, completely and 100% unable to breathe. I'm not sure if you can really understand the feeling of not being able to breath until it's happened to you (and holding your breath doesn't really count. It's more similar to only taking the shortest, quickest, most unsatisfying breaths possible). I actually told my sister (with what little breath I had) that I thought I was going to die. Eventually, I made it to the nurse, and she fumbled about, wondering if she should call an ambulance, but in the end all was worked out (and no ambulance was needed). It remains one of my worst memories to this day. * This troper has two. Not as bad as others, but they were still scary to me. ** Once, in middle school, I had gotten a drink of water at a water fountain. The water went down the wrong tube, but I still had water in my mouth. I decided to swallow, but that was a mistake. When I swallowed, I couldn't breathe! No air would go in or out. It didn't last that long though. ** When I was in elementary school, I cut two fingers on a dog food can. I managed to get my mom, and we went to the bathroom. When we were in the bathroom, I fainted. The only reason I didn't hit the floor was that my sister was behind me. When I woke up, I was on the floor, and I felt stuck. I couldn't move for a second. * This troper had surgery when she was five to remove a tumor near her lungs. When I woke up from the operation, I found out that there was a tube in my mouth, going down my throat. If it was supposed to help me breathe, it sure wasn't making a good job. I couldn't even tell anyone that I was choking. ** Whoa, you lived out one of my worst nightmares at 5! This is why I broke down crying when I was told I needed an endoscopy where I'd be left conscious -- when I was in my mid twenties. I kept on picturing them stuffing the tubes down my throat while I was still awake and aware of everything and struggling to breathe at the same time, then I imagined gagging on the equipment and eventually choking to death. It took them a good 36 hours for me to calm down to the point where I could do the procedure -- and then they busted out the IV. Insert conscious sedation HERE. When I came out of that fog, I couldn't remember a thing about the procedure. It was as if I'd been put under.

I honestly wish you'd had as blissful an experience as I did, because it is like emerging from the most relaxing sleep ever. I'm sorry yours proceeded the way it did. * This troper has a panic disorder. Most of the time it's under control, but there are exception. Imagine trying to tell people that something is wrong, but being unable to because your mind is so confused and scared that your body does not know if it wants to run or try to kill everything in sight. The hyperventilating and shakes don't help either. * [[@/{{Joerc45}} This troper]] had a frightening dream during sleep paralysis not too long ago. The dream entailed a young woman with a facial deformity, which resembled a large, beating tumor. She said that on the day of her 21st birthday, it would explode and she would die. It was especially frightening that she said, [[{{Yandere}} but Im going to take you with me]]! She chased after me and all I could do was run, [[ImplacableMan however she did not cease]], and I could [[FingerTwitchingRevival feel my arm twitching]], trying to wake up. After about a minute, I managed to wake up. But the dream was so vivid it felt as if I were still living it, but I managed to get up and get a glass of water. [[{{Understatement}} It was pretty scary]]. * This troper remembers having a phobia of sleep paralysis when he was a child. I didn't know it was sleep paralysis until I was older, but I just knew it was a moment when you awaken and are unable to move and more importantly, scream. It scared the hell out of me since instead of screaming, I found myself just barely being able to whisper. More often than not, such events would tie into my dreams, where a witch or some kind of monster was chasing me, and I tried to call for help, or waking up, since I knew if I screamed loud enough, someone would wake me up. But I couldn't. And more recently, the very fail-safe that causes sleep paralysis (the paralysis) failed while I was dreaming that I was choking. Besides not being able to scream, I found myself actually choking, and fortunately woke up, finding my very own hands around my throat choking me. I still have no idea whether I was choking myself or if something else caused the sensation of choking and my hands reflexively got op to my throat to help ease the choking. * A few years ago, there was a major political debate regarding a woman named Terri Schiavo. Most doctors claimed "She's in a persistent vegetative state, most of her brain is gone save for the brainstem. She can breathe and her heart beats, she'll pull away if you stick her with a pin (you sadistic bastards) but other than that, she's mindless and running on reflex.". After a few years of trying various therapies, the husband gave up, agreed with the hopeless diagnosis, and tried to have the life support ([=IVs=], gastric tube) removed, which would allow her to die. The parents, on the other hand, insisted their little girl was still alive in there (and would one day jump up, Kill Bill style, perfectly ready to pick up where she had left off.). They even posted videos to Youtube of her turning towards flashing lights and mirrors (although to this troper it sometimes looked like the person holding the lights was turning to stay in front of her head instead of the other way around.), and grunting in response to her name (even if they had to say her name ten times before she grunted, and never managing more than an inarticulate scream...a slight

subversion, since she could indeed manage a scream, but not much else.). All this troper could think about was "My god. I really hope the husband's doc is right, because otherwise...fifteen years of being bedridden, inarticulate, paralyzed, and with your parents treating you like an infant." AndIMustScream indeed. * This Troper just had a dream which culminated in a woman being trapped inside a wall with nothing but her eyes sticking out. This appeared to be a standard punishment in the dream, as there were multiple sets of eyes in this wall, and guards whose job seemed to be to walk up and down the wall and occasionally pull levers that would inflict tortures on the people behind the walls. * shudders* * Junior troper Kaelthias has been branded (or if you prefer, diagnosed) epileptic and has experienced two seizures. The second one that got him the epileptic tag was a much more pleasant experience, as it involved uncounsciousness and all-around not sensing anything happening. Waking up at some sort of ER was a "Oh, this again"experience and some more nice uncounsciousness followed. Thing was, he was sleeping at that time. The first time wasn't so good though, as the seizure hit him while he was fully awake. Nausea and dizziness seemed for the first second or two only a minor inconvenience, but then things got bad. Vision blurred as the eyes started forcingly going up-right. Eyes felt pain and kept "going" that way forcing the whole body to flex while all control was lost. Somehow, regaining some sort of control, I was able to stumble up from the chair, walk to one wall of the room, then the other, finally collapsing next to my bed losing all control again with eyes going and going forcing me to almost roll on the floor while twitching and jerking all around and generally losing all control of bodily functions (yes, all). This kept going for a long time untill unconsciousness kicked in, though this time paramedic intervention actually brought me BACK conscious, still seizuring. * This is very minor compared to most of the stories on this page, but this troper suffers from occasional migraines, and although they don't happen often, they are intense enough when they do happen that they cause this trope to happen. Any effort I make to make any sort of noise only serves to make the pain worse, and the pain itself warps my perception of time so that days seem to go by when it's maybe only been a few minutes. It's not nearly as terrifying as some of these sleep paralysis stories, but it's still one of the worst things I've ever experience. * There's this woman that lives down the street from me. She was once beautiful, highly intelligent, and a talented painter. Then she got sick. An infection of some kind, I don't know what exactly. It reached her brain - destroyed one optic nerve and one hemisphere of her brain. The eye associated with the wrecked nerve had to be removed. She's now functionally retarded, and between the false eye and having reached middle age, she' no longer beautiful either. All she's got left is painting. The stress destroyed her family-her sons are ashamed of her and her ex-husband despises her. The worst part of all of this-she remembers. She remembers what life was like before. ** This troper just lost a few thousand man-points crying for that poor woman.

** This troper knew someone with a case like this too, but she had a blow to the head that caused brain damage. She's now mentally retarded, but she remembers things like being able to do math. Her story isn't so sad, though- she has a boyfriend who is very sweet and she works as a cake cutter. *** [[{{Tropers/Crion87}} This troper]] would [[{{MercyKill}} kill the painter mentioned out of a sense of mercy]] if he could get away with it, like [[{{PresidentEvil}} becoming the Prime Minister]] [[{{LandDownunder}} of Australia]] - he believes said intellectually disabled female painter would be better off dead. * This troper has hearing loss, so his speaking voice isn't very well developed. Add to that an irrational distaste to the feeling of paper sliding across the side of his palm and his messy hand writing, this troper sometimes goes through period where he can't control his voice or write clearly enough to be understood. Without a computer this troper sometimes has no easy way of communicating with others. However, this troper has averted this a quite bit, in that he's learned how to be content inside of the cozy confines of his mind. * I remember this one nightmare I had when I was young; it took place in my old house (we had to move due to troubles). I was standing in the living room with the doorway to the porch (it doubled as my sister's room) open (and a matress laying in front of it for some reason). All of a sudden, there is a big shadowed person climbing into the room, I notice him. As soon as he enters the room completely, I try to scream, but nothing comes out of my mouth. Then, he starts lumbering into the room towards me, and yet I can't move; I'm frozen in place. And as soon as he reaches me... I wake up. * [[@/{{Gendoikari1}} This troper]] had one case of paralysis: I was lying on the couch, sick as a dog, when I decided to sleep. My dad was in the same room watching TV. I fall asleep, then I wake up a few hours later. I can't move, the TV is on. I was stuck watching [[CoolAndUnusualPunishment Boris Yeltsin's funeral]] for several hours. * This troper would have dreams where she would be unable to scream, horribly outmatched by whatever was going on, and was aware it was a dream, but would be unable to wake up. Although she did have an awesome power: TIME STOP. Which would be used to keep herself alive in the dream a few seconds longer. the kicker? Every time she died, it would start all over again. Dying. For hours. ON END. And unable to wake up. ** This troper has had countless dreams like that. May be a sign of sleep apnea. Luckily, I have an [=ACPAP=] machine now. * Though it's [[strike:probably]] nothing compared to some of the stuff on this page, I feel like this sometimes. I've got this germaphobia thing, and I generally view school as "germy." When I would touch something off routine, I'd have to go through the rest of the day with it. I just want to to freak out or scream or at the very least go wash my hands for a while, but I can't, for fear of either getting in trouble or looking like a freak. I just continue through the day pretending like nothing's wrong, when it's bugging the hell out of me. But then I take a shower when I get home and all is well. * This troper, like many other people on this page has dreams like

this. They usually involve me being in danger, but I don't have any breath, so I can't speak, or scream. * This troper isn't even 20 yet and has undergone 10 surgical procedures. During my most recent one, I had to be there very early in the morning and I had difficulty sleeping the night before. I fell asleep before the anesthesia really hit me, so I started dreaming. However, my dreams are often affected by outside stimuli, so when I started feeling the doctors starting to mark up my face and things like that, they took the form of monsters trying to restrain me and surrounding me. Apparently, this was because the doctors WERE trying to restrain me. I was thrashing about in my confusion, trying to push them away. Imagine how terrifying it is to wake up from a nightmare while being surrounded by doctors and scalpels and the like. I still had the laughing gas mask on my face so yeah. * This troper has reacurring dreams where she is naked and being chased thoughout her school. Sounds like Narm but I cannot decide if they are dreams or real life. And I am highly uncomfortable with my body being seen naked and I already don't have the [[ButtMonkey best]] [[HollywoodHomely social status]]. * [[@/SakuraRurouni This troper]] has narcolepsy, as well as the handin-hand condition of cataplexy. It's the latter that's responsible for the occasional moments (usually when I wake up) during the day when I feel a very strong emotion and then slump against the wall, unable to move much at all. My speech is slurred, so all I can do is sit there and wait for the feeling in my limbs to return. On the other hand, the only way to avoid it is to become an EmptyShell and not feel ''anything'', so even AndIMustScream is better than that. So I guess it's not ''that'' bad. * There are times when this troper's vision goes completely black and everything seems to spin. I'm not sure how long it goes on, but during that time I'm always unable to move or talk, but am still concious. I've gone to a few doctors and each one of them says something else, but anyway, that's not too scary unless I'm on the stairs or holding something heavy. But one time it actually did happen on the stairs (not too high though. luckily), and then I suddenly found myself sitting at the bottom of the stairs, with my head hurting like hell, but I couldn't scream or do anything at all. Judging by the time it was before I fell, I've been there for about half an hour. But at the same time, after I woke up I was almost completely concious, except that I couldn't see. I could think about as rationally as the pain of banging my head, remembered what I intended to do before I fell, the fact that I was alone at home, where my cellphone was... but I couldn't move. It was just plain creepy. * This troper occacsionally has dreams that reminds him of various works of Lovecraft that he has read. I'm not sure why I've started dreaming this, but once or twice a month, I dream of being in blackness, where all I can see is an indescribable being quite similar to the Old Ones. All I can hear is some alien language that I'm not sure my brain knows IS language... it's some wierd sound that fills my heart with dread on such a basic level that I break down sobbing IN THE DREAM... and then I wake up only after my mind has shattered in the dream, and has come pretty close to in real life... once, I woke

up in the hospital, since I had gouged at my own eyes and tried to bite my arm off to wake myself up. Sweet Dreams. ** You know, Dreams are the prefered method of communication for the Old Ones. There's the off chance that those could be real. Sweeter Dreams. * Not dream-related, but still pretty terrifying: on two occasions (so far), this Troper has woken up to an episode of [[ sleep apnea]] - basically, waking up and ''not being able to breathe'' for about ten seconds. Could be considered a case of "And I Must Scream, But I Cannot, No Matter How I Try." * Not much of an example, but this Troper has some...anger issues. During a family dinner at a restaurant he got really angry at his peckish sister, so he went for the bathroom to cool off. Cue complete white-out. Falling to the ground felt like HOURS and crashing was equally in slow motion. Made slightly worse by the fact that he can trigger this now. Willingly. * This troper has had dreams about others suffering this trope, with the agonizing exception that they ''can'' scream. But more painful to him was a dream he had that culminated in his "death". Except that unlike most "die in the dream" dreams, he didn't immediately wake up. Cue four seconds of '''nothing'''. Just white void. And the implication that this was what Eternity would be. He would've screamed upon waking, but it took him a couple of seconds to realize that he needed to start breathing again. * [[@/AndWeMustScream This Troper]] didn't experience a literal AndIMustScream situation, but he experienced it like the AM supercomputer from [[IHaveNoMouthAndIMustScream the original trope namer]]. He possessed the ability to absorb knowledge, but instead use it to function as ThePhilosopher most of the time like pondering how life came to imitate art and what human imagination is, but he cannot experience bliss as a result. When he responds deeply, it is stopped by an immediate "Whatever", and sometimes people tell him that he thinks too much, but when people speak in real life, he can only hear nothing but nonsensical mockery. After a while he became depressingly aware that [[NietzscheWannabe there will be no freedom in the world, with the laws and everything, and that humans are just machines collectively experiencing this trope]]. He cannot express and shout his beliefs against the universe without fear and anonymity, and he must scream. * This troper has a tendency to have semi-lucid dreams; that is, she can realise that she's in a dream, but attempts to control the events of the dream don't always work, or the dream keeps changing back. It gets REALLY annoying sometimes. ** Are you me? Because I've had the same dream about ten times: I realize I'm dreaming, decide I want to fly, and turn halfway into a dragon. Usually I wind up burning my lips, too. * Similar to an above account, this troper will frequently stand up and promptly lose all sense of direction, vision, and orientation. Sometimes, when I know I'm safe, it's pleasant, but often when I'm not sure how I'll land, it's a few seconds of your body limply going numb as you pray that you don't smash your head or break your neck.

* I've had a few dreams lately where I will attempt to say something, and broken glass will come out of my mouth. It doesn't cut or hurt... I just keeping pulling more and more glass from my mouth, and I am unable to speak. This only happens when I have something really important to say, too. * This troper almost drowned psychotic sister held me under the water while laughing. I couldn't breathe except for once or twice when I managed to bob my head above the water for a fraction of a second, but she pushed me back down again and again. I tried to scream but it was a quick lesson that screaming underwater is not a good idea. Eventually I managed to get my whole head above water and feebly call for help, and some adults got involved in the nick of time. My lungs were half filled with water by the end of it and I couldn't talk. * This Troper is psychotic, and some of his psychotic symptoms involve ticking and speaking in word salad. One time while directing a production of 1984, he was trapped in the Black Box Theater at his school on a couch due to his ticking, and when one of the actors in his cast entered, he called for help, only to speak repetitive phrases such as "I'm sorry..." and "I didn't mean to..." while his brain frantically tried to scream the right words out. It didn't help that he had recently pissed this actor off; she quickly left the room. It persisted for about an hour or so until one of the other actors entered and called the drama teacher, who promptly called for help. He [I] couldn't speak very clearly or properly for months afterwards, and was very much unable to talk to the female actor who ignored him. He was a few weeks ago diagnosed with schizophrenia. * This troper is terrified of ''all'' of the potential afterlives (or lack thereof). This gives her panic attacks sometimes, which are an AndIMustScream all to themselves. * This Troper tends to hallucinate when she runs a fever. They're not usually very bad, but one time when I was about eleven or so, I had a very bad fever and was out of it for a few days. The whole time I could only think in numbers, and thinking single digit numbers was like a constantly dripping faucet drowning me, and thinking multiple digit numbers mostly felt like I was being crushed or pulled apart. My mother told me later that I babbled about "the noise" a bit. I don't remember noise, but I do remember that I never thought I was going to die, just keep drowning, being crushed, and pulled apart as the numbers kept cycling. * Two stories here... ** Some 9th graders once grabbed a seventh grader (Jr. High goes grades 7-9 out here), bound him, gagged him, and left him on top of the bleachers in the gym for the hell of it, on the last day of school. He wasn't found until two hours after the buses left. ** I'm working at Subway. I am trying to clean the cookie display case...yet every single time I try to clean it, or clean ''something'' a customer shows up and I have to serve them. I serve the customer, and they continue to stream in. It's way after lunch time...why on earth are there so many people bum-rushing subway at ''this hour''?! In ''SUMMER'', too! (Summer semester tends to slow business down) I wind up staying there for ''hours'' past when I should have clocked

out, because the customers don't ''ever'' stop coming, meaning I am stuck in a perpetual cycle of running back and forth, dropping the rag until it dries out, stuck with the customers repeatedly asking stupid questions and having to tell people we're running out of bread and only have white and wheat left...the rude faces, the people who look at me like it's ''my'' fault a bunch of people suddenly decided to show up. I want to just yell "fuck it" and leave but I'll be fired, and dump the sad fate of endless customer rushes onto the other coworkers, who are just as eager to clean something and get home as I am. I have no mouth...[[AndIMustScream and I must]] ''[[AndIMustScream scream]]! *** [[TruthInTelevision *manly tear*]] * This troper rarely has sleep paralysis, but when he does, the dream usually takes the form of being trapped in his own house with some undefinable presence (which often turns out to be a daemon or evil disembodied spirit, ''especially'' after a marathon of Ghost Hunters), and either the lights don't work at all, or work at a fraction of their usual luminance at best. It becomes a search for the most brightly-lit room in the house; there's always one room, usually one of the bathrooms, where the lights actually work like they're supposed to. At that point, this troper usually wakes up just enough to be able to take control of the dream and banish the entity... and then rolls over and drops back into normal REM sleep. * This troper, while at summer camp one year, had a nightmare/hallucination that two partcularly unpleasant camp counselors stole my clothes and valubles and slowly destroyed them in front of me, taunting and laughing at me the whole time, while I could only lie on the ground and watch. And although I could move and had my eyes fully open, I could only thrash my legs around in my sleeping bag, and when I tried to scream, only a hoarse whisper came out despite me opening my mouth as wide as possible. Did I mention I was ''fully aware that I was dreaming/hallucinating,'' and screaming and trashing in an attempt to get someone in the room to ''come wake me from the ''[[{{Understatement}} extremely uncomfortable situation?'']] * A month or two ago, this troper got put on antidepressants for the first time. It all went fine until we upped the dosage. Cue hallucinations. I saw bugs absolutely everywhere, along with colours and odd patterns, at school, no less. I ended up alone in one of the counselors' offices, sobbing, incredibily terrified, and unable to speak until my mother came to pick me up. I still have nightmares about it, and cry at the sight of bugs. * This troper had massive eye surgery when she was 5 years old, eye surgery that involved taking the eyes out of their sockets to operate on them, and to top it off this troper was also one of the unlucky few who experienced anesthesia awareness during that surgery, for those unaware of it, it's a rare condition where the anesthesia does NOT put you out, it just paralyzes you so you can't move or speak, but you are still awake and can still hear, see and FEEL everything that goes on, a perfect case of And I Must Eye Scream.......sweet dreams everyone ** This troper has diluted emotions from reading things. Usually, i wish that i had more. You, if this did not happen, would have scared me for life. Thank you stoic powers.

* I was wondering if anyone knew anymore details about this particular example. I heard it much earlier from The Other Wiki that there was a magical white wolf named "Marishka", and that there was an example of this trope in the legend where Marishka had cursed a girl accidentally to become a werewolf, eventually ending with a brawl, the girl killing Marishka and the gods punishing the girl by transforming her into a sentient gust of wind whose soul would never rest and would always guide Marishka wherever she wished. Originally, it was edited once on the page for Marishka in Van Helsing and quickly removed for "bullshit", but can still be accessed through that wiki entry's history [[ did=194412535 here]] [[hottip:* : note that [[CaptainObvious the original page for Marishka was deleted]], but this edit is still here with the tale]]. What stopped this entry from being on the main page was I was wondering if this particular tale had any references or came from any particular source or was completely made up. As much as I tried, I couldn't find anything that sounds even remotely similar to a wolf like this, let alone one named "Marishka" (but that's probably because I might not be looking in the right places). * Combine sleep paralysis with auditory hallucinations and a hyperactive imagination and you've got one of the most terrifying nights of my life. After finally giving in to the fact that I was literally falling asleep in the computer chair, I was so tired that I decided to just take a quick nap on the couch until I was rested enough to walk down the hall to my room and bed. I was either asleep or half asleep when I was woken up by an auditory hallucination of a whispery voice calling "my" name even though it wasn't actually my name (cue dream logic). Just like I "knew" the name called was mine, I also "knew" that it had been called by a ghost. Then I wake up enough to tell myself that of course it wasn't a ghost, it was just me being half asleep. So I decide that since I'm semi-awake now, I'll get off the couch and go to bed. ...And I can't. I can't remember if I was able to open my eyes, but I do know that my parents' living room, at night, with the lights off, creeps me out for no good reason and I was ''trapped'' in the middle of it after being woken by a ghostly voice. It doesn't help that I ''do'' believe in ghosts. By the time it wore off, it took a great deal of manning up for me to ''voluntarily'' move, because I was almost convinced that I'd been paralyzed ''by'' a ghost and that I would turn my head to find it staring at me. * Same troper as above, with an earlier example, though I don't know if it entirely counts. It involved my one and only camping trip. I fell asleep in the tent and woke up not only severely dehydrated but also in desperate need of a restroom. So of course I couldn't ''re''hydrate before stumbling to the nearby restroom building. I made it in, did my thing, and managed to exit the stall before my body just gave up and dropped right there on ''a campground restroom''. Ignoring the [[TerrifiedOfGerms the horror of that alone]], and the fact that in that state I couldn't tell the difference between the sensations of "cold" and "[[ToiletHumour wet]]," I was completely aware during this. I could see and hear and feel. Thank god, I was also able to speak enough to slur out the number of the camping spot next to ours to a

surprised parent accompanying their child to the potty. Soon after that trip, we went to the doctor and [[CaptainObvious were informed that I need to stay hydrated or else I'll pass out]]. [[SarcasmMode No, really?]] I now carry a water bottle with me everywhere. * This troper went throught a depression a few years back. He still remembers the four days he spent on his bed looking at the ceiling. Four days. Without sleeping. Without drinking, or eating, or going to the toilet. Leaving the dust to settle on him like furniture. He had to be carried to the hospital afterwards, and fortunately, this is what made people realise what he was going throught and jump started his recovery. The scary part? I still remember every second of it... but I don't remember what I was thinking at the time, if anything. * During ROTC Freshman Orientation, you get no rest, for they invade your dreams. Even after getting back from it, I hallucinated drill commands for the next two days. When you start hearing phantom Marines issue commands, even when you know it's just the stress, it's terrifying. * [[{{Tropers/Tails}} This Troper]] used to have sleep paralysis a lot, fortunately it hasn't happened in a while. The worst part was that often it would mix with dreams, and I'd see whatever I'd been thinking about. Sadly I don't have much control of my thoughts, and naturally my brain went to the worst things I could think of. Attacked by giant GrayAliens and torn apart by zombie versions of my family members were the most awful that I can recall. * Two stories: ** I used to have bouts of sleep paralysis, thankfully rarely. Im not sure if this is exactly AndIMustScream, but it was still interesting. The first time I had sleep paralysis, it was after a dream where I was a group of people (about 3 to 8) questing. We/I were all getting ready to sleep in a barn, when I woke up, confused, and couldnt figure out how many people I was. More confusing than scary. ** This one is closer to the trope. I created a character for [[StarTrekTheOriginalSeries Star Trek]] whose species were natural shape shifters. I was watching the episode And The Children Shall Lead, where some of the main characters had to face their worst fears. I paused the show to question what my characters worst fear would have been. Then I imagined it. She was forced into the form of a tribbleno sense of sight, hearing, or smell, no ability to breathe or move. She couldnt make a sound or communicate in anyway (the species has the ability to use [[{{Animorphs}} thought-speech]], normally.) Now I cant look at a tribble without feeling uneasy. * This Troper experienced this trope, via the stupid, stupid, ''stupid'' idea of combining the following. 65 dried grams of mescaline-containing cactus, with a high-potency strain of cannabis, and DXM. The result of this marvelous idea was full body paralyisis while time dialated out to the point of seconds seeming to last days. She felt her body slowly ossify and merge, becoming like a block of granite, all the while hearing the sound of someone chewing vigouously, magnified a thousand thousand times. Compounded to this were more sounds, which she thought were her synapses breaking. All the while, titanic forces were felt trying to drag her in every direction. Oh, also, thank to the cannabis, which in large amounts, is

dissociative, she wasn't even aware of the room around her as a coherent entity. It was meaningless blobs of 4D color. And her awareness of herself as a person was pretty much gone too. Not fun times. Thankfully, none of those substances do any damage ''physically''. As for the psychological aftereffects, it can be likened to mild to moderate PTSD. After about six months, she got better. Mostly because fuck feeling like that and the force of will to not let the flashbacks, which were constant, get to her. That's her story. Do drugs. Dont mix them. * When this Troper was in High School, she had to go and have her appendix removed. It was far from her first operation, so she went in feeling completely relaxed, joking with doctors, ready to go to sleep for a few blessful pain-free hours. What she DIDN'T know was that her local hospital had changed their anaesthesia in the three years since her last trip. She woke up during the surgery... but only her brain. She could feel and hear everything, but couldn't respond in any way. They must have realised something was going on at one point because she got dosed back into unconsciousness, and when she woke up again she screamed until she literally couldn't scream any more. To this day, this troper doesn't even like having too many blankets on her bed. * When I was five, I had a bout of sleep paralysis. I couldn't move anything other than my arms. My eyes wouldn't open up. I tried open it, but I felt like I was ripping my brain apart. I tried to open it with my hands, I felt like my eyes were on fire. After a few minutes if finally opened up. I made a really loud "whew", waking up my parents. ** Another time I woke up with sleep paralysis again. My eyes were open, but I couldn't move them. Neither did the rest of my body. I was stuck there for almost half an hour before someone got into my room and I jolted. * I have a nightmarish example of this. I went on a trip with a class to Africa for a month to help out (It was actually pretty awesome), and about a day after getting back, I was constipated. This was bad enough, so I tried a shot of brandy to see if it helped, and it didn't. I decided to say "Fuck it" and went with the phospho-soda route, seeing how it'd cause my bowels to loosen up enough so I could just 'go'. I tried to sleep, but massive cramping set in to the point where I couldn't sleep, and I couldn't scream for help either, seeing how my parents were not home that day. Imagine being stuck, in massive pain, unable to do so much as utter "help", for about twelve hours. I had to be taken to the hospital for this, once I was found writhing in pain. It got worse. Not but about half an hour before being found, my appendix burst. Imagine those enzymes from the appendix spreading, eating at everything. I had surgery done to remove what was left. About two days after being discharged to go home and rest, it got worse. Sudden pains everywhere (back, chest, stomach, arms, legs, etc.) started to pop up, symptoms similar to that of a flu, and worst of all, some nasty red bruising on my abdomen. Turns out that it was viral hemorrhagic fever, which is nightmare fuel incarnate. Imagine having a fever, mixed with pain all over, and internal bleeding that just cannot be explained. It was a few weeks before I completely

recovered from all of that. So how was your week? * This troper once had a heat-exhaustion related incident where she almost passed out. She had been outside and was going to her car to cool down when her vision suddenly started to blur. It had almost faded to black before she sat down, terrified of passing out and hitting her head on the ground. She was mere feet from the car, but had to be supported while she walked over to it. She was too weak to even scream, too. All that came out was moaning. * I was playing a male in a school play (A Midsummer Night's Dream), and had to bind my chest with duct tape. The person helping me with it went too tight, and I found myself unable to breathe at all. It was five minutes before curtain, and the more panicked I got, the less my hands worked, which made it even harder to tear the tape off of me, and all the while I couldn't breathe whatsoever. It was horrifying. * This Troper had just moved from Virginia to Ohio at the age of ten years old. I was going into fifth grade and had just started the school year. Naturally I was a little off the wall, since the differences between OH and VA are night and day, but I was teased ''mercilessly'' by everyone. Not one person, no matter big or small, had any love or sympathy for me in that new school. One day, I was going to the restroom, and someone had found a way to lock me in with no way out (it was one of those single restrooms). Naturally I banged on the door asking to let me out, but I just heard a voice go, "You deserve this, freak!" Me being ten years old, I was scared to death, but figured if I just wait for the next bell to ring, someone would be bound to open the door. Someone walked by before the bell rang as I was pounding my hands on the door, and they asked me who it was, and when I said my name, no one answered. I heard a bit of rummaging and scribbling and the sounds of footsteps walking away. Then the bell rang and I ''screamed'' bloody murder for someone, anyone, to let me out, and no one did. I truly felt helpless as the last bit of clatter in the hallways died down and I was still locked in. I was stuck in that bathroom for about three or four hours before someone let me out. I saw scribbled on a piece of paper on the door as I came out, "[Troper's name] is in here! DO NOT OPEN!" I went to the principal, the guidance counselor, even some teachers, and all of them insisted I was exaggerating and it was just regular hazing of the new kid. Luckily, my parents did not find it so funny, so I was withdrawn from the school in question (with a few choice words to the faculty in the office and principals courtesy of my dad), and we moved to a different school district not long after. It took me three and a half years to become social again, even if my new school district wasn't nearly as cruel. ** This also counts as KidsAreCruel. * this troper had a really crappy nightmare once, i was going to sleep and it was a particularly bright night, we live on the top of a mountain so whenever the full moon shows it basically lights up the entire room, anyways i have a history of strange sleeping stories, and this one night i was falling asleep and didn't quite catch the moment that i finally fell asleep, so when the dream started up i though that i was still awake, so i'm sleeping on my futon coutch and i'm looking all around the room. suddenly i notice a little coating of white on

everything, like a very fine fuzz, well not 2 seconds after i noticed it mold started GROWING on everything, and still being asleep i sat up in my bed and i could feel the mold. EAHG, it took me literally 2 minutes to stop freaking out! * This troper has hyperventilated three times in her life. The first and second time occurred during two different roller coaster rides. Instead of being able to scream, she could only gasp weakly while trying to breathe. This, combined with the numbness spreading throughout her body, caused her to panic even more. Hyperventilating at 60 MPH kind of sucks. The third time she hyperventilated happened while she was at school. Feeling an attack coming on, she asked to go to the bathroom. She ended up stumbling down an empty hallway, clinging to the wall, unable to scream for help. Just gasping. [[IGotBetter She got better, though.]] * [[{{Tropers/Arutoa}} This troper]] had sleep paralysis today. Only for a minute or two but it felt like eternity. Have you ever been unable to breathe through your nose and have to breathe through your mouth, since you have a cold? You try to move your mouth open to breath but can't? Unable to move your hand to lift it open? UNABLE TO MOVE YOUR TONGUE TO PUSH OPEN A SMALL HOLE BETWEEN YOUR LIPS? You'll basically be counting down the seconds left until you die from lack of air. It's even worse when there are people nearby who see you but think you're still asleep. * Ever been buried up to the neck in sand? It's all fine, you probably did it for a laugh. Now imagine you had stayed up the night before, and fall asleep under the warm sun. When you wake up, the tide is coming in and your friends are on the other side of the beach (where you can't see them or motion to them) and the water is as high as your nose, and the wet sand is too heavy to move, and crabs and other small creatures are nearby, and you don't know if your friends left you there or not, until half an hour later, when your friends remember you and dig you up? If this has happened ''to you'', then you need to get some new friends. [[AndThatLittleGirlWasMe I certainly didn't forgive them for a while.]] * Scariest moment of my life, in 8th grade during PE I was running and made a turn... Then my back went pop. Cue 2 minutes of half paralysis and me frantically trying to tell the teacher that I was fine. Fortunately it passed. * When this this troper was 10, his appendix burst after the night of a large family dinner party. When I first complained to my parents of stomach pain, they just said I ate too much (a reasonable diagnosis, because at that age, I had a tendency to eat way too much and throw up after parties) and told me to try to go to sleep. Later that night when I was still complaining they told me to try to throw up (once again, not so weird considering the troper). By the time one in the morning came around, I had forced myself to throw up for the first time in my life because I was so desperate for the pain to stop. By that time, my parents had fallen asleep, and I desperately didn't want to hear another speech on overeating, so I forced myself to stay quiet; I spent the entire night crying and whimpering in the fetal position. When my parents had woken up, I finally thought I was saved, only to have them tell me they were going to yoga (a 2 hour ordeal)

and would only take me somewhere if i was still in pain when they got back. By now I would have let myself scream, but just making noise was enough to make the pain worse. Finally, they took me to a day clinic, who told my parents that my appendix had burst and I needed surgery. By this point in my life I had had about ten surgeries, and was generally terrified of the idea of having another. In response I convinced myself that they would deal with the pain now, and give me the surgery in a few days (I didn't understand the severity of the situation), giving me enough time to get used to the idea. Twenty minutes later when I was being rolled into the OR (it was a slow day in the emergency room, thankfully), I finally realized that the surgery was happening whether I wanted it to or not. At that point I had already been hooked up to Anesthesia, and screaming in those ten seconds wouldn't have done anything to help. * I often had dreams where I am stuck in bed and sometimes when I tried to get up, He couldn't move. Seems relevantly harmless, but one time, when I put my face in the pillow, I can only whisper, no words spoken or screamed. brrrr... * Lucky me. The only "I must Scream" experience for me was not being able to find a lightswitch while having a morbid fear of darkness (I slept with a nightlight untill i was 10 and at 19 still keep my lights on on some nights). I sat down and cried. For you lot with night terrors, here's a hug. y'all need one. * You do NOT want to get stuck in sleep paralysis while on a CPAP/APAP machine (for treatment of sleep apnea). * I was once stuck in sleep paralysis while being awake. I wanted to scream for help and I couldn't. It was scary. * This troper has an insane phobia of needles, to the point where just the sight of one will cause me to freeze up in fear. When I was about...eight, I think, I had to go to the hospital for a polio shot (this was before I was aware of my phobia), and the nurse pulled out a large needle. And I went ''berserk''. Finally, my mom grabbed me and held me down, even wrapping her arm around my face to muffle my screaming while the nurse just walked over and pretty much stabbed me in the arm with the needle. Meanwhile, I began to panic even more because I couldn't breathe or make any noise, and to my mind, it seemed like they were really trying to kill me. Later I was told by my brother that the entire waiting room had heard me begging and screaming for help, and that a couple of the kids in there had started crying when my voice was all of a sudden cut off. Oops. * Once, by legs stopped working while I was walking down the stairs. I fell all the way down and laid there crying because my legs still didn't work and I couldn't get up to use the phone. Naturally, I started screaming. * This troper once went to bed like any other night, climbing up to the top bunk (he had a bunk bed since he commonly had friends spend the night during the weekends). The next morning, I'm in a hospital bed with a broken leg, arm, and jaw. Unable to make an audible sound due to still being drugged up, he was scared shitless due to what was going on. It wasn't until a few minutes later (which felt like hours) that his father came out of the restroom and told him the situation. Having a wired jaw is similar to having no mouth, and despite all the

screaming he wanted to do, he just couldn't for the life of him. * Whenever I take this one medication for my migraines, I usually need to lie down and sleep because it knocks me out. I noticed after a while that when sleeping I'd become aware of everything, suddenly, without being able to move. My doctor said it was sleep paralysis. I didn't really like it, because my dreams were always weird and VERY lucid. Once I had a dream where a shadowed figure came towards me and I couldn't move. I ended up hurting my neck because I wrenched it away out of fear. But the WORST was when I had just injured my back (I was 15 and had disc trouble) and was stuck with the WORST pain and I couldn't move. And this feling of "Oh God getoutgetoutGETOUTGEOUTNOWHURRY" crept in. It felt like there was some psycho killer about to get me or something. I couldn't scream then, but once the paralysis stopped I started. * This troper has an experience recently while getting cavities filled. I was given the standard anesthetic injection in my cheek, but, according to the dentist and his assistant, it was not enough, since a part of my jaw didn't go numb. After testing my jaw for fifteen minutes, they proceeded to administer a booster, which consisted of a foot-long syringe with a four-inch-long needle that was inserted deep into my cheek. As soon as it was administered, my jaw went completely numb, and they began drilling. Unfortunately, I could still feel them hit the nerves of my teeth. My mouth was on fire, yet I couldn't say anything lest I risk interrupting the procedure. ** A similiar scenario is the reason this troper avoids the dentist unless absolutely necessary, with the added bonus of a colossal tolerance to anesthetic they use from childhood dental work. * This troper has recently been remembering more of his dreams, primarily because they have brought back something I remember from my childhood that I attributed to my sleep paralysis. I seem to be able to feel a degree of pain in my dreams. The recent example was from a lord of the flies scenario in which a shank made of animal bone was stuck into my side suddenly. In a normal dream it would do little, but a sudden, dibilitating cramping tore through the afflicted area and woke me up. I also vaguely remember dreams where the pain was present but didn't wake me up. I frankly don't want to contemplate a scenario in which a dream state's cognitive time dilation overlaps with cold blooded torture. * This particular troper is suffering from something that has not been identified yet which makes my throat sore- combine that with coughing it forms a NightmareFuel-ish raw throat. It is extremely painful, which makes her want to cry... badly, however it is extremely painful when I do... So, it's kind of more like 'and I must cry,' really, but it's the same thing, kind of... * This troper has some sort of issue with his mind, which basicaly makes him imagine things on a constant loop. To explain in a different way - You know those videos with a neverending tune looping over and over again? Imagine that, except you can't stop it. And the song is a vision of a knife spining round your head, which could at any moment turn and [[EyeScream stab you in the eye.]] You'd think, being a vision, you could just vision up some steel, or maybe just vision it out of existance, or maybe just have a snake come out of your head and

eat it - but no. It might stop for a second, but it keeps coming back, never stopping it's rotations, untill you finally just give in... Yeah. That's what it's like. There are other visions too, nearly all of them involving spinning of some kind, and all of them things you would want to stop. * This troper has autism, and until he was around 5 or 7, all he could do was [[AndIMustScream scream]]. [[IGotBetter Now]], this troper can talk, speak English and so on and so forth. [[BoringInvincibleHero Boring, eh?]] * This troper has two cases. Once when she was about 6, she started having the same nightmare every night where this big monster would rip her limbs apart one by one and crush her. It happened ''every'' night. She sometimes forced herself to stay awake for days before falling into a dreamless, exhauasted slumber. This other case happened to my father. A few year ago, he crashed his car on a remote highway in Australia into several roadblocks. Both his arms were broken, so he couldn't reach for his phone to call anyone, and he had no idea whether anyone might pass him soon. He was stuck in his car for a few hours with sever injuries until a couple of farmers found him. Just listening to him recounting it made me want to scream. * This troper has had several "moments": 1. when I was 19 my girlfriend and I were shot multiple times, she died and I barely survived; it was from a botched hostage operation in south america. 2. I was ran over when I was 25 by a drunk driver who fled the scene while i remained conscient with 17 fractures in my right leg, my left hand ripped almost to shreds, and from my right arm: my triceps muscle was hanging out; I was operated in my left hand and right arm without anesthesia (pain was horrible to say the least) was in bed for 6 months o BTW my girlfriend dumped me 4 days after the accident. 3. and many many others to mention... way to private. * [[@/{{endlessness}} This troper]] often experiences this while something bad is happening to him in a dream. He wants to scream and get out, but... he can't. * For [[LittleDummyMax this troper]]'s [[YourMom mother]], it was ''friggin''' [=~Barney & Friends~=]. She had to put up with it for me, and my brother, and my sister. (Then again, [[PeripheryHatedom most everybody]] had to!) She had to ''suffer'' for 9 years. Probably, the worst offender was TheMovie! With the [[EverythingsBetterWithRainbows rainbow-striped]] {{egg|McGuffin}} and all. Oh, and KylaPratt! ** From what I read, they actually used the song "I Love You" to torture prisoners in some cultures. * This Troper had a fever of 103 degrees this morning. I spent the entire day laying in bed, unable to move because I felt I was frozen solid and that it's get worse if I didn't stay under the covers. Any piece of music I heard, such as CarlosSantana's version of "Oye Como Va" or even the AngryVideoGameNerd theme song sounded much slower than usual, and every hour felt like two hours. I type this at 9pm at night and it feels like midnight. * This Troper once dreamt he was a ghost, capable of talking to people but (somehow) really clear on how he would be forever stuck in a white-greyish translucent thing for a body. To clarify, this Troper doesn't fear death, but he certainly fears the idea of being stuck

forever between life and death. At least, he does since that dream. * This troper once had a series of short dreams caused by dozing off, which was caused by lack of sleep. In each dream, he would wake up, but could't move his entire body from the neck down until like 10 seconds later. * This troper dreamt that she was being held hostage in a white room. Fortunately, I woke up in my bed before the nasty stuff started. But when I got up, I was still in the white room, fully aware that I was dreaming though. I wanted to wake up, but when I opened my eyes, I was still in the room. It took me two or three tries to finally wake up in my real bed. * [[Tropers/StongRadd This Troper]] has two points of view to this. One of them is being trapped in a room being forced to only listen to JustinBieber. The other is living. Which one does he prefer? [[TakeAThirdOption Being sucked into a video game.]] And also, he thinks this trope is funny, but only when it happens to someone else. In fact, he had a dream where he was an EvilOverlord who trapped fans of everything he hates in [[SuperMarioBros ? Blocks.]] He woke up, evil laughing while he was evil laughing. * When this troper was about 9 she was in hospital having a bone graft and [[{{Squick}} swallowed a large amount of her own blood]], which made her quite ill. So when she was recovering in the ward a nurse gave her some [[SarcasmMode lovely anti-nausea medication]] to help settle her tummy. This however cause this troper to experience an acute dystonic reaction that wasn't checked out by the nurses until it was wearing off because she couldn't talk. However, much later when she told the nurse she was feeling ill again, the nurse gave her the '''same medication''' to rid her of this. This triggered a rather sever acute dystonic reaction that froze this troper's body in an arched position, rendered her speachless and unable to see. Luckily the nurse (by that time several nurses and a couple of doctors) actually noticed in time to save her from snapping her spine in half. ** Another wacky story from the same troper as above is when she was 15 and had a bimaxillary osteotomy (jaw surgery.) Her hip was '''incredibly sore''' from where the surgeon harvested a small amount of bone (from the same site as the above operation) and could not tell her mother or any of the nurses because her face was so swollen she couldn't speak or convey any emotion. Also, her brain was so tired and confused (since she didn't have a blood transfusion) that [[HilariousInHindsight she forgot how to write.]] [[HappyBirthdayToYou This troper still thinks the worst part of it all was that she had it done 5 days before her birthday.]] * This troper gave birth via c-section. This involves an epidural strong enough to paralyze everything below your armpits, which includes your lungs, making you feel like you're suffocating. Add that to having your arms tied down (so you don't flail around when you inevitably panic), the throwing up because it was an emergency so I never got the "don't eat the night before" warning, and a doctor yelling at me to calm down because the whole reason I was there was my blood pressure being so high, and it all added up to some pretty highoctane nightmare fuel. ** I also occasionally have dreams where I'm seeing everything as if I

were at that stage of drunk right before you're so drunk you pass out. The problem is that I know what's going on, and I know I'm having a dream, I'm just not able to sober up and have a normal dream or wake up and end the whole thing. * This troper often has dreams where while speaking and moving are technically possible, they're incredibly difficult. Limbs feel like they're made of lead, and no matter how hard I try to scream the most I can manage is a tiny squeak. I'd almost rather be fully paralyzed, as the situation induces me to keep struggling, convinced that if I tried ''just a little harder'' I'd be able to run away or call for help. * This troper's LARP character has had an eventful life to say the least. During his 4th or 5th adventure he was essentially stabbed to death and running on negatives approaching his total HP (He had been stabbed no fewer than 17 times by a group of thugs, mauled by wolves, burned by acid and attacked by two shoggoths.) and finally collapsed into a healing pool. He remained alive in suspended animation for several months before being revived via lightning magic as a defibrillator. He spent those months engulfed by his culture's reaper, The worm that walks (Kyuss himself, it's theorised), being continually eaten by the vast mass of worms that is Kyuss' body and regenerated by the pool's magic. Lately he fell in with an evil mercenary company that essentially sold his platoon to The SCP foundation expy as a controlled D-class group. He went through surgery to implant magitec cybernetics that amounted to vivisecting him and replacing certain parts with chunks of other animals, monsters, abominations and the usual cybernetics. He remained concious, as the neural implants required it. He got to watch them administer the modifications to allow his right eye to percieve time 5 seconds ahead of his existence (it involved installing a warp conduit in place of its lense) and also got to feel them replace his central nervous system with a sentient super-conductor. One that hates him and was pioneered by a villain known to cause sanity damage by existing near you. It has only gotten worse since then as he has essentially become afflicted with cyber psychosis and his skin has begun to necrotise. He now faces a fate as fleshy-baggage attatched to an animate frame made from his bones and the many symbionts thereon. Completely sapient with no control over his own actions, used as a shock trooper for a company that has a reputation as a collection of the most inhuman creatures in history. * This troper is very, very emotional. Maybe it's just teenage hormones or something. But when she's sad enough to cry, she sometimes tends to cry a ''lot''. And in those times of crying a lot, she can hardly focus enough to make any other movements, and especially can't ''breathe'' throughout it, just doing a lot of strangled wheezing and gasping and can't freaking stop at all. It gets to the point that she's more upset over the crying bit than whatever made her upset in the first place. And the only thing anyone else in the area does is go, "Awww, don't cry!" or even worse, ignore her awkwardly or in disgust. * This troper recently had the flu for the first time in years. She had to get up to use the bathroom in the middle of the night and subsequently spent about three hours lying paralyzed on the bathroom

floor, experiencing terrifying hallucinations. Periodically, she would return to awareness for a minute or so and try to get help from her partner, whom she could hear watching TV in the next room, but she was unable to speak or to move at all. Much later, she came to her senses and found that she had somehow managed to crawl into the bathtub at some point during the ordeal. She was able to move at that point and dragged herself off to bed, only to repeat the experience a short time later. * Today I couldn't go to college. I had 17 false awakenings in a row and I knew al the time I was dreaming -and that's why I counted them-. When I finally wake up, I experimented sleep paralysis. I'm still scared.I am 19 years old and I feel like a terryfied crybaby elementary school girl :( * Under extreme stress, I have been known to undergo a mild version of this where I can still ''move'', but I have inexplicable mood swings that I can't control, making me feel that I have no control over my mind. It's just as scary as it sounds. * I've had a few strange and violent dreams where I have suffered fatal wounds and then stumbled around for a little afterward. The first instance occurred when I was in eighth grade and I only remember the second half. I was running from an unknown assailant in a sort of gray world where it was hard to see because of the misty haze everywhere. I remember being very (understandably) afraid at this juncture. The real fun started when I suddenly flew twenty feet in the air and landed on the ground on my side. It was then that I saw my body on the ground and the legs of the person who had formerly been chasing me. I tried to say something, but, having no lungs anymore, I was unable to. Naturally, this means that I couldn't scream. It was chilling to see my own body, but I had a strange and almost euphoric experience. It was like getting out of school for summer break, only with the knowledge that I'd never have to go back, and that nothing I did would matter anymore. The weight of the world had been lifted off of my shoulders along with my head. I was free. I guess you can really call this more of a subversion than anything else. I want to make something clear, though. That horrifying, grim, wonderful moment when I realized that I was totally and irreversibly dead was something I'll never forget. Of course then I woke up and had to go to school. Damn. * Once, this troper went on a roller coaster with two friends. The ride went fine until at one point the roller coaster went downwards really quickly. I screamed/laughed along with everyone else, but when we went upwards again, I found I couldn't breathe. Several panicked seconds later, after I'd tried to warn my friends who didn't understand what I meant, I was finally able to breathe again. It only lasted a few seconds, but it really frightened me, as I couldn't get help and couldn't get off the roller coaster. When the ride stopped, one of my friends laughed and asked if I had been so scared that I had began crying. Turns out I didn't realize that I had teared up. When I told my friends that I'd been unable to breathe, they didn't believe me and thought I had just been scared from the ride. Even now they sometimes mock me for it, and just laugh it off when I try to tell them what happened. It kind of makes me angry that they don't take me seriously, as it felt very real for me, and actually made me fear

getting on roller coasters again. * This troper is a lucid dreamer. Thing is, he developed this ability on his own and it had a unintended side effect: My dreams are sometimes identical to reality. Even worse, sometimes the dreams are within dreams, similar to Inception but with no obvious details pointing out that it IS a dream. Once, after a surgery, I woke up from what was well over 40 dreams like this, trying desperately to prove to myself I wasn't dreaming anymore. The fastest way to do this? Stabbing himself in the hand with a knife. My mother screamed when I did it and then cried with joy that I could feel again. * This troper woke up in the middle of the night, apparently with sleep paralysis. I didn't mind at first, because I knew what was going on, and I was too tired to move anyway, so I just tried to fall asleep again. But then I suddenly had the feeling that someone was sitting on my bed, pressing up against my back. I live alone, and I was so horribly scared. I'm just happy that I fell asleep again. * This troper had been having an endoscopy and colonoscopy on the same day and under one round of general anesthesia. Thing is... I ended up waking up during the endoscopy. Yeah, I woke up with a large scope stuck down my throat. Granted, the paralytic agents were still working and the doctor doing the procedure had sprayed a numbing agent on my throat before he put me under. But still, I had about 10 seconds of awareness where I knew that there was a scope stuck in my throat and that something was a little off. ** This troper also realizes that this is nothing compared to some of the surgery horror stories from above. * While it doesn't exactly fit the name of the trope, this troper's 3year-old son does not speak yet and can only barely manage to communicate in any other way. While he ''can'' scream (and does), it is painful to contemplate what goes through his mind; not only can he not communicate, he's never really been able to. One hopes this will get better in time. * As a child, this troper had always been adverse to any kind of violence, because violence led to death, and death led to the unknown. I was absolutely ''terrified'' of not knowing what was beyond, even if my religion somewhat explained that, after death, you are unconscious. ([[ItGotWorse That actually made it worse.]]) When I was eight or nine, I had a fairly strange dream. There were two boys, one good and one bad, and they were walking together, side-by-side. Out of nowhere, the bad kid took a pole and ''beat the other boy to death with it.'' The dream ended rather abruptly and, for about five seconds, there was darkness. I couldn't do ''anything''. I remember waking up and spending five minutes trying to scream, and failing miserably. I couldn't even talk. All I could do was cry silently. Then, I suddenly let out a sob, and I could talk again. Now, the dream wasn't all that scary, but it was brutal. As I type this, I realize that the dream may have [[{{Inception}} instilled an idea in me through my subconscious]]: Good and evil can go side-by-side with no problems, but no matter what we do to try and stop or a change it, the bad will always overcome the good. This idea was placed in my young subconscious, and possibly warped my opinion of the world until it became what it is today.

* This Troper distinctly remembers being completely conscious for the first hour of the operation to remove all four of his wisdom teeth. I was heavily drugged and couldn't feel a thing, but I could see the dentists doing their work and I even saw them pull out the first tooth. That was probably when lost consciousness. * Well, I heard this story somewhere before, and I am not sure if it is true or not. Once there was a girl and her alchoholic boyfreind. They were both in there early 20's. The boy reacently lost his job, and his girlfreind was about to dump him. However, right before she did so, he sold her as a sexual slave to a group of middle aged, fat drug dealers, for money money. However, on his way home, [[AssholeVictim he was killed in a car accident for drunk driving]]. * You know that ride where you're in a circular room-like thing, standing flat against a wall, arms at your sides, while the thing just spins and spins and spins? When this Troper was 14 and vacationing with the family in Wildwood, [[{{Joisey}} NJ]], I thought that would be fun. No. No, it wasn't. With the damn thing going full-speed, I felt like I couldn't breathe, and like my heart had stopped beating (I'm... pretty sure the heart-stopping thing didn't actually happen, or else I'd probably not be here now; sure felt like it, though). Even though nothing was strapping me or the other passengers to the wall, I couldn't move, exactly like how it feels when your body is strapped down. I kept screaming that I couldn't breathe, that they stop the ride, and that I thought I was going to die (I seriously thought that was going to be the end of me, right there). They didn't. On a slightly funnier note, though, upon getting out I couldn't walk a straight line for about a minute. I felt pretty sick, though, and went back to the condo we'd rented. Needless to say, I'm never riding that monstrosity again. * This troper was very young (seven or eight) when she walked into the bathroom of her apartment and tried to turn the light on. She hadn't already closed the door, but it was pitch black and it stayed that way as she flipped the light on and off for nearly a full minute, unable to yell or scream in her terror. When the light finally came on and she realised it'd been working the entire time.. Well, that was some HighOctaneNightmareFuel, assuming she'd literally gone blind for a minute there. * I have an example that would go better under the name "And I Must Pee" because anytime i have to pee in the middle of my sleep, i tend to have a dream wear im searching for a bathroom desperately trying to go. But being asleep dosnt give me enough voluntary reflex to actually go pee, and no matter how hard i try i cant push it out. This is half a good thing cause if i did go, id pee the bed in reality, but the feeling of having an extreme amount of pee to let out that just wont come out is pure torture ** This troper gets that any time he's in a public bathroon and other people are there. No matter how badly he has to go, he ''can't pee.'' And this is when he's fully awake at daytime. * This troper once wound up watching a "Man VS Wild" marathon, late at night (at a friends house). I passed out at a fairly reasonable hour, having disturbing nightmares about Man Vs. Wild. Except they were only disturbing because of the bizarre combination of colors, sound, and

the fact that they kept going when I OPENED MY FUCKING EYES. This went on for something like four hours, I was almost certain I was insane, the most movement I could get was twisting my neck, and lifting my arm a couple inches. And, as the page suggests, I couldn't say anything. At about six AM, I regained enough function to speak/shout again (exact words: loudest "Help" ever)-before losing them again for a week. * This troper experiences sleep paralysis that is always accompanied by the feeling that a force is trying to possess her. It's scary, especially since it can happen multiple times in succession. She also went through what could be called the emotional version of this in high school after losing multiple family members and friends within a span of three years, having been raised to not express grief in any way, even when it makes you feel like you're going to explode. * [[{{@/Nakayama90}} This troper]] will occasionally find my eyes opening during a bizarre dream, but the rest of my body is in sleep paralysis. It's disconcerting, since I have to close my eyes and go back into the dream. * Anyone here have an MRI before? Even if you're perfectly fine psychologically, being stuck in a loud, potentially dangerous tube for over 30 minutes, and being told to not move an inch at all during that time, can make a man a little frantic by the time he's ready to come out. * Depressing story time. When I was in high school, there was an extremely unfortunate girl in the special ed class. Formerly an honor student, she had been in a terrible car crash that made her paraplegic and gave her ''severe'' brain damage (although I'm not sure if the accident had taken away her legs or if she just didn't know how to walk anymore). What really made this tragic (and qualifies it for this page) is that she went around with just two expressions: completely braindead or absolute despair. The only sounds she ever made were loud, anguished moans. Hearing them, one got the expression she could ''kind of'' remember how she used to be, and could never be again. * This Troper has several medical conditions that affect the autonomic nervous system and other brain stuff. Suffice to say that not everything in my brain works totally the way it should all the time. Every now and then, when I'm doing really poorly, my nerves start acting up. They decide that everything hurts. I mean EVERYTHING. The air on my skin hurts. Anything warmer than me feels like a burn, and anything cooler stings like when your bare skin touches snow. I cry, and my tears burn my skin, but I can't wipe them away because TOUCHING MY OWN SKIN HURTS. I've found a painkiller that works, but trying to swallow anything is like swallowing shards of glass, so I have to be fed it forcibly. This can last for hours. * FusengerShadow reporting with a bit of a variant on this Trope. There have been times when, due to my eyes being excessively watery (due to allergies or whatnot) where I have woken up and found my eyes effectively glued shut by that crust that forms on the corners of one's eyes when you wake up. The only way to amend this is to lick a finger and rub at the offending crust until it loosens enough to be able to open one's eyes again. Still scary to find you're awake but essentially blind.

** In an example more in line with the letter of this trope, I've also had a dream in which something horrifying happened and I couldn't least not in the dream. I have woken myself (and my girlfriend) up with a sudden gasp ''outside'' of the dream, though. ** This is perhaps a non-literal example. Late at night, or early in the morning, depending on how you look at it, I usually find myself alone, with everyone else in the house asleep. After seeing the film [[Threads]] I found myself unable to sleep, constantly replaying images from the film. However, due to said asleep family I wasn't able to distract myself or comfort myself in anyway but lying awake. It was quite a horrible experience, and I didn't sleep more than an hour that night... I find the idea of physically being stuck in such a state even more horrifying * Not as major as most of these, but this troper has a few examples ** One time, I was at the dentist getting a filling, and when they gave me Novocain, the needle hurt so much I thought it struck a nerve. Then, when it came time to do the drilling, I learned that the Novocain did nothing and it hurt like hell. The worst part? They told me to raise my hand if I felt any pain during this, I did so, and ''they ignored it''. Needless to say, I switched dentists after that. ** More than once I've woken up to find my head flat off the pillows and myself ''[[OhCrap unable to breathe]]''. Thankfully, I managed to summon enough strength for my oxygen-deprived arms to push me up just enough to unfreeze my lungs, but the time prior was pure hell. ** Narrow subversion: When I was little, I was playing om a swing when the rope snapped. I fell flat on my back, and all the air was pushed out of my lungs in a loud scream of pain, with me unable to inhale. Bad news was my parents were on the other side of the yard using a weed-whacker with their backs to me. Thankfully, my (now deceased) dog had been watching me and [[TimmyInAWell dashed across the yard to my parents and started barking at the top of his lungs to tell them something was wrong.]] They turned off the weed-whacker, heard my screams, and came to my aid. * When this tropette was small, about 5-6, I started sleep- talking. Only, I was fully aware of that, and couldn`t stop. It wasn`t that creepy for me then, but now it kind of is. I still don`t know what happened exactly, but luckily it never happened again (I`m 14 now). ** Besides that one incident, this tropette has also suffered from a more recurrent (almost constant) ailment: Overwhelming embarrassment. It just creeps on me during the day, and I can only think of things that made me feel embarrassed. I can`t shake it off, just wait for it to end. It doesn`t help matters that I, while not shy, am an extremely easily embarrassed person. * A few years back, this troper went on a trip to Six Flags. At about the end of the trip (unbeknowst to me, at the time), everyone was gathered at the plaza to leave. It was very hot, so after begging for some money, I went in a shop to buy a soda. The line was a tad long, however, and when I came out, everyone was gone. I took a few steps, and suddenly my legs were asleep. I was having my first heat-induced hallucination. My vision was transformed into reds, yellows, and oranges, and I could not feel my legs for ten seconds. No one came to help me. After the feeling returned to my legs, I saw a familiar

teacher running across the parking lot to get me. I quietly and calmly followed her to the bus, got on, and never spoke of it again. * One time, this troper woke up in the middle of the night and the power was out. When I looked over, I saw a sillouette that looked like my dad lying next to me on the floor. At the time, he was getting used to a new matress, so I didn't think that was strange. I blinked and he was gone. Then he was in front of my closet. I blinked again and he was gone. I believe in all kinds of ghosts, friendly and unfriendly, so this was espeically terrifying. I ran to my door, but since the power was out I couldn't find my doorknob and was stuck in my room. It took me a few hours to fall back asleep. * When I was around 12, I got on a plane from South Africa to England, a long flight. Only once we got in the air did I know I had an ear infection. It was the most painful thing to ever happen to me, the entire left side of my head became super sensitve, I could feel the teeth in my gums. All I could do was sit in my seat and wait. * A friend of [[Tropers/FuzzyBoots mine]] works as a nurse, including volunteer work. At one point, she was working at a prison, tending to a prisoner who had sustained a head and spinal cord injury during a failed escape attempt who couldn't seem to do anything but blink and was considered to be largely brain dead because he didn't respond to attempts to talk to him. She'd recently been on a missionary trip to Spain, so one day she accidentally lapsed into Spanish when talking to him. Cue furious blinking and her finding that he could answer questions asked in Spanish. In the space of the week she was there, she was able to ascertain that at the time of the accident, he only spoke a regional version of Spanish and couldn't understand the questions being asked of him in English. In the years he'd been strapped to the bed, he'd picked up some English but by then, no one was paying attention until she happened to be looking at the right time. * I solo Queue in ''LeagueOfLegends''. I'm in a team with Garen, Poppy, Xin Zhao, and Vayne. I'm Tristana. The game goes so well, but then I realize slowly that these four premade people weren't interested in knocking down turrets...they just wanted kills. Their strategy was to beat the team down so hard they surrender. The team we were fighting was ''very'' stubborn and would keep failing surrender votes made every couple of minutes. I really ''really'' wanted to scream at them to just ''end the game''. Finally, I ended it by building Tristana up to max speed with her "Q" and just...pushed very hard. The other three were actually saying "Please end this!" And conveniently disappeared when they saw me ramboing. The game lasted almost ''twice'' the average length of a summoners rift game. AndIMustScream indeed... ---Go back to the screaming, or [[AndIMustScream lack thereof]]. <<|TroperTales|>>

AndroclesLion * My mother told me a story once about when her aunt Addie found a terrapin in her garden, having just taken a big bite out of one of her tomatoes. It being a hard, dry summer, she initially decided to kill it, but then, it being a hard, dry summer, she took pity on it because "you're just trying to live" and simply placed it out of the garden. A week or so later, she goes out to the garden and finds a dead copperhead...with a bite mark on it that looked just the same as the one in that tomato.

AndTheFandomRejoiced * This Troper was one of the lucky 14000 at the first System of a Down concert in 5 years that happened this May. The entire night was an AndTheFandomRejoiced night for all in attendance. 29 song setlist, fast paced show, people were so glad to have SOAD back. It felt surreal. * [[Tropers.ReikoKazama This troper]]: "AxisPowersHetalia is getting a dub? So what, it's just another anime that I don't give a shit abou-''Jerry Jewell?'' '''Patrick Seitz?''' '''''Vic Mignogna?''''' ''LUCI CHRISTIAN?'' '''MONICA RIAL?''' '''''J MICHAEL TATUM?''''' '''''[+MAXEY WHITEHEAD?+]''''' '''''[++BRINA [[SailorMoonAbridged *honk*]]ING PALENCIA?++]''''' '''''[+++[[NoIndoorVoice CONSIDER ME SOLD!!]]+++]'''''" * When [[@/HopelessRomance I]] found out about ''[[ Not The Messiah]]'', I actually cried with joy. The surviving Python's re-uniting for a musical? YES PLEASE! * [[@/{{Dysfunctional}} This Troper's]] response to hearing all the characters who were going to appear in ''X-Men Origin: Wolverine'', and, when I heard Deadpool was gonna play a big part in it, I almost killed myself waiting for the movieI was just that hyped just because it's Deadpool in a movie, man.... Imagine my dismay when I saw that they made him into a weapon x {{Expy}}...but I do have major hope in his movie because he's supposed to be truer to his comic-book form, and Ryan Reynolds did become a great actor in my eyes because he pulled the part off well. * I remember for a while thinking that Kelsey Grammer would be a natural fit to play Beast in the [[Film/XMen X-men series of films]]. During the lead-up to the third movie, I remember my friend said "Guess who's going to play Beast?". I said "Kelsey Grammer?". Imagine how happy I was at the response. :D * This troper's reaction to ''DJ Hero'': "How the hell are you gonna make a video game out of - wait, ''DJ Shadow'' helped design it and is making game-exclusive mixes for it ''and'' is a player avatar himself? NEED COPY OF THIS GAME. '''NOW'''." * This troper was thinking of buying Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X. [[{{ZeroPunctuation}} Yahtzee sold him on the idea.]] ** Read the novel based on the game. It was acually pretty good! * [[@/{{Gabel}} This troper]] remembers when he heard RockBand was announced: Hmm, made by the originals behind GuitarHero, sounds interesting. One of the songs is [[TheWho ''Won't Get Fooled

Again'']]? And there will be a downloadble pack with more songs by TheWho? I want this game ''NOW.'' What's that? A song pack with [[{{ACDC}} AC/DC]] Live songs for RockBand 2? GIVE IT TO ME '''NOW.''' And [[PearlJam ''Ten'']] and [[ThePixies Doolittle]] downloadble? All that's missing is the [[LedZeppelin Zeppelin]]. ** This troper has been getting that for a lot of the downloadable songs for the past while. RiseAgainst? The Raconteurs? A new FooFighters pack? {{Evanescence}}? TheGorillaz?! SpinalTap?! ''ThemCrookedVultures?!'' '''''QUEEN?!''''' I must have died and gone to Rock Band heaven...but alas, I must be in hell because I don't have the money to ''buy'' them! * [[@/DarkInsanity13 This troper]] admits to almost getting up and dancing upon finding out that Laura Bailey was going to be voicing Maka in the Soul Eater dub...something she had just randomly guessed at when supposing at the possible cast. * Eugh, Tim Burton's doing Alice in Wonderland? Come on, does he have no more originalit- [[ IS THAT JOHNNY DEPP?!]] ** My own related Cullen: "[[CorpseBride Tim Burton's]] doing AliceInWonderland? Okay, that's pretty neat, who else -[[BackToTheFuture Crispin Glover's]] starring as the Knave of Hearts?! FANDOM TRIFECTA!" (Okay, it's minor, but where else am I going to see them collide like that?) ** This troper, who works at a movie theater, once saw the film trailer and thought, "Huh, might be interes-- ''Alice in full-plate armor fighting the Jabberwocky!?''" * Maybe I'm weird, but I was always neutral, trusting on Moffat's side when Matt Smith was named the next [[Series/DoctorWho Doctor]]. However, his ''two minutes'' of screentime at the end of the finale was enough to convince me that he was a great choice for the next Doctor. Now, if only I could convince [[FanDumb the people who think he's too ugly]]... ** Personally I love Matt Smith as the Doctor, and I find him very attractive or at least adorkable. ** I totally agree. I was heartbroken that DavidTennant was gone, but Matt Smith won me over immediately. After that, I watched all of the trailers about a thousand times because I couldn't wait until the first episode. * When [[{{Etheru}} I]] heard that ''the'' LittleKuriboh was voicing Freeza in DragonBall Abridged, I decide to give the series a try. ** When I saw WesternAnimation/AdventureTime was gonna be on CartoonNetwork, I was interested already, but then they revealed that TomKenny was gonna be the Ice King, and he pulled it off. * From seven years ago: "''MyLifeAsATeenageRobot?'' That looks lame! Who in their right minds would watch this cr--wait. [[NickelodeonGuts Moira "Mo" Quirk]] is the voice of one of the Krust Cousins? I'll make it a must see!" [[@/{{Arcadiarika}} This troper]] wasn't disappointed. * FusionFall? I'll pa- HOLY CRAP! IS THAT MEGAS, DEXTER AND SAMURAI JACK?! DO WANT! * GIJoe, the movie ? Gee, thanks, I'll pass. * a few months later, at the DVD release* Oh, great, it's already on... Wait a second... DIRECTED BY STEPHEN SOMMERS ?! DO WANNNNNNNNNNNT !!!

* They're making a movie based on Alex Flinn's ''Beastly''? Let me check IMDb...oh ''[[TaintedByThePreview great]]'', [[AdaptationalAttractiveness the makeup is iffy]] and they've got a friggin' Olsen twin and that girl from ''HighSchoolMusical'' andOHMYGOD, NEIL PATRICK HARRIS AS THE BLIND TUTOR?! MUST SEE!!! * This Troper's buddy was telling him about when he saw the trailer for Iron Man 2 in the theaters and it went something like this: "Ohh... another Iron Man movie... the first one was really cool, but I don't see how they can top- whoa?! Mickey Rourke! That's freakin' awesome! I have to see it!" * This troper looks forward to the fourth season of the Australian drama ''SeaPatrol'' for one reason: Jeremy Lindsay Taylor, the single most wooden actor on the show, has been replaced by Conrad Coleby, noted for playing former SAS officer Roman Harris on ''HomeAndAway'' * JossWhedon has [[{{Dollhouse}} a new show]]? Hmm...well, it can't possibly be as good as ''{{Firefly}}'' and it'll just get axed before it gets a third season anyway, plus I miss my [[TheSarahConnorChronicles TSCC]]...wait, did they just say SummerGlau was guest-starring?! And FeliciaDay shows up too? And there's a ridiculously attractive half-Asian actress in the show? [half-Asian myself, here] ''Well...''sign me up! ** Joss is slated to direct an episode of ''{{Glee}}''? AND he's bringing Neil Patrick Harris along for the ride? There is no way this will ''not'' be all sorts of awesome. (Unless he decides to kill Emma for no good reason.) * This troper's old internet friend had this to say about Iced Earth's The Crucible of Man: "Meh, [[ReplacementScrappy Owens]] sucks." Then he found out that they had rerecruited Matt Barlow for the album and had a AndTheFandomRejoiced reaction. * ''RatchetAndClank: A Crack in Time'', huh? Too bad it's not worth getting a Playstation3 just for that series, I would love...Dr. Nefarious is the BigBad again? [[@/MichaelJJ This troper]] will begin saving his money now. * "[[@/LeighSabio This troper]] is ''not'' taking AP Lit next year. Wait! ''ThePictureOfDorianGray'' is the summer reading? Sign my YaoiFangirl self up. O.O" * Oh great, they're advertising a new season of ''[[TwentyFour 24]]''. [[HeyIsThatStillOn Another one? I thought it was over already]], I mean, how many more bad days can Jack Bauer have, for chrissa... ''holy shit that's the [[CherryJones Queen of Broadway]] they're casting as the new President????'' '''''When is the damn premiere???''''' * A CGI 3D Tintin movie. * cringe* Wait a second: It's being directed by Steven Spielberg, composed by John Williams, produced by Peter Jackson, written by Edgar Wright, and star Jamie Bell, Daniel Craig, Andy Serkis, Simon Pegg, and Nick Frost. Cue strange circumstances for a NERDGASM. ** You forgot that Steven Moffat was involved in early script development! Steven Moffat! * The New Star Wars MMO. In sequential Order. ** New Star Wars MMO? Sounds cool. Gotta be better than Galaxies. ** that Bioware? * Fanboy Squee*

** Son. Of. A. Kriffing. Tuk'ata. THE. OLD. REPUBLIC. KnightsOfTheOldRepublic. MMO. * Faints* ** "Deceived", Cinematic Trailer. * Gasm* * This troper went into nostalgic fanboy mode when his mother called him around noon on Saturday, only to see that ABC Kids had put on MightyMorphinPowerRangers. A major part of his distant childhood. Even with the, ah, [[TheyChangedItNowItSucks added visual effects]], it was still the one he remembered all right.[[hottip:* :He then tripped over one of his old {{Transformers}} toys. The Squee levels went off the charts.]] * Nintendo Media Summit 2008: "After the catasthrophe that was E3 2008, I'm not getting my hopes up for-- {{Nintendo DS}}i?! SinAndPunishment 2?!! PunchOut for Wii?!!! '''''CLUB NINTENDO?!!!!''''' Cue FreakOut. * What's this? [[TheLegendOfZeldaTwilightPrincess The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess]], huh? Interesting. Wait, is that the Master Sword? '''OH, FUCK YES!!!''' (I was interested in the game, and it skyrocketed when I first saw [[ t/Characters/linkms.jpg this pic]].) * Maybe not exactly a Fandom Rejoiced moment per se, but This Troper recently saw the trailer for season 4 of [[The Tudors]]. I was a Tudor history nut long before the show, and my favorite Queen is Katherine Parr. Played by Joely Richardson, she only has two lines in the trailer, but the little clip shown had me on the verge of a happy dance. Then on the same day I found out Neil Gaiman would be writing an episode of Doctor Who. * Oh, PrinceOfPersia 2008? I guess it looks go- HOLY SHIT IT'S [[UnchartedDrakesFortune NOLAN NORTH]] AND [[DevilMayCry KARI]] [[FinalFantasyXII WAHLGREN!]] ME WANTS! * OuranHighSchoolHostClub: Eh, probably just some girly stuff that I'd be caught dead wa-- Wait, is that VicMignogna [[FullmetalAlchemist and]] CaitlinGlass as the main couple?! * "{{Gundam 00}}? Bah! I gave up on Gundam after SDGundamForce [[RuinedFOREVER ruined it forever]]. This'll just be--Wait... [[MamoruMiyano Is]] [[BradSwaile that]] [[DeathNote Light Yagami]] as the protagonist? Ooh, ''[[MemeticSexGod Lockon]] [[StupidSexyFlanders Stratos]]''. And hey there's {{Inuyasha}}'s [[RichardIanCox English voice]] as that guy with a SplitPersonality. And that purple-haired chick is--[[ViewerGenderConfusion Wait, that's a guy?!]] [[GushingAboutShowsYouLike Whoa!]]" * "Oh, they're making another direct-to-DVD movie for the {{DCU}}. Should be good... Wait a minute, they're adapting ''A Death In The Family'' and ''The Red Hood''? With Neil Patrick Harris as {{Nightwing}}?" (The next day, a crater was discovered at @/{{Katsuhagi}}'s house) * "Oh great...they're doing a SherlockHolmes film. This is going to be...HOLY CRAP IS THAT JUDE LAW AS WATSON!?!" * @/{{Pita}}: AGameOfThrones, the tv series. Okay, awesome. Wait, Peter Dinklage as Tyrion? My favorite actor ever Peter Dinklage signed on for Tyrion? And then [[TheSarahConnorChronicles Sarah Connor]] is Cersei. And [[LordOfTheRings Boromir]] as Ned came before, but it was

so awesome already... and then we get Mark Addy as Robert, and amazing casting after another, and I cry tears of joy. All I need from this point on is Alan Tudyk as Bronn. If HBO does that, they will have my everlasting love, no matter how much SixFeetUnder became bad after the second season. ** As much as I agree with your enthusiasm about the project, something is seriously wrong when King Robert isn't Brian Blessed. * On the Tabletop RPG front, [[@/FrankMitchell this troper]] was underwhelmed when Mongoose announced a new version of RuneQuest, in a fancy leather volume ... wait, they're ditching lame Rune Magic for traditional Common Magic? And providing a distinct Spirit Magic? '''And''' revamping their notoriously broken combat rules? MUST ... BUY ... BOOK ... ** For those not familiar with Mongoose's versions, "Rune Magic" required actually "questing" for physical artifacts called "runes", then "integrating" them to perform magic tied to that rune. Common Magic, called Battle Magic in Chaosium's version, merely requires learning the spell. Common Magic reflects the pervasive magic of Glorantha: even a lowly soldier learns spells to help him fight better, and in [=MRQ2=] other professions like armorers and entertainers have their own minor enhancement spells. * Wait, JossWhedon is writing the script for the CaptainAmerica film, and will both write and direct the Avengers film? ** This troper always thought, the idea for an Avengers movie is awesome and the cast is really cool but nobody is capable of writing or directing it and especially making this film work. Wait, did you say JossWhedon!!! Is it 2012 yet? * My reaction to [=DOW2=] condensed into about a paragraph: they are releasing a new DOW game? Well, played the first one and two of the expansions, but heard nothing good about Soulstorm, so...wait, no base building? Well, that cheers me up (BTW, I hated the base building in the first one, just not my style of play), but that doesn't mean they'll put someone old in, so...wait, Davian Thule, my second favourite DOW character, is back? Well...maybe...wait, most of the new characters are from Kronus? Nice, but still...Angelos is back too?! ** Same troper as above, reaction to [=DOW2=] Chaos Rising: expansion to [=DOW2=] coming out? Well, I still haven't played [=DOW2=], so I'm going to need the first one to...wait, stand alone expansion? Good, but they will put no one new in, so...hold on, was that a librarian? Better, but still wish...Eliphas the Inheritor (my favourite character) is back?! [[{{running gag}}]][[{{precisionfstrike}} fucking]]...[[{{running gag}} computer!]] *** A [=DOW2=] second expansion is confirmed?! GORGUTS 'EADHUNTER IS BACK?! HELL, YES!!! **** ...Still need that new computer. DAMMIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! * New WarriorCats series? Well, I'll check it out...wait Jayfeather and Lionblaze are back as main characters? And [[TheScrappy Hollyleaf]] has been replaced by Dovepaw? ME WANTS SO BADLY! * A new ''CharlieAndTheChocolateFactory'' movie? Hollywood always rapes childhood classics with remakes that... wait. Directed by

TimBurton? JohnnyDepp as Willy Wonka?! ''Danny Elfman'' is doing the score?! Time to go back to the land of pure imagination! * [[@/MonSolo This troper]] in late 2008: "Another ''Star Trek'' movie?" * eyeroll* "''Star Trek'' is for nerds... Wait, [[Series/{{Heroes}} ZACHARY FREAKIN' QUINTO]]?? Want. NOW." From the movie, she began watching the original series and fell in love with its NarmCharm; she also began watching Next Gen and has decided it is one of the greatest shows ever. And she still doesn't understand why she was reluctant to start watching Trek in the first place. * This troper was the ''subject'' of Fandom Rejoicing at church. The high school Sunday School students were not happy to learn that their teacher, whom they really liked, was no longer going to be able to teach their class. It was then revealed that the church's youth leader (Troper) would be taking over the class. The volume level on the cheering that ensued was deeply flattering. * "Julie Taymor's doing a [[ film version of the Tempest]]? Awesome. Prospero's a woman? Er, sure, let's see what they do with it. HELEN MIRREN?! HOLY JESUS FISH YES PLEASE!!" The rest of the casting also prompted much squeeage. I mean, look at it. * The iPhone? A waste of money really. Wait, you can buy both Final Fantasy 1 and 2 with better graphics and music then the Dawn of Souls remakes for only six pounds? [[{{Squee}} ARHHFJKAFHSAJKFHKJFDAHAKJLDNHADHLkadhkldneeeeeeeeeeeeeee]] * This troper's favorite movie magazine was sold to another publisher. Intense MagazineDecay ensued - and for the first time in three years he skipped an issue of it. Then it was announced that it changed publisher again... but they brought the pre-change editor! He couldn't even wait for it to hit the shelves. * [[Tropers/MightyKombat This troper]]'s most likely to try out a KingOfFighters game if Geese Howard is playable, which is part of the reason why he wants KOF 98 Ultimate Match badly. Same if Justice is confirmed to be in the next GuiltyGear. * Initial reaction to ''{{Castle}}'': Okay, I'm only watching this because [[{{Firefly}} Captain Malcolm Reynolds]] is in this. The first episode watched: "Vampire Weekend." Reaction on seeing The Captain in his old costume again: Pure {{Squee}} UpToEleven. * (In reaction to the 2009 Emmys) Hope it's not as politically driven as last year's. Wait, is that NPH? And DrHorrible invaded the Emmys mid-broadcast? {{Squee}} * Oh, ''The Last Story''? The title sounds interesting. Huh, the logo looks like a ripoff of ''FinalFantasy''... Wait, what!? The creator of the ''FinalFantasy'' series is developing this!? Exclusively for the Wii!? IN COLLABORATION WITH NINTENDO!? '''''DO WANT!!!''''' * {{Steam}} for Windows has OS X widgets? probably for a Windows theme. Wait, {{Valve}} [[ released teaser images]] of old Apple adds given the Valve treatment? [[SarcasmMode I wonder what that could mean]]. Valve has announced they're bringing their Steam service to the Mac? Want! Wait, Valve's games are going to be native ports?! '''Do want!''' ** Add to that, {{Portal}} being free for the week of the launch.

{{Squee}}! * TengenToppaGurrenLagann? Well, I'm not much of a fan of anime... wait, what you say? [[ThereWillBeBrawl WAR]][[KyleHebert IO]] is in it? Sign me up! * [[TheyChangedItNowItSucks Stupid]] [[ReCut re-visioning]]. [[{{Burstkiller}} I]] can't believe it! [[RUINEDForever The power is dead]]. What-wait what?!! [[MyRealDaddy Saban]] bought [[PowerRangers PR]] back?!!!! [[NetworktoTheRescue Reruns on]] NickToons?!! '''[[NetworktoTheRescue New season on]] [[{{Nickelodeon}} Nick?]]!!!!''' [+ '''Third [[TheMovie movie]]?!'''+ ] [++ THE POWER IS ON.++ ] * This troper basically Squeed when her cable decided to let her have Nicktoons for the Memorial Day Weekend, introducing her to DragonballZKai. Let the nostalgia-induced happiness begin! * Hmm ''Batman Arkham Asylum'' looks like a great game but I don't have a PS3 or an XB- HOLY CRAP Paul Dini is writing the story, Arleen Sorkin is Harley, Kevin Conroy is Batman and MARK FREAKING HAMILL is the Joker. Crap, I need to start saving. * Sure, ''SuperMarioGalaxy2'' is good, but it doesn't really have that extra oomph...wait, is that the [[VideoGame/SuperMario64 slide]] [[Awesome/VideoGameLevels music?]] ''Hell yeah!'' * A movie about [[RedCliff Chi Bi]]? Well, it looks nice, but... Wait a second, John Woo is the director?! Takeshi Kaneshiro is Zhuge Liang??!! And Tony Leung is my beloved Zhou Yu??!! WHY ARE YOU CUTTING IT DOWN TO TWO HOURS, YOU DAMNED TRAITORS???!!! (I managed to see the full version with subtitles. Best. Movie. EVER) * [[ * Groan* ]] They're adding DisneyPrincess attractions to [[DisneyThemeParks Walt Disney World]]? I swear, we've already had enough of those [[CurseCutShort bitc-]]a ''[[{{Disney/TheLittleMermaid}} Little Mermaid]]'' dark ride? A ''[[{{Film/BeautyAndTheBeast}} Beauty and the Beast]]'' restaurant? * rousing applause* Best expansion ever! ** Wait, they're closing [[{{Disney/SnowWhiteAndTheSevenDwarfs}} Snow White]]'s Scary Adventures? Maybe this expansion's gonna suck afterhey, that [[ -fantasyland-revised-1.jpg roller coaster]] of the Seven Dwarfs' mine looks awesome! (In more polarizing news, the Disney Princess attractions that caused such lukewarm reactions in that You Tube video were discarded to make room for the coaster.) * Let's be honest: everything involving the ''{{Deadpool}}'' movie has been this. Ryan Reynolds (quite possible the only decent thing about Origins) and his relentless campaign for the movie to be done right, full reboot, full costume, breaking the fourth wall, a possibility for a musical number, and, what made me actually jump up and cheer, the writers from ''Film/{{Zombieland}}''. Break out the tents and the lawnchairs, this movie's gonna be a doozy! ** And now, RobertRodriguez is apparently in talks to direct it. I smell R-rated action-comedy GOLD!!! * [[TheLegendOfZeldaSkywardSword The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword]] would normally be declared RuinedFOREVER if it weren't for the fact that '''it doesn't star [[BaseBreaker Toon Link]] this time!'''

TakeThat, ReplacementScrappy! ** You're a fan of [[TheLegendofZeldaOcarinaofTime Ocarina of Time]], aren't you? * Nintendo 3DS. Aww man. I just bought a DSi. And not only that, you just brought out the XL. Geez, Nintendo, can you wait at least a year before you bring out another DS? Wait... KidIcarus Uprising? StarFox 64? VideoGame/PaperMario? MetalGearSolid? StreetFighter IV? MarioKart? ResidentEvil? Perhaps one more DS wouldn't hurt. ** You forgot the [[OcarinaOfTime Ocarina]] remake for 3DS. It's complete now. ** I'm interested, but I'm gonna have to see it for myself before spending any mon-DeadOrAlive? ''I'm in!'' * Hm, keyboards in Rock Band 3. There'll be a definite lack of metal and punk... [[RonnieJamesDio Rainbow in the Dark?]] [[TheCure Just Like Heaven?]] [[BackToTheFuture The Power]] [[ThePowerOfLove of Love?]] [[{{Yes}} ROUNDABOUT?!]] Hell yeah! ** Okay, so he whole setlist is out, let's see if there's anything-Is that Chicago? Def Leppard? Primus? Warren Zevon? The Beach Boys? The Smiths? Golden Earring? Sweeeeeet. * ''GoldenSun'' was my first major fandom, so of course I was excited when Nintendo and Camelot ''finally'' announced a sequel for the DS. Cut to a year later and they ''finally'' released a new trailer and confirmed a release date, not to mention confirming the subtitle as ''Dark Dawn'' and...wait a minute, what was the main character's name? ...Holy crap, ''really?!'' They're really making a Japanese RPG (my favorite genre of games) in one of my old favorite series with a protagonist that [[NamesTheSame shares my name]] (Matthew)?! ''THIS WILL BE THE BEST GAME EVER.'' [[spoiler:Does this make much sense? Absolutely not, but I am very pleased to see the name Matthew on a heroic character in video games, as opposed to the {{jerkass}}es that have been previously seen in games like ''AceAttorney'', ''MattHazard'', and ''{{Pokemon}}''.]] * Alright, so {{Darkwing Duck}} is returning as a four issue mini published by Boom! Studios. Sounds like it could be good. Wait, it's a Dark Knight Returns homage? And on the second page of issue 1 darkwing gives one of the best entrance speeches of his career? AND IT'S GOING TO BE AN ONGOING SERIES!? I'll be living at my comic shop if you don't mind. ** Adding to that. They are reprinting the ORIGINAL COMICS! Fuck. Yes. *** And, as someone I can't remember who said, at the rate this is going we may very well get the show going again. * This troper has a track record for being sold on things, whatever her initial opinion may be, for just one single thing. Examples include zero interest in {{Pokemon}} Diamond and Pearl before seeing the touch screen in action, and trying to decide on whether or not to buy the sequel to SonicRiders after seeing the mediocre-rated reviews before finding out [[BillyHatcherAndTheGiantEgg Billy Hatcher]] was a playable racer. One of the cars in SegaAllStarsRacing also sold her, but she forgets which. * A new {{Persona 3}} game? So what I...WAIT, YOU CAN CONTROL YOUR FULL PARTY ? YOU CAN PREVENT SINJI'S DEATH ?OH PERSONA IGOT TO GET THAT GAME!

* Hetalia's dub cast is announced? That might be fun. Now who is HOLY SHIT THE GUY WHO PLAYED [[{{yu yu hakusho}} HIEI]] IS AUSTRIA.MUSTBUYMUSTBUYMUSTBUYMUSTBUY. * So, GW is making a WH40K movie. Ho hum, and look it's about the Ultramarines, again. Not inters--- Wait, DAN FETHING ABNETT IS WRITING THE SCRIPT FOR IT!!!!?!?!?!?!? AND IT'S GOING TO BE ALL CGI??!?!?!? When's the release date? * Several for this troper involving the ''EdgeOfDarkness'' film adaptation. Aside from the original director MartinCampbell returning and MelGibson in the leading role, my interest increased when I learned that the writing team were Andrew Bovell of the play ''Speaking in Tongues'' and its film adaptation ''Lantana'', and William Monahan of ''TheDeparted''. * My dad has a sort of flip-flopping one. On one hand, Bubba Nosferatu. On the other hand, Bruce Campbell will not be reprising his role as Elvis. On the other hand, ''EvilDead 4''. * A long long long long long time ago, @/{{Sen}} had this reaction to the announcement of {{REM}}'s new album ''Accelerate''. Stipe and co. rightfully calling ''Around the Sun'' a piece of shit? Short recording time, short overall length? Very fast, catchy lead single? WANT. * This troper was very apathetic about ''X-Men First Class''; not even James [=McAvoy=] as a young Prof. Charles Xavier could get me pumped for it. Then I recently found out that [[InglouriousBasterds Michael Fassbender]] has been cast as a young Magneto. Cue much fangirlish {{Squee}}ing and flailing. I can only [[YaoiFangirl imagine]] the SlashFic... * This Troper was already awesomed for The Avengers move but he had a liteal geekgasm when he saw at Comic-Con [[spoiler: The Infinity Gauntlet]] * This troper had one concerning ''SuperSmashBrosBrawl'': during the countdown to release, I had the habit of checking up on what was appearing on the Smash Bros. DOJO website. Heck, I had the page loaded up just in case. One morning, I loaded up the page and was ready to dismiss the day as just a reveal for another returner - item, stage, character, whatever. A few seconds later, I was pulling BigYes after BigYes after seeing that day's update: ''SonicTheHedgehog was Confirmed For Brawl''. I left the video confirming it on my computer when I had to go to my college classes and told my bro to watch the video when I called him up. When he saw it, the only thing I heard was the phone drop to the floor in shock. ** Of course, I also freaked out a few of my friends when I found out Funimation rescued the rest of TenchiMuyo from Geneom's ashes (as I had never gotten the chance to fully watch Universe or Tokyo) * They are doing another ''WinnieThePooh'' movie? *groans* Hasn't Disney milked that franchise enoug... John Lassiter is getting behind it?!? It will use material from the Milne books again? It will be considered DisneyAnimatedCanon? OK, you got me. When will the trailer come out? ** [[ Now.]] If you are not crying at the sheer force of happiness and nostalgia you get from this, you have no soul. *** This troper now has the release date marked on the calender. Thank

you, TVTropes, for informing me of yet more amazing amazing media. *watches trailer again and revels in warm fuzzies* *** [[{{Tropers/MrZAP}} This Troper]] didn't know about it until right now wither, and it's late May. I will most certainly be there to see this on opening weekend. Thanks! * [[{{Tropers/Outsyder0486}} Outsyder 0486]] circa 2006: "Oh, goody, another banner year for the Cowboys. Parcells is probably gonna just sign a bunch of old, past-their-prime guys who used to play for him [=HOLY CRAP, WE JUST SIGNED TERRELL OWENS=]!" ** Psst, All you guys gotten was sloppy seconds. * Wait, what? There's a British series starring both [[InspectorLynley Sharon]] [[SharonSmall Small]]: The Goddess Of Everything, ''and'' [[Series/DoctorWho Sarah Parish]]?? Where can I get my hands on it?????? * After learning of {{Nickelodeon}} coming to Canada: "That's cool and all, but {{YTV}} already airs Nick's current sho- hold up, are they bringing some of those {{Nicktoons}} I grew up on in TheNineties with them? '''Niiiiiice.'''" * This Troper (@/CCharmanderK) has had numerous. ** PeterCullen as Optimus Prime in Bayformers?! HELL, YES!! ** VicMignogna is part of the cast of AxisPowersHetalia?! AWESOME!! ** PokePark: A Pokemon game that isn't the same as the others?! ACTUAL BOSS BATTLES!! WOOHOO!! ** LIVE-ACTION RurouniKenshin BITCHES!! ** The TengenToppaGurrenLagann movies are finally releasing on DVD in the States?! AWESOME!! ** LuciChristian as Nagisa Furukawa in the {{Clannad}} English dub?! SHIT, YES!! ** KeanuReeves will be playing Spike in the Live-Action CowboyBebop?! THIS WILL BE AWESOME!! ** LuciChristian is also playing [[BirdyTheMighty Birdy]]?! FREAKIN' SWEET!! ** CristinaVee as Mio in the {{K-On!}} dub? I'M THERE!! ** ''THE DISAPPEARANCE OF [[SuzumiyaHaruhi HARUHI SUZUMIYA]]''!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ** A new StarFox game for Nintendo3DS!! SWEET!! ** KidIcarus: Uprising!! AT LAST!! ** SonicColors?! A Sonic game that looks to actually be ALL good?! WHERE'S MY PRE-ORDER?! ** NINTENDO 3DS. ** LuckyStar OVA is being released in the US without an English Dub?! DARLING, DARLING, PLEASE!! (because, honestly, I didn't like the LuckyStar dub.) *** A few more... ** Saban got the PowerRangers back?!! And Nickelodeon will be airing it?!! GIVE ME SUMMA DAT SHIT! ** CRISPIN FREEMAN IN DURARARA!! ** OnePiece Film: Strong World is CANON?! And written by the mangaka?!! SUBTITLEZ NAO PLZ. ** [[Film:MegaMan A Mega Man fan film]]?!! Which looks to be faithfully based on the first ga- HOLY SHIT, BLUES!!! *** And most recently, ''PhoenixWrightAceAttorney''... TheMovie!!

* This troper was more than a little notorious for demanding that {{Tatsunoko Vs Capcom}} include [[{{Okami}} Amaterasu]] as a playable character. (He didn't think Yami counted.) Eventually he gave it up ... only to be caught up in the {{Wild Mass Guessing}} surrounding {{Marvel Vs Capcom}} 3. He ended up witness to a lot of {{And The Fandom Rejoiced}} when she was confirmed. ** Bizarrely, he had the exact opposite reaction with {{Okamiden}} ... * Oh, they're making a [[SupermanBatmanApocalypse sequel]] to ''SupermanBatmanPublicEnemies''? Well, that's great and all, the first one was pretty good, I'll have to get it from the library once the holds list shortens up and '''HOLY CRAP [[SummerGlau SUMMER GLAU]] IS VOICING SUPERGIRL?!''' And they're using KevinConroy and [[SupermanTheAnimatedSeries TimDaly]] still? I WILL SPEND MONEY ON THIS. ''Why isn't it September 28th yet?'' * 2010 seems to be a pretty good year for rejoicing as far as [[Tropers/LordPentium I'm]] concerned: ** [[{{Ptitlei015gc004kw4}} Pokmon]]? [[HeyIsThatStillOn They're still making them?]] Oh, what's this? Oh my God, it's remakes of ''Gold'' and ''Silver''! Nintendo, Game Freak, you've made me a fan again, BRB [=SoulSilver=] and Platinum. Wait, these are the new starters for ''Black'' and ''White''? [[TaintedByThePreview Ugh]]... Huh? Older protagonists? New region, far from the old ones, possibly based on [[{{Eagleland}} America]]? All indicators point to DarkerAndEdgier[[hottip:*:Kanji mode is generally interpreted as "more mature writing" by a lot of us, plus older protagonists and still more complex villains, continuing the trend from Cyrus in [[SoCoolItsAwesome Generation 4]]]], with better characterization and plot? [[ZigZaggingTrope OK, now I'm on board.]] ** ''MightyMorphinPowerRangers'' on ABC Kids? All right, good to see something remains, but the {{recut}} makes it [[{{Narm}} the wrong kind of cheesy]] when it used to be [[NarmCharm the good kind of cheesy]], and Disney isn't really the right company to have it, might have worked five years ago but now their focus with their flagship tweencoms is clearly on a female demographic while PowerRangers is unapologetically aimed at boys [[MerchandiseDriven who buy action figures]]. Plus, I hear this means {{cancellation}} since they didn't want to adapt another ''[[SuperSentai Sentai]]''. [[ZeroWing What you say?]] [[MyRealDaddy Saban]] got it back? The series will be revived with an adaptation of ''SamuraiSentaiShinkenger''? Good ol' Saban! ** I've spent a few years away from fighting game fandom, but I went back in 2009. I'm glad I did. *** MortalKombat has been stagnant at best since ''MortalKombatDeadlyAlliance''. Such a shame: while I'll admit that it always had its flaws, it was my GatewaySeries, and I hate to see what happened to it. Curse the PolygonCeiling, and doubly curse whoever [[ExecutiveMeddling screwed over]] [[MortalKombatVsDCUniverse the crossover that would have made my fucking childhood]] [[{{Bowdlerise}} with the T rating]]. Ah, it seems they have a new offering at E3? Back to 2D gameplay? More violent than ever? Ed Boon, you are '''[=AWESOME=]'''! *** Shame we never got a MarvelVsCapcom3. I'm starting to realize how great these [[CapcomVsWhatever Capcom crossovers]] are. What do you

mean it was just announced? That it's happening? Deadpool confirmed? Disney, sorry about what I said about you in that PowerRangers example up there, you really are awesome! And as an added bonus, ''StreetFighterXTekken''! Capcom, I fucking love you guys. ** Nintendo3DS? Bah. 3D is a silly gimmick in the movies, and even sillier for games. I don't know why, but I'm remembering the letters [[VirtualBoy VB]] for some reason, [[DarthWiki/SoBadItsHorrible and I don't think it's good]]. Then the E3 press conference and subsequent info dump comes. ''KidIcarus'' is back? Cool! ''MetalGearSolid''? Finally we have a reason for Snake showing up in Brawl instead of, I dunno, {{Megaman}} or [[{{Castlevania}} one of the Belmonts]] or someone. ''StarFox [[SuperTitle64Advance 64]]'' remake? [[MemeticMutation Do a barrel roll!]] ''DeadOrAlive''? BRB, [[ADateWithRosiePalms polishing my stylus]]! Especially with them putting in a motion sensor a la the {{Wii}}mote and using it for {{Gainaxing}} purposes. ''[[CapcomSequelStagnation Super]] StreetFighterIV'' portable, apparently looking nearly identical to its HD console counterparts? Read the last phrase again, and see what Nintendo's done here. ''[[TheLegendOfZeldaOcarinaOfTime Ocarina of Time 3D]]''?! Nintendo, you just sold me one. All hail Nintendo! In case you weren't paying attention, Nintendo just made a handheld less than half a generation behind the {{Playstation3}} and {{Xbox360}}, 3D without glasses, put in the technology that made the Wii such a hit, and made it part of the {{DS}} CashCowFranchise. ** {{MTV}}? JerseyShore can go to Hell for all I care. You never play music videos anymore, the only networks on the MTV Networks system that haven't [[NetworkDecay decayed]] into InNameOnly terrioty by now are {{Nickelodeon}} and ComedyCentral, and that's only because "kids shows" and "comedy" are such broad categories that the people running them would have to beat the guys at CartoonNetwork in a dumb contest to completely violate their names. You- Wait, is that the return of BeavisAndButthead? One of my favorite duos to reference in connection to "DarkerAndEdgier gone wrong" and other decisions related to the LowestCommonDenominator? With music videos? Don't screw this up, MTV. We're watching. *** And now it looks like [[ we're gonna get riffs of Jersey Shore and viral videos.]] Say it with me: '''HELL YES.''' ** In short, 2010 is awesome. * ''ResidentEvilDegeneration''? Great, I wonder what that MarySue Alice is up to- CGI?! IS THAT LEON KENNEDY?! AND CLAIRE?! AND IT'S WITHIN THE VIDEO GAME CANON?! I MUST GET TO THE VIDEO STORE AND BUY IT NOW!!! * The Lord of the Rings adaptated to the screen ? Yeah, right. Wait a minute ? With JACKSON AS A DIRECTOR, AND IAN MCKELLEN PLAYING GANDALF ?!? Hell YES ! When can I see it ? ** I had the same reaction with {{A Song of Ice and Fire}} ; learning that HBO was doing it, with the awesome casting they chose (Sean Bean and Charles Dance...) had me dancing all around my room. * [[MadMagazine A MAD Magazine show on Cartoon network?]] Ugh, those

fools mess up everything they touch-what's that? '''[[SpyVsSpy SPY VS SPY?!?]]''' I love you, Cartoon Network. * I love CirqueDuSoleil shows, but I understand the fanbase concern about too many new ones of late, especially after the rough roads the last few non-tent shows have traveled. That Hollywood one about the history of film has promise...'''DannyElfman''' is scoring ''IRIS''??? (screams like Harland Williams in ''Rocketman'') * ICO and ShadowOfTheColossus are two [[UnderStatement great games]]. Wait, they might be coming to the PS3? Holy crap, they are?! And with 3D and HD enhancents and all the content from the PAL/Japanese versions? I can die happy! * After I informed my older sister about ''{{Tangled}}'', she seemed uninterested in the generic-sounding plot and reliance on computer animation. Then I told her the movie will contain some new AlanMenken songs, and she became ecstatic. * [[Tropers/JenKunoichi351 I]] was planning on getting ''ProfessorLayton and the Unwound Future'' right from the start, but was kind of skeptical on Legal!Luke[[spoiler:/Clive]] seeing as how the female fandom had apparently turned him into some sort of distasteful MemeticSexGod. Wait. that [[YuriLowenthal Yuri]] [[Ben10AlienForce L]][[Ben10UltimateAlien o]][[{{Naruto}} wen]][[GurrenLagann thal]]? '''[+++[[{{Squee}} HOMIGOD!!!]]+++]''' * ''WorldOfWarcraft'' patch 4.0. They ''FINALLY'' fixed Intellect. Now I have to actually look at the stats! * The local AMC theater's showing the digitally restored ''BackToTheFuture'' during my midterm break? Great Scott! * [[Tropers/{{Grobi}} I]] was on a WikiWalk, only to notice, that "So Yeah" became a member of the PermanentRedLinkClub. [[CrowningMomentOfAwesome AWESOME!!!]] * What? [[ScoobyDooMysteryInc Another]] ScoobyDoo series? How long are they going to milk that CashCowFranchise? [[{{Tropers/Pokenatic}} I]] personally think the new design sucks ([[YourMilageMayVary YMMV]]) and they're probably just doing the same general stuff over and overWait. The Hex Girls are back? ''There's a better continuity? No more StatusQuoIsGod?!'' '''''There's actually a StoryArc?! THIS IS GONNA BE AWESOME!''''' * I'm a fan of ''Rayman'' and we haven't gotten a game featuring him as the main character ever since we had ''Hoodlum's Revenge''. Sure, we've had [[RavingRabbids Rabbids]], but the ''Rayman'' fans aren't really crazy about them. And then during E3 2010 we got a trailer for the prequel to ''Rayman'' called ''Rayman: Origins'' that would be a reboot of the first game. [[AndThereWasMuchRejoicing And There Was Much Rejoicing]], '''indeed'''. [[MemeticMutation TAKE MY MONEY!!!]] * This troper was already excited for Fallout New Vegas, but when he found out that Raul was voiced by Danny Trejo, he squeed so hard that no matter what, he'd buy the game just to fight alongside 'Machete.' * So, CartoonNetwork's ''finally'' started releasing more of the earliest Cartoon Cartoons on DVD, but I bet we'll have to wait until next year before we get ''DextersLab''-The first season's coming October 2010? And it's including ''all three'' of Dexter's shorts from the ''WhatACartoonShow''? {{Squee}}! * [[Tropers/{{Komodin}} I've]] heard many great things about

''SonicColors'', and from what I've seen, it ''does'' looks to be pretty good. I'm kinda still on the fence about it, though, what with Sonic's 3D track record and a-wait, what's this? You're telling me that it's been receiving ([[EightPointEight mostly]]) glowing reviews, a far cry from the other 3D titles as of late? ''Eggman's [[spoiler:actually the final boss this time? '''Super Sonic's playable in every stage, 2D and 3D alike?!''']]'' Consider me ''SOLD'', [[YogiBear first day, even!]] * "We don't get to have silent reading time every friday like we did last year? Awww, but Ms. Sophomore English Teacher...-Wait, did you just say we won't have to do passage journals this year? THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU!!!!!" * This [[Tropers/{{AdamSJ}} trooper]]: Another boring [[NicktoonsUnite Nicktoons game]]... *sigh* with Spongebob yanking the front cover as... wait... [[MyLifeAsATeenageRobot JENNY]] IS GONNA BE PLAYABLE IN THIS GAME??!??!?! AND [[RockosModernLife ROCKO]], [[InvaderZim ZIM AND GIR]] TOO?? [++YIIIIPPPPPPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!++] Nickelodeon ''does'' cares about the classics after all! * [[Tropers.FishOfLightning Me]] when I found out John Bush came back to {{Anthrax}}. And then it was confimed just a few months later that Joey Belladonna was replacing Bush, there was much {{squee}} to be found. * Well, from what [[Tropers/MightyKombat I've]] seen of Marvel vs Capcom 3 it looks relatively par for the course, but- hold the fucking phone, {{Deadpool}}?! Albert Wesker?! Dante?! Viewtiful Joe?! And [[FinalFight MOTHERFUCKING MIKE HAGGAR?!]] You sons of bitches, you sold me, you completely fucking sold me! ** Smaller but similar reaction in regards to the main hero of {{Castlevania}}: [[CastlevaniaLordsOfShadow Lords of Shadow]] being called Gabriel... and then learning his full name. Okay so he's like the archangel, yeah, cle- wait, you said Gabriel BELMONT?! Well, its about time they stepped back into the spotlight after sitting it out so long! * This Troper is not ashamed to admit that when he saw that Wario was going to be in SuperSmashBrosBrawl, I could not hold back my tears of joy. * This Troper in 2009 during the trailers before ''{{Up}}'': "I heard the reviews for this movie are great, possibly even Best Picture at the Oscars worthy, but that worries me. Disney and Pixar will have no place to go but down. I mean, it just can't... wait, what's this? No way! ''[[ToyStory TOY STORY 3]]''?! YESYESYES!" * So... @/{{Fishsicles}} (henceforth using first-person pronouns) was looking on the DancougarNova page of ThisVeryWiki, and saw that it was being included in SuperRobotWars Z2. I walked over to the SuperRobotWarsZ page, and saw the debut list. ''TengenToppaGurrenLagann'', ''{{Dai-Guard}}'', ''CodeGeass'', ''ShinMazinger'', ''MobileSuitGundam00'', and ''VOTOMS'' all making their debut... in the same game? It was probably old news, but HOLY SHIT IT IS THE BEST NEWS EVER. I CRIED MANLY TEARS. brb learning japanese ** This troper actually had to take a few moments of silence to take the news in before entering excitement mode. The fact that it was for

PSP(and thus, [[RegionCoding region free]]) only fueled it. brb buying better psp * When seeing the first official trailer for ThePrincessAndTheFrog....I squeed, out a theater full of people who all went silent and stared at me! XD I didn't care...DISNEY 2-D ANIMATION WAS BACK!!!! * [[{{Tropers/Fungal88}} This tropette]] remembers being easily elated over being able to sing Somewhere Out There in a high school choir she participated in for obvious reasons. * Well, Funimation has done a great job dubbing FMA: Brotherhood, but I can't imagine who they could find to play Olivier Armstrong convincingl- [[{{Claymore}} STEPHANIE YOUNG?!]] Oh my god, best dub ever!! * PokemonBlackAndWhite? Well, we don't really need more -Zorua and Zoroark? Snivy? Tepig? INSTANT BUY! * Haven't been to Neopets in a long time- wait, Faerieland is down? New plot? Awesome plot, actually! * When watching E3 2010, I didn't know what to expect... 3DS, sure, but I already knew that... New Kid Icarus game for it? Animal Crossing, Zelda? Hell yes! NEW DONKEY KONG COUNTRY? :D It's official, 2011 is going to be a great gaming year for us Nintendo fans too. * SuperMarioGalaxy2 is great, but apart from that we aren't [[ScrappyMechanic forced to go back to the start menu anymore when we die]], it's not really ''better''... holycrap, is that [[NostalgiaLevel Throwback Galaxy?]] Tht brings back memories... * Oh, look at this. DreamWorksAnimation is coming out with a new movie called "Rise of The Guardians." Yay. So all these kid-fantasy characters have to battle the forces of darkness? Like I'm gonna...CHRIS PINE plays the hero? JUDE LAW is the villain? CAPTAIN KIRK AND DR. WATSON are gonna FACE OFF?!? Okay, I am SOOO lining up for this...wait...AND IT'S GOT HUGH JACKMAN?!?!? *squees* * Boom Kids has been doing great with their various {{Disney}} licenses I wonder whats next... Wait, whats [[ this?]] A new Duck Tales comic! Written by Warren Spector of all people! WHOO HOO! * "Wait, there is a movie that has both Robert Pattinson and Christoph Waltz playing lead characters? And Christoph Waltz is the villain? Dude, what is this movie and when is it in theatres?"- This troper after finding out the cast list for 'Water for Elephants'. * [[Tropers/NintendoNate25 This troper]] has a couple: ** Man, ''TwinPeaks'' was an awesome show! Too bad it was left hanging on a... HOLD ON! ''{{Psych}}'' is doing a ''TwinPeaks'' tribute? And some of the original cast members are guest starring? Sign me up! *** And now they're planning on doing a second one? CAN'T WAIT! ** VizMedia is gonna speed the ''OnePiece'' manga release up to the Impel Down arc?! FINALLY! ** A [[Nintendo3DS 3D Nintendo DS]]. This should be interesting. Whoa, wait a minute... ''[[TheLegendOfZeldaOcarinaOfTime Ocarina of Time]]'' and ''[[StarFox Star Fox 64]]'' [[VideoGameRemake remakes]]? [[MetalGearSolid3 Metal Gear Solid 3D]]? A NEW [[KidIcarus KID ICARUS]]?! Holy crap, this is gonna be awesome!!

* Being a [[PuellaMagiMadokaMagica meguca fan was suffering]] due to the seemingly indefinite postponement of the final two episodes after being ScrewedByTheNetwork. This troper and countless others broke down into tears of joy the minute the anime's website announces official broadcast time for the finale!! ** [[Tropers.{{Animenutcase}} This troper]] had the good luck to stumble upon the news of ''Madoka Magica'''s final two episodes being aired on the same day that I learned about the ''{{Persona 4}}'' anime. I was in a good mood for the rest of the day. * A few from this troper. ** So they're doing an anime adaptation of ''{{Persona 4}}'', and the name they gave the MC isn't the one in the manga (which... kinda makes sense in hindsight, in a way). At first this troper was ''bordering'' on going "TheyChangedItNowItSucks"... and then she found out that the MC's anime name, "Narukami", [[MeaningfulName was relevant to the story]]. Her response? "So they actually put some thought into this? ... Okay, this might actually be worth looking forward to." ** Some folks around here may have heard of [=DaggerXL=], essentially a port of ''{{Daggerfall}}''. The creator announced that he was going to merge it with some other projects and work on it as a single project, "the XL Engine". Mixed feelings there. But in one of those posts, he also said that he might consider doing [[TheElderScrollsOneArena Arena]]XL down the road. And now that this troper's had some time to think about it, the engine might allow her to play some other old, nostalgic games. She approves now! * Man, the european version of NoMoreHeroes is ruined by all the censorship, I was considering importing the Japanese PS3 remake, No More Heroes: Heroes Paradise, but then I found out that's censored too...What's that? They're bringing Heroes Paradise over to America and Europe? ''Uncensored?'' '''And with even more content than the Japanese Version?!''' '''''HALLE-*Bleep*ING-LUJAH!!!'''''. * They're making a movie for ''InTheHeights''? Well, that's pretty nice, but - wait, Lin Manuel-Miranda is reprising his role of Usnavi? When's it coming out? * This Troper has had a bunch. ** When they ''FINALLY'' released ''{{Freakazoid}}'' on DVD is my biggest one. I'd watched the show as a kid during its Cartoon Network run and absolutely adored it. It's still my favorite cartoon period. When it was finally announced that they were releasing it I was ridiculously happy. ** [[SuperSmashBrosBrawl Brawl]] looks like it'll be a fun game, but I doubt it can reach the level of entertainment that the original or ''Melee'' ha- wait, they're giving characters cool individualized PowerUp, and a single-player mode with an overarching plot, and ''SONIC IS A PLAYABLE CHARACTER?!!??'' Yes, please! ** I've been avidly following about the [[TheHobbit Hobbit]] movie since early 2009, but when they finally confirmed my favorite actor ''ever'' ChristopherLee would be reprising his role as Saruman earlier this year I felt like bouncing off the walls, especially since I already expected it wouldn't happen because of his age. ** As a huge StarWars fan who had also become a bit jaded with the

prequels, when I found out they were releasing the original versions on DVD in 2006 I had a huge Nerdgasm. ABOUT TIME! * Well, animated films have been getting better lately. All we need now is for good ol' Aardman to get back in the game. That Arthur Christmas movie they're doing COULD be all right, but I can tell from the trailer that it just won't be the same. I wish...wait, what's this? They've got another movie coming out in 2012? Called ''The Pirates! Band of Misfits''? It's in stop-motion? It's got HughGrant, DavidTennant and {{BRIAN BLESSED}} doing voices?!? ''IT'S GOT DIRECTORS FROM BOTH CHICKEN RUN AND FLUSHED AWAY?!?!?!?'' Welcome back, Aardman! * Ahh, Sailor Moon, first anime that ever caught my eye and still my favorite. The anime I can find easily enough but your manga's been out of print for years! And have you seen the prices on Ebay?! Wait a minute. Kodansha is re-releasing the Sailor Moon manga in the U.S. this September?! WANT!!! * Ecch....Cars 2? I never even really liked the first one! Don't get me wrong, it's Pixar, I adore them, but - wait. There's going to be a Toy Story 3 short before the movie?? WHEN CAN I GO?! * Ugh, another handheld Kingdom Hearts game? I know I'm going to get the 3DS anyway, but really, I'm starting to get a little sick of waiting for them release a console--THEY'RE TURNING THE HUNCHBACK OF NOTRE DAME INTO A WORLD?! YES!!!!! THERE IS A GOD!!!!!!!!! * Star Tours is getting updated after all? Geez, can't the spreading of the Prequel universe leave one piece of ''StarWars'' media alone[=C3PO=]? A story set ''after'' the prequels? Princess Leia? Yeh-hoo! * Also from [[Series/DoctorWho Who]], Season 6 has got me {{Squee}} ing. An episode by NeilGaiman? The Doctor repeating his catch phraze? River Song returning? The fez getting a [[ContinuityNod mention]]? Rory as a companion? Is that an Ood I see? April cannot come fast enough for [[@/{{Pastylover2}} This troper!]] ** Man, I wish a could see more improv comedy... Wait. DrewCareysImprovaganza? '''''AWESOMAZING!''''' * Oh, hey, apparently there's going to be a Literature/SkulduggeryPleasant movie. Let's just hope it doesn't go the way of the PercyJackson fi--THE POTENTIAL DIRECTORS ARE STEVEN SPIELBERG, EDGAR WRIGHT, OR TIM BURTON? WARNER BROTHERS WANTS JOHNNY [[SoundEffectBleep *bleep*]]ING DEPP TO VOICE SKULDUGGERY? THE RELEASE DATE CAN'T COME SOON ENOUGH! * Wow, the [[ official trailer]] for the final Harry Potter movie looks pretty cool-- 3d you say? July 15 can't arrive quick enough, I say! * Finally getting around to adapting the musical version of ''LesMiserables'' to film, huh? Fine, as long as Hollywood doesn't mess it up they way it did ''Phantom'' or ''Chorus Line'' or--I'm sorry, did you say [[TheKingsSpeech Tom Hooper]] is set to direct? And they want ''[[HughJackman Hugh Flippin' Jackman]]'' to play Valjean? ''This can not start filming fast enough!!'' * ''DeadRising2 Off the Record''. With all due respect to Chuck Greene, another ''DeadRising'' game with Frank West as the ''main'' character is what I've really wanted to play ever since the first game came out.

* [[CriminalMinds JJ is coming back permanently for season seven!?]] Yes! Faith in humanity is restored! Huh, there's more casting news...? [[BigWhat WHAT?]] EMILY PRENTISS IS COMING BACK, TOO?! Eeeek! * CaptainAmerica's proven pretty tough in [[TheAvengersEarthsMightiestHeroes the]] ''[[TheAvengersEarthsMightiestHeroes Avengers]]'' [[TheAvengersEarthsMightiestHeroes cartoon]], so ''CaptainAmericaTheFirstAvenger'' might make a good watch for curiousity's sake...score by AlanSilvestri and a song by AlanMenken? This I '''gotta''' see! ---Boring old end of the page. Wait, a link back to AndTheFandomRejoiced? BEST THING EVER!!!!!!!!! ----

AndTheRest * I was an equipment manager for one of my high school's sports teams. Also serving in the same capacity were two girls a year ahead of me, [[AliceAndBob Alice and Bobette]]. When calling out to us at practice one afternoon, the coach shouted, "Alice...Bobette...and the rest..." (It wasn't intended as a slight, or at least I don't think it was. He was just kind of absentminded and honestly couldn't remember my name.) ---Hey, go on back to AndTheRest, troper...tropette...and the rest of you. ----

AndTheWinnerIs * [[InvertedTrope Inverted]] for this troper. There was a $1000 draw for anyone who had perfect attendance for a month at my high school; your name was entered once for each month you had perfect attendance. During the draw ceremony, I remained in class since I figured the winner would be someone else. My name was drawn and, because I was indeed in attendance (just in class rather than at the auditorium), I didn't miss out on the prize. * I participated in an academic pentathalon in middle school where the maximum number of gold medals you could win was seven for your particular level (A, B or C). A kid at level A on a rival team had gotten 6 golds and stood up to receive his seventh when they started the announcement (which would have been a first for the competition), but instead the gold went to a member of our team. He turned crimson and sulked down to receive his bronze a moment later. * [[@/{{MiraShio}} I]] got myself a ''very'' close inversion. In the recently-held Students' Fair at my school, a raffle was held for cellphone load and cash (third prize), flash disks (second prize), and a cellphone (first prize). I was hiding in a canteen with a friend to save a badge with my picture on it from getting auctioned off (badges were made for all Student Council officers), and we both wanted to win the phone for different reasons--he because he misplaced his phone,

and I so I could sell it. We sat cursing as ticket after ticket got called, none of which belonged to us, but the prize kept getting forfeited because the owners of the tickets were absent. A control number ''very close'' to mine got called, frustrating me a lot as I leafed through my tickets, and then I got bewildered upon finding myself the lucky owner of the number. Next thing I knew, I was running at breakneck speed to the stage with my friend behind me--just in time to beat the countdown. * This troper is staff for a convention, and there is a small awards ceremony at the end of the staff dinner that ultimately concludes the event. When the convention chair was presenting the Staff Member of the Year award, this troper's friend noticed one of the other staffers that thinks too highly of himself was straightening his tie and looking smug. My brother was looking at the food trays, and debating on if he could get another plate while the awards were being handed out, ended up actually winning because of work he had done in the weeks leading up to the event. The first guy was dumbstruck. ---And the winner of the links contest is! Wait, no, sit ''down''. AndTheWinnerIs claimed the prize! Wipe the smug look off your face! ----

AndThisIsFor * This troper, for reasons not worth elaborating, had his character kill a murdering fellow party member in a ''DungeonsAndDragons'' game with the line "This is for Kay! Who's blonde!" * This one has a bad habit of doing this to both [[KickTheDog puppykicking]] RPG villains and FightingGame bosses. ** This editor has a good guess, based on the fandom, that at least one player of ''TheElderScrolls: Oblivion'' said [[PlayerPunch "This is for]] [[spoiler:Lucien!]]" during the battle with [[spoiler:Bellamont]]. ** I said the same, but substitute [[spoiler:Lucien]] with [[spoiler:the Cheydinhal Sanctuary.]] Purification's a horrible ritual... * When this troper's ranger character in a ''Wushu'' powered ''{{Spelljammer}}'' game, an ex-mercenary who suffered at the hands of a sadistic torturer who tortured one of her last crews to death, finally caught up to the scumbag during a job for her current crew, the final blows were delivered for each of her crewmates that he had murdered, including a guy she'd been quite fond of at the time. * After my brother said that you can't believe everything on the internet after I had said something that I didn't even say I read off the internet, I hit him. My brother believed that it was for saying that NewMediaAreEvil, but no, it was for a different reason. * A friend of mine sometimes brings around his Xbox (even though I've got my own) and hooks it up to the second T.V. in my room and then uses the extra ethernet slot so we can technically play splitscreen xbox live, makes it a lot funner, but anyway. Playing GTA 4 online, we were free roaming and started getting a cop chase going, naturally some other players teamed up with us, all went well for quite a long

time, but suddenly we found ourselves cornered by an unnaturally large number of police, little ammo left, some of us on low health, and with only one escape car left, we got here with 5 men and two escape cars, in our hold out we blew up one to kill some cops, I prepared for a Bolivian army ending to our spree, but one such player has another plan, he turns his gun on my mate and kills him, then tells us to rush the car since we can all now get away, we rush for the car, they all clamber in and over mic yelling "GET IN, GET IN!" the police are pulling up, they're still waiting, I pull out my rocket launcher. "This is for Joker." (part of his online tag.) They go to speak "Wha?" Kaboom, I'm left with half health, down to 30 rifle shots and 2 rockets, with police closing in, and due to it being proximity chat I can't tell what they were planning for me, I managed to hold out until my friend managed to find a car and drive me back out, sheer luck, and the single most awesome line I delivered over xbox live, some pretty good events followed, but they're hardly relevant to the page. * This Troper did it while fighting [[spoiler:Seymour]] Flux in ''FinalFantasyX''. At first they were serious ("This is for [[spoiler:Biran]], this is for [[spoiler:Yenke]], and this is for [[spoiler:Kinoc]]!") - but, y'know, that fight goes on for a long time, so silly ones started to slip in. Think I finally finished him off in the name of Gok Wan. * [[@/NeoSilverThorn This troper]] invokes this when he gets into fights on IRC. He's invoked the entire cast of NeonGenesisEvangelion on one occasion, and AngelMoxie on another. * This troper was playing ''Portal'' and was up to the final fight against [[spoiler:GLaDOS]]. When dropping each of [[spoiler:GLaDOS']] cores into the incinerator, he remembered to shout "This is for the Weighted Companion Cube!" * This troper ended up crying "This is for Emilio!" during ''TraumaCenter: Second Opinion'''s final... boss fight. ** [[@/{{Arutoa}} This Troper]] was talking to his friends on a phone while doing that segment, and while [[spoiler:on the next-to-last of the string-things, he added]] "And this is for me, who just failed the level." It was a CrowningMomentOfFunny among his friends. * While playing ''{{Okami}}'', this troper was heard finishing a major boss battle with "That was for [[spoiler:Himiko and Rao]], you ninetailed bitch." * Dwarf fortress. This troper had his favorite dwarf die via a rampaging elephant. As he sent troops for the final charge against the beast, he whispered, "This is for Urist." * TheLegendofZelda: MajorasMask. Ladies and gentlemen, you get to the final boss armed with the Fierce Diety mask and a notebook full of names you spent the last three days assisting, and you have a bit of a speech to give. "This one's for the bombers, this one's for the Rosa sisters, this ones for that monkey..." And, eventually, up to the point "This one's for the Indigogos, this ones for Mikau, Daramani, that Deku scrub, and this one...Oh, this one is for the last three weeks of playing this game." Cue the final blow. * This troper's best friend, who has white hair at the age of 17 and is 7'8", enjoys making fun of how scary and intimidating he is. So he thought it'd be funny this last Thanksgiving to 'carve' the turkey by

stabbing it repeatedly while yelling, "Why do you always have to betray me, Demitra? (that's the name of his sister) Why?! Why?! This is for all the shit you've put me through! For calling me Snorlax! For killing my hamster! For wearing sandals! You BITCH!" and then he stood there, panting and breathing very hard for a moment before quietly sitting down, plastering a polite and normal smile on his face, and calmly eating his stuffing. He's been invited to Thanksgiving for the next six years for that one. * [[@/PentiumMMX2 This troper]] did this on his 2nd attempt at beating Skeith in [[DotHack .hack//Infection]]. The very first time, I was not only defeated by it, but my PS2 died on me shortly after; scaring up the disc. The 2nd time, once I got far enough to use Data Drain, I proceeded to shout "This is for my PS2! [[YuGiOhTheAbridgedSeries Open up wide and suck on my obelisk!]]". In fact, the latter part has become my traditional pre-Data Drain sentence when fighting the major bosses in the games. * [[{{Tropers/Rmctagg09}} This troper]] invoked this trope by thinking, "For Aryll!" when he smashed the [[TheLegendOfZeldaTheWindWaker Helmaroc King]] in the face with the Skull Hammer after it blocked his way. * I remember a couple of these moments: ** Resident Evil: Darkside Chronicles, when I finally killed Alexia, and remembered "And that one's for Steve, yah bitch." ** Ocarina of Time: This one's for Rauru, this one's for Saria, Darunai, Ruto, Impa, Nabooru, Zelda, Navi, Jabu Jabu, Deku Tree...and this one's for the last 9 dungeons, yah bastard. *** (I enjoy ending things with the "yah bastard" note) ** At the end of the school year, I burn all of the work I've done over the year. "And this is for the hours of my life I'll never get back." * [[@/{{MiraShio}} Mira-chan]] used a variation of this on a punching bag, dedicating a series of powerful blows to herself. "Let's see how ''you'' like it when life does this to ''you''!" * This troper, while playing Fire emblem 9, Boyd died on chapter 6 at The Boss's hands (who got a critical). On the final chapter Ike Aether'd Ashnard straight away. "This is for Boyd, you bat-shit little freak!" * On the last mission of HaloReach, [[spoiler:Emile]] would occasionally dedicate each of his shots to the other fallen members of Noble Team[[spoiler:, namely Kat, Jorge, and Carter]]. Minutes later [[Tropers/MrUnderhill This Troper]] added "And '''that''' was for [[spoiler:Emile]]." [[spoiler: after taking down the bastard Zealot who killed him]]. ---AndThisIsFor the main trope page! ---<<|TroperTales|>>

AngelUnaware * [[SarcasmMode I'm an angel and I fit this trope perfectly. Oh wait,

I guess I don't anymore, sense I just told everyone. Oops.]] * I know someone whom I consider to be so nice that I've sometimes made jokes about this regarding her. The general [[NotGoodWithPeople mistrust]] of [[HumansAreBastards humanity]] that my life has left me with makes me think this person is too good to be human and imagine she might be something else. In any case, I feel fortunate to know her. * Damned Lolita of FanFiction Dot Net. She's not exactly unaware, since it's my nickname for her, but she does downplay it. She's an angel because without her I wouldn't be here. * [[Tropers/{{Aryn}} I know]] someone who I've told people "should at least be under arrest for possession of angelic paraphernilia." * In this troper's (unfinished) FantasyKitchenSink-centric story, the protagonist's two best friends are actually the ArchangelMichael and the ArchangelGabriel. * Once I was at a party. It was in a hotel, and there were a bunch of people who were hired to help out. I was having an absolutely horrible night, so I went outside and started crying, and one of the women working there saw me and brought me outside to talk. She was really nice, and after having a completely shitty day, she made the night not seem so bad. Later, I went to thank her, so I asked several people if they had seen her, and no one--not even the other people who worked there--could remember her. To this day I'm convinced she's an angel. ---Polish your halo and head back to AngelUnaware. ----

Angrish * [[Tropers/ReikoKazama This troper]] can lapse into this when a video game or {{That One Boss}} is getting par-ti-cu-lar-ly frustrating. ** Non-video game example: [[Tropers.ReikoKazama Troper]] upon seeing [[VicMignogna who apparently voiced Vega]] in an ADV dub of StreetFighterII V (direct quote): ---> [[JawDrop Daaaaaaaaaa...!]] V-V-V-V-V... B-B-B-B-V-V-V-V... [[GoMadFromTheRevelation aadadadadadaaaa~...!]] *** Yes, I was so shocked from seeing it that ''I couldn't even form a simple word, let alone a sentence''. *** I'm assuming you mean Vic Mignogna. I guess I'd be more surprised if I hadn't already heard him as Brolly in DragonBall Z. **** Original troper here, almost lapsed into {{angrish}} again. Did you not see the fricking pothole? * [[@/LeighSabio This troper]]'s response to recieving a 10/20 on a math quiz: --->'''Troper:''' There's a...and I just...But that's terri... * Whenever [[{{Tropers.Akiba}} I]] start losing at any CallOfDuty's multiplayer, it sounds [[{{Understatement}} a bit]] like this: --->'''[[{{Tropers.Akiba}} Me]]:''' What? I just-- ERGH!!! OH COME ON I DUMPED A FUCKING MAG IN--OOH!!! WHY IS HE NOT-RAGERFRAZERGODFUCKINGBLAHDIEWERGZSHISGRAH!!!!! FUCK IT! RARGH!!! * RageQuit* ** [[{{Tropers.Akiba}} Me]] again. I just remembered that

StreetFighter also makes me prone to angrish.[[hottip:* :And therefore {{Rage Quit}}s]] I was playing it when a few friends came over once. HilarityEnsued as I spouted incoherent bursts mixed with {{Cluster F Bomb}}s. * This troper lapses into this when something someone does takes him by surprise. It sounds like " did...GRAH! * This troper's favourite {{Angrish}} word: Arghiabargle! * After this troper's dad broke his leg in a skiing accident, he was spewing this for hours. The nurse actually had to tell him "sir, it's okay if you want to swear..." * After finding that she was reacting badly (and painfully, as in part of one underarm ''fluroescent-red-and-burning'' painful) to a supposedly''' 'sensitive' ''' Aloe Vera deoderent, [[@/KingSonnDeeDoo This Troper's]] reaction was as such... -->'''[[@/KingSonnDeeDoo Troper]]:''' Wha...but...ffffffffrable * ''Sound which can only be describled as a cross between a burble and a growl''* realebvleeggneiadgdfgazf...ALOE VERA! * This Troper puts himself in for it by playing [[SuperMarioBros Super Mario World]] [[GameMod Rom-hacks]]. While playing the second in a RIDICULOUSLY long duo of games. To give an idea of how long, the total count of combined worlds is 22, all of which consist largely of [[MarathonLevel Marathon Levels,]] which leads to some unfortunate findings like "Bowser's Secret 1." -->Troper: ''Wait, you MEAN THERE'S MORE THAN ONE? WHY WOULD YOU... BUT THEY'RE... WHAT!? *freak grumbling* BUT I DONT WANNA!! WHY WON'T YOU LET ME GET THE [[PlotCoupon GREEN]] [[GuideDangIt BUTTON]], IJUSTWANNAPUSH THEBUTTONITSNOTTHATHARDISIT? *Cries softly, still mumbling about the friggin' button*'' * [[@/CountDorku This troper]], when really pissed off, has been known to verbally disintegrate. Afterwards, he tends to refer to it as "inventing new swear-words", although "ghhhharraghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" barely qualifies as a word at all. ** He is now working on a FilkSong of Coldplay's "Viva la Vida" that's about ''IWannaBeTheGuy'', and the last chorus pretty much descends into variations on "Hurdadurdledur" as a ShoutOut to the LetsPlay. (The "Impossible Mode" filk is ''entirely'' variations on "hurdadurdledur". It gets rather repetitive after a while.) *** [[@/GGCrono This troper]] would very much like to hear that when it's completed. ** For more examples, consider the later pages of [[ w5h0&page=1 this forum thread]]. Warning: contains ''{{FATAL}}''. * When this troper plays ''CityOfHeroes'' with his friends, there's a lot of "[[ClusterFBomb goddamn motherfucking fuckity fuckers!]]" One time, one of my friends wearily requested that I add more variety to my swears, but I can't think on my feet that fast. The next time an appropriate situation arose, I said something akin to "Goddamn agifriggi-pagi-shmag-urf-bif-wat-DAAHH." My friend didn't seem to think it was that much better. * [[@/{{Ingonyama}} This Troper]] ''loved'' WolverineAndTheXMen...for the first 12 episodes or so. Then came an episode where Logan called out Cyclops for, essentially, doing something Wolverine is famous

for...namely haring off on his own to wreak widespread havok on the bad guys. The hypocrisy demonstrated in that moment by what had up till then been an [[SoOkayItsAverage okay]] depiction of Wolverine caused his speech centers to shut down. --->@/{{Ingonyama}}: "What...but--he just...and he does...[[CurseCutShort you fu-]]...and '''what?!''' AAAARGH!" ** It's not hypocrisy. Wolverine has never wanted leadership if for no other reason than that a guy prone to berserking is not someone that should be followed. Cyclops is their field commander; everyone looks to him as their rock. Wolverine was trying to drive home the fact that the only reason he had stepped up as a leader was because Cyclops failed to be the man Wolverine has known for years. * Usually after a couple moments of alternating between the milder swear words, cursing whatever/whoever is responsible for her frustration and random incoherant noises, @/DarkInsanity13 will shout "FRUSTRATED NOISES!" in an effort to avoid a ClusterFBomb (you know she's really worked up when she does [[PrecisionFStrike manage to drop at least one]].) * {{Angrish}} is the only way to get [[@/JET73L This Troper's]] mother out of the "I'm ''not'' arguing, I'm trying- could you please stop interrupting me!?" "[[ThatTroper Stop arguing, and]] ''[[ThatTroper don't tell me what to do]]''!" loop. * This Troper, whose friends are a mix of [[JerkAss jerk asses]] and ChaoticStupid, are very much prone to making him (incidentally, the OnlySaneMan of the group) break into this. --> You... but... WHY?!?!? *a minute's worth of cursing and rage* * @/{{Miso}} has a shoddy modem. Her internet connection ALWAYS goes out, requiring her to stop doing whatever it was she was doing and fix it, which can take up to an hour. And then the internet goes out again two minutes later. This leads to angrish in a subdued form. --> I... just... it... ARGH! * RAGE* * Let me just put it this way. Beating Mario on a no-powerups run is a bad idea. --> FUCKINGPENGUINSHITAAAAHHHSNOWEVERYWHEREGODDAMNBURNBURNEVERYTHINGWHYISN 'TBURNINGWORKINGDIEDIEDIEDIEDIEDIEDIEIDEIDEIAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHH * In addition to the usual, "I can't believe it! I...arrgh! What is wrong with---!?" [[@/SovietKitty this troper]], like ohmigawd, like lapses into valley girl speak for some super-weird reason, you know? * When this troper gets overly frustrated he tends to break into Yosemete Sam speak. Unintelligible half-words (that aren't even real words to begin with). "Whatthefrazz--frika-stupa-stupi-grabba-frakkan (growls and waves arms).... FUCK!" * Whenever I get really, really frustrated, I lose all ability to speak in sentences... So everything I want to say comes out in a garbled mess like this: You-Oh my God-damn-aaaaarrrrgggghhhhh!!!! And then I storm off. * [[@/AdamS This Troper]] enjoyed AssasinsCreed pretty thoroughly, until he had to assasinate Sibrand. The acrobatic mechanics, which had done a fantastic job throughout the game, decided they didn't want to work with any degree of precision. [[SuperDrowningSkills Altair dies

if he lands in water deeper than his ankles.]] Direct quote: --> AAGRAGRARGARARRRAGGGRLEGGGLREAEARRE! * [[@/ThirtyTwoFootsteps This Troper]] is tri-lingual, which results in moments of pure frustration and anger that are expressed by a string of random curses in English, French, and Japanese, until the syllables start running together into a glorious olio of incomprehensible hatred expressed sonically. * Happened to This Tropette during a meeting where someone was taking down the minutes. My nonsensical, angry outburst was recorded as *WORDLESS RAGE.* I thought it was really funny, once I calmed down. * [[@/{{Animenutcase}} This Troper]] just sort of grunts whenever she's annoyed and doesn't want to give a proper response. * [[MonkeyPhysics I]] spend a fair amount of time in a chemistry lab, and I often have to operate spectrometers that are probably older than I am (and I'm 21). They're slow, unreliable and more likely than not are missing a "cancel" button. -->No, I don't want to... noooo... why won't you... no, NO, BEHAVE... NO STOP THAT I DIDN'T TELL YOU TO... STUPID MACHINE... WHAT'S ERROR 55?.... NOO DON'T YOU CRASH YOU STUPID ARSE MONKEY NUTGRIMPLINGOOOGABOOGABUNQULMINTLAAAAAAAARRGGHHHH * Sometimes, when I'm at a loss of how to describe something, I babble a bit, then say a short (often 2 or 3 word) phrase that actually ends up being the best one. I've also done this on purpose. * [[@/{{coldacid}} This troper]], when he's very angry at a game which is behaving unfairly, is known to sound like [[DidNotDoTheResearch Tourette's case]] on crack. Including the creation of new offensive phrases and even words. Everyone enjoys watching him play games, obviously. ** As well, he has a friend, who chants and prays in {{Angrish}} when losing at video games. When that happens, he stops losing. * Sincde this troper has a thing against cussing, I often end up having moments like, this. My personal favorite out of all my angrish moments is as follows, "I... I... Na... No... He... I... No... I'm not!!! You... Cra... Rrrggh." following one of my female friends calling me gay because I wanted to see some of the artwork, which just happened to have Yaoi in it. * [[@/{{Liangnui}} I]] make a noise best transcribed as "Ghkt!" whenever someone managed to get me angry enough, if I'm not yelling a string of curses and waving my arms like a moron. I react to actual ''stupidity'', though like this: "ARGHWHYAREYOUVIOLATINGTHELAWSOFPHYSICS!!" * This troper does this, a lot. "Goddamnsonoffuckdamnbiiiiiiiiitch!" Being her favorite, along with [[ClusterFBomb "God fucking damn this piece of fucking shit!"]] which comes up when playing a videogame and an AI enemy pulls off something ridiculous. Happens in CityOfHeroes every now and then when an enemy (a SINGLE enemy, not a mob) is able to pile on debuff after debuff onto my character with perfect success. ''Oh come on... What the... Son of... Friggin'... HOW THE HELL?! THAT'S NOT FUCKIN' POSSIBLE!'' * [[@/NeoSilverThorn This Troper]] gets bouts of this when dealing with Sonic's final boss in [[SonicTheHedgehog Sonic & Knuckles]]. "Wha...the...fu...Hit detection...lag..."

* [[@/{{Prisket}} This Troper]] is the kind of person who must '''always''' get OneHundredPercentCompletion in any game she's playing. So imagine her [[{{Understatement}} frustration]] when she discovered more than half way through FinalFantasyX2 that, in the VERY beginning of the game, she was supposed to find Yuna hiding behind a bunch of crates wearing a moogle costume and then press the X button. It went a bit like this: "What the ... I ... she ... BEHIND THE CRATES?! FFFFF - IWASALMOSTFINISHEDYOUSTUPIDBITCH!" * This troper, when extremely brain-broken, is prone to speaking in random consonant sounds (as "Hh.. wh.. buh.. th.. gh.. nnh..") On one notable occasion, though, upon hearing about a bunch of freshmen [[BerserkButton blatantly texting and sleeping at the theatre]], she sounded more like this: "''kill stab maim murder slay burn destroy die die die''" ...and so on and so forth. * This Troper used to work in a factory that packed and shipped out candy (among other things). One of the people who had been sorting things out for orders to be packed had been messing up all day (really yesterday, as it had all been done in advance). It was becoming more and more frustrating. Not being confrontational and the person not being there anyways at the time, it just got bottled up. About the twentieth time, though, and having to go back and grab some from extras for the millionth time, he accidently made something fall and it all came out at once. He started spouting out all of his frustration on the spot in low but definetly audible volumes. What's more, he was doing it at a rapid pace, fully comprehensibly, possibly matching ''the Micromachines Man.'' It caused one of his coworkers to burst out laughing. If he could manage to do it on cue, he might have a future in voice acting. Sadly, that's not the case. * [[@/{{Plumbum}} This Troper]] has this kind of reaction when he is sniped in any FPS, A real GameBreaker to me. My literal reaction when I am sniped is something like but.. whole map.. no chance.. [[PrecisionFStrike fuck]]. * This troper's reaction to the physics engine in Saints Row 2 spazzing out during a timed mission and launching him out to sea from the middle of the city? -->"Wha... phys... what did I... fucking... I didn't... 's sake... HOWTHEFUCK?!" ** Once again in the Row, this troper got distracted by Pierce's constant bitching during the Heli Assault activity, crashed into a building and died. The sound that came out of the now enraged troper's mouth went something like this... -->"ARGHPIERCEDAHGAHTOTALBASTARD! IF YOU H-HAD JUST SHUT YOUR MOUTH I... THAT... GAHHHHH!" ** Resistance 2: -->"...FGHFHSFDHFDGHBBDBFDBDGBDGBF! I-I-I got blown up by bloody nothing!" ** My games hate me. Fist of the North Star: Ken's Rage. Having my entire life bar wiped in one attack from Thouzer or however you spell his name. -->"But... One! One, one, one, one, but... oh my, one, one..." * This troper's dad was frustrated after having nearly been hit twice by other drivers who seemed to not notice his car. "But... car! Red!

Big! Red! Car!" * This Troper descended into this after getting killed by a cheap move the final boss used in Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Crystal Bearers -->"What!? what the fuck! I can't believe this!" * [[@/{{Mezzamine}} This Troper]] tends to do this A LOT. Particularly when gaming, and ''particularly'' particularly when playing IWannaBeTheGuy and {{Prototype}}. Also tends to overlap with a lot of [[ClusterFBomb "FUCKING...Fuck! What the...FUCK! Fucking...fucking...what the Jesus FUCK?"]]. Apparently watching me play {{Prototype}} was very entertaining. * A particularly nice example of this from this troper's life. --->''Mom:'' [says something true but painful] --->''Me:'' What... but that's just... I mean I... that's just st... what... I mean that's just.... what?! * I do this a lot in videogames. Or when I get truly angry. I'm like the fucking hulk when I'm angry despite my small stature. I tend to throw things around and go ballistic, with my speech going to pot. On occasion, alcohol fuels this into a "corruption." * astfgl is my favourite expression when I'm stumped stumped. * This troper has an online acquaintance who keyboard mashes the home row when he's mad. He himself prefers the simple 'fffffffff' when he's feeling incoherently raged. * This Troper's vocabulary consists of 25% normal speech, 25% [[ClusterFBomb Cluster F Bombs]] and 50% Angrish. And when I am angry, that 25% of normal speech is shared between the other two. * This Troper has a tendency to not even be able to react and then let off a frustrated groan. * This Trooper once fell into the lake, in April. The lake hadn't warmed up yet. I distinctly recall screaming "It's cold! It's really cold!" But apparently it came out as nothing but gibberish. * This normally stoic and deadpan troper lapsed into huge bouts of this while playing SonicTheHedgehog2006 (hey, don't judge me. I hated the game but I had purchased it and ''I was going to get my monies worth'') -->"Huh. Sonic is dead. Shame. Well, I least I can trade in this piece o-" -->(Elise leans in to kiss sonic) -->"No..." -->(Elise plants the necro-bestial kiss) ->"WHATTHECRAPAMYDOSOMETHINGGRAFAGRELBLEARGIWILLSLAUGHTERYOUALLDGK,JQYM JEQHJMYRTEQWFTASDQWSHNNXB! (shrieking). * This Troper, when angry, confused, surprised, etc, will shout things that usually involves chickens, monkeys, pie, and death. ** "GRAHH-- YOU MONKEY CHICKEN PIE FACE, I ... RGH. I WILL MURDER YOU WITH A TOOTHBRUSH." ** "What. the. chickenmonkey?!" ** "NYA! AH! AAAH MONKEYPIE!" * When a person says something stupid, I'm usually pretty quick on the snark. But when I tried to explain how the magnetic poles of the earth

can flip, and one of the girls in the class replied "Wait, their are actual poles there?", my response was pure "...what? I mean, yeah but...not magnets... they aren't for.... did you get that...wazzle feaddle fawarghzle? *head desk*" I actually lost the ability to form sentences, followed by the ability to form words followed by actually hitting my head on the table hard enough to *actually leave a crack* and laughing maniacally for about ten minutes whilst the lesson continued. Similar things have happened, but never on such a level to break me and put my brain out of commission for so long. * This troper had a pretty good lapse of Angrish upon getting his ass kicked in {{BlazBlue}} the other day: --> "What the... fucking... bitch... Jin... shit... FUCK YOU!" *flips off TV screen* * [[Tropers/ThirtyTwoFootsteps This troper]] progresses in stages. First, mock confusion, typified by a FlatWhat. Then exasperation. Then a ClusterFBomb. Then a ClusterFBomb freely switching between [[BilingualBonus English, French, and Japanese]]. Then, true to this trope, comes a string (usually two or three minutes in length) of complete nonsense syllables that don't even remotely resemble language. He's just glad nobody has ever thought to film this for [=YouTube=]. * Whenever I have the misfortune to slip into Angrish, I end up totally weirding out everyone around me. I start speaking faster and faster and when I lose track of what I'm saying, random internet memes show up, and at the end, I literally say, really loudly, BLAAAAHHHH. I actually did it once during a oral presentation being sent across skype because the teacher was sick. I got bonus points because it was so funny apparently. The characters in the Great Gatsby are morons. * Fighting [[GuiltyGear I-No]] induced some (literally) controllerchewing rage in me. --> '''Dad:''' "What language is that?" --> '''Me:''' "Anger." * Whenever this troper's little brother plays a game, he tends to enter a [[LargeHam very hammy]] and oh-so-very {{Narm}} form of this trope. * This troper has come across two versions of this: ** First being regular {{Angrish}}/ChewbaccaDefense from her brother who will start randomly spouting noise whenever she tries to disagree with him. -->'''Me:''' "But that--" -->'''Bro:''' "ABADABAMRUGLFURGLFRABBADERBABLUH" -->'''Me:''' "[[BeatPanel .....]]" ** Second being the adult version of Angrish which I call [[IfYouKnowWhatIMean Hornish]] that I frequently hear from male friends -->'Urghhh I just wanna- grab and- MMRGUUUGHHGH' * Pokemon tends to bring out this Troper's Angrish. -->"Buh-guh-huh...Duh...YOU...DRAGON TYPE! ICE TYPE! FUCKYOUINTHEFUCKINGFACEWITHYOUROWNFUCKINGOUTRAGELANCE![[IllKillYou I'LLKILLYOU]] * This Troper's brother often walks along singing, stubs his toe, and

holds the key whilst screaming. I also scream OH FOR THE LOVE OF BLIMMIN BLOB! occasionally. * I just linked a friend of mine to the page about [[{{Chandlers Law}} Chandler's Law]], and her reactions to the picture there were, "WHAAAAAAAAAA" "WHAT IS THAT" "But...he..." "What the fuuuuuck..." "What..?" * You. me. Cliffhanger. And it kills you. * This troper let out this along with a BigNo when her portable DVD player started acting up. Later, when she began struggling with one of the other 2 DVD players (one was in a room that was off limits due to a bug infestation) for a while and realizing it was a lost cause, she stepped outside and across the yard to drop an [[AtomicFBomb FBomb]]...and it came out as this. * This troper tends to just mentally shut down and scream "Dah!" when sufficiently angry or annoyed. It helps that, out in public, {{Angrish}} is a lot less objectionable than {{Cluster F Bomb}}. * This Troper collapsed into this during an incident where my goodfor-nothing cousin tried to show my little sister and I a "funny picture," chose the wrong result on Google, and wound accidentally pulling up what I will loosely refer to as "pornography." Also known as the first time that this Troper literally saw red and was ready to murder his cousin. * [[Tropers/KatanaCat I]] do this sometimes when I'm very [[BeyondTheImpossible confused]], surprised, or very very VERY MAD. I have six stages of language: Programmer Mode (Cannot speak in a way most people would understand, but can work with split disassembles for Sega Genesis games), Coherent Sentence (ExactlyWhatItSaysOnTheTin, plus can even understand small bits of Japanese, French, German, and Spanish from best to worst), Almost Average Teen (Only a chunk of English, a bit of Japanese, and a couple words in French and German), ClusterFBomb (Volcabulary consists only of swear words in various languages and a couple of simple words that could ''almost'' describe the current situation), Crap Crap Shit (Only English swear words), and Angrish (nonsense and animal noises, brain shutting down language centers). If someone or something pushes my BerserkButton, I'll start going "[=Bauh-grgh-GRAHRRrhghhh-garglegrrrgh-GRRaaAAGH! GRAARRRRRRRGH!=]" and frothing at the mouth. This combined with my CuteLittleFangs looks... interesting. ** Update: I have added bird-like aliens called the Xe into my original writing, and their native language is based on my Angrish. It mostly consists of swear words, and I have text files with very small dictionaries for both my own Angrish and the modified version used by the Xe. [[ One kind of Xe can be seen here, for those who want to know what they look like]] * When playing Sasha's level on {{Psychonauts}}, this troper gets a little...excited. -->Me: Fucking turn! Turn you who- what! Fucking demons! I don't- gra, how do you- No! No! Gnah! Die! I- TURN AROUND AND SHOOT HIM YOU CUwhy the hell did- it exploded on me how- what! CLIMB THE LADDER! GO UP! UP! Climb the- No, don't you dare! *dies* RAAAAAAAAAA gara fuckin you shuttin fuckin ga who in what- *beats fists furiously against

keyboard* GODDAMNIT I WILL KILL YOU I WILL KILL YOU ALL GODDAMNIT DO WHAT I TELL YOU TO DO AAAAAAAAA! * BioShock. The first of those Fontaine levels. Tougher splicers than earlier, and not to mention the ''health bar maximum is dropping''...objectives check...find the "[[{{MacGuffin}} Lot 192 remedy]]"...dead many a time in this fucking game...AAARGH!!! *throws headphones against the wall, thankfully they don't break open* *breathes and calms down* Sorry, but that bit of BioShock was downright frustrating for [[{{Tropers/Crion87}} this troper]]...all because he didn't have the VideoGameCrueltyPotential to kill those Little Sisters for the extra ADAM, he's getting his arse kicked (Is there a page for VideoGameCaringPunishment? If not, someone ought to start one...) * This troper, when exceedingly angry, simply lapses into guttural sounds. * My dad had an Angrish moment yesterday while working on a car with my grandfather. He told me that he asked my grandfather, "Hey, is that part suspended?" He got a 'yes', and almost immediately after that my grandfather proceeded [[WhatAnIdiot dislodge the part]], sending it springing into my dad's face. Note: My dad was under the car, and if he didn't move his face at the last minute the part would have broken his nose. He told me that he started cussing him out while under the car and that "He had ''never'' heard me [dad] use language like that before" along with saying that if the neighbors were outside, they could probably hear him. * I get this way around extreeeemmmeeelllyyy dense. people. I try to explain something and they ask the most illogical, retarded questions, I try to answer and they don't listen. It often goes: "Well no! That's not...I...why would you even" Then I bang my head against something and give up. * [[{{Tropers/SpikeBeaver}} This Troper]] falls into this incoherent {{Angrish}} anytime he has to fix somebody's computer, and nothing goes right. That's what happens when a person acquires a little knowledge about computers, everybody expects them to [[{{TechnoWizard}} perform miracles with even the most decrepit of machines]]. * This Troper will often say things like "But I didn't... that was... he... GAH!" on ThatOneLevel. * This troper has been known to lapse into angrish during heavy traffic if he's alone in the car (or once when his girlfriend was in the car, she was understandably concerned). It starts with me griping to myself about how nobody has manners and then usually ends with incoherent screaming followed by "I WILL EAT YOUR SOUL YOU FUCKING WHORE!" Normally this troper is very calm and quiet and polite. * Subvertion: if this troper gets particularly annoyed, he just gets violent. If he gets slightly annoyed, he will unleash a razor sharp wit. My best one combines Sophisticated as Hell and occured when one friend was being a prick. My comment (bear in mind said friend had been given an inarguable point and yet he kept arguing and I just happened to be listening in)? --> The voice of reason hath spoken. Shut the [[PrecisionFStrike fuck]] up.

