If My People Who Are Called by My Name...

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8/31/11 6:49 AM Mountain Time

It is my responsibility to tell you: We have been FOREWARNED! Goggle: URCHINSEA PROPHESY 222
We have turned away and have forsaken YAHUAHs LAWS And HIS COMMANDS, which HE set before us And we have served other mighty ones (LORD/GOD/BAAL) And have bowed ourselves to them. YAHUAH is justified to pluck us from HIS LAND, Which HE has given us And this house which HE has set-apart for HIS NAME HE will cast out of HIS SIGHT And make IT to be a proverb and a mockery among ALL peoples. And this land/house, which has been exalted, Let IT be that: Everyone who passes by IT is shall be astonished and say, WHY has hwhy done this to this LAND and this HOUSE? Then I shall say, BECAUSE they forsook/forgot hw hy Elohim of their fathers Who brought them out of the land of Egypt And embraced other mighty ones and bowed themselves to them And served them, Therefore hwhy has brought ALL THIS EVIL upon THEM! It is my responsibility to remind you what HWHY has SAID: If I shut up the heavens and there is no rain, Or if I command the locusts to devour the land, Or if I send pestilence among MY PEOPLE And MY PEOPLE, upon whom MY NAME IS CALLED, Shall humble themselves and pray and seek MY FACE And TURN from their evil ways, THEN I shall hear from the heavens and FORGIVE, YOUR sin and heal YOUR land. NOW MY EYES are open and MY EARS attentive to the prayer Of AMERICA NOW I HAVE CHOSEN and set this house apart For MY NAME to be there FOREVER. MY EYES and MY HEART shall ALWAYS be there!


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