** This was regarded by most as a Crowning Moment Of Awesome (considering I never swear in public, it was a huge surprise to most), a Crowning Moment Of Funny by me (I realised just how funny the swearing sounded from me) and a Dethroning Moment Of Suck (on my way out of the room, I accidentally knocked someone's folder off the desk...and I stopped and helped her pick the stuff up, instead of being a badass and continuing as if nothing had happened. May also be a Crowning Moment Of Heartwarming, as I sacrificed any awesomeness I had just earned just to be a gentleman). *** Finally invoked when he tried playing a certain Mario video game. While trying to defeat the second-to-final boss (the last was a piece of cake compared to him), he spent about thirty minutes unleashing {{Angrish}} in between dying more times than he could believe possible and cursing frequently all while pretending to be doing a Lets Play. Damn you, giant moth, damn you... * I have a tendency to warble like the Sangheili from Reach when playing...well, Reach. One friend remarked "that's quite a good Elite impression." ** I also love my home row keyboard smash, even if I'm not actually ''on the keyboard.'' I just know the keys by heart. These two examples are most obvious when viewing my Twitter while playing Halo. *** Same here,'re actually me. I tend to capslock a lot, too. ''A lot.'' * People compare my Angrish to to the sounds of crashing video game hardware. -->Me: But that... That's not even-- How does one-- *crashing NES sounds* -->Friend: Do I need to remove your brain and blow on it? * This troper speaks Angrish quite fluently. * This troper's sentences usually degenerate into this whenever she stubs her toe or walks into something painful, or after I die in video games. -->Me: Gggghh--! FREAKIN'--! FFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU * This troper tends to speak in what his friends have dubbed "Angry Lylatian over a slowly failing wireless link" when angered. * Saieras: I usually start with an [[UnusualEuphemism Unusual Vulgarity]] and then descend into some kind of BlackSpeech [[SpeakingSimlish Simlish]], like "SHARK FUCKER COCKMATRA SHVMAN'KIRUCHLIN BOROZ GARDRASHK N'ANG TINJIG..." * This troper was so heavily scarred by the Tourian section of IWannaBeTheGuy that every bout of Angrish he's suffered since includes frequent use of the word 'RINKA'. * When this tropette leaves the room and misses the low battery warning on her laptop, then comes back and only gets five minutes. Or when the computer is on sleep and resets itself, thus losing ALL OF HER WORD DOCUMENTS! ARG YOU GOLDANG FLUFFING--WHY YOU--THAT WAS THREE PAGES LONG! SCSCHHVSJSJDCXSJSDSXC! * RageQuit * ** You're not alone. Computer reset ("No, I don't want your stupid Java Updates!") is the worst thing ever for a writer. And, needless to say, I also break down into angrish when this happens... (And my little brother, who is an avid MMORPG-lover, speaks in tongues when ''his'' computer breaks down, then starts crying. It's hilarious,

though I don't dare tell him so.) * There must be countless programmers who go through this while compiling code. I know I do, and I've heard it a million times throughout programming courses. People no longer bat an eye at it in advanced computing labs or in class, even from the professor. * Right now, I'm pissed beyond articulate speech. I'm typing to chill myself out. My roommate has listened to me shrieking in rage over ThatOneBoss. The first time I faced Seth in StreetFighter 4, I finished without a continue, and my laptop crashed from overheating during the end credits. Now I've gotten to see his victory quote ''12 (*&*(&^*$( times in a row!'' '''Rawr!''' * Occasionally, while playing video games. I go from normal conversation to asjkfqlfpi--'''GRAAAAAHHH!''' Also, when I get frustrated to the point where I can't form words. My only reaction is to let out a groan/roar/whatever-the-heck so loud it SHAKES WINDOWS. ** [[Tropers/CathodeRayTube Same Troper]]. Prime example: Call of Duty. Zombies mode. I am a very vocal gamer as-is, but some of the things that happen in that game are just too ridiculous to form words. There have been times where the only thing that I could manage to say was "ffff--asjkfq--how did--NOOOO YOU HAVE NO HEAD HOWAREYOUSTILLBITINGMENOOOOOOOoooo..." or "AUGHGHGHGHGHGH [[This!Is!SPARTA! SOLID! WALL! Zombie! Inna! SOLID! WALL!]] THATISNOTSUPPOSEDTOHAPPEN! *panting and nervous giggling*" I consider it an accomplishment to drown out Richtofen with my own half crazed rambling. * [[Tropers/StongRadd DUUUDWEEEDEOOOOODWAAAAAAGREEAR]] [[AdventuresOfSonicTheHedgehog DOY SHOU!]] * I find myself doing this when I'm in a bad mood and someone won't let me speak or they keep interrupting me. * A (former) friend of mine once told me that I sound like a [[GratuitousJapanese Japanese]] Hitler when I'm angry. * This troper tends to make sounds like Argh! Gna! Rgggh! RARARAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! EEEEEGH! RRAGA! Gna! Hu...rhg...ra....RGHGHGRHGHRGHRGHH!!! AAAAAAAAAA... whenever he gets really, really pissed. ** He also tends to make similar sounds combined with an under-thebreath ClusterFBomb when he's really nervous (for some reason only while skiing), like -->"Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck I'm doomed I'm doomed Gnsh! Come! On! OH SHIT *panting* fuckfuckfuckfuck aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...[[GratuitousSpanish QUE LOS]] *panting* [[ThisIsSPARTA How! Much! Longer! Goddamnit!]] SHIT! Oh fuck...[[BigNo NOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa]]...*panting* OH SHIT *falls over*" * This Troper is prone to inventing new languages when angry my favorite has ancd always will be"I died? but i stargled mick mangle arkle and ill mick his nickerwack paddywack with a balloon! * [[{{@/FringeBenefits}} This Troper]] had been telling a friend of his about how ungodly [[ThatOneLevel frustrating]] the FLUDD-less levels in VideoGame/SuperMarioSunshine were. Sure that I was exaggerating, this friend decided to try to beat one particular level himself. More than twenty lives later, he came within a hairsbreadth

of nabbing the Shine Sprite, only to overshoot his jump and fall to his doom. Whereupon he screamed a phrase that has become immortal between us, and is still remembered nearly ten years later: "YOHAI SHAMPOO KAIYOKO ''AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGH!''" * This is this troper's response to as AssPull ending to a movie or TV show. Well, it's either this, or FlatWhat. They have been combined exactly one time: Last week when this troper's family watched some god-awful SyFy movie about some alien that drains the iron in his victim's blood by touching them. (Don't ask) One girl, portrayed as perfectly healthy and everything throughout the movie, survived contact, and we aren't told why. At the end of the movie, this exchange occurs: -->Character: But I touched it! Why did I survive? -->Character's mother: Oh, thank God you're anemic! -->Me: What. -->Parents: It means there's no iron in her bl-->Me: I KNOW WHAT IT MEANS!!! (incoherent rage for the last 10 minutes of the movie) * This troper was playing [[HalfLife Zombie Panic Source]] the other day, and someone had hacked to allow their zombie character to have a shotgun and fly around. After being killed by said hacker, he started sputtering over his mic "[[PrecisionFStrike fuck you.]]" [[HilarityEnsues Nobody on the server could stop laughing.]] * Upon meeting [[StarWarsTheForceUnleashed The]] [[SNKBoss App]][[ThatOneBoss rentice]] in {{Soul Calibur}} IV, this is the typical line of dialogue from [[Tropers/ABadDriver This Troper]]: -->Me: Oh...[[PrecisionFStrike shit.]] --> [[CurbStompBattle One Brutal Beating Later...]] --> Me: [[LittleNo No...]][[GoMadFromTheRevelation DIE! KILL! YOU...DIDN'T...]][[TheComputerIsACheatingBastard PSYCHIC]][[ClusterFBomb FUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCK]] [[SkywardScream AAAAAAAAARRRG-]][[LaughingMad HAHAHAHA]][[OverlyLongGag *sob*]]. * [[{{@/Griffinhart}} This Troper]] swears... pretty much every other four or five words. So you know when I'm angry/frustrated/confused/whatever when I invoke Angrish (typically intentionally, to ''show'' that I'm angry/frustrated/confused/whatever) and string together a lot of swears in grammatically incorrect clauses. -->"Fucking shit tit dick hair ass balls fucking ass tits fucking... TITFUCKING CUNTSWALLOP! ARGH. ARGH. AGGHHH. FFFFFFUUUUUUUBOBSAGET." <I stubbed my toe once in the middle of the night getting a drink of water. -->"I WILL DICK YOU IN THE PUNCH." <- No, Windows 7, I would not like to be reminded every four ''Goddamn'' hours that I need to reboot to update. * This troper's cousin was king of this when we were kids. To this day we still use the infamous "Colonel Crapanugget!" * While this troper is usually quite articulate and commonly lapses into a bout of ''very'' creative cursing when playing frustrating video games, there was one particular day when her sister pulled out a

victory against her ''at the last second'' during a game of Super Puzzle Fighter. What occurred next was maybe a minute-long segment of "Wha... wha--''how?!'' What?! ''HOW?!''" ** This same troper sometimes messes up the syntax of sentences when she's raging, a little like the Sheriff of Rottingham in [[RobinHoodMeninTights Robin Hood: Men in Tights]]. Normally she's a self-proclaimed [[GrammarNazi grammar whore]], but when she's ''really'' upset you get gems like "That makes me doesn't any feel better!" * This troper has a youtube video where he rants about the recent failings of his latest gadget. It very rapidly devolves into Angrish, Monty Python references and William Shatner impersonations... * Several examples: Maybe the first one doesn't count, btw. ** When utterly bemused, this trooper will fall into "Kdbvdh? Bdbd. Pfferhnivr. D-d-d-b kdddschv!? Whiffniv! Kch kch kch - kh?" ** This trooper once shared her notes with a classmate for use on a quiz. Bad idea, yes. Anyway, he used them and [[TooDumbToLive got caught.]] This trooper was then in trouble, too, with the teacher (with whom she was usually in good standing). Next time she saw him, she marched up to him, stuck a finger in his chest, and gibbered, " You. Are. You. You. Idiot. Damned idiot. You. Damn you. Damnit. You fucking you. You ''rat bastard.''" The classmate was somewhat apologetic, but mostly confused and suprised that [[TheQuietOne this trooper]] was actually swearing at him at the top of her lungs in the middle of a public space. ** This trooper was at one time a coxswain (the little person in a crew boat that sits in one end or the other wearing the silly hat and yelling at everyone really ''really'' loudly), and, when particularly upseat, would mutter, [[ClusterFBomb crapshitfuckdamncrapshitfuckdamncrapshitfuckdamn...]] Into a microphone. Oops. ** This trooper ''hates'' Google's automatic search function, and could not diactivate it for a while, leading to "Ah! Ah! No! Noidontlikeyou. Nonononono. Idonotwant. Do not want. Nononono, DON'T LIKE YOU. Nnnnoooooo, I DON'T LIKE YOU GO AWAY AWAY AWAY GOOOOO. NononoNOOO whyyyyy noidontwantyouuuuuu. No WHY YOU SO STUPID STUPID GO AWAY." * Whenever this typically eloquent troper plays Pokemon, my speech typically devolves into something along the lines of this: "No- what no. No. Hey, what you mean paralyz. WHUT. NO. BITCHHHHH Hate hate hate oh HELL no don't no HEY. Stop. Don't you be shootin' THAT at my pokeBITCH I HATE YOU WHAT THE BASTARDDDDDD" * I'm normally a calm person if a bit of a [[DeadpanSnarker Deadpan Snarker]], but when I play [[BulletHell Bullet Hell]] games such as Touhou and get offended one time too many by losing too much [[SmartBomb resources]] on a pattern I should be able to dodge, I usually: 1. [[ClusterFBomb yell expletives]] [[AtomicFBomb at the top of my lungs]] that soon devolve into jibberish, 2. [[LaughingMad laugh insanely]], 3. Punch my keyboard or monitor until I calm down, 4. Perform an insane combination of all of the above. This is what [[BulletHell Bullet Hell]] can do to you.

* This Troper has gone into bouts of this from time to time while playing any of the Dynasty or Samurai Warriors games, especially he fails a stage after 30 or so minutes of playing. It normally ends with a "FUCK THIS SHIT." and a quick flick of the consoles power button/switch. * I get angry very easily when things aren't working as they should or cheap tactics are in play. The Angrish comes out instantly. It's when I stop talking that things get serious. I get the urge to destroy anything I can get my hands on and I sound more like a pissed off animal more than a pissed off human. * I have two versions, "Rarble, grarble, ratzing, fratzing, (etc. etc.)" and "[[CurseCutShort God- Mother- Sonova- MotherlessGRAH!!!]]" I blame the second on working retail and food service and not being allowed to curse on shift.[[{{Angrish}} link]]...AAARGH! ----

AngstAversion * @/{{Rothul}}: I'm generally of the second category... I hate it when works decide to be depressing as a result of apparent authorial fiat. It's what kept me away from ''NeonGenesisEvangelion'' and ''BuffyTheVampireSlayer'' for so long, though I'm a fan now. Even now without CreatorBreakdown, good luck getting me to check out ''SchoolDays'' or ''TheWire'', if you are just going to keep mentioning how everything goes to hell for just about every character in them. * @/FalconPain: Almost every time I hear ''{{Narutaru}}'' referenced on this site, the description is along the lines of "it's like ''{{Pokemon}}'', except people rape and kill each other and everyone's miserable". That's an interesting approach. Telling me that the show's full of stuff I probably don't want to see, and the stuff that I might find interesting can be found on another show that airs frequently. * @/{{Sijo}}: I'm the kind of fan who insists on learning as much as I can about any series before watching or reading it; too many disappointments have made me that way. Curiously, I'm still perfectly capable of enjoying a series even if I know all the spoilers. * @/{{Lurkerbunny}}: I may be okay with both films now, but I remember not wanting to see ''Film/{{Insomnia}}'' or ''OneHourPhoto'' when they came out. I was a teenager and I sure as hell didn't want to see [[RobinWilliams my childhood hero]] play a killer or a stalker. (''DeathToSmoochy'' I was okay with, though, because 1) It was a comedy and 2) [[spoiler:Rainbow Randolph does a HeelFaceTurn at the end anyway]].) * @/LexLogic: Having been given summaries of each of his works, I've made a point of never, ''ever'' reading anything by Cormac [=McCarthy=]. The man's stories are so fucking dark that they actually absorb away light. To me, they're like inverted fairy tales; he actually bends reality and common sense just to make horribly depressing situations that are every bit as unrealistic as the happy tales he deconstructs (I'm not making an exception for ''All the

Pretty Horses'', it doesn't seem that bleak, but I just know something horrible will happen to every sympathetic character and if there is a villain, he'll succeed tremendously at whatever he's trying to do). I'm also refusing to touch the ''Song of Ice and Fire'' series for the same reasons. * @/{{Solandra}}: After reading one too many angst-drenched DownerEnding books for school, I now avoid classic books that seem to be labeled "great, but depressing as hell" by everyone and go for works that look to be along the lines of EarnYourHappyEnding. This is the reason why films like ''EternalSunshineOfTheSpotlessMind'' and ''TheShawshankRedemption'' score more points with me than any OscarBait that wrings every last drop out of a grave topic. ** Oh, cool! You used the stabbed-Mercutio pun! *** '''DontExplainTheJoke'''. **** * blushes* Sorry. {{Shakespeare}} nerd. I'll go bury my head in the ground now. * [[@/JuiceBoxHero This troper's]] mother. MY GOD. It's pretty much at the point where she doesn't think anything is worth watching or reading unless it has a happy ending. Unfortunately, as she knows I write, she also plans to read one of my books if/when I get published. This troper is fond of tropes like NiceJobBreakingItHero, BittersweetEnding, BreakTheCutie, and AnyoneCanDie. * Huh. [[@/{{Randomfanboy}} I'm]] almost the exact opposite of this trope - I love depressing, moody, and cynical work. Though I do like well-written idealism when I can find it. I think it's mostly because I like dramatic and comedic irony, which idealistic stuff tends not to have. * I put off reading HisDarkMaterials for years because I heard how the ending went. * @/{{Muselette}}: My friends and I were having a movie night, and everyone brought a few of their movies so we could have a large selection to pick from. One of the movies I brought was ''Dear Frankie'', and when someone suggested watching it, another friend began whining that she'd heard it was "sad" and "depressing". Yes, it's sad at the end, but it's also incredibly sweet and managed to (in my eyes, at least) redeem Gerard Butler as an actor after that horrible PhantomOfTheOpera movie. * It's for precisely this reason that [[@/RiL I]] want to meet Joss Whedon someday, just so I can punch him in the face. Happy people may make for boring television, but what's the point of watching something in which everything is doomed from the start to go straight to hell in the worst way possible for everyone involved? ** This is why this troper can't get into ''{{Firefly}}''. Though he does admit that Nathan Fillion is kind of awesome. * [[@/MurkyMuse This troper]] was watching CodeGeass but after finding out how it ends I can't bring myself to finish it. ** This one put off watching episode 25 of R2 for over half a month. She knew what was coming. It was fairly obvious. Then she actually watched it and was disappointed because she expected ''more'' drama. ** [[@/{{Aryn}} This troper]] was actually quite amused and satisfied, as only Lelouch could've pulled that one off. Although I find the outcome a bit out of touch with reality without some serious cultural

alteration or possibly just straight-up cultural engineering. ** When this troper was watching CodeGeass for the first time he decided to watch an episode before going out to drink with his cousin. The episode in question happened to be [[WhamEpisode episode]] [[DiabolusExMachina 22]] [[TearJerker of R1]]. I had not quite recovered by the time we met at the bar... I did not spoil anything, but he still refuses every time I recommend the show to him, saying that he already feels his masculinity slipping away after having watched ElfenLied. He said that it will be six months before he even considers watching Code Geass. * This troper has gone far far off the angst aversion level, labeling anything that uses random angst for drama, or is over-all angsty, as pointless suffering-worship. * @/{{Chadius}} can't watch anything JossWhedon wrote anymore. He has a great sense of humor, and averts BoringInvincibleHero '''HARD''', but sometimes he declares AnyoneCanDie and then Tara dies from a stray bullet. Yeah, I hated Season Six. ** I am also vaguely worried about if my friend will still enjoy ChronoTrigger after seeing the new ending. It's her first time playing the game and the new ending is a setup for the sequel. * This has been seen as annoying by some folks at Space Battles. During a Killzone 2 discussion, the DownerEnding nailed it for some people, that games in desperate need of a sequel/trilogy need to make the ending as dark as possible. One wonders if they should play the single player any more when in the end it is just one damn depressing ending. * [[@/EddieVanHelsing This troper's]] wife is like this. She always flips to the last few pages to see if the characters got fucked over by the author, and has threatened [[@/EddieVanHelsing this troper]] with a life of sleeping on the couch should he screw over ''his'' characters in the novel he's been writing. * This is the reason why [[@/MadameLeP this troper]] avoids playing [[MetalGear Metal Gear Solid]]/watching footage on YouTube, despite (or possibly because of) the fact that she is absolutely infatuated with the characters. The storyline's too damn depressing... * sniff* Damn you, Hideo Kojima. * shakes fist at heavens* ** Same here. I'd absolutely love to at least own the games, but find them a bit scary at the same time (as I'm not used to stealth-games, ya'know? I just tend to run and in blow up as much stuff as I can)... I mean, it's like 'OH GOD YOU'RE SO HOT I WANNA PLAY YOU' in here! * [[KurtVonnegut Harrison Bergeron]]. Way to ShootTheShaggyDog, Kurt. * Go ahead and read {{Maus}}. Then just ''try'' to pick up Maus II. Then again, pretty much anything honest about the Holocaust could go here. * Yeah. This troper doesn't like angst. Apparently, she's a bubbleheaded idiot with cotton candy and fluffy bunnies in her head. Try again. She had more angst in her life by the time she was ten than most will have ''ever'', and would like to have some peace and happiness in her fandom endeavors, thank you very much. This does not make her a bad person, nor is it a measure of her intelligence or supposed lack thereof. ** ''Power to you.''

* This troper loves a good TearJerker, but can't bear to watch {{House}} now that [[spoiler: Kutner committed suicide. It's like shooting a puppy.]] * This troper used to be all about the sadness but now, finally finally, I think I might actually be getting out of that emo phase. (As in angst for angst's sake, not when it's well-written and feels genuine.) Why, you ask? It's probably a mix of Joss Whedon's douchebag theory that happiness = boring TV and {{Supernatural}}'s S4. Don't get me wrong, it's been a great season, but there's so much angst I can take. "Jump The Shark" proved that John Winchester is a worthless waste of space, even the fricking Angels have Daddy Issues, every cool guest star gets killed off and Sam and Dean should just kill themselves now to prevent any more misery. It's no wonder why I've started to like [[ThatGuyWithTheGlasses internet]] [[TheAngryVideoGameNerd comedy]] so much. ** I tend to think that there must be a happy medium. Sure, angst is fine, but unrelenting angst becomes monotonous and tiresome. Honestly, I wonder if Whedon's comfortable writing relationships or bringing lightness to his shows (of course, I'm going by Angel, which I ended up disliking, much as I tried to love the show). Then again, I don't like Whedon and think he's overrated, so... * @/{{Dukia}}: This troper, despite usually enjoying angsty works, was already depressed at the time when her English class was focusing on ''LordOfTheFlies'', so she only bothered to skim through the book. Her depression eventually got to the point where she stopped even reading spoilers altogether around chapter 10 or so, which obviously lead to her grades dropping because she [=BSed=] her answers on worksheets having to do with a book that made her depressed even when she simply ''picked it up''. And this is coming from someone who, when not depressed, finds fricking "[[NeonGenesisEvangelion Komm Susser Tod]]" to be {{Narm}} and can't sing along to it without being unable to stifle laughter, and who almost burst out crying from laughter when reading Encyclopedia Dramatica's summary of the "TRAJIC [sic] PAST" of one of her ''favorite'' characters from [[OnePiece an old favorite manga she's nostalgic about]]. * @/MelasZepheos: I don't generally like angsty fiction of the depressing magnitude, largely because I tend to over-analyse any book supposedly set in real life context, leading me to decide that the likelihood of the sheer amount of crap getting piled onto these people is just too unlikely to read. I would read a book about someone who self harms, or about the holocaust, because they happen and they are realistic. Someone who self harms because their father tripped over their dog and collided with their mother while on the stairs and landed on the character's girlfriend? Too far. Unfortunately I am now in a university Creative Writing group that believes true art must contain depression and shooting of shaggy dogs. I wrote a depressing piece which would rival ''BattleRoyale'' for a KillEmAll ending, and they loved it, so what was supposed to be a one shot parody to annoy them has turned into the basis of my end of year portfolio. Bugger. * Sapphire Again (formerly Returns): While I love classic era ''Series/DoctorWho'', the Tom Baker era in particular, I became frustrated wtih the ExpandedUniverse material because of its angst. I

managed to make it through the first one and a half seasons of the new show before bailing out, in part because I thought the romance was poorly handled (a shame, as I long wanted to see such an element), but also because I checked for spoilers and realized it was prone to unhappy endings for the Doctor on top of his miserable backstory, and I had already hated the outcome of "The Girl in the Fireplace". When I learned they were adapting ''Human Nature'', a novel I was terribly upset by, into the series proper, I gave up. [[spoiler: Donna's fate]] hasn't made me eager to return to the show either. I might return once Romana finally makes an appearance, though. I also gradually gave up on ''LawAndOrderSVU'' for this reason -- too many ItGotWorse situations. And I've decided to avoid material like ''{{Threads}}'' and ''TheRoad'' altogether; what I saw of ''TheDayAfter'' was bad enough. * @/{{Excel-2009}}. ''{{Kodocha}}'' is one of my favorite dubs but I'm having a very hard time watching the last ten episodes. * @/DickRichardson - After moronic people like Kitoh pointlessly wallow around in fictional angst to [[NaruTaru excuse pedophilia or gorn]], or one too many "lol, cynical, the world is bad and you should feel bad!!" works, I tend to snark at these sort of things. After all, the writer/author/director very usually hasn't been outside of their city for most of their lives, who get their "human suffering" experiences from that {{jerkass}} kid from their pre-school who took some lunch money, and have a house, a job, friends, and no memories of genocide, war, murder, or gang warfare. ** It's not that I don't like sad endings - quite the opposite. It's that they're too damn Nihilistic-wannabe and completely stupid. * This is the reason that this troper is saving his money instead of buying the season six DVD of ''BuffyTheVampireSlayer''. Whoever thought that pointless angst after pointless angst, random deaths and Buffy being a cold-hearted bitch would ever make for good television? * @/VampireBuddha: This is what kept me from reading ''ASongOfIceAndFire'' for so long. I recently started on the first book, and so far it's not nearly as {{grimdark}} as people would have you believe. * @/VoxAquila: This Troper is a Christian and believes he is morally obligated to forgive people for the wrongs they have done, no matter how severe. He will never forgive JossWhedon for killing Tara. NEVER. ** As an addendum to the above statement, DarknessInducedAudienceApathy has hit him ''hard'' in regards to the works of Mr. Whedon, no matter how well written. So much so that he sincerely hopes ''Comicbook/TheAvengers'' film collapses, so he won't have to watch Wasp get StuffedInTheFridge. The man is dead to him. * Angst Aversion aversion: This Troper is one of those morbid freaks who can actually dig artistic angst. I used to rationalise it away as 'realism', portraying how life usually turns out. But now I'm comfortable with the truth; that I'm an utter bloody ghoul. ** Realism isn't everyone being clinically depressed and the author being an emo idiot. *** Hence the epiphany. * After quite a bit of unsuccessful searching for scanlations, This Troper eventually came to the decision to refuse to read [[spoiler:

KazeToKiNoUta]] because, frankly, when you're an LGBT troper / YaoiFangirl with a very debilitating mood disorder, it's a ''bad idea'' to read about gay people being ''[[{{Gayngst}} miserable]]'' and '''[[BuryYourGays dying]]'''. Of course, that's only one example of my avoiding works of fiction based upon "You know, I have a feeling that if I read this, I am going to want to kill myself." * This is the reason that [[@/{{Floria}} This Troper]] wouldn't watch {{Bokurano}} if you paid her. * I (@/{{Karalora}}) am kinda like this. With a slight tendency toward depression and a hypersensitivity to the many problems plaguing the world, I prefer my fiction to be comforting and uplifting. No matter how good it is, I will ''never'' watch ''GraveOfTheFireflies''. Why should I? What would I get out of it? I already know war sucks! * This troper (Allandrel) refuses to watch BrokebackMountain, not because of "gay cowboys" but because it just sounds far too depressing. Not to mention my serious case of DarthWiki/FallenCreator towards Joss Whedon. The straw that broke the camel's back: [[spoiler: Kitty Pryde's FateWorseThanDeath]] in Astonishing X-Men. * This troper, an avid reader and fantasy nut, has yet to successfully get through the book versions of LordOfTheRings. This is why. * This troper has surprisingly little qualms about angst in fiction and media, to the point of persuading a GM in a tapletop RPG to heap a metric ton of angst-inducing drama on his character's head shortly after his character ''finally'' got over his debilitating confidence issues. And yet, he still can't watch The Butterfly Effect. ** You're doing yourself a great favor with the latter. * This trope refuses to ever watch Evangelion because of this. I don't avoid most stuff just because it's angsty, but End of Evangelion goes much farther than I'm willing to go. ** It's not angsty. It's just a DavidLynch wannabe. * @/SkarmoryThePG: GraveOfTheFireFlies full stop. * @/{{evilcupcake}}: This is me in a nut shell. I can't stand anything that is angsty for angst's sake and I'm generally more of an {{earn your happy ending}} type girl myself. I don't mind if the whole thing is a depressing bloody gore fest as long as there's some faint glimmer of hope at the end (one of the reasons I liked {{Revenge of the Sith}}). But if the entire point of the work is to bring the audience down as much as possible then, well, I say to the author, Fuck You. I have enough problems with depression as it is, thank you very much. Although I did rather enjoy Cowboy Bebop, even though I came into it being well aware [[{{it was his sled}} what was going to happen]]. But do not, on pain of being beaten to a bloody pulp, ever, EVER, tell me that [[{{berserk button}} depressing = realistic.]] * @/{{Ronnie}}: {{Watchmen}}. Once upon a time, there was a group of superheroes. [[WhatTheHellHero They let the villain off with doing horrible things]] [[FreudianExcuse because]] HumansAreBastards. The end. Yeah, not gonna fly with me. By the way - I agree with the above. Depressing =/= Realistic. ** No. Whoever told you that hates the book. I hate cynical things Watchmen is far, FAR from it. *** ''I READ the book.'' That's what I took away from it. Though, I did leave out the FalseDilemma in that description. Of course, I'm of

the opinion Rorschach was the beacon of morality in the book, and everyone else crossed the MoralEventHorizon into villainy in the end by taking the other side. **** ... **** You do know that in order for the Russians and Americans to not turn the world into a nuclear wasteland (honestly, if the situation is THAT bad), Ozymandias had to do what he did, and so did Nite Owl and Sally? ***** As stated, FalseDilemma / FalseDichotomy. Our mundane world managed to make peace without any huge catastrophes, and with someone as powerful as Doc Manhattan around, there's no reason theirs wouldn't have. In other words- Ozymandias is full of crap. Hell, they could have even had a cool happy ending, and a speech about how they were scared of the people who wore masks when the real enemy was in plain sight shilling himself to the masses. **** Um... the mundane world got out the way it did BECAUSE there was no "someone as powerful as Doc Manhattan" around. "What if USA DID have a Superman of its own?" (and, you know, "superheroes in the real world" generally) is one of the "what ifs" the book is based on after all. ***** Thus making WatchMen a case of YouFailEconomicsForever. The SovietUnion collapsed trying to catch up to [[EagleLand the US]] after RonaldReagan ramped up the weapon stockpiling. If the US had a PhysicalGod on their side, then the SovietUnion should've ''collapsed'' sooner simply due to them trying to become equal to the US. ****** Yep, this troper agrees tha WatchMen was pointlessly angsty. He even posted a long explanation on how a nuclear war in the WatchMen universe would happen if it wasn't an IdiotPlot (Hint: it doesn't end with the world destroyed). He removed it after realizing it was {{Natter}}. **** Ticky Dick was already in the bunker, ready to launch missiles. Admittedly, Ozzie could have done something else to stop the war plans. ** On another note, this troper has a friend whose aversion to ''{{Watchmen}}'' is due to being constantly told it's a must-read because it's ever so dark and depressing and explores the bleakest depths of the human condition. They get enough of that in day-to-day life at the moment, and will settle for admiring the art, and the movie's costume design. ** Just got to comment here.I respect your opinion but honestly I took away something completely different from the book. Watchmen explores the darkest and bleakest part of human existence, but also the triumph of "good" over the bleak and uncaring world. For every Tear Jerker, there's a Crowning Moment of Heartwarming. * @/{{Thnikkafan}}: I'm avoiding the ending of AzumangaDaioh because of this. Not the whole thing, because the whole series is SweetDreamsFuel. Just the [[BittersweetEnding ending]]. * This troper has been the 'victim' of Angst Aversion while playing a PBEM. I was trying to portray a realistic reaction to a TechnicalPacifist having to kill someone (in an imaginary scenario, but it felt real to the character). The character was kind of

PutOnABus pretty quickly once the moderators got complaints. I thought it was CharacterDevelopment they thought it was WAngst. * This troper refuses to indulge in any form of media involving unfulfilled lesbianism in any form. It's too damn common and she'd rather have something happy and affirming. * This troper is frequently mocked for reading the last 10 or so pages of a book before buying it. Her argument that it's not worth buying a book she doesn't like the ending to just doesn't seem to cut it. * This troper's partner prefers to watch pleasant things; she finds that putting on a familiar story puts her in a good mood. Attempting to watch ''Taxi to the Dark Side'' with her, or reading interesting excerpts from ''The Shock Doctrine'', resulted in her curled up in a corner, practically catatonic with despair. So... yeah, maybe she had a point in not wanting to see or read those in the first place. * I'm generally fine with reading/watching tragic works, but I refuse to role play angst. I've got enough real life angst as it is; I don't need ''pretend'' angst too. Therefore, I only ever play comic relief characters; that way, even if they end up in serious situations, I still get to be silly. * A friend of [[@/GwenStacyWannabe mine]] ''refuses to watch {{Up}} because I told her it will make her cry.'' And she likes ''GhostInTheShell''. I really don't know what I'm going to do with her. * This troper is ''petrified'' of watching series 4 of ''{{Skins}}'', for fear of how badly this trope is likely to bite Naomily in the arse. ** He was right. * This troper won't touch ''{{Grand Theft Auto IV}}'' because a major reason he loved the previous games was the humor. Not that they were optimistic to begin with, but they were at least fun. * @/MrDeath: Despite my macabre handle, I'm pretty much a romantic who doesn't like to watch anything without at least an optimistic, if not happy, ending. There's enough drama and angst in real life, and I play video games, watch TV, and see movies to ''escape'' that. If I want to be depressed, [[SelfDeprecation I'll just reminisce about my love life up to now, thank you very much]]. * I am the total opposite of this. I love shows and comics that wallow in depression and nihilism. Love seeing happy characters put through hell and killed or even better let to live with themselves after word. I'm currently watching Gilgamesh on the basis that someone on this site described it as the most depressing ending she has ever had the displeasure of seeing, the best way to sell a series to me is to say it gets worse. I'll personally never get the hate towards works that end badly or Joss Whedon or Mohiro Kitoh for that matter. Kitoh in particular creates works that consistently make me think 'THAT'S SO AWESOMELY horrible, I LOVE IT!' they have a lasting effect one me, positive or negative, and I love that. That being said I fucking hated the last few issues of Y the last man. For note: I have not been bullied, despite being fat, though I have been outside my hometown. Guess I don't have enough 'world experience' or some bullshit like that, yet.

** Ditto for me. Narutaru was actually the second anime I ever watched in its entirety, and I watched it specifically because of its horrifying reputation. Same applies to Elfen Lied, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Evangelion and many, many others. The one exception is Grave of the Fireflies, but that's mainly because I already know how it ends. *** StunnedSilence. ** @/GentlemanOrcus Thirded. I'm currently watching {{Bokurano}} because I hear it's really depressing, and the first two animes I watched were DeathNote and MobileSuitZetaGundam. I like angst (when it's done well.) * Tiktaalik: I own {{Persona 3}} but have never played it because between buying it and playing it I found out [[spoiler:the main character dies]], and lost all my desire to play it. I made damn sure {{Persona 4}} didn't pull that stunt before I got it... ** Gah, spoiler that next time. * @/DannyLilithborne: I love the series ''{{Kaiji}}''. I also can't rewatch it because I know that absolutely nothing good happens to the main character. I actually picked up ''{{Akagi}}'' despite knowing nothing about mahjongg (and still knowing nothing) since they're made by the same mangaka and the main characters have the same VA, so I can kinda sorta pretend it's Kaiji if I squint. * @/{{Specter}}: In general, I find myself a fan of most works, as long as said angst is done well. I have a friend that I managed barely - to convince to watch the first episode of Wolf's Rain. She stopped watching then and there and will now almost never consider any work I recommend to her at all, and I still haven't managed to convince her to pick something up. Also, a few years ago I had a breakdown and stuffed anything even remotely depressing into obscure corners of my house. Among these things is the [[TheBartimaeusTrilogy The Bartimaeus Trilogy]], which my friend also read and enjoyed. [[HypocriticalHumor I finds it funny]], but still have no plans to finish the series. Also, the [[ASeriesOfUnfortunateEvents Series of Unfortunate events.]] Yeah . . . * [[@/RadicalEd This Troper]] started watching MahouTsukaiNiTaisetsuNaKotoNatsuNoSora, and got about seven episodes in, enjoying each one, until coming upon spoilers. I certainly don't want to see [[spoiler: Sora dying from any sort of terminal illness]], so I stopped watching there, to try and preserve the sweetness of the first few episodes. This also applies to GraveOfTheFireflies, and it's the reason I can't convince my parents to try watching VoicesOfADistantStar. * Zelda!: Angst Aversion explains why this troper's sister is taking so danged long to read {{ATaleOfTwoCities}}. Zelda is a lover of teh angst and HeroicSacrifice, and has a tendency to gush about her favorite characters... * [[@/{{Joysweeper}} This troper]] is borderline here. On the one hand, angst can be very compelling and intense. On the other hand, she hates how she feels when TheBadGuysWin and the whole thing is a downer. [[MattStover Stover]]'s works, and [[TimothyZahn Zahn]] at his darkest, are about as dark and unhappy as she feels like she can go, since there's still a bit of hope and light at the end of each.

* [[@/BreezyGirl86 This troper]] had an extreme case of this: After a long period of grappling with depressing and angsty thoughts, she went through another period of disliking ALL PHILOSOPHY IN GENERAL because she believed it can lead to nothing but pain and giving up on life. That was before she discovered more optimistic deep thinkers. ** Actually, not really - even Camus and Nietzsche realize killing oneself or succumbing to total depression is A) Stupid, B) Unproductive, and C) Bad For You. Hell, both have stated that there ''are'' things in life worth experiencing - even if life itself is meaningless or insane. * [[Tropers/SamCurt SamCurt]]: I have less of an AngstAversion than an Angst Binge-Purge Cycle; while normally I'm between 2 and 3 on the AngstAversion scale, if any angsty work happened to have slip though and got into me, I have the tendency to obsess over them. Exhibit A: the Sixth ''DetectiveConan'' NonSerialMovie caught be off guard in late 2002, and up to this day it was the only fictional work that made me clinically depressed for half a day. Even now, the movie's opening with the news anchor speaking with SurprisinglyGoodEnglish: "[[ChildProdigy Boy wonder]] Hiroki Sawada, at the tender age of [[ImprobableAge ten]]..." ''still'' spoiled my mood to go on watching, even I intended to watch the "clean" parts. Yet, this character, who is center of all this movie's angst, has been my userpic since 2003. * Allronix: This little troper gets annoyed easily with angst, mostly because it's become so "trendy" and there seems a contest to make the nastiest, bleakest CrapsackWorld with BlackandBlackMorality or to whip out a DeconstructorFleet on any established universe that might be a tolerable place to live. I can find UnfortunateImplications ''on my own'' and consider that half the fun. Where's the fun in finding those in a WorldHalfEmpty? Furthermore, it's more fun to see someone EarnYourHappyEnding or go out a DoomedMoralVictor than succumb to HumansAreBastards. * @/{{Enchanter468}}: After watching ''TheSarahConnorChronicles'', I have a massive crush on SummerGlau. So I realized that "Hey! Ms. Glau is in ''DollHouse'' now! Aw, look how [[MoeMoe cute]] she is with the other cast members! I'll just look and see what happens in the later episodes...oh...''[[KillTheCutie oh,]] '''[[KillTheCutie God.]]''''' Damn it, [[JossWhedon Mr. Whedon]], why did you ''do'' that!?" After spending several hours heartbroken from just ''reading'' about... what happened, I decided I'm not touching ''DollHouse'' with a ten foot pole. ** [[ArcWords You Are NOT Alone.]] ** ''I'' also knew it was coming, though intuitively, and it was still pretty soul-crushing. Oh masochism. * @/{{Shellsh0cker}}: Add me to the list of people who are turned off of ''NeonGenesisEvangelion'' by how bloody depressing it is. I actually almost got to the end of the TV series before deciding "I just cannot take this anymore." "Sad" I can do, but I cannot handle how utterly ''pathetic'' the cast of ''NeonGenesisEvangelion'' is, particularly Shinji. Anyone who apparently can't even find the smallest amount of strength or resolve within themselves... I can't respect him, or empathize with him as a character. I just want to grab him, BrightSlap him a few times, and yell "''Yes'' your life sucked!

So get off your ass and '''do something about it'''!" I ''will'' watch it eventually, if only because I want to see ''RebuildOfEvangelion'' at some point, but I won't allow myself to do that until I've seen the original series at some point. * This troper decided to NOT read a particular book after having to comfort her brother who broke down in tears several times during reading it. She can do without any more heartbreak, thanks. (It's one of those "the adults are all dead or zombies" ones, and way too many kids die for my liking.) ** (First person now) I read Lord of the Flies at the age of about 9. It didn't depress me much at the time, I wasn't emotionally mature enough, but as I look back on it, I do NOT look forward to reading it again, as I will be forced to do in 5th year, it seems, And analysing it. Shoot me now. * [[@/{{ladycoffee}} This troper]] is quite the shutaway from the mainstream online anime communities, and never obsesses over another anime show after her past obsessions. Maybe it's because of the trauma induced by her know-it-all sister that pumped her with DownerEnding shows to "educate" her on what said sister thinks is TrueArt. Or because of the alarming TrueArtIsAngsty trend that grips today's entertainment scene, that drives her to watch {{Saturday Morning Cartoon}}s or kiddie anime (or "grown-up" anime with not much angst) instead. * This explains exactly why [[@/{{RosesSpindle}} I'm]] staying far, far away from {{Precious}}. Tell me it's deep and meaningful, fine. Tell me Mo'Nique deserves her Oscar, great. Expect me to actually sit through about two hours of some poor girl suffering from horrific abuse because things ''eventually'' get better, though, and you'd better not be surprised if I get up for a "bathroom break" about ten minutes in and never come back. * This troper usually likes dark stuff, so usually it's [[AngstAversion angst aversion]] [[AvertedTrope averted]], but when I was reading FevreDream, I had to put the book off for a few months because I was too damn scared to continue reading since I just knew things were going to [[ItGotWorse get worse]] - it's G.R.R. Martin we're talking about here after all! The only reason I managed to go forward was because I was going to get my copy signed and I just couldn't have faced the author without having finis * [[Tropers/{{Poptart}} This troper]] used to love tragic/depressing movies like {{Edward Scissorhands}} and {{Moulin Rouge}}, until her boyfriend died. Now she can't watch anything involving the death of a love interest/major character without crying for ''hours''. Her emotional state after the {{Dollhouse}} series finale was...not pretty. * This is the reason This Troper isn't too keen on rewatching Torchwood Children Of Earth (in comparison to his multiple watchings of everything else Series/DoctorWho related). Sure the series was great in terms of drama, but COME ON, would [[spoiler: the governments of the world really just hand over the children? Nuke the bloody 456, or hold the one you have to ransom, they're not going to destroy their only source of drugs.]]. ** However, I'm fine with NeonGenesisEvangelion, the series ending is

far from being as depressing as [[ComplainingAboutShowsYouDontWatch most people]] think, and although ''End'' is more depressing, it's not as if there's no hope at all. * The BBC's {{Cranford}}, particularly episodes 4 and 5 when the [[spoiler: Dr Harrison love polygon gets going in earnest and Harry Gregson is caught in Mr Carter's office when Lady Ludlow specifically demanded he was not to be employed there]]. Even though you know from the type of drama it is it will end happily ever after, it still makes it difficult to sit through, though the worst episode by far is episode 4. And don't get me started on the sequel series. Just reading the Wikipedia entry makes me never, ever want to watch it, to preserve the elegance of the initial series. * {{Tropers/Red Viking}}: I hate TheHeroDies trope. I ''will'' go out of my way to find spoilers that will confirm/deny this if I even suspect this will come into play. If confirmed, I will drop the movie/game/whatever like a hot potato. * {{@/Masked And Dangerous}}: This is the reason I almost failed english my sophmore year of high school. I like happy stories where the protagonist saves the day, gets the girl, then rides off into the sunset. 1984, Brave New World, Tale of Two Cities, Romeo and Juliet. Not exactly conductive to this mindset. * {{Amethyst}}. ''TengenToppaGurrenLagann'' sounds like it would be right up this troper's alley, but she hesitates to watch it because she heard about the key character deaths and the DiabolusExMachina ending. She also stopped watching the first ''FullMetalAlchemist'' series (which was already pretty angsty on its own) because of the ending spoilers she'd heard. She doesn't want to watch the reboot series either since she doesn't want to relive the parts of the story that traumatized her in the first series. * {{Tropers/bluepenguin}}: I had a bad, bad case of this as a child, to the point where before even starting to read a book I'd flip to the end and make sure it didn't look like too much of a downer. In middle school I read [[ a book]] with a ShootTheShaggyDog KillEmAll ending, which made me so incredibly angry that the book shot to the top of my "Least Favorite Books" list and stayed there for several years. After reading the end of the ''{{Animorphs}}'' series, I ''threw away every {{Animorphs}} book I owned'' in a fit of pique over how depressing it was. I've mostly grown out of this now, though I still prefer endings that are at least [[BittersweetEnding bittersweet]]. * {{Tropers/FedoraSpook}}: I still remember how my mom and I were tricked by the [[NeverTrustATrailer happy-go-lucky cute pet movie trailer]] for {{My Dog Skip}}. We left the theater bawling our eyes out. Now I don't trust any movie about cute pet dogs, because I always get a feeling that it'll end in a [[DeathByNewberyMedal Death By Newbery Medal]]. * This troper is an odd case. Absolute adoration for grim and dark and depressing media. Roleplays depressing characters routinely. Absolutely abhors and can't stand 'adult fiction' that involves any of these things. Christ knows why, but the idea that someone literally gets off on it just revolts this troper to a mysterious degree considering his casual acceptance of angst in other media. This issue

is made worse by his girlfriend's tastes being quite literally the full opposite and... yeah the less said on this topic the better. * [[Tropers/CrashGordon94 I]] am totally like this, I don't like angsty stuff, and in fact I belive in [[InvertedTrope the opposite]] of the TrueArtIsAngsty viewpoint, believing that happy or fun works are generally inherently better. This even spills over into RealLife, I typically dismiss cynical viewpoints as being irrecoverably and undefendably stupid. This really shows in some of my story ideas: the balance of power is heavily tipped to the heroes, it's [[SlidingScaleLongName Idealistic]] to the point of [[TakeThat outright insulting]] the Cynical side of the scale, and let's not even get into the BlackAndWhiteMorality and {{Happy Ending}}s. Despite all of this, I still manage to enjoy some cynical works despite their clashing viewpoints. * [[@/{{Ingonyama}} Another one]] far on the Idealistic side of the scale here. Despite finding ludicrous amounts of NarmCharm in the original BattlestarGalactica, I couldn't watch the remake after sitting down for a single episode. Same with [[TheTerminator T3]], after learning about the smearing it did of the second film's Aesop. [[{{Torchwood}} Children of Earth]] scarred and infuriated me after becoming a fan for the entirety of the show's second season. I'll try any show once, but give me a HappyEnding (especially if it's the [[EarnYourHappyEnding earned]] kind, rather than the [[EsotericHappyEnding Pyrrhic]] kind) any day. * [[@/{{2writeis2life}} This troper]] usually isn't affected by this trope- she'll read happy or sad stuff indiscriminately as long as there's some other reason for her to be interested in them (or she has to). But she remembers that back in elementary and middle school she never liked to read Holocaust stories- only stories about World War II families who escaped from the Nazis. Said troper's little sister, however, seems to have developed some form of angst aversion from being made to read depressing stories in eighth grade (a class I skipped to take Spanish a year early). * [[@/JakesBrain This troper]] avoids angsty material as much as possible because it seems to have a severe and lasting effect on his mental health. ** In my last semester of high school, by way of example, I had to read ''LordOfTheFlies'', ''TheCatcherInTheRye'' '''and''' ''FearAndLoathingInLasVegas'' for a literature class. That summer, I tried to kill myself, twice. * This troper likes anime shows that are somewhat serious in nature (YuYuHakusho), especially compared to most of what American Cartoons are like, but Studio Shaft's new creation, PuellaMagiMadokaMagica is a pill too hard to swallow. A Magical Girl show without ThePowerOfLove and [[PowerofFriendship Friendship]]? It's just not right I say! Episode Six was where this troper drew the line. ** Indeed, when a show spends two and a half episodes lying about how dark it is for what basically amounts to shock value, it's got serious issues. For this troper, it's not just how it tries so hard to be dark that it serious hurts the plot and characterization ([[AxCrazy Kyoko]] was about the only decent thing in the show, so it was ''painful'' to watch her [[DarknessInducedAudienceApathy turn into the same emotional

wreck as everyone else]]), it's the fact that [[HypeAversion everyone is so pleased about that]]. When being dark is a shows one, single selling point, it shouldn't be considered a point in its favour. * MarquisDeCarabas: Yeah, this is my reason for being unable to get into anything written by MohiroKitoh (well, that and the character designs look bland as hell), and this comes from someone who loves Evangelion and TheWire to death. * Clay: I don't mind bad things happening, normally. But, this troper can't take it when a character, especially a sympathetic one, [[RapeAsDrama is raped]] and the perpetrator [[KarmaHoudini gets away with it]]. If I find out it happens in a story, I won't read/watch it. * [[@/{{Disdrac}} This troper]] inverted Angst Aversion and is instead looking for those depressing things (and avoids idealism and happy endings). anything by {{MohiroKitoh}} just makes me happy. :D * @/{{Moogi}}- oddly subverted in my case. I used to dislike angsty works in general, but I've recently come to greatly enjoy them... as black comedy. I find depressingly dark fiction to be ''hilarious'' when read 'properly'. So, I like angsty stuff, but only when I refuse to take it seriously. * @/{{Tidal_Wave_17}} - Zig zagged, in my case. I like works that have depressing endings because it seems more realistic, but I also like works that have the characters earn their happy endings. I also like depressive works that have a bit of hope mixed in. * I sometimes have to stay far away from the Noah Arc of Yu-Gi-Oh. It may be because I had a string of teachers, starting in first grade and ending in sixth grade, that acted like Seto's teachers. * For this Troper, it's to the point where you can tell her that any post-358/2 [[KingdomHearts]] game has a happy ending and she still won't go for it because she's traumatized that somehow the reviewers are lying and someone else is going to die! And she can't take any more of that! ---Go back to AngstAversion. Unless you think all its looks are too sad. ----

AngstWhatAngst * Three of this troper's friends lost parents before the kids were eleven years old. The saddest two stories: a 10-year-old boy's whose father had early-onset Alzheimer's so that eventually his father didn't recognize him anymore, and an 11-year-old girl whose father was killed in the civil war in Sudan. Both were remarkably non-angsty and back in class functioning at a high level, and seem very mature for their ages. * This troper's best friend is so frickin bubbly. Her brother was high on PCP, snapped, and beat his wife so she had to be hospitalized. The friend is fine, in school the next day smiling. People are harassing her? She laughs it off. You know this troper's friend is going through some REALLY tough stuff when she isn't smiling. * LadyBealzabub is like this a lot, but because she has the nasty nasty habit of swollowing her angst and refusing to vent in a failed attempt to be TheStoic. As a result she's a bit of a StepfordSmiler.

:P (I fit the {{Deconstruction}} on the [[PlayingWith/AngstWhatAngst Playing With Page]] eerily well.) * [[StarePris This troper]] seems incapable of feeling angst. * This troper (and several of her friends) often refer to events in the past that make most people squirm. Casually reference a friend's death (But not out of disrespect. He would have wanted us to not be sad.), mention that time one of us tried to commit suicide or selfinjury, almost gleefully reference past bullying and parental neglect, and much more. We don't try for attention, it's just that everything is in the past and it doesn't bother anyone anymore. Still, the degree of sociopathic glee we get when someone else freaks out isn't normal. * This troper's father tried to kill himself when she was fourteen. The only reason she doesn't tell people is that they immediately treat her like porcelain. It gets more awkward when she brings friends over, because this troper and her father (who's now completely fine) are close and often refer to it in a joking way. ** Wait, your ''father'' attempted suicide, and people treat ''you'' like you'll snap at any time? [[FridgeLogic To the best of my knowledge, suicide isn't hereditary.]] ** Well, genetics =/= destiny, but it is true that people are far more likely to experience severe depression if it's in the family. And either way, most people would be... emotionally fragile after having something like that happen. ** Yeah, that's why people tend to treat me like porcelain too- My father and his entire side of the family have a heavy genetic predisposition towards depression. I have downer moments, but I'm 19its practically expected. The odd thing is, I'm the only freaking optimist out of my entire family on both sides; I'm about as far from depressed as you can get! * This [[BeckyBlue troperette]] knows a girl whose best friend drowned saving her and she is doing OK and went jet-skiing in the same lake 2 days later. (Her explanation was that she had to get over her fear sometime and that her friend would have wanted her to.) * [[{{Nomic}} This troper]] used to angst a lot about some things (namely the fact that most people strongly dislike him on sight), but got over it. These days he doesn't think much about it and considers his aura of creepyness to be a natural part of him. He also doesn't tend to have very strong reactions to bad things happening to other people, but that's probably a direct result of him being a loner who doesn't really connect with others. ** You may have mild Asperger's Syndrome--to most people, we fall in the UncannyValley, and difficulty with empathy is one of the two main signs. (The other, in case you're wondering, is difficulty expressing emotions. There are other, minor signs that add up to outweigh the main ones, though.) * This Troper eventually became a bit of an expert at detaching himself emotionally from situations after seeing what being jealous, nervous about grades/work, putting too much of yourself in something and caring too much about other people did to the people around him, he started to distance himself. It's worked well for him in general, although one sometimes creeps people out with how cool he is about issues that drive people up the wall.

* So back when [[AndyWaltfeld This Troper]] was eight or so, his parents had to pull him out of his Young Astronauts' Club trip to Kennedy Space Center to go visit some great-aunt or somesuch who wound up passing on that night. He was the only one who wasn't crying the next morning, primarily because he hadn't heard of her until that evening. Granted, this is far earlier than his descent into [[KnightInSourArmor general misanthropy]], but still... ** I had to go to my great...something's funeral a few years ago, when I was 10. She had sent me clothes, but I never met her. While everyone was off bawling I'm like "*stands there awkwardly*" * When I was about 9, my dog died. I cried buckets. I've rarely cried since then, not even shedding a tear for the death of my Grandma's sister. * Averted in my case. My grandfather died on my birthday, and I seemed to be just fine all day. [[BreakTheCutie Until I snapped]] after a asshole boy in my class called another girl [[HollywoodPudgy fat.]] Then things got unpleasant ''really fast.'' * I'm a victim of incest, my mother kicked me out because she is a religious fanatic and thinks I'm posessed by Satan, most everyone in my family are drug-additcs/alcoholics and generally I have a DarkAndTroubledPast. These are things that don't really bother me at all. * I can "pretend" this trope, in the moment of crisis, even when I'm dying and crying like a little girl inside... * This troper lives this trope constantly. Not much phases you after you lose your best friend before the two of you are even five years old. But that's over and done with, the future awaits! * [[RitiTroll This one]] has recently found herself openly talking about some very dark moments in her life as if they were nothing. Although for the past two years, said dark moments were always in her shadows. She must have gotten over it, with the help of her stolen mantras. * Averted(?) in this troper's case. I have Asperger's Syndrome, almost as by the book as one can be. However, due to the fact that I grew up in a small town, almost everybody knew me and knew all my quirks. Often times, I would forget that I had AS myself. This [[{{Understatement}} changed]] when I went to college. I now constantly find myself at a disadvantage in many conversations, and often have to restrain myself from snapping at people when they say something that offends me, but I know they might only be joking. It's gotten to the point that I worry about it more than I ever did back home. ** [[{{Tropers/Joerc45}} This troper]] has found himself in very similar situations as yourself in the past, as he suffers from a very mild case of {{Asperger Syndrome}} himself {or having NoSocialSkills.) I, however, have learned to look past it and simply gained enough confidence and social skills to NEVER find myself disadvantaged in a conversation, even with my [[ShrinkingViolet shy]] and [[NiceGuy accomodating]] personality. Know that you do not suffer alone, as he sympathizes deeply with your situation and hopes that you triumph over it someday. * hug* * This troper was an orphan for six years and went through some really

rough times. She now finds it extremely hard to trust grownups who look and act like the typical orphanedge-employee, was for a long time unable to show her feelings on her face, like smiling because she felt happy and wanted to smile instead of being happy and smiling because she was happy, but she's always been a very happy person, even when she was going through all that crap. * This troper has a tendency to gravitate towards jolly content. Parents getting divorced? Initial shock, moments thought: "eh, I saw that coming. Back to the internet." Dog died? Initial shock, half an hour alone: "Oh well, C'est la vie, or well, the lack thereof. Bleeding shame though." Not that I don't care, it's just I have a real difficult time being in any sort of negative emotion for more than an hour. * At one point in my life, I thought there wasn't really much that could get to me. Then I got slapped by a sudden outburst of my (previously unknown) anxiety disorder (which involved me being afraid to leave my house for 3 months, but I hid it from everyone pretty well). Having overcome feeling constant (albeit totally irrational) fear of death, not much can really faze me at this point. * This troper used to angst about everything, such as being an outcast, but then her brother become a junkie, and, oddly enough, everything felt better due to an emotional disconnect from anything that could be classified as painful. Downside? Can't relate to anyone about emotions, has trouble feeling, and more or less spends her time in mild confusion, wondering why people get emotional over small things like losing their dog, to the point where she didn't care that her favorite uncle attempted suicide. Huh. What is this "angst" you speak of? * This Trooper doesn't cry at funerals. I still feel rather odd when I realize my sister misses my distant grandfather that died two years ago. I used to think there was something really wrong with me. Then I decided that I just didn't grieve that way. * This Troper is living proof that Catholic school sucks when you're an out-of-wedlock child in a developing country. One of my favorite stories to tell is the time when I got pushed down a flight of stairs by a boy in my 6th grade class. Oh, she also developed Trichotillomania at age thirteen, so she had to cut off all her hair. At age sixteen, she singlehandedly (ThereAreNoTherapists in my CrapsackWorld) wrestled her Trich under control, and if asked about her childhood? "It was nice! I had a lot of interesting adventures~!". I don't believe in moping about your troubles or misfortunes. You face them head-on, with pride, and hope for the best every day. * [[{{Joerc45}} This troper's]] life is a {{Deconstruction}} of the {{Shrinking Violet}}/{{Yamato Nadeshiko}}, as he has led a life of being bullied, [[AllOfTheOtherReindeer shunned]], and [[IntelligenceEqualsIsolation ostracized]] by many people whom he has crossed paths with because of his innate kindness, and yet thinks nothing of it. Even in the face of hatred, I still think highly enough of people and still seek to make friends with everyone, even those who have previously wronged me. ^_^ * This Troper has Asperger's so it might not be that much of this. But, he was in love with a girl. They gave each other notes. Well he

gave her notes and she responded. But anyways, about a couple months later, he asked if she felt the same way. She said she was "too young" to feel those emotions. He remembers looking at the note, frowning, smiling, ''laughing'' and then coming up with a little philosophical phrase for the situation. The phrase was "You can love someone the first moment of life, but true love takes a while." * I have trouble talking about emotional stuff, I rarely get too upset when something bad happens, and find it hard to talk to people if they bring up emotional subjects as I just dont know what to say...usually I just go with "Sorry to hear that" or something. There are only a few exceptions to this, and they are the three best friends I have, who are the rare few people I can stand to be around for a long time. I still dont know how to put my feelings into words when things happen to them, but I feel sorry for them and feel sad if something happens to them, and just end up hugging them (I normally dont hug others, so it must be something special!) One of my best friends seems to have the saddest life possible, after being abused by an ex boyfriend, having health problems and her best friend committed suicide due to bullying about 4 years ago. She is one of the happiest people I have known, and always makes me smile. She has no problem talking about the horrible things that happened in the past, and rarely gets upset about it. Ive never seen cry over anything thats happened. * This Troper is an aloof schizoid, during his father's wake he played D&D. Sure, it's sad to lose your father when you have 14 years, but it's no reason to mope around. * [[Tropers/{{Pastylover2}} This Troper]] has [[WheelchairWoobie cerebral palsy and is confined to wheelchair]], he had four surgeries [[TearJerker and his mum was killed by a drunk driver in 2008 while they were out for a walk. He was hit by the car too and almost died.]] However, he is a CloudCuckoolander who uses HypocriticalHumor and is always cheerful. * Well I feel uncomfortable posting this, but um...I was diagnosed with epilepsy when I was 16 and a few months later I saw this article of a chick who had it and acted like it was the end of the goddamn world. Her reaction pissed me off, because...well, it's not the end of the world. Jesus. ** However, when a family member or pet dies I'll angst about it for a short time (one time a 4 week-old kitten we had been taking care of died in his sleep and I stopped crying in hour) then get over it. Of course, it's possible I repressed it. I think I repress a lot of things. The epilepsy thing is just whatever, though. * I actually got diagnosed with depression by a psychologist, which was strange, as I didn't feel sad all the time, although I had in the past. Just had a lot of moodswings. And as I plodded on with the psychologist, I actually felt better, yet the 'test scores' said I was getting worse. And truer to this trope, I consistently don't react emotionally to most things. I don't actually feel much at all (most of my emotional spectrum seems to be missing) so when I do angst over stuff, I'm very relieved that I might not be totally fucked up, even if I despair of it at the same time (my childhood was unpleasant, and if you had an emotion that was troublesome, it was either exploited or ripped out, usually by yourself due to the non-reactions of others and

the fact it hurt quite a bit. Then I wonder why I can't feel properly anymore and have so much trouble coping with reality...Goddammit...) * The happiest girl in the world is in this tropers class. I have never met a friendlier, more fun-loving girl in my entire life. Turns out her parents are alcoholics and she's tried for seven years to get a foster family. Does that stop her from living her life? No, doesn't seem that way. * I played this straight when I was a kid. After my parents divorced when I was 6 years old, the guidance counselor at my new school treated me like I was glass, about to break at any second. But, I had gotten my little cry out when my parent's told me, and didn't understand her worry. However, it's become somewhat deconstructed/subverted now. I'm now a 16-year-old girl who plays with being a StepfordSmiler and TheStoic due to various circumstances that happened soon afterwords the aforementioned divorce. * Well, my grand grandmother died when I was at least 5 years old, then when I was 11 my grandfather died; two years later I was raped by so-called friends, harassed by my classroom teacher who had the idea that I was the problematic one even when I was TheStoic; half year later my father died from cancer followed by my mother three years later with a more severe case of cancer. My dad even called me from the hospital to wish me a happy birthday. My family are still fazed by the fact that I'm still a CloudCuckooLander even when watching the news (mainly cars accident, suicides, murder, etc,), also the psychologist from my school told me I was crazy. * This Troper neither feels nor really understands depression, despair, or grief. His normal reaction when something bad happens is along the lines of "Well. Crap. Okay then. Who's up for a game of Scrabble?" He's not otherwise TheStoic or any such thing; he just doesn't get deeply upset. Apparently it runs in the family - one of his uncles is very much the same. * This Troper. Bipolar mother (who is most definitely not this trope, which annoys him to no end)? Meh. Great-grandfather died? Well, it's not like I knew him anyway. He has a hard time feeling even the slightest bit sad unless he thinks about sad things - which he doesn't, because why bother? * This Troper... freaking [[ZigZaggedTrope Zig-Zags]] this trope. One day I might try and push aside all my despair and angst (and there's quite a bit.) and try and go through the day without telling a soul, but most other days I might just fully and openly admit that I am sad and I'd tell people about it. * AWA is [[Troper/{{Incom}} this troper's]] policy. Most of my angst is the romantic kind, but one of my life's mottos is "They'd want you to move on" whether it's a rejection or a dead relative (thankfully I almost never get the latter). So maybe mine counts as a subversion? AWA but I never get to use it... not that I should be complaining about that ^.^ * This troper has been made to feel as if she's the only one other than Eleanor Roosevelt who actually ''believes'' that no one can make you feel inferior without your consent. Yes, she was bullied horrifically her entire school career and even still is by random morons in her sh*thole town. Yes, every self-help book and website

about bullying harp on low self-esteem and depression, but she has neither. She is ''not. in. denial!'' Sometimes, this trope is actually true and people don't feel angst about things that most others do! AUUUUGH! Also [[LonersAreFreaks loners are NOT freaks]], and do the people who say that this troper must feel rejected and lonely and angsty ever think that she doesn't because she's an ''actual'' loner and not just shy or unconfident...? (Hint: the answer is that real loners don't exist, of course! /bitter sarcasm) ---Yes, my parents just died. No, I'm still going the company picnic tomorrow. [[AngstWhatAngst What is this "angst" you speak of?]] <<|TroperTales|>>

AngstySurvivingTwin * This troper went to school with a pair of identical twins. One of them told an English teacher that he and his brother were originally triplets, and that their third brother died when [[DroppedABridgeOnHim some scaffolding fell and crushed one third of their joint stroller]]. Apparently the teacher genuinely believed him, at least until he was told it was a joke fifteen minutes later. ** It should be noted that this troper later pointed out the FridgeLogic in this story, namely that it would be extremely difficult to push a stroller so that only one third of it was under construction scaffolding for any length of time, because the supports would be positioned at the edges of both the scaffolding and the sidewalk.

AnguishedDeclarationOfLove * This troper's girlfriend managed to do this in a LongDistanceRelationship, via a PM with lots of run-on sentences, stream-of-consciousness...[[BuffySpeak ness]] and just generally being kind of [[TheWoobie heartbreaking]], considering she was going through a ''very'' difficult time at the moment. It's now seven months after this troper reciprocated her feelings, and we couldn't be happier together. <3 * This troper has happened to have done this with ex-fiance, right as she was in the process of breaking up with him. It ended up with her slapping the shit out of me, kicking me in the balls, and then hitting me hard enough to break my ribs. And my heart. * About a year ago, [[@/{{MiraShio}} my]] LoveInterest emerged from a mass of bad rumors about him and a relationship that ended badly, leaving him confused and guilt-ridden. Since I was kinda involved in the mess and I wanted to avoid making things worse (not to mention the issue of forbidden love on my part), I tried to distance myself from him... only to end up having him pull this trope. Part of the reason it worked was the fact that he had never fallen for anyone this hard until then. One year later, though, things are dandy between us. ^^

AnimalAthleteLoophole * At a friend's birthday party as a child, this troper realized that her team for an acting/drama game was one short, so she and her teammate added the friend's Shih Tzu to the team. We did pretty well.

AnimalEaredHeadband * [[@/KatanaCat I]] loved invoking this when I was little (and would now just for the hell of it if I still could). I had a large number of plastic headbands, and my parents made some black cat ears that could be attached to them. However, being cheap plastic, the headbands kept breaking until I didn't have any left to attach the ears to...

AnimalsHateHim * This Troper's brother has had this happen alot. He's nice, loves animals, but the animals don't like him. Our old piano teacher's cat enjoyed beating him up. Same with all six dogs in the neighborhood, and those three random cats. Most of the squirrels in out neighborhood growl at him too! My uncle's cats will scratch him at any given time. Even my guinea pig hates my brother. It gets better. London, a dog randomly starts chasing him. China, a friend's puppy. Japan, some random bird. Venice, a whole flock of pigeons and crows. Florida, a giant dog. * [[@/KingsonnDeeDoo This Troper]] knows a friend of her mother's, who has tried to be affectionate to this troper's cats and dog... but the dog growls when he's near, and all the cats run away, or if they get picked up (note that out of six, only two are a bit iffy about being handled) claw him until free. * Very strange incident... this troper's father recalled an African man had come to buy something. Every animal we owned at the time... reacted. Every bird in a gage screeched and flew about as if trying to break out. The docile potbellies who were more or less stumpy icebergs on land attempted to break down the fence to get at him. Horses,donkeys,sheep, and goats rushed up in a stampede and battered the fence. Even rabbits started thumping their feet and squealing in their cages. Dogs howled and barked. My dad knew something was wrong. Turns out the guy was a Voodoo priest; my dad asked him to leave. He left and never came back. Witnesses were freaked as well. Makes me uneasy about angering the wrong person... ** Why does this remind me of a [[JackChick Chick tract]]? * [[@/SmandyDandy This Troper]] absolutely loooves cats but they always hate her and either scratch or run away. ** Ah. I was going to note the way dogs are always as cautious around me as I them but catch on to cats. But yes, I think a lot of cats don't like people who are as up front and [[GenkiGirl genki]] as you are about the touching and the picking up and the stroking and the cuddling and so on. You should be a bit more reserved and let them smell your hand first before anything else, with slow movements. Most cats don't like to be picked up anyway, but make sure you're supporting their body weight properly and not, say, suspending their

whole body by their stomachs if you ever get to that. ** [[AzumangaDaioh Sakaki-San?]] * This troper has been chased by a goose, bitten by a swan, and pecked by an emu. I have no plans to go anywhere near an ostrich without a gun. * This troper has yet to meet a dog that wasn't automatically hostile to him. I mean, actually hostile, too; one neighbor's dogs will throw themselves at the fence dividing our properties if they see me ''upstairs through the window''. It isn't fear, because I'm used to the things turning into frothing helldemons. It isn't subconscious cues from their owners unless all my friends secretly hate me. It's not even animals, really, just dogs. Weird, right? Maybe dogs are enraged by allergies? ** [[@/RedneckRocker Same here]], buddy. I've mentioned the fact that I'm an psycho-dog magnet to my brother. His response? "They can sense when you're afraid of them." Yeah, bro, [[SarcasmMode walking down the street minding my own business, not even making eye contact with the animal]] is being fearful. Seriously, there can be 400 people walking down the street past a yard with a dog who's apparently got sloth DNA (judging from his activity), but the minute I get within 5 feet, they start practically giving themselves head injuries to try to bust the fence down. ** [[@/JET73L This troper]] is the same way. The only dogs that do not automatically hate him are his aunt's (who knew him since they were puppies and learned from the previous generation already being used to him), and it's to the point where his sister's (very, ''very'' temporary) dog would ignore him if anyone else was in the room, growl if nobody was, and turn barking madly if the house was empty apart from me. ** [[@/{{Hammerhead}} This troper]] is also pretty much the same. 90% of the time, dogs just go nuts when I pass them, even if they didn't for people previous. Though this may be because I have cat fur on me often, which they could sniff out. * This troper has yet to meet a mammal that does not stare at him and run away if he moves towards it. * Played both painfully straight and subverted: Dogs ''hate'' [[@/{{X2X}} This Troper]] and seem to always home in on him, ''even in large groups of people''. However, cats seem to love me and I'm seriously considering having one as a pet someday. * [[@/{{Kiana}} This troper]] can't walk through her home town without EVERY dog barking at her and every cat hissing. Given that this troper is a [[FurryFandom wolf of sorts]], she finds it ''hilarious''. * Possibly a subversion: this troper's problem is actually that dogs love her [[{{Squick}} leg]] too much. * This Troper had this problem as a teenager, but seems to have grown out of it. Was a time when I couldn't walk down the block without some fucking psychopathic poodle trying to claw its way out of a car to get at me. The most noteworthy incident I remember was when I passed a guy walking his Rottweiler (or some similar great big black thing). The bastard started barking like mad, and then made a frenzied attempt to charge at me. The owner managed to subdue it by [[KickTheDog kicking it]].

* This troper has a pen pal who related his experience at the zoo. Every animal acted either aggressive or timid whenever he passed. Snakes hissed at him, dingoes barked at him, cheetahs growled at him, chimpanzees bared their teeth at him, gorillas beat their chest at him, monkeys hooted at him, catfish swam away from him, coyotes ran away from him, peacocks flew away from him, and hawks screeched at him. * For some reason Dogs hate me, dogs that are normally friendly get all angry around me. As a result it try to avoid dogs. It was working until I went to a friend's house, but was not informed that he had a dog. You can take a guess what happened. ** He's now an ex-friend? This troper has the same problem, and that's how I deal with it. You let a predatory animal loose on me, you make yourself my enemy. * This Troper IS This Trope. He has had Normally Passive dogs charging at him, Birds Swoop at him all the time, Cats hiss and growl whenever he approaches and sharks eyed him hungrily when he visited the Aquarium. When he visited his local zoo with a group, birds shat on his hat TWICE. ---Get back to Main/AnimalsHateHim before the squirrels attack. ---<<|TroperTales|>>

AnimationAgeGhetto Ladies and gentlemen, remember: Animation Age Ghetto is along the lines of "Is that for children?" People who don't like it or who are offended by it need not be added as examples. ---[[foldercontrol]] [[folder:Played Straight]] * This Troper's dad pretty much thinks all cartoons are for kids. And, the cartoons that clearly ''are not'' for kids like ''FamilyGuy'' are simply "stupid". I sent my dad the AnimationAgeGhetto article to read. He read it, and his response was, "That was a good ''joke article''!" ** Tell him that it wasn't a joke. Tell him that if anything, ''he's'' a joke. And if that doesn't work, [[DisproportionateRetribution kill him for not knowing what animation can do.]] [[SelfMadeOrphan And if your mom finds out and/or calls the cops, kill her too.]] Note the links to make it more clear to you. ** Oh, I've got another one for you. My dad and his old coworkers were having this breakfast gathering, some of the other parents kids were watching CartoonNetwork. I remarked, "I remember a time when Cartoon Network [[NetworkDecay was fun to watch. It's not anymore.]]" One of the parents looked at me and said, "It's because you've outgrown cartoons, dear." That's not what I meant... *** Oh, the irony of that statement! * Is there such thing as "Hand Drawn 2D Animation Age Ghetto?" Cuz if

there is, this troper DEFINATELY has experienced it. A lot of the boys in his class are die-hard Star Wars fans, (myself included)and they all follow the CGI Clone Wars series RELIGOUSLY. Except this troper, who plans the death of Dave Filoni, and was disowned when he said he prefers the Genndy Tartakovsky series over the CGI series. (I am a HUGE Tartakovsky fan-boy and HATE CGI...) The reason why they dont like the old show? "It's too juniorized" Have they not watched the CGI series??? * My girlfriend loves DeathNote and found [[spoiler:[[EeriePaleSkinnedBrunette Naomi Misora's]]]] death the most awesome thing and [[spoiler:[[SmugSnake Light's]]]] death the saddest thing she's ever seen, but didn't even flinch at the incinerator scene in ToyStory3 and after reading the comments on the ToyStory page didn't get why so many people cried while watching this movie, because they're only toys. Also she laughed at most of said comments and particularly found the "I'm now going home and play with my old toys." a mixture between ridiculous and hilarious. ** "I'm now going home and play with my old toys." I'm sorry but that's ActuallyPrettyFunny. And I did cry at the end of ''ToyStory3''. * Everyone at this troper's school seems to think that all anime and manga is either Pokmon or Porn. They are completely oblivious to anything else as far as I can tell. * This Troper and her brother have explained to their mother that no, not all anime and manga is porn, and she has finally started to understand that there is anime and manga for all age groups, from little kids to grownups. * This troper wrote [[ this]] after seeing {{Watchmen}} right near the children's section of my local library. ** This is also how I first read ArkhamAsylumASeriousHouseOnSeriousEarth. *** A Serious House? IN THE CHILDREN'S SECTION!?! * Played straight and subverted by [[@/{{ThreeDog}} This Troper]]'s family. My parents think that animation is for kids (of course, the fact my brothers don't watch much but Pokmon doesn't help), and at one point my mom banned me from bringing my DS to some place she had to go because it was "too kiddy" to be playing games in public, despite the fact one brother was reading a Hank the Cowdog book (there goes the "kiddy" argument) and my other brother was texting (which ruined her later argument that it was because it would be rude to be playing my DS). However, my cousins, who grew up on this, are uninterested, watch some animation, and are video game/anime nuts. ** Speaking of games, when you see a DS in the college dorms, 9 times out of 10 (or more), it's running ''{{Pokmon}}''. *** Which is summed up rather nicely [[ here]]. * [[Tropers/HopelessRomance This Troper's]] Aunt plays this straight. I off-handedly mentioned that I still watch some cartoons to her once. (I really like PhineasAndFerb, DannyPhantom, and WesternAnimation/AdventureTime among others). A few hours later I was talking about how immature my high school is (the jocks and preps do this stupid "YouSuck" chant every time someone drops their tray at

lunch for example) and she responds "And watching cartoons isn't immature?" Ironically, the aunt is question is in denial about being an alcoholic and is only getting help because her ex-husband (rightfully) won't let her see her two daughters until she does. It's readily acknowledged by my parents that I'm more mature than she is. * {{@/Jonn}} was once berated by his mother for watching "all those silly cartoons". The series in question was GhostInTheShell: Stand Alone Complex. Despite his explanation of the series, he's fairly certain she still remains skeptical, just less openly. ** See if you can scare up some stills or YouTube clips of anime from the mid- to late-1980s. This troper is thinking of a couple of sequences from the ''Macross'' movie, or ''Megazone 23'' (but there are oh ''so'' many others...) in which various RedShirt characters [[YourHeadAsplode die painfully]]. Alternately, there's [[ FritzTheCat]], or [[ Wicked City]]. If your mother persists in her belief that cartoons, by definition, are for children, then this troper suspects that your mother has much more serious problems... *** You want to irrevocably prove your point? Try ElfenLied. Just the first episode will do--it contains a naked girl using psychic power to literally tear her way through dozens of security guards as she tries to escape a building that's part prison, part science lab. The rest of the series is just as bloody and even darker. ** Jonn again. One slow Saturday night at work, I changed the TV to Cartoon Network. {{Naruto}} the Movie 3 was showing, and I watched it for a few minutes before changing the channel. The boss on call said she had been listening, and asked me to change it back. Cue a woman with two kids ''older than I am'' enjoying a Naruto movie immensely. The regular boss came in later and liked it too, declaring that he could understand why it was so popular. Warmed my heart, it did. *** So that would be a subversion? ** And for the hat trick; My Critical Studies lecturer discussed Roy Lichtenstein. He was irritated that Roy got rich by doing the same thing comic books already did, except bigger and worse, yet his was arbitrarily considered "art". ** I once happened across someone complaining that the sequence in ''{{Film/Iron Man}} 2'' when [[spoiler:Tony makes a new element with elbow grease and a BOX OF SCRAPS(!)]] was too much like a comic-book. And yes, they were fully aware that the film was based on a comic book. * While in high school, this troper's mother's fianc took her love of animated series to be a sign of mental instability, and tried to ban her from watching them. When that didn't take, he attempted to have her ''committed to a mental institution'', going so far to claim that she was a cultist based on this and some other benign eccentricities. One of the many, ''many'' reasons this troper wishes her mother were more of a MamaBear and less of a LoveMartyr. ** Good grief, you poor thing. Please tell us she didn't marry him? *** She did not, though the reason why had [[CriticalExistenceFailure nothing to do with this]]. **** [[DeathNote You're kind of freaking me out a little bit.]]

**** Oh don't worry, she did not write the name, that deed belongs solely to me, for I am Kira. I AM JUSTICE **** Man, [[YuGiOhTheAbidgedSeries that's the kind of man who needs to get laid.]] * [[@/ProfessorRaine This Troper]]'s parents always protest when cartoons are on when they're home. Fortunately, they started to do this to non-cartoon shows for children and stop when I agree that the show's okay to watch. Now that I move out however... * [[@/DarkInsanity13 This troper]] has given up trying to correct people about anime to the point when people ask about it, she blatantly rants "there are one of two things people assume when they hear about anime; it's either kiddy cartoon shows, or [[AllAnimeIsNaughtyTentacles animated porn]]." People typically become a little jarred by her bluntness. * [[@/ActionZero This troper]] had one of his housemates telling him that all anime was kiddy. He wordlessly responded by going up to his room to grab his DVD of End of Evangelion, then played the scene in Asuka's hospital room on the TV. ** [[{{HeroicSociopath}} You bastard!]] That's hilarious ** [[MadeOfWin MADE. OF. WIN.]] * This troper's aunt walked into the house, looked at the TV and asked, "What are you watching CARTOONS for?" My response? "I'm not" (as I was watching the Daily Show at that moment). She pointed to the animated bear holding up the product they were shilling on the screen and said, "What do you call that then?" I responded, "a commercial", and she walked off in a huff. ** Proof that RealLife does in fact contain [[CrowningMomentOfAwesome Crowning Moments of Awesome]]. * [[@/HarpieSiren This troper]] loves everything about animation. The process and history, in addition to just the end product. My mother however... at best she writes it off as "cute fluff", though she has said cartoons "insult her intelligence". She can't seem to comprehend that someone could have ''any'' sort of emotional reaction to an animated film that isn't amusement, and she thinks that considering an animated character attractive, even if the character in question is ''designed to be attractive'', is just odd. However, she has seemed to accept that I love animation and that won't change anytime soon, though. ** This Troper finds it incredibly amusing when the "insult to my intelligence" argument is used by frequent reality TV watchers. * [[@/{{Kriegsmesser}} This troper]] once possessed this belief about anime, after overexposure to {{Sailor Moon}}. He still watched [[GaoGaiGar anime]], he just considered it "kiddy". Then his friend introduced him to {{Guyver}}, and he introduced himself to [[HigurashiNoNakuKoroNi Higurashi]]. ** That must have been quite the shock. * This troper used to watch Digimon, Pokmon, and other obviously kiddy (and now that I'm older, horribly mangled) anime when I was younger. My dad did not mind at all. Cut to present day, and I'm watching shows like FLCL, GhostInTheShell, CowboyBebop, DeathNote, and my dad thinks that they're all the same stupid kids' show. Interestingly, when he actually sat down to watch some episodes of

SamuraiChamploo, he liked it, and even asked about some plot points when I was watching it again later. A CrowningMomentOfHeartwarming? ** Is it possible to add a justifying edit to a TroperTales example? Let's find out! Ahem. "To be fair," the first season of ''{{Digimon}}'' was probably the first thing that made [[@/{{Fawriel}} this troper]] realize that there can be more to animation than cheap laughs, when he first saw it as a young whippersnapper, culminating in a total obsession with anime that will persist until he dies. His entire family appears to subvert it, to the point that his mother once downloaded a hentai movie (''Kite'', of all things) to see what it's like. *** ''Kite'' is not hentai. The sex scenes get a pass for being (mostly) truly epic FanDisservice. Come back when you see her watching ''BibleBlack'' or ''NightShiftNurses''. * This troper's father despises cartoons of all sorts (until recently even "adult" ones such as Family Guy, South Park, etc.). I lost count of how many times he walked into the living room when I was younger, noticed the little "Cartoon Network" logo in the corner of the screen, grabbed the remote control and put some sports news channel on. Funnily enough, it was only after this troper ceased watching cartoons en masse that his old man took a liking to the more "mature" humorous, satirical ones that are often around these days. * [[@/{{Ronnie}} This Conservative Christian troper]]'s mom will not get off of his back for being an active member of the Save DannyPhantom and KimPossible groups, because he "needs to like things more age appropriate". You have no idea how much I've been tempted to show her [[RefugeInVulgarity South Park and Family Guy]], and then see if she persists. [[HypocriticalHumor Of course she's still in full support of my being a fan of]] TheMuppets. * I had a rather interesting version. Once I worked with a guy who shared my like for dark, twisted stories, but despite being perfectly fine with (Western) animation he despised anime, considering it stupid and kiddy. My solution? Show him a couple AMV's based around Death Note and Hellsing, as well as the first three minutes of Elfen Lied. Said friend left that experience with a huge grin and a different outlook. * Do you have ''any idea'' how annoying it is to be watching AvatarTheLastAirbender on a friend's laptop at school and have someone come up and go "Why are you watching ''that?'' It's just a lame kid's cartoon, grow up!" Makes [[@/GwenStacyWannabe me]] want to punch something. (Oddly enough, the "someone" in question is a fan of SouthPark...) ** In all honesty, Avatar is a kid's cartoon in the sense of its intended demographic and SouthPark isn't. ** I'd think South Park would be more well known as an adult cartoon. Still, the other students are idiots (which should be expected). ** Happened all the time when this troper was reading WATCHMEN in school.... * This troper recently bought the entire series of FruitsBasket on DVD for a friend's nineteenth birthday. His father's response? "I'd be pissed if someone got me cartoons for my birthday." Cue ranting about how he's old and doesn't understand anime.

* Just this morning, this editor got a nice little reminder of just how pervasive this trope is. Her newspaper this weekend has a nice big splash page that says, in essence, "Are your kids bored? Take them to the Music Conservatory! They're doing a concert of cartoon music!" A little research revealed that the show in question was actually a review of the music of classic LooneyTunes composer Carl Stalling. Just as she was about to knock her head against the wall over ''this'', she then saw this notation on the Conservatory's webpage announcing the event: "children ''under three'' can get in free!" (For the record, this notation was not to be found in the listing for ''any'' other performances, so it wasn't like it was the Conservatory's standard practice.) Thanks for making me give myself a bad headache, Music Conservatory. ** But Looney Toons really ''is'' intended for children, so why would you bang your head over this? *** Looney ''Tunes'' may have been given a second lease on life by being put on during children's prime viewing hours, but the fact that CartoonNetwork had to pull a good chunk of Bugs Bunny cartoons out of it's all-day, in-order marathon and put them on during Adult Swim should tell you that the things weren't intended for kids. **** Having watched Looney Tunes as a kid, I don't recall any adult content. Heck, I'm pretty sure my father watched a tape of Daffy cartoons ''with me'' at least once and never seemed to think it was inappropriate for me. Maybe your standards of kid-friendly are just different from other people's. ***** Looney Tunes shorts were originally animated for adults and shown in theaters before movies. Several of them are rather racist, given the time period in which they were animated. You probably didn't see those because they never show them. The shorts may have been shown on Cartoon Network later, but they were not intended for children. * This Australian editor remembers going into a video shop and seeing NeonGenesisEvangelion in the ''children's section''. ** In this Argentinian troper' Blockbuster, the CowboyBebop movie is in the children's section. ** This Canadian editor has also seen ''NinjaScroll'' and ''{{Urotsukidoji}}'' in the children's section... *** So has [[@/{{Pumpernickel}} this troper]], but in America. They were right between CryingFreeman and ''YuGiOh TheMovie.'' *** This American troper has seen the same thing happen with ''La Blue Girl''. *** This troper worked in a store that has an adults-only section and an all-ages section. Employee Discount was used to extract the live action version of La Blue Girl from the all-ages section, where $BOSS had filed it on the grounds that it was based on a cartoon. *** For the inverse, this troper has seen ''Ah! Megami-sama!'' with a big "mature content" sticker on it. **** And if that wasn't confusing enough, this troper once saw a mature content sticker on an InvaderZim DVD... ''in the kids' section.'' **** This troper's local Half-Price Bookstore used to shelve the manga (Which prominently included ''very obvious'' hentai series) right next to the Dr. Seuss and whatnot.

*** This troper strongly recommends that any other troper finding such inappropriately placed animation take it up to the counter and politely request that they play it on the monitors in the store. Bonus points if you do this after school lets out and there are lots of soccer moms and their precious snowflakes in tow, looking for a movie. As soon as the blood starts flying and the kids start asking "What's that red stuff coming out of bunny?", hold up the case and say that it's available in the children's section. ** Not only that, but this troper understands that most video stores lump all Anime in with Children's in general. Or, if they have enough to warrant its own section, right alongside it. *** Worse still, this troper in Australia has on three separate occasions found the same, obviously titled anime movie in the children's section. The movie? "The Gigolo". *** Amazingly averted at this troper's Blockbuster. Even though it labels things like InvaderZim and other Western cartoons as "Anime", the mature cartoons are on the opposite side of the store as the family-friendly ones, next to the Drama section. **** This troper's is similar. However, all the anime is together, meaning that End of Evangelion is directly above Sailor Moon. *** This troper once saw ''HaruhiSuzumiya'' in a kids' section at a used book and DVD sale. She had to go and explain to the lady running the thing about [[RapeAsComedy Mikuru]]... **** How is ''HaruhiSuzumiya'' inappropriate for children? Mikuru is the only thing remotely sexual in the entire series, and even her torments are strikingly non-graphic. **** This Troper rates Haruhi on level with seasons 6-8 era Simpsons in terms of content. The best example is the John Waters Episode. ***** [[spoiler:Nagato vs. Asakura]], my friend. Though that'd be more FamilyUnfriendlyViolence by your logic. ***** Don't forget Haruhi's blackmail plan. Did you know the Accelerated Reading list has the novel as a fifth grade reading level? One of the questions is even about how Haruhi gets the computers, so you know someone had to have bothered to read it. *** This troper's local video store still has a copy of the [[ Knights of Ramune OAV]] in the kids' section, despite her delicate application of the words "softcore lesbian porn" to the store's manager. ** This applies to WesternAnimation as well, such as ''HeavyMetal''. How a film with a half-naked woman wielding a sword and riding a GiantFlyer on the DVD cover could be labeled as a children's flick is beyond me. *** Animated anti-war films such as ''GraveOfTheFireflies'', ''{{Wizards}}'', ''BarefootGen'', and ''TheCockpit'' are almost invariably found in the Children's section of mainstream video stores, despite the fact that they would be NightmareFuel for anyone under ten. **** Hell, ''GraveOfTheFireflies'' is nightmare fuel (or at least a massive Tearjerker) for most people above 10, too. (This troper isn't sure about the others, because he hasn't seen them, but.) *** This troper got a good laugh when he saw ''Beavis and Butthead Do America'' '''right beside''' ''Barbie Princess'' and ''Bratz''. Sadly,

I've seen stores do that a couple of times now. I can't wait to see ''South Park: The Movie'' sitting next to ''Strawberry Shortcake''. *** This troper is wondering whether or not she should tell her local video store that ''WatershipDown'' isn't exactly a "family" film... **** When [[@/TServo2049 this troper]] was going to college at UC Davis, there was a (now sadly closed) video store that actually figured out that ''WatershipDown'' wasn't for kids, and put it in the ''drama'' section. *** And this Troper took it upon himself to move a local store's sole copy of "Queer Duck" out of the kid's section, over to "Q". *** This troper volunteers at an [[ Oxfam shop]]. He once had to remove ''SouthPark'' videos (clearly labeled as rated 15) from the children's section. Twice. ** The stores around [[@/{{Bisyss}} This Troper's]] area are a little better at this - more often than not, the anime [=DVDs=] are nowhere near the kids' films. Admittedly one store puts its anime section next to the porn (which, for some insane reason is right in the middle of the store), but it's a start, dammit! *** Fry's, I'm guessing. Mine does it too, which makes browsing extremely awkward, especially with the rather fanservicey covers many anime [=DVDs=] have. *** I remember FYE used to do that a lot. Now I see anime right next to the wrestling section. *** The FYE This Troper goes to is an interesting case. The anime section is next to the family movies section. Across the aisle from the family section were [[IfYouKnowWhatIMean [=DVDs=] that had pieces of plastic with the Playboy logo in front of said [=DVDs=]]]. My guess was that TheyJustDidntCare about placement. * This Canadian public librarian can't be the only under-35 member of his profession who cringes at his colleagues wanting to put ''all'' graphic novels and comic books in the "teen" section (including DC Vertigo titles), and all anime next to the Disney films (including Inu Yasha). * This troper and her brother were watching CowboyBebop when her mother entered the room. She asked, "Aren't you two too old for cartoons?" There was no need for an answer because right at that moment, Spike got shot (complete with gratuitous blood) and yelled, "SHIT!" This troper's mother stopped associating all animation with children. ** I nominate you for an EpicMomentOfEpicTiming. * My local Blockbuster stocks all the child-inappropriate cartoons in the Anime section but curiously enough have all 3 Bionicle movies and a Hot Wheels movie in there too for some reason. ** GEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEKS. What do anime, western adult cartoons, and cartoons themed around collectable toys have in common? Gee, Davy, do you think it might be a target demographic? * ''{{Simoun}}''. KID'S SECTION. Seriously, people. What part of 'war, religion, transgender' do you not understand? * A rather interesting case, [[@/{{Tsochar}} This Troper]]'s mother once bought him a copy of RanmaOneHalf volume 11 when he was 9. I was rather surprised by the sight of a completely nude Shampoo even moreso

than the GenderBending. She would go on to buy me a dirty joke book at 12 or so. In her defense, it did have a rather childish cover, and its title was "World's Best Humor." The "not for kids" was in small text on the cover, but the whole family teased her for the next year or so about it. ** Similar thing, except the exact opposite happend to [[@/{{Shirai}} me]]. I checked out Ramna 1/2 Vol. 4 from my local library when I was like 8. Unfortunately my parents later found it and looked through it. They later questioned me about the nudity, and my reply was, "Hey, at least you know I'm not gay." They laughed it off, and didn't really care after that. ** Though Ranma is aimed at kids, nudity isn't considered a big thing in Asia (there is a brand of milk in Korea where the containers show a baby suckling on a breast close up) and the actual storyline and content is rather on an innocent level. With Ranma it's only the fan fics that get serious and adult. * Played straight as a board with people against this troper. "You are so childish, stop watching these stupid kids' cartoons", or "silly fatty, cartoons are just for kids". Not nice, guys. I'd love to ask them if they think that NeonGenesisEvangelion, [[{{Berserk}} Berserk]] and ElfenLied are kids' cartoons, after ''forcing them to watch these''. * [[ t=sillyfangirlyaoiisforkids.png Silly fangirl,]] ''{{Gravitation}}'' [[ t=sillyfangirlyaoiisforkids.png is for kids!]] At least according to * Once when I sat for two little boys they asked their mom if they could watch any of my movies. They dug through the pile and picked out South Park Bigger Longer and Uncut. I immediately took it away from them knowing that it would screw up the older of the two even more than he already was - their mom asked why I took it away. She said, "it's only a cartoon", then I explained how inappropriate it was for her kids and how they would develop bad habits from it. * This troper was yelled at by his mom, sister, and grandmother for watching cartoons when he got older saying that they were "only for children", but I proved to them that not all cartoons were meant for children and how some had inappropriate jokes and violent scenes and they changed their minds. ** My dad on the other hand had always been a huge cartoon fan, he will watch stuff like Looney Tunes, The Simpsons, and King of the Hill with me, and he misses some of the older Nicktoons and Cartoon Network shows. * This troper is a self-declared "closet-otaku" - he has absolutely ''no'' connections to anime or manga in real life, despite being rather involved and knowledgeable online. This is mostly due to his mother, who is ''ridiculously'' willfully ignorant and intolerant of anything she does not want to understand (she'll [[TooDumbToLive outright and aggressively refuse to learn anything she does not care about, I wish I were making that up]]). Example: when he was reading novels at [[ baka-tsuki]], she was talking and

saw the ''mascot alone'' (really, go look at it) and said "go back to reading your ''poke-ee-man'' stuff." Not going to go through that, my life is easier without her knowing. ** Kill her. That's all you'll have to do. She's a risk. And get the priest as well. * This troper - an illustrator and aspiring animator who hates, hates, ''hates'' that this Trope exists - sat down to enjoy Disney's ''{{Enchanted}}'' with her mother. Within ''thirty seconds'' of the animated first act, mom asks this: --->MOM: "Can't we fast forward?" --->ME: ([[YourHeadAsplode Head asplodes in frustration.]]) ** Similarly, when This troper sat down to watch "A Scanner Darkly" with my mom and a friend, they quickly lost interest upon realizing that the entire movie was animated. *** My mom was all excited to watch "Persepolis" -in French even!- and she only knew that it was about the experiences of a young woman in the Middle East. The minute she saw the animation in the [=DVD=] menu, she asked the Question Of Doom: --->MOM: "Wait... is this animated?" --->ME: (incredulous) "Does it really make a difference?" --->(Mom leaves anyway.) * With this troper, his mother refuses to watch any animated show on the pretense that it's not for her, this however makes no sense as when I was younger she watched Digimon Tamers and started like "I don't wanna watch this" and went to "Is that poor girl going to be ok? What happened to her?" During commercials I had to give her a recap of the series to stop her questions. Years later she would deny this and pretend she was humouring me, because interrupting my show every 5 seconds when I'm trying to pay attention to it so she can get a recap is, you know, humouring me. I think it's summed up nicely in the C.S Lewis quote at the top. It's too bad cause I have way better anime now that I think she would like, but she won't give them a chance (in fact, sometimes it seem like she thinks I'm childish for liking them). ** This troper had a similar experience with his parents denouncing ''DeathNote''. It wouldn't be so bad if they hadn't been watching ''{{Dexter}}'' at around that time. * My mother also won't watch anything animated, unless she is watching with my nieces... And flips out every time she sees the Simpsons on TV, calling it 'disgusting' because she firmly believes that if it's animated, it's for kids, so the more mature aspects are CLEARLY inappropriate in her eyes (it doesn't help that she has trouble understanding parody). I've tried explaining that it's not aimed at young children, but she won't have it... If she ever saw ''South Park'', ''Family Guy'', or a lot of anime, her head might explode from shock. ** This troper's mother, depressingly, is the same way. One day she started telling me about how scandalised she was by this cartoon show she saw that was absolutely filthy, full of all kinds of things they just shouldn't have in cartoons. What show was it, you may ask? ''FamilyGuy''? ''SouthPark''? ''DrawnTogether''? Nope. Try ''KingOfTheHill''. *** The mothers of both the above tropers are closed and welded shut.

There is no way to change their minds. This troper recommends that both the above tropers move out A.S.A.P. It's up to the tropers in question whether they wish to leave a parting gift of, say, the liveaction * remake* of "Wicked City", as well as the original, with a quick note to make sure that the mothers understand the production order... * I thought my wife was better than this: She's watched {{Chobits}}, IMyMeStrawberryEggs, and RecordOfLodossWar with me, has more recently seen me watching HigurashiNoNakuKoroNi, watches TheSimpsons, and knows about KingOfTheHill, SouthPark, FamilyGuy, and AmericanDad. But when I bring home the ''Wonder Woman'' [=DVD=], she still said "Why is this rated PG-13? It's a frickin' cartoon!" * FacePalm* * The fact that this page has so many examples makes @/EddieVanHelsing want to punch kittens. * [[@/{{Brainpaint}} This troper]] has problems of showing people her flash animations, comics and artwork since people call them "Pokemon Drawings" and "Kiddies Annie-mee Cartoons" and stick with this assumption despite the explanation of the kid [[JerkWithAHeartOfGold protagonist's]] [[OffingTheOffspring backstories]] [[BlackWidow being]] [[RapeIsOkWhenItIsFemaleOnMale incredibly]] {{squick}}. They just don't believe it! * This troper was looking for a copy of When The Wind Blows - a graphic novel by Raymond Briggs that features a sweet old couple trying to survive the effects of The Bomb (and failing) - and found it in the children's section of a second-hand bookshop. I bought it anyway and met my parents in a local cafe. When I pulled the book out of my shopping bag, my mother took one look at the inside and said "This is a comic! It's for kids!" I replied by showing her the cover, which features a huge picture of a mushroom cloud. She stopped talking then. Three months later, we repeated the same performance with Barefoot Gen. * When Coraline came out, this Troper wanted to bring her parents with her to watch it. However, when she told her dad that it was claymation, he responded with this piece of stupidity: "I have to be an idiot to go watch a cartoon at my age! Cartoons are for kids and brainless adults!" After some yelling, this Troper and her mom left without him. We both enjoyed the movie. ** Actually, it's plastic figurines. * Hilariously (and somewhat tragically) reversed at this troper's Blockbuster. How the Grinch stole Christmas is in the anime section in between Lady Death and Kite. Also, yes they do suck at alphabetisation. * This troper's parents were a little slack in the appropriate animation department when she was growing up in the 90s, as they let her watch The Simpsons, King of the hill, lots of the MTV animated shows, and lots of the anime on toonami. * This troper once watched an episode of Family Guy in front of his Grandmother. Her exact words were something like "Ooooh, I don't like that fat man." She then proceeded to collect her BIBLE and ROSARY! ** So? It sounds like she was just offended by the material, not the fact that it was animated. * Mostly inverted by this troper, but played straight by her mother

especially. She rarely watched cartoons as a kid (occasionally Looney Toons but she bored easily of them), but in high school she was briefly into Rugrats. About the time she stopped watching it she became a Sailor Moon addict, and to this day gets adult guys hooked on Sailor Moon and other similar anime. Her mother has repeatedly disparaged "those kid shows" or "those shows for babies." (her father could care less). Happily calmed to a murmur after one of the most popular clubs at college turned out to be the anime one, and this troper told her parents about leaving club early a couple semesters because one anime was too raunchy/violent (Ikkitousen, primarily). * This Troper fully remembers his childhood in Italy; there, all animation is considered kid-oriented. The thing is, the Italians have a propensity towards importing and dubbing anime. Any anime. And show them side-by-side with kids shows. So for several years, I used to watch {{Fist Of The North Star}}, ''uncut'', ''in the morning'', ''WHEN I WAS EIGHT''. ** [[{{ptitle3aa6c4mw}} Actually it IS for kids. Well, older kids that is.]] And to be honest I would probably be fine with showing it to most kids arround that age. Well the first series at least. * This troper's mom was like this with anime at first, thanks to this troper's childhood SailorMoon obsession. Then she saw ''{{Hellsing}}'', ''MilleniumActress'' and Tezuka/Otomo's ''Metropolis...'' (She still refuses to watch {{magical girl}} series, though.) * This troper's father surprised her one day. He was telling her stories about how kids in his computer class watch anime, and when I told him "that's not all little kid stuff", he looked at this troper almost dumbfounded and said, "Really?" * When this troper was away at college, her aunt talked to her on the phone to tell her that her daughter (ten at the time) had been watching some of my [[{{Anime}} cartoons]] when they were visiting my parents. This troper's immediate panicked response was "WHICH ONES?!" Also, this troper's dad seemed to think that ''{{Watchmen}}'' was going to be an animated movie after hearing that it was based on a comic book. Before he went to see it with me I had to make sure he understood that it was "not animated, rated R and very violent". He liked it, although he did comment that it should have been toned down to make it acceptable for the kids. Oi. ** I think you mean "[[YiddishAsASecondLanguage Oy]]", possibly spelled "oj". "Oi" is just "hey". * This trope is the reason my brother and I were allowed to watch TheSimpsons as kids. * This troper went to a Blockbuster's with her eight-year-old younger sister and managed to rent 'Ninja Scroll' Volume 1, the one that has explicit rape, violence, nudity, balls (mmmm....), gore, destruction, and {{Family Unfriendly Aesop}}s, without any comment or unusual looks from the cashier. She was thirteen at the time and knew perfectly well what the rating on the back cover meant. * This troper's funniest experience with Real Anime occurred one Saturday morning, when the Sci Fi Channel had their Saturday Anime programming block. I was happily watching one such contribution, and my dad came in and joined me. "What are you watching?" he asked.

"Cartoons," I said, with complete honesty. At that moment, VampireHunterD messily bisected a demon, spraying blood and guts everywhere. Dad left. * @/{{Raekuul}} has decided that what his mother does with all the anime he's been watching on his laptop is really just a running gag of All Anime Is Sailor Moon. Unless it's DBZ. Or Macross. Or anything else that was on Toonami. It doesn't help that, of the three that I'm following closely now, [[HimechanNoRibon one]] has a main character that looks spot-on Usagi (except for the whole Odango bit), [[KingyoChuihou one]] is done by the art- and music-studio that went on to do Sailor Moon, and the third [[FushigiboshiNoFutagohime one]] was directed by the man who did... okay, do I REALLY need to say it at this point? All I really need to say now is that I'm glad that she didn't look over and see the opening to Nanoha... * This Troper once found AeonFlux in amongst the As in the Anime section, so she moved it to the science fiction section (as it was produced in the U.S. of A., it doesn't really count as Anime). It gets better: The following week, she found it in * the kids section* ; she quickly moved it back to the science fiction section. * AKIRA is cool, yes it is very cool. The premise was what got my mother and father into buying it for the family to watch. This troper was 9 at the time and saw it all. He cried himself to sleep, had nightmares of stuffed attack animals and spilling guts and MyArmAsplode. The next day, the troper wrapped his arm in medical tape and when his mother asked why he was doing so, he replied, "I don't want to explode. I like my arm, and any violent stuff could [[BodyHorror turn things ugly]] * This troper has more of a literary age ghetto. My friend's father, who is a die hard Objectivist, was reading from SwordOfTruth to both of the friend's brothers, who are around 11 and 12. When this troper asked why the father was doing that, he answered, "it's just the truth, no harm in that." Infuriating! ** Oh, and as an update, I asked a few months later if he read the bits about the Namble in book 2, and he said, "Yes." This political belief traumatises children... *** Objectivism also traumatises anyone who knows any history, philosophy, or economics. Why would it spare children? * This Troper's cousin runs into this tropse so hard it's just absolutely scary. She things that any animation is only valuable as a tool to make her three-year-old and four-year-old happy, and that if they don't like it, it's useless. I discovered this after the following conversation: --> '''Cousin: ''' Finding Nemo was a good movie. --> '''Me: ''' I liked Monster's Inc better. --> '''Cousin: ''' I really didn't like Monster's Inc. --> '''Me: ''' Why? It was emotionally resonant and--> '''Cousin: ''' Randal scared my kids. --> '''Me: ''' Your kids are three and four respectively. It was aimed at a slightly older audience. --> '''Cousin: ''' (''indignantly'') Of course it was. It was a cartoon. --> '''Me: ''' It was animated. That doesn't make it any less valid.

--> '''Cousin: ''' Quit arguing. --> '''Me:''' Animation can be just as much art as live action. --> '''Cousin: ''' Animation is for making my kids happy. Quit being so argumentative. --> (Repeat the last few lines for thirty minutes) --> '''Me: ''' I wish you'd realize animation can be mature art. --> '''Cousin: ''' I want to end this argument. What do you want me to agree to?" --> '''Me: ''' That animation can be true, mature art. --> '''Cousin: ''' (''sarcastically'') Fine, I agree. --> '''Me: ''' That wasn't really agreement. --> '''Cousin:''' Go away. ** I've never talked to my cousin since. * This troper and his friends are going to have a game. Count how many under 13s are at ''9'' and see how many either A- leave early, traumatized or B- Sit through the entire thing bawling their little eyes out at a snake with half a porcelain doll's head for its own because their parent(s) spent more than 20 dollars on this. ** The count currently stands at 15 *** Doll? I thought it was A little kid's broken skull. **** This reminds me of a review of ''9'' on Rotten Tomatoes that I saw whilst finding out a bit more about whether it was worth watching. "It was very light entertainment for me. Not much of the story about about some dolls created by a mad scientist for the future and to think '''this is a kids film? Kinda spooky for them.'''" [[BerserkButton I raged silently.]] * My dad's reaction to me bringing up {{Futurama}} publicly. Then SouthPark a few seconds later. It probably doesn't help that I'm also a fan of PhineasAndFerb. ** When I brought this up to him later he [[HandWave said he knew what he was talking about]] and was "just kidding" * [[@/{{Count_Luna_Orlok}} This Troper]]'s mother thought anime was for children. Recently, This Troper got an anime channel (Animax). His mother, changing channels, stopped at that channel, showing a random anime, after seeing a cute gothic lolita. Which uttered "Don't worry, everyone will die someday". My mother's jaw dropped while I snickered. * This Troper went to see the ''{{Watchmen}}'' movie with a friend and looked behind him to see an eight-year-old girl at the movie with her dad. I wanted to punch the father for even considering the idea of taking a small child to see that emotionally-scarring gore-fest of a movie. And that was ''before'' I saw the scene where [[spoiler:Rorshach splits the guy's head with a butcher's knife instead of burning him to death off-screen]] and where [[spoiler:one of Big Figure's goons gets killed by ''getting his arms sawed off at the elbow'']], not to mention the two sex scenes, the aforementioned blue dong (It's a LOT bigger in the movie), absolutely ''everything'' the Comedian ever did, and the exploding people. OH GOD, the exploding people. My friend and I were debating about whether or not to say something to the father before the movie started. In hindsight, we should have. ** I tried telling this to a couple with a line of three under-ten kids that came to see Princess Mononoke.

* ''{{Fullmetal Alchemist}}'' was aired at 10am on Sunday morning where this troper lives. However they also aired other mature animated shows at that time, so it was probably deliberate. ** It was aired at 18:30 on Saturdays in Japan, not exactly a kids' toon time (that would be Sunday 07:00 there) but still not a latenight show. It's mostly a cultural thing -- Japanese usually don't shield their kids brom ''anything'' even remotely offensive, thinking that the earlier a kid would meet some evil (especially in a imagined form), the better he would learn to cope. ** [[YamatoNadeshiko Stay-at-home moms]] being much more accepted in Japan, there's also more likely to be a parent around if something troubles a kidit's easier to cope with, say, [[BodyHorror Envy's true form]] if you can go hug or talk to your mom, immediately, than if you have to stew on it for three or four hours. * This troper feels awkward explaining that her favorite shows [[TheSpectacularSpiderMan are]] [[AvatarTheLastAirbender all]] [[XMenEvolution cartoons]]. Even more awkward when she goes to buy the [=DVDs=]... * This troper had actually suffered a number of [[NightmareFuel traumatic experiences]] due to this view being held by my parents and pretty much everyone in my country at the time I was a kid. Watching "Gandahar" when you are ''six years old'' stays with you for the whole life, trust me. ** Try watching ''Fantastic Planet'' when you're about that age. * sells hentai in among its regular Anime movies, with no differentiation between kid-friendly and mature content listed. This troper and wife made an attempt in 2001 to inform Overstock's staff of this, culminating in a conversation-by-email with the company's then-president, and a promise to make a separate adult section and screen cover art before posting it to the site. To date, that promise goes mostly unfulfilled. ''If'' a specific DVD's cover art is reported by a user, that single image will be placed behind an "adult image available" flag. * This Troper worked at a store, and frequently had to remove the following from the children's section: Animal Farm, Vampire Hunter D, Ninja Scroll, Happy Tree Friends, Akira... and a variety of hentai titles * facepalm* * Lest you think this is dying down, this troper's local paper [[ComplainingAboutShowsYouDontWatch recently published]] [[ -briefs this gem]]. Be prepared to want to put your fist through something. ** "Become" an art form? [[EverythingIsRacist This troper seriously suspect racist currents in this]], and many of the other examples on this page as well as elsewhere, criticism of anime. * [[@/{{Xaris}} This troper's]] local Borders used to hgave the manga and comics next to the science-fiction and fantasy novels, but they since moved them. To right next to the children's section. Not necesarrily out of ignorance of the fact that manga and comics aren't necesarily for children, but rather giving far more oppurtunity for parents to cause problems, especially with series like DetroitMetalCity and {{Berserk}}.

** Berserk. Near the children's section. [[NoJustNo Gautama H. Buddha.]] * [[@/{{starofjustice}} This troper]] was working at a video store for a while and one day a couple with a young boy tried to rent Invincible Iron Man for their son, since it was a cartoon and thus obviously for kids. Even though the first time you see Tony Stark he and his girlfriend of the moment are having sex in a hot tub. It says PG-13 on the sleeve for a reason, folks. * [[@/{{Pita}} My]] best friend believed anime was for kiddies, until I forced him to watch DeathNote. He loved it. Then, I asked him if he wants to go see Coraline with me. "It's animated, it's for kids." I force fed him Neil Gaiman and explained that Coraline was Neil Gaiman created, and he said "Ok, next time it's in theaters." a week after it left theaters. Then, I tried convincing him that MarkHamill was a better [[Main/TheJoker Joker]] than HeathLedger, only to have him say "But he was an animated Joker, aren't animations for kids?". I then forced him to see ReturnOfTheJoker, which he absolutely loved, and he hasn't been pulling the whole "animation is for kids" crap for at least a week now. * This lurker was forced to intervene when a woman attempted to buy the Hellsing {{OVA}}s for her preteen daughter. 'It's just vampires, kinda like Twilight, right?' Ahahaha, no. She was then able to tempt the daughter with Azumanga Daioh instead, and all was well in the world. * This Troper's Mother saw him reading/playing the Fate/Stay Night Visual Novel, somewhere in the UBW Route (ingame location: The Emiya Residence, while they where eating). She asked him if he was "sure this still is something for 19-year old boys?". He could barely resist showing her one of the H-Scenes and resorted to saying "I'm right in the demographic". ** She didn't seem convinced. * A truly glorious example here. Today I got into a discussion at school with a friend about comic book movies and mentioned the AnimationAgeGhetto off hand. I thenh went on to explain the concept to him. [[SubvertedTrope He was really open about it.]] Right when I was giving him an overview what Akira is about, another student past by and asked: "What movie are you talking about?" He seemed rather interested and has always been really open to new influences so I said: "Akira it's an anime classic from the early [[CriticalResearchFailure 90's]]." "Oh anime." was his only response, aside from a mocking grin, as if to indicate,that he was "too old" for it. Now the funny part of my story is, that when I came home after that and was about to open this wiki to edit this very page, my twenty-year-old sister walked into my room holding my current book in her hands, asking whether I saw the movie. When i responded yes, she said: "Man that was the scariest movie of my live and it was supposed to be for children!" The book and movie in question? WatershipDown. ** My mother is just as bad calling me to her room when she found out that I am watching anime (in her defense she also did not know what the word "nerd" means when I came out of the nerd closet so go figure). She did not seem really convinced when I explained the basic ideas behind CodeGeass and DeathNote to her and decided that she just

does not get it. Since then I looked every where to find an anime that had great writing, little violence and an adult theme, so I could present it to her. When I found SummerWars I cheared. Now I only have to find an online version with German dubbing... [[ThisIsGonnaSuck Yeah, this is gonna take a while.]] * This Troper spent this past summer (2009) finally watching anime on his own for the first time. From Trigun to the first season of Gundam 00 to the first season of Code Geass, it consumed much of his free time, something that didn't go unnoticed by his mother. Whenever he watched a certain amount of anime in any given day, she would ask him to stop in a manner that strongly suggested she thought it was beneath a 19 year old to spend so much time watching animated shows. To which this troper valiantly responded with protests of "What if I was trying to catch up on Lost or 24? You wouldn't mind that as much!" Then again, she does have a history of bringing home anime movies from the library, most of which I didn't yet feel comfortable watching back when she obtained them (Can't believe I turned down Spirited Away!...and ''still'' haven't gotten around to watching it...). * This troper had bought a Ryuk nendoroid after a trip to the city and visited her grandma's house with her mother. While she was there one of her grandma's friends came over and asked about the toy. After explaining to her the whole plot line of {{Deathnote}}, (with the whole killing people by writing their names down etc), the little old lady asked her 'My grandson, he's 9, do you think he's too old to watch this?' Cue this lurker facepalming and her mother having to explain it's not for kids. ** This troper also had always thought (since she was 4) that all anime and comic books were for adults only, and was surprised to find some that are kid-friendly. ('specially comics) * My dad thinks that every anime is Pokemon and every video game is for 35 year old virgins who live with their mother. Any time I play a video game in the living room he keeps saying that I'm on my way to being a pathetic loser (because an 18 year old spending his days in college and any break he gets between classes searching futally for work in a county with few jobs is OBVIOUSLY the same as a 35 year old who spends all his time playing video games in their mother's basement). * This troper once had a conversation about South Park with a former friend of his: ** Me: ...and then Cartman said "Kyle you fucking jew"... ** Friend: Wait, I thought it was for kids!? ** Me: Er... No. Why? ** Friend: But isn't it CARTOON!? ** Me: Yeah... ** Friend: Then it is for children. ** * facepalm* *** Said friend was a Star Wars fan and also watched the Clone Wars cartoons... * This troper was away with her friends for about a week. During that week, her aunt and seven year old cousin spontaneously visited from out of town and stayed with her family. My aunt told me on the phone that she let my cousin stay in my room and told me to let her know if

any of my comics or cartoons were missing, as she took a lot of them down from the shelf for my cousin to read or watch on my TV (''ohshitohshitoshit''). I calmly talked to my, once again, ''seven year old'' cousin, asked her what she read and watched. She mentioned a couple of safe titles like One Piece, Bleach... Berserk... Elfen Lied... well, shit. My cousin turned out to be strangely untraumatised. She has now become an almost bigger anime fan than me and my aunt happily gets her the manga and anime she wants. I did attempt to warn my aunt about the more adult titles, but she still maintains that "they're just cartoons. How bad could they possibly be?" and she refuses to find out for herself. At least my cousin is pretty mature about it all. * This troper's parents have sometimes banned he and his brother from watching shows. They stopped him from watching Cow and Chicken because it had the devil in it (albeit a very idiotic devil that showed almost no signs of being evil) and also the 90's cartoon version of Beetlejuice. My mother also had a conversation with us about anime (I recall her yelling about how Pokemon and Digimon contained shortenings of "monsters" in their names, but nothing else) like Outlaw Star. Strangely, they didn't object to us watching any Gundam shows. * This troper recently babysat a five and six year old. Their mother had told she had already gotten a movie for the kids to watch for the night so there shouldn't be any problems. The movie she rented? Watership Down. * This troper went with a friend to see [[RebuildOfEvangelion Eva 1.0]] at a theatre cafe on a Monday night. The place was empty aside from the staff when we got there, so we thought it was gonna be just me and him, but then another guy came in, ''with what must've been his 8-year-old kid''. [[HarmfulToMinors They left after]] [[HighOctaneNightmareFuel the first angel]]. We weren't surprised, of course, but it was still kinda funny to see this trope in action. * This troper is used to dealing with it, given his interests in anime -- he's only just barely gotten his brother to not snark about it, and doesn't dare to test it with other members of the family. But it distresses him to see the effects of it in others. His not-quitegirlfriend (as they say on that there Facebook, It's Complicated), whom he would do anything for, asked if he wanted to see a movie with her then kind of cringed and reluctantly admitted it was a Disney movie, like she was saddling him with a huge burden. He wants to find the people who cudgeled her with the AnimationAgeGhetto, especially any previous boyfriends, and smack them all. * Minor example; while most of {{Robotech}} is indeed a cartoon that's alright for children, there was one scene in one episode where an overweight man in his 40s with a Scottish or Irish accent slapps a little girl (roughly 8 or 10) on the ass. Robotech aired in Australia on a show called "Cheez TV"[sic], which is aimed at Primary school (equivalent of American Grade school) children waiting for the bus to go to school. [[ValuesDissonance Seemed kind of odd at the time]]. * This troper was visiting her grandparents sometime in the late '90s and was watching {{South Park}} one night. My grandmother came into the room and sniffed, "Car''toons''? Don't you think you're a little old for that?"

* Unusual inversion: When I was a wee tyke, animation was largely verboten for my sister and me. ([[DisneyAnimatedCanon Disney films]] and PBS cartoons were always acceptable.) Basically, Mom allowed us to see ''Who Framed Roger Rabbit'' without viewing it beforehand and was horrified shortly thereafter, assuming that ''all'' cartoons contained inappropriate material--but oddly not doing the same for live-action television. (The slapstick-heavy Looney Tunes shorts I enjoyed couldn't have helped her perception, either.) In fact, she was well aware of her double standard, to the point that she once told me that I was allowed to watch the live-action version of ''The Addams Family'', but that the animated version was off-limits. However, ''{{Animaniacs}}'' was popular among the family, probably because Mom saw Wakko's state capitals song and assumed that the show was an educational program. (Meanwhile, the opening to ''{{Freakazoid}}'' as well as my accidental sighting of an out-of-context clip from the episode "Hero Boy" scared me away from the show for years.) * When this troper was younger, her mother left the tv on Cartoon Network for her, thinking all cartoons are for kids and not really knowing about Adult Swim. Luckily, I only really paid attention to the animes, like FullMetalAlchemist. She has gotten better about this, and enjoys many animated shows, from SpongebobSquarepants to FamilyGuy. Unfortunatly, my dad (who wasn't around when this happened to me) started doing the same thing with my brother. We had a nice little chat about Adult Swim. * As a Troper whose major is Animation, my whole life has been this trope. My family is pretty supportive of it... it's everyone else that immediately assumes I'm going to work for {{Disney}} and make kids' movies. Even better is the people who give me a death glare and basically tell me I should NEVER do anything BUT children's shows, "because the other animation is FILTHY." The best was when the school's token Way-Too-Far-Right conservative managed to relate all of my personality quirks to the fact that I was "trying to pervert children with cartoons". How does general hatred of news programs stem from THAT, I ask you?! * [[@/PumpkinLore This troper]] was the recieving end of a rather brutal use of this trope. I was watching some {{Fan Vid}}s for a Disney contest when I came across a ''LionKing'' vid with a song from ''[[{{Theatre/ptitlenjisnv3p}} Les Misrables]]''. In the comments section, one user complained on how the creator of the vid companed the beautiful musical with the "{{Mafia}} of animation", i.e. the generic "Disney is evil" crap. So, [[TooDumbToLive being uninformed of the]] [[{{GIFT}} GIFT trope]], this troper asked him (well, I'm assuming it's a him) why he watched it in the first place. His response? "One can't look away from a train crash." To make a long story short ([[{{Clue}} "Too late"]]) him and I started arguing, ending with him sending me a private note, which, while ''trying'' to sound caring, basicly said that I was immature for, apparently, watching Western cartoons (he obviously didn't mind {{Anime}}, because ''LionKing'' being a rip-off of ''KimbaTheWhiteLion'' was one of his complaints; he may have a point there, but that doesn't excuse him for being a {{Jerkass}}). Even worse, he decided to insult my parents as well by saying they're abusing me. Why? ''Because they were home-

schooling me''. What's ironic about this is that while I try to not be over-protective (saying something isn't racist when it ''is'' racist is just plain stupid, after all), Disney conversaries is one of my [[BerserkButton Berserk Buttons]], so him trying to make me hate Disney [[NiceJobBreakingItHero completely backfired]]. * Everyone this troper knows has this attitude about animated works. I've tried to educate them, tell them that a vast amount anime is meant for teens, most of it has mature humor, and that just because kids enjoy some of it that doesn't mean adults can't, and everyone always counters with "It's a cartoon. Therefore, it is for kids, just as 2 plus 2 equals 4." They refuse to listen to logic. I am very, very annoyed by this, I assure you. * This troper has a friend who is a really hardcore FinalFantasy gamer. When KingdomHearts came out, this troper tried to recomend it to him even adding that Final Fantasy characters were in it. His response? "It's a kids game. Those stupid Disney characters are there to dumb it all down!" After years of telling him how dark the series ends up being, he still hasn't been convinced. * This tropers mother complains when ever she sees me reading any sort of manga, because "it's not a real book". At one point she believed that it would even hurt my chances of getting into college (F.Y.I., it didn't) because I wasn't reading enough of the "classics". Never mind that I have been a huge reader all my life, and use manga as a supplement to my regular books, and that she has no problem with me reading American comics like Superman, or Buffy season 8, or that my sister is almost as big into manga as I am, I'm the only one who gets it. * This troper was in fact kind of glad for the AnimationAgeGhetto... as a kid, anyways. InAWorld where people got carded before entering any sort of movie at all, I could pick up any sort of anim without question as long as the cover was bright and chipper. Then again, I was also a fan of the sorts of books that got people screaming WhatDoYouMeanItsNotForKids. * This troper's family knows that she likes anime, and they simply don't care. My stepfather doesn't care what I do in general as long as I keep my room clean, but my mother always liked the disney cartoons and animation. She does think that it's stupid for me to like Japanese stuff, but it has nothing to do with animation and she was much more bitter when I watched Japanese live action. My classmates, on the other hand, have three groups. One doesn't know anything about anime and thinks it's plain nonesense (no wonder, the anime in Germany is so heavily censored and badly dubbed that anyone would find it idiotic), the other group likes shounen - and specifically naruto - but annoyes me because they watch naruto purely for the violence, and the third group consists of three people incloding me, who like anime that wasn't shown on the German TV. Though one of them is a girl who thinks that shoujo is good and all shounen is violent and freaky, and the other is a boy who only watches seinen like Elfen Lied. * This troper was shocked to find that even some of the cooler people in his school seemed to follow this trope. While talking to one of the few kids in his school who's actually read a book, I suggested that he read Watchmen. I told him that it was one of the best works of

literature I'd ever read. When I told him it was a comic book, he said, and I quote, "If the author is so good, why is he doing comics?" It took everything I could muster to stop myself from ragequitting the conversation. * This troper's room-mate thinks that ''anything and everything'' animated must be for children. And very young children at that. Troper was actually talking to her about a movie she planned to see (TheSecretOfKells); room-mate acted very interested in the plot until she found out it was animated, at which point she didn't want to hear any more. She's gotten a little better since troper showed her ''9,'' but still... * This troper's parents fall into this HARD. They refuse to even give anything animated a chance. Quite notably, they've watched almost every episode of post-revival Series/DoctorWho, {{Torchwood}} and TheSarahJaneAdventures (The latter ''explicitly being a '''childrenSeries/'s show'''''), yet they refuse to go near ''either'' of the [[AnimatedAdaptation animated episodes]] starring David Tennant. * This troper has an incurable addiction to TheGoldenAgeOfAnimation, and always has to explain it to people when they see my collection of ''LooneyTunes'' and ''TomAndJerry'' DVD's. They weren't originally for kids dammit! Once my cousin caught me buying a ''Looney Tunes'' collection and said "Hey, I think they have SpongebobSquarepants and Barney the Dinosaur DVD's in the next aisle." [[BerserkButton Gaaaahhh...]] * [[Tropers/{{Nemica}} This troper]]'s [[MyBelovedSmother beloved smother]] constantly makes fun of her for watching "these childish shows". She fits this trope to a tee, to the extent of not finding ElfenLied gory because it's anime. * [[Tropers/{{GraemeAllen}} This Troper's]] mother will not watch any animated films, especially, of particular note, every single {{Pixar}} film to date except the ToyStory films, despite all the praise we give them; that time when she took us to see Cars didn't count, because she slept through it. She does like the ToyStory films, so I'm hoping that when she sees "3" that it will change her view of animated films; November can't come soon enough. She hasn't said that animation is for kids, but I feel that what she DID say is worse. The conversation went something along the lines of her saying that "I don't watch films for the same reasons that you do." I asked her why I watch films, and she said "For entertainment," which implied to me that she doesn't think that animated films have sufficient story, AND that I don't care about story, which is completely wrong. The worst part about this is that I hope to get a job at Pixar someday (their motto? "Story is king." Key point of my wanting to go there), and my mother says that if I worked on a film, she'll go see it, but I really rather have want to see the film because she knows it will be good, not just because of my involvement. To finish up, the most peculiar thing about this whole ordeal is that when she actually sits down to watch animated films, she ''likes them''. I recall one time after I had just finished working on a short film (with LEGO, no less) she yelled up to me to tell me that she loved it. Now I wonder if I should call her out on this, or if brickfilms and feature films are even comparable in that

aspect? * This troper's brother (11 now) watches a lot of cartoons, and Mom used to protest that he watched too many childish programs and should go outside. When she discovered that FamilyGuy and SouthPark aren't all that kiddy, she now ''insists'' he stop watching so much television and get some sunshine. * In effect for this troper - after a fashion. Having saved up enough to buy the complete series of Neon Genesis Evangelion, my mum came into the room while it was on the menu. The episode titles on the screan were, "Those women longed for the touch of others' lips, and thus invited their kisses", "Splitting of the Breast" and "Fourth Children". Having dismissed them as kid's stuff with a look of utter contempt when I first bought them (one identical to the look I was given when I bought home the first volume of Hellsing) she then accused me of buying porn. I laughed. She considers everything animated and everything hand-drawn to be trash either suited for ages 4-12 or no-one at all given that all such non-kiddie material is of course porn. Deciding it probably wasn't porn, she set aside ''Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind'' and ''Star Wars: Clone Wars'' for my kid cousin when he visits - given he is 3, this warranted their quiet removal on my part. Likewise all novels are trash unless they win awards and are read by my dad or are more than 100 years old and were not written by Marx or Mary Shelley or Stoker or Lovecraft or Wells - strange ideas for a woman who barely reads. She is going to watch Evangelion 1.1 now, no two ways about it. ** Blow her mind with ''{{FLCL}}''. :-) * My own Blockbuster must be staffed with otaku, because all the anime is either under TV or Drama, unless it's a Disney/Ghibli release like Totoro. Though despite this nicety, it still doesn't stop the facepalming when my kid brother (who I've recently made an anime fan) comes home from the library with ''{{Akira}}''. My father picked it out for him, saying "Here's that animated stuff you like." Cue me explaining to my brother why it wasn't a good idea for him to see that. * I have to say, I suffered from this when I was really little. Thus, watching SouthPark when I was 7, and clicking the {{Hentai}} page of Encyclopedia Dramatica when I was 8... Yeah... * My local Borders was selling what amounted to an Otaku encyclopedia. While the book was especially informative into the Otaku culture and featured many prominent people in manga and anime, it also had a stereotypically over-sexualized mascot in the form of a maid drawn in manga fashion. Also, among the included pictures within the book itself were nude figurines and pictures from anime series. While that wasn't a big deal for This Troper and his friends (all intelligent and aware teenagers, each of us)... get this... we found this book in the childrens' section. Thankfully it was the only copy (or, perhaps... and I shudder at the thought, the LAST COPY). ** This troper found a copy in her local Barnes and Noble. Luckily, the staff knew to put it in the Manga section, which for the record is all the way on the other side of the store from the children's section. * This troper has seen ''{{Akira}}'' resting just beside the

''{{Backyardigans}}'' in a store's kid shows section. Also another anime (which unfortunately I don't remember the name) was in the same place, and they didn't even have the excuse of not knowing about its nature because the cover was ''a bloody severed arm''. As in actually ''bloody'', with blood pouring out. I made a mental note that if I ever go to that store again and find it, I'll give a heads up to an employee. * The mother of [[@/{{teamphineas}} this tropette]] will not watch ANY animated TV show. In her mind, all cartoons are bloody and violent. It makes it especially hard for the tropette to watch cartoons without getting put down for watching them. * This Troper's Amazon account seems to think that because she likes {{Futurama}} and FamilyGuy , she must also be interested in {{Barbie}} movies, BobTheBuilder, and SesameStreet. * This Troper has graduated college training to be an animator, and his parents have always supported his endeavors, but until recently (they are in no way artists) they didn't know a lot of titles and were completely unfamiliar with today's tropes. Otherwise, they averted this trope completely. But anyone who tries to get a good job in the field today knows how hard it is! So a funny thing happened when I was visiting my parents one Thanksgiving: my mom suggested I trade my often-used [[AdobeFlash Flash]] back for pencil on paper, and would probably get more offers. I respond by saying it doesn't matter what tool you use. ...cue my normally calm mother BITING MY HEAD OFF! This is the first time my parents have shown any bias against one kind of cartoon! * This Troper once visited a bookshop and found Watchmen in the children's books section. Words fail me. * Played with to the point of confusion with this Troper. When this Troper was 7 years old she was banned from watching cartoons such as {{Hamtaro}}, {{Recess}}, XMenEvolution and the like because she was "too old". Yet at the same time, TheSimpsons was out of the question because it was too adult (This banning resulted in a lot of classroom bullying by this troper's peers). When she became an anime nerd in her teens she asked her mother for AzumangaDaioh, LoveHina and {{Chobits}} [=DVDs=] for her birthday and got treated to a long rant about how she should grow up because cartoons are for kids. Luckily these days her family are more accepting of her enjoyment of anime. * The other day, I went to my local video store and found that someone had put a ''[[{{Urotsukidouji}} Legend Of Overfiend]]" DVD in with the kids' videos. I happen to be on a first name basis with the manager and when I explained to him [[NaughtyTentacles the error of that]], [[OhCrap the mortified look on his face was priceless]]. Needless to say, Overfiend was immediately moved to a more appropriate section of the store. * My brother is a firm believer that this applied to all anime despite watching cartoons not for kids like FamilyGuy. * Any mention of Team Fortress 2 to this troper's friend will result in him dismissing it as 'TheIncredibles', due to the artstyle. He has yet to actually play the game, employing the same excuse when suggested to him. * When this troper was a 5th grader he went to Catholic School. One

day, a student teacher brought in a movie that his friend said was "laden with Judaeo Christian symbolism." And, after doing some research on said movie - some anime called EndOfEvangelion - they approved it. Then one of the Sisters walked into the classroom (apparently because she was interested by cartoons that promoted The Lord), ''right as [[DudeShesLikeInAComa the hospital scene]] came on.'' HilarityEnsued, and by hilarity I mean a certain student teacher getting fired. ** [[CrowningMomentOfFunny laughing while hitting his desk)]]. That's almost ''too'' hard to believe. This is the funniest thing I've ever read on this site, I-I mean....''wow.'' * The other day, I saw BatmanUnderTheRedHood in the "cartoons" DVD section at Target, side by side with animated films that are happy, bright, cheerful, and ''actually appropriate for children'' movies. Being a comics reader, I knew right off something was up. Red Hood? You mean [[spoiler:Jason Todd]]? You mean... the guy who [[spoiler: is violently beaten to death and then blown up by a homicidal maniac when he's just a teenager, and then comes back from the dead to murder people]]? Well, then I actually watched the movie. Guess what the first scene was? Yep, the aforementioned guy [[spoiler:getting violently beaten to death and then blown up by a homicidal maniac when he's just a teenager]]. Worse yet, Target's not the only offender--I saw the same [=DVDs=] prominently displayed next to BatmanTheBraveAndTheBold and some kid-friendly comics at Borders. (there was also The Killing Joke up there. ''THE KILLING JOKE.'' Either some Borders employee has a ''sick'' sense of humor, or they just don't get it.) * My sister's friend has a really REALLY strange case. She loves cartoons aimed at adults, specifically South Park and The Simpsons. Sounds averted, right? Well, she also likes animation she grew up with, like Tiny Toons and Rocko's Modern Life and Wallace and Gromit, as well as Renissance Disney. She thinks Pixar is HIT AND MISS. She loves The Incredibles, Toy Story and Up, but all the other Pixar movies? PURE CRAP! And all the other cartoons she's never watched or heard of, kids show or otherwise, she hates them as well. She hates Anime, Spongebob, and freaking FINDING NEMO. However, me, my sis, and her friend went to see Despicable Me recently. She was hesitant because it was animated, but she loves Steve Carell so much, she went to see it with us. In the end, she liked the movie. But, she still has a hatred for animation unless it's for adults or she grew up with it. What do you CALL this? ** NostalgiaFilter. * My family is a strange case. My dad admits that not all animation is meant for kids, but believes that the medium should be (mostly) reserved for anyone aged 16 down. Even when we were still little kids (we got rid of our TV in 2001, when I was 12 and my sisters were 8 and barely 4), he would walk in and if we were watching, say, ''{{DuckTales}}'', he would take the remote and try to find some live action show or movie for us to watch, with varied success. This is coming from a now-51-year-old who watches SpongeBob, Roger Rabbit, ''{{Winnie the Pooh}}'', ''{{Transformers}}'', and the original G.I. Joe with a passion. Both of my parents don't have anything against

anime per say, but for roughly 10 years, my sisters and I were all but banned from watching any anime with the exception of the Super Robot genre ({{Voltron}}, ''{{The Big O}}'', the {{Gundam}} franchise, etc.). They did have good reasons for doing so (mostly involving the porn aspect of some anime), but they usually did this without researching various shows that were family oriented at worst. In addition, my mother believed that comic books were for kids until I showed her the new ''{{Battlestar Galactica}}'' comics and she took a look at some of Alan Moore and Frank Miller's milder work. We all enjoy Pixar films, though. There are some things you just never grow out of. * This troper was searching films on Netflix, and GraveOfTheFireflies was listed as a KID'S ANIME. WTF. ** Here's something even worse. {{Watership Down}} was in the FAMILY Animation section. * Not exactly an example, but I just want to say I'm planning on making a documentary about this trope. I'll study how this trope came to be and when. I'm going to ask people from around the world if they think animation is for kids only. And all the people that say it is will be sent to a special screening of clips from very adult cartoons. {{South Park}}, {{Akira}}, and {{Fritz the Cat}} are musts, but I'm open to suggestions for others. ** HappyTreeFriends ** EndOfEvangelion ** GraveOfTheFireflies ** FamilyGuy ** RenAndStimpyAdultPartyCartoon ** ElfenLied and {{Berserk}} * not sure what you'd consider this, but when this troper was TWELVE he got some gift certs for HMV (note for American tropers, HMV is a British retailer akin to a combination of Best Buy and Barnes & Noble), this was the year after this troper gotten into anime thanks to ranma 1/2. so, this troper went to their anime section, looked around for something cheap, and saw one that sounded cool, ninja scroll, one of the employee's came over and said "you sure you want that? it has nudity" this troper hand waved it, saying that i watched ranma 1/2 before so it didnt matter...dvd had a huge 18+ sticker on it. the cashier didnt bat an eyelash and let me buy it, this troper get home and pop it into the dvd player, watched it...until the first rape scene, this troper immediately jumped up, turned off the tv, took the dvd out of the player and hid the movie, this troper only watched the full thing a good 4 years later when this troper found it again. also, 2 days before my 18th birthday, this troper tried buying the hellsing tv series box set from london drugs...the guy was adamant that this troper come back in 2 days to buy it. there's also my family, my mom thinks its all porn because of ranma 1/2. * Played straight and subverted on two seperate occasions, in the same theater, with [[Tropers/{{Midna}} this troper]]. When going out to see ''{{Ponyo}}'', the theater had about twenty people in it tops, most likely because the rest of the audience assumed it was a cheesy, kiddy ani-nime cartoon and went to the PG-13 movie that may or may not have been airing next door instead. On the other hand, when we went out to

see ''ToyStory 3'', the theater was packed, although this may have also been due to Pixar's long-established [[AddedAlliterativeAppeal appeal to all audiences]]. * This one's just a rumour, so take it or leave it, but apparently a sixth-grade history teacher in our local school district was about to go on vacation, and heard about an animated film with historical merit. So, she rented a copy of said film and gave it to her substitute, in the hopes that she could just put on the movie and let the kids watch it. Yeah, turns out this film was called WaltzWithBashir... * This Troper's family used to be solidly stuck in the Animation Age Ghetto. I tried showing my parents MillenniumActress, thinking that it might change their minds, but they simply didn't bother actually watching it. On the other hand, I showed my 78-year-old grandmother just one episode of {{Gankutsuou}}, and wound up not getting any sleep that night because she insisted on marathoning it in one sitting. My parents still think I watch kid's cartoons (my father likes political dramas, so I may try showing him {{Flag}}), while my grandmother is hooked on StudioGhibli and SatoshiKon films. * This troper's family used to be all about this trope when she was younger. My dad had netflix and shared with mom's and mine's request of movies. He would suggest anime for me whenever the suggestions show up and thanks to that, this troper watched {{Mahoromatic}} when she was '''9 or 10 years old!''' It weirded out this troper with all the boobies going around (and the Oobie Boobie Poem did not help one bit) which made this troper realize at the time that age not all anime were for kids. My parents still played this trope straight for a long time afterwords until my later years in highschool when they see me and my friends/{{nakama}} (who my parents love and think of them as intelligent and helps that they're older and mature) saw us enjoying {{Avatar the Last Airbender}} and {{xxxHolic}} which this troper was able to get her mom into the anime version. * Although this troper likes live action primetime dramas like {{Lost}} and {{Smallville}}, he considers them to be very overrated. My personal opinion is that BeastWars, ReBoot, AvatarTheLastAirbender, {{Gargoyles}}, TheSpectacularSpiderMan and especially the {{DCAU}} seriously put a lot of these primetime dramas to shame. In fact, when I heard that BatmanTheAnimatedSeries was moved to primetime T.V. and failed, I thought, "And they tell us, we don't know we're born." * This [[@/{{AnimeAngel}} new troper]] has experienced this when she was 14. She was educated in a special school and wanted to move to mainstream school to gain better oppertunities, however, it came at a price. The teachers and my family had all said I would be consisdered too old for cartoons, which went over my head, even when a sheet on buying magazines and being socially acceptable came through, which I want to tear up now since I still have it. Another time, when I was still visiting the school, I desgned a Minnie Mouse radio in workshop class and the teacher who came with me looked at it and said it was [[DidNotDoTheResearch babyish.]] I became disturbed at this point. When I did attend the school, two months later, I learned how to stand up to her. I was given a book by some teachers to write my worries down in so that when they read it, they can try to solve the problem

and the teacher who accompanied me previously visited to see how I was getting on. I showed her the book and one of my entries, "My Life as a Cartoon Lover" to which [[BerserkButton she repiled the stupidity that haunts me, "Aren't you too old for cartoons?"]] I angrily replied "No!", feeling hurt and emotional. ** In the same year, a documentary "The 100 Greatest Cartoons" on Channel 4 aired and it revived my interest in animation and was the trigger that started my [[DisneyAnimatedCanon Disney obsession]]. Although the other accepted me, I was teased. I was told that {{Chicken Little}} was for kids at one point, until I convinced her. One day, I was fed up of this so I started to get more into adult animation, starting with {{Fritz the Cat}} and then {{South Park}}, which triggered my other [[SouthPark lifelong obsession]] besides Disney. When mum found out, she tried to ban it, but it didn't last long, depsite me being sensible enough not to imitate the langauge and seeing it for what it is. ** The Animation Age Ghetto hasn't appeared for ages, but I still rememmber that incident, which mum says I should get over. As for my family, they have accpeted my love for cartoons, especially my [[AnimationAgeGhetto cartoon hating aunt.]] My mum loves magical childrens films, my godmother has taken a liking to [[StudioGhibli Studio Ghibli]] and my uncle is also a cartoon fan. * I recently watched ToyStory3 with my Dad and you know what his exact reaction was? "How can I be moved by a animated film about toys?" So much CompletelyMissingThePoint I can't even begin to explain. * This troper was introduced to ''{{Fantasia}}'''s trippiness and frightening images because a local daycare included the VHS, next to videotapes of ''[[{{WesternAnimation/TeenageMutantNinjaTurtles1987}} Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles]]''. * My non-troper friend told me his grandma watched ''[[CrowningMomentOfAwesome Toy]]'' ''[[CrowningMomentOfHeartwarming Story]]'' ''[[TearJerker 3]]'' and that her reaction was "[[{{Understatement}} It was cute.]]" For reference, the ''Toy Story'' series is this friend's favorite cinematic achievement of all time, he ''despises'' the Animation Age Ghetto (I do too), and use of the word "cute" is a BerserkButton of his. * In this troper's mother's perfect world, all animation would be for kids. She "bans" practically any animation that she finds "dirty" (even freaking King of the Hill, despite this troper about to turn 15), and yet allows this troper and his brother (also almost 15, but less mature) to watch NCIS, Bones and the like. This troper and his brother still watch the shows, however. :/ ** To be more specific, to this troper's mom, does know about adult animation. It's just that to her, animation that's pretty clean is apparently too kiddy for this troper, and that animation that isn't too adult, but would still warrant a PG rating is strictly for adults only (e.g. King of the Hill). * My cousin is ten-years old and plays GodOfWar. I played ConkersBadFurDay when I was twelve, but it didn't mean anything, because I didn't understand any of the jokes and mature stuff and concentrate only in the gameplay, but today I don't know if I'd play that game.

* This troper frequently gets odd looks and/or is laughed at for saying their favorite movie of all-time is ''WhoFramedRogerRabbit''. Most people who were born after the movie came out tend to assume that because the main character is a talking cartoon rabbit it's a kiddie film. Yeah, a movie that [[WhatDoYouMeanItsNotForKids is essentially about (to quote the movie) "greed, sex and murder".]] Not exactly a film for I'd show to a four-year old kid... ** Also, the same troper has also had difficult experiences with his mother, who tends to support his animation fandom most of the time, about going to see current animated films. She attempted to stop me from seeing ''ThePrincessAndTheFrog'' in theaters (guess what? She didn't succeed) and at the time that movie came out questioned why I go to see so many animated movies. Thankfully that was very shortlived, though I can't help but wonder how she'll feel about the fact I want to see ''WinnieThePooh'' come July. * Played painfully straight during this troper's 9th grade English class. at the beginning of the year, our teacher gave us the opportunity to suggest novels to read together as a class. Being the avid comic-book fan that he is, this troper suggested WATCHMEN. He wrote an 400 word essay on it's symbolism and structure,and how it changed the American comic industry forever. He backed this up by printing out the ENTIRE WATCHMEN WIKIPEDIA PAGE and gave it to his english teacher, and was rejected with the response of "I'm trying to steer this class AWAY from silly comic-books." When we started doing a unit on fairy-tales, she gave us a guide to basic fairy-tale character templets, which this troper fiiled out with STAR WARS examples. (i.e.: Wise old mentor-Yoda and Ben Kenobi)which she tore up and demanded examples from "REAL" literature. Our next assignment was to write a fairy-tale. We could either A)write our own, or B)adapt an already existing fairy-tale to modern times. This troper asked if he could rewrite A New Hope in a midieval-fantasy setting, wich she laughed and sad "No, it's not REAL literature." (yet she was A-Ok with me adapting The Three Little Pigs and making the Big Bad Wolf an IRS agent trying to audit the pigs)....And I'm not even going to bring up the time I tried to write a book report on Crisis On Infinite Earths.... * The first time this troper really realized that cartoons don't just cater to kids was when he came across ''{{Akira}}'' on television when I was around 6. I didn't think that my parents would have any trouble with me watching it, because hey, it's a cartoon, and my parents let me watch other cartoons, right? Unfortunately, I had tuned in right at [[BodyHorror TH]][[HighOctaneNightmareFuel AT]] scene, and boy, was I in for a nasty shock. Of course, my parents were and remain fairly savvy about this trope, and upon coming across me watching the movie had me change the channel before the next one came up (it was apparently some similar movie; I don't remember what it was). The only other time I've really encountered this trope was upon hearing a teacher express disdain toward cartoons like ''TheSimpsons'' for being targeted toward more adult audiences. But in her defense, she has a son in high school who has Asperger's and other mental handicaps, which would make him somewhat in need of more monitoring as far as show choices go, so I can sorta understand where she's coming from. * A friend of mine had recently watched BatmanBegins and TheDarkKnight

and enjoyed them both immensely. I offered to let him borrow my BatmanTheAnimatedSeries and BatmanBeyond [=DVDs=]. His response was to laugh and ask why he'd want to watch a dumbed-down version of what he's already seen. I explained they were very different and actually very good. "You'll understand why cartoons are so lame when you're my age." he says. I'm exactly 2 months younger than him. ** Similarly, this Troper's friend laugh at him when he says he prefers the Mark Hamill animated Joker over The Dark Knight's Heath Legder. * This tropette kind of had an eye-opener once. I wasn't a strong believer in 'if it's a cartoon, it's for the kiddies,' but I didn't think much of one particular cartoon show (most of the humor is slapstick or the "stupid-funny" kind). Then I saw TheMovie on YouTube. It actually turns out this show had some pretty deep aspects to it, and towards the end it became DarkerAndEdgier. It put the whole series in a new light for me. What was the name of the show, you may ask? It was EdEddnEddy! ** Played depressingly straight with my mom. She believed for the longest time that all cartoons (including [[{{Anime}} anime]]) were for little kids, and also believed that AllAnimeIsNaughtyTentacles due to one or two occasions of seeing some not-so-family-friendly stuff on, say, SailorMoon, for example. She's much better about it now, but she doesn't know about my [[{{Otaku}} near-obsession]] with ''FullmetalAlchemist''. God help me if she ever finds out too, since the amount of blood would be enough to make [[YourHeadAsplode her head explode]] from horror. I love my mom very much, but sometimes she [[FacePalm just]] [[ImSurroundedByIdiots makes]] [[BerserkButton me]] [[{{Yangire}} want]] [[AxCrazy to]] [[CutHisHeartOutWithASpoon spork my own eyes out]] [[{{Metaforgotton}} drive two live wires through]] [[{{Gorn}} the sockets]], [[OverlyLongGag connect them next to my brain]] [[CoolAndUnusualPunishment and proceed to sing at the top of my lungs]] [[CuteButCacophonic ''IT'S A SMALL WORLD AFTER ALL'']]! * Kind of an isolated incident, but this 20-year-old male troper's mother wasn't entirely happy about my seeing ''ThePrincessAndTheFrog'' alone in a cinema (as opposed to, say, taking my younger cousins along, which wasn't an option that week anyway). ** I also ran into this recently at my local video shop where I found ''BatmanUnderTheRedHood'' in the Kids' New Release section, (in spite of the obvious M15+ rating), most likely because it was animated. I decided to set them straight, and the following week it had been put where it belonged. * Sitting down to dinner with two friends, one dismissed the anime playing as a "children's show". The other friend and I were more familiar with ''SpeedGrapher'', and the episode in question in which an assassin is messily carved up with plate glass, and the protagonists flee to the sanctuary of a drag cabaret. ** My dad tends to think of animation as kid stuff, although I got him into Case Closed for a little while, so he's being kind of hypocritical. * When I was a teen (about 13 years old), a friend of mine showed me some Hentai magazines he had from DragonBall and NeonGenesisEvangelion. I wasn't particularly interested in the

material, since I was already watching porn at that age, but what really impressed me is HOW he got them. When he was about 5 years old, her mother gave them to him, after buying them at a book-store. Apparently, she never opened them, and let herself get carried away by manga characters on the cover. (A weird fact is that the goku and Chichi were both naked in said cover. No parts were showing, but still.) * My mother has let me watch anime since I turned 12 and asked if I could. She never seems to give a damn about what I'm watching. She even walked in on me watching {{Kuroshitsuji}} once, pretty much on the part where Sebastian was throwing forks and knives into the Mafia's necks. And shrugged her shoulders. My father doesn't even seem to care in the least. He even said himself, he's alright with me watching violent anime. Maybe those two could learn something if I made them watch {{Elfen Lied}}. And for some reason, though they don't mind violence, my father dissapproves of {{hentai}} like hell. I don't know why * I saw {{Cowboy Bebop}} in the kid's section of my Blockbuster, before it closed down. I tried to inform Blockbuster, but they shrugged it off. * This troper once watched WhoFramedRogerRabbit as a seven year old. His then stepfather walked into the room just as the talking car said "What the ''fuck'' is that?!?" Cue a huge gasp with wide eyes from him and a devilish little smile from this troper. Yes, he knew about this trope, even at that age. * This troper experienced this in Year Six. His class was studying rainforests. The teacher brought in Ferngully. His impression of the movie was that it was a bit cliche, yeah, but the environmental message was great and it was good to see that people still cared about the environment. Most of his class thought it was a stupid, 'gay', childish cartoon that had fairies in it and was therefore girly. Did they not see the GIANT FLAMING, SMOKE-AND-OIL SKELETON?! * This was Edgy's mom until Cowboy Bebop. * I was watching GeneratorRex the other night, only to have my sister and sister's boyfriend come in, sit down, and proceed to talk about how "Japanese anime" (uh, what?) had no plot and is completely idiotic. I told them to listen to the dialogue before judging, but no. Any cartoon that has fighting in it can't be well developed, no sir. To make it worse, they implied that all cartoons are the same and that my sister's MTV reality shows were of better quality. Needless to say, I was ticked. * It was agonizing to see how straight this was played out in this troper's local store (part of a national chain!) in the UK. The had the movie [[9]] in the FAMILY section. When it is rated 12+ BY LAW and has said rating clearly displayed on the front. Just to prove that it's not just ValuesDissonance, the Harry Potter movies which carried the same rating were in the other, less child-friendly sections, not to mention that the only things in the family section were animated *ahem* *points at trope name*. Still, at least you'd have to be really stupid to pick that one up. I dread to think, though, considering someone was stupid enough to put it there... ** Additionally, it's worth noting that this trope is the main reason

I panic if I see an animated feature in a selection of DVDs/videos/Blu Rays. *OMGdontletitbeinthekidssectiondontletitbeinthekidssection* [[/folder]] [[folder:Subverted]] * Completely averted with my mom, she doesn't watch anime/read manga but she perfectly understands that some adults enjoy it. Heck, she even berates me for being so shy about admitting that I like anime and manga! * This tropers family averts it, kinda. Her mother thinks that anime isn't for kids, but thought for a while that it's all Sailor Moonesque shows. (lolwut?) This troper attempted to set her straight by showing her some of the more depressing moments of Clannad. Her impression? "Why are they all dressed like Sailor Moon?" Cue facepalm. This tropers friends, on the other hand, are mostly Narutards (which is funny, because this troper thinks Naruto is pretty much for kids in the 8-13 demographic, and we're all 14/15). I like to show them Higurashi and ElfenLied when they talk about "OMG NARUTO IS TEH VIOLENTZORZ IT'S SO COOL AND IVE NEVAR SEEN ANYTHING DIS VIOLENT". (Needless to say, this troper is trying to find some new friends.) ** This (25-year-old) troper actually found Naruto deeper than ElfenLied (or for that matter DeathNote), but he's a philosophy/politics geek and freely admits he's enjoying it from a different angle than most people. This troper just appreciated that Naruto vs. Gaara contrasts communitarian existentialism with individualist existentialism; how Sandaime Hokage vs. Orochimaru explores the community as macrocosm of the family; how both the Pain arc and Sasuke's character arc exemplify, in the face of all "victim" politics, that merely having justified resentments does not equate to carte blanche for retaliation; and how ''all'' the villains are explorations of the fact that human conflict is first and foremost ideological. Plus, I'm sorry, [[SophisticatedAsHell freaking]] [[InstantAwesomeJustAddNinja ninjas]]. * Happily averted by this troper's parents - her mother will willingly watch all and any decent Disney movies, and sat down to watch GraveOfTheFireflies with her for the first time. About a dozen boxes of tissues were empty and strewn about the couch by the end. Her father picked up the first issue of her Naruto manga, and now she has to be very careful to hide them lest she never ever sees them again. But we both agree Sasuke's an ass and reminds us both of my brother, who is now the only one who refuses to acknowledge outright that anime isn't just for kids, even though he'll happily sit down if I'm watching SamuraiChamploo or GhostInTheShell. * Subverted in this troper, who has recently watched all of Danny Phantom and is now halfway through Ben 10. I'm 20 years old and studying biotechnology at university, for reference. ** I'll see your Ben 10 and raise you with Card Captor Sakura. I'm 28 years old and a news writer. * Averted pretty damn hard with [[@/{{MrW}} this troper's]] library, which have HayaoMiyazaki films next to the likes of CitizenKane(where it should be). In addition, my parents don't mind us watching cartoons

like InvaderZim and AvatarTheLastAirbender, and their stance on anime has changed considerably.(when I developed anger issues from watching {{Pokemon}}) ** [[Tropers/Shadowgirl13Chaos This troper]] is an anime fan and also enjoys AvatarTheLastAirbender and Invader Zim, to which her Dad thinks is ridiculous and I should "act my age." He belives all Western cartoons is RenAndStimpy style toilet humor, and all Anime is porn. It is very hard to convince him the Avatar is not about a goofy bald kid who farts have magic powers. ** Unfortunately played straight with this troper's friend, however, who instantly labeled {{Coraline}}(fucking Coraline people!) as a [[CompletelyMissingThePoint stupid kiddy flick]]. It makes me wonder if he's actually seen it, considering that [[NightmareFuel it's]] [[HighOctaneNightmareFuel pretty]] [[ParanoiaFuel damn]] [[EyeScream scary]]. * Subverted with this troper's mother who has explicitly stated that ''Avatar: The Last Airbender'' was one of her favorite shows. This troper's mother also once said "Anime porn popped up once when I was on the internet. That stuff beat me over the head and dragged me out of the Animation Age Ghetto" * This troper is 32 and her husband is 39. Roughly half of our (sizeable) DVD collection is animated, including several Disney films and a number of the different series we enjoyed in our separate childhoods. ''TheLegendOfZelda'' just arrived from yesterday. * [[@/RiL This troper]]'s fiance once interned at the [=MoMA=] for a summer while they were putting on an anime exhibit. He had to politely inform the people in charge that {{Grave of the Fireflies}} was ''not'' acceptable for all ages. ** ... and our first date? The SpongeBob movie. * [[@/{{Raekuul}} This troper]] has recently finished watching the SailorMoon subs... and now can hand wave away the "Isn't that for little kids?" question by using the ending three episodes. ** [[WhatDoYouMeanItsForKids But it is]]. Japan just has ''really'' lax standards for censorship. * Subverted by way of insult in this troper's household: his fiancee will cry every time Kenny gets killed, to be told by her 20-something son that "it's just a cartoon". He will say the exact same thing when she cries over a live-action death. * Subverted by this troper's mother who loves all types of animation and openly admits to watching BLEACH with me. Unfortunately played straight by this troper's dad. * Subverted HARD by this troper's father, who at the age of 62, enjoys Danny Phantom and Ben 10 quite a bit. Played straight for the most part by the 57-year-old mother and 33-year-old sister, though. * Partialy subverted with this troper. Me and my dad love Futurama, The Tick, and The Simpsons. My mom doesen't really mind this however * Inverted in this troper's life--at the age of around 4, she tried to argue fiercely with her father when he wouldn't let her watch the "cartoon" he was watching, saying: "It's a cartoon--it ''must'' be for kids!" His response? "Not all cartoons are for kids." Twelve years later, watching ''{{Akira}}'', she realized both that it was the

"cartoon" her dad had been watching, and exactly ''why'' he wouldn't let her watch it. While her parents do tease her nowadays about still liking [[GuiltyPleasures slightly dubious]] kid's shows, in this family, it falls squarely in RuleOfFunny. * This Troper, at age 18, stumbled across a ''WesternAnimation/TeenTitans'' music video for Bachman-Turner Overdrive's "Takin' Care of Business". He then proceeded to watch about two-thirds of the episodes on YouTube. He subsequently watched the ''KimPossible'' movie on a (19-year-old) friend's computer, at that friend's recommendation. And if I still had high-speed broadband access, I'd be digging up old ''WidgetTheWorldWatcher'' episodes. * Subverted by this troper's father (b. 1952), who ''requested'' the complete series of ReadOrDie the TV for Christmas. * Subverted by this troper's father, in particular, though her mother does enjoy AvatarTheLastAirbender. He used to watch Naruto with her, and will still sit and watch JusticeLeague or various other cartoons or anime with her when he's around. * This troper's friend has an odd case of this. He likes anime fine, but he thinks PerverseSexualLust is for kids. And yes, I know how weird that sounds. * This troper is a huge cartoonatic, he'll watch any old cartoon as long as it's good. * Subversion and played straight. This troper's grandfather asked him once, do you have that movie with [[{{Shrek}} that green guy and the donkey]]? He hasn't given it back as of yet. Also, his mother was flicking through the channels one time and declared that "There's nothing on except reality shows and [[{{Death Note}} stupid Pokemon]]". She got better, but only slightly. * My immediate family doesn't have this, since we all developed a DragonBallZ addiction at the same time (and never looked back), but our extended family (except possibly for the wacky ultra-liberal great-aunt and her oddball ultra-conservative sister) all have this reaction. Yes, even to stuff like GhostInTheShell and DeathNote. * Subverted and played straight with @/{{this-guy}}'s mom. She doesn't like us watching stuff like ''{{Chowder}}'' or ''TheMarvelousMisadventuresOfFlapjack'' but herself watches ''Ben10AlienForce'' and ''StarWarsTheCloneWars''. ** Chowder and Flapjack are so disturbing as to approach NightmareFuelUnleaded, the latter with nitrous and a spoiler. * Semi-subverted with this troper's family. While his parents are by no means avid anime fans, they a) accept that it's not a kiddie genre, and b) were willing to watch several animated movies with him. They really enjoyed ''Princess Mononoke'', although it wasn't enough to turn them into huge anime fans like some other examples on this page. ** It's not a genre dammit!! *** The above troper (who is not me) never said it was. * In this troper's college class, we watched SouthPark and TheBoondocks to discuss whether or not the "n-word" was appropriate. When one student said "Why do they put stuff like this in cartoons that mainly only kids watch?" this troper's blood began to boil. ** One appropriate response would be to point out that 'putting stuff like this in cartoons that mainly only kids watch' is a highly

subversive act. The parents of such children, labouring under the delusion of the AnimationAgeGhetto, probably won't be in the room while the kids are watching... and won't be there to 'correct' the 'strange' questions and ideas that the show inspires. What does your classmate suppose will happen in a decade or so when 'those kids' are old enough to vote? *** Don't ever try to argue this in a classroom, ever. Cue the weird looks from your teacher and classmates and "Silly Troper! Animations for kids". * This editor's immediate family averts the trope. Both of her parents are aware that she likes anime, which... well, do I need to explain? Her brother's watched a few episodes of ''Star Wars: The Clone Wars'', and he might watch anime if he wanted to. (He hasn't shown much interest though.) Her mother is probably the biggest aversion. One instance that comes to mind: when the editor said that she wanted to create cartoons, she also said that she didn't want to create stuff for kids. Mother's response? "Make it a cartoon for teenagers." (Father's more or less the same.) Recently this editor found out one of the reasons why: mother saw the ''WatershipDown'' film when it was first shown in cinemas (she would've been a young adult at the time). And she loves it. * This Troper experienced the inversion of this trope. I was buying a ''{{Naruto}}'' DVD for myself, but had my 4-year-old daughter in tow at the time. The man behind the counter said "You do know this isn't for kids, right?" While I should've been offended at the accusation that I was buying inappropriate stuff for a child, I was at least happy that he knew about what he was selling. * This troper's parents are thankfully pretty middle of the road about the whole thing. They'll watch any good Disney movie, or animated movie in general, and my mother has, thanks to this troper's fondness for anime, gotten to know the dramatic side of animation pretty well. Dad is still far more likely to watch ESPN than anything else, but he did get into a conversation with this troper about the finer points of [[AvatarTheLastAirbender Avatar]]. ** This Troper's parents are the same as the above. My mother likes some animes, namely Chobits, and my father is only likely to watch Pixar films. He does tend to rant about how modern cartoons and anime aren't as good as say, Loony Toons, because many aren't hand drawn. He only seems to do it when anime is mentioned so he could be doing it just to annoy me. * [[@/DaNuke Da_Nuke]]'s mom has always had a rather indifferent stance towards anime, but she did believed it was for kids. That was, until he played ''HellGirl'' in front of his mom and all his aunts. ''They liked it''. And just to top it off, that was shortly after seeing my sister watch ''ElfenLied''. * Utterly, utterly subverted by this troper and her family. Her 62year-old father loves Wallace and Gromit, and the whole house basically stops to watch it and Shaun the Sheep, which is on at about 3pm. He's also professed his liking for CatDog, Tom and Jerry, Speedy Gonzales and others. This troper loves going to movies like Bolt, Finding Nemo, and Wall-e. She watches lots of cartoons that are for a much younger age group, and her mother is more likely to join her than

to tell her to stop. And her mother usually accompanies her to movies; this troper went to see Monsters vs. Aliens this morning, and her mother came too. She enjoyed it just as much, if not more than this troper did. * This troper's favorite method of curing people of the belief that anime is only for children is to make them watch a scene form ''BlackLagoon''. Preferably from the [[NightmareFuelUnleaded Hansel and Gretel arc]]. And if that doesn't work, there's always ''ElfenLied''... ** It seems like that's become a tactic when discussing the AAG: when in doubt, use ''Elfen Lied''. It's like Godwin's Law for anime! *** Brilliant, replace the AnimationAgeGhetto with AllAnimeIsNaughtyTentacles, and probably piss them off by showing them something nasty when they're not expecting it. It's more like invoking Godwin's Law ''while discussing Zionism'', thus making yourself look like an anti-Semite. **** A better example would be showing them [[ImageBoards 4chan]] and Encyclopedia Dramatica inside and out, whilst urging them to suppport {{Anonymous}}. * Not sure if this counts, but I think it somewhat counts as a subversion. As a kid, I mindlessly watched anything animated as a kid wihtout even understanding it and most of the time not even being able to hear the lines (it was actually quite a surreal experience) but I was actually able to see what animation was acceptable for kids and what animation not being acceptable for kids that I was able to handle from a mile away. Too bad, as I mentioned earlier, I wasn't actually able to ''enjoy'' watching DetectiveConan and FLCL. ** Sorry, ''DetectiveConan'' [[WhatDoYouMeanItsForKids IS a kids' show]]. * Inverted for this troper. While we kids blindly assumed that anything (particularly TheSimpsons) was kid-friendly, our parents knew otherwise. They forbade us from watching that show, a provision that we obeyed (and [[GuiltyPleasures occasionally broke]]) until well into adolescence. * This troper's mother found herself watching some animation with me and tends to be skeptical until I get her through. However, the last animated film she saw, ''KungFuPanda'', required enticing her with the fact that her favourite actor, DustinHoffman, is in it. So, I showed her the nighttime stairs argument scene to bait her and she agreed to see the whole film. Sure enough, when the sequence of Shifu and Tai Lung's fight got going, she was repeatedly, with some worry, asking me, "Where's Po?" and I had to reassure her with "Po is coming." By the end, she noted that she thought it was an excellent film. Father however cannot be persuaded to watch anything animated, even ''{{Fantasia}}'' even though he loves classical music. ** Later, I treated them to see ''HowToTrainYourDragon'' and they both thought it was terrific, or at least better than the edgy alternative theatre play I treated them as well that same evening. * Funny thing happened to DireSloth back when he still worked for a certain shipping company. One of the managers had the clever idea of starting a DVD borrowing pool. One of my coworkers added the complete AvatarTheLastAirbender Season 1 collection, and having never seen the

series before I stated my intention of borrowing it, only for her to declare that a delivery driver had already checked it out. A huge, middle aged driver who looks like a stereotypical Hell's Angel. He was nice enough to let me borrow it first, and we even had a little chat about the state of animation in the U.S. For the record, I added my copy of the first GhostInTheShell movie, but no one ever borrowed it... * Recently averted by the Coles Book Store I shop at--there were, for years, no comics or anything like that. Now, with the release of {{Watchmen}} [[Film/{{Watchmen}} the movie]] they have a decent collection of graphic novels, and more can be bought online, at the Chapters Indigo site, even the more obscure titles. * Subversions for this troper. Dad loves Pixar, he'll happily shell out for the cinema if there is a new Disney or Pixar film. He also joined me and my sister for out premier viewing of Macross Plus by hovering in the doorway but leaving whenever we noticed him. Mum used to be a typical "all cartoons are for children" until I finished school and while unemployed watched a lot of Ghost in the Shell: SAC. By the second series she knew the plot and loved the Tachikoma. * Subverted in this troper's life. Especially for Pixar. He recently watched ''Cars'' with his 52-year-old uncle and 74-year-old Grandma. In High School, he's watched ''Wall-E'', ''Monsters, Inc.'', and ''Finding Nemo''. And roughly half the student body are fans of Anime, even though I'm not. * Strongly inverted by my father. He loves all sorts of cartoons made for children, but has no interest in more adult cartoons. * Grand subversions for this Troper. He is 19-going-on 20 and still enjoys most of the classic/renaissance Disney movies, as well as virtually all of Pixar's masterpieces. So does my Grandmother and Grandfather, and virtually all the rest of my family, and never, ever, ONCE, have I ever heard the words "Cartoons are for kids" spoken within the family. Actually, my Grandmother enjoyed all of the old Nickelodeon and Cartoon Network shows back in the 90s, and regularly recommends new animations. Furthermore, TheRescuers and sequel are my eternal favorites, and I don't think I'll ever find a movie I like more. * Subverted by this troper's GRANDMOTHER. She likes typical reality shows, and in the mix...TheGrimAdventuresofBillyandMandy. Yes. That [[ExtremeOmnivore Billy]] and [[EmotionlessGirl Mandy]]. Also, SpongebobSquarepants is one of her favorites * This troper brought over 20 animated movies to college with her. A little worried that people might make fun of her, instead she had random people she'd never met before asking to borrow {{The Prince of Egypt}} and {{Aladdin}} and such. And upon returning them, the people would usually say something along the lines of 'Wow, I never realized how GOOD that movie is!' * [[@/TheToonGeekette This troper]] averts this, naturally, as well as several people she knows. Her dad is usually the one who introduces her to more obscure animated fare. Her sister is constantly borrowing her ''PrincessMononoke'' DVD. The troper and her best friend recently bonded after discovering each other's love for ''MyNeighborTotoro''. Her mom, admittedly, doesn't watch many cartoons on her own, but is

usually the one to arrange family outings to catch the latest Disney or Pixar film. To be honest, the only family member who used to really fall under this trope was her grandmother, who didn't like going to see animated movies. And even she changed her mind when the rest of us invited her to see ''{{Up}}''. Hell, during that screening, the adults in the theater seemed to enjoy the movie more than the kids! * A bit of a subversion, being New Media and coming from a troper that (thought she) was aware of all the non-kiddie aspects of cartoons. After the relative non-offensiveness ''Charlie the Unicorn'' and its popularity with this troper's eight-year-old sister, this troper let her watch one of the guy's other works while she was out of the room. Namely [[ this one]]. When she came back in, this troper asked the girl how she liked it and was met with "Yeah, it was silly. But did he actually kill that guy or what?" After a moment of blood running cold, this troper blabbered on about movie sets and hallucinations and luckily the child in question is beautifully non-traumatized. This troper is just grateful she didn't choose [[ this one]]. * This Troper's mother was, for a few years, convinced that the ''American dub'' of YuGiOh was too violent. She was also perfectly fine with my... toned-down description of DeathNote ('A high-school prodigy picks up a notebook and finds a Grim Reaper attached to it, and after learning that the notebook can control other people's actions decides to start punishing criminals.'), but swats volume 1 out of my hand when I mention the title. "Why do they put comics like that here anyway?" She has since learned that the media doesn't know many bounds. * This troper is an Indonesian, well...usually coming late if it comes to Ani(particularly emphasis on -ME not Mation)and stuff, when you happily [[{{Squee}} CRIED!]] a great shounen anime (sometimes, really, Seinen)was dubbed, expecting to stopped mid season, because these [[DarkerandEdgier sexual and violence reason]], SHIT! for example... ** Neon Geneseis Evangelion, RIGHT! ** One Piece, nice fistfighting, THIS IS A SHOUNEN OFF COURSE! ** Kiba the Animation, too much people died on early episode ** Eureka Seven, after someone blow up eating bomb...... *** All Because they [[DidNotDoTheResearch judged on the cover]] * [[@/{{PuppyLuver}} This troper]]'s dad is logically varied on this. He immediately turns and leaves the room when The Mr. Men Show is on, which ''is'' meant for younger kids. However, this troper once convinced her dad to sit through an entire episode of 6teen, and he enjoys watching "mature" cartoons like The Simpsons and Family Guy(two shows that, frankly, this troper can't stand, as she does not like the themes presented in these shows no matter what medium they may be in). This troper's ''mother'', on the other hand, has been a fan of ScoobyDoo since childhood and has willingly taken her to animated films many times. * Subverted with This Troper's family. His sister was a former anime fan who enjoys Western animation, from {{Wall-E}} to G1 Transformers and the 60s Spider-Man. My father still enjoys wtaching {{Looney Tunes}}, is a massive {{Family Guy}} and {{South Park}} fan, even getting me to watch South Park The Movie, "warning me not to laugh too

hard". He also used to watch {{Gargoyles}} and loves {{Pinky and the Brain}}, and calls {{Star Wars The Clone Wars}} "Hit and Miss". My motehr often takes me and my sister to whatever movie we happen to wnat to see, and enjoyed {{Coraline}} and ruefully remarked leaving the theatre [[WhatDoyoumeanitsnotforkids she was the only parent in the audeince with childern above the age of 12]]. Everyone in this household is also a professed {{Reboot}} fan, and we've all mentioned at least once that animation can be used to tell any kind of story, and you can do things with animation you can't do with live action. * This Troper has witnessed an aversion. His local art museum was showing [[NeonGenesisEvangelion Rebuild of Eva 1.0]] and not a single child was there. * @/DoomTay: A while ago, I talked about this trope, and she agreed that it's...inaccurate to say that all animation is just for children. Then we saw a trailer for Syfy's OuterSpaceAstronauts, and she acted like cheap animation = man humor. * Co-worker aversion: my partner has a niece and nephew, 9 and 12, who wanted manga of Naruto and Bleach. She is familier enough with them to have made her own decision as to whether or not they would be appropriate for their age level. * This troper is lucky that her mom and friends avert this trope. My mom actually watched DeathNote with me and she really enjoyed it. She has the same mindset as me on the fact that animation can be as dramatic as a live-action series and that it can be for older audiences. Especially for the fact that she saw Fritz the Cat at a drive-in theater when she was in collage. My friends are really open about cartoons and a few are anime fans. We always talk about Nickelodeon cartoons, especially [[SpongebobSquarepants Spongebob]], and I've talked about ThePowerpuffGirls and EdEddNEddy with them too. I even got my guy friend to watch the Meet The Beat-Alls episode of ThePowerpuffGirls, since he was a huge fan of TheBeatles, and he really enjoyed it, calling it his second favorite episode of any cartoon, behind the pizza delivery episode of Spongebob. * Inversion; This Troper's Dad, once, after years, gave in to his temptation to buy a [[ThePhantom Phantom]] comic. Aparantly he hadn't baught a Phantom comic in years out of fear of people saying that comics were [[AnimationAgeGhetto "kids' stuff"]]. This happened right in front of This troper, who ''himself'' has a huge collection comics that are definitely '''not''' for kids. And Dad '''''knew''''' that! * Subverted through some effort with [[@/SNobleJr this troper]]'s father: he already liked a few cartoons and CGI movies such as SouthPark and {{Shrek}}, to begin with. Recently I managed to convince him to watch CowboyBebop, and he found it pretty good. Currently, I'm urging him to watch BlackLagoon, SamuraiChamploo and StandAloneComplex. Also, my mother's just indifferent on the matter. * Yet another subversion: @/{{ParadoxicalFrog}} and her parents have been watching anime together ever since she got into Naruto. Her dad saw the original {{Ghost In The Shell}} when it came out, and also loves some wierder Western Animation shows like {{Courage The Cowardly Dog}}. They all regularly watch Adult Swim (and formerly Toonami) on Saturdays as well as anything she gets on DVD. Needless to say, she is very grateful to have them after having read some of the above

examples. * This troper and his mother recently watched Disney/TheHunchbackOfNotreDame together. She was completely shocked at the.....[[WhatDoYouMeanItsNotForKids kid-unfriendly content....]] * Thankfully averted in my family. My youngest (19 year old) sister does tend to walk out of the room when she sees that I'm watching something animated, but that's actually because she doesn't want to risk seeing something that might freak her out. My Dad is a huge fan of {{South Park}} and {{Family Guy}}, and rates {{Film/Nine}} as one of his top 10 favourite films. My Mum averts this trope as well, as demonstrated when we were in Borders once. We noticed some copies of WatershipDown that were in the children's section, and after a moment of looking shocked, she took it upon herself to move them to a more suitable shelf. * Played with by my mother, who enjoys watching cartoons, but only the ones for kids, because she can't stand the content of the ones aimed for older audiences. * A few years ago, this Troper was hanging out with a fan of animated films and anime. This friend was ranting about the Amination Ghetto, stating undeniably that animated things aren't just for children. Being the sort of person that believes that perception is reality, I used many examples on the TV Tropes page of mature-oriented animation being less successful and popular than child-oriented animation. If you're curious, congitive dissonance developing in the head of a 24year old female sounds like a combo of a [[HotSkittyOnWailordAction kitty and a whale]]. * Subverted by my (I hate using This Troper) Dad. Said Dad loves all kinds of animation: Anime (especially Cowboy Bebop), claymation, CG movies, and even shows like [[FostersHomeForImaginaryFriends Foster's home for imaginary friends.]] * Partially averted by my family; my parents mostly understand the difference between "stuff for kids" and "family films." Needless to say, we're all huge fans of {{Pixar}}. My mom is also savvy enough to realize that stuff like ''TheSimpsons'' and ''FamilyGuy'' are not for kids. Actually inverted by me when I was younger; I refused to watch anything ''but'' cartoons, assuming that live-action TV and movies were "boring adult stuff." Unfortunately, most of my family still suffers from PublicMediumIgnorance with regard to anime and manga. Not that I ''want'' my mom to read ''{{Negima}}!''; I'd probably be banned from Japanese media forever if that happened. * After reading a lot of these stories, I have to say I'm very fortunate: my mother is as geeky as me (probably even more, since she is in all the sci-fi stuff, while I don't) and she enjoys watching cartoons, from Disney Classics (our favorite animated film is Fantasia), Pixar films, "mainstream" animated comedies (The Simpson, Futurama), cult series (Mission Hill, Daria), animesque cartoons (Avatar: The Last Airbender) and all the way to very adult-oriented movies like Persepolis; In a similar vein, but in a minor scale, my father likes old Classic Disney toons, specially those involving "Goofy" (his favorite cartoon character EVER); the fact that he is actually a really good drawer and ilustrator surely helps... * Averted HARD by the people in [[@/ABadDriver This troper's

household.]] We always have some time spent watching some cartoons. Our mother even watched the last few episodes of {{Avatar the Last Airbender}}, and my father went and watched some episodes of {{Cowboy Bebop}} with me. * Also averted with my family. My dad introduced me to HayaoMiyazaki works, my mom likes stop-motion animation, my stepdad's a {{Pixar}} nut, my stepsiblings (the youngest is 15) accompany us to films like CloudyWithAChanceOfMeatballs, and everybody loves TheSimpsons. ** You are awsome. * Subverted with my father and his family, played straight with my mother. My dad and I used to watch ScoobyDoo and ThePowerpuffGirls together when he was still alive, and during the Holidays, his family liked to watch MrMagoosChristmasCarol together (they even sang the 'We're Despicable' song when it came on). I actually recall being very young maybe 3 or 4, over at my Grandmother's house with the whole family...watching SouthPark. Specfically, 'Cartman's Mom is Still A Dirty Slut', I know that now because the one part of the episode that I remembered even before I started watching the show regularly was when they're all at the hospital helping to preform a surgery and Stan ''vomits into the paitient's cut open chest''. It's amazing I wasn't tramuatized by that...or maybe I was... Anyway, my mother on the other hand will NEVER watch anything animated, writing it all off as 'kids' stuff' she also thinks anime is only for boys (I'm a girl), but that's a different story. A few months ago, I bought a DeathNote calendar and when my mom saw it, she said something to the effect of '[INSERT REAL NAME HERE], when are you going to grow out of this kid stuff?' Death Note. ''Kid'' stuff. If she didn't have an insanely short attention span for movies (that don't involve Woody Allen or Barbara Streisand anyway) and TV, I'd show her a few episodes of that, as well as {{Hellsing}}, and maybe even [[ THAT]] scene from CodeGeass and see if it's still all 'kid stuff'. * Averted by [[@/{{KamuiValentine}} this troper's]] mother, and subverted by my father. Mom and I watch all kinds of anime together, and since I came of age, she's let me read her more mature collection of stuff (though I never totally understood how {{Gravitation}} was withheld for so long). Dad on the other hand tried to stop me reading YuGiOh! when I was 12, saying it was an embarrassment to have a kid who wouldn't grow up (even though Mom was also reading it). He'll ask if we can watch something else unless {{Ghost in the Shell}} is on. He actually wondered what sort of {{Pokemon}} [[{{Death Note}} Ryuk]] was, then berated me for still watching something I should have outgrown. I'm trying to get him to watch {{Baccano}} since he said he liked the music. * This (Christian) troper's family is really strange about this. My parent's didn't understand why I liked anime so much until I showed them some of Last Exile. They didn't want to finish it, but they said that it seemed interesting. My brothers, on the other hand, they immediately assume that anything I like is bad and implausable (I get them to watch TreasurePlanet and that's the thanks I get?) and, while they admit that it isn't all for kids, they don't see what is so great about animation. ''Live action is so much harder than animation!''

While that is true in some aspects, it is way off in others. * [[@/{{Fishsicles}} This Troper]] zig-zagged this trope for a while. I knew full well about things like ''DeathNote'', ''NeonGenesisEvangelion'', and ''SerialExperimentsLain''. I was just reluctant to get back into animation because of the relatively kiddy dubs of anime like Anime/{{Pokemon}} from when I was a kid. One of my friends [[AnOfferHeCantRefuse agreed to watch]] ''{{Firefly}}'' IFF I watched ''AxisPowersHetalia'', which I (I know a decent amount of European history for someone with a pathological hatred of the social sciences) found mildly entertaining. A few HumongousMecha shows later, I changed my fandom from "Western Sci-Fi" to "International Sci-Fi And Mecha". As for the Age Ghetto? ''NeonGenesisEvangelion'' totally destroyed any misconceptions I had on that front. * Seems to be averted with [[@/{{vampireklepto}}This Troper's]] family, my brother made me watch ''Legend ofTheFourKings'' and ''Guyver'' when I was very young not because he thought they were kids fare but because he wanted to, my mother (who normally falls asleep during any film) will not move from the spot with any Miyazaki film, and recently when discussing ''Pokemon'' she commented that "Team Rocket were the best". Accidentally played straight myself when watching the [[NightmareFuel butterfly room]] sequence in ''Paprika'', and not thinking anything would happen because,well, it's an anime. Cue FridgeHorror during the credits when I remembered [[SatoshiKon who the director was...]] * My parents are well aware that the anime I'm into lately aren't for little kids, but when it comes to Western Animation that isn't Disney or has heavy Chinese culture tie-ins (this troper is Chinese), they'd go and grumble that their daughter still watches this stuff when nothing else is on. Recently however, my mom ended up seeing a couple of episodes of TotalDramaIsland and... * This Troper used to watch Pokemon as a kid, meaning she grew up thinking that all anime was fighting and action, and seeing as how she'd grown out of liking that genre, she was unwilling to watch any more anime. Looking up some music on Youtube, the only video she could find was an AMV. She reluctantly tried it out and ended up watching the whole series that it was for, and loving it. A couple of [=AMVs=] later, she is now a complete anime addict and knows that not all anime is for kids/action stuff. * Alot of you guys have been complaining that anime is treated as ''"kids' stuff"'', but you'll stop when you hear my story. Everywhere I go, there's been a double standard concerning the AnimationAgeGhetto. American animation is paraded as being silly and childish, yet I keep seeing people babble on and on about how "serious" anime is. It sickens me that because of this more and more people are watching anime instead of American cartoons. And it's only getting worse. It's bad for an American cartoon, like {{Gargoyles}} or BatmanTheAnimatedSeries to have violence, yet I noticed that censors did very little about the violence on the animes I watched as a wee lad. Complain about 4kids all you want, you know they do next to nothing about the violence in animes. At most they digitally remove the blood. But that doesn't make it any less violent. Interestingly enough, my parents did make it clear to me that not all cartoons are

for kids, but since I could handle a lot more than other kids my age, they let me watch TheSimpsons. ** Thank you. ** As much as I agree with the point (really world, just because it's a different Superman doesn't mean he doesn't lobotomise Doomsday) , you know they do next to nothing about the violence in animes. At most they digitally remove the blood. Really? Have you seen the {{Bowdlerize}} page? *** Yes, I have. What they do amounts to putting lipstick on a pig. * [[@/{{Kuzlalala}} This Troper]] watched ''TheSimpsons'' frequently when she is 7-8 years old. She totally stopped thinking that animated cartoons are for children when she watched just one episode of ''HappyTreeFriends'', which happened around 4 years later. * [[{{Fiwen9430}} I]] originally had the opinion that anime was similar to western cartoons, in that it could deal with mature issues but would do so behind the PG rating. It probably didn't help that the first anime series I watched was ''LesMiserables: Shoujo Cosette''. I then watched ''Gankutsuou'', an adaptation of ''TheCountOfMonteCristo'', and quickly realised that not all anime was suitable for kids to watch. However my Dad is really prejudiced against cartoons (he refused to take us to the cinema to see ''{{Up}}'', never mind the glowing reviews, and pronounced ''{{WallE}}'' as a boring kids' film). Of course, for many of the films that the rest of my family have watched and then bought [=DVDs=] of, he will never admit that he secretly thinks they are decent films. * Averted for [[@/CyberBlade this Troper]]. As a child, he found a copy of RanmaOneHalf and thinking it was just some cartoon, asked his parents to rent it for him. Thankfully, they actually cared about what he was exposed to (or at least wanted to know what it was he was handing them) and checked the back. They ask him if he had read the part that mentioned it was a sex comedy, and he, terrified, truthfully answered he hadn't (not knowing what a sex comedy actually was, but knowing that sex was something kids weren't supposed to know anything about yet). ** Oh, and there was also the time, This Troper's mother didn't want him to watch his cousin's Salior Moon movie (that is, the actual first movie) because she didn't think it was appropriate for him. Her criteria? ''Their legs were too long.'' In retrospect, she probably meant that their skirts were too short. Surprisingly, she didn't say anything about the part where the main character was naked except for the semitransparent ribbons coming out of her chest. ** And then there was the fact that she let him watch BeavisAndButthead with no objections. On a regular basis. Despite this, these days [[@/CyberBlade This Troper]] is a ([[ShrinkingViolet mostly]]) well adjusted 20+ year old majoring in astronomy. * This troper works a public library. Our branch subverts this trope with its knowledge of materials (Watchman is placed in an "Adult" Graphic Novel section), but not with its employees (Some believed all the manga, 35-40 different series, should be banned, because it is not for children.). * Subverted. This troper's mom is absolutely in LOVE with Teen Titans and Avatar the Last Airbender, probably moreso than this troper. Zig-

zagged with this troper's dad. * Aversion for this troper. Since he asks for anime dvds all the time for birthdayss and such, both his parents and their new spouses, and his grandmother know that animation can be for mature audiences as well. They all tend to watch Simpsons and Family Guy, and while they don't really like anime, they will not beg me to turn it off if I'm watching it with them in the room and will give in once in a while and try it. * Gloriously averted by this troper's parents, both of whom are in their mid-sixties. They enjoy {{Pixar}} and HayaoMiyazaki films, and BatmanTheAnimatedSeries. I recently bought the full-series box set of SupermanTheAnimatedSeries, so getting them into that is my next mission... * This tropers mum is (thankfully) a huge cartoon fan. This troper managed to convert her dad after making him watch RenAndStimpy and InvaderZim. We get some funny looks in the street when people spot a young goth woman and a bulky man in his forties talking about if we hate Dib or support him. Totally worth the looks. * In what is probably a smart attempt to avoid this trope altogether, This Troper's local Blockbuster store has done away with their Kids & Family section completely, and put all films, regardless of whether it is animated, live-action, child-oriented or adult-themed, within their respective genres, rather than split them by demographic and accidentally end up with something like [[ElfenLied Elfen Lied]] next to [[SesameStreet Sesame Street]]. ** Above troper (@/CCharmanderK) again: just ran into a more straightforward example of this trope today at school. I was searching some images on Google Images of some anime that I like (the one I was searching at the time was ''{{Clannad}}''). Right then, one of my classmates comes up and says, straight-out, "why are you searching ''cartoons?!''". Understandably, this peeved me, so I shouted at him to shut up. But then he corrected himself, saying that wasn't what he intended to say. So I guess this is something of an InvertedTrope. * Subverted with this troper's boss, who saw a Avatar: The Last Airbender picture on his computer once, and not only recognized the characters, but said that he loved the show because it was one he could actually enjoy watching with his daughters. This was a man in his 40's who had no problem admitting he thoroughly enjoyed a animated show. * Subverted for this troper in a rather strange way in that my mum never really assumed that 'all anime is for kids', and after halfwatching a couple of episodes of Evangelion and Death Note she now enjoys them as much as I do! In fact half of our family is eagerly awaiting the English dub of Rebuild of Eva 2.0 and the new Haruhi Suzumiya episodes. * My father, mother, and siblings, like me, have gone to the theatre their whole lives to see animated films. And while I am the only member to be visually artistic, it was only until the most recent years that they ever had an ''idea'' of what 2D and 3D means! Goodness gracious! * As a lifelong animation fan and an aspiring artist, I hate this trope with all my heart. Luckily, my mother and 2 older sisters

subvert this trope; while they aren't cartoon nuts like I am, they'll never pass up watching any Disney film, {{Shrek}}, SouthPark, SpongeBob, FamilyGuy and others with me and having a blast. Sadly played straight with my father and extended family, who aren't really that supportive, mock me and think AllAnimationIsDisney. * This troper's grandmother picked up his {{Warhammer40000}} codex and after he explained it to her, seemed to enjoy reading about genocide on a galactic scale. Epic subversion in his opinion. * Played with in the case of this troper's mom. I have no idea what her ideas of animation used to be, but this HAS to be subverted for her not on account of always walking in at the weirdest/scariest parts of {{Fullmetal Alchemist}} when I'm watching it. (think the human transmutation scene) Painfully played straight with two of this troper's friends who believe there is NO possibility of serious animation for older audiences in America because thats 'not how we were brought up'. Cue much head desking from this troper and her other anime nerd friend. * This troper's father somewhat subverts this (He owns titan AE, and has just ordered wall-E), so I've been planning to introduce him to some stuff I've been following as of lately (starting with death note). However... The guy at my college that got me into anime and manga in the first place (starting with gantz, which is as violent as it gets and wholly awesome), is somewhat of an inversion of this trope... After suggesting some stuff from 2000AD to him (starting with kingdom, ABC warriors and the first story arc of post-reboot rogue trooper), he wasn't at all interested, believing comics to be somehow 'below him'. * This Troper's family subverts this pretty much. His mother's favourite cartoon is InvaderZim with her favourite character being GIR. She even has a tote bag with GIR and pigs all over it. She uses it ALL the time (read: EVERYDAY). His sister introduced him to manga when he was about 10ish. The first series he read being {{Sorcerer Hunters}}. If anyone has read it here, they'd no it's probably not for that age group hehe... His father likes the odd cartoon and doesn't hate on animation at all. Considering this Troper is now an anime psycho and still watches SpongeBob, AngryBeavers and InvaderZim with his mother, this Troper believes he has been blessed. * This troper's little brother loves cartoons like ''{{Phineas and Ferb}}'' and ''{{Spongebob}}'' and is fine with watching ''{{Pixar}}'' and ''{{Dreamworks}}'' movies, refuses to watch any ''{{Disney}}'' movies because he thinks all of them are romantic princess musicals for little girls. Even movies like ''{{The Lion King}}'' were refused because he heard that the main character falls in love during the middle. This Troper recently saw ''{{Tangled}}'' though and bugged him about seeing it WITHOUT telling him any of the plot or that it was a musical. Thanks to the trailers, it was easy. He saw it with his mother and ended up liking it, despite the fact that it was nothing like he thought it would be. Actually, right when he got home he went on {{Youtube}} and watched a bunch of Disney movies in no order. * [[Tropers/IronicMouse This troper]]'s mother never fell into the AnimationAgeGhetto. She simply fell into the Age Ghetto. It started with her banning me and my siblings from watching TheSimpsons, because

it wasn't age-appropriate. Fair enough. ** Then, she banned us from PowerRangers, because we were attempting to imitate them (and practicing on our little sister). ** Then, she banned us from {{Pokemon}}, because of all the fighting in it. It didn't help that every other word we said was "Pokemon." Once I realized how obsessed I'd become, I let it slide. ** Then, she banned us from PowerpuffGirls, because of an episode where one of the girls stole something. I didn't really care, because I didn't really like the show anyway. ** Then, she banned us from {{Arthur}}, because of an episode where DW was especially bratty. ** Then, it was StaticShock, because of an episode that involved a kid bringing a gun to school. We tried to explain it was a VerySpecialEpisode, but it did not appear to compute. ** Then, she banned from the ''entirety of CartoonNetwork'' (except for TomAndJerry) after witnessing the girls of TotallySpies fight over a boy. ** And finally, she banned us from ''{{Heroes}}'', because it was [[DarkerAndEdgier too dark]] and because of a "bed scene" that involved a husband and wife ''sitting on their bed and talking.'' (Had she seen one of the actual bed scenes, she probably would have flipped out.) ** It seems that, in all of this, her prevailing logic was, "If your 7-year-old cousin shouldn't watch it, than you shouldn't either," and she applied this to pretty much everything. By the time we learned her reasoning, we were all teenagers. In the end, we just stopped listening to her InsaneTrollLogic and watched stuff when she wasn't around. * Not the same thing, but the DS. Some people seems to assume it's something for 4-5 olds, and all the childish licensed shovelware doesn't help. * Played straight and later subverted, in an odd example. On vacation, I got a joke book for my 11th birthday, containing dirty and more "adult" jokes. The cover picture would also give a bit of a hint towards the contents, so I though it was weird they found it appropiate... but on the same vacation, I turned on the TV when me and my brother was bored, and saw TheSimpsons was on. Mom quickly turned the TV off, saying it was an "adult cartoon" and that we should not see it(while discussing with my dad, who had the opinion that it wasn't that bad, and that we would be able to handle it. And just some years later, TheSimpsons were suddenly okay again when we started watching it.) * Subverted by this troper's accepting, openminded family. She and her brother grew up on comics, which, in hindsight, were more mature reads than your usual so-called kiddish material. (Reading Kingdom Come at age 7 or 8, people!) Awesomely, she discovered anime - Naruto, Dragon Ball Z, Prince of Tennis, Team MAR, Hikaru no Go, and so on - in 2nd grade with her then Kindergarten brother, later finding manga. Their father has now jumped the manga/anime bandwagon as well - has just read Death Note on this troper's recommendation, and may even start on Full Metal Alchemist. * This troper's father regards ANYTHING that's animated as something

that "only kids under 10 watch." For some reason, he has a special hatred of anime, which seems to be along the lines of "It's all about fighting and it's from Japan. Everything from Japan sucks." Yes, this includes stuff like DeathNote. which has little to no fighting in it (haven't finished it yet.) * Oddly, an online friend of this troper subverted this once. He said animation could be for adults, but puppetry was strictly for kids. * This troper accidentally compared NeonGenesisEvangelion to {{Sentai}} in this manner on an online forum. Otherwise, I know better, having seen both anime intended for kids and anime that isn't. * [[{{SkellSolo95}} This Troper]] has an odd thing going on with her family. She got her nephew somewhat hooked on [[{{Death Note}} Death Note]] before he moved to Mississippi, but her mother REFUSES to watch anything animated. If it has animation in it, it is crap and the channel must be changed. I have yet to keep her around the TV long enough to see anything decent. Her father keep wondering why the hell a 15 year old girl still watches cartoons, but at the same time regards anything remotely "Gothic" *read: POTENTIALLY CORRUPTING* as a Satanic being that must be destroyed. This was his reaction to [[{{Death Note}} Death Note]] and [[{{Family Guy}} Family Guy]]. I'm not even gonna SHOW him my other anime preferences, there's a chance he could think [[{{Ouran High School Host Club}} Ouran]] is turning me gay. But then again, he also thinks all animation is for toddlers (don't ask me how this man thinks, I'm merely quoting what I've seen) and I'm REEEEEAAAAL tempted to play [[{{High Octane Nightmare Fuel}} Episode 19]] of [[{{Fullmetal Alchemist}} Fullmetal Alchemist]] on my Macbook during the road trip to his house next week... * Thankfully averted with my parents. Whenever an anime I rented from Netflix comes in from the mail, he'll usually end up watching it whether I'm there or not. (but granted, that may be partially because he's trying to work on his Japanese) But he acknowledges films like GraveOfTheFireflies and PrincessMononoke as adult movies with mature themes. My mother is also aware that shows like TheBoondocks and SouthPark exist and do have adult content. * It says a lot when my school has an anime club... and it's full of JerseyShore loving dipshits who literally will only watch Pokemon and refuse anything else. * This Troper's parents thankfully avert this, being considerable geeks themselves who used to watch TinyToonAdventures and PeeWeesPlayhouse before they went to work every morning. Though her father will consistently try to deny it, much to her mother's teasing on the rare occasion that any of the shows in question are on TV. * Averted with this troper. MaryAndMax was the first movie he saw that showed him that animated films could be made for adults and made well. And yet, it only got a PG rating as opposed to an M (mature) rating. * Subverted to some degree in this household, this troper loves anime and other cartoons (elfen lied,miyazaki films, princess tutu, sailor moon, tokyo mew mew, teen titans, tom and jerry, looney toons etc...), though i DO have standards, my mom doesn't have that high of an opinion of TV as an entertainment form in general (she prefers reading books or listening to the radio, or good music, and thinks too much TV rots your intellect), but can appreciate good animated movies

(actually she likes to paint as a hobby so she actually can appreciate good animated films from an artistic standpoint, particularly noting how beautifully animated Miyazaki's films are), my brother on the other hand, although not explicitly against animation (he likes south part, futurama, simpsons, sponge bob and a few other cartoons, he's more narrow minded on certain genres) * Slightly subverted at my old high school, but not by much. Everybody at school loves SpongeBobSquarePants (at least once a day, someone's Facebook status will be a SpongeBob quote), FamilyGuy and TheSimpsons and TomAndJerry have their fans as well. Even {{Pokemon}} gets a ton of love around here. Just about everyone will go see the newest {{Pixar}} movie, even if they don't want to admit it. And the Disney Renaissance films get a lot of love when they are brought up in conversation. Everything else is all bets off. Most of the animation I like this classic-era, especially LooneyTunes (for whatever reason liking SpaceJam is perfectly OK, but liking the cartoons it's based on is odd). I prefer RenAndStimpy and RockosModernLife to that obnoxious yellow sponge any day. There's a lot I like that a lot of people in my old school ignored, only problem? They all assumed it was kid's stuff. But again, liking all the aforementioned animation is awesome. I'll never understand it. * Happily subverted with one of [[@/GamerFromJump my]] lit professors who, after our study of ''TheRoad'', took seriously my recommendation to check out ''GraveOfTheFireflies''. Also, my parents go to {{Pixar}} movies for themselves, given that their children are grown and gone. ** Played straight, though, when I had to recommend to a friend ''against'' getting ''NowAndThenHereAndThere'' for his 10-year-old nephew. * This troper overheard her mom having on conversation with their friends about their favorite TV shows. They said they liked ''DesperateHousewives'', ''AccessHollywood'', and the like. My mom's favorite? ''{{Recess}}''. * Mild subversion at this troper's local library. All of the manga titles are lumped together, but they are in the young adult section, clear on the other side of the library from the children's section. There's obviously nothing like LaBlueGirl (that would be what you would call Epic Fail), but it does have a number of series with varying degrees of violence. * [[{{Tropers/Mort08}} This troper]] is almost 15 while writing this and must admit that she still finds herself inherently drawn to animated movies. A few of her favorites are ChickenRun, FlushedAway, KungFuPanda, DespicableMe, {{Film/How To Train Your Dragon}}, {{Tangled}}, ToyStory 2 and {{Coraline}}. She and her family members are all {{Wallace And Gromit}} fans, she likes watching TomAndJerry and ThePinkPanther cartoons and for several years she frequently acted out MonstersInc with her younger brother. And she DOESN'T plan on changing her tastes anytime soon. * Totally averted with my family. I'm 18 and want to work at Pixar, my sister's 16 and watches even more anime than I do, my mom went to an art school where FritzTheCat and YellowSubmarine were popular midnight movies and likes many cartoons of various maturity levels from SpongeBobSquarePants to GhostInTheShell, and my dad lists Fantasia and

SpiritedAway among his favorite movies. My grandpa's a Golden Age comic book geek from who thinks KingOfTheHill is the funniest thing in the world, followed the Month of Miyazaki religiously on TCM, and was interested in seeing even ChickenLittle for the 3D technology (oddly, he passed off JusticeLeagueUnlimited as a shallow imitation of the classic comics, but I guess I can forgive him since the episode he saw was in the midst of the Cadmus arc around when it got really hard to follow for new viewers). My grandma does NOT like animation, but not due to the Age Ghetto: she's going deaf and doesn't like watching movies where she can't read the character's lips, and she also hates TheSimpsons because the family fights a lot (which makes me wonder why she married my really argumentative grandpa in the first place). My other grandparents are dead, but I have memories of them that also involved animation: Grandma Kay crying at the end of Charlotte'sWeb, and going with Grandpa Lou to see Up in the theater. * Somewhat averted/subverted by my mother. I'm a very big Otaku, and she excepts that (a little reluctantly). My mom knows not all anime is for kids (infact she thinks its all [[GagBoobs giant boobs]], [[YaoiGuys gay guys]], and killing),but ''thinks'' it should be. In her opinion, if it's animated, it shouldn't have any curse words, sexual refrences, [[UnfortunateImplications homosexuals]], or death/violence. Lately she seems to be coming around with my inroduction of ''NabariNoOu'' and ''VampirKnight''. * PlayedWith in my family; this is [[{{Understatement}} kinda complicated and a little long]]. I'm personally a huge VideoGame fan with some love here and there for Anime and Western cartoons and my family respects that. However, I constantly complain about how my little brother watches nothing but cartoons. While I do enjoy a few of the things he watches and admit that that's all I did at his age, I'm annoyed by almost the exact opposite reason of this trope. To me, kid's cartoons and shows are actually becoming LESS kid friendly. I'm also not a fan of how he's on his DS most of the time but that's just me being a {{hypocrite}}. My dad's sort of an awesome ManChild who likes sports and cartoons/Anime/Video Games, just not the same genre of video games as me. My mom hates just about all of the above, ESPECIALLY Video Games. My Grandmother who lives with us agrees. That said, we all love Animated movies, 3D or 2D, as well as Comicbook Superhero movies and always go to see them at theaters. Not only that, but last summer's "family bonding" consisted of marathoning AvatarTheLastAirbender together (sans grandmother). Finally, a variation of this trope is played straight when I gush out about how awesome [[CrowningMusicOfAwesome Video Game]] music is everyone rolls their eyes and tell me to "Go listen to real music." Going out of the family here, one of my fellow employees caught me listening to the live version of [[BlazBlue Awakening the Chaos]] and asked "Oh Gosh. What is that, Pokemon?" Me being a Pokemon fanatic did not help at all but I was still pretty pissed. [[/folder]] ---Go back to AnimationAgeGhetto? Aren't you a little old for that?

AnimeAccentAbsence * [[{{lkmjr}} This troper]] has been commended on her lack of accent and near-perfect pronunciation when speaking Japanese, despite only going to classes for about a year or so. It took her a while to realize ''why'' she's so good at it: not only does she watch may more anime than is probably healthy, but she also likes to learn the lyrics for and sing along to the theme songs and say any oft-repeated phrases along with the characters (such as [[{{Slayers}} Lina Inverse]]'s opening monologues or SailorMoon's InTheNameOfTheMoon speech), meaning that she's been practicing unconsciously for about three years before she started taking lessons. ** I taught myself Japanese by watching and reading copious amounts of anime and manga. I always assumed I had a horrible accent, since I never had a teacher, but during a recent trip to Japan, I was praised by my Japanese friend on my pronunciation. It was quite pleasantly surprising. * This American troper's youngest sister speaks fluent German with a Berlin Accent (her normal one is a neutral Southern one), something her fifth grade teacher hated. * This troper was congratulated by her two English teachers during high school for her pronunciation, but some people I've met hated that I use the American English, and not the british. Even with that, I always chatted with one of my teachers (the one who speaks British English) in my American English, again praised by her.

AnimeHair * This Troper once went to bed without drying her short hair. The effects were intimidating. * This Troper gets this whenever he showers and goes to bed immediately afterward. No matter how much he combs the next morning, the hair sticks at odd angles. * This troper's hair seems to naturally point upwards after taking a shower. At full length, can go up about 4 inches while leaning only 60 degrees away from straight up. For the record, this troper is male. * After going for a month or so without a haircut, This Troper's hairstyle becomes what he likes to think of as a brunette version of [[{{Gintama}} Gintoki's.]] Also, this combined with This Troper's rather thick eyebrows makes this Troper think he would be a good Go Nagai character. * This troper has natural anime hair, sort of. Whenever he lets his hair grow long (which is often, as he likes his hair long), the right side grows out normally, but the left side curls upward (which is most unusual, as the rest of his hair is perfectly straight). It would probably go over his head if ever he let it keep growing. * [[@/{{Smerf}} This]] troper once woke up with double faux-hawks (think [[XMen Wolverine-ish]] here) that looked incredibly BadAss. He has never been able to duplicate this. * This troper woke up one morning to find that her bangs were sticking up in such a way that they looked exactly like a symmetrical pair of

[[HairAntennae insect antennae on the sides of her head.]] It was incredible. ** So you turned into [[{{KingdomHearts}} Larxene]]? *** Yep. Sadly, it's never happened again since then. * Sometimes this troper's hair sticks up after a long day and he looks like Mazinger Z's Koji Kabuto. After washing and drying his hair, he often looks like L. * This troper's brother's hair was even longer than hers once (though that's mostly because this troper's hair has never reached past her shoulders since she was 15). If he didn't dry it after showering, he could pass as a dead ringer for Sora from [[KingdomHearts Kingdom Hearts]]. It's a shame our parents finally decided to lop it off so now he's stuck looking like Leeron from [[TengenToppaGurrenLagann Gurren Lagann]] but without the green hair and [[AmbiguouslyGay not quite as flamboyant]]. * After a few years of always sleeping on her left side, this troper's hair now naturally has a part on the right that no amount of hairspray or gel will ever push left, and her formerly straight bangs have grown so much they've turned into a bunch of curly spikes coming out of her left side. It's pretty long, too, so it overlaps with RapunzelHair. * @/{{Turtleducks}}'s gay friend at a youth workshop had hair that was the closest to a real-life anime character's that she'd seen outside of her local anime convention. * MutantRancor here. When my hair is long enough, I start to notice that it comes down to a series of points over my right eye, but sweeps off to the side over my left. I really don't know why. It seems to be exaggerated by my constant wearing of [[NiceHat hats]], otherwise it probably wouldn't be that noticeable. ** After a chronic lack of haircut (on purpose), I now look like a rejected Final Fantasy character design until my morning shower, [[PeekABangs with my left eye completely covered and my right exposed]]. After my shower, I brush my hair so that it's out of my eyes, then put a hat on to keep it that way. It'll be long enough for a proper SlipknotPonytail before too much longer. * In the early stages of growing out her bangs, this troper found out, [[HilarityEnsues to her delight]], that if she wore her headband for a while and then took it off, her bangs would pouf out a la [[RurouniKenshin Kaoru Kamiya]]. Sadly, they're now too long to do that any more and simply fall annoyingly into her face when released. * According to @/MalachiteDragon's father, his hair looks a helluva lot like Sho Fukamachi's from {{Guyver}} after it's completely dried out. * @/{{Takwin}} tends to wake up with hair sticking out at two oblique angles, achieving a pair of little AstroBoy 'horns.' * This Troper's hair used to resemble [[ShugoChara Nikaidousensei's]]. It would have been very possible to pull off a natural cosplay, if not for the fact that this troper happens to be, you know, a female high school student. * This Troper went to school with a girl whose hair was very voluminous and spiky. It's a running joke between my friend and I as to whether it's gotten any bigger day to day. * This troper's hair doesn't stick straight up, but right now the

amount of hair he has is able to stick up at least an inch off his head. I then comb it flat, and within 45 minutes, it's frizzed out a bit again. This troper now calls it his signature hairstyle. * @/{{TaiCat}}'s hair is ALWAYS curly at the ends.Her friend tried to straighten it up.She failed.30 min after shower,it goes back to it's position. ** Sup girlme. * When this troper's sister was in film school, the makeup artist on one of her classmates' films informed her, blushing appropriately, of the secret to getting one's hair to stay in improbable shapes. Why was he blushing? [[spoiler: It's KY Jelly.]] * This troper saw a woman with this utterly crazy and seeminglyimpossible hairstyle while walking out of the grocery store on day. Not only that, but she was wearing a lime green jacket, hot pink shirt, periwinkle blue skirt with yellow trim, and these ugly tights with varying shades of purple in numerous clashing patterns. I think she just stole the "World's Ugliest Tights" award from [[ Angel]]. * This troper has long, insanely thick wavy hair that has repeatedly been compared to [[TengenToppaGurrenLagann Nia]]'s hair, except that it's brown instead of, well, blond and blue. Interestingly, this troper was still capable -- with only a little trouble, really -- of [[CompressedHair getting this hair underneath a short wig]] to cosplay as young Simon from the same series, and having the result look convincing enough for someone to ask whether it ''was'' a wig. ** @/BladeTiger has accomplished the same exact feat with the same exact type of hair. Specifically, hiding long thick wavy brown hair under a short blue wig and someone asking if it was my real hair. * @/JET73L ties his hair back, but it almost always ends up with two antennae sticking out the front after a few minutes. When he had short hair, the front of it was left increasingly long towards the front from about 1/3 to 1/2 the back of his head, and spiked up and to the front like that. * When [[@/Flav10PM This Lurker]] wakes up, he ''always'' has either an IdiotHair or a HairAntennae, and usually his bangs form GoNagaiSideburns. He is nor an idiot nor hotblooded. * This troper recently went a Debate tournament where one of her opponents spiked his hair up to a nearly impossible and ridiculous looking degree. It was very messy and stuck straight up in places. Needless, to say, the judges didn't take him very seriously. * @/TheRenaissanceRaver's little brother has woken up with ''serious'' bedhead. There have been times that I look at him and wonder ''how the heck'' he managed to style his hair like [[KingdomHearts Roxas]] in his sleep. This Troper has also been victim to waking up with a serious case of bed-head, looking in the mirror, and realizing that she has somehow turned into a blonde, female [[RealMenWearPink Marluxia]]. She was somewhat terrified for a few minutes before finally grabbing the brush and getting rid of it. * This troper's hair frequently does this after he dries it postshower. It curls slightly at the ends, though, so it's not true anime hair. It lies flat normally. * This Troper has hair that sticks out exactly sideways about one in

every three mornings. He'll occasionally leave it that way For The Lulz. * This Troper's hair, while always straight without effort, currently has a spike where her part is, that resembles Edward Elric's "antennae". * Holy CRAP, does @/{{Ryumaru}} have this, or at least something like it. I've made a point of my friends knowing that my hair is immune to hair gel. It also has a habit of swishing to the side in the back, making me look either really cool or really stupid. * This troper only does one thing with his hair: push it upwards when it gets in my eyes. Since it tends to stay up a while, I end up looking like a (brown-haired) [[DragonBallZ Super Saiyan]]. * This troper's hair has slight tendencies in this direction; when it gets sufficiently damaged, the ends of my hair start clumping together and assuming shapes that would normally bend to gravity but don't. Although I wear it in a utilitarian ponytail, so it's less noticeable than it might otherwise be. * Whenever this troper goes to sleep with her hair wet, she wakes up with either Vegeta hair or hair resembling members of Visual Kei bands. * This troper had bright purple hair that was improbably fluffy whenever put into pigtails. Her pigtails are still improbably fluffy, but the purple really tipped it into anime hair territory. * This troper, on a whim, decided to try his hand at cosplaying Apollo Justice for a convention. I got the clothes and even made a bracelet out of PVC. Crude but effective. But the hair was ridiculous. It took me several tries and several hours, but I finally figured out a technique to make it work. But even after that, I had to get up 40 minutes early to put it up and make it right. It was a pain, but I did get alot of compliments about the hair. One girl even kept calling me "Polly." It was a fun weekend of dabbling in AnimeHair. * @/MrW has a formless mop of red hair that goes whatever which way it pleases. * This troper cut her previously uniform length hair so she had animestyle side bangs. She could even cause them to arch over her forehead if she wanted to. * My dad's hair sticks up instead of going down when it grows. He once tried to see how tall it could get. (We didn't measure before he cut it, sorry) I suggested that he let it become like Vegeta's hair, but sadly, that is impossible to do without the assistance of hair products. * A variation: This troper attempted [[KingdomHearts Sora]] for {{Halloween}}. Let's just say it didn't work as planned. * This troper's hair, while never quite consistent, will at times bear a striking resemblance to that of Eiji Kikumaru from ThePrinceOfTennis * This troper's hair, when left alone, will curl like [[FinalFantasy Selphie's]]. Not just at the sides, either, on her bangs, too, if they're long enough. It looks terrible. Thank God for straighteners! * When trying to go for [[AmericanGothic Sherrif Buck]] hair, this troper somehow managed to give herself [[AceAttorney Phoenix Wright]] hair. She's never looked back. * This troper's brother gets odd looking bedhead. A few weeks ago, he

came to breakfast with the back portion sticking out a good three inches from his scalp, a la [[{{Naruto}} Sasuke]] i greeted him with a "good morning duck-butt-san" To top it of, a few rears ago, the edges of his bangs used to be really long, making him look like a pretimeskip Hinata Hyuga. * This troper's hair is ''soooo'' full of static. When it's straightened, she almost always has a long strand of IdiotHair sticking up. And when her hair gets wet, her hair pretty much gets its own gravitational force. * @/{{ICantThinkOfAWittyName}}'s has curly, frizzy hair and her bedhead likes anime styles. If she goes to bed with washed hair, wet or dry (it almost never dries in time) she wakes up looking like Bobobo-bo Bo-Bobo, except not blonde and not as perfect-ball-ish. On any another night, she will have one of the following hairstyles: a Super Saiyan, an electrocuted cat or dome-tastic. That is all. * On the best days [[{{Tropers/Beyondnor}} my hair ]]is something like [[HeroMan Psy's]] hair on a little less crack. Yet I am ''white''. * My little sister is two, and has quite short hair, and sometimes it sticks up in funny ways. When i put her hair up, it usually curls upwards! * A member of a forum I am on has awesome hair, it sticks out and looks like hes been electrocuted, I have no idea how he does it. * Not really anime hair, but I (Deceiver) tend to look like the Heatmiser after a long day. * In my Chinese textbook, you can really tell that the book was written in China for a number of reasons, one of which is through a vaguely {{Animesque}} illustration of a random guy meant to represent someone "[[TotallyRadical cool]]". He had crazy-looking [[MulticoloredHair multicolored]] [[DragonBall Saiyan]] hair colored in [[{{Eagleland}} red, white, and blue]] stripes. I'll have to post a picture sometime. * When [[@/{{nekoalexa}} my]] sister's hair was shorter, she would lay on the couch to the point where her hair would stick up in the back. I swear, she could have passed for [[{{Naruto}} Sasuke]] the way it was spiky in the back and in bangs in the front! Oddly enough, we had started watching [[{{Naruto}} Naruto]] around that time. * My approach to hairstyle consists of pushing it back and up, and that's it. In the morning, when said hair is still wet, it has been said to resemble Super Saiyan hair, if it weren't brown and normal sized. It sometimes also resembles a frozen explosion. * [[@/{{Smerf}} This]] troper woke up one morning with a double fauxhawk (one at each "corner" of my head). For 10 minutes, I looked like Wolverine! * This troper once woke up to see that she had sprouted a curly IdiotHair for 20 minutes. * this troper, apparently being a [[CuteShotaroBoy cute shotaro boy,]] and Asian, has had his hair cut and styled into anime hair for a laugh. It's either that, or long bishie hair. * This troper has perfect, "split to both sides" anime bangs the second she steps out of the shower. The perfection of said bangs is, at times, almost scary. She's tempted to leave them this way once in a while.

* This troper sometimes gets an [[IdiotHair ahoge]] without even doing anything. * Due to putting off her hair appointments, this Troper has ended up with [[FullmetalAlchemist Ed Elric's braid]], complete with an [[IdiotHair ahoge]], but with longer bangs. She frequently criticizes the animation of Ed's hair in the opening of Brotherhood as a result. Braids do not flutter in the wind like that. They are held down by their own weight. ** This same Troper has dispensed with the braid and gotten a short bob with long bangs. Predictably, the ahoge remained. * This troper is compared to Goku by complete strangers on a daily basis. Admittedly he put more time into his hair than most guys do, but people who are more anime-savvy compare me to different anime / game characters, he's been Sora, Suzaku and Tsuna. This troper's favourite comparison is when some random dude said, you look like a hentai character. I was honoured, perplexed and creeped out simultaneously. * This troper has fairly soft, curly hair cut about chin length. When I get out of the shower and let it air-dry (as opposed to immediately blow-drying and straightening it), it's possible to brush it backwards and get a HUGE afro that I can't even see out of. * [[Tropers.{{Nani}} This troper]] has been trying to learn to draw herself, in the event that I ever become a mangaka and need to do so. I started out drawing this little wavy things by my face (they were supposed to be loose strands of hair), but they were totally inaccurate. I then started drawing my hair like with bangs that are remniscent of [[{{Paprika}} Dr. Chiba's.]] The next time I got my hair straightened and put it in a ponytail, [[{{Foreshadowing}} that's exactly what it looked like.]] And no matter what I did with my hair, I would get those weird anime bangs that seem to have a life of their own. * When [[OhNoes I]] wake up in the mornings, my hair is either plastered to my skull or I looked like a black-haired Super Saiyan. ---Slick back your improbable hairstyle into AnimeHair. ---<<|TroperTales|>>

AnInteriorDesignerIsYou * In UltimaVI, [[{{Tropers/Pittsburghmuggle}} This troper]] started in the spare room set aside by Lord British, collecting things that interested me. I outgrew it and lined the hallway outside with power kegs. I made a "shrine of death" where all the characters I had killed in game were placed between two lit candles. I moved a harpsichord into the castle (A lot of "Move+[direction]. Never bothered with that again!). Eventually I tried out a few other locations for my HQ and settled for Dargoth The Healer's house near the Lycaeum, adding him to my shrine of death. ** In UltimaVII, I moved into a house in Britain, but didn't use it

much - I could keep a chest on the flying carpet to keep my stuff. ** In UltimaVIIPartII, I used the Serpent Road, setting up chairs and barrels for tables. It looked kind of like an Italian Restaurant! Putting Batlin on my shrine of death (even though [[spoiler: I wasn't the one to kill him]]), was a proud, proud moment.

AnnoyingLaugh * [[{{Scherezad}} This Troper]] has two different laughs. The first one, for shorter laughs, can go from sounding like a double-snort to actually sounding like an average laugh... His SECOND laugh, on the other hand, is used for extended laughs and sounds not unlike a demented monkey on helium and could very likely qualify as this. * This Troper herself. Bigtime. It's been described as a "snoopy laugh," "Bellatrix Lestrange cackle," and (her personal favorite) "like somebody machine gunning a parrot!" Also of note is her ex, who giggles like a maniacal schoolgirl, and her best friend, who's laugh, when written is "Hyeh hyeh hyeh" *shriek* "heyh heyh heyh-Euuuuugh!" Favorite Example is her current LoveInterest, who has two distinct laughs. The first, when he's trying not to laugh, sounds like Ernie from SesameStreet, while the second is his real laugh, which is a hyena-like and sounds for all the world like Mozart from [[ Amadeus]]. * This troper has two laughs. One, a normal chuckle. Two, an absolutely insane, maniacal, evil, cackle. When I realize how ridiculous this laugh is, I only end up laughing some more, except this time even more maniacally, and louder. * One of this troper's friends says her laugh 'Makes him want to punch babies'. It made her laugh harder. * You know that sound you get when you squeak a damp cloth too hard against glass? Make that louder. It's this troper's laugh when she finds something really funny. Even odder, her laugh when something is funny but not side-splitting is apparently 'bell-like.' * This troper's ex-girlfriend was almost perfect. 5'10" tall, long(natural)blonde hair, blue eyes and legs to dye for. But when she laughed her voice sounded like Marge Simpson. And she was laughing all the time... * When this troper went to see ''South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut'' she sat in front of some guy with a laugh that sounded like a donkey. Then again, considering the town she lived in at the time, it just might have been a donkey. * This troper's mother once said that the only thing she didn't like about one of her friends was her laugh. * [[Tropers/MisterAlways This troper]] has a laugh that some of his friends describe as " a clown getting punched in the crotch". High pitched wheeeeze, and then " 'a-'a-'a-'a". * This troper is 100% guilty of this. Her laughing sounds like an dog with asthma barking. * This troper has a classmate who's laugh sounds something like [[ this kid's]]. * This troper's friend/charity case (he's friends with him mainly for feeling sorry for his shitty home life) has a variety of weird laughs.

When he laughs sponteneously, he tends to twitch, splay his fingers, and bend his spine in various ways, sometimes falling to the floor. The laugh itself is high pitched, and at times will include wheezing and gagging. When he feels like it, he does what I believe is supposed to be an evil laugh, but comes out very high-pitched and squeaky. He did it at Hard Knocks ( when he shot someone on my team, and I shouted at him not to laugh like that as I ducked behind a wall from his crazy shooting. * I've run into many young women on the bus (not trying to be sexist, it just seems that they're usually female) who have to giggle and screech over everything while yapping loudly with their friends. * [[Tropers/MrW This troper's]] laugh doesn't even sound like it's his, it's raspy and scratchy, like that of a cigarette smoker. * [[Tropers/ShiTan This troper]]'s friend, to the point of his laugh being a ''meme'' at my school. * [[SweetnessOnAHotCircuit This Troper]], when she was a freshman in High School, was in class and a someone told a joke. I laughed. The entire room went silent and stared at me. The senior that told the joke then said, in the following quiet. " You sound like a bag of guinia pigs that are being drowned." I'm now a senior. I have yet to live that down. * [[Tropers/DarkInsanity13 This troper]] is sure her friends (maybe family) think her laugh sounds weird, if not annoying. Doesn't help that she tends to laugh rather loudly. Apparently laughs that sound like witch cackles run on her mother's side of the family. * This troper has a fellow band student that has a very loud, annoying laugh. Yesterday, I pointed out to her that her laugh sounded like "The shriek of the damned." ** Would said student's name begin with S? *** It's no one you know unless you're in the Mount Pleasant High School Goin' Gold Band, but yes, it does. * This troper's laugh changes on how funny I find something. A chuckle is some weird sucking noise with a bit of popping, a normal laugh is a cawing sort of noise, something ''really'' funny makes me shriek like a hyena, and something '''really''' funny is just a soundless laugh that eventually turns into wails. And this troper is really, really LOUD. * [[Tropers/TheGrooveyOne This Troper]]. When something is only a little funny, he'll just grin and chuckle normally. But when something is ''really'' funny, he takes on a high-pitched wail that eventually verges on a psychotic, maniacal cackle. He finds it hard to stop laughing when this happens. People have remarked that it's...less than welcome. * More than one person at this troper's school has made her want to rip out their vocal chords. * This troper's sister has a laugh that's mainly annoying because it sounds incredibly fake (even when the amusement appears to be genuine). And when it doesn't sound fake it sounds like some kind of bizarre and improbable birdcall (what kind of bird varies; yesterday she was laughing and it sounded like a woodpecker, for example), or just a high-pitched shriek. * [[Tropers/LimeTH This Troper]] is hard of hearing, and is part of a

deaf program at his school. Now deaf people normally have very loud, annoying laughs since they can't control what volume they laugh in, but this one girl, who wasn't totally deaf and was perfectly capable of controlling her laugh's volume, took the cake for having the worst laugh in the history of laughs. It sounded like a bird and a chuhaua fucking while both are having seziures, and the kicker? Once she started, she ''couldn't stop'', she'd keep going for enternity with her laugh so loud the teacher in the next room had to come in and see what was going on, and class itself had to be put on hold to get her to stop, including her friends pounding her on the back to get her to shut up. She was one of those people who dont pay attention in class and just talk to her idiot friends, which meant it happened a fair amount. It got infamous enough that when she graduated, the senior graduation newspaper had someone telling her to get a new laugh. This Troper himself is also afraid he may have an AnnoyingLaugh as well, as people periodically mock my loud [[{{Pokemon}} Meowth]] laugh. * This Troper has been told more than once that her laugh sounds similar to seals barking and/or witches cackling over a bubbling cauldron. It only makes her wish that much more to rule the world so she can use said laugh to freak out her victims. * Two variations for me: 1: I start laughing when I least expect to and my laugh sounds a bit like to dog with a bad cough trying to bark. It doesn't annoy people much, it just makes them concerned I might be sick. That in turn annoys me. And of course, it's a bit embarassing. 2: I come across something I find so insanely funny that I just keep laughing, going through a wide variety in pitch and noise level. * I cycle through annoying laughs almost bimonthly. Some of the worst offenders: ** Laughing so hard I run out of air, followed by a high-pitched wheeze as I try to inhale and laugh simultaneously. ** A really embarrassing variation on the stock idiot "dur-hur-hur!" laugh. * This troper knows a guy who has a laugh that reminds her of [[HigurashiNoNakuKoroNi Shmion's]]. It's kind of disconcerting, actually. He means well, though. * This troper has a laugh that somehow is similar to [[SpongebobSquarepants Spongebob's]], according to her friends. * In my first performance at the University drama group, we were warned about a girl who has a notoriously loud and annoying laugh who would be sitting in the audience (she's also a member of the drama society, which is how they knew her). Needless to say, it was hard not to crack up in the middle of our lines when we heard this one REALLY loud "AHA-HA-HAAAA!" in an otherwise quiet theatre. It was louder than any of the actors projecting. * [[Tropers/SerenitySquid This troper]] has the "high Hyena-like cackle" variation (which is kind of weird, considering her voice is normally [[GutturalGrowler low and growly]]). A lot of people seem to find it [[NightmareFuel creepy]], for some reason. * This troper has a friend with two different types of laugh. One that sounds like he's choking, the second and less common sounds like a stereotypical "HYEH HYEH HYEH" * snort* "HYEH HYEH" nerd laugh. Both make me want to jam a harmonica down his throat.

* A slight subversion. I have a few laughs, depending on how funny/how evil I'm being. I have a more normal laugh when things are just funny, but sometimes I end up cackling. It doesn't annoy anyone else, but it sure as hell annoys me. * Usually it only occurs when I'm surprised by what was said, but I have a laugh that makes people wnder if I'm having an asthma attack. Which makes me laugh harder. Not so much annoying as worrying, usually. * I have a friend who ''snorts'' when she laughs. I don't really notice anymore, but people always comment and are really jerkish about it sometimes. * This troper has a few laughs. One is just a full-on loud chuckle, another is a wheezing, silent laugh which I normally lapse into if I laugh too much. The last is an evil laugh that I only do if people comment on my first laugh sounding crazy. * My friend has a very raucous laugh. Not only did it win "Most Memorable Laugh" in our Senior yearbook, but it is incredibly useful when you want to find her in a large room because no one sounds like her. * [[Tropers/{{Trkzsoup}} This troper]] has a very hiccup-y laugh. It takes people a while to get used to it. * This troper's sister sounds like a goose when laughing. Nobody in our family is entirely sure where she picked it up from, because until last week she didn't do it... * When this troper was five she laughed somewhat like a donkey having an asthma attack. It kind of went "huh-huh-huh" followed by something that sounded like "hee-haw". Almost got her the part of Bottom in [=~A Midsummer Night's Dream~=]. (Our drama club is short on boys...) * This troper has often been accused of this trope, and the fact that she laughs at almost everything... well, you see where this is going. * This troper and his friends were once accused of laughing like hyenas in a video on YouTube. YMMV depending on whether [[ these]] sound like hyenas or TheJoker. * In my Theater Tech class in high school there was this one guy (we'll call him Jon... because that's his name) who purposly did a REALLY annoying laugh. It was sounded sort of like a bike horn. It was considered a little quirk at first, but eventually got to the point that we'd all tell him to shut up when he did it. * This troper's classmate's laugh remarkably sounds like a witch's cackle. When put in words, it sounds like "Aaaaaa-kakakakaka!" * This troper's former friend when he became a total dumbass he had two very irritating laughs one went like "Duh-hu-hu-hu-hu-hu-huh!", the other went like "Bah-ha-ha-ha-yulk!" * This tropette is 100% guilty. Apparently many people find highpitched laughs annoying. I'm either cackling like a witch, or laughing like a hyena on helium, a [[NoblewomansLaugh noblewoman]], again on helium, or an "evil doll." * This troper, a girl in her class and her old friend are all guilty of this. My giggle sounds like a car trying to start and when I go all out, it sounds like an evil laugh- basically "ku-kukukukuKUKUKUKUKUKUKU!"; the girl sounds like a witch cackling; and my

old friend's laugh is so high pitched I swear it could break glass. * [[{{Tropers/MoonageDaydream}} This Troper]] has a laugh that sounds like a combination of [[{{SleepingBeauty}} Maleficent]], [[{{TheLittleMermaid}} Ursula]], and [[{{TheWizardOfOz}} The Wicked Witch of The West]]. Children cry when she laughs. It's also really freaking loud, which tends to surprise people because she's usually TheQuietOne. * Apparantly when I laugh it sounds like im choking, so someone always comes into my room after I laugh to make sure im still alive, its really annoying to me. * This troper knew a person in high school whose laughter sounded like a car engine turning over. And he was in my English class. When we did parody skits from the plays we had been reading. * This troper knew a girl in high school whose laugh sounded exactly like [[SpongebobSquarepants Spongebob's]], except louder and way more high pitched. ---Gwa-haha! Go back to AnnoyingLaugh! ---<<|TroperTales|>>

AnnoyingYoungerSibling Do you have an annoying younger sibling? Describe your war stories here. ---* This tropette to her boyfriend about her brother: "He's like a teenage girl on her period". * This troper's friend has one that makes Olba Frost of GundamX look ''normal.'' Complete with that annoying little Brooooother, are you proud of me? He follows said friend to the BATHROOM * This troper is honestly the youngest one of his family; but he thinks one of his former classmates is going to be arrested for fratricide sometime in the future. She is like ''thirteen'' years older than her brother, and her brother seems to exist for the sole purpose of bugging the shit out of her. Apparently after he learned to walk, he proceeded to somehow remove a dirty diaper and leave it ''right on the floor of her bedroom'', regularly threw food in her face, ''threw up'' in her face numerous times, would ''always'' projectile vomit on her (I called him "Li'l Linda Blair") would always destroy things when her parents weren't looking, once grabbed her homework off the table and ''ate'' half of it it after ripping it up into confetti (Yes, he ''ate'' the confetti), would raise hell whenever she had to babysit him, and once speed-dialed 911 and screamed because she was trying to get him to go to bed and he didn't want to. * This troper's sister is this most of the time. Her shticks include (but are not limited to): ** Trying to act like our mother ** Not working when she's supposed to be

** Just being plain MEAN. ** Will get mad if we put something down after she's told us not to even if it's NOT IN THE PLACE SHE TOLD US. ** Get smart with us when we tell her to do something (this one actually gets her screamed at or hit by either my brother or me) *** Then again she's thirteen, so she's having her...[[IfYouKnowWhatIMean moments]]. * My brother is slightly annoying at times (mostly because whenever we're playing a Co-op game he always has to pause because one of his friends calls or texts him). However, when he gets around his annoying friends he makes me want to kill him and his friends. Here are a few of the things him and his friends do: ** Jumping around like coked up apes. ** Grunting loudly, like the above mentioned apes. ** Trying to break my door down because they think it's funny. ** Stealing my stuff. ** Playing Hide & Seek in Wal-Mart. *** And you can't blame it on his age since no one I know ever acted like that when they were 16. * I was the AnnoyingYoungerSibling. My older brother could be a real pain in the ass too, so I'll call it even. * This troper is the oldest "kid" in the family and the designated baby sitter, so not only her little brothers but also her younger cousin count as this. We have: ** The oldest little brother (six years younger than me): Overly fond of my room, ''broke ALL of my video games'' when playing them without permission, will not stop bothering the poor dogs, steals her stuff on a regular basis, and is completely convinced that her entire Beanie Baby collection is his. And OH MY GOD HE IS THE LOUDEST CHILD ON THE PLANET. Also has an unfortunate tendency to "accidentally" stomp on people's feet. ** Younger little brother (eight years younger): [[{{Cloudcuckoolander}} Completely insane.]] Draws on EVERYTHING, ''especially'' the things that belong to this troper. Destroys things when he's bored. Once colored all over this troper's monitor. Is the most danger-prone child in the universe (what other kid gets poison control called on his account FIVE TIMES?!?!). Is almost impossible to baby sit because you can't look away from him for two seconds with him breaking something. ** Female younger cousin (nine years younger): Complete spoiled brat. Throws a tantrum when you don't get her the right gift for Christmas or her birthday. Gets upset about ''anything'' that doesn't go her way. Stubborn as [[BuffySpeak a very, very stubborn thing.]] Is prone to throwing migraine-inducing temper tantrums. It is scientifically impossible to baby sit her and be nice about it because she ''flips out'' if you even suggest that bed time is in fifteen minutes or she shouldn't be watching that show or no, I cannot make you waffles for dinner, your mac-and-cheese has been served. * Taken to BeyondTheImpossible levels with [[@/MrW my]] sister. She isn't just annoying, [[JerkAss she does everything in her power to make me miserable.]] If she's assigned a chore, nine times out of ten she will saddle the work on me. I might be minding my own business,

and then she'll barge in to either to tell me [[TheReasonYouSuckSpeech how much I suck]], [[AbuseIsOKWhenItsFemaleOnMale or to hurt me in some way.]] She hates me for the virtue of being her sibling. Either that, or she needs a [[TheChewToy punching bag.]] * This was part of This Troper's reason for moving out when I started university, despite the uni being in the same city. However I do recall fondly the period when I was paying for his WoW subscription and I could threaten to cancel it when he got too annoying. Eventually, I only had to say "Warcraft" and he would shut up. Those were the days... * [[SunnyV This troper]]'s got one. But sometimes subversions occur. * [[MalachiteDragon This Troper]]'s little sister is the friggin' embodiment of this trope. At the age of 16 (Troper being 17 at the time) she manages, on new years eve, to get herself drunk into an alcohol coma which results in troper and his family getting no sleep because we don't know whether or not she'll wake up. Troper himself doesn't drink at all. The next year at the age of 17, (Troper =18), She proceeds to get herself pregnant, which snowballs: It gets her and the child's father booted out of high-school and forced to go to an academy to get their diplomas, and on top of that, now at the age of 18 (Troper turns 20 later this year), She is growing more and more psychotic. She is a leech: she, her child (who is innocent in this), and the father live here, eat our food, waste our electricity (They owe me a new TV: They burned mine out), do absolutely nothing by way of supporting themselves or making themselves useful... And more then once she's called the cops due to some imagined ill that we've done towards her, to the point that we're fairly certain that the police won't answer to this door anymore. I was brain-damaged at the age of 5 when I caught meningitis; I was in a coma for 3 flippin' days. I am '''''literally brain-damaged.''''' Why am I the sane one?! * This troper's brother loves to annoy the living daylights out of me. * Oh geez, my little sister. She is 10 years old, but you really can't tell from the way she acts. She can't be alone in the house, which is highly inconvenient. She cries at the drop of a hat. She doesn't leave me alone when I'm talking to friends. She is selfish and rude to my mother, and forces her to do everything for her. If my mom made waffles for breakfast she'd say "I want eggs" and if she made eggs she'd say "I want a bagel" * This Troper has four. One is the sort that is the sort that is lazy and non independant, while the other three fight eachother and are noisy. and the two sisters like to touch my stuff-youngest sister is 2 and she usually just plays with my stuff and accidentally breaks it, like when she ate my lipstick (she thought you were meant to do that, cause when she watched me put it on she thought I was eating it), and the 13 year old sister looks through my personal belongings all the time, borrows things and never gives them back, and reads my diary, uses my phone to send naughty texts to my friends. * As the oldest of four children, This Troper and her sister are [[OnlySaneMan the only sane ones]] in our family. My younger brothers are determined to make me die of embarrassment or frustration, I'm sure of it. * While I myself have no annoying sibling, my cousins are a different

matter. They are a family of three boys [[SiblingRivalry constantly at war with each other]], but surprisingly enough the main cause of it all is, in fact, the middle child. Like many 12-year olds, he is a cocky KnowNothingKnowItAll who likes throwing the blame at others and making himself look good. At one point he stayed over by himself at our house, claiming he was old enough to handle it. [[MilesGloriosus That very night he was crying for his mother and keeping the whole house awake.]] * This troper IS the youngest sister, but i'm the most mature. I swear my sisters live to annoy the heck out of me. * My stupid little brother likes to pretend that he's smarter than me, and my parents always take that little brat's side! * [[{{Kuzlalala}} This Troper]] is acts like an AnnoyingYoungerSibling to her two older sisters and even her ''younger'' sister (who's her ChewToy). * This Troper is intentionally this. Sister doesn't want a hug? ''Bone-crushing bear hug.'' Other sister wants him to shut up? ''Turn the volume UpToEleven.'' Other other sister is walking in the door? ''Jump from behind a corner screaming like a banshee.'' ** There's a little thing we like to call "privacy", maybe you should learn what it is. * I'm the youngest in my family (I'm 15) so I was the annoying younger sibling. * This troper IS the Annoying Younger Sibling. That being said, as the youngest of 4 sisters (the two oldest being pretty much genius level and condesending at the best of times) how else will I get my revenge? * This troper is a slight subversion, having annoying older siblings, but at the same time plays it straight by voicing my utter contempt for them at the slightest provocation. Bare in mind that while I keep to myself, I am strictly territorial. Messing with my possessions is my {{berserk button}} and as is being ordered around by my older (12 years so, probably bitter about being 30) sister. I also think of my sister's stay back at the house after her extended absence (Taking the room I had waited 15 years to have from me by order of inheritance) as being a scrounging invalid. This particularly comes to a head in terms of hot water (Her and her boyfriend use roughly double the rest of the house combined) and work load/spending. E.G. She will be sent to the shops for bread, milk, a 2 litre bottle of irn bru and 2 bottles of boost (cheap energy drink I survive on). She'll return 2-3 hours later with bread, milk, the irn bru if you're lucky. She'll omit the boost because she doesn't feel like buying it and also has 4 bags (minimum) of shopping from the significantly more expensive shop for herself. And she's using my mother's card for all of it. She also expects me to carry that shit up the 3 flights of stairs to the apartment rooms she stole from me. * This troper's little brother walks around the house screaming as loud as he can, relentlessly taps and bangs on things whenever she's in the room (especially when she's expressed having a headache or being in a bad mood), yells everything he says to people, sings to distract her while she's practicing for her voice or piano lessons, stands in her way when she's trying to go through doors or down the stairs, walks into her room while she's sobbing and stands there and

often mocks her, calls her fat/ugly/a loser at regular intervals, and gets all of his many many friends to join in on making fun of her and making her uncomfortable. The best part about it? He is never punished while she constantly gets told off for having such a short temper with him. ** Oh god...[[TheWoobie hugs?]] * This troper is a(n) (mostly) intentional annoying younger sibling... who has managed to annoy the entire family at times, including herself (don't ask). She's become more mature and less annoying in recent years, if that's any consolation. * My brother. Oh God, my brother. He's a whiny, selfish brat who cries when he doesn't get his way, cries when he doesn't get to eat chips for lunch, cries when he's not allowed to buy a video game, cries when I'm on the computer and he wants it, cries if he gets told off for being a brat, refuses to feed or walk his dog, won't feed his rabbit, won't feed the chickens, tortures my cat, cries when he gets told to do his homework, cries when he gets told to clean his room, throws a hissy fit if you tell him to eat his vegetables. He's arrogant, sexist and, just... argh! Still, I love him in the moments he's not a totaly arse. Also, he wakes me up on weekends. [[SeriousBusiness Which is unforgivable.]] * This troper's younger brother seemed to define his very existence by his contempt for me when we were growing up; to the point that even though we're now both grown men who should know better, any attempt for the two of us to interact with one another causes a mutual regression to somewhere in our early teens, when he learned he could actually stop thinking of me as a person, which liberated his conscience for all sorts of hilarity he'd never before dreamed of. A short list of his transgressions: Extremely aggressive to the point of hitting me for disagreeing with him; saying I know nothing about what I'm talking about if my experience is different than his; refusing to accept that other viewpoints even exist, and therefore any disagreement on my part is clearly just a cry for attention; finding ways to subvert, alter, or otherwise ignore agreements while spinning it as still being within the letter of said agreement; and, having no sense of humor but not having the stones to admit it (the guy knows one joke, and it goes like this: Q: Annoy older brother. A: Get offended that he's annoyed now). I think maybe ''Annoying'' Younger Sibling is the wrong word for it-he's deserved to be beaten with a bag of can openers for as long as I can remember. * I've got ''four'', all different shades of annoying, although we get along most of the time. My 16-year-old sister is the angsty, sullen, bratty, makeupy, teenagery one. My 14-year-old brother is the hyper, wild, loud, obnoxious one. My 9-year-old brother is getting quite cute, but he used to be really whiny and stupid. And my 7-year-old sister is SUPER whiny and throws fits if she doesn't get what she wants--she's the baby of the family, and knows it. * This Troper's sister, years ago, was trouble when not supervised (I didn't count as "supervised" in her eyes: then again, I am a year older than her). Now, having been to teen parties (I avoid them like the plague, partially because I never get invited), she has settled down a lot, to the extent that she actually agrees with points I raise

without argument. Now, to her, I'm the annoying sibling (which is hardly fair) because I apparently won't stop talking (not completely true: I just save my talking for when I get home), have no fashion sense (true: I just tend to wear what I like, regardless of whether it works) and don't stop singing (reasonably true, but that begs the question of how can I sing all the time and talk all the time WHEN I DON'T LIKE RAP MUSIC?!). Ah, the joy of siblings... * This troper (age 22) was the Annoying Younger Sibling as a kid. It usually ended with this troper annoying the heck out of his sister, and rarely getting punished for it. Thankfully this troper did mature and stopped annoying his sister, though he thinks she deserves a freaking medal for putting up with him as a kid. Off the top of his head, he remembers having done the following: ** At the age of 4 or 5, this troper's sister was doing homework and kept being bugged by this troper. She locked her door thinking it would keep him out. Unfortunately for her, the linen closet in the hallway was actually connected to her closet. This troper decided to crawl through the linen closet and get into her room. His sister and his mother were not pleased. ** Around the same time period this troper also had taken one of those "For Big Mistakes" erasers and repeatedly hit his sister's New Kids on the Block posters she hung all over her room. ** Around the age of 8 or 9, [[{{The Woobie}} his sister]] had come home from the beach badly sunburned and was lying down feeling sick. What does this troper do? Pokes her until his mother grabs him. * I'm an only child myself, but younger than my chosen group of friends. I feel I can be this sometimes. * My sister is the ''manifestation'' of this trope. Even though she's in elementary school, she's an annoying damned bitchy {{Jerkass}} who always invade my private spaces, fight for the remote control (as usual, but unlike me who likes seriousness she likes cartoons I considered disgusting), make me envious of certain things, act like she's a damned mother who seems to know what is good or bad (with an emphasis on ''seems''), incredibly sadistic (she sees happiness where I am annoyed, for example playing barrages of pop music {{Ear Worm}}s and smiles / turns up the volume when she sees that I DESPISE THEM AND AVOID THEM LIKE THE PLAGUE, producing sounds similar to scratching chalkboards, laughing at me in my most miserable times), etc. The worst part? She's a master of the WoundedGazelleGambit. When I would forbid her or annoy her, she becomes whiny and dramatic enough to call my father's attention and post me as The Bully. Luckily my father is benevolent, probably because I once had depression gained from suffering genuine BreakTheCutie experiences. She has the personality of somewhat a Tsundere, and the conflict might be just a manifestation of a SiblingYinYang (for starters, I'm the nerdy intellectual, she's the bratty bitch), but the Wounded Gazelle Gambits made me despise her so much that I would not accept ''even'' hugs from her. She is Hell In Other People. * Back when I was about 7 or 8, my little sister decided to cry for no reason, and she said that I hit her. I got punished for it, and I was angry at her for a long time. My sister today says that she was pretty evil in the past. I agree with her with that one.

* I thought I had it bad. I was [[ThisIsSparta REALLY. FUCKING. WRONG.]] * My sister was a pain in the ass when she was little. She kept annoying the hell out of me and always whining about some shit. Fuck, even to this day, [[AdultChild she still acts like a child.]] And she's ''14 years old!'' Christ! Also, my cousin counts as well. He keeps messing with my PSP and PS3. Jesus. * Is it okay if I count my best friend's annoying little sister under here? Don't worry, she's getting better. * Averted with this troper, who's the youngest in the family. Video games kept him from tormenting his older sister. Plus the fact that he has high-functioning autism, so he has plenty of self-control (and loads of shyness) * This tropers younger sister SO MUCH. Younger sister is currently banned from the computer bar for two hours each day, due to Mum getting sick of her shrieking along to songs she is listing to from 4 in the afternoon till eleven at night. That being said she is usually on there for about five hours, and then bitches about the fact neither I nor my older sister are banned from the computer. No matter how many time we tell her we were but Mum reneged after about a month due to us following the rules she set and it's unfair that we have laptops and she dosent.apparently going through the last two years of school which usually means a new essay every two weeks for five subjects isn't a good enough reason for her to get off the comouter which is why we got said laptops. I had to repeat Year 11 because said little sister erased the term or so worth of assigments that I did during the holidays because I told her to get off the computer because I needed it. Not to mention the fact she is a spoiled brat, and only too late did Mum realise what she was creating. My Aunt honest to god spoiled her into fatness. She is the same weight as me (16) at 12. Nobody will be surprised if she has diabeties (Which due to mum having it, all three of us daughters have an increased chance of getting...or something along those lines)However, lately she has gotten bit better...if only due to fact she lost her voice recently and the doctor said no talking above a whisper for a week or so. When I asked her if she could please get me a cup of milk SHE DID IT! This is the first time she has ever done that, considering the fact that if it's only a few steps away she will get someone else to get it for her. * This troper's little sister(she is 12) is singing the same song since yesterday, she's always copying all my manners and says "hello" to me everytime she meets me in school. She doesn't listens when someone is talking to her and no one can reason with her. And acts as an [[{{AnnoyingYoungerSibling}} Annoying Younger Sister]] to my another younger brother... who is only 7 years old!! * This Troper's half-siblings were all married and out of the house before she was born, but she has a nephew who fits this trope perfectly, especially since he lives nearby and she sees him all the time. (In first person:) I have a low tolerance for little kids anyway, but he pushes my patience to the breaking point. He's overly hyper and loud as hell, even compared to other 7-year-olds. If you don't respond right away when he tries to talk to you, he'll pester you with increasing volume until you pay attention, and then he talks

so fast that you can't understand him, which is a shame because the stuff he says is actually pretty entertaining. He bangs on my door and shouts my name whenever I try to get some time alone, and sometimes even when I'm sleeping. He has an active imagination, but I can't play pretend with him because the words "play nice" and "be gentle" and "don't hit people in the face with plastic swords" mean nothing to him. He has a one-track mind, so when he gets obsessed with something, it's ''all he'll talk about''. This was especially horrible on a recent camping trip when he constantly ranted about how the ants inside the logs were going to burn alive and he wanted to save them. I have a terrible fear of ants, but I couldn't say anything because he's turning into a sexist, and I refused to reinforce the "girls are afraid of bugs" stereotype. He always has to have everything his way, and what makes all of this worse is that his parents [[{{KarmaHoudini}} never actively try to extinguish any bad behavior]] beyond telling him not to do it, and they basically spoil him. He once threw a tantrum because he wanted corn on the cob instead of the canned corn we had for dinner, and his dad actually went to the store and bought some. And you can never make him learn a lesson because he's so used to getting his way. No amount of money will ever make me agree to babysit him for more than an hour or two, since watching movies with him is the only way I can handle him by myself. * I have two younger siblings. I am actually on very good terms with my younger sister, but my younger brother... Let's start with his "all-about-me" attitude. We are homeschooled. He absolutely refuses to do school or cooperate with our mother in any way if his friends cannot be seen that day. He believes noone does anything for him, when in fact it is the exact opposite. Next is his "perfect angel" attitude. Suppose I or my sister have done the slightest wrong in the house. He will immediately call our mom to tell her. And then, when she's done with us? He does exactly what we just got in trouble for! He claims he has a right to do it, since we just did it! I could go on and on, but I think I'll let other Tropers burn some steam now. * This troper has a younger brother who seems to hate silence and feels the need to shout stupid and insulting things randomly. He's also full of [[DoubleStandard double standards]]. He's allowed to mock me and my older sister for no apparent reason, but when we do it back he'll scream at us to stop. He's allowed to be an absolute jerk to us, but we have to be nice to him. He's allowed to be a loud brat, but we have to be quiet when he yells at us to be. He also hardly ever gets punished since my parents are way to soft, and I have too strong a concience, so I can't even keep the guy from getting a piece of my candy when he asks. The worse part? We share a room. * [[{{Tropers/Luna87}} I]] have three younger brothers (ages 19, 13, and 9). Each of them, at some point, has been this to me (especially the youngest). Nothing too bad, just typical little brother/oldersister conflict (they would go in my room without permission, mess with my stuffed animals, etc.). ** On the flip side, I think my older brother may have thought of me as this when we were kids, due to my constantly wanting to tag along with him and his friends and being something of a know-it-all. * Edgy's sister was cool until she became a teenager. She was one of

those teens who thinks everything is dumb and was into emo bands. * My brother and I have SiblingYinYang, and basically just irritate the hell out of each other just through living in the same house. However, while I admit that we both annoy each other unintentionally, he goes out of his way to be irritating, and at times quite honestly the biggest JerkAss I've ever met. This is coming from a girl who is very close to having gone through all of junior high and high school, dealt with TheLibby in several different incarnations, been verbally harrassed by many a JerkJock...none of them even compare. First of all, he's a BrattyHalfPint to start, never listening to a word our parents say (and, while I'm not an angel by any means, I at least TRY to be civil MOST of the time), and, when they get upset with him and/or punish him (the latter of which is [[KarmaHoudini very rare]]), he instantly turns it around on me, getting me in trouble for something I didn't do on many occasions. He is also extremely verbally abusive towards me, this abuse ranging from simple insults (fat, ugly, etc.) to straight-up telling me I ought to kill myself for various reasons (nobody likes me, I'm the reason our parents always fight...all sorts of things). If I say anything at all to him, our extremely strict father will get upset with me for 'overreacting', 'being dramatic', or 'making a scene' (note that this doesn't even have to be shouting; so much as quietly saying "stop" will warrant [[DisproportionateRetribution this reaction]]). What really kills me is that [[WeUsedToBeFriends we were really close]] when we were younger, but now we never get along. * {{@/Tidal_Wave_17 This tropers}} younger teenage step-sister definitely fits the bill. Her being a LittleMissSnarker along with him being somewhat of a [[TheDitz ditz]] has caused many a witty comment at his expense. Thankfully, he gets her back by pointing out her [[GagBoobs overly large... Tracts of land]]. ---Hey! STOP THAT YOU LITTLE BRAT!! Get back to AnnoyingYoungerSibling ''RIGHT NOW'' or else I'll kill you!!! ---<<|TroperTales|>>

AnthropomorphicPersonification * Some of [[LeighSabio This Troper]]'s Yahoo avatars are {{Anthropomorphic Personification}}s of tropes. Such as: ** {{Moe}}: A long-haired asian-looking [[LuminescentBlush blushing]] FlatChestedGirl with [[{{Meganekko}} glasses]], [[EveryGirlIsCuterWithHairDecs a butterfly hair decoration]], a [[GirlsLoveStuffedAnimals stuffed animal]], walking [[FootFocus barefoot]] in the rain with her WeaselMascot and frog. ** ActionGirl: A [[UnstoppableRage pissed-looking]] [[RedHeadedHero red headed]] [[BoobsOfSteel buxom]] woman in a SpyCatsuit with a [[GirlsWithGuns gun]] and a tiger (they didn't have a lioness) standing in a nuclear plant. ** LesYay: A woman in SanFrancisco with [[ButchLesbian short, spiky]] colored hair winking conspiratorially at the camera, with

[[LipstickLesbian an attractive female companion]], each of them with a dog: [[PitbullDatesPuppy hers a big dog with a hardhat and a hammer in its mouth, her companion's a small, fluffy dog with a bow]]. ** NightmareFuel: A [[ScaryScarecrows Scare]][[UncannyValley crow]] with [[BigCreepyCrawlies a twitching fly's head]], next to a [[HelpingHands severed hand]] and [[LosingYourHead floating disembodied head]], a [[GiantSpider creeping spider]], and a lightning flash, on a graveyard background where you can clearly see [[ZombieApocalypse something rising from the grave.]] ** FetishFuel / FetishFuelStationAttendant / PlayingToTheFetishes: A [[BuxomIsBetter Buxom]] [[GirlOnGirlIsHot Bisexual]] LatinLover in a {{Stripperiffic}} dominatrix-y dress and [[FootFocus strappy sandals]], with [[CatGirl cat ears and whiskers]], [[HornyDevils devil tail]], [[HeroesWantRedheads red hair]], and [[{{Meganekko}} glasses]] blowing kisses. * This troper is writing a story with the main villains being anthropomorphic personifications of the seven sins. Guess which one is the BigBad. Sloth. If you actually guessed Sloth I'd be genuinely surprised. * [[UncleTyki This Troper]] remembers an occasion where at her primary school you had to dress up as something related to Water. She dressed as the anthromorphic personification of the beach. That's the kind of kid, I was. * This troper has been described as the anthromorphic personification of silence, thanks to his habit of going for hours without speaking. Even during conversations. * Due to a combination of researching the Anglo-Saxons and reading AxisPowersHetalia, this troper has found themselves coming up with personifications of the various Anglo-Saxon kingdoms. They haven't managed them all yet but the most well established so far are: ** Deira and Bernicia, aka the Northumbrias- twin BoisterousBruiser ProudWarriorRace Guys with a bit of CulturedBadass mixed in (there's historical basis), the latter is also a BadassBookworm while the former is more of a WarriorPoet (in this case, the term is rather literal). They tend to alternate between being the best of friends and being rivals, punctuated by occassional attempts to knock the snot out of each other. ** Wessex - BadassBookworm with occasional {{Jerkass}} tendencies. TookALevelInBadass at some point. Not as well developed as the Northumbrias. * This troper once made personifications of flavours of candy. It ended up getting really, really broad. She ended up getting as far as Green Tea. * This troper has a recurring character who is the Anthropomorphic Personification of porn. Her friend has one who is the personification of {{Rule 34}}. Yeah, their roleplaying can get quite funny quite fast. * This troper theorises that he is infact the anthropomorphic personification of self-destructive over-analysis. He theorises that the long awaited hug from his long distance not-girlfriend-I-thinkbut-not-sure will alleviate this problem. For the span of one hug I get to stop thinking and enjoy life.

** To put it into context, there have been situations where my analysis has broken into alien geometry territory. I'm also socially awkward due to paranoia and 'mind reading by extrapolation', leading to him assuming people were assuming the worst of him. * This troper came up with an idea for a story involving industrial anthropomorphic personifications (machines, infrastructure, et. al.). * This troper is writing a webcomic where the title character is the embodiment of chaotic energy, and the Big Bad's black ops squads consist of: ** Personifications of the Seven Deadly Sins. ** What basically amount to people who have been turned into elemental golems. ** The Four Horsemen and the Apocalypse. *** Yes, you read that right. One of them is the personification of the End of Days. ** The Big Bad himself is basically the Antichrist. * This troper and her friend are in the process of making personifications of each instrument, inspired by a comment in the {{Vocaloid}} WMG. So far, Saxophone is a smooth {{Casanova}}, Piccolo and Tuba are a case of {{Huge Guy Tiny Girl}}, and Harp is a [[{{Woobie}} sympathetic]] {{Yandere}}. ...yeah. * Today I drew the AnthropomorphicPersonification of four faces my sister drew on various things in my bag. The :S face looked like a slightly confused thing with the same body shape as the pacman ghosts, the :3 face was a green cat, the >:-( face was a bright red thing with spikey hair and an angry looking face, and :D was a little blob thing waving its hands in the air in an excited way. * This troper got the idea to turn famous animation studios from around the world as characters. Will get back to you on details... * Me and my high school friends often joked that our schools AlmightyJanitor was this for our school. * This troper writes tons of stuff with these. ** One story in which seven brothers are the seven deadly sins and their one sister is... well, humankind or the world or something. She gets abused like crazy. ** One in which all of the instruments are students at a music conservatory. And the voice types. ** One where everyone is just ''something'', anything from death to sunshine to youth. * After finding about the Chinese provinces existing in the Hetalia universe, this troper has started coming up with personifications for them. * This Troper is working on a miniseries in which all the characters are an element/emotion/whatever. Some highlights include the Seven Deadly Sins as villains, the main characters being twin incarnations of Light and Dark, and the leader of the good guys essentially being Humanity. Some specifics include... ** Fire being a girl wearing {{stripperific}} clothes in a yellow, red, and orange color scheme, with the ability to control, you guessed it, fire. ** Love being a big busted girl wearing all pink, with equally pink hair to finish it off. She seems to control love/affection in others.

** Another set of twins being North Wind and Frost, both of them with white hair, blue eyes, and all blue outfits. One has ice powers, the other controls wind. * this troper like writing and drawing those, includingFear,Moon,Time and Night * [[{{Tropers/Kadorhal}} I]] once made a version of my old character as a [[{{Pokemon}} Drowzee]], after a friend realized the name of said character backwards would be pronounced "Drowzee Flow". * This [[WriteWhatYouKnow media grad]] troper [[ShamelessSelfPromotion is working on]] a comic series based on the anthropomorphic personification of mass media because nobody did it yet. I was inspired mainly by AxisPowersHetalia and [[TVTropesWiki this]] [[TVTropesWillEnhanceYourLife site]]. So far, [[LoadsAndLoadsOfCharacters I did 22]], each one dressed like [[ShapedLikeItself someone from a profession in that medium]] (e.g. TV wears [[HowIMetYourMother a suit]], Cinema wears a director's outfit, etc.). Most of the are [[BlueBishonenGhetto male]] with a few girls in the mix, but despite the link, not all of them count as bishonen. The principal characters are as follows: ** [[TheHero Print Journalism]]: Male, wears a 1920s-ish outfit that looks like a cross between a newsboy and a journalist. He thinks he's dying. Literature's brother. ** [[BigBrotherMentor Literature]]: Male, [[OlderThanTheyLook very old but kind of looks young]], dressed as a writer/librarian type complete with sweater vest. No glasses, though. A [[EverybodyIsJesusInPurgatory didactic]] [[CoolOldGuy old man]] with a wild imagination. [[ParentsAsPeople Neglectful father of Comics]] ** [[BrattyHalfPint Internet]]: [[ThereAreNoGirlsOnTheInternet Male]], [[GIFT obnoxious]] [[MostTropersAreYoungNerds teen]] [[TeenGenius genius]]. Wears a hoodie with [[ChestInsignia the numbers]] 01 on it. Also wears [[Meganekko glasses]]. A military brat raised in the Army by his sister [[Squadette ARPANET]]. ** [[ButtMonkey Television]]: Male, a cross between a news anchorman and a soap opera dude. [[MadnessMantra Crazy for ratings]]; he is willing to do [[NetworkDecay stupid]], [[ExecutiveMeddling illogical]] [[SeasonalRot things]] for [[TakeThat them]]. He's also a total stiff. He's a JerkWithAHeartOfGold, though. [[BigBrotherComplex Has a soft spot for his sister.]] ** Radio: Male, bald radio DJ. TV's old nemesis. [[AudioErotica He sings really well]] and wields the PowerOfRock. ** [[SoulBrotha Recording Industry]]: Male, a Snoop Dogg Expy wearing a pimp suit. He's rich. [[NewMediaAreEvil He hates Internet]] [[DigitalPiracyIsEvil with a (reasonably justified) passion.]] [[IncrediblyLamePun Video's]] [[MusicVideos husband]] and Radio's HeterosexualLifePartner. ** [[PrimaDonnaDirector Cinema]]: Male, a classic Hollywood director. He's an expy of many major directors like CecilBDeMille, AkiraKurosawa, and MichaelBay. [[EpicMovie He has a thing for the spectacular]]. Photography's [[DifferentAsNightAndDay brother]]. ** [[DarkChick Video]]: Female, a production assistant. Television's sister. A Yandere/Yangire-type who is a lot less stiff than her brother. Wants to kill Radio.

** Photography: Female, GenkiGirl [[ShapedlLikeItself photographer]] that wears the stereotypical photographer vest. Attached to permanence whereas her brother is attached to movement. [[OfficialCouple She has a thing for Journalism]]. ** [[TrueArt Art]]: Female, elegant bohemian lady. She's [[TrueArtIsIncomprehensible incomprehensible]], [[TrueArtIsOffensive crass]], and [[TrueArtSticksItToTheMan rebellious]]. [[ComedyOfRemarriage Cinema]], [[DoggedNiceGuy Theatre]], and [[SheIsNotMyGirlfriend to a certain extent]], [[BelligerentSexualTension Literature]] and [[FoeYay Advertising]] have the hots for her. Assuming I did my research right, she's a mother of two. ** Advertising: [[BiTheWay Male]], CorruptCorporateExecutive. He pays the media and has a [[IfYouKnowWhatIMean tight]] [[StalkerWithACrush control over TV]]. [[TheMan He]] and [[TrueArtSticksItToTheMan Art]] are [[SitcomArchnemesis sworn]] [[FoeYay enemies]]. ** Theatre: Male, [[CampStraight theatre geek]] (complete with scarf). Serves as the rival to Cinema and, at one point, Literature. A LargeHam who loves ChewingTheScenery. ** Animation: Male, [[AnimeHair wacky-haired]] dude carrying [[AwesomeBackpack a heavy backpack]]. He was meant to resemble an animator. He wears goggles that do nothing for no apparent reason. He's TV's laid-back roomie and at times HeterosexualLifePartner; he doesn't like his roommate's [[ExecutiveMeddling choking rules]] but he normally becomes [[AuthorTract an]] [[IncrediblyLamePun anvildropping]] [[RefugeInVulgarity asshole]] [[ProtectionFromEditors without them.]] Art's son from Cinema (if I did not fail at research) and Comics' half-brother. ** Cartoons and Comics: Male, scrawny young man wearing a heavy jacket and a t-shirt [[ChestInsignia with a speech balloon on it]]. He's a [[NinetiesAntihero wangsty badass wannabe]] with [[FlyingBrick superpowers.]] Art's and Literature's son. [[CallingTheOldManOut He has daddy issues.]] ** Podcast: Female, Moe little girl wearing a dress with an iPod click wheel on it. [[BigBrotherComplex Internet's]] little sister. [[CutenessProximity She induces cutesy feelings over others, particularly Video and Recording.]] *** I have other characters, but these seemed the most important. Try to find the hidden GeniusBonus in them!

AnticlimaxBoss * In a [[DungeonsAndDragons 4E]] game [[{{Peteman}} this troper]] was running, the epic, night-ascended demigod boss monster gets unceremoniously chucked into another dimension and cannot escape because the save was beyond his ability to make and was not able to get help. * This troper finds a lot of school standardized tests to be like this. Frankly, everyone in the county I live in is [[DeadpanSnarker really really]] [[AccentuateTheNegative stupid]], so the tests are usually easy. However, we can spend up to two weeks just preparing for them.

** Unrelated to the trope, This troper hates how schools force students to learn how to take these standardized tests rather than learn the actual general materials the students are supposed to learn. *** In the most {{egregious}} cases, the teachers actually ''write the answers on the board''. Yeah, standardized tests are the ultimate AnticlimaxBoss. ** [[ViewersAreMorons This, this, this, so much this.]] This troper didn't study at all for SATs and scored nearly 2K, which is roughly 90th percentile. Troper has a reputation as "the smart kid" but doesn't really think he deserves it. * I was once running a [[DungeonsAndDragons D&D 3.5]] game when the party finally encountered the huge black dragon that the plot had been building up to. Cue the wizard casting [[TakenForGranite Flesh to Stone]] and ending the fight within six seconds. ** Afterward, though, we decided to redo that without the spell [[RuleOfCool because it would be more awesome that way]]. * This troper was playing through [[{{PokemonGoldAndSilver}} Pokmon SoulSilver]] for the third time, and decided to pick up a Swinub in Ice Path and evolve it into a Mamoswine before fighting Clair for the 8th badge. Normally Clair gives him a lot of trouble, but Mamoswine was able to destroy 3 of Clair's 4 Pokmon while taking very little damage, and it was probably the easiest fight he'd ever had against her.

Antidisestablishmentarianism * A fun word that This Troper and his friends have thought up and discussed is "antiautoautoautoautodefenestrationismists" - or people who oppose cars automatically throwing themselves out of windows of cars. The number of auto-s allowed is debatable. ** Surely it should be two? One for 'cars' and one for 'self'. * I use this to confuse stupid people, try it!

AntiquatedLinguistics * This troper--oh GOD, this troper. She talks like this most of the time if not using BuffySpeak or outright lolspeak, and will actually occasionally start using the 'thou' rather than 'you' set of pronouns if she's been reading too much Tennyson (she absorbs mannerisms). She once wrote a letter in perfect Victorian English by complete accident, only after realizing she'd done it and making a note at the bottom in apology. Sometimes she does it on purpose, but it's generally an unconscious effort, which results in awkward moments around people of shall we say lower intellect. It helps that she's a 160-something IQ, though. *blush of awkwardness* ** I totally dig the way TV Tropes has become a place for Tropers to pretend that they are genious super-people. ** Where do they hide the perfect girls like you? I'm the same in male form. And I don't &#383;ee a good rea&#383;on not to u&#383;e the Engli&#383;h Long S (mo&#383;t fonts have a glyph for it, after all). And I ask people on occasion, "what didst thou, in thy mind, have?" Which wierds them out.

*** And I totally dig how you brag about how smart you are whilst simultaneously misspelling the word 'weird'. *** The answer to that, my friend, is unknown even by me. I don't generally use the long S, but when writing my Ts are in a distinctive style taken from medieval calligraphy, as are my As. And of late I've started using the British spelling system due to my vast intake of British Victorian Literature... Beyond that, I'm one of the few nontropers I know to italicize titles, and I still use 'halloa' as an interjection... Ooh, and I'm often found facepalming due to having used 'football' instead of soccer. I'm so antiquated some days that I cause moments of HaveAGayOldTime... I'm LeyomiTheParodier. Nice to meet you. (And because you sound interesting, I'll be checking back here weekly to see if you've replied) ** Which actually resulted in an oddball CrowningMomentOfFunny and CrowningMomentOfAwesome for me and my classmates respectively when, whilst copying down a vocab list (or something)in class, the teacher asked who was done. One person said yes, and then I said, absently, "As am I." Then literally every other student, in rapid succession as they finished, said "as am I" rather than "yeah" (not as impressive as it sounds since I'm in a class of five people but still). They were almost mocking me, but there was just a tad of admiration in the voice... * Though [[{{Tropers/JChance}} I]] tend more towards ordinary SesquipedalianLoquaciousness (and SophisticatedAsHell, I have quite the foul mouth, and a great fondness for slang and jargon whenever they expresses the matter best), my writing is often a mild example of this trope--no gratuitous hyphenation or similar superficial flourishes, but a mannered style definitely influenced by times past. My academic papers have always been even more so, written in a style that fits scholarly work from between the 1890s and WorldWarII far more than the bafflegab that is modern academese. ** Did any of your teachers or profs. ever give you worse grades for such flashy flares of fancy diction, whether lain betwixt words either in exposition or fiction? Because mine did. And it was rather stupid. [[SophisticatedAsHell ...the bafflewitted lummox-fucking rum mawnds.]] ** Being SophisticatedAsHell is a hobby of mine. * This troper frequently uses more than a few words of Old and Middle English that didn't quite make the leap to Modern. It seems the habit is contagious. * [[This troper YoungGun]] has a tendency to say 'aye' a lot. ** [[MarkIV I]] do that too but no-one notices. * This troper learned Dutch by reading a bible that had been owned by his great-grandfather. A Dutch penpal he later corresponded with proceeded to teach him more modern usages of that language. * Verily, this troper doth speake this way. Specifically, he likes the words "verily" and "yonder", as well as thees and thous and all that. He actually often uses a mild case of this in normal conversation. "Art thou kidding me?" and such. * I have one mission. Avoid internet lingo such as "wtf" and "lol" whenever possible if my writing were to be published with permanence, as grammatically correct English is feared to fall into this trope. What happens appears to be me using this trope. An example:

participlising adjectives that can turn into participles. But as it happens, my own English beomes undermined by those [[ArcWords arcing words.]] * My wife learned German as a foreign language, using classic German literature. Even after years in Germany, she still uses phrases and expressions that fell out of use years or sometimes decades ago. ---Hie thee hence to AntiquatedLinguistics. ----

AnxietyDreams * One night, This female Troper had a dream that [[spoiler: she got her period and she was totally unprepared for it. The next morning, I prepared for it as a precaution]]. Do you know what happened the next afternoon? [[spoiler: I got my period]]. * Ever since we moved my grandma (who suffers from dementia) into my family's house, I've admittedly gotten over-anxious about her whenever I'm home from college; that is to say, I worry she's going to have some kind of accident or do something dangerous if no one's keeping an eye on her. One night, I had a very realistic-looking dream where she walked into my bedroom while I was trying to go to sleep and asked me a question. I didn't know the answer, so I mumbled that she should ask Mom and Dad. Now, my parents' bedroom is at the end of the upstairs hallway, right next to the stairs. As the dream continued, I noticed my grandma had left my room, and suddenly, I heard a scream and a crashing, tumbling sound from the stairs. I woke up immediately, and it took a few minutes for me to realize nothing had happened to her and she was probably still asleep. * This troper is currently taking her only PE class for her entire high school career, and even though she normally dreads gym class, she has one friend who makes her look forward to it every day. We are both horrible athletes, and we're always in stitches the entire time, laughing at each other's mistakes, but we still hate finding out what our next sports unit is going to be. Earlier in the year, we went through a long period of time that prevented us from starting our next unit, and we were both on pins and needles, anxiously awaiting the revelation of what it was going to be. After a couple weeks of this, I told her, "I hope we find out our next unit soon. Various types of sports balls are now bouncing through my dreams on a nightly basis." The saddest part was that I wasn't kidding about that, even though I don't know why I had all those dreams, since it was very much an "out of sight, out of mind" thing, or so I thought. * The night before a trip to RAF Leeming, I had a dream I was late for college. We were leaving an hour before the normal college starting time, so I guess that helped remind me to get up early.

AnyoneRememberPogs Ah... I remember TroperTales. Those things were weird! ----

* [[Tropers/{{Cheeseypoofs}} This troper]] works at the library summer reading program where we offer silly bandz, one of the more recent fads. For those who don't know, they're colored, shaped rubber bands. One of the librarians compared them to pogs. * I remember pogs. I remember the "no playing for keeps" rule, even though [[TruffautWasRight everybody did]]. * [[{{Tropers/Crion87}} This Australian troper]] remembers they used to make imitation pogs called Tazos way back during primary school, which potato chip brands like "Thins" would put them in hidden packs. They had pictures of old Warner Bros. characters on them, and were sought after. Many packets of chips were eaten by [[{{Tropers/Crion87}} this troper]] (and took the undesired calories in tow) [[{{WhatAnIdiot}} just to get the Tazos]]. At least they didn't cook 'em [[{{PottyFailure}} with Olestra]]... ** They were available in Brazil also, as [[@/{{endlessness}} this troper]] remembers (and still regrets the calories). * I had more fun messing around with the Pog Maker than playings pogs. The game was stupid and often highly dependent on luck. Also in games with more than a few pogs, I made a First Turn Kill move, where you simply throw the slammer like a discus into the stack, instead of on top of it. If more than half the pogs get flipped over, you have won before anyone can do anything. Even if you second you still have a good chance of flipping over half, or around 40% which will make you hard to beat. * [[@/{{Nyperold}} I]] still have a few pogs, though I never played much with them or took them all that seriously. ''MegaManX'' from Nintendo Power, ''LooneyTunes'' from the store... ---Yeah, and anyone remember [[AnyoneRememberPogs the main article]]? That was... strange.

AnythingThatMoves * [[{{Tropers/Ventisia}} This Troper]] has a friend who comes off as this. You ''really'' don't want to know about some of the things she's fantasized about (many which she seriously wishes she could act on)... ** Sounds kinky, what's her number? No, seriously, I've got ''many'' things I'd seriously love to act on myself. * My friend has told me tales of her oversexed D&D character, Pallas, who fucks in order to worship Aphrodite. The general rule whenever they encounter a new NPC? "If we roll over an 8, Pallas ''will'' fuck it." * [[{{Tropers/Thanos6}} This Troper]]. Full stop. If it's adult enough to offer informed consent, and does so...

AnywhereButTheirLips * This troper and her boyfriend. More often than not, he kisses her forehead or nose. When alone... EVERYWHERE except the lips * This troper made out with a girl who wanted to be kissed along her neck and responded likewise but didn't want to kiss on the lips. He would later find out she had a boyfriend at the time and wondered if,

in her mind, this was some weird way of staying faithful. * This troper wanted to make out with his then girlfriend, but the angle was wrong (also, they had possibly not shared a FirstKiss yet, hard to remember). He began to chew on her ear. It wasn't really possible to explain. * This troper got a kiss on the cheek from a boy she'd met two days ago. A friend wanted him to kiss me on the lips, but his response was "I met her two days ago, I'm trying to be respectful!" * When alone with your (girl)friend, kissing anywhere but on the lips is a great tease... * This troper once had a close friend kiss her on her forehead while she was laying on her arm. She claims that it was to get me off of her, but I'm not so sure... * When this troper and her boyfriend started dating, he wanted to take it VERY slowly, and made a deal that if we could stay together for a month, he'd kiss me on the cheek. Of course, he kissed my hand and cheek three days later, and my lips two weeks later. ---Gimme a kiss. Just anywhere but [[AnywhereButTheirLips here]]. ----

APartyAlsoKnownAsAnOrgy * '''Curator's Note:''' Please make sure the example actually fulfills the criteria of this trope(a party/social gathering that turns into an orgy), and try not to make it too explicit. * This troper once managed to attend a "housewarming party" with a dance troupe and their support staff. The house was most certainly [[IfYouKnowWhatIMean warmed]]. * This troper accompanied some friends to one of those anime conventions (though not a fan of anime myself, I wasn't about to pass up a weekend partying at a fancy hotel with my buddies). One of the nights, one of my friends brought a girl back up to the room, and they just started going at it. With all of us right there in the room. After a few awkward minutes, some people decided, ''Hey, why not?'' and jumped right on in. The few of us who chose not to participate spent the rest of the night downstairs in the hotel bar until the ... [[SarcasmMode fun]] was over. Needless to say, I haven't been to any more anime conventions. * This troper went to a party like this with his then-girlfriend. He came ''this'' close to sleeping with said girlfriend's IdenticalTwin. Seriously. The only reason he didn't was a) the twin had had too much to drink and passed out on top of him and b) his girlfriend was standing not three feet away doing her best not to die laughing. * There's a reason the SocietyForCreativeAnachronism is nicknamed "Society for Consenting Adults." ** And other LARP & Re-enacting groups. * As a feeder, I feel pretty much like this every time I cook for a

dinner party (which is often). More literally true whenever I'm dating a feedee who also gets turned on by my cooking. * Back in high school, this troper used to belong to a group of friends of about 15 people, and we would often all hang out together at the same time. Mostly in members' basements. We would often spend the entire time hanging out in our underwear. Once, we even, yes, all 15, decided to play strip poker completely sober. * My former high school's freshman class was already notorious for these when they got there this year. To boot, ''they all look twelve''. {{Squick}}ed yet? I sure as hell am! * This troper's friends tend to have rather... sexually charged sleepovers. Truth or Dare seems to exist for the sole reason of getting everyone out of their clothes, making out, or both. * This troper once participated in a PICKNICK that turned into an orgy. WTF? * Happened at an anime convention in Atlanta last year. Luckily for me and my girlfriend, I paid for my own room and avoided the orgy. All I know was some of my friends got more than they [[DroppedABridgetOnHim bargained for]] the [[BedMateReveal morning after]]. * This troper has never been much of a party person, but she lives in a big house with multiple roommates. At one memorable shindig that didn't break up until the crack of dawn, she and her boyfriend amusing themselves in their own bedroom when someone ambled in looking for the bathroom. Neither she nor he were best pleased. * I attended one party in college which involved multiple three-way all-female makeout sessions followed by a five-way (three girls and two guys) makeout/grope session. (I admit to having participated in a couple of these, including the last). Not long after, I went to another party consisting of fourteen people jammed into a tiny single dorm room. . .seven of whom, again all female, had an orgy on the bed. (I was NOT involved; I just sat on the floor drinking with the nonparticipants.) * [[MelasZepheos This troper]] lost his virginity at one of those. While he was {{Shotacon underage}}. At age 14-16 he was in a band that played at the older years parties. The older years thought it was hilariously funny to get he and his bandmates (16-18) very very drunk, and eventually the parties took their usual course and he and his bandmates were invited to join. Now I'm older and in university where these seem to happen with slightly more regularity, I've basically lost my appetite for them. ---''Come'' on over to my [[APartyAlsoKnownAsAnOrgy "party"]]; I'm sure everyone will enjoy your "company". Geddit? [[spoiler:[[DontExplainTheJoke I'm talking about your genitalia.]]]]

ApatheticCitizens * This troper has seen a ''biiiiiiig'' group of people inside a hallway at school when there was a fight going on at school. They didn't chant "Fight, fight, fight!" or anything...they just stood there. One person told a teacher. Guess what? The teacher did nothing

- and then another teacher came over and yelled at ''all of us'' for doing ''nothing'' about the behaviour. However, it is important to note that this is in the same town as the Preston Jr. High school you know, the Jr. High where several kids made plans to shoot up a bunch of seventh graders and the ''girls who told the authorities'' were the bad girls. Naturally, nobody wants to be called a "tattletale", do they? * There's actually a psychological explanation for this... they call it the bystander effect. It happens A LOT. ** PsychoBabble. It's just an excuse for sucking as a human being. ** Trust me on this, the chances are, if you are in the same situation, you would do the same. * Some of my friends took an XBOX to [=McDonalds=], set it up, and played COD 6 for three hours before anyone notice. ** I would consider that as RefugeInAudacity. CrazyAwesome, by the way. * Dundee. 2007. Less than 100yds from the police station. Seven blokes were assaulting two young women, and whipping them with large pointy belt buckles. In full view of no less than ''three'' blocks of flats. The response was a very small number of complaints about the noise and threats of calling the police, until a small group of drunken geeks stumbled upon the scene during a pub crawl. The lesson? 1) Most people don't care enough to help. 2) Those that don't care what others think/care enough to help are probably too inebriated to be much help. 3) Plastic lightsabers are no use against whippy/flail-like weapons. * I know a girl who was being bullied by someone a lot bigger than her, and was hit in the face on a busy street, and not one person stopped to help. * I nearly got robbed once. I was commuting home when a bunch of annoying people (pickpockets) started amiably chatting with me (they pointed something out and I didn't want to be rude). They almost got me (I actually ended up lampshading the possibility while in conversation; [[WhatTheHellHero why]] [[GenreBlindness I didn't act on my suspicions]] [[IdiotBall was beyond me]]). Nobody called my attention to it, except maybe for [[CassandraTruth this old lady who tried to warn me]] [[NeverMessWithGranny and nudged them enough]] [[CrowningMomentOfAwesome to drop the item that they were trying to steal from me]]. [[JerkAss The pickpockets hit her hard on the head as they fled]]. ---Go back to the page. Or not. The ApatheticCitizens do not care. ---<<|TroperTales|>>

ApatheticTeacher * [[Tropers/{{soojinyeh}} This Troper]] had some apathetic counselors.

* This troper's Latin techer openly stated in a class she didn't cared anymore about teaching us, that her subject was useless and that was just counting the days for her retirement. * This Trooper's 8th grade science teacher only bothered to have a class demonstration once. The rest of the time she gave them sheets of homework to do. * This Troper's high school chemistry teacher was horrible about this. We did MAYBE 2 or 3 actual chemistry experiments the whole semester. The rest of the time? We worked using a computer program that he ''programed himself just to get out of actually teaching us anything''. * [[Tropers/BrokenBird This Troper]] herself (who is diagnosed as having [[AspergerSyndrome Asperger's Syndrome]] and mood disorders) has been this, or perhaps she thinks she is this more than she actually is. This stems from her depressing view that her knowledge is as usually useless and worthless as she is herself alongside her view that her students will be more successful at the real world than she ever was. She once told two of her former students that she viewed her knowledge as garbage and that marrying rich without any book smarts would be better than being like her. She cried herself to sleep that night... and those two students had been particularly enthusiastic learners during the school year, making the highest grades in their class. [[CrowningMomentOfHeartwarming (The next day, those girls rounded up their peers who were not gone for the holidays and gave her a surprise party. She cried all the more, of course.)]] Essentially, if this troper doesn't feel like she is doing something worthwhile, she is miserable, and she often fails to see how educating others in her fields is actually worthwhile because she does not feel that having brains did her enough good. ** Subverted in that she really [[WhenSheSmiles does love]] when a student "gets" what she is teaching and/or [[SoProudOfYou when a student proves that what s/he learned from her was indeed not useless in their own life]]. Also subverted in that teaching is what [[EarnYourHappyEnding saved her]] from [[CrapsackWorld a hard-knock life that often found her homeless]], so it is rather silly of her to think that her knowledge is completely irrelevant. ** Please, for the love of God, don't think of knowledge as useless and worthless. Shouldnt the fact that your students threw a party in your honour be enough proof against that? Or when you see a student benifit from what you've taught them? Some of the best advice I've ever gotten was from teachers, and I'll never forget the life lessons they taught me, I promise you that. * One of the two physical science teachers This Troper had at her high school was this. He didn't teach us anything, he just sat and read the newspaper and made us read the text book for an hour, then made us copy a page or two from the text book for homework. One time several boys in my class brought a break dancing movie to class, and cleared out a bunch of empty desks at the back of the class so they could break dance to the music, and the teacher ''just let them do it!'' * I had several of these. My biology teacher in high school was on the verge of retirement and so didn't care anymore that some days he would write out a hall pass for TheLibby without being asked, give it to her

and say, "Here. Go to the bathroom, wander the halls, go visit another class, I don't care. I just need a ten-minute break from you." We, um, did a lot of coloring in that class. And it moved at such an unbearably slow place that I, a lazy lazy student, wound up with an average of ''over'' 100 because I never came within a mile of having to take any of the "homework" home and got extra credit on everything, [[NonindicativeName just for doing it]]. * Somewhat subverted in my case. My chemistry teacher, who didn't take himself particularly seriously, openly proclaimed to be apathetic and only teaching because it was his job, as well as looking forward to retirement, but was in fact extremely good at his job, having been in it for 33 years. * This troper had a Principle Mathematics teacher like this in her freshman year, who flat-out told the kids that were only there under parental pressure that if they decided to never show up and intentionally flunk to get into the easier course, she would still mark them as present and not tell a soul. On the other hand, my science teacher told us he would be retiring before spring break, and in the days leading up to his last day he just... stopped coming to work. * This troper had an orchestra instructor who would put on a CD to teach them how to play, while she sat in her office and read. The teacher was soon fired. * I had a teacher like that when i was 10. He didnt bother teaching us stuff, barely even interfered when the kids in his class were misbehaving, and just gave us lots of colouring to do and put videos on to keep us quiet * Completely subverted with my High School. The longest attending teacher her started teaching at my school during the 70's and he is completely eccentric and fun-loving. Some people say he's insane, but I think he knows how to live. * At this troper's school, there is a geography teacher infamous for showing up to lessons 10-15 minutes late, sticking a video on and making his classes do the questions out of the textbooks. Needless to say, no-one ever learns anything in his classes; however, this troper managed to subvert this by learning something in the two years he taught her, then to double-subvert it by forgetting it all once she dropped Geography. * This troper had apathetic teachers in middle school. While I was being bullied for being the Twilight-hating tomboy who liked anime, the teachers did nothing about it. * My mom had a teacher like this. He just showed videos of other (better) lectures * This troper had a music teacher for four years (5th, 6th, 9th and 10th grade) that did nothing but tell us weird stories, for example about how he blew up his brother's toy steam engine at age 12. In the first semester of 10th grade, he did ONE test and only gave As, Bs and Cs, claiming he found it unethical to give worse marks. In the second semester, he said he didn't feel like giving any grades and whether we were okay with just getting the grade from the first semester again. Of course, everyone agreed since nobody had anything worse than a C. However, this troper transferred to a different school in grade 11,

where she had an EXTREMELY TOUGH music teacher. She eventually got a B in that class, but she had to work hard for it, due to missing out 4 years of music. ** Her new school had a physics teacher who, apparently, had been a really cool guy. Then his wife left him and he became an asshole who only showered once a week. ** She also had an ethics teacher who was competent in his subject, but just teaching at the school because he had failed to finish his PhD, and bitter about it. Fortunately, he did not let it out on the students, becoming apathetic instead and he was a fairly nice guy if you talked to him one-on-one. He taught during the last two periods and sometimes, he'd tell his students: "I'm not in the mood for teaching today. Just go home. But leave quietly, so the principal won't notice." He also ignored it if you cheated on tests, even if it happened right under his nose. * An education-major friend of this troper once told her about a popular saying within her chosen field: "If you genuinely love kids and want to see them do well, teach elementary or high school. But if you ''hate'' kids, teach JuniorHigh." The idea is that within a year or two teaching in a junior high setting (and having seen [[KidsAreCruel what this particular age bracket is capable of]]), most teachers that previously cared won't give two shits about their students anymore -- they could just rip each other to shreds, and they wouldn't bat an eyelash. That's considered to be the main reason why junior high seems to have such a disproportionate number of [[ApatheticTeacher apathetic teachers]]. * In high school, this troper had a physics teacher whose idea of teaching was putting on a video and spending the class period reading the newspaper. * This troper had a physics teacher in whose class it is virtually impossible to get anything other than an A or B. He also had a very easy math teacher during Junior year, followed by a very, very, hard (As in violating homework workload limits by a factor of three (for my not-mentally-damaged classmates, I hate math and thus would take about five times too long on the rare occasions I did any) every single night levels of hard) math teacher Senior year, which [[HappilyFailedSuicide almost had very bad results]] when mixed with (what all signs (e.g. attempted suicide) indicate is, despite no formal diagnosis) depression. That got off-topic fast. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Go back to ApatheticTeacher. Or not. I don't care. It's all a load of rubbish anyway.

ApologeticAttacker * [[Tropers/TheyCallMeFluffy This troper]] once played badminton against a girl who apologised profusely every time she beat this troper. Which was a lot. * [[Tropers/AnimeAddictAA This troper]] has a [[TheFogOfAges long history on the internet]], and {{troll}}ing had to come sooner or

later. He has since then apologized to some that he may have wrongfully hurt, although he still considers some deserved it for driving him in AntiHero territory. * This troper once participated in a Texas Hold 'Em tournament at his college and felt the need to apologize to every player he knocked out of the rankings. He also exhibits the same tendencies when playing competitive video games with his friends, especially when the match was [[CurbStompBattle heavily one-sided]].

ApologisesALot * Once, this troper was at a friends house with four other friends for a sleep over, and she scraped her heel. It didn't hurt, so she thought nothing of it. A few minutes later, one of her friends informed her that her heel was bleeding everywhere, and sure enough their was blood all over her legs, on the floor, and on one of her friend's pillowcases. This troper responded with a mildly surprised "oh" and then began apologizing for getting blood on the floor and the pillowcase. Luckily, the friend with the bloodied pillowcase had an identical and clean one at home, which relieved this troper a bit. While she was in the bathroom cleaning herself off, one of the friends got a paper towel to clean the blood and this troper apologized again. This troper apologized several other times that night. She actually felt the need to apologize for ''bleeding''! * [[ I'M SORRY!]] I'm sorry! I'm sorry I apoligize so much!! * [[{{Whomajigi}} This troper]] apologized in nearly every sentence for most of her life. Finally in college, one of her friends had enough and decided that every time she apologized (without good reason) she was going to get her face licked. This troper has mild OCD. After being licked two or three times, she ceased most of her apologizing! * This troper knew a kid who could be considered a subversion. He apologized for the most inoffensive things like thinking dogs were better than cats or that Starbucks coffee didn't taste good. However, he never apologized for the things that were truly offensive such as: trying to start a discussion on masturbation during philosophy class, calling a girl he didn't know a cunt faced whore, and claiming that Bob Marley would commit a genocide to score ten grams of pot. * [[@/UnknownTroper This Troper]], full stop, including the apologising for apologising, completely unintentionally. She is told that it is incredibly annoying, but she hasn't been able to squash the VerbalTic ... ** I don't ''remember'' writing this... *** You should be sorry. *** Sorry... *** Stop apologizing! *** Sorry! * Likewise, this troper says sorry all the time. People don't tend to get so much annoyed as slightly exasperated. I even apologise if someone else pushes into me, just by instinct. It's unfortunate, since it tends to give the impression of being something of a pushover.

* This troper apologizes too much but makes it retroactively acceptable. After a girl calls me out on apologizing I apologize and then she rolls her eyes. I then say fuck you and ask if the previous apology can apply to the cussing. Usually the agree and are happy that I didn't apologize again. * I'm this way too, and even my father who encouraged me to be respectful of others told me off for being "too damn polite!". I constantly try to consider other people's feelings and their impressions of me that I end up doing absolutely nothing in fear of mockery, High School certainly didn't help in that regard. ** Are you me? Seriously, if this troper isn't being an ExtremeDoormat, she's being this, and her dad telling her off for apologizing, thus prompting ''another'' reflexive apology, does not help. * [[@/SerenYGogledd This Troper]] falls into the "Too damn polite" trap a lot too, often apologising for getting in the way, or being the one to move out of the way, despite being barely able to walk. Yes, I apologise for walking slowly too. * This Troper also apologises for when people bump into her and apologises like crazy when she accidentally does. She also apologises when a friend of hers has done anything wrong, often asking herself [[DotingParent where she went wrong]]. She's told that she's amusing but slightly exasperating. * This troper frequently said 'sorry' during the sixth grade, to the point where it was practically my catchphrase. I think it was because I was at a new school and was seriously nervous and didn't want to offend anybody. * This Troper is an inversion most of the time. Due to the black clothing, chains, trenchcoat, heavy boots, and habit of stalking places rather than walking, people expect a certain attitude. As such, people in the way get glared and growled at rather than apologised to. This troper is aware of the stereotype, but hates people being in the way and refuses to apologise for something not his fault, such as someone standing in the way. (When cycling, people are more likely to get a stream of shouted profanity rather than a glare; accelerating takes energy AND shortens the life of the gearing.) ** So is this one. He'll throw death glares to anyone and anything he ever bumps into, unless he knows it's his fault. An unintentionally scary frown helps, too. He'll still get this tic back as soon as he considers wasting a helper's time. * When my mother calls me on apologizing too much, I apologize. * Because I can't stand to have people angry at me, I have spent most of my life apologizing to defuse situations of potential conflict. Now it's automatic and, ironically, very irritating to those around me. And yes, I too apologize for apologizing. And apologize for apologizing for apologizing... * [[@/{{Gerusz}} This troper]] has picked up a lot of Japanese culture while learning the language, doing karate, etc..., so he apologizes a lot more than the average Hungarian. ** This troper attended a Japanese language school, and [[JapanesePoliteness was told she apologized too much by the native Japanese teachers.]]

* @/JChance raises his hand. Sorry... * [[@/{{Gecko}} This troper]] tends to apologize for anything she was remotely involved in. She also says "thanks" and "excuse me" more than she should. * Sorry, but [[@/{{Kitsu}} This Troper]] apologizes for anything, everything, and nothing. And then she apologizes for apologizing, too. Sorry again... * This troper has a friend who does this. It's simultaneously cute and annoying when he apologizes for apologizing too much. D'aww HEY STOP IT. * Unfortunately, [[@/MadameLeP this troper]] has adopted this as a verbal tic. The fact that people are constantly annoyed by it only makes her want to apologize ''even more''. [[FreudianExcuse She theorizes that it's because of wanting to be]] [[PollyAnna a sweet and happy little girl]] who was [[MarySue liked by everyone]] when she was younger. * This troper went through a pretty rough time two years ago, and the resulting self-esteem crash resulted in this. She still hasn't quite gotten over it. * Someone this troper knows interrupted a class to apologize for having interrupted the class before (when he hadn't interrupted it before, he had just gone to get something for the teacher) * [[@/{{Lauralot}} This troper]] has an apologizing problem, specifically when visiting the homes of others, as a result of a friend's mother telling her she wasn't wanted there. When at someone's home, she often apologizes for things such as asking for a glass of water, burdening others with her presence, and breathing. ** Are you my twin by any chance? This troper has done all of the above a ridiculous amount of times, though I do it mostly by being raised to be as unobtrusive as possible while being a guest. It drives my friends parents' insane. * [[@/{{Skazka}} This troper's]] number one verbal tic, by far. The fact that it bothers people only makes it worse-- the ideal response to someone who's constantly apologising for behaviour they can't help but think you are offended by is ''definitely'' not "Quit doing that!" (Is it that hard to guess what my response will be to that?) * This Troper, for no real reason (other than bad self-esteem). * This Troper... oh, I'm so sorry for wasting your time. * This Troper usually apologizes about the same amount as people around her. However, some people get this idea of her, because if she doesn't know the person very well (see: first impression), she tends to apologize in the same cases she normally would, plus a few more, with "Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry!" etc. * This troper has had her (female-CuteShotaroBoy) girlfriend ''yell'' at her over this. (What was yelled? "QUIT ACTING LIKE YULIE, DAMN IT!") She's got a FreudianExcuse, but is ''trying'' to get past the apologizing thing, really! ...and if it weren't for the third-person speech pattern this wiki provokes, there'd be an apology for that taking too long right here. * This Troper, too. So much, she once said "sorry" to a ''column''. Her friends will never let her live that down, she is sure. She has also apologized to dogs more than once after bumping into them.

Profusely so. * This troper says sorry, mostly to things she cannot control. * This troper says sorry a lot, even if it isn't actualy his fault or there's nothign to be sorry about. His boyfriend is the same way. So, when they think that they have done anything to make the other feel bad, it's usually followed by saying "I'm sorry" to each other ad nauseam. * [[@/TaelNightengale This troper]] apologizes to ''inanimate objects''. And well, everyone and everything else. She's Canadian. This might explain some of it. ** I think we might be twins. ** I think you were seperated from me at birth. ** I know other Canadians. That's ''not'' it. * This troper apologizes for getting an answer that sounds like the person is stressed out by being asked a question. Happened a lot when we moved to Arizona. * This troper's default response to her mother saying "can you come here for a second" or something similar is "oh god, what did I do?" * This troper's fiance apologizes for everything, whether it's in his control or not. He'll say sorry for anything from "Ow, that was my foot" to "It's cold out today." I used to blame his being Japanese, but I think now it's just him. * Sorry for wasting anyone's time here, but this troper falls into this trap a lot. * I happen to find this trait very annoying in others, but I do it all the time. I often apologize when called out on apologizing too much, which has led to much hand-wringing within my family. * [[@/NightBoomfer This Troper's]] roommates have had to repeatedly tell him to stop apologizing. He once apologized for knocking on the door. He apologizes for apologizing too many times. Once, he said "sorry" and "excuse me" to a mop that he tripped over at work. * This troper refuses to apologise for being overly apologetic. Hey, got to start somewhere ... * [[@/{{Hanz}} This Troper]] is much like the first one, apologetic to the point where it is a VerbalTic. Might be an inferiority complex thing. * This troper had her friend tell her that she had to stop saying sorry all together. Why? "Because it makes me want to break down and cry, then just wrap you up in a hug and take you home!" * [[@/{{Nomic}} This troper]] normally doesn't necessaily apologise more than most people, but he does apologise for doing things most people probably wouldn't apologise about, like whenever he sits next to somebody. He plays this completely straight when around a person he's attracted to, tho (usually with unnecessarily dramatic apologies too, along the lines of "I beg for you'r forgiveness"). * This troper is quite guilty of this, especially when playing volleyball (usually somewhat ineptly). * [[@/{{Lilacheart}} This troper]] is guilty of apologizing too much, as well. Even in her writing, characters tend to apologize a lot, which she will make jokes about. * [[@/{{Sara}} This Troper]] went nuts apologizing at the supermarket a few weeks back when she realized she didn't have enough money and

needed to put several things back, even though the cashier was totally cool about it. * This Troper. ''Full'' '''fucking''' '''''stop'''''. ** I'm sorry for cursing. * This one once told a friend that she shouldn't apologize for things that weren't her fault. Her response was to immediately apologize. ** Same here, and then when told to stop she just apologizes again. *** This troper has been told that she apologizes too much. Her response to the people who tell this? "I'm sorry". One time ''she apologized after apologizing for apologizing too much''. But she's ''really'' sorry for apologizing too much... * This troper traces her constant apologizing to a year working an extremely low-grade, servile customer service job. Since said job also kept her hands full, limiting the range of polite non-verbal gestures, she also developed a habit of ''bowing'' a lot which her acquaintances find even more annoying. * A couple years ago, I was told my someone that I'm kinda rude. I didn't think I was that rude, but I have the idea that invoked all the apoligizing that I do, even for things that aren't my fault in the least. It's become a habit now. * [[@/{{Kaizykat}} This Troper]] apologizes for almost everything in either English or Spanish (Depending on whatever comes out of her mouth first). She also apologizes to inanimate objects and animals as well. * You should see [[@/{{chitoryu12}} this troper]] move through a crowd. He's an expert at people-dodging and can move through a thick crowd at jogging speed without hitting anyone, but always makes an effort to apologize to everyone he blows past. This often leads to him going "Sorryexcusemepardonmecomingthroughsorrysorrywhoopssorry" as he bobs and weaves. * [[@/ShiTan This troper]] apologizes for and to ''everything''. I always apologize for things that I had absolutely [[SorryIFellOnYourFist nothing to do with]], for apologizing a lot, and I've apologized to walls multiple times. When I do something that really causes someone trouble, you can expect to hear "Oh my gosh I'm sorry are you okay I'm really, really, really sorry! I'm so sorry can I help I'm sorry..." * This troper tends to apologise to anyone and anything - that means a lot of "sorry" to chairs, doors, etc. Fortunately, she tends to mumble quite a bit as well, so people don't necessarily hear it unless it's more than a reflex and she actually means it. Not sure about the objects. * This Troper knew someone who would apologise when he opened a door for anyone. * [[@/{{Usagi}} This troper.]] To the point where you'd think it was a mental condition. Her mother has actually gotten ''angry'' about her profuse apologies before. Which, y'know, just causes another one. [[ShrinkingViolet ;_;]] ** Awwwwwww, that's so sad [[TearJerker T_T]]! * One year, [[@/SkyBlue this troper]] was walking through the hallway at [=GenCon=] with a friend, when I bumped into someone in [[CosPlay full Darth Vader costume]]. I and the person I bumped into both

automatically apologized, and went on our way. A few seconds later, I realized what had just happened. I turned to my friend and said, "Wait a minute... did ''Darth Vader'' just ''apologize to me?''" [[HilarityEnsues Cue much laughter]], including from the guy in Vader costume. ** Said friend made reference to this incident later on, when he told me "Well, I'm not going to argue with someone Darth Vader apologized to." * This Troper, at least in RL. OTOH I get annoyed when people apologise for things they are not sorry for (ie. things they have done before and fully intend to do again). If your not sorry don't apologise, if you are try to avoid doing it again. Otherwise people won't believe you when you * are* sincere. * [[@/{{onyhow}} This troper]]. After it was pointed out to him in middle school, and some people becoming more annoying, he becomes less of this, but it never goes away. * [[@/TacoNinja This one's]] mother, especially when answering those annoying phone calls no-one wants: -->'''Val:''' "I'm sorry we don't need anything, sorry, sorry bye, sorry * finally puts the phone down* ." Okay maybe that was exaggerated but still... good ol' British good manners... * This troper falls into this, to the point where he once apoligized to '''video game'''. It made more sense in context.... This troper has also fallen into the saying sorry to saying sorry to much error. * This troper would like to apologise for apologising so often...Crap. * [[@/JET73L This troper]] automatically apologizes for many things, including when ''other'' people run into him, or begging pardon when others in his group don't say something along the lines of "excuse me" walking through a crowd. If he says "I'm not apologizing" (though he'll sometimes apologize for ''that'' if he thinks it may have been to harsh), the person to whom he says it is in ''deep'' (unfortunately, his mother tends to force a subversion, since she used to tell him off for apologizing rudely, and now interrupts before he can even try). * This troper. To the point where it's become a joke in her family, particularly one incident: -->'''Troper:''' And then the dude was like--->''-falls backwards into a potted plant-'' -->'''Troper:''' I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Sorry! Sorry! -->''-tries to get back up, ends up falling into a trashcan not that far away-'' -->'''Troper:''' I'm sorry! Sorry, sorry! -->'''Troper's mom:''' ... you don't need to apologize to a potted plant or a trashcan. -->'''Troper:''' Oh, sorry! * This Troper is really bad with this, to the point where it's a VerbalTic, apoligizes for stuff that wasn't even his fault or when he makes a joke, no matter how inoffensive it is, and even apoligizes to his stuffed animals for stepping on them. My parents get rather annoyed by it, and me and my friends call it [[FostersHomeForImaginaryFriends Wilt Syndrome]]

* This troper is in a roleplay where there's a bit of a RunningGag with this... -->'''Troper's Character:''' Sorry... -->'''Other Person's Character:''' Stop saying sorry! -->'''Troper's Character:''' So-oh, never mind. * I'm sorry I added to this list, cause, I mean, it's getting pretty long already. Sorry! * Sorry, but once thus troper starts apolagising he's sorry to say he can't stop saying sorry. Sorry. * This troper says sorry alot. Weither it's my fault or not. @/{{Psyga315}} * @/{{J-H}} apologises to her mom and step-dad alot that she was told by her mom to just stop saying it all the time. * Sorry, I know you probably don't want to read how this Troper has a wicked inferiority complex. Not only does she apologize for doing things like bumping into chairs, taking to long in a lunch line because food needed to be refilled, and getting bumped into by other people, but also refuses to let other people say sorry to her because, obviously, it's her fault. At summer camp, they tried to get her to say watermelon instead of sorry. It didn't work. * This troper, who tries to be unobtrusive and not a burden on anyone, which results in her apologizing profusely for things that weren't problematic to anyone in the first place. Sorry for cluttering up the page. * This Troper is of the "apologizes to people who bump into me" variety. Not that he doesn't apologize for bumping into people himself. It got fairly ridiculous, though, when he apologized to a girl he liked for liking her...multiple times. Recently, he signed up for the Texas Latin Dance club at college, only to find out he's not so good at keeping rhythm while dancing with a partner. [[HilarityEnsues You can guess what happens from there...]] ** And for my {{Troll}} moment (I apologize in advance): I'd just like to point out I wasted [[TVTropesWillRuinYourLife a lot of time]] reading over these after I got sucked in... * This troper used to apologise so much that it started to annoy her friends. Luckily [[IGotBetter she got better]], apparently at around the time she split up with her ex-bf, strange that. * I'm sorry, but I've got to admit I say sorry ''a lot''. Sorry about that. * [[@/TheToonGeekette This troper]], to the point where family, friends, even people she's ''just met'' have told her to stop it. Sorry, I'm honestly trying to cut it out! (aw, damnit...) * This Troper's brother does this a lot, and doesnt just stop at one apology, he goes "sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry" * This Troper has this issue due to her low self esteem. She apologised for being ripped-off by the pizza guy, having an asthma attack and making her dad take her back to the condo from snowborading. Hell, she even said she was sorry because she got a B in a math class (not her strong subject). The only person who seems to be upset with these types of things is this troper. * This is this troper's VerbalTic. Her friends have all noticed it, and find it either funny or annoying. And of course she'll just

apologize again for...apologizing too much. She says 'sorry' when people bump into her. Cue Canadian jokes. Her New Years Resolution was to stop apologizing unnecessarily. She failed to fulfill it. Sorry. * This troper's father is narcissist and alcoholic and his mother is a very dominant person, especially towards the only person she was able to control - this troper. Their constant fighting combined with other unpleasant childhood exoeriences made this troper like this. Hopefully becoming a subversion, though, with help from his significant other unnecessary apologising just makes her angry, and she is doing her best to get this troper to stand up for himself. Without apologising directly afterwards (which his mother always made him do). * [[@/TaeliaRose This Troper]] apologizes to nearly everyone all the time, particularly as a result of the Get-In-People's-Way-WhileTrying-To-Get-Out-Of-Their-Way Tango, compounded by a general lack of self-confidence and self-esteem. Her [[AllLoveIsUnrequited unrequited love interest]] gets terribly frustrated with her for it, which just makes her apologize more. Also: overuse of "thank you" and "yes, ma'am." * I apologize way too much, which annoys my grandmother to no end. Especially when it's for something that isn't my fault. Heck, I've apologized for catching a cold before. Sorry about that. And [[OverusedRunningGag sorry about repeating that joke]]. I know half the people on this page used it too. Sorry. * Last night, I dreamed I was a FriendlyNeighborhoodVampire gone wrong. I sucked some people's blood and apologized for it afterward and told them to go get that looked at. I told some of my friends about it and one of them said that it seemed like something I'd do were I a vampire. * This troper, quite a bit for swearing as I try not to swear but I do so to express my disdain for certain things and "celebrities". Yet, it might not be quite swearing but saying I want to do bad things like shoot someone repeatedly in regards to what I think of the guy in the GoCompare adverts. * [[@/{{Kuzlalala}} This Troper]] always say sorry in RealLife. She makes it up by forgiving a lot. * This Troper.....sorry for intruding. * [[@/AwesomeZombie22 This troper]] apologizes a '''LOT.''' I go beyond apologizing for apologizing, I apologize for ''things that I have no control over.'' Like, say my mom's client didn't show up, I'd say sorry, even though I didn't do anything and have no control over it! And I'm sorry for being repetitive! * This [[MegaNekko glasses-clad]], [[ShrinkingViolet painfully shy]] lurker does this waaay too much. She even apologized to a bully when the girl tried to ''stab her with a pencil''. It got so bad that one of my [[TokenLoli friends]] bops me on the head with a rolled up paper and says "Stop saying sorry!" * This troper programmed a keystroke macro for "No need to apologize" to respond to his girlfriend's favorite verbal IM tic. * This troper has the tendency to apologize to absolutely everyone (including her own computer for pushing it too hard when it occassionally crashes, and people far away on the internet who blame me for losing a game, pulling down the team and generally sucking too

hard -- actually, no, that's actually what she says to ''herself'', and everyone in general -- oddly enough this is because she thinks other people are of more value than herself, and she wants them to not be offended over anything, not because she's concerned with how she's viewed by them, then she'd have become a StepfordSmiler a long time back, or at least, that's what she thinks about herself, she could be wrong, wow this paranthesis is long, sorry)...which gets grating when the scene behind her eyes shows her stabbing their eyes out with a pencil. She had this mental image before TheDarkKnight, and still hasn't seen it. ItGotBetter, though -- now she regularly just ignores the people who really don't act like they deserve apology. Which, because bottling up emotion is more difficult than simply saying "sorry" and meaning [[WithDueRespect "fuck you"]], is even ''more'' difficult for her... * This troper has apologized to multiple trees over the past year, before realising what he was doing and mentally kicking himself. Only to do the same thing again later. * A friend of mine has sorry as a verbal's and example ** "yeah penguins are awesome, sorry." and "hey happy birthday! sorry, here's your present." * I once apologized to someone after they commented that it was a bit cold outside. Yeah. I apologise for everything. Sorry is my default response to anything. "How are you today?" "Sorry." * This troper tends to do this a lot while role playing online. Mainly because she feels guilty for being slow to reply and has low selfconfidence when it comes to her writing skills and ability to portray a character IC. Sometimes I worry that this habit will make people think I'm one of those people who fishes for compliments, but I can't really help it sometimes. * This Troper was accused by her mother of self-hate because she apologizes so much. I'm really trying to be polite... * Instead of saying "excuse me", this Troper often says "I'm sorry". And "forgive me" features frequently even in my casual speech. * I am ''so'' very much the epitome of "{{Apologises A Lot}}"! I'll apologize for delivering too many apologies. My mom even used to say that my two favorite words in the English language were "I'm sorry" and that I could kill someone with kindness (this was before I became a little more bitter and cynical). I theorize it's because of my phenomenally low self-esteem combined with a compulsion to be polite. Oh, and get this -- I'll even apologize for burping, ''even if I burped so quietly no one else around me has heard it''. * This fits [[@/SnakeByte117 This Troper]] quite well. I'm excessively polite to people I don't know very well... and with people I do know I often go off into random tangents and think that I'm rambling/not making sense and the other person is getting bored or angry at me, so I abruptly cut off what I'm saying and say sorry. I also get the whole; "STOP APOLOGIZING!!!" "Sorry..." thing a lot. Sorry if that didn't make sense... * Seeing as I am basically [[TheGuild Codex]] in real life, I do this a ridiculous amount and take responsibility for everything and also say "I'm sorry" when people tell me about their troubles and people tell me to stop but I don't even mean to do it! It's not good.

* This troper has a ShrinkingViolet friend that apologizes for everything even if she didn't do anything wrong. She knows her friend is shy and unsure of herself but gave her a gentle DareToBeBadass speech to boost her confidence and is happy to report little improvements. * This troper is, while not necessarily shy, extremely worried about offending or inconveniencing people, and thus will apologize excessively. In an episode that she now laughs at, a friend told her that she apologized too much. Her response? "Sorry, it's just that I... Sorry, I didn't mean to annoy you. Sorry." * [[Tropers/{{Skazka}} This troper]] gets in trouble with this. Sorry. * This troper has been slapped (not hard, just to get the point across) by my friend for this. She sees it as part of an inferiority complex my grandmother gave me, and she just wants me to get over it. I am, of course, sorry-* slap* -she's had to put so much effort into helping me. * I apologize a lot, as I don't have that great self esteem. Sorry you had to hear that. * This troper, by virtue of only knowing about two sentences in Chinese while spending a month in Beijing, developed the habit of cumpulsively saying "Dibuqi (I'm sorry)" for ''absolutely everything''. She was informed later that most of the locals probably wouldn't have cared if she actually ''had'' done something worth apologizing over, like stepping on someone's foot. * [[@/{{Trkzsoup}} This troper]]'s younger brother, in addition to being a nervous nelly, apologizes more than necessary. This combination leads to irritating situation where he thinks that someone is mad at him for something he just did and apologizes; when you tell him he didn't do anything wrong and he doesn't need to say sorry, he apologizes for that, too. * [[Tropers/{{Lightflame}} Me]]. My best friend often tells me not to apoligize so much. My reply? [[CompletelyMissingThePoint "Sorry."]] And no, that is not the only example. * This troper has this exact problem. She leads into everything by saying "Sorry to bother you, but..." and apologizes for even the smallest of mistakes. She even apologizes without doing anything wrong. She has actually has had teachers make it a rule that she was not allowed to apologize. ** [[LogicBomb But what happens if you accidentally blow up a science lab? Can you apolgise for that?]] Sorry, couldn't resist... * This troper says 'sorry' all the time. She constantly mutters sorry when she has to weave through the crowded hallways of her school, terrified of making someone angry at her. * I once made a friend due to a war of apologizing. I then apologized again. * I do this when in the company of my ex-girlfriend due to the constant fear that being annoying. Justified in that she remains the one person I trust utterly and I cannot afford to lose her. That and she has such a beautiful smile, so I want her to be happy. Sorry for babbling. * Combination of being able to make more noise than a bull in a china shop when leaving my seat due to having a schoolbag that is a heavy

rucksack (I wish I was kidding about that), determination not to inconvenience people and telling bad jokes requently has resulted in the at-least-once-ever-three-hours apology at school. It got so bad that I was once told to stop apologising by my step-mother. I didn't go for the obvious joke (ie saying "Sorry" after being told to stop apologising). * This troper does this. She and her friend had a conversatin once that somehow rolled into "I'm sorry!" "stop apologizing!" "I'M SORRY" over and over again, until he put a hand over my mouth and said "It's alright, just ''stop apologizing'' okay?" * [[{{Tropers/Luna87}} This troper]] does this so much, that occasionally, she'll apologize to inanimate objects she bumps into! * I apologize for apologizing too much. When this happens, I then proceed to bang my head on the wall to make myself stop. I also apologize when people step on my feet. Goddammit... * [[{{Tropers/Joerc45}} This troper]] apologizes profusely to everyone and everything, including my pets, plants, inanimate objects, etc. He even apologizes for apologizing! This has been {{Lampshaded}} like no tomorrow by family and friends. * [[{{Tropers/YvannaIrie}} This troper's]] [[BigBrotherInstinct "little sister"]] [[TearJerker *rubs eyes*]] ''[[ExtremeDoormat So]]'' [[TroperTales/TheWoobie much]]. She will apologise for walking on you at a door way. She will apologise if she forgets where the glasses are at your house. She will apologise when she's crying her eyes out in the middle of a panic attack for "being a bother". She will apologise if [[YouBastard you]] hurt [[ItsAllMyFault her feelings.]] She will apologise if you tell her to stop apologising for no reason. And [[FreudianExcuse the reason to all this]] is her [[AbusiveParents Bastard Dad]] who never allowed her [[WellDoneSonGuy to feel good enough]]. And she's [[TearJerker fully aware of this]] yet cannot stop it. (Needless to say [[KnightTemplarBigBrother I have this guy]] [[BerserkButton marked for a kill]].) * Due to being a [[TheKlutz klutz]] MadeOfIron, I often apologize for falling over. I can heal. Things that break when I fall on them can't. * I know this is going to sound a bit wangsty but I feel it needs to be said. This troper apologizes a lot, but maybe it's because I have this flawed logic that if I apologize to other people, they'd forgive me and apologize to me too. To date, I can only count ''five'' people who have ever actually told me that they were sorry without having been forced to. Most people have [[LackOfEmpathy little to no empathy]], period. From my experiences? Most people have to be ''told'' to apologize because they don't realize how much they offended or hurt people. The only way to get my sister to say she was sorry for being an utter bitch to me (if they weren't [[TheUnfavorite siding with her]] against me) was for mom and dad to say "Apologize to him ''right now'' or you can kiss your allowance/TV/Car/Music/Books/Computer goodbye!". The only way to get people to apologize to other people in school was for the teacher to hold them after class or put them in detention and say "Now write an apology letter." One of the best teachers who did this was actually a bit of a SadistTeacher but was actually a rare ''positive'' example. Normally he was nice but he held several kids in detention to have

them write apology letters to someone who they called a fag, and reduced one of the bullies to tears because he made them rewrite the letter a good ''six times'' because he said "You have to mean it. I can tell you're just Bullshitting this to get out of detention sooner" and proceeded to use his sadism to make the kids ''mean'' it. One of my friends was even ranting about how people just "Callously" said they were sorry and tried to fix it and didn't meant it (When they actually ''did'') and my response was a TheReasonYouSuckSpeech on how ''JEALOUS'' I was of him, because I can count on ''one hand'' how many people have said they were sorry to me ''PERIOD'', especially since the people who ''were'' apologizing to him did it because ''they fucking meant it''. Sorry this is getting a bit long. * Sorry but this troper says "sorry" all the time when bumping into people, sorry, speaking foreign languages accidentally, dropping something, accidentally touching people in any way at all, sorry, and when he says it too much. Sorry, but strangely this troper never even means it, sorry, but it seems that it's the first English thing that pops into his head at certain times, he apologises. Sorry, he sincerely apologises. This troper's extremely sorry for sounding like a Canadian, speaking French, and being weird, sorry!!! * During lunchtime one day at the school cafeteria,[[TheKingOfDastards I]] was sitting next to a friend of mine when I happened to apologize for something, then apologize again, then she told me to stop apologizing. I apologized for apologizing. I then dragged it out into a joke until she got irritated at me. Then I felt I REALLY did need to apologizing, so I did. And eventually I just shut up. * This troper apologises so much that he has, many times, aplogised on behalf of someone else...and usually for ridiculous reasons ("We're both guys"; "We're both wearing green today"; "We have the same orthodontist"). * I'm pretty polite, and will apologize when I screw up. And for some reason, I have this one class I happen to screw up in much more than any other class. Once, when working in a group, I kept saying "sorry" whenever I perceived that I was being a hinderance, leading to this conversation. -->'''Me'''(screwing up):"Sorry..." -->'''A''':"Look, stop saying 'sorry' to everything!" -->'''Me''':"...sorry..." * This Troper apologises a lot to strangers int he street, last week I apologised to the person behind me for leaving a one-hour queue. With friends I'm not like that but in class I will apologise a lot before giving a very neutral, and polite point of view, working in group I feel the need to apologise profusely before pointing any grammatical error in our final work. * Me. Good ''god''. Having a guilt complex is a ''bitch''. * This troper in spades. Practically every other word out of my mouth is "sorry", "I'm sorry", "I apologize", "Sorry to inconvenience you", etc., etc., etc. * I'm sorry to add to this already quite huge list of over-apologetic people, but I thought I should add myself to this list...wait, I didn't have to apologize for that? Sorry... Ack, I'm sorry for apologizing too! Oh boy, this will probably go on forever...

* I always say sorry so much that my friend tell me to stop apologizing so much that i apologize for saying sorry so much. And every time i do something wrong i apologize out loud even if I'm alone in a room. * This trooper has a fear of upsetting people so when thinks she did she say's sorry a lot. * This troper. So much. Between being a general [[ShrinkingViolet Shrinking Violet]] and a ridiculous inferiority complex, this troper wouldn't be surprised if she apologized for wasting everyone's air. * This troper, pretty much any time I get in someone's way, even if that was because there was also someone in my way. * This troper had no idea that this occurred for other people as well. Especially the saying sorry for saying sorry part. * Due to issues with depression last year, I still have problems with compulsive apology. * [[Tropers/NolanJBurke This Troper]] had huge problems with this when he was younger - it was a manifestation of mild OCD, apparently. It apparently got insanely annoying - and looking back, I can certainly see why. I've gotten better, but it hasn't warn off entirely. * This Troper tends to apologize a lot. Even for apologizing. And well, it's because I always tend to be afraid that I annoy people, so I tend to say sorry a lot. Then of course, that behaviour ends up annoying them anyway. * As a child, I was this trope incarnate. I don't know why - I just had a tendency to apologize all the time. It got so bad that my grandmother would constantly tell me to stop apologizing so much. I don't apologize as much anymore, but I still do it a lot. * This troper apologizes for [[VerbalTic almost everything]], including apologizing too much and apologizing for apologizing. * Even if I know I haven't done anything wrong, I'll apologize. My habit has been known to spark exchanges like this: -->'''Me and my friends''': (sitting on the floor, talking) -->'''Random Kid''': (steps over us and bumps into me) -->'''Me''': "Sorry!" -->'''Friend''': "Why did you apologize?" -->'''Me''': "Because he bumped into me." -->'''Other Friend''': "Stop apologizing for stuff you didn't do." -->'''Me''': (resisting urge to apologize) "Okay." ** This also applies when something hasn't been done that I didn't know about, when I'm saying, "No," and when I remember something embarrassing (Luckily, I apologize silently in the third case). When someone else apologizes for something they couldn't control, I usually end up saying, "Don't apologize. You sound like me." * This troper has a fear of disappointing people, so she apologizes or asks to be excused quite often. Like her terrible singing voice: when she sings a fancover of a song, she says "I'm sorry for my pitchiness. It's hard for me to hit the pitches just right." * This troper used to do this constantly. [[FreudianExcuse It was mostly because her long-time friends had recently abandoned her for saying the wrong things.]] Fortunately, she has since stopped (for the most part). * This Troper has done this ever since he was a kid. I think it was

caused by the fact that he almost severely injures his grandmother when she slipped on a toy car I had. I've been apologetic since that day. It is a verbal tic that comes with me, along with my other catchphrases. * This Troper had this exchange with a friend once while she was angry. -->'''Me''': "Sorry!" -->'''Friend''': "Stop saying sorry." -->'''Me''': "Sorry!" -->'''Friend''': "I mean it! Stop saying sorry!" -->'''Me''': "Sorry!" -->'''Friend''': "I hate it when people keep saying sorry! Stop!" -->'''Me''': "Sorry!" -->'''Friend''': "AAAAAAAAAAAAGH!" -->'''Me''': "Sorry!" * This troper frequently says "Sorry, I appologize a lot." * Edgy used to do this until his girlfriend (now wife) broke him of the habit. * [[@/{{Kirant}} This troper]] ends up apologizing to everybody and everything he bumps into...up to and including doors, walls, pillars, cars (that he's driving!), game consoles, chairs, and tables. * I apologize a lot. So much that each year I play softball, my coach has to explicitly tell me that every time I say sorry to someone I have to pay him a dollar. They never really follow up on that, though, which is probably why it still happens.. * Me too, but mostly to myself, inanimate objects, ane people I talk to on the net. Strangely, almost never to real people. ---We're sorry...we didn't mean for you to avoid going back to ApologisesALot. Sorry if that annoys you... ---<<|TroperTales|>>

AppeaseTheVolcanoGod * This Troper has a couple examples from friends. One was a friend stationed in Hawaii during his stint in the Marines. One of the local volcanoes was acting up, and USMC had cordoned it off to casual traffic. A kahuna and some of his followers had slipped past the blockade with a big box and a rather elaborate parade. The Marines were set to arrest them, but one of the higher-ups decided that if they were TooDumbToLive, write them off and just keep the people who'd be smart enough to turn back out of harm's way. After a few hours, the volcano quieted down. The kahuna and his crew walked up to the blockade, and opened their arc to reveal some expensive vodka. --->'''Kahuna:''' ''She prefers Stolichnaya.'' ** A second example was when she and a few internet pals were off to see Mt. St. Helens. The roads were very curvy, the terrain very steep, and it had recently rained. We were crammed in a van and the driver was from Missouri. Two of the passengers were ''deathly'' acrophobic. One of the other passengers, a bonna-fide smart-ass, started cracking jokes about the van pitching over the side.

-->'''Vurk:''' ''And if we crash, burst into flames, and fall in the river down there, it appeases both the volcano god AND the river spirits at the same time!'' --> '''Fellow Passenger:''' ''OK, when we get back, [[ButtMonkey you are officially the GM's toy]]...''

AprilFoolsDay * Last year in This Troper's Health class, there was this juvenile delinquient who kept telling me that he loved me. But, as I had no feelings of attraction to him (since I barely knew him), I just kept shurgging it off. Then, on April Fool's Day, during my passing period before Health, I go up to my admirer and I told him that I loved him. Then, I shouted "April Fools!" The best part? [[{{Crowning Moment of Awesome}} It was near a crowd of people, and the joke was very believable!]] ** You fooled somebody into believing you returned his affection for like 5 seconds, just so you could embarrass him in front of a crowd of people? DudeNotFunny. * This troper's father asked her mother to marry him on March 31. The next day when they started telling family and friends, nobody believed them. * [[{{MiraShio}} Mira-chan]] promised to tell her friend a secret halfway through March, even though she didn't really want to divulge anything. The solution? She texted her friend on April Fool's Day. * At this troper's school, there is always an April Fools Joke issue of the school newspaper full of [[ParanoiaFuel Paranoia Fuel]]. ** Last year (2009) was about a secret (impossible to get to) staff roof floor. ** This year (2010) was about new [[ScannableMan forehead barcode ID systems]]. Someone saw Terminator Salvation waayy too much. *** Someone actually believed this one and I had to point out the date of the issue. I almost believed it too, because of the film series's [[ParanoiaFuel Paranoia Fuel]]. * This troper can remember some of her family's past April Fools Days, including the time she stuck her grandparent's toothbrushes in a cup of water and froze them overnight. ** Then again, said grandfather slipped laxatives into this troper's coffee. * This troper's friend once pulled off the perfect April Fool's prank. See, my friend and his younger brother had a rivalry growing up, with my friend always pulling off a great prank on his brother every April Fool's Day. So one year, the younger brother promises that this year will be his year, this year he'll have the perfect prank to get his older brother with. So April 1st comes around and my friend convinces everyone he knows to pretend that it's still March 31st. When the younger brother wakes up, full of excitement, he finds that he has the wrong day. Older brother keeps the television off and makes sure they don't go out much. The day passes by like any other, with no excitement whatsoever. When the next day rolls around, again the younger brother wakes up full of energy. Now he says with a wry smile to his older brother, "Guess what today is!" Older brother smiles back

and answers "April 2nd." ** [[FridgeLogic So the younger brother did not have any computer, console, cell phone or digital watch to check the date either?]] * This troper and a friend were the masterminds in a prank played on our ninth-grade social studies teacher. We collaborated with the entire class for their participation, and selected one person (we'll call him Bob) to kick it off. April Fool's Day rolled around, and we all went to class like normal, giving no indication that anything was out of the ordinary. The agreed upon time (10:27) rolled around, and we were all quietly working in groups. Suddenly, Bob jumps out of his chair, flips out at the guy sitting next to him, and storms out of the room, practically in tears. A beat goes by, as the rest of the class looks at each other. To the teacher, it looked as if we were saying, "Do you know what happened with him?" but in reality, the silent question was, "Are we really gonna go through with this?" The moment of indecision ended, and the rest of us leapt out of our chairs as well to follow Bob, leaving everything behind, including the teacher, to whom several people said something along the lines of, "Stay here, you'll only make it worse; we'll see what's wrong." The look on his face was priceless. Long story short, we wandered around campus for a while, eventually making our way up to our ''seventh''-grade teacher's room. It was empty as the time, so we sat down quietly and civilly, each of us taking a seat without comment. The second teacher (we'll call him Teacher2, as opposed to Teacher1), when informed about the prank by thirty or so breathless, laughing teenagers, then proceeded to ''further it'' by calling up Teacher1 and telling him that he'd seen a large group of kids heading down to the baseball field. We had our hands over our mouths to keep from laughing and ruining it. When our current teacher finally found us, we had opened up the textbooks on the tables and were reading aloud, being the picture of a responsible, intelligent class that you'd feel comfortable leaving alone in the room for ten minutes! He stepped into the room quietly, and, as we were all facing forward, we didn't see him. He coughed into his hand to get our attention, and the whole class froze and turned around slowly in our seats, horror-movie style. There were a few beats of silence while everyone tried to gauge Teacher1's reaction. Finally, Bob (from the start of the joke) smirked, looked the teacher dead in the eye, and said, smugly and simply, "Gotcha." Hilarity Ensued. * Another student-to-teacher prank happened at my school, to a teacher who loves Series/DoctorWho and Torchwood. He has a habit of, when getting students to quiet down at their lab stations, clapping his hands three time successively. At this signal (the first time that day that he did it), the entire class froze in place, in whatever position they were in, and said in unison, completely straight-faced, "WE. WE. WE. WE. WE. WE ARE. WE ARE. WE ARE. WE ARE. WE ARE. WE ARE COMING. WE ARE COMING. WE ARE COMING. WE ARE COMING. WE ARE COMING. WE ARE COMING ''SOON,''" a la Children of Earth. We then immediately went back to our previous conversations about the lab or whatever, and when we were questioned about it, we pretended ignorance. To this day, I don't think anyone has told the teacher what went on, although he only looked completely freaked out about it until he remembered that it was April Fool's Day. He then presented us with this realization. We

shrugged and carried on with several muttered conversations about how our science teacher might just have forgotten to take his meds that day. To my knowledge, the silence has not yet been broken. ** Best. Prank. Ever. You win, sir. * This troper's university runs a satirical newspaper every April. Last year's actually fell on April Fools' Day, with tonnes of advertising around campus. * This Troper's university sent out a mass email on April Fools Day telling everyone that Sarah Palin would be the commencement speaker for the 2010 Commencement Ceremony. Keep in mind that this particular university is (in)famous as being one of the most liberal colleges in the Northeast, if not the entire United States. Some people took it seriously and either laughed their asses off at the idea of Sarah Palin speaking at a hotbed of heathen liberalism, or began planning protests. * This Troper once pulled an April Fools Day prank on her parents by informing them that #1, I was pregnant, #2, I had converted to evangelical Christianity (for reference, both my parents are extremely liberal Jews, as am I), and #3, I was going to drop out of school to marry a bassist in a Christian rock band. I don't know if it's a bad sign that they believed me until I told them I was kidding. * this troper met his best friends girlfriend on april fools day...took him a good bit to forgiver him for that * This troper orchestrated an April Fool's edition of his high school newspaper. It fooled a LOT more people than he expected, despite the clown icon added near the fake stories at the advisor's insistence. Some news items were: ** A fundamentalist Iranian Shiite cleric was coming to be our principal next year, with a corresponding crackdown on discipline issues. ** School uniforms would be required next year. (This was written independently of the previous one but we edited it to make them related.) ** The thin-client computers were being replaced with abacuses. (I wrote this one; unlike the previous two, it was a satire. Our thin clients are comically unreliable, and the school district is notoriously cheap. I also worked in some [[ IPoAC]] jokes; I think I was the only one who got them.) ** We were switching over to a "collective grading system": Each student's final grades would be the average of all students' grades. (This was also a satire, but it read more like AynRand. The writer had already produced several anti-collectivist {{Author Tract}}s for the editorials page.) ** All sports except varsity basketball were being eliminated. (Another satire; it's widely held that nobody cares about the other sports. We're too small to have a football team, and our basketball teams win a lot of state championships.) * April Fools Day is this she-troper's father's birthday. One year said she-troper decides to give him an early gift: putting red KoolAid powder in the showerhead before his early noon wash. Oldest sister sneaks in instead and easily re-experiences {{Carrie}}.

* This troper's best friend was born on April Fools Day; apparently, quite a few people thought she was a joke. * [[JusticeReaper This troper]] is something of a subversion: he absolutely '''hates''' April Fool's Day, as he believes it is an opportunity to cause undue embarrassment and shame to people via pranks. Considering how many times he got tricked and fooled during his high school years by [[KidsAreCruel fellow students]] [[TeensAreMonsters who wanted to be utter dicks to him]] [[JerkAss just for]] [[ForTheEvulz the joy of seeing him be made a fool of]] (on days other than April 1, at that), he doesn't think anyone can or should blame him. Plus, he [[PrinciplesZealot believes very strongly]] in telling the truth, and knows that "crying wolf" can have dire consequences. * First, some information: My local oldies station, at 4 PM every weekday (at least), will have "[[TheBeatles The Fab Four]] at Four," where they'll play four Beatles songs in a row. One day, I was listening and was confused as to why they weren't playing the Beatles, until I realized it was April Fool's Day. And that's why they were playing TheRollingStones instead. * I've been the butt of way too many April Fools pranks to count or even remember, but I generally take them in stride. One particularly memorable one was when my dad said something along the lines of the toilet being backed up and asking me to help him find the plunger. (Plausible enough considering at the time we had the plunger in another area of the house to clear up room for something else.) I agreed to help him until I remembered what day it was, after which I said, quoted verbatim: "Waaait a minute... Nice try, this is April Fool's Day, I'm not falling for that." * This troper has two significant incidents that don't involve Arlong Park forums (of which he's a moderator). The first was when I was about 14. There was a phenomenal alt-rock radio station that played all kinds of grunge, punk rock, etc. Everyone with a brain ''loved'' this station... Until April 1st, when they changed the format to country. We thought it was just a prank. It wasn't. ** The second was when I was the Music Director for my college radio station, and it was five minutes to midnight, March 31st. My friend was finishing up his show, and we didn't have anything planned for April Fool's Day... but I happened to be playing RobotUnicornAttack in the lounge, and then the lightbulb turned on. Sure enough, from midnight to midnight, [[ this played]], [[CrowningMomentOfFunny without interruption.]] * Got congratulated for going onto a Tomb Raider forum and asking for help on how to get out of the mansion. (Was honestly stuck for over two hours, just unfortunate timing.) * One year for April Fool's Day, this troper and her sister wrote "April Fool!" on at least 70 little pieces of paper and hid them all over out grandparents' house. It took us an entire afternoon. Several years later, they still popped up occasionally. * A weird joke from my dad's side the family is to say that there's a chicken on the ceiling. I also once fooled my mom with telling her that Paris Hilton met my dog Luna and asked for her to be in a photo shoot, probably because I delivered it deadpan and usually don't try

to play tricks like that (except maybe on April Fool's Day!). * My sister announced her engagement to her boyfriend on Facebook. It fooled several of her friends, including our aunt and myself, however briefly. Sure enough, her status was changed back within a few hours. ** Same troper: I found out two weeks later that she told our grandfather the same news over the phone that day and never actually cleared it up! * [[{{Tropers/Ventisia}} This Troper's]] friend was planning on telling people that she got engaged to her boyfriend (one of our best friend's brothers). After saying it to one friend who laughed and clapped, said best friend looked at us and went "What?" We winked, but she didn't get it, so we pulled the joke on her too... And even after we told her it was a joke and apologized a lot, she's still giving us the silent treatment. :/ * This troper goes onto a website called [[EdEddnEddy]]. Every year, the webmaster pulls a prank for the website itself, aside from the user-made pranks (although since the webmaster is from the UK, it happens a bit early). Last year (2010), "The Game" was posted instead of the logo. This year (2011), it's BenTen (He actually went all out on this by changing the censors, too - Ed, Edd and Eddy are now Max, Gwen, and Ben. Also there are two new smileys). ** However, a subversion happened. The T-F-Krew this troper mentioned once before left the site during the April Fool's Event. They're not kidding, apparently. You can find more info on the site itself. *** [[DoubleSubversion Double Subverted]], for ''that'' was a prank. * I have a friend who's into special effects so I asked him to give me some fake blood for a prank. I ran downstairs, slipped and fell, and started "bleeding" profusely. The best part was that my mom was there and started to freak out. * every year, My uncle pulls some prank, but since he was a child, no one has been able to get him. after much plotting and planning, my cousins and I came up with the perfect prank, and convinced him that my whole family was moving to Italy for a year( leaving in a week). how? I asked my mother to tell him, as she's pulled exactly one April Fool's day prank in her whole life, and it was before he was born. Even three years later, he still hasn't gotten over the 'dirty trick'. ---You're not fooling anybody with that fake [[AprilFoolsDay link back to]] [[SomethingCompletelyDifferent April Fools Day.]] ----

ARareSentence * [[@/{{Seiryu}} I]], at one point had to ask my friends what kind of bird that they would choose if they could be that type of bird, as the basis for a personal art project. For some reason, one friend said "ostrich." (I make no judgments, and neither should you.) When I asked him to pick a different bird, preferably one that could fly, he was stubborn, but eventually did. Toward the end of the conversation... -->'''Me''': I apologize for stepping all over your dream of becoming an ostrich. ...Okay, wow. THERE's a sentence I never though I'd say. ** I mean, honestly. How many times have you ever heard, much less had

to say that sentence with absolute sincerity and remorse? * [[@/QuackorTheFowl My]] online friends and I have been talking on a Facebook message inbox as a chatroom, as our previous chatroom grew due to word-of-mouth and was filled with incredibly bizarre people. One such person, who this troper learned to hate, had a tendency to find a girl who wasn't talking to anyone in particular to give gum and blow bubbles for his own personal amusement. As I noted, "now we don't have to stay with [name] and his weird bubble fetish! ...Wow, I think I'm the first person to use the term 'weird bubble fetish'." * "I don't want to sleep with my head in a fishbowl!" ~Tropers/SlvstrChung * this troper got into an argument with a friend once on if she was wearing socks or not, while obviously barefoot and not wearing them her friend was still insisting she had socks on. so this troper leaned on the wall, put her foot by her friend's face, and said "smell my non-existent sock!" followed about 30 seconds later by "... well, that's not something you expect to say very often..." both this troper and her friend were hyped up on one too many energy drinks at the time, admittedly... ** on another occasion this troper was having an AIM conversation with a friend, and lampshaded something said earlier on an anime forum discussing a specific anime series; "you know, I'd never have thought I'd have a reason to throw out something like 'gratuitous clavicle porn' even in a fandom discussion before today..." * [[@/SoWeAteThem Two of them, in a two-day span:]] ** "Oh look dear, there's a [[RavensAndCrows corvid]] playing the accordion." ** "Oh my God, I'm retroactively becoming my father."

ArcFatigue * Proving that this can be done somewhat in real life as well, this troper's spanish class is currently in a state which could be described as 'Are we still on the subjunctive tense?' It keeps getting [[RecycledInSpace recycled]] with EXPRESSING UNCERTAINTY and CONJUGATIONS OF TIME and suchwhat, and we all wish it would just end already. * This troper's [[DungeonsAndDragons D&D]] game has suffered from this before, either due to the DM seriously underestimating how long the players will take to complete a quest or [[RealLifeWritesThePlot people being unable to attend regularly]]. A particularly nasty example had the DM plan a GTA-like city with ten tasks for four gangs, expecting us to breeze through them at about 10/session. Instead, we averaged one or two and were in the city for nine months. * [[@/{{Tadaru}} This troper]] is getting sick of the "student" arc of his life. If it weren't for a certain economic event, it probably would have ended in 2009. It's 2011 now, and it's planned to go on until 2013. He wants to be financially independent, god dammit. * The [[BrilliantButLazy ''High School Arc'']]. That is all. * This: -->'''Mother''': One day, we're going to move out of this old trailer into a real house!

-->'''This troper''': [[SarcasmMode Sure we are.]] --->'''A month later''' -->'''Mother''': Looks like we're going to have to put those plans for a real house on hold for awhile. -->'''This troper''': [[DullSurprise Darn.]] ** Take this and have it repeat every three months. * Technically Arc-Never-Gonna-Be-Completed-Due-To-Me-Being-The-OnlyPerson-Who-Seems-To-Even-Remember-It than Arc Fatigue, but this troper once played a game of Dark Heresy which finished with my character being surrounded by Tyranid hordes due to spliting off from my allies. This was two years ago...[[LeftHanging and there has been no further games of it since then.]] It's gotten so bad that I've even considered [[BrickJoke asking whether my techpriest has died of old age yet and the crew have set their alarm clocks to go off at the start of the 42nd millenium to the GM.]] * A big problem with text RP's. My example would be a story where the first chapter took just a few months (maybe three or four) to complete. The second chapter, due to serious lags in the writing process and participants dropping in and out of the story, took a little over a year to complete. ---Go back to the Main Page. Is it still ArcFatigue ? ----

ArchEnemy * This troper declared himself the Arch Enemy of one his supervisors. * This troper had two, during the [[KidsAreCruel 6th grade]] and [[TeensAreMonsters High School]] respectively. The first one was this [[TheAce all-around]] [[FunPersonified jokey]] [[NiceGuy otherwise likable]] new guy [[StartOfDarkness who didn't do anything to]] [[JerkAss me]] [[WhatTheHellHero at all]]. The [[SitcomArchnemesis other one]] was his exact opposite; an unsavory [[TheDarwinist onlythe-strong-survive]] [[JerkAss jerkish]] [[FreudianExcuse outcast with no real friends]] who happened to be my [[HeterosexualLifePartners brother's best friend's]] brother; for the record, [[LaserGuidedKarma I didn't do anything to him]] either. Then he volleyed one too many insults; [[ItGotWorse I returned fire]]. [[CrowningMomentOfHeartwarming We've since moved on]]; I made peace with the first dude and we ended up being friends, [[GoKartingWithBowser albeit when we were on the same team in PE class]]; the other one, [[CharacterizationMarchesOn well... relatively recently]]. Funnily enough, neither of them [[EnemyMine ever met each other]], but if they did, I wonder if they'd turn on me or, [[DifferentAsNightAndDay given their vastly different natures]], [[HilarityEnsues each]] [[WeAreStrugglingTogether other.]] ** This might be the most nonsensical use of potholes on the history of Tvtropes. God help us all. * This troper, ever since she was young, has been arch enemies with the grandson of her uncle ([[LikeBrotherAndSister he's not really my uncle]]). I can't remember why. Every time I see him, the first thing I do is hit him. We're actually on good terms with one another, and

have always [[GoKartingWithBowser played with one another]]. Similarly, in school, there is a boy whose demeanor and "I'm better than you" personality I cannot stand. [[FriendlyEnemy We're usually on good terms, though.]] * Edgy here. My most recent arch enemy was my ex-girlfriend, Misty. I helped her cheat on her boyfriend (not proud of that), but she started it by seducing me. We broke after her boyfriend found out. She lied about a lot of things so basically, she painted us each as an abusive rapist to the other. But after I found out about her lying, we were immediately at odds with her boyfriend (now husband) Stephen as her Dragon. Stephen thought I was the bad guy so he tried to antagonize me, I laughed it off. Then, they tried a fake intervention in front of their friends calling me a stalker and such. When given a chance to say my peace, I was silent and walked out. When I started talking to other girls, Misty tried spreading rumors but no one believe her. When I got a girlfriend (now my wife), Misty called me a rapist. When I got engaged, Misty and Stephen made idle death threats. I managed to out gambit her everytime. In the end, she was left with no friends and a tool bag of a husband. She's no threat to me now and I see her once a year at an anime con. * In elementary school one of my classmates was my Archenemy. She always tried to one up me in school and when that didn't work she resorted to making a larger friend group than I. When we weren't competing academically or socially she and I always tried to beat one another in sports.

ArchiveBinge * sometimes on hulu I'll watch an entire series in one day * This troper is not usually an Archive Binger. However, I did read the entirety of Angel Densetsu in one day and 20th Century Boys in 9 days. * This troper did this with Grim Tales From Down Below after stumbling upon it in the depths of a random web search for...wait a minute, didn't I find it here? Hard to remember. Anywho, I pretty much couldn't stop till I was finished. I also archive binge on pretty much anything that suits my weird interests for a certain period of time. From animals of every sort to [=UFOs=] and the paranormal to silly webcomics to TV tropes. This place will EAT YOUR SOUL! In a good way of course. * This Troper has binged in 1 summer: Justice League Unlimited, BuffyTheVampireSlayer, {{Series/Heroes}}, {{Angel}}, {{Sliders}}, the first season of {{Dollhouse}} (dammit Season 2, get on instant stream!), the first 4 seasons of {{Bones}} and a few other things, not counting webcomics and web videos. * [[BatmantheAnimatedSeries Batman the Animated Series]]was a large, nonstop, binge for me. ** This troper too, but not content with just BTAS, I sailed through the entire DCAU during a single summer. (And that was after already spending a summer two years before doing a binge of just JusticeLeague and JusticeLeagueUnlimited.) * Why, why must I get into an archive binge during Swot vac? I have

an exam in a few days, I can't read Yet Another Fanstasy Gamer Comic! * This troper has an impressive history of archive binging. Here are the summer of 2009 examples with time length: # BuffyTheVampireSlayer - 2 months # {{Angel}} - same 2 months # SaturdayMorningBreakfastCereal - one week # ItsWalky - one week # {{Shortpacked}} - same week # {{Naruto}} (manga) - 3 months # OnePiece (manga) - the entirety of summer # JusticeLeague and JLU - 3 weeks # CodeGeass - 3 days. Then two months later he rewatched it in another 3 days. # YuGiOh!Abridged - I'm proud of this one because I watched all 42 (the number there were at that point in time) in one night. * {{Chowder}} - Kept hearing about it, decided to watch few episodes on TV, and more on YouTube (before they were taken down) just to see what the fuss is all about. Within few days ended up downloading $40 worth of episodes off iTunes. Seriously, it's probably the best thing Cartoon Network is airing (and I'm including Adult Swim, too). I eventually saw all the episodes that aired at least once. * Series/DoctorWho. Original series. Seven months. Actually mostly read the scripts on many a LostEpisode. First Doctor was a bad ass. Series self-aware of the screaming girlie trope as early as the first five seasons. Pertwee is kind of annoying. Dammit Jo, you're as dumb as a sack of bricks. Fourth Doctor best, hands down, from scene one. Hammy? Eh, not that much, not even later. Sarah Jane is supposed to be ''more'' than a screaming girlie?! Did anyone actually ''watch'' this?! Fifth Doctor is whiny. Sixth Doctor actually a refreshing breath of air, except for Main/EightiesHair. Last two seasons = refuge in artsy-fartsism. Series mercy-killed. [[Main/SpecialEffectsFailure Electric Pantomime Horse of Doom]] rules [=OK=]. ** This Troper has eleven unseen Classic Doctor Who [=DVD=]s sitting in front of his tv and refuses to watch more than one a night. What, [[CompletelyMissingThePoint you want it to end???]] ** This troper thought the Fifth Doctor was the best of all Ten Doctors. ** Why hasn't anyone made an Abridged Series? There is so much material it's ridiculous! *** Actually got some nice funny notes down, but the video editing bit is way above my head (plus I can only do like 3 voices). Yeah, needs an abridged series like fish need water. *** ''Doctor Who: The Abridged Series''? Interesting idea... Unfortunately, the "[[TheAbridgedSeries Abridged Series]]" concept is best suited to animated series, particularly anime but WesternAnimation is still feasible. It probably wouldn't work with a live action show because it would be harder to get the mouth movements to line up right. *** Actually, there ''is'' a Doctor Who Abridged. It's on YouTube. It's fairly good, even if the mouth movements don't line up right. ** Seven months??? This troper managed a full binge of all Doctor Who

videos available back in 1998 (there's relatively only been a few more releases since then), in TWO months. He was spouting Who-related quotes and repeatedly tried to travel through time in a postbox all through college, due to mild brain scramblage. * Am now starting Day Three of my CRFH!!! binge. ** Just finished one, and am thinking of doing it again. ** I hate to complain or whatever, but what the hell is CRFH? ** CollegeRoomiesFromHell!!! * This troper actually lost 24 hours on discovering ''GirlGenius''. ** So did this troper. Now she has it on RSS Feed on Livejournal. ** This troper had two days to cram for finals. Now she has one, but she's up to speed on ''GirlGenius''. ** This troper actually faked sickness so she could skip school and finish reading ''GirlGenius''' archives. ** This troper just got back from spending two or three days of offand-on binging. The fact she caught up both surprised her and made her sad, as now she has to wait... well, on to ''EightBitTheatre'', then ''OrderOfTheStick''. ** And this troper went on periodic binges of the 101 beginner's section because he found out that they posted several months of comics ahead of time all at once and that you could fish out the urls. * Some of us also do this with blogs written by people we have recently met. ** Or while playing catch up on lj flist after a prolonged absence due to internet failure, vacation, computer malfunction and real life as whole interfering. * Or with podcasts. And it may take a lot longer to get through an archive of those. ** This troper knows the feeling, as he goes on an archive binge for any weekly podcast he downloads. He's in the middle of a four-podcast backlog (Giant Bombcast, Gamers With Jobs, EGM Live* , and the Player One Podcast) ** This Troper (I know its cliched saying that, but whatever) listened to the 30 Ricky Gervais Show Podcasts, then discovered the 50+ hours of audio over at Pilkipedia. Also done with SModcasts. * Some do this with [=DVD=]s of a TV show: usually we'd only be able to watch one episode a day/week, but you keep saying 'just one more', then it's four o'clock in the morning and you have a splitting headache. ** This troper ended up skipping two days of High School just to finish watching ''FullMetalAlchemist''. And just to demonstrate that she didn't learn her lesson, she skipped University to watch'' SamuraiChamploo''. ** This troper watched the entire run of ''ArrestedDevelopment'' and the database apparently ate half of what said troper posted so [[Tropers/{{Billybobfred}} this completely different troper]] felt compelled to finish the statement before adding his own Troper Tale. Otherwise the page would look funny. ** ''Friends''. Fricking ''Friends'' Box Collection. * Speaking of [[Tropers/{{Billybobfred}} this troper]], he finds the ArchiveBinge to be the best part of any webcomic. ** This troper tried, but most of the way through I realized half the

pages had been changed, a third were new, and about 75% of the examples had been recently added. Sheesh. ** I'm here with the rest of you! ** This troper is here on a binge of Troper Tales ''right now''. *** Same here. **** A-yup. ***** Me too. 'Tis the trope that keeps on giving. ****** Indeed * [[Tropers/MrGuy This troper]] read the entirety of KidRadd in two. Fracking. Days. ** Same. ** This troper managed it in one night. ** This troper needed just 4-5 hours. ** Might've been three days for me, I'm not sure. ** Add [[Tropers/{{Specialist290}} another two-day reader]] to the list (and appropriately enough, I finished at 3 AM). ** Took me a full night. As in, I started at about 9:30 PM and plowed straight through to 5 AM the next day without a wink of sleep. It's just ''that addictive.'' * [[Tropers/{{Duckay}} This troper]] read the entirety of PennyArcade in two days. Last week, in fact. Not much else was achieved. ** Three for me * [[Tropers/{{Straha}} This troper]] once read all of SluggyFreelance in one day. This was back in 2001. ** This troper tried to read all of SluggyFreelance in one day in 2008. He failed. It really is that long. ** [[Tropers/PG556 This troper]] read the entire thing in June 2006 (Wayang Kulit was the latest, a friend linked me to the Shadow Colossus whihc got me interested- ''Dear god my arms are being ripped from their sockets!'') It took a week, including a few hours contemplating the 'That Which Redeems' arc... * ''{{Order of the Stick}}'' consumed this troper's life for several days when she discovered it a few months ago. ** Day and a half for me... although i'm a freak and only got up to use the bathroom. ** Took me three days ** Five days here. Best five days of this troper's life. *** Yeah, the internet never brought me so much joy in the world as it did when I first binged on Order of the Stick. And it was still good the third time around. Then I just bought the books, and binged on them too. BUt the first time...hell of a week, man, hell of a week. *** Took me on and off for about three weeks. I couldve read them all in about two or three days at home though. * This reviewer has gone on an archive binge with MacHall at least 3 different times in his life. * ''{{Applegeeks}}'' and ''{{Megatokyo}}'' have done so for this troper... MANY MANY TIMES! * This Troper had an addiction to 8-bit Theater. Read the whole thing in two days. ** Really? This Troper started reading it as a "summer project" (Thank you very much, TVTropes). He still hasn't caught up in it. (Finally finished today!)

** It took me around a month. * It took me a week of reading to complete PvP's archives, and that was ''just'' reading, not doing anything else important that I should have been doing. I also powered through KidRadd and ''{{Concerned}}'', but to be fair ''Concerned'' isn't very long. * [[Tropers/LadyNorbert This troper]] has done it many times on [[ the Zeldapedia]]. This may have something to do with why she's been made an admin. * This troper tends to do it with everything, but not constantly for X days so much as dividing her time between the latest ArchiveBinge and whatever other stuff she has in her multitasking lineup at the time. * This troper may have you all beat. Back when he was still fairly new to the net, a scant year ago, he stumbled across a site that listed quite literally hundreds of webcomics. And he spent every iota of his free time over the next four months reading through them-and, though, with many, he stopped after the first strip, there were enough that, even to this day, checking up on all the webcomics he follows (roughly fifty) takes a couple of days. What is this thing you call "a life"? ** I have 62 but granted these were gained through the course of five years (most within 6 months though) * This troper was limited to reading mangas whenever they showed up at Borders. Thus, when I discovered One-Manga, an entire summer was lost - about a month and a half ''alone'' was devoted to discovering OnePiece, the rest to catching up with {{Naruto}}, FullMetalAlchemist, and InuYasha. Then, I discovered MST3K episodes on YouTube... and later still I discovered this site, and through this site I discovered GirlGenius and RiceBoy.... ** Non-comic-based archive binging: this site, Encyclopedia Dramatica, various picture/story threads from SomethingAwful. ** My friends and roommates have played catch-up with DeathNote, {{CSI}}, both StarGate series, and BattleStarGalactica. ** This troper has done it with Buffy, Doctor Who, Torchwood, Nana, [=McGyver=], NCIS, Babylon 5, Gintama, Naruto, Gilmore Girls, Without a Trace, Cold Case, and is planning on binging on a few more. ** My ''parents'' have done this with the ''Shogun'' and ''Oshin'' series (the latter on about a dozen VHS tapes, no less). Perhaps this whole "discovering something really cool really late" thing is genetic? ** Similarly, I spent high school watching Stargate SG-1 and Atlantis episodes by myself. Soon as I leave the house for University, my family goes Archive Binging, watching and buying the season [=DVD=]s and watching every single Stargate SG-1 episode (10 seasons!) over the course of two months. * Toook me (@/SkarmoryThePG) all July and August of '07 to dig through the Jargon File. * This Troper read "Narbonic" in it's entirety in ONE sitting. * This troper loves her archive binging with webcomics. I like stories and they are much more easy to comprehend when they're finished. Plus, then I don't have to wait to read what happens next. I have archive binged {{Megatokyo}} and ElGoonishShive twice and

OrderOfTheStick once, considering to do it again if I don't find anything new soon. * I, [[Tropers/{{Marc3K}} Marc3K]], tend to binge on a TV show whenever I buy a season boxset, or when I rent one (here in Italy it was possible for a brief while to rent TV show boxset at [=BlockBuster=]), or sometimes when I download episodes without watching them for a while or a season during the pause. Some of my victims? ''DirtySexyMoney'', ''DeadLikeMe'', ''BrothersAndSisters'', ''SixFeetUnder'', ''{{Chuck}}'', ''{{Scrubs}}'', ''{{The4400}}'', ''TheGlades'', ''{{Supernatural}}'', ''MysteryScienceTheater3000'', ''TwinPeaks'', ''DarkBlue'', ''PrivatePractice'', ''{{Rubicon}}''. But the best example must be my watching of ''the whole of ''TheTwilightZone'' season 1'' in ''two days'', due to the fact that I had rented it and had to return it two days after I had rented it. I have binged also on webcomics (''AdamAndAndy'', ''FinnAndCharlieGetHitched'', ''DamagedTape'', ''GodsPlayingPoker''). * {{Megatokyo}} distracted me quite handily from a paper I had to write. As for OneManga...let's just say it cut into my social life and leave it at that. * Whenever [[Tropers/{{Azvolrien}} this troper]] discovers a new webcomic, she sits down and reads every single comic. Even for things like PennyArcade and KevinAndKell. * [[Tropers/{{Regiment}} This troper]] read TheLastDaysOfFoxhound straight through. It would have been in one sitting except for having to pause to go to class. He's also read OrderOfTheStick and IrregularWebcomic in similar binges. More than once. ** I read TheLastDaysOfFoxhound in one sitting too. *** Two, maybe three sittings for [[Tropers/AndyWaltfeld This Troper]]. And I was so close to making [[RandomPowerRanking Big Boss]] too... *** I spent 3 days reading that (it only took that long because we have dial-up, so I use the internet when everyone's asleep). * [[TvTropesWillRuinYourLife Damn you, TV Tropes]] for introducing [[Tropers/{{Rand}} this editor]] to [[ OneManga]]. I don't even know where to start, let alone when I will finish... ** [[Tropers/{{Skadi}} This Troper]] spent the entire second half of her summer before college binging on various manga: parts of ({{Gintama}} and {{Gokusen}}, and the entire run of TsubasaReservoirChronicle, xxxHOLiC, and {{Claymore}}, and now in her freshman year of college, despite working for her scholarship and holding down a work-study job at the [[SpookySilentLibrary library]], she manages to binge regularly on the weekends and has caught up on MidnightSecretary and VampireKnight and is [[TheDeterminator working very hard]] TO THE EXTREME on KatekyoHitmanReborn and HighSchoolDebut and probably a half a dozen other series she's forgotten. * This troper did this with Homestar Runner at around email # 127. He doubts he'd never manage it if he'd tried it now. * This troper does in fact believe that TV Tropes itself has sucked up many afternoons. Goodbye, afternoons. * This troper has done it with several livejournal communities, especially during the fic hunt that follows the acquisition of a new

fandom. * [[Tropers/{{EofPi}} This troper]] first decided to buy and watch Battlestar Galactica during his freshman year finals week. As a result, he spent three days watching five hours of BSG a night, then dozing off for five hours, then taking finals, then going home to lather,rinse, and repeat. As a direct result of this, I was unable to curse without using "frak" for two years, and when startled I have been known to use "Oh my gods" or "By the Lords of Kobol...". Thankfully, a really good memory retention rate lets me do well on most tests without studying, or I would have been really screwed... * IMDb. Damn those bastards. And now this tropers new drug of choice, ThatOtherWiki. * One day, 2 webcomics - OrderOfTheStick and Last Days of Foxhound in a single day from the beginning. And then the entirety of the latest (currently at 20 pages) Dr. McNinja arc. * [[Tropers/GwenStacyWannabe I]] watched all but vol. 2 of AvatarTheLastAirbender Book 1 in one day, and then I did the same thing with Book 2 another day (though had to skip vol. 3). Then I did it ''again'' with Book 3, but vol. 4 hadn't come in at the library yet so... Avatar is so obviously [[GRatedDrug visual crack]]. ** Though I've also done that with ''XMenEvolution'' and the first two seasons of ''WesternAnimation/TeenTitans'', so maybe it's just me... *** ''XMenEvolution'' is not just you. This troper got through the entirety of it in 4 days. * This site. Oh so very very much. Also, when [[@/AcrossTheStars this troper]] discovered MerylStreep, she spent five or six hours a day for a week straight watching interview footage on YouTube. And that doesn't even begin to cover the amount of time she'll have to spend watching all of her ''movies''. She's planning a sleepover with one of her best friends (a longtime Meryl fan) to go see ''Doubt'' around noon and then spend the next ''twenty-four hours or so'' watching Meryl movies. Wheeeee!!!! * Also referred to as Box Set Fever, or in this Troper's case, "The Weekend". A notable instance was going from being a complete ''{{Supernatural}}'' newbie to having seen the whole lot in 7 days (while still managing to have a life during the day - yep, required a lot of caffeine). ** Same. Only it was during a summer session, and the Spanish grade took a hit during those late-night viewings. ** This troper found it online and told a friend about it midway through season 4. He'd caught up within a week. ''The semester before his MCAT''. * This troper enjoys collecting old, unlicensed anime via torrents, so he can marathon them. Also, he plays lots of those old great games. * This Troper is actually doing this with the TV Tropes website. ** And SailorMoon. ** And RozenMaiden. ** And ''Perry Bible Fellowship''. * When this troper first found the Main/ArchiveBinge page, it had a line saying "Don't try this with [webcomic X, Y, and Z]. But go ahead with IrregularWebcomic!" I fell for it so hard. Totally worth it,

though. * [[Tropers/{{Jonn}} This troper's]] first archive binge was right after he discovered webcomics, when [[FoxTrot Bill Amend]] linked to RealLifeComics after they both did similar strips about the Spider-Man film. A coupla months later, he discovered {{Megatokyo}}. Then MacHall. A few others, and most recently [[ Subnormaility]]. And by "recently", he means ''twenty minutes ago''. Since [[HolierThanThou he doesn't pirate]], he has [[CrazyPrepared a fairly large list]] of books, movies, and anime he plans to peruse when he eventually goes to the States for school. * ''Every'' webcomic This troper has ''ever'' read, minus Penny Arcade (though I think I still have their last comic I read, in the archive, stored somewhere). This is particularly bad for comics that have a lot of strips. I lost a weekend to both SomethingPositive and IrregularWebcomic. * This troper had this experience over a period of three days, (RuleOfThree you know? ;) ) when I first read through ElGoonishShive. * I am now on hour four of Main/CtrlAltDel and just passing through March '03. Wish me luck! ** Now on hour 5 1/2, up to about April '06. Reeeeeeally wondering what Scott is up to behind his electric door. *** So is this troper, and he is now current. That Saturday afternoon was doomed after the first ninja. *** Finished up to about a month ago in one night a while back. * Thanks to the internets, [[Tropers/InkkiBookman this little troper]] has used up months of their life on everything from Crunchyroll to OneManga to various webcomics to even this very site. * [[Tropers/{{Sylocat}} This troper]], thankfully, is a speed reader, so it's kind of subverted... he got through the entire [[ElGoonishShive EGS]] archive in an evening, ''TheWotch'' in less than a day, ''VenusEnvy'' in two days, and ''Misfile'' in another two. Then again, it took him a week to get through [[ Not Always Right]]... * [[Tropers/SciFiChica This troper]] did this with Buffy. She actually watched Angel in syndication on TNT, taping it because it was on at 4 and 5 A.M. and by the time she got to "I Will Remember You" I was so hooked I cried when the VCR didn't work and almost went into a coma when it broke and I missed half of season 4. I got the Buffy [=DVDs=] on the strength of Angel, having never seen a solitary episode of Buffy, and literally watched all 144 episodes in about three weeks. (It would've been faster, but I had to go to school, dammit.) I stayed up a whole entire night and watched almost all of season 2, then did the same with season six. When I got the Angel [=DVD=]s, I did the same thing, except much faster because it was the summer. And I have done this with every single Star Trek Series, and Babylon 5. My mom asks me why I want to watch it all so fast, and my answer is: A good show (or book series) is like a really delicious meal: you want it to last so you can savor it, but at the same time you want to eat it as fast as you can so you can find what the last bite tastes like. I have a list of shows I want to get pretty much solely for the purpose of doing this: these include Supernatural (I

only learned about it and got into it halfway through season 3, so I totally want to get the first two,) Alias (I had just got into it on TNT when they stopped showing it,) and Torchwood (just got the BBC America, so I've never actually seen it but I really want to). I've also done this with book series: whenever I read ASongOfIceAndFire (which I have way more than is healthy) I read it straight through, and being an exceptionally fast reader, I can do this with HarryPotter in about two weeks (assuming I don't read nonstop, of course.) Some books are so good you wish you could do this, but alas, it is a relatively new series, so there aren't that many- the beyond awesome HouseOfNight novels come to mind. I've also done literal Archive Overdosing on Go Fug Yourself (a hilarious website that rips bad celebrity outfits with great wit) and (a generally awesome blog about, well [[BetterThanItSounds dresses]] as well as this very website. * ''DanAndMabsFurryAdventures'', 8 Bit Theatre, Sluggy Freelance. Where the hell did this facial hair come from? * This troper considers the Archive Binge an integral part of discovering a new webcomic... Sinfest, Mac Hall, Order of the Stick, KevinAndKell, xkcd, Ozy and Millie, Penny Arcade, Last Days of Foxhound, The Cobra Days, Awkward Zombie, Professor Ashfield, The Scout Report... she's even been known to archive binge series that are already over (the aforementioned [=LDoF=], as well as Road Waffles (series 1, dammit), Equinox: Defender of the Horde, and Dirk Crimson). Still have to get around to 8-Bit Theater and Looking For Group, though. And catch up on PvP and Megatokyo. It suddenly occurs to this troper that she may in fact read far too many webcomics. Oh, and TV Tropes itself, naturally. And Homestar Runner. And a couple of blogs, such as Covering the Mouse and John Kricfalusi's... Huh. Hi, my name is xyzzy, and I'm an archiveholic... ** [[Tropers/{{Seanette}} Same here]]. Binges have included KevinAndKell, UserFriendly, GeneralProtectionFault, {{Freefall}}, {{Unshelved}}, ElGoonishShive and WapsiSquare (the latter three discovered via this wiki). I also routinely get sucked into multi-hour time sinks of rampant proliferation of tabs here, on TheOtherWiki, on TheOnion, and even Cracked. I've also done binges on various book series I like and my husband and I spent part of the weekend on a ''ThePrisoner'' binge, having just acquired the series on [=DVD=]. I've also completed all the puzzles in the [[ Samurai Sudoku]] archive. I also will repeat an archive binge occasionally (most of the above-listed webcomics I've done at least twice, and the StephaniePlum and IncarnationsOfImmortality book series at least three times). (In the case of Incarnations, I do tend to skip ''Wielding a Red Sword'', on the grounds of utter loathing for that book's protagonist, Mym/Mars.) And just finished binging two blogs: [[ Cake Wrecks]] and [[ Passive-Aggressive Notes]]. Both are quite funny. ** Ditto that! Archive binging is the best way to discover new webcomics... She also bows to Xyzzy's binging awesome. * This troper considers the Archive Binge a sacred activity and test, required before regularly following a webcomic. So far, he has binged:

XKCD, Dueling Analogues, 8 Bit Theatre, ''DanAndMabsFurryAdventures'', Cyanide and Happyness, Starslip Crisis, Chainsawsuit, F Chords, Daisy Owl, CVRPG, CtrlAltDel, Nerf Now, Awkward Zombie, Lackadaisy, 2P Start, Sluggy Freelance (and my gods it took a while), Suicide For Hire, Fanboys, Slackerz, Looking For Group, Horribleville, The Adventures of Dr. McNinja, VG Cats, Freefall, and Dracula, along with 1/0, The last days of Foxhound, The DM of The Rings, as well as every single issue of the Dragonball manga, as well all the anime, from the original series all the way to the craptacular GT, not to mention all the movies, the Deltora Quest series, Redwall, Diskworld, Dragonlance, Assasins Apprentance, plays the Zelda and Mario series sequentially every time there's a new game, not to mention the Starfox series, and there's probably more that I can't think of off the top of my head. I've also started binging several webcomics, only to stop due to unacceptable levels of suck. And I am looking for MORE. God have mercy. (I think I win.) * This troper's personal record is all of Full Metal Panic: Fumoffu in one night. He couldn't sleep. He has also read through the whole Discworld series straight through four (4) times and Wheel of Time three (3) times. He is currently reading through all of the tropes on TVTropes. He has no life. * LET'S SEE! Archive Binges with... TVTropes, of course, Naruto, Bleach, Fullmetal Alchemist, Hunter x Hunter, Shaman King, Applegeeks, CAD, MegaTokyo, Real Life, 8-Bit Theater, xkcd, Penny Arcade, OrderOfTheStick, QC, EGS, Erfworld, Striptease, Sore Thumbs, Penny & Aggie, DM of the Rings, Girl Genius, Gunnerkrigg Court, Better Days, Sinfest, Misfile, SGVY and a few others. Not to mention the marathon reading sessions when I got hold of the latest Harry Potter book. ^_^ * Ok, this is gonna be long... Well, let's see... OrderOfTheStick (at least 3 times now), this wiki, leading me to binge (not in order) Nanoha (all of it, each at least 3 times), Naruto and Bleach (anime and manga each), Negima manga (4 times till now), Stellvia, Maihime/Mai-otome and all sequels (only anime), Avatar, Kim Possible, Xmen Evolution and Whateley so far... As of webcomics aside from OrderOfTheStick: Questionable Content, Gunnerkrigg (3x), Girl Genius (2x), 8-bit, EGS (3x), Drowtales (4x). Before that, I always binged any game I could find, which among others includes Super Mario (the original one) to Super Mario 64 at least 2 each, Super Mario World alone is at least 5 times 100% complete ..., Final Fantasy 6,7,8,10,12 at least twice, 9 should be something around 5 times by now, Breath of Fire 3/4 at least thrice, Baldurs Gate (yes the whole thing) twice, bg 2+ addon alone 4 extra times at least, [=KotOR=] 1/2 around 5 times each and don't even get me started on RTS games like Heroes of Might and Magic 3/4, where a single binge easily lasts a week, and including everything I binged only once after completing it, this list would be far far longer... * Ones I have successfully completed include SomethingPositive, 9th Elsewhere, {{Neko the Kitty}}, {{Secret of Mana Theater}}, VGCats... Still trying to remember where I left off with 8-Bit Theater... ** Just finished up with UGMadness, and in only five hours! With a dash of [[AttentionDeficitOohShiny another trope]] to boot! * In a rare non-internet example, this troper spent three weeks

playing Metal Gear Solid 1-3 so he could play 4 (before he got a PS3 might I add) * This troper has a good friend that collects tv shows and anime on external hard drives and watches them on his computer. When this troper got his latop, his friend allowed him to go through and take whatever he wanted. As a result, this troper has now watched all of House, Lost, Heroes, Fullmetal Alchemist, three different Gundam Series, and Weeds, and is currently working on his fourth run through of Avatar, all within the past four months. He also has been on something of a webcomic binge, having read through all of El Goonish Shive, Dominic Deegan, and Girl Genius within the past two weeks. He seems to have traded the webcomics for fanfiction, however, as the discovery of the Fanficrecs pages on this very site have caused him to read at least 500,000 words in the past week. Obssessed? It's highly likely. * This troper has done this with many things: Order of the Stick, xkcd, Awkward Zombie, Fanboys, Exterminatus Now, multiple Livejournal comms, Transformers Animated (whoever made YouTube wins at the Internet), Harry Potter 5 (less than 24 hours, helped by me staying up a few hours after the midnight release), and Harry Potter 7 (just under twelve hours, and I only stayed up till 3 before getting some sleep, waking up, and getting back into it! Of course, I speed-read, so...). And, of course, TV Tropes itself. Thank god for tabs. * I managed all of Exterminatus Now in two days. Along with Awkward Zombie in one, and Brawl in the Family in four days. * [[Tropers/BooBooBob This Troper]] heartily recommends bingeing on [[ Something Positive]]. I do it occasionally just for the hell of it. * [[Tropers/LittleSerge This Troper]] had a great time watching almost every episode of Bleach - from episode 60 to episode 184 - on Youtube since YTV took too long with the English Dub. When he made it to the current arc? He began to watch the English Dub Episodes that were being released, along with the new ones on Youtube. And still is. This Troper actually has a history of Archive Binging, also doing so with The Other Wiki, The Star Trek Wiki, a Zelda Wiki, The Bleach Wiki, VG Cats, Slackerz, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya (the anime), and even with certain Book series he finds at the Library, Like Fearless. The downside is that he never seems to get any work done... * Every good webcomic or TV series I come across. I have over 25 webcomics, including a few that I had the good fortune of encountering after completion (so I could see the whole story), and avoid watching shows on TV because they're easier to follow after all the episodes have been released and they can be watched directly one after another. * [[Tropers/{{Thespaceinvader}} My]] two worst Archive Binges were SchlockMercenary and IrregularWebcomic. That's something of the order of 4000 strips. Each took me a week or so. GirlGenius is almost as bad. Worse, because I'm sorely tempted to go back and do it all over again... * This troper was linked to a site that mocked David Gontermann MST3K-style, where one of the mockers was Shinichi from DetectiveConan. She then decided to check out Detective Conan, not

realizing it was 670 chapters long. She also decided to catch up on Bleach, and check out new webcomics while she was at it. She has not done her homework at home for at least two weeks. * Currently binging on PearlsBeforeSwine. In spite of heavy consumption, I am not overdosing. I have also been abusing Garfield for several years (the older strips). * This troper tends to binge upon whatever webcomic he just discovered. So far he has binged on OrderOfTheStick, Penny Arcade, 8bit Theatre, Questionable Content, DM of the Rings, Darths & Droids, Goblins, xkcd, Something Positive, Awkward Zombie, Perry Bible Fellowship, Something Positive, Elf Only Inn, and Loserz. Oh, and when he browses TV Tropes his browse often turns into a binge. * This troper intended to reread the first six HarryPotter books in the three weeks leading up to July 21, 2007, only to realize she hadn't left enough time to finish ''Order of the Phoenix'' before the movie came out. (She ended up finishing the book a few hours before going to see the movie.) And when she discovered Series/DoctorWho, she went through the first and second seasons on DVD ([[HeyItsThatGuy "Barty Crouch!?"]]) in about a month... while following the fourth series as it aired on SciFi ''and'' forcing several friends to watch the new series from the beginning. Talk about confusing. * This troper works at a library, making archive binges of graphic novels a relative snap. This was how she plowed through Vols 1-7 of Girl Genius without wearing out her clicker finger. * This troper does an Archive Binge before favoriting/bookmarking any webcomic, and will run ''another'' archive binge whenever a good comic gets dull for much more than a week, forgoing the new episodes until said archive binge is finished. Has favorited more than four dozen webcomics, more than half over six years old, has reread PVP 3 times, Penny Arcade twice, and most of Megatokyo 8 times (once for each book, and several to reread the comic from the beginning, ''with author rants.'') Never has fewer than one archive open in a browser tab or page, and currently is running an archive binge contest between RPG World, Dresden Codak, Misfile, Hellbound, Sinfest, Darths And Droids, El Goonish Shive, Alienm Dice, Shortpacked, Hellbound, and Yu-Gi-Oh: The Abridged Series. Cut down because of computer slowdown. (Misfile is winning, but has yet to realy get into EGS or DC). Archive Binges of manga also occur when running the gauntlet of this troper's favorite library's branches. The Archive Binge is pretty much this troper's life. Heck, this was found on an archive binge of the Troper Tales after finishing pretty much the entire WMG section. * This troper just stayed up until 3 a.m. reading through the entire archive of CtrlAltDel and needs to be talked out of buying all its relevant t-shirts. ** Don't do it! You can clothe your form in other ways! Oh, God are we too late? * This troper is doing this as we speak for Tv Tropes itself. ** Now [[Tropers/DokEnkephalin I've]] done it twice for TV Tropes! And currently combing the TroperTales. ** She also once watched all of Ouran High School Host Club in one day. Thankfully it was a day she stayed home from school. ** She also did this with the entire Young Wizards series in one

week. * [[strike:ArchivePanic is the only real reason [[Tropers/{{G-Mon}} this troper]] isn't doing this for ElGoonishShive. There are other problems, but most of them are only "problems" in that they exasorbate said archive panic....]] Just discovered [[ Yet Another Webcomic Reader]] via the TroperIRCChannel (thanks feep!), and am about to do EGS and SluggyFreelance binges, along with any other interesting things I see. Don't be surprised if I'm quieter than usual for a while. ** Took this troper several months, usually one or two strips a day with the occasional burst of about 50-100 strips. Remember kids: Just because the archive's there does not mean you have to finish it all in one night. *** Lies! * This troper has done it with almost every single webcomic he's ever read. For those counting, that number is 81. Yes, Eighty-one different (and now regularly checked) webcomics. And then he started watching anime... * I read all of THHGTTG in one day (and do it once a year, every year, on August 7th (yes, 8* 7. :D). I read Harry Potters 1-4 in two days and read all the other books in a day (or 24 hours, when you consider releases at 10 PM at night). I read three Discworld books a day until I had read 15 of them, and then slowed down and savored them. I archived binged both Misfile and Dr. [=McNinja=] in single (separate) nights, and XKCD in about a week (I didn't read as many of them, school was pretty heavy then). I haven't fully read Order of the Stick, but whenever I do go on there, I read about 60 comics in front of the current one before I stop. I archive binge this site. I archive binge forums with thousands of posts, although sometimes I leave after I get banned for necromancing a thread from six years ago. And it's fun! * Tropers/{{Korodzik}}: ''{{Concerned}}'' was my very first little sweet archive binge. Then came ''KevinAndKell'' and ''CtrlAltDel'' (these two I stopped liking long ago). Then ''OrderOfTheStick'', ''EightBitTheater'', and now I've just finished ''{{Freefall}}''. ...I'M FREE!!! ** ''HomestarRunner'', in its entirety. ''GunnerkriggCourt''. ''PennyArcade''. ''BrawlInTheFamily''. ''ProblemSleuth''. ''{{Homestuck}}''. ''TheAdventuresOfDrMcNinja''. ''AxeCop'' (that one's short though.) * This troper with every single webcomic he reads or ever has read. There have been at least 150. Also happens with some youtube channels, etc. Is currently re-watching seasons 1 and 2 of ''Heroes'' on DVD with his mom as part of her archive binge on the series. Also is helping a friend archive binge through seasons 1 and 2 of ''Venture Bros'', and is trying to convince a couple other friends to archive binge through season 1 of ''Slings & Arrows'' since he's sure they'll love it. I've also archive binged on a lot of other things such as the entire comic book series ''Invincible'' up to the point I first picked it up (around issue 25 or 26), the first four ''Dark Tower'' books when 5 was published and the last two were announced, etc, etc. * This troper not only has Archive Binged with every webcomic he's

encountered, but also every blog, and he makes a point of being on at least one such binge ''at all times''. For a time he considered - in so many words - having {{Narbonic}} on ''perpetual'' ArchiveBinge. * Not mentioning those numerous webcomics this troper is currently reading, he's right in the middle of viewing [[LetsPlay DeceasedCrab]]'s videos on YouTube. * This Troper once binged on the ''LordOfTheRings'' trilogy. Watched the ''extended'' versions of the first two films back to back...just prior to seeing the final film in the theater. 10 hours' worth of epic fantasy in one day left him mentally exhausted. ** This troper discovered LordOfTheRings after the movies came out, but she's done the all-three-extendeds-in-one-day twice. By the end, ''everything'' was funny, as eleven hours of movie had taken their toll. And both times it pretty much scrambled her brains for the next two days. *** My husband did that. I didn't pay much attention (probably too busy on this site (smile)), so I didn't suffer any damage. * This Troper loves to do binges of old TV shows on video/DVD; having managed, one after the after to binge on the following:- Doctor Who, Star Trek Voyager, Stargate, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Red Dwarf, Grange Hill, and Byker Grove (over a period of about 15 months or so), leaving him a slightly gibbering wreck. * [[Tropers/TheMikado this troper]] has been meaning to do an archive binge of {{Sinfest}} again for the first time in a few years. He started planning to archive binge it back in late September. It is nearly January. * This troper did this with The Last Days of Foxhound. Twice in a row, actually. She also binged on Ouran High School, the Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles manga, and BLEACH, and she once spent a whole day reading all of CardCaptorSakura. Oh, and right before the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows came out, she sped through all six books in about a week, and she's planning on rereading all of them next summer. ** She did it again recently with VentureBros., and now she's binging on Toward the Terra. Oh, and she did it with JusticeLeagueUnlimited when she bought the DVD recently. ** Did she mention that a few weeks ago, she spend an entire watching the Lord of the Rings? All three movies. 10 hours. It was awesome. * This troper had a ''{{Bully}}'' binge. Read every possible matter on the subject of the game (besides, obviously, gameplay guides -want to stretch out the binge as long as possible) and binge on fic, secondary accounts, and general fangirling. Then, settle down to play the game straight through, as nonstop as possible, with a ferocity that rather frightened my parents. Then, they gave up and started watching me play as well... * This is the default response this troper has to liking anything that has existed for some time before she discovered it. Once done, this troper sometimes proceeds to go on a ''Fandom'' Archive Binge, looking for fanart and past forum discussions. * In the middle of ''QuestionableContent'' right now... man,that makes it hard to go out for coffee (of Doom or otherwise) ** QC is so bad for this troper's university friends that if we could weaponize it, it'd be a viable device to make someone disappear for a

few days. Seriously. As more and more of us read it, more and more other friends do so...and then we won't see them beyond at mealtimes and in class (and sometimes not even then) for a day or so while they read every single comic. *** [[ Google Reader]] is your friend there - place all of QC on one continuous webpage! * Services like [[ Netflix]] carrying DVD sets of long-running series make this easier to do with television programs. My mother discovered CSI in its fifth season, and then found that [=DVDs=] of the series could be borrowed from Netflix. She proceeded to rent the entire series, from the beginning, one disc at a time. The "binge" aspect was greatly slowed by the terms of the service (especially the cheaper plans) but the principle applies. * This Troper lost 5 days of his life on Sinfest. 4 months later, he lost 5 more... Doing it ''again'' * At some point this summer, this troper's laptop had to be sent in for repairs. In order to keep up with his Internet dealings, he hooked up a USB keyboard to his Wii and turned on the Internet Channel. It was around that time that he discovered this site. Next thing I knew, ''it was twenty-four hours later.'' * This Troper has Archive Binged on several webcomics (QuestionableContent, Bardsworth, OrderOfTheStick, Something Postive, CAD, EGS, Girl Genius, Gunnerkrigg Court, Misfile, XKCD...), but the worst, by far was [[ Melonpool]]. 1996 to 2005, with more or less regular updates (and then some). Read it in a day and a half. When I was forced to unload the dishes and speak to my family, I kept waiting for the punchline. * [[Tropers/{{Dragontrapper}} this troper]] Has done it with three web comics - {{Megatokyo}}, {{SequentialArt}} and {{Girl Genius}}. Time wasted ranged from two days (for Girl Genius) to two weeks (for Megatokyo). This Troper has also tried an archive binge on Onemanga, but gave up when he realized the futility of trying to catch up with One Piece. ** You gave up on Onemanga? There's so many other shorter manga you can binge on there! ''AngelDensetsu'',''BambooBlade'' and BambooBladeB'',''MysteriousGirlfriendX'' and even the incomparable ''{{Pluto}}'' - each clocking in at a low-calorie 40 to 80-odd chapters. * This troper's INITIAL response to everything webcomic in origin is an ArchiveBinge. xkcd. OrderOfTheStick. Erfworld. EightBitTheatre, complete with spontaneous ocular inversions. {{Nodwick}}. Full Frontal Nerdity. DarthsAndDroids. LookingForGroup. The list goes on. * This troper is currently binging through Troper Tales. So yeah. She also does this with every webcomic she ever begins reading, usually completing them within two or three days. She figures that if it can't keep her entertained during hours of straight reading, why bother reading it? * I binged on Smallville back when it was just starting season 7. I had missed the other 6, and caught up to the season 7 pilot. 132 eps in two months. But I have a history of doing this. Example: I read (when there were only 4 of them) the current Harry Potter books in TWO DAYS!!

* ''GaijinSmash'', previously known as "I am a Japanese School Teacher. Once I started, I couldn't stop, and lost a weekend getting sucked into it. Admittedly I was tripping acid for at least half of that, but it's so good I probably would've done the same thing without it. * 26 episodes of ''AzumangaDaioh'' in two days. 21 episodes of ''HigurashiNoNakuKoroNi'' in the same time. The first six episodes of ''TalesOfTheAbyss'' and ''{{Kuroshitsuji}}'' in an afternoon. The entire back archives of [[ Claudia's Room]] until 4 AM the night before she had to take her politics final. The entirety of [[ the igiari LiveJournal community]] in an eight-hour search for [[GrandmaWhatMassiveHotnessYouHave Manfred von Karma]] (this was in September 2007, before the boom in AceAttorney fic: it would take her a week now). Also, TVTropes, but, well, she's posting here so that's rather obvious. ** Someone else other than [[Tropers/{{Crowley}} this troper]] binges for Manfred von Karma on igiari?! It's nice knowing she's not alone.. * This troper does this every so often, usually with heavily storybased comics like Schlock Mercenary or Order of the Stick. The most recent one, however, was Megatokyo, in one weekend. This, incidentally, was a Bad Idea, because he was already depressed from unemployment and something about so much Megatokyo at once felt like getting kicked while already down. * {{Scanlation}}s of ''all'' of ''MahouSenseiNegima'' available online. For free. So much MoeMoe and {{Fanservice}} my brain is melting. * * shakes troper's hand* Welcome! * [[MSPaintAdventures Problem Sleuth]]...& a crush's blog (don't judge me!)...back-to-back. ** Update: Now I'm on SCPFoundation (about a third of the way through the catalog; I've only dented the Foundation Tales) and DarthsAndDroids (start to current in under 2 days). * [[KingdomHospital Kingdom Hospital]]. This troper got sidetracked in the middle of her archive binge about a year ago (don't remember what episode, but Frank had just found his head). She has also done something akin to this in her actual county archives, because of Obsessive Compulsive Research Disorder; she just can't stop! * [[Tropers/JethroQWalrustitty This Troper]] is something of a glutton for punishment, it seems. ''ElGoonishShive'', ''QuestionableContent'', ''ControlAltDelete'', ''KidRadd'' (though when I started reading it it was still going), ''{{Shortpacked}}'', ''DanAndMabsFurryAdventures'', ''KhaosKomix'' (to a lesser extent, though did go through the archives twice to make sense of the plot)... Also, first reaction to Tv Tropes Wiki? '''Try to read it all'''. * @/AckSed did the whole of ''SchlockMercenary'' in two days. Whilst he was supposed to be studying. Hopefully,there won't be any more that'll add to my daily "check list" of 5 fora,16 webcomics and 9 manga. ** Update:I failed somewhat. Now changed to 13 manga, 14 webcomics, [=BoingBoing=], Facebook, two LJ communities and 3 fora. '''BUT''' I

discovered that several of the webcomics can be read through [[ Google Reader]]. Now I read ''{{xkcd}}'', ''LookingForGroup'', ''QuestionableContent'', ''Schlock'', ''[[ Footloose]]'', ''SkinHorse' and ''RealLifeComics'' all on the same page,and I get notified when ''Order of the Stick'' and ''{{Megatokyo}}'' updates. Joy! * After checking out a few random episodes of ''How I met your mother'', I watched every episode of season 1-3 in 8 days. * Whatever my obsession of the week is, you can bet that I'll be in the middle of an archive binge. Longest one so far was SailorMoon during the last few months of 2008... * I recently binged my way through the final Stargate Atlantis season and the ''Heroes'' "Villains" story arc; unlike most people I really enjoyed it. But those don't compare to my 2 months of watching Stargate SG-1 seasons 1 to 9. * This troper read through Planet Zebeth back when it was only 300 strips long, read another 200 about a year later, and sorta followed it around since then. It's now just over 1000 strips. * [[Tropers/AnthonyMercer This troper]] is annoyed that he can't read too fast, as he is currently reading ''DinosaurComics'', ''EightBitTheatre'', and ''SluggyFreelance'', although he's forgotten to go on ''Eight Bit Theatre'' for a while. * This troper is practically the living embodiment of this trope. Harry Potter? Books 3, 1, 2, 5, and 4 in two days. In that order, while on a choir trip in which she had approximately two hours free until 8 or 9 at night. Book 6 and 7 both completed in one day much later. Avatar? All three seasons watched almost completely through (skipped three episodes) in four days. Supernatural? Due to having to read all the scripts as well (she has problems with watching horror, but still adores the series), it took her about a week and a half to watch most of the first three seasons and start on the fourth. Read all of Cleolinda's Twilight recaps in a day, spent several hours reading through all the Punch n' Pie comics, and did the same for the HeadTrip comics. Finished a book of A Song of Ice and Fire every Tuesday night for four weeks (Tuesday was the only day she got to go to the library then). Each book took her approximately 6-7 hours to finish, from around 9 p.m. to 3 or 4 a.m. She shudders to think of what will happen when she finally gives in and begins watching Buffy, as once she starts something, if she likes it, she literally cannot stop until she has read through/watched it ''all''. D: This is also disturbing her in relation to TV Tropes, because she is spending a huge amount of time on it, and there's [[YourHeadASplode just... too... much...]] * [[Tropers/SweetMadness This troper]] has a friend who got through the ''entirety'' of TheOrderOfTheStick in 20 hours flat. Said friend also apparently only requires two hours of sleep per day. Good thing too, because she just introduced him to [[TvTropesWillRuinYourLife TV Tropes as well...]] As for actual personal [[ArchiveBinge ArchiveBinges,]] she's burned her way through OrderOfTheStick, ''[[{{ptitleguqxk84db9sm}} Adventurers!]]'' LookingForGroup, and MSPaintAdventures, and is now starting on several manga series to

boot. * [[Tropers/{{ryttu3k}} This troper]] doesn't consider something worthy of being a fan of unless you can Archive Binge on it, whether it be webcomics ([[GunnerkriggCourt Gunnerkrigg Court]], xkcd, [[QuestionableContent QC]] or [[SomethingPositive Something Positive]]), TV shows (Series/DoctorWho, [[MythBusters MythBusters]]), or video games (so much [[LetsPlay Let's Play]]... [[YourHeadASplode so much]])... not to mention TVTropes, which can regularly kill up to ten hours in one go! * I archive binged VGCats, almost every SailorMoon manga continuities (except the ones that are ''really'' hard to find for download and/or reading, like the extra stories, and [[SixSixSixSatan 666 Satan]] manga. She wanted to archive binge TengenToppaGurrenLagann, but videos are acting wonky here. She wishes to archive binge Corrector Yui's manga (it only got ten volumes), but there aren't any for download! Also, it's not licensed here. * This troper just archive binged ZeroPunctuation. It turns out that an interesting side effect of it is that whenever I read anything now I imagine it being spoken aloud very fast in a British accent. * Like many others, I archive binge any webcomic that catches my eye for more than a minute. I knew I'd been doing this too much when I read through the 450-odd-strip backlog of ''[[ Between Failures]]'' and thought "cool, it's nice to discover a comic when it's still young." About an hour later, I realized what I'd thought. ...Yeah. * [[Tropers/DokEnkephalin This Troper]] has resisted Archive Binging on 8-Bit Theatre, resisted with '''All This Troper's Might'''. But one too many references from TvTropes has finally sent me over the edge... it's ''too late'', I can't stop myself! ** When you put your phrases in CamelCase for emphasis,that's when you know it's too late. :-) * This troper has done it with ''several'' {{webcomic}}s he discovered through TV Tropes, including ''GunnerkriggCourt'', ''IrregularWebcomic'', ''{{Narbonic}}'', ''GirlGenius'' (which he had read bits of before, but ''re''discovered here) and ''QuestionableContent'' - there's a reason that Uncyclopedia's reference to TV Tropes includes the line "insert webcomic plug" - as well as with TV Tropes itself. * (Deep Breath) {{Misfile}}; DM of the Rings; Darths and Droids; Get Medieval; Gold Rider of Pern; - all of the above in one evening each {{Lord of the Rings}} in five days, while at summer camp; 3 seasons of {{Buffy}} in 3 weeks, and I would've watched the rest in similar time if my parents hadn't started watching it with me, all 20 of so books of {{Dragonriders of Pern}} in a month or two (complicated by having to find copies), plus its rare that I take more than one sitting to read a book, and I reread constantly. * This troper likes to do it with the TroperTales pages. Meta... * OneOverZero. Four or five hours on a Sunday when I ''really'' should have been doing homework. But it was a CrowningMomentOfAwesome comic for ''sure''. * [[Tropers/JapaneseTeeth Hmmmm lets see...]] MahouSenseiNegima manga (3 times, 4th in progress), {{Bleach}} (3), ToLoveRu (2),

ElGoonishShive (2), OrderOfTheStick (3), EightBitTheatre (2, 3rd in progress), DeathNote (2), YotsubaTo (2), GunnerkriggCourt (2), TerrorIsland (2), DarthsAndDroids (3). Yeah, I'm a nerd. * DragonBallZ. Hadn't seen it in years, but still had a huge soft spot for it. Then I got my hands on every single episode - and a good deal of it was a much higher-quality dub than the one I remembered from Toonami way back when. Watched five of the movies, and made it through episodes 1-128 in five or six days. Then I burnt out and my internal clock unfortunately righted itself. But I swear, I WILL finally get to watch the Buu saga if it's the last thing I do...! ** Also, as many have said, OrderOfTheStick. Not sure how many days it took, but I got through - and will probably have to binge again soon, since I've forgotten a heavy chunk of the plot. * This troper has binged on Dr. McNinja, Applegeeks, Bayou, Queen of Wands, Comedity, Daisy Owl, El Goonish Shive, GastroPhobia, LICD, Girl Genius, Girls With Slingshots, Octopus Pie, and Punch an' Pie. She's currently binging on THE ENTIRE 10 YEARS of GPF. She's also planning (yes, she has them alphabetized, also -_-') on binging on Paranoia Agent, Please Twins, Ps238, Scary Go Round, and Two Lumps. And all of this is because she discovered them on TV Tropes. * [[Tropers/{{Dinru}}]] - It's not normal to do this when you first start reading a webcomic? Oh. Well. Well, if you couldn't figure it out, I do that with all of the Web Comics I read. RedString, YuMeDream, IWasKidnappedByLesbianPiratesFromOuterSpace, QuestionableContent, {{Misfile}}... just to name a few. * This troper had it easy when he only had to spend one night on {{Looking For Group.}} He then found that the same company also made the "daily updated for over seven years" {{Least I Could Do}}. That stole a week from his life. * This troper has just wasted ''a month'' looking up the ''CodeGeass'' pages on this site, their corollaries, and various other bits. She sighs in relief every time there's less than twenty tabs open at a time. ** This troper thought she was the only one that did that. And specifically for Code Geass, too... * This troper finds that he can't properly enjoy a webcomic unless he has read every singe strip posted. This leads to binging from time to time. Now, this troper finds the main page is a bit vague on exactly what constitutes a binge, if it's simply reading all comics, in which case he always does it, or if it's also doing it fast, but suffice to say that the 1300-something pages of {{Questionable Content}} were handled in 4 days. He knows he will suffer abstinence when he finishes, but when you find those golden nuggets, it's damn hard to resist. * [[Tropers/{{ptitleub9rpzs6}} I]] may not have survived my senior year in high school if I didn't maintain my healthy cache of ''{{Peanuts}}'' collections to keep morale up. I'm already in college and I'm still in the 1980s. * This troper has no idea what to do with herself if she ISN'T on an ArchiveBinge. She once watched all three [[TheLordOfTheRings LOTR]] extended editions in one night and read the last three HarryPotter books in 15, 20, and 9 hours respectively. And just in the last two

years or so she has seen/read all of: BuffyTheVampireSlayer (AND Angel) in a month and a half, then HowIMetYourMother, then Series/DoctorWho (all of the new series and up to Three in the Classic), Bones, CodeGeass in a week, {{Frasier}}, GundamWing, Saiyuki, NabariNoOu, StarTrek [[StarTrekTheOriginalSeries TOS]], [[StarTrekTheNextGeneration TNG]],and [[StarTrekDeepSpaceNine Deep Space Nine]], QuestionableContent, TheWestWing [[SeasonalRot up to season four]], PrincessTutu, ShugoChara (manga and anime), the Kathy Reichs novels, GoodbyeChains, and {{NCIS}}. Send help. * This troper found himself accidentally slipping into a British accent for an entire week after getting and sitting through most of the complete Monty Python's Flying Circus DVD collection. * This trope is glad to see she's not alone. It's sort of Trope-Anon. In addition to archive binges on a TON of the above, this troper has also archive binged on (this is only ones that I did ''not'' see above): CaseyAndAndy, ''Cheshire Crossing'', WhateleyUniverse, ''Amazing Superteam'', ''Doctor [=McNinja=]'', ''PS 238'', ''Skin Horse'', ''Twilight Zone'' (darn you, dad!), and every Agatha Christie book featuring Hercule Poirot. * The entire Cell Saga from DragonballZ: 6 sleepless nights, HarryPotter and the Deathly Hallows: 1 sleepless night, All of ZeldaComic: 5 hours,All of ElGoonishShive: 4 days with an adequate amount of sleep, Going back to re-binge on these only to discover all sorts of little things that you didn't before due to your fanatical desire to catch up as quickly as possible: Priceless * [[Tropers/FuriKuri I]] recently signed up for Marvel's Digital Comics service. I've already read 36 issues of Ultimate Spider-Man in a few days, then I got to Uncanny X-Men, which referred to something that happened in Fantastic Four # 27, so of course I have to read that before I can keep reading X-Men, and...oh God...I think I'm beyond hope. * [[Tropers/{{sgrunt}} This troper]] invariably pulls this off when discovering a new webcomic, and this includes some real doozies: UserFriendly, QuestionableContent, SchlockMercenary... [[TVTropesWillRuinYourLife Does TVTropes itself count]]? * I once read through the entirety of the webcomic ''{{Concerned}}'' in a single day, just to see if I could do it. About 200 strips, probably three hours for the strips, two hours for TheRant, [[AttentionDeficitOohShiny and about one hour of being distracted.]] I also read through ''PennyArcade'' in years, mainly to make it easier to keep track of where I was in the strip (one year is about 150 comics, and I didn't read the rant for these, I want to read the whole thing before I die). This is actually how I measure how good a comic is: how many I can read in one sitting before deciding I would rather do something else. Usually it takes around 100 to say that its worth reading (though it depends on an average strips length sometimes). Unless its in chapters, then I read one chapter at a time. * Lets see: I read the 7th Harry Potter book in one day, while laying in the same position. Needless to say I was sore when I finally stood up. When I first got into comics, I would be several back issues of a series and go through them. It got somewhat ridiculous when I began paying $100 during one trip the comic store. I used to do this with

the LJ communities Customers_Suck and Crazyhotelworkers but then I found this site and since I read it at work, it helps to pass the time by quickly. Then there was the time I spent a few months watching Sailor Moon on Youtube. * For me, the best (or worst, depending on the length of the comic) part of any archiving binge is realizing halfway through the archives that the comics have AltText punchlines/exposition/etc. * [[Tropers/AmadeusWindfall This Troper]] Archive Binged MahouSenseiNegima two or three times on [=OneManga=]; now that he's started buying the actual volumes, he's on a pretty much constant cycle of rereading it in the evening. * Tropers/ZeldaTheSwordsman did Archive Binges on Zelda Comic, InSonicnia, There's Something about Tails, I Was Kidnapped by Lesbian Pirates From Outer Space, and Order of the Stick. Now following all of them. Currently going on a Youtube Archive Binge of Transformers Cybertron. I followed it when it first went on the air. But after Ep. 26, a cliffhanger, they had the NERVE to pull it from Kids' WB and put it on Cartoon Network instead, so only people with cable could watch it. So I'm watching it now. And if it's ripping them off, THEY DESERVE IT! WARNER DESERVES IT FOR EVERY SHITTY THING THEY'VE DONE THIS DECADE! STARTING WITH THE HARRY POTTER MOVIES! WHICH SHOULD ALL BE RECALLED AND RE-DONE SO THAT THEY'RE NOT PATHETIC MOCKERIES OF THE BOOKS! THE SAME WITH FARAMIR'S SCENES IN LORD OF THE RINGS! WHAT THE HELL, PETER JACKSON?! </rant> * This troper took 3 days to read the whole of Sluggy Freelance, from beginning to end. Back in 2006. Nowadays he has learnt which bits to skip. ** This troper had the bright idea of trying to catch up on OnePiece there. She hardly slept for a week. ** This troper had the bright idea of reading all 141 chapters of ''YokohamaKaidashiKikou'' in a marathon run. [[EpilepticTree The sleep-deprived results]] [[WMG/YokohamaKaidashiKikou aren't pretty....]] ** This troper lost a good portion of a summer there, reading through [[JoJosBizarreAdventure JoJo's Bizarre Adventure]] there... since it started in the late 1980s and is STILL ONGOING (albeit now in an alternate continuity). * This Troper chose the day before his end of year exams started to start watching Sarah Connor Chronicles and Six Feet Under. Finished both within 3 weeks. Passed all the exams. * {{Archive Binge}}s (or the Internet in general) is what has been delaying this Troper's homework for a while. I still get it done, I just end up working during the evening to do it. Must... get... off... Troper Tales... and... finish... Japanese... workbook... is... due... Monday... [[BigNo OH NO]] [[{{Yu-Gi-OhTheAbridgedSeries}} A NEW ARCHIVE BINGE HAS BEEN FOUND!!!]] * [[Tropers/{{Azure Horizon}} This Troper]] just recently finally got around to buying both the complete series of Firefly and Serenity, and watched the lot in a single sitting, pausing only for food and toilet breaks. * [[Tropers/ThatTroperTheTroper This Troper]] archive binged through ElGoonishShive in 3 days. Reaction? Related dreams immediately after

the very first day. * This troper and her brother doing this with the old Digimon series at the moment. We started watching series one out of nostalgia, only the first time round when we were young we'd missed a load of episodes, so we watched those. Now we're moving on to series two, and I'm planning to go onto series three (which I've never seen) and four or five (whichever one doesn't have the humans becoming digimon, because that sounds a bit daft) after that. I'm going to get it all out of the way soon, while I'm still young enough for it to not be completely stupid. * [[Tropers/MutantRancor This troper]] has been on an anime binge for around a year and a half now, plus MegaTokyo, DarthsAndDroids, OneManga, and around fifty AbridgedSeries. He has a page-and-a-half long list of anime he's watched, a three-quarters-page list of anime he's watching, and a five-and-a-half page list of anime he'll get around to eventually. Yes, you read that right. Five and a half pages. And growing. Plus the page for manga series and webcomics. His favorite anime so far is YuYuHakusho, and his favorite manga is FullmetalAlchemist. He recommends that you go binge on them right away! * This troper has just now finished reading {{xkcd}} from the first comic to the latest one. Her eyes hurt, to say the least. * This troper refuses to start reading a webcomic until it shows up on the ArchivePanic page. Thank god I can go through most in a week or two. Though when I got the first four books of CodexAlera for christmas last year... A week of solid reading and forgetting to come down to eat or sleep. And then I ''re-read'' all four in the same fashion. I'm amazed I didn't die of starvation. * Alright, let's see... * gasps for air* [ 2P Start], Abstruse Goose, Candi, CountYourSheep, CtrlAltDel, ElGoonishShive, [=F@NB0Y$=], MegaTokyo, MSPaintAdventures, NerfNow, 8BitTheater, OrderOfTheStick, QuestionableContent, SoreThumbs, {{Sinfest}}, VGCats, and XKCD. Currently reading MahouSenseiNegima. * I've found out about many of my now favourite webcomics through TVTropes, but only three have I actually bothered to ArchiveBinge, QuestionableContent, MSPaintAdventures, and OneOverZero. Other things I have archive binged are: SoreThumbs (about three years ago, so there wasn't that much), CtrlAltDel (around the same time), RPGWorld (You can imagine my anger at the abandonment), BonusStage (ditto), HomestarRunner (in 2003), WeeblandBob (2003) and CollegeRoomiesFromHell, which I never actually finished because I lost my place. One interesting subversion on this trope for me is that I actually go on a little ArchiveBinge every other week with all my regular webcomics, as I go to my Dad's for a week and catch up on everything when I get back to my Mum's. * @/JohnnyBGoode: I've read ''OnePiece'' in it's entirety. Took me about six months to get to chapter 300-something. Inspired by hearing my friend saying she read that much in a week, I read from that point to the latest chapter in about three days (this included a weekend of doing nearly nothing but that) Same friend also read ''RurouniKenshin'' (after I introduced her to it) in a couple of days (girl = insane) Thus inspired, I read probably 3/4 of the entire

Jinchuu arc in a day. It's really hard to do, but if you have inspiration, it gets easier. * In the past year...nay, 6 months... Girly, Bleach, OnePiece, Rave, Allan, QuestionableContent, and a few others. Damnit. * This troper has read PennyArcade, FullMetalAlchemist, Saturnailia, VGCats (sorta stopped after that one), LeastICouldDo, TheAdventuresofDrMcNinja, SexyLosers, and {{Loserz}}. All others escape me at the moment, but I can safely say that Archive Binging is slowly becoming a hobby. * [[Tropers/SaraJaye This Troper]] once read all of ''Purple Pussy'' during the Great LiveJournal blackout of 2005. I've also gone on watching sprees of HomestarRunner, ThatGuyWithTheGlasses and AngryVideoGameNerd upon discovering them for the first time. * This Troper is terrible for this. Doing it is so much fun but the comedown is horrible; still doesn't stop me spending days at a time reading back catalogues, I do it with books too. At least it doesn't cause serious physiological damage like some addictions can. * This troper discovered ''RPGWorld'' one evening, started reading... and finished around 6 o'clock the next morning, having totally neglected studying for the exams that were that day. * ''{{Questionable Content}}'' took this troper from about 8pm when he discovered it until the next morning. Another of those 5-days-aweek webcomics with a fair amount of character-driven material. * This troper has personally read through ALL 1000+ strips of 8-Bit Theatre. ** Ditto for this troper. Spent quite a few hours on that. I also introduced my friend to the comic. The day after he was absent from school because he first overslept because he had stayed up too late reading; and then he didn't bother to jump on a later bus because there was still more to read. His Archive Binge seems to have stopped around the 400 mark, though, he only reads occasionally now. But that's only because he doesn't have time. * This troper once read every Order of the Stick (up to 300 at the time) in one day, so...yeah. * ElGoonishShive. This troper recently embarked on the binge after avoiding it for a few months. I think I've been at it for three hours and I'm only up to Feb 2003. ** Keep working at it... It's well worth it. This troper, after having that as her introduction to the world of webcomics five years ago, still considers that to be her favorite comic, above around forty to fifty other comics (all of which required archive binges). *** Having since finished it, it took [[Tropers/{{Katana}} this troper]] around 10 hours to read the main strip, the fillers, and just some of the forums. Once. I still missed a whole bunch of stuff and am reading it ''again'' at a slower pace. * [[Tropers/SylviaViridian This Troper]] recently spent most of an entire weekend watching the entirety of ''RedVsBlue'', except for the portion of the first season that she'd already seen. * This troper spent the better part of a week reading all the stories at [[ Not Always Right]]. * And this one has spent days over the past several years watching all the [[HomestarRunner Strong Bad Emails]] from start to finish.

* [[Tropers/{{Goldude}} This Troper]] Is going through an ArchiveBinge of all 5 series of {{Digimon}}. He is, as of September 23, 2009, on episode 3 of DigimonAdventure, Episode 1 of DigimonAdventure02, episode 32 of DigimonTamers, Episode 14 of DigimonFrontier, and episode 15 of DigimonSavers. * @/NeoSilverThorn: I had one of these when I started reading SchlockMercenary. I had another just a week ago, reading the entirety of InWilysDefense. * This troper has gone through: # # # # # All of KidRadd in a single afternoon. ElGoonishShive in two days. PennyAndAggie in three days. MenageA3 in one day. EerieCuties in half-an-hour.

* I saw the entire 1st season of ''Series/{{Heroes}}'' in one day. * After seeing all the above examples, [[Tropers/ShotgunNinja this troper]] realizes how bad he is at archive binging. Only two of my current webcomics, ''{{Megatokyo}}'' and ''EightBitTheatre'', are over 1000 strips, and the later was started when it only had 600 or so. [[strike:Also I have yet to catch up on any manga]] Just finished ''SoulEater''. Yay. At this point I'm halfway into ''OnePiece'' and trying to read ''MahouSenseiNegima'' and ''KenichiTheMightiestDisciple'' while having ''TheAdventuresOfDrMcninja'', ''GirlGenius'' and ''IrregularWebcomic'' on []. * [[Tropers/{{Amperschwa}} This Troper]] has binged on VG Cats (Through # 262. 14 hours), XKCD (Through # 630. 44 hours), Allan (Through # 602. 35 hours), Shortpacked! (Through 11 Nov 2009. 23 hours. Straight.), Chobits (Online. 5 hours), Code Geass (Through 50), Monk (Through 101), my very own comic series You're In My World Now (not on the Internet. Through # 856, 40 hours), Sexy Losers (Through # 251. 22 hours.), and I tried Mezzacotta. Didn't get far. * This troper is now inspired by this page and has {{xkcd}}, {{Theatre Hopper}}, {{Penny Arcade}}, and {{Cyanide and Happiness}} pulled up to their first comics. This is this troper's first time Archive Binging. Wish him luck! * This troper has gone through Daisy Owl, Penny Arcade, xkcd, OrderOfTheStick twice, Dr. McNinja twice, DM of the Rings, Darths and Droids, SMBC, Daisy Owl twice, Stolen Pixels, Homestar Runner, ALL of Dinosaur Comics, Multiplex, and the now finished StickManStickMan. Average reading time is two to three days. Oh, and I once read EVERY SINGLE FREAKING GARFIELD from 1978 to around 2000. * Oh dear Lord, This troper has over 2,000 different webcomics, and I've binged pretty much all of em ** Notable ones: Questionable Content Its Walky! Shortpacked! Kevin and Kel Girl genius

Dead Winter 21st Century Fox Fur May Fly Las Lindas El Goonish Shive Yosh! * This troper just wrapped up [[ Surviving The World]]. It took her the better part of a day. The only reason it wasn't more is because STW is a short gag-a-day. (And that doesn't count the time she took out to post the best ones on her friend's Facebooks... * [[Tropers/LordAaronus This troper]] decided a while back to get more familiar with the history of WhoseLineIsItAnyway, and thanks to Youtube it's possible to Archive Binge from the first season of the Uk version. To date, my browser history says that 3 weeks ago I was on season 1 ep 3 onwards (presumably it began earlier), and currently I finished season 8 ep 5, STILL UK VERSION. * [[Tropers/PentiumMMX2 This troper]] had done a few, though the ones that stick out to me are as follows: ** One summer afternoon, one of my friends and I did an archive binge on ElfenLied. He (The friend) had seen it before, and wanted me to see it, so we watched it from start to finish in a single day. After all was said and done, I never wanted to watch the series again (The plot was just a little too disturbing in my opinion) ** After playing a lot of the first {{Half-Life}}, I decided to do a binge of [=~Freeman's Mind~=]. In all, I watched all 24 episodes to date (Which conveniently stop where I'm at in the game right now; preventing any spoilers), plus the April Fool's Day special episode, in roughly 2 hours. ** From a span of late December 2009 until mid June 2010, I did a full-on Archive Binge of Troper Tales. Got to live Firefox's ability to save all open tabs when you close; which made this a lot easier to handle. * This Troper's (modest) list of binges: ** Order of the Stick (Two days) ** xkcd (Two days to read through, two days to read through ''again'' because he didn't realize there was an alt-text) ** Darths 'n' Droids (Two days) ** Code Geass (Five days) ** Scrubs (Three weeks) ** VGCats (Two days) * [=~@/0dd1~=]: Things I've hit the binge on: ** {{Precocious}} - about a day and a half, though that was back when there were only about 150 strips ** {{XKCD}} - two, three weeks perhaps ** The first few seasons of FullHouse (as each season came out, though I never got through it all) ** YuGiOhTheAbridgedSeries - a day and a half, the majority of them in one night...this was around when there were about 26 episodes ** TheWeirdAlShow - one night, the whole series...of course, it only lasted one season, so...yeah. ** {{Smosh}} - one night (ironically it was the night right before

they were suspended from YouTube briefly) ** ChadVader, season 1 - two or three nights ** {{Cyberchase}} - one day. Justified, as it was a marathon on PBS and I was home sick from school. ** MyImmortal - two nights that I wasted ** TheNostalgiaCritic - a few weeks ** AngryVideoGameNerd - around a month ** AtopTheFourthWall - a few weeks ** A website that I have forgotten the name of (I think it was Razorick or something)...more specifically, the section of that site where there was all SuperMarioBros sprite flash movies. Took (in total) about a month. ** {{Smashtasm}} - a day ** {{Outernet}} (book series) - about a month ** DearDumbDiary - a few months ** HankZipzer - a few months ** TheBeatles' albums - a few months due to lack of money ** There was a {{YouTube}} user who once had tons of Mario sprite movies (including a 6-part series call "The Quest for Money", or something of the sort). I went through them all in a night and loved them. Needless to say, I became downtrodden when I realized he removed all the videos from his channel. ** WarioWare: Mega Microgame$ - a few days (it counts! Technically speaking, it's an archive of microgames!) ** GingersBread: a few days, though I didn't make it too far since I forgot to go back to it after I missed a day of reading the archive. ** [[ I-Mockery]]: about a month or two ** SimonAndGarfunkel's albums: A few months, though it would have been quicker had I had more money. I should note, though, that I'm referring to their studio albums, and I haven't yet gotten to all their live albums (aside from their Radio City Music Hall live album), nor have I gotten much of their solo discography yet (PaulSimon's ''The Paul Simon Songbook'' and ''The Afterlife'', as well as the songs "Kodachrome", "Me and Julio Down by the Schoolyard", and the mid-1970s Art Garfunkel collaboration "My Little Town" aside). ** TroperTales - still in progress * This troper prefers short intense binges. GirlGenius lasted me about a day. * [[Tropers/MmmKay This troper]] has become a fan of many shows and games (SuperMarioBros, MontyPython, HomestarRunner, {{Thunderbirds}}, [=~Punch-Out!!~=], etc.) through learning a little about it, then needing to learn more. I'm constantly in a state of ArchivePanic over stuff. (Rare {{Thunderbirds}} commercial from the 60's?! I gotta see it! [[NoExportForYou WHAT?! No YouTube video?!]] Oh, wait, '''''finally''''', here it-- [[ScrewedByTheNetwork AAHH!!! It's been deleted!]] [[BigNo NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!]]) * This troper binged on Loserz and Precocious when she first discovered them. But she's a really fast reader, so they didn't take her long. Also TV tropes, but that goes without saying and she has the feeling that she couldn't read it all if she had the rest of her life to do it. * [[Tropers/MichaelJJ This Troper]] has Archive Binged several times.

The usual webcomic examples are ''BobAndGeorge'', ''PvP'', ''DandyAndCompany'', and ''EightBitTheatre''. I've also watched the ''{{Pokemon}}'' anime through the Orange Island episodes over the course of a single weekend, ditto with the entire 2003 ''TeenageMutantNinjaTurtles'' cartoon up until that point (Back to the Sewer hadn't been released yet). ''BatmanTheAnimatedSeries'' took about a month. I watched ''OnePiece'' at the rate of 10 episodes a day. Currently planning the same with ''{{Naruto}}'' and ''{{Anime/Monster}}''. * [[Tropers/DeltaOne This Troper]] just completed all 297 pages of NotAlwaysRight, and is now ''incredibly'' grateful that he hasn't worked customer-facing jobs in three years. * I've just got to say this - all 10 seasons of SG-1, less than a week. * @/SquealingSandry, when bored, tends to go ArchiveBinge some of her favorite webcomics or online manga scans... including {{Naruto}}, OnePiece, QuestionableContent, GirlGenius, DrowTales, DominicDeegan, etc. Since she's a natural speed reader, she has managed to finish the entirety of the OnePiece available at the time in two days. This was during the Florian Triangle arc, so well over 400 chapters. In 2 days. * This troper does this on a regular basis. Most often with longstanding manga she decides to read, though sometimes with anime she wants to watch, and less often with webcomics and various post-a-day sites she stumbles across. Most of the time it's simply because she feels like rewatching/rereading the series. Thoguht she learned her lesson about pacing when she tried to watch all of Sailor Moon though. Let's just say growing up with it does not mean you won't get sick of it 100 episodes and a week in. (She did finish it off about a year later though). Also, her need to see anime in order has led her to become very good at finding what she's after in the recesses of the internets. * One piece: Anime, one month, Manga, two weeks. As of that binge, the anime was at 448 episodes, and the manga about 580 some-odd chapters. This troper has no life. * ElfenLied in five hours. * This troper spent a whole day missing school watching {{Gankutsuou}}. It was worth it. * This troper's taken a week to binge on [[BobandGeorge Bob and George]] and three days for the [[MidorinoHibi Midori no Hibi]] manga. * After series after series that was LeftHanging, [[Tropers/FeoTakahari I]] restrict myself to only following a few really good works as they're written. ''Everything'' else is archive binged once it's complete. (I obtain most of my books from the library, and I'm not playing any video games that are part of a longrunning series, so my money doesn't much matter for keeping any series going.) * I did this with LimyaaelsFantasyRants. Right now, I'm working on printing my favorite rants with the remainder of my school printing budget. [[ l.php It's going pretty slow.]] * [[ImAMarvelAndImADC Its Just Some Random Guy]] roped me in with his

first introduction of Deadpool into the Marvel/DC vids. Then I watched every single episode from start to finish. EVERYTHING (but not Twas the Dark Knight Before Christmas. I don't like christmas stories). * I believe I binged HomestarRunner within a couple of days twice. Once in 2003 when I was first introduced, then again in 2008 when I went back to it. Ouch. * This troper read through the entire plot of UnicornJelly in 2 days. Soon after he started using "farg" in real life. * [[Tropers/{{Icalasari}} This Troper]] had the bright idea of binging on I quickly learned that it was not possible without killing myself, so now I go only a few pages at a time. Previous conquests include 8-Bit Theatre, XKCD, and Ctrl-Alt-Del * [[Tropers/{{Usbcd36}} This troper]] spent weeks reading MegaTokyo over a dialup connection. Needless to say, his parents were not pleased with their lack of phone service. Since then, AppleGeeks, Mac Hall, xkcd, Questionable Content, Inverloch (in one night) and a few others that he no longer remembers. Then came the TV. First House (back when there were only three seasons), and the order of the rest is fuzzy, but contains Mythbusters, Top Gear (season 8 was the latest complete one at that point), Boston Legal, Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, Bones (3 seasons), Weeds (4 seasons), Dexter (4 seasons), How I Met Your Mother and Buffy. Currently, he has decided to give up archive binging. A assuming he falls off the wagon, he is still in the middle of Star Trek: Voyager, and will probably continue with Angel following that. * This troper read all of ''SexyLosers'' in a little under two hours. I feel dirty for reading something like that... Even though I thought that the yuri pairing between Rumiko and Natsuki was kinda hot... Until [[spoiler: Natsuki died...]] Well, thank god for FanonDiscontinuity! That way, I can pretend it never even happened... * This troper binged... ** webcomics: Johnny Wander, Kevin and Kell, Questionable Content, XKCD, Bunny, Penny & Aggie, Sinfest, Least I Could Do, Oh My Gods!, DAR, Girls With Slingshots, Awkward Zombie, American Elf, Minus, Two Lumps, Garfield Minus Garfield, Uncubed, Chugworth Academy, Lackadaisy, Hark a Vagrant, Shortpacked, Order of the Stick, The Perry Bible Fellowship, Married to the Sea, Natalie Dee, Chainsawsuit, A Softer World, Boy Meets Boy & Friendly Hostility, Hyperbole and a Half, Pictures for Sad Children, Something Positive, Surviving the World, NamirDeiter, and Subnormality. ** TV shows: House, Supernatural, Criminal Minds, Glee, Dollhouse ** other: Zero Punctuation, Unskippable, Lord Vega's Silent Hill {{Lets Play}}s, Kung-Fu Jesus &co's Sonic Unleashed and Sonic 2006 [=LPs=], DeceasedCrab's [=LPs=], working on [=JMan's=] IWannaBeTheGuy LP. ** This troper watched all three FullMetalPanic series in about four days, now she's reading the light novels. GhastlysGhastlyWebcomic, DarthsAndDroids, and NanaToKaoru did this too. * This troper's become quite addicted to Archive Binging webcomics. He has currently read all of VG Cats, xkcd, Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal, Questionable Content, Calamities of Nature, Snowflakes, pictures for sad children, A Softer World, Scenes From a Multiverse

(though this one just started), Amazing Superpowers, and as of last night just finished Bittersweet Candy Bowl. Will probably find another one in his bookmarks to read tonight. * I read the entirety of Bleach (at the time, 404 chapters), in three days. * I do this for pretty much every new webcomic/author/director that I find and like. My most notable binges are probably Questionable Content (Five times now, I think), Achewood (that one was *hard*), C S Friedman (Twice in one week.) and Hayao Miyazaki (I watched Mononoke, Castle in the Sky, and Nausicaa in the same day, to start.) * When she wasn't putting anything out for at least three months, this troper binged and managed to watch all TheNostalgiaChick videos within a week. Much earlier, she went through all TheNostalgiaCritic and that took a month. Both well worth it. * Things this troper (Polaris) has binged on in the last year: ** The entirety of the QuestionableContent, {{Shortpacked}}, and GirlGenius archives (the last not for the first time). ** Most of the SCPFoundation website (partly because after reading enough, it was better than attempting to sleep with the images in her head) ** All five seasons of ''CriminalMinds'' ** All of ''AvatarTheLastAirbender'' ** Essentially, any new comic or TV series she encounters is going to get binged on. It's fair to say she has an obsessive personality. * This is This Troper's modus operandi when it comes to new shows/webcomics/manga due to hating being left on a cliffhanger. She has done this with FullmetalAlchemist anime and manga, OrderOfTheStick, HarkAVagrant,{{Wondermark}}, TheNonAdventuresOfWonderella, TheBookOfBiff, Series/DoctorWho (classic series and new series), {{Anime/Monster}} and many more. * This trope is the reason that [[@/TheHeroHartmut this Troper]] tries to watch any shows he decides to try out in Megavideo format, using the imposed time limit to control how much he watches in a day. Shame this doesn't apply to webcomics, though... * This troper has come to the following conclusions about skeptical blogs: ** They are a never-ending archive binge, as the multiplying tabs will invariably include tabs with other skeptical blogs that have been referenced. ** The multiplying tabs will, within the first five different blogs, lead to either [[ PZ Myers]] or [[ Orac]] ** If the reader started with either PZ or Orac, they will likely never get to any of the other blogs in their multiplying tabs. * [[@/{{ginnyisdacoolest}} This troper]] probably wouldn't have become a nerdfighter if she hadn't been ill one week and did an archive binge of [[{{vlogbrothers}} Brotherhood 2.0]] and all the subsequent vlogs posted afterwards. I was immensely feverish and hopped up on antibiotics at the time, which gave it a [[{{EverythingsBetterOnDrugs}} uniquely surreal]] edge. * This troper binged on the enirety of {{The Dreamer}} yesterday afternoon. Not too bad, even seemed too short. But I've also binged on

{{Fullmetal Alchemist}}, {{The Nostalgia Critic}}, {{Atop the Fourth Wall}}, {{Hellboy}} (and [[DarkHorseComics Dark Horse comics]] ain't cheap!), {{Darren Shan}}, {{Berserk}} (oh my my stars 'n' garters, [[ArchivePanic Berserk]]), when I was a wee little one I read one of the {{Royal Diaries}} books a day, and {{Star Trek}} (also, [[ArchivePanic eek]]). * I first discovered YuMeDream around the time when Part 2 was just getting underway. I binged it all up until then, followed it for a few weeks or so, and then forgot about it. The other day I saw an example from it on a trope article and found out from its own article that it had recently ended. Then I binged it all in 2 or 3 days. * [[@/{{D21Jaydee}} This Troper]] once did a Halo canon binge. From the Forerunner-Flood war (reading the archives from the blog ''Ascendant Justice'' and files from the Halo 3 ARG), through the Human-Covenant war (books and games), to the end of the Believe campaign. The whole thing lasted something between six months and a year. While inconsistencies and retcons irk somewhat when you go chronologically, the feeling of seeing a breathing universe and watching all things being connected in the 100,000 year old war is just amazing. He will do another once Greg Bear's Forerunner trilogy is complete. THEN it will be an epic tale! * [[@/{{tadaru}} This troper]] had never taken the {{Dragon Quest}} series seriously in the past, but starting on a hot summer-like weekend in May 2008 he started to play the first one, and eventually cleared all 8 main Dragon Quest games in order, finishing December of that year. He has since cleared Dragon Quest IX too. * I made an archive binge on several LEGO webcomics including Reasonably Clever, Brick Gamers, Bricks of the dead and Mattias Backstrms LEGO Star Wars comics The last one probably was the saddest one of all when I realised the last issue was released four years ago... ** Now starting Irregular Webcomic. Very weird to see that the first ones are mostly of roleplaying figures. * I love the feeling of a good Archive Binge... I did it for OrderOfTheStick, QuestionableContent, EightBitTheater. GirlGenius, FreakAngels, SchlockMercenary, a few shorter webcomics, and am currently in the middle of a SomethingPositive binge. I do this for books as well; there was a week or so when I read one book from the DresdenFiles every day, and then had to wait months for ''Changes.'' But the longest was for OnePiece; watching the anime alone took nearly three months, and then I felt the need to go through the manga dealing with the current chapter/episode a week schedule is agonizing. * This troper did an archive binge of {{Bleach}} before the current arc started. It took roughly 25 hours spread out over 5 days, and it pretty much put me off manga for life. Hell, it wasn't even worth it in the end, I could've stopped after day 1 and been satisfied with it, but I ploughed through it and ended up coming away hugely dissapointed. There was also the time I watched the whole of {{There Will Be Brawl}}, which was amazing, and after studying it as part of Media Studies, {{Misfits}} (obviously it was the latter I was studying, not the former.) Not sure if the last two count though since they're relatively short by comparison, and Brawl finished a good

while back. Any other binges I've attempted haven't lasted. * This troper. {{Homestuck}}. Three and a half-days, with actual time spent reading being like 8 hours. * [[Tropers.CompletelyNormalGuy I]] have the tendency to refuse to read new updates of a web comic until I have read the entire archive no matter how bloated or irrelevant in understanding the current story. Sometimes this happens over a reasonable pace, such as reading ''QuestionableContent'' over a few weeks whenever I was bored. However, sometimes I get a little too in to it and do something ridiculous like reading ''ElGoonishshive'' or ''WapsiSquare'' in a single day, or reading ''SchlockMercenary'' over the course of a weekend. * [[Tropers/AdelePotter This Tropette]] is currently on one with {{Misfile}}. * Another Tropette (Tropers/{{Iceguppie}}) sometimes reads {{Adventurers}} all the way through when extremley bored. * A few months back, [[Tropers/SergeantLuke I]] spent three full days doing literally nothing but reading the entirety of the ''{{Walkyverse}}'', eating, and sleeping. * This troper recently archive binged Homestuck, it took all the time, all of it. * [[TvTropesWillRuinYourLife Curse you, Tvtropes.]] Because of you, [[Tropers/GneissIsNice this troper]] has discovered quite a few extremely lengthy webcomics that I just had to read from the beginning, including GirlGenius, OrderOfTheStick, and TheAdventuresOfDrMcNinja. My productivity has gone down to zero because of that. Also, this site made me discover BuffyTheVampireSlayer and I've been binging on that too for the past two or three months. * This Troper has recently (read: last year) gotten into Doctor Who, and as is her custom, looked up Doctor Who Podcasts in the iTunes store... Now, besides for wanting to watch the original series, which is around 26 seasons, she has now found (at least) 3 podcasts that she loves, and is now listening to them whenever she has a free moment. She will probably be just done with even ONE of them in a month. (240 HOURS. OF ONE PODCAST)Thank you, Radio Free Skaro, you have completely taken over my life. * Half an hour ago, [[Tropers/QueenMichael This troper]] finally read the very latest Naruto chapter. ''Damn'' that's a long manga. * Troper introduced her pal to GalaxyRangers like this. Two thirteen hour binges. Troper had lost her job, couldn't sleep, and needed something to keep her mind intact. * About a month ago, I ended up playing MegaMan game after Mega Man game. I finished 1-6, X1-X6 and Zero 1 in the space of maybe a week and a half. It took the ([[NoExportForYou only released in Korea,]] [[PortingDisaster for good reason)]] PC version of Mega Man X7 to finally make me call it quits. I got through five bosses before I [[CameraScrew just.]] [[PolygonCeiling Couldn't.]] [[{{Sequelitis}} TAKE IT]] [[Horrible/VideoGames ANYMORE!]] ---Go back to Main/ArchiveBinge, and go all the way through it from the beginning (April 18, 1991).


ArchivePanic * This troper, upon discovering Opera, attempted to read through GirlGenius, LookingForGroup, and MahouSenseiNegima ''at the same time.'' He had to abandon all three to avoid permanent brain damage. ** Would said brain damage involve a Sparky undead warlock who accidentally strips his teammates? :-P *** No, but it did involve a 10-year old emperor who kills indiscriminately. * Finishing reading the archives two weeks before the strip ended describes [[@/ManCalledTrue this editor's]] experience with ''BobAndGeorge''. ** [[@/{{thatother1dude}} Mine]] as well. Though it's not a webcomic I also had the same experience with ''RedVsBlue'', though [[strike:the future of that series is still up in the air]] it continued in another series. *** At least ''Bob and George'' had a weekly option. The vast majority of the time is waiting for each strip's page to load. ** This editor discovered ''Exploitation Now!'' and decided to read the archives when the second-to-last strip was on the main page. *** This troper read all of ''Exploitation Now!'' and then realized it was actually already over. Luckily I read it before it disappeared off the face of the internet, so I guess we're both lucky. **** It's still online actually. ***** [[ Right here]]. ** I myself started reading {{Sexy Losers}}, finished my archive binge on an update day, and then had the next strip be the last one ever. Without any kind of warning either. Just update and "bored now, no more strips." *** Which seems to be that particular artist's approach to a lot of things in life. And he wonders (in comic commentary and his semiautobiographical comics) why it's been such crap. ** Replace "two weeks" with "the day before the last strip" and you've got me and ''DragonTails''. Started reading when the 1,999th comic was up, read for hours and hours continously, so long it stretched into the next day... and got to the final page, the 2,000th comic, where he celebrated ending the comic. ** I started reading TheLastDaysOfFOXHOUND some time around strip #480, and the ArchiveBinge itself took two days. When I finally got to the front page, I saw the "I'm on schedule to end the comic" announcement, and was a little displeased... *** This troper read the whole thing a couple of months ago, a few years after it finished the story arc. ** This troper finished reading ''AMiracleOfScience'' almost exactly a hundred pages before the end. Not as sudden as many of the examples here, but it was still disheartening to think that it was so close to the end. * This troper has been and still is desperately attempting to read ''everything'' on this site, especially the bits related to

''CodeGeass''. It's been a month... Now to get back to the other 15 tabs open she has. ** I once read every trope on the wiki, but that was back in 2004 or something, when it was a lot smaller. * This troper discovered ''FreeFall'' due to this website, and decided, as it's the weekend, to read through the 1700 comics that have been released. After finishing the first 1100 Saturday night/Sunday morning and the next 600 Monday night, and are now all caught up for [[ScheduleSlip when the author returns some time in June]]. * I remember when I first found {{PennyArcade}}. Took 3 8-10 hour trips to finish the archive. Again with {{BobAndGeorge}}. Also had the problem again when I first found {{CountYourSheep}}, though I dont think I even made it past 2007. Once again with {{Girly}}. Probably happens about 90% of the time I find a new webcomic. ** I took one look at how long Penny Arcade is and decided it was better to just jump in at its current point and hope to god there isn't any real continuity. * This troper has given up all hope of truly catching up with {{One Piece}}. I've skipped tons of chapters and skimmed a whole lot of parts to at least get the basic gist of the story and it's themes and mood. Forget about reading everything; I'm just not ready to get that invested when I don't even know if I'll still be interested years from now. * This troper went to the UnflinchingWalk page. Upon seeing the ''Webcomic/{{Digger}}'' example, he looked at it. That strip got him interested. And then he hit the first strip button and read the thing on and off for a few weeks. He is now at the main page and waits impatiently every week for the next two pages. * Of all the sometimes-repeated {{ArchiveBinge}}s [[Tropers/JET73L This Troper]] has made, there were only two (non-manga, reading more than a volume or two of manga online for any given series causes too many migraines) times the troper succumbed to ArchivePanic: One was giving up on UserFriendly a few years in (it was originally avoided because of the art style, then given up on because it wasn't worth going through in the troper's opinion), and the other was realizing that ''{{Narbonic}}'' was the predecessor series to SkinHorse (which was liked and [[ArchiveBinge finished up to the present]]), and the entire vanilla edition would have to be read ''before'' the annotated version. Update: The Narbonic ArchiveBinge is going strong. Any other failed archive binges (such as GirlGenius) were due to web browser cache failure rather than ArchivePanic. Just see TroperTales/ArchiveBinge for a ''sample'' of the LongRunners the troper has bested (one ''or more''' times). * this troper upon realizing how long buffy was.... After a few epis, he decided to {{ArchiveBinge}}, on the other hand. * This troper has faithlfully read every strip of ''Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal'' for years. He JUST realized the red button below the comic is additional content like XKCD's tooltips. The red button that's been there since January 10, 2007. ** I feel ya. I read through the entire xkcd archive sometime last year, and then learned that those tooltips existed.

* [[Tropers/MmmKay For this troper]], HomestarRunner is ruined for me, due to the fact that I no longer have the time to search for why it is that [[spoiler:Strong Bad got [[BeyondTheImpossible a]] ''[[BeyondTheImpossible new]]'' [[BeyondTheImpossible computer]].]] ** Which? The [[spoiler:Lappy 486 in 2004 or the Comp in 2009]]? And does it REALLY matter? * This troper met a record collector who has gone out of his way to collect every record from his favorite bands. But he refuses to buy any more Agathocles albums. If you wanna know why, go [[ read their Discogs page]] and look at how tiny your scroll bar shrinks. * This troper is pretty much the queen of Archive Panic. As in, trying to follow TV shows that run more than one season gives her actual panic attacks. So don't ask her why she's apparently attempting to watch ''everything'' on ThatGuyWithTheGlasses- she's clearly some kind of masochist. ** Holy crap, same here! I always get stressed to the point of no sleep when I think about all that I need to catch up on in entertainment. So much so, that I've recently started avoiding {{LongRunners}} like the plague. This also happens to me with stores that I like, but haven't been to in awhile. * [[Tropers/{{Aryn}} This Troper.]] The Fetishes IJBM thread. Nuff said. ** [[HeyIsThatStillOn Hey, is that still on?]] * This Troper is not dismayed by archive binge. His DVD collection runs to just over 4000 episodes of stuff, spread over 52 (mainly spec.fic.) TV series. At 3 episodes a day (average), it would take from now until November 2013 to watch everything, even if he stops buying anything more. * As much as I love ChristopherEccleston, DavidTennant and MattSmith, I don't think it would be feasible to watch every surviving episode of ''Series/DoctorWho'' from 1963. I'm also struggling through watching most of TheAngryVideoGameNerd, TheCinemaSnob and [[AtopTheFourthWall Linkara]]'s stuff. Not that they're crap (though of course they improve over time), there's just so much of it. It's almost a godsend that the Nerd is deliberately airing less often. And I don't know where to START with SciFiDebris. ** One more: how the fuck did I manage to watch all those [[DisneyAnimatedCanon Disney movies]] when I was younger? There must have been like 20 cassettes, at least! ** This troper would like to mention that following the Eccleston series, [[ArchiveBinge he watched as many Classic Who episodes as he could, and got from William Hartnell to most of the way through Tom Baker]] before the Christmas Invasion (not including missing episodes, obviously). *** Not so obviously; aren't there audio recordings of most missing episodes? I know that would be 'listened to' rather than 'watched' but still. As a side note, that would mean roughly two thirds of the classic series in six months, with another ten seasons or so before catching up to Tennant. ** This is ''precisely'' why, while I have a secondhand appreciation of Classic Who, I'm probably not going to try and watch all of it at

any time in the near future. (For the record, I'm the scoffing troper a few bullet points down.) * After trying to read all of LeastICouldDo [[{{Tropers/SoWeAteThem}} I]] just plain threw up my hands and gave up. I wonder how they do it, it's not even a sprite comic! * This troper managed to [[ArchiveBinge consume]] all of [[QuestionableContent Questionable Content]] in a couple of weeks. Now it's a case of All Caught Up Blues and One Day at a Time (these should be webcomic tropes, btw). ** I discovered QC on Sunday. I just caught up to the newest strip (#1818) today. It's Wednesday. Yeah, I get into it a bit sometimes. * After one day suddenly realizing that {{Pokemon}} is a pretty lighthearted anime that's actually funny in many places, I decided to systematically watch every episode in sequence. I managed the feat missing only five (the latest episode at that time was [=DP062=] or so), but I'm probably not going to touch another long runner in a while. Good thing there really isn't any that interest me at the moment anyways. * this troper, if effort to forget about the serious illness of her grandfather, was watching old tapes and discovered an episode of 'digimon' she hadn't seen. it cut off, so she went online, found a website that had all the episodes...and spent 3 and 1/2 days doing little but watch 104 episodes. the website went offline soon after. * Normally I scoff at ArchivePanic (because I read quickly and have far too much free time). But ''{{Homestuck}}'' managed to do it, with its five-thousand-ish pages at the time of writing. [[ArchiveBinge I caught up with it in about a week]], and that was counting a couple days when I wasn't moving forward because I couldn't be arsed to poke around with the Flash game at the start of Act 3. ** Ditto. It took my a month of cajoling to get me to start, and about half way into Act3 to get serious. Still took me about a week to get caught up. Can't wait for him to update though! ** Dear God, Homestuck. A set of people this troper follows on Tumblr became obsessed with the comic all at about the same time, which led me and several other friends to attempt simultaneous Archive Binges. One week later, none of us have finished yet - I'm frantically marooned in the middle of Act 5 Part 1 (after restarting somewhere in Act 4 because I couldn't understand what i'd just read) and have been avoiding my Tumblr feed for fear of the spoilers clogging the system. And it's worth every second. ** Time bugged before reading: About 3 weeks, maybe a month. Time reading so far: Two days. Up to around halfway through act 4, just after [[spoiler: [S] Jack: Ascend]]. This is all irrelevant in light of the fact that last time I came to this page I found Homestuck, tried reading it, wasn't interested after about 2 pages and gave up when I remembered someone mentioning it was over 5000 pages long and updated so regularly there would probably be another 500 pages to read by the time you caught up to the day you started reading. * Looking through links in [[{{SlendermanMythos}} Slendy Mythos]]. Slightly close to done with [[{{MarbleHornets}} MH,]] so I decide to look a bit at [[{{EverymanHybrid}} EMH.]] Oh...Oh God. No, just...just not. Not happening. Although it's not so much "there's a crapton of

stuff on one channel in a linear fashion" but rather "there's a crapton of stuff on ''several'' channels in a completely ''nongoddamn-linear'' fashion and I cannot be bloody arsed to look up everything, TL or not". ** BlankIt, on the other hand, I binged quickly, over a 2 day period. Also, I gave up on bingeing Homestuck a few days ago. I was more than "mildly" invested but less than "deeply" invested for most of it, until I got to, you guessed it, ACT 5. The abundance of absurdly long pesterlogs and the fact that I COULDN'T GIVE LESS OF A CRAP ABOUT TROLLMANCE makes for a very dull trawl. So I completely skipped it completely. * Been following ''Pokemon'' since it first came out back when I was in third grade and am still following it to this day, granted I haven't seen every episode, though I haven't missed one since "Master Quest" Since I don't have cable, I have to wait until the [=DVDs=] of the most recent seasons come out before I can catch up with them though, It wouldn't be too hard for me to go back see the episodes i've missed, but i'm just too damn lazy and i'm content just keeping up with newer seasons. * This Troper is easily daunted by Archive Panic, at least where TV is concerned. It's generally pointless for him to buy TV seasons on dvd because they'll just sit on a shelf. Still hasn't learned his lesson, though. Most recent example: Twin Peaks. The Pilot is interesting, but as long as a movie. Troper got three episodes in, procrastinated about watching, and just gave up. * For this troper, binging is the only true way to enjoy any kind of serialized entertainment. Spaced, The first five seasons of The Office (US), Being Human (UK)'s first three series, are amongst the shows this troper only got into because there was the opportunity of overdosing on them. Farscape, on the other hand, was a show this troper managed to resist the urge to watch episodes of, until there was a chance to get the entire series and TV movie and binge until near glorious delirium. Currently airing shows are a torture for this troper because of having to wait an entire week, and don't get me started on hiatuses, that's where panic dwells for me. * [[{{Tropers/Allronix}} This Troper]] was dumb enough to get into StarWars and the DCU...and try writng FanFic for both. How in hell do you ''start'' when you've got 80 years of comic books and the mynok's nest of films, comic books, paperbacks, games, etc. on the latter? ** I got pretty into Star Wars for a while, but I never even considered trying to watch/read ''everything'' in the EU. I would just pick up one side series at a time as it was available to me and get any other info I needed from the wiki. The only one I really tried to get all of was the Dark Forces games. ---Go back to ArchivePanic, if it's not too long for you. ---<<|TroperTales|>>

ArcNumber * This polish Troper always happens to look at the clock or wake up at

21:37. The funny thing? It's the hour of the polish pope's death. * This troper has 2! If I'm awake and the time is 3:43 or 1:17 I WILL look at the clock. ** You know [[ParanoiaFuel 3:43]] is [[OhCrap exactly]] 17 minutes away from the whole hour.. *** Not nearly as important though, as both of those numbers are important to me as a {{Halo}} fan. Oh, and 7 has also taken prominence. BUNGIE IS HAUNTING MY LIFE! * For several months after my brother was born, my mother ''always'' found herself looking at the clock when it was 8:59. This happened both in the AM and in the PM. The number has nothing to do with the time or date of my brother's birth, but it ''is'' part of our phone number. * Similarly, 11:38 is trying to kill me. No connection to the movie, as far as I know. Its friend 11:43 is aiding it, too. * Uh, it's, er...666. Damage scores in [=RPGs=] will read "666", [=PDFs=] will size themselves to 66.6%, books will randomly open to page 666, very occasionally prices will ring up with $6.66 somewhere in them, etc. and [[@/{{Civanfan}} I'd]] like it to stop, frankly. I'm tired of my eyes alighting on it randomly, and I'm sure I'm not the anti-Christ. Fairly sure anyway. ** This troper used to play various card games a lot. He always ended up with three sixes, without fail. *** This troper once had this tendency explained to him, as he noticed it would happen a lot not just with 666 but with other 'common fractions' such as 111, 333, and 999. Likely, as far as games and [=PDFs=] go, this is because however the numbers are generated frequently uses 1000 and standard percents. 666 for 2/3's, for instance. *** To the original speaker, you don't have any plans for politics, do you? *** Could be worse. My license plate ends with 666. * [[@/{{Gerusz}} This troper]] frequently checks digital clocks at 18:48, or 19:56 (years of two Hungarian revolutions). Also, he wakes up sometimes at 03:14. ** [[@/{{Nerrin}} This troper]] and his brother get the 3:14 thing a ''lot''. And not just on clocks. Odd occurrences of 3.14 (aside from it being the first digits of pi) show up in their lives fairly often... Though not for the troper until his brother pointed it out. It's infectious. Argh. *** My birthday is March 14 (3/14). So is my dad's. So is the leader's of the volunteer group I'm involved in. So is the father's of one of the people in said group. So is Albert Einstein's. So is Michael Caine's. So is Billy Crystal's. Also know that I found out that all these people had the same birthday as me through idle conversation over the course of several years. 3/14 has been stalking me since I was born... **** [[{{Tropers/HG131}} So is mine]]. * This troper had a history class in high school where the number "forty" would come up a bunch of times in lecture for some odd reason. After awhile, our class started LampshadeHanging every instance it came up, and our teacher eventually turned it into a CatchPhrase,

specifically putting it in when a random number was needed for whatever purpose. Great fun. * Something similar, that my brother ALWAYS has to say: "It's 9:11; make a wish". * [[@/{{sgrunt}} This troper]], in high school, would invariably look at the clock on the way out the door and it would - every single day read 07:41. On days when he had 9AM class during university, this would usually be the case as well. * One too many episodes of ''TengenToppaGurrenLagann'' means [[@/AndyWaltfeld This Troper]] is trying to rig his Arc Time to be 8:52. * May be the hunger, but this editor randomly checks the clock every other day at 11:08 AM. The catch? He was born at 11/08... * This troper sometimes encounter famous number at days that are associated with that numbers. On the International Pi day it was a chapter in a book called "a bit of pi" or something like that. When it was Towel Day the bus from school passed a house whith the number 42. * [[@/{{gs68}} 65 and 68]]. * This troper has experienced that he will always start getting hungry 17:45 in the afternoon, no matter when he ate lunch or supper. But just in the summer. * This Troper always looks at the clock at 11:11, and always sees 42 in his maths lessons. Though, he blames too much [[HitchhikersGuideToTheGalaxy H2G2]] for that one. * This troper keeps seeing the number "69" in his math lessons. Argh! Make it stop! * We play "Who Wants to Be a Millionare" in math sometimes, and I always get the million, we always have no lifelines left, and the rest of the class always has no idea (not that shocking, I get the best grades in my grade.) * 11:34. I see it all the time. That's not as bad as it used to be. Before a certain event in 2001, I kept noticing 9:11. * One furry writer manages to make just about every number a derivative of five. Even it's not a multiple, the digits will add up to five, or a number whose digits add up to five, or a multiple of five. * 755 has been popping up since a certain visit to a forum. Pi is also starting to become one. * [[@/{{Ripsaw}} This Troper]]'s father has a number he will always give when asked for a number: Seven Thousand Two Hundred and Six. My own personal number seems to be 94 for some reason (links StarWars and a shuttle flight, among other things). * 661. [[MikeK I]] used to pass by an office building with 661 in big metal numbers on the side, and gradually started seeing it everywhere: addresses, license plates, classroom numbers, etc. It then became the number I'd put at the end of screennames whenever what I wanted was taken, so that just makes it stick in my mind more. * 117. Hooooooboooy. Is it just this troper or do I always see 117 everywhere? In an RPG, my health will turn 117 for a long period of time. In the latest episode of HPAW, I saw Mempf's ammo meter drop to 117 for a while before he picked up more ammo. My clock seems to turn to 1:17 with me noticing it everyday. Maybe I should stop playing Halo

so much........ * For some reason, my mother has always used the number 17 when asked an annoying/repeated question which would have a number answer. "How many stores do we have to go to?" "17!" This was later taken to the logical extreme: "Mom, can I ask you a question?" "The answer is 17!" This exchange once took place on a cruise ship, and a random bystander jumped in with, "My answer is always [[TheHitchhikersGuideToTheGalaxy 42]]." * I intend to have encountered 237 in little ways. Doesn't help that I read a lot of Stephen King books and he seems to love that number. * In the late morning, this troper will most of the time look up at the clock to find that it's 11:11. * 256 for this troper. When he looks at his phone after school, it will ALWAYS be 2:56 PM. Similar thing with looking at song times. It doesn't really help that it's a common number in computer graphics, and he would call himself a nerd. Most occurances are him lampshading it or specifically noticing the number because it's 256 recently. ** Are you me? Seriously, whenever I check the clock, it's 2:56. And on top of the whole 2^8 thing, my birthday is February 25th; February is the 2nd month of the year, and the 25th is the 56th day of the year. What. The. Heck. * This troper is surprised no one has mentioned 23 yet. ** [[{{Tropers/Kadorhal}} Me]] too. I see that damn number ''everywhere''. It's started bringing friends, too, chiefly the number [[TouhouProject 9]]. * superslinger2007: has played a game that takes place in [[HalfLife City 17]] (who hasn't?), has gotten into using "[[AngryVideoGameNerd B-17 Bomber]]", and was 17 years old two years after [[ArcWords March 17]] happened. AceAttorney Investigations has its epilogue on March 17. [[DrivingQuestion What is March 17]] anyway? More than just a coincidence: it's not lucky, that's for sure. ** What is a coincidence is 17 is also a number for a troper below. Damn. * For a while when I was at college, 594 seemed to follow me around. A store near campus had a number ending in 5904. Long distance service to call home had 594 in it. While reading a book by TomClancy, he mentioned the [[ 594class submarine.]] Now that I think of it, that was around May of 1994... ** I, casually, was born on May 12, 1994. May 12 = 1205 in my country. I was born at exactly 12:05, and I always look at the clock at 12:05 (afternoon, or midnight, it is of no matter) And in school, 12 seems to be a recurring number (califications, the result of a really difficult operation, the number of components something has... 12 is my number.) * Don't laugh, because I'm serious about this, but This Troper's arc numbers are 6 and 9. * This troper has 272. I stopped recording occurences of it years ago, but it's still cropped up. * This Troper's Arc Number is 13. Check it: Born on the 25th, my first and last name add up to 12. 25-12=13. ALL the individual parts of my

phone number add up to 13. My address is 107 on N. Fifth. 1+0+7+5=13. My locker combination last year (The year I found this out?) 13, 26, and some other number. Locker number? 113. I was in english class when I found this out, on the 13th, doing my 39th journal entry of the year. The word I was spelling at the time (I remember this vividly, don't know why) was Animalization. Count the letters. ** Another troper with 13 as an Arc Number. Birthday on the 13th, parents' anniversary on the 13th, grandfather died on the 13th, exfriend's birthday on the 13th. I'm Jewish, so my 13th birthday was huge in a way unrelated to its being my golden birthday. My name (first, last, middle initial) has 13 letters. I could come up with more examples if needed. Recently I've been keeping an eye out for 42, but sadly that is not my Arc Number. * This troper has 297, it's his house number, the exact file space one of his important folders takes up, formerly the number of comments I'd made on Newgrounds, he intends to look for more. * 8 5 12 16. 8 5 12 16! ''8 5 12 16!!!'' '''WHAT DOES IT MEAN?!''' * Mostly 11. One day I actually kept looking at the clock every eleven minutes for like an hour. I didn't mean to!! * 10:37 for [[@/ColorPrinter this troper]], but the main digits in his life seem to be 1, 2, 7, 8, and 9. (They involve my area code and my birthday.) ** 1, 2, and 7. They're everywhere... (see below) * For [[@/KingSonnDeeDoo This Troper]], it's the number 17. She was born on the 17th, at 17:00 ''exactly'', in room 17 at the hospital. And now it seems to pop up everywhere... ** You are not alone. See above. * For me, it seems to be the number 27. It just pops up in casual conversation as dates or figures all the time when people are talking to me... * For this troper, 3:18 (AM/PM), 10:22 (AM only), 11:11 (AM/PM), 12:34 (AM/PM). 3/18 is her birthdate, and 10:22 is when her high school third period class got out. * This troper is stalked by 137. In fact, I typed this out at 17:31, read it backwards. ** Aw frick, you too? Creepy... My other numbers are 27, 42, 47, 413, and 612. Guess where they're from! :D * [[@/TheDarkTower 19]]. Always. Goddamn. 19. * [[@/HangetsuHozuki This Troper]] is constantly looking at the clock at 4:44. The fact that four is read Shi (Death) in Japanese (A language this troper adores...) is hopefully understandably unsettling... Riiight? * 127. [[@/ParallelNebula This Troper]] looks up at clocks at 10:27 and 1:27. 127 is an address on my street, the most decrepit house on the street. 10/27 is my birthday. My fifth period class gets gets out at precisely 1:27. In our school's performance in marching band, we form a [[BetterThanItSounds beating, human heart]]. In the third part of the song, the band forms an EKG as the lower instruments play the heartbeat. [[NightmareFuel Then it flatlines.]] After some measures of [[CrowningMusicofAwesome intense music]], we come to measure 127. [[HighOctaneNightmareFuel The heart is beating again, louder and lower

than before.]] * 9:54. Often, it can be any time ending in :54, but 9:54 is the most prevalent. * [[{{Tropers/Phoenixor}} This Troper]] has 42 and 37 for his. Why such obvious ones, he's not sure, but he doesn't question it. * 518. Don't ask. For anything associated with daily routine, it's six. Do not question further. * For [[@/CantNotLookAtThisSite this troper]], it's 510, a combination of my other favourite numbers, 5 and 10. I always go to sleep on a multiple of five. * [[@/{{Homestuck}} 413]] won't stop following this Troper. * This Troper usually refers to 47 as [[HitchHikersGuideToTheGalaxy 42]] adjusted for inflation. Also, 2112. * When 5:55am rolls around for the 555th time, either the world will end or I will get a date. Smart money is on the former. * [[@/{{aiskhiz}} 6 9 13 27 84 55 31]] * Mine changes every year. It's my age, and therefor changes with me. * [[@//{Tadaru}} This troper]] like the troper above, I run into 23 (or my current age) often, as well as other numbers that can change over time. ** The two-digit numbers he seems to have an affinity for are almost all prime; 31, 41, 47, 61, and 97 are the ones that come to the top of his head. ** This is completely reversed when it comes to three digit or longer numbers; they're not only not prime, but ones with many factors of 2, 3, and 5 like 480, 768, or 2592. ** Many powers of 2; comes with being a Computer Science major. * Alphabetically, this troper is always the 7th or the 13th listed. He also randomly chooses 17s when picking spots. * Exaggerated: this troper has too many numbers to name. ** 8:19a ** 3:01p ** 10:19p (reminded me of the days I had my GameCube, and used the 12hour clock) ** 22:04 (I use the 24-hour clock at home; the 12-hours one elsewhere) *** That was the time I started adding to this TroperTales page and editing my thing. Dear me did I decide to write then. ** 305 and 787 (after 23 inches of snow outside one winter, I believe it's time to go elsewhere, where the music feels warm) ** FourIsDeath ** Seat number [[ThirteenIsUnlucky 13]], also because my name has 5+8 letters. ** 51337. It's what I think about when I see a rain-snow mix, or ice pellets. Or, [[GratuitousSpanish in Spain]], ya'll better read until the [[IncrediblyLamePun Beghilos calculator spelling]] finds out. ** 17 for reasons beyond my control * Similar to the top example, GOD 343. IT'S EVERYWHERE. ** Top poster here, you wouldn't happen to be a Halo fan as well, would you? * I keep seeing 39 everywhere. 39 can be read in Japanese as [[{{Vocaloid}} mi-ku]]. * I will always look at the clock when it's 23:19. Doesn't help that

it is the emergency code in MonstersInc * This troper is writing to invoke this trope in one of her fanfic series with the number 52. * This troper's arc number is 10:09 If those letters appear together, this troper will see them. IT has gotten to the point where it is extremely frustrating, and feels like the numbers are chasing me. * Number 9. My birthday is the '''18'''th of the '''9'''th, 1'''99'''2, I was born at '''9''':00pm exactly, '''9''' days late. I weighed exactly '''9''' pounds. My fathers' birthday is on the same day as mine. Not that it matters, but I just checked and I'm '''18''' years and '''9''' months old, and there are '''81''' days until my next birthday. * 119 has been one of the most common numbers I've seen that were directly applicable to me. My first paycheck was $119. First time guessing which number someone is thinking: 119. Words I usually type per minute: 119. Amount of money I found on the ground one day? $119. Score I got on my first college final: 119 out of 120. I even have recurring dreams involving the number 119. * This Troper has 9. I was born on the 19-9-1996 at 9am in room 9 of the hospital and weighed 9 pounds and 9 ounces. Also once I had to get an operation (on my birthday no less) and the number on my bed was, you guessed it, 9. * Something of significance seems to happen to [[{{Tropers/Sus}} me]] every time the numbers 7 and 13 turn up. Also, I seem to have some kind of fixation on powers of two, especially 4 and 16 (16=4*4=2^2^2). ---ArcNumber has nine letters, and you will return to the main article in exactly nine seconds. ---<<|TroperTales|>>

ArcWords * [[Tropers.ReikoKazama "You think everybody is who they say they are?"]] * For this troper's university (and all other universities in the same system): [[ tion "furlough day."]] * bookworm389 - Why do you read? A questions with different meanings and answers as I grow up. * Tropers/KrazehPenguin likes invoking this trope, especially with the words 'Red Penguin' and 'Confused Cockroach.' * This troper's is, for any time I want to have a funny answer, "I'm {{Batman}}!". Why didn't I put the dogs out? Because "I'm Batman!". ** I think that would be GagWords, or a CatchPhrase. * This troper's Arc...sentence? would be "How many books have you read?", asked by a number of annoyingly curious people. ** [[Tropers/{{JET73L}} I]]'d ask if you were me, but I ''know'' I never wrote that entry. (The answer is, or was, always "I have no idea. I average [recent typical number of books per week] per week,

though.") *** Well, I can't be you, because [[MindScrew I know I'm me, but if you're you and I'm me, then who's...]] But seriously, I normally just grunt, which is an almost-mute request for them to go away. ** I have had that happen to me way too often. It's rather annoying though, and I have no idea how many I've read. I havent been reading much this year though, so noone has asked so far. ** Things like this make me certain I've discovered TVTropes previously sometime before. I was gonna say something else here as well. I forgot it though. Hate doing that. ** That's almost like me, but it's usually, "How many books do you read in a week?" [[BerserkButton IT DEPENDS ON THE BOOK'S LENGTH!!!]] * superslinger2007 and "March [[ArcNumber 17]]", which in his case is not lucky. * Nearly every converstaion between kknd2 and Crazael over Instant Messanging begins with "I Had a thought..." responded to by Crazaels' "I hope it didn't hurt." to the point it could form a [[BluffTheImpostor Shibboleth]] between us. * This troper's works thus far have had "Let me teach you a lesson" which is normally followed by ass-kicking or exposition, and "One Spark can burn the world" (surprisingly the Hero's Mantra... ItMakesSenseInContext). * If you see any mention of "I'm watching animal porn!" and a link back to ''WhoseLineIsItAnyway'', they're all made by the same anonymous troper. * "Veuillez-vous rendre votre classe PAAQ la cloche." which means "Please go to your PAAQ class at the bell" (PAAQ is kind of like homeroom. This is because in This troper's school they only ever call you to PAAQ class on the intercom like that when someone from the school has died. Which has happened five times this year. * A couple I have used in my games: ** "You will pass judgement on the Last Man." - referring to the hero being an UnwittingPawn being tricked into killing his rival so that the rival can be bought back to life and no longer fearing death, thus killing the "Last Man" within him, so that he can become an Ubermensch. ** "Yue Lepretto" - the name of a major antagonist, used cryptically until revealed that it is a person. * The number 17 came up extraordinarily frequently in this troper's life up until college. ** Isn't it an ArcNumber though? * My novel series are going to use sets for each. The first, a fantasy series, will use "Ascension is upon us", "Heaven and hell collide", and "The seal has broken". The second, Science Fiction, will use "Its not in the cards", "The dead don't ___(lie, tell tales, etc.) with the final being "The dead don't sleep for long". ** To be technical these series ideas are in the same universe at different times: The fantasy is in 2010, the science fiction is forty years after, and a third in between, probably 2015. Its are "EDEN", a brand name seen everywhere, and for a short time Exploding Head Syndrome[[hottip:* :Which is NOT a disease where peoples heads blow up.]](mostly in the book titled that).

* This troper is currently running a [[AdeptusEvangelion RPG]] where the NPC ally is only one part of the Arc numbers theme. It has shown up in elevator directions twice, range finders, and most especially that NPC's dialogue. "9-17-9" The NPC Pilots [[ArmoredCore Nine Ball]] and is named [[MeaningfulName Nemo]] [[NumericalThemeNaming Nu]] [[GratuitousGerman Dreizehn]] If your a member of that campagin and reading this. [[spoiler: [[MeaningfulName Nemo]] [[NumericalThemeNaming Mu]] [[YouAreNumberSix Zwolft]] wishes to speak with you about [[NamesToRunAwayFromReallyFast Gabriel]].]] * IRL, "No problem!" I say it ALL. THE. TIME. It's become a reflex! ** CatchPhrase, not Arc Words. *** Under certain circumstances, a CatchPhrase can become ArcWords. * Remolay- "Huevos" I swear that word is following me. "Huevos." What about eggs? * The current chapter in this troper's life seems to be built around the arc words "Everything happens for a reason," often brought up in conversation with one of this troper's close friends, usually with regards to things with no apparent desirable effect. * "no one should have to feel lonely. like they are alone, shifting through the frigid darkness".... yeah, i'm a drama king. * This troper sometimes feels like her school is a tv show and the question "Where do you go to school?" and "What do you do there?" (it's an arts school) are arc words. * "It's just a phase." * "My own worst enemy". The song by Lit didn't make sense at the time, but damn, I truly do [[TheReasonYouSuckSpeech tell myself I suck]] much worse than anyone else ever could. * ''Frostsabre.'' At this troper's school: "(person} gets defenestrated." Time to throw that word out the window. ** I have my own. First, it's "I don't give a damn." I can't get the last lines of the Star-Spangled Banner off me when I'm flying; don't ask me why. In Spanish, it's "gatito grande rojo," and by association, just "gatito." *** ItGotWorse. I just developed a new one. [[TVTropesWillRuinYourVocabulary "It's going on Troper Tales."]] No, really, I just lapse into it. * "You she try to be more like others." * -->'''Mom''': What do you think? * -->'''Me''': I don't know. * Whenever this troper is irritated about some social/political issue of the day, he posts his thoughts to Facebook, usually starting with "(America) Fun Fact:" or "a brief lesson in (whatever):" * [[@/YamiNoIzanagi Equilibrium]]. It kept appearing in almost all our subjects in fourth year high-school, and even outside of class. And for me... ''Magayus-ayos ka na'' (Fix yourself up) or ''Magbagongbuhay ka na'' (Turn over a new leaf). * In an Homestuck themed RPG I'm in, I'm trying to make the phrase "it was YOU ALL ALONG" into this. * [[dRoy "Time to give it a shot."]] * This troper's mother used to jokingly call her "the little pathologist" because of how she would meticulously remove every last bit of onion from her plate before eating as a child. Guess what this

troper is studying to become now? * "Stubbornness is in our blood" for This Troper. It seemed to be a testament to my family's stubbornness but it began to take on more meaning as my life went on. * This troper caused an incident resembling Arc Words at his school. On a three day school trip, he tried to mess with the heads of the other people in the romm by pretending to talk in his sleep. What sounded like nonsense was actually [[spoiler:references to the infamous 'Fur And Loathing' episode of {{CSI}}, altered to remove all actual references to the FurryFandom]] except for a mention of 'the costumes'. This turned the phrase 'The fox knows the truth' ([[spoiler:referring to a furry fan named Dark Fox]]) into Arc Words for a while, usually accompanied by 'CSI!' said in a creepy voice. ---[[ArcWords "Go back to where you're needed"]]. ---<<|TroperTales|>>

AreWeThereYet * This troper actually saw a sign once on the side of an American highway, one of those official green signs with white letters, which read: "Are we there yet? Are we there yet?? Are we there yet???" * This troper has heard several girls chanting (multiple times) a sort of rhythmic "Are we there yet? *clap* Are we there yet? *clap* Are we there yet? *clap*" * When this troper was little, her family was driving from {{Joisey}} to Maine. Her dad kept on telling her to stop asking how much longer. This 7-year-old troper had recently learned the word "ass", so she made up a song and started singing it to the tune of "Jingle Bells": -->A-S-S, A-S-S, A-S-S spells ass! * this troper would always, always, always ask her father this when going on long car rides. He always answered with, " yes, hop out" no matter where we were. * My Dad has a friend whose standard response to this type of question, regardless of the actual ETA, is always "We'll be there in 3-4 hours." ** This Troper's father does the same, replying to any such questions with "An hour and a half"... even when we're about to round the corner of our street. * This troper always, as soon as she got in the car, asked "Are we there yet?" . * My sister, when she she was little, used to say "Are we there yet? Im going to get old..." * Really, who didn't do this when they were younger? * Once every couple of hours on a 15-hour drive to Florida. It was funny once. * This troper, being squished in the backseat with two brothers, were tortuous to any driver. One memorable thing we did was a chant that was inspired by a Simpsons talking watch. "Are we there yet, NO! Are we there yet, NO!" * This troper's cousin started doing this on a three-hour trip to

Pennsylvania. My aunt finally got fed up and yelled, "IF WE WERE THERE, WE'D BE PARKING!" They joked about that for a while after we'd arrived. ---AreWeThereYet AreWeThereYet AreWeThereYet ---<<|TroperTales|>>

AreYouMyMummy * This troper's uncle, who has many, many issues, is convinced that his eldest sister is actually his mother. His siblings, all much older than him (which probably doesn't help) all remember their mother's pregnancy clearly. * My Grandmother is an example of this trope. She was born in WW2 London ... to a woman whose husband had been away fighting for 2 years. She was adopted by her Grandmother, who was too old to have a kid and had recently remarried to a man who wanted a kid. My Granny only found out at her 'Mother's funeral. * My ringtone for my mom is "Are you my mummy?"

AreYouPonderingWhatImPondering [[redirect:TroperTales/Ptitleo80g8a6lb0j8]]

AreYouSureYouWantToDoThat * In [[@/MrDeath this troper]]'s RP group, the GM will allow some pretty wild stunts, and the way the setting works means that most injuries short of brain trauma can be recovered from so long as WhiteMagic gets to you in time. "Are you sure?" is the official signal that whatever a player/character has proposed/just tried is going to end in a swift death, and is almost universally followed by a change in plans. * In this not-a-troper's first D&D session, the DM gave us a couple chances like this because we were noobs. Okay, fine, gave ''me'' a couple chances like this...

Arilou * An affable and fellow worthy of your time if you enjoy thoughtful discussion. I have found that he has excellent tastes, if you enjoy well-rounded characterization paired with [[JigsawPuzzlePlot elaborate plotting]]. Note his recommendations well. ~{{Sneebs}} ---- <<|TroperTales|>>

ArmchairPsychology * Speaking from personal experience: I normally speak in I statements,

especially while participating in online discussions. Unfortunately, while I'd like to think that I am one of the "honest and nonconfrontational" individuals mentioned above, there have been several cases where attempts to communicate this way via a text medium have been interpreted as insincere and passive-aggressive. On the other hand, I've found that explaining the case for an alternate viewpoint in this manner and then presenting a counterargument in a confrontational fashion can lend a lot of weight to a statement. ** This troper fell victim of the passive-aggressive call, more than once. *** And, how did this make you FEEL. How about we look at ink blots and I'll ask you about your mother (I don't know how to fit anymore stereotypical psychology in there). * This troper feels that talking this way is always inherently dishonest, because he believes it makes your feelings an InformedAbility which is easily dismissed rather than something real that is an immediate problem someone can relate to, and so he avoids it at all costs. Except here, where everyone else was doing it and I just wanted to be cool. ** Err.. being able to dismiss your feelings is a ''good'' thing. Keep working on it. *** No, sorry, I meant it's too easy for ''other people'' to dismiss your feelings talking this way, which rather defeats the point of doing it. Certainly I've found that using "I statements" is a really good way to get blown off. * This troper tried this with his ex-girlfriend. It didn't work because she [[SlapSlapKiss expresses love by fighting]]. * This troper's mother, after reading a child psychology book, said to his brother (then around five), "You're angry, aren't you?" His response: "You don't talk like that!" She tossed the book out soon afterward. ** That reminds me of a classmate's experience in my "Child Development" class. We'd been talking about communicating with your child(ren) the day before, and this Troper's friend had tried it on one of the children at the place she works at: "You're angry aren't you?". The kid's response? "Of course I'm angry!" with a kind of "DUH!" look on her face. * I have often experienced this kind of technique with teachers trying to tell me, for example, that I should pay some more attention, be a little nicer or that they think I should try to improve my teamwork behaviour. I have come to see that the proper response is to simply nod and sound approvingly during while the other person is speaking and roll your eyes when they turn away. On a completely different note, fusing an "I-statement" (as linked to in the article) with SophisticatedAsHell (in the last part of such a statement) might produce an interesting result. * This Troper feels like he's being arrogant every time he makes an "I-statement", as though his opinions are more important than reality. * This Troper's 4th grade (and a few others I think) teacher tried to use this on us. the statement was something like "I feel [emotion] when [name] [action] and I want him/her to [apologetic action]" I know that I and a few others thought it was bullshit and never really

complied. Happily, when I had to go to anger management the year before there was none of that crap and there's none with my therapist so I actually do stuff. ** Yeah, that whole "I feel [emotion]..." thing is utter bullshit. Just because [Name] apologizes for [action] doesn't mean that [name] actually gives a shit that [action] caused someone to fell [emotion]. My elementary school tried the same crap with us and never got anywhere with the sociopathic/psychopathic bullies (not all of them were such, but I know for a fact that some of them were either socios or full on psychos). * My old school had a, "Yes, but how does it make you ''feel''?" meme based on the prevalence of this at the school. At another school I went to, we had a motivational hippie psychotherapist sort of guy come in and effectively ban the word "should" from our speech, because it was too controlling, IIRC, or because it meant we were too rooted in our expectations to see what was really in front of us. It was weird... * I actually got in trouble in fifth grade for mocking the school psychologists because during lunch I would walk up to people and say "and how does that make you ''feel''?" ** To be fair, I'd probably do the same. Then again, I'm a psych major who really DOES make fun of those people (Freud called, he said he's no longer right and that a phenomenological veiwpoint is what caused Gen Y to be so fucked). * Okay, this page has now made Tropers/{{Sen}} terrified that his attempts to honestly apologise for something (and the fact that he is prone to talk at length about his feelings and shit) can be mistaken for insincere passive-aggressive bullshit. ** Don't worry. One of the irritating things about this is that it's incredibly easy to spot. If you're sincere, people will know. * One of my friends is a very sweet person but she talks like this ''a lot''. It's really awkward to vent to her about anything because it tends to be met with a response like: "I'm sorry that you feel <angry/sad> about <situation>, <name>. It can sometimes be difficult when <situation> happens. How about this: Has anything positive happened today?" ** This troper's ex talks like that. It's one of the many reasons I'm glad we're no longer dating. * This trope is a bit of a sore spot for this troper who happens to be majoring in psychology. * This trope is a pet peeve for me, particularly when people think that no one notices that they are deliberately using it. * There was an anti-bullying system in my old school district a while back that basically recommended ArmchairPsychology as a way to fend off bullies. I knew that it was bullshit straight from third grade when the "I-speech" posters started appearing, but I've never quite been able to put a finger on why until I read this article. * This troper uses it a lot, when being passive aggressive is intended. This troper does it to point fingers without giving them any actual grounds to say that this troper is pointing fingers. This troper recognizes it as a useful debate tool, especially when combined with an expression that's a little too friendly/casual.

* From [[Tropers/HouraiRabbit my experience]] it's not the 'Istatements' that cause people to come across as insincere or passiveaggressive. Generally it's their choice of adjectives and other qualifiers that will give them away, such as in the following sentence: "I apologise, since my behaviour has allegedly caused offence." It may seem like a CaptainObvious type statement but you would be surprised how many people say things exactly like this in an attempt to defuse conflict while simultaneously not believing that they have done anything wrong at all (naturally with varying degrees of subtlety but no less sarcasm). Words like "allegedly", "supposedly", "so-called", and so on are what I think people should really be looking out for. ---I believe you can take this link back to ArmchairPsychology. Do you find that appealing? ---<<|TroperTales|>>

ArmorPiercingQuestion * This troper's keeping "Who do you think you are?"/"Who are you?" in the back of his head as one of these. See, very few people are [[CardCarryingVillain Card Carrying Villains]] in real life, so by following up on the question one could induce HeelRealization in nearly any potential antagonist. ("Don't you realize you are the villain here?" "Have you thought about the consequences of your actions?" "What gives you the right to ____________?" "Have you ever taken responsibility for ANYTHING?" etc. depending on the individual heel) * This troper has been on the receiving end of this. The question was asked in school by a good friend who obviously sees more than most people. The question was: "For how long have you been pretending to be happy?" The effect wasn't very pleasant, although it did provide some further insight into my psyche. It helps that the person asking is close to a mentor for me. ** For insight-provoking, I occasionally use: "How do you mean by [X]?" Works like a treat.[[hottip:*:Since most people don't usually think about what they mean when saying something, this question helps them think about how and why they think, if you see what I mean.]] * This troper gave one in regards do my [[StraightGay sexuality]] to a Christian dude. I calmly invited him to sit down for a cup of coffee and a civil conversation. He accepted. After hearing the [[SarcasmMode good old reliable]] "Gays are going to Hell speech", I asked him if he was God. No. I asked him if God was the only one who could judge my sins. Yes. I asked him if Jesus died to absolve my sins. Then I asked him what gave him the right to judge my sins. No answer. After about twenty seconds of silence from the guy, I got up and left the coffeehouse. * for some reason, these questions never work on this troper. i an the kind of guy that replies to "are you happy?" with a simple yes. another example: i got myself tied up in a debate with a rather fundamental christian, and after a few minutes of exchanging shots, he

tried the classic(parafrased, i don't remember it exactly): "then what is the meaning of it all? you say you ndon't believe in god or devil, you say you don't believe in heaven or hell. you say that one day you die, and then you just stop to exist. the what is the meaning of your life huh? what is the point?" i replied about three secons later. "simple. to live, to love, to learn. but most of all, my friends and family. wether you laugh together or cry together, the best thing about life, the thing that makes it worthwhile, is that i am not alone. taht is what gives my life meaning. surely youmust understand. afterall, you have a family too, right? parents, brothers, sisters, maybe even a girfriend, a wife, a kid. are they meaningless to you?" "no, i love my family, i love my wife, i will love my kids later." "then why is that not enough? why do you seek higher meaning with all that right in front of you" " God is the crator. i did not seek him, he was always there. he is the purpose and the goal of all. my family understands that" "oh, so that is all you are? worshippers of god first and formost? is that how you are going to raise your kids? as faithfull straight-laced prayer batteries?"he started some more rambling, so i tried a question of my own "but what if your kids are different? what if they don't want to be like that? what if they do not want to serve your god?" it took me another minute of repeating to get the conviction out of him that he would side with God. so i gave him averbal smackdown on volume 11 about him being not just a lousy parent, but also a lousy human being, and that he could shove his god up his own ass to keep the stick there company, and that i would speek no more to people like him. somehow, that did shut him up. * This Troper has been on both ends: the giving one to a rather [[ItsAllAboutMe self-centered]] ex-friend ("Are people, aside you BEST friend ever, only expendable tools for you to get praise and pity?"). [[AesopAmnesia Didn't stick for long]], though; and the receiving one from my therapist ("What do you feel now?" *answer* "Wrong. I didn't ask what you were thinking. I'll ask again, what do you FEEL?").

ArmorPiercingSlap * This Troper had a chance to slap her ex-boyfriend, who sadly avoided this Trope by not showing any signs of pain. This Troper fixed this by properly punching him in the face. * Non-human example: [[@/StarshipTroper this troper]] used to live with several cats. Taffy, a fluffy little tortoiseshell female, was idly amusing herself one evening by swatting the end of her own tail. Milo, the big ginger tomcat, walked by and decided to "help" by pouncing on her tail. Milo just sat there as Taffy got up, slapped him across the cheek with a paw, and stalked off in a huff. * This troper delivered one of these upon being teased by a boy in middle school. He told her "You won't do it!" He was wrong, and instantly surprised. ** [[DoubleStandard Reactions probably would have been different had a guy slapped a girl for teasing him, though.]] Would you have defended a guy who did that, then? * I've always wondered, this is usually given when a man is being perverted, right? But what if that man is being perverted by trying to

get you to give them an ArmorPiercingSlap because they're a masochist? What do you do then? ** GroinAttack? ** Make him spend a lot of money on new teeth. That's what you get for confusing an innocent lady. ** Mace? *** First of all, ''[[NoodleIncident What the]] [[MindScrew hell?]]'' Second... call him an idiot and walk away? *** This never actually happened, I'm just wondering what one would do in such a situation. *** I have actually known a guy like that. Most women's reactions upon realising that he wanted to be slapped was to be really creeped out and quietly slink away, making faces and calling him names. Eventually he married a ClingyJealousGirl and managed to meet his fetish by flirting with other women so that his WIFE would hit him. *** Make him hit you. He'll feel terrible about it because he's not a sadist. *** Clearly you've never met my ex, then. She'd hit you anyway and then gnaw on you. *** Is your ex also my ex? She never hit me that I recall, but I would find her randomly gnawing on my shoulder when we fell asleep together. *** This troper's ex used to do that when we were awake and having sex. **** Wait, are you saying there's something unusual about liking to chew on people? *** Happened to this troper two days ago. He slapped me across the face, waited for a response (which was me tumbling backwards nearly knocking over about three chairs). He then added: "Why didn't you slap me back?!". I stammered out: "I was trying to be nice!". Then, yes, walked away. I'm sure there are loads more people who love being slapped. *** Guys! Guys! I have a GREAT idea! Instead of slapping him, why don't you KISS him!? I mean, THAT would leave them totally stunned!! (P.S. this is a GUY suggesting this. Just thought you should know...) *** Use tongue, too! * Happened to This Troper not long ago. Although, not for being perverted, some girl just decided I was a complete A-hole, slapped me about 20 tims, then finished up with a GroinAttack. Girls are crazy. ** [[CompletelyMissingThePoint Wow, what did]] [[NoodleIncident you do to all those]] [[ExactWords Tims]] [[GrammarNazi to provoke that kind of reaction?]] * This troper has a friend that averts this rather painfully. Attempts to slap him have resulted in people breaking their hands on his face. Similar results occur from accidentally kicking him in open toe shoes and punching him in the head during a bar fight. ** I can understand punches, but kicks? Sounds exaggerated to me. What, does he have a steel skeleton or something? *** He's more durable than a human has a right to be. Martial arts training, bone hardening exercises, and really good genes combo into something that can survive being ejected from a car into a tree with mild to severe joint damage (which fully healed; most of which was dislocation).

* This troper's ex-girlfriend hurt her hand repeatedly when trying to hit me. Either she's physically weak or my bones are thicker than normal. ** TruthInTelevision. Contrary to what you may come to believe watching TV; if you're not used to getting into fights, you ''will'' hurt your hand when hitting people. If your ex wasn't much used to physical exertion, chances are she was just plain surprised at the jab of pain. * [[{{Smerf}} This]] troper made the dirty joke and got the rightlydeserved slap (it was a pretty bad joke). Unfortunately, she connected with his freshly pierced nipple. * While I didn't pierce armor, I did accidentally slap a kid full in the face during play practice. He was supposed to flinch, and I was supposed to hold back, and we both...didn't. I can attest that some people really do the PunchSpinGape thing. What took the incident [[CrossesTheLineTwice back around to hilarious]] was our director's response. -->'''Director, completely deadpan''': *beat* Yeah, let's change that to a shove. * This troper's friend had never been slapped and [[TooDumbToLive wanted to see what it felt like.]] So, he asked everyone to slap him in the face as hard as they could. This troper warned him, but complied. Now, she is the 10.0 of what her friends call "The Richter Scale of Slapping". * This troper was once having a discussion with his girlfriend and she was complaining about being fat and not being happy with her body image. This was nothing new, this discussion had happened before and on numerous occasions I had reassured her and asserted that she was absolutely fine with how she looked and that she looked absolutely beautiful to me. This was getting rather tiring, however, and this time this I said sarcastically: "Yeah, sure, you are absolutely horrible and extremely ugly." Now, my facial expression and tone made it absolutely clear that I was being sarcastic and she most definitely had understood when I was being sarcastic before, but what does she do a little bit later? Yeah, she slaps me hard. She was most definitely not a physically weak person either. I don't know if I deserved this or not, but I was so offended that I didn't talk to her for the rest of the day. We had even had this discussion of double standards with physical violence between men and women before. ---Ow! I was just [[ArmorPiercingSlap linking back to the main entry]], honey, I swear! ----

ArrangedMarriage * I'm a former moony and one of the younger generation that preferred getting matched by Reverend Moon than by my parents. My logic was that I don't trust my parents' judgment and would rather get a match from the supposed messiah or "true father of humankind". Turns out, his judgment ("You two random people! GET MARRIED!") is even worst. Arranged Marriage just sucks. Don't do it.

* [[Tropers/DVBen This troper]] was told that his marriage would be arranged by his parents because it's part of our tradition, our culture, our way of life - back when he was 16 years old. They (my parents) were (and still are) serious. This troper is an American citizen, but has lived in an Indian household for his entire life, under the guidance of his very conservative (and Catholic) parents. In our culture, parents pick their children's prospective spouses based on varying criteria, but there are some constants in the criteria (note that this list is not exhaustive): same religion (or similar religious denominations), same ethnicity, compatible caste (yes, it is legally abolished in India, but many Indians still live their lives according to this system), similar educational background, and relations between the families of the man and the woman. This troper has no say in the matter of who my bride will be or how she will be selected, but thankfully my parents (like most parents who arrange their children's marriages in the 21st century) have decided that the ultimate decision (whether I want to marry her or not) is up to me. In spite of that one stroke of good fortune, however, this troper fears for his future; right now, I'm 18 years old, so my parents will probably start searching when I'm 25 or older. I never thought that I would appreciate being single, but I guess I was wrong. ** You're an American citizen. You are not bound to their wishes at all, and you're free to ignore them and marry whoever you please. Anyone that tells you otherwise is wrong. It's just that simple. *** The power of an American citizen sounds amazing, but consider this reality: I love my parents unconditionally, and I would not want them to be emotionally hurt or ashamed if I decided to marry whoever I please instead of listening to them. I am an American that is 18 years old, but does that necessarily mean I would just ignore whatever my parents tell me when it is inconvenient for me? Why would I turn my back on the only people who loved me unconditionally since the day I was born? Why would I do that for the sake of some woman that I think ''might'' be "the one" for me? Aren't love marriages just as uncertain, if not more uncertain, than arranged marriages? **** You're a human being, not an extra limb of your parents. If you're unable to recognize that you are your own person who deserves your own happiness just as much as your parents deserve their happiness, then you deserve whatever unhappiness your parents accidentally cause you. If they love you, then what would truly make them happy is for YOU to be happy. ***** And if YOU'RE unable to realize that gratitude for the people he knows have loved and provided him with unconditional support throughout his life is a perfectly legitimate means towards happiness by itself without the stigma of being an 'extra limb', then unhappiness is all you deserve. ***** Let me repeat myself: "whatever unhappiness your parents accidentaly cause you". Did I say he is without a doubt going to be unhappy? No, I didn't. Learn to read before you randomly wish suffering on people, asshole. **** I would like to add a point. I am Indian myself, and raised Christian. We are Mar Thomite however. My parents have said they'll give me this option if I can't find anyone on my own. ( the peopel I

choose on my own are preferablly Indian though...I think they'd be very begrudging on Asian (my favorite people, other non indian brown not sure, very very unhappy if I went with white, and I'd be disowned if I went for black...(Eh I'm pretty racist against them anyway and have no physical attraction for them)My comment is on the caste system. Tell your parents you'll agree to terms if 1, she's attractive according to you. (You go on interview date (a first date where you're allowed to be as rude as possible! :p) but that stipulation that there is no caste discrimination on sole factor that is unchristian and unbiblical. Say we as Christians are suppose to be better then the the non christian, and so we shouldn't follow a caste system. Arranged marriage is...halfway biblical. Except it more on the guy is suitor and he has to pursue girl through her family and then through her. She does have the the ultimate choice though. * Like the above troper, I am Indian. Unlike the above troper, my parents are liberal Jains who won't force me into any kind of arranged marriage. However, my mom jokes about it a lot, and even though I know she's just joking, it scares me a little bit. * This troper, albeit not being so much an arranged marriage, has had older family members, and even my own mother, try to set me up on a date with some one. Starting when I was 16. Because they thought I needed to date even more girls. * This troper had a lazy friend whom his parent take for vacation in his ancestory country. Originally, he had to go for only two week. They pass, he doesn't return, we, his friend come to inquiry, and learn he's still over there. One month pass entirely, he's still not coming back, were beginning to worrying. Two week later he came back... married. The explanation ? They married him to an old female friends of him in order to force him to find a job and get little children. If he wasn't, they were just about to abandon him in a foreign country. Just harsh... ** Holy crap. That's just twisted and wrong. * We had a Japanese guest speaker who was almost into his nineties in age mention that he got married the old fashioned way - he didn't "Fall in love, then got married", he "Got married, then fell in love" because he was born in a time where arranged marriages were a lot more common. * ThisTroper sometimes finds himself ''wishing'' for ArrangedMarriage as he is lazy as hell and has extraordinarily bad taste in women. * I know my parents will not put me in an ArrangedMarriage unless I ask (I'm Indian but an American citizen,) BUT apparently I'm not ''supposed'' to hold hands, kiss, or . . . do anything else with anyone until we're engaged/married. Of course my parents say I don't ''have'' to follow their rules since I'm a free human being but I'm basically guilt tripped now. I probably won't follow the holding hands/kiss rule though. Eh. I just find my life weird. ---Find your soul mate in Main/ArrangedMarriage.


* I went to grade school with someone who was exactly this trope. All he would talk about every day was his kung fu (wushu) prowess, and he'd throw about the names of fighting styles, weapons and other terminology for show. For Chinese class in school, we kept a "weekly journal", and sometimes the teacher would allow us to write entries on any topic of our choice. The teacher complained that when it came to the "arrogant kung fu guy", almost all this type of journal entry were about kung fu, and he would very often "practise" new moves that he had learnt - on me. [[GroinAttack My testicles ached for a week]]. The funny bit is, he was the guy who would get injured the most often: he fractured his leg twice in a year, and one of the times I was made to help him out around the school and stay with him in the classroom as everyone else went down to the cafeteria for recess. ** Same troper as above: One of my good friends is an American expatriate who moved here for a bit and was homeschooled, so a large part of his education involved taking classes for different skills. One of the classes he would take was Taekwondo, and he would brag about all the little kids he had punched out - all the time. I'm not sure if there's something about me that attracts this very specific type of friend. * about 13 years ago, there was one of these types, an assisstant instructor at this troper's dojo. He wore a blood red uniform, and did nothing except brag about all of the people he'd beaten up in matches; as an instructor, he was both condescending and incompetent. When ever he was matched up with someone smaller or weaker than him, he would show off by pushing them around, and he would be an especial bully whenever he'd bring his girlfriend to watch him. One night, he was sparring with the guy who now runs the dojo. Since his girlfriend was there, and his opponent was about a foot shorter than he was, he decided to show off. His opponent fired a jump spin kick to the back of his head, and the AKFG smashed face-first to the floor. He never was seen again. * I know a guy in Chicago who believes, with all his heart, all the myths you hear about Shaolin Monks. He believes that you can poke your finger at a hanging weight, and learn to move it without touching it. Then, stand ten paces away from a candle, and put out the fire by poking your finger at it. THEN do the same thing with a pane of glass in the way. The end result? Finger poke of death. It kills you in a week unless you eat a "special herb". He thinks all these things are true. * This troper has come up against a couple of these guys during his last five years as an amateur mixed martial artist. They deflate quite quickly.... * This troper knew one in high school, he came out of Middle School having been bullied for being an Otaku, and the metamorphosis was downright scary. He went from a good natured kid to always quiet, gave off an air like, I can't explain it. But you just feel in danger around him. He became even worse when he started explicitly copying [[OnePiece Rob Lucci]]. He once fought a guy carrying two knives with one hand held behind his back...and overwhelmingly won.

ArsonMurderAndJaywalking * My friend likes to read books, and he borrowed one particularly thick one from me. Once, he annoyed me and I threatened to hit him. He replied "So?"(I don't hit hard) Then I threatened to kick him. He still didn't care. Then I threatened to take away my book....and he started apologizing a lot and begging me not to take away the book. * Once on my bus, after a very tiring day, a ninth grade white hick nerd with horrid speech patterns dared to say "Git owt de way!" As he tried to get off the bus as I walked onto it. I declined, saying that as a senior I was better than him and he needed to move. To which he said, "Didn't yu her me? I said 'Git owt de way!' You is so stup-" He didn't finish. I headbutted him saying, "[[YouFailBiologyForever And that is for saying teeth are bones]] and [[YouFailSexEdForever saying that women only have two holes]] AND ''worst'' of all [[{{Ahoge}} your hair is atrocious]] today! I sat down with both applause for shutting him up and headache. {{Worth It}}. ** This troper think that that was mean. It's normal politeness to let the people on the bus get off before you get on. It doesn't matter that your day was tiring and that he was younger than you. And I wonder what kind of people that would give you applause becuse you hurt the guy! *** I would say it is not only politeness but also common sense. It is much easier to get inside bus when it is not so crowded and it is not when people get outside. * In a game of MitadakeHigh: "They killed my best friend, tried to kill me, and hoarded the medkits." * Real life Example: In a blog a girl wrote about what she really thought about this editor and why she wasn't interested in dating him she ends it with "Besides, he had bad handwriting". ** If that's a reason not to date someone, [[Tropers/{{Idler}} This Troper]] will never find love. Nor will a few other people I know. ** This Troper had to write all her thank-you notes after her wedding herself because her groom has terrible handwriting. (According to Emily Post, E-mailing thank-you notes is a no-no.) *** According to who? And why the fuck are you listening to some random moron? *** This Troper is mildly curious about his own existence if this is the case, because anyone who's seen his father's handwriting still doesn't believe it. ** Something similar happened to this troper and her first so-called boyfriend. He embarrassed the hell out of her at the church prom, got arrested before regular prom, wanted to have at least eight children while knowing this troper hates kids, and thinks this troper is a sinner because she drinks Vault. * In this troper's former English class, he and a group of friends acted in a skit portraying the trial of Iago (from ''{{Othello}}''). Among the several serious charges portrayed by him in the play, such as murder and assault, we added jaywalking. When the time for this charge to be heard came, the other characters chanted "put him away for life!" * In fifth grade, this troper went on a rant in his social studies group about school uniforms and freedom and all that stuff, then added

"besides, I hate vests." The stenographer wrote "hate's vests"[sic]. The teacher berated me for it. ** You... you HATE VESTS'?! I'm going to find you, kidnap you, and do some torture on you that nothing can prepare you for... ** [[Left4Dead Should have said 'You know what I hate? I hate vests'.]] *** Finally, someone else who hates vests! * In a play-by-post RPG this troper once played about a mission to Mars where everyone was their real-life age, a lady who had just met this (young)troper was heard saying on her cell phone "Marge, what is the world coming to? Gas prices... airplane delays... teenagers in the astronaut program..." ** In another session, when describing a BigBad: "He put landmines in our base, tried to conquer the world and he broke my computer!" ** Talking to her brother "There are three things that I will slap you in the face if you ever do. Doing drugs, joining a gang, and faking an alien abduction." * In another play-by-post RPG, this actually happened to one of the ''players''. The full story is listed under TroperTales/TheReasonYouSuckSpeech, but the gist of it is this: the RPG's creator DroppedABridgeOnHim for the ''[[JaywalkingWillRuinYourLife jaywalking]]''. * [[ "Bully is a very, very bad game. It promotes school violence, vandalism, disrespect for authority, and comic mischief."]] * After talking about the weird things about [[NintendoWars APCs]] I recited the MST3KMantra, only with a "slight" twist, and it was... ''Meh, I'm wondering how they eat and breathe and other science facts, I should repeat to myself, it's just a game... LET'S GO KICK SOME ASS! * Loads shotgun, shogun gun, ninja gun, samurai gun, pirate gun, robot gun, shojarairatebot gun, B B gun, bee bee gun, hornet hornet gun, yellow jacket yellow jacket gun, sword gun, gun sword, gun gun, regular grenades, flash grenades, fire grenades, bee grenades, hornet grenades, yellow jacket grenades, plasma grenades, grenade grenades, gun grenades, and pepper spray* .'' I also once had to list three possible subjects to choose for an essay, my following choices were TouhouProject, {{Vocaloid}}, and elements of literature. ** This troper read that second one as "shotgun gun." The mental picture is so awesome, I think I have to go lay down now. *** They do pack a "gun gun", though. Assume the gun that gun gun shoots is in fact some sort of very dangerous gun, such as a sniper rifle or one of those huge things you need two hands and a foot to hold and make a noise loud enough to be heard from Uranus when they get fired... * isn't very good with guns* ** That list made me pop a rib out and almost wet myself, but pepper spray is quite a formidable weapon. *** Pleasure to have given you such a pleasant experience. * I use this on my site sometimes. The first example that comes to mind is the Falwell "quote" in [[ this article]]. * This troper always says that her reasons for losing faith in humanity are "Discrimination continuing, global warming not stopping

and ''Literature/{{Twilight}}'' [[{{TakeThat}} being considered a good book]]. ** ... no, I'd call that last one just as grave a problem as the others. *** Possibly [[{{Idiocracy}} worse]]. ** I don't get it, we just had some of the coldest winters on record.] *** It's a trick. The earth is screwing with you, in preparation to explode in a spectacular display of light, heat, sound and sparkly ponies...that's why this troper dislikes the term "global warming", preferring "climate change" or "enhanced greenhouse effect". While they mean basically the same thing, at least they don't make people assume that it's quite necessarily all hot. ** I think you meant to put this in BreadEggsMilkSquick. * This troper recently dug up something he'd written about a character and then forgotten about a while ago, which included a list of criminal charges he'd been written up on. This started with three different kinds of Reckless Endangerment (Without a Permit, With an Expired Permit, With a Foreign Permit) and culminated in "Loitering with a Cat" and "Sitting On A Man With Intent to Use Paint." ** This troper did a similar thing in a story. Among other things, the final charge a guard thought someone should be arrested for was Wearing Dangerously Large Headgear. * This troper was in a D&D campaign in which the DM finally had another player's character arrested for his many crimes, which started off being listed with things like "37 counts of killing an officer of the law, 49 counts of murder, 17 counts of breaking and entering, 7 counts of armed robbery, 12 counts of resisting arrest," went on awhile, and ended with "3 counts of public indecency, and 1 count of loitering with intent." It was an interesting campaign. * Ths troper's entry for "location" on one of the forums he frequents reads: "The circle of Hell reserved for mass murderers, child molesters, and telemarketers." ** wait, [[AcceptableProfessionalTargets wasn't the "jaywalking" supposed to be last]]? * {{Jonn}} is perfectly capable of watching simulated murders and dismemberments without a twitch, as long as he knows it's fake. However, present him with someone being or about to be ''embarrassed'', and he has to turn off the TV. ** This troper has the same problem, and it makes watching some old, predictable sitcoms rather difficult. She's just glad she hates soaps for unrelated reasons. *** Good, I'm not the only one. I've gotten better about this, though. ** Almost the same thing, but here it's with people put in unfair situations they have no way of escaping. *** I hate both that, and the one above. The worst is when the two are combined; for example, if someone is falsely accused of committing a crime and is humiliated publicly for it. ** Same here, though not to the extent of turning off the TV. Usually I just get incredibly squeamish and then question why a second or two later. *** Same here, for some reason I always squirm when either aforementioned situation comes up.

* This troper, during his trial for a series of misdemeanor crimes, was given probation for assault, some other big misdemeanor he can't remember of, right now (though destruction of property sounds right), and...possession of pornography. ''Legal'' pornography, he might add. That last one his parents pressured the courts to add (and had tried to nail him for, in the past), and was overturned by the board a year later due to not being in any way connected to the original crimes. * Troper here can see every kind of bizarre and sick internet fetishes, but talk about coffee and cigarettes to her, and ''then'' she'll lose faith in Humanity. No, seriously. * This troper used to play a hangman game on her grandparents' old computer, in which the premise of the game is to rescue your friend from being hanged. As she recalls, the suspect was being charged with murder, arson, armed robbery, grand theft auto, and extreme ugliness. "But the judge, being a benevolent sort, is willing to reduce the charges to just extreme ugliness, provided that he has one friend. GUESS WHO?" The troper still finds it sort of sick to realize that the poor guy got hanged...for being ugly. * This Troper once wrote a (rather horrible) short story for his English class, in which the main character was going to be made into an {{Unperson}}: a punishment that, according to the judge, was normally reserved for "rapists, serial killers, and people who leave their shopping carts in the middle of the parking lot." * "Spreading hate, discontent, and kittens!" is a frequent description of what @/{{Night}}'s friends in EVEOnline are doing at any one time. * @/DeuxHero: Inversion:I tell censors that they are going to a special place in hell reserved for people like JackThompson [[{{Lolicon}} Beverley McLachlin]] Warren Burger and [[GodwinsLaw Joseph Stalin]] * Ryanasaurus0077: Many people are unable to comprehend why my friend prohibits "ethnic, racist, or [[TheJungleBook Jungle Book-type]] humor"; however, being his friend, I can comprehend why he prohibits the third type of humor. * This troper threatens with "...and I'll beat you up, give you 100 lashes with the cat o' nine-tails, break every bone in your body, have you drawn and quartered, and [[CoolAndUnusualPunishment quote Twilight at you]]". The last part is invariably the only threat that gets carried out. ** Be careful with that last one. I "borrowed" a copy of ''Literature/{{Twilight}}'' from a friend, and read the descriptions of Edward aloud in the most mocking tone possible. A fangirl ''lunged'' at me, screeching, to "rescue" it from me. [[ I wish I was making this up.]] *** I don't get it. This doesn't fit the trope at all. None of these threatened punishments are significantly worse than the rest. Not in the slightest. *** I disagree. Getting beaten up is nothing compared to the cat o' nine-tails. *** None of those punishments compare to the horror that is ''Twilight''. * This troper believes that there are three things one should never discuss at school or in the workplace: politics, religion, and

''[[SuperSmashBros Super]] [[StopHavingFunGuys Smash]] [[FanDumb Bros]]''. * This troper once told a schoolmate during lunchtime that his favorite manga were ''OnePiece'', ''KeroroGunsou'' and ''NeonGenesisEvangelion''. Given the comparitavely light-hearted nature of the first two, the last one came off as a surprise. ** I've got a similar problem. ''FullmetalAlchemist''? Okay. ''DetectiveConan''? Never heard of it, but [[ConanTheBarbarian it sounds tough]]. The [[FourKidsEntertainment dub]] version of ''{{YuGi-Oh}}''? ...Wait, what? *** This troper can relate for her favourite anime: ''SerialExperimentsLain'', ''NeonGenesisEvangelion'', ''Akira'', and then... ''{{Yu-Gi-Oh GX}}''. ''And'' the dub of DM. *** So can this troper: ''Evangelion'', ''DeathNote'' and... ''[[SuzumiyaHaruhi Haruhi Suzumiya]]''?. [[FlatWhat What?]] *** ''[[HigurashiNoNakuKoroNi Higurashi]]'', PerfectBlue, MiraiNikki oh also... ''[[SuzumiyaHaruhi Haruhi Suzumiya]]" and "Clannad" **** [[LuckyStar Lucky Star]], [[AxisPowersHetalia Hetalia]], [[AzumangaDaioh Azumanga Daioh]]... and Mushishi. *** Guilty. {{Bleach}}, {{Naruto}}, [[DGrayMan D.Gray-Man]], {{Kuroshitsuji}}... and [[OuranHighSchoolHostClub OHSHC]] *** [[FullmetalAlchemist Fullmetal Alchemist]], {{Naruto}}, [[HigurashiNoNakuKoroNi Higurashi]], {{Bleach}} and also... [[AxisPowersHetalia Hetalia]] and [[OuranHighSchoolFostClub Ouran]] * This not-really-a-troper's social science book states that Phyllis Schlafly believed the Equal Rights Act would lead to "government funding of abortion, women in combat during wartime, the breakdown of the family, and elimination of gender-separate public bathrooms." * [[{{Mysterynovelist}} I]] have often said that I hated the following things about life: discrimination/racism, bullying, idiocy (especially that on the part of the ''government'')...and the school's lunches. [[{{Squick}} That fish nugget]] did ''not'' [[NightmareFuel taste like a fish nugget...]] ** [[ImAHumanitarian So that's where Abe Vigoda went]]. * This troper once had a science asignment about the earth's heat. It was listing how it got it, and was on the part about ultraviolet waves. It said that overexposure to ultraviolet waves can cause "Cancer, Genetic Mutations, and Sunburn". This troper laughed. * In one RP this troper was in, I actually thought we were the heroes. Someone then exclaimed "We have stolen a child, annexed a pool, bombed Philidelphia and did a dine-and-dash!" * Doesn't count as a real example, still amusing. From the Wikipedia article on Electric Six: "The band met recognition in 2003 with the single "Danger! High Voltage", and subsequently recorded five fulllength albums: Fire, Seor Smoke, Switzerland, I Shall Exterminate Everything Around Me That Restricts Me from Being the Master and Flashy." * A person wrote a rant to my girlfriend about what I jerk I was, saying I was cruel, I didn't care about her, and I write badly. * I don't know if this goes here, but I tell people there are three reasons I hate Sasuke, he ran away from his friends for power, shows no respect for them anymore, and he's the most popular Yaoi couple

with Naruto. * The rules for parties in this troper's house: no drinking, no drugs, no sex, and no gum in the TV room. * @/ManWithoutABody has a RunningGag in his writing that all lists of charges will end with "...and shooting some dude's donkey." * Somewhat subverted in my Star Wars RP where a sampling of the charges levied against my character includes: "Fourteen counts of vehicular manslaughter, one count of vehicle theft, and vandalism of a public HoloNet station." Mind you, said vandalism was actually the spray of blood after I ran my target down with a repulsor sled... Oh, and the sled then crashing into the station. Then ricocheting off into a crowd, netting me the fourteen counts. Let it not be said that games that participate in do not end in copious amounts of bloodshed. And then there was the matter of the Hutt that I stole the sled from... * Subverted when [[@/KillerClowns this troper]] was discussing the horrors of the {{Whoniverse}}. I don't recall my exact words, but it was "there's genuinely fucked up monsters there. The Daleks, the Cybermen, the Weeping Angels, that thing from the Pit, whatever the hell was in Midnight, the Master, the four-five-six, those [[BuffySpeak time-eaty]] [[ClockRoaches things]], the Family of Blood... and [[{{Torchwood}} Prime Minister Green]]". Those familiar with Children of Earth will understand, however, [[HighOctaneNightmareFuel he]] [[PresidentEvil earned]] [[AMillionIsAStatistic his]] [[CompleteMonster place]] on that list. * This troper lampshaded this when she was asked to do an improvisation of standing outside a staffroom and explaining to someone else why she was there. She told them that she had "stabbed four teachers, burned down the music block, slapped my best friend around the head and stolen all the biscuits out of the staffroom". * When [[@/{{T-Jack}} this troper's]] shooting instructor was explaining how stoned Phillippinians made the Americans design higher caliber ammunition for higher stopping power (paraphrased): "These guys were able to run up to the shooters, stab four of them with a spear, slit the fifth's throat and be rude at the sixth one before finally dying." * From this troper's philosophy textbook: "It looks as if on his own premises Satre would have to commend the man who "authentically" chooses to devote himself to [[ThoseWackyNazis exterminating Jews]], [[TheCasanova seducing women]], [[HarmfulToMinors abusing children]], or [[JackThompson playing computer games]]..." * In my German class, we did an exercise to practice the imperative voice in which we were given a list of bad things a bad roommate does and had to write a sentence requesting that the roommate stop doing these things. Among these things are taking your money, wearing your clothes, never helping with the cleaning...and never inviting you out for coffee. [[FlatWhat What.]] * Inverted in a notice posted at a friends workplace: People are being suspended, termination pending, for texting, drinking water while on duty, and, of course, stealing.? Needless to say, the [[DeadpanSnarker snarks]] were baited. * The other day I told my friend I didn't want to go out with a girl because "she's stuck up, snobby, and taller than me"

* I read this one fanfic where in the (badly spelled) author's notes, the writer said he didn't read a lot of fiction but wrote a lot of it. Turned out, the bulk of the fic was something I recognized as a copypasta of another person's story. What little originality there was was poorly done. My review was "You are a liar, a plagiarist, and you can't spell!" I won't name names. Oh, wait, yes I will. Calls himself Oddessy. (Told you he couldn't spell.) * This troper recently introduced herself as a "heartless, soulless void that hungers for three things only: blood, vengeance...''and Pop Tarts''." * This troper once had a friend exclaim "Oh, THESE are the people I hang out with! HE'S insane! HE's eating a bowl of mud (this troper, eating chocolate ice cream), and this guy makes jokes in really, really bad taste." * This troper once got in an argument with a roommate, who shouted at her, "Your rent is always late! You stay up until two in the morning playing video games without headphones! You never bring in the mail! And you put raisins in butter tarts!" * A conversation between This Troper and her father: -->'''Me:''' Dad! Can I have a flamethrower for my birthday? -->'''Dad:''' No. -->'''Me:''' A rocket launcher? -->'''Dad:''' No. -->'''Me:''' A sniper rifle? -->'''Dad:''' No. -->'''Me:''' A sentry gun? -->'''Dad:''' No. -->'''Me:''' Aww... Well, can I get TeamFortress2? -->'''Dad:''' ...No. * After this tropers boss played a practical joke on me during work, I promised him when we left in the morning (we work graveyard shift), I was going to "Shoot you, stab you, kill you, key your car, run you over with my car and ''poke you in the eye!''" His response, "Poke me in the eye? Oh no, anything but that!" * While the comment itself isn't meant to be overly seriously, [[@/{{Eldrake}} this troper]] feels that a comment from a youtube video might count as this. Quoted in its entirety, "This video brings to my mind horrible visions of? necrophelia, blood-soaked rape of virgins, skinless agony, demonic alien fetuses, and pancakes, all in 9001 dimensions, inside-out, backwards, forwards, leftwards, and squidwards." * [[@/{{Ronnie}} This troper]] was told to brainstorm controversial topics to write a persuasive piece on, and to have at least three, for an English journal. This troper's first three thoughts? Abortion, gay rights, and [[{{Anime}} Dubbing]] [[FlameWar versus]] [[SeriousBusiness Subbing.]] * For a short essay that he had to write on the effects of Marijuana, this troper listed: [[ThisIsYourPremiseOnDrugs a distorted sense of reality]], serious damage to internal organs, and [[WhatDoYouMeanItsNotAwesome a runny nose]]. [[EpicFail He got a C]] for [[DidNotDoTheResearch not including enough information]]. ** You should have gotten an F. Serious damage to internal organs?

What sort of marijuana have you seen? Demonic pot? * When reading MyImmortal this troper could just barely wrap his head around the fact that everyone had become satanist, vampyric, profane, bisexual goths. But when Voldemort suddenly started speaking YeOldeButcheredeEnglishe, this troper finally submitted to the madness. * [[@/LoveIsWeird This troperette]] has three primary bad habits: she [[BewareTheNiceOnes beats up tormentors if they break her loner who likes books facade]], [[DeadpanSnarker sardonically comments on various things using offensive phrases]] and bites her nails, even when not nervous. * [[@/MrDeath This Troper]] is a reporter, and was far too amused that he got to use this in an otherwise run of the mill police blotter story. The last paragraph or so was listing what the arrested man's charges were, including several counts of drug possession, intent to distribute, driving under the influence, possession within 1000 feet of a school, and taking an illegal turn.[[hottip:+:"Taking an illegal turn", of course, being why he was pulled over in the first place.]] * [[@/{{A-l-e-x-99}} This Troper]] remembers a 2006 political cartoon that read "Can you spot the REAL terrorist (according to the radical Muslim world)?" The three options were: jihadist, al-Qaeda, and...cartoonist. [[hottip:* :The political cartoon was written in the wake of that controversy where a Danish guy drew Mohammed with a bomb on his turban back in the spring of 2006.]] ** Also, whenever I make top 10 lists, #1 is always a completely outin-left-field option. For example, I once listed my 10 favorite songs of all time. #'s 10-2 were songs like ''Gonna Make You Sweat!'' and all of LadyGaga's soundtrack, and #1 was... [[UnexpectedGenreChange These Dreams, by Heart.]] * [[@/{{Ryanasaurus0077}} This Troper]] just today blocked another YouTube user for "being a troll, saying that [[RockMeAsmodeus all metal bands are Satanists]], and [[KeepOffTheGrass not keeping off the grass]]". * [[@/TheEvilDrBolty This Troper]] realized that he had inadvertently created such a list in mid-conversation. Specifically, the next three [=DVDs=] on my "to-buy" list were ''ThisFilmIsNotYetRated,'' ''{{Secretary}}'', and...''MuppetTreasureIsland.'' * The reasons this troper's sister gave for not wanting to date a certain guy? "He's [[DrivesLikeCrazy a terrible driver]], [[StrawmanPolitical his political views are ridiculous]], and he [[ComplainingAboutPeopleNotLikingTheShow doesn't like]] HarryPotter!" ** Surely this goes under BreadEggsMilkSquick. * In [[BlindIdiotTranslation a mistranslation]] in this troper's Latin class, the class thought a sentence said "the warrior was strong and famous and he could read." I guess he was a WarriorPoet. * When creating a character in an RP, {{Meshakhad}} mentioned that "She detests slavery, genocide, reality TV, and other such atrocities. Seriously, don't get her started on reality TV." * I once knew someone who was a military enthusiast, liked playing poker and watched cooking shows. * the reason someone fell out with me: I'm bisexual, i have bad teeth and i play Silent Hill.

* I have observed on Comedy Central that the three words you can't say are shit, cunt, and Muhammad. * This troper applied this throught process to a person who she tbough treated her bad, she hated his sexual harrassment, stalking and selfishness. * This troper does those things. * This troper while playing AlanWake, during the second encounter with [[CowboyCop Agent Nightingale]]: ->Alright Nightingale, I now officially don't like you. You tried to shoot an unarmed man, endangered an InnocentBystander and [[AcceptableTargets compared Wake to]] DanBrown. * The reason I hate Cobra in the movie. He butchered a bunch of peeps, he impaled the main baddy in the back and then left him to slowly burn and he punched a cop in the face. * [[{{Tropers.Chihuahua0}} This Troper]]'s real names' meanings are like this. Sorry, not telling it to you. * This Troper wrote a fic where characters were making a joke about "How to make a Roman cross" and had to think of a good punchline that wasn't incredibly racist towards Italians. (A little bit racist would be acceptable. She went with a remark about soccer.) That meant she couldn't touch anything Italians were rightfully sensitive about like Mussolini, the Mafia and body hair. * Where this troper lives, a number of anti-racism posters have been put up. Just yesterday, they saw a poster featuring a black man and his son. About ten minutes later, they saw a aposter featuring another black man. Later, they saw a poster featuring a red-haired boy. * In this troper's Consciouness textbook, one line reads, "Although we cannot consciously control having an impulse to carry out an unacceptable action (say ''raper or murder or stealing sweets in a supermarket''), we can be held responsible for consciously allowing it's consummation..." * This troper's uncle was in prison for nearly twenty years for a something like this. Armed robbery (a pharmacy), aggravated assault with a deadly weapon (beat a cashier at aforementioned pharmacy with brass knuckles), and petty larceny (from a completely separate sixmonth old warrant). * [[ This video]] on how to be popular. One of the steps was to do something pointless on camera. Examples included "picking your nose, jumping on the bed, and [[TakeThat watching a]] ZeroPunctuation [[TakeThat review]]. * This troper was [[RonTheDeathEater trying to convince her teacher into thinking that Ke$ha was evil.]] His response? [[SarcasmMode "Oh, yes,]] and [[{{Kesha}} Ke$ha]] is responsible for WorldWarTwo." (I was trying to convince him that Ke$ha was ReallySevenHundredYearsOld.) He later said "Ke$ha is responsible for the tsunami. [[CrowningMomentOfFunny And Ke$ha is the reason I can't find my phone!"]] [[LampshadeHanging I told him about]] ArsonMurderAndJaywalking, [[PlayingWithATrope used an example myself.]] Like, me listing my favorite movies as {{Saw}}, TheGrudge, and FindingNemo. My friend is a huge fan of {{Saw}} and thought [[RuleOfFunny that was funny.]] ** Not to mention This Troper has found numerous examples in her life.

What musicians did she listen to as a child? EltonJohn, TheBeatles, John Denver, and...Hilary Duff. *** And when she went to camp, her dad wrote a letter saying that "fresh air, exercise, and not having to eat Dad's food works wonders for you, birthday girl!" (They visited on my 14th birthday.) [[LampshadeHanging I told them about]] ArsonMurderAndJaywalking and [[TotallyRadical they thought it was teenage slang]]. Then I told them about the DailyShow quote on the trope's page. They thought it was funny, but mistook it for MurderArsonAndJaywalking (though that can be a different name for it.) [[LampshadeHanging I even overheard them talking about it at dinner.]] **** And when she and her friends were talking about how they decorate their rooms at Girls Group, she pointed out that she had posters in her room of bands like FallOutBoy, PanicAtTheDisco, two bands that are MoralGuardians' nightmares and EltonJohn (see above), a singer that the ''older women'' there used to listen too, but he's still cool. Subverted due to me mentioning that I have a poster of MyChemicalRomance later in the conversation. **** And then when she was posing as PaulMcCartney to [[BatmanGambit get her cell phone back]], she said he captured RingoStarr and smashed his head, pushed him from a mountain (the one time he was set free), pulled off his fingernails, [[CoolAndUnusualPunishment and forced him to watch]] DenisLeary. [[WhatDoYouMeanItsNotHeinous Guess which one Mom thought was the worst.]] * [[{{Tropers/Kathadrion}} This Troper]] once wrote a fairy tale parody, in which it is mentioned that a prince has to save a girl from something if he wants to marry her. What he has to save her from is not that imporant though, it could for example be an ancient dragon, an evil wizard or an angry ticket collector. ** The same troper also has a classmate whom she dislikes because he's loud, obnoxious, a terrible know-it-all and has a really stupid haircut. * By the time my nephew was two-and-a-half, he'd heard enough {{Batman}} stories from his uncle that he tried telling one of his own: "...And then TheJoker broke a mountain, and then he broke Gotham City, and then he spilled juice on the table..." * This Troper was told at work to check on the bathrooms. This is her honest account of the cleanliness of the ladies' room. "The floor of the handicapped stall is coated in blood, the toilet seems to be clogged with something semi-solid and we're out of toilet paper." * In this troper's school, a student got Saturday detention for pulling the fire alarm (twice; he got it after the second time), a one day in-school suspension for fighting and a five day out-of-school suspension for.......pulling a girl's hair. And the girl hadn't even cared, really. * Said by this troper during a discussion about why Bach's Fugue is played in churchs when the villian plays the organ: --> So, even if we see him murder hundreds of people, raze villages to the ground and cheat at cards, it is just to tell the audience that he is a villain? He said, "That sounds about right." HE MISSED THE JOKE! * This troper has recently a class where all students has to submit a

paper to pass. Lecturer send us the results with message "Some works are based only on common sense, nonsensical, not supported by any subject literature, full of all kinds of errors and boring". * This troper wrote a story in which a character was charged with "charged with two counts of murder, kidnapping, rape, assault, assault with a deadly weapon, treason, high treason, war crimes, attempted arson, speaking out against the State in a manner calculated to cause civic unrest, illegal possession of a weapon, illegally exiting the country, and tax evasion." * In this troper's school, there was once a teacher called The Terrorist. He used this trope quite a lot, once a month. Before and exam he always said: "In my exams, it is forbidden to bring guns, knives, bombs, and cheat cheats.". * I was playing [[NaziZombies Nazi Zombies]] as Nikolia, but before I go on me and my friend like to say things like him. Anyways, I was playing it, then it was after I bought Juggernog (Just in case your wondering, after Nikolia buys Juggernog he says "Reach for Voka Tonight!) After he finished that, I said "Guns, Ammo, Vodka, Okay I'm good." * This Tropette and her sister were playing one of the many FinalFantasy games. After a [[TrainingFromHell particularly brutal]] run (for [[ButtMonkey my character]], at least) in a LethalLavaLand, I yelled at my [[JerkWithAHeartOfGold sister]], "So you leave me alone to fend off all the monsters while I'm on [[ManOnFire FIRE]], laugh as I fall off the side of a mountain into smoldering pits of lava [[CrossesTheLineTwice repeatedly]], [[CrowningMomentOfFunny and then use bad grammar?"]] I had this trope in mind while I said it. * The list of banned substances at this tropers school reads ''Drugs, alcohol, tobacco, knives or other weapons, and correcting fluid'' ** Banning your precious White-Out actually makes a bit of sense: kids have been known to distill seemingly innocuous substances like paint and even ''glue'' in school bathrooms to get high off inhaling the fumes. Yes, this can be done with correction fluid. If you can't have eggs, then by god, make your omlette using an egg substitute. * On one forum, someone criticize PETA for "Killing animals, Faking propaganda, and charge too much for monthly fee." and for this reason he quited PETA. * A dream I had contained this. I told a classmate that I didn't like *some internet video that existed in the dream* because *first thing*, *second thing*, and they called [[ZeroWing Cats]] [[SpellMyNameWithAnS "Catz"]]. Can't remember the first and seond ones, only that they were much worse mistakes. * I once said "Does it look like I give a '''goddamn''' rat's '''[[PrecisionFStrike fucking]]''' '''''[[GoshDangItToHeck rear end!?]]''''' * This troper recently posted a music video to an online forum and warned that it contained 'blood, torture, and Pete Crane strutting around in a ridiculous outfit like some unholy cross between David Tennant, Adam Lambert and Chris Corner.' * [[ This Troper]] has a humorous tendency to get enraged by the least of the villain's evil deeds in video games. For example, here's what I said in

{{Borderlands}}, just as I returned with my friend to the Arid Badlands: --> ''Troper'' Awright, Claptrap. You've resurrected Knoxx twice and wouldn't let him die in peace, put countless bandits into a FateWorseThanDeath, terrorized the most peaceful place on Pandora, and are going to kill off every human you can find, and-WHOA! YOU JUST SHOT MARCUS! THAT DOES IT, YOU EAR-WORMING C3PO BOX, I AM GOING TO [[UnusualEuphemism RAMONE]] YOU WITH A SHOTGUN REVOLVER! ** Please note that this does not mean I don't care about any of the former-it's the latter that drove me over the edge. * Logan (Use this online often)was watching a play based on a true story of an abusive relationship. After the play, he was asked by the actress what he'd do about the abusive boyfriend. His answer? "Call the police, Call a Mental Hospital-" Funny, but in context makes sense, "And call his mom."... Yeah, my fellow troper got a field day out of this and I didn't even do it on purpose. * On a comic book movie site, some fan was crying [[Ruined Forever]] over Marvel recasting Terrance Howard and Norton, and........putting a Foo Fighters song in Thor. * Taken from a video comment [[@/SoWeAteThem I]] found: --> [White supremacists] are paranoid, immature, have looser ties to reality than even myself (in itself a major effort) and [thei]r firstperson shooters suck ass. * In a comic this troper is writing, after the villain asks "Why do you think I'm so bad?" the hero responds, "Three reasons. One: You killed my friends. Two: You destroyed my hometown. And three: YOU STILL NEVER GAVE ME BACK THAT FIVE BUCKS YOU BORROWED FROM ME IN THIRD GRADE!" * This troper looked at the weather report for her area: Severe TStorm Warning, Damaging Hail Warning, Tornado Watch, and High Pollen Alert. * In an original fiction, one kid named David points out the [[KickTheDog assholish things his "friend" has done to himself and the others]], which includes [[ComedicSociopathy laughing at one friend]] after he'd [[GroinAttack taken a basketball to the groin]], chased [[LawfulGood her friend Raven]][[hottip:*:Who was sending a note from [[GenreSavvy the principle]] to her parents]], turned down [[CuteShotaroBoy Aaron]] after he asked her to the school dance and then called him a {{shota}}, and [[strike: instigated a group of bullies]] once called David "[[{{Bishonen}} pretty boy]]". * A man in Stjrdal, Norway was recently arrested for drunk driving, violence and pouring syrup on the keyboard of an ATM. * In a computer class at school today, me and my friend were discussing this really annoying guy (he will be referred to as Kyle, though that is not his real name). Kyle is on the sports team and is a valuable player, so he thinks the world should be handed to him on a silver platter. He slacks off in class but still believes he'll graduate, gets mad at people for no reason, etc. I mentioned that "Kyle would be a pretty nice guy if he didn't think the world revolved around him, bully everyone who didn't respect him, and have a bleached mullet." * I recently started reading the horrible FanFic ''Diamond Pokemon''.

The first chapter has rape and pedophilia and bestiality, but the thing that bugged me most is that the author [[SomewhereAnOrnithologistIsCrying gave a Piplup a penis]]. ---Sister Mary Immaculata ''still'' says "[[ArsonMurderAndJaywalking Click here to return to the main article]]," even though she's been [[RenamedTropes fired]] for theft, drug abuse, and placing her elbows on the table during meals.


ArtEvolution * This troper makes [[ Xawu!]], as of oct 26th, working on the 28th strip (buffer!) she's experienced art evolution, on the same strip, drawing the same character over 20 times because it didn't look right. He changed from a super-deformed chibi anime... thing, to a lightly realistic good looking character called Farrell, of course by the time anyone actually sees him on screen he will be an OldShame of mine (Buffer!). Please check it out. * [[MmmKay This artistic troper]] draws so much, mostly on pencil and paper, and she notices how her newer works have improved since the first. Unfortunately, upon seeing my older works, all those [[AnatomyAnomaly anatomy errors]] and [[OffModel proportion distortion]] [[OldShame give me the willies]]. ** You too?! God, even looking at stuff from a week ago I'm disgusted. *** How many backwards hands have you drawn? **** This troper's drawn a few. -grimace**** I've drawn a few as well. Funny thing is, I've noticed one piece of official art with a backwards hand. ** I know. Just looking at drawings from three months ago, I wonder how I ever survived looking at my drawings. I will probably think the same thing a year from now. *** Exactly! I realized in junior high that even if a drawing I just did looked okay, it would would look awful in a few months. As a result, I rarely let anyone see my drawings. I figure that I will once I can look at something I drew a year ago without cringing. *** Same here. * This troper didn't draw any backward hands, but she doesn't even need to wait for a few months until she starts hating her old works. A few weeks will do, because she always tries to sketch everything many times over and looking for tutorials before doing a new work, so her style changes rather quickly. She tries to be optimistic and think that it means that she improved, and not that she used to suck. * Well, THIS troper has been drawing all her life, and looking way back at some of my old stuff makes me physically ill. Mind you, I'm in college now, and 20 years old. I looked at my stuff from junior high. [[BrainBleach Brain bleach]] was required. * This troper recently became an Art Major. Even looking at drawings

from the beginning of the semester make me ponder burning them. * This troper has gone from cartoony, to anthropormorphic, to almost decent anime style, to detailed, to Puni Plush, to EXTREMELY detailed, and now? * The largest changes in my art have been stick figure->flesh figure>anime phase with pointy chins, elbows, disturbingly huge eyes->shift away from this when I realize I suck at it to a->more cartoonish, western style. In February I was looking at a drawing I did for Christmas '08, the difference was shocking. Obviously it's even more pronounced now. The most embarrasing art shifts are when I realize that I can't reproduce a really good drawing I did awhile ago because of the changes. ** Hmm. Now I'm aiming for a realistic style. See?! * This Troper has been drawing since preschool, and as you'd imagine, my style and skill has changed and improved over the years. Probably biggest weaknesses in my art until a few years ago is a generally comprised of A. a lack of detail or substance and B. forgetting to erase lines. Then I started to use pencil shading. My shading and composition got steadily better over the years, until I could control my shading style to not look like scribbling. The fact that I often go to an Art camp during the summer to improve my skills helps. But when I went to look at my older stuff however, [[OldShame cue me throwing a massive]] [[BrainBleach chunk of them in the trash.]] * Amperschwa is willing to bet he's got a worse case than all of you. He's 14; and he's actually kept a comic series running since he was ''nine.'' It's at #899 as of 21 December 2009, and here are the changes, in complete detail. -> #1 - #370 2004-2006: Heads circular. Bodies rectangular. They both share the same diameter. Arms direct center of body, sometimes starting a few mms below the shoulder line. Hands puffball. Pants no more than another rectangle below the shirt, and the shoes L shaped. Eyes straight lines | |, noses look exactly like a less than sign (>). Hair is scribbled on the top. -> #371 - #760 2006-2008: Take the above on a 3D plane and rotate it roughly 20 degrees in the direction of the camera. -> #761 - #790 2008-2009: The eyes. Oh, God, the eyes. They're like 270 degree incomplete circles with the open part to the nose. The pupil was a smaller complete circle. Everything else? The exact. Same. Thing. -> #791 - 2009: Drastic overhaul of everything. The hands are proportionally drawn and are correctly drawn based on position and which hand it is, and what it's doing; the heads take on a much more {{animesque}} look. The circles of the eyes were reduced to two lines that represent the bottom of the eye to the cheek and the top is the eyelid. A third line if present is an eyebrow. The shirts vary between multiple styles, [[{{AnimeHair}}the hair isn't scrappy]], the characters vary in height and body build, removed the female characters of their flat-chestedness, there is more background detail, objects are drawn in a psuedo 3D perspective, all that. ->Amperschwa: And every so often I do find an old one and it makes me cringe. I hate it. Find an old one for me and I will not hesitate to kill you.

* This troper wants a link to Ampershwa's comic * [[PentiumMMX2 This troper]] has noticed how his writing has improved since the first story he wrote. Just comparing his earliest work (From 2000) to one of his more recent stories (From early 2009) shows a drastic change in his writing style. ** This Troper is a writer as well and feels exactly the same way! Looking back, her newbie stories were written in a {{TotallyRadical}} style (don't blame her, she started around middle school) and the spirit of it is still there, although her work and narration has matured. Now her writing is actually endurable. ** Same here. My first novel(ish) hurts my brain just to look at it. My latest novel (60+ pages) impressed my English 101 teacher. I just started writing novels 4 years ago. * This troper has drastically changed her pixel shading style since she started, along with her drawing style. * [[MmmKay This troper]] never could draw the Tracy brothers of {{Thunderbirds}} properly, so I made little doodle caricatures of them. These doodles featured them with no fingers, no noses, no ears, big eyes, and a bit of StylisticSuck. Their first doodleventures were mostly about their attempts to avoid {{Smitten Teenage Girl}}s. Looking back, I notice that my StylisticSuck has actually evolved into a style of its own; the proportions are more consistant, their lines are smoother, and they're actually pretty '''good-looking!''' (It's the ''Tracy brothers'', what can you do?) * This troper is a frikkin second year uni art major. She got a 5 on both AP design and drawing, had a scholastics portfolio, and was extremely confident in her work... She recently dug up her portfolio, full of typical highschool renderings and portraits, and wondered when she became an experimental expressionist dealing with contemporary issues. The old work that she once boasted uncontrollably about is now embarrassing and trite, and she realizes she has a long way to go still... ** I got a reality check about that a few days ago. I found a drawing from about a year ago, and I literally had to throw it out of my hand to prevent me from doing a bunch of physical damage to what my mother finds "charming". * This Troper draws mostly on paper, and keeps all of them together. Looking back at the ones from the beginning of the year and older makes me ponder burning the lot of them. * At the beginning of the school year, I had to learn all over how to write presentable cursive because of the school I go to. Now, nearly three months later, I write neat enough to consider it better than most adult handwriting. * When [[{{Odd1}} I]] was a young, pretentious lad (I still am, but not as young anymore) about 12 or 13, the poetry I wrote...Suffice to say, I think it'd make good firewood. These days I'm more into songwriting, and I have most DEFINITELY improved since my early years. Of course, half the songs I write (and pretty much all the songs I record) I end up wincing at, but they probably aren't as bad as I think (I hope). * This troper started drawing in the sixth grade. Looking back...eww

*burns drawings* * {{superfroggy}}: Hell, I've even had this happen '''on the same page'''. Of the five characters I'm currently looking at, the first is a horrific [[{{Animesque}} faux-anime]] [[UncannyValley abomination]] with plastic-looking hair and nightmarish bug eyes that are not unlike the work of [[TouhouProject a certain indie video game creator]], while by the last two I seemed to have settled into a more naturallooking art style (although it is still noticeably {{Animesque}} -once a weeaboo, always a weeaboo). [-I still can't draw hands, though.-][[hottip:irrelevent banter:I find this page strangely inspirational.]] * [[CalamityJane This Troper]] has been drawing for 11 years now, and at 14 years old, she has begun to cringe at the work she made merely three years ago. [[ y_Sihira_fox.jpg this image]] was the first drawing she had ever made of her then-[[SonicTheHedgehog fan character]] Sihira. Compare with her [[ dgehog.png most recent]] drawing of the same character. She's come a VERY long way. * This troper has come a long way with his artwork, my art used to be down right mediocre back in the day I couldn't draw very well at all I couldn't even draw cartoons very well, when I took an art class in high school my style changed considerably to the point where I could draw just about anything, my portrait drawings look realistic to an extent and I try to challenge my skills when I feel like it. ** I also keep a little notebook where I draw some of my favorite scenes from cartoon series and my art style has improved from when I first started drawing scenes in it 5 years ago. * This Troper has gone through a lot of changes with his art style. While mostly staying within the same style. Little things, like proportions, height and eyes change fairly often. He also had numerous (humanoid) characters, two of which were based upon a swordfish and a crustacean (Named Peter and Paul, respectively). They're constantly evolving and their first versions look nothing like what they do now. Peter had skinny limbs a large head and small eyes and Paul looked like an Xenomorph drag queen and was green and had sharp claws. Nowadays, Paul is more crab/lobster looking with rounded off claws and with red coloring while Peter has a long sleeved shirt (complete with detailing on the neck and sleeve collars) and a more proportioned body. Yeah, I came a long way. * My drawings have changed a lot since I was younger, been drawing all of my life, and theyre pretty much the same style but with a lot of changes. ** At first my people had round or square bodies and very thin arms and legs with large hands, and dots for noses ** Then the people looked more normal, but with small heads and quite long necks. Everyone had the same body shape though and adults looked like taller versions of kids. ** Then my characters had no necks at all, and big heads. Their eyes were always closed cause i couldnt draw open eyes without them looking

creepy. The hairstyles were very basic, with the hair colour and hair decorations the only way to tell characters apart. I couldnt draw short hair very well, all of my short haired characters had hair that was just a line above their eyes and everything above that was coloured in their hair colour. ** Then my adult female characters had a more realistic body shape, I learnt to draw eyes properly, and my characters all have AnimeHair cause it looks cool. It still looks child like though, despite the comic I draw being full of violence and zombies. ** The reason this troper posts so little of her work on deviantART is that by the time she gets up off her ass and lugs her laptop downstairs to her scanner, her artwork style has already drastically improved, and she ends up turning away too many old sketches. * This troper has been drawing since kindergarten, so of course there's quite a bit of it there. Originally I drew in typical "little kid" style, with rounded heads and bad proportions; they were essentially glorified stick figures. That lasted until about 1999 when I made a concentrated effort to change my style, and started into some weird combination of Pokmon and Digimon's style. These days I still draw anime style, but it could almost be called halfway stuck between anime and realistic? Besides that there's been a large improvement in the pictures themselves, in that since bout 2007 or so there have been a great many more attempts at dynamic poses and perspective than I would have done before that. * This troper has been drawing since preschool so i've had a few styles. Originally males were a circle with a face on top of some rectangles while the females were a circle on top of a triangle with stick limbs. Then for 1st-3rd grade I drew people with freakishly long necks, backward hands, hair made of spikes and boxy bodies. 4th-6th grade was the worst because I suddenly thought I could draw anime style so I spent those 3 years drawing horriblely disfiged chibi things with huge eyes and almost no mouth. That leads to now (7th grade). Now I draw sonic style anthros in a slice of life comics. Looking back I want to burn alot of my drawings (expesially my horrible chibi drawings). * This troper has been drawing for five years at TLKFAA and has noticed a drastic change in her art. At first all the lions had boxy bodies and looked like horses, now though, they have much more realistically proportioned bodies and the muzzles are shorter. Yeah, my old sketches will never again see the light of day. * [[@/{{Gerusz}} This troper]] draws a [[ScheduleSlip rather sporadically updated]] webcomic. [[ First comic (2006.06.29.)]] [[ most recent comic (2010.04.15.)]]. * This troper dug up an old drawing of his from 2007. He remembers thinking that it was the greatest thing he had ever made. He then decided to redraw it in his current style: [[ He had improved.]] * This troper used to draw cartoon people with anime hair and no ears, eyebrows, or fingers. It's taken me about ten years (which is more

than half of my life so far) to develop an anime style that I'm happy with and that stays consistent from drawing to drawing. * I draw all the time pretty much since I was 8. There's a significant difference between my early freshman year of high school drawings to my drawings today. Before I had the beady eyes, everybody was flat chested, and had effed up hands. Today I have more of an animesque style with slightly better hands and they actually have some mass on them. Plus shading. Lots and lots of shading. * This more-Lurker-than-Troper, started a comic-drawing course last october (with professionals from a famous comics company as teachers). Before, she was pretty happy with her drawings. Now (end of February), she can't look at her old ones without feeling a wee sick in the stomach. What took me years to learn alone, was squashed in just a few months, and greatly, -greatly- improved, thanks to having someone there to point out the errors and give advice. I'm happy with my current style, but I know I can do way, -way- better. Just need practice. * Me. Is there anything more that needs to be said? Okay, maybe there is. Like just about everyone else here, I too have to frown upon my earlier drawings (gathered up into a huge stack of chronologicallyarranged portfolios), sometimes even if they are relatively new. But at times I find that way earlier stuff, even those drawn several years ago, look a lot better than what I have drawn since then. As if I had gone through an artistic low between that time and now. And although I have been drawing since my early years, I never took it on myself to actually study the way shapes, lights and perspective work, until quite recently (which is a couple of years ago, when I completely overhauled my style). I still suck at most of these, and am quite disappointed to realize that my skills have basically stagnated for the last few years, or last few portfolios... ''But!'' My lines are so much cleaner than before! Ahem. My characters, on the other hand, clearly have evolved. Faces have become more defined and less generic, human hands now have five fingers, and my dinosaur characters have become feathered, but only gradually -- you perhaps wouldn't even notice the change while flipping through my pictures in order. ** There was a time, though, when I had to purposefully de-evolve my style: elementary school. Every kid around me drew normally, and not wanting to stand out, I decided to "sink to their level". This lasted for years, although in my free time, I got to be myself again. * I first got into drawing (well, online anyway) as a real hobby in 2006. In three years I got better at drawing than I had in the twelve years of my life before I started. If I look at my old deviantART, I can really see the difference from that terrible-concerning-justabout-everything dog picture I drew, until the latest picture of one of my characters, where the anatomy is not perfect, but much better. Sadly, I stopped drawing quite so much after 2009, but I still do it on occasion, and now I'm better than I was back in 2009! I'm also trying to get better at drawing people. Of course, they don't look that great yet, but already I can see the improvement. :) [[ArtEvolution Click here]] to return to the main article, and do notice the differences since the first version.


ArtifactOfDoom * My family has a recipe we call "Take Over The World Cookies." They are minty and chocolately, and people have done insane things to try to acquire the recipe after having just a bite or two. You could use them to conquer the world, people love them that much. Of course, no one in my family likes them that much, so we joke that the Council of Ancients appointed us the official guardians of the recipe for Take Over The World Cookies, because we alone could resist their minty temptation. [[CaptainObvious My family is a bunch of nerds.]] * A running joke with my friends is that my alienware desktop is 3 sorting algorithms short of becoming sentient and destroying the Earth. * May not be on subject but [[{{Dallenson}} This troper]] recalls one [[{{Furryfandom}} Phoenix]] in {{Second Life}} who carries a medallion which turns Her to stone and is toggled by passer by's, meaning She's frozen until someone is actually nice enough to touch it again thus un-freezing Her so, that wouldnt matter anyway because soon someone might trigger the curse On Her again. * The Aelgach is a plot point in one of my RPs at first, an artifact that can grant any of your wishes. Problem 1: Its a JackassGenie, asking for wealth, for example, will have it turn you into a golden golem. Problem 2: It rather likes granting wishes, and will frequently whisper to and essentially torment you with Hannibal Lectures and Reason You Suck Speeches until you make a wish. Problem 3: every time you make a wish, the "soul" of the wish victim is trapped in a page and used to cast bigger, nastier wish spells. It has 500000 pages currently, and still expanding. Despite this, it looks like the usual door stopper rather than a monstrously huge book. Final problem, you are not in a wishing mood? No problemmo, it will just manipulate your subconscious mind. Aelgach is the BigBad for a reason. * In a StarWars fanfiction this troper has been writing, the centerpiece is a Sith artifact that is one part SoulJar, one part {{Magitek}} nuke, and one part {{TheVirus}}. It can (temporarily) raise the dead, destroy stuff with blasts of Force energy, manipulate nature, and destroy armies. But it needs a host and '''it will find one'''. If it is safely encountered, be very afraid. It wants to be found, and the spirit inside of it, the soul of a Sith Lord, wants a Jedi host. Fourteen separate Jedi Masters were strong enough not to fall prey to it, but could never destroy it (one even tried to send it down a black hole - [[BeyondTheImpossible didn't work]]), [[SealedEvilInACan only seal it away]]. Anyone unfortunate enough to fall prey to it is subjected to MoreThanMindControl, so his or her allies aren't really sure, at the end, whether the shit he spouts is his own or the artifact's, and because it slowly worms its way into the victim's mind, the GenreSavvy allies are [[ParanoiaFuel never quite sure when they will turn]]. This becomes really important because the heroes are KnightTemplar ex-Jedi fighting for their lives

against an onslaught of Sith troops during the [[StarWarsLegacy Legacy era]]. Any one of them would be a perfect target. * This troper wears a black knee length jacket and it's rumored that it's bigger on the inside, has a time dilation field, can only be worn by those touched by the old gods and is actually a hyperspace arsenal waiting to be triggered. ---Throw this [[ArtifactOfDoom link]] into the text of the main page from which it was formed to destroy it! ---<<|TroperTales|>>

ArtificialBrilliance * I'm still not sure if this was amazing Artificial Brilliance or a fluke or what, but a couple of matches into the Battle Subway in Pokemon Black a relatively low-standard AI trainer played This Troper for a fool with the effective tactics of a tournament-level human: I started with my Forretress, she sent out Tranquill. I tried to use Stealth Rock, but she used Taunt. All of my switch-in traps now useless, I decided to simply take down the Tranquill with Explosion. She used Detect. She countered me completely, making my Forretress impotent and then taking it out within two turns, without taking a shred of damage. * It seems to most players, including [[{{Tropers/Malefix}} This Troper]], that SuperSmashBrosBrawl's level 9 AI learns from players. I want to give some examples here, just for the sake of not making [[SuperSmashBros the main article]] [[BrokenBase explode due to a discussion about]] [[ArtificialBrilliance this]]. ** My friend plays {{Kirby}}. A lot. Now whenever I lose a stock against the {{Kirby}} AI and he [[MegaManning has a hat on]], he will [[MostAnnoyingSound crouch repeatedly]] instead of using a regular taunt. ** Also, my [[{{Mother3}} Lucas]] AI learned [[ zap jumping]] and my own similar technique "throw jumping". *** For some reason this almost sounds like a pet that wants you to die. Teaching it tricks and such. **** That's probably because it wants me to die. Well, my PlayerCharacter, but still. ** Screw level 9-- I'm a horrible player and usually keep 'em around level 3-4. It takes forever, but they've learnt my stragaties anyway. ** In a [[KidIcarus Pit vs. Pit]] match, instead of blowing the crap out of me with a Cracker Launcher (which would have failed, seeing as Pit has a Mirror Shield), pushed it off the ledge. ** This troper's Level 9 Jigglypuff has been slowly but surely stealing his techniques. Since this troper has been playing as good ol' Jiggly almost exclusively for ''years''(to the point that his friends have perma-banned him from using it in multiplayer modes), this is not a good thing. *** My lv9 Lucario, Wario and Ike (and probably others) have learned to push or throw any [[Pokemon Pokballs]] off the stage when playing

against [[{{Tropers/Malefix}} me]]. ** This troper has noticed that in Brawl the computers get slowly smarter at fighting on your custom stages. This troper has made several stages that, early on, the computers would just kill themselves trying to navigate the stage (even level 9 computers), but after a while they 'learned' to navigate the stages well. ** This troper definitely noticed a difference in the AI opponents when using another Wii's data. My nephew usually mains Wolf, and after he left his Wii with us for us to fix, I noticed that the AI Wolf on his Wii uses the same tactics that he does (same recovery strategy, same combos, same [[SpamAttack spamming his forward Smash]], etc). Either he learned how to play Wolf from the AI, or [[OhCrap the other way around.]] *** This troper had a similar experience after switching from his own Wii to his significant other's and being constantly destroyed by the level 9 computers for about a month. There was a noticeable spike in difficulty between my Wii, on which this troper alone was the player, and hers, which was used for impromptu tournaments near constantly. Particularly egregious was Olimar, who I later found out was played by a ridiculously talented player as his messing around character. I cannot list the number of times it kicked Marth's teeth in without Pikmin... ** Confirmation bias on all of the above. Level 9 AI has been proven to not learn, due to AI actions not being stored in replay files. That being said, Brawl is getting its own REAL brilliant artificial intelligence soon, as AI files have also been hacked and we're just beginning to build AI. In the mean time, have fun trying to teach the Ice Climbers to chaingrab. * Left4Dead 2. Bridge Finale. Single Player. [[{{Kitsunezeta}} I]] left the three AI survivors in my dust not caring if they died and ran all the way across the bridge in well under 2 minutes, completely ignoring the Tank. As I sat in the helicopter (shooting a couple zombies that had made it to there), I get the following notification: "Achievement unlocked: TANK BURGER". I then paused the game, sat for ten seconds, hit the guide button, checked that the achievement genuinely unlocked, and then laughed as I had just earned a notoriously difficult achievement JUST BY SPEEDRUNNING THE BRIDGE FINALE. What happened? Apparently, all 3 AI survivors had a collective thought and decided to beat the living daylights out of the tank I completely ignored with 3 melee weapons. Not a single survivor died. ** On that same finale, this troper was grabbed by a Charger, which used a collapsed section of the road as a ramp, sending us both into the river. Instant, very dramatic kill. * Although Estelle from {{Tales of Vesperia}} is universally considered the epitome of ArtificialStupidity, she surprisingly got one of those in this troper's playthrough. This troper was using Estelle and mage Rita in the same party: Estelle has a wide range arte that gathers enemies together on the same spot. Some of Rita's spells have a limited area of effect. Guess what Estelle uses every time Rita starts her incantation for one of those spells? ** This troper also experienced a lot from Raven - when Estelle was busy reviving someone, Raven would spam Love shot a lot, and whenever

Estelle was busy healing, Raven would attack or use artes. * A cetain boss in Force Unleashed is a legendary Jedi[[spoiler: Darth Vader]], and since fans would complain if said boss wasn't sutably badass, they made him much harder than other bosses, both stronger, having more health... and suddenly displaying ai never seen before in this game. I decided to try and cheese him by throwing my ligthsbaer at him and running away. I tried to do this reptively.... only for said Jedi to COPY my tactic and do it better. The same thing happens if you try to cheese him in any way. Spam move? He'll block and counter. Hit him in the back? He'll run around and counter, or use his range powers. Pick him off from range? He'll either close you and beat you down, or spam his super range powers. The DifficultySpike was irrating, but I really felt like I was fighting an experinced, highly inteligent badass jedi. He doesn't button read or cheat (except for being basically stronger than you in everyway..... which was completely justfied), and can be caught offguard at first, but the real brilliance is that he learns and adapts. And punishes you for the smallest mistake or predictable behaviour. Owwweee * It may just be me, but in one of the escort missions in {{Final Fantasy Tactics A2}}, the monsters you must protect (well, the AI) in one mission seem quite intelligent. In every time I'm played through that mission, they've immediately fled from their attackers, then huddled together behind several of my most powerful units (or some similar variation). Probably just chance, but who knows. Now, if only the [[TooDumbToLive people]] you had to protect in that game were so smart... * You know that one EXP grinding tactic in FinalFantasyTactics, the one where you corner and keep beating up a Chocobo? I had to go to work when a battle started. It was a short shift, so I just set the entire party on autobattle and left. I come back three hours later, not to Ramza waiting for me on the map screen, but to my entire squad having cornered this Chocobo and taking turns shuffling around and attacking it each round. Needless to say, I had a ''bunch'' of JP to spend when I took control and {{Mercy Kill}}ed the poor bird. * This troper has had some weird incidents in ''TheSims 3'' where they alternate between this and ArtificialStupidity: ** While my sims were at work, one neighbour came over and ''swam in my pool''. They did this until about 30 minutes before my sim would come home from work. Another neighbour snuck in and took a bath while I was cooking dinner. ** One bit of ArtificialStupidity was when a Vegetarian sim kept picking up stuff like tri-tip steaks and philly cheesesteaks and ''eating them''. You ''bonehead''! However amusingly enough, she seemed to make Autumn Salad a lot and that was her favourite food. ** I once went to the bathroom and forgot to press pause - I came back and they actually had cooked and eaten dinner and cleaned the house. ** Imagine my shock when I tried to ''drown'' a sim and he climbed out and then passed out next to the pool. * Skeletons. Minecraft. Shouldn't be too hard, right? It is when one lures you and then suddenly you get flanked by three or four. Also, a creeper caused me to back up into an ambush. Survived the first blast, but not the second. I realize that they were likely lucky and I was

stupid, but still, I swear that they set up ambushes... ** Creepers actually DO set up ambushes from time to time, if they have a little hidden area they may wander in and wait until a PC gets near. Considering that pigmen make 'tribes' of sort and have grouping AI, you may be onto something. ** I've noticed that, when creepers get close enough to explode and start sizzling, They strafe to avoid Your swings and arrows * This troper had a rather weird incidence of this in ''TalesOfTheAbyss'' and ''TalesOfLegendia''. In ''TalesOfTheAbyss'', this troper fought the final boss once...and once out of nowhere they just ''surrounded'' him and proceeded to knock out half his HP wihtout giving him the chance to react. Another time in ''TalesOfLegendia'', I fought Walter and the party got 82 hits on him. Chloe ran in, knocked him over with Ram strike...then once Will used Shooting Stars she ran in again and proceeded to alternate her sword rains with Senel's Talon storms while Will and Norma used combo-high attacks that didn't knock him too far out of the way. Frankly I was quite stunned! It's a shame that this was the HopelessBossFight with him. For some incredibly odd reason, when I first played through, something similar to that happened where we just beat the living shit out of him and took out half his health. * I had a truly epic embarrassing moment happen in FinalFantasyIVTheAfterYears - against a solo character, one enemy would paralyze him whenever he wasn't paralyzed, then attack twice in a row, and JUST before Kain could get his turn, whoops, he's just been paralyzed again... 1660+ HP, Level 32, taken down by a single [[{{Mook}} Ettin Snake]] and I couldn't do a damn thing about it - I was prevented from getting a turn, which is pretty smart for a twotrick enemy. * This troper was playing Halo Reach on Heroic, Sword Base level. He was in a warthog with Kat and one trooper. Just as this troper hit a checkpoint, a Revenant attacked the warthog and flipped it over, but didn't kill any of the occupants. This troper got back in the warthog and waited for his allies to board it, only to get blown up because they took too long. After this happened a few times, he left Kat and Generic Trooper Ally to their fate and drove off in search of a rocket launcher. The Revenant kept shooting at Kat and did not follow him. Eventually he found a rocket launcher and started towards where the Revenant was, only to be met in the middle by not only Kat, (who is invincible during gameplay for those of you who have not played) but the trooper as well. How did he survive that? When I went down to where the Revenant was, I saw that it had been blown up. Somehow, two of my AI allies, only armed with rifles, had managed to blow it up without any help from me. Pretty impressive, but I have no idea how they did it. * A weird one from ''FireEmblem 7'' - Normally the AI is pretty stupid. Literally walking one-by-one to their deaths. Until one map where they were doing just that...and dealing almost no damage to Lyn. Seems weird...but then I noticed that an axe-wielder who could ahve attacked me ''at the very start of the turn'' comes by with a swordreaver and finishes her off, causing Game over - Wow he actually let his allies kill themselves so he could finish the lord off!

* Just as the TeamFortress2 bot AI has moments of ArtificialStupidity that stagger on absurd (Engineer-bot, I'm looking at you), it also has moments where you swear the gorram thing is either a lot cleverer than you gave it credit, or the bastard thing is learning from you. For instance, playing KOTH as a Demoman, I usually lay down a sticky carpet in the vicinity of the point. The AI usually fires its bombs forward and down on the ground like most players. In Nucleus, I stick bomb traps to the ceiling of the point. The AI has started doing this too...''in between update patches.'' That is, it was on a particular iteration of the game and no updates were downloaded between when the bots did not do this and when the bots started doing this. Either this is a glitch somehow, or the bloody things are watching me. (And if they are, Engineer-bot, a little situational awareness and some idea of what constitutes a good setup area please, for crying out loud.) * This troper noticed that in ''FinalFantasyXIII'', the enemies would ShootTheMedicFirst with Vanille. One reason I died to [[ThatOneBoss Cid Raines]] was that almost all the time, he'd go ''right'' for Vanille when she was the healer. I switched to Evened Odds where Lightning was the Medic...and after he finished his Combo on Vanille, he ''immediately'' set his sights on Lightning, who was cleaning up the mess he made with Vanille's health. ** Is it just me, or are wyverns just like this too? I regularly use Lightning, Fang, and Hope, with Hope being my [[SquishyWizard squishy healer]], and every time it would use Feeding Stoop, it would head straight for Hope. I once switched my party around, but had Vanille as my healer, and suddenly she's the wyvern's main enemy. * [[Tropers/{{Dallenson}} Me]] on Sven-Coop, while waiting around the corner for enemy soldiers to charge through like in {{Freemans Mind}}, I was around below 25 health and My current clip in the uzi was almost empty, I then decided to reload, at that moment they charged around the corner and shot Me dead! * This Tropette is used to running circles around the AI in most of the games she plays, but when playing Quest for Infinity (Code Lyoko), she accidentally lured William into the donut lava hole and killed him instantly. The second time I chose to spar with him, he decided to teach me a lesson and used his smoke-grab ability to yank me into that same hole. Seeing as the BigBad of CL is a freaking AI, this horrified me. * The bot AI in ''LeagueOfLegends'' on beginner is embarrassingly stupid, but that helps new players. So last night I felt like using my first win of the day bonus on AI bots because I didn't want to risk getting into an epic 45-minute match as it was almost midnight. So as Kennen, I get a killing spree of 9 against the bots...and then imagine my shock when all of a sudden, ''all five of them'' rush down my lane to go after me. I made it out, thankfully. But then another time in the same match when my killing spree was at 15...there's a big fight in the middle lane. So I lightning rush in and start putting marks of the storm on everyone...and then all of a sudden the bots drop ''everything'' they were doing and decided to start going after me. I got ''incredibly'' lucky to survive four-people focus firing me at once (And to have Flashed away at the right moment) but dang, the bots seem to realize that if someone's on a massive killing spree that

you'll get extra gold. * This troper just got back from playing through a dungeon in BattleHunter and is surprised to admit that he was outsmarted by the AI players. The dungeon mission was to rescue a missing person, and the player is pitted against three agents from the game's MegaCorp. He figured they'd all work together to kick your ass and grab the missing person first, but instead they spent the entire mission just bumbling around. They'd wander around, get into fights with each other, randomly lay traps and then walk right into them, and even when they were in the same room as him they NEVER even picked a fight. One of them even walked right into the room where the missing person was, got within one tile of him, and then just turned around and walked away, teleporting out of the room. Turns out, though, that the guy who walked into the room with the missing person [[ObfusticatingStupidity spent that whole time booby-trapping the one tile-wide corridor leading to the room]], including traps that steal all the power-up cards in your hand and traps that cripple your movement score for the rest of the dungeon. As for the rest of them, this troper started to suspect they were just burning through all the cards in the deck until the deck ran out, which would summon a nigh-unbeatable monster onto the field to just start murdering everyone, including you. Fortunately, this troper managed scrounge up enough trap-evade cards to get through the booby-trapped corridor, grab the missing person and get the hell out before the deck ran out. The AI wasn't playing to win. It was playing to make sure that he lost. * A common example in the {{Pokemon}} series: the opposing Pokemon recovering HP. Sure, it's frustrating, but it's also surprisingly not stupid. Another example would be a CPU controlled opponent switching out his/her Pokemon for one with a better advantage. ---Back to ArtificialBrilliance

ArtificialStupidity * There is a robot competition at a si-fi convention that I go to every year, and my dad competed in it. He put a [[BuffySpeak sonar type thing]] on the robot that made it back up whenever it got too close to driving of the edge. Unfortunately, he messed up and made it a bit too sensitive and it mistook some writing on the middle of the plywood that the competition took place on as the edge and backed up whenever it tried to go over it. We lost. * Once, for a CS class project that involved writing team logic for a soccer simulation, [[CodeMan38 this troper]] created a second team which was the embodiment of Artificial Stupidity as a joke. The team in question ran towards the ball and kicked it in whatever direction they were facing-- even if they were facing the wrong goal. He named it "Team Sea Slug"... after [[{{Cloudcuckoolander}} Osaka-san]]'s team from ''AzumangaDaioh'', naturally. * In the early days of PC computing, there was a text-based game where

the computer would ask you a series of questions to try to figure out what kind of animal you were thinking of. When you loaded the game, it had a set number of questions already programmed into it. The game also had the ability to store new information, which made it seem pretty smart. If it didn't know the kind of animal you were thinking of, it would say something like, "I give up. What kind of animal are you thinking of?" Then it would ask you to provide a question that would help it guess this animal in the future. A friend of mine had a copy of this game and let me play it. After about an hour with it, I'd managed to load it with enough questions and animals that it didn't even make sense any more. In addition to the regular questions it had, like "Does the animal have feathers?" or "Can the animal swim?" it now had things like, "Is the animal uglier than your mother?" ** Sounds like an early, broken version of [[ Akinator]], but with animals instead of characters. * [[PoochyEXE This troper]] once had a CS class project that involved writing an AI algorithm for a Battleship game. As a part-joke, parttest, he added an additional AI that would roll to randomly pick a square to guess on each turn, re-rolling if it got a space it had already tried (and only because the engine wouldn't allow it). In other words, it wouldn't even attempt to guess adjacent spaces after scoring a hit. * [[Tropers/ROBRAM89 Bastard Lego Mindstorms.]] Tried to program the thing to run an obstacle course. It spun in place [[EveryCarIsAPinto until it lost parts.]] * This Troper once got bored while playing Super Smash Bros. Brawl and decided to have a 3 against 1 match pitting me, playing as Kirby for that challenge that requires you to do so, and 2 AIs playing as Lucas and the Pokemon Trainer against Sonic on Green Hill Zone. About halfway through the fight, the Lucas AI grabbed a Cracker Launcher and SHOT AT THE FLOOR UNDERNEATH HIM AND ME. This caused the floor of the stage to collapse prematurely and nearly sent us both to our deaths. I got away due to Kirby's amazing jumping ability, but Lucas fell. Now, I can't decide if the AI was just being stupid, or if Lucas got jealous of me using Kirby instead of him (Lucas is my main, but I had to play as Kirby for the challenge) and [[{{Yandere}} tried to kill Kirby out of rage...]] * This troper plays a lot of RiseOfNations. At one point, he built a fort near an enemy border ForTheLulz and garrisoned it with the max number of troops so that it could [[AutomaticCrossbows rapid-fire arrows]]. Then he researched the max attrition damage, so the enemies lost 16 health every second they spent in his territory without a Supply Wagon. He was just doing it to see a bit of scout pwnage, but oh no...they sent out forces of ''[[CurbStompBattle archers and pikemen]]'' with no siege backup and no supplies, to futilely poke at a fort that was machine-gunning them with arrows. Then when their forces shrank from ~30 people to about 5, they turned to run...and immediately dropped dead from attrition damage. FacePalm. * [[TalesOfSymphonia Genis: I'm going to hit you with my supar powerful KENDAMA]] *Mithos uses rejection* OW OW OW OW!!! FacePalm. * Koga's Skuntank in Pokmon Soul Silver - what the hell? You ''know'' what moves I have and you ''know'' what I put in...''why'' in the

''hell'' would you use ''Dig'' against a Camerupt who you ''know'' has ''Earthquake''? * while playing SidMeiersAlphaCentauri as the Mainfold Caretakers i was on one continent and the usurpers were on another with a small island in between. i was having trouble attacking the usurpers due to them having a massive air force. They did something strange with it though. Any planes they were not using they would send into the sea and then would return to the same base on the next turn for no reason. I manged to take that base with paratroopers and watched as the usurpers entire air force crashed into the ocean. * {{Tropers/djkates}} here. A few years back, I was taking an introductory programming course. (The course used Java, if you were wondering.) At the end of the course, we had an extra credit assignment to make a Tic-Tac-Toe AI. The amount of extra credit was determined by having the [=AIs=] play against each other in a roundrobin tournament, with each match-up consisting of two games (each AI going first once). In decreasing order of priority, the determining factors for who would win each matchup were winning games, average amount of time spent making a move, and the file size of the compiled code (smaller = better). In the end, 10 students, myself included, submitted [=AIs=] for this assignment. Now, as you probably know, there is an optimum strategy for Tic-Tac-Toe -- implemented properly, a player using this strategy will never lose a game, and they will win if the opponent makes any mistake. Out of the 10 students who submitted [=AIs=] for the assignment, 3 of us (including me) made one that correctly implemented the optimum strategy, so by comparison, the other 7 would all be displaying ArtificialStupidity. (Incidentally, I ended up winning. Although my code had a larger compiled file size than the others who got the AI right, probably in part because I commented my code extensively and Java does include comments in its compiled code, it won against the others that got it right on the time tiebreaker. I guess I did a little better at decreasing overhead time.) Since this was a few years ago and I no longer have the code from the other students' submissions (we were given access to the compiled versions of everyone's code after the tournament concluded, but the hard drive where I had downloaded that code has since died), I don't remember all the specifics and can't check, but I do remember a few. ** Those of us who decided to enter were given a sample source code file so that we could make our AI compatible with the program that would run the game. Said sample file would [[AIRoulette make a random legal move when called, with no attempt at strategy.]] One person actually entered this in the tournament. ** Another person was attempting to implement the proper strategy, but his code would misread the board state, so it ended up making the wrong moves. ** I can't be 100% sure, but I seem to recall a third student whose AI somehow managed to [[GameBreakingBug crash the program on occasion.]] I have no idea how. * This ''WorldOfWarcraft'' playing troper ran across a bot not too long ago that seemed really, really badly programmed, seemed like it would target anything nearby and get right up to its face to attack

it, players included, it attacked me and I killed it no problem, it respawned and I decided to have a little fun with it...with a nearby cliff, use your imagination. ---Return to Main/ArtificialStupidity... oh, that's right, you're only programmed to move forward... ---<<|TroperTales|>>

ArtInitiatesLife * While not in the literal sense, [[MmmKay this troper]] was surprised by this one. I once drew an eel-like creature in a pose like a graceful S. Not too long after, my mother was watching a program on creatures that probably inspired dragons, and she saw a cave salamander in the exact same S pose! I didn't get to see it, but [[TakeOurWordForIt I took her word for it.]] * While not truly alive, an RPG manual I'm writing has taken on a life of its own. Originally it was a D&D ripoff, Now it seems completely unique. * this troper, if she had this power, would be a very powerful superhero, or villain, if she was in a bad mood. ** That is very NightmareFuel considering the amount of monsters and character, authors in RealLife might create if they were in a bad mood. In one of my unfinished plots, this happens and the Creations are angry. ---If you [[ArtInitiatesLife click here]], you might create a [[BeCarefulWhatYouWishFor Trope-Monster]]! (RAWR!) ---<<|TroperTales|>>

ArtisticLicenseGeology * [[Tropers/CaptHayfever This troper]] once saw some girl protesting the diamond industry thusly: "FYI, there is no chemical difference between cubic zirconia and diamond. Don't be silly and support a dirty, bloody, industry." Now, it is true that ''some'' diamonds are mined under violent, oppressive, inhumane conditions, but that's no reason to ignore the fact that diamonds are pure carbon, while cubic zirconia is made of zirconium and oxygen. In other words, they fulfill the ''exact definition'' of "chemical difference." (Kinda geology, kinda chemistry.) ** Their crystal structure isn't exactly the same either (cubic zirconia being cube-like in shape, while diamond crystals are typically octahedral). * In a high school history class at my school, one of the students had a Hank Johnson-moment when he asked, "why didn't the Germans just use their submarines to sink England?" * On a recent mission trip to Puerto Rico, this troper overheard a

(high school) classmate ask a chaperone, "So, since we're on an island, is the land, like, floating? Or is it attached?" ---Ride the continental drift back to ArtisticLicenseGeology. ----

Asexuality * I'm sure I'm asexual. I acknowledge beauty quite frequently, but never feel any sexual attraction to anyone. * I'm trying to figure out the correct term for what I am, as my sexuality finds it amusing to bounce from one thing to the other. I think I've finally hammered it out though: panromantic asexual. I am attracted ''romantically'' to all sexes, and heck, physically too, if we count appreciating beauty and good looks. But beyond that... sex stopped being appealing a couple of years ago, and at some point became vaguely [[{{Squick}} squicky]] to me. I'm absolutely fine with hugging, holding hands, kissing, but anything beyond that (making out especially squicks me the hell out) is too much. I want someone to love and be happy with, but I can't see myself doing it. * I think I'm asexual because I find all forms of sex gross, weird, and bizarre, plus I don't masturbate and hate porn with a passion. No, I wasn't molested as a kid, or had long-term exposure to porn as child (in fact I've seen that shit a few times in my life when I was searching for images on Google safe search. I wasn't looking for porn though). However I can tolerate sexual people as long as they don't try to turn me into one of them. I would like to find love with the opposite sex, but I could live without romance. Also I'm a virgin and don't plan on losing it anytime soon, in fact I'm considering staying one my whole life.\\ But I love shipping though (the romantic aspect of it of course!). * I'm not sure if I'm an aromantic or heteromantic asexual since I would like to find a romance with a guy but can live single and a virgin my whole life. I'm also not that serious about getting a BF. ** It sounds like you're heteromantic. Or at the very least, I classify myself as such and am the same way. I deeply like the idea of a romantic connection with a sweet guy, but do not feel sexual attraction and (though I think it would be a very nice idea) am really not preoccupied with finding a boyfriend. You are not alone. * I had a friend who she knew in high school that didn't seem interested in girls. Even when the entire school's dance team (in short shorts and tank tops) ran by him, he didn't pay attention to that. He kept... reading... manga. To this day he admits he doesn't understand sex, and is in turn 'questioning' since she left the high school. Sad thing is... she used to like him. ** Maybe he's gay? ** It seriously sounds like you just described a guy who's gay. ** Sounds Asexual to me ** Sounds Asexual to me too. Especially since - as I would like to point out to the apparently oblivious tropers suggesting the guy in the description is gay - the original troper explicitly states that the friend "admits he doesn't understand sex." What in the world

implies that he's interested in ''guys''? Call it a BerserkButton, but I, an asexual, have come to feel very [[RantInducingSlight annoyed]] when "no interest in sex" is automatically translated by people into "no interest in the OPPOSITE sex." I find it quite presumptuous. * I'm not quite sure what else I can identify with if I'm not asexual. Sex is just something I deeply, deeply do not want to have. I never wanted it, and it's always confused me seeing all the sexual things in movies and shows when I never liked that kind of stuff. I thought I was just normal. And then it hit me; A lot of people think of sex as a very important thing that's prominent in life and wanted. I never did, nor did I ever want it. I don't think sex is gross or wrong, it just never appealed to me. That being said, I would very much enjoy a purely romantic relationship with a guy, as long as it wasn't sexual. Things like kissing, hugging, etc. I'm okay with too. Just not sex. I also do masturbate, but that's more of a release instead of thinking about a certain person. (Which I did once, but that was a long time ago and I'm disgusted when I think about it) ** I know what you mean about not being quite sure. It's a lot tougher for asexuals who still have romantic drives because of how blurry the line between romance and sex is. It becomes a question of "Am I really asexual or have I simply not met the right person?" *** It is also entirely possible to be an asexual who still manages the physical act of lovemaking in order to please the person they love. As evidenced by my best friends. ** I once responded to a post on an asexuality discussion form that asked what asexuals who masturbate think of when doing it. My response, was a single word, very much intended as a joke: [[LieBackAndThinkOfEngland England]]. ** You know, after watching AxisPowersHetalia, that takes on a very different meaning... * I am aromantic to the point of feeling physically ill on the rare occasions someone's expressed interest in a relationship beyond just being friends, and am of course asexual as well. I've run into a few people that think I needs counseling or otherwise should be helped to "overcome" it. ** I can sympathize. I have no attraction to anyone, and romance simply does not interest me. Thankfully my friends gave up their attempts to find him a date after I reminded them of the fact that I'm in a Catholic seminary, and thus will remain celibate for the duration of my life. * I am a strange case. I'm mentally hetero-exclusive, enjoy thinking about women I like and being intimate with them, and also think about the different types of foreplay/sex positions I want it in. However in practice I cannot get close to people, have no real reaction to seeing naked people, hate kissing or hugging, gain absolutely no pleasure from any form of sexual act and alway has an intense feeling of revulsion afterwards. Most recent example was at the start of the first year at (English) college. There was a girl who I fantasised about a lot in one of my classes. About 2 months in we (kinda) got together and I went to her house and she stripped in front of me, expecting me to pleasure in all the ways I had fantasised. What she got was a blank (slightly distainful) stare, an uphill struggle to

give me an erection, and the real life equivalent of IKEA erotica. Followed by me not talking for over 30 minutes as my mind tortured me with thoughts about how weak and pathetic I am. I'm usually happy and self-confident. * My first love was a tall, brainy, brunette, nerdy, oblivious, hilarious...asexual. Yeah...that was ''awkward''. ** I think I must have made this edit and forgot about it. We are in the exact same boat :P * I have never masturbated nor have I ever desired sex with any individual. I still find women, and occasionally men, attractive and enjoy their company but don't view them in sexual ways. As a matter of fact, I so utterly lacked sexual desire that I never even bothered to learn what masturbating was and only just found out recently. Suddenly the up and down hand motion that people made a lot back in high school makes sense. ** In case anyone else has questions on this, [[ AVEN]], the preeminent website about asexuals, has useful information about any questions you might have. ** I have ''tried'' to masturbate. It's never really worked. I've tried pornography from all over the spectrum and some of it has at least been alarming enough to make me go erect, but maintaining the erection for long enough to spooge is so stupifyingly boring that I've pretty much given up for now.\\ Curiously, this has left me with a taste for erotic imagery that I never get off to.\\ (I still intend to at least try sex eventually, when it's convenient. But, while I may not be aromantic, I find most of the social conventions surrounding romance to be distasteful in the manner of an ObstructiveBureaucrat. So I imagine I'll be waiting a lot.) *** I (a female) am like the above. Romance novels, porn, kink memes. I've seen it all, and even though some of it turns me on... I can't get off. Which made for some seriously awkward first sex with my partner...Love her to pieces, but I'm just not swayed by sex. ** Tropers/{{Q}}: I fail to see how masturbation quantifies how asexual one is. It's like saying that you don't like going to the dentist, only for another person to point out that you enjoy [[IncrediblyLamePun mastication]] and eating, so you therefore must also [[DoesThisRemindYouOfAnything enjoy all other activities involving the mouth]]. I was [[RapeIsASpecialKindOfEvil forced to go to the dentist]] [[RapeIsTheNewDeadParents once by my father]], and my teeth are in [[{{Irony}} superb condition]], but I don't have to like [[IfYouKnowWhatIMean everything that involves teeth]]. Just because someone's tried sexual (meta-sexual?) activities doesn't make them any less of an asexual.\\ Furthermore, {{Stephen Fry}}'s lack of sexual interest due to selfloathing is no less asexual than my lack of sexual interest due to [[AWizardDidIt who knows what]]. If there's a plain and present lack of sexual interest, they are Asexual. This is why [[DeathNote Yagami Light]] qualifies as an asexual. For instance, he [[spoiler: masturbated not for sexual interests, but to [[XanatosGambit make the detectives think that he thought that they weren't watching them]]]].

[[PerfectlyCromulentWord Alsoly]], a person with definite sexual desire who merely does not engage in sex should not be assumed to be asexual by default, and should be moved to a more appropriate category (without {{Natter}}). [[spoiler: In before someone says "Well, you are asexual because you were raped, and [[SarcasmMode I obviously know you better than you know yourself!]]". Rape has nothing to do with sexuality. [[UnfortunateImplications There are plenty of rape-victims out there who are not asexual, and there are plenty asexuals who are not rape victims]]]] ** I have masturbated once, successfully (somehow. I can't recall how). But the story begins after the act is finished. The very thought of the act suddenly repulses me, and I start getting odd thoughts about having compromised with...a couple of standards. I clawed at my face hard enough to leave lines, lay awake in my bed for hours in the night, tossing and turning and generally feeling utterly disgusted with what I have done, got a nightmare, and still felt disturbed the following day. And that's why I never tried anymore. No, I don't get why my friends call me Rorschach. ** I'm asexual and masturbate with great frequency simply because ''it feels good.'' I have never once kissed my girlfriend, have no interest in sex at all, but still masturbate and considers myself quite asexual. I can enjoy a pleasurable act without liking [[HitlerAteSugar everything it is associated with]]. ** I am male and asexual and I masturbate on a regular basis, and agree with the above troper that it's simply because it feels good. I also has a few fetishes that don't involve sex at all, strange as it might sound. Not sure how that works, but there you go, everyone's weird one way or another. ** I'm asexual and have never masturbated, and am incapable of any pleasure from sexual acts. Then again, I am ''very'' schizoid, so I don't care what I'm missing. ** Well, I'm a bisexual female and never managed to masturbate or, for that matter, have many natural sexual reactions that most people take for granted. I flop like a sack of potatoes and my husband does all the work. I'm usually out like a light before it's over. I don't '''want''' it to be that way, but I'm overstimulated (not in that way) by it all! ** I am asexual and masturbate almost daily. I do not do so because of arousal, but simply because it makes it much easier to fall asleep. *** Nice to know I'm not the only one that uses it as a sleep-aid. (Not daily, though.) ** I tried to masturbate, but she gave up after a few tries because she didn't feel anything at all. I did kiss with a guy and enjoy it enough, but don't really get why I should want to go further than this, or why all the girls make such a big deal out of it. Whatever. ** @/CkretAznMan: I don't see the need for ADateWithRosiePalms. *** I have compared it to attempting to tickle just doesn't work. ** Nope. Not at all. Never. Don't plan to start in the future. I can have a bit of a dirty mind, enjoy some erotic fanfiction, and will admit that some minor accidents happen, but have never had any urge to look up actual porn or even try masturbating. I'm always creeped out

when people talk like it's a regular thing. ** I am female and asexual and have never tried to masturbate, for various reasons but first and foremost because the sensation feels really weird and not as unambiguously pleasant as it's usually represented; it reminds me of pain (and of needing to pee), even though it doesn't ''actually'' hurt. Sort of a mixed message there, body. ** I've tried a few times, and it has never worked for me. So for me, it's just pointless. * One thing that really upsets me is just how often others accuse us of lying. I don't know how it is for asexual women, but we asexual men are instantly treated as liars if we claim asexuality. At least with homosexuality or bisexuality people will usually recognize it as a legitimate sexual orientation (even if it's still generally hated by bigots), but even the majority of my largely liberal friends refuse to even acknowledge my sexuality. Nothing's worse than people refusing to acknowledge that a fundamental aspect of your nature and claiming that it's "just a lie to get other's attention." ** Agreed. I am female and am often accused of either lying about it to "cover up" my difficulty in relationships, or using it as an "excuse" for being a virgin. But guess what, not all asexuals are virgins. In fact, perhaps most ''aren't''. ** Don't forget two classics: "You'll grow out of it." and "You just haven't met the right person." ** "You just haven't met the right person"? The only time I ever even tried to tell my friends that I was asexual, I had ''that'' fired at me. Nothing I say managed to convince them that I was being serious, so I dropped it. The fact that I am probably the only one of the group who isn't sexually active seems to make them think they know much more about the subject than I do. Which irritated me. Greatly. Also, my mother seems to have a much easier time accepting that she won't be getting grandchildren than they do that I will never "be like them". ** Tropers/RayneCyro: I've had both of those fired at me, as well. When some people at my lunch table asked me what I prefer in women, I told them in plain terms about my lack thereof. The first assumption? "Oh, well... if you're gay, I guess that's okay, too..." Following which I had to take several minutes to explain that I don't have any compulsion. "Oh, so you had some problems, and had surgery..." came after that. When I denied THAT claim, Igot the "oh, well then you must just not have found the right person yet" and refusal to listen afterwards. [[SarcasmMode Apparently they know me better than I do]]. ** I've found what works best with people is to just gloss over it. If you've known someone for a year or two and have blatantly shown no interest in anyone, they kind of get the idea. At least, that's what I've experienced. ** I tend to just show no interest, I turn down any offers I get regarding being set up with girls (which only newer friends do that), for the most part my friends don't mention it and I rarely have any stupid drunk notions of sex being worth my time/effort so it works out, although have been mistaken for gay by some people. ** Tropers/WoundedWolfgirl: Yup. I'm a biromantic asexual female and was told "you just haven't met the right person" when I came out, and

still get that from time to time. The worst part? Some of the people who have said that are ''gay'', who, you would think, had had that one fired at them enough to know how ''incredibly offensive'' it is. ** According to my psychology textbook, a lack of sexual interest is classified as a sexual ''disorder''. So now her friends do believe her when she says she has no interest in sex, but for all the wrong reasons. ** This trooper's received: 'hasn't met the right person,' 'you're gay?,' ''if you tried it, you'd like it, so you're just a prude who that needs some sex, be happy to show you,' and people genuinely curious to know if I've 'ever had babies with myself' Yeah, I do it all the time, which is why I DON'T have any kids. * I am a biromantic asexual female. I live with my significant other, who I've been with for several years. I have sex with him, and had sex with other people before we were together. I just don't get anything out of it, and completely lack interest in the act. That said, I enjoy depictions of sex in film, literature, etc. and masturbate often. ** I'm pretty sure I'm completely asexual (though I love seeing other people in happy relationships, both in real life and fiction), but in terms of your question, when I described to a friend what ''I'' think is masturbating (just squeezing my legs together really tight if I'm watching a steamy movie scene or reading erotic fanfiction), she told me I wasn't even doing it right. Oh well... * Raises hand* Well, I'm only 20 years old, but I'm under the impression this is an unusually long time to go without even masturbating. For me, being attracted to someone doesn't extend very far beyond the intellectual level. I ''have'' been vaguely turned on by one thing or another, but I can't even guess how this would motivate me to go have sex with someone. ** I'm an asexual female, but I don't masturbate for the simple (and somewhat hilarious) reason that '''I don't know how'''. Out of curiosity, I've fingered myself a few times but I'm apparently not poking the right places 'cause I don't feel '''anything''', folks. ** Well I masturbate to hetero porn and lesbian porn, but I have never been interested in any form of romantic affection for anyone. ** Yup. I've masturbated out of curiosity, as well as having looked at porn several times. Nothing special, I've orgasmed maybe four times, and that was after 20 minutes or so of fiddling around. ** Wow. I'm is '''so glad''' I'm not the only person who doesn't know how to masturbate. Going on 20 and still don't know how. Not that I have any urge to. * @/TheTallOne: Me. Interestingly, I'm also biromantic. I'm not aromantic, I still form romantic attachments to other people, but when you're not falling in love for sex, gender doesn't really matter. * My view of sex can be summed up as "well, I'm gonna want kids some day, so I guess I'll have to..." I was a virgin until age 21. I might adopt at some stage, once I've got a stable job and house. Best case would be finding a surrogate mother to carry my child after in-vitro fertilization, though. * My view of sex is... [[{{Squick}} no thank you]]. Pretty pictures are nice, but the naughty bits aren't exactly pretty. Mild interest in erotic novellas (though much preferring plot-driven to porn-driven),

no interest in actual porn (ew), no intention to ever have children, and no interest in a romantic relationship. Oddly enough, I like reading and writing romance-based fanfics (if they're well done, and I'm VERY picky about pairings and story structure and characterization...). And no, I've never masturbated or had an orgasm. I can note attractiveness in other people, but it's usually intellect I'm attracted to, especially wit and humor (and geekiness). Sadly, it's much easier for me to notice attractiveness in [[PerverseSexualLust animated characters]] than in live-action shows. * To understand why this is all so strange, first understand that I live with five other people under the same roof, and they are my entire circle of friends. now, most of this group revolves around the girl I love - living here is her, her best friend, both of her ex boyfriends (myself included), her best friend's boyfriend, and one other guy nobody has any relation to. I'm still in love with the girl, but because I'm not a physical person and she is, it was described like this (including the other ex-boyfriend) "Theo and I work and fit. Everrett and I, well we fit but we don't work. You and me, we work but we don't fit." ** Keep in mind that this person is very dirty minded when examining that sentence. * I'm both asexual and aromantic. I've had several relationships, though -- most of them were when I was younger, and either unaware or in denial about it. At least one of them was only for personal benefit and for the sake of manipulation. * I'm gonna be honest: I used to think that there was something wrong with asexuals, and then, I check my own life: I have never had a girlfriend (or a boyfriend), I have no interest in relationships and/or casual sex, and then I realize I'm not only asexual, perhaps I'm even aromantic. I don't want to say I'm gonna stay like this forever (Who knows? Maybe I find the right person) but there is a good chance I'm going to end up alone and...I have no problem with that. ** @/FourtyTwoHz: So am I. I live in a country where sex is taken too far, and as such it became completely uninteresting for me. I know I'm going to end up alone, and I also have no problem with that. * @/HarryMiste: I shall be completely honest with you: my cause for asexuality/aromantic is not because I have any moral objections towards sex (or any relationship, for that matter), but because I'd have the fear of getting caught, the lack of any diligence to go through with it, and my distrust of a lot of people. Hell, I can't feel any romantic attraction towards anyone. ** As far as I know, having a moral objection to sex doesn't make you asexual, and neither does your reason. an asexual is a person that DOES NOT FEEL SEXUAL ATTRACTION. Romantic orientation, too, is completely different from sexual orientation. * @/{{Azvolrien}}: I'm asexual and... whatever it's called when you find people of both genders attractive but not interested in actually sleeping with anyone. I've had crushes, both on real and fictional people, but have zero interest in sex itself. ** Some would call it "bi-romantic asexual". I'm the same, pretty much. I have a significant other that I love very much, but it's currently a long-distance relationship, and I'm dreading that once we

fix that, I'll turn out to hate sex... I'm okay with the ''idea,'' but I've never actually tried it. There's no deciding that it isn't worth it involved. I have ''no interest'' in actual sex. It's something I only barely understand, and that on a purely intellectual level rather than emotional or instinctive. I might ''look'' at a guy or girl appreciatively (say, "ooh, he has nice abs" or "hmm, she's got a great figure"), but even the idea of actually having sex with the person in question, whoever they are, is just alien to me. ** @/AlternateMew: Dunno if I'm the same as the original poster, but the way I describe finding people attractive but nothing else, is that I find them aesthetically nice. Like this: You can think a bird is pretty, but you wouldn't want to take it to bed, would you? It's just... pretty. It looks nice. That's it, nothing more. It doesn't go any deeper than that. *** I have a friend who is bi-romantic asexual and still has a significant other. Said friend also laughs at sex jokes because they think it's funny. When introducing said friend to another (selfproclaimed) nerd friend, Nerd friend said, "You can't be asexual if you find sex jokes funny. Asexuality is when someone is utterly disgusted at the thought of having sex." And my friend [[DidNotDoTheResearch claims to be a nerd]]. * @/SovietKitty: Although a hopeless romantic, myself, I find it extremely annoying when people think asexuals are weird or deny their existence. * shrugs* I chalk it up to an interest in psychology and being an introverted loner. ** This describes me as well, minus the "hopeless romantic" bit; I'm just not interested in relationships of any kind, ''period''. I'm toying with the idea of a pet, but overall, I'm just not a people person. * I fully embraces my asexuality. I'll never do anything I'll later regret like rush right into sex and either have my life and/or wallet consumed by a child. Sides, I'd rather adopt... our world's overpopulated enough as it is, and do you think I want to risk giving my children ''bad knees'' at age 14 like I did? * I'm high school aged and have no interest in having sex at all and frankly find the whole thing stupid and gross. On top of that, I have a cynical view of dating (at least in high school) and refuse to develop anything more than a mild crush towards any guy. ** I'm not the above troper, but another one with pretty much the same description fitting. No interest in sex, no particular interest in dating, only a single mild crush (which I'm still not sure isn't just intellectual attraction). ** Also not the above troper, but when I was in high school I was the same way. I even had a joke about how the gene pool in high school was too small to find someone in...yeah even the bigger pool of college didn't result in finding someone I found sexually attractive. * I am getting [[BerserkButton very tired]] of hearing "Are you ''sure'' you're asexual? Maybe you just haven't had good sex!" [[FacePalm Head]][[CompletelyMissingThePoint desk]]. * I was told I might be asexual by a friend when I told said friend that I just... don't care about sex. I'm still not sure. * @/{{Roxor}}: I am both asexual and aromantic with a little bit of

ChasteHero thrown in (that might come from having AspergersSyndrome). I can appreciate an image of a pretty girl, but consider porn to be an eyesore and deathly dull. * The majority of humanity seems to base nearly their entire purpose in life around sex (not without reason, of course), so it's understandable that the concept of asexuals would be hard to grasp for most. However it's tedious to be constantly undermined by others. Anyway, I finally came to the conclusion I'm one myself. Have had many guys ending up trying to expose me as being gay after I was oblivious to their advances (apparently), and some girls feeling unnerved by my (gender-equal) friendliness. Like some others, I enjoy G-rated romance - I'm a big fan of Pride and Prejudice - and find certain people 'pretty', but the sexual side of things just makes me bored, uneasy, or even outright disgusted. Also, a thought on why it seems to take a while for asexuals to realize they are such: how can you easily realize your preference in something if the answer is 'nothing'? * One of my friends is a man who dresses and acts very feminine because he thinks femininity is beautiful. I asked him once if he thought it was beautiful on girls or guys? He gave me this look of horror, stuttered a bit, and then replied that he "hadn't really thought about it." Now I reckon that he considers femininity beautiful, but only in an asexual sense. * I consider myself to be asexual, mostly because I find the idea of sex rather repulsive. Hugging among close friends and family is fine with me, but any kind of physical touching beyond that causes me to become extremely uncomfortable. I do find some people attractive, but only in the "pleasant to look at" sense (mostly focusing on the face). When specifically thinking of people as beings that are capable of sex and/or have genitalia (usually when prompted by sadistic friends) I become extremely squicked out. ** You've hit the nail on the head. I am now wondering if I wrote this and forgot about it. * Tropers/VPhantom: My asexuality is deeply rooted on my own [[ Genophobia]]. Thankfully, I have never been sexually assaulted; (I've just seen things... Things I wish I have never seen; a sick form of almost literal MindRape if you wish) that would surely destroy me on an psychological level, because my phobia is just that intense. Heck! I cannot even take shower, on my own home, without wearing a bathing suit due my pathological fear of genitalia. ** I don't have an aversion to genitalia in general, just my own. Why or how that even makes sense, I don't know, but it's there. * I am asexual and married, which, as you can imagine, causes some problems. At one point I was merely indifferent to the idea, but my husband and I went through a rough patch a while ago that made me actively loathe the very idea, which hasn't exactly been fun trying to get over (nor have I managed to). Being asexual but not aromantic can be a very difficult thing to deal with at times, especially since I've never yet met another person who can understand just what asexuality is. Having people think there's something "wrong" with me certainly hasn't helped. * After clicking on the page on Wikipedia, I realized I was asexual.

After telling Mom that, she asked if I was a lesbian. (sigh) She has not brought it up since then, but seems over eager when I mention a guy is cute, generally hints I haven't met the right guy yet, and tells everyone I have a boyfriend (he's a close guy friend who may end up being my first boyfriend). Asexual, not aromantic. * I hate actually being an example of this trope. I just don't get affected by anything that would have a normal man swooning, or girls for that matter. Nothing has any affect on me. (except technology, but that's completely unrelated.) * @/TheNerdyNinja: I seem to fit this category quite well, much to my dismay. I seem to be able to attach to anybody, regardless of gender, but only to the extent of friendship, might have something to do with the 4 years of observing my sister's relationship with her boyfriend(s) full of up and down (and [[ Angst]] too). It can get annoying at times with people assume stupid stuff regarding my sex [[HoYay preference]], partly because of my personality, so [[LonersAreFreaks yeah]]... * I am definitely a romantic, but am so asexual that it's a joke amongst my friends that I reproduce by budding. I will admire people of both genders for their looks, but I have no desire to get into anyone's pants or up any skirts. Odd thing is, it's just the idea of ''me'' having sex with someone that creeps me out. I used to be a huge prude, but hanging out with the aforementioned friends has very quickly rid me of that. My mind is constantly in the gutter, and I can make dirty jokes out of innocent phrases with the best of them. I don't know if my squeamish-ness extends to real-life porn, as the very rare porn I do look at is usually illustrated, but with friends like mine it won't be long until they somehow force me to watch porn. But yes, asexual. Romantic, but asexual. * Another asexual aromantic for ya'll right here. Of course, this sort of complicated matters when I tried telling my mother about it. She proclaimed them not to exist and has been reassuring me for awhile now that I will one day find the exact right woman or man to satisfy my needs. Bah. Doesn't help that I get similar reactions out of others when they ask and I tell. Reply always basically amounts to, "Oh don't worry about that fake crap of a sexual desire! You'll find someone someday!" * headpalm* Least most of my friends understand and don't mind at all. * I masturbate on rare occasions, but am actually more interested in sex as an intellectual exercise. As for relationships? At 23, I haven't had any, despite being propositioned quite often. However, I would also like to say that someone can be asexual, but still have an underlying sexuality. To me, asexuality just means that the person doesn't really care about sex for the sake of sex. * I read slash, write lesbian romances, like to cuddle with other girls, draw yaoi comics, masturbate, and is still asexual. HOW? The most basic definition of an asexual is this: An asexual is someone who does not experience sexual attraction. Despite all the smut fiction, at the end of the day I still have never been sexually attracted to anyone. I foresee a life where I will never have sex and be perfectly content. Even asexuality can be terribly convoluted.

** Similar situation with me: I enjoy all flavours (het, yaoi, yuri) of erotic fanfiction, thinks many characters (both male and female) from my main fandom are sexy, but as for his personal exploits? Meh. I never masturbate and simply don't like the thought of it, have never felt any desire to have a girlfriend, and could never give my opinion on whether or not a girl is attractive to save my life. Meh. * Half-aromantic bisexual here, I thought I was asexual for a while (teenager) because I had no idea what the term aromantic was -- You see, I ''love'' having sex with both genders, male and female, and I love the thought of it, but I could never, '''ever''' have a relationship or a romantic attraction to a female. That's just malesonly bounds, period. * Informal poll: How does Asexuality compare among the genders? ** I'm a biromantic, asexual female. ** I consider myself a heteromantic asexual female. ** Another biromantic asexual female here. ** And a biromantic asexual male. ** Bi-romantic Asexual genetic female here. Mentally, I have no gender. ** Asexual female-bodied androgyne here. The -romantic part isn't quite clear yet: I'm either aromantic, attracted to females, attracted to androgynes or both of the latter two. ** Asexual female. Not sure about the -romantic part yet. ** Got another asexual, aromantic female. Would be heteroromantic, if I had to choose, though. ** Biromantic, asexual girl here, leaning more towards girls. ** Not yet sure whether I'm biromantic or aromantic. But yet another asexual female here. Leaning towards aromantic. ** (mostly) Heteroromantic, asexual male. [[CampStraight (Kinda girly though)]] ** I am a heteromantic asexual female. ** Female Ace of (Het) Hearts (same as directly above) * While I'm not aromantic, I'm asexual. I like girls (physically and emotionally), but I feel no sexual attraction towards them. The only time I actually tried, it was an epic failure (I had a strong bond with the girl, she was pretty well-looking, still it didn't work): I even had some trouble when a girl told me "I would be your girlfriend, but then I'd threw you off after the first date for not wanting to kiss me". Currently, I'm a happy 23-year old virgin by own decision. I just don't care about sex. * I'm a little confused... I detest the idea of actually having sex and do not want to ever do it with anyone, and further have never had a crush, but is [[GirlOnGirlIsHot very turned on]] [[YuriFan by seeing lesbians]]. * I always found the concept and idea of sex [[SexIsEvil very disgusting]]. I didn't mind love much, except for the fact that it's often (the way I see it) [[SexEqualsLove heavily based on sex]] these days (as evident by many "asexual, not aromantic" tales on this page). Sadly still, [[HormoneAddledTeenager I was never asexual]], despite strongly wishing to be so. So! I tried manipulating myself, mentally, to become less and less sexual (not that much work would need to be done). What I actually did? I made myself aromantic. So now I'm here,

''bisexual and aromantic'', and I'd say it sucks. Not that I care much about the latter, but I'd like to fix the former... guess it's time for physical manipulation! * @/{{Vendetta}}: I am still trying to figure out exactly which way I swing, but suspect asexuality. * Despite being a self-proclaimed fangirl, I believe I am actually asexual and may be aromantic. I have never really felt anything that resembles any description of romantic love for another person, male or female. I am still fully capable of finding people and characters handsome or beautiful, I am fully capable of feeling friendship and platonic love, I like seeing other people in happy relationships and enjoys{{Shipping}}, I've just never been motivated to try to get that for myself. My "fangirl crushes" are more along the lines of characters that I'd like to be close friends with than characters I'd like to bang. My romance drive fluctuates; I feel something that could be described as romantic attraction just as often as I don't feel it. I love a good hug, though. * I am biromantic and asexual. I have absolutely no interest in ever engaging in sex and am rather disgusted by nudity. My friends spent 45 minutes trying to explain that I was in denial when I told them. Apparently they had a hard time believing asexuality existed. It took an hour for me to finally convinced them otherwise. * I am confused about my sexuality, but I'm pretty sure I'm just a contradiction asexual. On one hand, I'm a fangirl who squees over attractive people of any gender and I have enough [[{{yandere}} murderous yandere]] personality to fill the whole state, and on the other just the thought of sex involving myself is a complete turnoff. Hell, even just watching someone kiss pushes me to vomit. This may stem from several mental problems and horrible mysophobia, but I don't think so. I don't get all up in arms over other people being even slightly provocative, but the thought of myself is just completely DO NOT WANT/DO NOT CARE. Doesn't mean I don't have some interesting kinks, though. And then the masochist bit comes in, and it gets even more confusing... ** Sometimes you just gotta wait these things out; hormones coming and going can result in periods of asexuality and periods of hypersexuality in some teenagers, (yours truly included), so it can take some time before things settle down and you have a good idea of what you want. Just try not to self-diagnose by reading Wikipedia pages; therein lies madness. * I'm not sure, but I'm leaning on it. * I'm 19-years-old and not sure if I'm asexual or just extremely picky. I have never thought I would like to have sex with anyone I have ever met in real life or most actors, but feel that I [[SingleTargetSexuality might enjoy sex with]] [[StupidSexyFlanders Cillian Murphy]]. I seem to be heteroromantic, often falling in love with ill-suited objects of affection, but sex doesn't come into the equation. ** Update: I've settled on "extremely picky" after the recent discovery that [[CriminalMinds Matthew Gray Gubler as Reid]] also revs my engine, so to speak. And actually, I have a huge (non-sexual) crush on Grant Imahara from ''{{Mythbusters}}''. Maybe I should consider

myself "nerdsexual?" * Like the two above, I am not certain if I am or am not asexual. I'm only sixteen and have yet to start dating, so it's a bit early to tell. I kind of hope that I am, though, because the entire idea of sex just seems so squicky and boring and awkward, and being without the desire would make life simpler in some ways. More complicated in others, true, but I can deal with those. I'm definitely heteroromantic, though, as I've had crushes on fictional characters and in one case a boy I knew. * I'm another 19-year-old and am almost certain I'm a biromantic asexual. I do get 'obsessions' with certain celebrities - I have, for instance, travelled to London to see Zac Efron, bought his calendar two years in a row and seen all his movies - but these seem to be fixations that stem from '''writing''', not physical attraction. (I went through a year time frame of being obsessed with ''StarWars'' and Boba Fett for the same reason after joining a roleplay with a very well played Boba.) Even when I do build myself up into thinking it might be a crush on a celebrity, the minute I meet them it vanishes and I become ambivalent to everything. I'm capable of joking about sex and am more than happy to make comments on how attractive people are but it's mostly just an observation. (Sort of like how you can say a kitten/puppy is cute.) What makes this all highly ironic is that I write quite a few highly sexed characters. As for attractions to normal people? They just don't happen, besides the occasional urge I've experienced to kiss my female best friend. ** Speaking of confused people, I need help identifying myself. I am in high school, have never had any type of romantic relationship (not even as a young kid) or kissed anyone on the mouth. I have had crushes on real and fictional boys I find attractive and [[NerdsAreSexy smart]], but usually find myself liking the idea of them being with someone else (yes, real life shipping), and find considering actually being with them somewhat repulsive. I do enjoy television and books with romantic subplots, and like to read sex scenes and watch them (as long as they stay around PG-13, naked bodies are okay but female and male genitalia is gross). I've never masturbated but also do the squeeze your legs together thing a troper mentioned above. WHAT DOES THIS MEEEAN? Can I at least join the club? The more I get to know people, the more I dislike them. I guess I'm doomed to drown in my misanthropy. Oh well, at least I have the internet. And Spock. I'm kidding, I'm not nearly that pathetic in real life, I swear. *** After some research - aka. I totally made out with someone - I've come to the conclusion that my initial guess was right. I'm asexual but not aromantic. Whether I'm biromantic or heteromantic is up in the air, though. *** You probably ''are'' asexual, at least at the moment. The condition you described sounds almost exactly like my high-school life (Minus the crushes on real people. The boys in my school were jerks and douches, or too shy to talk to me if they weren't. I did, however, crush on fictional characters quite a bit.) I am 22, have never dated, kissed, had sex, masturbated, or had any desire to do any of the above. Romance does not interest me. However, I [[{{Shipping}} 'ship]] a lot, in real life and otherwise, and I like reading ecchi manga and

looking at near-nude pictures, but only for the aesthetic factor or some mild "blush-blush titillation" which I attribute more to the GuiltyPleasures reaction than to actual eroticism. * Am I the only one who flat out says "Not interested" or "Asexual"? The more you say "Heteroromantic asexual" or "Bi-curious biromantic asexual", the more people are just going to give you a look and say either "...what?" or "GET OUT OF MY FACE! DIE YOU POLITICALLY CORRECT DEMON! YOU DON'T BELONG IN THIS WORLD!"? ** Usually I say 'not interested' because [[TheyJustDontGetIt it's easier that way]]. I went into more detail here because this is a page specifically about asexuality. ** I say not interested, but due to the fact that nearly all my friends that I hang around with are guys, I get mistaken for gay sometimes, although in my defence, guys tend to be more interested in drinking and chilling out than most girls. * I'm not asexual, just aromantic. As in, I enjoy sex, but I'm unable to form any kind of romantic ties to anybody, regardless of gender. It doesn't mean, despite what many guys have believed, that I'd do AnythingThatMoves -- sex simply has no meaning beyond itself, it's just a pleasant activity. I'm female, by the way. ** Similar issue here, but mostly for the fact that practically all of the women I met were stuck up and only cared about money, status, and power but fail to realize that it is irrelevant in the end as they lose what they chased realizing that they spent many years chasing a pointless dream and wind up broken shells of human beings at the end of their miserable lives. Do you honestly want to be in a relationship based on what you have rather than your own character and values? Relationships based sheerly on sex and money/status never end well. * I don't know what words are proper to define it, but I identify as asexual. I have no interest in pursuing a sexual relationship. I masturbate, but just because my biology demands it every so often. I feel very strong platonic or familial bonds in place of romantic ones. To be honest, I couldn't be happier, although if I could choose, I'd rid myself of the desire to masturbate, since it's just a waste of time. I still find people attractive and can appreciate the attractiveness, which makes me strongly suspect that I'm actually just a celibate person who is so beaten down from years of virginity that I've lost my drive. If so, good. I don't have to worry about anything besides my friends. ** I don't think it would be a loss of drive, it sounds like what I went through as a teenager, had a couple of crushes, found some people attractive, but they didn't make me want to have sex and now I only look to make friends with people. * Male with thirty-five years of confusion here. Sexual desires, yes. Masturbation, yes. Introvert/misanthrope/self-loather. Have experienced performance issues when in the arena. I suppose I still hope for a companion for friendship and cuddling, but at this point sex is too awkward. In sum, I don't know what to call me. * @/{{Nerrin}}: I would be asexual but for the [[SingleTargetSexuality one]] [[IfItsYouItsOkay exception]]. In every other case, I completely lacks the will to act upon my attraction. Not out of laziness, fear, or whatever -- the connection from "I find you attractive" to "I want

to have sex with you" simply doesn't exist... except for that one person. While I dearly love the woman in question, it complicates my life in ways I was fairly happy to never deal with. Dammit. * I'm female and can find both males' and females' facial features attractive. That's it. Actual sexual contact for either gender is just plain ''disgusting''. * I am also asexual, although whether or not I am aromantic is still up to debate. Like the above poster, I can appreciate beauty, but find sexual contact of any sort unsavoury. * I am both asexual and aromantic. I do masturbate occasionally, but don't see it as a sexual act so much as something that "feels pleasant" in the way that scratching an itch or massaging my scalp feels pleasant, if that makes any sense. Any actual sex acts, or things like making out, cuddling, etc. are just boring to me. And romance just "does not compute" either. I just... don't get the obsession with sex and romantic relationships. (I am, however, perfectly capable of platonic friendships!) * I'm what you might call an "extreme asexual". I'm not attracted to either gender, I find the thought of dating and/or having a boyfriend/girlfriend repulsive, I get severely squicked out by any romantic interaction whatsoever (I have to turn away when I see people ''holding hands''), I have no clue what it would feel like to have an orgasm or be "turned on"/"horny", many of the ''words'' related to the subject are difficult for me to say/type/hear/see without shuddering (let alone reading romance/sex scenes), and I can't stand naked bodies or visible underwear. I also have less than zero respect for people who consider sex a vital part of a relationship, which, I'm unhappily realizing, is the majority of the population. To sum it up, I think every single thing about the concept, including attraction, is absolutely disgusting and would rather be drawn and quartered than have anything to do with any of it. ** Oh, and if I were ever molested, I'd commit suicide on the spot. I'm dead serious. It doesn't have to go nearly as far as rape to traumatize me more deeply than even I can imagine. * I identify as asexual and aromantic nowadays (after years of claiming to be lesbian to get creeps and fetishists off my back). I've never felt sexual attraction to anyone, and while I masturbate, it's just to put me to sleep when I'm wound up and insomniac. However, I've also had years of body image and mental issues and am the opposite of conventionally attractive (hence the creeps and fetishists), so I sometimes wonder whether I always was asexual or basically rewired myself to be that way because trying to have a sexuality would be frustrating and ultimately futile. * Thanks, you guys. I spent a long time thinking that there must be something wrong with me for not wanting sex at my age, and now I know that I'm not a freak. Just Asexual. * Subverted with me: Most people I know (family and friends) think I am asexual, and sometimes I like to keep that image (you know, makes me feel different), but the truth is that I do feel love, I do have sex drive, I'm just too lazy (and cheap) to get involve in a relationship ** Finally, a kindred spirit. I'm an aromantic heterosexual male

romantic relationships are just too much of a bother. Sex is probably fine, though likely because of the 'aromantic' bit I'm still a virgin. Something I greatly enjoy is shipping, and once helped a female acquaintance get together with her crush. Unlike a lot of people here, though, I'm quite willing to believe I just 'haven't met the right person.' It's just that I have no desire to get into a relationship. Sometimes I think I might have if I had gone to high school with my peers instead of homeschooling, but that's all in the past. * I am amazed to see so many examples on this page, considering how few people I know that acknowledge this as a legitimate sexuality. I often get frustrated by people who assume everyone in the world has to pick a specific kind of fleshy lump to drool over. * I consider myself one. It is possibly brought on by my deeply held religious beliefs, but I have never actually been attracted sexually to anyone I know, and I tend to view actual intercourse as a bad thing. I have been involuntarily aroused (like many males), and have occasionally, um... you know... but because of those previously mentioned unwanted arousals. I would also say that I am aromantic. I see no reason to ever have a girlfriend, or get married. It seems to bring on so many troubles. I also approve of my asexuality, because it coincides with my chosen path of celibacy (non vocational, in case you ask). It's not that sex itself disgusts me, just none for me, thanks. I have strangely considered having kids, just I never visualize myself doing the acts required or getting married for it. Many of my peers question the fact that I am still a virgin and not interested in ending that state. I just bring out my rehearsed religious argument that sex is for making babies, nothing else. And I wouldn't. In fact, I am finding it very difficult to express how I'm feeling about it at this moment. May have something to do with my Asperger Syndrome. * I know I am asexual to some degree -- I have realized recently that I find people aesthetically attractive rather than sexually attractive, for the most part (meaning that they hold similar appeal to well-made art), and tend to form relationships based on personality instead. While I have had sex and masturbate, it's mostly either to quell the biological need, or to please the other person in the relationship. I find sexual things pleasurable, but not much more than a vague, and not terribly strong, sense of satisfaction, and I also almost never think to initiate sex. Sex also has no real emotional meaning, or much meaning beyond tricking my body into thinking I have bred. Suffice it to say, I've had many a frustrated significant other due to this. So maybe I'm a -1 on the Kinsey Scale of Asexuality? [[BlatantLies Which is a thing that is real and not made up by me right at this moment]]. ** Hmm, I am very similar to that. I do look at people as if they are fine art, and very much on personality. Though I don't really understand why sex is so desirable to people. I've masturbated and it feels like an orgasm is less of a pleasurable feeling, but some strange alien feeling in a category of all its own. But I wouldn't say, have sex with someone. The idea of having sex just seems to risky and overrated. And things don't really cause erotic arousal to me. So yeah, I'd consider that asexual. * I don't care much for sex. Perhaps it helps that A. I'm Catholic B.

I have a pregnancy fetish C. feel little-to-no sexual desire outside of said fetish. Guess how many pregnant women are married. That's enough reason to be celibate. So you could say I'm asexual, but maybe celibate if you consider my attraction to pregnant women a desire for sex. * @/{{EPIC}}: You'd think I have [[BiTheWay questionable]] [[AllGaysArePromiscuous tastes]] but that's just ValuesDissonance for machismic Filipinos coupled with GenreSavvy InvokedTrope YumYum UpToEleven. Seriously, I'm AmbiguouslyGay to my classmates but they're shocked when I turn out to be like [[DoesNotLikeWomen Jughead]]/{{Chowder}}--no interest in either, but friendly to both~!. * Due to society's oversexualization, I have to hide my asexuality from my classmates. If I told anyone, they would accuse me of being gay or something. But then again [[OnlySaneman I am surrounded by idiots...]] * I simply do not have the urge to do any sexual acts. I have a hard time viewing romance and sexual relationships as anything other than a chemical imbalance in the brain. Why should I bother to have sex with somebody if it is only because my brain in not working properly? Beyond that, I don't ever have the urge to copulate with anything, and being in any kind of romantic relationship seems like a nightmare to me. * I am a 27-year-old female, who spent years of my life agonizing over the fact that I didn't seem to be interested in sex the way other people were. I even went so far as to ask my mother whether or not I was born androgynous, or if I needed some kind of hormone therapy, or anything like that. Discovering the existence of asexuality only within the last couple of years made so much sense that it was a ''relief'' to realize there was an explanation for why I am the way I am. It's not pleasant to spend your life wondering what's wrong with you and why you're so different, trust me. However, I think I might be developing a Single Target Sexuality for WWE wrestler Matt Hardy, but even it is only a romantic attraction; but he's the only one that's ever made me even '''consider''' the prospect of sex (as impossible as it would be for it to ever happen, ha). * I masturbate and watch (hetero) porn like the best of us and would like to try having sex someday, but I don't think I've ever been actually sexually ''attracted'' to anyone, and I think I'm incapable of determining whether a person is attractive or not. As in, I've sort of learned what traits ''society'' considers attractive in men and women through sheer immersion, but I don't seem to be able to come to the conclusion quite as intuitively as my male friends do when they go "dayumn, that's a hot chick!". Does that count as asexual? ** I'm not one to cast a judgment on whether or not you're asexual, since that's for you to discover, but another possibility is that you just aren't attracted to bodies. I'm in the same boat; I very much attracted to personalities and attitudes, and while there are certain body types I recognize as attractive, none get me going unless there's something engaging about the person wearing them. I didn't develop a sexual attraction to all two partners I've had in my life until after I'd fallen for them emotionally. * If it matters, I'm 20 years old and female and have never felt

sexual attraction for another person. I can get physically aroused at times, but that's generally from reading a steamy scene in non-erotic fiction. I masturbate either when that happens, or when I'm bored and alone and have a hand near that area. If I'm on the internet at the time, I might look up pr0n; but as soon as I'm "finished", I find it repulsive and quickly close the window. Other than those instances when I feel horny, I find the idea of sex in general rather gross. I also really don't like physical contact. There have been some guys that I call crushes, but they were more like temporary obsessions, in the same way that I get obsessed with a book or TV show. And going by my complete inability to understand people (yet another troper with Asperger's here), they were probably just people I wanted to be friends with, and I had no way to show that other than acting out the "creepy stalker girlfriend" part. * @/{{Skadrii}}: I am ''functionally'' asexual: when you get down to it, no crushes/attraction to others, no fantasies involving sex, no thoughts concerning it, I don't masturbate (not for moral reasons, but because I don't know how), at one point found myself asking "how do I find out what my sexual orientation is?", et cetera. However, I've come to the conclusion that sex isn't important enough to me to be part of my identity or self-image, and therefore claiming any "sexual orientation" would be misleading, since any claim would imply that either the presence or absence of sexual interest was an essential and immutable component of myself. My sexual orientation is thus "null" or "n/a". I have the same problem with religion, gender identity, and political party affiliation. * I have a bit of complicatedness with this. I identify myself personally as genderless, though biologically male (with the high chance of being XXY chromosomed) I dont associate with gender much, nor do I understand it properly. Im bisexual in that Im interested in both men and women romantically and aesthetically, and have had a few girlfriends (no boyfriends yet). I also consider myself to be asexual Sex just doesnt appeal to me. Its just icky and fluidy and while I have engaged in mutual masturbation, it felt like a chore more than anything and really, I dont think Id want to try it again. While I masturbate; its a release more than a sexual act. Porn either makes me giggle non-stop or just squicks me out. * Before knowing there was such a thing as asexuality I used to find it weird that I never felt any kind of sexual desire for anyone and assumed that I was just very picky and weird for finding the idea of sex to be gross. I masturbate to erotic fiction but usually feel horrid afterwards (and get rather bored doing it), and anything else (porn, french kissing, steamy films) just squicks me out. I also get rather confused over my relationships with others, as I tend to obsess over certain people but I don't think I feel romantically about them at all, just want them to be my friend (I have never been diagnosed with anything but the Asperger's definition fits me like a glove). And I think my fictional 'crushes' are more like wanting to be that person. * I am both asexual and aromantic. I'm curious as to what an orgasm feels like (I've never been able to successfully masturbate) but the thought of having someone touching me makes me squirm, and not in a

good way. I've never felt any sort of arousal or attraction. I think I was the only person in my high school to never have a crush on anybody, and in fact faked crushes to seem 'normal.' I enjoy reading kink memes but am not aroused by them; they're just fun to read. Porn is a squick though. And I've never been interested in a romantic relationship either (or interested in anybody in a romantic way). My parents insist that since I'm only 19, I just haven't found the right person yet. * Does anyone else have trouble with their doctors over this kind of thing? My doctor is (barely) willing to accept that I've never had sex, but the idea that I'm not interested in ever having sex made him start hemming and hawing and giving me looks like I need heavy medication and fast. :S It kind of freaked me out... ** I think you need a new doctor... :/ *** Being a fellow asexual, I second that motion. * I am another biromantic asexual for the club. I am capable of deep attachments; in fact, I am in a satisfying emotional-intellectual relationship right now. But physical contact is very unwelcome, and the thought of being vulnerable enough to sleep with someone is downright terrifying. Besides, such drives might take some of my attention away from writing. * I (who-is-far-as-I-can-tell[-because-the-one-time-I've-had-an-MRIthey-weren't-doing-the-one-test-of-which-I'm-aware-that-has-any-knownphysical-result]-{{transgender}}ed) vary between (2 and 3 are in no particular order) 1) completely asexual and generally aromantic (thanks to severe, intermittent depression), 2) biromantic and don't care about sex except as a way to please one's partner and is worried about the idea of being asexual, 3) biromantic and don't care about sex except as a way to please one's partner but I'm okay with the idea of being asexual, and 4) very vaguely bisexual (leaning towards females IRL, male actors in film, television, [[{{Bishounen}} and]] [[GuiltyPleasures anime]], and fictional characters themselves about 50/50 [though the latter is really more GushingAboutCharactersYouLiketype crushes with minimal sexual component], with "vaguely" meaning "weak enough that it took around a decade and a half to realise that people on television who want sex all the time ''aren't'' supposed to be sex addicts"). While comfortable with everything else, I actually ''worry'' about being asexual (not constantly, and most strongly during bouts of depression, but still), mostly because of a(n unfounded) fear of being unable to fulfill the pleasing one's partner aspect of sex and fear of accepting a label and then later finding out it's incorrect. I can manually be brought to climax (which sometimes results in an extremely pleasant [think sensory overload coma, [[ICantBelieveItsNotHeroin in a good way]]] rush of naturally-created chemicals, but often results in nothing pleasant [think sensory overload coma, [[PsychicNosebleed in a]] [[SonicStunner bad way]]), and am aroused by situations involving attractive people doing or saying cool/cute things (though this and the former completely disappear for months at a time or longer when depressed or coming out of a particularly long depression), but nudity (without context, and often even with context if the only context is to be titillating [[{{Watchmen}} or]] [[PlotWithPorn advance the story]]) has no

emotional response and often has no physical response without focus, thinking about sexual situations typically has no physical response, and the idea of receiving oral sex ([[{{Transgender}} with this set of genitalia]]) or any other form of sex that only brings pleasure to the recipient is a vaguely unpleasant idea. The [[ AVEN]] link above was somewhat mentally calming (as it did give some answers), but wasn't helpful in coming to a conclusion. (To anyone who waded through all that: Sorry for the overly-long sentences.) * @/RadioactiveSpider: I do not want or desire sex. In fact, I would be happy to go through my entire life without it. I am, however, capable of downright sappy, romantic love. The fact that I don't want sex, yet desire a romantic connection utterly baffles anyone I try to explain it to. I get told that I'm hetero/lesbian/bi in denial, or that I'll "grow up". I am an ''[[FridgeLogic adult]]'' being told I will grow up someday. Does anyone else have this experience? ** While I'm probably ''way'' younger than you, I know how it feels. If I mention to someone in school that I'm really not interested in getting a boyfriend, they think I'm just self-centered and afraid to grow up. Because [[SarcasmMode obviously all teenage girls MUST date.]] It's pretty annoying. * I label myself as "do not care" instead of asexual. I don't really like that term for some odd reason. In the politically correct sense, I'm aromantic asexual. I have more important goals in life than marriage or sex...not to mention I am highly repulsed by all forms of sexual acts, marriage and childbirth. However, I wouldn't mind having a platonic friendship for the rest of my life... * I consider myself asexual, but not disinclined towards romance. My dearest friends accept that, and indeed, my best friend is asexual herself. Where my friends have issue, however, is in my second lifestyle choice. I have a boyfriend, who I care for dearly and intend to marry, who is bisexual. So we took the route of polyamory, and I told him that he can have sexual partners on the side. It doesn't bother me, really. I don't enjoy sex, and I don't think of it as part of our relationship, although I've had sex with him in the past. But goodness knows this is a double whammy in the sexual morals of most people, even my most liberal of friends. * I am a female heteroromantic asexual. I don't want, need, or miss sex although I will put up with it for my boyfriend, I have never masturbated after the first failed attempt, but I do love having someone to snuggle up to and have now been in three long term relationships. I find certain male people aesthetically attractive, including celebrity crushes and fangirling, but really, all I want from them is attention and a hug. Apparently, I'm flirting with people -all the time-, even when I think I'm just being friendly. And a gay guy once told me I just hadn't met the right person. * I am a biromantic asexual female. I get crushes and I find them attractive, but the moment I get close, become friends with them, or even enter a relationship with them, it's basically like I shut down. My brain seems to say, "You've clicked, my work is done," and sends absolutely no signals to the nether regions. It's not that I'm in any way opposed to sex. Think of it this way: if my partner wants to have

sex, I'll have sex, and I'll enjoy it. But I would never initiate it. I will forever be content with cuddling and holding hands and simply spending time with that person and being happy with them ''without'' having to have sex. I'm just not interested in it. People around me know about by asexuality, and luckily, they all seem to understand and respect it. * I'm a mid-twenties asexual (biromantic if you want to get more into it) female who is lucky to have a supportive mother. When I 'came out' in a casual conversation, my mother confessed that she herself has only felt any kind of sexual desire when she's completely wasted on drugs or alcohol (me being a product of her wild youth) and even then it's more a case of having the nerve to try to 'fit-in'. She then stated relief that she would never have grandkids to worry about because she's already concerned for the state of the world in this generation. * Add me to the list of biromantic asexual girls. Most of the people that know are very understanding (although any variation on "You mean, like a sponge?" is on its way to becoming her BerserkButton), though she has no intentions of telling her parents, considering I've already gushed about my various crushes (at least, the male ones) to them and thus will no doubt just get a response of "You're confused" or "You'll grow out of it". (And even if they do understand the concept of "sexual attraction &#8800; romantic attraction", [[IWantGrandkids they want grandkids]]. [[OhCrap D=]]) * Actually, reading the article on asexuality here has left this lurker deeply confused. I'm homoromantic (if that makes any sense) and I don't have any concrete sexual interest in the opposite gender, but I still don't mind slobbering after them for a good deal. I just don't want sex with them (for other reasons [[HetIsEw than the standard]]). I go on record as an aromantic bisexual, but all this is still terribly confusing ): * I wonder why the fact that I never show any form of attraction towards women gets me sometimes labelled as gay. Wouldn't that require me showing signs of attraction towards ''men''? Maybe's it's because I hang out with {{Yaoi Fangirl}}s... ** Amen to this. I (a female) am ''absolutely sick'' of people labeling others who don't show any romantic or sexual interest in the sex they're "supposed" to show interest in as automatically being homosexual. Unfortunately, I also love wearing my hair boyishly short (because it ''looks good''), which only seems to enforce the idea that I'm definitely a lesbian or something. * In an attempt to explain my view of sex (i.e. I find it interesting in a sort of..."outside observer" kind of way. I write romance and dras semi-erotic art with what I've learned. Just don't suggest that I participate in the activity.), I shall turn to the example of Lord Vetinari and music: ** "''In fact the kind of music he really liked was the kind that never got played. It ruined music, in his opinion, to torment it by involving it on dried skins, bits of dead cat and lumps of metal hammered into wires and tubes. It ought to stay written down, on the page, in rows of little dots and crotchets, all neatly caught between lines. Only there was it pure. It was when people started doing things

with it that the rot set in. Much better to sit quietly in a room and read the sheets, with nothing between yourself and the mind of the composer but a scribble of ink. Having it played by sweaty fat men and people with hair in their ears and spit dribbling out of the end of their oboe...well, the idea made him shudder.''" * I'm a male and I'm not sure what I am. On one hand, I enjoy the female form, but I have no interest in sex itself, or kissing, or any of that stuff. I've had girlfriends, and I liked them (may have loved one, hard to tell) but still never any interest in sex itself. Autosexual maybe? Some mix of Asexuality and Hetero? I'm fine with it, just like a name. * Shaun: I am fairly sure that I'm capable of physical intimacy (the one time I tried I didn't go so well, but then, I was p*** drunk), and I ''am'' capable of arousal when I want to be, but it's simply not important to me. I've literally turned down sex in order to do other stuff before. I masturbate out of boredom and feel arousal when I do, but if I look at the same material at other times, say to categorise my porn collection or watching {{The L Word}} (for the plot, no less!), I feel nothing. Often, even when I ''am'' masturbating, I'll stop in order to do other stuff. The weird thing is that I'm pretty sure that I ''was'' interested in sex as a kid, and it sort of bled off during my teenage years, and by the time I was 18, I was where I am now. In some ways, I thought more about sex when I was 9 than when I was 19. I never really thought of myself as asexual, just as a "slow burner," and just figured that guys who treat sex like it's some sort of ''need'' are pathetic. (And the hookup culture, explain that one to me -- you're ''so desperate'' for sex, so instead of forming a steady relationship where you can have sex on a regular basis, you try to hook up with random people every Friday night, succeeding maybe one time in ten if you happen to be a real player? Yeah, that's logic! But I digress.) The thing is, though, one thing I'm most definitely ''not'' is aromantic, though. I want to meet a woman, settle down, and have children. Very badly. I'm just...not sure what roll sex will play in that relationship. ** Shaun: Also, at one point in high school I thought I was bisexual because I at one point managed to successfully masturbate to a guy, but was later unable to repeat the experiment. * I didn't think I was asexual until I saw a vagina in real life. I put my pants back on and left her dorm. * @/CaptainPlanette: I consider myself, at the moment, asexual and possibly aromantic. I think it's still too soon to say, since I'm not even out of high school yet, but I'm fairly clueless as to what's normal for a sexual teenager -- I'm still a virgin, I've never masturbated (I don't even know how!), and I've never been in love (or if I have, then I don't know what it's supposed to feel like). I'm fairly certain I'm asexual, though, since the thought of having sex repulses me and freaks me out on many levels. A romantic relationship to me is exotic, interesting, and something I'd like to have or just try, but don't know if I can experience those sorts of feelings. So until I have proof otherwise, I'm just another asexual aromantic person on this unexpectedly large page! * I'm actually not sure how asexual I am. Certainly there's a scale of

sexual attraction? I get turned on by erotic images and I do masturbate, by way of vibrator, even reaching climax. However, it's not really an interest for me. I'm just slightly romantic and not interested in seeking out a partner. I am a bit curious, but it's not that big of a deal. * @/{{Specter}}: I was terrified of sex for the longest time in high school, because while I went through most of the [[RageAgainstTheHeavens typical motions]] of teenage hormones I was never physically attracted to anyone. (To this day I have never masturbated, and would not know where to start had I wanted to) Later I saw the way several other boys acted toward the act and was ripped between the insecurity of knowing I was different and terrified [[DidNotDoTheResearch that doing it would turn me into a sex-crazed maniac]]. Now, at eighteen, after most of the nasty hormones have decided to calm down and realizing that sexuality does not work that way, I've realized that I'm probably just asexual. * Me, like how many before me now? If I wasn't a raging cynic I'd be interested in romance (and consider myself "asexual, primarily-butnot-completely-homoromantic".), but my opinion on sex when questioned is "more power to you, but I really don't give a good godd*** as far as it goes for me". I'll masturbate for the sole purposes of it feeling good on a physical sense, but I've found that it's fairly abstract, more focused on the concept of getting off than any sort of fantasy. I can appreciate good looks in people, but... eh, I can't be bothered to care. * The "Asexuality is hereditary. If your parents didn't engage in sex, you won't either." quote actually applies to this asexual test-tube baby... * I am a bit of an interesting case. It is not as if I do not feel sexual urges so much as ignoring them. I place an overwhelming emphasis on logic over emotions, and as result, am practically asexual. Over time, those ignored emotions have practically disappeared, and so, I no longer am particularly aroused by anything, nor extremely romantic (example: I think there is nothing wrong with cheating on your partner). * Tropers/{{Skazka}}: I am an asexual, aromantic androgyne. I don't just doesn't see gender as at all relevant to me, while it clearly is to many other asexuals. I also see my lack of ''romantic'' attractions as no impediment at all to very strong friendships. Depending on one's mental state, however, the thought of ''having'' sex can vary between boring and undesirable to threatening and repulsive. * I see asexuality as being the closest fit to my feelings about my sexuality. I, being a deeply romantic 17 year-old male, don't desire sex for the physical aspects, but for the level of love and trust that is possible between two people at that particular stage of a relationship. I would willingly forgo sexual acts for life if I could have a deep, meaningful relationship with another individual. * I have absolutely zero interest in having sex or being in a relationship with someone. * Tropers/SunnyV: I have, at this stage in my life, little interest in having a romantic relationship. I consider myself too young (I'm in my early teens) and find most guys my age annoying and idiotic. At this

point, school, friends and and family are much more important to me than having a relationship. (I am somewhat heteroromantic, though.) Also, I don't masturbate, because it's [[AgainstMyReligion against her religion]]. * @/{{Tharrick}}: I'm a biromantic asexual and am getting rather tired of having to explain to people that I can find something aesthetically pleasing without wanting to put any part of my anatomy into it. * I consider myself aromantic and asexual, and perhaps approaching androgyn gender identity; approaching the age of twenty-one, I have never been attracted to a person in either a physical or romantic sense, nor have I ever had any desire for it. I have never masturbated, never been aroused by nudity (either gender), and am somewhat revolted by the idea of actually coupling and copulating. I am more than content with this. * Tropers/SgtFrog1: I'm pretty sure I'm heterosexual, but I have absolutely no problem with being denied sex or an intimate relationship. Sure, I guess I'd like to get married, have children, all that someday, but right now, I'm perfectly happy with the fact that I'm 19 and still a virgin. * I've considered myself asexual since I was 12. When I was 19, I met a man who is the best possible match for me on an intellectual and emotional level. We have a very healthy and satisfying sex life, which makes me somewhat confused. I enjoy sex as bonding with this amazing man (who is sexual), but I enjoy other bonding activities just as much, if not more. I did not entertain the thought of being sexual with him until I was already deeply attracted to his mind and personality, and have never had any desire to be sexual with any other person, not even the fantastic boyfriend I had in high school. Some have argued that being capable of enjoying sex disqualifies me from being asexual, but if I was actually sexual, then wouldn't I want it with other people? ** Sounds like me. See comments about being demisexual, below, and check out the demisexual article on the AVEN wiki. * I was starting to become afraid that there was something wrong with me because I had been through high school and a year of college, surrounded by people who were constantly talking about how much they were craving sex, and I myself never had any sort of desire for it. It was actually [[ZeroPunctuation Yahtzee's]] spam metaphor and the {{Asexuality}} page here on TV Tropes that helped me realize that asexuality is a normal thing, and I'm not broken. I know I'd feel a lot more comfortable if I could come out to my friends and parents about it, but I'm worried about being told that I "just hasn't met the right guy yet." I'm really worried about coming out to my parents, since my father is against gay rights and my mother often questions how somebody can "know they're gay." Asexuality is very different from homosexuality, but it's equally different from heterosexuality, so I'm worried about how my parents will react. Does TV Tropes have any advice for me? ** Friends are usually okay to tell. Parents may be sometimes, but they usually consider it a case of not having met the correct person. I never really understood why parents need to be informed of a sexual preference that will likely not result in a romantic partner - maybe

tell them in case they're afraid you're gay, but expect them to not really understand and believe in their private hearts that someday you'll meet a knight in shining armor and provide them with grandbabies. ** Update- I came out to my best friend and it went very well. I tried coming out to my mom, but before I could actually get to it my mom made it almost painfully clear that she wants a son-in-law and grandchildren from me very badly. So my mom still does not know. However, I fully intend on moving overseas sometime after college, so I have stopped feeling that my family knowing is important. * I am glad that the article at least mentions demisexuals, because I considers myself one: zero sexual attraction to anyone, UNTIL after forming deep emotional attachments/being in a relationship with someone. Until I had my first relationship, I assumed I must be asexual. Remember those middle/high school days when all your female friends would giggle together and ask who YOUR crush was? I never had a crush, because I just never found anyone attractive, ever. Aesthetically pleasing, sure. Sexually attractive, no. I finally had to pretend I had a crush, just so they would stop bothering me and assuming I was weird. (As it turns out I picked a guy because I thought he resembled my idea of Harry Potter...) ** I am hypo-sexual and somewhat demi-sexual. I am hetero-romantic in a childish way, keep in mind I'm otherwise a mature-ish 21. I used to subconsciously avoid sex with women (leading to {{unfortunate implications}}) while still falling deeply in love more than once. I have sexual ups and downs, often forgetting about things like masturbation for a few days. I very, very rarely dream about sex, and can only remember a dozen or so sexual dreams during my life. I really can like girls in the emotional sense, but am not good with romantic relationships. I don't like casual sex, I did it three times in three years and haven't been interested lately. I'm not completely asexual, but definitely am an outsider among my peers (if the topic comes up.) * @/{{Seiryu}}: I have a few friends that claim I'm asexual. It happens to make a surprising amount of sense. * I am a -deep breath- happy, and somewhat healthy, single-targetsexuality-having homoromantic asexual. Sex doesn't disgust me, but it holds no interest for me, but I'm a very affectionate person with my partner [kissing, hugging etc], but more to show love than anything else. Luckily, due to my being the [extremely] dominant one in our relationship, I'm able to keep my partner 'satisfied' without having to engage in any sexual activity that involves my own body, so to speak. It's her happiness that matters to me the most, so I'm glad I can keep her happy without making myself uncomfortable/making an issue about it. * I am SIXTEEN-YEARS-OLD; this is usually the age where many people in my age group above and below is "falling in love", having sex, and, in some cases, having babies. Do I still make some sexual jokes? Yes. Do I still find people of the opposite (sometimes same) sex attractive? Yes. Do I want to have sex? Hell no. It's not that it's gross or anything; I just don't see what the big deal is. Shouldn't I love with my heart and my head and not with my... well, sexual organs? I read this page and I wondered if this is where I fall under because I also

seem to be aromantic even though I do enjoy reading, writing, and watching some romances. In a relationship, I seem to want a friend more than anything else. What is in a guy's pants doesn't interest me. I keep wondering if something's wrong with me... * I'm seventeen years old and wonder whether I am this or just extremely hard to please. I'm a very fast reader (I managed to read ''Frankenstein'' in 2 days and ''The Woman in White'' in a week), I don't tell sexual jokes (because I have too much respect for the opposite sex to even consider it), I like singing, acting, writing (think gothic/horror novellas rather than fan fiction), enjoy watching comedies over any other film (although adventure films are a close second), am a huge ''Doctor Who'' and ''Warhammer 40k'' fan, never had a girlfriend (and the thought of having a boyfriend is gross in my mind) and, while I see the point of sex, I believe that people who try to do it just to prove how grown up they are simply prove how childish and thoughtless they are instead. Oh, and I have the emotional range of a teaspoon, with my default set in impassive. Luckily, most of my friends seem to be in the same boat (about the girlfriend thing, at least). Oh, and I turn away when people kiss. ** Just checked out the type list on the Other Wiki. I can now confirm that I am heteroromantic, since I do feel some attraction to people of the other gender, but nothing of the sexual sort (my small private joke best sums the situation up (yes, I'm aware of the implications of that sentence, but it isn't a joke I've actually told to anyone yet): I do have a sex drive, it is just set one gear too low for human notice). *** UPDATE: Having had some more time to think on it, I have realised that I just lean towards Asexuality, as I have had some strange dreams featuring sex (as in, ones that would require brain bleach if I explained them). However, I'm happy being single and know I'd be reluctant to even engage in a sexual act (hell, even giving someone from my family a hug is rare from me). * I am very confused right now, I have no romantic or sexual interest in woman at all and find the idea of sex to be a waste of time and has no desire in the slightest to have any. But I have several things that turn me on, and I have masturbated to them frequently. My friends have noticed, and when one friend made a joke saying "If you had the chance to hop into bed with Cheyrl Cole you do it... unless you're [me]". * After dating both men and women to no avail, I am convinced I'm an asexual biromantic. I feel nothing about any physical aspects, save on a purely aesthetic level. I.E., I can appreciate someone who freeruns having a well conditioned body as a fellow freerunner and an artist. As far as sex is concerned, I see no point in it and after two encounters still don't see the point in it. * I am apparently a biromantic asexual. I find members of both sexes attractive - even "sexy" - but have absolutely no desire to go farther than, say, hugging. She enjoys well-written fanfiction of all ratings, strangely enough. Attempts have been made to masturbate out of curiosity as to what it was and not out of any physical desire to do so. These efforts have been thwarted by the fact that, like somebody else up the page, I literally can't figure it out. This does not particularly distress me.

* I'm a straight 17-year-old female and am starting to wonder if I'm asexual. I can be intensely romantic and would love a relationship in which there is hugging and kissing, but I find sex itself rather... well... {{squick}}y. I know how it works, of course, and I just don't think it's appealing at all. The idea of anything going into my nether regions is not a pleasant one. That and the possibility of spawning a child. I don't understand why sex is considered so "amazing" and have seen too many relationships crumble over disagreements on it to want to try it myself. If I were in a relationship, I want to be with the person because he's funny, intelligent, sweet-natured, and willing to cuddle, not because I want to get into his pants. At least I know I won't horrify my parents anytime soon by announcing I'm pregnant. * I'm a 19 year old female and after reading this page, think I am asexual. I have only had one boyfriend, when I was in high school, but he was a friend of mine, he asked me out and I said yes, as that was the thing "normal" teenagers did. We never really kissed, not in a romantic way, and I never thought of sex with him. I also pretended to have crushes on celebrities when I was at school, as I wanted to be normal. I do not want a boyfriend, and have never felt sexual attraction to anyone, or even wanted to be in a relationship with someone. I can notice that some people are good looking, but never more than that. I love people in a complicated way-I love my friends, both male and female, but not in a romantic or sexual way. I once thought I was in love with a friend of mine, but the thought of being anything more than friends with him feels too weird. I do not like being touched at all, except for three close friends (not even my parents) so the thought of having sex with someone freaks me out. I want to have a baby one day, but I think I will adopt as the thought of having sex is squicky and I don't fancy giving birth either. * I identified myself as an asexual sometime in middle school. I have both genders as friends and will occasionally hug if they want or feel like it. I admit to being a '''[[TheEeyore love pessimist]]'''. By that definition, I'm also aromatic. '''I don't fear it, I just don't want romance because I don't trust it.''' I've had bad trust experiences in middle school and they were with just ''casual friends.'' [[hottip:I sort of have this funny idea::Whenever somebody wants to talk to me about sex or asks my virginity I'll pretend to be confused. The latter in that the term was meant for women.]] I have to be careful not to say anything when I'm in the WhatIsThisThingYouCallLove mindset. ** I'm asexual, '''but I support freedom of sexuality.''' ''California Proposition 8 f*** ing sucks!.''' ** Funny thing is I'm not ''intentionally'' looking and I get a few girls to talk, while my ''friend'' (ManipulativeBastard) is ''[[GreenEyedMonster desperate and jealous that I'm not even trying]]''. If I get a girl, I'm not going to be surprised if he tries to pull ''[[{{Othello}} an Iago]]'' on me. ** What's it called when ''you are incapable of love?'' Not true, but I get accused of it sometimes by my other friends, a.k.a, ''{{Terminator}}''. I was also accused of being a DeadpanSnarker with romance. *** Well, when it's romantic love it's called being aromantic. If it's

any kind of love (friendship, affection, etc.) it's just being a misanthrope. * I am asexual, and aromantic a lot. I'm also the biggest romance lover I've ever known. I often gets laughed at or questioned when I say I don't want to kiss anyone or ever lose my virginity, which I say quite often (and I'm not even out IRL yet). * I don't really know how to call it, asexual or aromantic or whatever, but my best friend has never had even the slightest interest in "love" like that. Not with girls, not with boys, not with anyone. He considers all sexual activities, from kissing to intercourse, pointless and disgusting, and doesn't even like to talk or read about them. He'd much rather be with his precious numbers. Mathematics freaks are sometimes like that, or so I have heard. * I just heard of asexuality and think that it fits me to a tee. The thought of engaging in anything of a sexual manner makes me cringe. * I am saddened by the lack of asexuals around. I don't want to date a sexual because I won't "compromise," and I don't think I should have to ask anyone else to either. Also, it's sad how many people refuse to recognize asexuality as a legitimate orientation. * @/{{JinxedBlackcat}}: I am aromantic and asexual as far as I can tell. Occasionally I'll get surprised by someone who looks rather attractive (and thus am completely confused and uncomfortable with the revelation) but that's it. Anyway, I believe I have shattered and confused two girls' world views by trying to point out I'm aromantic/asexual. Their response? "nonononononononono! You '''have''' to of had a crush or have one! How about that guy? You think he's hot?" *points* "...who? the fat kid?" *misses whoever they're pointing at* And they're just...staring at me like I committed murder! I mean really. And I've had someone else tell me that I can't prove I'm asexual until I've died and never dated/been attracted to someone. Because 21 years of "Ew, no!" apparently doesn't count and it just means I'm '' really, really'' picky. [[{{SarcasmMode}} Oh, but of course!]] * @/{{Veloren}}: I both asexual and aromantic as well as Christian, and frankly wouldn't care at all if my clueless friends would stop foisting boys on me. It doesn't help that my mother doesn't believe me and thinks that I'm afraid of love and/or will grow out of it. I'm too afraid to tell my dad. Oddly, the church is more understanding of asexuality -- we call it the 'gift of singleness'. (see Paul's comments on the subject). Nonchristians tend to think I'm lying or closet-gay. GAH HUMANITY. * I like to describe myself as an asexual transvestite, but am well aware that the transvestitism mostly stems from an urge to not reveal any skin and avoid sexualizing myself in any way. I do masturbate, but only to relieve tension and never ever with a specific person in mind. In fact, I seem to be incapable of even imagining myself in a sexual setting with another person. The closest thing I ever came to sex was heavy petting, which led to twenty minutes of crying and jumping the proverbial ship on the relationship within a few hours - which probably just was a desperate attempt to be as "experienced" as others my age (and therefore "normal") from the beginning. It annoys me greatly when my parents assume I will one day have kids and it's a

great source of dread that my male friends keep on falling for me after a life of being OneOfTheBoys. * I am asexual. I know I am repulsed rather than indifferent -- not antisexual, just completely unwilling to ever have sex myself in addition to not finding anyone attractive. I for the most part do not experience aesthetic attraction, not finding people to be particularly pretty or ugly in general. I'm currently unclear on whether I am romantic and of what sort. I would probably consider myself aromantic if not for having experienced Perverse Asexual Cuddlelust on numerous occasions and having a few friendships that seem a lot like platonic love in retrospect. It does not make it less confusing that I've had Perverse Asexual Cuddlelust only for male characters while only having felt (possible) platonic love for women, and the two feel completely different. * @/{{Diamondex}}: I plan to be WalkingTheEarth and InHarmsWay for a while, get rich through tricky business and invention, revolutionize the way the world thinks and works, start free Airship travel around the world, and push [[GenderBender gender-bending]] and [[ShapeShifting shapeshifting]] technology to the point where anyone can be anything. You'll notice romance and sex is absent from this list. * Tropers/BattleHamster: Being asexual and aromantic, I wrote a version of StarWars prequel trilogy I could relate to (i.e. a StarWars in which everyone was asexual and aromantic) when I was fourteen or fifteen. In hindsight, it shouldn't have taken me as long to figure out my asexuality as it did. (I since learned to appreciate romantic relationships in fiction.) * I consider myself a heteromantic asexual. I definitely, like others, have been aroused but never by an actual person. I plan on sex with a married partner to please her (and maybe create children) but the entire idea seems... wrong, somehow. I will admit, however, that there is a high chance of me being wrong as a) I'm 14 and b) I have been searching for terms to describe myself for quite a while but stumbled upon these ones 15 minutes ago. * 32 years old and a virgin. If it's "just a phase", it's a damn long one. (By the way, I'd like to take this opportunity to reassure anyone who's wondered that no, nobody can tell you're a virgin just by looking at you. Take my word for it.) * I'm an AnythingThatMoves asexual... not making that up. I have a tendency to flirt with very close friends, absolutely love reading/writing/viewing any type of porn, masturbate at least once a week, I've even fantasized about pairings of real-life people before. The thought of ''my'' having sex with anyone, however, completely squicks me out. Perhaps "anything that moves, as long as I'm not actually involved" would be a good phrase... * I wonder if me reading Chicken Soup for the Soul books as a kid and thinking what a bunch of emo, love-sick idiots most of the writers were have anything to do with my asexuality now. * I'm not quite sure what to call myself. I have a loving, relatively sexual relationship with my girlfriend on one hand, but I also loathe sex in the media. Not quite Sex is Evil, but the presence of it always repulsed me, especially how it seemed so omnipresent. Same with my

writing. I've gotten physically ill when trying to write a sexual character. I'm not sure what the term is for this, if there is one. ** Asexual with a dash of {{Single Target Sexuality}}? * I'm not quite sure if I'm this or [[TroperTales/AllWomenArePrudes just a prude]] (see that page for more details), but I thinks there should be a [[LumperVSSplitter separate term]] for those who enjoy ADateWithRosiePalms: ''selfsexual'', as they have a drive or they wouldn't require the "release; their drive just isn't directed at any person or object in particular. I considered the term ''autosexual'', but decided that might offend people who were [[IncrediblyLamePun turned on]] [[RuleThirtySix by cars]]. ** Enjoying the release without an object on which (or whom) to visit lust is, in fact, a characteristic of asexuality. Autosexaulity is a synonym for narcissism. * I am pretty sure this question doesn't fit here, but don't know where else to put it: is it possible to be romantic to both sexes and only sexually attracted to one? I definitely have romantic attractions to people of the same sex, but are completely turned off at the idea of actual sex with them (I am fully romantically and sexually attracted to people of the opposite gender though). I am also rather confused, as there does not seem to be a generally recognized sexuality alignment that exists for me. ** That would be biromantic heterosexual, if I'm not mistaken. * I know for a fact I am asexual, but I'm darned if I can come up with a complicated category name for what ''kind''. I have never been romantically attracted to anyone, and I have no desire to perform any form of sexual act on myself or anyone else. As an actor, I have pretended to kiss someone and it felt kinda awkward, but not unbearably so. I like contact with other humans, but don't tend to go further than simple hugs unless I'm actively trying to freak someone out for a joke. I can however usually notice when people are attractive (of both genders, but I find it easier with females)... but quite often I will fail to see anything attractive in a supposedly super-attractive person. And on three occasions I can recall, I've briefly had what could possibly be described as "the beginnings of a very naive, childish version of sexual attraction" towards certain girls. For all of a day at most, and then I go back to just seeing them as an attractive person whom I ''personally'' am not attracted ''to''. And this feeling is far too weak to actually make me see the point in trying anything, and shows no signs of getting stronger. It just tentatively raises a hand, hesitates, and then drops said hand and goes to sit embarrasedly in a corner. Oh, and I also have a massive feeling of arrogant pride every time I read about ''SherlockHolmes'', which I now realise is probably my subconscious going "Woohoo, I'm the same sexuality as the world's greatest detective!" * I'm not sure what I am. I think I'm bisexual, but I've never dated or kissed anyone. I like reading kink and sex scenes, have never watched porn for ethical reasons, and write romance fanfiction, yet, the idea of me kissing/doing other things with a person more-or-less fills me with a reaction that is commonly found in children when they see characters kissing. The thought of me being in a relationship

alternately scares and excites me. As for masturbation, I'd like to experience an orgasm; I've tried to. However, being a woman with a clitoris that only responds sometimes and doesn't respond very strongly when it does has so far kept me from my orgasm. If I have a g-spot, either I haven't found it, or it just doesn't work. * I consider myself bisexual, and have had sex several times (albeit with the same person), but have never enjoyed the physical aspect of sex, enjoying the emotional involvement much more. Anyway, I have no real desire to have sex again, other than for procreation. Needless to say, I am very confused about whether I am asexual and biromantic, or just bisexual and holding out for the "right person". * I didn't realize until college that I was asexual. (I was probably about 18, maybe 19. I forget when it was I read about it) Reason why? I put sex in HighOctaneNightmareFuel/RealLife -- To me, the thought of sex comes from {{Squick}} to downright ''terrifying''. A lot of fetishes are also coming off as this way, even though some stuff like [[ShapeShifting TF]] are actually rather fun to play because you don't ''have'' to do them sexually. 90% of them, though? I just look at them and think either, "...this is ''Erotic''?" or "Ew, take it away!". Especially some stuff like Hermaphrodism -- I'm sorry, that's supposed to be ''Erotic''? That's not only UncannyValley but EldritchAbomination territory here. * I'm fairly sure that I'm asexual as I haven't experienced any real desire for sex, except for when I've been drunk. it gets confusing considering I do feel mild attraction to the opposite gender quite rarely, unless drunk but in all cases I avoid any possibility of it having a chance of occuring, as I'm generally apathetic or disgusted by the idea of sex involving myself and a partner. It gets quite annoying to me when people call me gay, for not showing any sexual interest in women. * This may sound stupid, but I think porn desensitized me to sex and "made me" asexual. That may sound intolerant, but I feel it's true. I could fall in love, sure, or at least pretend. Really, all I was doing was "Oh, that girl's kinda cute. I think I love her." Love and sex are nothing more to me than an experience. (Oh, I'm a virgin. Don't misconstrue that last sentence.) I'm kind of commitment-averse, so I would be in love for a little while, then fall out. I had a non-sexual "fling" with this girl junior year of high school. When I couldn't reciprocate her feelings for me, I felt so bad. That was before I began to identify with asexuality. I know this sounds kinda rambly, but I'm just getting used to this identification. It's really annoying to listen to my parents (who don't know yet) making dating jokes about me. Yes, I'm meeting lots of girls at college. That doesn't mean I want to sleep with them, geez! * I think I've made asexuality a strength -- I'm not going to do anything I'll regret, sexually. I'm not going to go impregnate a girl during a one-night stand because I'd try to establish a relationship that's ''not'' dependent on sex. His grandparents actually gave ''him'' the sex talk that they gave his father. (Separate from my learning it in school and from my own parents) They told us to have sex responsibly (ie use protection) and to ''not'' base a relationship around it. They had sex for intimacy only once; and after that, only

had it very few times specifically as to conceive their two children. How long did their marriage last? Until 2008 -- when grandpa died in his 70s. And given that I've seen the neighbourhood nympho go through at least ten different women (Four of which I ''know'' he was married to) or how many relationships my peers had that either ended in a fight when they "Cheated" or just maturely broke up because they knew the relationship wouldn't work... I'd say my grandparents and I have a ''very'' good point. * For reasons that would bore you if I went into them, I went through a period when I thought that I might be asexual. I'm still not sure, but it has given me some empathy toward people who confidently selfidentify as such. Enough empathy that it really pisses me off when on sites that clap themselves on the back for being so progressive regarding women's issues, gay rights and racial concerns, the posters and commenters don't hesitate to clutch their pearls over how "weird" and "unnatural" it is to have no interest in sex or relationships. They declare that people who identify as asexual ''obviously'' have some sort of mental or physical problem, were probably molested, are obviously miserable, just can't get laid, etc., as if they have any clue about the lives of these people or how they feel about their orientation, because OMG if they went more than a week without sexytiems they would just literally '''DIE'''. I think what pisses me off the most is that they will (rightly) defend certain marginalized groups, but others are AcceptableTargets simply because they fall much further outside accepted norms. Far less common =/= freakish. I hate hypocrisy. People are too quick to assume that asexuality is a sign of deep-seated mental or medical issues because "OMG sex is sooooooo awesome!!!!" that they let OpinionMyopia set in, even when they claim to be (or genuinely are) accepting and welcoming of people from all walks of life. Are there people out there that are avoidant of sex because of past abuse (and abused people are also likely to be hypersexual for various reasons)? Yes. Are there underlying medical or mental conditions that have a low or nonexistent sex drive as a symptom? Yes. Are all people who have no interest in sexual or romantic relationships fundamentally defective? [[BigNo NOOOOOOOOOOOUH!!!!]]. * I am utterly disgusted by sex... but I really hope for a romantic relationship some day. Even though that whole "asexual" thing makes that a little bit difficult. * I actually have virtually no comprehension of sex for anything ''but'' reproduction. Some kids in my high school naturally didn't believe in birth control and had sex for fun... and they got pregnant and then had to pay for child support. You did something that, biologically, is for ''reproduction'', you didn't use protection, you didn't use birth control... what did you ''think'' was going to happen, you numbnuts? That's probably also why oral and anal sex ''really'' does not compute, because it does not serve ''any'' biological purpose. Are you able to get pregnant by fellatio? Are you able to spread your genes through that way? * I'm a 19 year old male asexual (possibly aromantic, more on that in a sec) and am glad that I found this page, it answers quite a few questions that I had. Well anyway now that I have come to terms with

it, the last thing for me to do is to tell everyone right? Well it probably won't be that easy, my family is a very sex crazed one and take every opportunity to mock me for being a virgin (which may have played a factor in my asexuality, ironically). So I came out to my friends, who seemed to be accepting at first (if not kinda stupid for pulling out that "like a sponge?") line first, then one of my friends turned around and called me a "fucking liar" just because I had a crush on one girl in High School (my first and only genuine crush ever) because he cannot grasp the concept of not wanting to sleep with a girl yet still have a crush on her (she was a pretty cool chick, and we were probably better as friends anyway). So that kinda scared me outta telling anyone else but my little brother, who seems like the only one who truly understands my situation. Well that and you fellow tropers of course =^^=. * I am both uninterested in sex and uninterested in relationships whatsoever. I'm the kind of person who comes across porn and doesn't even blink, and the one and only time I ever had sex left me with the impression that I really wasn't missing out on anything before. Naturally, this has led to many assumptions that I'm actually gay and just very much in the closet. Nope. Girls do it for me even less than guys do. * @/EdgarLNight: I consider myself a heteromantic asexual. (A [[@/KathrynShadow good friend]], upon hearing this, happily exclaimed, "You're [[TheBigBangTheory Sheldon]]!") I can see attractive aesthetic traits in the opposite sex, although several of my female friends find my tastes in that regard rather odd (specifically, of late, [[AtopTheFourthWall Mechakara]] and [[{{Disturbed}} David Draiman]]), I have been known to enjoy some vaguely TastesLikeDiabetes-ish music, and I love reading and writing fluff!fic, but the idea of sex is pure {{Squick}}. It sounds messy, unsanitary, and the simple ''thought'' of "those bits" colliding in any fashion makes me actively nauseated. I have been told repeatedly that I just "haven't met the right guy," or that I'll "grow out of it," or some variation thereof. (Recently, in an attempt to explain to the parent of a friend about my asexuality, the person laughed and simply said, "No, you're not." [[BerserkButton ARGH]].) In addition, coming from a conservative Christian household, my mentality on dating is thus: "Well, there's not a whole lot of point to it if I'm not going to get married. And getting married tends to result in sex. ...Yeah, forget that, I'm going to go play Zelda." Weirdly, my own parents seem to understand all this perfectly, it's just the rest of the planet that can't figure it out. * I am an aromantic asexual. Fortunately, I was lucky enough to have met with very few negative responses from the (very small number of) people I have mentioned this to. * Tropers/{{aurora}}: I am asexual and biromantic (but closer to heteroromantic than the other way). But I want children. I plan to either adopt somebody or use in vitro fertilization. * I'm asexual panromantic genderless (possible transgender, haven't decided yet) and remember the exact moment I figured that I was "different" from other high school guys in terms of sexuality. I was on a school trip with the music department (I was in choir) and in the (shared) hotel room, one of the guys was describing sex with some

other guy's girlfriend. Aside from being disgusted that the guy was helping a girl cheat, I didn't "like" the description given. I did find girls "cute," or "beautiful," but never "sexy," and it was always awkward when some guy would ask me who I thought was sexy. Now I'm in the closet in real life - all of my online friends know. I masturbate because it feels good and it makes sleeping easier (myriad of sleep issues that could be a several page essay on its own), but when it comes to fantasizing, all of the people in it are totally devoid of any identity at all. Attempting to give any of them an identity (even if not a real person) turns it into a squick moment. Oh, and did I mention he's a furry? Yeeeeeeeeah kind of uncomfortable. * Yep, that's me. Maybe it's just because I'm too young (as my dad claims) but I am a high schooler, so... I honestly have no interest in sex apart from having children eventually, and am actively disturbed by "fanservice" and the like. This makes quite a few people think I'm gay, which is untrue. * I have only self-identified as asexual for about a year - this is mainly because asexuality isn't discussed, I had no concept of someone who didn't want sex. So I just assumed that eventually I'd feel something, so I kept waiting. And waiting. But, yes, in any case, while I'm "out" to my friends, I still haven't told my parents. I know they've always wanted grandkids a lot, so I don't really want to tell them that I'll never get married (also aromantic) or have kids. Which, I still don't know why they think I'd ever have a child - they know I hate kids, but that's another story. * I think I'm asexual, although I'm not entirely sure. I like porn as much as the next guy, and orgasms are nice, sure. But apparently when you're a teenager you're a nymphomaniac, and sex just never ''occurred'' to me as a kid. The idea of touching somebody in an intimate way, it just seems so... alien. One of my friends lost his virginity when he was twelve, and after I asked him how he even knew what to do at that young age, he replied that it was just natural. I can't imagine a ''less'' natural idea, and the fact that this is supposed to have happened in my own mind, and never did, is really depressing. * 20 years old, never had sex, never been kissed. Had a girlfriend, long-distance and no real sexual attraction. Was totally in love with a girl for years, I think the most I wanted back then was kissing. Had a short-term boyfriend, but I wasn't attracted to him. At all. Friends are like "one day I will break your virginity streak!" or some such, and I just roll my eyes. When other friends teasingly come on to me (some of them mildly, some of them hard) it generally annoys me. A lot. I like all genders/sexes, admiring them, etc., but when it comes down to the physical goddamn act ''in relation to myself'' I just could not be any more turned off. Sometimes I contemplate asking a friend (he's a very ''good friend'') so they'll stop nagging and I can find out what the big dealio is about it, but then comes "I only want sex if I'm in a dedicated relationship" but then for me to be in a dedicated relationship I need [[ attraction that is more than just friendship]] and...yeah, I end up mentally running in circles. But hey, at least I didn't have to deal with drama in high

school! * I subvert this trope. I wanted to have sex until I was 19, then I had, and it was kind of messy. The body response is there, but the mind feel like "eeew no". I like sex as description, sometimes movie, but the actual real practice is not really... thrilling. * I figured out I'm asexual (or at least demisexual because there was this one guy but I'm pretty sure that was an intellectual attraction and nothing has happened) by reading a fanfic on a kink meme. The main character was asexual and after reading it realized that I had never read anything that had represented me so well. The writer was nice enough to share that they are an Acer and had the link to [[ AVEN]] at the end. After spending a couple of hours on the site finally find a sexuality that fit (which is weird since I hadn't even given it any thought before). ** Was this by any chance an Axis Powers Hetalia fanfic where Canada was the asexual character and he was dating Cuba? If so, I was also linked by that fanfic to AVEN (by the Kink Meme deanon on, which I thought was a nice site though I had already figured out and was fine with my orientation. * People sometimes accuse me of being asexual. Supposedly homosexuality is ruled out simply because I seem to be the 'least gay' person they know (not camp enough supposedly). This might stem from the fact that I never admitted to crushes on girls during my days in school. A few strangely observant friends and family may have picked up that I sometimes try to covertly take a look at particularly attractive ladies. One instance leading to an unfortunately loud explanation that I was looking at tits. I'm slightly impressed some of them recognise asexuality, even if they seem to think of it as some sort of disorder. * {{@/Valbinooo}}: Finally came out as asexual to my boyfriend, and upon further discussion, I believe he's pretty much asexual (I almost asked but decided not to, he was kinda weirded out by my fascination with human sexuality, heh) and our opinions on sex are identical. (wall-o-text incoming) ** To summarize: I don't understand the concept of sexiness/hotness at all, refer to people as attractive/unattractive, dislike being aroused and orgasming even more (not because it's painful but because I just don't like the weird sensations), dislike masturbating although can and will use it as a sleep aid, I occasionally find it difficult to differentiate between finding someone attractive vs. being attracted to them, and the whole "two people wanting to have sex and self being able to picture such acts without visual aid" thing DOES NOT COMPUTE AT ALL, and even at my most hormonal could not even dream of doing more than kissing/snuggling in bed. Eep. ** But it is still really hard to BE asexual when sex is thrown at you from every angle. Still mildly conflicted as I am a virgin although from what I've read about the whole...ehm...procreation would be unpleasant at best for me. * I am aromantic and asexual. While I enjoy reading shoujo manga, I myself have never been attracted romantically or sexually to another person, and I have had a conversation with another person explaining

exactly why I can't comprehend either anything vaguely unpleasant, she has thought about them too much. She always thought that those were crushes. Becoming obvious, years down the line, that f those emotions. * I am confused about the whole thing. I always just assumed she was straight or bisexual, and then towards the end of high school, I was standing next to the boy who everyone thought I liked (and fair enough I did talk to him a lot more than [[TheQuietOne was normal]]) and I realized I'd never even thought about dating him, or kissing him, or whatever it is people with crushes do. I'd never thought of doing such things with anybody, full stop. And I've found that whenever I attempt to (ForScience) that my train of thought just stops there, like trying to imagine kissing a sibling. But with everyone. And I went [[ADateWithRosiePalms further]] (ForScience, and definitely with no person or thing in mind; it just seems creepy, for some reason) the only sensation was one of unpleasant numbness, like that part of my body was disconnected, and didn't quite fit. It left me puzzled, to say the least, and although I recognise that I probably am asexual, I don't want to make assumptions, not whilst I currently have some psychological issues that make me actively avoid people and feel disconnected from the world at large. ** On a more amusing note, I once voiced my inability to comprehend relationships to my mother, and said that maybe I'm just not an anything. My mother took it at face value, and said she'd be accepting of me whichever way I swung. Thing is she's the most accepting person where this is concerned, and if she thinks it's a phase, she's quiet about it, which is strange, as we don't have the best relationship. It's also very ironic, taking into account how different most troper tales on this page seem to be, with parents that seem to be in denial. (My sympathies for you all, by the way. My Dad can barely accept I'm a [[LonersAreFreaks loner]], and kept pushing me to be like him and act normal, and he didn't even figure out I wasn't interested in boys or girls or anything. I dread to think what arguments might have happened if he thought of it before I cut him off completely for being a generally poisonous self centred bastard. That's not for everyone though, so I hope everything works out for you all.) * I have a friend that I suspects may actually be asexual despite being a [[DepravedBisexual Depraved Bisexual]], as said friend has never expressed romantic or sexual interest in anyone, didn't understand "That's what she said" jokes when we first met, and asked a roomful of girls -- ''at age twenty'' -- how women are supposed to masturbate. The interplay between the two of us is amusing, to say the least. * I consider myself both asexual and aromantic. Never been interested in sex or dating. Don't find people sexually attractive. However it's a weird case in that I do find fictional characters attractive, but do not have any sexual desire for them, just an enjoyment of how they look. And I have fetishes, and can find written erotica enjoyable, which seems different from most of the examples here. I just have no interest in that kind of thing, and am honestly confused as to why people are so obsessed with sex and romance, because to me, I think the only thing that matters is that you're friends with people you enjoy the company of.

* I think I might be asexual, although I'm not entirely sure. I do recognize attractiveness and read/watch porn at times, but I don't find other people attractive and the idea of actually having sex disgusts me (although it might just be because I dislike anything sticky.) In any case, I'm certainly aromantic and don't see the appeal in relationships. * I'm male and asexual, and have never had sex to the point where I find it disgusting in general. I've been accused of being a homosexual when I'm clearly not (It's too disgusting for me), and I have no interest in having kids, due to me not liking them very much. At one point, someone told me I was a virgin, and my response was, "So?" (They probably thought I had a crush on a girl, but never came onto her. In all fairness, I never really knew what virginity was at the time until someone told me. I was like, "Eh whatever...") * My sister was functionally asexual for most of her life. Actually, she never gave a flying crap about anyone, but particularly not romantically or sexually. It was probably just lack of interest, as she's starting to show a bit of romantic involvement with this one guy... * I'm genderqueer and transmasculine and considers myself demi-sexual and panromantic. I have crushes on girls, boys and genderqueer individuals, but the idea of intercourse (and sometimes even just kissing) is quite unpleasant to me and I'm more attracted to peoples' personalities and talents. It doesn't help that most of my crushes are musicians/celebrities or good friends I could never confess my crush too, but this doesn't faze me too much. Occasionally I think about making love to someone, it's a kind of [[StarTrek Pon Farr]] actually, but this varies from time to time, hence the demi-sexual label. But I can be a very affectionate and tactile person and I love flirting, because I know it makes the other person feel nice, but not as an invitation to sex. I'd also love to get married one day, mostly because I can be a very romantic sap! * Reading the comments above has made me feel a bit better about not really much of anything out of sex itself. I thought it might have just been my past experiences with my boyfriends (they were wonderful guys, though there was a pattern of going along with it with a sense of resignation or trying to avoid having sex with them because it felt like they just wanted it all. the. frickin. time. fffff.) and general lack of maturity but now that I could also be this. I got confused mostly because I still get turned on by written porn (especially slash), I still love flirting and teasing, I get crushes on people of either gender and I definitely enjoy a good hug, kiss, and snuggle...but apparently it's possible to like those things and still not really want to have intercourse. Probably means the majority of people I'll "like" won't be suitable partners because they'll want something I can't really give them nearly as often as they'd like. Oh well. Friendships are much more dependable anyway. ** I also suspect that one of my friends might be asexual. She's definitely attracted to men, has had "smutty" online roleplays with people in the past, has crushes on characters and loves her boyfriend, but when it comes down to anything physical she's not interested at all. Only thing is, she's also had a lot of emotional trauma and

bullying in the past that makes her actively avoid her own feelings, and it's only in the past year that's she's started to loosen up a bit -- so it's a question of how much is actually asexuality and how much of it is the disconnect from her past abuse. Not to say it couldn't be both...either way, I want to say something because she's asked me in the past about what's normal for sexuality and what's not (and doesn't seem to know about asexuality) but I know it would be inappropriate and hasty of me to do so. * I'm not sure yet, but think I may be asexual. I'm gonna wait and see if it's not just a case of not meeting the right person yet or if I'm really asexual. * Tropers/{{Agent0042}}: I am 28 and have never felt sexual desire for either a man or woman. * I am 16 and have a similar case as the above troper. I do have a boyfriend, but we are only, well, friends. On the other hand, I have a bad habit in falling in love with fictional characters, most notably Albert Wesker from ''ResidentEvil'' [But that is understandable, that man is RIDICULOUSLY sexy]. I almost loath sex and tend to avoid physical contact with those I do not know. * I was asexual before I really knew what it was, and had this label confirmed. I had no concept of cute/hot/sexy/etc, and currently categorise them as "guys whose personalities I would like to steal". Not aromatic (currently leaning heavily towards bi-romantic, in point of fact). But I have been consistently called a liar, "in a phase", or "just haven't met the right guy/gal" and hate hearing it. To the point where I'm finally acknowledged the idea (to shut people up) that the confirmation-of-label was a result of a JerkWithAHeartOfJerk thinking that ItsNotRapeIfYouEnjoyedIt. To compound things and add to the strangeness, though, I'm into CasualKink and am a great example of BrainsAndBondage, and am basically okay with anything not involving genitalia (obviously don't masturate). Go figure. * As one whose sex drive and revulsion thereto make about as much sense and are about as stable as balancing a sewing needle on its tip inside a clothes dryer, I can't say I don't envy some of you. Offered free surgery, turning it down would be far from an unreluctant act. ** It's not exactly an enviable thing, while asexuality might cut down money and time wasted on pursuing sex, it's a fair mindscrew with a lot of brooding or confusion about what you are. Plus the situations where people try to tell you that you'll change/haven't met the right person or in my case in particular, mistaken for gay or told by the one friend who knows for sure that I'm asexual (since he mentioned the term before I even heard of it), that I should have sex and it would make me want it a lot. * I just don't understand love and barely understand friendship, which to me is mostly about the exchange of balanced favours and access to each other's knowledge and networks for the advancement of both involved parties. Love must additionally involve some sort of debased chimpanzee brain process that forces you to snuggle up with the other creepy meatbag and exchange bodily fluids, like how alcohol causes people to vomit on each other. Currently I'm 28, haven't slept with anyone, fallen in love or even found any female (or male) particularly attractive because how can a ''human'' look good? Buildings, cars,

fine, but ''people?'' Must be that chimpanzee lobe again. I will probably die a virgin (and teetotaler). * Unfortunately subverted with me. Most people (family, friends, and classmates) seem to think I'm asexual, aromantic, or in the closest due to never having had a girlfriend, nor gone on dates, nor ever really expressing romantic or sexual desire for anyone. The fact that I have expressed that I never wish to marry, and that I would rather adopt a child than have one of my own has not helped. In truth, I am just a [[CovertPervert covert]], [[ChivalrousPervert chivalrous pervert]] who hasn't had the balls yet to ask any girl out. I don't want to marry because I don't believe I could make it work, and I would rather adopt because I just dislike babies. * I am currently asexual, inasmuch as not having any desire for sex and showing no strong attraction to boys (or girls!). I do, however, have a few "dorky twelve-year-old" crushes on mostly [[PerverseSexualLust fictional characters]]. Romantic stories can occasionally be a source of {{Squick}} for me, and I avoid [[{{Lemon}} lemons]] altogether. Though admittedly, I can be something of a CovertPervert at times. For a comedic subversion (I think) of this trope, there's this dialogue: -->'''Girl''': You know, I'm actually asexual.\\ '''Boy''': So am I.\\ '''Girl''': Really? Wanna go out sometime? * I identify as an aromantic asexual, even though I fantasize about (and occasionally masturbate to) fictional characters and guys I know. It's just that whenever I actually do go on a date or get intimate with someone (and this includes kissing and hugging) I am completely and utterly indifferent, even bored. Despite the three years since I last went on a date, I don't feel as though I am missing out and am perfectly happy being single and not having to worry about someone else's satisfaction and fragile ego. I don't feel the need to "come out" as asexual to my friends or family, because A) they probably wouldn't understand and B) sexuality is such a non-issue for me that I often honestly forget that most people see a dramatic difference between heterosexuality and homosexuality. In my (misanthropic neuroscience major) views, it's all chemicals with over-romanticized explanations and arbitrary rules imposed by society, and I am completely uninterested in it all except from a scientific standpoint. * My demisexuality/asexuality perfectly enables me to be non-awkward while selling sex toys to people. It's very irritating that my boss, although an otherwise cool guy, doesn't "believe" in asexuality (or bisexuality, or anything beyond "straight" and "gay")... Neither does my mother, who insists on trying to set me up on random dates and getting pissy when I refuse to go along with it. Like the above troper, I also fantasizes about the occasional person I know, but (also like the above troper) have no sexual feelings toward those same people in person. * I am obviously alone in my town. I'm a (I think) heteroromantic asexual. When describing this to friends, I got the following: -->'''Friend A''': Aww, that's kind of sweet. I wouldn't do it, but it's sweet.\\ '''Friend B''': [[NoIndoorVoice I KNEW SHE'D STAY A VIRGIN]] !!\\

'''Friend C''': Poor (troper'snamehere).\\ '''Friend D''': [[CompletelyMissingThePoint Why would you choose to be asexual]]?! I'm getting you a boyfriend. You need one. * I'm a mostly-aromantic asexual. I have one [[SingleTargetSexuality Single Target]] [[IfItsYouItsOkay Romantic Interest]] and find girls physically attractive; I even have preferences most people would call fetishes (e.g. a fondness for ZettaiRyouiki), but these preferences and perceptions of attractiveness are identical to my love of fruity frozen yogurt and tendency to cover it in marshmallow sauce. It's more that when it comes to sex, I'm just entirely uninterested. (As for the single-target interest, she's the only person I've ever wanted to be romantically involved with ''since puberty'' (i.e. for six or seven years), know I never will be, and am pretty much just fine with that. I categorized myself as a lesbian until I realized I was equally indifferent to the idea of sex with girls ''including'' that one romantic interest as I was to sex with guys.) * I am 19 and asexual and, while I don't actively seek out romantic relationships, can actually get incredibly sappy. I had assumed I was heteroromantic until my Steam friend, who I'd liked for quite a long time, [[DroppedABridgetOnHim dropped a Bridget on me]]. After two days of mild apprehension and uncertainty, I decided I still felt the same way about said friend, and am currently in one hell of a romantic relationship with him. But here's what confuses me: I still treat said friend like he's a girl, and so does said friend. Is it biromantic if I, for all intents and purposes, consider him to be a girl? * I am biromantic, but not sure if I'm asexual or homosexual. I only know for sure I don't want sex with a guy. I'm also a bit confused about that thing completely-I don't want sex, but I can be turned on, and my heteroromantic asexual online friend can't be. Now I don't know anymore if I can even be considered asexual because of that, or if I'm just a weirdo. For that matter, seeing as my asexuality was a conscious choice... ** I'm asexual aromantic (mostly), and I can be turned on. I just think of it as a biological thing. ** I'm in a similar situation, I'm definitely biromantic, and I don't have a sexual attraction to guys, but I'm not sure about girls, and don't know if I'll ever get over my shyness enough to explore it. * Most hilarious conversation yet. A man I was having a friendly and enjoyable conversation with asked me if he could set up a date between me and and his son. I said no thanks, I'm asexual. He sighed because he said his son's asexuality was the reason he asked me. ^-^ * Sorry if this is really long, but...I've been questioning myself about this for the past year or so, but it's only been within the last couple of days that I've come to some sort of conclusion. I'm a 17 year old girl, in my first year of college (UK, before you ask), and I've never been kissed, nor have I ever had a boyfriend. Not for lack of trying - I've had crushes on boys before, and I would really appreciate a romantic relationship. But I've never looked at people and thought "cor, I would love to shag them!" or anything like that. During high school, boys would flirt with me and try to grope me just for a laugh (I wasn't very "cool", and they would find my reactions hilarious), because when they did I would either get really nervous

and awkward or I would blow up at them for daring to come near me. People would always tell me "try wait until college, you'll find the right person there", and I took that to heart - I used to think that maybe my reluctance to do sexy things with people I wasn't in love with was down to some strange feminist Power of Madonna style thing...but it's now that I'm in college that I started researching asexuality as a possibility. Looking at the AVEN wiki, I actually found a definition that fits - literally, I read it and just went "My God, that's me, right there." Demisexual, which is when you only feel sexual attraction for people you have a deep personal connection to. That fits. I still have a few doubts, but being honest, it makes everything that I've felt in my life actually make sense, and I feel really happy about it. * I'm asexual and more or less aromantic in the sense that I'm not interested in romance, though the number of [[CillianMurphy man]][[JosephGordonLevitt crushes]] [[MarkStrong I]] [[BenedictCumberbatch have]] may suggest otherwise... ([[StephanieLeonidas There]] [[JoanJett are]] [[ChristinaScabbia some]] [[EmmaWatson girls]] I like, too.) (I'm also [[{{Understatement}} fond]] of [[ViewerGenderConfusion gender]] [[AttractiveBentGender ambiguity]] and [[AudioErotica deep]] [[ChristopherLee voices]]. For instance, I'd side with [[KingdomHearts the Heartless]] just so I could listen to Xehanort's Heartless' voice.) And while I don't loathe porn for its own sake, I get incredibly frustrated when the plot of a movie, book, or TV show is set aside for romance, especially in horror movies; I find it distracting and wish they'd get it over with and get back to the interesting bits already. And I hate sex scenes. (One of the many reasons I [[HeroWorshipper quite]] [[{{Fanboy}} adore]] HPLovecraft is his apparent NoHuggingNoKissing policy.) I do masturbate, though, since it feels good and sometimes helps me get to sleep. As someone far above said, one can enjoy something without enjoying everything that goes with it. * Tropers/MoonageDaydream: I have a boatload of fictional crushes, but when it comes to people in real life, I have no interest. None. Zip. Zilch. Nada. I'm disgusted by both the thought of physically having sex and by getting emotionally attached to anyone (ie: I'm aromantic, too), and it drives me absolutely up a wall when people refuse to understand this. ''No,'' I don't want to go picking up random guys at a club. ''No,'' I don't want you hooking me up with your friends. ''No,'' I don't have a "type." Leave me alone, dammit! * Tropers/{{Kazekun123}}: I have identified myself as an aromantic asexual for a little over a year now, after I came across the term in my psychology class. I had had a long-time irritation with the fact that everyone I knew would talk about the crushes they would have on so-and-so all the time, whereas I myself have never really felt anything of the sort, and when questioned about it would have to lie to them because they refused to believe otherwise. This also wasn't helped by the fact that I didn't actively have any male friends for quite a while and when finally making one a friend, I was very confused about the whole thing and took it to mean I had a crush on him. The same thing happened a couple more times, and on the whole considered myself straight, not having been interested in girls either

until I came across asexuality and suddenly all my questions were answered~ I also don't understand the concept of a person being "hot", "sexy" (other than it being spelled out with outright fanservice), or "pretty", other than in the case of an outright physical deformity like a lazy eye or a misshapen limb. ** In addition I'm very frustrated with my father who doesn't understand the concept and keeps telling me, "You'll find your someone someday". He also finds the fact I have no desire to get married very strange. * Tropers/{{alexlyoko13}}: I am asexual have Asperger's syndrome, and am aromantic/biromantic. I'll occasionally comment that a guy or girl is cute or rarely "hot" or "sexy", and everyone is like "You're gay?!" or "I thought you were gay?!" and I have to explain that I'm asexual, but hardly anyone I know understands it, and normally are like "So you like make kids by yourself," it gets really annoying. I do also think that sex in real life is disgusting, and I don't masterbate, people also don't understand that either. * I fall into the not asexual but still aromantic category. * I would like to ask: what is the meaning of words like "panromantic," "demisexual," "heteromantic," and "biromantic"? I'm sorry, I don't know, it's a bit confusing. ** Well, all the romantic ones are labels for who you're romantically (not sexually) attracted to. Heteroromantic would be being attracted to members of the same gender, biromantic being attracted to people of two genders, panromantic being attracted to people of all genders. Demisexual is someone who only becomes sexually attracted to someone after knowing them/ having had a romantic relationship with them for a while. As in, they need time to become sexually attracted to someone. * I decided/realized I was asexual when I was 13. I do, however, have an appreciation for Adorkable boys (like Matt Smith and David Tennant) and smexy voices (the lead singer from Chemistry and Eric Vale). I make a point of not saying that anyone is cute/hot/sexy to anyone (except you lovely people here) because asexuality is a bitch to explain (especially since I had cutesey little crushes in grade school that all my friends know about) and I would rather people not make assumptions. Well, I routinely calls Firefox 4 the sexiest Internet browser ever, but I'm just a geek like that. * I posted at the top of the page but found something new about... this. I accepted that at twenty I am asexual but, definitely, biromantic. That's cool. The problem is that now I am overwhelmingly upset and frustrated that I'll probably [[CrazyCatLady end up alone and never experience a relationship with someone who gets it]]. Is that overly pessimistic? At 20 should I be that upset that I'll never have an insanely attractive person who understands everything about me? That I might have sex but never find it to be a bonding, pivotal experience? It's... sad, isn't it? * I'm (most likely) an asexual female. I've got one circle of friends who understands that and one that... doesn't ("You just haven't met the right guy yet," cue several attempts at matchmaking). Sex has just never been a big thing for me. I've never tried it (though I do masturbate as a sleep aid), but it sounds so messy. * Sex is a form of competition. I'm "acompetitive". Even most asexual

people would probalby have a hard time understanding it. It's kinda like the [[LonersAreFreaks Loners are freaks]] trope : people see it as a mental disease. Humans are superpredators, so we always see fleeing as worst than fighting, even when it's more efficient. I masturbate regularly because it feels good, but to me sex with other people is like a huge game I just don't want to play, in the same way you don't feel the need to become an expert in every sport. Spending so much time trying to impress everyone seems ''so vain'' to me. * I'm simply not attracted to women, so that makes me heteromantic, since I have been attracted to, and have dated, men, but I think I identify as asexual. It sounds weird for a 21-year-old female virgin to not be interested in sex at all, so when that point in relationships came up, I either dodged the question, or came out and told them, and they broke up with me for some one who would "put out". I can masturbate, but I feel just so weird doing it. Porn doesn't turn me on at all. It just infuriates me. I do, however, write and read slash, and can get turned on by that. The way sex is just tossed around so freely nowadays, I think I'm better off this way. ** Are you me from last year? * {{Tropers/Enzeru}}: [[SarcasmMode I LOVE being confused about my sexuality!]] I'm a demi-/bi-/homo-/asexual biromantic troper. Really wish I was full on asexual, though, with IfItsYouItsOkay tendencies. So where's that f***ing scale measuring asexuality? * Not this troper, but this troper's friend. We've had... interesting... conversations concerning sex. Whereas many might consider this troper to fall squarely inside {{Anything That Moves}} territory, he's my complete opposite... not a single stirring of sexual attraction, not even romantic attraction. But apparently he does [[{{ADateWithRosiePalms}} jerk off]] once a day every day in the shower. He also appears to be completely without emotion of any kind... which is more than a little creepy. Combined with his being the only person I freely admit is much smarter than I am... *shudder* * I identify as an aromantic asexual. Despite this, I'm kind of a pervert (mostly for the lulz) and am far from prudish, as I've had to explain to people in the past. One of my roommates can't wrap my lack of interest in sex or romance around her head - she claims to be tolerant of all sexualites but insists that I haven't found the right man yet and can't know that I dislike sex until I've had any. (The fact that Ms. So-Called LGBTQ Activist assumes I need to meet the right ''guy'' is a whole other can of worms.) On the other hand, most of the other people I've told have been fairly understanding and don't give me grief about it, which is a relief. * This female Troper is now a little confused. I'm romantically attracted to guys (although I usually CanNotSpitItOut), but I have never been sexually attracted to anyone. But I don't think I'm asexual, because I do want to have sex ''at some point.'' I'm just not interested in doing so any time in the near future. Unless I start a romantic relationship. Then I'll be interested. But I'm not actively seeking a romantic relationship, although I'm open to the possibility - argh, never mind. ---Go back to {{Asexuality}}, alone, [[CompletelyMissingThePoint you sad,

sad, person]]. ----

AsianAndNerdy * This kindred white very nerdy troper's closest non-naturally born family is his Russian immigrant great grandfather dislikes being asked for race (Nobody should care what it is), so he notes "Asian" whenever asked for race. * This troper, who is Filipino, is a pretty big nerd. * This Thai troper fits the trope to a T. * This troper knows every single one of the Pokemon names (including the new ones), and I'm proud of it! * Does it count that this troper has lived in Asia most her life and is so nerdy that your brain would implode (but is still a very well rounded person)? * This Chinese troper wears her nerd badge proudly! I play D&D, love Series/DoctorWho, and wrote a University research paper on HarryPotter. * Wouldn't every asian troper qualify? After all This Troper sees troping as the epitome of nerdity. * This troper's school. It's an academic school, and most students are fans of Pokemon, board games and Minecraft. Also 70% Asian population. * This Filipino troper probably qualifies, as she basically {{Entry Pimp}}s some of the weirder/more obscure entries. Her Chinese friend fits this trope even more than I do, being good at math as well as loving anime (particularly DetectiveConan) and robots. * This Indian troper likes Series/DoctorWho, YoungWizards, (Actually scratch that - I LIVE FOR YoungWizards,) and, oh, does being a primitive skills addict count? (i.e. making bows and arrows, atlatls, flintknapping, etc.) * My friend is a mix between the opposite of this, yet she ''is'' smart. She's quite a procrastinator, but is in all honors. Also, she proudly exibits that she ''loves'' anime and manga. * This Singaporean troper is often called a nerd by her friends. * There's a reason the kids with low grades scramble to be near [[@/OhNoes this Filipino troper]] during tests, and people actually fight over him on projects. Their desire for good grades has overwritten their anti-emo-kid stigma. * This Filipino Troper subverts this trope. I'm usually expected to be smart, but I don't get the best grades. I'm most likely {{Brilliant But Lazy}} however. Many of my asian friends play this trope straight, however. * This troper's school has a relatively high Asian population, and her Geometry class has several self-proclaimed Asian nerds. The teacher himself is Asian, but has almost zero tolerance for their constant jokes about them being smart solely because they're Asian. It's a lot of fun to watch them interact... * One of this troper's friends is both this and JewishAndNerdy. She's half-Chinese and one of the smartest people I've ever met, winning math awards, science awards, getting the highest marks on all consecutive exams, and receiving straight 100s on her report card. And

for Halloween me, her and another of our friends dressed up as characters from the Matrix. * Played straight by some of the sixth-form Chinese students at this troper's school and subverted by the Chinese guy in her classes, who's merely average.

AskAStupidQuestion * I was taking a shortcut down the alley and a man in his yard says to me "So, are you walking?" I couldn't argue. * My papa actually asked me how to spell the word stupid. * I tend to go a bit longer than I should between haircuts, so when I finally do get one, it's noticeable. So when someone asks me "Did you get your hair cut?" my stock answer is, "Nope, plastic surgery. Had my ears lowered. Heres Your Sign." ** This troper uses "No, it shrunk in the wash." *** This troper's hair actually does appear shorter after being washed. ** Even though this troper's hair cuts are quite obvious, when people ask him about them, he just says "No. Why?". He feels silly. *** This one really wants to use "No, I had them ''all'' cut, not just one." ** I shave my head bald but sometimes I let it grow back over a few weeks. When a new hire started at my job I had a few weeks growth on my head, the next time I came to work I had just shaved my head and he asked... yep, "Did you shave your head?" I paused, looked at him, nervously touched my head and said "OH MY GOD! Someone stole my hair, call 911!" ** My standard answer to "Did you get a haircut" is "No, I slipped with the grassmower this weekend" ** "Did you get your hair cut?" "Nope, I dyed it {{invisible}}." *** Do I know you? ** [[@/{{Chamale}} This Troper]] would like to point out that he can make his hair at least 5 centimetres shorter by [[HammerSpace tucking it into his hair]]. Anyone else capable of doing this could legitimately ask if you've had a haircut when it should look obvious. Note that it's [[RantInducingSlight very insulting]] when someone mistakenly thinks This Troper's had his hair cut. ** Personally, this troper has often been fond of saying that he merely lost a fight with a lawn mower. Unfortunately, this prompts most people to once more invoke this trope: Really? *** [[BeyondTheImpossible Oh,]] [[YourHeadASplode Dear God.]] On another note, I once answered on a whim, "Nah, I just yanked on my tongue really hard and pulled it back in. *** This troper once went a whole week telling everyone that asked that it was shorter due to acid rain. * Living in dorms in college: "Are you playing pool?" "No, but we checked the balls and cues out to see how long it is before someone complains." * [[@/{{Seiryu}} This troper]] does this from time to time. However as he is a big fan of Bill Engvall, particularly the "Here's Your Sign" routine, he usually manages to slip in a [[GenreSavvy "Don't answer

that question"]] before someone makes the relevant sarcastic quip. * This troper once caught his fingernail on a small scab, causing the wound to reopen and start bleeding. The slightly dim-witted classmate next to him asked, "Are you bleeding?" This troper responded with, "Nope, I'm leaking. Here's Your Sign." * My entire family lives, eats, and breathes this. I'm particularly good at answering them. I'm hard of hearing, so I wear a hearing aid... -->'''Mom:'''"You got your hearing aid on?" -->''* obviously I do, if I can hear and react to her words* '' -->'''Me:'''"Nope, I'm readin' your mind. [[HarveyBirdman BOOWEEEEEOOOOO!]] * This Troper used to be in Auburn University's Marching band. When we went to the Sugar Bowl in 2004 I was stopped, on game day, by a man who asked me, "Are you in the band?" I glance down at myself, just to check, and I was indeed in full band regalia with the wool pants-withstripes, the multibuttoned jacket with coattails, the shoulder cords, and Dinkles--shoes I would not be caught dead in unless I was wearing the rest of the uniform as well. The first reply that popped into my mind was, "Nope. I just stole all this out of the band room to see if anyone would stop me!" * This troper works at a fabric store. She's gotten "Do you work here?" during a variety of painfully obviously work-related tasks -opening cardboard boxes containing a recent order of thread and putting the spools in their correct places in the display, organizing rolls of fleece by product code, writing up tags, et cetera. But the ultimate example would be when she had someone ask that question while she was ''standing at the cutting table, scissors in hand, in the middle of cutting fabric, with a customer awaiting their order in front of her and an invoice box and pen sitting by her side, '''and her name tag in plain sight'''''. This troper's response was to pointedly look down at her name tag, then look at her current customer, then look back at the genius with a completely blank "did you really just ask that" expression, but in retrospect, she ''should'' have just answered "no"... ** This troper used to work at Wal-Mart and yes, got that question multiple times despite the bright blue vest and huge name tag which is the standard uniform for that establishment's employees. The temptation to respond with "No, I'm starting a new fashion trend" was almost irresistible. *** This troper works at a gift shop, and while we do have a work shirt, we are not required to wear it every shift. Sometimes the only thing separating me from women shoppers is the fact that I'm not carrying a purse, so "Do you work here?" isn't as stupid a question as it is in some other retail stores. However, one day I was wearing my work shirt, an apron, carrying a hand-held scanner to do inventory in one hand and a box opener in the other, and standing behind the counter. It seemed I was asked "Do you work here?" more times that day than any other before that. I started answering with, "No, I'm fulfilling my community service." Some laughed, some rolled their eyes, and one said, "Oh..." and wandered off, and I died a little inside.

*** This troper used to experience this when working for a third-party inventorying service (wherein we went to retail establishments en masse and counted everything on the shelves). Never mind that the uniform was a maroon polo shirt, distinctly different from ANY retail store uniform. *** This troper got that working at Sheetz, a gas station/convenience store. While wearing the full uniform - blue shirt with the Sheetz logo, black hat with the Sheetz logo, nametag with the Sheetz logo and cleaning off a gas pump one night, a woman walked up to me and asked if I worked there. "No, ma'am, I'm just employed here." She sincerely apologized and walked away. [[DontExplainTheJoke I didn't have the heart to call to her and explain.]] *** This troper got the same question from a woman pulling into the Dollar General parking lot, who proceeded to stop me while I was sweeping in my (then) black shirt and khaki pants in August in southern Mississippi ([[{{Understatement}} it was just a tad bit warm to be wearing black otherwise]]) to ask if I worked there. The temptation was overwhelming to say, "No, I just like to sweep parking lots for fun. I'm headed up to Wal-Mart next; care to join me?" [[MissedMomentOfAwesome Shame I didn't say it....]] I can sympathize with the troper in the fabric store; I've also been stopped stocking the drink machine and canned food shelves....[[{{Facepalm}} Ugh....]] ** Somewhat [[InvertedTrope inverted]] with [[@/{{Q}} this troper]], who once needed assistance at [[LawyerFriendlyCameo Big Box Mart]]. I walked up to someone I thought was an employee, and asked "Do you work here?". They replied "Well, what does it look like?", and I could hear them tapping their name badge. I responded in turn by raising my white cane, and said "Wouldn't know. Haven't been able to see for quite awhile, now." The employee then decided to play the trope straight by asking, "Are you blind?" "Nope!" I replied, "I just like the whitecane-and-dark-shades look. It's a fashion trend I'm trying to spread. [[BillEngvall Here's your sign]]". [[AnAesop Moral of the story?]] Careful with that sarcastic response, or ''you'' might end up being the unintelligent one. ** It's amazing how many times I'm asked "Are you blind", "Are you ''really'' blind?", or more subtly, "How much can you see?". I usually answer seriously as they tend to be embarrassed enough once the words have left their mouth. Still, from my experience, [[{{Irony}} blind people seem to be able to tell whether other people are blind better than most sighted people can.]] You know that the white cane is primarily to promote ''visibility'' and ''identification'', right? [[RantInducingSlight If you can't figure out I'm blind, when I'm standing there holding a 58-inch reflective white cane plainly in front of me, you might want to consider getting one of your own...]] *** "How much can you see" shouldn't be taken as a slight or induce ranting; it indicates that the person is more familiar with your situation than most sighted people, enough to know that "blindness" is a wide spectrum of issues and not just "everything is completely black to me all the time." ** About asking "do you work here?" -- I feel like people ask this to make sure they won't be bothering someone who isn't getting paid to deal with them. You know, it makes them feel better if it turns out

that person doesn't work there after all because ''they'' asked the question. Less embarrassing that way. Of course, that's no reason to ask people who are very clearly employees. *** I'm going to possibly ask a stupid question then. If you guys are blind, how are you on here? Only explanation I can guess at is one of those narrator things that says what's on the screen. **** You know, they ''do'' make keyboards with letters in braille... and there's many different degrees and types of blindness. * This troper responds to asking if anyone has any questions with "What's the meaning of life?" It's not really a stupid question, but close enough. ** This troper prefers "Why do they sell hotdogs in packages of ten, but hot dog ''buns'' in packages of ''eight''?", as a tribute to TheDresdenFiles. ** {{Animaniacs}} did that one first, back in 1993. ** I always figured it was so they could make word problems out of it in elementary school. ** This troper has seen hot dogs in packages of eight. * This troper's friend once asked how many wheels were on an 18wheeler. She "wasn't" joking. ** Usually two wheels (steering and [[InNameOnly fifth]]) and ten tires, unless it's pulling a trailer. * This troper always answers with "42" if he cannot think of something else quickly. It produces reactions ranging from "Wtf?" to "Oh, you're a fan too?", which is kind of a stupid question as well. ** No, I actually loathe it. I much prefer Doctor Who. * This troper works in a store on [[VivaLasVegas the Strip]], and is often asked, "Do you live here?" Stock answers are either "No, I live in a house," or "No, I commute from California every day." ** The Las Vegas strip? * This troper's classmate once asked what Hitler did. From a history teacher. An a lesson about WW2. (Might not exactly fit here but couldn't find other place.) *** Try the Troper Tales for WhatAnIdiot. * After returning from an errand, I was asked "Are you back yet?" It was my boss asking the question, so as much as I wanted to, I couldn't give a smart-ass response. * Back in high school once, a classmate asked me "Did you cut your hair?" (which I obviously had, since I grow it long and cut it short to save money). I was ''going'' to reply "No, I had an accident with the lawn mower", but only got to "No" before she interrupted and yelled "No, I know what you'll say, ''a barber cut your hair!''" and stormed off, upset at my apparent dumb reply. Which I never said. To this day I don't know what that was all about. ** I might. It might be a "stupid question", but it isn't a question for the sake of knowledge as much as a pleasantry, and believe it or not many don't appreciate sarcasm as a response to their niceties, or being treated as stupid for daring to make meaningless, routine conversation. Which is not to say that responding sarcastically to a question like that is a terrible thing to do, but it depends on your tone, and their sense of humor. [[AskAStupidQuestion Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer]], but treat people like they're stupid,

get treated like a [[{{Jerkass}} jerk]]. Though I apologize, because I wasn't there, don't know you or this girl, and that rant wasn't meant for you as much as it was for a certain person I know. * This troper gets a slightly reworded version of this: "Did you get a haircut?" My response: "No, I got 'em all cut." * This troper often prefaces questions with a warning that he's about to ask a stupid question, because in my family, it's possible for ''any'' question to be a stupid one, so I like to keep my friends prepared. * This troper once had a book of "quickie comebacks" to commonly asked questions. He only ever used one, though. Q: "How's school"? A: "School-ish!" (People generally liked it.) ** Yeah, I'll do this too. Today, for instance: --->'''Mom''': How was work?\\ '''Me''': Work-y. *** I used to do this, until my father got me some new sheets and asked me how they were. (Say it out loud and you'll get it.) **** [[TakeAThirdOption Comfy?]] * This Troper both delivered this and was the victim of it in at least 2 different scenarios. Receiving it due to frustration caused by my date at a hotel where she shouts, "Ask if they have clean sheets!" which I idiotically parroted in a much quieter tone, getting the snarky response, "No, are sheets are dirty." On the other hand, delivering it was a personal CrowningMomentofAwesome while working at the local supermarket where a ditzy customer just finished getting her items bagged by me states, "Oh, we're in Food Lion!" Me: "Uh yeah, that what the sign up there, the one outside says and on everything you bought." Her: "... Well I forgot my glasses." Me: "And we also have the lion symbol on our badges and on the bags." Her: "You're just trying to make me feel stupid." Me: "You either do it to yourself or someone'll do it for you. Have A Nice Day." Her friend laughs at her, the cashier is half-stunned, half-amused and I'm mentally patting myself on the back for being unusually quick-witted when it comes to talking. * This troper once got on a bus and asked the driver "Where do I catch the second avenue bus?" before realizing (and getting) the obvious answer. I covered it up asking "Is that the M15 to City Hall?" ** This troper frequently hears questions like this all the time on his daily bus travels, thanks to the fact that several busses share the same number and travel roughly the same routes. Some examples: *** "Is this the 4 to Golf Links?" The destination panel clearly says Harrison. *** "Does this bus go to Wilmot?" The destination panel clearly says Harrison. *** And, perhaps strangest of all: "Does this number 4 go downtown?" Again, the destination panel should tell you where the bus is going, and this bus is even moving west towards the downtown area. ** Same troper as above, when asked "What's up?" I tend to give one of two answers. "The opposite of down." or "That way. (points) ** On that note, [[{{Tropers.Akiba}} my]] usual response to "What's up?" is "The ceiling/sky/Space/etc." or some rambling combination of things located above me.

** This rather short troper's normal response to "What's up?" is "Everyone." Most people get the joke, but for those who don't, after a beat I continue "...from my point of view, at least." Those who don't get the pun by that point are hopeless ** An MIT joke: "What's up?" "East cross North." ** This Troper usually replies [[TechnoBabble "The direction generally regarded as the opposite of the sum of gravitational vectors, why?"]], attempting for a single breath. And sometimes follows up with "or, [[EndersGame away from the enemy's gate.]]" * This troper's best friend was once asked by a classmate where South America was. He laughed and played it straight, replying that it was right below North America. The girl looked at him as if HE was the idiot and said, "Well, duh!" * headdesk* ** Well, he was. Right below North America is the mantle. South America is, well, south of Central America. * My brother's friend once asked why he had to watch the spanish version of some movie in spanish class. Now everytime my brother mentions something stupid his friend did/said we remind him of this. * I have a person at work who's hat IS this trope. I eventually gave up with giving him snappy answers as it just wasn't worth it anymore. *** Who's HAT is this trope? I was previously unaware that hats could vocalise, much less ask stupid questions. Incidentally, where can I buy such hats? *** I think the person meant his/her co-worker's hat has a stupid question printed on it. *** He/she means that the co-worker in question asks stupid questions so much that he might as well get a hat that says "I ask stupid questions" on it. *** PlanetOfHats. * I commonly play a variation of this one. Whenever somebody offers unnecessary clarification (like if someone refers to "the chimney on the roof"), I'll snarkily reply with something like "What, as opposed to the chimney on the ground?" * This happens frequently with this troper mom's friends. --->'''X''': How much time the National Hour last? (a mexican radio program) --->'''Mom''': I dunno... like 20 minutes --->'''X''': Really?? --->'''Mom''': Yeah... * This exchange: -->"Are you alive?" -->"Braaains!" * We're on book five of the Aeneid (for anyone who doesn't know the story, here's a quick summary: Trojan Aeneas is fated to found a city that will later become Rome but the goddess Juno hates Aeneas because eventually Rome will destroy her favorite city, Karthage and the first several books are basically Aeneas wandering around while Juno f*** s with him and tries to stop him from fulfilling his destiny) and the night before the test I get a text, "Heyyy so why does Juno keep messing with Aeneas." Headdesk, headdesk, headdesk. [[@/VocabWord This troper]] was tempted to respond, "Heyyy, why can't Romeo and Juliet just get married?

** I can't help pointing out that Romeo and Juliet ''did'' get married. * A co-worker once asked this troper why I "talked to him like he's three" because I chastised him for a separate act of violence against common sense. My response: [[SesquipedalianLoquaciousness "Because the manner in which you conduct yourself makes it a reasonable inference, if not an outright observable objective fact, that the amount of development the human brain may experience during the elapsed time of three planetary orbits is your maximum mental capacity."]] My addition after several seconds of his stunned silence; "Exactly." Of course, part of the joke is on me because he clearly didn't ''get'' it, but there were people within earshot who clearly ''did,'' so it was still worth it. ** I think you get your own {{CrowningMomentofAwesome}}. * gives* * My twin sister asked my computer teacher once if he was filming the talent show when he was standing behind a camera. This was because she was surprised to see him, but his response was a sarcastic quip of a similar nature to the statements on the rest of this page. I turned to her and said "Here's your sign". She didn't get it, but I told her that I was sorry for being mean before taking a seat. * "Did [[@/MisterAlways you]] get your hair cut?" "No, I fought a fuckin' lawnmower, alright?" ** "Hey, did you lose weight?" "No, a [[AcceptableTargets Moroccan]] stole it." (That's acceptable in the Netherlands...but only when you're actually joking.) ** "You've got a pretty deep voice, haven't you?" " [Squeaky] No!" ** And, this is something he always gets when he roleplays in World of Warcraft (his main is a half-ogre human warrior, thus, always hopped up on growth pots). "Wow, you're a big guy, aren't you?" "Nay. Nay ah ain't." ** Recently, "Did you go to the barber?" "No, I tracked him down, threatened him, and FORCED him to cut my hair." ** Or, when I'm going to the toilet, and my teacher asks me...well, where I'm going: "The moon." / "Antarctica. I'm going to hunt penguins." * This troper's [[TabletopGames role-playing]] group once had a session that involved investigating the birth of a two-headed baby. Another player was (IRL) the mother of three children, the eldest a hospital birth, the younger two homebirths. Since this troper didn't know about the eldest child's birth, she was confused about something the other player said...and phrased her request for clarification as "How come you know what maternity wards are like?" * This troper is usually somewhat articulate, but once came down with a case of the stupids when, at work, a colleague walked by with two small children in tow, prompting the truly stupid utterance "Awwww... are they yours?" If she had said something along the lines of "No, I'm testing out my new age reversal ray gun on people who ask stupid questions," this troper would not have blamed her. * At work I get mistaken for a guy with unfortunate frequency, probably because of my short hair and the thick jacket in the uniform, but after one loud and rather rude instance of someone shouting 'You're a girl?!' I patted my chest, pretending shock and said 'when

did that happen?!' ** This troper has suffered the inverse as having a slender build and long hair has caused the reaction 'you're a guy?' which is usually met with, 'really? lemme check' *looks inside pants* 'holy crap your right! I would have never noticed that.' * This troper is prone to occasional early-morning ditzyness. One especially bad example happened one time, when I walked down the hallway of my house, meaning to brush my teeth. I saw the bathroom door was closed, turned to my mother, ''who was folding laundry in plain sight,'' and asked her "are you in there?" She, of course, responded sarcastically that she was. * To anyone who has had identical twins in the family (or is a twin), you know this happens with anomalous frequency: -->'''Stranger:''' Aw, are they twins? -->'''Parent:''' No, they're a pair of identical strangers. * On the most basic level, This Troper often responds with sarcasm to anyone who asks me "Really?" when I tell them something. For example: -->'''Me:''' I have to get going, I have an appointment at two o'clock. -->'''Person:''' Really? -->'''Me:''' No not really, I just can't stand your company any longer. * This troper was born and raised in a city called Malm, but currently lives in a town called Skvde. Once when visiting my old hometown, I was at a party. An old friend showed up, saw me and reacted "Oh, you're in Malm?" to which I responded "No, I'm still in Skvde. You're just hallucinating." * An amusing incident at my student flat happened as i was leaving for the supermarket: -->'''Flatemate:''' You off out, * Troper's name* ? -->'''Me:''' No I thought I'd lock my door and wander around the flat for a while. ** He was [[UnderStatement not amused]] * I admit, I tend to be the one asking the stupid questions. Usually I know the answer, but want to verify just to make sure I'm doing everything right. * At the supermarket deli I work at, we have every product marked with signs as to what they are and how much they cost per pound. Yet we still get the occasional ninny with an expensive car come in and not only ask what kind of chicken/turkey/ham/cheese we have but how much does it cost. The mind boggles as to what kind of response I'd give if protocol permitted. * [[Tropers/{{Theologica}} This Troper]] believes that the only stupid question, is the question not asked. Asking is how we learn, and oftentimes, questions such as the above re: haircuts, moves, etc are folks trying to make conversation. Isn't it better, that being the case, to ask? ** I guess the following three questions are therefore not stupid to above troper: How do you spell S.O.S? What number was 911 again? What color has a black stone? *** M-A-Y-D-A-Y. The Morse code signal for distress is actually didididahdahdahdididit which is only coincidentally related to the

dididit dahdahdah dididit of "SOS". *** Usually 9-1-1, but occasionally 9-9-1-1. Other answers include 11-2 and 1-7. *** [[ This very question]] lead to a [[ revolution]] in physics eventually resulting in [[ quite]] a [[ lot]] of [[ cool]] [[ technology]]. * To my school friend who's showing off her hand-made cushion: "Is it stuffed?" * Recently, a couple friends were talking during lunch about times they bought food items that were low on food, such as a pack of about five Skittles. One of them apparently found an empty can of Coke in a six-pack, prompting the following exchange: -->'''Me:''' Wait a minute, empty? -->'''Friend 1:''' Yep. It was sealed shut and everything, and completely empty. -->'''Friend 2:''' You mean it was filled with air? -->'''Me:''' [[SarcasmMode No. He means it was filled with soda.]] * [[Tropers/SpiritOfSahara This troper]] had some epic ones of these during science in grade school. --> ''Classmate X:'' How many lungs do we have? --> ''Classmate Y:'' Chihuahuas are related to rats, right? --> ''Classmate Z:'' It is clear that the moon is round? --> ''Classmate A:'' [upon discovering that jellyfish are over 90% water] What happens if you freeze a jellyfish? --> ''Teacher:'' [[GetAStupidAnswer It gets cold.]] * Once, I was asked whether I had dyed my hair. It was ''purple.'' I said: "No, I woke up like this this morning. I think it's a sign." * [[@/{{FairyDreamer}} This Troper]] wears glasses due to nearsightedness and has been asked many times if she's blind. She's also been asked if she likes pink, even when she's dressed '''''from head to toe in pink!''''' Her sister also once asked her if she's sick when she was '''''coughing so hard that she could barely talk, was red with a fever and had very watery eyes!''''' Her responses? 1) "Clearly, if I'm wearing glasses!" 2) "[[{{Sarcasm Mode}} No, this is my school uniform]]." 3) "What do you think?!" * I've got a couple of these: 1) I'm a Jeff Gordon fan, and have had seven replica jackets over the years which I use during fall and winter. During my Junior year of high school, I was stopped in the hall by one of the teachers who knew me while wearing my 2005 twill jacket. He asked "Are you a Jeff Gordon fan, Duncan?" "No, I'm Superman, this is how I hide my costume!" Everyone in earshot started laughing, including the principal. 2) In 2003, I went to a conference in Atlanta with my church youth group. While I was waiting for the elavator in the hotel lobby one night with a friend (we were sent to get something from our room, but I don't remember what it was) this guy walked up and asked if these were the elevators that went up. We looked at each other, then my friend, who was a Bill Engvall nut at the time, said "No, these are the elevators that go from side-to-side,

the ones that go up are over there." THE GUY WALKED AWAY!!!!!!!!! 3) For about three years, my standard response to the question "What's up?" usually involved looking at the sky or ceiling and describing it. Some people got what I was doing, some, mostly Yankees, didn't. HumanTorch2 * This troper's family has a pretty solid "ask a stupid question" policy. By which I mean it's entirely my fault we have one, and also it's not uncommon for me to provide stupid answers to perfectly reasonable questions, [[RuleOfFunny just because]]. * The Mississippi-dwelling, Dollar General-sweeping troper from above has only recently gotten relief from [[TooDumbToLive customers]] who '''''WALK INTO THE STORE--I REPEAT, INSIDE THE STORE--AND ASK IF WE'RE OPEN!''''' ** Several times, this troper has walked into stores or restaurants that were unlocked, but not open for business. [[CloudCuckooLander He thinks he bought coffee at a closed Wendy's once]]. * This troper had a friend ask if I was eating lunch... while I was in the cafeteria with her, eating lunch. My response was, "No, I'm riding my unicorn to Alaska." ** I had a similar one happen to me a while ago. A friend asked me if I was reading something...while I had a book in my hands that was open to the middle and I was clearly looking down at it. I told her, "No, I'm trying to hypnotize myself." * T.T.'s stock response to anyone who asks, "What are you reading?:" "A book." (Or "A magazine" if appropriate.) However, this is generally reserved for those who bother her ''while'' she's reading (and they don't have anything more important to say). * This Ohioan troper is unfortunate enough to work at [=Wal*Mart=], at which all employees are required to wear blue shirts, khaki pants, and a namebadge. Despite this, virtually every work day when on the sales floor, I am asked by at least one customer whether or not I work at the store while Im doing my job. If only we were allowed to be sarcastic to the customers * Coworker: "Are you going bald on top there?" This Troper: "No, I carefully shave my head to look like I'm going bald." I also, when working at a university library shelving books, got a lot of the usual "Do you work here?" questions--while pushing a book truck through the stacks and shelving books. I resisted saying "No, shelving books is just my hobby." ** Back when [[Tropers/{{JET73L}} I]] went to my local library on a regular basis (as opposed to less commonly, and more often to a small branch of a much more extensive system a couple of town over), the librarians let me shelve mis-shelved and unshelved books. I was trained in doing so when I worked at the school library, but before that it was officially just my hobby to put mis-shelved books where they belonged. * For some reason, whenever this troper speaks in front of an audience and ends with "any questions?", there's always one smartass in the audience who asks, "what's the meaning of life?" He generally responds with "42". * This is [[Tropers/GalenDev this troper's]] favorite form of sarcasm. To wit:

--> '''Galen''': Hey, how's it goin'? --> '''Friend who obviously knows my voice''': Galen? --> '''Galen''': No, it's the [[PrecisionFStrike fuckin']] Easter Bunny. * I had to get braces a few months ago. All the time, people suddenly stop, stare intently at my mouth, and demand, "Did you get braces?!?!?". My usual response is "No... these things just suddenly appeared... it's a mystery!" It usually takes them a while to realize I'm joking. *headdesk* ---Is this a link back to AskAStupidQuestion? * No, it's the link to [[AskAStupidQuestion I'll Never Tell You What I'm Telling You]] ---<<|TroperTales|>>

AsleepInClass * [[{{neoYTPism}} This troper]] once fell asleep for a little while in his high school physics class. The teacher noticed, and when I woke up (couldn't tell why; maybe someone poked me or the teacher called my name and my subconscious picked up on it) it seemed like the whole class was looking at me. Oddly enough, I've actually been sleepier in college without falling asleep, probably because being sleepy more often made me learn ways to stop myself from falling asleep, like chewing gum... * [[{{Tropers/Kraas}} This troper]] feel asleep for the last fifteen minutes of calculus one time back in high school. No, nothing funny/embarassing happened. In fact, no one even noticed. The interesting thing is that it was the most refreshing nap I have ''ever'' had in my life. * This troper falls asleep everyday in at least one of her classes (usually English or History). * Once, in her senior year of high school, this troper managed to fall asleep in ''every one'' of her seven classes. Including P.E. * This troper is infamous for dozing off in most of her classes. In fact, ask her classmates, and they'll most likely remember her as "that girl who's always asleep" than by her actual name. * This troper has slept through all of first period Biology on multiple occasions and never been caught. * This troper only first started sleeping in classes (rarely intentionally) in the seventh grade, and ever since, she has learned within the first few weeks of school which classes she can get away with dozing off in (larger classes with teachers who assign busy-work and then leave the kids to their own devices, usually). She only does this when she has free time and really, ''really'' needs a nap. * This troper doesn't remember a day she was awake during History this year. Though, in her defense, the teacher didn't actually do anything but show movies, and then give out an unrelated study guide, so, really, the class was pointless anyway. * [[OhSoIntoCats This Troper]] has slept so much in school to the

point of not only having regular dreams at school, but also experiencing [[ hypnic jerks]] and ''[[ sleep paralysis]]'' during classes. * [[@/{{endlessness}} This troper]] suffered from this in an Industrial Automation class. So did his classmates.

AsLongAsItSoundsForeign * This Swedish troper was greatly surprised once he learned that Hage-Dazs not only was not from Germany, but actually supposed to sound Scandinavian! ** this german troperete was just completely stunned to hear that people believe Hage-Dasz is believed to be german as it is almost unpronouncable for us. Hell, the combination of 'a'and 'sz' is unknown in the german language. * While packing boxes to move we put some camping supplies in a box, which I marked "El Campo" (Spanish for "The Countryside") in the Spanish section as a stupid joke. Since I tend to be strict about this stuff I also marked it "Equipo de campamento" (Camping Equipment in REAL Spanish). * I once made a Japanese character for a tabletop roleplaying game, and cobbled together a surname which sounded appropriate without really understanding the language. Some time later I looked up that one possible translation for that word is "spine like a wooden spear", which quickly led to the character receiving the nickname "Mister Stick-up-his-ass" in our group. * My German teacher once told me that one of his older students tried to cheat on a paper by copying something that she thought was German from a website. Turns out, it was Danish. [[TooDumbToLive She somehow failed to notice the symbol, which is never used in German.]] * Whenever a telemarketer or a stranger I have no intentions of seeing again asks me for my name, I tell them I'm Japanese and my name is 'Anthony Imasu' (Anonymous). Imasu is not a surname but an aspect used in Japanese grammar. I wanted to research realistic surnames so I can use it as a fake name but I thought "nuts to that". * I'm guilty of using this when creating side characters in my {{Naruto}} fanfics, though I've come close to hitting the nail on the head regarding whether or not it's a real Japanese name. Ones I've made up: "Araya", surname; "Udori", also surname; "Mikuni Aiza", full name; "Hiromaru", first name; and so on and so forth...

AsManyXAsThereAreY * One troper had heard a Go instructor state, "There are more moves in the game of Go than there are molecules in the universe." * I kind of want to write a song that includes a line mentioning "more x than there are rats in Allston". [[DontExplainTheJoke Allston is a neighborhood in Boston that has a rat problem]]. ---There are as many [[AsManyXAsThereAreY links back to the article]] from this page as there are suns in our solar system.

[[supersecretspoiler: One.]]

AsSeenOnTV Ever get that eerie feeling you're reliving something on a TV Show? It's not just you. * This troper's nephew was feeling sad for some reason. His mother pulls him aside and asks, "John, [[TheDarkKnight why so serious??]]" Said troper froze in his tracks. ** Well, as long as the kid doesn't learn any new [[EyeScream magic tricks]], all will be well. * In an early episode of ''Series/{{Heroes}}'', Peter Petrelli admitted to Simone that he had always loved her "since the day [he] met her" even though they'd just been friends. And without knowing it, he said to her just after she dumped her boyfriend. This troper nearly filed copyright infringement charges against NBC since he and his girlfriend had a damn near ''identical'' conversation, under almost identical circumstances, and with identical results.... ** Wait, you have super powers? :P *** LOL! But actually this troper has noticed that he has taken on some of the characteristics of his friends while in their presence. For example, while said troper knows ''nothing'' about female fashion, when out shopping with his female friends he suddenly acquires the ability to put together some nifty ensembles. So far, he hasn't met his DarkerAndEdgier future self yet..... * This troper was asked to hold a football for kicking, Charlie Brown style. Guess what she did? Took the ball away and ran off screaming "[[CloudCuckooLander CHARLIE BROWN!!!]]" ** There was another time where she stumbled across someone unknowingly making a [[{{Naruto}} jutsu sign]]. * This troper and his friend once went job hunting together. At one agency, we were asking the receptionist some questions. Due to the fact we were both dressed in suits and were starting and ending each other's sentences, the receptionist said we were acting like two cops from LawAndOrder and if it was some sort of joke. Lol! * This troper is slightly frightened she has in common with ''Series/DoctorWho'''s Doctor. Love of bananas, hatred of pears, love of edible ball bearings, tendency to accidentally quote pop culture, tendency to redefine herself after trauma, a dramatically diverse personality, a tendency to bicker with and hate herself, a failure to recognize her own face sometimes, zero fashion sense, uncanny intellect, an unusual tolerance for cold, a not-so-good relationship with salicylic acid and its related compounds, incredible luck, being a ChasteHero (until the revival, anyway), having big and imposing moral codes that seem to break down when she gets too perfect, etc. etc. In fact, the only thing that's really missing is a time... uh, is his gender ("I might have two heads; I might have no head" anyone?). Imagine her shock when, this weekend, she found and opened a fobwatch in her younger cousins' toybox. She was profoundly disappointed when nothing happened, and put it away sadly. Then again, maybe it was one of her cousins'? They could be Susan...

** You lost me at edible ball bearings... * [[@/GwenStacyWannabe This troper]] was once jokingly saying to her boyfriend that she was going to beat him up if he kept acting dumb. Since I'm not by nature a violent person and he knows I wouldn't actually do it, he just raised his eyebrow and said [[AvatarTheLastAirbender "I don't hate you too"]]. This meant absolutely nothing to anyone in the surrounding area as none of them were [[FanCommunityNicknames Avatards]], but it was an [[CrowningMomentOfHeartwarming "awwww"]] moment for me. * I have wanted to make it seem like I'm accidently doing this trope, but I really don't actually get the chance to ever do it. * Has anyone else been with a group of people and suddenly realized they're wearing [[StarTrek red, blue, and gold outfits??]] Top off with somebody whipping out a cellphone that just happens to be a flipmodel... * This troper '''cannot''' possibly be the only one who thought of [[TwentyFour David Palmer]] when Senator Obama became the first Black president of the country. ** Nope ^_^. [[@/LittleSerge This Troper]] and his mother thought the exact same thing, and we're living in [[CanadaEh Canada]], homeland of Keifer Sutherland. ** You mean ''second'' black President, right? * [[@/LittleSerge This Troper]] is a BIG fan of ''IndianaJones''. Got the Fedora and everything. Turns out I didn't need it. After watching the third movie (and the first scene where a young Indy gained his iconic hat), he was talking to his mother, while the movie was fresh in his mind. His mother told an anecdote which took place shortly after this Troper's birth. Apparently, a man started hitting on said mother outside a general store with her baby in her arms and the father standing right next to her. The man quit, taking a look at my father, whose look could apparently only be described as "Brooklyn Rage!". Before going, he took his baseball cap off and placed it on this Troper's infant head. After she finished, while keeping a straight face, I then played the scene from [[IndianaJones The Last Crusade]], where the [[AdventurerArchaeologist Rogue Archaeologist]] took off his hat and placed it on a young Indy's head. Hilarity ensued. This Troper is now a History/Anthropology major in University. ** I don't know if that's a CrowningMomentOfHeartwarming, a CrowningMomentOfAwesome, a TearJerker, or even possibly a BerserkButton moment for your dad. Guess we'll call it MadeOfWin and be done with it. Oh, one more thing, when you start climbing on trucks and bringing pistols to swordfights, call me so this troper can make the movie. *** It still makes my dad [[BerserkButton "frown"]]. And just consider yourself the Spielberg to my Ford ^_^. *** I'm not Welsh, but can I ''please'' be Sallah? I'm ''quite'' [[Main/LargeHam hammy]]! *** You're in! All we need now is a love interest who turns out to be a Nazi, and a guy who [[TheDitz gets lost in his own museum]]! And somebody call John Williams! *** ''Yes''! (sings) I am the mo-narch of the sea! The ruler of the Queen's navy!

* This is more like As Read In [[HarryPotter A Very Popular Book Series]]: this troper has always been a bookish, bossy perfectionist - actually, a bit of a know-it-all -- who is obsessive about her schoolwork, overschedules herself, reads enormous history books for fun, and crusades for causes that others find a bit weird (but that doesn't stop her trying to recruit her friends to join as well). She also finds [[HeroesWantRedheads redheads extremely attractive]]. Hello, ''Hermione''! ** Excuse me, have we met?? lol * This more of a As Played In A TabletopGame - this troper played a game where he and his friends were people who were slowly discovering their superpowers, while fighting vampires and scheming around. One character discovered his superpower when the TV turns on for no reason when he wants to watch it. Imagine their faces when this troper told 'em he does that all the time to the TV in his room... * Another one that's more of an As Played In A TabletopGame. This troper created a character for her last campaign based on a mini she'd painted over the summer so that she could use it. Then she realized she lost it...but oh well. Over the course of about 4 sessions, the personality of the character developed, and she realized that she'd essentially made a carbon copy of one of her friends in both appearance and personality. * This troper is convinced that ''{{Chuck}}'' is based on his best friend. Troper's pal, like Chuck, was kicked out of his school, and... he really did work at a Best Buy, as part of the Geek Squad! He even has a best friend that's really only good for moral support and isn't nearly as smart as he is (that would be this troper). Oh, yeah, and he has the ability to memorize whole Wikipedia entries. However, this troper doesn't think he works for the government... yet... * Me and a mate have been discussing going to see the Watchmen film when it comes out. One mate of ours, annoyed with us keep on talking about it, asked us "so have you watched the watchmen yet?". We laughed as she was unaware of that what she said is referencing a part of the Graphic Novel. * This troper's friend often has...erm, waddya call them? {{Bones}}isms? Whatever. This troper once told her friend to get her mind out of the gutter (This friend is a rabid fangirl of yaoi anime). A few days later, the friend was like, "Lemme guess, you're going to tell me to get my face out of the sidewalk." Also, this troper herself often says, "I don't know what that means" in response to many pop culture references. :P * This troper has two friends who tend to act as parental figures to her. They are both close to her age, of the same gender, and in a relationship. One is blonde, narcissistic, perverted, and loves to joke around. The other is brunette, quieter, philosophical, likes to read a lot, and is emotionally closer to this troper. This troper has blonde, wavy hair, blue eyes, very pale skin, and is 4'10" (well into her teens). She also collects dolls and has an explosive temper. [[TheVampireChronicles Thankfully, none of us have killed each other yet. ]] * Hey, me again! The IndianaJones wannabe has returned, with another story that's been ripped from TV Guide: During a very interesting

conversation in which I explained the concept of ''MetalGear'' to my mom, I showed her pictures of the infamous cardboard box. While explaining its uses, she told me an engaging story about this homeless man that lived around the outside of the apartment building she was living in at the time. Apparently, the poor guy placed anything he could find around and on himself to keep warm and sheltered. As you may have guessed, he happened to hide under a cardboard box. The amazing thing was that it worked as an unintentional hiding spot! This Troper's mother and another lady living in the building were on their way outside one day, when suddenly, the man decided to move around just as they were passing right beside him. Gave em' both a ''hell'' of a fright... ** For some reason....this reminds me of a [[Series/DoctorWho strange blue phone booth that oddly enough was found in a junkyard the first time it appeared....]] * Without wanting to sound all 'troubled', I was an upbeat person until I was confronted with the nature of man, and became a better person at the cost of most of my happiness. I also want to go into psychology. It was when I re-read ''Watchmen'' that I realized that I was, basically, Malcolm Long. * This troper: Uber-smart, geeky, bisexual, interested in Wicca, uses Buffyspeak all the time. Has decided she is channeling Willow from ''BuffyTheVampireSlayer''. * This troper's science class is like {{Mythbusters}}, but with small explosions and a female teacher. * This troper went to a coworker's flat and watched a DVD of the surreal sketch show ''Dare to Believe''. One recurring sketch involves a conversation between - for example - a coach and a player, or a manager and his staff, in which the former gives the latter the unhelpful instruction to "[[ be better]]". At work some weeks later, during a team meeting, we were shown a video briefing in which the site director was up on stage giving a speech that wouldn't have seemed one bit out of place in one of those sketches. Nobody else knew what the hell we found so funny about it. * This Black troper and an Asian girl he knows have a bit of a complicated relationship that even they don't full understand, let alone the people around them. Said troper was a little stunned to watch Flight29Down and watch Nathan and Melissa interact together, as it seemed eerily reminiscent of his own situation. * In the lobby of an office building, this troper suddenly started to cough. At the same time, several people in the lobby began coughing also. It turned out to be just some guys cleaning a window using some really strong chemicals, but this troper joked that maybe somebody ought to call the [[TwentyFour Counter-Terrorist Unit and find Jack Bauer, quick!]]. Several other people found that hilarious. * While waiting to see the new 2009 ''StarTrek'' movie, this troper's best friend did the Vulcan salute and said "I have been, and always shall be...your friend." * This tropers swears her best friend is Hunny's female alter ego * Whenever this troper plays the Yu-Gi-Oh! card game with his brother, I feel like I'm at Duelist Kingdom or some such thing, except the

duels are with a lot more powerful monsters. There are a lot of turnarounds too. I even catch myself making drawing motions like I'm wearing a Duel Disk from time to time. * [[TroperTales/AsSeenOnTV As Read In A Book]], really, but this troper once had a [[{{Understatement}} rather bizarre]] conversation with [[Discworld/GoingPostal a super-snarky chain-smoking girl in black clothes and four-inch stilettos. And her completely nondescript boyfriend.]] * [[DarkMan This troper]] has been playing a blond female FBI agent in an online RPG who is dragged to finding out the world is a far weirder place than she thought for a full three years before ''Main/{{Fringe}}'' hit the airwaves - including finding out she may have latent psychic power and being shot in the leg. ---Back to TroperTales/AsSeenOnTV. As seen on other TroperTales! ** It slices! It dices! It makes julienne fries! It ''BLENDS!'' Order now! ----

AssimilationAcademy * This was the reason why a friend of mine (who's parents are, effectively, hippies) was sent to the local high school instead of a fancy private school, even though she was smart enough to get in. They felt that private school would take away her creative soul or something and force her to conform, so public school it was. [[CloudCuckooLander They weren't]] [[GenkiGirl disappointed with]] [[MadArtist the results.]] * In high school, this troper's economics teacher tried to force her libertarian views down everyone's throats, including showing dozens of videos of [[WindmillPolitical John Stossel]].

AsTheGoodBookSays * Once, I was with a friend who had problems with a sport thing in school. She asked me for help, something that required a lot more effort than I was willing to put on actual schoolwork, webcomics, tvtropes, or anything I was actually interested in. After the first few jobs, I got tired out and told her "As the good book says, why should I save a world I have no stake in" She told me that wasn't in the bible, and I replied "I didn't say the bible, Watchmen is a perfectly good graphic novel."... [[PuppyEyes Yes, I ended up helping]]. * I once read the Old Testament just so I could argue with my archenemy about it. * I (like many others, I presume) like to use the trope title to refer to any one of a number of good books. * Like the above troper, I often use the trope title to refer to different books. My favorite moment: "[[{{Puella Magi Kazumi Magica}} As the good book says]], people who waste food are the real bad guys!"

AsTheGoodBookSays, just use a link to go back to the main article.

AsYouKnow * I had to invoke this trope twice within the same month (November 2010).\\ Once was when talking to someone else ([[AliceAndBob Alice]]), with another person ([[AliceAndBob Bob]]) listening in. Alice knew what I was explaining, but Bob did not. It was Bob's duty to be aware of this information, and to be {{MrExposition}} on that subject. {{AsYouKnow}} let me remedy his knowledge gap without impolitely hinting that I knew Bob had messed up.\\ Not that this stopped Bob from "[[DidNotDoTheResearch forgetting]]" critical information - including part of what I had explained to Alice in front of Bob. Not one week later, I used this while talking to Bob directly. I said "{{AsYouKnow}}...", while my exact thought was, "{{AsYouKnow}}, but I do not trust you to have remembered..."\\ As of this writing, it is December 2010. Suffice it to say, I do not expect to ever see Bob again. * I had to use it in my story--to a rather comedic effect--as the main character refuses to call the captain of the ship she's on anything but Captain... even after they start dating. * My wife serves as Mrs. Exposition a lot. I forget things easily.

AtomicFBomb * This Troper's brother is a vocalist with quite an unusual voice range. When he is really pissed off, he lets out a single 'kurwa'. He starts silently murmuring the 'ku' and slowly gains volume on the lenghted 'r' to scream the last syllabe in an ungodly high, piercing voice. It is quite a thing to hear from behind the wall at night. * The first time this troper broke her leg, iceskating, she apparently just said "...SHIT" and collasped/passed out from shock. She feels that was rather reserved since her foot was facing backwards.. * This Troper has been known to turn heads from across the room with how loudly he can yell "FUCK!!" * [[@/MonsterDog This troper]] is known by his friends for these. His PrecisionFStrike tends to take the form of [[ThisIsSPARTA "I want. Some FUCKING. Nachos."]] Whoever's driving the car knows damn well to find the nearest Taco Bell at that point! * [[@/ThisIsATest This editor]] once made a video with a couple friends for a class. (Swearing was okayed by the teacher.) The video consisted of a guy going through [[ButtMonkey a really bad day]]. Near the end of the video, after the character's just had his car stolen, he walks around quietly for a while before stopping and yelling, to the sky, '''"[[AtomicFBomb FUCK!]]"''' * This troper will usually drop a big one when heavily frustrated by a video game, before shutting down the console to avert further damage. * There are two things that can cause this troper to drop an Atomic F Bomb. First, impossible to find parking in a crowded city with one-way streets. The second? [[{{Pokemon}} The Pokewalker.]] Yellow forest. Encounter a flying or surfing Pikachu. Two critical hits in a row or

one Evade too many. "Pikachu fled!" Keep in mind that it requires 9500-10,000 steps to start encountering them, and even then there's only a 4-5% chance of that happening every time you use the Poke Radar. * This troper dropped a big one after he got a perfect zero on a Resistance of Materials test. So much that he had to leave the classroom and go to a distant bathroom just to scream. * This troper recently had one playing the recently ported Night Terror campaign in Left 4 Dead 2. He was the only one not incapacitated or dead, and the way to the end of the finale just opened up. He was urged by his team to just say "forget us, end this thing!". Just before he attempts... -->'''Troper''': Alright, I'm outta he- '''FUUUUUUUUCK SMOKER!''' ** This troper also has a history of getting screwed over by Smokers, which only made the F-bomb louder. Not to mention the group he was playing with had been going throught the campaign for over an hour at least no thanks to [[{{ThatOneLevel}} map 3]]. * Several years ago, this troper was belaying for someone rock climbing on her school camp. The rope somehow slipped through her hands, and the girl climbing dropped about a foot. The yell of "SHITFUCK!" from the rock face was impressive. * [[@/MKH90 This troper]] tends to combine this and [ClusterFBomb cluster F bombs]] while extremely stressed out (mostly when driving and encountering idiot after idiot after idiot). * This Troper has a very strict no-cussing rule in place for herself. I don't care if other people cuss, but I choose never to do it myself. Except...a couple days ago, as I was driving through a two-way parking lot lane, a huge truck came barreling towards her, taking up both lanes. I quickly swerved out of the way into the first parking space I could. He flew right on by - he really would have just hit me if I hadn't got out of the way quick. I don't know what his problem was, but I was already angry after a fight with my mother and being cut off by two cars on the way here. So as he flew on by, I twisted around in my seat and yelled, "FUCK YOU!" ...Then I sat in my car quietly for a good two minutes, ashamed of myself. ** This same Troper set the oven on fire a couple of years ago because somebody left a cardboard donut box in there, and I turned it on to broil some English muffins. As I recall, my exact words upon seeing the flames were: "WHAT THE FUCK - OH SHIT, SHIT, SHIT! [sister's name], GET OUT OF THE HOUSE!" ** So...yeah. I cuss under extreme stress without even planning too. And loudly. Maybe some stress management is in order. * This troper tries to avoid dropping an Atomic F Bomb when there's other people around, but one day when playing {{I Wanna Be The Guy}}... well... that game gets to you. Me and my friend were taking turns, and after the umpteenth time dying in the same spot, I yelled as loud as I could, "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!" The neighbors came over a minute later to complain. May I also add that there's a good 30 feet, a high fence, and of course two walls between my house and my neighbor's. * this troper, while not an offender herself, has witnessed this; when

her bus driver almost hit a deer, she shouted "OHHH '''SHIT'''!" loud enough for everyone on the bus to hear. ** this same troper, barely a few minutes ago, heard the next-door neighbor loudly shout what sounded suspiciously like "'''FUCK!!!!'''" * This troper upon learning the apartment he applied for ran out of room right after the application was processed. The mountains make cool echos. * Me on Alakazam (at Pleasure Island) yesterday: "FUCK! FUCKITY FUCKITY FUCK FUCK!" I was so loud that my friend watching the bags on the ground could hear me when I was up in air. * [[Tropers/GamerFromJump Me]] when I came out of work and discovered that I had a flat [tire]: '''''ASS!!!!''''' ** I read that as meaning that you came out of work [[IThoughtItMeant to discover that you had a flat rear end]]. *** I was channeling [[AngryVideoGameNerd the Nerd]] for a minute there. It was a front tire. * This hearing-impaired troper is prone to this at times, because he is unaware of how loud he is being. Naturally this has led to some very uncomfortable situations where he cusses loud enough to be heard by people on the other side of a ''full-sized auditorium''. * I usually only swear for [[PrecisionFStrike emphasis]] when I'm trying to make a point, but one day at work I was being harassed by my boss who [[EvilOverlord scares the hell out of me]] and spilled an entire bucket of cleaning fluid all over the kitchen floor. Instinctively, I yelled "SHIT!!!" Needless to say, my boss wasn't too thrilled that everyone in the lobby could hear me. * This troper's best one: I had just ran all the way from one end of my school site to the other (we have two sites, about a kilometer or so apart, so it was a bit of a run) only to be informed by a friend that the rehearsal for our choir was at the end of the school I had just run from. I said to him very politely, "Could you excuse me for a second?" I turned around, looked out the (closed) window and yelled "SHIT!" so loud that I hurt my own ears as well as my friend's. The fact that both of us couldn't stop laughing for a minute or so after that shows how much of a Precision F Strike it was as well. The part that made it particularly funny for me was that I had been given a night off from rehearsals for a show and I was less than five metres away from the room, which meant that the director almost certainly heard it clearly. * This troper combined this with ClusterFBomb when he was hit in the face by a Nerf Gun. * I once hit my head very hard on a window sill in a hotel on vacation. The pain caused me to yell "FUUUCK!" very loudly. * When this troper drove to work at his temp job one Friday, almost an hour away, he got there only to find that his badge was deactivated. The temp agency rep stated that they had left a voicemail and answering machine message to the effect of, "You're fired." Both simply stated that they needed to talk to me. When I got home, I let out an f-bomb so loud and long, I had to take two breaths to finish it. * I once had an incident wherein I and my best friend's jazz band were driving back to our university from a performance. Said friend's car

was pretty small, so all six of us had to cram in, in adition to putting our instruments in the back. Anyway, along the way, some dumbass decided to very suddenly stop, so my friend slammed the brakes so as to not hit him. Then a trombone case ejected from the back, hitting me in the back of the neck, at which point I screamed "'''FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!'''" I then exaggerated it with some "[[AngryVideoGameNerd ASS!]] [[TourettesGuy SHIT! PIIIIIIISS! FUCK! DAMMIT! BALLS!]]" [[HilarityEnsues much to my friends' (and mine too) amusement.]] * This troper only swears for comedic effect, and no one really notices or cares, they usually just laugh along with me. However, there was one instance where my cursing was [[NoIndoorVoice loud enough to wake up everyone in my family at 2 in the AM.]] I was [[TheBet challenged]] from my friend on my birthday three years ago to beat a game, [[IHaveNoIdeaWhatImDoing one that I'd never played nor seen before]], in ONE sitting in less than 10 hours for 50 dollars. I took his challenge, not knowing beforehand the game was [[ResidentEvil5 Resident Evil 5]] on Veteran difficulty on his Xbox (and I don't own an Xbox, it took me twenty minutes just to get used to the controls!) After a solid 6 hours, I had made it through most of the game, up to chapter 4-2 and he told me there were only 6 chapters with 3 sections each. It was 2 AM, and I was getting pretty tired, running on soda and nearby snacks. I tried to keep it quiet, but the game had some frustrating surprises for me, however, fate did as well. At 2:16 AM when I was wrapping up chapter 4-2...the power went out. Since I had to beat the game in one sitting, I couldn't save the game to pick it up later, so a power out cost me this bet and I was so frustrated and tired I shouted [[AtomicFBomb "FUCK!"]] at the top of my lungs and all four of my family members were berating me in less than 5 minutes afterward. * This troper's friends have an inside joke of ours. Whenever someone goes, "I swear to God!" someone else goes "Me too." Then we cup our hands around our mouths and [[SkywardScream whisper scream at the sky]] '''"FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!!"''' Get it? [[DontExplainTheJoke I ''swear'' to God?]] ** So, how many times have you both been struck by lightening? * Happened two times. As this troper's family have regular shouting matches as "tradition" (as in, our indoor voice is everybody else's outdoor voice), meaning that he developed a quite loud voice, regardless of pitch and tone. In a tabletop game (ran by the school's tabletop club, it was their 24 hours of gaming event) where we are stuck since the only guy with demolitions knowledge having bailed due to being too tired. At the same time, someone had gone to the bathroom which was a story higher. They were in the bathroom, we were downstairs, quite a bit away, and they could have clearly heard this troper letting loose a [[CanadaEh French-Canadian]] AtomicFBomb in the form of a very loud '''TABARNAK!''' The second was an actual AtomicFBomb where he was immediately recognized due to the radiation levels of said bomb. * This troper has promised her friends that this will be the result if someone I hate is my roommate. I will email the "Fuck" in all caps, 1000 characters long.

* This troper let out a hydrogen-bomb-sized "What the FUCK WAS THAT FOR?!" when my friend whacked me in the face with a plate of eggs at a birthday party. The birthday boy is one of my best friends, and three years later, he STILL doesn't have birthday parties because of me... * This troper has a tendency to swear loudly and shrilly when frightened, especially by spiders and fast-moving objects. ---Go back to the '''FUCKING''' [[AtomicFBomb Main Page]]! ---<<|TroperTales|>>

AttackAttackRetreatRetreat * This troper went with a few dozens of people to a Mall to see a film which was over two hours long. When the film and credits ended, the whole troop of fans run to the restroom. Two hours of an interesting film, and drinking soft drinks... The restroom was on the upper floor, and the fans were running up the stairs, shouting "Go up! Go UUUUUUP!" but when we reached the restroom, it was closed due to cleaner. So the very same people started to shout "Go down! GO DOOOOOOWN!" * This troper once yelled something like, "Speed up, speed up! *Ten seconds later* Slow down, slow down!" when in a boating race right behind another boat. I also parodied this once by charging at swans with an [[WhatDoYouMeanItsNotAwesome air pump, with the intention of blasting them away with air]] before practically skidding to a halt and running back to where I'd started when they hissed at me. * This troper, in a few online FirstPersonShooter games --> 'Get them GET THEM' *suddenly notices large mass of enemy players* 'RUN AWAAAAAAAAAAAAAY' * My reaction while reading the second half of {{Jane Eyre}}: "Leave Mr. Rochester! Leave Mr. Rochester!...(upon meeting St. John)...Go back to Mr. Rochester! Go back to Mr. Rochester!" ---[[AttackAttackRetreatRetreat Back to the main page! BACK TO THE MAIN PAGE!]] * Get back here! Get back here! ----

AttackHello * [[TraderInTown This Troper]] often greets his friends by shouldering them into lockers or punching them. It's okay though, the troper's not strong enough to really hurt any of his friends. * This troper's friends tackle her when they see her. Violently, often with no warning. * This troper sneaks up on her friends and pounces to greet them. Often. * In a more friendly version, [[@/IlluminatedDarkness my]] friend glomps me in this fasion [[AttackHello Go back t- BWAAH! Hi to you too.]]

AttentionDeficitCreatorDisorder * {{This troper}} has mad ideas like hell. They all either got one banned or got turned in to a short school project and sadly translated to French, thus killing my idea and the coolness of the name THE SHADOW FACTIONS, and I plan on reusing the story next year (made to support the sequel better) (and make certain it's for english class) and I have a ton of spare time too, but... the .... an...anime ...iiss sooo.....good... ** In English, please. * ThisTroper knits. And has three unfinished gloves/socks for every one that has a mate. It doesn't help that she always knits the right side first... * {{This troper}} has {{webcomic}} and machinima ideas pop into his head a lot. He hasn't made the {{webcomic}} idea he liked the most (yet), which takes place in an altered HalfLife 2 universe. What alters it? [[{{Halo}} John-117 and Cortana]] crash down into the little scrapyard where Gordon first gets the Gravity Gun when Gordon first gets the [=GGun=]. The ending of [=HL2=] would be the most altered, because Chief would sneak in and shoot Breen and the Combine Solider, which would change alot of things. Alot of times I get short machinima ideas, which I forget or decide are to short. However, recently, I've made 2 of them, Machinima/WaitForIt and Machinima/Frenzy. Now I am working on a a larger machinima that is made up of unrelated machinimas I've made. Did I mention I should be working on that right now? I'm also supposed to be making new versions of NightOfTheLivingDead, including The Inappropriately Timed Laugh Track Edition. * This troper, an aspiring writer, had this problem. In the end, the solution was to look at all the stories, dump the ones that weren't so good/stalled as soon as they got out the door, put the 3 or 4 mildly good/awesome but hard-to-do ideas on the backburner, and choose 2 or 3 easy-but-interesting ones to focus on. (Yes, this is banter, but it technically counts as a RealLife and TruthInTelevision example, plus anyone with this problem should read this if they need some help getting thinks back on track. * This troper currently has ideas going through his head for a series of science fiction novels and a trilogy of completely unrelated sci-fi novels as well. He's also doing two forum [=RPs=] and working on a third, as well as doing several MUGEN characters at the same time. Yeah... big problem with finishing what he started. ** Update: Three short stories I'm trying to do. Fun... * This troper has twenty-seven fanfictions that didn't make it past chapter 3, twelve half-finished short stories, a non-fiction book with only the introduction done, four fantasy novels with only 13-14 pages done, two and a half pages of a manga, and a partridge in a pear tree. * [[@/MaxSinister This troper]] has about 50 unfinished scripts on his HD. And a novel in 250 chapters of which only 9 are completed. And several dozen things he'd like to have on his homepage. And several(!) unfinished {{Tabletop RPG}}s. And an idea for an epic comic. And an RTS computer game. And he'd like to do more stuff on TVT...

* This troper actually has ADHD, and has had a multitude of ideas for comics, but somehow has failed to execute any of them. All of his characters from unfinished and unstarted comics hang out at a bar and taunt him. ** Common knowledge would point out that having ADD/ADHD and a creative bent all but guarantees ADCD. This Troper personally has somewhere between fifty and seventy characters waiting for their stories to get beyond the prologue and, in a few case, the initial plot bunny. Now apply AllTheMyriadWays to those characters and their lives... There's a good hundred forty or so non-fanfic stories for me to write right there, and let's NOT get into the fanfics... *** Does Asperger's do the same thing? That would explain so very much... * This troper, another aspiring writer, currently has three projects on the go. Not ''ideas'', not ''pieces'', but big projects. One is a 3+ series of military space opera novels; one is a 50+ anthology of serialised superhero short stories, written with a mind towards audio adaptation; and one is a 4+ series of steampunk/urban fantasy screenplays. Some pretty *** decent progress has been made on all three projects, but considering this troper's tendency towards getting things ''just perfect'', he'll probably keep working and tinkering until he finishes them all at once circa 2025. * In the category of forum [=RPs=] alone, [[@/{{Cameoflage}} this troper]] has five in self-inflicted DevelopmentHell, two that've been shelved pending massive overhauls (only one of which she still plans to continue, the other likely to be incorporated into newer settings), and a handful of ideas that haven't had much done with them. Like a previous troper, she actually does have ADHD. ** [[@/UnitOmega This Troper]] has a similar problem of Forum [=RPs=], though mostly due to his personal motivational/apathy issues. He has one RP which has come grinding to a halt and probably wont go anywhere until he resumes updating it, three closed down for overhauls (Two for complete ones, and another that just needs an actual story) and another three which are in DevelopmentHell. Of course, this troper's nature is to have sudden bursts of work ethic and then periods of "Meh, who gives a crap" (Guess where I'm at now.), most of it will probably get some manner of done sometime. * [[@/DarkInsanity13 This troper]] has many unfinished one-shots and story ideas she's come up with over the years. She's realized that part of the problem is that she'll come up with Plot Point A, then Plot Point B, and then either not think about how to get from one to the other or not even think about the creation of Plot Point C (or even a combination of the two). Fortunately, there are some ideas [[OldShame she's glad she never followed through on]]. * This troper tries very, very hard to send out quality updates for multi-chaptered fan fiction in a timely manner, as a means of practice for deadlines in her future writing career. Usually, 'timely' is the one that gives out, which is why she decided not to write any more multi-chapters and just focus on the five or so she already has. * Sob, where does [[@/ShayCaron this troper]] ''begin''. Over a dozen webcomic ideas, at least eight ideas for novels, and more ideas for fanfics than he can ''count''. And that's just for starters...

* Holy shit, there's a name for this? For years, this troper was afraid she was losing her sanity. It's particularly hazardous as one of the writing exercises I take part in is roleplaying online, where logically people expect you to reply to threads you started somewhere within the week. Not six months later. ** The same troper has serious issues with an overflow of ideas. If I have an idea, I ''must'' start a project for it, or lose the idea. It's fine when these are little plot sketches or drabbles or poems, because I almost always have a notebook on hand. Unfortunately, I have to type longer pieces, and when I'm not in a state of mental block, well, when it rains it pours. I'll write two 600-word segments of a KinkMeme piece, slaving over each for a week or two, then abandon it. Then come back a month or so later, realise that two people have read my piece and want more, then write six more pieces in three hours. Deadlines seem to really screw me up. (This is ''while'' juggling ten roleplaying characters on three different boards, four or five one-onone roleplays, and any free-floating ideas that come to mind.) * [[@/{{Sharysa}} This troper]] is not necessarily ADHD, but she definitely drops/creates stories at a moment's notice. Right now she's working on at least four works of fanfiction, an original fantasy novel, her autobiography, a dramatic slice-of-life movie script, and repairing/starting two cosplays. * [[@/RealSlimShadowen This troper]]...y'know what? Just see above. * This troper literally thinks up a brand new epic story idea at least twice a week, and an idea for an in-progress story every night. In excitement, she writes them down, falls asleep, wakes up the next morning, then reads them and tries to count how many caffeinated beverages caused it. (At last count, three. Apparently, staying up until four AM makes me a bit loopy. It's 2:30 AM now, by the way.) * This troper has, for several years in a roll, the New Year resolution of working on my novel. It doesn't help that ideas come and go, and this troper is obsessively rewriting his story to perfection. * [[{{Dookie}} I]] have ''way'' to many story ideas for my own good. I'm just gonna finish [[ Stick Battles]] before I start anything else. * This troper is this. So much. * This troper has never finished a chaptered story. Ever. This troper also has somewhere between ten and twenty stories going at the moment, and will only work on one or two at a time. * This troper has suffered from this for as long as he can remember. Recently, he found a solution: combine them into one story. For example, he once had an idea about aliens who lived on a planet that exploded and became the Solar System, and another which took Shakespearean characters and plots, and dumped them into a Desert Punk world, and then of course he decided he wanted to do a Gundam homage. This resulted in the creation of a webcomic which involves ancient aliens, HumongousMecha, and Shakespearean characters. This troper really enjoys just relaxing and working on the comic. ** Multiple Tropers would like a link. * This troper has about five pieces of fanfic, three or four original pieces of fiction, [[ a satirical tutorial]] he wants to revamp, three more to

write, and a novel hanging over his head. Please note that he conceived the novel during the summer of 2001. He is writing this in January 2009. And that's not even counting all the art pieces he has sketches lying around for. And the email folder labelled "idea bank", which has cool ideas he wants to do later. It has twenty-two items as of right now, and I have a dozen or so more I have yet to add. * Right, well I've had a webcomic idea for eleven months now, and all I have to show for it are a dozen or so pages of scripts, plus assorted notes for at least four ''other'' ideas. Unfortunately, I also have ridiculously high expectations of myself. Oh, and I don't even have ADHD as an excuse, ''and'' I want to be a comics artist as a job. * I've got this. In Spades. And Shovels. Off-the-top-of-my-head there are: three webcomic ideas, half-a-dozen projects for differing media, five novels that only go as far as three chapters, one thousand unfinished profiles, an online adventure fiction magazine, an entire revamped fan-fiction universe, and an original fictional universe where fantasy, mythology, sci-fi, and super-heroes share. Then again, I'm lazier than a sloth. * This page just reminded this troper of the two computer games, three comics and two novels she hasn't totally given up on yet that she needs to finish. The other folder of novel outlines can wait, the concepts need work anyway. * You can count on one hand the number of times this Troper has actually finished anything she's ever tried to write. Starting, however, is much too easy... * This troper probably has some popularity with her stories, but never, ever manages to finish them. Ideas run out, or she's just too lazy to transcript anything. Worst part: She ''wants'' to be a comic author (not really mangaka, as she doesn't live in Japan). * [[@/{{Snoofleglax}} This troper]], a musician, has over one hundred collected riffs, solos, and almost-finished songs that he's never gotten around to actually completing. Being a rather creative person in general, he also has as ideas for at least three different novels, one of which is only the first novel in a steampunk fantasy epic, a Harry Potter fanfic that is years overdue (takes place after OOTP and ignores the last two books; not much point in working on it now), a half-finished campaign setting for D&D 3.5 that he promised his friends he'd finish in September of 2008, and in the last few days, he's begun working out a [[{{TheDresdenFiles}} Dresdenverse]] campaign using {{GURPS}}. He's also waiting to hear if he got into graduate school and looking for a job, between marathon sessions of [[{{Fallout}} Fallout 3]]. * This troper has: ** 6 fanfiction ideas (3 of which are on semi-permanent haitus) ** 4 original novel ideas ** a slapstick {{Yonkoma}} series she'd like to do (but doesn't have enough manga drawing skills to do so) ** a book on how to learn Japanese ** Numerous things to put on her ipod ** All while doing homework, going to school, and just plain being lazy.

* This troper had so much on the go at some point that he put down adding himself to this entry for about 5 months. "So much" being a Dungeons and Dragons 4e campaign for general free release, a separate D&D4e campaign setting, a half-finished dark fantasy novel, another fantasy novel restarted several times, 2 military sci-fi novels, and a near-future cyberpunk/fantasy story. Oh, and 3 separate tabletop RPG campaigns to participate in. * This troper comes up with a new idea about every 3 days, but cannot draw and is too lazy to write half of the time. Luckily This Editor has started jotting down notes of these ideas to keep them in check. * Rather handily describes me, although I've managed to stick somewhat with a project of late (Magical Girl series with a note toward the shonen style, kinda like Lyrical Nanoha), although the actual characters in that are in a MAJOR case of "Schrodinger's Cat". Up until the EXACT moment they enter, their personality, powers, and sometimes even appearances change weekly. Fortunately, I've managed to pull myself away from derailing any of them, but... There's always the temptation! * This troper is working on 2 projects, one is a 7 book fantasy series in the vain of Narina and the Maybird books, the other is a paranormal fiction book in thats kinda like an Moulin Rouge and corpse bride had a mutant baby. * This troper has this thing that he calls "Writer's Bottleneck", which is too many ideas coming at once to be conveyed to keyboard. The annoying thin is, as he's working on one idea, he thinks thinks up several things to use and pares away what isnt' appropriate. Instead of discarding these unused snippets, he decides to add them to his other projects. It got so bad, that he also almost found a way to UNITE the stories, even though one was Science Fiction, another was Fantasy, and the third was Series/DoctorWho fanfiction. * [[@/JBridge This troper]] has a lot of good ideas for games and other stuff. I think of most of them when idle or bored. Unlike others however, I keep these ideas online. You can see them [[ here]] if you so want, along with a few of my friend's stuff. Another friend (who doesn't write stuff there) thought of the name. * [[Contributors/OmegaMetroid This troper]] has been working on a walkthrough for a while, and also on an unofficial "fangame" for a series (guess which one). So far, this has happened to both of them. And to ideas for a webcomic, and ideas for a MassiveMultiplayerCrossover fanfic starting with [[RanmaOneHalf Ranma]] [[FukuFic becoming a]] [[SailorMoon Sailor Scout]], and progressing to Ranma and quite a few people from other series playing actors cast for parts in ''TheMelancholyOfHaruhiSuzumiya''; Dracula and Cthulhu would appear, among others. Here's hoping that that changes... eventually. ** About that walkthrough, here's one of the lines from it: "I'd pay to see: [[UltimateShowdownOfUltimateDestiny Dracula vs. Haruhi Suzumiya]]. * [[@/{{Moogi}} This troper]] has ADHD. It shows. He has, as of this writing, a nine-part fantasy epic, a series of steampunk/fantasy short stories, a great idea for a TV series involving conspiracy theories

and screwball comedy, a video game plot, something about the aftermath of an alien invasion (wherein AmericaSavesTheDay is ''brutally'' subverted), another something about an island with dinosaurs on it that is somehow not a JurassicPark ripoff, a deconstruction of LordOfTheRings, and an outline for a webcomic. None of these are written down, although that is about to change. * This troper is involved in three different RP style chat rooms. In one he has a half finished character that he began work on a few months ago and hasn't returned to it to write the character's history. The other two he has ideas for more characters for the rooms but has so far has done nothing to start them. * I have a great idea for a webcomic. The best idea I think I have ever had since, unlike all other ideas for books/comics I have had, this one does not seem exceedingly stupid after a day or two. But aside from an outdated synopsis, and a few sketches, he has achieved nothing over the four months from its conception to right now. At 3:35 AM. * This troper has one novel in progress, a Nanowrimo book to edit, a project started two years ago (but always saying I'll get back to it)...not including the various short stories and novel outlines written during the regular projects. This does not include the abandoned project starts in a number of notebooks. * [[@/NotSoBadassLongcoat This troper]] recently dug out a halfwritten story he started over two years ago. He also has a cycle of fantasy stories on his mind, but it's pretty doubtful he'll be arsed to write them soon. * This troper has about 50 nearly finished, half finished, or not finished at all maps for Source games, one game that he and one other will never get done, random sprites for a game he had an idea for once, and so many unfinished art works. Not to mention planned mods, songs, and remixes. * This troper's main problem with writing ''anything'' is that as soon as he runs out of (bad) ideas, he shelves whatever he was working on until the next year. Fortunately, he has no fans, so doesn't need to worry. * This troper has begun several stories in various fantasy/scifi/sci-fantasy settings wich didn't get to much over 18 pages and the start of the real action. * @/{{Raekuul}} works on stuff when he feels like it. For example, we have the following projects that have something web-postable about them: [[ Necromancer Wars]], Ikuko and Serenity, [[ Captain Ersatz]], Season Shaman, Ithryn Luin, Taghexe, Unnamed Crossover, Angels in Time, Pokemon Dariath... and those are just stuff where I can post something on the internet and say "I have done some work on this, it's not total vaporware!" * @/{{Dragnew}} has a folder containing 20 Machinima scripts on his Memory Stick. About half are unfinished, and the rest remain unmade (for now) * [[@/{{Loli-chan}} This Troper]] has at least twenty seven story ideas and ten unfinished stories, much to the annoyance of her (nonexistant) fans.

* It is this troper's JOB to function in this way. As a Professional Lighting Designer, he would average one (play/musical/dance/opera/etc.) every two weeks. There was one time in college, however, where in the space of three weeks, he was: ** The Master Electrician on a series of opera scenes ** Spotlight Operator on a play ** Lighting Designer and Projection Designer on another play ** Light Board Operator on a dance concert. * The GM who ran this troper's previous RPG only ran that one project, but could never work on any one part for more than 30 min. 20 min weapon sketches, 15 min map-drawing, 25 min writing down adventure ideas... He described the condition as GMADHD. * [[@/{{Kaizykat}} This Troper]] is very, very guilty of this. She has some great ideas for stories, but hits brick walls. Currently, she has four novel ideas and God only knows how many fanfics going. It's to the point where she doesn't want to show anybody anything she is working on because she is never going to finish anything. * [=ToRi=] The Eyrie: Burning Phantom, the sixth installment of my crossover series. I forgot to write the last chapter of it because I signed up here. TV TROPES WILL POSTPONE YOUR FANFICS. * Happens to this troper all the time. "Oh, this is a cool idea for a story! Now let's try and think of how to start it... Oh, hey, here's another neat idea! Now what am I going to with this one?" times infinity. * [[@/ShiTan This troper]] currently has six stories she's planning on working on (one of which is also a six-story series). * [[@/{{Solandra}} This troper]] is SO glad to know that she's not the only one with this problem. She's got about six half-finished fanfics on her computer and has a lot more plot ideas bombarding her than that. Currently, she's ''trying'' to stick to ''one'' fanfic and finishing it all the way through before working on the next one. The fic exchanges she's signed up for (with specific deadlines and the inherent shame that comes from overstepping them) might also help her with overcoming her disorder. Hopefully. * @/AllanAokage has this problem. It's mostly figuring out which of this ideas are worth pursuing, but he can safely say that if he wrote down all of his ideas, he'd be able to fill several novels full of fantasy stories. * [[Tropers/{{Sketchpad}} This troper]] is practically this trope incarnated (minus the fame). She is working on her own webcomic, but never gets further than the third page before starting something else, then something else, then something else. She has scrapped many of her older ideas, though the problem still remains, and not just with comics. She has started at the least five different drawing projects the never continued past the first submission before her attention was pulled elsewhere or all inspiration to finish it shriveled up into dust and blew away. * This troper is an aspiring writer and will frequently come up with an idea, then, while writing that story, will become distracted by another idea. I am currently writing I-don't-know-how-many-stories at once. * Oh my god, I cannot count the number of times this has happened.

Ever since 8th grade every DAMNED WEEK I get a new idea. Scrap any old ideas for it. Next week, repeat. This continues to this day. Luckily, I do have a major comic planned for myself I've been tweaking for the better of 2 damned years. * This Troper was once in a relationship base around ADCD. It was his most succesfull after the current one. They parted amicably. They still start collaborating and never finish on things. * This troper tends to come up with a lot of awesome ideas for a story, but tends to not act on them to prevent this trope from happening. * [[@/{{Noir-Okami}} This Troper]] is preparing for a [[TheLegendOfZelda Sheik]] cosplay, writing a novel that requires a lot of research (because of the location it takes place in), trying to write a manga, and has four FanFics that aren't finished yet, two of which are still being updated on a semi-regular basis. * [[@/{{Raikage}} This Troper]] has an idea for a novel and already has somewhere between 15 - 20 pages of said novel she just has to get off her lazy, Attention Deficit Disordered arse and write the rest. * This Troper has been writing a novel for 2 years. Every time he gets back to it he ends up writing a paragraph and then makes no progress for a long time. It doesn't help that the part he completed wasn't long enough to be considered a real novel, so he now has to tack the sequel on as a part 2. At this rate the novel (which still doesn't even have a temporary title) will be done sometime before this troper's 100th birthday (maybe). ** The guy who posted above also has 2 Fanfics he hasn't made any progress on in forever (one in over a year and the other he updated recently but probably won't make more progress for a while). * [[@/{{Wheezy}} This troper]] has drawn and written fiction since he was 10, [[ taken photos professionally and as a hobby for a few years]], played bass since 2006, and has been learning to DJ for about a year. ...All while going to school for architecture and working a job to stay afloat, with a radio internship he's contractually obligated to on weekends. He's trying to avoid overload by letting go of his aspirations in drawing and writing, (which weren't that good anyway) and choosing between his remaining hobbies based on what he feels like at the moment. In music and photography, he also simplified things by dumping everything he was working on into one folder on his computer and gave up on distinguishing between projects. * Like a troper near the top of this list, [[@/TheRenaissanceRaver this troper]] is also diagnosed ADHD (Primarily Inattentive Type) and had this problem since age 11 or so for both fanfiction and nonfanfiction. On one hand, some plotlines were discontinued because they've been done way too much and I was getting better at writing characters. On the other hand, none of the stories I start ever get finished. It's a rather vexing cycle. * [[@/JET73L This Troper]] (who is quite likely ADD/apathetic as a result of being manic/depressive, respectively) has many, ''many'' stories and worlds that he designed but never got around to writing beyond the first few chapters (or even first few ''paragraphs'', more

commonly), tends to keep a bunch of stores and personal research projects (a dwarfish dictionary for ''{{Discworld}}'' comes to mind) open in text files (and if he forgets to save them, or even forgets which ones were open when the computer crashes or the battery runs down, too bad), has three cosplay costumes not quite finished (one of which is perfectly wearable but just needs structural stitching, one of which needs the sleeves hemmed [a justifiable wait since he doesn't have a serger] and the last garment assembled, and one of which requires him frickin' ''remembering'' to look up how to make a reversible seam), ''forgot'' about an in-depth continuity-bridge he'd been working on for the [[DotHack .Hack//]] universe for many, ''many'' months (thanks to college finals taking up his free time for a while), [[BreakingTheFourthWall and]] * This Troper (I would have liked to identify myself, but I guess I haven't quite gotten the length of link formatting...) has such an active imagination that he's been coming up with an endless series of different story concepts for the past 10-15 years (he is 19 as of this writing) and never really produced anything solid from any of them. It really started in earnest with Redwall fanfics (one of which ''was'' actually written in school...nobody really understood it) at around age 10, hit a period of stability with his 2006-2009 participation in NationStates, and continues to this day. He currently comes up with a full-fledged new idea every few months and new components of established ideas every week or two. His big current project is [=~Roland's War~=], his WorldMadeByHand fanfics/sequel, which was started as a broad concept layout, then became an attempted novel set 5 or so years after the book, which was abandoned for a feature-length film script set 3 years after ''that'', which was abandoned a few weeks ago as of this writing for another script set 6 years after the first. See what I mean? * This troper will start a story and, while writing it, become distracted with either another idea or something else. Because of this, his stories will be finished months after he intended. * [[GwenStacyWannabe I]] have to work on things when I'm excited about them or I'll never finish them. Including but not limited to drawings, stories/fanfic, and organizing the family library. (I did the latter in two days because I knew if I didn't, it wouldn't get done.) * This Troper is very, very guilty. Two stories needing updating, a series needing the next installments, and you don't want to know how many stories are in the works, both fanfic and original creations. I will finish one by the end of the year, I hope. Being a full-time college student does have its drawbacks... * @/{{Thnikkafan}} has this. So far, he has a ''{{Seinfeld}}'' / ''AzumangaDaioh'' CrackFic, an ''AzumangaDaioh'' FutureFic, a ''AzumangaDaioh'' / ''LuckyStar'' / ''SuzumiyaHaruhi'' MassiveMultiplayerCrossover, a ''HigurashiNoNakuKoroNi''-based {{deconstruction}} of the SelfInsertFic, and a ''SuzumiyaHaruhi'' / ''HigurashiNoNakuKoroNi'' {{Crossover}}. [[strike:None of them have gotten past a chapter.]] The only one with any progress made on it at all is the ''SuzumiyaHaruhi'' / ''HigurashiNoNakuKoroNi'' [[TroperWorks/TheCriesOfHaruhiSuzumiya crossover fanfic.]]

* @/{{Ryumaru}}: Let's see... at least three novels I've put at least thrity pages' worth of work into, one of which I'm really actually still working on (with spinoff short story ideas on paper), several ideas for movies, even more for video games, and two comics, one defunct and one petering out. Yep, I'd say I'm set. * This troper's brother fits this quite nicely. Animated series (two of them), Online Game Private Server managing, writing a book, and Photoshop art! * During my [[OldShame first few years of drawing and sketching]], [[{{Maniette}} I]] must have made a hundred fan characters. They'd be lucky to last longer than the sketchpad. Now I stick to a very small window of characters (i.e., about four or five), but I occasionally make new ones. Unfortunately, especially for the decent ones, they don't last very long either. * [[@/RobertBingham This Troper]]. Full stop. My attempts at Nanowrimo and Script Frenzy have produced about three to four major projects. Three of them are modern action / HeroicBloodshed pieces which still haven't been finished, and the fourth is my SwordAndSorcery / LowFantasy saga centered around a character that's been in my head for close to nine years, which I'm STILL trying to write. And that's without mentioning the various other projects that are little more than headspace and scattered notes on my HD. * I am this trope. I have between 10-13 original story ideas...and that's not including my fanfic opus. * [[@/ThatGuyWhoDraws Me.]] Not only do I have a sizable word document on my computer full of story ideas I apply this in the worst way possible to a manga style comic I draw. Updates go from weekly to daily to monthly and I have a tenancy to throw in anything which catches my interest be a trope, a scene or bit of character development from another story or even an entirely new art style. Thus it has huge consistancy problems in all areas (something you ''do not'' want for a MythArc) . Before the long awaited webcomic release I plan to appoint a well armed team of editors to keep me in line at all costs. * I am a borderline case, having several story ideas in the pipeline but continueing to focus on the one I started first. However, I seem to have picked up a habit of coming up with and writing down details for my 'verse that no-one else will never see unless my book actually sells at all and I get to write a sequel (which, let's face it, probably isn't going to happen.) * 14 FanFic's, 3 partial novels, one serious novel. The serious novel is at current the longest, a total of 18 pages with an inconsistant backstory/ information dump covering another 5 or six pages. * [[@/DocMatthews This Troper]] isn't prolific or well-known, but he is like this, badly. He participates in a wrestling e-federation, and was writing a novelization of MegaManLegends 2. Then he heard the music of TheMegas and decided to start a short story collection based on ''Get Equipped''. Yeah. * This troper currently writes [[ this daily webcomic]] while trying to write the GrandFinale to [[ his old webcomic]], is attempting to work out ideas for two or three possible ''new''

webcomics to do after the aforementioned finale, is attempting to do several contributions to MushroomKingdomFusion, is in the early stages of making an IWannaBeTheGuy FanSequel, and occasionally dabbles in RPGMaker and {{ROM Hack}}ing. Sadly, only the very first thing mentioned tends to get done with any reliability. * This Troper has, currently, 4 series of fanfictions (each with a minimum of two fics in it, all currently in-progress and uncompleted) being worked on, two or three more fics which are on haiatus, about twelve fics that are standalones/drabbles that are still unfinished, about a gazillion pages of character profiles and lists of tropes applied to original characters, five fics and a historical fiction novel being BETA'd by her, half a jillion sketches being transferred into digital art via Corel Painter 11, and pages upon pages of information about [[AdaptationExpansion Expanded Universes]], [[OurVampiresAreDifferent original vampires]], [[OurMermaidsAreDifferent mer-creatures]], [[OurMonstersAreDifferent and other supernatural creatures such as naga]]. She planned on making a list of every [[ShoutOut ref]][[{{Expy}} fer]][[AffectionateParody rence]] to TamoraPierce, {{Anime}}, and [[{{Meme}} random stuff found on the internet]] or [[ her family's quirkiness]], but decided that wasting another 100+ pages on such a list would be a futile gesture and a massive waste of time. ** So far, only one fic she has ever written has actually been completed to her satisfaction. Just one. * [[@/AnimeKing194 This Troper]] is a semi-small writer on Deviantart who is currently working on ''four'' stories at once, constant schedule slips are no surprise to his few fans, first he started working on a story about a ghost girl who wanted to live again, then he started working on a story about a half-vampire character he created (Which currently takes presidence), then an experimental fanfic about SoulEater, and then ANOTHER story about the vampire character in an alternate universe, needless to say, dust is collected on a good number of these story from time to time, despite the fact he tries to keep writing them on a schedule. The fact he actually does have ADHD does ''not'' help. * Every project [[@/TenderLumpling this troper]] starts has about a 5% chance of ever being finished. Stories, sewing projects (the other day, I finished a simple A-line skirt that I had started back in ''January''), even re-decorating my room. * This troper has been working on the opening chapter to his superhero trilogy for nearly three years. The reason why he does that is because he can think of about a bajillion and 11 different different other superhero stories he would like to write. * This troper has imagined a dystopic, theocratic version of his country since he was 15, adding subtlety to characters and even starting two sets of chapters of the increasingly complex novel intervowing all the concepts and characters. He's now 40. (He's written, however, at least three published stories based in the same universe, so not all is lost.) * [[{@/{Odd1}} This troper]] has had ideas for the following: Several books (I always start the first few pages, forget about it, look back

at it one day, and think it's crap and promptly re-forget about it), a comic book (made one issue, started the second, never finished; it's nothing but a SonicTheHedgehog ripoff anyway), a video review show (which I currently have no time to do, nor a good video editing program, though I still plan on actually doing this; meta-example: I had the ideas for a review show where I review music-related stuff but mostly bad musicals, books, DisneyChannel movies, overanalyzing kids' shows, and reviewing pretty much whatever the hell I want), a webcomic, a machinima (really, just a music video for TheBeatles' "Maxwell's Silver Hammer" using ''SuperSmashBros Brawl''), starting a band (I blame my friends for not getting this one off the ground), an abstract drawing (!?), a book that parodies ''Literature/{{Twilight}}'', making a {{Rifftrax}} (or the noncopyrighted equivalent--if nothing else, [[{{MST}} riffing on movies]] and posting these online), a website, a dictionary of made-up words, a quotebook, some [[ROMHack ROM Hacks]] (I found I don't have the mad skillz to, though), incomplete songs (subverted in surprisingly many cases, as I often actually finish songs that I start, though I guess just a recording of me playing it just a guitar and my voice while sitting in my bedroom isn't exactly finished for quite a works for some, not for others; I do have quite a few unfinished songs, though I don't finish most of those because they suck, and other times because I run out of ideas), [[YouTubePoop YouTube Poops]] (Once long ago, about 2007-2009, I used to make [=YTPs=] all the time, though now I don't anymore for a myriad of reasons)... There's probably tons, ''tons'' more that I missed. * This Troper here is majorly guilty. I haven't written the ending to a {{Mai-HiME}} fanfic for about...eight months now and have started on another one. Continually changing what I've written and Real Life haven't helped. * This (unpublished SF/fantasy novelist) troper seldom has more than two (occasionally three) books in the works at once, but his little sister apparently routinely juggles five or six. Then again, we both ''[[ExactlyWhatItSaysOnTheTin actually have]]'' ADHD. * This is [[@/{{Fyrewyre}} me]] to a T. I'm currently doing the writing for four webcomics, the art for three, trying to write a movie for me and my friend to make this Summer and a web sci-fi series. Even [[LampshadeHanging Lampshaded]] by my sister at one point when I came up with the sci-fi series. -->Me: If I make a sci-fi webseries, will you play a villain. -->Sis: Sure. -->Me: ... You don't believe I'm going to finish it, huh? -->Sis: Your track record speaks for itself, Em. * @/TheEvilOboist can usually just focus on one thing, her fantasy story DarthWiki/{{Canfyre}}. Anything else gets a few pages in and then dies. But lately, I've had the inspiration to work on my vampire story, DarthWiki/TheAspenValleyIncident. And now Canfyre seems to be getting the shaft... Luckily, making an DarthWiki/UnpublishedWorks page for it has gotten me back on track. Let's see if I can juggle the two. * [[@/{{Valbinooo}} Well, let's see...]] Three novels I've started on, one I'm definitely going to try to finish in the next year or so;

at least ten or eleven fanfics, mostly romance, with several on the backburner indefinitely due to the dreaded writer's block; a comic strip about superheroes with hair-based powers; and an RPG three friends and I are working on that's still in the storyboard stage though the inventory system is a-go-go; probably some stuff I'm leaving out. * At time of writing, [[{{Tropers/Deadbeatloser22}} This Troper]] has ''five'' different fan-fics on the go, plus ideas for at least two more. * This Troper has mild ADHD that mostly manifests in never finishing (or even starting) anything. The deserted train station where her train of thought used to leave from is no plotbunny breeding grounds. And she can never finish anything longer than a onehot... and even most of her oneshots sit, dusty, in her hard drive... Except for when she hyperfocuses on a story... that only lasts about a month though (that's how she won NaNoWriMo!) * This Troper's bedroom is currently festooned with the unfinished remains of: a rug-hooking project, a very long scarf, an acrylic allegorical portrait of Queen Titania, and numerous world-building projects. His hard drive is even scarier. * [[{{Tropers/Lurkerbunny}} I]] currently have one fanfic in progress, another fic with a more-or-less full summary to work from , ''10'' partially summarized fic ideas (with even more floating around in my [[CloudCuckooLander quite unusual brain]]), and one huge story which I'm still not sure I should do as a comic or just a series of fanart with short stories in the descriptions (it's pretty much a visually-based story, you see). And then there's all the other fanart I want to do (both related to my fics and not) that I sketch out faster than I can scan and complete; as well as several FanVid concepts (some of which I fear I won't be able to put on YouTube anyway due to concerns about music copyright), {{MSTing}}s, and even a few YouTubePoop ideas. Add weekly open mic stand-up comedy to all that and you've got one creative but extremely distracted troper. * [[{{Tropers/Usbcd36}} This troper]] only has to take a quick look around his room to see evidence of the multitude of projects he likes to think of as "in progress." Notable examples include several pieces of various N64s and their controllers, [=LCDs=], batteries, lengths of [=RG6=] coaxial cable, a couple of computer power supplies, a microcontroller programmer, logic analyzer, USB-to-[=TTL232=] cable, more than one DMM, and about 1900 armature relays. * This Troper has about a million unfinished Notebooks due to a tendency to start writing in them only to move onto to a new shiny one in a little while. In his current beloved Notebook, he has about a million different programming ideas and plans that match up with some half implemented stuff lying around on his computers etc. Same with his attempt at regular blogging, etc.... The only creative endeavor I've managed to keep is the fact I remain editor of a Faculty wide (Satirical) Paper on my campus. * I have about 20 stories I meant to finish, but never got more than a few pages. * [[Tropers/{{Fishsicles}} This Troper]] has three projects on hand and about six on the back burner and/or abandoned. All three go under

ThirdLineSomeWaiting with regard to production, and must be [[FourLinesAllWaiting delicately micromanaged]] due to [[KudzuPlot the sort of shit I do]]. The fact that I am perfectly content to not be writing things and instead throw out ten pages of fictional physics is also a problem. * This troper has 11 unfinished novels (and no finished ones). 1 of them (my 9th (called The Scream: it's a working title for now,as I hadn't intended to give it a name until just today)) is for a school project which just needs some minor editing. All the others have either been started and stopped due to lack of interest in them or delayed until inspiration comes. I've actually got a fantastic idea for a 12th one (and a 13th as well), but I think I'll wait until I've finished at least one of the other ones (not the project one) before I pick it up. For those wondering, my favourite one is the one for school, which is a gothic/sci-fi novella of four pages which took me TWO HOURS to write the first draft, including planning as I went along. ** Actually, just remembered I've actually got 12, just forgot about the 12th as it is an sort-of sequal to my 1st one (which is actually five novellas), which I planned to start as soon as I finished the 1st one. I've also got an idea for another 5 novels in a series designed to involve some of the characters from the first and a new idea for a series involving the narrator from the 1st. Maybe I should write the ideas in a notebook... * I'm more or less the same as the rest of you them thar peoples here. * This Troper (@/IuraCivium) currently has the following, all unfinished: ** Nine graphic novels/limited series comic books, only one of which even has a script started. ** Two film scripts. ** Four novels/novel series, only one of which has a completed initial draft, and needs [[{{Understatement}} much, much editing]]. ** A bunch of unfinished flash fiction threads in various stages of completion. ** One unfinished epic poem. * Don't ask [[Tropers/{{Nemica}} this troper]] about the number of unfinished games and stories on her laptop. She doesn't really know how many they are, but there are some pretty good ideas amongst them. * This Troper has gotten much better about this. I still have a story that comprises of a bunch of different scenes that aren't connected. * I have TWELVE different fanfics, only one of which has been finished. It was a 200 word one-shot and I just barely managed to finish it before getting bored. I haven't even uploaded a new chapter of a story since August 2008. That's two years.I think I might just need to hold my own intervention... * This troper has many unbuilt and half-finished model car kits. * [[{{Trkzsoup}} This troper]] has 18 published fanfics (published online, that is), three of which are unfinished multi-chapter stories. The rest are oneshots or short multi-chaps that have popped up suddenly and demanded to be written. The three unfinished stories are slowly being finished, between all the shorter fics, four more of

which I have partially written. And that's not even considering the fact that those 18 stories are apart of a list of 58 potential story ideas. * This troper, who does have ADD, has been planning comics for years now. She's finished some outlines but has rarely finished more than two or three actual pages. Her most successful project was a trolling attempt in which she produced one page a day for over two weeks (and then quit in a bout of troll's remorse). She's now forcing herself to draw 20 pages of a comic by the end of September 2010 in hopes of getting the ADCD under control. ** Update: It was a colossal failure. She now plans to write the whole damn thing as a novel during NaNoWriMo just so she doesn't have to think about it anymore. * I have an unfinished [[HarryPotter Quidditch]] playbook in my bedroom. I have no idea why I even started that. * Oh dear gods, I am so this trope. I've got at least three novel ideas that I started on but either didn't make it past the prologue or got distracted in the middle of fleshing out the world. And the fanfictions, oh gods, the fanfictions. On a lighter note, among my crocheting projects, I have only two unfinished ones. * This troper loves to write, and fidget, and muck about with comedy and whatnot, but his ADHD prevents him from putting out.. well anything. He could give examples, but.. he can't. * [[Tropers/{{Pastylover2}} This troper]] has ideas for 10 stories. A series based on Series/DoctorWho. A series based on RedDwarf. An AffectionateParody of the superhero genre. A HarryPotter RPG TenYearsOn. A HarryPotter -esque story and a story based on {{6teen}}. * UGH, this troper is this to a T. She has about 13-14 ideas all on the back-burner, which she'd like to finish but she hates writing the beginning and then she finds another idea and goes for that and UGH. She also has a few fanfics she doubts she'll finish because she's just... that. She used to not be like this and had gotten two stories finished. However with new ideas, she's redoing them and they're not coming along so good... * [[{{Robbychu}} This troper]] has a horrible case of this. She's currently working on trying to script several (read: she's stopped counting) comics, write around four or so novels, and make two games, one of which has [[MultipleEndings over thirty paths]]. None of them have gotten very far off the ground, because she keeps getting distracted. * Much like everyone else on this ever-expanding list, [[Tropers/TerminusEst13 This Troper]] is horribly afflicted with this. I could blame it on my ADD and my laziness, but it's something that's been frustrating me and hounding me for years after years and I'm tired of blaming myself. In the past couple months I've come up with a couple ideas in order to help me out in getting things done, and now Lord will only know how much they'll actually help: ** 1: Break things down into steps at a time. Don't think of it as "I need to write a novel", think of it as "I need to write an outline, I need to write character overviews, I need to write reference sheets to give me information", etc. ** 2: Get an "accountability partner" I'm close to in order to hold me

to things. For example, if I want to write a story, for the first week have them tell me "Give me a finished idea by Friday", the next week say "Give me a finished Hero's Journey overview by Saturday", the next week say "Give me a finished outline by Sunday", the next week say "Give me a finished prologue by Wednesday", etc. Because I'm close to them, I won't want to let them down--especially if they're genuinely interested. ** 3: Start small. It's far too easy to get swept away into the vast seas of epic that is an idea, and it's even easier to start adding little bits and pieces on to it to make it better. But a finished product is better than an unfinished product that'll be so much cooler and bigger and more vast, and you can always edit it to include more after the fact. ** And now...well. Time to give these steps a shot. Hopefully it works. * The graphic novel that this troper ''is going to actually sit down and make one of these days, I swear to God,'' has been in DevelopmentHell for ''years'', mostly due to him constantly redesigning the characters. He also has some schematics for a FightingGame, three half-finished MUGEN characters, and an RPG Maker game that he's been working on for a year and yet doesn't even have three hours of gameplay yet. And that's not even counting the many, ''many'' writing projects I've cancelled after the first few chapters. * Wow! I'm so glad I found this trope because it's so [[MaggieDynamo me!]] So far I've planned out two book series, one a trilogy the other a quartet, a handful of short stories, a script, and a webcomic series. So far I've only finished two of the short stories,and written down a few snippets of the others, and its been over ''three years.'' [[YouSuck Jeez I suck.]] * [[Tropers/MmmKay This troper]] has ''so many pages'' on this site (currently in the DarthWiki/UnpublishedWorks section) because of this trope! My mind jumps from one scene or idea for one series to another at random. * I'm not sure wherever this counts as this trope or not, but back when I was an active user across {{Wikia}}, I became an admin on 3 wikis too many... * Well, where do I start? I have loads of half-finished drawings on my computer that I don't know if I'm going to finish anytime soon, even more ideas I haven't even drawn yet... * This Troper has a crapload of video game ideas. Only problem: He doesn't know CRAP about game making... * This troper is currently working on two novels, countless short stories and fanfics and a webcomic. Only the webcomic gets updated more or less regularly. * This troper has been writing fan fiction of various descriptions since about the middle of 2002. In that entire time four novel-length fics (the longest of which took FIVE YEARS to finish), the first two instalments of a trilogy, nine short stories and one article have been completed. In progress are five novel-length fics, only two of which are being worked on at any one time. She has also subjected herself to NaNoWriMo each and every year since 2003, and in all that time has only finished one of her NaNovels - the first one. Six of the

remaining NaNovels have been abandoned, and the seventh is still being worked on intermittently. Additionally she has ideas for six further stories stored in her head, and is also working on an original fiction novel. Attention Deficit Creator Disorder is one hell of an apt description in this case... * This troper has been through 3 Pokemon RPs (one of which made it to about 35 chapters, the second to 4, the last to a just the prologue), a Bleach fanfic (currently on Chapter 3 and hiatused for 2 months as of this post), a few one-shots for various series and a Troll Fic that would've been a community project had he ever got round to assigning chapters to people. The Bleach fic may yet gain a fourth chapter since I actually wrote a sizable chunk of it before getting a ton of coursework, the Pokemon RPs died because the forums did (but I saved the prologue one, which basically involves a retelling of creation with Arceus replacing God and satirising various points in history, and I might potentially use it again if I ever write a full-blown Poke-fic) and the others are pretty much dead. I'm also working on an RPG in RPG Maker VX, which is currently untitled, copyright-infringing and nowhere near finished, and its first anniversary's coming up in Easter. * The Council of Evil is a project of mine for at least three full years. The first issues were disasters with writing, photographing, stories and character derailment. Since mid-2009 I am working on a reboot to rival other popular webcomics. It took one and a half to come up with a decent script. I will call how long it took, when finished. * This tropette currently has in progress: 1) a flash animated short, 2) a traditionally animated short, 3) an extremely involved fanfiction, 4) Creating a flash game; 5) a blog that analyzes subtexts and literary devices in pop culture, 6) is self-teaching a 3D animation software; all the while as a freshman in college. From talking to her friends in Film and Animation majors, she sees that it is somewhat of a norm for Visual Arts majors. * This troper has as many as four novels, three short stories, four fanfictions, a script and five drawings going on at one time, and that's not even counting the ones she's dropped. The only aversion of this trope is that she's not famous. * [[NarniaRanger This Troper]] has been working on and off on three projects: a traditional fantasy story in a ConstructedWorld / MagicalLand, an UrbanFantasy set in the Greater Los Angeles Area, and a [[TheChroniclesOfNarnia Narnia]] {{Fanfic}} to top it all off. * Whenever this troper gets an idea, he ''has'' to write it down, as a result this Troper has ''27'' Fanfics on his account (13 of Which are [[{{Bleach}} Bleach]] Related), And only 7 of them are marked as 'Complete'. And that's because 5 of those were One-Shots (4 Bleach crack fics and one terrible [[{{Yu-Gi-Oh}} Yu-Gi-Oh]] [[SelfInsertFic Self Insert Fic]]) and the other 2 were cancelled (Two abysmal [[{{SonicTheHedgehog}} Sonic The Hedgehog]] Stories, one of which was a [[{{DragonBall}} DBZ]] Crossover). It's not unusual for this troper to be working of ''5'' different fanfics at once. ** Update: ''*sigh*''...28. * [[PanBoleyn This Troper]] has a lot of these, though most of the

older stuff is on permanent hiatus. But to date? Three non-hiatus chapter fics and one oneshot series in the Tudors fandom, two in Inception, and another Inception crossover on semi-hiatus (until the show it's being crossed with is on again this summer, to have more upto-date characterization). Also trying to complete her seven-fandom crossover series, though lack of audience makes that a less attractive prospect anyway. * I currently have eight unfinished fanfictions going. I have a lot of ideas and a lot of them get me very excited to do them. At one point I tried waiting until I'd finished a few stories to start up a new one, but it just make me want to write the new stories more and try to finish the new ones quicker, which resulted in me not enjoying the writing. So I just start a new story if I'm excited about it. It's not that bad since only one story's really slipped through the cracks, and even that one has a new chapter partially written. * Two webcomics with a third about to start and a fourth in the planning stages, three unfinished fanfics, ten unfinished books, twelve unfinished comics, one doll, and about 200 characters, all of which require attention. * [[StAraqiel This troper]] can't seem to get back to work on two unfinished fanfics (one unpublished) or start two he has ideas for. He would like to get back on track, but he can't, he can't! He suspects it has something to do with his autism... * [[{{Tropers/Kadorhal}} I]] have a dozen or so chapters for different fanfiction I refuse to post anywhere because I similarly refuse to believe they're any good. There's also been a bunch of webcomics and Let's Plays I've made and shortly afterward abandoned as well, though for different reasons (laziness for the comics, computer issues for the [=LPs=]). * This Troper. Oh gog this Troper. She has so many ideas but can't seem to stay on one! She just thought about an idea were a girl turns into Dinosaur [[{{DrawntoLife}} Jowee]]. Yes, I'm weird that way. * This troper has a thing for getting ideas for various things - most commonly games - and then forgetting about them while working on something else, only to forget about -those- working on something else,- only to... you get the point. He currently has under construction two console-style RPGs, four platformers, an FPS, a scroller-shooter, a freighter-load of unfinished writings and more stuff that he can't bother to try to remember at this point. ---Return to AttentionDeficitCreatorDisorder here to finish the projects you promised your fans to "finish soon" last year. ---<<|TroperTales|>>

AttentionDeficitOohShiny * This troper has ADD but is also a genius, which results in an odd combination of [[{{Death Note}} L]] and {{Haruhi Suzumiya}}. Her most noticeable lapses are "Ok so what did (math teacher) say again.... OMG I JUST NOTICED YOU'RE AMBIDEXTROUS!" ** The next one, in a ROOM FULL OF ADD KIDS

*** Me: "So, Kyon (name of friend) what is-" *** Archnemesis: *comes in 10 minutes late* "A wizard is never late." *** Me: "Well (enemy), I'm cooler than Gandalf!" *** Kyon: "No you're not! NO ONE is cooler than Gandalf!! Except Edgar Allan Poe. Because he's my ancestor." ** This then resulted in an awesome childish argument that lasted ALL DAY until I won (obviously). I am the most stubborn person that ever lived. EVER. * This troper has ADD, and it drives her nuts. She will be doing her homework and get up to get a dictionary. She will then notice her brothers/dogs doing something. Then she'll spend the next 2 hours walking up and down the stairs trying to figure out what the heck she was doing. The the next day in math she'll say, out loud, "oh yeah! I needed a dictionary!" and everyone will stare at her. * This troper is an inversion. She can sit for hours working on one thing and though she may get distracted, she can go right back to doing whatever she was doing before, at about the same level of concentration. * This troper has a friend who recently got distracted by a photo she took on her phone of our other friend's cats being cute. What she should have been paying attention to was the stairs she was walking down. Hello, sprained ankle. * This troper would like to note that ADHD-esque behavior isn't always [[RuleOfFunny as funny]] as this trope implies for the person afflicted. This troper has moderate ADHD. Her doctor prescribed her medicine when she entered Kindergarten. In very little time, this troper lucidly distinguished between her on-medicine persona and offmedicine persona. Off medicine, she felt comfortable and at ease while her body assumed an uncontrollable hyperkinesia all its own; later she would often rue her actions, realizing the disparaging looks, murmurs, and thoughts her erratic behavior garnered. Contrastingly, on medicine, she would maintain total control over her actions, feel uncomfortable in her own skin, and [[ShrinkingViolet remain quiet and reclusive.]] However, the medicine and the control would wear off with time. During her frequent bouts of hyperactivity, inattentiveness, and impulsiveness, this troper maintained consciousness of her actions without the ability to reasonably hinder her frenzies. She would notice the looks of disgust or contempt, sit through the lectures and berating, and keep going. But, she didn't want to be the person no one respected or took seriously and everyone mocked, disliked, or ''put up with.'' Sheer irreverence and tenuous patience from others kept her inescapably bound to the extent of her disorder. Each criticism began to [[MinorInsultMeltdown pierce and wound her.]] Still an adolescent, she lacked the mental faculties to reasonably cope with this, eventually descending into self-contempt, depression, and anxiety. She decided to control this disorder by staying perpetually and painfully quiet; it worked, for a while. To this day, she feels vast empathy for others with similar or same afflictions. When said persons - generally adolescents - embark upon hyperactive tirades, often within the confines of their own homes, this troper feels sympathy and leniency where said child's family often feel uncomprehendingly impatient. * This troper, whenever she is distracted while talking, always

manages to yell out name-of-distracting-thing in mid-sentence. ALWAYS. On one notable occasion, she completely forgot (like, total mindblank) what she was talking about because of a seagull. * [[Tropers.ReikoKazama This troper]], a few minutes ago, while talking to her dad about a video editor: "Don't judge a book by its [[CrowningMomentOfFunny KOOKABURRA!]]" ** Explanation: Was going to say "don't judge a book by its cover," but ended up distracted by a kookaburra that had landed on the roof of the extension of the house that was to be - and soon will be, if Dad ever gets around to it - our new kitchen and bathroom. * This troper has a tendency to go to do something, but then forget what she was going to do. It's annoying. * This troper has ADD, but his mother only believes it's "thinking too much." ** So does this one, and her mother once said exactly the same thing. Mother stopped when my diagnosis became unofficially official (I read the criteria and told her that every single one that was attentionrelated (?) matched.) Now I eat medicin, and I LOVE being able to finish my own thoughts uninterrupted. And to take part in conversation without loosing track of its topic every three seconds; this used to empty the conversation of all emotion to me, 'cause once I had backtracked my thoughts I couldn't recall the feelings linked to it. * This troper's best friend. I never knew how amusing keys were until I met her. * [[@/{{EPIC}} This Troper]] is now finding himself into... I... '''uhh...''' '''''[[CloudCuckoolander SATA]] [[AzumangaDaioh ANDAGI~!!!]]''''' * @/{{Coximind}}: This happens to me [[MadnessMantra WILLIAM STOP THAT!!]] * This troper got distracted while reading this about 10% of this page down.... * [[@/{{roflopadous}} This Troper]] was finally diagnosed with this at age 19...well after high school though she knew all along. Sometimes she'd end up [[NightmareFuelStationAttendant supplying some funny yet bad mental imagery]] on her friends when just randomly thinking out loud. She has been nicknamed "Ruiner of Everything" because of this. There's also the times when she tries to tell stories about what happened and feels like everybody needs to know every single little detail and those little details then end up on diatribes of their own. Only she could be trying to talk about school and then suddenly starting signing "[[WhoseLineIsItAnyway How does food become poo? I'LL TELL YOUU!!!!]]" among other things. There was another time when she was trying to write a report with her AIM on and then somehow got into a long conversation about StarFox and how [[HoYay Falco is in denial but has a total mancrush on Fox]]. This doesn't go [[NightmareFuel any further than acknowledgement]]. Oh and she's been taking meds for a while now and STILL has thoughts like these. In conclusion, I would just like -- HEY LOOK A BIRD!!! * [[@/{{Schol-R-LEA}} This troper]] has been known to stop in the middle of posting something to look up a fact, and ending up in a WikiWalk on [[{{Wikipedia}} That Other Wiki]], piling up tabs like cordwood, only to end up rediscovering the partially finished posting

the next day... by which time the original topic being researched was long forgotten. Teh Intarwebs is a tremendous enabler of ADHD behavior... hmmn, that reminds me, gotta take my meds tonight... ** This troper REPEATEDLY gets on many a WikiWalk that winds up so lengthy that the shear quantity of tabs ultimately crashes the browser before all the tabs are viewed, sometimes before even HALF the tabs are viewed. ** [[{{Tropers/Usbcd36}} This troper]] is happy to find he is not the only one. As it turns out, his computer's maximum is about 500 tabs. ** Older Than The Internet: [[@/{{Zordauch}} This troper]] would find himself reading through the encyclopedia instead of researching his project in elementary school. Focused study habits were a foreign concept until college, and even then, rarely used (...he writes from a lab computer in his CIS class....). *** This troper has an empty cup sitting on his desk. He has walked into the kitchen with the cup three times, but been distracted or forgot why he was there each time. This is a regular occurrence in said troper's life. *** Troper goes to fetch something upstairs, doesn't come back down until 45 minutes later. Because, you know, there's a bookcase on the landing. With ''books''. **** This Trooper always had trouble with staying focused on a task like a research paper for a long time, especially when said paper is boring. She usually ends up browsing the Internet and ending up on fanficiton net or TV tropes. It is rather annoying and she has taken to radically turning of the internet. * This troper has failed a standardized test because he filled in the answer sheet with the complete note chart to "Jordan" on Expert in Guitar Hero 2. ** That would have been awesome if it worked. Next time try "Free Bird." * This troper and the male members of his family have ADD or ADHD to some extent or another. He's once had a serious family discussion completely derailed by the sentence, "Hey look! A turtle!" ** Me too! Except it was LOOK! I JUST SAW THE PROFESSOR FROM BACK TO THE FUTURE! And another time it was "Look! An Arizona license plate!" And another time it... you know what I'm bored of this, I'm gonna go on YouTu... ** This troper had a similar situation except the sentence was "Ooh look! A froggie!" *** And in this troper's four-member family, all of whom are ADD except her mom, it's, "Look! A squirrel!". **** This troper and his friend, in sixth grade, was counting out Merit points, which were basically little yellow things you got for being good, if you got 25 (or, in some cases, 24, 23, or 19), you got ice cream. My friend and I had just finished counting them out, and we walked up to the desk, I started to talk when my friend said, "Hey, look! A MUFFIN!" {{Crowning Moment of Funny}}. ** This Tropette was in the middle of asking a question in Science when she looked out the window and saw a kitty. Cue me yelling "KITTY!" and half the class jumping up to look out the window.

** On a recent hike, this troper went from ranting about polluting jerks destroying the environment to: "Ooh, daisies!" * This troper and other various members of her family also have ADHD and can say that while most of the time this trope is definitely an exaggeration of real life, at other times it's dead on. * This troper and friends were talking, when someone started a sentence "I never......look, fruit!"(upon seeing a bowl of peaches) Not even she knew where that sentence was going, anyway. * This troper has ADHD, but while he is only moderately more distractable than the norm, without medicine, he's very hyper and completely unable to concentrate on anything for an extended period of time. So when he forgot to take his medicine the day before a test... * This troper has heard rumors of a shirt which says "They say I have A.D.D. but they just don't understand. Oh Look! A chicken!" ** I own such a shirt. * [[@/ZanderSchubert This troper]] was busy playing accompaniment for some one else in high school music class. As there was a long bit with a solo, I got slightly bored and just enough distracted by the lyrics of "99 Red Balloons" that was on the amp next to me to miss my cue by several bars. * [[Tropers/HersheleOstropoler This troper]] once sort of got distracted away from what he was doing. Which was foreplay. * When this troper was diagnosed with ADD, he was too busy looking at the psychiatrist's bookshelf and had to be told again. ** [[Tropers/{{ladygem}} This troper]] was the same, except instead of the bookcase it was a stray cat that randomly walked past the window. Yes I did shout KITTY! why do you ask? ** [[@/{{Vermillion}} This troper]] managed to get distracted ''during the testing for my ADHD''. In between tests, I had taken a restroom break. I walked by a stand with some magazines on it. Next thing I know, I am engrossed in an article on somehting or other, and one of the assistants is tapping me on the shoulder becasue I was gone for ten minutes (the magazines were only two doors down from the testing area. Needless to say, they were quite confident in their diagnosis. * I'm now sure I have ADD. I can't stay interested in something unless I'm writing or reading. Especially the Saga of Darren Shan. Talk to me when I'm reading it and I shout the first thing I think of. ** Which tends to be things like 'Steve just can't let anything go can he?' In the middle of an English lesson. * This troper's recently diagnosed ADD seems when incredibly obvious in retrospect when considering events such as, while reading one of my textbooks, I suddenly decide to finish one of the stories saved on my computer that I've half finished reading, only to start walking around the room two minutes later while a completely unrelated plot thread runs rampant. Yes, you read that correctly; I become distracted ''from my distractions''. ** May have to look into my own situation if getting distracted from distractions qualifies, I regularly start cooking something only to open up a book part way through the process, then switching to the DS after a couple of pages. Typically the food burns. *** Or in my case, since I was boiling water, the water disappeared. (Yes by the time I got back to the pot, it all boiled/evaporated.)

** I get so distracted from my distractions that I wind up doing what I was originally doing.... * This troper is guilty of multi-tabbed surfing, going from Imageboards to Wikis and Let's Plays, then switching to a nice round of tower Defence, pausing mid-way to watch a new episode he just finished, uh, obtaining, then switching back to the net to read and contribute to episode discussions in forums while watching... I'm easily distracted despite my rudimentary Multitask skill. * This troper seems to have maxed out his Multitask skill in exchange for taking a significant hit in Focus stats. At present, windows he has open include two different e-mail addresses, a blog, the lyrics to Weird Al's "Eat It", nine TV Tropes pages, a Youtube video, three more pages from two minor wikis, and a page from Wikipedia itself. Not five minutes ago Facebook was on that list as well. Now, ask what time the schoolwork is usually finished. ** This troper is the same way I find myself frequently bored and look at different websites instead of doing my homework, and when I was little I would have a conversation with my family that would sometimes get interrupted with with something like ''look a cat!'' after spotting one out the window. * This troper was unfavorably compared to a magpie by his friends. To the point where anything that gets his attention is dubbed shiny. Half hour after clocking into work and I still don't have 2 minutes worth of writing stuff down done. Time to read TVTropes though. * This troper ("Dialga") has EXTREME issues with self-discipline and schoolwork. ** Welcome to [[@/{{Draga}} my]] world. *** And [[Tropers/{{Zadia}} mine.]] *** [[@/{{Eyclonus}} This troper]] would say that's almost a requirement to post on this page in the first place.. * This troper definitely always had problems focusing on homework, (and, sometimes, his own writing). It's a miracle that his grades in school were as high as they were. That being said, he's actually somewhat glad he didn't discover TVTropes until after he graduated from college, otherwise, he NEVER would've gotten anything done! ** @/AckSed has exactly the same issue... except he discovered, in order, anime on Youtube, webcomics and TV Tropes just after his first year at uni started. It hasn't gone well. *** This troper is in high school, and she discovered anime on Youtube, Fanfiction, Series/{{Doctor Who}}, Free Doctor Who, [[{{Order of the stick}} This web comic]] and then several more and TV Tropes in that order since starting. Her education hasn't gone so well either. * This troper's director once broke off in mid-lecture due to a passing "Doggie!" * This troper's sister was looking for something to watch on television. Upon seeing the title of the Jerry Springer Show, this troper felt compelled to warn her sister against turning it on, but was distracted midsentence by another show's title, leading to the statement "I swear, if you turn Jerry Springer on, I'll... get ripped in 80 days!" * This tro-ooh shiny! * This troper promised himself an hour ago he would stop troping at a

set time and do homework. He didn't count on discovering the troper tales section before then... * This troper was diagnosed when he was around 3. He had a hearing exam ("raise your hand when you hear the beep") and was diagnosed as deaf after ignoring the test because there were tadpoles swimming in the aquarium in the room. * This troper ''acts'' like she has some variation on ADD/ADHD -jumpy, loud, and well, hyperactive, with a propensity to be so distracted by the pretty floating light of ''eyestrain'' that she can't get to sleep, or by pondering passing bumblebees until she crashes her bike into a steep ditch -- but she's just having a hypomanic episode. Sorry. High energy is infinitely preferable to the alternative, which is lethargy and occasionally {{wangst}}. However, my multitasking skills and typing speed are legendary, but rather than doing any actual work in school or in the office, I'm probably drawing smiley faces on my knees... ** Ayumu, is that you? "[[AzumangaDaioh Team Sea Slug!]]" * [[@/{{Shini}} This Troper]] has had her online handle get forcibly renamed to "Shiny" in chatrooms by mods because of her tendency to get distracted by kitties, shiny objects, and everything linkable. * One troper has the lousy habit of opening some 50+ tabs from multiple wikis; forgetting what language he's supposed to use (both on the interwebs and RL, usually midsentence); preparing breakfast twice because he forgot he already done that, then forgetting to eat either of them; walking out on classes after being there for five minutes, and generally having gaps in his memory. Though this may be caused by a sleep disorder he's had for ten years, rather than pure ADD. * This troper opens a new window on the browser every time she sees a page on TV Tropes that looks interesting. This troper has NO IDEA how many she's had open at a time. * This troper constantly loses stuff at home. Pens, keys, cellphone, etc. Then, she finds it in random places. * This troper once derailed a family dinner conversation by making a comment about plates (that was not what the conversation was about)... and then giggling about it for six minutes. * [[@/{{Quillpaw}} This troper]] actually stopped in the middle of the PSAT to watch a fly that had landed on her desk. When outside, she has also been known to interrupt friends mid-sentence with "Butterfly!", then chasing said butterfly until she gets tired (which, fortunately for friends, does not take long). ** This troper has, during a standardised test, gotten bored and began to write the first chapter of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone from memory onto the desk. This troper maintains that if a fly landed on her desk, she wouldn't just watch it, she would play with it. * [[@/LullTheConqueror This troper]] has a habit of walking through stores (generally with company) and becoming ''absolutely fascinated'' by things that have nothing to do with what we came for. "This blender is ''awesome''!" ** This Troper and her mom are the same way. * This troper can hardly do anything without THINKING about something else. It's very hard to do homework without thinking about something philosophical, [[TVTropesWillRuinYourLife TV tropes]] oriented or

anything. It's hard to sleep. It's even hard to write articles. Also, he changes the subject change very often, sometimes more than once in one sentence. ** This troper suffers from the same symptoms, with the added fact of usually having upwards of 50 tabs open at once... and using all of them each day. This troper is particularly vulnerable to wiki-tabstacking, going along an article and control-clicking anything interesting, then repeating with each new interesting article. This has led to the waste of many days just exploring wikis. ** Same for this troper, actually... I currently have... *count*... 30 TV Tropes tabs open. I really, ''really'' like TV Tropes... :D * This troper once had a conversation with an (ex)best friend, while they were going to school. It was this incredible discussion about reincarnation and the afterlife, or at least if that was possible. Unfortunately, this troper cannot resist anything cute. Guess what happened when we passed some baby horses. Yeah. ** Are you possibly me? Because that sounds exactly... KITTY!!!! * [[@/{{UberGeek}} This troper]] has come to the conclusion that no college student is not guilty of distracted by the shiny. The troper has himself been distracted from an engaging {{Batman}} discussion by the appearance of an ice cream truck. The other half of the conversation promptly [[LampshadeHanging lampshaded]] it. * This troper is talking on irc, doing calculus, reading a story, browsing tvtropes, a forum, ostensibly writing a story... in a maths lesson. Not to mention editing this page. * [[@/{{Andygal}} This troper]] has been known to get distracted walking across the kitchen, especially if there happens to be a book on the counter. She has fairly frequent "Now what was I doing here again?" moments after walking into a room. She routinely has 7 or 8 tabs open in Firefox, as well as several ebooks. She is currently being distracted from finishing a homework assignment when she has 2 homework assignments due tomorrow. ** ''Only'' 7 or 8 tabs? [[@/{{Mike}} This troper]] currently has 56, not counting the new one he is using to edit this page. That's well down from what he used to have when he used Firefox, since he does most browsing in Chrome's Incognito mode so that a crash gets rid of all the extra tabs (and starts over with about 6). Also, there is IRC (currently connected to two servers). * [[Tropers/{{ptitletvhhaird}} This troper]] has the bad habit of randomly doing anything else when it comes to doing school work. Not really an ADD thing, I just di- oh wait, that's right, this was a story of my dad going to Home Depot to buy a doorbell. As law of random states, we ended up leaving with two entire patio sets, among other things. No really. * My dad's done the same thing. He left to go get lightbulbs one day, and I took a nap on the couch with my hearing aid off. I woke up to find we had a brand new Entertainment Center and enough cat toys to choke [[StockNessMonster Nessie]] with. And a metric shit-ton of lightbulbs :D * This troper has the opposite of this issue; Asperger's syndrome rather than ADD means he is incredibly hard to distract from something, whether that be surfing wikis, videogames, or watching

something complex and mechanical. At his previous job, he had to be reminded to stop for lunch most days. ** This troper manages to have BOTH - he'll become distracted with something new AND maintain whatever he was doing beforehand, leading him to answer "What's up?" with the perfectly honest "Watching TV, EddieIzzard on Youtube, listening to music, playing Civilization IV, reading a book, surfing TVTropes, and reading OrderOfTheStick and Dr. Mc Ninja. And eating a sandwich." *** [[@/{{Aque}} This Troperess]] isn't diagnosed with any of those, but seems to have a few syndromes of both: while being very distractable by shiny things and seeing weird things ("Hey, did you know your shirt has little blue stripes at the end of the sleeves? Cool, huh?"), she's also quite obsessive-compulsive about being organised and tidy, leading to a constant "Oh my! I'm wasting time again!... Five more minutes and I get up"; but it has its good sides, because she manages to stop opening new windows with TVTropes when she can't see the windows names and then start reading the open ones. *** Also have both and can be quite hard to deal with at times. The hard to distract usually comes up when I'm reading, which has necessitated the use of heavy machinery to get me to the dinner table. *** I may have both. Not sure, but I always have at minimum two things going on at once. This way, I get distracted by something, but I can't stay focused on being distracted. *** This [[@/MikeTheJust Troper]], who also has been diagnosed with A.S. and ADHD, has on more than one occasion been snapped out of a "trance" because he stopped speaking mid conversation and began staring blankly at the person he was talking to while he began a mental WikiWalk. * Everytime [[@/{{Starscream}} I]] require a computer to do some schoolwork or such, I inevitably end up going to the sites I spend my free time on, be it message boards or stuff that makes me go on a ArchiveBinge. * This troper was (at long, long last, according to family members and later therapist) formally tested for ADHD after her family doctor saw said troper ramble at a speed not natural to humans while being interviewed by the judges on Canadian Idol. Yes, I had "ooh, the shiny!" so bad I got distracted from the fact I was on national television. *facepalm*. * This troper's brother has this. I'm also guilty of it on my Kaitou days. On my Tantei days, I end up the DeadpanSnarker. This troper has also been known to be reading a fanfiction, then having a brainwave and start writing about tropes. This is occurring right now. Yes, I named my dual sides Tantei (dominant) and Kaitou (subordinant). But I'm neither a Detective or Phantom Thief. * [[@/{{gs68}} This troper]] describes TV Tropes as his crack. If he so much as goes to one page while doing homework, watch as 30 minutes of work takes 6 hours to complete. ** Seconded. I am so gonna be in trouble if I don't finish my homework by Monday. This "Take Home Final" is 10% of my quarter grade. Must... close... window... (Side note: this Troper seems to actually be ''allergic'' to smokeables like crack and cigarettes. Nuff said.) * This troper was in the middle of a serious conversation about the

morals involved in vegetarianism, when she looked over her friends shoulder and immediately exclaimed "Holy shit that tree is crooked!". This has become a running joke among said tropers friends, along with "That house is made out of wood!" immediately followed by hysterical laughter, though that might just be an example of this troper's insanity. * This troper had an astoundingly straight example just recently, while waiting for a football game to start. I completely ignored a person's question by shouting "BALLOON!" and running after a random runaway balloon on the other side of the field. In my defense, it was a bright and colourful balloon! * This is a part of this troper's everyday life. She can't focus on anything for more than fifteen minutes at a time. She can be writing fanfiction and go to TheOtherWiki to quick ref some facts, and then goes on what she likes to call a link safari. She began on looking at Japanese mythical beasts, and ended at [=PeTA=] once. * The first time this troper's auntie took her to the Amsterdam Concertgebouw, she spent an entire concerto staring up at the shiny, shiny chandelier, tilting her head this way and that to make the sparkles move... * The first time this troper found TVtropes, she looked up and realized she had spent five hours following the links. She decided to just finish up the tabs she had up (with just a few tangents) and ended up spending another two hours reading them. * This troper was in English class during his last year of high school. He was doing work when suddenly, across the room, there was a burst of laughter. Turns out, during their semi-serious conversation, one person has stopped what they were saying and said, "BIRD!" after seeing a bird fly by outside the window (pointing and everything). ** Another one by this same person. We were in a vo-tech programming class, and he was talking to someone. He saw smoke and a firetruck, exclaimed, "FIRE!" and went to the window, apparently halting the conversation. *** [[{{1776}} "FIRE WAGON!"]] * During this troper's first week of high school, a teacher was explaining the difference between ADD and ADHD. He had to ask her to repeat the answer, because he wasn't paying attention. * This troper never has less than 40 tabs open in Firefox, and usually has at least one other browser open with a couple of YouTube videos that he'll get around to watching eventually. * [[@/SciFiChica This troper]] isn't sure if she qualifies for ADD or not, but she ends up doing multiple things at the same time. I am actually fairly certain I'm physically incapable of doing just one thing at a time; for example, when I'm watching TV, no matter how much I love the show or how engrossing the movie I'm watching is, I will be on the computer/embroidering/knitting/eating at the same time. I actually clean and do my homework better if I'm watching TV or playing music. I think it's because I'm really smart (no brag, just fact) and my brain is super-active. It also affects this wannabe-writer's stories -- I have about six half-finished novels, over forty partially-finished short stories, five partially-finished television specs, and two partially-finished movie scripts. I've only ever

finished fifteen short stories because I'm so damn distractable. It usually goes something like this: Me, sitting at my computer, writing short, realistic noir detective story. Write something about wishing you could turn back time and witness murders. Get excited, start short story about time-traveler who provides the service of going back specifically to see whodunnit. While writing that, come up with a name that reminds me of someone in my current novel, abandon both short stories, and write a chapter or two in current novel, then abandon it to work on a new spec I just had a ''brilliant'' idea for. I think I need Writer Ritalin -- I swear to God, that happens to me all. the. freaking. time., and I'll sometimes get as many as six files going at once. I've got it BAD. ** Are you my Alternate Universe twin or something? I also get distracted by my own thoughts and will stop doing schoolwork or whatever for 5 or 10 minutes at a time because my train of thought just went somewhere interesting. *** I'm not alone! In fact in just a couple hours I'm going to read a book while trying to write one and watch TV all at the same time. I also constantly curse my muse for giving me random crossovers to write, when I've been working on my ChronoTrigger SelfInsertFic for the past five years. And then there's the sequel... I also have thirteen tabs (two gamefaqs, five tvtropes (used to be more) and five fanfictions) as well as a game, Windows Media Player, and the aforementioned fic's third-to-last chapter. * True to her namesake, [[@/{{Magpie}} this troper]] seems completely unable to concentrate upon one thing for more than some 3 minutes at a time, and frequently breaks (mid-flow) off her own sentences simply to declare the presence of a small, furry animal or shiny rock. As a child, she once spent a ''two hour'' coach trip utterly enthralled by a ''feather'' she'd picked up before getting into the coach. She also has the tendency to ramble on about utterly pointless and trivial things as the initial point of the conversation fades swift into obscurity. In fact, she was once found herself spending a good quarter-hour of a timed exam distracted by the ''rhythmic ticking of the clock''. * This troper was once mocked by her friends on the bus for randomly interrupting her own sentence because she saw a squirrel outside the window. Ah, those squirrels... * This troper has ADHD, and after discovering this site earlier day, he has spent the bulk of his day (at least five hours) looking up the tropes of his favorite works. * I don't have ADHD, but is still prone to interrupting mid-speech to say something else or general distraction. Examples: ** Speaking about not being a complete glutton: "No, really so I don't eat th- CHICKEN." *takes chicken from the offered dish**nom* ** While chatting with my grandparents, I accidentally trailed off mid-sentence and stared 'cause a TV ad captured my attention. I had to be snapped back. >.> ** Oh, and the fact I can't work without switching activities constantly. Yes, even when watching TV. Which is why I don't watch TV with people anymore. And record/download it. * This troper and his friend both suffer from it. It's bad when were

with other friends but together we nearly never finish a point, usually by interrupting the other with a personal anecdote that is remembered thanks to the friend talking. That anecdote is never finished either, by the way. * This troper is slightly ADHD and his train of thought is often derailed, but mostly he uses it when he realizes that his train of thought is so offensive or esoteric that he can't explain it to his friends, because it's better to be a spaz than so disassociated from the world around that you aren't human, amirite? * Once upon a time, about three weeks ago, this troper interrupted a serious conversation about a friend, his girlfriend, and their falling-apart relationship with a badly-timed "Dude, that tree is freaking out." I'm surprised we're still friends, as this happens more often than you'd think. * This troper just CANNOT get to sleep without hearing something in the background. He's fallen asleep while watching AVGN episodes, while watching James Bond movies, you name it. Oh, and he also suffers from the obligatory "must have 100000 tabs open" syndrome also. * This troper is best distracted by pretty sports cars, which she has dubbed "shinies." It's gotten to the point that when she stops in midconversation, her best friend asks "Shiny?" She also tends to lose focus in class, writing entire fanfictions in her head all day. And while she tries to fall asleep. She's pretty sure it comes from needing to think to distract herself from a runaway imagination (read: being afraid a T-Rex would appear and eat her as she slept) and fall asleep. It happens even while she takes a test or exam. Even English with picture prompts. On the computer, she often loses track of IM conversations, distracted by none other than this wiki. The wiki has also resulted in much pain for her play character in certain Flash games without pause functions. ** This troper's parents and friends have learned not to worry or interrupt when, in the middle of a conversation, he stops talking and stares over their shoulders for a few moments until the car passes. * @/RadioactiveZombie is failing High school because of this. Oh, it's either A) Distraction, or B) Massive writer's block. GODDAMN YOU, FOUR-PAGES ESSAYS! * The signature on [[@/BooBooBob my]] email introduces me as "Attention Deficit Man, Defender of Truth, Justice and [=OooooOOOOOOoooooh=], SHINY!" Although I'm pretty sure I'm just bipolar... * This is the man reason why I'm not a very good writer, despite being able to think up good stories, I usually end up writing something which I think is better than doing the same thing again. * Although not diagnosed with any mental disorder, this troper suffers from this a lot. A recent example is "I disagree, because if you look at the basic rules of psychology as a science you can see that in time -- hey, THAT PIGEON IS WHITE!" * This troper was once talking with a good friend about why he broke up with his girlfriend, when the discussion suddenly changed to how HTML works. In about a half second. And then they started prankcalling a third friend, who joined in the madness. This wasn't, however, due to a disorder of some sort:

[[ItSeemedLikeAGoodIdeaAtTheTime they merely got drunk in twenty minutes, and lived to regret it an hour later.]] * This troper has a habit of starting to describe something, then describing something else that will make the first thing ''so much clearer'', which of course is good because it's good to understand things, something that's probably motivated by the fact that in younger days I would say things like "maybe later" (emphasis on maybe) to my brother and when I decided I didn't want to do it after all he'd get all pissy and call me a liar as though "maybe" is some kind of binding promise, which really always pissed me off because it doesn't really motivate me to do anything with him, but see the thing is, even though I go and ramble on so hard, if you just shut up and give me a little time, ''I actually come back to the original point and you understand the whole.'' Gerald began, incidentally, to pee. * ''BREATHE'', DAMMIT! * During this troper's science class, the teacher asked everyone, during some fascinating (read: boring) lecture about light and electricity, how many blades were on the fan he had brought to class. It was at this point, that my friend (who had slept through most of the year) shouted as loud as he could, "It's BLUE!" While the fan blades were blue, the answer the teacher wanted was, "three". He later explained that [[CaptainObvious he wasn't thinking, and said the first thing that came to his mind]]. * [[@/AssumeAVirtue This troper]] can't really drive a car because of this. It doesn't help that the car he has the easiest access to is a Prius, which has an LCD screen that (among other things) animates which engine you're using and your gas consumption. In real-time, of course. So he usually takes the bus. ** [[@/{{Nlpnt}} I]] - yes, "I", I get sick of reading "This Troper" over and over in here, personal stories are what TroperTales are for, after all. I can understand old ones that were [[GrandfatherClause copy-and-pasted off the main page]]... Ahem. Anyway, I find that [[DrivingStick a manual transmission]] helps a lot for staying on task, in case you're looking to trade in on something simpler. * One reason this troper is afraid to drive a car is that no matter what I'm doing, if I see a cat in my peripheral vision, I ''must'' turn my head and say, "Kitty!" Occasionally with preceding, "Oooh!" My entire family goes on completely tangential subject, which means any conversations that actually finish usually take hours, and the "ooh shiny" thing is literal for this trooper. The results of a new wristwatch with multiple shiny faces is yet t- Edit months later: Anyway, he probably planned to finish the post, after the "is yet t-", but assumed he had merely forgotten to hit send. A huge vocabulary combined with [=ADOoohShiny=] also leads to much BuffySpeak. And he forgot the last bit of the edit. Oh, yeah, filling in test bubbles. Much easier not to get sidetracked with the rectangles. Oh, yeah, and the pen-flippy thing. Like the troper below, he has been diagnosed with at least Aspergers, at which point diagnosticians stopped caring. * This troper has Aspergers, not AD(H)D, but often the two can look fairly similar. Mostly because while the conversation is veering in one direction, my brain has headed off somewhere entirely different. "So enrolment is on the 21st of February, but the week before that,

you need to talk to the counsellors to make sure your schedule works." "Did you know that they just discovered a White Dwarf that's so hot (nearly two hundred thousand kelvin!) it has photospheric emission spectra in the ultraviolet?" "...Bweh?" (It's true, they did just find one!) ** Is it safe to guess, fellow Asperger's, that you are almost completely engrossed in astronomy? ** This troper has been diagnosed with both, and she thinks the trope description fits her to a tee. With one exception. I'm not exactly hyper in the traditional sense. I love sleeping in late. But I also can't sit in a chair without fidgeting and even when asleep I flop around constantly. (Making my bed is an exercise in futility.) I also lack any discernible attention span unless I'm really interested in the subject. In that case the rest of the world doesn't exist. My sisters have frequently been sent to peel me out of a book because I couldn't hear Mom yelling that it was supper time. Then there are my appalling grades from elementary school, due in no small part because I spent most of the day spaced out imagining I was exploring primeval forests or slaying dragons. There's also that pile of shiny rocks in the basement that I collected while going on walks and my short lived obsession with empty toilet paper rolls. Not to mention my habit of wandering off because of 'the shiny' when going on shopping trips. My parents wanted to put a leash on me when I was a teenager! Then there's how my sentences can sound like one long word when I'm excited, and how normal sentences tend to start, stop, start over, shift subject... where was I going with all this? *** I don't remember writing an entry here, but you sound exactly like me. Except that I haven't been diagnosed with anything. *** Who are you and how did you get into my brain? Except my grades in elementary were good cause I went off on the mental tangents while absentmindedly doing my work. I have sadly lost this ability in high school though. *** This troper feels like his real species must be from the internet itself, due to the above thread. ADHD, yes, but no Asperger's, as far as he knows. ** According to my Asperger's book either 10% or 20% of those diagnosed also have some form of ADD/ADHD, so it is possible to have both. *** This troper is actually an example of having both, only discovering she had Asperger's at age 12. * This troper once did a free write back in high school where she had to remember what had happened five minutes ago and write down her thought process as it came to her. What resulted was a very strange, slightly garbled work that covered one full side of a sheet of looseleaf that went from a classmate walking into the classroom to remembering how I fell out of my computer chair and hit the floor to complaining about my the alarm clock my dad made out of his cell phone to nothing to yaoi pairings for Bleach... I still write stuff like that when I do journal entries. Not really sure if it counts, but I thin it does... I wonder what other tropes have troper tales.... * 4 out of 5 members in this troper's family have been diagnosed with some form ADHD, including the troper himself (who also has

Asperger's). The only one without ADHD is the tropers youngest stepsister. His mom, stepdad and middle stepsister have ADHD. * This troper once wanted a piece of apple pie. She was upstairs, the kitchen is downstairs. ** Went downstairs, got an empty plate, came upstairs. Remembered she wanted apple pie. ** Went back downstairs, got the pie, went upstairs. Realised she had no fork. ** Went back downstairs, got fork, went back upstairs... she had left the plate and pie downstairs. ** Went back downstairs, got plate with pie, went back upstairs... couldn't find the fork. Went downstairs to look for it, couldn't find it. ... She had for some reason put the fork in the fridge. ::headdesk:: ** Troper left wondering how she manages to survive day to day. * This troper, though never diagnosed, has everyone she meets convinced she has A.D.D. In fact at a convention she had her friends walk up talking about an A.D.D. shirt she should buy before interrupting them going "check out this A.D.D shirt I got!" Also, I'm impossible to voice chat with as I'm constantly commenting on what I'm seeing on TV... Or getting distracted by this site! * This troper wasted most of a year of university due to AttentionDeficitOohShiny, despite not being ADD. Beginning of the year? Ooh, university library, complete with Stephen Jay Gould and Richard Dawkins books. Later? Dawn of War, Warcraft III, Neverwinter Nights, and competitive Spellforce free-roam against a friend. Towards the end, D&D and webcomics. That was 2008, and there are several family members with meat cleavers to ensure 2009 doesn't follow the same path. * This troper had the perfect idea of an example for this page. Then made the mistake of looking at email for a bit... And now has a shiny new example! * [[@/{{Zemyla}} This troper]] has both the ADHD and Asperger's hyperfocus variants. I can, with sufficient motivation, crank out a large program in less than a day. I also can take weeks at it if I don't have it, simply because of my distractibility (20 Firefox tabs and 10 Pidgin IM tabs currently, as well as several other programs and half a dozen half-completed programming projects). * I was hanging out with my girlfriend in the desert, doing... yeah... and I heard a bird. Totally distracted me, totally confused girlfriend. * This troper has to warn people that should she not respond to verbal prompts, it's nothing personal, she just randomly zones out of 'boring' conversations. Also, should she suddenly stop talking, mumble something inaudibly, or trail off, just ignore the entire preceding sentence because I probably got bored with what I was about to say. Slightly more worrisome, she tends to 'black out' for random periods of time, after which she cannot remember seeing, hearing, or feeling anything, being too caught up in random lines of thought. * This troper had 89 tabs all open at one time, almost all of them from TVTropes and caused by control-clicking anything in sight. * This troper doesn't have ADD, but her sister does. However, the

class was once assigned a project that involved looking something up in the encyclopedia (Presidents, I believe). This troper got the C volume, then was looking for Clinton but then spent the rest of the period looking at Clothes and Crime Rates. When she finally put that volume away, she stole her friend's other volume, which was J, and looked at birds for about ten minutes. And this is someone with no diagnosed disorder. * While not actually having ADD, this troper does occasionally have 'random days', in these moments, she goes to the center of the city (this troper lives in London) and does absolutely anything that looks interesting at the time. Often with no regard to personal safety. The day this was written, the troper ended up gatecrashing the mayor of Southwark's Holocaust memorial day tea while having such a day. The cake was delicious. * This troper, who was honestly shocked to find out he didn't have ADD, probably spends at least half of his time in school thinking about... well, nothing. nothing in particular any way. a lot of thoughts go to stuff I want to write but [[AttentionDeficitCreatorDisorder havent gotten around to.]] Also I can't sit still for more then an hour usually, so when im playing video games or something I have to get up a lot to walk around. * This troper has a mind that goes everywhere, taking on all possibilities, thinking up dozens of new stories a day, hardly ever in one place. She constantly fidgets, flops around in bed so much she actually once woke up to find she had no top sheet or blanket, and although she doesn't go insane for... well, anything, it really says a lot that she was going to skip this page until she took one look... ooh... this looks cool... * Dudes, I think my ADD's stuck in my head, because wherever I go, I think up new stories, I'm thinking about everything, I get distracted by everything, I'm always thinking up every possibility... great for a writer, but not for a paranoid bitch like me, because my mind has a very bad habit of flipping to the dark side... ** Jesus Christ, I almost deleted this entire page by mistake... * I should ''really'' be doing my homework. Oh, look, where does that link go ? * This troper ("Raekuul") has EXTREME issues with self-discipline and schoolwork. * This Troper quite frequently interrupts people with an 'OOOH IT'S SOFT', with regard to a scarf, or coat, or handbag, or blanket, or cushion, or... whatever. 'OOH SHINY!' is also fairly common (when it comes to technology, 'SHINY' is the highest possible praise), as are totally random comments - 'WOW HOW AWESOME IS THAT TREE!'. She does not, though, have any known disorder. * This troper has been diagnosed officially with ADD by a psychiatrist after- ...ugh. She went to look at the scenery outside and forgot what she was writing. Anyways, she's had instances (multiple) of just about everything on this page and still somehow has a life. The fact that she spends most of the day screaming and running around in an insane fit of laughter is both irrelevant and... something else. She got distracted again. Ugh. * It's referred to as the Shiny Butterfly Effect in this troper's

family, because it's like a puppy chasing butterflies and constantly forgetting the last one in order to go after the newer one. She's known to get distracted by her own thoughts and switch topics midsentence with absolutely no reason for it other than her own head. This has led to incidents such as "I love a nice vinaigrette on my salad, but I need to trim the roses". It makes perfect sense! Salad dresses > Salad > Vegetables > Garden > Roses. Right? It also shows up in writing, as she's been known to start a new story, get distracted, and then start a whole new story while still on the first paragraph of the original. The longest chain has been five stories before she was distracted by shoes. * Sometimes people see me looking at the nothing. No, seriously, it's not even shiny, or [[Literature/{{Twilight}} sparkly]]. Looking at a wall, for example... Aww, my dogs are so cute and wubble dovey :3 * A friend of this Tropette's pretty much IS this trope. In one notable incident, some friends and I were talking about ordering pizza, she gets all excited, then forgets about it. A friend leaves the room, comes back in, saying, "Sausage is okay, right?" and the friend absolutely flips out, and starts yelling, "PIZZZA! I LOVE PIZZA! NO ONE TOLD ME WE WERE ORDERING PIZZA! THIS IS THE BEST!" * The past three days, this Troper hasn't gotten any history notes done (or any studying for the Japanese final, either) because he's been constantly on TV Tropes, stopping only at dinnertime, because I play videogames after dinner. That reminds me, I've been doing Troper Tales the whole evening, and I was supposed to be working on my Roblox place! *clicks "save" then closes window* * This troper, while standing in line with my boyfriend to get something from the concession stand before a movie, paused in midsentence on whether or not I was too nice a person, long story, and half yells "Is that sign glowing?!" The sign was, it was a stand up ad for Transformers 2 with the eyes slowly glowing on and off. The line then prompted my boyfriend to remark "You may not be the meanest of people, but you are the most easily distracted." ** My girlfriend and I are both the exact same way. It's actually part of what drew us together in the first place, we both find it adorable in the other. * My poor boyfriend has had witness to how many tabs this troper has had open at a time. I've had plus a hundred fifty seven because I kept clicking links that looked interesting, forgetting them, going to close them, reading them again, and completely forgetting the previous task. And now finding more interesting links on other pages and clicking them and... * This Troper was talking to a friend on the phone. She then saw WatchMen on a nearby bookshelf and began to read. 30 pages in, she got up and jumped around, before breaking something with her jumpiness. She then glued the thing back together, before being distracted by the TV on her way to put the glue away. She then decided to check her email, which led to troping... My friends don't really like talking to me on the phone for this reason. * This Troper has Asperger's Syndrome and has a hard time paying attention in school. Basically, I could be one of the smartest kids in class but I can't concentrate. That and I'm a Gamer. Go figure.

* This Troper: I found the english version of it on Aarinfan-->Mrs. Roberts: *walks into library* -->This Troper: MISS ROBERTS~! Good Morning! : D -->Troper's Friend [who she was talking to]: Wow. * Nowhere else has [[@/TadBolmont this troper]] found so many people who are- Hey, I wonder what's on TV? * This troper was having a conversation with her ADHD friend on the bus that went like this: -->Friend: "blah blah blah relevant topic blah...OMG LOOK A TRAIN!...blah blah more relevance blah." It was hilarious. * [[@/LittleMai This Tropette]] sometimes spaces out in the middle of a conversation, because she just remembered something about college or had an idea for the RPG game she plays on the net. And don`t forget the fact that she absolutely hates doing nothing. * [[@/BladedSmoke This troper]] has shoplifted at least 3 times, always unintentionally, because he picks something up, gets distracted by other things in the shop, decides not to buy them, forgets the thing in his hand, and just walks out. First time it happened it was with a packet of fish food and he is glad he didn't get caught 'cos seriously, how embarrassing would it be to be caught stealing ''fish food'' of all things? I didn't even realise I'd stolen it until I was halfway home, looked down at what I was holding, and wondered how it'd got there... * This Tropette had just finished scolded her campus ministry group for getting off topic. We then discussed our plans for the end of the year party, when I started talking about fish. I sometimes map my thought process. It usually ends up in YouFailLogicForever territory. * [[@/{{kitsunezeta}} This troper]] has this happen a lot... unless he's playing VideoGames, in which case not even [[DistractedByTheSexy sex appeal]] will break his concentration, even on Dance Dance Revolution, where you're going to see it. * Any and all conversations in this troper's dorm, regardless of seriousness, can be derailed with "PUPPY! Oh hai there, puppy..." * [[@/NeoSilverThorn This Troper]] suffers from this, to the point he'll get up and wander off to do something in mid-wikiedit. * A counselor at a camp I once attended made the mistake of bringing a box of kittens to camp one day. That was a fun lunch period, but no one ate, so we had to break again at three to finish lunch because everyone was so hungry. The day after that, [[@/TheTallOne I]] got distracted by a rain gutter, and showed up 15 minutes later soaking wet, along with three other classmates. The best part? The teacher blinked slowly, handed us towels, ''and didn't ask any questions.'' * [[@/{{Usagi}} This troper]] is a bit more subtle, but she ''will'' stop what she's doing to [[CutenessProximity pet nearby puppies/kitties/bunnies/what have you.]] And then just go back to whatever she was doing like nothing happened. ** Sakaki IS THAT YOU OVER THERE!!!? XD * This troper has been diagnosed with ADHD, but so was everyone else in my high school! We got lots of colorful variants. There were those who showed no apparent symptoms, the screamers, the can't-sit-still kids, the "ninjas" (like me, showed no attention problems but were extremely fast for no apparent reason.), the sports nuts, and any

combination of those. * This troper's life gets comical when he's left completely alone. Last Saturday evening he stirred from the single-player campaign of Crimson Skies only to notice that his plan to wash up and head to the library was supposed to have happened about six hours ago. He's also currently about three hours late from taking a shower due to sudden fits of pacing, file sorting and pretend knife fights. He's been diagnosed only with Asperger's syndrome so far, but having a streak of ADHD would certainly explain a lot about his horrible memory and issues with understanding speech. ** Check, check, check. @/AckSed was going to add his own entry... but it seems to have been done for him. * This troper gets distracted by everything remotely interesting. As well as getting distracted by anything shiny (or interesting clouds or any thoughts that could be translated as gay, for that matter), she generally gets distracted from schoolwork both in and out of class. She once was set up to do her legal assignment, remembered she'd left the assignment sheet in her room, left to get it, and came back with a sandwich instead. The assignment didn't get started that day. (Bizarrely, it was her little brother who was diagnosed with ADHD, and he is much more focused than she is.) * Happens to me a LOT, when things like ''MegaMan'' distract me, and after I get over the fangasm, I'm like "What was I doing again?", but then, something not even remotely related to the subject reminds me, is that weird? ** Are you me? No. Really. Are you me? I mean all the way down to Mega Man darnit. This troper could be eating lunch and someone says something that just suddenly makes me blurt off with something totally off the tangent. Case in point, lunch with fellow anime club members ends up with me at some point going on a tangent about ''Pokemon'' with Mega Man themed names. * [[@/{{Zero}} This troper]] has a lovely example from back when she was in 6th grade in regards to ADD-whatever with hyperfocus. I've always been a bookworm, and could always ignore the outside world when I started reading, ([[IGotBetter I've gotten better]] since then) but my teachers would have to make my wraparound take said books from me so I would pay attention in class. Anyways, one day during an indoor recess, I'd been happily reading away my book, when my wraparound taps my shoulder and tells me we have to get out of the classroom. Thanks to the hyperfocusing on my book, I had no idea why, so, I asked why. Turns out, while some classmates had been decorating the door to our classroom, they had shut the door. Now, this wouldn't be odd... except that, one of my classmates had been messing with the metal door hinges and got '''the end of one of his fingers chopped off in the door'''. I shit you not. The kid was screaming bloody murder, and ''I never noticed.'' To add more to this, my desk was one row away from said door. I don't get this bad at all anymore, but sometimes I wish I did. Also, on a side note, I've gone from having ADD to ADHD to Asperger's disorder, which, if you don't know, is a form of autism. I think those people diagnosing me were on crack themselves. * This troper was in P.E. class doing our weekly run with her two friends, talking a little while we ran. At least, we were until one of

the friends skidded to a stop right in the middle of the track, interrupting both the run and the conversation. Her reason? "Hey look! GIANT ANTS!" We were almost unable to finish the lap because we used all our breath laughing hysterically. * When going on walks with her sister, this troper's sentences are often cut off with this sister saying "Lizard!" and pointing to the lizard. She never knew there were so many lizards in her neighborhood until her sister pointed them out every few minutes. * [[@/SapphireFlame This officially diagnosed troper]] isn't as bad as some of these examples, but does have a rather bad time with it. For instance, I'm usually very distracted by anim- HEY A BIRD! I'm sorry, what I meant to say was DOGGY! Er... yeah... * This troper has been known to give in-depth dissertations on the role of religious imagery in various media works to a friend, point out a groundhog outside the window mid-sentence, then jump right back to the original disscussion without missing a beat. * I've been diagnosed with ADHD, but I would like to point out that I don't have a short attention span. I have ''no'' attention span. Even when reading something I'm really, really interested in, I often fall victim to TL;DR. I have a difficult time with long conversations, because eventually I want to do something I find more interesting at the moment. Concentrating on only one thing is pretty much impossible for me. It's taken me nearly 10 minutes to write this, because I keep getting distracted. Hey, what's that outside the window? * This troper has it, along with a billion other head case problems but is on no meds. It's funny AND scary to be around me :D Plus, I just don't sleep and I've got OCD and a [[SlasherSmile Slasher smile from hell for a normal smile]], which only makes this worse. Plus the fact I've never been able to finish watching anything and frequently forgets what she's saying mid-sentence and- WAIT A SECOND. What's that sound? Oh, that's the computer. What was I saying? * To those with ADD, this troper offers you this warning - stay the hell away from any MMORPG. They are the perfect subject of hyperfocus, and therefore our crack. I spent one summer, almost four months in total, playing Final Fantasy XI every single day for at least 14 hours straight. The scary part was that there were plenty of other people to play with on pretty much the same schedule. ** Agreed. This Aspergers troper keeps himself far, faaar away from ''WorldOfWarcraft'' despite my friend's repeated attempts to get me into it, because he doesn't know who he's dealing with here. {{Roguelike}}s were bad enough. Besides, TvTropes [[TvTropesWillRuinYourLife has already claimed me]]. * This troper has ADD without the H. People have to repeat her name multiple times or physically interrupt what she's doing in order to get her to come up for air. And don't ever take a quick "uh-huh" or "nah" as a real answer to any question asked, those are just the sounds that make the interruptions stop. ** Whoah, same here! I didn't know that was a symptom or something. A lot of times I'll look up from something like a book and see my mom doing something I don't like. For example, preparing the wrong kind of food. I'll say, "What are you doing, I didn't want that!" Then she'll say, "What are you talking about, you said it was fine!" "...I did?

You should really stop listening to me Mom." * This troper was first diagnosed as being emotionally disturbed in kindergarten(!) after what can only be described as an extremely unfortunate accident. Later the diagnosis was described as being simply ADHD and finaly after about 11 years of this diagnosis, and a long struggle through the education system did I finally find the right diagnosis, Asperger Syndrome. * This troper is pretty sure she has ADD. Plus, combined with her extremely short term memory, she re-reads trope tabs on her browser, finding them to be a new and interesting trope she's never heard of before, until a subtle feeling of deja vu kicks in. This is probably the eighth or so time she's read this pa- ooh! [[ ionDeficitOohShiny related pages!]] * This troper may or may not have already posted here, but would like to note that she has her desk currently littered with a pair of scissors, a drawing, a GameBoy Advance, ''The Christopher Killer'', a camera, an English essay, a small container of Neosporin, a pair of disposable earplugs, a deflated balloon, and several stuffed animals. This COULD be just her being messy or too lazy to put it away, but the truth is, I'm still using all of it! ** [[@/{{Eyclonus}} This Troper]] is in a similar position with 7 novels, 10 textbooks, 5 post-it notepads, a total of 103 compact discs from everything to TV series DVD sets, to compilations of lectures and relevant pdf's, 3 usable pens and 16 empty pens... This isn't including the various receipts, half-scribbled drawings and a collection of sunglasses. Stuff relavent to my studies is filed in the various locations of my bed, the floor in front of my window, the floor next to my bed and on top of the box of my folders from my last course, I'm still using all this stuff and its worring when I realize that while rattling this off the top of my head I should be digging out my text book on data communications... * This troper spent her entire educational career feeling like a failure because of her bad grades, and had numerous "interventions" by the school staff which usually amounted to finding something they hadn't tried yet and throwing her at it. She would constantly forget that she had homework, forgot to write down what the homework was, forgot where she put the piece of paper that she had written the assignment on, find the piece of paper when doing something else and shove it in her pocket where it was forgotten, forgot her textbooks, lost her pencils, started working before getting [[AttentionDeficitOohShiny distracted by something]], freaking out when she remembered it and staying up the entire night but only being able to write a paragraph or two from sleep deprivation, faked being sick or actually making herself sick so she wouldn't have to go to school, and eventually just got into the habbit of procrastinating everything else in this sentence to try and skip out on the hassle of it. Rinse, Wash, Repeat for more than a decade, and she finally dropped out at the end of the year she should have been graduating. [[PowersThatBe Cue]] [[CosmicPlaything being diagnosed with ADD]] [[{{Irony}} two months later.]] This [[LaughingMad messed her up a bit...]]

* This Troper used to think that carrying a diary (Discworld!) (Checks out "Discworld Diary" on The Other Wiki, comes back) in her bag to write down things to remember in would help. Also she ended up opening the bag up and pondering "Why is this diary in my bag?" for half an hour. There is a rule in her life -- it takes two seconds to lose something and thirty minutes to find it in some blatant place. And she easily [[FailedASpotCheck Fails A Spot Check]] (what are you pointing at?) when someone tries to- Ooooh,this pattern on a ceiling looks like A FACE! * Let's face it, [[TomatoInTheMirror a lot of us have one or the other]]. Hyperfocus is just one of the many reasons TVTropesWillRuinYourLife. ** I'll drink to that... do you want anything while I'm up? Maybe some Kool-Aid I'm gonna make some Kool-Aid maybe black cherry flavor I wonder if there are blue cherries or white cherries? I should look that up on Wikipedia...(one hour later at least)...Why am I thirsty? *** This Troper has it as well, but feels like he has gotten control over i.. Ooh, ''My Name is Earl'' is on. *** This is why this troper keeps getting low blood sugar. Switching to eating only while hungry will do that... and... oh... yeah... I was cooking. Explains why I'm smelling smoke now... *** [[OverlyLongGag Yeah, you should tend to that fire hey it sounds like a good idea to make one in the pit in my backyard I'm kinda hungry maybe I'll make s'mores just for the hell of it hmmmm do I have marshmallows who ever thought it would be a good idea to put marshmallows and graham crackers together why to they call them graham crackers anyway hmmm it's getting kinda hot in here bright too why is it so hot and why is my house burning]] *** Maybe they can make a trope page about tangential thinking; it certainly happens enough. Maybe not, since we deal with media here and media barely get half the symptoms right. Stupid media. We oughta write letters or something. Start an anti-defamation league. Sue the pants off of some celebrity. Someone pass me the brain bleach, I just imagined a pantsless Tom Cruise cosplayer from NeverBeenKissed jumping on a sofa. ** [[SubvertedTrope No wait it's not.]] *** Yoink! ** This troper (who finds himself easily distracted by lyrics has found J-pop to be good concentration music; the sounds are so alien that the brain often won't even ''try'' to make sense of them. *** As someone with ADHD (primarily inattentive) himself, [[@/{{Mike}} this troper]] has found classical music is a godsend. Lyrics are mostly nonexistent, or in Latin, or (for opera) so distorted that you can hardly make them out even if they're in English. **** This troper (also with ADHD) has discovered that he cannot successfully get serious work done while listening to music, even on medication, due to his tendency to stop working and begin analyzing the music instead. This is true for music without lyrics, and especially true for baroque and classical music. * I don't have ADD, ADHD, or any other disorder. I'm just very easily distracted. * This troper came on here with the intention of adding her own

perfect example, but was having fun reading all the other tales, forgot why she had come on, then went to get raisins. She remembered when she saw her hairbrush. The example had nothing to do with hairbrushes. ** The example was that she refuses to learn to drive any more after her instructor had to wrench the steering wheel out of her hand and slam on the brakes during a lesson. I'd floored the accelerator and was veering towards a car. The reason? I'd zoned out and was thinking about whether a God of Time and a Goddess of Death would make a good couple, and would he be like the blue guy in WatchMen? What was his name? Dr Manhattan? That movie was a bit graphic. I mean, they shouldn't - wait, what was I doing again? *** Congratulations, you've frightened me greatly. * This troper has somewhat of a habit of just randomly saying body parts when bored. His family has completely been immunized to it. -->'''Me:''' *out of freaking nowhere, while on the computer* "Penis!" -->'''Mom:''' *doesn't even look up from her book behind me* "That's nice, honey." * This troper was diagnosed with ADD about the time she started school and was on pills until fifth grade. Of course, this is kinda subverted in that no one actually ever TOLD her she had ADD until NINTH grade, when it had mostly worn off already and I was doing better in school. Gee, thanks Mom. I'm so happy you told me WHY I had problems paying attention in class, instead of just telling me to try harder and that I could do better. (/sarcasm) Having said that, I will now list things I have done: Yelled "SANDWICH! ...I eated one." In the band room at lunch, done the potato chip thing from Death Note, said "screw this" and goofed around during Computer Skills, slept through the second semester of Science in ninth grade and got a B in the class and an A on the final by copying my friend's answers, walked into walls, done the ninja-airplane run, has switched her cosplay five times in the last three months (severly agrivatting my mom), and at the moment has...three tabs and three windows open, but had about seven tabs earlier. Wow, that's a long po...OOH, A BALLOOOOOOON! * Not me but a few of my friends. My friend even told me the difference: -->Friend: ADD is when you go to do your homework and then, "Oh look a butterfly." ADHD is, when you go to do your homework and then, "Oh look a butterfly. I MUST CATCH IT!" * ADD runs in this troper's family; when you put her and her three siblings together, the dialogue gets pretty surreal. Dark side of this trope: This troper spent some unknown amount of time watching a row of ants march by, during her ''SAT exams.'' Also, she's been trying to write this very short entry for the past 25 minutes. * This trooper has ADHD. I have been trying to do homework for a few hours now... OH A PONY!!!! HELLO LITTLE PONY!!! Yeah, I'm still on the meds... PONY!!!! * [[@/{{Eyclonus}} This troper]] once lost 10 minutes in a University exam by getting distracted by a noticeboard with some amusing notices whilst on his way to the examination room that was only five feet from the amusing noticeboard. * This troper is a slight subversion of this but mostly plays this

straight. While this Troper may not have extreme forms of ADD or ADHD, I cannot stay in one or one topic for too long and I got to move around. I went to a psychiatrist as a kid who diagnosed me as a normal individual; my constant roaming around or playing with object may make you think otherwise. * This troper was told in middle school that she had ADD by her incredibly boring history teacher. She may have been correct (but I'll never tell her; I don't want to give her the satisfaction). Examples: ** In kindergarten I apparently fell asleep a lot during class. My teacher went to my parents and asked if I was getting enough sleep, and they asked me why I was falling asleep. I responded with "My teacher's just boring." ** In any and all classes in middle and highschool that were basically lectures, all I do is doodle. But everytime I finish a doodle I will look up and copy down all the notes I missed during that doodle. My teachers took away drawings, my parents forbade me from bringing my drawing notebooks to school, but I always found a way. I discovered in one of my highschool math classes that during lecture-days, the teacher would not pay any attention to us at all. So I would sleep. Maybe one or two minutes at a time, wake up, copy down the notes I'd missed, and then doze off again. She never caught on. Now that I'm in college and allowed to use my laptop to take notes in most classes, this is only getting worse. ** As for hyperfocus: if I'm doing something and my parents tell me to do something I will often respond with a 'Uh-huh, yeah sure, whatever.' You'd think by now they'd realize that that means I didn't ''really'' hear them. I often will have to go up after I finish what I'm doing and go ask what they had wanted me to do. Often they'll come back and remind me a couple times if what I'm doing takes a long time. Though I think they've given up trying while I'm reading books or playing video-games. * [[@/TheRenaissanceRaver This troper]] suspected for a ''long'' time that she was ADD, but she and her family had been unable to do anything due to her ADHD (and the 'H' is pretty evident while offmeds), OCD, and ODD little brother. My father is also undiagnosed ADD and generally uses a lot of caffine to get through the day. My lack of diagnosis and confusion about coping skills has wreaked havoc on my education and is most likely jeopardizing my chances of getting into the college I'm aiming for. Meds have helped, but I'm still in the adjustment stage, to the point that I'm being aided by the Prozac Fairy for mood swings that had followed in the late afternoon for my first medication. My examples include: ** Spacing out: Continuously having at least ''one'' class throughout middle and high school that I barely scraped by with a 'D' at the end of the trimester/semester/year. Each year, it was something different. A lot of the time, it was math, but she distinctly remembers that it was reading in sixth grade. This year, it's history. I also draw in almost all of my classes to attempt to keep myself focused. ** Hyperfocusing: as mentioned above, [[TVTropesWillRuinYourLife I also have a tendency to let myself wander the trope pages.]] I find it much more entertaining than wandering {{That Other Wiki}}. It will also [[TVTropesWillEnhanceYourLife enhance your vocabulary]] if you

decide to remember what you come across and use it in English classes. One of the first signs I noted I've been on here too much is when I used {{Stalker With A Crush}} in a timed write and an essay on {{The Great Gatsby}}. ** I also note that the acting company I'm part of tends to be a magnet for ADD/ADHD individuals, to the point that there's a running gag about it. "Oh, look! A chicken!" indeed. *** I also use "Oh, look! A chicken!" around my friends. A friend of mine [[RunningGag likes to respond]] with "It's an albino chicken." *** And on a somewhat-related note, because of the sheer hilarity of the situation coming from a pretty-certain-she's-ADD six-year-old: "I need a paper towel, I need a paper towel- Ooh, chocolate cake!" *** For deliberately invoking and mocking this trope as a method to change subjects or apply {{Rule of Funny}} to prevent boredom, I will also point in a random direction in the middle of a conversation and shout, "Oh, look! A distraction!" **** Another friend of mine also [[OverlyLongGag likes to jump in on the joke]] and look the complete opposite direction of where she's pointing while shouting "WHERE!?" ** She also notes that her entire section of this page is ADOS in and of itself, having taken almost an entire hour to type it all out when she tends to type incredibly quickly and accurately. [[FacePalm *facepalm*]] * This Troper, to an extent. I have ADD, but it's not too bad. I can usually focus just fine... Unless I see someone drawing or something really pretty or shiny. Or if I'm in the psychology section of the book store. My friend is possibly a better example, though she has autism, not ADD. I recall a time during band practice where she got distracted: "So anyways, I was telling my mom- HEY LOOK A SQUIRREL! =D" * In Iraq, I worked with a female major (slightly higher rank than my own) who would be be distracted any time she saw one of the bombsniffing dogs. Any time we would pass one on foot or in a vehicle, she would give it her full attention and start making little noises like, "[[CutenessProximity Who is a good puppy? You're a pretty puppy...]]" and so on. My remedy was to slap my hands together loudly and say, "Concentrate!" or "Focus!" which was kind of funny at first, but quickly became routine. Most of the time, when we traveled in vehicles with others in the vehicle, we'd carry on business conversations that were pretty important and often included higher-ranking passengers. We'd be in one of these conversations and go through a checkpoint that had a dog and she'd just go right off track, which would lead me to smacking my hands together and yelling, which never failed to amaze our passengers. * This troper has ADHD at a fairly elevated level, and finds it nearly impossible to work on something for more than 20 minutes at a time or follow-through on a plan containing more than two steps. Sure makes it hard to hold a job. * I was once in an argument about my ADD while at a park. My boyfriend said that I never pay attention when he talks. My response? "That's not true, I always give you my foc- LOOK AT THE CUTE DUCKIES!!!" (cue me running after the ducks, giggling)

* This troper read this, then went to use the restroom. It was only when she was walking out that [[FailedASpotCheck a boy walked in]]. Cue shock and staring to find a row of urinals against a wall. This troper looks like a boy and would have [[BavarianFireDrill gotten away with it]] if she hadn't randomly asking said boy about Euler's theorem, Math 1B (the class she is in ten minutes later), and goldfish. ** She just asked her teacher about turning in last week's homework (which she forgot) and managed to touch upon his shirt, his office hours, the midterm (which sucked), and other things he has already forgotten about. * This troper can't even focus on her own words. I'm talking about something and either get started on a tangent about osmething unrelated or my train of thought spontaneously and involuntarily makes a sharp turn and I'm left going "and, right, and then...wait...what?" I literally do not hear myself when I talk. ** Oh, and as a prequel to the above: My internet connection spontaneously combusted just as I was about to add that example, resulting in my losing my multiple tabs I had going. I walked through the living room to get my mom's office to use her computer and got distracted by the piano and wound up trying to play "Grace Kelly" by Mika by ear and then doing the Risky Business thing before remembering I wanted to use the computer for some reason and going into the office. Then another half hour of youtube videos and Tvtroping whilst trying to remember what I was trying to do. OH, yeah! Add an example here. What was the example? Um... cue ten minutes of trying to remember what I'd forgotten as I continued to watch youtube videos on another tab. ** And the best part is that the entire time, I was (and am) supposed to be doing geometry homework. * [[@/{{Robbychu}} This troper]] is offically ADHD, as is her mother. Ths leads to... interesting conversations. Like discussions on how the WheelOfTime cover art is filled with midgets, the sexuality of all the Links (consensus: the only straight Link is the second game one (whores!)), and whether or not the Aiel are Scots-Irish, and their disctractability. Also, bananas. * When I was 6, I um... wait... fire when 3... what page am I on? * [[@/AcrossTheStars This troper]] combines a near-genius IQ with inattentive-type ADD, which explains why someone has to say her name ten times to get her attention. Yay, hyperfocus. Also, she is easily bo- KITTY GET DOWN!!! * This troper was once able to distract his brother from talking to our parents by holding up a 20 next to him. Granted it was his birthday and it had fallen from one of his presents, but still when he saw it he went "Oooh!" * [[@/MichaelJJ This troper's]] usual schoolwork routine: get on his computer, preparing to write a paper. Will remember something he saw on TVTropes. Will decide to go check it out. By the time the resulting WikiWalk is finished, it's late at night. There's a good reason who I've gotten good at writing long papers overnight. This is also why I haven't finished a lot of really long video games. Also, when watching TV I need to be doing something else (surfing the net, playing my DS,

etc.) I rarely make it through a movie without checking my watch. * [[@/{{Alexduckie}} This Troper]] made it partway through the page, and got bored. :) But she's been known to get completely sidetracked in all of her classes and write fanfiction, draw, fantasize, or completely space out and have huge gaps in her memory. And changes the subject every few moments. Thank goodness she's a musician, or she'd never get anything done. Speaking of, I have to go restring my sister's guitar. And - OH GOOD GLORY THE COOKIES ARE BURNING! ** The cookies are fine. :) Delicious, too. And I was going to say that whenever I have a stimulant of some sort, usually caffeine or sugar, I can focus. Like, intensely. Too bad I'm not allowed much of either, especially not before school starts in the morning. * This troper, full stop. To the point where I have to take meds in order to concentrate properly. Even then, what I focus on is very much up for grabs and if someone filibusters with a {{Wall Of Text}} or {{Big Words}}, I am ''not'' reading it regardless of relevance to a trope -- which is why I couldn't get through this trope's main page if I tried. * I got bored of reading this page, and made to switch to another of the 25 TvTropes tabs I have open. Then realised what I was doing, hit "edit"... And here I am, three hours later, because while waiting for the edit page to load, I looked at all the other tabs, opened new ones, went to dinner, read some more, then realised I still had a tab open saying "Editing TroperTales" * [[@/{{Popette}} This troper]] switches accents constantly, sheerly because she gets bored of using the same one for too long, among other things. She was diagnosed in elementary school. * This Troper has ADD, like all of the above. She gets so distracted by the smallest of things, even things she sees every day that DO NOT CHANGE. Like this dragon figurine on her PC desk! Its looking right at me and I can't help but look at it every so often! GAH! * [[@/{{Ladygem}} This troper]] has a pretty bad case of it, althogh I've gotten better with medication. How bad? The psyciatrist had to repeat his diagnosis because I was distracted by a stray cat who was outside the window. It didn't help that I literally said "Oh look! a kitty!" * [[@/{{Kiana}} This troper]] ''usually'' avoids this trope, despite going off on tangets that are at least vaguely related to her current conversation. However, I tend to multitask (read: browse DeviantArt or other art sites while talking), and will occasionally break up a potentially serious conversation with a link and the sentence "Oh my god, that's the cutest puppy/kitten/character/amoeba EVER!" * This troper has ADD, but the most amusing anecdote about it I know involves my cousin who also has it. Said cousin was describing his weekend, and the description went thusly: ** Thursday: Oh my god, oh my god, huge essay due on Monday! Workworkworkworkwork! ** Friday: Oh my god, oh my god, essay due! Workworkworkworkwork! ** Saturday: Oh my god, oh my god... ooh, anime! ** Sunday: '''OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD...''' * [[@/LoveIsWeird This troperette]] has a friend with ADHD. We were at a carnival once, and I just wanted to go on a roller-coaster. (I'll

call her Kaycee by this point) Kaycee, on the other hand... --> Me: Well, that game was fun. Look, I really need to go to the roller coaster... --> Kaycee: OMIGOD, GIRL, LOOK! LEAPFROG! COTTON CANDY! --> Me: Kay, I have to go on the roller coaster... --> Kaycee: Roller coaster? Which one? There's hundreds in the world! I wanna go to Disneyland! --> Me: (by now thoroughly freaked) Kaycee, I do require riding the contraption called the roller coaster... --> Kaycee: There you go with your big words again! HOUSE OF MIRRORS! ** Kaycee is the only girl who can totally defuse my GenreSavvy DeadpanSnarker as well. ** If I ever meet this friend, I will have a sniper armed with a Ritalin dart on standby. * This troper believes he may have it. While doing anything at all, I have a tendency to begin elaborating. Example: I spent ''ten minutes'' staring at a cup of hot chocolate and determining what it was made of along with what the cup was made of. Then those elaborations are elaborated to the point where I have five different trains of thought going and get serious headaches. * This {{Kuudere}} troper sat with her friends, all of them trying to study, while three of them were playing pokmon on their cellphones. When a fourth starts leaning over to check the others progress, this troper provides this quote: "Geez you guys, don't be distracted by... [[{{Squee}} SQUIRTLE!]] *glee*" * This troper was at a movie theater with a girl. She was in the middle of telling me a story, and then a man sat down a couple rows in front of us. She glanced that way then noticed that the guy was bald and exclaimed quite excitedly: "Oooh, shiny!" * People will say I'm not focused. To this, I hastily respond: --> Me: I'm sarcastic and not focused. That's my [[{{BreakingTheFourthWall}} thing!]] I have the attention span of an ADD goldfish! Ooh, hey, look! Popcorn! * [[@/{{valbinooo}} I]] was diagnosed with ADD as an infant, but my parents are in denial. Even when I've backed it up with research. Anyway, I can't concentrate on more than one conversation at a time without completely losing touch with what's going on, I space out sometimes mid-sentence, and tend to make random observations like "Why are my fingers so long, but then my toes are so short?" in the middle of a conversation. And one time I broke-off mid word to proclaim excitedly what song came on my iTunes[it was Jambi by {{Tool}}]. And then, another time, my boyfriend had to repeat to me three times a story because I kept spacing out after he got past the first sentence. Of course, I've gotten in trouble at school for not paying attention, but most of my teachers don't care so long as I pass the class. Which I do. I'm not hyper, but ... uh... ** Oh, yeah, [[@/{{valbinooo}} I]] forgot to mention that I have looked for a fork in the fridge [repeatedly], almost put ice cream in the cabinet, almost put peanut butter in the fridge, and other kitchen-related mix ups. Then I have gone to get food and end up walking straight past the kitchen and to the bathroom or my room. Then there are the numerous times people will say something to me or

recount the one time they stole my glasses and I chased them and I honestly CAN'T REMEMBER or didn't hear them because I was focused on something else. * [[@/FarseerLolotea This troper]] has suspected it for quite some time. Turns out her father did as well...but preferred to just treat his daughter like a complete space case in an attempt to ''bully'' it out of her rather than actually do anything proactive about it. (Gee...''thanks'', Dad!) * This troper has a lovely ADD[=/=]OCD combo going -- for anything up to a month, I will be obsessed [and I mean obsessed] by a subject, only to switch to something else entirely, usually after a mass order. It's both annoying and expensive. * I have ADD (or ADHD predominately inattentive). I will have bouts of hyperfocus sprinkled in with my normal inattentiveness. This can both hinder and help me when writing a paper for school. I will either get so engrossed in the material I'm researching, that when I become inattentive I will continue finding more facts on the same topic, and I get too much information to shove into my paper, or I will get distracted by other topics before the hyperfocus hits and have nothing for my paper. One of my best papers in high school, where I was the most focused when writing it, was about Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. (As a side note, did you know that some medieval treatments for what may have been ADHD included tossing people in cold water, forbidding them to look at pictures of people, and wrapping their head in pig's lungs?) * This plus procrastination plus perfectionism plus inferiority complex = utter unproductiveness. * This troper was diagnosed with ADHD at a very young age. The best part about it? Her MOTHER is a pediatrician who specializes in ADHD and ADD. She also has a little brother diagnosed with severe ADHD. Oh and she is in a lot of smart people classes. It doesn't help when you notice that there's a spider next to you when you're taking the SAT. * This Troper has been diagnosed since the age of 5. My friends all mention that he tends to wander around both physically and mentally and has a habit of doing the same task a few times. But he has managed to figure out ways to at least keep them informed verbally when he's decided to switch topics or do something else by announcing "Segue" and then switching topics. * About a week after [[@/{{Kathadrion}} I]] got together with my (now, ex-)boyfriend, we were in my room, on my bed, lying face to face, holding hands and blushing and whispering sweet nonsense to each other. It was all very cute and romantic and there was this feeling of us being the only people in the world... until I happened to look past him and spotted an ice cream truck outside the window. Cue me abruptly sitting up (almost knocking my poor shocked boyfriend off the bed in the process), pointing at the window and excitedly yelling: "ICE CREAM!" * [[@/{{KamuiValentine}} This troper]] full stop. Her ADHD diagnosis came a few months ago, though it's been obvious for a long time. On the plus side she can run class efficiently at the dojo with a combination of not paying attention and hyper focus. On the downside she can run class efficiently at the dojo with a combination of not

paying attention and hyper focus. * [[@/DarkInsanity13 This troper]], while not diagnosed and likely not a sufferer, is fairly easily distracted and gets bored of things rather quickly. Which is why her grades started falling in middle school; she discovered the internet and the people/things far more interesting than whatever it was she was supposed to be working on. She's usually able to stay on track when temporarily distracted. On another note, a friend of her brother's has actually been diagnosed with ADHD. Troper's brother has said that the friend finds class a little hard, since several teachers don't have the patience or understanding to properly deal with him. He's a smart and creative kid, he just...doesn't focus well in class. * This troper has been noticing herself doing this a lot lately... She's on exam leave at the moment, so she has days of staying at home, 'revising'... except she gets distracted by various internet sites. She regularly forgets to eat when she's lost on the internet. * I will often trail off when talking to people because I either was distracted by something (often my thoughts, which are't always on the same track as what's spilling out of my mouth) or I just forgot what I was talking about. Yes, in the middle of sentences. Recently, I was getting ready to take pictures of my sister for a performance. Then a butterfly flitted past me. I spent at last 5 minutes chasing it and trying to take pictures of ''it'' instead. 'Twas a pretty butterfly. I haven't been diagnosed but my mom thinks I have mild ADD. I...uh...what was I talking about again? * This troper got diagnosed with ADHD ''yesterday''. What the doctor said after about an hour with her? "It's so obvious you have ADHD, I can't see how all your teachers missed it!" Now that she thinks about it, she can get distracted from distractions, and she stays up until 5:00 on the computer without knowing it ... yes, she is most definitely obviously ADHD. * Trickymander here I had ADHD at a young age but I think I have gotten better maybe not though as while I was writing this page, mu Facillitator is asking us to do a project. This is not just one time I had did that and I am still on the pill. ** I am off the pill and now am wondering if I should... oh Persona what am I going to do about that story. * This troper has meds. They keep her calm most of the time. However, when they wear off in the evening, the results in WoW can be quite interesting. First, there's her healer. I'll be 3/4 of the way through a dungeon and nobody will have dropped below half-health even once. Then a critter runs by or I see an interesting piece of scenery. The whole group dies. Then there's playing with her (also ADHD) father. We both veer off the roads randomly while the other goes "wait wth tell me before you do that!", with no warning except for the father's occasional "HERB". There have literally been strategies and movement plans interrupted midsentence by "PLANT!" to the point where we are considering "Has ADHD" for our Hordeside guild. * I should be looking for information about th...[[RayCharles hit the road Jack, and don't you come back no more, no more...]] the aura, you know? And this tro...I mean...I have to...what was I saying? Ahem, back to work!

* This Troper actually gets distracted by what he's thinking as he's saying something. What comes out are words that have the wrong first syllable because a word later in the sentence had that same syllable somewhere in the middle. His brain works much faster than his mouth. * This Australian troper knew someone from Missouri that suffered this. Talking to her was extremely amusing. * This Troper... [[LetsPlay OH MY GOD! A SHINY POKMON!]] * This troper was diagnosed with ADD at a very young age (she had a family history of it on both sides), and proceeded to suffer through grade school because of all of the self-diagnosed "ADD/[=ADHDs=]" out there. Seriously, people, it's a legitimate condition, not an excuse for your distractability/you being a hyper little fuck. I (ignore sudden change of perspective kthnx) at one point had a very nice teacher who I really liked. Until I heard her say that ADD "didn't count" as a neurological disorder. As much as I would never want to use it as a crutch, there are times when I try to explain to people that the reason I am doodling/knitting/playing with something in my hand is not because I am not paying attention to them abut because I literally cannot pay attention to them right now unless I'm doing something with my hands, and they get offended like I'm trying to make up excuses because I'm a bad kid like that. Quite frustrating. ** I feel you. I was diagnosed when I was 7. Since then, I've seen it used as an excuse for parents to load their kids with Ritalin instead of raising them. Whenever I meet someone who claims to have ADD, I always test them. You can usually tell if someone has it within minutes of meeting them. *** And how do you test them? Some of us integrate quite well into mainstream neurotypical society. ** This troper has ADD and joins the others in getting annoyed (to put it mildly) at such BS. * This troper has no kind of attention disorder ''whatsoever'', and yet she ''still'' pulls off this trope with hilarious regularity. I ''actually say'' "Ooh, X!" in each circumstance, but I've only actually said "Ooh, Shiny!" once, when I was confronted with replicas of Roman coins (they WERE pretty darn shiny). On top of that, I often doodle in my schoolbooks then rub it out so I don't get in trouble. I once collected Blu-Tak and made it into a Pterosaur, and if there's ''anything at all'' around that might distract me, even an open door, I will pause what I'm doing and lose my thread thinking about hypothetical situations. The latter event actually happened while I was writing this. * This troper had to ask the psychologist looking for signs of ADHD to repeat what she had just said; he hadn't been paying attention. Also; it's literally impossible for him to keep his attention on a boring text for more than fifteen seconds. It's the mental equivalent of putting his hand on a warmed-up hotplate. * [[Tropers/SukiSelfDestruct I]] have been diagnosed with ''mild'' ADHD. It mostly manifests in my hyperfocusing and inability to concentrate on anything else during said hyperfocusing. And the fact that I have the attention span of a sq-- OH MY GOD! there's an ant on my desk -- and look, WilWheaton just tweeted something funny! What was I talking about again?

* There was this one time where this Troper was walking through a mall with her aunt and uncle, and we were arguing about something and I was about to say something, and then we passed by a pet store and whatever I was saying became "PUPPIES!" * This Troper has ADHD (among other things) and has a [[{{Understatement}} VERY]] hard time paying attention, and this site is a HUGE distraction- DAMN YOU TVTROPES I NEED TO WORK ON MY FANFICS!!! Many of my friends suffer from this as well, we make choir class very entertaining. * A member of This Troper's D&D group has ADHD, and tends to get our group seriously discussing ridiculous off-tangents. He also wrote a paper for college where the title was "Attention Deficit Disorder, ASQUIRREL!" * Im very easily distracted-when trying to do homework on the computer I end up going on other things on the internet, like here or facebook, at school I dont listen as I get distracted by drawing, or reading something in the textbook that isnt relevant to the lesson. When I write I lose interest in the story im writing after a few pages, and I also.......OOOOHHHHH A KITTY!!!!! * Anyone else with ADHD suffers from Anemia as well? I am tired and hyperactive all at the same time. I need sleep but can't because my mind is too hyper. When I lack sleep, I become more hyperactive. Cycle repeats. Also, I have have hypersmell/taste, so I hate the taste of liver. (Liver is a good source of iron, which is what anemic people lack.) * This Troper was explaining this trope to his brother, it went like "Attention Deficit Ooh Shiny is... oh look deers!" I laughed pretty hard when I realized that I did a perfect demonstration of the trope. * This Troper is not diagnosed by any known mental disorder, and yet I can't stay focused long enough to draw a single comic panel. As a result, my brother's webcomic has not gotten off the ground as of yet. * This Troper has been diagnosed with ADHD since he was seven years old, and he has been prescribed VERY heavy doses of Ritalin. He was putting off a writing assignment by writing something else, but got distracted by a long WikiWalk that ended up on this page. This caused him to wonder just how severe his ADHD was, so he took three online quizzes. After scoring "severe" in all of them, he edited the answers to get the highest score possible; just to see what it would say. He then got distracted by his cat, and finally came back here to write this. * This troper would do this when she was younger until she became a good listener to her friends' problems.She acts AD if she finds herself in an awkward situations or being hit on by random guys 'Hey how are you?' 'Hi I'm go...KITTY!' * This troper hasn't been diagnosed, but her psychiatrist is suggesting she get evaluated. Her boifriend has sworn to buy her cat toys, just so she'll have something other than hir feather boas and hair to bat at in the middle of serious conversations. "So, see, I was thinking we could go with the house on-do you mind? Do I need to buy you cat toys?" * While going to get bread today: "Now, how many loafs of bread will two dollars bu-- OHMYGOD WHAT WAS THAT IS THAT A TOAD WE NEVER GET

TOADS HERE HOLYCRAP IT'S NOT HOPPING AWAY FROM ME MUST PICK IT UPPPPPP." I ended up bringing the toad into the convienience store and showing the cashier. * This troper manages to distract one of his friends simply by saying "Gundam". ** Same thing for [[@/{{TheDarkLord}} This Troper]]. Justified because what he's saying is [[spoiler:The Game]]. * Yeah. ADHD is a bitch! ** Seriously. I can barely read a page unless the topic is something I geek out about. * I took a geology course over May term that was basically a threeweek-long road trip up into Canada then down to Martha's Vineyard. During our stop in Toronto, the hostel at which we were staying offered a bar hop, and about half of us went, including the professor. He cut out early, and since I hadn't slept much the night before, I headed back with him. On the way, we discussed geology (shocking, I know), and we happened to pass by a fabric store with an amazing gown in the window. I was in the middle of a sentence when I noticed it, said "Ooo, shiny", and jumped back into the sentence exactly where I'd left off without breaking the flow of my speech at all. My professor was much amused. * In the midst of searching through a local Blockbuster with a friend... -->Troper's Friend: So we're looking for a multi-player OH LOOK, Trigun! * This troper was once talking with a friend at school, walking down the hall, and stopped talking and walking to say "Look, a pencil!" I'm also well known with my friend to be incredibly distract by cute things. I've inturrupted serious conversations at a park to say "Oh my god A SQUIRREL!" * [[@/{{Pastylover2}} This Troper]] was at the mall today, singing the RedDwarf theme, and saw a Christmas tree. He had just sung the ''I'm all alone'' part, when he saw it. Without breaking tune, he added ''Christmas tree!'' * This troper used to be diagnosed with ADD, and has no idea why they changed the diagnosis because '''EVERYTHING DISTRACTS ME'''. My mom's attempts to separate me from stuff like music and books and games and other gadgets have never worked because even if I'm in a featureless room with nothing but an essay to write five hours later I'm taking a nice leisurely Brain Walk (in which I start thinking about lots of things from dotted rhythms to Japanese kanji to Anglo-Saxons) with ''nothing done''. I still don't know how to work with this since no one has actually worked with me on it. * This troper has never been diagnosed with ADD or ADHD, but has been thought to have it by her friends and classmates. Her mother and grandmother seem to think she has it, as they often told her when she was little to "act normal" or else the school would think something was wrong with her and put her in Special Ed (which they regarded as a bad thing). To this day, this troper doesn't know whether she has ADD/ADHD or not, but if she does, it would explain a lot of things, especially why she often spaces out, can't seem to be still and is distracted by every little thing.

* This tropette or it might just be the creativity/bi polar ism/madness. * This troper is captivated by moving images, aka anything that is going in the TV. IF the TV is running and you try to talk with the troper there is a 75% chance this troper will instead look at the TV and completely faze out and be unable to remember anything he is told. And still nod and answer to everything that is said! Just unable to remember it all. * This troper was diagnosed with ADHD in college, but for paperwork reasons had to be rediagnosed in a rather grueling battery of tests involving Rorschach blots and trickily colored words. And has been known to sit in his therapist's office talking and looking out the window at a tree that at one point had a gap in it vaguely resembling Wisconsin... which he actually pointed out to the therapist almost completely at random. * This troper has ADHD. She's been known to open up to fifteen different websites at a time and many, many tabs. Her last ten minutes has been spent writing, browsing TV Tropes, making coffee, wandering around the living room, jumping on the bed, eating chips, and at one point she sat down next to her sister intending to ask what she was doing but instead reached across and grabbed her Elmo doll. And the last sentence on the page is "...amazing black hair, I can see a bir". She tends to stop in the middle of words even when she's talking, and in the last hour, has spawned sentences like, "Ohh, is that a zamboni?" "I love me some coffee," "OVERLARGE CANARY!" Yeah. * I think I win on the Lotta Tabs Syndrome. I particularly remember at one point having 300+ tabs of Tv Tropes on window, and on another one having 200+ tabs of fanfiction, not including my window to GaiaOnline and a few Youtube clips that I'd planned to go back to. I also have that problem with conversations where I tail off in the story with ANOTHER story that gives a better explanation for the first story. Also consistently start talking about random things. (To everyone else anyway. In my mind how I got to the topic makes sense.) I'll see something that reminds me of something else and talk about it. Usually no one else can make the connection. And I have the Squirrel issue too. I haven't been diagnosed with anything though. * This Troper has been diagnosed with ADD for years now. Though she do not scream out as most do, she tends to space off at a whim. More than once she has been distracted by beads on the ground. Then she picks them up and secretly hoards them. She has around 90 at the time of this edit. * A literal quote from this Troper: *sees someone painted "STOP" on the ground when there's a clear stop sign* "...Really? They really feel the need to tell us to stop twice? We know when to stop, already. I mean, how easily distracted do they think we-OOOOOH LOOK A SQUIRREL!!...What was I talking about??" * This is not always a fun trope. This Troper has been on heavy medication most of his life just so that he can have a job at the moment where at his best he's just considered forgetful. * Sadly, this ADD troper is this(and really, really much, at that), leading to a lot of StopBeingStereotypical reactions from other people with ADD/ADHD. ---

* This troper often forgets things ten seconds after they happen. While this troper does not have ADD or ADHD, they find it difficult to focus on mundane things for a very long time, thus preferring a work schedule with lots of shiny to keep preoccupied. Speaking of which, did you know that the most commonly used fonts in today's society are variants of the Helvetica font? ...sorry. * This troper zigzags the trope depending on the...I'm gonna go play some games now. * I was recently diagnosed with predominantly inattentive ADHD (and my doctor is also hinting at the possibility of Asperger's). Like most of you, not only will I have 62139508996 Firefox tabs open EVERY BROWSING SESSION (most of which are TVTropes pages), but I've been known to stare at animated [=GIFs=] for THIRTY MINUTES at a time. There have been plenty of times where I will just abandon what I was doing to start on something else, and then abandon that. My brain never shuts off. It jumps from one inappropriate and irrelevant thought to the next. I can't even hold conversations for my brain wandering off. And yeah, my grades were absolutely HORRIBLE. Even in classes I was good in, like French in high school and Japanese at university, I would space out (random thoughts, following a bug crawling on the window or the ceiling, etc). I'll put things someplace and almost instantly forget where I put them, even if they're in PLAIN SIGHT. I can't tell you how many times I've looked over a book I was trying to find that was RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME. Then there are the reports of me just up and walking out of class in kindergarten and first grade...that would certainly explain a lot (I don't remember it, but my mom has the records to prove it). And I drag my feet ALL. THE. TIME. In fact, I'm supposed to be finishing this job application. Instead I'm here. It took me an hour just to type all this. That's pretty pitif-YO! SAY! NATSU GA! * This tropette is always pulling something up in one tab, changing to another while it loads, and then coming back to the changed tab 15 minutes later wondering what she was doing with it. * Tim in [[ClassOfDiligence this troper's class]] * This tropette does this a lot, especially where cats are involved. In one memorable instance, she was talking to her father, a fellow [[Cloudcuckoolander]] about how weird it is when he just says something out of the blue. Cue her cat coming into the room and this tropette dissolving into "KITTYKITTYKITTY!" * This troper was about to drink from a carton of chocolate milk, but noticed a loose string on her bracelet and twisted her wrist to get a better look. Cue a puddle of milk on the table and extremely amused friends. I've also been known to drop everything at the sight of my cat (reactions range from "kitty!" to getting up and chasing her to the other end of the house so I can pet her). * I'm not quite sure whether I have ADD or not, but it seems that [[TVTropesWillRuinYourLife TV Tropes automatically induces this]]-Hey, what's that WikiWord? * This troper has, in the last hour and a half, gone from checking email to checking up on her online group to joining a game of Nutsy Bolts to adding multiple personalities to the game to going back to

the online group to checking on her online creature eggs to checking on TVTropes to checking on her eggs to looking on this page to remembering that she was supposed to be editing her novel... no, she doesn't have ADHD, but sometimes... * If this troper mentions the belief that he has ADHD to his parents, his parents would claim that I didn't have AD(H)D. I'd tell him that I am concurrently studing WWI history and typing up this in this TroperTales page...and thinking about how I might be ADHD. ** If someone mentions ADHD, tell them I prefer ADD--oh those D's-they're tingling! * While walking home from school with a friend, this tropette was telling said friend how much she is hyperactitive. My friend wasn't paying attention so I said, "You have Attention Deficit--ooh, hot guy!" My friend immediantly perked up and was like "where?". I said I didn't know what she was talking about. * When this troper was talking to her father about something important I said, "So the thing is on January--LOOK AT THE MOON!" There was a daymoon that day, and the moon was full. I like the moon. * [[Tropers/DaibhidC This troper]] doesn't quite have full-blown ADD, but is close. There's a reason he has so many {{YKTTW}}s that never get launched... * It took this troper two weeks to post this, because she accidently clicked on another tab and drifted on. And now she forgot what she was doing before she started writing this... But this is probably more important so it's all good! * At the mall with a friend, Me: If we cut through the parking lot to Target we'll have fewer distractions *spots a piece of jewelry someone left in the perfumes* Ooh shiny! * ThisTroper has a very short att ** [[MemeticMutation O i c whut u did that!]] * One of my college professors was easily distracted and often forgot about what he was teaching because he was often more interested in the subjects his students talked about and we often had to remind him. * This troper knows many people who do this when caught in a lie. I guess this crosses over with BadLiar. * This troper has been told that he may have ADHDPI. The PI stands for predominately inattentive. So he does have ADHD, he just doesn't jump aroudn and do random things... At least when no one's home... * My friend has remarked that I always seem to be high after lunch. She is constantly jumpy and has No Inside Voice. On a different note, has anyone seen my sparkly penguin? * This perfectly describes this troper. No matter how much you ''try'' to avert my attention after spotting a distraction, I'll be shooting off in the oppposite direction towards the thing, or trying so hard not to do so, by avoiding eye contact alltogether. * While trying to find someone a few years ago, this troper's entire family was completely distracted by none other than a black squirrel running along the trees. "Oh mah gawd! It's black! Not red!" Nowadays, if my sister says "Look! It's a bird!" while I'm driving I will instinctively look, and I always remind her not to do that. It's the worst with crows because I'm so facinated by their behaviour. * This troper was only diagnosed with ADHD at 19 (fourteen years of

private school'll do that to you). She was (and still is) easily distracted by cats and most cat-sized things. * This troper doesn't have (diagnosed) ADD or ADHD, but if something doen't grab his attention in 30 seconds, he'll move onto something else. He also blanks out easily and often spouts the sentence, "I'm sorry, what?" This troper also has a rather circuitous thought process; often times someone will mention one idea and he'll talk about something completely different because that idea reminds him of another idea which in turn reminds him of something else...wait, does that really have anything to do with the subject at hand? * I don't have any type of attention disorder, but I will totally be transfixed by shiny objects. At lunch, I place myself so that I can't see the sun's reflections on cars, so I'll actually pay attention to my friends. * MANY a times this troper has had a variation of this trope, where he would be thinking about grabbing something and take it up (or down) stairs to put it away, go up or down the stairs, then reverse direction because he completely forgot to grab the item he originally had the mindset to grab in the first place! ** This troper also falls victim to this, as she will think about grabing something from a room but forgets what she's going to grab once she makes it there. * This troper once went on a rant about nuclear proliferation, only to interrupt herself mid-word with "Ooh! Marshmallows!". * This troper is actually the older sibling of an ADD-inflicted brother. I'm fine with reminding him what we were just talking about, letting him know that he's forgotten to do assignments that are due the next day and the fact he claims to have told me things he hasn't (because he got distracted in conversation). Its the 'running up the stairs to barge into my bedroom and loudly quoting whatever funny thing he just saw on TV before he forgets to' that I can't take because it averages to occurring every seven minutes on Saturday. * This troper, who does have ADHD, falls under this all too often in her life. Even on her meds she is easily distracted, and will stop talking mid-sentence upon noticing something. The best example has to be when fluffy looking seed things were floating in the sky one day and she began chasing after them in the middle of a conversation, completely forgetting about said person she was talking to. She also will get distracted from doing something on the internet by something else, resulting in multiple open tabs. In fact, she is currently being distracted from uploading art to {{DeviantArt}} just to edit this paHEY LOOK, THERE'S A HOMESTUCK VIDEO IN MY YOUTUBE SUBSCRIPTIONS! * This troper doesn't have ADD/ADHD, but during lunch her friends were telling a story about a really fluffy cat they saw and were joking that it had reached 'critical mass.' She didn't get the joke so when she went to Biology class she spent a good deal of time trying to figure it out. While in class her teacher started talking about cadavers, but this troper misheard and though the teacher said kadaivers, which made her think of Macgyver, which somehow made her understand what her friends meant about the cat so she burst out laughing in class. * [[Tropers/AdelePotter This Tropette's]] male friend has this.

Sometimes he spaces out mid-''word'', leaving me to snap him out of it, and remind him what we're talking about. ---Back to... hey, [[AttentionDeficitOohShiny check this out!]] ---<<|TroperTales|>>

AttractiveBentGender * I wore tights as part of a halloween costume and my legs immediately became the object of envy for at least three women. * This troper once did a little skit in high school english class based on Shakespeare's ''Othello.'' Our group didn't have enough men, so one of the girls was tapped to play Iago. On the day of the actual presentation, she decided to really get into it and brought an outfit to change into in the bathroom. Every person who saw her, this troper included, did a double-take at the wiry, short, but distinctly male person that walked into the room. * [[@/{{Koveras}} This Troper]] once played a DungeonsAndDragons character who had UnstableGeneticCode (as a result of a failed magical experiment) and flipped genders every 1d4 weeks. Naturally, he made a deal with the dungeon master that in the female form, said character's Charisma score would be maxed out at the expense of other attributes such as Strength. Oh, and the character's class was [[LadyOfWar fighter]]. * [[@/{{Katsuhagi}} This troper]] once participated in a drag show where she took up the guise of a drag king who bore an uncanny resemblance to a Civil War general (nicknamed by her dad Beauregard T. Cornpone The Third). Not only was the appearance convincing enough to fool several people on the night of the show when she wandered around just for kicks, but it also apparently caused several male and female students who attended to question their sexuality. The HartmanHips and voice kinda gave it away, but from the waist up very much this trope, and to this day I ''still'' get people who will look at me for a while in confusion before it clicks and they say something like "You were that hot guy!" ** [[ Indeed.]] *** [[ZeroPunctuation Yahtzee?]] *** Well, we're both of Scottish descent... * This troper was in a local theater group and, since there were more girls than guys, had to crossdress for the dancing competition scene in Grease. Cue people asking my best friend who the [[{{Bifauxnen}} handsome guy]] she danced with was. * This troper has a friend who cosplays as guy characters. When she's not crossdressing, she's a fairly plain and terminally dateless teenage girl. When she is, she's hit on by girls at least once every ten minutes. * [[@/{{Sylocat}} This Troper]] cross-plays all the time, usually on Halloween but often for conventions as well. Every time I do, I frequently get mistaken for a girl. Even up close, and when I speak in-character. I've actually been hit on. And I admit, sometimes I like

stringing my suitors along for a bit, just to make them feel weirder when I suddenly revert to my normal voice and act like I thought they realized it all along and had no idea they were serious. Yes, I'm a CompleteMonster, I know. * This Troper's girly car and long hair (since shaved) caused a surprising number of men to ogle him while driving. [[DroppedABridgetOnHim So he grew a beard]]. * [[@/{{Niddik}} This Troper]]'s cousin once dressed up as a girl for Halloween. The response he got was something along the lines of "dude, SHE'S HOT!" * This troper mentioned on TroperTales already about his [[WholesomeCrossdresser androgynous, theater-acting]] brother. This troper already has a girlfriend, but attraction to his brother still happens a lot, and the brother is a tease. We still share the same room and [[ThereAreNoTherapists this troper's at the end of his ropes]] and [[{{Squick}} is feeling really dirty now]]... That and [[PerverseSexualLust very aroused]]. * This male troper has very feminine facial traits, and even my mother knows it: I once decided to let my beard grow but... I just looked weird ... * One of the days for Spirit Week at this troper's first High School was opposite sex day. It was very disturbing how many guys got mistaken for girls, and how many of them had great legs. It literally took her morning band class 20 minutes to realize that the random new girl sitting in the back was actually the guy trombone player. His normal bowl cut was in a beehive, he was wearing a blouse and bra with some small waterballoons, a mid-thigh-length skirt, and 3 inch platform heels. It was quite the job. * This is more of a case of ViewerGenderConfusion, but one of this troper's guy friends (not a bishonen in any way, shape, or form), who just happened to have long hair, was approached by a guy in Wal-Mart who'd mistaken her friend for his wife. * This troper has cross-dressed for Halloween exactly twice. The first time, he was taken for someone's girlfriend - by a member of the same social circle. The second time (at a bar), he was actually hit on by the {{Handsome Lech}} among his {{Nakama}}. When he dropped persona, the response was ".... I need either more or less to drink." * This troper has been mistaken for one of a legitimate pair of YaoiGuys while attending a local anime convention with a casual friend. The thing is, what I was doing barely counted as crossplaying. (School shirt, which is a ''blouse'', jeans that show off my lack of butt, and a cell phone stored in an interesting place.) I'm not terribly flat-chested, and I'm not even terribly attractive, let alone masculine-looking OR {{bifauxnen}}. It left me with permanent mental scarring and two lifelong friends -- the huge, tough, pierced and tattooed bisexual I was con-going with and one of the girls I Bridgetdropped. * This Troper's brother competed in a cross-dressing pageant for the college we go to. She was both disturbed and annoyed that he made a hotter chick than her... and ''He'' has dreadlocks. He also liked to brag that girls were constantly commenting on how hot he was. Narcissism at its FINEST.

* This troper's eight year old sister recently got a boy cut. She then started at a new school one month later, and had to constantly remind people that she was a girl. One of this troper's parent's friends said, "Aww, she'd look like such a middle school guy, if she was taller." to which this troper (a middle school girl) promtly replied, "A ''hot'' middle school guy." * [[@/FreeVerse This Troper]] once dressed as a ghost for Halloween; a costume which caused an upperclassman to note "That chick was hot," strangely enough, I was not actually trying to disguise my true gender whatsoever. * Years ago myself, my brother and a male mutual friend attended our very first anime convention where we spotted someone cosplaying as Mai Shiranui from the video game King of Fighters. This person, despite being flat as a board, actually did a very good job...So good in fact, my brother and our friend had a nice long conversation about the various things they would do to this person in bed, to put it politely. We eventually became separated and I decided to get on line for the dealer's room. Shortly thereafter, the Mai cosplayer and her gaggle of girlfriends got on line behind me. While eavesdropping on their conversation, I couldn't help but notice that one of the voices was a I turned around discreetly in an attempt to find which of the females standing behind me had such a masculine-sounding voice. Not only was that voice coming from Mai, but I also noticed for the first time the small-but-definitely-there adam's apple. My God, the look on my male cohort's faces when I told them of my discovery... absolutely priceless. We would actually run into "her" quite a lot at other conventions, and she always crossplays. I got into a conversation with her once. Her name is Brie ("like the cheese!") and she's really, really sweet. (and as an Easter basket, by the way.) So next time you're ogling some cute cosplayer at a con and she turns out to have something a little "extra", don't say I didn't warn you. ** If she is referred to with feminine pronouns and calls herself Brie, there's a good bet it's [[{{Transsexual}} a bit more]] than just cross-play... * [[@/{{synaesthetic}} This troper]] regularly hears [[AttractiveBentGender catcalls and whistles]] whenever [[{{Transsexual}} she]] wears a short skirt. I usually just let them think what they will. No sense in derailing their momentary fantasies... or putting the brakes on my ego boost! * I'm female, if rather broad-shouldered and androgynous-looking, and the first to admit that I'm very plain. However, I bet that if I actively tried to pass for a guy (yes, I've been mistaken for one in the past), I would be considered [[{{bifauxnen}} quite attractive]]. ** Please stop describing me. * This troper likes wearing guy's clothes. The pants are just so spacious she can do high kicks and a ton of fun stuff in them (martial artist). And the guy's jackets are perfect for hiding things in the pockets. Guy's jeans also have bigger pockets than girls jeans. She tries to look a little feminine by wearing a tight top to accentuate her MostCommonSuperpower, and she has long curly girl hair, but I'm mistaken for a dude all the time by girls hitting on me ([[GirlOnGirlIsHot which doesn't bother me]]).

* This troper is plain and usually easy to miss, but when I cosplay guys, I'm [[CuteShotaroBoy apparently very cute]]. * [[@/HawkW This Troper]], who's long-haired, skinny, and a bit androgynous at the best of times, was once conned into cosplaying as female, and was squee'd over by both sexes more than entirely reasonable, even getting a ''marriage proposal''. [[EveryGirlIsCuterWithHairDecs It was the bows]], he's decided, that lent him so much appeal. * This troper has a friend who is androgynous in all aspects -- name, body, face. Everything. (S)He very much enjoys this, apparently, and comes to school one day in a miniskirt and a blouse, then the next in a man's shirt with baggy jeans. This troper is certain that many of the staff and administration are confused as well, as a pair of teachers once had an argument about it in front of the class. This friend doesn't take gym or play any sports, and has never gone to the bathroom at school at all within memory. quite literally nobody knows, and (s)he's loving it. * [[@/{{Bisected8}} This Troper]] will leave you to decide how closely his Halloween 2009 costume [[ follows this trope]]. * When [[@/TromboneChild This Troper]] was in high school, the marching band would hold Tuesday night rehearsals in addition to our early-morning rehearsals held every day, and each evening rehearsal would have a dress-up theme (not mandatory, though) like "Movie Character Night," "Superhero Night," "Cowboy Night," etc. The band's favorite theme was "Dress Like The Opposite Sex Night," and my friend Eric arrived as a tall, willowy blonde, and he is one of two genuinely attractive male-to-female crossdresser I have ever seen in RealLife. He bore a [[TroperTales/CelebrityResemblance resemblance to Paris Hilton]], [[TakeThat except that he was GORGEOUS]]. He got a ton of ribbing from the other guys that night, but I think they were all secretly thinking, [[EvenTheGuysWantHim "I'd hit it."]] * This troper went to a costume dance at her college dressed as Ichabod Crane (so basically, as Johnny Depp). She later found out that some friends from the theatre department had been across the room going "Wow, who's that guy? He's really cute-- oh my GOD that's Rin!" (She has since been compared favorably with Alan Rickman and Antonio Banderas, so yeah, she figures she's winning.) * [[@/{{Bergil}} I]]'m kind of embarrased to admit this, but when I was looking at some GuildWars concept art, I sae that it was drawn by Kekai Kotaki and thought "She has a really beautiful name". * [[@/{{Serperoth}} This troper]] looks good in a dress. Let's just say that he can't say no to his friends... Also has been mistaken for a girl on the street. But I shall not cut my hair! * OK, most of the time, this male troper looks like a weird lesbian, but when I actually dressed more properly as a girl (I was helping a friend with a play, seriously...) I kind of liked how I looked... And [[LesYay she too!]] * Suffice it to say this troper has a friend who crossplays FinalFantasyVII's Reno very well. I already have a girl-crush on her as it is, and this does NOTHING to lessen it.

* [[@/MacPhisto This Troper]] once [[WhiteHairedPrettyBoy bleached his hair blonde]] on an impulse. He made absolutely zero changes to his wardrobe. At least once a week someone would refer to me as "Miss" or "Young Lady". * This Troper has been mistaken for a guy at every single dance she's ever gone to. Except for Prom, [[FormFittingWardrobe for obvious reasons.]] She also gets a lot of curious looks and cat calls when she goes out in public dressed as a guy. * There is a girl at this troper's college who is completely androgynous and whose wardrobe tends more toward the masculine. She also has a tendency to wear her hair up or hide it all under one of her ubiquitous hats. The result is a shining example of how the {{Bifauxnen}} concept can work without the short hair common to most of the examples on its trope page. This girl is also one of the most critically acclaimed (by our school newspaper, that is) members of our sole Shakespeare-only undergraduate theater group, and seeing as she's a senior, she's done plenty of roles, all male. Apparently her Hamlet 2 years ago was amazing, I practically forgot she was female during her brief but intense role as Tybalt this past fall, and everyone is looking forward to seeing her as Brutus in Julius Caesar before she graduates and we never see her again. This whole thing was oddly subverted in the one time she was actually cast in a female role (for an unrelated play someone wrote on their own) rather different from her real personality, and she found it unnatural to have to learn how to act like a woman again. The end result, though, was a major case of SheCleansUpNicely, proving that her gender didn't have to be bent for her to be attractive. * This troper combined "Attractive Bent Gender" with "HotForTeacher." So I'm a rather androgynous/feminine looking male, with a waist waspier than some women and weighing about as much as a woman of the same age. Our school had a crossdressing day, and I decided to participate using my girlfriend's clothes. This was also the day I had to give multiple lectures for one of my teachers who was away for the day. In one of the classes was a lesbian friend of mine, who admitted to me after school that day that she could not focus at all during the lecture because I was such a good girl that she wanted to hit on me! * This troper's friend had to crossdress for a theatre performance she did. She made a very attractive male. * Unfortunately averted by this troper. I did not make a good woman. Admittedly, I did not try that hard. * In middle school this troper had girlish features and long hair. One day in the lunch line I was cut in front of. A lunch lady called the boy out on it saying that he'd "Cut in front of this little girl," and motioned at me. I grabbed the tray, moved on without a word, and tried hard to forget. A year later and a guy mistakes me for a cute girl and attempts to flirt. I left without a word, got on my bus, and drank as much BrainBleach as I could that night. But the mental scars... they do not leave. * This troper was once a fairly active "for the fun of it" crossdresser. I was once in a boutique-ish thrift store with a friend, both of us in drag, trying on dresses. My friend emerged from the dressing room in a particularly hot little frock, and a nearby large

African-American woman and her daughter had this hysterical exchange that I can still hear in my mind as if it were yesterday: -->'''Mother:''' Oooooh....she look GOOD! -->'''Daughter:''' But, Momma, that's a ''man''! -->'''Mother:''' I don't care -- he STILL look good! * This troper knows she looks better in 'masculine' clothing and with short hair, which makes her look, well, like a guy, and not in the unfortunate biker babe/dyke sterotype way. That also might be why I've been having gender issues lately, but... * Funny story... Pikmin Link (or another amazing female Link cosplayer) came to a convention I was at with an amazing Zelda cosplayer. My friends and I proceeded to ship the two until we found out that she is a girl... ** [[LesYay And then you shipped some more?]] * This gay troper has dressed herself as a suave and classy young man on more than one occasion and has found that she gets a lot of flirty attention from her straight female friends when she does. * When [[Tropers/TromboneChild this troper]] was in high school, my school's marching band would have Tuesday night rehearsals, and each practice had a different dress-up theme. The most popular theme was "Dress Like The Opposite Sex Night." During my junior year, my male friend/section leader showed up in a long, platinum blonde wig; a tight, sleeveless pink top; a matching pink miniskirt; fishnets (I can't remember the color); and plenty of makeup on his face. As I stared at him, I realized that he looked like he could be Paris Hilton's much-prettier younger sister. This turned into some bizarre twist on EvenTheGirlsWantHer (my friend, not Paris Hilton). * At least one of [[Tropers/TheLuckyStar This Troper's]] friends has forbidden him from crossdressing in his presence, for fear that it would be too much to take and turn him totally gay for said Troper. Suffice to say, said Troper loves teasing him with the prospect. * Just last week, this male troper wore a dress and makeup for as part of a school tradition. Said troper was getting looks from both male and [[EvenTheGirlsWantHer female]] schoolmates. He was then told by his straight friends to never do that again, because he does it too well. * This (female) troper was in the school play her junior year of high school. Enough people auditioned (6 roles and 6 people) but it was 5 girls and 1 guy and 3 female and 3 male characters, so I and another girl got cast in male roles. Mine was that of an old bald man, but having c cup (and still growing) boobs and not being particularly masculine, i didn't think i'd look the least bit like a guy. Guess what? One of my friends told me afterwards that people were wondering what guy they got to play my role. Cue me having a "w..t..f?" moment. * I (male) play the female character in DigimonWorld Dusk. I once traded with a girl who played the male character in Digimon World Dawn. She was jealous of my character's kitty hat. * This troper was that in middle school. [[ According to some.]] * This female troper likes dressing in 'masculine' clothes, i.e., button-up shirts, ties, sweater vests, etc. A female friend of mine

once told me (while I was dressed in a Harry Potter-esque sweatervest-and-tie combination) that if I was actually a boy, she would have a crush on me. * [[@/{{Metalitia}} This troper]] (gawd, how that whole "this troper" business annoys me...) is {{Transsexual}} and is actively working on achieving AttractiveBentGender while I *sigh* otherwise seem to be unable to actually afford to transition. I've been "ma'am-ed" about 1 out of every 75 times or so, and I certainly won't correct them...and this is WITHOUT dressing overtly feminine (sometimes I wear skinny jeans, that's about they make my legs and butt look GORGEOUS) almost 100% of the time.a * [[{{DarthMegatron}} This troper]] once saw an adorable Asian {{Supergirl}} cosplayer from behind at a con. When approaching "her", I saw that "her" face was slightly masculine. I started talking to "her", and after "she" replied in a slightly masculine voice, I answered with "Oh, when I saw you from behind I thought you were a chick". "She" replied with an obviously strained and falsely feminine "I eeeeyyyyaaam a girl!". This troper walked away snickering. To say nothing of [[ this]] [[{{DeathNote}} Misa Amane]] cosplayer, who managed to successfully fool this troper's sister. * This troper's friend thought, at first, that our other friend was a really hot guy and went to hit on "him", only to discover that "he" was a she. She did comment, however, that, were Brittany a guy, she'd be a very hot one. Poor girl gets misteaken for a guy often (doesn't help she dresses like one). Likewise, my guy friend thought our friend was a guy (he never spoke to her, ever) until Snt. Patricks Day, when she borrowed my green sweater and the guy then realized that he's a she and felt very bad. For the record, she had [[MontyPythonAndTheHolyGrail large tracts of land]] at the time; she just wore baggy sweatshirts and had her head down at all times (sleeping). * Am I the only one who finds [[Memes/{{Homestuck}} March Eridan]] to be strangely hot? * [[ This troper's friend]] when crossplaying. Go back to AttractiveBentGender; which, in drag, is surprisingly hot. ---<<|TroperTales|>>

AudienceParticipationSong * This editor went to a King's X concert (don't feel bad if you've never heard of them) where the singer didn't even get a chance to sing the first words. He just stood there with an awestruck look on his face while the audience sang the song to ''him''. ** This troper went to a Weezer concert where the same thing happened with "El Scorcho". Rivers Cuomo protested ("But we haven't started yet!") before just joining in.

* Any band with a sufficiently dedicated fanbase can get this. Example: This editor went to a Hanson concert (in 2004, seven years after their first and only massive hit) and could not hear the lead singer for most of the show. This wasn't because the mics were acting up - it was because the fans were singing every single word. This goes double for any song that is seen as an "anthem" to the fans. * This editor once attended a concert by Christian contemporary performer Margaret Becker (good concert, too). At one point, she had the audience singing along, held her microphone out to the crowd, lost control of it, and beaned someone in the front row (no injuries). * Subverted at one Barenaked Ladies concert this troper went to. The singer kept ''changing the words'' during "Pinch Me" just to throw off audience members who were singing along. ** In one BNL concert this troper went to, the audience started singing "If I Had $1,000,000" lyrics too early, when the band said "That's not what this song is!" and began to perform another song. By a completely different band. * This editor once witnessed the ultimate example of this phenomenon at a ''Jump, Little Children'' concert. Half way through the song, the band stopped so the lead singer could ask the audience what the next line was. (It was a requested song that they hadn't played in a while, so the band can be forgiven for forgetting.) ** Irish band Bell X1 once had an odd example of this -- the singer petered out during the first verse of 'I'll see your heart', so the audience helpfully joined in and got halfway through the song before he managed to explain that he hadn't forgotten the words, he'd just been mesmerised by the couple in the audience who were getting "very... affectionate." By then, they had to go back to the start because they were all on different bits of the song. * At a recent show attended by this troper, Jonathan Coulton requested that the audience sing the final chorus of "Skullcrusher Mountain" by ourselves. We happily obliged. * When this troper saw Weird Al Yankovic perform "Dare to be Stupid", he repeated the "I can't hear you!" about 8 times until the audience was finally shouting loud enough. * [[@/AcrossTheStars This troper]] recalls one theatre tradition that involves playing songs significant to the departing seniors. 'A Whole New World' is a perennial favorite. The resident tech genius couldn't get it to start, but the cast/crew didn't know that... so we proceeded to sing the ''entire song'' by ourselves. Without music. Without knowing we didn't ''have'' music. * This troper saw the band Chiodos live (again, don't feel bad if you hadn't heard of them) and the band managed to throw in about 5 different examples of this trope, including telling the audience to mosh, crowdsurf a lot, and of course, sing along. * Don't Stop Believing: It doesn't even take a Journey concert for the audience to sing along. This Troper went to a Metal show and in between bands, this song started playing over the speakers and EVERYONE joined in singing it. So much so that the band up next asked them to put it on again so they could transition into it. Needless to say, it was the most awesome thing I have ever witnissed at a concert, even if it was a very small venue.

** A similar thing happened when I saw Wolfmother. After the cycle of rock music over the speakers before, of all things, Toto's Africa began playing. Many people just chuckled, but by the time that [[NarmCharm Narmtastic line]] came around, half the people began singing in the cheesiest voice they could muster. "Hurry, boy, it's waiting there for you! [chorus]" To add to this, last September, I saw Judas Priest, and before they began performing, what starts playing but [[BlackSabbath War Pigs by Black Sabbath]] [[RuleOfThree (don't feel bad if you hadn't heard of them)]]. EVERYONE sang along, a lot of people drummed on their laps, and there was much air guitar to be had. An arena of people singing along to a classic metal song is pretty great. It may have outshone the main event. * Not an exact song participation per s, but This Troper once went to a BillBailey show, which was themed around the orchestra. When he introduced the Flute, one audience member "whooped"; leading Bill to comment and have a bit of a laugh, and then moved on. The next instrument, the Oboe, got a few more "whoops"; which Bill again had a laugh about. And when he introduced the bassoon the ''entire freaking audience'' cheered. Every time he said an instrument name from that point onward the entire crowd cheered, literally reducing Bill to tears of laughter. * This troper went to a They Might Be Giants show where, on one of their numbers, they cued the audience to 'scream like you're in HELL!!!' * Carthestian here. My first visit to MTAC, a place that runs on RuleofFun, consisted of a guy doing just this. * I was once on a long car trip with friends, listening to a mix CD. Once "Hotel California" came on, the girl in the passenger seat declared that singing along was mandatory. Likewise for "Bohemian Rhapsody." * [[@/MelasZepheos This Troper]] witnessed a rather pathetic version of this when he went to see The Darkness about a month before they broke up. They were testing music from their new album, which they assumed everyone had heard and knew the words to. Needless to say, they didn't, leading to some rather terrible audience participation moments. A nicer example happened when I played some of my own material at an open mic night, and by the second chorus the audience had caught on and I had thirty people singing my own song back at me until the end of the night. It's the moments like that that make it all worthwhile. * This troper was part of a pretty bad show choir. Our first performance saw my friend, who sang a solo, run out into to audience to encourage them to sing along and clap so that they wouldn't hear us. I am no longer part of said show choir. * At our leavers assembly at the end of the year before we all left to do exams, this kid in my year tried to turn "baby" by Justin Beiber into one of these. It really, REALLY didn't work. * At the [[{{Firefly}} Can't Stop the Serenity 2010]] Seattle event, Marian Call and Vixy & Tony had the audience singing not only the chorus to [[ It's Good to Have Jayne on Your Side]], but [[ Mal's

Song]] (which is the theme song to the show) too! * This troper was taken to see MyChemicalRomance once. At some point during the very end of a song (might've been Sharpest Lives or House of Wolves), Gerard Way held the mic out to the audience with an obvious "Sing it for me!" in his gesturing. All that was heard was FanGirl screaming, and he [[CrowningMomentOfFunny visibly rolled his eyes]] before finishing it. * Pretty much every bike rally and festival this troper has ever attended has had at least one rendition (either live or canned) of ''Living Next Door to Alice'', with the obscenity laden refrain heartily sung by everyone within earshot of the sound system/stage. In a similar manner, any time anyone puts on ''House Of The Rising Sun'', it turns into an audience participation song, with the crowd singing heckles in between each line: "There is ''what?'' a house ''where?'' in New Orleans ''what's it called?''" etc. This has been known to scare the occasional band playing the festival for their first time. * At my Britney Spears show last year everybody sang along to Baby One More Time. It was anthemetic. It was really magical! * When this troper saw [[LadyGaga The Monster Ball Tour]] the audience was asked to help sing 'Speechless'. I get goosebumps everytime I think of how perfectly in-tuned everyone was. * Great Big Sea concerts alwys invoke this trope. * In one of the gaming clubs at my college, starting Stan Rogers' "Barrett's Privateers" is a guarantee of this. * When ''TsukasaElkKite'' went to a No Doubt concert recently, the best part of the whole concert was, in her opinion, was hearing 10,000+ fans sing "Don't Speak" in unison. The band even stopped playing at the end, and the only sound to be heard was Gwen and the fans, singing. Same thing happened when she saw the Foo Fighters when they played "Everlong", and when she saw Green Day (just about every song they played had the audience singing along). * This troper went to a Metallica concert a few years ago. Even though I was standing almost right next to one of the speakers, I could barely hear any of the songs. * Last month, this troper went to a production of the HowTheGrinchStoleChristmas musical. When the cast got to the ThemeSong, the lights in the audience came up, and the narrator asked the audience to sing along, complete with signs to help people who don't remember the lyrics. Everyone now! "You're a mean one, Mr. Grinch!..." * This troper attended the WeirdAlYankovic concert mentioned on the main article page. At one point during 'Yoda' the audience had stopped singing loud enough so they literally stopped the song and started randomly river dancing. As to Albuquerque, he only performed it after twenty minutes of encore style begging, including an improvised song about Rio Rancho (the town where the concert was actually held). It was worth it though. * Somewhat of a subversion by this troper. In middle school, the 7th and 8th grade orchestra (which I was in) started playing Cripple Creek, with no music and with blacklights on. The audience started clapping to the beat and several teachers tried to get them to stop, to no avail.

* I was at a Disturbed concert in September. It's absolutely true that David Draiman doesn't ask for audience participation, he demands it. Even my brother, who isn't usually one to participate with the rest of the audience, got into it. * both of this troper's parents are classical musicians, and each third of July( yes, 3rd) the orchestra they are with has a concert, with fireworks and the lot. they ALWAYS play a few Disney medleys usually Aladdin or Beauty and the Beast- as ask the audience to sing. It's pretty awesome, hearing a hundred or so people sing-shouting the words to 'a whole new world' with a full orchestra behind them. * A recent De/Vision concert in Chicago (Masters of Synthpop 2011 Tour) had people singing the chorus all the way from the balcony. Steffen Keth was certainly encouraging it in the later half of the set, definitely so during the encore. * A friend and I went to see Alice Cooper and Rob Zombie last year. For the Alice Cooper set, the entire audience sang almost all of "No More Mr. Nice Guy", and for the Rob Zombie set, he barely sang any of his songs, half the time, it was the audience singing for him. * At one concert I went to they played The Offspring's album ''Smash'' before the band (Say Anything) came out. Everybody sang during "Come Out and Play" and "Self-Esteem". At another concert, Presidents of the United States, everyone basically sang for every song, but it was most prominent during "Peaches", "Lump", "Don't You Want Me Baby" and "Video Killed the Radio Star". ---Go (go) back (back) to AudienceParticipationSong YEAH!!!!---<<|TroperTales|>>

AuthorAppeal * My literature teacher has published a bunch of poems. Reading them, I discovered that he has a strange fascination with [[FootFocus bare feet]], [[{{Meganekko}} women who wear glasses]], and for some reason white cats. ** A case of {{Bread Eggs Milk Squick}}? * This troper has recently been spending his time writing fantasy stories with a mainly female cast who mostly have [[BuxomIsBetter big breasts]] and wear skimpy or tight clothing. He does this purely for himself and the appeal. * My bro writes sci-fi stories. All of them have something in common: [[HeroicSociopath psychos]] as protagonists and [[AnythingThatMoves uninhibited broads]] as love interests/villains... and sexy villainous redheads with a fetish for inflicting pain. Suddenly his fixation with a girl in class who has a special [[AnythingThatMoves reputation]] makes much more sense... * This girl I was eyeing writes short stories. I was curious, and I started to read them without her permission. It turns out that her tales contain scenes in which the characters do [[IfYouKnowWhatIMean what she likes]]... which involves [[BiggusDickus some]] [[MemeticMolester interesting]] [[RapeIsLove stuff]], [[ORingOrifice

albeit]] [[BrainBleach freaky]]. It was [[IfYouKnowWhatIMean useful, though]]. * [[{{Tropers/EPIC}} This Troper]] is fond of exploring sexuality and relationships in his work [[{{Deconstruction}} and applying a more realistic if cynical approach to them]], not just fanservice. In {{KIKEN}}, he has a pair of lesbians that get together in the main fic after being seperated for three years. From this moment on, I will name names-** Juuri Fujisaku, the secretary of Yumegorosu's CEO, is being sexually harassed by him and other male co-workers, but her boss, Takeo Boumu really is in love with her, and is willing to keep her happy (even by means of moral ambiguity). ** Emiri Fukugami, Juuri's lawyer girlfriend, uses the current Conflict to try and separate herself from Juuri so they can be happier in the long run--while she [[XanatosGambit develops a plan to sue Takeo]] [[spoiler:for murder and sexual harassment.]] * This troper has a pathological need to explore familial relationships (in a non-sexual way, thank you very much). She is particularly fond of the bonds between mothers and daughters, fathers and sons, and siblings of the opposite gender. This troper hates how if two opposite sex siblings (or in my novel's case -twins) love each other deeply and don't go at each other's throats like siblings in popular media, that their behavior is automatically chalked up to incest. I've been known to put loads of fake subtext into their interactions just to troll the incest fetish fangirls and then brutally deconstruct BrotherSisterIncest with another couple just to show how bad of an idea it is. ** Which leads to this troper's second kink. I LOVE deconstructing tropes popular in romance or young adult literature to the point of MindScrew. You like BrotherSisterIncest? You like LoliCon? You like the WideEyedIdealist? Pfft. Not when I get finished with you, you won't. Then I'll turn around and reconstruct stuff like KidHero, ActionGirl and the like. * This troper also has an unhealthy obsession with all things SteamPunk, motifs from TheRoaringTwenties, TheBigEasy, TheNineties, Bangsian Fantasy, MagicalRealism, SliceOfLife, UrbanFantasy, RetroUniverse, ZeppelinsFromAnotherWorld, IstanbulNotConstantinopleMy main heroine is always a girl of color (most of the time black), I must always have at least six characters who a CrazyAwesome, one character who is AxeCrazy, another who loves PrecisionFStrike, a bottle fairy, Badass Mother, an obligatory, HoYay/ LesYay couple, merciless ShipTease, and BiShounen and BiShoujo from around the world. * [[@/CabbitGirlEmi This tropette]] finds anything Japanese appealing, as well as some movies that RickMoranis was in and {{Kemonomimi}}. * Many of this Troper's fanfics/fanartworks put one of the characters (usually her favorite) in a cape/cloak at one point or another, be it for a costume, or due to it being an alternate-universe:medieval fic or a crossover to a medieval setting. This ''could'' be due to this Troper's fascination-bordering-on-fetish for capes. Also, in any similar setting (and even a couple sci-fi ones), a dragon will almost always appear (though this falls squarely into the not-sexual author

appeal section!) because everything is better with dragons. Oh, and she has a thing for writing stories that are rebellious in one way or another (the main canon character is the one that everyone hates but has a very small DracoInLeatherPants fanbase, or is a crossover between things that ''could'' make sense with enough thought put into them but still sound cracked out (Pokemon and WorldOfWarcraft, anyone?), or simply setting out to subvert/lampshade common tropes). * Quite a few of [[Tropers/RedSavant this Troper]]'s characters have fur, and a lot of his authority figures are female. I get the feeling that my love for sarongs and other exotic garments shines through, as well. As far as character types go, I always seem to include a newbie character (to allow for worldbuilding by describing things the others find old hat), a wry mentor, and an aloof character with violent tendencies and a thing for piracy. * The character designs of [[{{Tropers/Cameoflage}} this troper]] tend to incorporate goth elements (especially black and white stripes, black tights, and combat boots with frilly skirts, the last of which was directly ripped off from [[{{Firefly}} River Tam]]), bare feet, [[YouGottaHaveBlueHair oddly-colored hair]], various degrees of androgyny, MismatchedEyes, and miscellaneous harmless physical oddities such as having six fingers or being [[HeroicAlbino albino]], although usually no more than two or three of those at once. Both sexes default to being fairly thin, but there's an abundance of skinny boys in particular. Left-handedness and being short are also common. Also, all her characters wear Converse hightops except in cases when it wouldn't make any sense for the character type, unless they wear combat boots or occasionally Doc Martens. Personality-wise there's more variety, but a disproportionate number are rather shy and reclusive, and psychological disturbances crop up fairly often; she has a fair few [[TheWoobie woobies]], but there's the occasional {{Yandere}}, [[TheOphelia Ophelia]], or full-blown AxCrazy as well. (Despite her love for LooksLikeCesare, so far she only has one character to whom it applies.) Additionally, there's a disproportionate number of child prodigies; they're pretty low-key compared to the typical TeenGenius in fiction, usually 11 or 12 and in the later two years of high school (although there was one 14-year-old junior, due to an age limit set by the GM), with the females of this contingent semi-frequently doubling as the TokenLoli. Also also, a statistically significant number of her characters are commonly known by their middle name in EmbarrassingFirstName fashion, although usually the only thing wrong with their first name is that they don't like it as much or it doesn't suit them as well. However, none of this is sexual, just stuff that strikes her as cool, appeals to her aesthetically, or must have some sort of subconscious attraction based on how often it appears in otherwise unrelated characters. ** ....Beccy? *** Sorry, but no. My name's Hilary. *** Now I think I understand [[ that guy]] a little more... * [[Tropers/FreezairForALimitedTime This troper]] always makes her main female protagonist left-handed in whatever she writes. This is

because she herself is left handed, and has difficulty wrapping her head around ''just how awkward'' writing with the right hand looks and feels to her. This has partially to do with her own body and partially to do with the English language itself, which is written and read from left-to-right--left-handedness just seems more ''natural'' to her, somehow, given that fact of her particular language. She also ''hates'' PacManFever, so she makes most of her characters at least somewhat video-game GenreSavvy to avert it. If she has an ensemble cast, one of them will generally be a "gamer" of some description. She also has a thing for sympathetic villains, and enjoys the contrast of depicting them as normal living a human life as possible (frequently due to TheMasquerade) while making them cross the MoralEventHorizon. If not, expect them to go around humanity entirely and be an EldritchAbomination. * I have a penchent for steampunk motifs, UrbanFantasy, {{Eldritch Abomination}}s and robots in my artwork, usually in a HR Giger/Drew Struzan hybrid pencil style. I also like like drawing Chibified soldiers blowing each other up in various gruesome and bloody ways, usually ending with LudicrousGibs and plenty of {{Gorn}}. I'm... a [[{{Understatement}} tad]] [[{{Cloudcuckoolander}} messed]] up. * Nearly all of this troper's male characters have tattoos or [[GoodScarsEvilScars scars]] ([[ScarsAreForever facial scars]] especially), and most of his female characters have [[MostCommonSuperpower large boobs]] and [[YouGottaHaveBlueHair unnatural hair colors]] (though as he draws in an anime/manga style, that is to be expected) and [[SmallGirlBigGun carry around ridiculously huge weapons]]. His male characters usually wear [[BadassLongcoat longcoats]], leather and/or [[CoolShades sunglasses]]. His female characters generally wear skintight clothing or miniskirts. * This troper used to name every female (and even some male) main protagonists with names who either begin or at least has tucked anywhere the letter "L". When she finally grew out of that compulsion, she realized that every one of her histories has at least a [[HeroesWantRedheads redhead]], a {{Meganekko}}, a girl with brown curls, or a person with raven-black hair (often short) in a important position. Some of her characters even combine those traits! Also, she has a thing for males with a sweet personality, {{Broken Bird}}s in both genders, and sarcastic characters with some {{Genre Savvy}}ness. And females in short skirts and corsets. The males she draw have androgynous faces, but that's because she is too used to draw girls, thanks to her older histories being {{Shoujo}} versions of the PinkBishoujoGhetto (the newer ones are more balanced) and having an awful lot of female protagonists. ** Naoko Takeuchi, is that you? * [[Tropers/GuySmiley This troper]] has a friend (no, really!) who feels some pathological need to sneak a BoundAndGagged scene into every story. It seems that it's a sexual thing when it happens to the females, but it sometimes happens to a dude in order to avoid looking sexist or something. I'm really not sure and I don't ask too many questions. On the other hand, my own stuff (when I still hadn't realized what a terrible, horrible writer I am) tended to feature an

overabundance of DeadpanSnarker characters and a tendency to use normal names for MeaningfulName purposes (a guy named Mike was a chatty BoisterousBruiser who sought attention, for instance). ** [[Tropers/RySenkari This troper]] is that friend! I think. * This troper's female characters are almost invariably clueless about the fact that another character is romantically interested in them, which is a reflection of the author's own general cluelessness about such things. * This troper's obsession with film noir and hardboiled crime fiction means there's usually a few noir archetypes present in his writings be it a cynical trenchcoat-wearing detective, a seductive femme fatale, a shady underground villain, a VillainWithGoodPublicity, etc. etc. * This troper also loves noir archetypes, especially femme fatales, often involved with a more innocent or naive male character. Additionally when playing videogames that allow character customisation he always endeavors to play as a black man (despite being a white guy) bonus points if they have a shaved head and a goatee. He also often throws in a character (usually female) with dark hair/complexion and bright blue eyes as he finds the combination somewhat striking. * [[{{Tropers/Joysweeper}} This troper]] loooves to write a female lead who is confident, strong, and self sufficient. [[{{Bifauxnen}} Androgyny]] is a plus, particularly combined with some muscles and a preference to be called "Sir" instead of "Ma'am". Ideally, the character also tries to look like TheStoic, and can go through a story without being paired up by the end. She also has a love of female-tomale TG stories, which are of course [[MandysLawOfAnimeGenderBending forever thin on the ground.]] She's working on that. ** Denise? Oh, hai, Aline here. ** This troper would like to read those stories. * [[Tropers/JuiceBoxHero This troper]] incorporates [[GlassesTropes glasses]] into about half her character designs, and [[{{Meganekko}} about 90% of the female characters who are attractive wear them.]] ** In addition, this troper's attractive male characters tend to [[GoodLookingPrivates have been in, or currently be in, the military.]] * Almost all of this troper's blond characters don't have blue eyes, because she thinks blond hair looks better without them. She tries to avert this trope, however, by making her characters like things she hates or is indifferent to. * [[Tropers/JChance This troper]] definitely has his patterns. {{Action Girl}}s, {{HotAmazon}}s, and other indomitable ladies populate his works, and on the male side, he has a definite penchant for {{Bishonen}}, {{NonActionGuy}}s, and TheSmartGuy. In a less sexual vein, {{DeadpanSnarker}}s are rather thick on the ground, as is cleverness rather than straightforward valour winning the day. And he likes to run up and down the SlidingScaleOfIdealismVersusCynicism like a caffeinated squirrel on a tree. * This Troper realized that she has a pattern in writing and roleplaying. Her characters tend to be of the following: A) Sweet, {{Wide Eyed Idealist}}s - often pious but not always, or B) good guys

(albeit tending to be {{Deadpan Snarker}}s and GenreSavvy) with SuperpoweredEvilSide or struggling against DemonicPossession and {{Grand Theft Me}}s, or C) very cynical older men who got burned so often that they hide their kernel of nice-guy-ness to keep from getting burned, and all of the above types tend to be Bisexual. This troper admits to having an inordinate fondness for JamesBondage, good horse-riding skills if the setting allows it, and weaponry - from Henry Repeating Rifles to Meteor Hammers, especially if it lends to good innuendos. * This Troper has a freakish tendency to let the girls in any of her stories get pregnant. Not infrequently under some pretty improbable circumstances, if the setting supports enough magic or [[AppliedPhlebotinum megatech]] for it to make sense. ** This Editor wants to know: are you a [[ maieusiophiliac?]] *** You bet your ascot I am! **** Have posted any of the stories that you have written on the internet? If so please link to them! * [[{{Tropers/Nomic}} This troper]] has a tendency to give his female characters green eyes, quite often combined with blond hair. He also has a habit of adding demons and expies of Lovecraftian deities in his stories whenever he gets the chance (and he tends to find a lot of excuses to do so). Thus the webcomic he's currently working on has a green eyed female demon (with black hair, as blond hair doesn't fit demons) as one of the main characters, and Nyarlathotep's human form as one of the recurring characters (altho the other characters don't know his true identity). * This troper always has an urge for one of the main characters to lose a limb or eye, possible self-inflicted. * [[Tropers/SpikyK THIS troper]] has a long list of author appeal in his characters and stories. To name a few: Asymmetrical eyes, particularly in the "one is missing" vein but with a handful of [[MismatchedEyes heterochromia]] tossed in. TONS of [[BreaktheCutie breaking his cuties]]-- nobody gets to be happy. The ability to play string instruments (typically violins and the cousins thereof) tends to pop up a lot. However, all else aside... nearly every single male character he has tends to wind up in girls' clothing at least once, due to his none-too-hidden male crossdressing fetish-- he has an ''entire character'' devoted to it. (Of course, said character is also easily one of his most emotionally instable because he was [[WhyCouldntYouBeDifferent forcibly and abusively raised as a girl]]... which says something, considering that [[DysfunctionJunction psychologically fucked-up characters are also on his list of things he tends to put in]].) * This Troper, for some odd reason, finds it way easier to design female characters than male ones. As a result, he ended up with a series where 80% of the characters are female, and made three of the four leads male in order to compensate. He also has a predisposition for writing characters with plenty of existential wangst (Along the "do I really deserve to exist" sort of vein), though he had to remove nearly all of this for plot-related reasons. ** i have this too. i think it has something to do with trying to

avoid writing someone like i would write myself. though the males i do write get a lot of character development. * [[Tropers/GwenStacyWannabe This troper]] has discovered that one of her weaknesses is blue eyes, and she also really likes dark hair (being brunette). When she took a second to think about it, she realized that the two main characters in the story she's currently writing have both dark hair (in one case, black) and blue eyes. Also, she's always been fascinated by telepathy, particularly [[MindlinkMates couple telepathy]], and that somehow found its way into this story too... Not to mention she used two of her favorite male names, William and Michael, for the guy. * [[{{Tropers/Regiment}} This troper]] sometimes gives his main characters his middle name, gives himself a cameo, and has a ''deep'' weakness for [[DangerouslyGenreSavvy very good villains]]. He also likes characters who are a little messed-up and have no [[{{Wangst}} sympathetic backstory]]- his villains are evil because they ''want to be''. Generally, his characters only have backstories/ parents/ lovers if there is an important plot-related reason for them. He's also a sucker for slightly ambiguous happy endings. * This troper is writing a novel where the main antagoinist is a telepath. While he doesn't actually use his powers for [[{{Brainwashed}} mind control]], that is the reason I became interested in telepathy in the first place. * This troper, upon looking back, realized he likes [[{{RapunzelHair}} really long hair]] in [[{{YouGottaHaveBlueHair}} unnatural colors]], with a side order of [[BadassLongcoat longcoats]] and/or WholesomeCrossdresser of both genders. * This troper is fascinated with seemingly perfect characters who turn out to be anything but. Her WIP has ''three'' of these: Character A gets off easy by turning out to be a BunnyEarsLawyer verging on CloudCuckooLander, but genuinely good otherwise. Character B is an AxCrazy StepfordSmiler who hurts others for the ''tiniest'' perceived slight and [[{{Yandere}} burns a man's home down so she can have him all to herself]]. Character C is another StepfordSmiler who deliberately represses his emotions because feeling anything other than serene contentment ''must'' be a sin, and has never felt actual love or empathy as a result. However, this troper also likes relationships that appear [[TheMasochismTango utterly screwed-up]] at first glance, but turn out to work for those involved or [[ThePowerOfLove develop into something approaching functional]]. Love only [[LoveMakesYouCrazy encourages]] A's loopiness, but his lover ''likes'' him for it. B enters a [[HurtComfortFic hurt/comfort]] dynamic with her man [[PsychoSupporter who has his own claim to insanity]]. C falls in love ([[WhatIsThisThingYouCallLove though it's a long time before he realizes it]]) with the resident {{Jerkass}} who very obviously reciprocrates and is [[JerkWithAHeartOfGold somewhat softened]] [[LoveRedeems through it]], despite his [[SheIsNotMyGirlfriend protests to the contrary]]. * This troper wrote a 'verse where humans achieved a third sex (i.e. genuine human hermaphroditism) via genetic and cybernetic engineering. 'Verse cultures naturally take a loose approach to gender and relationships and most major cultures are very egalitarian. Anyone who

hangs out on the TroperIRCChannel will be able to identify this troper immediately once I mention that pretty much all of the 'verse's characters are [[CunningLinguist polyglots]]. * Most of my characters' physical designs focus in majorly on the eyes and hair, with unusual styles and intensities abounding, to the point that one character is remarkable simply because he's so normal (brown eyes, black hair). And all my female characters, without exception, have long hair (along with a fair number of the male ones, esp. the most attractive one, nicknamed "Casasupernova" in one internet conversation.) Psychologically, a huge number of them are protective in various ways, ranging from KnightInShiningArmor to ChivalrousPervert, to the point that the defining trait of one of my most evil characters is that he specifically believes that he's the only thing in the universe worth protecting (and refers to himself as a 'modern-day Baldr', among other things.) * This troper's works (and daydreams) frequently encorporates the whole 'ragtag band of misfits' archetype wherever the story may go. SweetPollyOliver types, [[VampireBitesSuck vampire bites that really suck]], and psychological horror set in a prison setting. Also, she really digs her some GoodLookingPrivates and even the odd FairCop. However, things you ''will'', I guarantee it, find? Control issues, my squick du jour, and at least one gay/lesbian/bisexual character. Failing that, [[NoHuggingNoKissing Everyone is asexual. Everyone. EVERY. ONE.]] And though anyone can write nice, warm and fuzzy smut, I stick to squicky, mind-killing scenes that would make people looking for something to fap to, CRY. (Well, [[{{Gorn}} most.]]) Also, clowns. And prostitutes. (The last is most definitely not for reasons of fetish fuel, but occasionally for wangst.) ** Also apparently this troper has a thing for {{sarashi}} as undergarments-- especially for swordfighters. This is where it begins to get away from non-sexual author appeal... one of said swordfighting characters is a {{pettanko}} [[SchoolgirlLesbians lesbian]] SweetPollyOliver IllGirl. It's not as fetishtastic as it sounds, I swear. Also, male BandageBabe characters, and every story over a chapter or two will include a male character with a succulent black eye or a broken nose. Transguys seem to be very popular, as well as butch women, who this troper will openly admit to fancying. ** Also, serial killers. A whole freaking lot of them. Especially those that use power tools. Similar serial killer tropes appear to be the whole corruption of innocence angle-- victims who become aggressors, and hostages who end up partners in crime/lovers. Professional torturers (and amateur torturers) are pretty popular, including at least one who's fond of PuttingOnTheReich. * This troper imagines stories a lot, but a common thread is either an ActionMom, ActionGirl, DarkMagicalGirl, and the like. It goes without saying that I absolutely hate [[{{Chickification}} chickification]] (but does play around with [[{{Tsundere}} tsundere]] and ThreeFacesOfEve). Some of the more recent one includes either a Kyonish DeadpanSnarker, a bookworm NonActionGuy (as a main character), or both as a single character. And this troper is ''male''... * This troper runs about eight different series worth of stories, and other than the darkest of them [[FountainOfYouth age regression]] is

sure to pop up in some form or another. Oftentimes as many tropes as possible will be featured and just as often subverted, just because. [[YouGottaHaveBlueHair Colorful hair]] is often featured and lampshaded of at the expense of people who happen to dye it that way. * This troper. Vampires, bisexual men, younger woman/older man pairings. At least one of those is guaranteed to appear in anything she writes. * This troper is majoring in animation and I'm drawing characters for a personal project. Out of the five female characters, three of them have a variation of DetachedSleeves. He doesn't know why he does that other than that they [[RuleOfCool looked cool]]. Also he always draws his characters with hair at least shoulder-length, because he doesn't like drawing ears. * This troper has quite a few. He will sneak in a green-eyed redhead or an actual ActionGirl any time he can. He will make the main character (or as many viewpoint characters as possible) female, because he finds it easier to write. He will have a main cast of DeadpanSnarker types and has a penchant for women hitting their significant others. * [[{{Tropers/KayKay}} This troper]], after reading everyone else's Appeals, feels that his are lame comparied to others. But this one will say them anyway. This one likes to make characters that are either interracial or in interracial relationships. He also likes to give them real names from all over the world, not just Japan or North America. He like it when the male and female characters can fight at the same level because he dislikes Chickafacation and Double Standards Finally he tends to make entire idea after seeing one thing, like a Japanese ex-military man turned Mercenary with water magic after seeing The Transporter for the first time. One other thing that is Author Appeal to this troper, is that if any of the character he made up were to say meet Shinji from Fate/Stay Night or any character like him, they would have to be held back from beating said character like Shinji to near-death. * [[{{Tropers/Pinata}} This troper]] has included lesbian encounters in all but three of his stories, and also tends to focus characterwise on ActionGirl-type characters. He has also used [[{{Squick}} incest and bestiality]] quite a bit in his work, and is not adverse to applying NaughtyTentacles either (but tries to avoid Chickification). He has also used his work as a [[{{StrawmanPolitical}} platform for political commentary]] at times, usually in order to slam the religious right. Strangely enough, this troper only rarely applies his infamous breastmilk {{Fetish}} to his stories. * All of this troper's female main characters are smart sarcastic redheads, as are all his girlfriends. His only porn story was about [[spoiler:cunnilingus, albeit [[WordOfGod lesbian cunnilingus]]]]. But he came here to tell of the co-worker, an illustrator, who was hired to draw a beautiful woman. He drew his wife, who unfortunately wasn't his patron's idea of a beautiful woman. * Most of [[{{Tropers/Floria}} this troper's]] original story ideas include a very high ratio of women to men, as she tends to mentally default to female when designing characters. She also tends to include {{Action Girl}}s, {{Bifauxnen}}, {{Meganekko}}, and transwomen. She

has a fondness for improbably cool costuming, particularly {{SpyCatsuit}}s, {{BadassLongcoat}}s, and anything with a historical influence, although she believes in giving her action heroines comfortable shoes and avoiding body armor that leaves most vital organs exposed. For bad guys, she favors {{MadScientist}}s, [[TheBaroness Baroness]] types (generally of the Scary Lesbian variety, and paired up with a PerkyFemaleMinion or DarkChick MoralityPet / Love Interest), {{AntiVillain}}s, and various sorts of evil conspiracies. LesYay and at least one character with some kind of physical oddness (lycanthropy, physical mutation from experimenting on herself, interesting scars in a more mundane setting) are fairly ubiquitous. All her protagonists like animals, and a disproportionate number of them are vegetarians. * [[Tropers/YoAdrian This troper]] has a novel in progress, several original short stories and oodles of fanfiction in which she can find many of her favorite tropes and archetypes. There is always one short girl with long dark hair and blue eyes, based off my high school buddy who I always thought was absolutely stunning. Her love interest is (usually) tall, blond, and tends to be a bit of a joker. Their relationship is more often than not described by a quote from said novel: "Yes, I know I'm supposed to be the knight in shining armor, but it's not quite as satisfying when you know damned well that the damsel in question can slay her own dragons with no trouble at all." [[HoYay Close relationships between same-sex buddies]] [[LampshadeHanging get played up whenever possible]]. Tall, gangly {{Badass Bookworm}}s (especially of the chemist/alchemist type, in fantasy settings), {{Action Girl}}s in black, and [[RetiredBadass old men with scars and stories]] show up regularly, as well. And anyone with snakes in their motif? Run away very, very fast. ** Kate? *** Nope, the name's Jessica. Nice to know I'm not the only one with said interests, though. * Come to think of it, [[{{Tropers/Nausicaa}} this troper]] has a few examples herself. She likes a bit of {{Backstory}} and has written around three or four sets of twins in her lifetime - two of which are related to each other in a BigScrewedUpFamily sort of way. She likes to name characters after other fictional characters, or at least, she likes giving her more criminally-minded characters assumed names of other criminal/evil characters. For example, her blond biochemist vampire RP character's last name is Seymour-Parrish, making his nickname Sy. Sy Parrish? ''One Hour Photo''? She also writes her stories and her novel-in-progress in a universe where EveryoneIsBi, and has a thing for {{MemeticOutfit}}s: her OmnicidalManiac cannot be seen without his pair of [[{{MorkAndMindy}} rainbow suspenders]], the UnluckyChildhoodFriend and many others are {{Meganekko}}, and most of her characters are either very tall or very short. * Some of [[{{Tropers/Sikon}} my]] tics include making independent, rationally-thinking female leads (without drifting into Main/StrawFeminist territory either), dark-haired and dark-skinned (but not too dark). I view most of my characters as atheistic (it doesn't mean they're heartless jerks devoid of spirituality, just that they don't believe in any gods). I like to sneak in references to

computers or other information technology, and characters reasonably competent in them. The preferred form of government I like to feature is adhocracy meritocracy, so I'll throw in a Main/WastelandElder or two into my future stories. I also have a thing for transformations in the broadest sense (including {{Magical Girl}}s) and cross-gender exploration. While traditional Main/GenderBender characters don't fit the settings I'm interested in, cross-gender Main/FreakyFriday scenarios will be almost a given. * This troper's main protagonists have nearly always been three or more of the following: Blonde, left-handed, female, possessing some mental disorder, asexual, a DeadpanSnarker, psychic, or {{Fille Fatale}}s. * @/InsanityPrelude seems to have a thing for {{Action Girl}}s, [[GogglesDoNothing improbably cool costumes]] (and lampshading it,) unusual hair colors and happy endings. * This troper's stories always have a male main character who is a VillainProtagonist and a WellIntentionedExtremist (or sometimes, not so well intentioned...) BadAss. In addition, he generally wears black, and if it is possible (I.E., he wasn't a poor orphan or somesuch,) dresses very formally, usually with a BadassLongcoat or just plain ol' military BDU's, which this troper himself always wears. In addition, he is usually of average attractiveness, never gets the girl, and always has horrible things happen to him, up to and including horrific death. {{Downer Ending}}s make up about 50% of this troper's endings, as well. And of course, any important female will be small-framed, tough as hell, with dark hair and a distinct lack of the MostCommonSuperpower. * For some reason, @/RadioactiveZombie keeps using people named "Dover" or variations of "Glenstone". Some are bishonen (yes, they look like they were taken from an anime) who either an odd cross between [[{{NeonGenesisEvangelion}} Rei]], [[FullMetalPanic Sousuke Sagara]], and [[MetalGear Ninja Raiden]] with [[WhiteHairedPrettyBoy white hair]], a Deadpool expy, if Deadpool was a master of disguise and was a bishonen in his normal persona, or are bearded Yahtzee expys, scary black men, or naive detectives. All are British and aren't the main character, but are still major (except one). Dunno why. Oh, and their eyes never show, something I riffed off from Hdoujin games where you ''never'' see their eyes, excepting the nonbishonen ones. ** Oh, and there's always a full-body combat suit worn by someone that's based off a video game EliteMook, minus the GagSeries this troper's written. *** And two of them are submissive! **** And he's honored to be featured on SomethingAwful's "hate on tropers" thread. (Yes, not the correct name. No one cares) * [[{{Tropers/Atagamay}} This troper]] has found a lot of recurring themes and characteristics in her work, including but not limited to: Interesting/plot-related heath problems, SpaceMadness, androids with weird programming glitches, BadassBookworm and HitManWithAHeart characters (even better if they overlap!), Dark Skinned Brunettes, characters who are NotGoodWithPeople (both forms), PeekABangs, BrokenBird characters of either gender, strange but natural physical

features, [[NonActionGuy Non Action Guys]], [[StrangeGirl Strange Girls]], LockedInToStrangeness, StoicSpectacles, and for some reason, characters who aren't even crazy tend to live in what looks like a cross between a RoomFullOfCrazy and a HackerCave. All my plots seem to take place in a world in which you have to EarnYourHappyEnding. A typical FiveManBand for me would consist of an {{Unlucky Everydude}}/{{Non Action Guy}} type, a ShrinkingViolet or MysteriousWaif of the non-magical type (who may be Everydude's Childhood Friend), a RidiculouslyHumanRobot, a CareerKiller of some type (usually also a ZenSurvivor), and a {{Gadgeteer Genius}}/{{Wrench Wench}}/{{Badass Bookworm}} character. If it's even dealt with at all, I'm a big fan of the OffscreenAfterlife. (To give context, the softer end of sci-fi is my thing.) * [[{{Tropers/Heleentje}} This troper]] will often include female characters with names that end with(or otherwise include) -a. All her characters tend to be quite intelligent and at least one of them will be left-handed, though it probably won't be the main character (being left-handed herself, she's afraid that'll be too obvious). She likes writing dystopian societies, stories that somehow include a rebel faction, and (if she can work it in the storyline) dimensional travel. At least one person will get hurt (most often they'll get shot and/or fall down cliffs). The [[{{Hero}} Hero's]] best friend is very likely the one to get hurt or even killed, which might lead to HeroicBSOD (though not always). Also, something will always be the matter with a watch. It might be something very minor that's only mentioned once, or it might be a plot point or a MementoMacGuffin, but there will be a watch somehow. * [[@/{{MitochondriaEve}} This troper]]'s stories usually feature female main characters. No matter how serious the subject matter can be, I like to include humor in them in some way. If there is a male love interest, he usually has long hair and is slightly older than the protagonist. I also like to add time travel or other science fiction themes, even if the story isn't sci-fi at all. * This troper likes to see how much HoYay he can sneak under the radar in his stories before people start to notice (in one story, it took the inclusion of a ''foot massage'' scene between two of the main characters before some people started to question anyone's sexuality, and even still no one questioned mine). This troper also greatly enjoys making his characters [[TrueArtIsAngsty fairly dysfunctional people]] and is sometimes tempted to [[BreaktheCutie go]] [[DarkerAndEdgier a bit]] [[DeusAngstMachina overboard]]. This troper also has little use for notions of traditional femininity and his female characters tend to be either iron-willed women who serve as their boyfriends'/husbands' common sense and/or brains or badass [[ActionGirl Action Girls]]. * [[{{Tropers/Moogi}} This troper]] fills his stories with conspiracies and long-reaching {{Xanatos Gambit}}s, because he loves the idea that there is more to the world than what there seems. He also enjoys mixing magic and hard science. He is fascinated by military history, despite being a card-carrying pacifist, and his characters tend to be similar. He also likes KnightTemplar characters, many of which are actually the heroes. He has no patience for stupid

people, so most of his characters, good or evil, tend to be intellectuals of one sort or another. There is also in unhealthy obsession with the letter 'V' and his most definitely non-Freudian love of swords, especially in a modern setting. Also: RuleOfCool abuse. * [[Tropers/SpiriTsunami This troper]] has gradually found himself [[TheWesley increasing the time dedicated to a pairing]] initially introduced for a quick [[DoubleEntendre multiple entendre gag]]...because the idea of a [[LovableSexManiac hypersexual]] [[{{Lolicon}} loli]] was just too much fun to give up. Okay, it was more than just was also the way she has her nearly-twiceher-age boyfriend ''whipped'', and the way she seems to take a perverse pleasure in {{squick}}ing her older sister out with this relationship. Maybe it's just that I feel like [[FromTheMouthsOfBabes because she's so young,]] [[RefugeInAudacity there's nothing that I can't have her do.]] [[FridgeLogic Wait...]] ** Also, [[TechnicolorEyes interestingly colored eyes.]] I'd give a color, but I ''still don't know what color mine are.'' * [[Tropers/DragonTrapper This troper]] has a tendency to make his lead female characters redheads, {{Tsundere}} and then [[HeroesWantRedHeads pair them with]] [[AuthorAvatar main character]] [[WriteWhoYouKnow based on]] [[SelfInsertFic the Author]]. Said main character also tends to be a {{Deadpan Snarker}} and {{Genre Savvy}} * This troper's characters usually dress in trench coats and fishnets with goth pants, who are either brutally nihilistic or in denial. * This Troper has a powerful enjoyment of Crowning Moments of Awesome, to the point that he pushes all his focus towards these and figures out how the hell to get to them later. He also has a tendency to make action hero types, and to play with new tropes he finds. Spiky hair and big swords are very common, as are giant robots, and Generation Xeroxes. He's managed to use the same basic female design(long, coppery-toned hair and blue eyes, t-shirt, cargo pants, sneakers/boots) in THREE generations of a family line, including gender-bending. Oh yes, there is a lot of gender-bending. Far too much. * This troper is a long-time roleplayer. The other players' characters, for the first few stories in which he participated, ''all'' had some kind of unusual appearance -- wings, horns, bright green hair...this isn't really a ''bad'' thing, though -- at least, not until you realize that the game in question (Ars Magica) took place in ''11-th Century Europe''. After a few repetitions, this troper started a new storyline and reminded his players that 'in the Middle Ages, people generally didn't have giant glowing wings and green hair'. * This troper has a thing with making blondes evil and making them always have brown eyes and. The results are that brunettes always have various eye colors She also has a habit of making her good female characters with with really long hair and all her evil female characters being bifauxnen. Also, all her good male characters have short hair and all the evil men have long hair.I also like all my characters of both genders to be equal in power. There is the appeal of making the Catholic Church as a force for good. As well as making

them happily adopted or at least have a parent give up their childern because they are mentally ill and can't care of their kids themselves. Obvoisly there there are therpaist who are very helpful. You can see I like to avert or subvert some tropes you see to much of these days. * [[{{Tropers/Robbychu}} This troper]], looking back on it, has hoards of HoYay with at least one guy looking fairly feminine. This guy will inevitably have a deep, sexy voice and has a high chance of wearing skirts. Her female characters tend to be either androgynous or extremely curvy. Most of her characters have wings, tails, horns or other non-human features, or have shapeshifting. And an unusual number have tentacles of some sort... * This troper has great trouble writing anything that doesn't eventually involve mental or emotional breakdowns of some sort. HeroicBSOD, FreakOut, LoveMakesYouEvil/[[LoveMakesYouCrazy Crazy]], GoMadFromTheRevelation, {{Yandere}}, AxCrazy... She just seems inordinately fascinated by the process of a person losing their sanity. When she's not writing about crazy people, she's writing about YaoiGuys with [[MayDecemberRomance significant age gaps]]. If the story is set in modern times, there will always eventually be a character who's a heavy metal aficionado and a character who's a female-to-male {{Transsexual}} (or at least a WholesomeCrossdresser). * This troper rarely writes original fiction, but when the muse strikes, the female lead is ALWAYS a short, cute goth chick with a heaping helping of DeadpanSnarker. When he's feeling truly self indulgent, the male lead will be a tall, quiet intellectual who's secretly a huge nerd and extremely observant. Oh, and these two will always end up in a romantic subplot. Even when writing fanfiction, this tends to crop up, as this troper's modern day AU settings for his Avatar fics frequently feature Toph as said cute goth chick, and Sokka as a giant nerd. * This troper, despite being a male, will invariably make his characters an {{Action Girl}} and/or the epitome of {{Evil Is Sexy}}. He's never quite understood why. * This trope uses hair as the most distinguishing aspect of any character. His main character is always male, but there is a female counterpart that is always either physically stronger than the main or more of the Badass when a BadassNormal is needed but is not a StrawFeminist and may even be the MamaBear. They will never be a designated couple. People just happen to be whatever race, sexuality, or religion, and will often have beliefs that run counter to the sterotype. For instance, a black guy may be the most uncool and AgentMulder of the bunch, and the gay character is a devoute Christian. GreyAndGrayMorality abound, villains rarely stay that way for long, delving into KnightTemplar or WellIntentionedExtremist. * This troper has been a DM for several years now, and a running joke leftover from my early days is that every half-elf is female, has red hair and green eyes. I guess I've got a type... * [[Tropers/MiniNephthys This troper]] had a wtf moment when she realized that in two of her fandoms (well, one's a fandom, one's partfandom part-original universe) her favorite characters to write are the blue-haired, glasses-wearing, tsunderes who blush ''really'' easily and are involved in love triangles. One of the other members of

the triangles are invariably tall [[DeadpanSnarker Deadpan Snarkers]] who are ridiculously attractive and stuck in contracts they can't get out of. If the third members were anything like each other, she'd call herself out on plagiarism. * This troper tends to write and draw [[GeniusBruiser genius bruisers]] paired with [[HugeGuyTinyGirl petite]], [[DeadpanSnarker snarky]] black-haired little ladies, as well as a quite a few examples of UglyGuyHotWife, which I think is subconscious wish-fulfillment. Oh, and way [[TooManyBelts too many belts and zippers]]. * This troper has a real problem with utterly neglecting to give her characters any sexual interests or lustful behaviours unless they are relevant to the plot. When they do turn up, the story tends to be dismissive of them and consider them unimportant. She's an asexual who has no clue how to write such a thing, how influential such things are or even notices their absence until consciously looking for them. * This troper's planned works involve a lot of DarkIsNotEvil and subversions of BadPowersBadPeople, with OrderVersusChaos, {{BadassLongcoat}}s, and {{DeadpanSnarker}}s thrown in. Strangely enough, despite the first two, his recent RPG characters have included a demon-summoning sociopath who tricked another PC into [[DealWithTheDevil signing his soul over to Choronzon in exchange for nothing]], drove an angel insane and handed him over to Asmodai, [[AscendedToAHigherPlaneOfExistence became a Duke of Hell]] and won the [=GMs=]' award for unmitigated evil. * This troper has many stories where at least one character is a small, slender male with pale skin, dark hair who can kick almost everybody else's ass. Nintey percent of the time, they're also gay with a boyfriend who is twice their size and at least a decade older. * This troper has a thing for [[HalfHumanHybrid animalistic characters]] with feathers, horns, or scales rather than fur. The major characters' love interests in her various stories include a naga, an amphibious fish-boy, a kind of winged elf, and a troll, although she does a few stories where the main character ends up with a human. Often, it's also a May-December romance or the two age a vastly different rates. Most of the main characters are bookish and/or wear glasses. Thematically, there's often a strong thread of people created or raised and then abandoned or marginalized, in some for or another, and she always puts far too much research into any mythological element she wants to include. * This troper absolutely '''hates''' the {{Overprotective Dad}} and {{Freud Was Right}} tropes, and so none of his protagonists in his {{Marvel Comics}} fanfiction are ever depicted as having had sex before marriage, despite the fact that many of them are in university. This troper also went out of his way to make the "Overprotective Dad" a genuinely nice guy, who approves of the protagonist dating his daughter. This troper also finds smoking to be an absolutely disgusting {{Fetish Retardant}}, so almost none of them smoke, either. On the other hand, he also finds pointe, ballet, and tap dancing to be major {{Fetish Fuel}}, and as a result many of his female protagonists, or the female love interests of his male protagonists, are skilled dancers themselves. * Nobody seems to ever notice that this troper is constantly finding

excuses for his female characters to be barefoot. Given the sheer number of times he does it, he can only take this to mean that he's ''really'' good at integrating it into the story. * This troper's novel is actually quite violent and depressing. It's planned as a trilogy. Two people, one major character and one minor, survive. The major character that survives is the only one in the entire series to have decent relationships, which actually end up tragically. * [[{{Tropers/Cybele}} This troper]] is only working on one story, but I have a thing for gloves, ScarfOfAsskicking, and the occasional NiceHat. A good majority of the heroes and antagonists wear gloves (the ones that don't...well...I dunno). Oh, and I've dabbled a bit in HighPressureBlood and NoHoldsBarredBeatdown. But mainly, I like hats, scarves, and gloves. * This one, whenever he writes a new story, always includes the following three elements: a) There will always be a hard-nosed by-thebook male character, or indeed, even an entire culture. b) There will always be a CatGirl, or an adult dressed in Gothic Lolita. c) There is always a character that makes off-color comments. * This Troper draws a lot of Pettanko and Shorttank characters. When he does nude or semi-nude drawings, they're all slightly embarrassed but otherwise unperturbed... * This troper always make stories with jew protagonists or at least, as very important characters; The fact that 90% of my fiction takes place on NY or LA and in the showbiz doesn't help either... * Looking through his various universes, [[@/{{randomfanboy}} this troper]] has noticed that he includes balloons or airships as the main form of transportation in a lot of his alternate universes. He also has a weird habit of giving a female character his own personal issues. He also wrote two universes based entirely on stuff he thinks is really cool - one based on stuff he finds cool now, such as {{Medical Drama}}s, Pirates and Woobies; the other based upon his fantasies, games and other fun times he had when he was a kid, such as travelling through alternate universes, camping, and Mons. The second is slightly more deconstructive, however. He has also noticed that his more action-orientated characters tend to be female. He suspects influence from Joss Whedon here, plus a pre-existing dislike of traditional gender roles. Finally, he loves teaming up a cynic and an idealist, as well as deeply flawed characters who [[EarnYourHappyEnding overcome themselves to become awesome.]] * This troper seems to constantly be having characters walk into a scene [[WalkInChimeIn at precisely the right moment]] to hear themselves being talked about or to make a timely comment on the situation. He's a tad self-conscious about this tendency, so he almost invariably [[LampshadeHanging lampshades]] it. * This troper has the tendency to make far more of his characters martial artists than is demographically probable, and has to resist the urge to give characters martial training when there is absolutely no point, story or character wise, in their having it. * This Troper is a bit too fond of long, soft, flowing hair, on both genders. Don't look for rugged, unshaven heroes in my stories. I love elaborate costume designs, usually involving rather revealing costumes

with bright color schemes and a lot of buttons. Magi-Tech environments abound, and the JigsawPuzzlePlot seems to work its way into every story (I'm fond of having multiple good, neutral and evil parties with various agendas... it makes the stories rather complicated, but more interesting). Oh, and regular as clockwork, at least one young, attractive female character will have a lethally biting wit and a perpetually-snarky attitude... and be one of the good team. * One person in this troper's roleplay group insisted repeatedly that she be allowed to shrink another character to Tinkerbell-sized, with a slightly unnerving zeal. This would thereby render the shrunk character at the mercy of hers. ''Does not want.'' * This troper isn't much of a writer, but has done quite a bit of tabletop roleplaying, and has noticed some similarities in her characters. All of the following are non-sexual. Most of this troper's characters are: female, [[BrokenBird broken birds]] (although not the type who act aggressive; snark and sarcasm are more on the witty than nasty side), shorter than average to very short, petite in build, well-educated, smart/charismatic rather than physically strong, magic users if magic is part of the setting, musicians/performers (generally singers; even if this is not the character's profession, she almost always can do it well), unlucky in love (at least in their backstories - their crushes/lovers/husbands never reciprocated, reciprocated but ended up being jerks, or reciprocated, ended up being nice, and then were killed), not particularly close to their parents but with no animosity, only children or not close to their siblings, good with animals (character frequently has a pet or familiar and in one case could turn into a chipmunk), skilled at Social Fu, and somewhat overconfident about the success of their plans. They've frequently been in situations that made them seem like the DistressedDamsel type, until they a) [[TookALevelInBadass take a level in badass]] or b) reveal that it was part of their larger plan - current character let herself be captured by minions so that they would take her to the [[BigBad big bad's]] lair; the rest of the party followed stealthily and did recon, broke troper's character out, and took a higher-level minion prisoner when it turned out that the big bad was not present. The "damsel" delivered a speech to the imprisoned villain (who'd had [[IHaveYouNowMyPretty the usual plans]] for her) that turned out to be a [[CrowningMomentOfAwesome CMOA]] for her. * This troper always makes her bad boys devistatingly attractive and wear skimpy outfits. Most of her heterosexual female characters have some Degree of Yaoi-Fangirlness. * This troper's fanfics and stories usually have a scene with a girl and a toilet. Oh, and all the characters love tea. * [[{{Tropers/AstraKiseki}} This troper]] has a list. One part of it is her method of making characters. She puts a trait of herself in all of them, and then runs with it beyond recognition. They tend to be nice in some way. If they are bastards, they have a strict code. They often have a father figure that was a good role model for them. The girls tend to be social or brainy, and very, very good at being the trickster or just have a sense of humor that one can call demented. The guys tend to be attractive gentlemen and have some measure of intelligence/geek to them. They are also mostly straight. Very

straight, though comfortable with homosexuality. She also has noticed that she can't help but to figure out the kinks of her characters, main or not. If a character is someone who sex may turn up for, she ends up figuring out what makes them really get interested. Oh, and she tends to end up writing porn for said characters. The child prodigies are safe from this, normally because even when they grow up, they'll be asexual. Clothes? They tend to be practical and modest, all the better to hide things in. Oh, and not one of them are comparatively busty to the troper, including the tall, bulky GentleGiant. Mainly because the troper's boobs are almost GagBoobs. * [[{{Tropers/Stoney}} This troper]] cannot resist [[{{KillEmAll}} killing main characters]], and is so restricted to very morbid oneshots. Also, a large portion of his stories tend to feature young soldiers innocence being utterly crushed before they die. Firing squads are the preferred method of execution. ** Hello there, male me. * This troper added in his book a character who's his ideal type of girl: a half-HotAmazon half-YamatoNadeshiko, green-eyed, [[HeroesWantRedHeads readhead]], 6 feet and 3 inches tall, [[MostCommonSuperPower well-endowed]], virgin Angel way more powerful than the main character whose beauty (in my fantasy, EvilIsSexy but BeautyEqualsGoodness) stuns even girls. The only reason she isn't a Mary Sue is because there are more powerful characters around, she is a supporting character with sporadical appearance and sometimes those traits are played for laughs. The troper also likes to write about insane characters! ** If you had said "blue eyes" and "flat-chested" instead of "green eyes" and "well-endowed," you would have almost perfectly described someone I knew in high school. (Well, okay, she's only 6'02", but... close enough!) * This troper's protagonists all tend to be very religious or at least spiritually minded, prone to being {{Well Intentioned Extremist}}s if not {{Knight Templar}}s, and usually hang out on the [[SlidingScaleOfIdealismVersusCynicism cynical end of the scale]]. Most of them are also more knowledgable about classical literature than it would make any sense for them to be, and are the frequent targets of teasing from their allies. * This troper has a rather unbridled fetish for insane, AxCrazy, skinny guys. Guess who saves the day and gets the girl in her stories? Yep. * Almost every single important male in [[@/SamiFire this Troper's]] stories is tall. Very tall. Nothing less than six feet tall is acceptable. The exact characteristics of the men in question vary depending on what's currently attractive (hence the Author Appeal), but they're almost always significantly taller than the (usually short) heroine. Naturally, this leads to a lot of [[HugeGuyTinyGirl Huge Guy Tiny Girl]]. There are also an awful lot of male {{Boisterous Bruiser}}s or characters with similar traits. * [[Tropers/SciFiChica This troper]] writes mainly snarky, sarcastic, highly intelligent female characters. Some have been {{Action Girl}}s, but her favorite ones have used brains rather than brawn to get out of bad situations. Male love interests are intelligent, handsome, and

sympathetic, and while they like the main character, they are often frustrated or confused by her idiosyncracies, but fall in love with her anyway. A lot of the time, a plainer main character girl will get the handsome guy in the send. Wish fulfillment, who me? * [[{{Tropers/Knight9910}} This troper]] is guilty of this as well. Gay male AuthorAvatar in his [=DnD=] game aside, he also finds himself guilty of both Age Fixation (early teens) and Gender/LGBT fixation, with a majority of characters in his stories and games ending up as lesbian, gay, or bi. No transgenders yet. * [[@/{{Ajardoor}} This Troper]] has found himself...interested in exploring bisexuality through his fiction. The (male) main character of his current work-in-progress has slept with a girl, but a future encounter with another boy (who recently revealed he was in a relationship with a girl himself) is being foreshadowed. Bizarrely enough, I geniunely think of myself as pretty straight...right? * [[Tropers/PataHikari One of my]] Zelda fanfic {{Original Character}}s is quite possibly the ''sum'' of what I find attractive in females. Tall... ahem [[MostCommonSuperpower full bodied]], dark skin, and bookish and kinda nerdy. All she's missing is [[GlassesGirl glasses.]] * I have a personal interest in things like weird nature (particularly marine life), mythology, urban legends and the supernatural that finds it's way in to a lot of my work. Even things slightly more grounded in reality tend to see this show up either thematically or through character design. * [[Tropers/ShayCaron This troper]] could probably come up with a few examples of this in his work, but the first that comes to mind is asymmetrical romantic pairings. It could be anywhere from [[MayDecemberRomance age]] to race to [[InterspeciesRomance species]], but the common thread seems to be two people who fall in love as equals, in spite of -- and ''because of'' -- differences that some would consider insurmountable. * Oh God. [[{{Tropers/Entan}} This troper]]'s include genderfuck, gay relationships, [[{{Meganekko}} glasses]], LadyOfWar types in the highest positions, AffablyEvil villains (with the occasional CompleteMonster just to shake things up), and many, ''many'' [[ThePhilosopher philosophical souls]]. He despises InnocenceVirginOnStupidity and MenAreUncultured with the intensity of a dying star; heroic characters are never depicted as ever having had casual sexual encounters (or at least none that they don't subsequently really, ''really'' regret) and his male leads tend to be at the very ''least'' knowledgeable about English literature. At one point a character who isn't even depicted as being overly religious laughs when asked if she's sexually active and says 'oh, no! I'm not even married'. All the women are [[TheSnarkKnight Snark Knights]], all the men [[RealMenWearPink are kinda girly]], and all the children...are WiseBeyondTheirYears. He has a thing for making the most BenevolentBoss in the story a villain and at least one hero a BadBoss (in a KnightTemplar sort of way). Characters often play gender ping-pong or end up in Gender Stand-Alone Complexes. [[YuriFan Almost every female character not in a relationship with a main male character is gay.]] If it isn't a JigsawPuzzlePlot it isn't worth

writing. {{God}} is discussed a lot, and on the occasional appearances when the Most High actually puts in an appearance it's God, Jim, but ''very much'' Not As We Know Him. He loves making references to other works of fiction and having characters who are casually involved in fandoms of series with a similar genre to the story in which the characters exist (GenreSavvy is fun to write!). You know what else is fun? ''ViewersAreGeniuses''. ** Update: [[IdiotBall I let my psychologist read some of my stories.]] She said something to the effect of 'why do all of your stories feature a TallDarkAndBishoujo LipstickLesbian with a morally ambiguous character, a hidden agenda, fluctuating but always high levels of angst and emotional repression, and an IQ somewhere between genius-level and practically omniscient'? 'Why do you think?' asked this troper. Troper's psychologist smiled at him and said, 'You have one ''HELL'' of a fetish there.' * This troper has recently noticed that a ''lot'' of her main characters are brilliant, intensely geeky, [[DeadpanSnarker snarky]], and bespectacled. For the most part these aren't based on attraction - rather, they're what she falls into writing, because both she and most of her friends are like that -- but she did end up with a case of textbook AuthorAppeal when she wrote a genius [[RedHeadedHero redhead]] with glasses. * This troper's female characters are almost always brunette, but better looking than the blonds (because this troper is a proud brunette, of course) and they also usually have blue or orange highlights in there hair and/or wicked awesome tattoos, both of which this this troper will be getting as soon as possible. * This troper's story ideas usually contain non-evil (if not outright heroic) practitioners of necromancy, worlds with both magic and technology, steampunk mecha; usually insectoid (which is strange because he despises every last variety of real life insects and their relatives) and being big enough to have huge cities on them. He also has characters who are dangerously insane, dangerously sane as well as harmlessly insane. He also seems to love subverting ai is a crapshoot and his villains are always only doing what they think is right. * This troper's (the one responsible for the ScarfOfAsskicking page) most recent works, a trilogy of sorts that is officially at the halfway point (26 chapters per part, 13 chapters into part 2) that is greatly inspired by reading up about things here and watching anime... especially the works of GoNagai. The works could be considered loveletters of sorts, involving slight homages to MazingerZ, GetterRobo, TheBigO, NeonGenesisEvangelion, SamuraiShodown, Killer7, Darkstalkers... and is currently pitting the heroes against a villainous pastiche of {{WITCH}} whilst deconstructing ideals from that series * and* SaintSeiya. * This troper is writing her own story/book, and the characters are all turning into fuckers... * 1, this troper is obsessed with black hair (she's blonde to the point that everyone fawns over her hair, and comments as to how gorgeous it is, when all she ever wanted was black hair), so most of her characters have black hair and strange eyes (normally green or grey or blue), 2, she isn't really good at turning her characters into

their own selves, and 3, she keeps adding supernatural stuff, like abilities... This really is not working... * This Troper, who is an avid writer of those internetty roleplaying-y whatchacall'ems, specifically sci-fi ones, maintains that you have to have a race of aliens that are blue-skinned. Blue aliens are to sci-fi what elves are to fantasy. Anyway, also commonly featured are strong female characters, villains with good publicity and an amazon brigade. A whole race of amazon brigade, but not actually hot. They go in for scarring, tattoos and piercings. They're also seven feet tall. Secretly I'm scared that this is what turns me on? * [[Tropers/JethroQWalrustitty This Troper]] found this to be a good source of material for a creative writing course. First story dealt with various theories of the EndOfTheWorldAsWeKnowIt (with a ShoutOut to the song), second one was a hard sci-fi story (also TemptingFate, as the teacher said he [[SciFiGhetto loathes Science Fiction]]), and the last one included the rest of the kitchen sink. Also, for one inclass excersize TT wrote a CosmicHorrorStory. * This troper has such a deep love of "[[GoNagai Nagaiburns]]" - the large, often unnaturally pointy or fiery sideburns featured in the works of GoNagai or KenIshikawa, that he's started adding them to most of his female characters. No, really! Though in this case, they're assumed to be stylized bangs in front of the ears instead of [[NightmareFuel actual facial hair]]. And it looks good! See {{Devilman}} for an example of a female character with a full blown pair of these [[ g]]. * I dig giant robots. As well as gunslingers, action girls, badass longcoats, trickster-Gods, magical knights, heroic legacies, campbellian heroes, steampunk, masked cavaliers, pulp magazines, Ditkoian magic, super-speedsters, spiders (though I'm terrified of 'em), explorer-adventurers, meaningful names, and characters with super-strength. Oh, and mythological super-heroes. And NIKOLA TESLA. * This troper will always roleplay or write about a tall dark and bishoujo action girl/lady of war (bonus points if she's a broken bird or dual wields), a stoic zen survivor with mandatory scars and badass longcoat, and a short redheaded BoisterousBruiser with mechanical aptitude who frequently abuses fake accents and buffy speak. I've used this trio (and several others depending on the plot) so much that they're practically a CommediaDellArteTroupe. For some reason I also really like black hair paired with blue eyes. Oh, and Russia, I am absolutely fascinated with Russia and the Soviet Union. * {{Tropers/Raekuul}} is proud to admit that the heroine of his current project that never goes anywhere is a somewhat tall, blue-andblonde B-Cup ActionGirl-plus-StaffChick mashup. * This troper has an irrational obsession with [[EvilChancellor this trope]]. At least two of her protagonists are Viziers trying to prove they ''aren't'' evil, and one of her villains is the trope played (mostly) straight. She even went so far as to create a Viziers' Academy, which is ExactlyWhatItSaysOnTheTin. Putting good characters who like snakes, or perfectly nice harmless reptiles in, is another recurring thread since she thinks reptiles are ''not'' abhorrent.

* If [[Tropers/AtlasEXE this troper]] wrote more fanfiction, it would contain many or all of the following: [[ActionGirl Action girls]], female main characters, red heads, characters with blue eyes, characters who are left handed, [[DistressedDamsel women in bondage]] (whether being dominated by a male or female, it doesn't matter), and characters who wear any of the following: sleek sunglasses, nightvision goggles, bandannas, skull caps, sleeveless shirts, face masks, and [[BadAssLongcoat Badass Longcoats of any type]]. Also, most of this troper's male characters have no qualms about hitting women. * @/{{Amadeous}} didn't realize it up until recently, but all of his female designs incorperate either a skirt/dress and long socks or stockings. I've actually had to edit a few designs to have shorts or pants. Along with that, the main female characters are usually softspoken and reserved. As for the males, they're usually harder and stoic, but not overly-muscular. Also, longcoats and capes. Finally, there's a lot of religious tones and motifs in my stories, except the problem being I'm atheist. Don't know how that works. * This troper's work almost always involves some sort of marginalized or [[{{Masquerade}} hidden]] subculture, the members of which are often artificially created or altered - genetic experiments, magically created beings, that sort of thing. Communism, in some form or another, tends to show up, always in a positive or at least neutral light. And the main characters are generally human - or [[HumansByAnyOtherName closer to human]] than the rest of the cast with a vaguely [[InterspeciesRomance bestial or animalistic love interest]]. Often, they [[HalfHumanHybrid have kids]]. * The girls I like to do won't always look at least a bit like myself, but the [[LoveInterests boys]]... Ah, these. Always the cute nerdy gentleman kind, that can also do house chores, that this troper fails at doing. To be honest, this tropers squee at [[{{Bleach}} Ishida Uryuu]] like a teenaged Twitard, just because he fits that appeal to a T. Including the EXTREME sewing abilities. The nearest I found is my boyfriend, but he probably is worse at house chores than me. Oh, and nanobots. Although they are used in a more realistic setting and don't break as easily as they do in fiction; also, their functions are usually regarded as life support and auxiliars, not substituting any of the already existant systems, biological or not. Also, freaks, there will always be quirky and freaky people, as, to this troper, there's no normality. Ah, I remember now... YouGottaHaveBlueHair. And [[GreenEyedMonster green eyes]]. Almost every main character in my histories are like this. The green eyes are partly for jealousy, since her mother has green eyes, her father had medium brown, but I have almost black eyes. Nah, I look too much like my father to be a bastard child. Well, the characters that tend to get my quirks tend to be clumsy, [[LethalChef cook really bad]], and sing decently, despise not really being into music, inspired in myself, due to the sheer amount of hilarity and unexpectance these situations cause to others even in real life. Of course, they'll be bullied like Hell as well. ** By 'do', you mean create, right? * This editor always, ''always'' has at least one non-human character in whatever she writes. Generally it's canines, but she'll find some way to include a fuzzy mammal of some sort. (Needless to say, whenever

she writes fantasy, the inhuman characters far outnumber the human ones.) Also, her cast of characters ''always'' includes a violent, definitely unfeminine female. She's combined the two ''twice'': one resulted in an undead mouse-like HeroicSociopath BountyHunter, and the other resulted in a HeroicSociopath [[BigBadassWolf Big Badass Demon She-Wolf]] BloodKnight. And for some reason, most of her characters are male. * This troper has just noticed that a high percentage of his characters are in an inter-racial relationship. In fact there are only two none inter-racial ones. One ended in a divorce and they became friends. The other had both parties cheating on each other so ... yeah. ** Also, The number 5. To the degree of any character with numbers in their name having exactly 5 digits, and at least one of these digits has to be the number 5. And all important numbers are a multiple of 5. ** And many of my friends have pointed out my (huge) obsession with dragons. * [[{{Tropers/Leradny}} This troper]] rather enjoys creating main female characters that are darkhaired and intelligent. Whether they are reclusive or not depends on what mood she's in--not to mention creating a blonde character as an evil foil is also pretty common. Also for LesYay. * This Troper, (who'll get around to actually putting something on paper someday, damnit!) seems rather fond of [[HeroesWantRedHeads redhaired girls]], HumongousMecha, {{Perkygoth}}s, corsets, women with long wavy hair, the [[HotShounenMom hot older woman]], women with [[MostCommonSuperpower generous proportions]] (screw you, StrawFeminist, I'll draw boobies and ass if I want to), and strong female characters who aren't WellExcuseMePrincess or {{Tsundere}} types, or "lol female role model lolz"... and also has a love of HotBlooded male leads and heroes giving speeches about why objective morality is awesome and nihilism is for losers. Preferably while in a SuperRobot. Never said I wasn't strange. * [[{{Tropers/Ouroboros}} This Troper's]] Fantasy protagonists tend to be small, dark haired and reserved intellectuals with zero magic ability or fighting skills that rely on their wits to survive. Troubling perhaps, but elements of incest creep into his work, he blames [[ASongOfIceAndFire George RR Martin]], as well as many a MayDecemberRomance.Chivalry is also a major theme in everything he writes, drawing on DonQuixote a lot as well as more serious chivalric ballads. Other worlds ala ChroniclesOfNarnia and HisDarkMaterials also seem to be something of an AuthorAppeal. Luckily, those small, dark haired intellectuals don't tend tobe an example of an Author Insert, as this troper is close to six feet tall, has reddish brown hair and is quite broad and boistrous. * A friend once tried to analyse my writing in terms of common motifs etc and got stuck after she found too many. To try and list as many as I can think of, I usually have a strong female secondary character, usually with a much weaker male lead who relies on them greatly. (Taken to extremes with a story about a cloned soldier with psychological issues up the wazoo, and his main female love interest, an exceptionally powerful witch with magical power which could end the

world in a stray thought, hmm) Also, so many of my characters have turned out bisexual, usually by accident, and there is a strong tendency for readers to see various scenes as sexual, when I never intended them that way. Often this includes themes of being captured and rendered helpless. Snipers are an extremely common theme, usually as villains with hearts of gold (See sub-reference, obsession with Sniper Wolf at age 13), usually female, bisexual, villanous snipers with hearts of gold who defect to join the weak lead male character. At least four of them. Villains who defect and turn to the side of good are common, mostly because I get too attached to the character and don't want to kill them. Pistols are somewhat of an obsession, along with sniper rifles (surprise!). Almost every single character will have a badass longcoat, unless they are the weak male lead. A general love of cultural references also finds its way into everything, extending far beyond a casual name drop. Also, I base almost every single character on people who I know, resulting in people I don't like becoming villains who get slaughtered in increasingly messy ways, and people I like becoming almost deified by the end of the series. * [[{{Tropers/Malus}} This Troper]] has noticed a tendency for his work to contain something about Elements and, by extension, Elementals, who are usually normal people that somehow gain elemental powers (be it through TheEndOfTheWorldAsWeKnowIt or genetic experiments). His artwork usually has, most often completely unjustified, pointed elven ears even in the more scifi (and even realistic) setting drawings. He's also gone to great lengths to justify some sort of GenderBender situation in his works, though it's usually just one character and not treated like a big deal. * [[{{Tropers/Haza}} This troper]]'s characters have, more often than not, an outward design that completely opposes their personality. Also, she absolutely ''loves'' to BreakTheCutie and the non-Cutie, and does so precisely after everything seems like it's gonna be alright. Her favourite, and most-used character archetype? The MagnificentBastard. * If this troper ever goes anywhere with his writing, critics and reviewers are going to very swiftly note his obsession with golems/magical constructs, the undead, and the mechanics of magic, which is almost always some form of rule magic. And the color blue prominently displayed in the visual effects of said magic. * So far, the only lead character this troper has ever written that was openly religious was a devout Jew. This troper is not Jewish (but [[ShownTheirWork DID do the research]], thank you very much). She also has a tendency to write characters who are in some noticeable way out of the ordinary, since she herself is strange and has difficulty getting into the mindset of normal people. Redheads of both sexes make an appearance, as do immortals of varying types, and strange eye colors such as gold or acid green tend to show up as well. Her favorite OC yet, however, has none of those traits, and is [[OurZombiesAreDifferent a very pissed-off revenant]] to boot, and to date, this troper wonders why the related story was [[AttentionDeficitCreatorDisorder one of the few she's managed to finish]].

* This Troper tends to have a lot of important eye colors in his characters, big dark cities, and lots of scarfs. * [[{{Tropers/DrunkenGrognard}}This Troper]] has something of a thing for Wrench Wenches, who tend to be redheads. Also a thing for Badass Normals; especially when combined with a Badass Grandpa. Both tend to feature heavily in his stories. * [[{{Tropers/Gerusz}} This troper]] has a thing for redheads with green eyes, so whenever he has an AuthorAvatar in any short story, there's a smart and sexy redhead with green eyes who ends up with him. * [[{{Tropers/Sharysa}} This troper]]'s male characters fall into two categories: A HotBlooded {{Determinator}} with an [[JerkWithAHeartOfGold undeniable heart of gold]], and an equallypowerful, TroubledButCute SquishyWizard. [[YaoiGuys They have an extremely high rate of hooking up]], but as I detest the {{Seme}}/{{Uke}} formula, I usually make both of them {{DeadpanSnarker}}s and avert the OneHeadTaller trope by making them either roughly the same height or realistically taller/shorter. (With heterosexual pairings, though, [[HugeGuyTinyGirl it's fair game]].) Most of my characters have eyes that contrast their hair; for example, light-haired people have dark eyes and dark-haired people have light eyes. None of my characters will stand for anyone hurting their {{Nakama}}, and they will have overwhelming tendencies to be socially inept otherwise. My female characters are [[HollywoodHomely not unattractive]], but are often considered attractive by sole approachability. They have a tendency to be quiet, compassionate, and intelligent, and while I make them [[LadyOfWar proficient in combat]] if the story's appropriate, I commonly use them as foils for the male lead. Generally, if I don't [[BreakTheCutie traumatize someone]] over the course of the story, I'll usually have them [[DarkAndTroubledPast pre-broken]]. In the end, everyone [[EarnYourHappyEnding moves past their issues and live as normally as possible.]] * [[Tropers/JCaesar This troper]] has always tried to avert this trope by simply not mentioning the key physical features of my female leads: In my mind, they are probably redheads (occasionally blondes or light brunettes), but they are ''definitely'' short and with big blue or green eyes and freckles. Their invariably Irish last names are probably giveaways, though. Still, I thought I could finally do whatever I wanted when I was editing a novel whose author made his female lead a short, gorgeous redhead with freckles. ''He'' chose that. ''I'' didn't. So I could "Editor Appeal" to my heart's content. Then he told me that he'd decided the character should be HIVpositive, and in fact, have full-blown AIDS. I argued as long as I could, but the simple truth was, it ''did'' make more sense, given the character's choices, the time setting, the tone of the novel and the directions set up for possible sequels. So the Irish hottie has AIDS. Dammit. * This Troper is an aviation enthusiast, though I try not to let that creep intrusively into my work. Mostly. Okay, I * did* include the description of the distinctive low-throttle engine noise of a particular aircraft that few people have heard of as background for one scene...and there was the time I outlined a super heavy-lift Helistat, with setting-appropriate codename AND roughly accurate

technical capabilities, for a scene in a story where most reasonable people would have just put in a throwaway line about cargo rocket platforms or something...and there was that one instance of building a couple of fictional aircraft on a flight sim, putting them in the location and weather/lighting conditions I had in mind for the story, and using the data from flying through the scenario to figure out how to write a scene involving a landing on an AirborneAircraftCarrier with some semblance of realism (I couldn't just... y'know, make something * UP*'d feel like cheating). But mostly, really, I've been good about it. Really. * [[{{Tropers/Crion87}} This troper]] has included in a draft for a FantasyKitchenSink RealTimeStrategy game idea he is coming up with, among other things: a race of [[FishOutOfTemporalWater displaced modern-style humans]] (can't decide whether they are {{Eagleland}}ers or from the LandDownunder though), a race of former CrystalSpiresAndTogas [[{{MagicKnight}} magician-warriors]] with a HeroicAlbino leadership caste trying to get over [[{{AfterTheEnd}} the destruction of their world-spanning empire ]], and maybe some sort of DemonicInvaders supported by the denizens of ShamgriLa. On the more realistic side, he hopes to write a story with a [[{{Heroic Albino}} Albinistic]] LoveInterest. * Being a homosexual male, this troper ''always'' takes musculature into account when it comes to physical beauty, regardless of gender. As a result, many of his female characters (but mostly the [[{{Tomboy}} tomboyish]] ones) tend to be rather buff, especially compared to real-world [[NoGuyWantsAnAmazon social standards]]. Switching gears, whenever his stories feature [[FunnyAnimal Funny Animals]] (which I believe is all the time), expect to see at least one bird character in it. As the troper is a fan of Satoshi Kon, the blurring between fantasy and reality is a recurring element in his works. * Whenever This Troper wants to show a character's masculinity, he kicks down doors. * This troper has... a bit of a laundry list of author appeal points, on various levels. For instance: piercings show up a lot, as do crucifixes (despite this troper, himself, being a Satanist); high boots and ponytails on guys; combat boots and belly shirts on girls; and lots and lots of neck adornments (collars are prominent) due to the troper in question's prominent neck fixation. Heck, a lot of his girls are, if not outright [[WrenchWench Wrench Wenches]], at least spiritual sisters to the same... As well, the majority of his characters wind up being queer in some way (mostly gay and bisexual (mostly males-- is this troper's sexuality obvious yet?), but there are a few asexuals and transsexuals for good measure) And let's not get into the crossdressing... * [[Tropers/TsundeRay This troper]], who is a {{bishonen}} and HotLibrarian fetishist, and enjoys playing as a MagicKnight in 2D platformers, designed (with the help of [[@/AstraKiseki this other troper]]) a male character who looks pretty, works at a library, has DetachedSleeves, has shorts short enough to threaten ZettaiRyouiki, and excels both in magic and swordsmanship. And just to reflect this troper's virginity and him joking that losing it will bring about the

EndOfTheWorldAsWeKnowIt, he made his character's powers [[VirginPower virginity-powered]]...[[spoiler:with a loophole that still allows him to be [[IfYouKnowWhatIMean taken care of]], albeit in...interesting ways.]] * This troper parodied it in this troper's ''Literature/{{Twilight}}''/''FairlyOddParents''/''DannyPhantom'' crossover, in a scene in which some canon characters and OC ''Literature/{{Twilight}}'' fans from FOP are editing ''Literature/{{Twilight}}'' to stop [[FairlyOddParents Norm the Genie's]] plan from coming to fruitation (read more about it [[TroperTales/CrossoverShip here]]). One of the Twi-fans wrote that ''Come On Get Higher'' by Matt Nathanson came on. Then, in the next chapter, when [[DannyPhantom Ghost Writer]] was reading Literature/{{Twilight}}, he {{Lampshaded}} [[AuthorAppeal the trope]] * [[Tropers/WoolieWool This troper]] likes to include at least one tall, slender, and lithe (but not quite {{bishonen}}) young man in his stories, who is guaranteed to be in some state of undress at least once. RapunzelHair and FootFocus sometimes appear as well. Also there will likely be references to HeavyMetal music somewhere. And HoYay. (yes, this troper is [[QueerAsTropes gay]], why do you ask?) * This troper, when she writes porn, always likes to make sex as rough and disgusting as possible. There will probably always be a blow-job in there too. As for non-porn, especially for her ''{{Supernatural}}'' fanfic, she likes to write pretty people much more realistic (either giving them scars, making them skinnier or a tiny bit chubbier) and writing mental breakdowns in a surreal way. Is it any wonder why I'm scared to write fluff? * [[{{Tropers/Lullabee}} This troper]] likes StoicSpectacles. Especially with bonus ponytails, although, honestly, the guy doesn't have to be TheStoic, just TheSmartGuy in a cool way. Any character with even a hint of a preexisting vision problem is likely to find it worsen if she's writing him, or to be suddenly confronted with very fine print. ** Update: TropesAreNotBad! I had a character who had either minor vision problems in canon or an ongoing case of BrainySpecs wear glasses and a ponytail while [[ChasteHero swotting up on]] [[NerdsAreSexy the 392 section in the Dewey Decimal System]]. Three reviews so far (which, relatively, is pretty good), and they've all mentioned liking the mental image. Sometimes, I guess, if you write what you like, it turns out other people like it too. * This troper still employs this in things like basic body shape when she's drawing because she likes having a model she can actually see in different positions easily - for instance, herself - but has done this without noticing. Examples are mainly extremes (very pale or very dark skin, black or sky blue or emerald green eyes, caramel eyes prereading Twilight, etc). One that surprises people was because for a while when she was very young she did not know everyone wasn't like this: bisexual people. She assumed it was just preference one way or the other, like blondes vs. brunettes, because that's how she feels. It took her until seventh grade to learn the word. * Whenever this troper (Tropers/KurtmanJP) plans a made-up anime, story or RPG, the main protagonist is usually a HotChickWithASword

joined by a male, sarcastic talking canine FragileSpeedster whose name starts with the letter C (mostly Clyde, Chet and Chase) and some token minority guy whose either native american or black and provides the muscle of the bunch. * A cross sampling of [[{{Tropers/Katsuhagi}} this troper's]] work shows a few common themes when it comes to love scenes. Neck kissing, lots of skin contact, emphasis on body heat, and cuddling in the same bed. And this is just the fanfiction. Original characters include [[LadyOfWar kickass women]], gay guys who also kick ass, tall fatherly black men and [[GoodLookingPrivates uniforms]]. Lots of uniforms. Also lots of interracial relationships, some straight, some gay, which she didn't realize until it was pointed out to her. ** Oh, and the BadassBookworm and/or HotLibrarian seems to come up a lot. There's also a theme of mental illness, which unfortunately is TruthInTelevision as far as her real life family goes. * This Troper's works in writing always seem to have lesbians in them, usually with one of them wearing the bare minimal amount of clothing they can get away with in any given setting. One of the characters will usually wear an eyepatch, and some form of superpowers will show up. The most common is fire, because it's cool. * This troper has a weird twin fetish and will work twins (or something vaguely resembling twins) into most of her writings. Creepy children (namely little girls in ElegantGothicLolita), bioengineering,Gothic architecture and black vs. white themes often crop up as well. * [[{{Tropers/Pumpernickel}} This troper]]'s characters almost always are off their rocker in some way or another (particularly a fan of narcissist MagnificentBastard types). Those that aren't are either StraightGay, an inversion of OneHeadTaller, or some form of TheLadette or TheOjou. Most of her female characters have BoobsOfSteel and BreastPlate armor. * This troper loves doorknockers for some reason (partially because of the classic Jacob Marley scene in [[AChristmasCarol A Christmas Carol]]) so houses in his comics or stories usually have a lion knocker on them. One character, as an enourmous in-joke, was given an obsession with doorknockers. Also, this troper tries to stick in a song or musical number in almost every one of his stories or so. * This troper happens to be a major fan of SummerGlau. As a result, he tends to write a ''lot'' of fanfic involving characters played by her, putting fairly heafty emphasis on her characters even when its a general story. * This troper has a veritable plethora of this. One of her recurring characters is a PollyAnna blind girl who loves the colour blue. Also, she is obsessed with many other things, including mechanical replacement, Gods and Goddesses Among Us, angels, fallen angels, piercings, long coats (not always [[BadassLongcoat badass]]), nonsexual bondage, stigmata, religious theming, long ears, pale skin, nearly unpronounceable names, fancy/royal/hard-to-draw clothing, dresses, 'freaks', strange eye/hair/skin colours, musical tendencies, LimitedWardrobe, capes, bad guys becoming good (or failing that getting kicked out by [[ItGotWorse someone even worse]]), and torture. * The troper has noticed a lot of his characters are left-handed,

although he tries not to make it obvious he's left-handed by having everyone be a lefty...although this still tends to mean that most of the good guys are left-handed. This troper also tries to avoid having villains that are evil for evil's sake, almost every one of his villains have at least some reason behind whatever they're doing. And due to him liking dragons, they also [[OurDragonsAreDifferent tend to be the good guys]]. * This Troper, after going through some of her work, came to realize that her lead female characters are either {{Bifauxnen}}(I have this thing for girls dressing up as guys just to fool others), a {{Cloudcuckoolander}}(I've been described as eccentric and odd before), [[TheOjou high-class]], or all of the above. Other girls are {{YamatoNadeshiko}} who tend to [[ApologizesALot apologize a lot]](I love those sweet characters), or is a {{TokenLoli}}(preferbly wearing {{ElegantGothicLolita}}). The male characters are either [[JerkWithAHeartOfGold jerks with hearts of gold]], [[{{CuteShotaroBoy}} adorable little boys]] (I-I swear it's [[{{Shotacon}} not what you think]]), or [[WhitePrince handsome gentlemen]]. This troper is pretty surprised her characters don't have [[YouGottaHaveBlueHair anime hair colors]]. * [[@/{{Conthus}} This troper]] has a tendency to always include at least one character who combines TooDumbToLive with NighInvulnerability as the comic relief. This may be due to his other tendency, which is to have a multitude of characters at [[SuperWeight Author Weight]] power levels. The poor ComicRelief wouldn't last 5 seconds without some kind of protection * This list already seems absurdly long, but I guess I'll add mine: characters who are outsiders/loners, {{CrapsackWorld}}, occult and philosophical references, [[WhatDoYouMeanItWasntMadeOnDrugs things that appear to have been made on drugs]], HumansAreBastards, creative death scenes, exotic places and/or time periods, unusual (but real) names, parody, and the MostCommonSuperpower (this last being my only sexual turn-on). * This troper is messing around writing a series of short stories about a guy who somehow ends up in a relationship with a Lamia (like a mermaid, only with a snake tail.) The stories seem to have a few detailed of instances where mild constriction with the tail is a common form of affection from a lamia, which seems to be more and more appealing to this troper the more he thinks about it. Eventually, this troper finally realized that the closest real life counterpart is bondage... ** [[Tropers/SteelKomodo This Troper]] would ''very'' much like to know where this story is, just top prove that he hadn't misread those details. * [[Tropers/SapphireFlame This troper]] has recently noticed his tendency for including female villains that are either a) [[PsychopathicManchild Psychopathic womenchildren]], b) have a bad case of MadLove or at least severe problems with dependency on someone , c) are [[StepfordSmiler StepfordSmilers]], d) are AxeCrazy, or e) all of the above. I'm pretty sure it's non-sexual, but if it is, I have serious issues. Also, I think that black jackets are one of the most awesome accessories ever. Go figure.

* This troper favors military operations owing to a childhood misspent in research of modern armed conflicts. Aside from that? [[ChildSoldier Tykebombs]], [[TheStoic stoics]], [[PsychoForHire nutters]], and lots and lots of [[GunPorn detailed weaponry]]. Also, while [[HoYay homosexuality]] occasionally appears in some of his stories, references to it are common but of an off-handed "blink and you'll miss it" type. Well, a partial exception for [[GirlOnGirlIsHot lesbians]] but not really. * This troper has a tendency to write her male protagonists who end up as romantic leads as [[DeadpanSnarker Deadpan Snarkers]] with dark hair and light eyes (this has [[FreudianExcuse nothing to do with the fact that her first major crush was on a boy with similar coloring, oh no]]). * This troper has a habit of giving all of his characters accents other than the norm. The most common are German, Irish, and South African (or at least a generalization of what they sound like). Also, he has an odd habit of trying to put a hyena in every single story, because he likes hyenas for some strange reason. * This Troper (who is a fanfiction author of the [[{{Pokemon}} Pokmon]] variety) has a mysterious tendency to always wind up with at least one canonical villain in most main character traveling parties. One of them was forced into it, and another had a HeelFaceTurn in canon, so... * In [[{{Tropers/Bergil}} This Troper's]] stories (of which one is unfinished and the rest unstarted) tend to include women who are beautiful but somehow unconventional-looking, for example having an EyepatchOfPower, [[YouGottaHaveBlueHair Green hair]], [[{{Meganekko}} glasses]], up to being a Furry or a [[TheLegendOfZeldaTwilightPrincess Midnaesque]] [[GreenSkinnedSpaceBabe demon]]. I also like to include sailing ships, {{BadassLongcoat}}s and other pirate-y aesthetics, as well as ScrapheapChallenge-style machines. I also tend to go into great detail about the [[PropagandaMachine various ways that the]] [[MindRape Villians mess with people's heads]], due to having been bullied in high school. I also tend to let my political opinions in, though only in the vague sense of showing evil that takes away from people's independance. * This troper is currently writing a series of short stories set in an alternate earth that runs on Our Monsters Are Different and Not So Different, and is having far too much fun with it: zombies, vampires, werewolves, angels, demons, and even djinn are all present, just... well, different. There's also some more standard Author Appeal: Les Yay and unusual eye colors, namely. * [[Tropers/MmmKay This troper]]... oh god, this troper... This troper [[OldShame used to write so many stories]] about her favorite characters turning into [[{{Sizeshifter}} gi]][[MakeMyMonsterGrow an]][[MiracleGroMonster ts]] or [[VoluntaryShapeshifting other]] [[InvoluntaryShapeshifting weird]] [[OneWingedAngel things]], and the worst part is... ''[[FetishFuel it]] hasn't gone away!'' [[AttackOfThe50FootTallWhatever GREAT]] [[{{Thunderbirds}} SCOTT]][[IncrediblyLamePun !]] ** The fact that [[ such a thing like this

exists]] ''[[CaptainScarlet doesn't]] [[IncredibleShrinkingMan help!]]'' * [[Tropers/DarkInsanity13 This troper]] just noticed that she appears to like creating silver/light-haired characters when trying to decide [[YouGottaHaveBlueHair what strange colour]] she should give them next. * This Troper and Fanfic-Writer's favorite thing is to take things that are so overdone in a particular fandom that you avoid any story that has any mention of it at all...and make it work. Examples include another kid going to Narnia, A speshulbender in Avatar: The Last Airbender and [=OCs=] that are not Mary-Sues in every fandom ever. * This troper loves using [[MindRape Mind Rape]] in her stories, and has no idea why. Other favorites include Our Vampires/Elves/Fairies/What Have You are Different, Badass Normal Characters and Breaking the Cutie. She also tends to write siblings who used to be close but aren't anymore become close again. So, yeah. * [[{{Tropers/MiraShio}} This troper]] is terribly sadistic in her fics. Two of her original stories, meanwhile, both feature a postjunior high school RelationshipUpgrade for the main characters. * This troper is a YuriFan, an ActionGirl fan, and a [[FootFocus foot fetishist]], and it shows. * [[{{Tropers/Arcadiarika}} This troper]] is a huge fan of both ''{{Power Rangers}}'' and ''{{Pokemon}}''. She also likes the {{Magical Girl}} genre. As you can see from her work (especially her series), she combines the three elements. No, it's not a fanfic, even though [[OldShame there was a Power Rangers fanfic that eventually served as a small inspiration.]] And I just happen to like [[ActionGirl action girls, especially since there seems to be a lack of them nowadays.]] (No, she's not a lesbian. She's perfectly straight.) Also, [[BadAss different types of badasses, but none of the punk variety.]] There is nothing sexually related in her work, even though the only two times the {{Balloon Belly}} trope appeared in two of her works (alternate universe/crossover fanfics) were likely coincidences. Oh, and sometimes she makes either her original characters or her favorite characters fat. [[OhMyGods Hikaria and Arceus help me...]] >__< ** UPDATE: At least one person likes this troper's male weight gain six-part story. Also, she would like to add another Author Appeal to the list: transforming (again, male) characters into human blueberries. It all started when she wrote one that focused on her original characters, and then she wrote/drew a ''Power Rangers'' story in which five Rangers were turned into human berries ([[spoiler:first, Carter Grayson became a human blueberry, then Andros was turned into a cherry, and Merrick Balitone, Kai Chen, and Tommy Oliver became a human gooseberry, mulberry, and cloudberry, respectively. However, the latter four [[IGotBetter got better]], but Carter swelled up to the point where he became a giant--more than ''one hundred feet''--human blueberry. Oh, and he was renamed "Carterberry." No, really]]). The fact that one of the comments on [[ this picture]] says "Oompa Loompa!" does not help. Overall, though? Transformations are her favorite fetish. Just recently, she

worked on several pictures that show characters changing into pigs. * [[{{Tropers/Gallows}} This troper]] loves animals and enjoys sneaking them into his works of fiction. If a character doesn't have an animal motif, then it's likely that they have some sort of pet. Villains either aren't related to animals in any way, or their animal motifs are completely alien and disturbing animals, akin to [[EldritchAbomination Eldritch abominations]], except they're ''real'' animals. Birds are common, especially sparrows and ravens. ** [[{{Tropers/Gallows}} This troper]] also likes sneaking in small references to other works of fiction. [[AliceInWonderland One whitehaired, nervous individual with a pocket watch is a minor character in one roleplay]]. ** And don't forget all the [[MeaningfulName meaningful names]], name puns, and riddle names. Usually if you can guess the meaning of a character's name, then you'll understand their role perfectly. This troper probably lifted that bad habit from Harry Potter. * With this troper, it's PowerArmor, up to eleven. I've managed to put PowerArmor into all of the 4 books I'm working on, one of which is a fantasy (albeit with SteamPunk elements, but still...). I also have the exact same thing was BadassLongcoat; each of these stories has a Badass character who, well, wears a longcoat. * For this troper, it's HugeGuyTinyGirl. Bonus points for the guy being [[StoutStrength heavily muscled but well-padded]]. * This [[Tropers/HarryMiste particular troper]] loves putting the military into all sorts of situations. Apparently, magic, demons and other assorted supernatural nonsense can be solved with an M4, a P228 and two frag grenades. Yes, [[DidNotDoTheResearch that's not a typical loadout]]... * This troper loves playing with speech patterns when playing [=RPGs=]. So far he's developed two mute characters, a character with a lisp, and one who doesn't ''stop'' talking. He also engages in stealth ThemeNaming. In his stories, he always goes for a TwistEnding, his favorite type being a last-sentence-or-paragraph Genre Reveal. * This Troper recently realized all of his best and deepest heroines and, to a less numerous extent, heroes, are all desperately lonely. Might have something to do with his own feelings, to a point. Also, my RP characters tend to, for whatever reason, be sexual deviants; more than one gay, one whose best friend is gay for her, and one mute incestuous dog-girl. * This Troper shoehorns the DarkSkinnedBlonde and SubordinateExcuse tropes into most of his stories. * This Troper loves exploring father/daughter or brother/sister relationships. Having never had a brother, that could explain why in the latter case. * [[Tropers/DaGamesElite This troper]] has several, SEVERAL reoccuring patterns in his stories...Oh God, where to even begin? For one, there is always a chubby character who is usually a major character. Usually, over the course of the story, the character, almost always a girl, starts off with low self-esteem about her weight before eventually accepting it as a part of herself, perhaps even finding herself beautiful as she is. Another thing I almost always include are Tsundere. Often, they are modeled after characters like

[[NeonGenesisEvangelion Asuka Langley Sohryu]] or Akane Saotome. I just love tsundere characters! I feel they're so complex and interesting. Additionally, Meganekko are very common, and, in some cases, I just combine chubby girl, tsundere, and the glasses together! And I have an otaku somewhere in the story, too, or genre savvy characters in the mix. Often, there is also a focus on describing hands, the love interest/main character has brown hair, LOTS of Heroic BSOD or break the cutie, high octane nightmare fuel, and, of course, mind screw. This troper has a lot of patterns. * [[{{Tropers/Agent Alpha}} This troper]] has a propensity for writing [[{{Brainy Brunette}} brown-haired]] [[{{Badass Bookworm}} Badass Bookworms]] as his protagonists and heroes. Their [[{{Love Interest}} love interests]] are usually [[{{Action Girl}} Action Girls]], their enemies are either {{Ax Crazy}} or [[{{Magnificent Bastard}} Magnificent Bastards]] (or both), and they tend to be part of a {{Badass Crew}} or some other kind of a {{Nakama}}. There will also usually be an important {{Intergenerational Friendship}} between two female characters, with one looking after the other. A running theme tends to be about the protagonist finding himself in a much-larger world after being forced out of his comfort zone, along with examinations of Good vs. Evil, [[{{Order Versus Chaos}} Order vs. Chaos]], and other dichotomies. * [[{{Tropers/Vendetta}} This troper]] tends towards vaguely [[{{Seinen}} seinen-esque]], [[{{Sliding Scale Of Idealism Versus Cynicism}} cynical]], and philosophical stories. [[{{Anyone Can Die}} Character deaths]], [[{{Take That}} satire]], foreshadowing, [[{{Shout Out}} references]], [[{{All Love Is Unrequited}} unrequited love]], [[{{Mind Screw}} paradoxes]], irony, [[{{Awesome McCoolname}} bizarre]] [[{{Meaningful Name}} names]], [[{{Lampshading}} lampshading]], and [[{{Backstory}} tragic backstories]] abound. Any [[{{Wide Eyed Idealist}} idealists]] in the story will have either been [[{{Break The Cutie}} broken]] or [[{{Kill The Cutie}} killed off]] by the end, which will usually be [[{{Bittersweet Ending}} bittersweet]] and have required the characters to [[{{Earn Your Happy Ending}} go through hell and back]]. Most of them will have [[{{Dynamic Character}} improved]] by the time this occurs. The cast will be [[{{Ragtag Bunch Of Misfits}} varied]] and [[{{Loads And Loads Of Characters}} quite large]]. Villains are never [[{{Grey and Gray Morality}} completely]] [[{{Complete Monster}} evil]], nor are heroes ever the complete opposite. She also tries to [[{{Shown Their Work}} do the research]]. [[{{Murder Arson And Jaywalking}} And male leads are usually Asian]]. * [[{{Tropers/ladycoffee}} This troper]] loves loli contortionists and doe-eyed (or at least vunerable-looking) {{bishonen}} in [[BandageBabe bandages]]. Nuff said. * [[{{Tropers/Etheru}} This Troper]] hasn't started any works ''on the internet'' yet, but the stories have, long hair and black coats, and other stories may include HumongousMecha, Anime References, among other things, this Troper also seems fond of the CompleteMonster, WellIntentionedExtremist, and KnightTemplar character types, and wants to put them into the works. Another piece of AuthorAppeal, MegaMan {{Steampunk}}, with some elements of {{Deconstruction}}, and

{{Reconstruction}} after a certain point. ** Oh, and [[{{GogglesDoNothing}} Goggles]], can't forget the goggles. * [[@/LoveIsWeird This troperette]] has a taste for [[ActionGirl very strong]], [[MostCommonSuperpower generously-endowed]], TooKinkyToTorture women. Her OriginalCharacter Dianne has the first and third parts down pat. * Let me see if I can name em all in one sitting: just about any badass tropes (World of Badass and Crouching Moron especially: I love the idea of characters that would be thought of as wusses being secretly hardcore), characters who are ruthless at politics, swords, Middle Eastern & biblical iconography, mythology in general (especially heaven/hell concepts), Rosseau Was Right, skinny girls, sniper rifles, swords of all shapes & sizes, parkour, shapeshifting, Nightmare Fuel by way of hypersexual imagery (and in general- ties in with shapeshifting), swords again (I will figure out an original spin on lightsabres one day), casual swearing, sweet, eccentric geeky guys, (with traces of Keet or Snarker) and Kuuderes. And swords. Oh, and some bondage here and there, but I try to be discreet about it. * [[{{Tropers/A-l-e-x-99}} This Troper]] uses this trope '''on this very wiki'''. Go to the PlayingWithWiki and choose an entry there. If a character named Kimiko is mentioned, chances are I started that article. The very first article I ever wrote to use named characters, PlayingWith/MeLoveYouLongTime, marked her debut; most Tropers name the female character Alice when writing Playing With examples, but I felt that since that trope involved Asian characters, I should have an Asian name for the female. [[AssPull Kimiko was the first name that popped into my head.]] It stuck, and I've used Kimiko for every other Playing With entry since. Unfortunately, the only other Playing With entries to use Kimiko as of March 8, 2010 are tropes with Japanese names, like PlayingWith/{{Meganekko}} and PlayingWith/ZettaiRyouiki. But I swear that one of these days, Kimiko WILL appear in a nonJapanese trope! Other features of my works: ** Franklin County High School is the center of the universe. And, extrapolating from that, the hierarchy is: *** Rocky Mount, VA and Smith Mountain Lake *** All of Franklin County, VA *** The surrounding counties *** The entire Roanoke/Lynchburg TV area (all the counties covered by WSLS, WDBJ, and WSET). ** ^^^^^Any cartoon I ever make rarely takes place outside of that area. So, if Franklin County is the center of the universe, then New York, California, Canada, Australia, the UK, etc., are parallel universes! ** Tall girls. By default, every female character is the same height as me (5'9"). [[SubvertedTrope However]], the vast majority of characters are rarely taller than 6 feet. I once had a 6'9" character, but retired her. The tallest character is now a 6'6" one. * This Troper always includes these things in any story she writes: ** Meaningful chapter titles, usually punning or referencing music or poetry. ** References to or quotes from songs she likes. These, especially, are EVERYWHERE, and one of the most common formats she writes in

includes a quote from a song or poem at the beginning of the chapter, which describes what happens in the chapter. ** [[ActionGirl Action Girls]] and/or [[LadyOfWar Ladies Of War]]. The main character is, with one exception, ALWAYS capable of protecting herself and others. *** The exception is not someone who can't defend themselves. The exception is a ''guy''. ** Original characters who are very honest and simply ''will not'' put up with [[WillTheyOrWontThey Will They Or Wont They]]/[[CannotSpitItOut Cannot Spit It Out]] relationship crap. ** A DiabolicalMastermind, if possible, usually as a supporting character. ** Lots of internal monologuing or explorative thought processes for characters who normally don't seem to talk or think all that much. *** An example would be Roronoa Zoro from OnePiece apparently being quite thoughtful and intelligent in his head, but simply keeping his thoughts to himself most of the time, preferring to take the 'just kill what bothers you' approach. ** Realistic hair and eye colors, even in settings where odd ones are natural. So far, only one original character has ever been created with eyes which are physically impossible for a human to posess--she has EyesOfGold. ** PragmaticVillainy. No villain in a story I write or BETA is ''ever'' an impractical villain. They always have legitimate, if evil goals, solve their problems as efficiently as possible using their abilities and sources, and don't let pride get in their way. ** At least one character (usually female), with NoSenseOfPersonalSpace. ** [[{{Expy}} Expies]] of favored characters, from series NOT being crossed over with the current one. Also, [[FakeCrossOver Fake Crossovers]]. ** Long hair on females, though I have started to branch away from that and now have a main original character with very short hair. ** At least one CloudCuckoolander, CosplayOtakuGirl, or CrazyAwesome character, usually a GenkiGirl to boot. ** A minimum of two [[JustifiedTrope Justified]], [[DeconstructedTrope Deconstructed]], or [[{{Reconstruction}} Reconstructed Tropes]]. ** Characters being a lot smarter than they look or act. The more screen time a character has, the more likely they are to be smart under their [[BunnyEarsLawyer kooky]] exterior. ** At least one character who does things ForTheLulz. Usually a DragonWithAnAgenda, EnigmaticMinion, or CloudCuckoolander. *** This character will also [[WillNotTellALie never lie]]. They will just say something that can be easily misunderstood or misconstrued... ** I also like {{Half Human Hybrid}}s suffering from ParentalAbandonment due to their weird parentage being completely impractical. ** Also, most of my stories are actually connected through confusing and serpentine means. They don't cross over with each other directly, but they connect. *** An example would be ''Road's End'', a [[LupinIII Goemon]]-centric fic focussed on the lead character WalkingTheEarth and trying to meet

up with a woman he met and fell in love with over ten years ago (they were unaviodably separated). Since this story involved dimensional travel, Goemon goes to visit [[{{xxxHolic}} Ichihara Yuuko]]. Yuuko also assisted in ''Crossovers Galore'', a MassiveMultiplayerCrossover fic I put on semi-permanent hiatus a while back due to AttentionDeficitCreatorDisorder. In one (as-yet-unwritten) side-story, several characters from ''Crossovers Galore'' go to a cave in the seeming middle of nowhere and set up a series of traps both magical and mundane. Those traps are actually a fundamental part of a ''third'' story, ''Gypsy Romance'', the first story I ever wrote, which is not a crossover, and is set in the Puchi Puri Yucie universe post-series. So technically, although they have nothing to do with each other, both ''Road's End'' and ''Gypsy Romance'' are related. ** Oh, and people--especially [[GrumpyBear grum]][[JerkWithAHeartOfGold py]] [[TheStoic gu]][[PerpetualFrowner ys]]--[[LuminescentBlush blushing awkwardly]]. * This Troper finds himself constantly revisiting religious exploration and turning things that're either adorable, strange, or silly into the darkest things they could possibly be. * In terms of non-sexual AuthorAppeal, this troper's work often features characters who surf, cycle or are really into cooking. She tries to keep them as side characters but most people who know her eventually pick up on the fact that she can't resist putting at least a little something of herself into virtually everything she writes. * This troper has a big thing for people with weird hands and feet, especially cybernetic hands with long, scuttling fingers. This troper also likes creating characters with bizarre mouths, like mouths with multiple tongues, double-hinged snake jaws, and chainsaw teeth. * [[{{Tropers/M Bizzare}} This Troper]] has a big strange love for gloved women. Leather, long gloves etc. (the only thing he loves about autumn and winter and newest fashion are gloves). So in his works there will be several female characters wearing them, but he tends to make up some plausible reasons for it. Whe he wrote a bit of his new work, he had to re-edit one part, because it started to look like some sick glove covert porn (and it wasn't even an sex scene). Also, he doesn't mind to put some actual fetish fashion outfits on his heroines, by the power of {{Latex Space Suit}} and {{Spy Catsuit}}. Also, short haired girls, sometimes even sporting a buzzcut. One of the main characters must be one of them. And will have very straightforward personality and will be probably snarky and {{Genre Savvy}}. * This troper's works almost always center around true love. Not in the fairy-tale, sparkly, princess meets Prince Charming kind of true love. This troper finds herself inventing all kinds of bizarre ways to achieve it, be it biological engineering gone right in a future society or the meeting of soulmates that ends up being a chaotic, nearly apocalyptic disaster. These ideas are probably due to this troper's fear that true love doesn't exist, and so she winds up writing stories where the main idea is "yeah it exists but it's so rare that the world would probably be thrown into a frenzy if it ever actually blossomed." * This troper has a bit of a...[[FetishFuel thing]] for Victorian-era

menswear. Her male characters tend to end up in suits, waistcoats, and suspenders a bit more than they probably should. She also is fond of accents, [[{{Meganekko}} glasses]], [[HeroesWantRedheads red hair]], and [[TheSmartGuy smart]], [[DeadpanSnarker snarky]], [[{{Adorkable}} awkward-cute]] characters in general, all of which bleeds into her writing rather strongly. ** Are you [[Tropers/PumpkinLore me]]? * This troper tends to have some combination of the following: snarky, geeky, semi-loner female lead; snarky and protective male leads who tend to be exasperated by the heroine; pop culture references out the wazoo; inverted or subverted tropes; lampshade hanging; semi-obnoxious and accomplished older siblings; people getting thrown out windows; people escaping from hospitals; and people getting slammed into walls. The last three are unintentional. * In a subversion, aversion or inversion (not too sure), this troper has a hypnofetish... and therefore ''avoids'' using mind control in her stories. Psychological manipulation still crops up from time to time, though. * Certain TurnOnTropes, especially ones which we probably [[ShouldWeHaveThisOne shouldn't have]] because they're kind of pointless, seem to exist solely because certain tropers want to track down wank material and write about the thing that gets them off. Now, I'm not going to name any names, but if you see a lovingly-written description of a rather kinky "trope" and about five examples underneath it, you've really got to wonder. * This troper enjoys [[CosmicHorrorStory averting]] EasilyThwartedAlienInvasion. Usually combined with a healthy dose of HighOctaneNightmareFuel. * [[Tropers/DalesKaine This troper]] has several ** [[StuffBlowingUp Explosions]]. ** SceneryPorn ** YamatoNadeshiko: In ALL my drafts, there's at least one and all of them are [[{{Badass}} some]] [[BewareTheNiceOnes of]] [[ActionGirl the]] [[SuperpowerLottery strongest]] [[LadyOfWar characters.]] * This troper has been writing since gradeschool(not always * well* , mind you) and has determined that his literary "turn-ons" have scarcely changed. Just about anything he writes will involve non-human and part-human characters, and NOT simply as cannon fodder! Monsters who are also characters, characters who are also monsters, and a generous helping of {{Cute Monster Girl}}s, all wrapped up in a DarkIsNotEvil motif, with an Alice in Wonderland sense of whimsy. Interspecies friendships and harmony between humans and monsters is something that's always enticed me, and I try to make sure every nonhuman is outlandish and exotic in some way. Platonic friendships are also something that I'm fond of exploring, so I love a good, heartwarming moment that doesn't necessarily have to involve romance. I also have a fixation on strange, quirky, nerdy girls, So they'll almost always be the protagonist, or figure heavily on the plot, especially if they reach CrazyAwesome Cloudcookoolander territory. Wings and the night are also two themes that * always* sweep me off my feet, so they'll almost always appear in some form or another, usually together. I also make no secret of my transformation and vore

fetishes, so they tend to crop up quite a bit. The end results can be... surreal, to say the least. * I tend to ''invert'' this--the more something fascinates me, the more I avoid giving into the urge to slap it on my writing, simply because I don't want to go the way of Laurell K. Hamilton, if you get my drift. Is that bad? * This Troper is currently working on a manga but for the other drawings (and failed ideas) he's done he's managed to sneak in [[YouGottaHaveBlueHair girls with green]] and [[RoseHairedGirl pink colored hair]], at least one girl whose [[MostCommonSuperpower wellendowed]], ElementalPowers (Especially his favorite: ShockAndAwe), and RapidFireFisticuffs. Of course the manga he's working on doesn't have a previous standard - Including a Guinea Pig in some form, be it AlienAnimals or TalkingAnimal. But the manga now went BeyondTheImpossible with the author appeal: DetachedSleeves for the main female (Thank you [[TouhouProject Sanae]]), CelticMythology, NorseMythology, Shooting Stars, and the fact that Autumn will be the longest season in the story... (Along with spring, but the story starts in Summer.) * [[{{Tropers/Ladygem}} this troper's]] female main characters tend to be [[BrokenBird Broken Birds]] who are [[MadScientistsBeautifulDaughter somehow related to the]] BigBad. Also at least one prominate female character,(not always the FMC) will have red hair, and my male main characters always have green eyes and are always boy-next door types. * [[{{Tropers/Aenima}} This troper's]] favorite type of protagonist when wrting are DeadpanSnarker young males whose common beahaviour is always on a fine line between socially awkward and a little bit psychologically unhealthy and downright sociopathism and schizoid craze (the struggle with mental illness is a long time favourite); this characters usually act quiet at first glance and are described as people that do not drive attetnion instantly, have a tendency to be clean shaved, chubby and dressed in black and often surprise every body with their knowledge, badassery and insanity. Most female characters are going to be strong-willed with just a little bit of bitterness and neurosis to keep it interestng. Females usually go against the Lolita trend; dressing in dignified ways and expecting respect form males while. On the other hand they usually are tall, slender and raven-haired, with noteworthy breasts; I too have tastes. On more general terms every body and their mother smokes, most protagonist come from disfunctional families and have difficult relationships with their parents, dependacy in others is seen as a serious defect, phylosophy discussions appear without a warning, there is a strong GreyandGreyMorality all around and an infinite amount of ShoutOuts to the book i like, mythology and religion. Also, in the terms of relationships i aim more towards the EternalSunshineoftheSpotlessMind than the Twilight, but i must admit that it is tougher this way (but it is worth it). My biggest fear is writing a one-dimensional character on the spotlight, so I try to avoid {{Shallow Love Interest}}s, being the girlfriend of a main character automatically puts you and your issues in part of the spotlight. Also I tend to flesh the mothers of characters more than

the average "love his child and was very kind". I also have noticed that I have a near obsession with eyes, that most of my main characters are musicians, that I love weird names (Day-Lewis Harriet! Day-Lewis is his name) and that irony in my work dominates the universe. * A LOT of my stories deal with the themes of loneiness and isolation, with most of my characters being a bunch of DeadpanSnarker with personality and self-image issues. Due to my fixation with postmodernism and BreakingTheFourthWall, a lot of my stories are also very metafictional in tone, with a good few stories also dedicated to lampshading my constant use of mentally unwell deadpan snarkers. * This troper loves long hair on both men and women and so most of her characters have longish hair. She also likes characters who have minimal interest in sex and romance. * This wiki taught me to examine my own tropes, and I realized that almost everything I wrote had as one of the heroes a [[VoluntaryShapeshifting shapeshifter]] whose default form was a beautiful human female. Determined to curb this, I stopped writing any stories with shapeshifting, but then I realized that everything I wrote had A): a beautiful female {{Demihuman}}, B): a beautiful girl with one jarring trait (like inhumanly pale skin), or (most frequently) C): a beautiful female demihuman with one jarring trait. I wanted to curb that too, so my next story had an entirely female cast and every one of the girls was portrayed nonsexually, even one who I [[CombatSadomasochist deliberately]] [[GenkiGirl gave]] [[{{Yangire}} semisexual traits]]. Then I realized that whether accidentally or unconsciously, I'd set up a plot-related reason for that semisexual girl to get turned into a CatGirl, and I gave up. (Incidentally, when I tried to come up with the perfect love interest for one of my heroes in another story, the first thing that came to mind was a ''female [[OurOrcsAreDifferent orc]]'' with CuteLittleFangs and a {{BFS}}. Maybe I should have kept seeing my therapist . . .) * [[{{Tropers/Theweirdwarrior}} This troper]] has a perchant for [[DeadpanSnarker snarky]] protagonists - usually either [[VillainProtagonist Villain Protagonists]] or somewhat wimpy [[ActionSurvivor Action Survivors]] - placed in situations (and genres) they have no experience in and in no way could have prepared for. Example: a mafia man who discovers that aliens are plotting to assinate all the world's leaders and then take control. * If you are one of this troper's characters, you ''will'' indulge in [[DeadpanSnarker Deadpan Snark]] at some point, even if you're the {{Big Bad}}. Male characters are usually either good looking mavericktypes or [[IdiotHero Idiot Heroes]], and female characters are invariably cute [[ActionGirl Action Girls]]. The main character designs always have a punk/goth aesthetic to them (often with some {{Fashionable Asymmetry}}), and if you are female, you're probably wearing fishnets (the lead character in the comic I'm currently drawing wears them on her ''arms''.) Also, there's [[RunningGag at least one scene]] where the heroes interrupt a confrontation with a villain to bicker amongst themselves about something completely irrelevant, causing the villain to get indignant with them. (For example, two characters arguing about whether {{Metallica}} is better

than {{Megadeth}} ''in the middle of a fight with an {{Eldritch Abomination}}''. * This troper ''really'' likes cats, and it shows in his fiction. Talking ones in my ''SailorMoon'' fanfic, but even outside that, there will always be one main character with a cat sidekick. Furthermore, even the non-talking ones will show surprising intelligence, and will at some point be helpful to the protagonists. * This troper is doing ENTIRELY too much research into medical restraint (read: bondage) for an upcoming plot than is probably healthy... * This lurker has a ''big'' obsession with hair, meaning that stroking/pulling/obsessing over hair is a given any time someone has even a slightly longer. She also keeps writing neck scratching to fics, even though she doesn't mean to. * This troper has a soft spot for hot native american women (think Chel from TheRoadToElDorado) and strong independent women (the ones who actually stay that way and dont get kidnapped at the final Act). Also I like slime, yet toned men. * This torper has a tendency to make redheaded main characters [[UnresolvedSexualTension involved]] with brunettes. I also tend to give the protagonist flowing, wavy hair. And my characters are 'fashion-forward' individuals. * This Troper usually use one of three character types: The intovert; the adventurous; and the smart, handsome, and nice guy. I use the latter the least, MarySue because it leads to... * Many people who read [[@/DRoy my fic]] said that I have some issue. That probably has to do with my love toward psychotic berserker ripping people's limbs off and crushing people's face off either by stomping or squeezing. Bam! Bam! Bam! Just thinking about that turned me on. Don't worry though, I'm a nice guy IRL. * I ''love'' red hair. My list of red-haired characters, whether natural or dyed, is huge. * For whatever reason, this troper is ''extremely'' unforgiving to his protagonists -- they do bad shit and get what they have coming to them. More often than not something kills them (and not nicely), they commit suicide or just end up kind of miserable. Most have an unrequited love at the beginning of the story, manage to get him/her (though sometimes by underhand tactics, which only brings the author's eventual wrath upon them harder), do something to fuck it up and destroy the relationship they've wanted so badly. * This troper, despite being heterosexual, has a weird thing for HoYay, along with parodies, and male characters who are mind-control raped and then want to start a family with the girl who did it. Okay, that last one was a little specific. * For this troper is Worldbuilding. Creating cities, Nations, cultures are always the first step for any of my works, the more delinated the better. For characters I go with the Tao of Oda and make everysingle abilitie awesome and absurdly dangerous no matter how silly it seem by exploting all the plotholes, transforming loads into hidden badasses with CrazyAwesome and make World of Badass in the process with a good dose of ScrewYouElves. While Im firm in the Ideal side of the Scale,RousseauWasRight or at its extreme (and more often used)

HumansAreFlawed I like what I call Complex Fantasy and exploring the consequences of their actions of my Characters and how they react when the shit hit the Fan. I love deadpaness, witt, casual danger dialog and BewaretheNiceOnes at truckload and equal gender opportunity mayhem. Physically I put emphasis in Eyes (Im a sucker for pretty eyes) long hair, long legs and full lips. For relationships my characters are passionate, long scenes of kisses and Hugs and cuddling a lot, whith love is unrequieted and don't ge the girl/guy but they put themselves together. For sex I find alluring the surprise, things that blaffed me that the character enjoy (said Hardcore BDSM, Polygamy, Bisexuality, Incest, a Full blown Cosplay theater level etc...)and have fun. Also high heel and stocking. While I enjoy Darker and Edgier and ShownTheirWork, I hate the introducction of "Reality" in works of fantasy or Anime,since its seem pretty silly (and in some cases offending)to me bemoaning that Reality dosen't work that way or Didnotdotheresearch in what ammount Alternate realities with different laws of existence, history and Cosmology. And, as show in this work, Im honestly psychological incapable of writting anyting that dosen't end in a doorstopper. * This troppette always on The Sims makes girl-on-girl lesbian gay couples. Which are almost always attractive to me and based upon people I know. I think that counts? * This troper nearly always includes [[GirlOnGirlIsHot Lesbians]], or EveryoneIsBi, or some other similar thing. I also have a thing for school uniforms and badass girls * This troper has a tendency to write her leading ladies very oldfashioned. (Names that were popular decades ago, elegant dress sense, etc) Unless they're comic relief or the antagonist, everyone else tends to be pretty much the same way. * This Troper's writing has a simple formula: 1) create likable characters, 2) make their life hell, 3) repeat step 2. AnyoneCanDie is common, and characters will generally be skimming the DespairEventHorizon by the end. Once the plot is in full swing, the direness of the situation will stay as near to OnlyTheAuthorCanSaveThemNow as possible without me resorting to DeusExMachina. However, I can't stand Wangst, and I only let my characters bitch when there's a justified reason. * This troper has an extremely strong fetish for cute, fluffy, smallframed males with plump butts. (Not quite [[CuteShotaroBoy Shotaro Boys]], and possibly its own trope.) All male main characters are at least an offshoot of this in one way or another. One character is even a parody. Yes, the troper parodies her own writing. * I try to avoid this sort of thing and not write in my own fetishes, because it is bad writing but it inevitably leaks in since AuthorAppeal is unavoidable. My cast of characters will usually be all female and at least one lesbian. Also, at least one character with a large chest. But no farther than that. * As much as [[{{Tropers/Joerc45}} this troper]] is [[ChasteHero embarassed to admit,]] he is actually a fan of [[BuxomIsBetter largebreasted women]], and every one of his women in fiction are usually very well endowed. He also loves women with [[ShinyMidnightBlack hair]] [[WhiteHairedPrettyGirl of]] [[HairOfGold all]]

[[ShyBlueHairedGirl kinds]] [[FieryRedhead of]] [[RoseHairedGirl beautiful]] colors, as well their [[TechnicolorEyes eyes]], and dress in [[BareYourMidriff navel-friendly clothing]]. He also loves to give them [[TheIngenue innocent]], [[YamatoNadeshiko classy]], [[IncorruptiblePurePureness pure]], yet [[WideEyedIdealist upbeat]] and [[TheMessiah sweet]] personalities, comparable to his own. * [[Tropers/NickTheSwing for me]] its BodyHorror. I love this trope, the special kind of reaction I can get from people, and the reactions of other characters. HighOctaneNightmareFuel for a reason. For some reason, my scenes that involve such horror are usually less poorly received than other ones. * I didn't notice it, but looking back, I seem to have someone undergo MindRape in everything I do. I thought I'd avoided it, but realized how suspicious that moment is (in a work-in-progress-probably-neverto-get-completed) where the LetsYouAndHimFight situation is solved when one team's telepath and one team's... (uh, what do you call it? Touching things and seeing where they've been is called psychometry, but a 'psychometrist' is something ''entirely different.'') wind up accidentally touching, experience each other's whole lives in an instant, break up the fight, and basically act [[HoYay more couply than newlyweds]] for the rest of the story. * Pocketwatch/Poketto has only recently started discovering what her own author appeal elements are. They kind of just crop up and surprise her. To date has at least skimmed off: [[YuriFangirl f/f]] IntimateHealing, meaningful tattoos or scars, consensual "marking", Type 2 of AintTooProudToBeg (a story of that name, no less), a character who takes a FaceHeelTurn to FallenHero status, aided along by LoveMakesYouEvil and TheDarkSide to full-on villainous UnholyMatrimony, [[BloodKnight blood knights]], a badass m/m BattleCouple, lots of blood (including a blood-covered FirstKiss), GladToBeAliveSex, dragons both sympathetic and ChaoticEvil, InLoveWithYourCarnage, InterplayOfSexAndViolence, a hero actively submissive to his loved one, genderswitches, changes both physical and psychological/moral, transformation, intentionally messing common annoying/stupid BoysLove tropes about, OT3s, HornyDevils, FantasticArousal, PowerPerversionPotential... * [[{{Tropers/darkclaw}} This troper]] writes a lot. Until recently, he did not notice that a lot of his stories contained mythology (especially {{Classical Mythology}}). That and a lot of characters falling under the {{Action Girl}} trope. He also enjoys deconstructing and reconstructing. He also likes the tropes of {{Hot Amazon}} and AmazonianBeauty, and seems to write in at least one [[AmazonianBeauty buff]], {{badass}} and [[FetishFuelStationAttendant VERY beautiful]] woman in almost all of his works. And there is lots of {{Fanservice}} for all. * [[Tropers/SukiSelfDestruct This Troper]], in novels, tends to involve at least one description of a bloody or gory scene, someone talking about their addiction to coffee, lots of smirking, and describing pain in detail. Across the two comics I've written scripts for: the year '35 (one takes place in 1935, the other in 2035), soldiers, ''at least'' one DarkAndTroubledPast, and torture. Across both, serious SanitySlippage (especially paranoia) and, if a character

isn't already broken, BreakTheCutie. Also, parent distance - not quite ParentalAbandonment, but distance. * This troper recently realized that there are several elements common to each of her stories. The most common are ParentalAbandonment (coupled with PromotionToParent but more commonly {{Nephewism}}), AdultFear (specifically the loss of a child), and relationships with parents or stepparents in general. She finds this rather odd, as her relationship with her parents is quite normal. * [[{{Tropers/AutumnBerryBliss}} This troper]] has plenty of AuthorAppeal with her original characters. Female characters tend to be {{Pettanko}}, or at least the vast majority of them. Many characters have issues with their parents in some form. Couples and other duos will often involve [[{{HugeGuyTinyGirl}} tall guys and short girls]] (sometimes even short/tall girls or guys). In situations involving action and fighting, at least one person uses a [[{{DropTheHammer}} hammer]] as their weapon of choice. There's always tons of shout outs and parody elements included in the stories themselves, too. This troper also sees more {{Yangire}} characters springing up on her. * [[Tropers/HouraiRabbit This Troper]] just can't stay away from those characters that are the epitome of [[UndyingLoyalty LOYALTY]] and [[KnightInShiningArmor JUSTICE]] and, as such, tends to create characters who are more TheLancer or TheDragon, depending on the context of the roleplay. Why yes, I do believe that Jeremiah Gottwald was one of the finest characters created for CodeGeass, why do you ask? * This troper is a glasses fetishist. Every single one of her male characters wears glasses for some reason or another. She also likes names that have a regal tone to them. The guys are almost always TheStoic, too, unless there are multiple guys in my story, in which there's also the HandsomeLech. * [[{{@/Tidal_Wave_17}} This troper]] has some sort of fetish for [[LoadsAndLoadsOfCharacters lots of characters]] who tend to always have [[RagtagBunchOfMisfits conflicting, unique personalities]] and [[BreakfastClub dysfunctional home lives]]. Not sure if that counts, but still. Also, always expect an ElegantGothicLolita. * I like details when it comes to stories, so my fics tend to be highly descriptive, sometimes to a fault. Apart from that, I very much enjoy interesting characters with compelling personalities and complex development; I try to make my characters like that. While I like almost every fetish out there, I have a particular fondness for girls wearing short skirts, along with stockings, knee-highs, corsets, garters and the liek. Structurally, I prefer my female characters to be slender, curvy and busty, while wearing revealing outfits, which you guessed it - generally involves skirts in use. Just the same, being that I myself am slightly BiTheWay, I like my male characters to be muscular and [[FetishFuelStationAttendant every bit]] [[EstrogenBrigadeBait as attractive]] as my female characters, while wearing stylish costumes. * [[Tropers/PumpkinLore Me]]? [[LongList Let's see]] . . . well, in terms of characters, I like [[PerkyGoth cheerful people who have a taste for the macabre]], {{Cloud Cuckoo Lander}}s, {{Guile

Hero}}es[=/=]{{Magnificent Bastard}}s, {{Loveable Rogue}}s, [[GentlemanThief Gentleman Thieves]], CrazyAwesome people, [[{{Adorkable}} cute dorky people]], {{Badass Bookworm}}s, {{Genius Bruiser}}s, and {{Gentle Giant}}s. I also have a strange liking for [[CircusIndex circuses]], [[MasqueradeBall masquerades]], pirates, and various types of SteamPunk. Red hair and green or black eyes are nice, and [[NiceHat hats]], boots, and ElegantGothicLolita are some favorite types of clothing. Looking back on my earlier attempts at writing in FanFic, where many of my favorite characters (usually the ones I had crushes on) [[BreakTheCutie goes through hell]], I concluded that I must have a [[HurtComfortFic hurt comfort]] kink. [[AfterTheEnd Postapocalystic]], [[AcademyOfAdventure academies of adventure]], [[CityOfAdventure cities of adventure]], [[CityOfCanals cities of canals]], {{Dark World}}s, and TheWonderland settings are awesome. {{Clock Tower}}s and {{Living Labyrinth}}es tend to attract my attention. {{Funny Animal}}s are cool, as are [[DemBones skeletons]] (I blame [[TheNightmareBeforeChristmas Jack]] for the latter). I'm oddly interested in the HugeGuyTinyGirl dynamic (though that could be because I'm short) and like DanceOfRomance (usually a more upbeat dance). I like [[SharpDressedMan sharp dressed men]] and UnkemptBeauty. DarkIsNotEvil and LightIsNotGood are some of my favorite tropes, and I like subverting the ThirteenIsUnlucky trope. * Party ova hea! Tropers/EponymousKid isn't an especially prolific writer, but he has a lot of ideas. Most of them involve psychotic levels of violence, a hopeless IdiotHero, LoadsAndLoadsOfCharacters (seriously, check out Literature/DrDetective - he's got a rogue's gallery to put ''SpiderMan'' to shame!)... Settings in which violence is practically the only accepted currency are also a favorite, from the crime-ridden shantytown to the post-apocalyptic ruins of a oncegreat metropolis to the Philippines (kidding, kidding). Mad scientists, strange, forbidden experiments, ChildSoldiers, murderous motherfuckers, a RagtagBunchOfMisfits, a SecretProjectRefugeeFamily, mutants, mass graves, ContractKillers (to the point that I'm working on a story where three groups of hired killers are pitted against each other), crime in general... For some reason I'm noticing a distinct lack of things that get me all hot and bothered. That can't be healthy. * This Troper has a MASSIVE thing for suits/formal wear on men. It was fairly a dormant thing until I watched ''{{Inception}}'' and fell in love with it all over again. There's always one point where my male characters have to wear a suave suit which is quite fitting. Also, smoking. Which is odd because I don't like it when people smoke, hate the smell and constantly tell people off for doing it near me. But when a character is smoking, [[SmokingIsCool god, its cool]] and [[SmokingIsGlamorous sexy.]] Being a {{YaoiFangirl}}, {{HoYay}} comes into play quite a lot, even if the characters are not inclined that way at all. However, if they are, they are almost always {{StraightGay}} since flaming/SO CAMP kinda annoys me, however being effeminante is fine. Dark hair, ranging from black to red or even purple ... not a big fan of blonde unless it's on girls, and the high cheek-boned angular faced guy with the crooked smile/smirk/snarl, in which he is usually the [[EvilIsSexy bad guy.]]

* This troper actually just writes anthros and transformation into the stories because he likes them. He doesn't like anything sexually, although you can see he has many a PetPeeveTrope out there - obviously to GagBoobs, GagPenis, and MostCommonSuperpower. Most of the time his female characters don't even ''have'' their breasts mentioned. They're also drawn flat...mostly because I haven't had enough practice drawing them. Many of his characters are deadpan sharkers or genki girls, with the gay characters being StraightGay. (mostly because when there's a stereotype out there; I do the ''opposite''. Plus; a lot of the gay people I know tend to treat their sexuality as a secondary thing.) They also have a sense of humour and tend to...have a bizarre amount of knowledge. (ie, breaking the fourth wall) Many times they observe stuff that most people don't notice and yeah, it's probably myself putting my own observations in, but really...a lot of my observations seem obvious to ''me''. * This troper has a thing for, when writing** Villains-Use scythes if humanoid. Are insanely powerful, fast, and smart. Have multiple forms. Are fallen heroes (Think Lordgenome). Have a greater being tied to them, sometimes parasitically. Are usually only TheDragon, and ends with the reveal of that. ** Monsters-Are mutants. Are formed by a virus or a parasite, possibly biomechanical in nature. Usually are GoneHorriblyRight or GoneHorriblyWrong. ** Heroes-Start out young, with no mentor. Are the outcast socially, until latent powers develop, then they become liked by everyone. Is curb stomped by the Villain repeatedly until the climax. Is usually infected with the same thing as the monsters, but immune. ** And other things I don't want to list. * Everything [[{{YaoiFangirl}} this troper]] creates will be [[{{BoysLove}} yaoi]]. EVERYTHING. Anything different was probably collaborated on with somebody else. Even then, I will still try to shoehorn YaoiGuys in somehow, even if it's extra, non-canonical material, or only background characters. I also have a fascination with redheaded twins, usually brothers ([[{{Twincest}} but not for that]]), and one character, usually the [[{{Seme}} seme]], will be [[{{TheBigGuy}} obscenely tall and muscular]], [[{{Badass}} Badass]], and [[{{BadassLonghair}} long-haired]]. My most recent plot bunny involves a pair of fraternal twins (A brother and sister) where the brother is huge and has long, [[{{DarkSkinnedRedhead}} violently red hair]] that fits his {{HotBlooded}} temperament perfectly. Funnily enough, I usually make my big, muscular characters [[{{TheStoic}} stoic]] [[{{GentleGiant}} gentle giants]], so he kind of goes beyond my usual fixations. * [[{{Tropers/{{deadnow}}}} This Troper]] has a liking for RefugeInAudacity (several of his stories have scenes where the protagonist somehow manages to punch out a large animal (A bear in one situation and a horse in the other)), [[BadassLongcoat Badass Longcoats]] and LighterAndSofter tones in his stories... * This troper has quite a few author-appeals: at some point, there will be a character on crutches (this goes for both original fiction and fanfiction), the main protagonist will either have glasses or braces (even robots), and the TeamPet will always be a Jack Russell

Terrier in her FiveManBand hero stories. * This troper has a newfound tendency to come up with action stories that will more, likely than not, have a PinkBishoujoGhetto, with tons of [[{{LesYay}} Yuri overtones]]. Other appeals include (but are not limited to): atleast one AxCrazy protaganist (Usually female, but my first one is male) that are usually SelfMadeOrphan's, cute girls with [[{{GogglesDoNothing}} goggles ]], FootFocus, CrazyAwesome action sequences, [[{{OurDemonsAreDifferent}} Demons]], [[{{OurAngelsAreDifferent}} Angels]], [[{{DarkIsNotEvil}} Dark not being evil]], [[{{BFS}} BFS's]], [[{{GirlsLove}} Yuri]],[[{{HotBlooded}} Hot blood]], and whole bunch of other things I'm probably forgetting. * This troper doesn't actually write stories, but find [[IncrediblyLamePun a lot of pleasure]] in fictional world-building (i.e. settings for TabletopGames) or improving a shared universe (i.e. CthulhuMythos). Somehow, the majority of female [=NPCs=] are either [[{{Yuri}} lesbian]], or in varying degree receptive to advances from women: from the lowly barmaids that [=PCs=] will interact with to the TheHighQueen that issues missions to [=PCs=]. If there is a powerful GMPC ([[GodModeSue the kind that steals the players' thunder]]), she will be someone who fight [[EldritchAbomination the gods of the world]] for her girlfriend's sake, usually because said girlfriend is crippled/imprisoned/indentured by said gods. * I just seem to have a thing for [[AmbiguousGender androgyny]], based on which characters in my {{FanFic}}s I gravitate toward. There's also a pattern with the [[AntiHero main]] [[HeroicSociopath characters]] favoring [[KnifeNut knives]] as [[WeaponOfChoice weapons]], (one character even [[ICallItVera nicknaming]] hers and [[CompanionCube being]] [[CargoShip quite attached]] to it), [[{{Pettanko}} smaller busts]] (maybe more of an AuthorTract on PetitePride), and SteamPunk. There's also a trend with supernatural things and {{Shonen}} anime, but that's another story. * Whenever this troper's writing/drawing, she has a habit of including {{Cloudcuckoolander}}s who are actually evil, top hats in settings that don't require them, villains who do {{Heel Face Turn}}s, {{Bifauxnen}}, lots of {{Ho Yay}} and {{Les Yay}}, {{Dieselpunk}}, magic {{Powered by a Forsaken Child}} and lots of guns (especially rifles) * When one of [[Tropers/PulpoOscuro my]] friends sent a chat to me asking why a female character of mine (a conscript in the army of a future dystopian Vietnam) wore glasses, I replied with [[{{Meganekko}} a single link.]] I also like to put words that sound like they're coming from 19th-century English noblemen in the mouths of late 21st/early 22nd century Russians and Australians, as well as making countries like Mexico and Australia and Vietnam have massively powerful armies, nuclear missiles, lunar colonies, etc. ** There will often, in terms of characterization, be a lot of soldiers (possibly justified, as it is military SF), at least one BadAss ActionGirl, a {{woobie}}, several Asians, two or more [[WideEyedIdealist sweet,]] [[OfficeLady innocent]] characters who [[KillTheCutie get slaughtered in the most horrific way possible]], usually involving [[MoreDakka large-caliber gunfire]] or [[DeadlyGas

chemical weaponry.]] Clothing will almost always be sensible and practical, there ''will'' [[DeathFromAbove be at least one airstrike]], and finally, I absolutely ''love'' to NukeEm. * [[Tropers/{{Chihuahua0}} Time for me to list my kinks again,]] sexual and non-sexual. From elementary, I liked goths with little piercings, DarkActionGirl characters who act glamorously, glamorous girls in general, and even IncestIsRelative. When middle school kicked in, the fetishes exploded. I suddenly had characters from [[StraightGay all]] [[BiTheWay the colors]] [[DepravedBisexual of]] [[{{Transsexual}} the rainbow]], [[AmbiguousGender androgyny]], teens involved in {{Fanservice}}--both genders, water, fire, blood splatters, male protagonists who look similar, SweetPollyOliver and DroppedABridgetOnHim, risky outfits, little body hair, the lack of facial hair, pale skin, [[SexyBack shoulder blades]] (oh shoulder blades)...and even more. There are a few turn-ons I'm yet to incourporate into my stories. For example, I find shoulders fascinating... * This troper admits to writing AuthorAppeal in, and then ashamedly tippexing/backspacing it all out. Usually it's for the best. * Non-sexual appeal, though [[@/{{valbinooo}} I always]] end up adding bits of medical trivia that I researched specifically for that story. There's also my fondness for "Glittering, stony, or otherwise poetically described" eyes, green ones in particular. I try to hide the "Green eyes" bit. Somewhat related: I've created at least 2 characters that look and act like my boyfriend. One of them I created before ever seeing or meeting him. UncannyValley much? * This troper has a few specific things which often apear in her work (some sexual, some not), so here goes: dub-con, crossdressing, fem!dom, bondage, demons and/or TheFairFolk, an unusually high amount of [[DeadpanSnarker snarky]] people, tattoos, and knifeplay. Oh, and practically every character I write is bi, and usually some variety of {{adorkable}}. Heh. Actually, ElegantGothicLolita often shows up as well... * This troper has realized that, in almost all of the things he writes, there is a [[DeadpanSnarker snarky]] protagonist, a great deal of sarcastic epithets, pyros, and at least one [[GenderBender guy turning into a girl]]. * This troper really goes into great lengths to describe the facial structure of his attractive female supporting characters, far more so than the men and even the main character, they all have heart shaped faces and short, cut to the jawline hair cuts and are independent badasses or a StaffChick, yeah * Taaaaall guys (over six foot) paired up with shorter (generally between 5'2"-8") girls/guys. ''Every'' story, pretty much. * I certainly have a bit of AuthorAppeal, but it's not really in a sexual way. This troper seems to have a thing for [[ViewerGenderConfusion andro]][[AmbiguousGender gyny]] as well as [[GenderFlip challenging certain gender roles]] (i.e.: most of the girls are taller than the boys, TheChick on the team is a guy, TokenShota as opposed to TokenLoli, etc.), {{pettanko}}s[[hottip:* :Partly out of [[GagBoobs buxom females]] [[FetishRetardent falling short in the 'appeal' department]]]], [[RedHeadedHero

red]][[EvilRedhead heads]], [[NerdsAreSexy geeks]] {{moe}}-blobs, [[BadassAdorable kickass cuties]], {{adorkable}}ness, and above all else...[[TheWoobie woobies]]. Dear God, there is ''nothing'' I love more than a character in serious need of a hug! * Not necessarily a sexual thing, but this Troper loves writing about hotels, the desert, and CIA agents. And time travel or mention of it will appear in her stories, no matter what. Also red cars and horror. And deadpan snarker characters, or oddball situations. * For this troper, she tends to have much {{Foot Focus}}, {{Bandage Babe}}s, and for some reason has an odd fascination with chains that inevitably will make its way into all of her stories. On the nonsexual side, she likes {{Heroic Albino}} characters, {{adorkable}}, and {{Eye Scream}}. * This tropers main lead is always female. And there is always a wise old mentor/father figure who she platonically loves. She will also be very strong and tough, the stoic. And there is always painful but non lethal injuries that she will have to endure. This troper makes her characters struggle. * Stuff I write usually contains lots of steampunk, gothic lolita, etc, as well as lots of surreal fantasy/magic realism. And I'm on the side of Romanticism rather than enlightenment, so there's a lot of that too. And any chance I get, I shall definitely add in some references to childrens' literature, especially Lewis Carroll. * This Troper and his brother have an planned anime series, which takes place in the 42nd Century. It has three series, each consisting of three seasons (not including one short OVA season and one or two OVA movies.) The first series has all the four main characters in 6th to 8th grade fighting (MonsterOfTheWeek monsters) in their hometown with each season having a loose story-arc. The second series (after on-year TimeSkip) has them in 10th to 11th grade, and has them fighting a race of alien invaders. (My brother is the head writer for this one.) And the third series, (of which I'm the head writer) takes place from 12th grade to the end of all life in the universe. It features a race of EldritchAbominations as the main enemies. Each series gets DarkerAndEdgier starting with a full blown comedy series to a dark sci fi drama. The stories I write usually involve a large number of thing that appeal to me. ** A lot of [[TimeyWimeyBall Wibbly Wobbly-Timey Wimey Stuff?]] &#10003; ** A lot of fictional guns based on real guns like the [[GunPorn Smith & Wesson, Heckler & Koch MP5]] and [[RareGuns Desert Eagles]]? &#10003; ** Intense Shootouts? &#10003; ** Parodies of TV shows Like Series/DoctorWho and StarTrek? &#10003; ** Scenes involving my favorite characters [[CrowningMomentOfAwesome doing epic things]]? &#10003; ** Scenes in which female characters are [[FootFocus barefoot]]? &#10003; ** A female japanese character who may-or-may-not be the ApocalypseMaiden and [[CryCute cries a lot]]? &#10003; ** EldritchAbominations from [[TimeAbyss beyond time]] and were imprisoned by another ancient race? &#10003;

** The SmartGuy/Gunslinger wearing an [[SharpDressedMan awesome suit]]? &#10003; ** The character that almost seems like a [[DeathNote L]] ripoff being eccentric or AmbiguouslyGay (even though I'm straight.)? &#10003; ** A lot of Japanese culture, even though the series takes place in a new version of Vermont? &#10003; ** Logos that have &#28450;&#23383;, &#12402;&#12425;&#12364;&#12394; &#24179;&#20206;&#21517; and &#12459;&#12479;&#12459;&#12490;, &#29255;&#20206;&#21517; (in other words) GratuitousJapanese? &#10003; ** Making a point of how in the 42nd Century, life for teenagers hasn't changed at all. *** I also have various unrelated stories, like a high school drama, a [[GirlOnGirlIsHot yuri]] and various horror stories. * For whatever reason or another in Roleplays, this troper has a thing for: ** [[FaceHeelTurn Face Heel]]/[[HeelFaceTurn Heel Face]] Turns. ** Characters with MessyHair. ** Smart women. ** Insane characters of either gender. ** Redheads of either gender. ** [[OurDemonsAreDifferent Demons.]] ** [[CasualKink Characters into S&M]] ** [[StuffBlowingUp Explosives.]] * This troper ADORES German Culture, and commonly inserts either a token Deutsche character, or makes on of the main characters of his stories Deutsche. He also habitually makes the female lead a redhead. Male leads are usually bookish and pacifist in comparison, and are usually taken from outside the norm areas and cultures (Arabic or Indian in a Western World setting for example). Currently, in my largest ongoing story, I've created a family that can be considered a cultural mishmash, with: A German surrogate mother who is an Atheist, A surrogate turkish father who is Islamic and a Jewish adopted child/Orphan of War. This coupled with my obsession with dysfunctional families/ absent parents makes for one charming backdrop for a group of soldiers fighting for a newly rearmed Bundesrepublik Deutschland in a war against a National Socialist Superstate consisting of The United Kingdom, The United States of America, Canada and Mexico. Yes I have a thing for dystopian fiction, and topics concerning morality, insanity and personal responsibility. I'v also seemed to develope a "writing tic" of always inserting at least one if not more female characters that tsundere/dark action girl/Axe Crazy. ---Go back to AuthorAppeal, and edit in that {{Troper}} fetish you have. ----

AuthorAvatar AuthorAvatar..Everyone has at least one. ----* [[{{Xkun01}} This Troper]] has [[CatsAreMean Zap]] and [[ButtMonkey

Dice]].Both characters are something of a CloudCuckooLander,but tend to lash out at society as a whole.Both characters act in manners that make them seem dumb,but are alot smarter then they seem.Both are a MoodSwinger.Have glasses,purple hair/fur,association to element of electricity,but Dice may be more of this,considering she even wears my [[WomanInWhite favorite color]].Both have standards and [[AffablyEvil polite demeanors]],[[NobleDemon and are just as likely to help others as they are to oppose others.]][[AntiHero Dice]] [[NeutralEvil especially]],mostly due to her envy of other people luck compared to her own; and because of her belief of luck. * [[{{katfairy}}This Troper]] has a character she/I use in fanfic whenever I need something said or done that couldn't be done by a canon character and I don't want to create a character for a singlescene appearance. In one case she ended up becoming a character in her own right, so I edited her backstory to make her not me anymore. Still, in most of my fanfic, if a character named CJ shows up, it's me. * [[{{RoguePsyker}}This Troper]] decided to give himself a cameo in his first serious [[FanFic/ToyHammer fanfic]]. Then bumped himself into being a secondary character when TheHero answered TheCall and is now sitting as a mix between TheLancer and TheSmartGuy (kind of. He just happens to be the best out of the other characters because their [[KillItWithFire specialties]] [[PsychicPowers go]] [[TankGoodness in]] [[TheBigGuy different]] [[CombatPragmatist directions]].) * this troper has just recently realized that one of her favorite characters who she nursed over years is a slightly necrophiliac, [[ExtremeDoormat extreme masochist]] with [[ImAHumanitarian special food preferences]] and former prostitute now [[FrenchMaid French Maid ]]. Considering the serial killing, [[HandsomeDevil sexy]] and [[BlueAndOrangeMorality oddly caring]] [[MagnificentBastard bastard]] she paired him up with, she's now seriously worrying over her mental state. She's crossing into [[NightmareFetishist nightmare fetish area]] way to much with them. * This troper gave his OC alot of his tarts which incled his fear of ghost, his costant loneness and him bieng bullied. In fact we share the same name. * The above is very similar to this troper, who always makes her Ocs basing them on her self or her brothers: ** Me: Small, DeadpanSnarker, BiTheWay, LittleMissBadass of an Omniglot with a YaoiFangirl streak. ** Brother 1: GentleGiant, BadassBookworm, PlayfulHacker, FriendToAllLivingThings in a HugeGuyTinyGirl relationship. ** Brother 2: Small, CampGay, BadassAdorable, Bishonen, DeadlyDoctor with a [[[WhenSheSmiles lovely smile]]. * In a Pokmon fic [[{{Tropers/Bwburke94}} this troper]] is writing, he managed to apply this to an [[OCStandIn existing character]] due to him sharing a name with the character. * I planned to do this with a character that got so much reworked, that the only thing he has in common with my person is the sudden urge to chew the scenery and black haircolor. * This troper uses a sheep with wings and glasses to sign her illustrations.

* Hehe, this troper has WAY too much fun with this trope. TheNarrator is GenreSavvy DeadpanSnarker with HairTriggerTemper so whenever something absurd happens, he goes to Dales Kayne's house (who happened to be, guess what, a writer) and beat him up, saying that he had a sudden urge to beat the crap out of him. * When I blog, I use the name Cheese Face (an old middle school nickname). * [[Tropers/GenkiMan I]] made up one who's basically a CosmicPlaything and ChewToy thats always getting the crap knocked out of him by everything around him. SelfDeprecation indeed. * [[{{@/Nakayama90}} This troper]] has his series he's working on (albeit way out of order), where the protagonist is basically yours truly if he were Japanese and his family were completely different. Few of the characters are based on real life people, and most of those who are, I based on unpleasant ones. * I have an AuthorAvatar who's basically a [[SlapstickKnowsNoGender female]] ButtMonkey and somewhat of a [[SelfDeprecation parody of myself]]. She's [[{{Understatement}} kind of]] a HeroicSociopath who [[KnifeNut likes knives]] and stands in [[{{Foil}} contrast]] to a [[ShrinkingViolet mild]]-[[YamatoNadeshiko mannered]] (but [[BewareTheNiceOnes no]] [[PaperMaster less]] [[ActionGirl capable]]) BadassBookworm. She also has [[AmbiguouslyAutistic shades of Asperger's Syndrome]] whenever she fails to realize when she's [[CrossesTheLineTwice crossed the line with someone]]. She even has a MeaningfulName[[hottip:*:"Julia", which means "youthful," and of course [[ChildrenAreInnocent can]] [[KidsAreCruel go]] [[PluckyGirl both]] [[AdultChild ways]]]] and fitting [[FieryRedhead hair]] [[HiddenDepths and]] [[HazelEyes eye]] [[ColorCodedForYourConvenience color]]! * This troper uses a guy called [[OnlySaneMan Dr]] [[TheShrink Allen]] as one of these and even has a complete life story planned out for him if I do get published in the future. * [[Tropers/ArnoldMcGuire335 This Troper]] mostly have little boys falling in love and getting the teenage girls in his stories. Example of it is 8-year old [[CuteShotaroBoy Daniel]] [[KidHero Gerson]] in the fanfic ''[[ Letters To Her]]'' (Based on the then current recovery of DemiLovato). * [[{{Mrin}} This Troper]] has one who is one of the [[FridgeBrillance main reasons]] [[KilledOffForReal why]] [[AllOfTheOtherReindeer all the]] [[OrphanageOfFear other]] [[AnyoneCanDie characters]] [[CrapsackWorld suffer]] [[ShootTheShaggyDog so much]]. Because she's too [[ShrinkingViolet timid and scared]] to [[DoomMagnet help much]]. They don't like her very much. * [[Tropers/{{ameliette}} This Troper]] uses her Author Avatar ''everywhere''. I have a whole story where fictional characters are brought to our world, and even in my other fics she shows up... As a cat. I must thank myself for not publishing those fics... yet. ** The cat form wasn't originally Author Avatar, but she ended being that after I wanted to look like that in the multi-fandom fic.

AuthorCatchphrase * Any time somebody tells This Troper about a thing that she should worry about she asks 'Is that lethal?'. As the anwser is usually 'no' This troper replies 'Then there's nothing to worry about!'. * [[{{Tropers/Cameoflage}} This troper]] uses "everyone's favourite X" quite a bit, for starters. And "[[WunzaPlot X]] is a [wacky description]. [[WunzaPlot Y]] is a [different wacky description]. TheyFightCrime!". And "inordinately funny", although that's as much a regular CatchPhrase as an AuthorCatchphrase. [[{{Batman}} "To the X Cave!"]] is another regular catchphrase moonlighting as an AuthorCatchphrase. She also uses the qualifiers "somewhat" and "rather" a bit too much, and tries with limited success to stop herself from peppering the narration with "though". And also "actually", which sometimes even shows up twice in the same sentence if I'm not careful. (My catchphrases come and go, but overuse of adverbs is enduring.) ** Holy bleep, are you me? * [[@/GolemTheTroper This troper]] always uses (in both writing and in real life) "Oh, X and their shenanigans!" * "What's new and exciting?" * "Oh, those wacky X." X has, on various occasions, been 'Nazis', 'Soviets' and 'Puritans'. The last one appeared in a discussion of Oliver Cromwell. * [[@/{{SamiFire}} This Troper]] frequently uses "at any rate" to get a character back to a certain subject. * This troper uses the phrase to describe tall thin characters "like a strip of meat" more often than she should. * This troper always has an albino character called Sierra in all his stories, though what role she takes varies tremendously (She's been both [[HeroicAlbino hero]] and [[EvilAlbino villain]]). Originally it was just a tribute to {{Suikoden}}, now in it's forth year it's a full fledged running joke. * This troper tends to use "X and Y. The two great tastes that taste great together" whenever it's even remotely applicable. * "Ah, you understand me." And the GagBoobs causing major trouble to me, explaining to the flat-chested friends that "sometimes, less is better". * This troper, who has been accused of being a tense speaker at times does this as it's quicker than saying 'good point' or 'fair point'. * This troper has had too many to recount. These days, his catchphrase is just the claim that he is Ravanna's reincarnation. * This Troper has a character who is TheNameless MIB head in his series, and thus the most educated in the story's back plot. Any time he divulges any information to other characters, he begins with "Let me teach you a lesson.. " and then follows with a plot dump (in a subversion at least one moment has the phrase preclude ass kicking the BigBad.). ** He (the troper) also likes to blame everything on the Jackson Administration (even if there is no possible way the Jackson Administration could have had a hand in it) and he and his brother use the phrase "That is the second biggest X I have ever seen" where X is an inordinately large object (i.e. When seeing a large chicken statue

in front of a chicken restaurant). The gag was a semi-running joke in the family that gain massive popularity after it's use in KimPossible. * This troper really needs to stop describing [[CrowningMomentOfAwesome CMOAs]] on this website with the phrase "X is/are ''BadAss''." * [[@/JesseCS This troper]] uses the phrase "[[WhatDoYouMeanItsNotAwesome Awesome.]] [[SealedGoodInACan In a Can.]] [[ImpressivePyrotechnics On Fire!]]". Sometimes there are meerkats, but they're not on fire, [[spoiler:they just have [[ lasers on their heads.]]]] * "Those silly X and their shenanigans" is one of this troper's favorite lines. * [[@/{{LittleMai}} This Tropette]] has some. She usually does what, in english, would be like saying "Duck" instead of "Fuck", and whisper - something against what was just said, or just plain nonsense - when she's too shy. And/or hiding. * [[@/{{DrunkenGrognard}} This Troper]] enjoys using variants on 'That's the most (adverb)(adjective) thing I've ever seen.' The novel he is theoretically working on between dives on TVtropes, work, Dwarf Fortress, and World of Warcraft includes probably my favorite version thus far: 'It was probably the most disturbingly arousing thing I've ever seen.' * [[@/{{Gerusz}} This troper]] finishes all of his blog entries this way: "Uff, Gerusz spoke. P.s.: <insert a punchline or some witty remark here>" * Carrie Jones, author of ''Tips On Having A Gay Ex-Boyfriend'' has a cat named Muffin in everyone of her books. * Lots and lots of this troper's characters demand each other to "own up to [their] own faults." This same troper also made two videos for class projects one year after the other, both containing the line "''ne me blesse, s'il vous plait''" ("don't hurt me, please"), without consciously copying the line from one video to the next. ** I'm sorry to say, but that's a pretty bad translation right there. "S'il te plit, ne me blesse pas." would be much closer. * This troper has a tendency to overuse the phrase "on the other hand" as well as use very bizarre expletive substitutes, such as "Oh cabbage," and "Go poo on your monkey." * This troper is known for saying "Right then, I'm gonna go light something on fire" whenever beginning a project. * "Everything in moderation, except for X" Where X is usually Chainsaws. * This troper has a few, but they're usually along the lines of "Time to go blow up a window", something which she does at least once per story. * This troper has a certain predilection for the word "flabbergasted". * This troper shamelessly steals phrases he likes from all sorts of sources, his current favorite being 'Like showing a dog a card trick.' * I repeat a lot of various phrases, but the one I probably use the most is "That's a bridge too far" in reference to something even I wouldn't want to do. * [[@/{{ThomasCastle}} This Troper]] is also guilty of this, using

quite a few catchphrases in surprising ways. He's well aware of it, of course, and often subverts his own phrases. There is a [[{{JustifiedTrope}} justification]] for it, however. One of his most popular catchphrases is one character saying "It's a long story" and the other replying, "I've got time". This is often subverted in ways that even surprises himself. * This troper tends to describe anyone driven into homicidal rage as "not terribly amused." He has no idea why. * This troper says 'Hot damn' a lot these days, leading to several weird looks. * This troper says 'Oh, x, with your [insert whatever.] I love thee so.' Second only to 'Oh, x. You and your [insert trait.]' The first is for things ("Oh, youtube, with your flame wars") and the second is for people ["Oh, Scooby, with your perpetual fear and canine accent."] and is often followed by chuckling. Sometimes if I can't figure out how to describe the person I will just skip it and go straight to the laughter. ("Oh, Parkman, you and your...hehe...ah.") Or will just add "ness" to their name ("You and your Parkman...ness.") * This troper tends to use strange declarations of shock followed by the word "Batman." She has no idea why or when she started doing so. * This troper often opts to end her bouts of hysterical laughter by giggling the words "That's not funny"-even when it is funny. * This Troper has "Meh" "Y'know whats weird?" "Personally, I would hate that" and when it comes to his webcomic: "This was topical when I made it, I swear" * [[@/{{Ryumaru}} This Troper]] likes using the words "sheepishly", "although", and the phrase "that said", at least when in character for my first-person novel. * This troper has two that I use all the time, but only around my friends and certain family members. "I'm not evil for the things I do, I'm evil because I enjoy doing them." usually followed by a weird grin. The second is when someone tells me I have a sick mind to which I reply "And your point is...?" or "And you're just realizing this ''now''?" * "X's eyebrows angled menacingly." * This troper uses "Hey guys, <name> here," to open his Youtube videos and uses "Until next time, see ya," to close them. ** Just to confirm (or not) something in this troper's mind, what's your username? * This troper uses "Your friendly neighborhood X" to describe himself for any situation. * This troper almost exclusively uses the phrase "In other news..." to change the subject in an awkward conversation that has just hit the first uncomfortable lull. He also uses "going to see a man about a dog" as a substitute for "going to do something which I'd rather you didn't know about", which his friends find inordinately hilariously seeing as he is terrified of dogs. * This troper tends to use the word 'darkling' in pretty much everything she writes, as an adjective to describe something that is shadowy but still clear. This word is so prevalent in her works to the point that her mother once said "Yeah, I know you wrote it, it says 'darkling' right there."

* [[@/{{Illusionist}} This troper]] has a character whose eyes he never describes as anything other than 'dark jade'. * [[@/{{DOTMW}} This Troper]] is criminally fond of ellipses when writing pauses in dialogue. So a character will be talking and then they just feel a pause before they finish their sentence. For whatever reason I do i put makes dialogue more natural. with any writing tick...there's the tendency overuse it...a lot...yeah... * This troper has taken to using "Silly X", not always when something silly was done. "As you may expect, Charles Dickens was outraged by the strange man who was trying to use his coach to chase a hearse. Silly Charlie" * This troper got into the habit of saying "oh yeah, it was great, top five for sure." or "in meh top five" for anything vaguely listable * This troper doesn't have a specific quote that she uses across works, but she ''does'' like using variations on the {{Dissimile}} and the {{Metaphorgotten}}, as well as turning the most preposterous possible nouns into verbs (sometimes via IPulledAWeirdAl and sometimes by directly putting verb suffixes on them). * This not-yet-a-troper always begins his fanfic chapters with 'Hey, a quick question...' And then, of course, I go on to ask a seminonsensical question that I don't really expect an answer to. * This troper always greets his (nonexistent) Internet audience (for blogs, fanfics, and such) with a "Hey there, Internet strangers!" * This Troper always uses "Hey![[DramaticPause Pause]]Hey!!" Before he says something important. * This troper has either "How's life?" or OrIsIt. Yes, I use OrIsIt as a catchphrase. [[spoiler:Or do I?]] * Tropers/BTIsaac will often say "On one hand... On the other hand..." or begin successive paragraphs with "First off... Secondly... Thirdly... Finally..." * [[Tropers/AdelePotter This Tropette]] has a book, UnFortunateMe. Every chapter: --> Fortunately, [insert good thing here]. --> Unfortunately, [insert bad thing, which contradicts whatever was just stated, here]. * "A flash of silver," used to represent a bladed weapon suddenly being swung. Usually followed by a description of the victim's body falling to the ground, followed a moment later by their [insert body part here, usually head]. * This troper has an increasingly bad habit that at some point in a fic, she must have one of the characters say "Isaac Bloody Asimov". With original fiction, this becomes "Isaac Mothereffing Asimov." * I sign my blog posts with "Cheese Face out." Also, I use the word "like" a lot in my posts. * "Hi peoples~!" then "Bye peoples~!" For EVERYTHING. * ''Frostsabre.'' "Holy hell" or "holy damn" are variants of my catchphrase. Or pretty much anything having to do with "damn" or "hell," including "[adj] damn [noun]" or "what the hell am I talking about?" Either way, I didn't give a damn about writing my example because pointing out examples is not worth a damn to me. ** What the hell was I talking about?

* This troper uses "somewhat" somewhat often. * This troper makes a lot of double-entendres, and thanks to watching Iron Giant again for the first time in 6 years, he's picked up his newest catchphrase after slipping a double-entendre into a conversation. Afterwards, this troper quickly remarks "...and all that that implies." * "Evening, ladies." My universal greeting for groups of people, regardless of both time of day and whether the group in question includes males. Also, in the spirit of Tucker Max, "I will not apologize for being (positive adjective)." * When there's trouble brewing, this troper tends to shake her head sadly and say "Oh, the Lusitanians will ''not'' be pleased!" which she once read was the last line of Nostradmus' ''Centuries''. It turns out it's actually the last line of one of the books, not the whole series, and is usually translated differently. * This Troper often departs with "Goodbye, [[GratuitousJapanese Sayonara]], [[Series/DoctorWho Allons-Y]] and all that fun stuff inbetween". ---This troper welcomes you back to AuthorCatchphrase. ---<<|TroperTales|>>

AuthorVocabularyCalendar * Apparently [[Tropers/DRoy My]] works feature a lot of usages of the word..."apparently" and there's "subconciousness" and "perception/tiveness." Also, this is more of a CatchPhrase, but "What can I say?"

AwayInAManger * My cousin was born on Christmas Eve. His mother is even named Mary. I think she gave birth in a hospital, though. * I've had several friends born just a few days from or on Christmas Day itself, and every single one of them says they always get jipped in the present department. * This troper's friend was born on Christmas Day, and her family name, Nol, literally means Christmas in French. * This troper's dad was born a day after christmas. [[CrowningMomentOfHeartwarming I decided to avert the double-gift just last year by buying him a CD.]] My old high school history teacher played this trope straight; her name was Cristina. ---Return to AwayInAManger; you're not due until February.

AwesomeAnachronisticApparel * This troper, a (very busty and curvy) girl, does her best to emulate Victorian era men's clothing in her dressing habits, and is often heard lamenting the disapearance of the bustle (I go *both* ways!). I am also very fond of Heian-era robes and hakama for relaxing in. I

intend to actually make a Victoran suit for myself once I stops growing taller and bustier. Anyway, my dress is usually near-modern with a scant handful of weird anachronisms (like homemade leather shoes or a neckercheif, or a hippie headband, or a robe over my clothing, or viking-style copper bracelets...). On a related note, I wears scarves year-round as a habit. I even have a light-weight scarf for summer. And I talk in a mixture of Victorian English, SpockSpeak and even a bit of Tolkien-esque fantasy prose. ** Honestly, the Victorian-esque outfits are also a bit of a warning to people. And I'm trying to indicate my archetype by dressing like it; I'm an intellectual type who's stuck in the past and not too comfortable in modern society, but still a nice person; I try to show it by resembling portrayals of that sort of character in media. And since I'm also very bisexual(closer to pansexual, honestly), so the semi-crossdressing indicates that as well. And the Victorians were known for being polite, which works with my shyness. *** Okay, so that-all was a post-facto justification; I'm mostly just ridiculously fond of Victorian clothing (squee). And hoping that if I wear it long enough, I'll [[MeetCute find someone else who does too....]] * I wear a samurai kamishimo (sans haori) on a usually daily basis, with little regard where I am barring certain circumstances. This includes the kimono, hakama, obi, tabi and daisho (bokken, obviously, unless I'm not allowed them.) * This troper, while not terribly anachronistic in his everyday apparel, is quite well-versed in classic formalwear, knowing at least three different tie knots by heart and can - on command, and often as a party trick - tie a bow-tie on himself without a mirror. Alcohol does not inhibit this ability at all, apparently. * This troper's level of anachronism varies according to circumstance. Casual wear, for example, generally includes a laced shirt and long, sleeveless robe. Everyday clothing ''will'' include a tailored waistcoat and fob/pocket watch, unless this troper expects to engage in manual labour or strenuous physical activity. Trou and footwear ranges from the casual/hardwearing (duck, combat or cargo trousers) through jeans/chinos to the the smart/formal (stockings and kneebreeches, or a kilt), with either combat boots, riding boots or formal/dancing shoes. And if this troper is going out, then he will wear either a leather BadassLongcoat or a cloak, because they look awesome and are actually practical. Well, cloaks aren't massively practical in high winds, although they are manageable; cloaks in a ''crowd'' however, not so much... * This troper is not quite anachronistic beyond her liking of a fedora on her head. However, she has learned that a good underbust corset is a ''wonderful'' back brace for the well-endowed, and so wears hers often. Unfortunately, the price of a ''good'' corset makes it that she only has one. * This Troper's friend from school wears ElegantGothicLolita as casual wear, and often gets comments on it. At least once, when she was entering a bathroom, a man outside commented "[[AwesomeAnachronisticApparel I didn't know we were back in the nineteenth century]]."

* An old university teacher of mine used to do this. Subverted in that it made her look absolutely ridiculous. * From mid-fall to mid-spring I'm in jeans, probably fleece-lined, and sweaters/sweatshirts except for more formal occassions. For these, my outfits are very Victorian-looking. Once the weather starts staying above 75 Fahrenheit, I'm in flowing ankle-length skirts. I also own an American Civil War reproduction dress as well as three different peasant outfits. * This troper is not terribly anachronistic herself, but has a very large soft spot in her heart for men who are, without much concern for the actual period. One ex used to have an enormous afro and wear tiedyed shirts; another likes to wander around in a fedora and duster and carry a pocket watch. In conversation with a young man she met while backpacking, it emerged that he sometimes wore a cravat, and a certain amount of physical intimacy ensued. * In a comic I am writing for at the moment I plan to use an aristocrat with 1800s suit, scarf, cape, top hat and a pipe. He is head of state and only came into this office because he looks wise, but everything he does is counterproductive for the country. To look good and busy, he holds the pipe in the corner of his mouth with his arm, all the time. * When I was in college, the theater department sold off some of their old costumes. I bought a winter coat that had been modified to look at home in Shakespeare's time, and used it as my regular winter coat. * This troper and her friend plan to invest in floofy victorian bloomers and shirts and some waistcoats to go with them and flounce around in them in public. * While generally not anachronistic, this troper's best friend attended prom in a formal kimono. * This Troper LOVES Victorian/Edwardian fashion (both male and female). She wears a pocket watch all the time, and wears the nicer stuff (vests, skirts, goth-inspired dresses) whenever she thinks she can get away with that. Being six feet tall, she had to make her floorlength skirt, mais c'est la vie. She also loves her hats, especially her fedora and home-made top hat. * This Troper adores anachronistic hats. When she was younger, you could catch her in tie-dyed shirts and jeans, but now you're more likely to see her [[NiceHat top hat or fedoras]]. ---Not sure what era you're in? Try AwesomeAnachronisticApparel for no help whatsoever. ----

AwesomeButImpractical * Sometimes i even think TVTropes itself is AwesomeButImpractical at times considering that TVTropesWillRuinYourLife...and for little productive gain. * This tropette inherited a really awesome bracelet from my favorite aunt; it's a ring of petwer charms shaped like very realistic and detailed bumblebees. Trouble is I can hardly stand to wear it because the bees' legs are always getting caught on my clothes.

* This Troper thought about a sundial for his backyard... The same one that is 90% shaded for three quarters of the year by the four trees on the property. * This troper, who has serious HypeBacklash for "DwarfFortress", made a bookmark to an upload of the [[BlazBlue "Bang Install"]] theme, put it on his desktop, and disguised it as a shortcut to DF. Unfortunately, no one else uses his laptop, making this prank rather pointless. ** Ha. I put a shutdown key on my desktop and disguised it as ''Internet Explorer''. Just to screw with the minds of whoever gets on my computer. * This troper built a small hovering RC car. It required twelve electric sockets to power all 25 fans required to keep it in the air, but it looked COOOOOLL!!!! ** Please post a picture for five thousand internets, sir/ma'am. ** How is it Radio Controlled ('RC') if the fans are powered by electric sockets instead of an on-board battery? *** YouFailElectronicsForever. "Radio controlled" only means that it's ''controlled'' through radio waves. It says nothing about how it's ''powered''. * This troper bought a bronze hand-carved d20. It looks awesome and rustic and totally fits his D&D campaign. It would also shatter a glass table, and doesn't seem to be able to roll higher than a 15. Thinking of making a wire necklace for it, because it looks too awesome to just leave in a bag. * This troper was an AgeOfEmpires II: The Conquerors player. The game have several units which are considered AwesomeButImpractical. For example, the Korean turtle ship [[MightyGlacier is the slowest and the toughest ship in the game.]] However, it is rarely used due to its short firing range, high production cost (200 wood and 200 gold each) and naval warfare maps are rarely used in multiplayer games. * For this troper, any "eye candy" in modern operating systems falls under this trope, as his laptop has nothing but a crappy video card. * This troper lives in Texas, where knowledge of Spanish is a rather nice thing to have (though not necessary.) During high school she was required to take a foreign language course and chose German. The reason I tell everyone is that many famous writers (Schiller, Goethe, Kafka, ''und so weiter'') were German, and I believe that works of literature should be read in their original language whenever possible. While both of these are true, the real reason I took German was because [[RuleOfCool it's a pretty cool-sounding language.]] Even though it has no practical real-world applications in the part of the country I live in. ** This troper took French instead of Russian for the same reason. She also taught herself Japanese because she thinks it's a cool language, but the worst offender is Arabic, which she, being a Jew who lives in Europe, has almost no chance or intention to ever use. Out of seven languages that she learned, the only ones that she uses are German and English, the rest are just to be able to say, "Hey, I know nine languages!" * I own a bracelet with 2 inch long pink rubber spikes on, but I find it hard to wear anywhere as I find it hard to put my jacket on when

its cold, and I cant write well with it on. It looks awesome though. * The fact that they've now resumed manufacture of JP-7 means that, in theory, anyone with enough money can build their own SR-71 since the plans've been declassified for years now. The ultimate in awesome but impractical - a plane that can fly 2,194 MPH but costs more than a small country per day to maintain and burns fuel that costs the pervolume equivalent of burning rubies... And requires a Chevrolet bigblock V-8 engine to start it and bursts of (highly toxic, explosive, and corrosive) rocket fuel (triethylborane) to bring the jet fuel up to its flashpoint. * This troper enjoys designing mecha that would actually funtion reasonably well in real life. Nearly all of his ideas on that subject boil down to this in the end, but the "Project Plasmathrower" weapon system really takes the cake here. Imagine being able to compress regular air, heat it up until it becomes plasma, and then use a coilgun-like device to fire it, courtesy of plasma's magnetic properties. End result: arguably the world's awesomest thermal weapon, possessing massive destructive power and, depending on the power of the coilgun, good range- ''and'' it uses no ammunition, only electricity and air. Downsides: the time necessary to heat up the air until it acquires the desirable properties kills the rate of fire, you'll melt the coilgun component in no time flat, and you need a ridiculously efficient cooling system to avoid cooking the rest of the mech. * This troper used to have a pair of jeans with buckles running down the sides. They looked rather neat, in a TooManyBelts kind of way. But whenever her arm came within two inches of the buckles, they scratched her. Every time she wore them, therefore, her arms would be covered with little shallow scratches, just enough to raise a mark. She still wore them until they were worn out, though. * You know the "proto-Justice League" on Smallville, with all the nifty hooded costumes (most notably Green Arrow)? This troper has worn a hood long enough to know it's got to be the MOST impractical headgear for a vigilante, EVER. I don't do anything resembling vigilantism, and I've still lost track of the times I've bonked my head on something or almost walked in front of a car in a parking lot because of how much a hood restricts your vision. * This troper goes to an arcade where, every Wednesday, they have a deal where you pay $12, $10, or $8 (depending on when you arrive at the arcade) and you get a card that gives you unlimited plays until the arcade closes. Unfortunately, this is impractical for this troper, who goes to said arcade [[JustHereForGodzilla mainly for]] ''{{DJMAX}} Technika 2'', which a. costs $1 to play otherwise and b. is popular enough that the average wait time for a turn is often as long as an hour. So if I arrive around 4 hours before the arcade closes (when the price for unlimited play drops to $8), I have to either play other games while I wait for my turns on ''Technika'' to get my money's worth, or just get regular credits so I don't waste my money. * Ramune bottles. Looks cool, but you can't close them once they're opened. * Half this troper's clothing plays this trope straight(awesome looking shirts with sewn-shut pockets, an awesome looking vest that I

can't wash for fear of it shrinking and thus sees almost no wearing, handmade leather belt that doesn't quite fit etc...), the other half inverts it(jacket with 7 pockets, cargo style pants with the pockets perfectly at hand level, t shirt with pockets, hiking boots you can kick a dent in a steel door with) * This troper can recall every detail of any door he has ever touched. ** Only doors? *** You mean you can't recognise when a trope is being played straight? [[SarcasmMode Great job. *slow clap*]] ** That sounds like it belongs in the Troper Tales section of WhatKindOfLamePowerIsHeartAnyway. * This troper has five dogs. Let that speak for itself. * This troper LARPs regularly and recently discovered that being relegated to loot pack mule limits the functionality of the ranger who's entire fighting style focuses on mobility. This is especially the case when they walk on the adventure with a long katana, an equally sized mace, a slim shield about the same length, a pair of daggers for abnormal material types AND dual pistol crossbows, without really having enough of the proper belt loops to hold it all (and no way of stowing the crossbows short of dropping them). * This troper's middle school had a digital media, where kids would make and edit videos and short animations. The teacher once wondered why kids always put so much effort into their movie's credits, which were often filled with jokes of varying quality to the point where sometimes the credits took up half the movie. The practice annoyed the heck out of her, because in her eyes it wasted time and served no purpose whatsoever. ---It would be really awesome if you could stay here, but it'd be way easier just to go back to AwesomeButImpractical. ----

AwesomeMcCoolname * This Troper was watching the news and saw a Police Officer named Peter Payne. * This troper's surname is Belcher, which he often plays with it by saying "watch it or I'll Belcher". But he' planning on naming his first son Iwil * This troper once attended a summer camp where the "head chef" was named...'''Zantar'''. Really. We don't know if it that was his real name, but all the counselors told us he was an alien whose spaceship crashed down near the campgrounds, so... * Once got a letter signed with "Hekse Bezem", which, in Dutch, means "Witches Broom". * Was sitting in the high school office of my school, and someone said the had a friend named Blaze. Who had the nickname of "Mr. Fluffy" or something to that effect. It really bothered one of the teachers in the office. * This troper's name first and last name combine to mean 'Sword of Faith that comes from the land of the burning sands'. ** Mine translates to "Lover of God and Light-Bringer of the Eagle."

To bad it doesn't sound as cool in English. * This troper's dating a guy named Reid Blackmore Noble. * This troper went to school with a guy named Raven Steele. * My name translates into Manly Cabbage. ** I'm so gonna use that name for my next MMO character. ** My name means Elegant Gardener. I'm [[TheKlutz not elegant]] and I kill plants by looking at them. * This troper has a friend called Roderick Levingston. According to him however that name's like the Scottish equivalent of [[MrSmith John Smith]], which confirms my suspicions that Scotsmen just live and breathe [[BadAss badass]]. * According to the university class registers, this troper attended a few classes with one Albert Flame Lionheart. * This troper's cousin's name is Axel Drake. * This troper knows a guy named Sigmund Amadeus Werndorf. He does {{improv}} and LeParkour. * Two names stand out in my mind. In a graveyard I used to pass by daily, there was a tombstone with the awesome last name Hammermeister. I never read the first names, but I can only hope they'd be something cool like Manfred Von Hammermeister. The second name was a coworker who actually had the last name Bossman. Nice kid, kick-ass last name. Now if only his first name was as cool. (Mark isn't a bad name, just... not awesome.) ** My professor is named Severine van Slambrouck * Working at a school photography company, there are always [[AwesomeMcCoolname Awesome McCoolnames]] and [[FailOSuckyname Fail O'Suckynames]] that crop up now and again. Summer Rain-Cooling, Shogun Jones and Spirit Hunter to name just a few of the more awesome ones. * This troper once ran into a guy named Romeo Sunday. * This Troper's husband went to school with a Severin Swineheart. * I recall one of the prime ministers of Turkey was call Sleyman Demirel, or Sleyman "Iron fist" (well more like iron hand, but still pretty cool). He didn't have any dictatorial tendencies AFAIK though... * This troper once went out with a girl named Shelaileigh. * This troper knows of a Bishop Ironfist. ** Is he a [[NeverwinterNights2 dwarf]], by any chance? ** This troper knows an Odin Hernandez and has seen a grave for a man named Preserved Fish. *** Are you sure it was the grave of a man? * Earlier today, I discovered that, when I need to tell my name to strangers, I could just skip over my normal, difficult-to-pronounce name and call myself Jack Ghost. It's very similar to my real name and sounds awesome to boot. [[YourMileageMayVary Then]] [[WhatDoYouMeanItsNotAwesome again...]] * When you have kids, make sure you remember this trope. My son's middle name is Danger. It's on his birth certificate, social security card, and all other official documents. My daughter's middle name is Mischief. * This troper has a friend named Griffin. ** This troper is named Griffin. Middle name starts with an 'S' and my last starts with a 'T.' I have badass Initials. 'G.S.T.' Is a

MeaningfulName for me, since I love money. ** This troper and her brothers are [[ThemeNaming Griffon, Sphinx and Phoenix]]. * This troper has an acquaintance named Skaidra, which sounds more like one of the Twelve Labors of Hercules than a someone's name. Yes, she has misspelled it before, and [[HilarityEnsues jokes about "Godzilla versus Skaidar" ensued on all sides]]. ** To be honest, her real name sounds more like an enemy of Godzilla. Still, awesome name. * I heard about a guy named Armando Gun, but everybody called him "Army": If "Army Gun" doesn't sounds cool, I don't know what would * This troper's first name is Nova. ** So does a character in the movie {{Prom}}! (This one is played by Aimee Teegarden.) * I had an art class with a dude named Orion Dragoon. Cool guy and a pretty good artist. * This troper has distant relatives that went a little over the top with the (19th century) fad of big-sounding historical names. Decius Octavius. Augustus Julius. Marcus Lafayette. There was apparently a Napoleon Bonaparte in another quarter. [[spoiler:They were mostly farmers IIRC.]] * This troper bought a book today by someone named Minister Faust. * @/{{Excel-2009}}. I came up with "James A. Calwell III" on a whim one day in 2003 and I use it to sign non-critical documents. The A doesn't stand for anything. ** It should stand for Awesome. * This Troper's family seems to churn out perfect military names. Master Sergeant Major Jeffrey Saltz Sr. for one, and Corporal Eric Bright. This Troper also plans on naming his child Dante Hendrix Sheppard, just because it will keep him from ever being uncool. * [[{{Tropers/Davie}} This Troper]] has a friend named [[PerfectDark Joanna Dark]]. And yes, she's a redhead. * This Troper's freshman year, a few floors up in the doom there lived a Batman (surname) and a Robin (given name). Naturally, they were made roommates. * This Troper knows Dave Power, as he's as awesome as his name is. ** Woah, so do I. Would he happen to be a P.E. teacher by any chance? * This Troper was friends with Zeb Dooms. He is now a Corporal. Lots of pushups and laps were to be had for trainees who thought Corporal Dooms wasn't his real name. * One of my lecturers at uni is named Thor (short for Thorvaldur) Thordarson... He's a vulcanologist. * One notable professors of philosophy, e.g. in the area of free will, is named Derk Pereboom - a name that [[@/RobinZimm this troper]]'s professor found ''quite'' impressive. * This troper's college has a building called "Payne Hall", named after a teacher from the 60's named Doctor Albert V. Payne. Whenever someone walks in, this troper yells, [[LargeHam "WELCOME TO THE HALL OF DOCTOR PAYNE!]] [[EvilLaugh BWA HA HA HA HA HA HA!"]] * This troper's mother went to a private high school where the headmaster was named [[PreppyName Lebert Sedgwick]]. No joke. * From this troper's doctors surgery, we have Surgeon Payne and Drake

Bradley. * There's a dentist called Doctor Payne in my town. That can't be good for business... * This troper's favourite name would have to be Jellyfish [=McSaveloy=]. It's just awesome! Her favourite last name is Macadangdang, and has made a bet with her friends that someone will name their kid Godzilla. Also, this troper's brother is going to change his name to Pi (the numerical symbol) and this troper herself is going to change her name to The Square Root Of Minus One Divided By Zero. ** That's just plus or minus [[ imaginary]] infinity. Not a mathematical paradox. * This troper's friend apparently knows someone named Blaze. ** This troper knows somebody named '''Blayze'''... and he's not black. Does that ring any bells? * This troper knows a Sky Rocket. His brother is named Titan, and his cousins are Steel and Storm. ** what's it like living in the Justice League? * This troper is an ROTC cadet with Cadet [=McMaster=]. I reiterate. There is a member of the Air Force named [=McMaster=]! * This troper knows someone with the epic last name Blija. And in a more general and ten times geekier example, she knows a [[BuffyTheVampireSlayer Summers family]]. * This troper went to college with a guy named Sky King. We were in a lightsaber fighting movie for the school film festival, [[ here]]. * Whilst typing down a list of contacts from a printout for my uncle's company, I saw one name that blew me away: ''Bob Morningstar''. * This troper went to school with a China Blue Rockett. Interestingly, Rockett ''is'' actually her mother's name, which she kept after marriage. I also know a [[strike:[[AmbiguousGender girl]]]] named Plover. And the friend of someone I'm loosely associated with on Facebook currently has their name set to Justice [=McAwesome=]. Also, in my almost-hometown of Hartford, Connecticut, there is a wellestablished hand surgeon named Duffield Ashmead IV. According to my dad (who's also a surgeon, though not of hands), the guy is referred to casually as "Duff" or maybe even "Duff * This Tropers full name is '''''Daisuke Kazuhiro Schiffer'''''. 'Nuff Said. * The middle name of a family friend of mine is A. Just A. It doesn't stand for anything. Also, I have a distant relative on my mother's side named Effie Missouri. And another friend's last name is [[ScrabbleBabble Januszkiewicz]]. * This Troper has a math teacher named Kevin Flynn. And, [[YourMileageMayVary YMMV]] on whether or not this ventures into [[FailOSuckyName Fail O'Suckyname]] territory, but my mom apparently went to school with four sisters with the surname Showers. Their first names? April, August, Autumn, and Dawn. The hilarious thing is, their brother was named Tom. * This tropers name means, when literally translated, Gift of Fire. * I had a college classmate named PRINCESS CAESAR.

* Due to ThemeNaming me and my brothers are called Phoenix, Sphinx and Gryphon. * This troper has a classmate with the name of Reuben Ederer. He's come to be known as Reubenator, as nobody could seem to pronounce his name properly over the loudspeaker. * in an Econ essay, this troper named her fictional financial advise Awesome McCoolname, and got a smiley face/ extra credit point for it. * (YMMV) but as a fan of the show I think the dude who changed his name to "Rainbow Dash" counts * My best friend encountered a dude named "Leroy Jenkins" * This troper has an OC named Scarlett aka Scar MacCawl (Mac Cool). * [[Tropers/{{Arnoldmcguire335}} This Troper's]] Alter-ego/alternate name is Arnold [=McGuire=], Arnold (from HeyArnold) being the first name and [=McGuire=] (from LizzieMcGuire) being the last name. That's right, I combined two of my fave childhood shows' main character's names into one epic name.

AwesomeMoments Describe a personal CrowningMomentOfAwesome here while thrashing a thief into submission with a spork in nothing but a grass skirt in the middle of a snowstorm before you help a stranger deliver her baby by successfully performing a crude Cesarian section with a blade of frozen grass and your trusty spork before you propose to your unrequited love at the airport before they get onto their plane to a faraway country to convince them to stay with you, twisting a diamond into the spork and melting it into an engagement ring with a match. {{Troper}}s are so awesome that their awesomeness broke the page. Now it's been split into different categories, so make sure you add your example where it belongs: * [[TroperTales/AwesomeMomentsOfAcademicAchievement Academic Achievements]] * [[TroperTales/AwesomeMomentsOfArtisticPerformance Artistic Performance]] * [[TroperTales/AwesomeMomentsOfCulturalReference Cultural Reference]] * [[TroperTales/AwesomeMomentsOfInjuryAndSurvival Injury and Survival]] * [[TroperTales/AwesomeMomentsInMartialArts Martial Arts]] * [[TroperTales/AwesomeMomentsInMilitaryService Military Service]] * [[TroperTales/AwesomeMomentsOfPublicSpeaking Public Speaking and Debate]] * [[TroperTales/AwesomeMomentsInSportsAndAthletics Sports, Recreation and Athletic Feats]] * [[TroperTales/AwesomeMomentsOfStandingUpToBullies Standing up to Bullies]] * [[TroperTales/AwesomeMomentsOfStandingUpToCriminals Standing up to Thugs, Thieves and the Mafia]] * [[TroperTales/AwesomeMomentsInGaming Video Games and Roleplaying]] * [[TroperTales/MiscellaneousAwesomeMoments Miscellaneous]]

AwesomeMomentsInGaming These are {{Troper}}s moments of awesomeness in VideoGames and Roleplaying. Add your examples at the end of the page. One example per person, please. As with all Crowning Moment pages, YourMileageMayVary. {{Troper}}s awesome moments in other areas can be found [[TroperTales/AwesomeMoments here]]. ---* Beating a duo of god-mod-ers in role playing, to the point where neither of them could deny that they died. * This Troper played an Invasion game in the beta of Halo: Reach in which he was the last man on the staircase leading towards the escape phantom. Charging toward him were 4(!) elites, one of which was carrying the package. He was completely out of ammo and grenades, and could only use melee attacks. '''''[[YouShallNotPass HE KILLED THEM ALL.]]''''' * While attending a meeting of my school's Video Gaming club, This Troper was helping some people activate the portal glitch in {{Super Smash Brothers Melee}}. After we got the portal going (background note: The stage we had was the Hyrule Castle), we proceeded to play a normal round. After a couple minutes, we were down to the last two people - Me (playing as Princess Peach) vs. a guy I can't remember (I think he was Ness). The portal was still going, so [[{{Beyond the Impossible}} I jumped behind Ness and used Peach's tennis racket attack to knock Ness into the portal]]. It was one of my more memorable wins in that game. * [[Tropers.ReikoKazama This troper]], at age 10, always had trouble trying to defeat [[ThatOneBoss Onaga]], the final boss of {{Mortal Kombat}}: Deception. And by trouble, I mean [[TheComputerIsACheatingBastard took-several-agonising-tries-to-killhim]] trouble. So, one day, feeling bored, I decide to go through the game's [[XtremeKoolLetterz Kombat]] mode. I randomly select [=Baraka=] - who I hate, and whose ending I had already gotten before that point in time - and chose his alternate costume, which I had bought from [=The Krypt=]. Was doing fine until I reached the overgrown lizard himself... and imagine my surprise when, in one of my biggest [=CMOAs=], I proceeded to [[CurbStompBattle COMPLETELY OWN HIM,]] [[SugarWiki.CrowningMomentOfAwesome FLAWLESS VICTORY, FIRST GO.]] Cue {{Big Yes}} and a [[AddedAlliterativeAppeal triumphant troper]] [[NoIndoorVoice loudly declaring her victory]]. * This Troper and his best friend regularly stomp the Halo competition once we can get our hands on a Warthog, but otherwise, I'm pretty clumsy and bad at the game. In fact, it's my own inability to stay alive that got me stuck in the chest with a rocket shot by the opposing team ''directly at my friend'' as I jumped down from a platform to find an opponent. That's right. I performed an inadvertent [[HeroicSacrifice Heroic Sacrifice]] and was named the most noble person of the match. That was fun.

* This Troper successfully defended a stairwell against the entire other team in AmericasArmy with nothing but a pistol once. Not more than one accusation of hacking was leveled his way, but really, he got lucky. * [[AwesomeZombie22 This troper]] was playing a game called Summoner's Saga ([[ This one,]] to be specific.) And she was fighting the boss who was a [[BuffySpeak demon-rose-thing]]. Now, that boss needed to be defeated in under ten turns. The boss kept on getting critical hits, and when someone gets a critical hit, they go again. Anyway, it was on the last turn, and I suffered through all of those criticals, and then I pulled off my LimitBreak move and KILLED HER IN JUST ENOUGH TIME. * [[{{Rashrules}} This troper]] had a particularly awesome [[PhoenixWright Phoenix Wright]]-ish moment in real life. On the message board for 'Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth' on GameFAQS, this troper posted a mock-trial comment in a joke topic on how another user was "guilty for a misspelling". This troper got a response at that, from a person who was playing the aforementioned user's Defense Attorney. It suddenly '''turned into an epic roleplay with both of us exchanging evidence and trying to win the case.''' But it wasn't the first one. There's a second and third too! Here are the links to the topics, so you can witness them first-hand. ** '''[[ 53801533 Case 1:]]''' The defendant mnkboy907 is taken to court, and it seems like the trial is in the bag. But the defense attorney, Voltgloss, is going to be hard to beat! Scroll down and look at the longer posts by the users 'rashrules' and 'Voltgloss'. You might have to go to the next pages if you're a guest. ** '''[[ 54254361 Case 2:]]''' This time, Dypo is taken to court for the same crime as mnkboy907. But it turns out that he's going to be his own attorney in the trial! Little do the onlookers realize that a shocking twist is in store for them! The posts with the roleplay should be apparent, it only starts a few posts in. ** '''Case 3:''' (This case takes place in the same thread as Case 2, in the next few pages) Dypo and a police officer are assaulted! The suspect is a soon-to-be-prosecutor named Omega, but if the fact that he is a suspect is made pubilc, he would abscond. So Dypo goes against him in his first trial. This trial is just a set-up to corner Omega, since he can't escape from court. But then some unexpected things happen... will the trap be sprung on the guilty prosecutor successfuly? ** '''Case 4:''' (Further on in the same thread) This case is absolute genius. This troper will not spoil a single detail for you. * [[{{Comartemis}} This troper]] had one in WorldOfWarcraft a few hours ago (as of 2/13/2010) on the Antonidas server. I hit Outland for the first time today with my Blood Elf Death Knight, Alfimi (yes, she's named after Alfimi from SuperRobotWars) and I was going about the first quests you get from Thrallmar when suddenly the local defense channel pukes up a warning that Reaver's Fall is under attack

by Alliance forces. As it happens, that's exactly where I'm headed at the moment, but I don't pay any attention to it because I have PvP disabled. I get to Reaver's Fall however and find that a night elf priest has ganked the quest-giver I'm after and is now camping overhead on a flying mount. Worse still, this one's level is way beyond me, most likely 75-80 or so while I'm only at 58. There is no way I can take this guy on my own... so I cheat. I position myself near a group of orc npcs the guy missed (the ones near the ballistae away from the ruined building) and Death Grip the guy off his mount and into aggro range of my allies. The orcs charge in and start hacking away at the guy, and he does ''nothing''; apparently he'd gone AFK thinking he was safe on his little flying carpet. He finally comes back just as his HP drops to nothing and starts to run, but it's too late now; down he goes, though he takes me with him somehow, but I'm too busy laughing my ass off at the fact that '''I took down a guy 10 or 20 levels my senior''' to really care. * This troper was a good Virtual On 2 player a few years back before the machine was relocated. There were many newb challengers, but one posse of challengers went too far by deriding the machine and saying that it must be a lot easier than, say, King of Fighters or Tekken. I was on the P1, and i just smiled to my friend. Needless to say, i literally kept the newb floored the whole match with the slowest combatant in the game, only with close-combat moves which was not the combatant's forte (Raiden, if you're familiar with Virtual On). We heard anguished cries from the P2 side the whole second round, of which my friend commented, "Man, i think you made them swore off Virtual On forever." * This troper played a tank in CityOfHeroes before the class was nerfed. Once, on a high-level mission into the [[BlackCloak Circle of Thorns']] home base/city Oranbega, he and his teammates accidentally activated a room full of large, demonic enemies which were all way above our level - they showed up as purple, in the game's threat-level color scheme. And they all looked like [[ flaming Satanic demons]]. Most of the team died on the spot, with only a speedster making a clean getaway. Too slow to outrun the enemies, this troper planted himself in a narrow hallway between two doors, turned on every damage reduction and protective power available at his level, and held the line, giving our healer time to go to the hospital and re-zone, wake our teleporter and start pulling corpses out of the room to they could resurrect, as well. Given our relatively low level, this process took about 20 minutes. Yes, it would have been quicker to just take the death and go to the hospital, but by god, being a Spartan standing alone against the hordes of hell was just too badass a moment to pass up. And yes, at the end of it, I died anyway. That wasn't the point. To be fair, so did the Spartans. That... actually makes it even more awesome in my eyes. * [[ play&thread=638 This post]] was a personal [=CMoA=] for its author, especially with the provided musical accompaniment, for several reasons. The most prominent include its NightmareFuel qualities, the

intense suspense throughout the post, the fact that it [[spoiler:does not end the way you think it does]], and the sheer length of time it took to write (two days). And no, [[ThisIsATest this editor]] is not the post's author. * My little brother and I always worked together when playing {{Thief}}, because I have the directional sense of a suicidal lemming and he simply cannot control the weapons properly. So we've got Garrett in a castle keep - I don't even remember what the mission was - hiding in a food store room. There's a window in the wall where we can see a guard patrolling back and forth, and we can't get out without alerting him. Finally, frustrated, I raise the bow and let loose through the window... ''and nailed the guard in the fucking throat''. My brother ''still'' brags about this. * My CMOA is finding a completely new glitch in Sonic 3 and Knuckles... that '''smashed''' the time record for Sandopolis 1 as Tails. ''On TSC.'' Too bad I just can't do the boss battle properly and always end up like three seconds behind the new record even if I ''do'' manage to pull the trick off. Oh well. * [[DialgaX This Troper]] is an avid player of forum based, text [=RPs=]. ''[[DarwinsSoldiers Darwin's Soldiers]]'', a [[FurryFandom Furry]] [=SF=] [=RP=] he created and played has inspired another player to write ''FanFiction'' about it. Lest you think this troper is making this up, here's the link: [[ Confirmation of fan fiction]] * This troper once did such an awesome ( review of {{Quest 64}}, that somebody bought the game because of it. * [[ThisIsATest This troper]] was once struggling against a badguy in FinalFantasyX. All but two characters were KO'd, and both were low on health. As a last ditch attempt at salvaging the game, one of the remaining characters (Tidus or Yuna, I believe) was switched out for [[EnsembleDarkhorse Auron]]. [[MemeticBadAss Auron]] happened to have his Overdrive gauge full, and as soon as he entered the battle, the troper performed Dragon Blade and killed the pesky enemy. Auron topped it all off by adding "That's how it's done!" as the battle ended. This is all increased several times over by the fact that throughout most of the game, This Troper played Auron as a [[CrouchingMoronHiddenBadAss coward]] who flees from hard battles at the first chance. * This Troper's [=CMoA=] was pretty small, but it made her happy. I had gotten one of those CD cases for multiple [=CDs=] stuck in the lower drawer of my nightstand, and I'd been listening to the Persona 4 soundtrack- note, it was also cloudy. Just as "The Almighty" finished, I got the CD case out, "Never Again" struck up, and I looked up to find it was sunny again. Totally made my day. ** Another one, from my DND group (for the record, she was a dwarf rogue who used her beard like a whip when she lost her ax) were up against the FinalBoss of their game. For the record, our DM was a MAJOR RulesLawyer. The BigBad cornered our Bard, half of the party near anihillated, and the Bard announces he can still beat him. Cue following sequence.

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